Titles Starting with a

* A-BFPN: An Attention-Guided Balanced Feature Pyramid Network for SAR Ship Detection
* A-CAP: Anticipation Captioning with Commonsense Knowledge
* A-CCNN: Adaptive CCNN for Density Estimation and Crowd Counting
* A-CNN: Annularly Convolutional Neural Networks on Point Clouds
* A-contrario Approach for Obstacle Detection in Assistance Driving Systems, An
* a-Contrario Approach for Subpixel Change Detection in Satellite Imagery, An
* a-contrario approach to quasi-periodic noise removal, An
* a-contrario Biometric Fusion Approach, An
* A-contrario Detectability of Spots in Textured Backgrounds
* A-contrario framework for detection of alterations in varnished surfaces
* A-Contrario Horizon-First Vanishing Point Detection Using Second-Order Grouping Laws
* a-contrario method of mismatch detection for two-view pushbroom satellite images, An
* A-Contrario Modeling for Robust Localization Using Raw GNSS Data
* A-Convexity
* A-DeepPixBis: Attentional Angular Margin for Face Anti-Spoofing
* A-DFPN: Adversarial Learning and Deformation Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
* A-DInSAR Monitoring of Landslide and Subsidence Activity: A Case of Urban Damage in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
* a-EGAN: a-Energy distance GAN with an early stopping rule
* a-f BLAST: Non-Iterative Radial k-t BLAST Reconstruction for Real-Time Imaging
* A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary for Object Detection
* A-IFS Histon Based Multithresholding Algorithm for Color Image Segmentation
* A-Lamp: Adaptive Layout-Aware Multi-patch Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Photo Aesthetic Assessment
* A-MAL: Automatic Motion Assessment Learning from Properly Performed Motions in 3D Skeleton Videos
* a-Matte Boundary Defocus Model-Based Cascaded Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion, An
* A-Muze-Net: Music Generation by Composing the Harmony Based on the Generated Melody
* A-OKVQA: A Benchmark for Visual Question Answering Using World Knowledge
* A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for image representation
* A-Optimal Projection for Image Representation
* A-Optimal Sampling and Robust Reconstruction for Graph Signals via Truncated Neumann Series
* A-Priori Information Driven Detection of Moving Objects for Traffic Monitoring by Spaceborne SAR
* A-priori information driven model for road segmentation in high resolution images
* A-SDF: Learning Disentangled Signed Distance Functions for Articulated Shape Representation
* a-shapes for local feature detection
* A-STAR: Test-time Attention Segregation and Retention for Text-to-image Synthesis
* A-ViT: Adaptive Tokens for Efficient Vision Transformer
* A-VRPD: Automating Drone-Based Last-Mile Delivery Using Self-Driving Cars
* a Contrario Approach for Parameters Estimation of a Motion-Blurred Image, An
* a contrario decision framework for motion detection, An
* a contrario Decision Framework for Region-Based Motion Detection, An
* A Contrario Decision Method for Shape Element Recognition, An
* A Contrario Model for Matching Interest Points under Geometric and Photometric Constraints, An
* A Posteriori Probability Calculation Method for Analytic Word Recognition Applicable to Address Recognition, An
* a priori indicator of the discrimination power of discrete hidden Markov models, An
* a priori Shading Correction Technique for Contact Imaging Devices, An
* A(DP)^2SGD: Asynchronous Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent With Differential Privacy
* A)ATSR Solar Channel On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration
* A* perspective on deterministic optimization for deformable templates, An
* A*: Atrous Spatial Temporal Action Recognition for Real Time Applications
* A.I. based image segmentation
* a.SCAtch: A Sketch-Based Retrieval for Architectural Floor Plans
* A/1-Unified Variational Framework for Image Restoration
* A^3-FKG: Attentive Attribute-Aware Fashion Knowledge Graph for Outfit Preference Prediction
* A+: Adjusted Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Super-Resolution
* A+D Net: Training a Shadow Detector with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation
* A2-Aug: Adaptive Automated Data Augmentation
* A2-FPN: Attention Aggregation based Feature Pyramid Network for Instance Segmentation
* A2-RL: Aesthetics Aware Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* A2 GSTran: Depth Map Super-Resolution via Asymmetric Attention With Guidance Selection
* A2: Adaptive Augmentation for Effectively Mitigating Dataset Bias
* A2A: Attention to Attention Reasoning for Movie Question Answering
* A2B: Anchor to Barycentric Coordinate for Robust Correspondence
* A2CPS: A Vehicle-Centric Safety Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Transport Systems
* A2dele: Adaptive and Attentive Depth Distiller for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* A2iA-Telecom ParisTech-UOB System for the ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Recognition Competition, The
* A2J-Transformer: Anchor-to-Joint Transformer Network for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* A2J: Anchor-to-Joint Regression Network for 3D Articulated Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image
* A2Q: Accumulator-Aware Quantization with Guaranteed Overflow Avoidance
* A2RMNet: Adaptively Aspect Ratio Multi-Scale Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* A2S-Det: Efficiency Anchor Matching in Aerial Image Oriented Object Detection
* A2SPPNet: Attentive Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network for Salient Object Detection
* A3C-Based Intelligent Event-Triggering Control of Networked Nonlinear Unmanned Marine Vehicles Subject to Hybrid Attacks
* A3D: A Device for Studying Gaze in 3D
* A3D: Studying Pretrained Representations with Programmable Datasets
* A3N: Attention-based adversarial autoencoder network for detecting anomalies in video sequence
* A3T-GCN: Attention Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* A4Vision
* AA-LMM: Robust Accuracy-Aware Linear Mixture Model for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* AA-RMVSNet: Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network
* AA-Trans: Core Attention Aggregating Transformer with Information Entropy Selector for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* AA3DNet: Attention Augmented Real Time 3D Object Detection
* AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision
* AAAI Symposium
* AAAI/IAAI Innovative Applications of AI
* AABO: Adaptive Anchor Box Optimization for Object Detection via Bayesian Sub-sampling
* Aachen University of Technology
* AACP: Model Compression by Accurate and Automatic Channel Pruning
* AACS-compatible multimedia joint encryption and fingerprinting: Security issues and some solutions
* AADG: Automatic Augmentation for Domain Generalization on Retinal Image Segmentation
* AAEGAN Optimization by Purposeful Noise Injection for the Generation of Bright-Field Brain Organoid Images
* AAFACE: Attribute-Aware Attentional Network for Face Recognition
* AAFormer: A Multi-Modal Transformer Network for Aerial Agricultural Images
* AAGAN: Accuracy-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Supervised Tasks
* AAKE-BIVT: Anonymous Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles in Smart Transportation
* Aalborg University
* AAM-based palm segmentation in unrestricted backgrounds and various postures for palmprint recognition
* AAM based face tracking with temporal matching and face segmentation
* AAM Building
* AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action Recognition
* AAM: AN Assessment Metric of Axial Chromatic Aberration
* AAN-Face: Attention Augmented Networks for Face Recognition
* AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network for Efficient Stereo Matching
* AANet: Attribute Attention Network for Person Re-Identifications
* AAP-MIT: Attentive Atrous Pyramid Network and Memory Incorporated Transformer for Multisentence Video Description
* AARGNN: An Attentive Attributed Recurrent Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction Considering Multiple Dynamic Factors
* AARN: Anchor-guided attention refinement network for inshore ship detection
* AAU-Net: An Adaptive Attention U-Net for Breast Lesions Segmentation in Ultrasound Images
* AAU-Net: Attention-Based Asymmetric U-Net for Subject-Sensitive Hashing of Remote Sensing Images
* AAU Video Browser: Non-Sequential Hierarchical Video Browsing without Content Analysis
* Ab initio cryo-EM structure determination as a validation problem
* Ab initio phasing using diffraction data from different crystal forms
* AB Initio Tomography With Object Heterogeneity and Unknown Viewing Parameters
* AB3D: action-based 3D descriptor for shape analysis
* ABAE: Auxiliary Balanced AutoEncoder for class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning
* Abandoned Agricultural Land Identification Using Object-based Approach And Sentinel Data In the Danubian Lowland, Slovakia
* Abandoned Farmland Location in Areas Affected by Rapid Urbanization Using Textural Characterization of High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Abandoned Land Mapping Based on Spatiotemporal Features from PolSAR Data via Deep Learning Methods
* Abandoned Mine Tailings Affecting Riverbed Sediments in the Cartagena-La Union District, Mediterranean Coastal Area (Spain)
* Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of Hybrid Mobile-Fixed Video Surveillance System
* Abandoned Object Detection System Based on Dual Background Segmentation, An
* Abandoned object detection using operator-space pursuit
* Abandoned Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
* Abandoned Objects Detection Using Double Illumination Invariant Foreground Masks
* Abandoned/Removed Objects Detection Algorithm and Its Evaluation on PETS Datasets, An
* Abandoning the Bayer-Filter to See in the Dark
* ABAW: Learning from Synthetic Data & Multi-task Learning Challenges
* ABAW: Valence-Arousal Estimation, Expression Recognition, Action Unit Detection & Multi-Task Learning Challenges
* ABAW: Valence-Arousal Estimation, Expression Recognition, Action Unit Detection and Emotional Reaction Intensity Estimation Challenges
* ABAW5 Challenge: A Facial Affect Recognition Approach Utilizing Transformer Encoder and Audiovisual Fusion
* Abbreviating Labelling Cost for Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification Through Active Learning
* ABBYY FineReader
* ABC-NET: Avoiding Blocking Effect Color Shift Network for Single Image Dehazing Via Restraining Transmission Bias
* ABC-Norm Regularization for Fine-Grained and Long-Tailed Image Classification
* ABC: A Big CAD Model Dataset for Geometric Deep Learning
* ABC: Aligning binary centers for single-stage monocular 3D object detection
* ABCD: Arbitrary Bitwise Coefficient for De-Quantization
* ABCNet v2: Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network for Real-Time End-to-End Text Spotting
* ABCNet: Attentive bilateral contextual network for efficient semantic segmentation of Fine-Resolution remotely sensed imagery
* ABCNet: Real-Time Scene Text Spotting With Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network
* ABD-Net: Attention Based Decomposition Network for 3D Point Cloud Decomposition
* ABD-Net: Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification
* AbdomenCT-1K: Is Abdominal Organ Segmentation a Solved Problem?
* Abdominal Organ Recognition Using 3d Mathematical Morphology
* Abdominal organ segmentation using texture transforms and a Hopfield neural network
* Abdominal Seqmentation, Multi-Organ Segmentation
* ABDPool: Attention-based Differentiable Pooling
* Abduction of Sherlock Holmes: A Dataset for Visual Abductive Reasoning, The
* Abductive natural language inference by interactive model with structural loss
* Abel Stock
* Aberrance suppressed spatio-temporal correlation filters for visual object tracking
* Aberration-free superresolution imaging via binary speckle pattern encoding and processing
* Aberration analysis of light fields in plenoptic cameras
* Aberration balancing using an image-sharpness metric
* Aberration reduction by multiple relays of an incoherent image
* ABFT: Anisotropic binary feature transform based on structure tensor space
* ABI: analogy-based indexing for content image retrieval
* Ability of Landsat-8 OLI Derived Texture Metrics In Estimating Aboveground Carbon Stocks Of Coppice Oak Forests
* Ability of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence From OCO-2 and MODIS-EVI to Monitor Spatial Variations of Soybean and Maize Yields in the Midwestern USA, The
* Ability of the Photochemical Reflectance Index to Track Light Use Efficiency for a Sub-Tropical Planted Coniferous Forest
* Ability to Recognize Microexpression and Detect Deception in the Elderly, The
* ABINet++: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Spotting
* Abingdon Cross Benchmark Survey, The
* Abiotic Controls on Macroscale Variations of Humid Tropical Forest Height
* Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Ablation-CAM: Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Network via Gradient-free Localization
* Ablation-CAM++: Grouped Recursive Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Networks
* ablation study on part-based face analysis using a Multi-input Convolutional Neural Network and Semantic Segmentation, An
* ABLE-NeRF: Attention-Based Rendering with Learnable Embeddings for Neural Radiance Field
* ABMDRNet: Adaptive-weighted Bi-directional Modality Difference Reduction Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation
* ABNet: An Aggregated Backbone Network Architecture for Fine Landcover Classification
* Abnormal-Aware Loss and Full Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Based on Knowledge Distillation
* Abnormal-Trajectory Detection Method Based on Variable Grid Partitioning
* Abnormal acoustic event localization based on selective frequency bin in high noise environment for audio surveillance
* Abnormal Activity Recognition in Office Based on R Transform
* Abnormal area identification of corn ear based on semi-supervised learning
* Abnormal Attentional Bias of Non-Drug Reward in Abstinent Heroin Addicts: An ERP Study
* Abnormal behavior-detection using sequential syntactical classification in a network of clustered cameras
* Abnormal behavior detection and behavior matching for networked cameras
* Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Dynamic Pedestrian Centroid Model: Case Study on U-Turn and Fall-Down
* Abnormal Behavior Detection in Crowded Scenes Based on Optical Flow Connected Components
* Abnormal behavior detection in LWIR surveillance of railway platforms
* Abnormal behavior detection using dominant sets
* Abnormal behavior detection using hybrid agents in crowded scenes
* Abnormal Behavior Detection via Sparse Reconstruction Analysis of Trajectory
* Abnormal Behavior Recognition for Human Motion Based on Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Abnormal Behavior Recognition Using Self-Adaptive Hidden Markov Models
* Abnormal Behavioral Patterns Detection from Activity Records of Institutionalized Older Adults
* Abnormal behaviour detection on queue analysis from stereo cameras
* Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection Based on Combined Approach of Energy Model and Threshold
* Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribute-aware force model
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using high-frequency and spatio-temporal features
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using novel optical flow-based features
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using social force model
* Abnormal Crowdsourced Data Detection Using Remote Sensing Image Features
* Abnormal Detection by Iterative Reconstruction
* Abnormal detection using interaction energy potentials
* Abnormal event detection and localisation in traffic videos based on group sparse topical coding
* Abnormal event detection and localization using level set based on hybrid features
* Abnormal Event Detection at 150 FPS in MATLAB
* Abnormal Event Detection from Surveillance Video by Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering
* Abnormal event detection in crowded scenes using one-class SVM
* Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Sparse Representation
* Abnormal Event Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Low-Rank and Compact Coefficient Dictionary Learning
* Abnormal Event Detection in Video Using Motion and Appearance Information
* Abnormal event detection in videos using generative adversarial nets
* Abnormal Event Detection in Videos Using Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Autoencoder
* Abnormal Event Detection on BMTT-PETS 2017 Surveillance Challenge
* Abnormal event detection using local sparse representation
* Abnormal event detection using spatio-temporal feature and nonnegative locality-constrained linear coding
* Abnormal event detection via adaptive cascade dictionary learning
* Abnormal Event Detection via Compact Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Abnormal Event Recognition in Crowd Scene, An
* Abnormal Event Recognition: A Hybrid Approach Using SemanticWeb Technologies
* Abnormal events detection based on spatio-temporal co-occurences
* Abnormal Events Detection Based on Trajectory Clustering
* Abnormal events detection using unsupervised One-Class SVM: Application to audio surveillance and evaluation
* Abnormal gesture recognition based on multi-model fusion strategy
* Abnormal motion detection in video using statistics of spatiotemporal local kinematics pattern
* Abnormal motion selection in crowds using bottom-up saliency
* Abnormal Object Detection by Canonical Scene-Based Contextual Model
* Abnormal Object Detection Using Feedforward Model and Sequential Filters
* Abnormal Odor Detection in Electronic Nose via Self-Expression Inspired Extreme Learning Machine
* Abnormal Ratios Guided Multi-Phase Self-Training for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Abnormal region detection in cervical smear images based on fully convolutional network
* Abnormal Signal Detection Method Based on Bimodal Fusion
* Abnormal Spatial Event Detection and Video Content Searching in a Multi-Camera Surveillance System
* Abnormal Traffic Detection Using Intelligent Driver Model
* Abnormal Walking Gait Analysis Using Silhouette-Masked Flow Histograms
* Abnormality detection and surveillance system
* Abnormality detection in crowd videos by tracking sparse components
* Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized background learning
* Abnormality detection using low-level co-occurring events
* Abnormality Detection via Iterative Deformable Registration and Basis-Pursuit Decomposition
* Abnormality Detection with Improved Histogram of Oriented Tracklets
* Abnormality supervising system
* ABO blood group detection based on image processing technology
* ABO: Dataset and Benchmarks for Real-World 3D Object Understanding
* AbolDeepIO: A Novel Deep Inertial Odometry Network for Autonomous Vehicles
* ABOships: An Inshore and Offshore Maritime Vessel Detection Dataset with Precise Annotations
* About Combining Metric Learning and Prototype Generation
* About Conditions for Recovering the Metric Structures of Perpendicular Planes from the Single Ground Plane to Image Homography
* About Lacunarity, Some Links Between Fractal and Integral Geometry and an Application to Texture Segmentation
* About modeling cultural heritage objects with limited computers resources
* About Multigrid Convergence of Some Length Estimators
* About Neighborhood Counting Measure Metric and Minimum Risk Metric
* About Objective 3-D Analysis of Airway Geometry in Computerized Tomography
* About optimal use of color points of interest for content-based image retrieval
* About Photogrammetric UAV-mapping: Which Accuracy for Which Application?
* About QLMS Derivations
* About the adjective neural, when applied to smart sensors
* About the Ambiguity of Data Augmentation for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* About the Applications of Unmixing-Based Denoising for Hyperspectral Data
* About the Assessment of Cover Crop Albedo Potential Cooling Effect: Risk of the Darkening Feedback Loop Effects
* About the Complexity of Timetables and 3-Dimensional Discrete Tomography: A Short Proof of NP-Hardness
* About the Correspondence of Points Between N Images
* About the Decidability of Polyhedral Separability in the Lattice Zd
* About the Frequencies of Some Patterns in Digital Planes: Application to Area Estimators
* About the Geometry of Asymmetric Fiber Orientation Distributions
* About the Integrability Constraint in a Shape-from-Shading Algorithm
* About the Maximum Cardinality of the Digital Cover of a Curve with a Given Length
* About the Pitfall of Erroneous Validation Data in the Estimation of Confusion Matrices
* About the Self-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera: Theory and Practice
* About Validation-Comparison of Burned Area Products
* Above- and Belowground Biomass Carbon Stock and Net Primary Productivity Maps for Tidal Herbaceous Marshes of the United States
* Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regression models and SfM data acquired by a UAV platform-A case study in Wild Duck Lake Wetland, Beijing, China
* Above-ground biomass estimation and yield prediction in potato by using UAV-based RGB and hyperspectral imaging
* Above-Ground Biomass Estimation for Coniferous Forests in Northern China Using Regression Kriging and Landsat 9 Images
* Above-Ground Biomass Estimation of Plantation with Different Tree Species Using Airborne LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Above-Ground Biomass Prediction for Croplands at a Sub-Meter Resolution Using UAV-LiDAR and Machine Learning Methods
* Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval over Tropical Forests: A Novel GNSS-R Approach with CyGNSS
* Above-Ground Objects in Urban Scenes from Medium Scale Aerial Imagery
* Above ground biomass estimation in an African tropical forest with lidar and hyperspectral data
* Above Ground Level Estimation of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter by a Fully Supervised Altimetry Enhancement Network
* Above the Nyquist Rate, Modulo Folding Does Not Hurt
* Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar
* Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data
* Aboveground Biomass Dynamics of a Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Driven by Land Use/Land Cover Transformation
* Aboveground Biomass Estimation and Time Series Analyses in Mongolian Grasslands Utilizing PlanetScope Imagery
* Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Amazonian Tropical Forests: a Comparison of Aircraft- and GatorEye UAV-borne LiDAR Data in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in Acre, Brazil
* Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Individual Trees in a Coastal Planted Forest Using Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Aboveground Biomass Inversion Based on Object-Oriented Classification and Pearson-mRMR-Machine Learning Model
* Aboveground Biomass Mapping of Crops Supported by Improved CASA Model and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery
* Aboveground Biomass Prediction of Arid Shrub-Dominated Community Based on Airborne LiDAR through Parametric and Nonparametric Methods
* Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of TLS and ALOS PALSAR Data Using Machine Learning
* Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Combining L- and P-Band SAR Acquisitions
* Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Tent Mapping Atom Search Optimized Backpropagation Neural Network with Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1A Data
* Aboveground total and green biomass of dryland shrub derived from terrestrial laser scanning
* Aboveground Tree Biomass Estimation of Sparse Subalpine Coniferous Forest with UAV Oblique Photography
* ABPN: Adaptive Blend Pyramid Network for Real-Time Local Retouching of Ultra High-Resolution Photo
* ABRF: Adaptive BitRate-FEC Joint Control for Real-Time Video Streaming
* Abrupt and gradual scene transition detection in MPEG-4 compressed video sequences using texture and macroblock information
* Abrupt Change Detection Algorithm for Buried Landmines Localization, An
* Abrupt Change in Forest Height along a Tropical Elevation Gradient Detected Using Airborne Lidar
* Abrupt High PM Concentration in an Urban Calm Cavity Generated by Internal Gravity Waves and a Shallow Coastal Atmospheric Boundary Layer with the Influence of the Yellow Dust from China
* Abrupt motion tracking using a visual saliency embedded particle filter
* Abrupt motion tracking via adaptive stochastic approximation Monte Carlo sampling
* Abrupt Motion Tracking Via Intensively Adaptive Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Sampling
* Abrupt spatiotemporal land and water changes and their potential drivers in Poyang Lake, 2000-2012
* Absence of perspective processing in the pigeon
* Absence of Surface Water Temperature Trends in Lake Kinneret despite Present Atmospheric Warming: Comparisons with Dead Sea Trends
* Absent Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms
* Absent Multiview Semisupervised Classification
* ABSNet: Aesthetics-Based Saliency Network Using Multi-Task Convolutional Network
* Absolute 3D Human Pose Estimation via Weakly-supervised Learning
* Absolute Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud Using Amorphous Objects
* Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau
* Absolute and Relative Pose Estimation in Refractive Multi View
* Absolute Attitude From Monostatic Radar Measurements of Rotating Objects
* Absolute Calibration of a UAV-Mounted Ultra-Wideband Software-Defined Radar Using an External Target in the Near-Field
* Absolute Calibration of ATMS Upper Level Temperature Sounding Channels Using GPS RO Observations
* Absolute Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors Using Libya 4 Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Absolute Calibration of the Chinese HY-2B Altimetric Mission with Fiducial Reference Measurement Standards
* Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece
* Absolute Calibration or Validation of the Altimeters on the Sentinel-3A and the Jason-3 over Lake Issykkul (Kyrgyzstan)
* Absolute Cluster Validity
* Absolute Conductivity Reconstruction in Magnetic Induction Tomography Using a Nonlinear Method
* Absolute Contrast Enhancement
* Absolute Depth Estimation From a Single Defocused Image
* Absolute Depth Range Measurement of 3-d Objects Based on Modulation Moiré Topography, An
* Absolute Frequency Readout of Cavity against Atomic Reference
* Absolute geo-localization thanks to Hidden Markov Model and exemplar-based metric learning
* Absolute head pose estimation from overhead wide-angle cameras
* Absolute joint moments: a novel image similarity measure
* Absolute Line Quadric and Camera Autocalibration, The
* absolute localization method using a synthetic panoramic image base, An
* Absolute Localization of Targets Using a Phase-Measuring Sidescan Sonar in Very Shallow Waters
* Absolute LoScalization of Corner Reflectors with Terrasar-x Spotlight Images
* Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding and Its Application to Color Images
* Absolute motion and structure from stereo image sequences without stereo correspondence and analysis of degenerate cases
* Absolute Orientation Based on Distance Kernel Functions
* Absolute Orientation from Uncertain Point Data: A Unified Approach
* Absolute Orientation of Stereoscopic Cameras by Aligning Contours in Pairs of Images and Reference Images
* Absolute Phase Image-Reconstruction: A Stochastic Nonlinear Filtering Approach
* Absolute phase mapping for one-shot dense pattern projection
* Absolute phase unwrapping with SVM for fringe-projection profilometry
* Absolute Pose and Structure from Motion for Surfaces of Revolution: Minimal Problems Using Apparent Contours
* Absolute pose estimation from line correspondences using direct linear transformation
* Absolute Pose Estimation of Central Cameras Using Planar Regions
* Absolute Pose Estimation With a Known Direction by Motion Decoupling
* Absolute pose for cameras under flat refractive interfaces
* Absolute position estimation using IRS satellite images
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of an Imaging Spectroradiometer Using a Laboratory Detector-Based Approach
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Kompsat-3a
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat Using a Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Narrow-Swath Imaging Sensors With Reference to Non-Coincident Wide-Swath Sensors
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration Of The GÖktÜrk-2 Satellite Sensor Using Tuz GÖlÜ (landnet Site) From Ndvi Perspective
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of ZY3-02 Satellite Multispectral Imager Based on Irradiance-Based Method
* Absolute Reconstructions Using Rotational Electrical Impedance Tomography for Breast Cancer Imaging
* Absolute scale in structure from motion from a single vehicle mounted camera by exploiting nonholonomic constraints
* Absolute time encoding for temporal super-resolution using de Bruijn coded exposures
* Absolute: An Information Visualization System for Decision Support in Sourcing
* ABSORB: Atlas building by Self-Organized Registration and Bundling
* Absorbing Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects on Near-Surface Photochemistry in East Asia
* Absorption Edge Detector, An
* Absorption Pruning of Deep Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Absorptive scattering model for rough laminar surfaces
* Abstract code network as a model of perceptual memory
* Abstract families of matrices and picture languages
* Abstract Images Have Different Levels of Retrievability Per Reverse Image Search Engine
* Abstract of PRIMA-S for AVSS-Demo 2011
* Abstract Processes in Texture Discrimination
* abstract representation of geometric knowledge for object classification, An
* Abstract Spatial-Temporal Reasoning via Probabilistic Abduction and Execution
* Abstract Topological Data Structure for 3D Spatial Objects
* Abstract Visual Reasoning Enabled by Language
* Abstract Visual Reasoning: An Algebraic Approach for Solving Raven's Progressive Matrices
* Abstracted radon profiles for fingerprint recognition
* Abstracting Digital Movies Automatically
* Abstracting images into continuous-line artistic styles
* Abstracting Sketches Through Simple Primitives
* Abstracting Stone Walls for Visualization and Analysis
* Abstraction-Based Approach to 3-D Pose Determination from Range Images, An
* Abstraction and Generalization of 3D Structure for Recognition in Large Intra-Class Variation
* Abstraction and Scale-Space Events in Image Understanding
* abstraction based reduced reference depth perception metric for 3D video, An
* Abstraction for Correspondence Search Using Task-Based Controls, An
* Abstraction hierarchy and self annotation update for fine grained activity recognition
* Abstractive Summarization for Video: A Revisit in Multistage Fusion Network With Forget Gate
* Abstracts of the LIX Fall Colloquium 2008: Emerging Trends in Visual Computing
* Abundance Characteristic-Based Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Abundance Estimation for Bilinear Mixture Models via Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Abundance guided endmember selection: An algorithm for unmixing hyperspectral data
* Abundant Inverse Regression Using Sufficient Reduction and Its Applications
* AC-LSTM: Anomaly State Perception of Infrared Point Targets Based on CNN+LSTM
* AC-SDBSCAN: Toward concealed object detection of passive terahertz images
* AC-SUM-GAN: Connecting Actor-Critic and Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction
* AC-WGAN-GP: Generating Labeled Samples for Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification with Small-Samples
* AC coefficient and K-means cuckoo optimisation algorithm-based segmentation and compression of compound images
* AC2AS: Activation Consistency Coupled ANN-SNN framework for fast and memory-efficient SNN training
* Academe-local Government Partnership Towards Effective Application Of Geospatial Technologies For Smarter Flood Disaster Management At The Local Level: An Example From Mindanao, Philippines
* Academia Sinica
* ACADI showcase: Automatic character indexing in audiovisual document
* ACAE-REMIND for online continual learning with compressed feature replay
* ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning
* ACC+Stop&Go Maneuvers With Throttle and Brake Fuzzy Control
* AccAnn: A New Subjective Assessment Methodology for Measuring Acceptability and Annoyance of Quality of Experience
* Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation on Video
* Accelerable Lottery Tickets with the Mixed-Precision Quantization
* Accelerate CNN via Recursive Bayesian Pruning
* Accelerate convolutional neural networks for binary classification via cascading cost-sensitive feature
* Accelerate CTU Partition to Real Time for HEVC Encoding With Complexity Control
* Accelerate Learning of Deep Hashing With Gradient Attention
* Accelerate Video Decoding With Generic GPU
* Accelerated 3D bSSFP Using a Modified Wave-CAIPI Technique With Truncated Wave Gradients
* Accelerated 4D Mr Image Reconstruction Using Joint Higher Degree Total Variation And Local Low-Rank Constraints
* Accelerated adaptive super twisting sliding mode observer-based drive shaft torque estimation for electric vehicle with automated manual transmission
* Accelerated Alternating Descent Methods for Dykstra-Like Problems
* Accelerated Analysis of Occlusion
* Accelerated Backprojection Algorithm for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Processing, An
* Accelerated Bayesian Imaging by Relaxed Proximal-Point Langevin Sampling
* Accelerated Bayesian Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Data Using MCMC Subposteriors
* Accelerated Bilateral Filtering With Block Skipping
* Accelerated brain tumor dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using Adaptive Pharmaco-Kinetic Model Constrained method
* Accelerated catadioptric omnidirectional view image unwrapping processing using GPU parallelisation
* Accelerated Centre-of-Gravity Calculation for Massive Numbers of Image Patches
* Accelerated cone beam CT reconstruction based on OpenCL
* Accelerated Connected Component Labeling Using CUDA Framework
* Accelerated Convergence Using Dynamic Mean Shift
* Accelerated Coordinate Encoding: Learning to Relocalize in Minutes Using RGB and Poses
* Accelerated Corner-Detector Algorithms
* accelerated correlation filter tracker, An
* Accelerated Detail-Enhanced Ambient Occlusion
* Accelerated Distributed Allocation
* Accelerated Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Learned Representations: A New Frontier in Biomedical Imaging
* Accelerated Dynamic MRI Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank Structure: k-t SLR
* Accelerated dynamic MRI using structured low rank matrix completion
* Accelerated Edge-Preserving Image Restoration Without Boundary Artifacts
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles in Car-Following Maneuvers
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles Safety in Lane-Change Scenarios Based on Importance Sampling Techniques
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles Using Piecewise Mixture Models
* Accelerated FBP for Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction
* Accelerated Generative Models for 3D Point Cloud Data
* Accelerated Glacier Area Loss in the Zhetysu (Dzhungar) Alatau Range (Tien Shan) for the Period of 1956-2016
* Accelerated Gradient Descent Method for Projections onto the L_1-Ball
* Accelerated Graph Learning From Smooth Signals
* Accelerated Gravitational Point Set Alignment With Altered Physical Laws
* Accelerated H.264/AVC Encoder on Graphic Processing Unit for UAV Videos, An
* Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling
* Accelerated Human Motion Tracking System Based on Voxel Reconstruction under Complex Environments, An
* Accelerated hybrid image reconstruction for non-regular sampling color sensors
* Accelerated Hybrid Method for Electromagnetic Scattering of a Composite Target-Ground Model and Its Spotlight SAR Image, An
* Accelerated hyperspectral image recursive hierarchical segmentation using GPUs, multicore CPUs, and hybrid CPU/GPU cluster
* Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multi-structure Robust Fitting
* Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multistructure Data via Preference Analysis
* Accelerated image factorization based on improved NMF algorithm
* accelerated image matching technique for UAV orthoimage registration, An
* Accelerated image processing on FPGAs
* Accelerated image resampling for geometry correction
* Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-based discrete wavelet transform on GPU
* Accelerated Iterative Band-Limited Extrapolation Algorithms
* Accelerated Kernel Feature Analysis
* Accelerated Kmeans Clustering Using Binary Random Projection
* Accelerated Large Scale Optimization by Concomitant Hashing
* Accelerated Learning-Based Interactive Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Constraints
* Accelerated Level-Set Method for Inverse Scattering Problems, An
* Accelerated Linearized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, An
* Accelerated liver tumor segmentation in four-phase computed tomography images
* Accelerated local feature extraction in a reuse scheme for efficient action recognition
* Accelerated low-rank sparse metric learning for person re-identification
* Accelerated low-rank visual recovery by random projection
* Accelerated Map Matching for GPS Trajectories
* accelerated matching algorithm for SIFT-like features, An
* Accelerated MCMC for Satellite-Based Measurements of Atmospheric CO2
* Accelerated microstructure imaging via convex optimisation for regions with multiple fibres (AMICOx)
* Accelerated monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography
* Accelerated Motion Estimation of H.264 on Imagine Stream Processor
* Accelerated MR-STAT Reconstructions Using Sparse Hessian Approximations
* Accelerated MRI Reconstruction With Separable and Enhanced Low-Rank Hankel Regularization
* Accelerated Multi-View Stereo for 3D Reconstruction of Transmission Corridor with Fine-Scale Power Line
* Accelerated multi-view stereo using parallel processing capababilities of the GPUS
* accelerated multiplicative iterative algorithm in image reconstruction, An
* Accelerated Nonlinear Multichannel Ultrasonic Tomographic Imaging Using Target Sparseness
* Accelerated Nonrigid Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Importance Sampling
* Accelerated Numerical Processing of Electronically Recorded Holograms With Reduced Speckle Noise
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework Formulations for the Active Contour Case
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework: Formulations for the Manifold of Diffeomorphisms
* Accelerated PALM for Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery With Theoretical Analysis
* Accelerated Parameter Mapping of Multiple-Echo Gradient-Echo Data Using Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction
* Accelerated parametric chamfer alignment using a parallel, pipelined GPU realization
* Accelerated Particle Filter for Real-Time Visual Tracking With Decision Fusion
* Accelerated Patch Sorting by a Robotic Swarm
* Accelerated Penalized Weighted Least-Squares and Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Reconstructing Transmission Images from PET Transmission Data
* Accelerated Phase-Cycled SSFP Imaging With Compressed Sensing
* Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Frame-Based Image Restoration via the Balanced Approach, An
* Accelerated queries of time series databases
* Accelerated RANSAC for 2D homography estimation based on global brightness consistency
* Accelerated RAPID Model Using Heterogeneous Porous Objects
* Accelerated Regularized Estimation of MR Coil Sensitivities Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods
* Accelerated Restoration of Vegetation in Wuwei in the Arid Region of Northwestern China since 2000 Driven by the Interaction between Climate and Human Beings
* Accelerated Risk Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles: Surrogate-Based Monte Carlo Method
* Accelerated robust sparse coding for fast face recognition
* Accelerated seam carving for image retargeting
* accelerated separable median filter with sorting networks, An
* Accelerated Sequential PCP-Based Method for Ground-Moving Objects Detection From Aerial Videos, An
* Accelerated Signal-and-Noise Orthogonalization
* Accelerated simulation of cone beam X-ray scatter projections
* Accelerated sparse nonnegative matrix factorization for unsupervised feature learning
* Accelerated sparse optimization for missing data completion
* Accelerated Training of Linear Object Detectors
* Accelerated Triangulation Method for Computing the Skeletons of Free-Form Solid Models, An
* Accelerated Variance Reduction Stochastic ADMM for Large-Scale Machine Learning
* Accelerated Variational PDEs for Efficient Solution of Regularized Inversion Problems
* Accelerated video encoding using render context information
* Accelerated video streaming for gaming architecture
* Accelerated Visual Context Classification on a Low-Power Smartwatch
* Accelerated wavelet-regularized deconvolution for 3-D fluorescence microcopy
* Accelerated WGAN update strategy with loss change rate balancing
* Accelerated Wirtinger Flow for Multiplexed Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy
* Accelerating 3D Medical Image Segmentation with High Performance Computing
* Accelerating 3d Non-rigid Registration Using Graphics Hardware
* Accelerating a Geometrical Approximated PCA Algorithm Using AVX2 and CUDA
* Accelerating a Morphology-Preserving Adsorption Model by Deep Learning
* Accelerating active contour algorithms with the Gradient Diffusion Field
* Accelerating AI using next-generation hardware: Possibilities and challenges with analog in-memory computing
* Accelerating arrays of linear classifiers using approximate range queries
* Accelerating at the Edge: A Storage-Elastic Blockchain for Latency-Sensitive Vehicular Edge Computing
* Accelerating Atmospheric Turbulence Simulation via Learned Phase-to-Space Transform
* Accelerating block-matching and 3D filtering method for image denoising on GPUs
* Accelerating BPC-PaCo through Visually Lossless Techniques
* Accelerating Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Signal Processing Meets Nuclear Spins
* Accelerating CDVS extraction on mobile platform
* Accelerating CNN Training by Pruning Activation Gradients
* Accelerating color space transformations using numerical approximations
* Accelerating colour space conversion on reconfigurable hardware
* Accelerating Convolutional Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification by Step Activation Quantization
* Accelerating convolutional neural network training using ProMoD backpropagation algorithm
* Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks via Activation Map Compression
* Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks with Dominant Convolutional Kernel and Knowledge Pre-regression
* Accelerating Convolutional Sparse Coding for Curvilinear Structures Segmentation by Refining SCIRD-TS Filter Banks
* Accelerating Cost Volume Filtering Using Salient Subvolumes and Robust Occlusion Handling
* Accelerating Dataset Distillation via Model Augmentation
* Accelerating Deep Learning with Millions of Classes
* Accelerating Deep Neural Networks via Semi-Structured Activation Sparsity
* Accelerating DETR Convergence via Semantic-Aligned Matching
* Accelerating discrete wavelet transforms on GPUS
* Accelerating DNN Training with Structured Data Gradient Pruning
* Accelerating Dynamic Programs via Nested Benders Decomposition with Application to Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Accelerating Dynamic Spiral MRI by Algebraic Reconstruction From Undersampled t Space
* Accelerating Effect of Vegetation on the Instability of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides
* Accelerating embedded image processing for real time: a case study
* Accelerating Existing Non-Blind Image Deblurring Techniques through a Strap-On Limited-Memory Switched Broyden Method
* Accelerating Face Detection by Using Depth Information
* Accelerating feature-vector matching using multiple-tree and sub-vector methods
* Accelerating Flexible Manifold Embedding for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning
* Accelerating Framework for Simultaneous Optimization of Model Architectures and Training Hyperparameters
* Accelerating Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization in Geometric Vision
* Accelerating GMM-Based Patch Priors for Image Restoration: Three Ingredients for a 100X Speed-Up
* Accelerating Haze Removal Algorithm Using CUDA
* Accelerating HEVC Encoding Using Early-Split
* Accelerating Image-Domain-Warping Virtual View Synthesis on GPGPU
* Accelerating Image Registration With the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma: Application to Imaging 3-D Neural Ultrastructure With Electron Microscopy
* Accelerating Image Retrieval Using Factorial Correspondence Analysis on GPU
* Accelerating Index-Based Audio Identification
* Accelerating information entropy-based feature selection using rough set theory with classified nested equivalence classes
* Accelerating Integral Histograms Using an Adaptive Approach
* Accelerating Iris Template Matching using Commodity Video Graphics Adapters
* Accelerating kernel classifiers through borders mapping
* Accelerating large character set recognition using pivots
* Accelerating Local Feature Extraction Using Two Stage Feature Selection and Partial Gradient Computation
* Accelerating Magnetic Resonance T_1rho Mapping Using Simultaneously Spatial Patch-Based and Parametric Group-Based Low-Rank Tensors (SMART)
* Accelerating monotone fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with sequential subspace optimization for sparse recovery
* Accelerating Monte Carlo Renderers by Ray Histogram Fusion
* Accelerating Multi-Label Feature Selection Based on Low-Rank Approximation
* Accelerating multi-scale flows for LDDKBM diffeomorphic registration
* Accelerating Multimedia Search by Visual Features
* Accelerating neuromorphic vision on FPGAs
* Accelerating Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction Convergence Using k-Space Preconditioning
* Accelerating Ordered Subsets Image Reconstruction for X-ray CT Using Spatially Nonuniform Optimization Transfer
* Accelerating Overrelaxed and Monotone Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithms With Line Search for Sparse Reconstructions
* Accelerating Parallel Transmit Array B1 Mapping in High Field MRI With Slice Undersampling and Interpolation by Kriging
* Accelerating Particle Filter Using Randomized Multiscale and Fast Multipole Type Methods
* Accelerating Pattern Matching or How Much Can You Slide?
* Accelerating projections to kernel-induced spaces by feature approximation
* Accelerating Proposal Generation Network for Fast Face Detection on Mobile Devices
* Accelerating Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo by Using an Explicit Stabilized Method
* Accelerating QTMT-based CU partition and intra mode decision for versatile video coding
* Accelerating Redundant DCT Filtering for Deblurring and Denoising
* Accelerating RNN Transducer Inference via Adaptive Expansion Search
* Accelerating Robust-Object-Tracking via Level-3 BLAS-Based Sparse Learning
* Accelerating rotation of high-resolution images
* Accelerating Score-Based Generative Models with Preconditioned Diffusion Sampling
* Accelerating Self-Supervised Learning via Efficient Training Strategies
* Accelerating Similarity-Based Discriminant Analysis Using Class-Specific Prototypes
* Accelerating Sparse Recovery by Reducing Chatter
* Accelerating spectral unmixing by using clustered images
* Accelerating Stereo Image Simulation for Automotive Applications Using Neural Stereo Super Resolution
* Accelerating svd on reconfigurable hardware for image denoising
* Accelerating the Classification of Very Deep Convolutional Network by A Cascading Approach
* Accelerating the Computation of 3D Gradient Vector Flow Fields
* Accelerating the Computation of GLCM and Haralick Texture Features on Reconfigurable Hardware
* Accelerating the creation of instance segmentation training sets through bounding box annotation
* Accelerating the Distribution Estimation for the Weighted Median/Mode Filters
* Accelerating the Divisive Information-Theoretic Clustering of Visual Words
* Accelerating the EMML Algorithm and Related Iterative Algorithms by Rescaled Block-Iterative Methods
* Accelerating the multiple reference frames compensation in the H.264 video coder
* Accelerating the Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform on Commodity Graphics Hardware
* Accelerating the Optimization of Requantization Codebook for Vector Quantization
* Accelerating the over-relaxed iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithms with fast and exact line search for high resolution tomographic image reconstruction
* Accelerating the Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network
* Accelerating the SVM Learning for Very Large Data Sets
* Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution
* Accelerating Two-Phase Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Electric Location-Routing Problems
* Accelerating Uncertainty Quantification for Nonlinear Inverse Scattering Problems With High Contrast Media by Direct Envelope Methods and Krylov Subspace Iterative Integral Equation Solvers
* Accelerating Vanishing Point-Based Line Sampling Scheme for Real-Time People Localization
* Accelerating Vehicle Detection in Low-Altitude Airborne Urban Video
* Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection
* Accelerating Video Object Detection by Exploiting Prior Object Locations
* Accelerating Video Object Segmentation with Compressed Video
* Accelerating Vision-Language Pretraining with Free Language Modeling
* Accelerating X-Ray Data Collection Using Pyramid Beam Ray Casting Geometries
* Acceleration-based gait analysis for frailty assessment in older adults
* Acceleration-Based Structure-from-Motion
* Acceleration-Level Cyclic-Motion Generation of Constrained Redundant Robots Tracking Different Paths
* Acceleration-Level Pseudo-Dynamic Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots With Backstepping and Dynamic Surface Control
* Acceleration-Limited Egomotion Estimation
* Acceleration and Implementation of JPEG2000 Encoder on TI DSP Platform
* Acceleration Approaches for Big Data Analysis
* Acceleration Compensation for Estimation of Along-Track Velocity of Ground Moving Target from Single-Channel SAR SLC Data
* Acceleration Framework for Super-resolution Network via Region Difficulty Self-adaption, An
* Acceleration of an improved Retinex algorithm
* Acceleration of CSRBF-based image reconstruction by wavelet domain preconditioning
* Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory-Embedded SIMD Matrix Processor
* Acceleration of Filtering and Enhancement Operations Through Geometric Processing of Gray-level Images
* Acceleration of fractal image compression using fuzzy clustering and discrete-cosine-transform-based metric
* Acceleration of GAT correlation for distortion-tolerant image matching
* Acceleration of histogram-based contrast enhancement via selective downsampling
* Acceleration of Kvazaar HEVC Intra Encoder With Machine Learning
* Acceleration of multi-task cascaded convolutional networks
* Acceleration of Non-Rigid Point Set Registration With Downsampling and Gaussian Process Regression
* Acceleration of Optoacoustic Model-Based Reconstruction Using Angular Image Discretization
* Acceleration of RED via vector extrapolation
* Acceleration of Sea Level Rise over Malaysian Seas from Satellite Altimeter
* Acceleration of similarity-based partial image retrieval using multistage vector quantization
* Acceleration of simple linear iterative clustering using early candidate cluster exclusion
* Acceleration of the PDHGM on Partially Strongly Convex Functions
* Acceleration of the Shiftable mbiO(1) Algorithm for Bilateral Filtering and Nonlocal Means
* Acceleration of Thresholding and Labeling Operations Through Geometric Processing of Gray-level Images
* Acceleration Of Topographic Map Production Using Semi-automatic Dtm From Dsm Radar Data
* Acceleration Strategies for Gaussian Mean-Shift Image Segmentation
* Acceleration Strategies for MR-STAT: Achieving High-Resolution Reconstructions on a Desktop PC Within 3 Minutes
* Acceleration techniques and evaluation on multi-core CPU, GPU and FPGA for image processing and super-resolution
* Accelerator-Aware Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Accelerator-Based implementation of the Harris Algorithm
* AccelerEyes
* Accelerometer-based correction of skewed horizon and keystone distortion in digital photography
* Accelerometer-Based Gait Recognition by Sparse Representation of Signature Points With Clusters
* Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition Using Continuous HMMs
* Accelerometer Localization in the View of a Stationary Camera
* AccelIR: Task-aware Image Compression for Accelerating Neural Restoration
* Accented Handwritten Character Recognition Using SVM: Application to French
* Accenture-MM1: A Multimodal Person Recognition Dataset
* Acceptability-Based QoE Models for Mobile Video
* Acceptability and Trustworthiness of Virtual Agents by Effects of Theory of Mind and Social Skills Training
* Acceptability of driving an equipped vehicle with drive recorder: The impact of the context
* Acceptability ratings by humans and automatic gesture recognition for variations in sign productions
* Acceptance of GIS within ERP System: Research Study in Higher Education
* Acceptance of Online Mapping Technology among Older Adults: Technology Acceptance Model with Facilitating Condition, Compatibility, and Self-Satisfaction
* Acceptance of Visual Search Interfaces for the Web: Design and Empirical Evaluation of a Book Search Interface
* Accepting H Iso-Array System
* Access and Web-sharing of 3D Digital Documentation of Environmental And Architectural Heritage
* Access by Content to Handwritten Archive Documents: Generic Document Recognition Method and Platform for Annotations
* Access control system with high level security using fingerprints
* access icon openaccess Hybrid NSS features for no-reference image quality assessment
* Access Methods of Image Database
* Access or Accessibility? A Critique of the Urban Transport SDG Indicator
* Access Point-Based FEC Mechanism for Video Transmission Over Wireless LANs, An
* Access Point Deployment Optimization in CBTC Data Communication System
* Access Types Effect on Internet Video Services and Its Implications on CDN Caching
* Accessibility Assessment of Buildings Based on Multi-Source Spatial Data: Taking Wuhan as a Case Study
* Accessibility measure of bus transit networks
* Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak Control: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
* Accessibility: A New Approach to Path Planning Among Moving Obstacles
* Accessible Melanoma Detection Using Smartphones and Mobile Image Analysis
* Accessible Remote Sensing Data Mining Based Dew Estimation
* Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
* Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Users Experience Within the INCEPTION Project
* Accessing Multi-User Virtual Worlds over IP
* Accessing the Authorship Confidence of Handwritten Items
* Accessing the Impact of Meteorological Variables on Machine Learning Flood Susceptibility Mapping
* Accessing the Time-Series Two-Dimensional Displacements around a Reservoir Using Multi-Orbit SAR Datasets: A Case Study of Xiluodu Hydropower Station
* AccFlow: Backward Accumulation for Long-Range Optical Flow
* Accident-related cost analysis and decision-making support through econometric modelling
* Accidental Fall Detection Based on Skeleton Joint Correlation and Activity Boundary
* Accidental Light Probes
* Accidental Pinhole and Pinspeck Cameras
* Accidental pinhole and pinspeck cameras: Revealing the scene outside the picture
* Accidental Turntables: Learning 3D Pose by Watching Objects Turn
* AccLoc: Anchor-Free and two-stage detector for accurate object localization
* ACCLVOS: Atrous Convolution with Spatial-Temporal ConvLSTM for Video Object Segmentation
* Accommodating Edge Follower, An
* Accommodating uncertainty in pixel-based verification of 3-D object hypotheses
* Accommodative extractor for QIM-based watermarking schemes
* ACCORD: With Approximate Covering of Convex Orthogonal Decomposition
* Accordion Representation Based Multi-Scale Covariance Descriptor for Multi-shot Person Re-Identification
* Accountable Deep-Learning-Based Vision Systems for Preterm Infant Monitoring
* Accounting and Accountability in Content Distribution Architectures: A Survey
* Accounting for Almond Crop Water Use under Different Irrigation Regimes with a Two-Source Energy Balance Model and Copernicus-Based Inputs
* Accounting for and Predicting the Influence of Spatial Autocorrelation in Water Quality Modeling
* Accounting for Atmospheric Delays in InSAR Data in a Search for Long-Wavelength Deformation in South America
* Accounting for Geometric Anisotropy in Sparse Magnetic Data Using a Modified Interpolation Algorithm
* Accounting for Groundtruth Subjectivity in Comparing Face Detection Techniques
* Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learning for Reduced-Dose Studies in Cardiac SPECT
* Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammonia Observations
* Accounting for Non-Stationary Relationships between Precipitation and Environmental Variables for Downscaling Monthly TRMM Precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin
* Accounting for Signal Distortion Biases for Wide-Lane and Narrow-Lane Phase Bias Estimation with Inhomogeneous Networks
* Accounting for Signal Loss Due to Dephasing in the Correction of Distortions in Gradient-Echo EPI Via Nonrigid Registration
* Accounting for Surface Roughness Scattering in the Characterization of Forest Litter with Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Accounting for the Effects of Widespread Discrete Clutter in Subsurface EMI Remote Sensing of Metallic Objects
* Accounting for the Relative Importance of Objects in Image Retrieval
* Accounting for Training Data Error in Machine Learning Applied to Earth Observations
* Accounting for travel time reliability, trip purpose and departure time choice in an agent-based dynamic toll pricing approach
* Accounting for Turbulence-Induced Canopy Heat Transfer in the Simulation of Sensible Heat Flux in SEBS Model
* Accounting For Variance In Hyperspectral Data Coming From Limitations Of The Imaging System
* Accounting for Wood, Foliage Properties, and Laser Effective Footprint in Estimations of Leaf Area Density from Multiview-LiDAR Data
* Accrute measurement of microsphere size based on micro-vision
* Accumulated Aggregation Shifting Based on Feature Enhancement for Defect Detection on 3D Textured Low-Contrast Surfaces
* Accumulated and aggregated shifting of intensity for defect detection on micro 3D textured surfaces
* Accumulated micro-motion representations for lightweight online action detection in real-time
* Accumulated motion energy fields estimation and representation for semantic event detection
* Accumulated motion images for facial expression recognition in videos
* Accumulated Stability Voting: A Robust Descriptor from Descriptors of Multiple Scales
* Accumulated Trivial Attention Matters in Vision Transformers on Small Datasets
* Accumulated Visual Representation for Cognitive Vision
* Accumulating regional density dissimilarity for concept drift detection in data streams
* Accumulating Spectral Evidence for Perspective Views of Texture Planes
* accumulation cost of relaxed fixed time accumulation mode, The
* Accumulation Knowledge Distillation for Conditional GAN Compression
* Accumulation Methods, Motion Histograms for Human Action Recognition
* Accumulation of Different Visual Feature Descriptors in a Coherent Framework
* Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-SLAM2 Based on RGB-D Cameras
* Accumulative Points/Votes Based Approach for Feature Selection, An
* Accumulator-Based Inexact Matching Using Relational Summaries
* Accumulator size minimization for a fast cumulant-based motion estimator
* Accuracies Achieved in Classifying Five Leading World Crop Types and their Growth Stages Using Optimal Earth Observing-1 Hyperion Hyperspectral Narrowbands on Google Earth Engine
* Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperatures in the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean, The
* Accuracies of Soil Moisture Estimations Using a Semi-Empirical Model over Bare Soil Agricultural Croplands from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Accuracy- and Simplicity-Oriented Self-Calibration Approach for In-Vehicle GNSS/INS/Vision System With Observability Analysis
* Accuracy-Based Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Meshes for Parallel Hierarchical Triangulation
* Accuracy-efficiency Evaluation of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching
* accuracy-enhanced group recommendation approach based on DEMATEL, An
* Accuracy-Perturbation Curves for Evaluation of Adversarial Attack and Defence Methods
* Accuracy-scalable motion coding for efficient scalable video compression
* Accuracy Analysis and Appropriate Strategy for Determining Dynamic and Quasi-Static Bridge Structural Response Using Simultaneous Measurements with Two Real Aperture Ground-Based Radars
* Accuracy Analysis for Automatic Orientation of a Tumbling Oblique Viewing Sensor System
* Accuracy Analysis For Facial Feature Detection
* Accuracy Analysis of a 3D Model of Excavation, Created from Images Acquired with an Action Camera from Low Altitudes
* Accuracy Analysis of a Low-Cost Platform for Positioning and Navigation
* Accuracy Analysis of Augmented Reality Markers for Visual Mapping and Localization
* Accuracy Analysis of Generalized Pronunciation Variant Selection in ASR Systems
* Accuracy Analysis of GNSS Hourly Ultra-Rapid Orbit and Clock Products from SHAO AC of iGMAS
* Accuracy Analysis of HRSI-based Geopositioning Using Least Squares Collocation
* Accuracy Analysis Of Kinect Depth Data
* Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetric UAV Image Blocks: Influence of Onboard RTK-GNSS and Cross Flight Patterns
* Accuracy Analysis of Polynomial RFM Adjustment Models for Worldview-1 Imagery
* Accuracy Analysis of Sentinel 2a and Landsat 8 OLI+ Satellite Datasets Over Kano State (Nigeria) Using Vegetation Spectral Indices
* Accuracy analysis of the Leica HDS3000 and feasibility of tunnel deformation monitoring
* Accuracy Analysis on the Estimation of Camera Parameters for Active Vision Systems
* Accuracy and Consistency of 3D Elevation Program Data: A Systematic Analysis, The
* Accuracy and Cross-Calibration of Video Quality Metrics: New Methods from ATIS/T1A1
* Accuracy and Effort of Interpolation and Sampling: Can GIS Help Lower Field Costs?
* Accuracy and Long-Term Tracking via Overlap Maximization Integrated with Motion Continuity
* Accuracy and numerical stability of high-order polar harmonic transforms
* accuracy and precision of curvature estimation methods, The
* Accuracy and Precision of Habitat Structural Complexity Metrics Derived from Underwater Photogrammetry
* Accuracy and Precision of Head Motion Information in Multi-Channel Free Induction Decay Navigators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Accuracy and Precision of Stem Cross-Section Modeling in 3D Point Clouds from TLS and Caliper Measurements for Basal Area Estimation
* Accuracy and Precision of the Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Facial Surface Using a 3-D Laser Scanner
* Accuracy and Radiometric Study on Very High Resolution Digital Camera Images
* Accuracy and Reliability Assessment of GLAS Measurements Over Israel
* Accuracy and Resolution of ALOS Interferometry: Vector Deformation Maps of the Father's Day Intrusion at Kilauea
* Accuracy and Safety: Tracking Control of Heavy-Duty Cooperative Transportation Systems Using Constraint-Following Method
* Accuracy and Spatial Variability in GPS Surveying For Landslide Mapping On Road Inventories At A Semi-detailed Scale: The Case In Colombia
* Accuracy and Specificity Trade-off in K-nearest Neighbors Classification
* accuracy and value of machine-generated image tags: Design and user evaluation of an end-to-end image tagging system, The
* Accuracy Aspects of Utilizing Raw Imagery In Photogrammetric Measurement
* Accuracy Assessment and Calibration of Low-cost Autonomous Lidar Sensors
* Accuracy Assessment and Comparison of National, European and Global Land Use Land Cover Maps at the National Scale: Case Study: Portugal
* Accuracy Assessment and Correction of SRTM DEM Using ICESat/GLAS Data under Data Coregistration
* Accuracy Assessment and Impact Factor Analysis of GEDI Leaf Area Index Product in Temperate Forest
* Accuracy Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Eight Medium Resolution Forest Products on the Loess Plateau, China
* Accuracy Assessment and Validation of Multi-Source CHIRPS Precipitation Estimates for Water Resource Management in the Barada Basin, Syria
* Accuracy Assessment Curves for Satellite-Based Change Detection
* Accuracy Assessment Experimentof Aster 3D Ortho Product in Beijing Area, The
* Accuracy Assessment for the U.S. Geological Survey Regional Land-Cover Mapping Program: New York and New Jersey Region
* Accuracy Assessment in Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Remote Sensing Studies: Part 1: Literature Review
* Accuracy Assessment in Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Remote Sensing Studies: Part 2: Recommendations and Best Practices
* Accuracy Assessment in Structure from Motion 3D Reconstruction from UAV-Born Images: The Influence of the Data Processing Methods
* Accuracy Assessment Measures for Object Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Accuracy Assessment of 3D Models Generated from Google Street View Imagery
* Accuracy Assessment of a Canal-Tunnel 3D Model by Comparing Photogrammetry and Laserscanning Recording Techniques
* Accuracy Assessment of A Complex Building 3D Model Reconstructed From Images Acquired with A Low-cost UAS
* Accuracy assessment of a hand-held PPG based ECG acquisition device using 2-D CNN
* Accuracy Assessment of a UAV-based Landslide Monitoring System
* Accuracy Assessment of a UAV Block by Different Software Packages, Processing Schemes and Validation Strategies
* Accuracy assessment of airborne photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital elevation models in a high mountain environment
* Accuracy Assessment of Automated Photogrammetric Techniques for 3D Modeling of Complex Interiors, An
* Accuracy Assessment of Automatically Derived Digital Elevation Models from SPOT Images
* Accuracy Assessment of Building Height Estimation from a High Resolution Optical Image Combined with a Simulated SAR Image
* Accuracy Assessment Of Building Models Created From Laser Scanning Data
* Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
* Accuracy Assessment of Canadian Digital Elevation Data using ICESat
* Accuracy Assessment of CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Image Data-Derived Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of the Drum Mountains, Utah, An
* Accuracy Assessment Of Coastal Topography Derived From UAV Images
* Accuracy Assessment Of Crown Delineation Methods For The Individual Trees Using Lidar Data
* Accuracy Assessment of Derived Digital Elevation Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning in a Sub-Tropical Forested Environment, An
* Accuracy Assessment of Different Digital Surface Models
* Accuracy Assessment of Different Error Adjustment Methods In Closed Traverse Networks; Studying the Impact of Different Observation Error Setups In Different Geometrical Configurations
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs): A Critical Review of Practices of the Past Three Decades
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models based on Approximation Theory
* Accuracy assessment of digital elevation models by means of robust statistical methods
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Surface Models from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles' Imagery on Glaciers
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Terrain Model Dataset Sources for Hydrogeomorphological Modelling in Small Mediterranean Catchments
* Accuracy Assessment of Direct Georeferencing for Photogrammetric Applications on Small Unmanned Aerial Platforms
* Accuracy Assessment of Eleven Medium Resolution Global and Regional Land Cover Land Use Products: A Case Study over the Conterminous United States
* Accuracy Assessment of GEDI Terrain Elevation and Canopy Height Estimates in European Temperate Forests: Influence of Environmental and Acquisition Parameters
* Accuracy Assessment of Georeferenced Point Clouds Produced Via Multi-view Stereo Techniques Applied to Imagery Acquired Via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, An
* Accuracy Assessment of Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent Maps Produced at Three Different Spatial Resolutions
* Accuracy Assessment of GlobeLand30 2010 Land Cover over China Based on Geographically and Categorically Stratified Validation Sample Data
* Accuracy Assessment Of Go Pro Hero 3 (black) Camera In Underwater Environment
* Accuracy Assessment of High-Resolution Globally Available Open-Source DEMs Using ICESat/GLAS over Mountainous Areas, A Case Study in Yunnan Province, China
* Accuracy assessment of high resolution satellite imagery orientation by leave-one-out method
* Accuracy Assessment of Landform Classification Approaches on Different Spatial Scales for the Iranian Loess Plateau
* Accuracy Assessment of Landsat-Derived Continuous Fields of Tree Cover Products Using Airborne Lidar Data in the Eastern United States
* Accuracy assessment of layer decomposition using simulated angiographic image sequences
* Accuracy Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models Based on Approximation Theory
* Accuracy Assessment of Low-Cost Lidar Scanners: An Analysis of the Velodyne HDL-32E and Livox Mid-40's Temporal Stability
* Accuracy Assessment Of Mobile Mapping Point Clouds Using The Existing Environment As Terrestrial Reference
* Accuracy assessment of modeling architectural structures and details using terrestrial laser scanning
* Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2011 impervious cover data for the Chesapeake Bay region, USA
* Accuracy Assessment of Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and Chlorophyll Carotenoid Index (CCI) Derived from GCOM-C/SGLI with In Situ Data
* Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds from LiDAR and Dense Image Matching Acquired Using the UAV Platform for DTM Creation
* Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds Geo-referencing in Surveying And Documentation of Historical Complexes
* Accuracy Assessment of Primary Production Models with and without Photoinhibition Using Ocean-Colour Climate Change Initiative Data in the North East Atlantic Ocean
* Accuracy Assessment of SAR Data-Based Snow-Covered Area Estimation Method
* Accuracy assessment of seven global land cover datasets over China
* Accuracy assessment of single viewing techniques for metric measurements on single images
* Accuracy Assessment of Snow Depth Measurements in Agro-Forested Environments by UAV Lidar, An
* Accuracy Assessment of Stereo-Extracted Data from Airborne SAR Images
* Accuracy Assessment of Surveying Strategies for the Characterization of Microtopographic Features That Influence Surface Water Flooding
* Accuracy assessment of the global TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model with GPS data
* Accuracy Assessment of the Positioning of a Swarm of Underwater Vehicles in Relation to Four Surface Vehicles Using the TDOA Method
* Accuracy Assessment of UAV-Photogrammetric-Derived Products Using PPK and GCPs in Challenging Terrains: In Search of Optimized Rockfall Mapping
* Accuracy Assessment Of Underwater Photogrammetric Three Dimensional Modelling For Coral Reefs
* Accuracy Assessment of Various GIS-Based Viewshed Delineation Techniques, An
* Accuracy assessment on camera calibration method not considering lens distortion
* Accuracy Assessment on MODIS (V006), GLASS and MuSyQ Land-Surface Albedo Products: A Case Study in the Heihe River Basin, China
* Accuracy Assessment, Comparative Performance, and Enhancement of Public Domain Digital Elevation Models (ASTER 30 m, SRTM 30 m, CARTOSAT 30 m, SRTM 90 m, MERIT 90 m, and TanDEM-X 90 m) Using DGPS
* Accuracy Assessments of Local and Global Forest Change Data to Estimate Annual Disturbances in Temperate Forests
* Accuracy Based Adaptive Sampling and Multi-Sensor Scheduling for Collaborative Target Tracking
* Accuracy Booster: Performance Boosting using Feature Map Re-calibration
* Accuracy Bounds and Optimal Computation of Homography for Image Mosaicing Applications
* Accuracy bounds and optimal computation of robot localization
* Accuracy Certified Augmented Reality System for Therapy Guidance, An
* Accuracy Comparison and Assessment of DSM Derived from GFDM Satellite and GF-7 Satellite Imagery
* Accuracy Comparison of Digital Surface Models Created by Unmanned Aerial Systems Imagery and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Accuracy Comparison Of Vhr Systematic-ortho Satellite Imageries Against Vhr Orthorectified Imageries Using Gcp
* Accuracy Comparison on Culvert-Modified Digital Elevation Models of DSMA and BA Methods Using ALS Point Clouds
* Accuracy Enhancement and Feature Extraction for GNSS Daily Time Series Using Adaptive CEEMD-Multi-PCA-Based Filter
* Accuracy Enhancement of ASTER Global Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat Data
* Accuracy Enhancement Of Terrestrial Mobile Lidar Data Using Theory Of Assimilation
* Accuracy Enhancement of Unmanned Helicopter Positioning with Low Cost System
* Accuracy Estimation of a New Omnidirectional 3D Vision Sensor
* Accuracy Estimation of Detection of Casting Defects in X-Ray Images Using Some Statistical Techniques
* Accuracy Estimation of the Optical Flow Methods in the Iris Structure Motion Analysis Via Controlled Deformations
* Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay Inversion from Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Accuracy Evaluation and Branch Detection Method of 3D Modeling Using Backpack 3D Lidar SLAM and UAV-SfM for Peach Trees during the Pruning Period in Winter
* Accuracy Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of Four Global Land Cover Products in the Arctic Region
* Accuracy Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of Estimating 3D Road Centerline Length using Lidar and NED
* Accuracy Evaluation for Plan-Reliefs and Historical Maps Created during WWI in Northern Italy
* Accuracy Evaluation of a Mobile Mapping System with Advanced Statistical Methods
* Accuracy Evaluation of CFOSAT SWIM L2 Products Based on NDBC Buoy and Jason-3 Altimeter Data
* Accuracy Evaluation of Differential Absorption Lidar for Ozone Detection and Intercomparisons with Other Instruments
* Accuracy Evaluation of Four Greenland Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Assessment of River Network Extraction
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ground Points from IKONOS High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ionospheric Delay from Multi-Scale Reference Networks and Its Augmentation to PPP during Low Solar Activity
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ocean Wave Spectra from Sentinel-1 SAR Based on Buoy Observations and ERA5 Data
* Accuracy Evaluation Of Stereo Camera Systems With Generic Camera Models
* Accuracy Evaluation of Stereo Vision Aided Inertial Navigation for Indoor Environments
* Accuracy Evaluation Of Two Global Land Cover Data Sets Over Wetlands Of China
* Accuracy Evaluation on Geolocation of the Chinese First Polar Microsatellite (Ice Pathfinder) Imagery
* Accuracy improved image registration based on pre-estimation and compensation
* Accuracy improvement and cost reduction of 3-step search block matching algorithm for video coding
* Accuracy Improvement for Depth from Small Irregular Camera Motions and Its Performance Evaluation
* Accuracy improvement for handwritten Japanese word recognition by combination of character and word recognizer
* Accuracy Improvement of Airborne Lidar Strip Adjustment by Using Height Data and Surface Feature Strength Information Derived from the Tensor Voting Algorithm
* Accuracy Improvement of Change Detection Based on Color Analysis
* Accuracy Improvement Of DEM For Generating Orthophoto By Reverse Projection Method
* Accuracy Improvement of DGPS for Low-Cost Single-Frequency Receiver Using Modified Flächen Korrektur Parameter Correction
* Accuracy improvement of handwritten numeral recognition by mirror image learning
* Accuracy Improvement of High-Resolution Wide-Swath Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging with Low Pule Repetition Frequency
* Accuracy improvement of histogram-based image filtering
* Accuracy Improvement of Lung Cancer Detection Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis of Thoracic CT Scans
* Accuracy Improvement of Melanosome Tracking by Error Correction
* Accuracy Improvement of Pulmonary Nodule Detection Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis of Thoracic CT Scans
* Accuracy Improvement of Slant Estimation for Handwritten Words
* Accuracy Improvement of Viewpoint-Free Scene Character Recognition by Rotation Angle Estimation
* Accuracy Improvements in the Orientation of ALOS PRISM Images Using IOP Estimation and UCL Kepler Platform Model
* Accuracy Improvements to Pixel-Based and Object-Based LULC Classification with Auxiliary Datasets from Google Earth Engine
* Accuracy in Colour Reproduction: Using a ColorChecker Chart to Assess the Usefulness and Comparability of Data Acquired with Two Hyper-Spectral Systems
* Accuracy in Estimation of Timber Assortments and Stem Distribution: A Comparison of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques
* Accuracy in Robot Generated Image Data Sets
* Accuracy Index with Positional and Thematic Fuzzy Bounds for Land-use / Land-cover Maps, An
* Accuracy Investigation for Structured-light Based Consumer 3D Sensors
* Accuracy Investigation of a Vision Based System for Pose Measurements
* Accuracy Investigation of Orthoimages Obtained from High Resolution Satellite Stereo Pairs
* Accuracy Investigations of Image Matching Techniques By Means of A Textured Dumbbell Artefact
* Accuracy Issues for Spatial Update of Digital Cadastral Maps
* Accuracy of 3D city models: EuroSDR comparison
* Accuracy of 3D Parameters in Correspondence-Based Techniques, The
* Accuracy of 3D Parameters in Correspondence-Based Techniques: Startup and Updating, The
* Accuracy of 3D range scanners by measurement of the slanted edge modulation transfer function
* Accuracy Of 3d Reconstruction In An Illumination Dome
* Accuracy of 3D scanning technologies in a face scanning scenario
* Accuracy of a Driver-Assistance System in a Collision Scenario
* Accuracy of a high-level, loss-tolerant video fingerprint for surveillance authentication
* Accuracy of a Low-Cost Novel Computer-Vision Dynamic Movement Assessment: Potential Limitations and Future Directions
* Accuracy of a Model-Free Algorithm for Temporal InSAR Tropospheric Correction
* Accuracy of a supervised classification of the artificial objects in thermal hyperspectral images
* Accuracy of Airborne Lidar-Derived Elevation: Empirical Assessment and Error Budget
* Accuracy of Carotid Strain Estimates From Ultrasonic Wall Tracking: A Study Based on Multiphysics Simulations and In Vivo Data
* Accuracy of CHIRPS Satellite-Rainfall Products over Mainland China
* Accuracy of Code GNSS Receivers under Various Conditions
* Accuracy of Copernicus Altimeter Water Level Data in Italian Rivers Accounting for Narrow River Sections
* Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
* Accuracy of curve approximation by harmonically related vectors with elliptical loci
* Accuracy of Deformation Rates from Campaign GPS Surveys Considering Extended Observation Session and Antenna Set-Up Errors
* accuracy of Digital Elevation Models interpolated to higher resolutions, The
* Accuracy of Exterior Orientation for a Range Camera
* Accuracy of Faraday Rotation Estimation in Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* Accuracy of feature selection and extraction in statistical and neural net pattern classification
* Accuracy of Fluorescent Tomography in the Presence of Heterogeneities: Study of the Normalized Born Ratio
* Accuracy of Forest Parameters Derived from Medium Footprint Lidar under Operational Constraints
* Accuracy of gaze point estimation in immersive 3D interaction interface based on eye tracking
* Accuracy of Global Ionosphere Maps in Relation to Their Time Interval
* Accuracy of Gradient-Based Optical Flow Estimation in High-Frame-Rate Video Analysis
* Accuracy of ground-based microwave radiometer and balloon-borne measurements during the WVIOP2000 field experiment
* Accuracy of Ground Surface Interpolation from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) Data in Dense Forest Cover
* Accuracy of Iris Recognition Systems Degrades with Increase in Elapsed Time
* Accuracy of Lacunarity Algorithms in Texture Classification of High Spatial Resolution Images from Urban Areas
* Accuracy of Laplacian Edge Detectors
* Accuracy of large-scale canopy heights derived from LiDAR data under operational constraints in a complex alpine environment
* Accuracy of Laser Scanners for Measuring Surfaces made of Synthetic Materials
* Accuracy Of Measurement Using A Pair Of Stereo Images Acquired By Finepix Real 3d W1 Without Controls
* Accuracy of Measurements in Oblique Aerial Images for Urban Environment
* Accuracy of Measuring the Bottom of a Pond by Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB)
* Accuracy of MLP Based Data Visualization Used in Oil Prices Forecasting Task
* Accuracy of Nearshore Bathymetry Inverted From X -Band Radar and Optical Video Data
* Accuracy of Precipitation Forecasts at Timescales of 1-15 Days in the Volta River Basin, The
* Accuracy of Propagation Models for Distance Measurement between WSN Nodes, The
* Accuracy of Pseudo-Inverse Covariance Learning: A Random Matrix Theory Analysis
* Accuracy of q-Space Related Parameters in MRI: Simulations and Phantom Measurements
* Accuracy of Real-Time hmF2 Estimation from Ionosondes, The
* Accuracy of Reconstruction of the Tree Stem Surface Using Terrestrial Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Accuracy of Rectification Using Topographic Map versus GPS Ground Control Points
* Accuracy of Regional Centrality Using Social Network Analysis: Evidence from Commuter Flow in South Korea
* Accuracy of Rockfall Volume Reconstruction from Point Cloud Data: Evaluating the Influences of Data Quality and Filtering
* Accuracy of Sentinel-1 PSI and SBAS InSAR Displacement Velocities against GNSS and Geodetic Leveling Monitoring Data
* Accuracy of Spherical Harmonic Approximations for Images of Lambertian Objects under Far and Near Lighting
* Accuracy of Sub-Pixel Localisation in the Canny Edge Detector, The
* Accuracy of Subjects in a Quality Experiment: A Theoretical Subject Model, The
* Accuracy of sun localization in the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation for north determination: a planetarium experiment
* Accuracy of the Computation of Optical Flow and the Recovery of Motion Parameters, The
* Accuracy of the Copernicus High-Resolution Layer Imperviousness Density (HRL IMD) Assessed by Point Sampling within Pixels
* Accuracy of the Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) Algorithm for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in MRI
* Accuracy of the regularised dynamic programming stereo
* Accuracy of the spider model in decomposing layered surfaces
* Accuracy of the straight line Hough Transform: The non-voting approach
* Accuracy of the TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model for Coastal Geomorphological Studies in Patagonia (South Argentina)
* Accuracy of Trajectories Estimation in a Driver-Assistance Context
* Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
* Accuracy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and SfM Photogrammetry Survey as a Function of the Number and Location of Ground Control Points Used
* Accuracy of Unsupervised Classification to Determine Coral Health Using Spot-6 and Sentinel-2a
* Accuracy of Vaisala RS41 and RS92 Upper Tropospheric Humidity Compared to Satellite Hyperspectral Infrared Measurements
* Accuracy of velocity estimation by Reichardt correlators
* Accuracy of Winter Wheat Identification at Different Growth Stages Using Remote Sensing, The
* Accuracy Optimization for High Resolution Object-Based Change Detection: An Example Mapping Regional Urbanization with 1-m Aerial Imagery
* Accuracy Potential And Applications Of Midas Aerial Oblique Camera System
* Accuracy prediction for pedestrian detection
* Accuracy Requirements and Sources for 3D Reconstructions of the Prehistoric Archaeological Sites: The Case of Agios Antonios Chomatas (Crete), The
* Accuracy Test of Microsoft Kinect for Human Morphologic Measurements
* Accuracy to Differentiate Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Using Cortical Features
* Accuracy Validation of Tilted Camera Setups In Open Skies Project And Mapping Applications
* Accuracy Verification and Correction of D-InSAR and SBAS-InSAR in Monitoring Mining Surface Subsidence
* Accuracy verification and enhancement in 3D modeling: Application to Donatello's Maddalena
* Accuracy Verification of Airborne Large-Footprint Lidar Based on Terrain Features
* Accuracy Verification of GPS-INS Method in Indonesia
* Accuracy Verification of Satellite Products and Temporal and Spatial Distribution Analysis and Prediction of the CH4 Concentration in China
* Accuracy versus speed in context-based object detection
* Accuracy vs. complexity: A trade-off in visual question answering models
* Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-Offs in Optical Flow Algorithms
* Accuracy, Apps Advance Speech Recognition
* Accuracy, Bias, and Improvements in Mapping Crops and Cropland across the United States Using the USDA Cropland Data Layer
* Accuracy, Efficiency, and Transferability of a Deep Learning Model for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across the Canadian Arctic
* Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of SPOT HRV and Terra ASTER digital elevation models
* Accurate 3-D Measurement Using a Single Video Camera
* Accurate 3-D Motion Tracking with an Application to Super-Resolution
* Accurate 3-D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras using Depth Map Fusion and Pose Refinement
* Accurate 3-D Shape Recovery using Curved Window Focus Measure
* Accurate 3-DoF Camera Geo-Localization via Ground-to-Satellite Image Matching
* Accurate 3D acquisition of freely moving objects
* Accurate 3D action recognition using learning on the Grassmann manifold
* Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semantic Attributes
* Accurate 3D bone segmentation in challenging CT images: Bottom-up parsing and contextualized optimization
* Accurate 3D car pose estimation
* Accurate 3D Cell Segmentation Using Deep Features and CRF Refinement
* Accurate 3D comparison of complex topography with terrestrial laser scanner: Application to the Rangitikei canyon (N-Z)
* Accurate 3D face modeling and recognition from RGB-D stream in the presence of large pose changes
* Accurate 3D face reconstruction from weakly calibrated wide baseline images with profile contours
* Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Facial Component Tokens
* Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation for Whole-Body 3D Human Mesh Estimation
* Accurate 3D hand pose estimation network utilizing joints information
* Accurate 3D image colour histogram transformation
* Accurate 3D Left-Right Brain Hemisphere Segmentation in MR Images Based on Shape Bottlenecks and Partial Volume Estimation
* Accurate 3D Localization of a Camera Using a Guide-Mark, An
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Complex Texture Objects by Height Compensation Using a Dual-Projector Structure
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Highly Specular Surface using Laser and Stereo Reconstruction
* Accurate 3d Measurement Using A Structured Light System
* Accurate 3D Modelling by Fusion of Potentially Reliable Active Range and Passive Stereo Data
* Accurate 3D Multi-marker Tracking in X-ray Cardiac Sequences Using a Two-Stage Graph Modeling Approach
* Accurate 3D Object Detection using Energy-Based Models
* Accurate 3D pose estimation from a single depth image
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction from Small Motion Clip for Rolling Shutter Cameras
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects by Spatial-Temporal Multiplexing and Motion-Induced Error Elimination
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Image Sequences with Severe Occlusions
* Accurate 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes with Fourier transform assisted phase shifting
* Accurate 3D reconstruction via surface-consistency
* Accurate 3D Scanning of Damaged Ancient Greek Inscriptions for Revealing Weathered Letters
* Accurate 3D Scanning of Swaying Human Body Parts by One Projection Based on OIMP Technique
* Accurate 3D shape estimation based on combinatorial optimization
* Accurate 3D Structure Measurements from Two Uncalibrated Views
* Accurate 3D Textured Models of Vessels for the Improvement of the Educational Tools of a Museum
* Accurate 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects with Occlusion Using Active Appearance Models
* Accurate 3D UWB radar super-resolution imaging for a bi-static antenna configuration
* Accurate 6DOF Pose Tracking for Texture-Less Objects
* Accurate abandoned and removed object classification using hierarchical finite state machine
* accurate active shape model for facial feature extraction, An
* accurate algorithm for color to gray and back, An
* accurate algorithm for head detection based on XYZ and HSV hair and skin color models, An
* Accurate alignment of functional EPI data to anatomical MRI using a physics-based distortion model
* Accurate Analytical BER Performance for ZF Receivers Under Imperfect Channel in Low-SNR Region for Large Receiving Antennas
* accurate and adaptive optical flow estimation algorithm, An
* Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical coherence tomography data suffering from low signal-to-noise levels
* Accurate and Automatic Alignment of Range Surfaces
* Accurate and Computationally-inexpensive Recovery of Ego-Motion using Optical Flow and Range Flow with Extended Temporal Support
* accurate and computationally efficient algorithm for ground peak identification in large footprint waveform LiDAR data, An
* accurate and contrast invariant junction detector, An
* Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorized Hexacopter, Helium Balloons and Photo Modelling: A Case Study
* Accurate and Diverse Sampling of Sequences Based on a Best of Many Sample Objective
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation Algorithm Using Single Depth Images for Pose Analysis in Golf
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Panoptic Mapping Using Diverse Information Modalities and Multidimensional Data Association
* Accurate and Efficient Approximation of the Continuous Gaussian Scale-Space
* Accurate and Efficient Background Subtraction by Monotonic Second-Degree Polynomial Fitting
* Accurate and Efficient Bayesian Method for Automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI, An
* Accurate and Efficient BP Algorithm Based on Precise Slant Range Model and Rapid Range History Construction Method for GEO SAR, An
* Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Three-Dimensional Cost Distance
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of Gabor Features in Real-Time Applications
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of High Order Zernike Moments
* Accurate and Efficient Cost Aggregation Strategy for Stereo Correspondence Based on Approximated Joint Bilateral Filtering
* Accurate and efficient cross-domain visual matching leveraging multiple feature representations
* Accurate and Efficient Curve Detection in Images: The Importance Sampling Hough Transform
* Accurate and Efficient Face Recognition from Video
* Accurate and Efficient Fixed Point Inference for Deep Neural Networks
* Accurate and Efficient Gesture Spotting via Pruning and Subgesture Reasoning
* Accurate and efficient ground-to-aerial model alignment
* Accurate and Efficient Image Super-Resolution via Global-Local Adjusting Dense Network
* Accurate and Efficient Method for Smoothly Space-Variant Gaussian Blurring
* Accurate and Efficient Non-Parametric Background Detection for Video Surveillance
* Accurate and Efficient Optic Disc Detection and Segmentation by a Circular Transformation
* Accurate and efficient pulse measurement from facial videos on smartphones
* Accurate and Efficient Quaternion-Based Visualization Approach to 2D/3D Vector Data for the Mobile Augmented Reality Map, An
* Accurate and efficient reconstruction of 3D faces from stereo images
* Accurate and efficient salient object detection via position prior attention
* Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocabularies of multi-feature space representations
* Accurate and Efficient Single Image Super-resolution with Matrix Channel Attention Network
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching via Attention Concatenation Volume
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Processing by Semi-Global Matching and Mutual Information
* Accurate and Efficient Supervoxel Re-Segmentation Approach for Large-Scale Point Clouds Using Plane Constraints, An
* Accurate and efficient vehicle detection framework based on SSD algorithm
* Accurate and Efficient Voting Scheme for a Maximally All-Inlier 3D Correspondence Set, An
* Accurate And Fast Building Detection Using Binary Bag-of-features
* Accurate and Fast Compressed Video Captioning
* Accurate and fast extraction of adhesive cells based on concave points detection and matching
* Accurate and Fast Image Denoising via Attention Guided Scaling
* Accurate and fast micro lenses depth maps from a 3D point cloud in light field cameras
* Accurate and Fast Pattern Localization Algorithm for Automated Visual Inspection, An
* accurate and fast point-to-plane registration technique, An
* Accurate and fast single shot multibox detector
* Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Accurate and Lightweight Method for Human Body Image Super-Resolution, An
* Accurate and Linear Time Pose Estimation from Points and Lines
* Accurate and Low Complexity Approach of Detecting Circular Shape Objects in Still Color Images, An
* Accurate and Model-Free Pose Estimation of Small Objects for Crash Video Analysis
* accurate and noninvasive skin cancer screening based on imaging technique, An
* Accurate and occlusion-robust multi-view stereo
* Accurate and Practical Calibration of a Depth and Color Camera Pair
* Accurate and precise 2D-3D registration based on X-ray intensity
* Accurate and quasi-automatic lip tracking
* Accurate and Rapid Broadcast Ephemerides for Beidou-Maneuvered Satellites
* Accurate and Rapid Extraction of Aquatic Vegetation in the China Side of the Amur River Basin Based on Landsat Imagery
* Accurate and Real-time Image Processing on a New PC-compatible Board
* accurate and real-time multi-view face detector using ORFs and doubly domain-partitioning classifier, An
* Accurate and Real-Time Object Detection Based on Bird's Eye View on 3D Point Clouds
* Accurate and Reliable Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Softmax Loss With Fixed Weights
* Accurate and Reliable Human Localization Using Composite Particle/FIR Filtering
* Accurate and Robust 3D Facial Capture Using a Single RGBD Camera
* Accurate and Robust Artificial Marker Based on Cyclic Codes, An
* Accurate and Robust Eye Center Localization by Deep Voting
* accurate and robust face identification scheme, An
* Accurate and robust face recognition from RGB-D images with a deep learning approach
* Accurate and robust feature-based homography estimation using HALF-SIFT and feature localization error weighting
* Accurate and Robust Image Alignment for Road Profile Reconstruction
* Accurate and Robust Image Correspondence for Structure-From-Motion and its Application to Multi-View Stereo
* Accurate and robust line segment extraction by analyzing distribution around peaks in Hough space
* Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy With Hough Transform
* Accurate and robust localization of duplicated region in copy-move image forgery
* Accurate and robust marker localization algorithm for camera calibration
* Accurate and Robust Range Image Registration Algorithm for 3D Object Modeling, An
* Accurate and robust registration for in-hand modeling
* Accurate and robust registration of high-speed railway viaduct point clouds using closing conditions and external geometric constraints
* Accurate and Robust Registration of Nonrigid Surface Using Hierarchical Statistical Shape Model
* Accurate and Robust Rotation-Invariant Estimation for High-Precision Outdoor AR Geo-Registration
* Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced Diffusion
* Accurate and robust visual SLAM with a novel ray-to-ray line measurement model
* Accurate and robust visual tracking using bounding box refinement and online sample filtering
* Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images
* Accurate and Serialized Dense Point Cloud Reconstruction for Aerial Video Sequences
* Accurate and simple geometric calibration of multi-camera systems
* Accurate and speedy computation of image Legendre moments for computer vision applications
* Accurate and Stable Camera Calibration of Broadcast Tennis Video
* Accurate and Stable Sliding DFT Computed by a Modified CIC Filter, An
* Accurate and stable vision in robot soccer
* Accurate Annotation of Remote Sensing Images via Active Spectral Clustering with Little Expert Knowledge
* Accurate appearance-based Bayesian tracking for maneuvering targets
* Accurate Approach for Microaneurysm Detection in Digital Fundus Images, An
* Accurate Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detection via Iterative Polynomial Parameter Regression
* Accurate Atmospheric Correction of ASTER Thermal Infrared Imagery Using the WVS Method
* Accurate Attitude Estimation of a Moving Land Vehicle Using Low-Cost MEMS IMU Sensors
* Accurate Automatic Frame Fitting for Semantic-Based Moving Image Coding Using a Facial Code-Book
* Accurate Automatic Localization of Surfaces of Revolution for Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction
* Accurate Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection in a Dynamic Scene
* Accurate Background Subtraction Using Dynamic Object Presence Probability in Sports Scenes
* Accurate ball detection in soccer images using probabilistic analysis of salient regions
* Accurate Bit-Rate and Quality Control for the MPEG Video Coder
* accurate bit-rate control algorithm for video transcoding, An
* accurate bit-rate control for real-time MPEG video encoder, An
* accurate black lung detection using transfer learning based on deep neural networks, An
* Accurate Blur Models vs. Image Priors in Single Image Super-resolution
* Accurate Boundary Localization using Dynamic Programming on Snakes
* Accurate Boundary Location from Motion
* Accurate bounding-box regression with distance-IoU loss for visual tracking
* Accurate Building Extraction from Fused DSM and UAV Images Using a Chain Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Accurate Building Structure Recovery from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Accurate Calculation of Image Moments
* Accurate Calculation of the Irradiance of Optical Images
* Accurate Calculation of Upper Biomass Volume of Single Trees Using Matrixial Representation of LiDAR Data
* Accurate Calculations of Emissivities of Polar Ocean Surfaces Between 0.5 and 2 GHz Using an NIBC/Nystrom/SMCG Method
* Accurate calibration of CCD-cameras
* Accurate Calibration of LiDAR-Camera Systems Using Ordinary Boxes
* Accurate Calibration Scheme for a Multi-Camera Mobile Mapping System
* Accurate camera calibration for hand-held camera in multi-view stereo reconstruction
* accurate camera calibration for the aerial image analysis, An
* Accurate Camera Calibration from Multi-View Stereo and Bundle Adjustment
* Accurate Camera Calibration Robust to Defocus Using a Smartphone
* Accurate camera calibration using iterative refinement of control points
* Accurate Camera Pose Estimation for KinectFusion Based on Line Segment Matching by LEHF
* Accurate Cascade Graphic Equalizer
* Accurate Catadioptric Calibration for Real-time Pose Estimation of Room-size Environments
* Accurate Cell Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images via Attention Enforced Networks
* Accurate Centerline Detection and Line Width Estimation of Thick Lines Using the Radon Transform
* Accurate Cervical Cell Segmentation from Overlapping Clumps in Pap Smear Images
* Accurate Changing Point Detection for L_1 Mean Filtering
* Accurate chequerboard corner localisation for camera calibration
* Accurate Classification for Automatic Vehicle-Type Recognition Based on Ensemble Classifiers
* Accurate classification of nodules and non-nodules from computed tomography images based on radiomics and machine learning algorithms
* Accurate Closed-form Estimation of Local Affine Transformations Consistent with the Epipolar Geometry
* Accurate Color Discrimination with Classification Based on Feature Distributions
* Accurate color synthesis of three-dimensional objects in an image
* Accurate Compensation Makes the World More Clear for the Visually Impaired
* Accurate Computation of Optical Flow by Using Layered Motion Representations
* Accurate Computation of Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments
* Accurate Computation of Zernike Moments in Polar Coordinates
* Accurate content-based video copy detection with efficient feature indexing
* Accurate Contour Detection Based on Snakes for Objects with Boundary Concavities
* Accurate Corner Detection: An Analytical Study
* Accurate coverage summarization of UAV videos
* Accurate Curvature Estimation along Digital Contours with Maximal Digital Circular Arcs
* Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imagery and Phone-Grade GPS
* Accurate dense optical flow estimation using adaptive structure tensors and a parametric model
* Accurate Dense Stereo by Constraining Local Consistency on Superpixels
* Accurate dense stereo matching for road scenes
* Accurate depth-color scene modeling for 3D contents generation with low cost depth cameras
* Accurate depth-map refinement by per-pixel plane fitting for stereo vision
* Accurate Depth and Normal Maps from Occlusion-Aware Focal Stack Symmetry
* Accurate Depth Dependent Lens Distortion Models: An Application to Planar View Scenarios
* Accurate depth estimation using structured light and passive stereo disparity estimation
* Accurate Depth Extraction Method for Multiple Light-Coding-Based Depth Cameras
* Accurate depth image generation via overfit training of point cloud registration using local frame sets
* Accurate depth map estimation from a lenslet light field camera
* Accurate Depth Map Estimation from Small Motions
* Accurate depth map estimation from video via MRF optimization
* Accurate derivation of stem curve and volume using backpack mobile laser scanning
* Accurate Despeckling and Estimation of Polarimetric Features by Means of a Spatial Decorrelation of the Noise in Complex PolSAR Data
* Accurate Detection and Recognition of Dirty Vehicle Plate Numbers for High-Speed Applications
* Accurate Detection for Scene Texts with a Cascaded CNN Networks
* Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic Registration Based Validation
* Accurate Detection of 3d Tubular Tree Structures
* Accurate detection of a drastic change between successive pictures
* Accurate detection of COVID-19 patients based on distance biased Naïve Bayes (DBNB) classification strategy
* Accurate Detection of Edge Orientation for Color and Multi-spectral Imagery
* Accurate detection of ellipses with false detection control at video rates using a gradient analysis
* Accurate Detection of Proteins in Cryo-Electron Tomograms from Sparse Labels
* Accurate Determination of Glacier Surface Velocity Fields with a DEM-Assisted Pixel-Tracking Technique from SAR Imagery
* Accurate Determination of Underground GPR Wavefront and B-Scan Shape From Above-Ground Point Sources
* Accurate Dictionary Learning with Direct Sparsity Control
* Accurate Digital Subsidence Model for Deformation Detection of Coal Mining Areas Using a UAV-Based LiDAR, An
* Accurate direct georeferencing of aerial imagery in national coordinates
* Accurate Discharge Estimation Based on River Widths of SWOT and Constrained At-Many-Stations Hydraulic Geometry
* accurate discrete Fourier transform for image processing, An
* Accurate Disparity Estimation for Plenoptic Images
* Accurate Distortion-Driven Macroblock Level Rate Control via rho-Domain Analysis
* Accurate Distortion Estimation and Optimal Bandwidth Allocation for Scalable H.264 Video Transmission Over MIMO Systems
* Accurate distortion measurement for B-spline-based shape coding
* Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding
* Accurate Doppler Parameters Calculation Method of Geosynchronous SAR Considering Real-Time Zero-Doppler Centroid Control, An
* Accurate Dynamic Scene Model for Moving Object Detection
* Accurate Dynamic Sketching of Faces from Video
* Accurate edge-preserving stereo matching by enhancing anisotropy
* Accurate Edge Detection for Multiple Scale Processing
* Accurate Edge Location Identification Based on Location-Directed Image Modeling
* Accurate efficient mosaicking for Wide Area Aerial Surveillance
* Accurate Ego-Vehicle Global Localization at Intersections Through Alignment of Visual Data With Digital Map
* Accurate Ellipse Extraction in Low-Quality Images
* Accurate estimates of land surface energy fluxes and irrigation requirements from UAV-based thermal and multispectral sensors
* accurate estimation of 3-D position and orientation of a moving object for robot stereo vision: Kalman filter approach, An
* Accurate Estimation of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using GNSS Observations and Surface Meteorological Data
* Accurate Estimation of Body Height From a Single Depth Image via a Four-Stage Developing Network
* Accurate Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Coastal Areas of the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean) Using Sentinel-2 and Its Application in the Selection of Areas for Mussel Aquaculture
* Accurate Estimation of Discontinuous Optical Flow by Minimizing Divergence Related Functionals
* Accurate estimation of elliptical shape parameters from a grey-level image
* Accurate Estimation of Gaussian and Mean Curvature in Volumetric Images
* Accurate Estimation of Human Body Orientation From RGB-D Sensors
* Accurate Estimation of Object Location in an Image Sequence Using Helicopter Flight Data
* Accurate Estimation of Orientation Parameters of UAV Images Through Image Registration with Aerial Oblique Imagery
* Accurate Estimation of Personalized Video Preference Using Multiple Users' Viewing Behavior
* Accurate estimation of pulmonary nodule's growth rate in CT images with nonrigid registration and precise nodule detection and segmentation
* Accurate estimation of the boundaries of a structured light pattern
* Accurate Estimation of the Fisher Information Matrix for the PET Image Reconstruction Problem
* Accurate Estimation of the Proportion of Mixed Land Use at the Street-Block Level by Integrating High Spatial Resolution Images and Geospatial Big Data
* Accurate Event-Driven Motion Compensation in High-Resolution PET Incorporating Scattered and Random Events
* Accurate Extraction of Ground Objects from Remote Sensing Image Based on Mark Clustering Point Process
* Accurate Extraction of Human Face Area using Subspace Method and Genetic Algorithm
* Accurate Extraction of Reciprocal Space Information from Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
* Accurate eye-like segmentation in a heavily untextured contrasted scene
* Accurate eye center localization using Snakuscule
* Accurate eye center location and tracking using isophote curvature
* Accurate Eye Center Location through Invariant Isocentric Patterns
* accurate eye localization approach for smart embedded system, An
* Accurate eye localization in low and standard definition content
* Accurate eye localization in the Short Waved Infrared Spectrum through summation range filters
* accurate eye pupil localization approach based on adaptive gradient boosting decision tree, An
* Accurate Eye Pupil Localization Using Heterogeneous CNN Models
* Accurate facade feature extraction method for buildings from three-dimensional point cloud data considering structural information
* Accurate Face Alignment using Shape Constrained Markov Network
* Accurate Face Localisation for Faces under Active Near-IR Illumination
* Accurate Face Localization in Videos Using Effective Information Propagation
* Accurate face models from uncalibrated and ill-lit video sequences
* Accurate Facial Image Parsing at Real-Time Speed
* Accurate Facial Landmark Extraction
* Accurate Facial Landmarks Detection for Frontal Faces with Extended Tree-Structured Models
* Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* Accurate fall detection using 3-axis accelerometer sensor and MLF algorithm
* Accurate feature detection and matching for the tracking of calibration parameters in multi-camera acquisition systems
* Accurate Feature Extraction and Control Point Correction for Camera Calibration with a Mono-Plane Target
* Accurate Feature Point Matching Algorithm for Automatic Remote Sensing Image Registration, An
* Accurate Few-shot Object Detection with Support-Query Mutual Guidance and Hybrid Loss
* Accurate fibre orientation measurement for carbon fibre surfaces
* Accurate Fine-Grained Object Recognition with Structure-Driven Relation Graph Networks
* Accurate fingertip detection from binocular mask images
* Accurate Focusing and Resolution Analysis Method in Geosynchronous SAR, The
* Accurate Foreground Extraction Using Graph Cut with Trimap Estimation
* Accurate Foreground Segmentation without Pre-learning
* Accurate Full Body Scanning from a Single Fixed 3D Camera
* Accurate fusion of robot, camera and wireless sensors for surveillance applications
* Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing
* Accurate Geo-Referencing of Trees with No or Inaccurate Terrestrial Location Devices
* Accurate Geo-Registration by Ground-to-Aerial Image Matching
* Accurate GEO SAR Range Model for Ultralong Integration Time Based on mth-Order Taylor Expansion, An
* Accurate Geocoding Method for GB-SAR Images Based on Solution Space Search and Its Application in Landslide Monitoring, An
* Accurate Geometric Correction of ATSR Images
* Accurate Georegistration of Point Clouds Using Geographic Data
* Accurate Global Localization Using Visual Odometry and Digital Maps on Urban Environments
* Accurate glottal model parametrization by integrating audio and high-speed endoscopic video data
* Accurate Gravity Compensation Method for High-Precision Airborne POS, An
* Accurate Hand Keypoint Localization on Mobile Devices
* Accurate hardware-based stereo vision
* accurate Harmony Search based algorithm for the blind deconvolution of binary images, An
* Accurate Head Pose Estimation Based on Multi-Stage Regression
* Accurate Head Pose Estimation Using Image Rectification and a Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Accurate Head Pose Tracking in Low Resolution Video
* Accurate heart-rate estimation from face videos using quality-based fusion
* Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on Sparse Coding of Superpixels
* Accurate High-Order Errors Suppression and Cancellation Method for High-Precision Airborne POS, An
* Accurate High-Resolution Measurements of 3-D Tissue Dynamics With Registration-Enhanced Displacement Encoded MRI
* Accurate Human-Limb Segmentation in RGB-D Images for Intelligent Mobility Assistance Robots
* Accurate Human Motion Capture Using an Ergonomics-Based Anthropometric Human Model
* Accurate Human Pose Estimation by Aggregating Multiple Pose Hypotheses Using Modified Kernel Density Approximation
* Accurate Identification of a Markov-Gibbs Model for Texture Synthesis by Bunch Sampling
* Accurate Identification of Pine Wood Nematode Disease with a Deep Convolution Neural Network
* Accurate Identification of Tomograms of Lung Nodules Using Cnn: Influence of the Optimizer, Preprocessing and Segmentation
* Accurate IFS-Based Image Enlargement Method using Line Process, An
* Accurate Image-Guided Stereo Matching With Efficient Matching Cost and Disparity Refinement
* Accurate Image Domain Noise Insertion in CT Images
* Accurate Image Localization Based on Google Maps Street View
* Accurate Image Matching in Scenes Including Repetitive Patterns
* Accurate image noise level estimation by high order polynomial local surface approximation and statistical inference
* Accurate Image Processing Algorithm for Detecting FISH Probe Locations Relative to Chromosome Landmarks on DAPI Stained Metaphase Chromosome Images, An
* Accurate image reconstruction from few-view and limited-angle data in diffraction tomography Virtual Journal
* Accurate Image Reconstruction with the Source Space Tree Algorithm (SSTA) for Compton CT
* Accurate image registration for MAP image super-resolution
* Accurate Image Rotation Using Hermite Expansions
* Accurate Image Search Using the Contextual Dissimilarity Measure
* Accurate Image Search with Multi-Scale Contextual Evidences
* Accurate image specular highlight removal based on light field imaging
* Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* Accurate Imaging of Multicomponent GPR Data Based on Exact Radiation Patterns
* Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images via Adaptive and Dynamic Feature Learning
* Accurate integration of multi-view range images using k-means clustering
* Accurate Interactive Animation of Deformable Models At Arbitrary Resolution
* Accurate Internal Camera Calibration Using Rotation, with Analysis of Sources of Error
* Accurate Interpolation in Appearance-Based Pose Estimation
* Accurate Intrinsic Calibration of Depth Camera with Cuboids
* Accurate Inversion of 3-D Transformation Fields
* Accurate Iris Boundary Detection in Iris-Based Biometric Authentication Process
* Accurate iris localization using contour segments
* Accurate Iris Recognition at a Distance Using Stabilized Iris Encoding and Zernike Moments Phase Features
* Accurate Iris Segmentation Framework Under Relaxed Imaging Constraints Using Total Variation Model, An
* Accurate Iterative FBP Reconstruction Method for Material Decomposition of Dual Energy CT
* Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Accurate Junction Detection and Characterization in Natural Images
* Accurate junction detection and reconstruction in line-drawing images
* Accurate keyframe selection and keypoint tracking for robust visual odometry
* Accurate Landmarking of Three-Dimensional Facial Data in the Presence of Facial Expressions and Occlusions Using a Three-Dimensional Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Accurate leukocoria predictor based on deep VGG-net CNN technique
* Accurate light field depth estimation under occlusion
* Accurate Light Field Depth Estimation With Superpixel Regularization Over Partially Occluded Regions
* Accurate lightpen
* Accurate line parameter estimation using a Hough transform algorithm and focus of attention
* Accurate Line Parameters from an Optimising Hough Transform for Vanishing Point Detection
* Accurate Liver Border Identification Model in CT Scan Images
* Accurate Localization and Pose Estimation for Large 3D Models
* Accurate localization by fusing images and GPS signals
* Accurate localization for mobile device using a multi-planar city model
* Accurate Localization of 3D Objects from RGB-D Data Using Segmentation Hypotheses
* Accurate Localization of Brain Activity in Presurgical fMRI by Structure Adaptive Smoothing
* Accurate localization of cortical convolutions in MR brain images
* Accurate Localization of Edges in Noisy Volume Images
* Accurate Localization of Four Extreme Corners for Barcode Images Captured by Mobile Phones
* Accurate localization of moving objects in dynamic environment for small unmanned aerial vehicle platform using global averaging
* Accurate Localization of Oil Tanks in Remote Sensing Images via FGMRST-Based CNN
* Accurate Localization of Optic Radiation During Neurosurgery in an Interventional MRI Suite
* Accurate Long-Term Multiple People Tracking Using Video and Body-Worn IMUs
* Accurate Low-Complexity Rate Control Algorithm Based on (rho,q)-Domain, An
* Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive Appearance-Guided Shape Modeling
* Accurate M-hausdorff distance similarity combining distance orientation for matching multi-modal sensor images
* Accurate Map Matching Method for Mobile Phone Signaling Data Under Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty
* Accurate Mapping and Evaluation of Small Impact Craters within the Lunar Landing Area
* Accurate Mapping Method for UAV Photogrammetry Without Ground Control Points in the Map Projection Frame
* Accurate Mapping of Forest Types Using Dense Seasonal Landsat Time-Series
* Accurate Maps of Reef-Scale Bathymetry with Synchronized Underwater Cameras and GNSS
* Accurate Maritime Radio Propagation Loss Prediction Approach Employing Neural Networks, An
* Accurate marker based distance measurement with single camera
* Accurate Matching and Reconstruction of Line Features from Ultra High Resolution Stereo Aerial Images
* Accurate Matching Method for Projecting Vector Data into Surveillance Video to Monitor and Protect Cultivated Land, An
* Accurate Matching of 2-Dimensional Shapes Using the Minimal Tolerance Zone Error
* Accurate Matching of Invariant Features Derived from Irregular Curves
* Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damage to Roadside Trees and Urban Forests Using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Accurate Measurement of Bone Mineral Density Using Clinical CT Imaging With Single Energy Beam Spectral Intensity Correction
* Accurate Measurement of Cartilage Morphology Using a 3D Laser Scanner
* Accurate Measurement of Normal Vectors and Principal Curvatures of the Left Ventricle from MRI Data Using Variational Calculus
* Accurate Measurement of Orientation from Stereo Using Line Correspondence
* Accurate Measurement of Tropical Forest Canopy Heights and Aboveground Carbon Using Structure From Motion
* Accurate merging of images for predictive analysis using combined image
* Accurate mesh-based alignment for ground and aerial multi-view stereo models
* Accurate mesh representation of vector-valued (color) images
* accurate method for 3D object reconstruction from unordered sparse views, An
* Accurate Method for Correction of Head Movement in PET, An
* Accurate Method for Frequency Estimation of a Real Sinusoid, An
* Accurate Method for Line Detection and Manhattan Frame Estimation, An
* Accurate Method for Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters, An
* Accurate Method of Document Skew Estimation by PCA
* Accurate Method of Temporal-Shift Estimation for 3D Video
* Accurate Method to Correct Atmospheric Phase Delay for InSAR with the ERA5 Global Atmospheric Model, An
* Accurate Method to Distinguish Between Stationary Human and Dog Targets Under Through-Wall Condition Using UWB Radar, An
* Accurate Model-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography
* accurate model for quadtrees representing noiseless images of spatial data, An
* Accurate Modeling and Efficient Estimation of the Print-Capture Channel With Application in Barcoding
* Accurate Modeling of Region Data
* Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance characteristics to improve cardiac cycle strain estimation
* Accurate modelling of canopy traits from seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery based on the vertical distribution of leaf traits
* Accurate Monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Macrophytic Lake Using Time-Series Sentinel-2 Images
* Accurate Monocular 3D Object Detection via Color-Embedded 3D Reconstruction for Autonomous Driving
* Accurate Monte Carlo Modeling of Small-Animal Multi-Pinhole SPECT for Non-Standard Multi-Isotope Applications
* Accurate Mosaicking of Scanned Maps, or How to Generate a Virtual A0 Scanner
* Accurate motion deblurring using camera motion tracking and scene depth
* Accurate Motion Detection Using a Self-Adaptive Background Matching Framework
* Accurate Motion Flow Estimation with Discontinuities
* Accurate Motion Layer Segmentation and Matting
* Accurate Moving Cast Shadow Suppression Based on Local Color Constancy Detection
* Accurate MR image super-resolution via lightweight lateral inhibition network
* Accurate Multi-Dimensional Alignment
* Accurate multi-view depth reconstruction with occlusions handling
* Accurate multi-view reconstruction using robust binocular stereo and surface meshing
* Accurate Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction for Cost-Effective Plant Phenotyping
* Accurate multi-view stereo by selective expansion
* Accurate Multiple View 3D Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Stereo for Large-Scale Scenes
* Accurate Multiview Stereo Reconstruction with Fast Visibility Integration and Tight Disparity Bounding
* Accurate Mutual Information-based Registration of Digitized, An
* Accurate Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Imaging of Concave Objects: A Case Study of Dihedral Structures Under Monostatic Array Configurations
* accurate noise detector for image restoration, An
* Accurate Non-Iterative O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem
* Accurate Normal and Reflectance Recovery Using Energy Optimization
* Accurate Object Association and Pose Updating for Semantic SLAM
* Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
* Accurate object detection using memory-based models in surveillance scenes
* Accurate Object Detection with Deformable Shape Models Learnt from Images
* Accurate Object Detection with Joint Classification-Regression Random Forests
* Accurate Object Detection with Location Relaxation and Regionlets Re-localization
* Accurate object distance estimation based on frequency-domain analysis with a stereo camera
* Accurate object localization in gray level images using the center of gravity measure: accuracy versus precision
* Accurate Object Localization in Remote Sensing Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Accurate Object Localization with Shape Masks
* Accurate Object Recognition Using Orientation Sensor with Refinement on the Lie Group of Spatial Rigid Motions
* Accurate Object Recognition with Shape Masks
* Accurate Object Segmentation for Video Sequences via Temporal-Spatial-Frequency Saliency Model
* accurate operator splitting scheme for nonlinear diffusion filtering, An
* Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness variations
* Accurate Optical Flow Estimation in Noisy Sequences by Robust Tensor-driven Anisotropic Diffusion
* Accurate optical flow estimation using adaptive scale-space and 3d structure tensor
* Accurate optical flow in noisy image sequences using flow adapted anisotropic diffusion
* Accurate Optical Flow in Noisy Image Sequences
* Accurate Optical Flow Sensor for Obstacle Avoidance
* Accurate Optical Flow via Direct Cost Volume Processing
* Accurate Optimization of Weighted Nuclear Norm for Non-rigid Structure from Motion
* Accurate outdoor ground truth based on total stations
* Accurate Overlap Area Detection Using a Histogram and Multiple Closest Points
* Accurate packet-by-packet measurement and analysis of video streams across an Internet tight link
* Accurate Palmprint Recognition Using Spatial Bags of Local Layered Descriptors
* Accurate parameter estimation and efficient fade detection for weighted prediction in H.264 video compression
* Accurate Parameter Estimation of Quadratic Curves from Grey-Level Images
* Accurate Parking Control for Urban Rail Trains via Robust Adaptive Backstepping Approach
* Accurate Pedestrian Detection by Human Pose Regression
* Accurate person tracking through changing poses for multi-view action recognition
* Accurate Photometric Stereo Using Four Surface Normal Approximations
* Accurate Polarimetric BRDF for Real Polarization Scene Rendering
* Accurate polyp segmentation for 3D CT colongraphy using multi-staged probabilistic binary learning and compositional model
* Accurate Positioning and Orientation Estimation in Urban Environment Based on 3D Models
* Accurate prediction of AD patients using cortical thickness networks
* Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on Deep Learning Considering Landslide Source Area
* Accurate principal directions estimation in discrete surfaces
* Accurate Quantification of 0-30 cm Soil Organic Carbon in Croplands over the Continental United States Using Machine Learning
* Accurate Rangefinder with Laser Pattern Shifting
* Accurate rapid averaging of multihue ensembles is due to a limited capacity subsampling mechanism
* Accurate Real-Time Disparity Estimation with Variational Methods
* Accurate Real-time Map Matching for Challenging Environments
* Accurate real-time object tracking with linear prediction method
* Accurate Real-time UAV Mapping Solution for the Generation Of Orthomosaics and Surface Models, An
* Accurate Recognition of Building Rooftops and Assessment of Long-Term Carbon Emission Reduction from Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems Fusing GF-2 and Multi-Source Data
* Accurate recognition of words in scenes without character segmentation using recurrent neural network
* Accurate Reconstruction of Near-Epipolar Line Segments from Stereo Aerial Images
* Accurate Reconstruction of Oriented 3d Points Using Affine Correspondences
* Accurate Reconstruction of the LoD3 Building Model by Integrating Multi-Source Point Clouds and Oblique Remote Sensing Imagery
* Accurate Recovery of 3-Dimensional Shape from Image Focus
* Accurate Refraction Correction: Assisted Bathymetric Inversion Using ICESat-2 and Multispectral Data
* Accurate Registration and Motion Estimation based on Canonical Correlation
* Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narrow Angle Retina Images with 3D Eyeball Shape Optimization
* Accurate Registration Method Based on Point Clouds and Redundancy Elimination of LIDAR Data, An
* Accurate Registration Using Adaptive Block Processing for Multispectral Images
* Accurate Regression-Based 4D Mitral Valve Surface Reconstruction from 2D+t MRI Slices
* Accurate Regression Procedures for Active Appearance Models
* Accurate representation of local frequency using a computationally efficient Gabor filter fusion approach with application to image registration
* Accurate reversible color-to-gray mapping algorithm without distortion conditions
* Accurate Rgb-d Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning
* Accurate Rigid Body Localization via Semidefinite Relaxation Using Range Measurements
* Accurate road following and reconstruction by computer vision
* Accurate Road Marking Detection from Noisy Point Clouds Acquired by Low-Cost Mobile LiDAR Systems
* Accurate Rock-Mass Extraction From Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds via Multiscale and Multiview Convolutional Feature Representation
* accurate saliency prediction method based on generative adversarial networks, An
* Accurate Salient Object Detection via Dense Recurrent Connections and Residual-Based Hierarchical Feature Integration
* Accurate Scale Adaptive and Real-Time Visual Tracking with Correlation Filters
* Accurate scale estimation based on unsynchronized camera network
* Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking
* Accurate scale estimation for visual tracking with significant deformation
* Accurate Scale Factor Estimation in 3D Reconstruction
* Accurate Scaling and Levelling in Underwater Photogrammetry with A Pressure Sensor
* Accurate Scene Text Detection Through Border Semantics Awareness and Bootstrapping
* Accurate Scene Text Detection Via Scale-Aware Data Augmentation and Shape Similarity Constraint
* Accurate Scene Text Recognition Based on Recurrent Neural Network
* Accurate Screening of COVID-19 Using Attention-Based Deep 3D Multiple Instance Learning
* Accurate Segmentation-Based Scene Text Detector with Context Attention and Repulsive Text Border, An
* Accurate Segmentation for Pathological Lung Based on Integration of 3D Appearance and Surface Models
* Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Images
* Accurate Segmentation of CT Male Pelvic Organs via Regression-Based Deformable Models and Multi-Task Random Forests
* Accurate segmentation of land regions in historical cadastral maps
* Accurate Segmentation of Synaptic Cleft with Contour Growing Concatenated with a Convnet
* Accurate Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies and Processes Using Statistical Shape Decomposition and Conditional Models
* Accurate self-calibration of two cameras by observations of a moving person on a ground plane
* Accurate semantic image labeling by fast Geodesic Propagation
* Accurate shape modeling with front propagation using adaptive level sets
* accurate shape reconstruction from photometric stereo using four approximations of surface normal, An
* accurate shared bicycle detection network based on faster R-CNN, An
* Accurate Silhouette Vectorization by Affine Scale-Space
* Accurate Silhouettes for Surveillance: Improved Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Accurate Simulation of Ice and Snow Runoff for the Mountainous Terrain of the Kunlun Mountains, China
* Accurate Single-Image Defocus Deblurring Based on Improved Integration with Defocus Map Estimation
* Accurate Single Stage Detector Using Recurrent Rolling Convolution
* Accurate single view model-based head pose estimation
* Accurate Small Deformation Exponential Approximant to Integrate Large Velocity Fields: Application to Image Registration
* Accurate small object detection via density map aided saliency estimation
* Accurate Smoothing for Continuous-Discrete Nonlinear Systems With Non-Gaussian Noise
* Accurate Sparse Feature Regression Forest Learning for Real-Time Camera Relocalization
* Accurate Spatial Neighborhood Relationships for Arbitrarily-Shaped Objects Using Hamilton-Jacobi GVD
* Accurate Spatial Positioning of Target Based on the Fusion of Uncalibrated Image and GNSS
* Accurate spatio-temporal reconstruction of missing data in dynamic scenes
* Accurate spatio-temporal restoration of compact single frame defects in aged motion pictures
* Accurate static pose estimation combining direct regression and geodesic extrema
* Accurate Static Region Classification Using Multiple Cues for ARO Detection
* Accurate stereo 3D point cloud generation suitable for multi-view stereo reconstruction
* Accurate Stereo Correspondence Method for Textured Scenes Using Improved Power Cepstrum Techniques, An
* Accurate Stereo Matching by Two-Step Energy Minimization
* accurate stereo matching method based on color segments and edges, An
* Accurate Structure and Motion Computation in the Presence of Range Image Distortions Due to Sequential Acquisition
* Accurate Structure Recovery via Weighted Nuclear Norm: A Low Rank Approach to Shape-from-Focus
* Accurate subpixel edge location based on partial area effect
* Accurate subvoxel location and characterization of edges in 3D images based on the Partial Volume Effect
* Accurate Surface Description for Binocular Stereo
* Accurate Surface Reconstruction in 3D Using Two-dimensional Parallel Cross Sections
* Accurate system for automatic pill recognition using imprint information
* Accurate System for Fashion Hand-Drawn Sketches Vectorization, An
* Accurate Target Motion Analysis from a Small Measurement Set Using RANSAC
* Accurate Template-Based Correction of Brain MRI Intensity Distortion With Application to Dementia and Aging
* Accurate Terahertz Imaging Simulation With Ray Tracing Incorporating Beam Shape and Refraction
* Accurate text localization in images based on SVM output scores
* Accurate Threshold Insensitive Kernel Detector for Arbitrary Shaped Text, An
* Accurate time interval measurement method based on Vernier caliper principle
* Accurate TLS and UAV Image Point Clouds Registration Method for Deformation Detection of Chaotic Hillside Areas, An
* Accurate Tracking of Monotonically Advancing Fronts
* Accurate traffic light detection using deep neural network with focal regression loss
* Accurate Transmission Estimation for Removing Haze and Noise From a Single Image
* Accurate tumor segmentation in FDG-PET images with guidance of complementary CT images
* Accurate UAV 3-D Path Planning Method for Disaster Emergency Response Based on an Improved Multiobjective Swarm Intelligence Algorithm, An
* Accurate User Position Estimation Method Using a Single Camera for 3D Display without Glasses, An
* Accurate UWB Radar Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for a Complex Boundary Without Range Point Connections
* Accurate Vegetation and Non-Vegetation Differentiation Approach Based on Land Cover Classification, An
* Accurate Vergence Control in Complex Scenes
* Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of background layer in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorporating line detection and phase-preserving denoising
* Accurate Vessel Segmentation With Constrained B-Snake
* Accurate Vessel Segmentation with Progressive Contrast Enhancement and Canny Refinement
* Accurate Video Alignment Using Phase Correlation
* Accurate video object segmentation through change detection
* Accurate video saliency prediction via hierarchical fusion and temporal recurrence
* Accurate video text detection through classification of low and high contrast images
* Accurate Visual-Inertial Integrated Geo-Tagging Method for Crowdsourcing-Based Indoor Localization, An
* Accurate visual word construction using a supervised approach
* Accurate Whole-Brain Segmentation for Alzheimer's Disease Combining an Adaptive Statistical Atlas and Multi-atlas
* Accurate Wireless Localization in Sports
* Accurate, data-efficient, unconstrained text recognition with convolutional neural networks
* Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multi-View Stereopsis
* Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multiview Stereopsis
* Accurate, Real-Time, Unadorned Lip Tracking
* Accurate, Reproducible and Robust Model to Predict the Rutting of Asphalt Pavement: Neural Networks Coupled With Particle Swarm Optimization, An
* Accurate, Robust Visual Odometry and Detail-Preserving Reconstruction System, An
* Accurate, swift and noiseless image binarization
* Accurately 3D neuron localization using 2D conv-LSTM super-resolution segmentation network
* Accurately defining the reference condition for summary biotic metrics
* Accurately estimating reflectance parameters for color and gloss reproduction
* Accurately estimating rigid transformations in registration using a boosting-inspired mechanism
* Accurately Locating a Vertical Magnetic Dipole Buried in a Conducting Earth
* Accurately measuring human movement using articulated ICP with soft-joint constraints and a repository of articulated models
* Accurately Modeling the Resting Brain Functional Correlations Using Wave Equation With Spatiotemporal Varying Hypergraph Laplacian
* Accurately Predicting Quality of Services in IoT via Using Self-Attention Representation and Deep Factorization Machines
* Accurately Stable Q-Compensated Reverse-Time Migration Scheme for Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Media
* AccuSoft
* ACD-YOLO: Improved YOLOv5-based method for steel surface defects detection
* ACDC: The Adverse Conditions Dataset with Correspondences for Semantic Driving Scene Understanding
* ACDnet: An action detection network for real-time edge computing based on flow-guided feature approximation and memory aggregation
* ACE-An Effective Anti-forensic Contrast Enhancement Technique
* ACE-MEF: Adaptive Clarity Evaluation-Guided Network With Illumination Correction for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* ACE R-CNN: An Attention Complementary and Edge Detection-Based Instance Segmentation Algorithm for Individual Tree Species Identification Using UAV RGB Images and LiDAR Data
* ACE: Adapting to Changing Environments for Semantic Segmentation
* ACE: Ally Complementary Experts for Solving Long-Tailed Recognition in One-Shot
* ACE: An Efficient Asynchronous Corner Tracker for Event Cameras
* ACE: Anchor-Free Corner Evolution for Real-Time Arbitrarily-Oriented Object Detection
* ACED: Accurate And Edge-Consistent Monocular Depth Estimation
* ACENet: Attention-Driven Contextual Features-Enhanced Lightweight EfficientNet for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
* ACFNet: A Feature Fusion Network for Glacial Lake Extraction Based on Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* ACFNet: Attentional Class Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation
* AcFR: Active Face Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* ACFT: adversarial correlation filter for robust tracking
* ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous continuity generative adversarial network model
* ACGAN: Attribute controllable person image synthesis GAN for pose transfer
* ACGIS: Adversarial Cover Generator for Image Steganography with Noise Residuals Features-Preserving
* Achievable safety of driverless ground vehicles
* Achievement-based Training Progress Balancing for Multi-Task Learning
* achievement of higher flexibility in multiple-choice-based tests using image classification techniques, The
* Achievements and Challenges in Recognizing and Reconstructing Civil Infrastructure
* Achieving a Better Stability-Plasticity Trade-off via Auxiliary Networks in Continual Learning
* Achieving a Decentralized and Secure Cab Sharing System Using Blockchain Technology
* Achieving a Fitts Law Relationship for Visual Guided Reaching
* Achieving Accurate Colour Image Segmentation in 2D and 3D with LVQ Classifiers and Partial ACSR
* Achieving Active 30 Minute Cities: How Feasible Is It to Reach Work within 30 Minutes Using Active Transport Modes?
* Achieving Better Kinship Recognition Through Better Baseline
* Achieving Complete and Near-Lossless Conversion from IFC to CityGML
* Achieving complex discrete wavelet transform by lifting scheme using Meyer wavelet
* Achieving Dextrous Grasping by Integrating Planning and Vision-Based Sensing
* Achieving Differential Privacy Publishing of Location-Based Statistical Data Using Grid Clustering
* Achieving Efficient Dense Matching for Uncalibrated Images
* Achieving Flexible 3D Reconstruction Volumes for RGB-D and RGB Camera Based Approaches
* Achieving Generalizable Robustness of Deep Neural Networks by Stability Training
* Achieving Generalized Object Recognition Through Reasoning About Association of Function to Structure
* Achieving high angular resolution via view synthesis: Quality assessment of 3D content on super multiview lightfield display
* Achieving High Multi-Modal Registration Performance Using Simplified Hough-Transform with Improved Symmetric-SIFT
* Achieving High Reliability in Data Acquisition
* Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Images Through an Unsupervised Deep Learning Super-Resolution Method
* Achieving Integrity in Geographic Information Systems: Maps and Nested Maps
* Achieving invariance to the temporal offset of unsynchronized cameras through epipolar point-line triangulation
* Achieving Linguistic Provenance via Plagiarism Detection
* Achieving on-Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture and Pruning Search
* Achieving Perfect Secrecy by pdf-Bandlimited Jamming
* Achieving Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Data Sharing in Vehicular Fog With Blockchain
* Achieving QoE Fairness in Bitrate Allocation of 360° Video Streaming
* Achieving real-time object detection and tracking under extreme conditions
* Achieving Real-Time Path Planning in Unknown Environments Through Deep Neural Networks
* Achieving Reliable Intervehicle Positioning Based on Redheffer Weighted Least Squares Model Under Multi-GNSS Outages
* Achieving robust face recognition from video by combining a weak photometric model and a learnt generic face invariant
* Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with hinge regularization
* Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing With Disentangled Representations
* Achieving Subpixel Georeferencing Accuracy in the Canadian AVHRR Processing System
* Achieving Super-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via the Wavelet Transform Combined With the Recursive Res-Net
* Achieving Turbidity Robustness on Underwater Images Local Feature Detection
* Achieving Universal Accessibility through Remote Virtualization and Digitization of Complex Archaeological Features: A Graphic and Constructive Study of the Columbarios of Merida
* Acknowledging the Unknown for Multi-Label Learning with Single Positive Labels
* ACL-SPC: Adaptive Closed-Loop System for Self-Supervised Point Cloud Completion
* ACLS: Adaptive and Conditional Label Smoothing for Network Calibration
* ACM Computing Surveys
* ACM ICMR 2014 best papers in image retrieval
* ACM International Multimedia Conference
* ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms
* ACM Siggraph Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
* ACM SIGGraph, Computer Graphics
* ACM SIGPlan Notices
* ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
* ACM Transactions on Graphics
* ACM Transactions on Information Systems
* ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
* ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
* ACMM: Aligned Cross-Modal Memory for Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching
* ACN: Occlusion-tolerant face alignment by attentional combination of heterogeneous regression networks
* ACNe: Attentive Context Normalization for Robust Permutation-Equivariant Learning
* ACNet: Approaching-and-Centralizing Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* ACNET: Attention Based Network to Exploit Complementary Features for RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* ACNet: Strengthening the Kernel Skeletons for Powerful CNN via Asymmetric Convolution Blocks
* ACO-based Intrusion Detection Method in Computer Networks using Fuzzy Association Rules
* ACONS: A New Algorithm for Clustering Documents
* ACORD: An adaptive corner detector for planar curves
* AcouMotion: An Interactive Sonification System for Acoustic Motion Control
* Acoustic Analysis for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Acoustic Analysis of a Structure Subjected to Stochastic Excitation Using Statistical Wave Superposition Approach
* Acoustic and Facial Features for Speaker Recognition
* Acoustic Based Surveillance System for Intrusion Detection
* Acoustic Cues Increase Situational Awareness in Accident Situations: A VR Car-Driving Study
* Acoustic Deep-Sea Seafloor Characterization Accounting for Heterogeneity Effect
* Acoustic Doppler sonar for gait recogination
* Acoustic Ear Recognition
* Acoustic echo cancellation for stereophonic systems derived from pairwise panning of monophonic speech
* Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using a Vector-Space-Based Adaptive Filtering Algorithm
* Acoustic Echo Control with Frequency-Domain Stage-Wise Regression
* Acoustic event detection in meeting-room environments
* Acoustic Event Detection in Speech Overlapping Scenarios Based on High-Resolution Spectral Input and Deep Learning
* Acoustic Event Detection: SVM-Based System and Evaluation Setup in CLEAR'07
* Acoustic Event Detector of AIT, The
* Acoustic Extinguishing of Flames Detected By Deep Neural Networks In Embedded Systems
* Acoustic Hazard Detection for Pedestrians With Obscured Hearing
* Acoustic HMMs to Detect Abnormal Respiration with Limited Training Data
* Acoustic imaging of objects buried in soil
* Acoustic Impedance Inversion from Seismic Imaging Profiles Using Self Attention U-Net
* Acoustic Local Positioning With Encoded Emission Beacons
* Acoustic Mapping of Submerged Stone Age Sites: A HALD Approach
* Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm for Moving Vehicle Classification
* Acoustic Non-Line-Of-Sight Imaging
* Acoustic Range Image Segmentation by Effective Mean Shift
* Acoustic Recognition of Multiple Bird Species Based on Penalized Maximum Likelihood
* Acoustic research on long and short vowels in Tibetan Lhasa dialect
* Acoustic Room Modelling Using 360 Stereo Cameras
* Acoustic Scene Classification: Classifying environments from the sounds they produce
* Acoustic Scene Clustering Using Joint Optimization of Deep Embedding Learning and Clustering Iteration
* Acoustic Seafloor Classification Using the Weyl Transform of Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter Mosaic
* Acoustic signal-based approach for fault detection in motorcycles using chaincode of the pseudospectrum and dynamic time warping classifier
* Acoustic signal based detection and localisation of faults in motorcycles
* Acoustic signal interpretation: Reasoning with non-specific and uncertain information
* Acoustic Signal Processing to Diagnose Transiting Electric Trains
* Acoustic Signals, Sounds, Audio
* Acoustic SLAM With Moving Sound Event Based on Auxiliary Microphone Arrays
* Acoustic Source Localization Using a Geometrically Sampled Grid SRP-PHAT Algorithm With Max-Pooling Operation
* Acoustic Speaker Identification: The LIMSI CLEAR'07 System
* Acoustic Target Tracking Through a Cluster of Mobile Agents
* Acoustic Tomography of the Atmosphere Using Unscented Kalman Filter
* Acoustic Word Embedding Based on Multi-Head Attention Quadruplet Network
* Acoustic, Sonar Sensors for Range, Underwater Acoustic Sensing
* Acoustical Diffraction Tomography in a Finite Form Based on the Rytov Transform
* Acoustically Emotion-Aware Conversational Agent With Speech Emotion Recognition and Empathetic Responses, The
* Acousto-electric Inverse Source Problem, An
* Acoustoseismic Method for Buried-Object Detection by Means of Surface-Acceleration Measurements and Audio Facilities
* ACP- based Circular target image Rotation normalization system
* ACP++: Action Co-Occurrence Priors for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* ACPL: Anti-curriculum Pseudo-labelling for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification
* ACPNP: an Efficient Solution for Absolute Camera Pose Estimation from Two Affine Correspondences
* ACQ: Improving generative data-free quantization via attention correction
* Acquire High Quality Meshes of Scale Models for an Automatic Modelling Process
* Acquire, Augment, Segment and Enjoy: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation of Supermarket Products
* Acquiring 3-D Models from a Sequence of Contours
* Acquiring 3-D Spatial Data of a Real Object
* Acquiring 360° Light Field by a Moving Dual-Fisheye Camera
* Acquiring 3d Model of Object by Motion-stereo
* Acquiring 3D Models from Rotation and Highlights
* Acquiring 3D Models of Nonrigid Moving-Objects from Time and Viewpoint Varying Image Sequences: A Step Toward Left-Ventricle Recovery
* Acquiring 3D motion trajectories of large numbers of swarming animals
* Acquiring 3D Object Models from Specular Motion Using Circular Lights Illumination
* Acquiring 4D Light Fields of Self-Luminous Extended Light Sources Using Programmable Filter
* Acquiring 4D Light Fields of Self-Luminous Light Sources Using Programmable Filter
* Acquiring a Complete 3D Model from Specular Motion under the Illumination of Circular-Shaped Light Sources
* Acquiring a Dynamic Light Field through a Single-Shot Coded Image
* Acquiring a polyhedral structure through face extraction and verification
* Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
* Acquiring and Rendering High-Resolution Spherical Mosaics
* Acquiring Axially-Symmetric Transparent Objects Using Single-View Transmission Imaging
* Acquiring Dynamic Light Fields Through Coded Aperture Camera
* Acquiring Height Data from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Acquiring height maps of faces from a single image
* Acquiring human skeleton proportions from monocular images without posture estimation
* Acquiring Information from Cues
* Acquiring Initial Value of Multi-View Metrical Data Integration
* Acquiring Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* Acquiring Manipulation Tasks from Observation
* Acquiring Multi-Scale Images by Pan-Tilt-Zoom Control and Automatic Multi-Camera Calibration
* Acquiring multispectral light transport using multi-primary DLP projector
* Acquiring Multiview C-Arm Images to Assist Cardiac Ablation Procedures
* Acquiring periodic tilings of regular polygons from images
* Acquiring qualified samples for RANSAC using geometrical constraints
* Acquiring shaking-free route panorama by stationary blurring
* Acquiring Simple Patterns for Surface Inspection
* Acquiring the Mapping Knowledge of Basic Elements Based on PSO in the Chinese Character Intelligent Information
* Acquiring Visual-Motor Models for Precision Manipulation with Robot Hands
* Acquisition and Analysis of Pictorial Data: The Hidden Science of Imagery
* Acquisition and automatic extraction of facade elements on large sites from a low cost laser mobile mapping system
* Acquisition and Encoding of High Dynamic Range Images using Inverse Tone Mapping
* Acquisition and Interpretation of 3-D Sensor Data from Touch
* Acquisition and Modelling of Indoor and Enclosed Environments
* Acquisition and Processing Data from UAVs in the Process of Generating 3D Models for Solar Potential Analysis
* Acquisition and Processing Experiences of Close Range UAV Images for the 3D Modeling of Heritage Buildings
* Acquisition And Processing of High Resolution Hyperspectral Imageries For the 3D Mapping of Urban Heat Islands And Microparticles of Montreal
* Acquisition and Propagation of Spatial Constraints Based on Qualitative Information
* Acquisition and Reproduction of Surface Appearance in Architectural Orthoimages
* Acquisition and Use of Interaction Behaviour Models, The
* Acquisition and Visualization of Colored 3D Objects
* Acquisition and visualization techniques for narrow spectral color imaging
* Acquisition Method of 3-dimensional Video Components for Image-based Virtual Studio, An
* Acquisition of 2D Shape Models from Scenes with Overlapping Objects using String matching
* Acquisition of 3-D surface shape of human body from monocular images without pose estimation
* Acquisition of 3D Data and Spectral Color by Using RGBD Camera and Programmable Light Source
* Acquisition Of 3d Information For Vanished Structure By Using Only An Ancient Picture
* Acquisition of 3D Structure of Selectable Quality from Image Streams
* Acquisition of 3D Urban Models by Analysis of Aerial Images, Digital Surface Models, and Existing 2D Building Information
* Acquisition of a Large Pose-Mosaic Dataset
* Acquisition of Agronomic Images with Sufficient Quality by Automatic Exposure Time Control and Histogram Matching
* Acquisition of Articulated Human Body Models Using Multiple Cameras
* Acquisition of consistent range data using local calibration
* Acquisition of fruit region in green apple image based on the combination of segmented regions
* Acquisition of high-resolution images through on-line saccade sequence planning
* Acquisition of High Quality Planar Patch Features
* Acquisition of High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Video with a Hybrid Camera System
* Acquisition of Light Rays using Telecentric Lens
* Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection
* Acquisition of Moving Objects and Hand-Eye Coordination
* Acquisition of Multimedia Ontology: An Application in Preservation of Cultural Heritage
* Acquisition of NIR-Green-Blue Digital Photographs from Unmanned Aircraft for Crop Monitoring
* Acquisition of Obstacle Avoidance Behaviors for a Quadruped Robot Using Visual and Ultrasonic Sensors
* Acquisition of position and direction of in-vehicle camera for HIR system
* Acquisition of Randomly Oriented Workpieces Through Structure Mating
* Acquisition of sharp depth map from multiple cameras
* Acquisition of Symbolic Description from Flow-Fields: A New Approach Based on a Fluid Model
* Acquisition of the former and current settlement dynamics of Hanoi based on heterogeneous satellite images
* Acquisition of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion to reduce MR imaging times
* Acquisition of the Wide Swath Significant Wave Height from HY-2C through Deep Learning
* Acquisition of the Width of a Virtual Body through Collision Avoidance Trials
* Acquisition of three-dimensional images by an active stereo technique using locally unique patterns
* Acquisition of three-dimensional information in a real environment by using the Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS)
* Acquisition of view-based 3D object models using supervised, unstructured data
* Acquisition of Weak BDS Signal in the Lunar Environment
* Acquisition Processing Chain for Dynamic Panoramic Image Sequences
* Acquisition Scenario Analysis for Face Recognition at a Distance
* Acquisition source identification through a blind image classification
* Acquisition system for dense lightfield of large scenes
* Acquisition, Modeling And GIS Integration Of A 3d Model Of The Frame Of Xvith Century Historic Building
* Acquisition, modelling and rendering of very large urban environments
* Acquisition, processing and coding of 3D holoscopic content for immersive video systems
* Acquisition, Production And Dissemination of Geospatial Data For Emergency Management And Preservation of Cultural Heritage, The
* Acquisition, segmentation and tracking of the cerebral vascular tree on 3D magnetic resonance angiography images
* Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing VI
* Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XII
* ACR Loss: Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression Loss for Face Alignment
* ACR: Attention Collaboration-based Regressor for Arbitrary Two-Hand Reconstruction
* ACRE: Abstract Causal REasoning Beyond Covariation
* ACRM: Attention Cascade R-CNN with Mix-NMS for Metallic Surface Defect Detection
* AcroFOD: An Adaptive Method for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Object Detection
* ACRONYM and SUCCESSOR Papers - Stanford University and Others
* ACRONYM Model-Based Vision System, The
* Acronym Model Based Vision in the Intelligent Task Automation Project
* Across Date Species Detection Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* Across Scales and Across Dimensions: Temporal Super-Resolution Using Deep Internal Learning
* ACSEE: Antagonistic Crowd Simulation Model With Emotional Contagion and Evolutionary Game Theory
* ACSeg: Adaptive Conceptualization for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
* ACSiam: Asymmetric convolution structures for visual tracking with Siamese network
* ACSIR: ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation in vertical search
* Acsis, Inc.
* Acsys
* ACT-NET: Asymmetric Co-Teacher Network for Semi-Supervised Memory-Efficient Medical Image Segmentation
* Act Like a Radiologist: Towards Reliable Multi-View Correspondence Reasoning for Mammogram Mass Detection
* Act the Part: Learning Interaction Strategies for Articulated Object Part Discovery
* ACT: an ACTNet for visual tracking
* Acta Cybernetica
* Acta Matematica
* ActAR: Actor-Driven Pose Embeddings for Video Action Recognition
* ActBERT: Learning Global-Local Video-Text Representations
* Acted vs. natural frustration and delight: Many people smile in natural frustration
* ActEV18: Human Activity Detection Evaluation for Extended Videos
* ActFormer: A GAN-based Transformer towards General Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Generation
* Acting as a Decision Maker: Traffic-Condition-Aware Ensemble Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Action-02MCF: A Robust Space-Time Correlation Filter for Action Recognition in Clutter and Adverse Lighting Conditions
* Action-Affect-Gender Classification Using Multi-task Representation Learning
* Action-Agnostic Human Pose Forecasting
* Action-Attending Graphic Neural Network
* Action-aware Masking Network with Group-based Attention for Temporal Action Localization
* Action-Based Contrastive Learning for Trajectory Prediction
* Action-Centric Relation Transformer Network for Video Question Answering
* Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Synthesis with Transformer VAE
* Action-Conditioned Convolutional Future Regression Models for Robot Imitation Learning
* Action-Decision Networks for Visual Tracking with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Action-Gons: Action Recognition with a Discriminative Dictionary of Structured Elements with Varying Granularity
* ACTION-Net: Multipath Excitation for Action Recognition
* Action-Reaction Learning: Analysis and Synthesis of Human Behaviour
* Action-Reaction: Forecasting the Dynamics of Human Interaction
* Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D human body tracking
* Action-Stage Emphasized Spatiotemporal VLAD for Video Action Recognition
* Action-State Joint Learning-Based Vehicle Taillight Recognition in Diverse Actual Traffic Scenes
* Action-ViT: Pedestrian Intent Prediction in Traffic Scenes
* Action Alignment from Gaze Cues in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction
* Action and Attention in First-person Vision
* Action and Event Recognition with Fisher Vectors on a Compact Feature Set
* Action and Gait Recognition From Recovered 3-D Human Joints
* Action and Gesture Temporal Spotting with Super Vector Representation
* Action and Interaction Recognition in First-Person Videos
* Action and Perception in Man-Made Environments
* Action and simultaneous multiple-person identification using cubic higher-order local auto-correlation
* Action Anticipation by Predicting Future Dynamic Images
* Action anticipation using latent goal learning
* Action Anticipation Using Pairwise Human-Object Interactions and Transformers
* Action Anticipation with Goal Consistency
* Action Anticipation with RBF Kernelized Feature Mapping RNN
* Action Assessment by Joint Relation Graphs
* Action Attribute Detection from Sports Videos with Contextual Constraints
* Action bank: A high-level representation of activity in video
* Action based video summarization for convenience stores
* Action Capsules: Human skeleton action recognition
* Action categorization by structural probabilistic latent semantic analysis
* Action categorization with modified hidden conditional random field
* Action Chart: A Representation for Efficient Recognition of Complex Activity
* Action class relation detection and classification across multiple video datasets
* Action classification by exploring directional co-occurrence of weighted stips
* Action classification in polarimetric infrared imagery via diffusion maps
* Action classification in still images using human eye movements
* Action classification on product manifolds
* Action Classification via Concepts and Attributes
* Action Classification with Locality-Constrained Linear Coding
* Action Co-localization in an Untrimmed Video by Graph Neural Networks
* Action Coherence Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Action Coherence Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Action density based frame sampling for human action recognition in videos
* Action Detection by Implicit Intentional Motion Clustering
* Action detection fusing multiple Kinects and a WIMU: an application to in-home assistive technology for the elderly
* Action Detection in Cluttered Video With Successive Convex Matching
* Action detection in complex scenes with spatial and temporal ambiguities
* Action Detection in Crowd
* Action Detection in Crowded Videos Using Masks
* Action Detection with Improved Dense Trajectories and Sliding Window
* Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram
* Action Duration Prediction for Segment-Level Alignment of Weakly-Labeled Videos
* Action exemplar based real-time action detection
* Action Genome: Actions As Compositions of Spatio-Temporal Scene Graphs
* Action Graphs: Weakly-supervised Action Localization with Graph Convolution Networks
* Action identification using a descriptor with autonomous fragments in a multilevel prediction scheme
* Action in chains: A chains model for action localization and classification
* Action Key Frames Extraction Using L1-Norm and Accumulative Optical Flow for Compact Video Shot Summarisation
* Action localization in video using a graph-based feature representation
* Action Localization in Videos through Context Walk
* Action Localization Through Continual Predictive Learning
* Action Localization with Tubelets from Motion
* Action Localization, Action Localisation
* Action MACH a spatio-temporal Maximum Average Correlation Height filter for action recognition
* Action Machine: Toward Person-Centric Action Recognition in Videos
* Action matching network: open-set action recognition using spatio-temporal representation matching
* Action modeling with volumetric data
* Action Modifiers: Learning From Adverbs in Instructional Videos
* Action Parsing-Driven Video Summarization Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Action Parsing Using Context Features
* Action Plan Towards Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Altimetry, An
* Action Prediction During Human-Object Interaction Based on DTW and Early Fusion of Human and Object Representations
* Action Prediction Using Extremely Low-Resolution Thermopile Sensor Array for Elderly Monitoring
* Action Probability Calibration for Efficient Naturalistic Driving Action Localization
* Action proposals using hierarchical clustering of super-trajectories
* Action Quality Assessment Across Multiple Actions
* Action Quality Assessment Using Siamese Network-Based Deep Metric Learning
* Action Quality Assessment with Ignoring Scene Context
* Action Quality Assessment with Temporal Parsing Transformer
* Action Reaction Learning: Automatic Visual Analysis and Synthesis of Interactive Behaviour
* Action Recognition and Benchmark Using Event Cameras
* Action Recognition and Localization by Hierarchical Space-Time Segments
* Action recognition based on a bag of 3D points
* Action recognition based on a mixture of RGB and depth based skeleton
* Action Recognition Based on Binary Latent Variable Models
* Action Recognition Based on Correlated Codewords of Body Movements
* Action Recognition Based on Discriminative Embedding of Actions Using Siamese Networks
* Action recognition based on homography constraints
* Action recognition based on human movement characteristics
* Action recognition based on kinematic representation of video data
* Action recognition based on motion of oriented magnitude patterns and feature selection
* Action Recognition Based on Non-parametric Probability Density Function Estimation
* Action Recognition Based on Optimal Joint Selection and Discriminative Depth Descriptor
* Action recognition based on principal geodesic analysis
* Action recognition based on sparse motion trajectories
* Action recognition based on spatial-temporal pyramid sparse coding
* Action recognition based on statistical analysis from clustered flow vectors
* Action Recognition based on Subdivision-Fusion Model
* Action recognition by dense trajectories
* Action recognition by discriminative Edge_Boxes
* Action recognition by employing combined directional motion history and energy images
* Action recognition by exploring data distribution and feature correlation
* Action recognition by hidden temporal models
* Action Recognition by Hierarchical Mid-Level Action Elements
* Action Recognition by Hierarchical Sequence Summarization
* Action recognition by joint learning
* Action recognition by learning discriminative key poses
* Action recognition by learning mid-level motion features
* Action recognition by learning temporal slowness invariant features
* Action recognition by learnt class-specific overcomplete dictionaries
* Action Recognition by Multiple Features and Hyper-Sphere Multi-class SVM
* Action recognition by orthogonalized subspaces of local spatio-temporal features
* Action Recognition by Time Series of Retinotopic Appearance and Motion Features
* Action recognition by using kernels on aclets sequences
* Action Recognition by Weakly-Supervised Discriminative Region Localization
* Action recognition feedback-based framework for human pose reconstruction from monocular images
* Action Recognition for Surveillance Applications Using Optic Flow and SVM
* Action Recognition Framework in Traffic Scene for Autonomous Driving System
* Action Recognition from 3D Skeleton Sequences using Deep Networks on Lie Group Features
* Action recognition from a distributed representation of pose and appearance
* Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
* Action Recognition from a Single Web Image Based on an Ensemble of Pose Experts
* Action Recognition from Arbitrary Views using 3D Exemplars
* Action Recognition From Arbitrary Views Using Transferable Dictionary Learning
* Action Recognition from Depth Maps Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Action Recognition from Depth Sequences Using Depth Motion Maps-Based Local Binary Patterns
* Action Recognition from Experience
* Action recognition from extremely low-resolution thermal image sequence
* Action recognition from mutually incoherent pose bases in static image
* Action Recognition from One Example
* Action Recognition from RGB-D Data: Comparison and Fusion of Spatio-Temporal Handcrafted Features and Deep Strategies
* Action Recognition From Single Timestamp Supervision in Untrimmed Videos
* Action Recognition from Still Images Based on Deep VLAD Spatial Pyramids
* Action Recognition From Video Using Feature Covariance Matrices
* Action Recognition From Weak Alignment of Body Parts
* Action Recognition in a Wearable Assistance System
* Action recognition in bed using BAMs for assisted living and elderly care
* Action Recognition in Broadcast Tennis Video Using Optical Flow and Support Vector Machine
* Action Recognition in Broadcast Tennis Video
* Action recognition in cluttered dynamic scenes using Pose-Specific Part Models
* Action Recognition in Motion Capture Data Using a Bag of Postures Approach
* Action recognition in poor-quality spectator crowd videos using head distribution-based person segmentation
* Action recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos
* Action recognition in spatiotemporal volume
* Action recognition in still images by learning spatial interest regions from videos
* Action recognition in still images using a combination of human pose and context information
* Action Recognition in Still Images Using Word Embeddings from Natural Language Descriptions
* Action Recognition in Still Images With Minimum Annotation Efforts
* Action Recognition in the Presence of One Egocentric and Multiple Static Cameras
* Action Recognition in Video by Sparse Representation on Covariance Manifolds of Silhouette Tunnels
* Action recognition in video using a spatial-temporal graph-based feature representation
* Action Recognition in Video Using Sparse Coding and Relative Features
* Action recognition in videos acquired by a moving camera using motion decomposition of Lagrangian particle trajectories
* Action recognition in videos using frequency analysis of critical point trajectories
* Action Recognition in Videos Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Action recognition in videos
* Action recognition method based on lightweight network and rough-fine keyframe extraction
* Action Recognition Method Based on Sets of Time Warped ARMA Models
* Action recognition on motion capture data using a dynemes and forward differences representation
* Action Recognition Robust to Background Clutter by Using Stereo Vision
* Action Recognition Scheme Based on Skeleton Representation With DS-LSTM Network
* Action recognition technique based on fast HOG3D of integral foreground snippets and random forest
* Action recognition through discovering distinctive action parts
* Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor
* Action Recognition Using 3D Histograms of Texture and A Multi-Class Boosting Classifier
* Action Recognition Using a Bio-Inspired Feedforward Spiking Network
* Action recognition using bag of features extracted from a beam of trajectories
* Action recognition using ballistic dynamics
* Action Recognition Using Canonical Correlation Kernels
* Action Recognition Using Context-Constrained Linear Coding
* Action recognition using context and appearance distribution features
* Action recognition using Correlogram of Body Poses and spectral regression
* Action Recognition Using Direction Models of Motion
* Action Recognition Using Discriminative Structured Trajectory Groups
* Action recognition using dynamic hierarchical trees
* Action recognition using edge trajectories and motion acceleration descriptor
* Action recognition using exemplar-based embedding
* Action recognition using fast HOG3D of integral videos and Smith-Waterman partial matching
* Action recognition using global spatio-temporal features derived from sparse representations
* Action Recognition Using Hybrid Feature Descriptor and VLAD Video Encoding
* Action recognition using instance-specific and class-consistent cues
* Action recognition using joint coordinates of 3D skeleton data
* Action recognition using kinematics posture feature on 3D skeleton joint locations
* Action recognition using linear dynamic systems
* Action Recognition Using Low-Rank Sparse Representation
* Action Recognition Using Mined Hierarchical Compound Features
* Action Recognition Using Motion Primitives and Probabilistic Edit Distance
* Action Recognition Using Multilevel Features and Latent Structural SVM
* Action Recognition Using Nonnegative Action Component Representation and Sparse Basis Selection
* Action recognition using Partial Least Squares and Support Vector Machines
* Action Recognition Using Pose Data in a Distributed Environment over the Edge and Cloud
* Action Recognition Using Probabilistic Parsing
* Action recognition using Randomised Ferns
* Action recognition using rank-1 approximation of Joint Self-Similarity Volume
* Action Recognition Using Rate-Invariant Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories
* Action recognition using saliency learned from recorded human gaze
* Action recognition using salient neighboring histograms
* Action recognition using shared motion parts
* Action Recognition Using Space-Time Shape Difference Images
* Action Recognition Using Sparse Representation on Covariance Manifolds of Optical Flow
* Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
* Action recognition using spatio-temporal differential motion
* Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Distance Classifier Correlation Filter
* Action Recognition Using Subtensor Constraint
* Action Recognition Using Super Sparse Coding Vector with Spatio-temporal Awareness
* Action Recognition Using Temporal Templates
* Action Recognition Using Three-Way Cross-Correlations Feature of Local Moton Attributes
* Action recognition using tri-view constraints
* Action Recognition Using Undecimated Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform From Depth Motion Maps / Depth Sequences
* Action Recognition Using Visual-Neuron Feature
* Action Recognition Using Visual Attention with Reinforcement Learning
* Action Recognition Using Weighted Locality-Constrained Linear Coding
* Action recognition via bio-inspired features: The richness of center-surround interaction
* Action recognition via local descriptors and holistic features
* Action recognition via multi-feature fusion and Gaussian process classification
* Action recognition via pose-based graph convolutional networks with intermediate dense supervision
* Action recognition via sparse representation of characteristic frames
* Action recognition via spatio-temporal local features: A comprehensive study
* Action recognition via structured codebook construction
* Action Recognition with a Bio-inspired Feedforward Motion Processing Model: The Richness of Center-Surround Interactions
* Action Recognition with Actons
* Action recognition with appearance-motion features and fast search trees
* Action recognition with approximate sparse coding
* Action recognition with discriminative mid-level features
* Action Recognition with Dynamic Image Networks
* Action Recognition with Exemplar Based 2.5D Graph Matching
* Action Recognition with Global Features
* Action recognition with gradient boundary convolutional network
* Action Recognition with HOG-OF Features
* Action Recognition with Improved Trajectories
* Action recognition with motion-appearance vocabulary forest
* Action Recognition With Motion Diversification and Dynamic Selection
* Action recognition with multiscale spatio-temporal contexts
* Action Recognition with Semi-global Characteristics and Hidden Markov Models
* Action Recognition With Spatial-Temporal Discriminative Filter Banks
* Action Recognition with Spatial-Temporal Representation Analysis Across Grassmannian Manifold and Euclidean Space
* Action Recognition With Spatio-Temporal Visual Attention on Skeleton Image Sequences
* Action Recognition with Stacked Fisher Vectors
* Action Recognition with Temporal Relationships
* Action recognition with trajectory-pooled deep-convolutional descriptors
* Action Recognition with Visual Attention on Skeleton Images
* Action recognition: A region based approach
* Action Recognition: First-and Second-Order 3D Feature in Bi-Directional Attention Network
* Action Relational Graph for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Action Representing by Constrained Conditional Mutual Information
* Action retrieval based on generalized dynamic depth data matching
* Action scene detection from motion and events
* Action Search by Example Using Randomized Visual Vocabularies
* Action Search: Spotting Actions in Videos and Its Application to Temporal Action Localization
* Action segmentation and recognition in meeting room scenarios
* Action Segmentation on Representations of Skeleton Sequences Using Transformer Networks
* Action Segmentation With Joint Self-Supervised Temporal Domain Adaptation
* Action Segmentation with Mixed Temporal Domain Adaptation
* Action Segmentation
* Action Selection for Single-Camera SLAM
* action selection process to simulate the human behavior in virtual humans with real personality, An
* Action Sensitivity Learning for Temporal Action Localization
* Action Sets: Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Without Ordering Constraints
* Action Shuffle Alternating Learning for Unsupervised Action Segmentation
* Action Shuffling for Weakly Supervised Temporal Localization
* Action Signature: A Novel Holistic Representation for Action Recognition
* Action Similarity in Unconstrained Videos
* Action Similarity Labeling Challenge, The
* Action snapshot with single pose and viewpoint
* Action snippets: How many frames does human action recognition require?
* Action Spaces for Efficient Bayesian Tracking of Human Motion
* Action Spotting and Recognition Based on a Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Action Spotting and Temporal Attention Analysis in Soccer Videos
* Action spotting exploiting the frequency domain
* Action Spotting in Soccer Videos Using Multiple Scene Encoders
* Action Transformer: A self-attention model for short-time pose-based human action recognition
* Action Tubelet Detector for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* Action unit detection by exploiting spatial-temporal and label-wise attention with transformer
* Action unit detection using sparse appearance descriptors in space-time video volumes
* Action Unit Detection with Region Adaptation, Multi-labeling Learning and Optimal Temporal Fusing
* Action unit detection with segment-based SVMs
* Action unit intensity estimation using hierarchical partial least squares
* Action Unit Memory Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Action unit recognition transfer across datasets
* Action Units and Their Cross-Correlations for Prediction of Cognitive Load during Driving
* Action utility prediction and role task allocation in robot soccer system
* Action, Gesture, and Emotion Recognition Competitions: Large Scale Multimodal Gesture Recognition and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions
* Action2video: Generating Videos of Human 3D Actions
* Action4D: Online Action Recognition in the Crowd and Clutter
* Actionable information in vision
* Actionable saliency detection: Independent motion detection without independent motion estimation
* Actional-Structural Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* ActionBytes: Learning From Trimmed Videos to Localize Actions
* Actionet: An Interactive End-To-End Platform For Task-Based Data Collection And Augmentation In 3D Environment
* ActionFlowNet: Learning Motion Representation for Action Recognition
* ActionFormer: Localizing Moments of Actions with Transformers
* Actionlet-Dependent Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Actionness-Assisted Recognition of Actions
* Actionness-Guided Transformer for Anchor-Free Temporal Action Localization
* Actionness Estimation Using Hybrid Fully Convolutional Networks
* Actionness Ranking with Lattice Conditional Ordinal Random Fields
* Actions ~ Transformations
* Actions and Attributes from Wholes and Parts
* Actions as Moving Points
* Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* Actions in context
* Actions in the Eye: Dynamic Gaze Datasets and Learnt Saliency Models for Visual Recognition
* Actions Recognition in Crowd Based on Coarse-to-Fine Multi-object Tracking
* Actions Sketch: A Novel Action Representation
* Actions, Grasping, Robot Grasping, Shape for Grasp
* ActionSnapping: Motion-Based Video Synchronization
* ActionSpotter: Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Temporal Action Spotting in Videos
* ActionVis: An Explorative Tool to Visualize Surgical Actions in Gynecologic Laparoscopy
* ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Action Classification
* ACTIS: Improving data efficiency by leveraging semi-supervised Augmentation Consistency Training for Instance Segmentation
* Activate and Reject: Towards Safe Domain Generalization under Category Shift
* Activate or Not: Learning Customized Activation
* Activated Sparsely Sub-Pixel Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Activating More Information in Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
* Activating More Pixels in Image Super-Resolution Transformer
* Activation Density Driven Efficient Pruning in Training
* Activation Detection and Characterisation in Brain fMRI Sequences. Application to the study of monkey vision
* Activation detection in event-related fMRI through clustering of wavelet distributions
* Activation detection in fMRI using a maximum energy ratio statistic obtained by adaptive spatial filtering
* Activation Template Matching Loss for Explainable Face Recognition
* Activation to Saliency: Forming High-Quality Labels for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection
* Active-camera calibration using iterative image feature localization
* Active-Constraint Robotics for Surgery
* Active-disc-based Kalman filter technique for tracking of blood cells in microfluidic channels
* Active-GNG: model acquisition and tracking in cluttered backgrounds
* Active-Learning Approaches for Landslide Mapping Using Support Vector Machines
* Active-learning based cascade classification of multitemporal images for updating land-cover maps
* Active-matting-based object tracking with color cues
* Active-meshes
* Active-Metric Learning for Classification of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images
* Active-Passive Beamforming With Imperfect CSI for IRS-Assisted Sensing System
* Active-Passive Disaggregation of Brightness Temperatures During the SMAPVEX12 Campaign
* Active-Passive Microwave Land Surface Database From GPM, An
* Active-Passive Remote Sensing Evaluation of Ecological Environment Quality in Juye Mining Area, China
* Active-Region Models for Segmenting Medical Images
* Active-Region Models for Segmenting Textures and Colors
* Active-vision-based multisensor surveillance: An implementation
* active-vision system for recognition of pre-marked objects in robotic assembly workcells, An
* Active-Vision System Reconfiguration for Form Recognition in the Presence of Dynamic Obstacles
* Active 3D Classification of Multiple Objects in Cluttered Scenes
* Active 3D Motion Visualization Based on Spatiotemporal Light-Ray Integration
* Active 3D Object Models
* Active 3D Object Recognition Using 3D Affine Invariants
* Active 3d Segmentation through Fixation of Previously Unseen Objects
* Active 3D shape acquisition using smartphones
* Active Acquisition of 3D Shape for Moving Objects
* Active Action Proposal Method Based on Reinforcement Learning, An
* Active Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Active and Contrastive Learning Framework for Fine-Grained Off-Road Semantic Segmentation, An
* Active and Dynamic Information Fusion for Facial Expression Understanding from Image Sequences
* Active and Exploratory Perception
* Active and incremental learning for semantic ALS point cloud segmentation
* Active and intelligent sensing of road obstacles: Application to the European Eureka-PROMETHEUS project
* Active and Passive 3D Imaging Technologies Applied to Waterlogged Wooden Artifacts from Shipwrecks
* Active and Passive Range Sensing for Robotics
* Active and Semisupervised Learning for the Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Active Animate Stereo Vision
* Active Annotation Translation
* Active anomaly detection based on deep one-class classification
* Active Aperture Control and Sensor Modulation for Flexible Imaging
* Active appearance model search using partial least squares regression
* Active Appearance Model with a Derivative-Free Optimization, An
* Active Appearance Models Fitting with Occlusion
* Active Appearance Models for Automatic Fitting of 3D Morphable Models
* Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Active appearance models using statistical characteristics of Gabor based texture representation
* Active appearance models with occlusion
* Active Appearance Models with Rotation Invariant Kernels
* Active Appearance Models
* Active Appearance Models: AAM
* Active Areas: On Interacting in a Virtual Environment
* Active attentional sampling for speed-up of background subtraction
* Active Audio-Visual Separation of Dynamic Sound Sources
* Active Avoidance: Escape And Dodging Behaviors for Reactive Control
* Active background modeling: Actors on a stage
* Active balloon model based on 3D skeleton extraction by competitive learning
* Active Batch Sampling for Multi-label Classification with Binary User Feedback
* Active Batch Selection via Convex Relaxations with Guaranteed Solution Bounds
* Active bayesian color constancy with non-uniform sensors
* Active Bidirectional Self-Training Network for Cross-Domain Segmentation in Remote-Sensing Images
* Active Bifocal Vision
* Active Binocular Stereo
* Active Blobs
* Active blobs: region-based, deformable appearance models
* active boosting-based learning framework for real-time hand detection, An
* Active Boosting for Interactive Object Retrieval
* Active Bucket Categorization for High Recall Video Retrieval
* Active Calibration of Camera-Projector Systems Based on Planar Homography
* Active Calibration of Cameras: Theory and Implementation
* Active Calibration: A Flexible, Numerically Optimal Method to Calibrate A Stereo Light Microscope
* Active Calibration: Alternative Strategy and Analysis
* Active Camera as a Projective Pointing Device, The
* Active Camera Calibration for a Head-Eye Platform Using the Variable State-Dimension Filter
* Active Camera Calibration Using Pan, Tilt And Roll
* Active Camera Controlling for Manipulation
* Active Camera Networks and Semantic Event Databases for Intelligent Environments
* Active Camera Relocalization from a Single Reference Image without Hand-Eye Calibration
* Active Camera Self-Orientation Using Dynamic Image Parameters
* active camera system for acquiring multi-view video, An
* Active Canny: Edge detection and recovery with open active contour models
* Active Cell Appearance Model Induced Generative Adversarial Networks for Annotation-Efficient Cell Segmentation and Identification on Adaptive Optics Retinal Images
* Active Character Recognition using A*-like Algorithm
* Active Character: Dynamic Reaction to the User
* Active Class Selection for Dataset Acquisition in Sign Language Recognition
* Active classification for human action recognition
* Active Cleaning for Video Corpus Annotation
* Active cleaning of label noise
* Active clustering of document fragments using information derived from both images and catalogs
* Active Clustering with Ensembles for Social structure extraction
* Active Clustering with Model-Based Uncertainty Reduction
* Active collaborative ensemble tracking
* Active Collection of Land Cover Sample Data from Geo-Tagged Web Texts
* Active collision algorithm for autonomous electric vehicles at intersections
* Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Uncertainty of the pedestrian
* Active collision avoidance system for steering control of autonomous vehicles
* Active colloids segmentation and tracking
* Active Compliance Control Reduces Upper Body Effort in Exoskeleton-Supported Walking
* Active Compressive Sensing via Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor for Human Situation Recognition
* Active Computer Vision by Cooperative Focusing and Stereo
* Active Computer Vision System
* Active concept learning for image retrieval in dynamic databases
* Active Concept Learning in Image Databases
* Active conditional models
* Active constrained fuzzy clustering: A multiple kernels learning approach
* Active constrained truncated Newton method for simple-bound optical tomography
* Active Context-Based Concept Fusion with Partial User Labels
* Active Contour-Based Visual Tracking by Integrating Colors, Shapes, and Motions
* active contour algorithm for spectrogram track detection, An
* Active contour algorithm for texture segmentation using a texture feature set
* Active Contour Algorithm: An Attractive Tool for Snow Avalanche Analysis
* Active contour and texture features hybrid model for breast cancer detection from ultrasonic images
* Active Contour Approach for a Mumford-Shah Model in X-Ray Tomography, An
* Active Contour Based Rock Sole Recognition
* Active Contour Based Segmentation of 3D Surfaces
* Active contour detection of linear patterns in spectrogram images
* Active contour driven by adaptive-scale local-energy signed pressure force function based on bias correction for medical image segmentation
* Active contour driven by local divergence energies for ultrasound image segmentation
* Active contour driven by region-scalable fitting and local Bhattacharyya distance energies for ultrasound image segmentation
* Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on Riemannian manifold
* Active Contour External Force Using Vector Field Convolution for Image Segmentation
* Active contour image segmentation model with de-hazing constraints
* Active Contour Method Based on Wavelet for Texture Boundaries, An
* Active Contour Method for Bone Cement Reconstruction From C-Arm X-Ray Images, An
* Active contour model based on hybrid signed pressure force function
* active contour model based on Jeffreys divergence and clustering technology for image segmentation, An
* Active contour model based on local bias field estimation for image segmentation
* Active Contour Model Based on Mathematical Morphology
* active contour model based on multiple boundary measures, An
* Active Contour Model Based on Salient Boundary Point Image for Object Contour Detection in Natural Image
* Active Contour Model Based on Texture Distribution for Extracting Inhomogeneous Insulators From Aerial Images, An
* Active contour model combining region and edge information
* Active contour model driven by local histogram fitting energy
* active contour model for colour region extraction in natural scenes, An
* Active Contour Model for Extracting Human Faces
* Active contour model for inhomogenous image segmentation based on Jeffreys divergence
* active contour model for measuring the area of leg ulcers, An
* Active Contour Model for Segmenting and Measuring Retinal Vessels, An
* Active Contour Model for Speech Balloon Detection in Comics, An
* Active Contour Model for the Automatic Detection of the Fovea in Fluorescein Angiographies, An
* Active Contour Model Guided by LBP Distributions, An
* Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation with an extreme learning machine and a fuzzy C-means cluster
* Active contour model using a priori knowledge of region shape
* Active contour model with gradient directional information: Directional snake
* Active Contour Model with Local Variance Force Term and Its Efficient Minimization Solver for Multiphase Image Segmentation, An
* active contour model without edges, An
* Active Contour Models for Manifold Valued Image Segmentation
* Active Contour Models for Shape Description Using Multiscale Differential Invariants
* Active contour models: A multiscale implementation for anatomical feature delineation in cervical images
* Active Contour Models: Overview, Implementation and Applications
* Active Contour Road Model for Smart Vehicle
* Active Contour Segmentation Guided by AM-FM Dominant Component Analysis
* Active Contour Segmentation with a Parametric Shape Prior: Link with the Shape Gradient
* active contour tracking method by matching foreground and background simultaneously, An
* Active Contour Tracking of Moving Objects Using Edge Flows and Ant Colony Optimization in Video Sequences
* Active Contour Using Local Regional Information on Extendable Search Lines (LRES) for Image Segmentation
* Active Contour with a Tangential Component
* Active Contouring Based on Gradient Vector Interaction and Constrained Level Set Diffusion
* Active Contours and Snakes, Region Segmentation Issues
* Active Contours and Snakes, Segmentations, Flow, Gradient Flow
* Active Contours and Snakes, Shape Priors for Segmentation
* Active Contours and Snakes, Video, Motion Segmentation Issues
* Active Contours Approach to Object Tracking in Image Sequences With Complex Background
* Active Contours Based Battachryya Gradient Flow for Texture Segmentation
* Active Contours Based on Chambolle's Mean Curvature Motion
* Active contours based on weighted gradient vector flow and balloon forces for medical image segmentation
* Active contours driven by global and local weighted signed pressure force for image segmentation
* Active contours driven by local and global probability distributions
* Active contours driven by local image fitting energy
* Active contours driven by local pre-fitting energy for fast image segmentation
* Active Contours Driven by Local Rayleigh Distribution Fitting Energy for Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Active contours driven by modified LoG energy term and optimised penalty term for image segmentation
* Active Contours Driven by Supervised Binary Classifiers for Texture Segmentation
* Active Contours Driven by the Salient Edge Energy Model
* Active contours driven by time-varying fitting energy
* Active contours for cell tracking
* Active contours for image segmentation using complex domain-based approach
* Active Contours for Multi-region Image Segmentation with a Single Level Set Function
* Active contours for selective object segmentation
* Active Contours for the Movement and Motility Analysis of Biological Objects
* Active Contours for Tracking Distributions
* Active contours for video object tracking using region, boundary and shape information
* Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor
* active contours method based on intensity and reduced Gabor features for texture segmentation, An
* Active contours methods with respect to Vickers indentations
* Active Contours Network to Straighten Distorted Text Lines
* Active Contours on Statistical Manifolds And Texture Segmentation
* Active contours segmentation with edge based and local region based
* Active contours textural and inhomogeneous object extraction
* Active Contours Under Topology Control Genus Preserving Level Sets
* Active Contours Under Topology Control: Genus Preserving Level Sets
* Active Contours Using a Constraint-Based Implicit Representation
* Active contours using a potential field
* Active Contours Using Finite Elements to Control Local Scale
* Active contours with a joint and region-scalable distribution metric for interactive natural image segmentation
* Active contours with a novel distribution metric for complex object segmentation
* Active contours with area-weighted binary flows for segmenting low SNR imagery
* Active Contours with Free Endpoints
* Active Contours with Group Similarity
* Active contours with neighborhood-extending and noise-smoothing gradient vector flow external force
* Active contours with prior corner detection to extract discontinuous boundaries of anatomical structures in X-ray images
* Active Contours with Selective Local or Global Segmentation: A New Formulation and Level Set Method
* Active Contours with Thresholding Value for Image Segmentation
* Active Contours without Edges and with Simple Shape Priors
* Active Contours without Edges for Vector-Valued Images
* Active contours without edges
* Active contours without level sets
* Active Contours, Snakes or Deformable Curves
* Active Contours: The Application of Techniques from Graphics, Vision, Control Theory and Statistics to Visual Tracking of Shapes in Motion
* Active Control of Zoom for Computer Vision
* Active Convolution: Learning the Shape of Convolution for Image Classification
* Active convolutional neural networks for cancerous tissue recognition
* Active Crowd Counting with Limited Supervision
* Active curve axis Gaussian mixture models
* Active Curve Recovery of Region Boundary Patterns
* Active Deceleration Support in Car Following
* Active Decision Boundary Annotation with Deep Generative Models
* Active Deep Learning Approach for Minimally Supervised PolSAR Image Classification, An
* Active deep neural network features selection for segmentation and recognition of brain tumors using MRI images
* Active Defense Against Voice Conversion Through Generative Adversarial Network
* Active Deformable Models Using Density Estimation
* Active Deformable Part Models Inference
* Active Deformation Areas of Potential Landslide Mapping with a Generalized Convolutional Neural Network
* Active Depth Estimation with Gaze and Vergence Control Using Gabor Filters
* Active Descriptor Learning for Feature Matching
* Active Detection and Classification of Junctions by Foveation with a Head-Eye System Guided by the Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Active detection of age groups based on touch interaction
* Active Differential CMOS Imaging Device for Human Face Recognition
* Active digit classifiers: a separability optimization approach to emulate cognition
* Active discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* Active discriminative tracking using collective memory
* Active Disparity Sampling for Stereo Matching With Adjoint Network
* Active document layout synthesis
* Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via Dynamically Balancing Domainness and Uncertainty
* Active Domain Adaptation via Clustering Uncertainty-weighted Embeddings
* Active Domain Adaptation with Multi-level Contrastive Units for Semantic Segmentation
* Active drift correction template tracking algorithm
* Active Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Active Egomotion Estimation: A Qualitative Approach
* Active emulation of computer codes with Gaussian processes: Application to remote sensing
* Active entropy camera
* Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling dynamic interactions
* Active Exploration of Multimodal Complementarity for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Active Exploration of Robotic Workcell
* Active Exploration of Static Scenes
* Active Exploration Using Bayesian Models for Multimodal Perception
* Active Exploration: Knowing When We're Wrong
* Active face and feature tracking
* Active Face Observation System
* Active Face Recognition with a Hybrid Approach
* Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive Room
* Active facial tracking for fatigue detection
* Active Factor Graph Network for Group Activity Recognition
* Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Discrete Vehicle Active Suspension Via Reduced-Order Observer
* Active Fault Trace Identification Using a LiDAR High-Resolution DEM: A Case Study of the Central Yangsan Fault, Korea
* Active Feature Models
* active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
* Active Fine-Tuning From gMAD Examples Improves Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Active Finetuning: Exploiting Annotation Budget in the Pretraining-Finetuning Paradigm
* Active Fingerprint Ridge Orientation Models
* Active Fire Detection from Landsat-8 Imagery Using Deep Multiple Kernel Learning
* Active fire detection in Landsat-8 imagery: A large-scale dataset and a deep-learning study
* Active Fire Mapping on Brazilian Pantanal Based on Deep Learning and CBERS 04A Imagery
* Active Fixation Control to Predict Saccade Sequences
* Active Fixation for Junction Classification
* Active Fixation for Scene Exploration
* Active Fixation Using Attentional Shifts, Affine Resampling, and Multiresolution Search
* Active Flattening of Curved Document Images via Two Structured Beams
* Active Fourier Contour Applied To Real Time 3d Ultrasound Of The Heart
* active foveated gaze prediction algorithm based on a Bayesian ideal observer, An
* Active Foveated Vision System: Attentional Mechanisms and Scan Path Convergence Measures, An
* Active Frame Selection for Label Propagation in Videos
* Active Frame, Location, and Detector Selection for Automated and Manual Video Annotation
* Active Fusion Using Bayesian Networks Applied to Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery
* Active Fusion: A New Method Applied to Remote Sensing Image Interpretation
* Active garment recognition and target grasping point detection using deep learning
* Active geodesics: Region-based active contour segmentation with a global edge-based constraint
* active geometric shape model: A new robust deformable shape model and its applications, The
* Active Gesture Recognition Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
* Active Gradual Domain Adaptation: Dataset and Approach
* Active graph based semi-supervised learning using image matching: Application to handwritten digit recognition
* Active Graph Cuts
* Active Graph Matching Based on Pairwise Probabilities between Nodes
* Active Hand Tracking
* Active Head Tracking System for Distance Education and Videoconferencing Applications, An
* Active Human-Following Control of an Exoskeleton Robot With Body Weight Support
* Active Illumination and Appearance (AIA) Model for Face Alignment, An
* Active Illumination for the Segmentation of Surface Deformations
* Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans
* Active image clustering: Seeking constraints from humans to complement algorithms
* Active Image Labeling and Its Application to Facial Action Labeling
* Active image pair selection for continuous person re-identification
* Active Image Sampling on Canonical Views for Novel Object Detection
* Active Image Segmentation Propagation
* Active Image Synthesis for Efficient Labeling
* Active image: A shape and topology preserving segmentation method using B-spline free form deformations
* Active Incremental Recognition of Human Activities in a Streaming Context
* Active inference for retrieval in camera networks
* Active intelligent vision using the dynamic generalized Hough Transform
* Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points
* Active Investigation of Functionality
* Active k-labelsets ensemble for multi-label classification
* Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
* Active Knowledge
* Active Label Correction Using Robust Parameter Update and Entropy Propagation
* Active Latent Space Shape Model: A Bayesian Treatment of Shape Model Adaptation with an Application to Psoriatic Arthritis Radiographs
* Active Lattice Model in a Bayesian Framework, An
* Active Layer Thickness Retrieval Over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 2000 to 2020 Based on Insar-measured Subsidence and Multi-layer Soil Moisture
* Active Learning-Based Optimized Training Library Generation for Object-Oriented Image Classification
* Active Learning-Based Sample Selection for Label-Efficient Blind Image Quality Assessment
* active learning-based SVM multi-class classification model, An
* Active Learning-Driven Siamese Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Active learning and discovery of object categories in the presence of unnameable instances
* Active Learning Approach for Statistical Spoken Language Understanding, An
* Active learning approach to detecting standing dead trees from ALS point clouds combined with aerial infrared imagery
* active learning approach to frequent itemset-based text clustering, An
* Active Learning Approach to Hyperspectral Data Classification, An
* Active learning approach to interactive spatio-temporal news video retrieval
* Active Learning Based 3D Semantic Labeling From Images and Videos
* Active Learning Based on Locally Linear Reconstruction
* Active learning based on minimization of the expected path-length of random walks on the learned manifold structure
* Active Learning Based Pedestrian Detection in Real Scenes
* Active Learning by Feature Mixing
* Active Learning by Querying Informative and Representative Examples
* Active learning combining uncertainty and diversity for multi-class image classification
* Active Learning for Bayesian 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Active Learning for Crop-Weed Discrimination by Image Classification from Convolutional Neural Network's Feature Pyramid Levels
* Active Learning for Crowdsourced QoE Modeling
* Active Learning for Deep Detection Neural Networks
* Active Learning for Deep Object Detection via Probabilistic Modeling
* Active Learning for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
* Active learning for designing detectors for infrequently occurring objects in wide-area satellite imagery
* Active learning for detecting a spectrally variable subject in color infrared imagery
* Active Learning for Dialogue Act Labelling
* Active Learning for Domain Adaptation in the Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Active Learning for Hierarchical Pairwise Data Clustering
* Active learning for high-density crowd count regression
* Active learning for human action recognition with Gaussian Processes
* Active Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Hypergraph Neural Network
* Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with a Stacked Autoencoders Based Neural Network
* Active learning for image retrieval with Co-SVM
* Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data
* Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
* Active Learning for Improved Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Images
* Active Learning for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval
* Active Learning for Interactive Segmentation with Expected Confidence Change
* Active Learning for Lane Detection: A Knowledge Distillation Approach
* Active learning for large multi-class problems
* Active learning for on-road vehicle detection: a comparative study
* Active Learning for Open-set Annotation
* Active Learning for Outdoor Perception
* Active learning for piecewise planar 3D reconstruction
* Active Learning for Recognition of Shipwreck Target in Side-Scan Sonar Image
* Active Learning for Regression With Correlation Matching and Labeling Error Suppression
* Active learning for semantic segmentation with expected change
* Active Learning for Single-Stage Object Detection in UAV Images
* Active Learning for Solving the Incomplete Data Problem in Facial Age Classification by the Furthest Nearest-Neighbor Criterion
* Active learning for structured probabilistic models with histogram approximation
* Active learning for tag recommendation utilizing on-line photos lacking tags
* Active Learning for the Classification of Species in Underwater Images from a Fixed Observatory
* Active Learning for Video Description with Cluster-regularized Ensemble Ranking
* Active Learning from Video Streams in a Multi-camera Scenario
* Active Learning Image Spam Hunter
* Active Learning in Context-Driven Stream Mining With an Application to Image Mining
* Active Learning in Face Recognition: Using Tracking to Build a Face Model
* Active Learning in the Spatial Domain for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* active learning method based on result quality evaluation for printed circuit board computed tomography image segmentation, An
* Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Active Learning of an Action Detector from Untrimmed Videos
* Active learning of custom sound taxonomies in unstructured audio data
* Active Learning of Ensemble Classifiers for Gesture Recognition
* Active learning of user's preferences estimation towards a personalized 3D navigation of geo-referenced scenes
* Active Learning Paradigm for Online Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition, An
* Active Learning Paradigms for CBIR Systems Based on Optimum-Path Forest Classification
* Active Learning Strategies for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
* Active Learning Strategy Using Contrastive Learning and K-means for Aquatic Invasive Species Recognition
* Active learning through notes data in Flickr: an effortless training data acquisition approach for object localization
* Active Learning to Extend Training Data for Large Area Airborne Lidar Classification
* Active learning to recognize multiple types of plankton
* Active Learning using Dirichlet Processes for Rare Class Discovery and Classification
* Active learning using uncertainty information
* Active learning via local structure reconstruction
* Active learning with adaptive regularization
* Active Learning with Bootstrapped Dendritic Classifier applied to medical image segmentation
* Active Learning With Co-Auxiliary Learning and Multi-Level Diversity for Image Classification
* Active Learning With Complementary Sampling for Instructing Class-Biased Multi-Label Text Emotion Classification
* Active Learning With Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a New Bayesian Approach
* Active Learning With Gaussian Process Classifier for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Active Learning with Gaussian Processes for Object Categorization
* Active Learning with Label Correlation Exploration for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Active learning with multi-criteria decision making systems
* Active Learning with n-ary Queries for Image Recognition
* Active Learning with Support Vector Machines in Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* Active Learning with Support Vector Machines in the Relevance Feedback Document Retrieval
* Active Learning with Task Consistency and Diversity in Multi-Task Networks
* Active Learning with the Furthest Nearest Neighbor Criterion for Facial Age Estimation
* Active learning with uncertain labeling knowledge
* Active Learning
* Active Learning: Any Value for Classification of Remotely Sensed Data?
* Active Lighting Applied to Shape from Polarization
* Active Lighting for Video Conferencing
* Active lighting learning for 3D model based vehicle tracking
* Active Machine Learning Approach for Crater Detection From Planetary Imagery and Digital Elevation Models
* Active MAP Inference in CRFs for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Active Mask Hierarchies for Object Detection
* Active Mask Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscope Images
* Active mass estimation with haptic vision
* Active Matching
* Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: Connections with Chan-Vese and Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Models
* active mesh based tracker for improved feature correspondences, An
* Active Mesh Coding and Rate-Distortion Theory
* Active Mesh for Video Segmentation and Objects Tracking
* Active Mesh Texture Coding based on Warping and DCT
* Active Mesh: A Feature Seeking and Tracking Image Sequence Representation Scheme
* Active Metric Learning for Object Recognition
* Active microscopic cellular image annotation by superposable graph transduction with imbalanced labels
* Active Mobile Robot Localization
* Active Model for Facial Feature Tracking, An
* Active Modeling of 3D Objects: Planning on the Next Best Pose (NBP) for Acquiring Range Images
* Active modeling of articulated objects with haptic vision
* Active models for tracking moving objects
* Active Modification of Reconstructed Wavefronts in Application of Digital Comparative Holography
* Active morphable model: an efficient method for face analysis
* Active motion detection and object tracking
* Active Multi-camera Motion Capture for Face, Fingers and Whole Body, An
* Active multi-kernel domain adaptation for hyperspectral image classification
* Active Multibaseline Stereo System with Real-time Image Acquisition, An
* Active Multibaseline Stereo Vision System with Real-Time Image Capture, An
* Active Navigation System for a Rubber-Tapping Robot Based on Trunk Detection
* Active Navigation: Tracking an Environmental Point Considered Beneficial
* Active Networking Based Service for Media Transcoding in Multicast Sessions, An
* Active Neural Mapping
* Active Noise Cancellation
* Active noise control using an adaptive bacterial foraging optimization algorithm
* Active noise control: a tutorial review
* Active Nonlinear Acoustic Sensing of an Object with Sum or Difference Frequency Fields
* Active nonrigid ICP algorithm
* Active Object Detection with Epistemic Uncertainty and Hierarchical Information Aggregation
* Active Object Localization with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Active object recognition based on Fourier descriptors clustering
* Active Object Recognition in Parametric Eigenspace
* Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and Viewpoint Control
* Active object recognition using vocabulary trees
* Active Object Recognition
* Active Object Recognition: Looking for Differences
* Active Observer, An
* Active One-Shot Scan for Wide Depth Range Using a Light Field Projector Based on Coded Aperture
* Active Online Anomaly Detection Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model and Gaussian Process Classification
* Active Online Learning for Interactive Segmentation Using Sparse Gaussian Processes
* Active Optical Lattice Filters
* Active Optical Sensing of Spring Maize for In-Season Diagnosis of Nitrogen Status Based on Nitrogen Nutrition Index
* Active Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Active outdoor surveillance
* Active Pairwise Constraint Learning in Constrained Time-Series Clustering for Crop Mapping from Airborne SAR Imagery
* Active Part-Decomposition, Shape and Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects: A Physics-based Approach
* Active Patch Model for Real World Appearance Reconstruction, An
* Active Patch Model for Real World Texture and Appearance Classification, An
* Active Pedestrian Safety by Automatic Braking and Evasive Steering
* Active Perception for Visual-Language Navigation
* Active perception using DAM and estimation techniques
* Active Perception Using Light Curtains for Autonomous Driving
* Active Perception vs. Passive Perception
* Active Perception
* Active Photometric Stereo
* Active Pictorial Structures
* Active Planning, Sensing, and Recognition Using a Resource-Constrained Discriminant POMDP
* Active Pointly-Supervised Instance Segmentation
* Active Polarization Descattering
* Active polygon for object tracking
* Active Polyhedron: Surface Evolution Theory Applied to Deformable Meshes
* Active privileged learning of human activities from weakly labeled samples
* Active Pursuit Tracking in a Projector-Camera System with Application to Augmented Reality
* Active query process for digital video surveillance forensic applications
* Active query selection for semi-supervised clustering
* Active radical modeling for handwritten Chinese characters
* Active Random Forests: An Application to Autonomous Unfolding of Clothes
* Active Range Imaging Dataset for Indoor Surveillance
* Active Rare Class Discovery and Classification Using Dirichlet Processes
* Active Rays: Polar-transformed Active Contours for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Active Rearranged Capturing of Image-Based Rendering Scenes: Theory and Practice
* Active recognition through next view planning: a survey
* Active Recognition: Using Uncertainty to Reduce Ambiguity
* Active Recovery of 3D Motion Trajectories and Their Use in Prediction, The
* Active Rectification of Curved Document Images Using Structured Beams
* Active recursive Bayesian inference using Rényi information measures
* Active Reflectors for Interferometric SAR Deformation Measurement
* Active Regions Approach for the Segmentation of 3D Biological Tissue, An
* Active regions for colour texture segmentation integrating region and boundary information
* Active Regions for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Integrating Region and Boundary Information
* Active Relearning Framework for Remote Sensing Image Classification, An
* Active Reranking for Web Image Search
* Active Robot Vision and Primary Ocular Processes
* Active Robot Vision
* Active Safety System for Low-Speed Bus Braking Assistance, An
* Active sample selection and correction propagation on a gradually-augmented graph
* Active Sampling Exploiting Reliable Informativeness for Subjective Image Quality Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison
* Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization
* Active Sampling for Subjective Image Quality Assessment
* Active Sampling of Gaze-Shifts, The
* Active sampling via tracking
* Active Scene Analysis-Based Approach for Pseudoconstant Bit-Rate Video Coding, An
* Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision
* Active scene recognition with vision and language
* Active Search for Real-Time Vision
* active search strategy for efficient object class detection, An
* Active Segmentation and Adaptive Tracking Using Level Sets
* Active Segmentation with Fixation
* Active selection of clustering constraints: a sequential approach
* Active Self-calibration of Multi-camera Systems
* Active self-calibration of robotic eyes and hand-eye relationships with model identification
* Active Self-Paced Learning for Cost-Effective and Progressive Face Identification
* Active semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* Active Semi-supervised Learning Using Optimum-Path Forest
* Active Semi-Supervised Random Forest for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks
* Active Service Recommendation Model for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Information Using Fusion of Attention and Multi-Perspective, An
* Active Shape-from-Shadows with Controlled Illuminant Trajectories
* Active shape and depth extraction from shadow images
* Active Shape Focusing
* Active shape from stereo for highway inspection
* Active Shape Inferring Based on the Symmetry in Stable Poses: Shape from Function Approach
* Active shape lip modeling
* Active Shape Model and linear predictors for face association refinement
* Active Shape Model Based Segmentation and Tracking of Facial Regions in Color Images
* Active Shape Model Precision Analysis of Vehicle Detection in 3d Lidar Point Clouds
* Active Shape Model Search Using Local Grey Level Models: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Active Shape Model Search using Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Active shape model segmentation with optimal features
* Active shape model unleashed with multi-scale local appearance
* Active Shape Model with random forest for facial features detection
* Active Shape Modeling with Electric Flows
* Active Shape Models and Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Echocardiography
* Active Shape Models And The Shape Approximation Problem
* Active Shape Models with Invariant Optimal Features (IOF-ASMs)
* Active Shape Models with Invariant Optimal Features: Application to Facial Analysis
* Active Shape Models: Evaluation of a Multi-Resolution Method for Improving Search
* Active Shape Models: Smart Snakes
* Active Shape Models: Their Training and Application
* Active shift attention based object tracking system
* Active Short-Long Exposure Deblurring
* Active Single Landmark Based Global Localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Active skeleton for non-rigid object detection
* Active SLAM for Autonomous Underwater Exploration
* Active Space-Variant Object Recognition
* Active Spatial Positions Based Hierarchical Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition
* Active Speaker Detection and Localization in Videos Using Low-Rank and Kernelized Sparsity
* Active Speakers in Context
* Active Stabilization of Images Acquired on a Walking Robotic Platform
* Active steganalysis for interpolation-error based reversible data hiding
* Active Stereo for Intersection Assistance
* Active Stereo Probe: Dynamic Video Feedback, The
* Active stereo tracking of multiple free-moving targets
* Active stereo vision and cyclotorsion
* Active Stereo Vision and Direct Surface Parameter-Estimation: Curve-to-Curve Image Plane Mappings
* Active stereo vision for improving long range hearing using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer
* Active Stereo Vision System for Recognition of Faces and Related Hand Gestures, An
* Active Stereo Without Pattern Projector
* Active Stereo: Integrating Disparity, Vergence, Focus, Aperture, and Calibration for Surface Estimation
* Active Strike-Slip Faulting and Systematic Deflection of Drainage Systems along the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Active Structure Acquisition by Continuous Fixation Movements
* Active Structured Learning for Cell Tracking: Algorithm, Framework, and Usability
* Active Structured Learning for High-Speed Object Detection
* Active subclustering
* Active Subdivision Surfaces for the Semiautomatic Segmentation of Biomedical Volumes
* Active subspace learning
* Active Supervision: Human in the Loop
* Active Surface Estimation: Integrating Coarse-to-Fine Image Acquisition and Estimation from Multiple Cues
* Active Surface for Fully 3d Automatic Segmentation
* Active surface modeling at CT resolution limits with micro CT ground truth
* Active Surface Reconstruction by Integrating Focus, Vergence, Stereo, and Camera Calibration
* Active Surface Reconstruction Using the Gradient Strategy
* Active Surfaces for Selective Object Segmentation in 3D
* Active Surveillance Using Dynamic Background Substraction
* Active Surveillance via Group Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Active Suspension Control of Quarter-Car System With Experimental Validation
* Active System to Generate Views of Facial Features with Selectable Resolution
* Active target tracking: A simplified view aligning method for binocular camera model
* Active Task Cognition Method for Home Service Robot Using Multi-Graph Attention Fusion Mechanism, An
* Active Teacher for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Active Tectonics Assessment Using Geomorphic and Drainage Indices in the Sertengshan, Hetao Basin, China
* Active Tectonics of the Frontal Himalayas: An Example from the Manzai Ranges in the Recess Setting, Western Pakistan
* Active Testing and Edge Analysis for Road Centreline Extraction
* Active Testing for Face Detection and Localization
* Active Testing Model for Tracking Roads in Satellite Images, An
* Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occlusion: A two-layer approach
* Active Tracking Based on Hausdorff Matching
* Active Tracking of Foveated Feature Clusters Using Affine Structure
* Active Tracking Strategy for Monocular Depth Inference over Multiple Frames
* Active Transfer Learning for Efficient Video-Specific Human Pose Estimation
* Active transfer learning for multi-view head-pose classification
* Active Transfer Learning Network: A Unified Deep Joint Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Active Transfer Learning with Zero-Shot Priors: Reusing Past Datasets for Future Tasks
* Active Transfer Learning
* Active Triangulation in the Outdoors: A Photometric Analysis
* Active Tubes in Multiscale Image Queue
* Active Two Phase Collaborative Representation Classifier for Image Categorization
* Active Universal Domain Adaptation
* Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space
* Active User Detection and Channel Estimation for Spatial-Based Random Access in Crowded Massive MIMO Systems via Blind Super-Resolution
* Active vector graph for regularized tesselation
* Active video analytics one leap ahead applicability and entering new dimensions
* Active View Optimization for Viewing Objects in Motion
* Active view planing for human observation through a RGB-D camera
* Active View Selection for Efficient 3D Scene Reconstruction
* Active view selection for object and pose recognition
* Active vision-based control schemes for autonomous navigation tasks
* Active vision-based face authentication
* Active Vision - General
* Active Vision - Path Planning
* Active Vision Approach to Height Estimation with Optical Flow, An
* Active Vision Architecture Based on Iconic Representations, An
* Active Vision as Methodology
* Active Vision Dataset Benchmark
* Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exploration
* Active Vision for Door Localization and Door Opening using Playbot: A Computer Controlled Wheelchair for People with Mobility Impairments
* Active Vision for Early Recognition of Human Actions
* Active Vision for Reliable Ranging: Cooperating Focus, Stereo, and Vergence
* Active vision for sociable robots
* Active Vision in the Era of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Active Vision Revisited
* Active Vision System for Multi-Primitive Hierarchical Stereo Analysis and Multi-Cue Depth Extraction, An
* Active Vision System for Multitarget Surveillance in Dynamic Environments, An
* active vision system for obtaining high resolution depth information, An
* Active Vision System for On-line Traffic Sign Recognition, An
* Active Vision System for Real-Time Traffic Sign Recogntition, An
* active vision system with facial expressions, An
* Active Vision Systems
* Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction
* Active Vision With Two Differentiated Visual Fields
* Active Vision
* Active Vision, Visual Attention
* Active Vision: 3D from an Image Sequence
* Active Vision: Foveal Sensing
* Active Vision: Gaze Control
* Active Visual-Based Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Clustering and Classification Methods
* Active Visual Attention System to Play Where's Waldo, An
* Active Visual Estimator for Dextrous Manipulation, An
* Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape
* Active Visual Information Gathering for Vision-language Navigation
* Active Visual Navigation Using Non-Metric Structure
* Active Visual Object Reconstruction using D-, E-, and T-Optimal Next Best Views
* Active Visual Recognition with Expertise Estimation in Crowdsourcing
* Active Visual Segmentation
* Active Visual Sensing of the 3-D Pose of a Flexible Object
* Active visual tracking in multi-agent scenarios
* Active volume models for 3D medical image segmentation
* Active Volume Models for Medical Image Segmentation
* Active Volumes, Deformable Solids, 3-D Snakes, etc.
* Active vs. Passive Visual Search: Which Is More Efficient?
* Active Wavelet Networks for Face Alignment
* Active, Foveated, Uncalibrated Stereovision
* Active, Optical Range Imaging Sensors
* Active/Dynamic Stereo for Navigation
* Active/Dynamic Stereo: A General Framework
* Active/Passive Multiple Polarization Sea Ice Detection During Initial Freeze-Up
* ACTIVE: Activity Concept Transitions in Video Event Classification
* ACTIVE: Towards Highly Transferable 3D Physical Camouflage for Universal and Robust Vehicle Evasion
* ActiveCrowd: A Framework for Optimized Multitask Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems
* actively decoupled dual transceiver coil system for continuous ASL at 7 T, An
* Actively Learning Human Gaze Shifting Paths for Semantics-Aware Photo Cropping
* Actively Seeking and Learning From Live Data
* Actively selecting annotations among objects and attributes
* ActiveMatch: End-To-End Semi-Supervised Active Representation Learning
* ActiveMoCap: Optimized Viewpoint Selection for Active Human Motion Capture
* ActiveNeRF: Learning Where to See with Uncertainty Estimation
* ActiveStereoNet: End-to-End Self-supervised Learning for Active Stereo Systems
* ActivEye
* ActiveZero: Mixed Domain Learning for Active Stereovision with Zero Annotation
* ActiveZero++: Mixed Domain Learning Stereo and Confidence-Based Depth Completion With Zero Annotation
* ActiVis: Mobile Object Detection and Active Guidance for People with Visual Impairments
* Activities as Time Series of Human Postures
* Activities of Asian Students and Young Scientists on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* Activities of IAPR: TC-2, Learning, Representation and Visualization of Intelligent Pattern Recognition
* Activities of The Student Forum of The Geoinformation Forum Japan
* Activity-aware Attributes for Zero-Shot Driver Behavior Recognition
* Activity-based Early Autism Diagnosis Using A Multi-Dataset Supervised Contrastive Learning Approach
* Activity-based electrocardiogram biometric verification using wearable devices
* Activity-based methods for person recognition in motion capture sequences
* Activity-based model based on multi-day cellular data: Considering the lack of personal attributes and activity type
* Activity-Based Motion Estimation Scheme for H.264 Scalable Video Coding
* Activity-Based Person Identification Using Discriminative Sparse Projections and Orthogonal Ensemble Metric Learning
* Activity-based temporal segmentation for videos of interacting objects using invariant trajectory features
* Activity-Conditioned Continuous Human Pose Estimation for Performance Analysis of Athletes Using the Example of Swimming
* Activity-driven content adaptation for effective video summarization
* Activity Analysis for Video Security Systems
* Activity Analysis in Complicated Scenes Using DFT Coefficients of Particle Trajectories
* Activity analysis in crowded environments using social cues for group discovery and human interaction modeling
* Activity Analysis in Microtubule Videos by Mixture of Hidden Markov Models
* Activity Analysis, Summarization, and Visualization for Indoor Human Activity Monitoring
* Activity and Kinematics of Two Adjacent Freeze-Thaw-Related Landslides Revealed by Multisource Remote Sensing of Qilian Mountain
* Activity and Relationship Modeling Driven Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Activity and Stress Estimation Based on OpenPose and Electrocardiogram for User-Focused Level-4-Vehicles
* Activity Auto-Completion: Predicting Human Activities from Partial Videos
* Activity aware video collection to minimize resource usage in smart camera nodes
* Activity Awareness: from Predefined Events to New Pattern Discovery
* Activity Based Matching in Distributed Camera Networks
* Activity based surveillance video content modelling
* Activity Based Video Content Trajectory Representation and Segmentation
* Activity Based Video Shot Retrieval and Ranking
* Activity classification and anomaly detection using m-mediods based modelling of motion patterns
* Activity detection in conversational sign language video for mobile telecommunication
* Activity detection in the wild using video metadata
* Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos Using Chunk-based Classifiers
* Activity Detection using Fusion of Multi-Pressure Sensors in Insoles
* Activity detection using Sequential Statistical Boundary Detection (SSBD)
* Activity Discovery and Activity Recognition: A New Partnership
* Activity Discovery from Surveillance Videos
* Activity Discovery Using Compressed Suffix Trees
* Activity Driven Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Activity Forecasting
* Activity Group Localization by Modeling the Relations among Participants
* Activity guided multi-scales collaboration based on scaled-CNN for saliency prediction
* Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Douglas-Rachford/ADMM under Partial Smoothness
* Activity Identification Utilizing Data Mining Techniques
* Activity location recognition from mobile phone data using improved HAC and Bi-LSTM
* Activity maps for location-aware computing
* Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences
* Activity Modelling in Crowded Environments: A Soft-Decision Approach
* Activity monitoring and summarization for an intelligent meeting room
* Activity Monitoring by Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems
* Activity Monitoring Made Easier by Smart 360-degree Cameras
* Activity Monitoring System for Real Elderly at Home: Validation Study, An
* Activity Normalization for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Activity of Okgye Limestone Mine in South Korea Observed by InSAR Coherence and PSInSAR Techniques
* Activity Patterns in Stroke Patients: Is There a Trend in Behaviour During Rehabilitation?
* Activity Recognition and Abnormality Detection with the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model
* Activity recognition and localization on a truck parking lot
* Activity recognition and prediction with pose based discriminative patch model
* Activity recognition and uncertain knowledge in video scenes
* Activity Recognition Applications from Contextual Video-Text Fusion
* Activity Recognition Based on an Accelerometer in a Smartphone Using an FFT-Based New Feature and Fusion Methods
* Activity recognition based on multiple motion trajectories
* Activity recognition based on semantic spatial relation
* Activity recognition by integrating the physics of motion with a Neuromorphic model of perception
* Activity recognition by learning structural and pairwise mid-level features using random forest
* Activity Recognition for a Smartphone and Web-Based Human Mobility Sensing System
* Activity Recognition for a Smartphone Based Travel Survey Based on Cross-User History Data
* Activity Recognition for Ambient Sensing Data and Rule Based Anomaly Detection
* Activity recognition for indoor fall detection using convolutional neural network
* Activity Recognition for Physically-Embodied Agent Teams
* Activity Recognition for the Digital Home
* Activity Recognition for the Mind: Toward a Cognitive Quantified Self
* Activity recognition from a wearable camera
* Activity Recognition from Silhouettes using Linear Systems and Model (In)validation Techniques
* Activity Recognition in Egocentric Life-Logging Videos
* Activity Recognition in Meetings with One and Two Kinect Sensors
* Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environment
* Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
* Activity Recognition in Sensor Data Streams for Active and Assisted Living Environments
* Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Using Clustering Based Classification
* Activity Recognition in Still Images with Transductive Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Activity recognition in video sequences over qualitative abstracts of a diagram-based representation schema
* Activity Recognition of Assembly Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers
* Activity Recognition Using a Combination of Category Components and Local Models for Video Surveillance
* Activity Recognition Using a Mixture of Vector Fields
* Activity recognition using a panoramic camera for homecare
* Activity Recognition Using Deep Recurrent Neural Network on Translation and Scale-Invariant Features
* Activity Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Automatic State Selection
* Activity recognition using dynamic subspace angles
* Activity Recognition Using First-Person-View Cameras Based on Sparse Optical Flows
* Activity recognition using the dynamics of the configuration of interacting objects
* Activity recognition using the velocity histories of tracked keypoints
* Activity Recognition using Visual Tracking and RFID
* Activity Recognition Via Classification Constrained Diffusion Maps
* Activity Recognition with Evolving Data Streams: A Review
* Activity recognition with volume motion templates and histograms of 3D gradients
* Activity related authentication using prehension biometrics
* Activity related biometric authentication using Spherical Harmonics
* Activity Representation in Crowd
* Activity Representation Using 3D Shape Models
* Activity representation with motion hierarchies
* Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones
* Activity summarisation and fall detection in a supportive home environment
* Activity Topology Estimation for Large Networks of Cameras
* ActivityExplorer: A semi-supervised approach to discover unknown activity classes in HAR systems
* ActivityNet: A large-scale video benchmark for human activity understanding
* Actlets: A novel local representation for human action recognition in video
* ActMAD: Activation Matching to Align Distributions for Test-Time-Training
* ACTNET: End-to-End Learning of Feature Activations and Multi-stream Aggregation for Effective Instance Image Retrieval
* Actom sequence models for efficient action detection
* Actor-Action Semantic Segmentation with Grouping Process Models
* Actor-agnostic Multi-label Action Recognition with Multi-modal Query
* Actor-Aware Alignment Network for Action Recognition
* Actor-Aware Self-Supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Actor-Centered Representations for Action Localization in Streaming Videos
* Actor-centric Causality Graph for Asynchronous Temporal Inference in Group Activity, An
* Actor-Centric Relation Network
* Actor-Centric Tubelets for Real-Time Activity Detection in Extended Videos
* Actor-Context-Actor Relation Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* Actor-Critic Instance Segmentation
* Actor-independent action search using spatiotemporal vocabulary with appearance hashing
* Actor-Transformers for Group Activity Recognition
* Actor and Action Modular Network for Text-Based Video Segmentation
* Actor and Action Video Segmentation from a Sentence
* Actor and Observer: Joint Modeling of First and Third-Person Videos
* Actor Conditioned Attention Maps for Video Action Detection
* Actor Identification
* ActorsNeRF: Animatable Few-shot Human Rendering with Generalizable NeRFs
* ACTS Project-AC077. Scalable architectures with hardware extensions for low bitrate variable bandwidth realtime videocommunications (SCALAR)
* Actual and Forecasted Vulnerability Assessment to Seawater Intrusion via GALDIT-SUSI in the Volturno River Mouth (Italy)
* Actual Evapotranspiration (Water Use) Assessment of the Colorado River Basin at the Landsat Resolution Using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model
* Actual Evapotranspiration Dominates Drought in Central Asia
* Actual Evapotranspiration from UAV Images: A Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Approach
* Actual Midline Estimation from Brain CT Scan Using Multiple Regions Shape Matching
* Actual Shape-Based Obstacle Avoidance Synthesized by Velocity-Acceleration Minimization for Redundant Manipulators: An Optimization Perspective
* Actuator-Redundancy-Based Fault Diagnosis for Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
* Acuity-Matching Resolution Degradation Through Wavelet Coefficient Scaling
* Acuity Laser Measurement
* Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding facial expression and gesture data
* Acute lymphoblastic leukemia segmentation using local pixel information
* Acute lymphocytic leukemia detection and subtype classification via extended wavelet pooling based-CNNs and statistical-texture features
* Acute lymphoid leukemia classification using two-step neural network classifier
* Acute myelogenous leukaemia detection in blood microscope images using particle swarm optimisation
* Acute Stress State Classification Based on Electrodermal Activity Modeling
* Acute3D
* Acyclic Partial Matchings for Multidimensional Persistence: Algorithm and Combinatorial Interpretation
* ACYOTB Plugin: Tool for Accurate Orthorectification in Open-Source Environments
* AD-CGAN: Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network for Anomaly Detection
* AD-CLIP: Adapting Domains in Prompt Space Using CLIP
* AD-Cluster: Augmented Discriminative Clustering for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
* Ad-Hoc Multi-planar Projector Displays
* AD-NeRF: Audio Driven Neural Radiance Fields for Talking Head Synthesis
* AD-SiamRPN: Anti-Deformation Object Tracking via an Improved Siamese Region Proposal Network on Hyperspectral Videos
* AD-VAT+: An Asymmetric Dueling Mechanism for Learning and Understanding Visual Active Tracking
* Ad Hoc Model Generation Using Multiscale LIDAR Data from a Geospatial Database
* Ad Hoc Radiometric Calibration of a Thermal-Infrared Camera
* Ad Hoc Solution of the Multicommodity-Flow-Over-Time Problem
* AD)2: Adversarial domain adaptation to defense with adversarial perturbation removal
* ADA-AT/DT: An Adversarial Approach for Cross-Domain and Cross-Task Knowledge Transfer
* Ada-Boost Algorithm, Classification, Naïve-
* Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models
* Ada-Sal Network: emulate the Human Visual System
* ADA-VIT: Attention-Guided Data Augmentation for Vision Transformers
* ADA: Adversarial Data Augmentation for Object Detection
* Ada3D: Exploiting the Spatial Redundancy with Adaptive Inference for Efficient 3D Object Detection
* AdaAfford: Learning to Adapt Manipulation Affordance for 3D Articulated Objects via Few-Shot Interactions
* AdaAttN: Revisit Attention Mechanism in Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer
* AdaBest: Minimizing Client Drift in Federated Learning via Adaptive Bias Estimation
* AdaBin: Improving Binary Neural Networks with Adaptive Binary Sets
* AdaBins: Depth Estimation Using Adaptive Bins
* AdaBits: Neural Network Quantization With Adaptive Bit-Widths
* Adaboost-based detection and segmentation of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds struts in IVOCT images
* AdaBoost-based face detection for embedded systems
* Adaboost-based Feature Relevance Assessment in Fusing LIDAR and Image Data for Classification of Trees and Vehicles in Urban Scenes
* Adaboost and multi-orientation 2D Gabor-based noisy iris recognition
* AdaBoost Ensemble Classifier System for Classifying Hyperspectral Data, An
* AdaBoost for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* AdaBoost Learning for Human Detection Based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* AdaBoost Multiple Feature Selection and Combination for Face Recognition
* AdaBoost neural network and cyclopean view for no-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment
* AdaBoost on low-rank PSD matrices for metric learning
* AdaBoost Tracker Embedded in Adaptive Particle Filtering
* Adaboost Video Tracking
* Adaboost with dummy-variable modeling for reduction of false positives in detection of clustered microcalcifications
* Adaboost with totally corrective updates for fast face detection
* AdaBoost.MRF: Boosted Markov Random Forests and Application to Multilevel Activity Recognition
* AdaBoosted Extra Trees Classifier for Object-Based Multispectral Image Classification of Urban Fringe Area
* AdaCoF: Adaptive Collaboration of Flows for Video Frame Interpolation
* AdaConfigure: Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Configuration for Video Analytics Services
* AdaCos: Adaptively Scaling Cosine Logits for Effectively Learning Deep Face Representations
* AdaCoSeg: Adaptive Shape Co-Segmentation With Group Consistency Loss
* AdaCrowd: Unlabeled Scene Adaptation for Crowd Counting
* AdaCS: Adaptive Compressive Sensing With Restricted Isometry Property-Based Error-Clamping
* AdaDC: Adaptive Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-Identification
* AdaDeId: Adjust Your Identity Attribute Freely
* AdaDepth: Unsupervised Content Congruent Adaptation for Depth Estimation
* ADAE: Adversarial Distributed Source Autoencoder for Point Cloud Compression
* AdaFace: Quality Adaptive Margin for Face Recognition
* AdaFilter: Adaptive Filter Design with Local Image Basis Decomposition for Optimizing Image Recognition Preprocessing
* ADAfinder Tool Applied to EGMS Data for the Structural Health Monitoring of Urban Settlements
* AdaFit: Rethinking Learning-based Normal Estimation on Point Clouds
* AdaFocus V2: End-to-End Training of Spatial Dynamic Networks for Video Recognition
* AdaFocusV3: On Unified Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Video Recognition
* AdaFrame: Adaptive Frame Selection for Fast Video Recognition
* AdaFuse: Adaptive Multiview Fusion for Accurate Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* AdaGraph: Unifying Predictive and Continuous Domain Adaptation Through Graphs
* AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement
* ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Images
* AdaMAE: Adaptive Masking for Efficient Spatiotemporal Learning with Masked Autoencoders
* AdaMixer: A Fast-Converging Query-Based Object Detector
* AdaMKL: A Novel Biconvex Multiple Kernel Learning Approach
* AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video Recognition
* AdamsFormer for Spatial Action Localization in the Future
* AdaMT-Net: An Adaptive Weight Learning Based Multi-Task Learning Model For Scene Understanding
* AdaMTL: Adaptive Input-dependent Inference for Efficient Multi-Task Learning
* AdaMV-MoE: Adaptive Multi-Task Vision Mixture-of-Experts
* AdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields
* AdaNFF: A new method for adaptive nonnegative multi-feature fusion to scene classification
* AdaNI: Adaptive Noise Injection to improve adversarial robustness
* AdaNIC: Towards Practical Neural Image Compression via Dynamic Transform Routing
* AdaNorm: Adaptive Gradient Norm Correction based Optimizer for CNNs
* AdaNS: Adaptive negative sampling for unsupervised graph representation learning
* AdaPoinTr: Diverse Point Cloud Completion With Adaptive Geometry-Aware Transformers
* AdaPool: A Diurnal-Adaptive Fleet Management Framework Using Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Change Point Detection
* AdaPool: Exponential Adaptive Pooling for Information-Retaining Downsampling
* Adapt-Infomap: Face clustering with adaptive graph refinement in infomap
* Adapt Everywhere: Unsupervised Adaptation of Point-Clouds and Entropy Minimization for Multi-Modal Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Adapt only once: Fast unsupervised person re-identification via relevance-aware guidance
* Adapt Your Teacher: Improving Knowledge Distillation for Exemplar-free Continual Learning
* ADAPT: Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Adaptation
* Adapt: Global Image Processing with the Split and Merge Model
* ADAPT: Vision-Language Navigation with Modality-Aligned Action Prompts
* Adaptable-Multilayer Fractional Fourier Transform Approach for Image Registration, An
* Adaptable Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptable Edge Quality Metric
* Adaptable Image Interpolation with Skeleton-Texture Separation
* Adaptable Image Retrieval System With Relevance Feedback Using Kernel Machines and Selective Sampling, An
* Adaptable k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for MMSE Image Interpolation, An
* Adaptable Model-Based Tracking Using Analysis-by-Synthesis Techniques
* adaptable spatial-temporal error concealment method for Multiple Description Coding based on error tracking, An
* adaptable system for RGB-D based human body detection and pose estimation, An
* Adaptable Time-Delay Neural Network Algorithm for Image Sequence Analysis, An
* Adaptable Underwater Networks: The Relation between Autonomy and Communications
* Adaptation-aware encryption of scalable H.264/AVC video for content security
* Adaptation-Oriented Feature Projection for One-Shot Action Recognition
* Adaptation and improvement of CCITT reference model 8 video coding for digital storage media applications
* Adaptation and Learning for Image Based Navigation
* Adaptation and Re-identification Network: An Unsupervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach to Person Re-identification
* Adaptation Approaches in Unsupervised Learning: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Adaptation for multiple cue integration
* Adaptation Framework for Head-Pose Classification in Dynamic Multi-view Scenarios, An
* Adaptation in Statistical Pattern Recognition Using Tangent Vectors
* adaptation of 3D stereoscopic video in MPEG-21 DIA, The
* Adaptation of a Neuro-Variational Algorithm from SeaWiFS to MODIS-Aqua Sensor for the Determination of Atmospheric and Oceanic Variables
* Adaptation of an address reading system to local mail streams
* Adaptation of Audiovisual Contents and Their Delivery Means
* Adaptation of Bidirectional Kalman Filter to Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Range Imaging
* Adaptation of boosted pedestrian detectors by feature reselection
* Adaptation of Eikonal Equation over Weighted Graph
* Adaptation of foveation parameters for target acquisition in noise
* Adaptation of Hidden Markov Models for Recognizing Speech of Reduced Frame Rate
* Adaptation Of Industrial Hyperspectral Line Scanner For Archaeological Applications
* Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications
* Adaptation of MPEG Video in ATM Networks Using Forward Loss/Error Recovery (FLER) Scheme
* Adaptation of Multimedia Presentations for Different Display Sizes in the Presence of Preferences and Temporal Constraints
* Adaptation of Parking Behaviour to Price-policy Adjustments In Taipei City: Patterns and Spatial Analysis
* Adaptation of person re-identification models for on-boarding new camera(s)
* Adaptation of Remote Practical Works With Smart Electronic Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence
* Adaptation of Roads to ALS Data by Means of Networks Snakes
* Adaptation of SIFT Features for Robust Face Recognition
* Adaptation of Synthetic Data for Coarse-to-Fine Viewpoint Refinement
* Adaptation of Telegraph Diffusion Equation for Noise Reduction on Images
* Adaptation of the Fast Fourier Transform for Parallel Processing, An
* Adaptation of the Global Geoid Model EGM2008 on Campania Region (Italy) Based on Geodetic Network Points
* Adaptation of the MPEG video-coding algorithm to network applications
* Adaptation of Writer-Independent Systems for Offline Signature Verification
* Adaptation of Zerotrees Using Signed Binary Digit Representations for 3D Image Coding
* Adaptation Strategies for Automated Machine Learning on Evolving Data
* Adaptation strategies for MGS scalable video streaming
* Adaptation strategies for streaming SVC video
* Adaptation to alterations of apparent distance in stereoscopic displays: From lab to hyperstereopsis
* Adaptation to Flooding Events Through Vulnerability Mapping in Historic Urban Areas
* Adaptation to nonstationarity of embedded wavelet code stream
* Adaptation to Walking Direction Changes for Gait Identification
* Adaptative elimination of false edges for first order detectors
* Adaptative evaluation of image segmentation results
* Adaptative Inference Cost With Convolutional Neural Mixture Models
* Adaptative Markov Random Fields for Omnidirectional Vision
* adaptative method to smooth discrete curves proposed as a final step for edge detection, An
* Adaptative Road Lanes Detection and Classification
* Adaptative Smart-Binarization Method: For Images of Business Documents
* AdaptCD: An Adaptive Target Region-based Commodity Detection System
* Adapted Active Appearance Models
* Adapted Basis for Nonlocal Reconstruction of Missing Spectrum
* Adapted Connected Component Labeling for Clustering Non-planar Objects From Airborne Lidar Point Cloud, An
* Adapted Domain Specific Class Means
* Adapted Dynamic Memory Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* Adapted Gaussian models for image classification
* adapted Lucas-Kanade's method for optical flow estimation in catadioptric images, An
* Adapted processing of catadioptric images using polarization imaging
* Adapted Quantization Index Modulation for Database Watermarking
* Adapted Rules for UML Modelling of Geospatial Information for Model-Driven Implementation as OWL Ontologies
* Adapted Total Variation for Artifact Free Decompression of JPEG Images
* Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information
* Adapted Vocabularies for Generic Visual Categorization
* Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software
* Adapted Windows Detection Of Moving Objects In Video Scenes
* AdaptIDS: Adaptive Intrusion Detection for Mission-Critical Aerospace Vehicles
* Adapting a Pedestrian Detector by Boosting LDA Exemplar Classifiers
* Adapting a real-time monocular visual SLAM from conventional to omnidirectional cameras
* Adapting a Spatial Access Structure for Document Representations in Vector Space
* Adapting Across Domains via Target-Oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation Under Prototype Constraint
* Adapting algorithms for hardware implementation
* Adapting an Existing Empirical Algorithm for Microwave Land Surface Temperature Retrieval in China for AMSR2 Data
* Adapting an object detector by considering the worst case: A conservative approach
* Adapting attributes by selecting features similar across domains
* Adapting BLSTM Neural Network Based Keyword Spotting Trained on Modern Data to Historical Documents
* Adapting Classification Cascades to New Domains
* Adapting computer vision systems to the visual environment: Topographic mapping
* Adapting Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian-Detection to Low-Light Conditions without Re-training
* Adapting Egocentric Visual Hand Pose Estimation Towards a Robot-Controlled Exoskeleton
* Adapting generic trackers for tracking faces
* Adapting Grad-CAM for Embedding Networks
* Adapting Grounded Visual Question Answering Models to Low Resource Languages
* Adapting indexing trees to data distribution in feature spaces
* Adapting Information Theoretic Clustering to Binary Images
* Adapting instance weights for unsupervised domain adaptation using quadratic mutual information and subspace learning
* Adapting Intra-Class Variations for SAR Image Classification
* Adapting JPEG XS gains and priorities to tasks and contents
* Adapting Low-Bitrate Skip Mode in a Mobile Environment
* Adapting Object Detectors via Selective Cross-Domain Alignment
* Adapting Object Detectors with Conditional Domain Normalization
* Adapting Object Recognition Across Domains: A Demonstration
* Adapting off-the-shelf CNNs for word spotting & recognition
* Adapting Optical-Flow to Measure Object Motion in Reflectance and X-Ray Image Sequences
* Adapting Prediction Models to Bare Soil Fractional Cover for Extending Topsoil Clay Content Mapping Based on AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data
* Adapting projection-based LiDAR semantic segmentation to natural domains
* Adapting quantization offset in multiple description coding for error resilient video transmission
* Adapting RANSAC SVM to Detect Outliers for Robust Classification
* Adapting Satellite Soundings for Operational Forecasting within the Hazardous Weather Testbed
* Adapting Scale by Minimising Spectral Defocusing for Shape from Texture
* Adapting Shortcut with Normalizing Flow: An Efficient Tuning Framework for Visual Recognition
* Adapting Software with Affective Computing: A Systematic Review
* Adapting Spectral Scale for Shape from Texture
* Adapting Starburst for Elliptical Iris Segmentation
* Adapting Style and Content for Attended Text Sequence Recognition
* Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging Conditions Using Incremental SVM: An Application to Car Detection
* Adapting the Dark Target Algorithm to Advanced MERSI Sensor on the FengYun-3-D Satellite: Retrieval and Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land
* Adapting the Interplay Between Personalized and Generalized Affect Recognition Based on an Unsupervised Neural Framework
* Adapting to Change: The CFAR Problem in Advanced Hyperspectral Detection
* Adapting to Movement Patterns for Face Recognition on Mobile Devices
* Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelets shrinkage
* Adapting Vision Foundation Models for Plant Phenotyping
* Adapting Visual Category Models to New Domains
* Adapting, Splitting and Merging Cadastral Boundaries According to Homogenous LULC Types Derived from SPOT 5 Data
* Adaptiope: A Modern Benchmark for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* AdaptIS: Adaptive Instance Selection Network
* Adaptive-Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm with Nulls Widening, An
* Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detection for Compressed Sensing, An
* Adaptive-Attentive Geolocalization from Few Queries: A Hybrid Approach
* Adaptive-complexity registration of images
* Adaptive-Focus Deformable Model Using Statistical and Geometric Information, An
* adaptive-focus statistical shape model for segmentation and shape modeling of 3-D brain structures, An
* Adaptive-interpolative binarization with stroke preservation for restoration of faint characters in degraded documents
* Adaptive-neighborhood best mean rank vector filter for impulsive noise removal
* Adaptive-Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Human Posture Classification Using a Simplified Shock Graph
* Adaptive-order proximity learning for graph-based clustering
* Adaptive-Parameter Pixel Unmixing Method for Mapping Evergreen Forest Fractions Based on Time-Series NDVI: A Case Study of Southern China, An
* adaptive-PCA algorithm for reflectance estimation from color images, An
* Adaptive-Profile Active Shape Model for Facial-Feature Detection, An
* Adaptive-Rate Compressive Sensing Using Side Information
* Adaptive-Resolution Octree-Based Volumetric SLAM
* Adaptive-Sampling Algorithm for Object Representation, An
* adaptive-scale active contour model for inhomogeneous image segmentation and bias field estimation, An
* Adaptive-scale determining for edge detecion in correlated texture noise
* Adaptive-Scale Filtering and Feature Detection Using Range Data
* Adaptive-Scale Robust Estimator Using Distribution Model Fitting
* Adaptive-SFSDAF for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion that Selectively Uses Class Abundance Change Information
* Adaptive-Size Meshes for Rigid and Nonrigid Shape Analysis and Synthesis
* Adaptive-Size Physically-Based Models for Nonrigid Motion Analysis
* Adaptive-Threshold Region Merging via Path Scanning
* Adaptive-Weather-Surveillance and Multifunction Capabilities of the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar
* adaptive-weight hybrid relevance feedback approach for content based image retrieval, An
* Adaptive-weighted bilateral filtering for optical coherence tomography
* Adaptive-weighting discriminative regression for multi-view classification
* Adaptive-Window Polarimetric SAR Image Speckle Filtering Based on a Homogeneity Measurement
* Adaptive 2-D Wavelet Transform Based on the Lifting Scheme With Preserved Vanishing Moments
* Adaptive 2.5D visual servoing of cartesian robots
* Adaptive 2DCCA Based Approach for Improving Spatial Specificity of Activation Detection in Functional MRI
* Adaptive 3-D median filtering for restoration of an image sequence corrupted by impulse noise
* Adaptive 3-D Object Recognition from Multiple Views
* Adaptive 3-D segmentation algorithms for microscope images using local in-focus, and contrast features: application to Pap smears
* Adaptive 3D-DCT Compression Algorithm for Continuous Parallax 3D Integral-Imaging
* Adaptive 3D content generation via depth video based rendering
* Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from Unconstrained Photo Collections
* Adaptive 3D Imaging for Moving Targets Based on a SIMO InISAR Imaging System in 0.2 THz Band
* Adaptive 3D interpolation and two-source video coding
* Adaptive 3D multi-view video streaming over P2P networks
* Adaptive 3D Reconstruction system with improved recovery of miscoded region to automatically adjust projected light patterns
* Adaptive 3D Surface Mesh Cutting Operation, An
* Adaptive accordion transformation based video compression method on HEVC
* Adaptive Action Assessment
* Adaptive Activation Functions Using Fractional Calculus
* Adaptive Activation Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Activation Thresholding: Dynamic Routing Type Behavior for Interpretability in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive active-mask image segmentation for quantitative characterization of mitochondrial morphology
* Adaptive active appearance model with incremental learning
* Adaptive Active Appearance Models
* Adaptive Active Contour Algorithms for Extracting and Mapping Thick Curves
* adaptive active contour model driven by weighted local and global image fitting constraints for image segmentation, An
* adaptive active contour model for highly irregular boundaries, An
* Adaptive active contours based on variable kernel with constant initialisation
* Adaptive Active Learning for Image Classification
* Adaptive Adjustment of the Search Window for Block-Matching Algorithm with Variable Block Size
* Adaptive ADMM for Dictionary Learning in Convolutional Sparse Representation
* Adaptive Adversarial Network for Source-free Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Adversarial Patch-Generating Algorithm for Defending against the Intelligent Low, Slow, and Small Target, An
* Adaptive adversarial prototyping network for few-shot prototypical translation
* Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Affinity for Associations in Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking
* Adaptive Agent-Based Model of Homing Pigeons: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, An
* Adaptive Agent Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Adaptive Aggregated Tracklet Linking for Multi-Face Tracking
* Adaptive aggregation-distillation autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection
* Adaptive Aggregation Networks for Class-Incremental Learning
* Adaptive Aggregation of Arbitrary Online Trackers with a Regret Bound
* Adaptive Aggregation with Self-Attention Network for Gastrointestinal Image Classification
* Adaptive Airspace Model for Quadcopters in Urban Air Mobility, An
* Adaptive Albedo Compensation for Accurate Phase-Shift Coding
* Adaptive Algorithm for Active Vibration Control of Parameter-Varying Systems With a New Online Secondary Path Estimation Method, An
* Adaptive Algorithm for Automated Polygonal Approximation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Segmentation Contours
* adaptive algorithm for conversion from quadtree to chain codes, An
* Adaptive Algorithm for Failure Recovery During Dynamic Service Composition, An
* adaptive algorithm for image restoration using combined penalty functions, An
* Adaptive algorithm for large scale DTM interpolation from lidar data for forestry applications in steep forested terrain
* adaptive algorithm for phase retrieval from high intensity images, An
* Adaptive Algorithm for Text Detection from Natural Scenes, An
* adaptive algorithm for the display of high-dynamic range images, An
* Adaptive algorithm selection, with applications in pedestrian detection
* Adaptive algorithms and networks for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Adaptive Algorithms for Image Coding Using Vector Quantization
* Adaptive Algorithms for Planar Convex Hull Problems
* Adaptive Algorithms for Variable Complexity Video Coding
* Adaptive Alignment Network for Person Re-identification
* Adaptive All-Pass Filter for Time-Varying Delay Estimation, An
* Adaptive all-season image tag ranking by saliency-driven image pre-classification
* Adaptive Alpha-Trimmed Mean Filters Under Deviations From Assumed Noise Model
* Adaptive anchor-point selection for single image super-resolution
* Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning
* Adaptive Anchor Matching Strategy for Face Detection
* Adaptive and Accurate Method for Rotational Angular Velocity Estimation of Rotor Targets via Fourier Coefficient Interpolation, An
* Adaptive and Anti-Drift Motion Constraints for Object Tracking in Satellite Videos
* Adaptive and Background-Aware Vision Transformer for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Adaptive and compact shape descriptor by progressive feature combination and selection with boosting
* Adaptive and compressive target tracking based on feature point matching
* Adaptive and constrained algorithms for inverse compositional Active Appearance Model fitting
* Adaptive and discriminative metric differential tracking
* Adaptive and efficient colour quantisation based on a growing self-organising map
* Adaptive and Efficient Selective Multiple Reference Frames Motion Estimation for H.264 Video Coding, An
* Adaptive and Extensible System for Satellite-Based, Large Scale Burnt Area Monitoring in Near-Real Time, An
* Adaptive and Fast CFAR Algorithm Based on Automatic Censoring for Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Adaptive and fast image superpixel segmentation approach
* Adaptive and fuzzy locality discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Adaptive and Generic Corner Detection Based on the Accelerated Segment Test
* Adaptive and global optimization methods for weighted vector median filters
* Adaptive and Implicit Regularization for Matrix Completion
* Adaptive and Integrated Multimodal Sensing and Processing Framework For Long-Range Moving Object Detection and Classification, An
* Adaptive and Move Making Auxiliary Cuts for Binary Pairwise Energies
* Adaptive and Non-adaptive Fusion Algorithms Analysis for Digital Surface Model Generated Using Census and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Strategies for Optimal Energy Management and Sizing of a Dual Storage System in a Hybrid Electric Bus
* Adaptive and Non Linear Technique for Enhancement of Extremely High Contrast Images, An
* Adaptive and Nonlinear Techniques for Visibility Improvement of Hazy Images
* Adaptive and Optimal Combination of Local Features for Image Retrieval
* Adaptive and optimal difference operators in image processing
* Adaptive and Optimized RDF Query Interface for Distributed WFS Data
* Adaptive and personalized multimedia content delivery for disabled users in Internet TV
* Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for Image-Guided Interventions: Theory and First Clinical Application, An
* adaptive and progressive approach for efficient Gradient-based multiresolution color image segmentation, An
* Adaptive and Quality-Aware Storage of JPEG Files in the Web Environment
* Adaptive and Robust Edge Detection Method Based on Edge Proportion Statistics, An
* Adaptive and Robust Mmwave-Based 3D Human Mesh Estimation for Diverse Poses
* Adaptive and Robust Partition Learning for Person Retrieval With Policy Gradient
* Adaptive and Robust Sparse Coding for Laser Range Data Denoising and Inpainting
* Adaptive and Simultaneous Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Agents via Transferable Hierarchical Transformer Network
* Adaptive and smart interface for VCR remote control using hand gestures
* Adaptive and Stable Method for Fitting Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces, An
* Adaptive and Weighted Collaborative Representations for image classification
* Adaptive anisotropic filtering (AAF) for real-time visual enhancement of MPEG-coded video sequences
* Adaptive Anisotropic Morphological Filtering Based on Co-Circularity of Local Orientations
* Adaptive Annealing for Robust Geometric Estimation
* Adaptive Ant Colony System Based on Variable Range Receding Horizon Control for Berth Allocation Problem, An
* Adaptive Antenna Pattern Notching of Interference in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Using Digital Beamforming
* Adaptive anti-spam filtering for agglutinative languages: A special case for Turkish
* Adaptive aperture control for image acquisition
* Adaptive appearance compensated view synthesis prediction for Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive appearance face tracking with alignment feedbacks
* Adaptive appearance learning for human pose estimation
* Adaptive Appearance Model and Condensation Algorithm for Robust Face Tracking
* Adaptive Appearance Model Approach for Model-based Articulated Object Tracking, An
* Adaptive Appearance Model for Object Contour Tracking in Videos
* Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video face recognition
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling for Video Tracking: Survey and Evaluation
* Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analysis over multi-type features
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling With Point-to-Set Metric Learning for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive appearance separation for interactive image segmentation based on Dense CRF
* Adaptive application of feature detection operators based on image variance
* Adaptive application of spatial filters on raw CT images
* Adaptive Approach for Affine-Invariant 2D Shape Description, An
* Adaptive Approach for Battery State of Charge and State of Power Co-Estimation With a Fractional-Order Multi-Model System Considering Temperatures, An
* adaptive approach for overlapping people tracking based on foreground silhouettes, An
* Adaptive Approach for Segmentation of 3D Laser Point Cloud, An
* adaptive approach for texture modelling, An
* adaptive approach for the segmentation and extraction of planar and linear/cylindrical features from laser scanning data, An
* Adaptive Approach for the Segmentation and the TV-Filtering in the Optic Flow Estimation, An
* Adaptive approach to accurate analysis of small-diameter vessels in cineangiograms
* Adaptive Approach to Derive Sea Ice Draft from Upward-Looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), Validated by Upward-Looking Sonar (ULS) Data, An
* Adaptive Approach to Detect Warning Traffic Signs Using SOM and Windowed Hough Transform, An
* Adaptive Approach to Offline Handwritten Word Recognition, An
* adaptive approach to reducing registration noise effects in unsupervised change detection, An
* Adaptive Approach to Scale Selection for Line and Edge-Detection, An
* Adaptive Approach to Topographic Feature Extraction from Digital Terrain Models, An
* adaptive approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using M-Band wavelet transform, An
* Adaptive Approach to Video Tracking, An
* Adaptive approximate nearest neighbor search for fractal image compression
* Adaptive Approximated DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Adaptive Approximation Bounds for Vertex Based Contour Encoding
* Adaptive Arbitrary Multiresolution Decomposition for Multiscale Geometric Analysis, An
* Adaptive Arbitration of Intra-Field and Motion Compensation Methods for De-Interlacing
* Adaptive Area-Based Traffic Congestion Control and Management Scheme Based on Fog Computing
* Adaptive arithmetic coding for point cloud compression
* Adaptive Array Thinning for Enhanced DOA Estimation
* Adaptive Artificial Immune Network for Supervised Classification of Multi-/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Adaptive as-natural-as-possible image stitching
* Adaptive Assignment for Geometry Aware Local Feature Matching
* Adaptive Asteroid Zonal Filter for Data Compression, An
* Adaptive asymmetrical SVM and genetic algorithms based iris recognition
* Adaptive Attention Fusion Mechanism Convolutional Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, An
* Adaptive Attenuation Correction Techniques for C-Band Polarimetric Weather Radars
* Adaptive Attribute and Structure Subspace Clustering Network
* Adaptive attribute distribution similarity for few-shot learning
* Adaptive Audio Steganography Based on Advanced Audio Coding and Syndrome-Trellis Coding
* Adaptive Augmentation of Medical Data Using Independently Conditional Variational Auto-Encoders
* Adaptive Authority Allocation Approach for Shared Steering Control System
* Adaptive autofocusing: a closed-loop perspective
* Adaptive automatic facial feature segmentation
* Adaptive automatic object recognition in single and multi-modal sensor data
* Adaptive Autoregressive Logarithmic Search for 3D Human Tracking
* Adaptive autoregressive model with window extension via explicit geometry for image interpolation
* Adaptive available bandwidth estimation for internet video streaming
* Adaptive Averaging for Improved SNR in Real-Time Coronary Artery MRI
* Adaptive Axes-Generation Algorithm for 3D Tubular Structures
* Adaptive B-Splines and Boundary Estimation
* Adaptive Background Defogging with Foreground Decremental Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
* Adaptive Background Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Subpixel Object Detection
* Adaptive background estimation of outdoor illumination variations for foreground detection
* Adaptive Background Estimation using Intensity Independent Features
* Adaptive Background Generation for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Background Mixture Models for Real-time Tracking
* Adaptive Background Model for Arbitrary-Long Stationary Target
* adaptive background model initialization algorithm with objects moving at different depths, An
* Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
* Adaptive Background Modeling for Land and Water Composition Scenes
* Adaptive Background Modeling for Paused Object Regions
* Adaptive Background Modeling Integrated With Luminosity Sensors and Occlusion Processing for Reliable Vehicle Detection
* Adaptive Background Modeling Method for Foreground Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Background Subtraction with Multiple Feedbacks for Video Surveillance
* Adaptive backstepping controller design of quadrotor biplane for payload delivery
* Adaptive bag-of-visual word modelling using stacked-autoencoder and particle swarm optimisation for the unsupervised categorisation of images
* Adaptive Balloon Models
* adaptive band selection algorithm for dimension reduction of hyperspectral images, An
* Adaptive bandwidth mode detection algorithm
* adaptive bandwidth nonlocal means image denoising in wavelet domain, An
* Adaptive Base Plane Filtering Algorithm for Inter-plane Estimation of RGB Images in HEVC RExt, An
* adaptive bases algorithm for intensity-based nonrigid image registration, The
* Adaptive Basis Function Method for the Detection of an Undersurface Magnetic Anomaly Target
* Adaptive Basis Matrix for the Morphological Function Processing Opening and Closing
* Adaptive Basis Selection for Multi Texture Segmentation by M-Band Wavelet Packet Frames
* Adaptive Batch Normalization for practical domain adaptation
* Adaptive Bayesian Decision-Model for Motion Segmentation
* Adaptive Bayesian Detection Using MIMO Radar in Spatially Heterogeneous Clutter
* Adaptive Bayesian Estimation with Cluster Structured Sparsity
* Adaptive Bayesian networks for video processing
* Adaptive Bayesian Recognition in Tracking Rigid Objects
* Adaptive Bayesian Source Separation Method for Intensity Estimation of Facial AUs, An
* Adaptive Bayesian Technique for Tracking Multiple Objects, An
* Adaptive Beam Tracking With the Unscented Kalman Filter for Millimeter Wave Communication
* Adaptive Beamforming-Based Gigabit Message Dissemination for Highway VANETs
* Adaptive Beamforming for Passive Synthetic Aperture with Uncertain Curvilinear Trajectory
* Adaptive Beamforming With Sensor Position Errors Using Covariance Matrix Construction Based on Subspace Bases Transition
* Adaptive Beamforming with Sidelobe Control: A Second-Order Cone Programming Approach
* Adaptive Beamforming with Sidelobe Level Control for Multiband Sparse Linear Array
* Adaptive Beamspace Processing for Phased-Array Weather Radars
* Adaptive Bearing-Only Formation Tracking Control for Nonholonomic Multiagent Systems
* Adaptive Betweenness Clustering for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Bi-Level Gradient Procedure for the Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Demand, An
* Adaptive Bi-predictive video coding using temporal extrapolation
* Adaptive Bias-Aware Feature Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Adaptive Bidirectional Platoon Control Using a Coupled Sliding Mode Control Method
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter Considering Local Characteristics
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal
* adaptive bimodal recognition framework using sparse coding for face and ear, An
* Adaptive Binarization for Vehicle State Images Based on Contrast Preserving Decolorization and Major Cluster Estimation
* Adaptive Binarization for Weakly Supervised Affordance Segmentation
* Adaptive Binarization of Ancient Documents
* Adaptive Binarization of Historical Document Images
* Adaptive binarization of severely degraded and non-uniformly illuminated documents
* Adaptive Binarization Technique for Low Quality Historical Documents, An
* Adaptive Binary-Ternary Quantization
* Adaptive Binary rANS With Probability Estimation in Reverse Order, An
* Adaptive binary vector quantization using Hamming codes
* Adaptive Binning and Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval and Classification
* Adaptive Binning Color Model for Mean Shift Tracking, An
* Adaptive biometric authentication using nonlinear mappings on quality measures and verification scores
* Adaptive Biometric Systems using Ensembles
* Adaptive Biometric Systems: Review and Perspectives
* Adaptive Bisector Method: Separating Slant and Tilt in Estimating Shape from Texture, The
* Adaptive bistable stochastic resonance based blind watermark extraction in discrete cosine transform domain
* Adaptive Bit Allocation for Consistent Video Quality in Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive Bit Allocation for Image Compression
* Adaptive bit allocation scheme for rate control in high efficiency video coding with initial quantization parameter determination
* Adaptive Bitrate Quantization Scheme Without Codebook for Learned Image Compression
* Adaptive bitstream switching of scalable video
* Adaptive Blending Method of Radar-Based and Numerical Weather Prediction QPFs for Urban Flood Forecasting
* Adaptive blind calibration of timing offsets in a two-channel time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter through Lagrange interpolation
* Adaptive blind channel equalisation in chaotic communications by using nonlinear prediction technique
* Adaptive blind source separation of multiple-input multiple-output linearly time-varying FIR system
* Adaptive Blind Watermarking for JPEG2000 Compression Domain
* adaptive blink detector to initialize and update a view-basedremote eye gaze tracking system in a natural scenario, An
* Adaptive block-based approach to image stabilization
* Adaptive Block-size Transform based Just-Noticeable Difference model for images/videos
* Adaptive Block-Size Transform Based on Extended Integer 8:8/4:4 Transforms for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Block-Wise Compressive Image Sensing Based on Visual Perception
* Adaptive Block Coding Order for Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Adaptive block compressive sensing for image compression
* adaptive block matching algorithm for efficient motion estimation, An
* Adaptive Block Matching Algorithm for Video Compression
* Adaptive block matching motion estimation algorithm using bit-plane matching
* Adaptive Block Partitioning of Point Clouds for Video-Based Color Compression
* Adaptive block size image compression method and system
* Adaptive block sub-sampling algorithm for motion-estimation on SIMD processors
* Adaptive blotches detection for film restoration
* Adaptive Body Posture Analysis for Elderly-Falling Detection with Multisensors
* Adaptive boosted spectral filtering for progressive fingerprint enhancement
* Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Toward Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation
* Adaptive Boosting for Image Denoising: Beyond Low-Rank Representation and Sparse Coding
* Adaptive bootstrapping management by keypoint clustering for background initialization
* Adaptive Boundary Proposal Network for Arbitrary Shape Text Detection
* Adaptive BPSO based feature selection and skin detection based background removal for enhanced face recognition
* Adaptive branch and bound algorithm for selecting optimal features
* adaptive BTC-VQ image compression algorithm operating at a fixed bit-rate, An
* Adaptive Buffer-Instrumented Entropy-Coded Quantizer Performance for Memoryless Sources
* Adaptive buffer/quantizer control for transform video coders
* Adaptive Building Edge Detection by Combining LIDAR Data and Aerial Images
* Adaptive Calibrator Ensemble: Navigating Test Set Difficulty in Out-of-Distribution Scenarios
* Adaptive Camera Regulation for Investigation of Real Scenes
* Adaptive Camouflage Pattern Generation to Different Environments Via Content-Aware Style Transfer
* Adaptive cancellation of stationary interference in the presence of structured nonstationary interference
* Adaptive Capsule Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Classification, An
* Adaptive Capsule Network
* Adaptive cartooning for privacy protection in camera networks
* Adaptive Cascade Regression Model For Robust Face Alignment
* Adaptive cascade threshold learning from negative samples for deformable part models
* Adaptive cascaded regression
* Adaptive Census Transform: A novel hardware-oriented stereovision algorithm
* Adaptive Centralized/Decentralized Control and Identification of 1-D Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons Based on Constant Time Headway Policy
* Adaptive CFA Demosaicking Using Bilateral Filters for Colour Edge Preservation
* Adaptive CFAR for Space-Based Multichannel SAR-GMTI
* Adaptive Change Detection for Real-Time Surveillance Applications
* Adaptive Change Detection
* Adaptive Channel Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking with Discriminative Correlation Filters
* Adaptive Channel Sparsity for Federated Learning under System Heterogeneity
* Adaptive Chaotic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for QoS Routing in Wireless Image Sensor Networks
* Adaptive Chirplet Decomposition Method and Its Application in Machine Fault Diagnosis
* Adaptive Choropleth Mapper: An Open-Source Web-Based Tool for Synchronous Exploration of Multiple Variables at Multiple Spatial Extents
* Adaptive Chroma Prediction Based on Luma Difference for H.266/VVC
* Adaptive Chroma Subsampling-Binding and Luma-Guided Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Adaptive Chrominance Correction for a Projector Considering Image and Screen Color
* Adaptive Class Preserving Representation for Image Classification
* Adaptive Class Suppression Loss for Long-Tail Object Detection
* Adaptive Classification Algorithm Using Robust Incremental Clustering, An
* Adaptive Classification for Hyperspectral Image Data Using Manifold Regularization Kernel Machines
* Adaptive Classification of Dirt Particles in Papermaking Process
* Adaptive classification with ellipsoidal regions for multidimensional pattern classification problems
* Adaptive Classifier Based on K-Means Clustering and Dynamic Programming
* adaptive classifier design for high-dimensional data analysis with a limited training data set, An
* Adaptive Classifier Selection Based on Two Level Hypothesis Tests for Incremental Learning
* Adaptive classifiers for multisource OCR
* Adaptive CLEAN algorithm for millimetre wave synthetic aperture imaging radiometer in near field
* Adaptive client-impostor centric score normalization: A case study in fingerprint verification
* Adaptive Cloud-to-Cloud (AC2C) Comparison Method for Photogrammetric Point Cloud Error Estimation Considering Theoretical Error Space
* Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service, An
* Adaptive Cluster-Distance Bounding for Nearest Neighbor Search in Image Databases
* Adaptive cluster rendering via regression analysis
* Adaptive Clustering-Based Algorithm for Automatic Path Planning of Heterogeneous UAVs, An
* Adaptive clustering algorithm based on kNN and density
* adaptive clustering algorithm for color quantization, An
* Adaptive Clustering Algorithm for Image Segmentation, An
* adaptive clustering and chrominance-based merging approach for image segmentation and abstraction, An
* Adaptive clustering and interactive visualizations to support the selection of video clips
* adaptive clustering approach for group detection in the crowd, An
* Adaptive Clustering Based Non-linear Filter for the Restoration of Impulse Corrupted Digital Images, An
* Adaptive clustering ensembles
* adaptive clustering for multiple object tracking in sequences in and beyond the visible spectrum, An
* Adaptive Clutter Demodulation for Non-Contrast Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging
* Adaptive CNN filter pruning using global importance metric
* Adaptive Co-teaching for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Adaptive coarse-to-fine clustering and terrain feature-aware-based method for reducing LiDAR terrain point clouds
* Adaptive code embedding for reversible data hiding in encrypted images
* Adaptive Coded Aperture Photography
* Adaptive Coding and Ordered-Index Extended Scrambling Based RDH in Encrypted Images
* Adaptive coding of DCT coefficients by Golomb-Rice codes
* Adaptive Coding of Moving-Objects for Very-Low Bit Rates
* Adaptive Coding Techniques
* Adaptive coherence conditioning
* Adaptive Coherency Matrix Estimation for Polarimetric SAR Imagery Based on Local Heterogeneity Coefficients
* Adaptive Collision-Free Trajectory Tracking Control for String Stable Bidirectional Platoons
* Adaptive Collision Avoidance Using Road Friction Information
* adaptive color-based particle filter, An
* Adaptive Color-to-Gray Image Mapping Using Directional Transform
* Adaptive Color Attributes for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Adaptive color classification for structured light systems
* Adaptive Color Constancy Using Faces
* Adaptive color controller for image scanning and printing devices
* Adaptive Color Correction in Virtual View Synthesis
* Adaptive Color Curve Models for Image Matting
* Adaptive Color Feature Extraction Based on Image Color Distributions
* Adaptive Color Filter Array Demosaicking Based on Constant Hue and Local Properties of Luminance
* Adaptive Color Filter Array Interpolation Algorithm for Digital Camera, An
* Adaptive Color Illumination for Microscopes
* Adaptive color image compression based on visual attention
* adaptive color image retrieval framework using Gauss mixtures, An
* Adaptive color image segmentation using markov random fields
* Adaptive Color Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Color Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Fractal and Neural Networks
* Adaptive Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Image Classification
* Adaptive color quantization based on perceptive edge protection
* Adaptive color reduction
* Adaptive Color Segmentation: A Comparison of Neural and Statistical-Methods
* Adaptive Color Similarity Function for Color Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive color space switching for face tracking in multi-colored lighting environments
* Adaptive color space switching for tracking under varying illumination
* Adaptive Color Structured Light
* Adaptive color transfer with relaxed optimal transport
* Adaptive Color Transform in VVC Standard
* Adaptive Colorimetric Characterization of Digital Camera with White Balance
* Adaptive colorization-based compression for stereoscopic images
* Adaptive colour-guided non-local means algorithm for compound noise reduction of depth maps
* Adaptive colour classification for structured light systems
* Adaptive colour constancy algorithm using discrete wavelet transform
* Adaptive colour restoration and detail retention for image enhancement
* Adaptive combination of adaptive classifiers for handwritten character recognition
* Adaptive Combination of Classifiers and Its Application to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Adaptive Combination of Multiple Features for Robust Tracking in Real Scene, An
* Adaptive Combination of PCA and VQ Networks
* Adaptive Companded Pulse Code Modulation
* Adaptive Compensation of Traction System Actuator Failures for High-Speed Trains
* Adaptive competition for motion vector prediction in multi-view video coding
* adaptive complexity reduction scheme with fast prediction unit decision for HEVC intra encoding, An
* Adaptive composite filters for pattern recognition in nonoverlapping scenes using noisy training images
* Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based functional-link neural network filtre model for denoising ultrasound images
* Adaptive Compressed Image Sensing Using Dictionaries
* Adaptive compressed sensing for depthmap compression using graph-based transform
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing Recovery Utilizing the Property of Signal's Autocorrelations
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing via Minimizing Cramer-Rao Bound
* Adaptive Compressed Tomography Sensing
* Adaptive compression of animated meshes by exploiting orthogonal iterations
* Adaptive compression of medical ultrasound images
* Adaptive Compression of Stereoscopic Images
* Adaptive Compressive Sampling for Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
* Adaptive Compressive Tracking based on Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Adaptive computation-aware scheme for software-based predictive block motion estimation
* Adaptive Computation of Contour Representations for Mode Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Computation Offloading With Edge for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Adaptive Computational Model for Salient Object Detection, An
* Adaptive Computational Model for Texture Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Computationally Efficient Network for Monocular 3d Hand Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Computationally Scalable Motion Estimation for the Hardware H.264/AVC Encoder
* Adaptive Computer Vision: Online Learning for Object Recognition
* Adaptive Conditional Denoising Diffusion Model With Hybrid Affinity Regularizer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Adaptive confidence level assignment to segmented human face regions for improved face recognition
* Adaptive Confidence Measure for Optical Flows Based on Linear Subspace Projections, An
* Adaptive Confidence Smoothing for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Adaptive confidence thresholding for monocular depth estimation
* Adaptive Confidence Transform Based Classifier Combination for Chinese Character Recognition
* Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System
* Adaptive conformal semi-supervised vector quantization for dissimilarity data
* adaptive conscientious competitive learning algorithm and its applications, An
* Adaptive Consensus-Based Distributed Target Tracking With Dynamic Cluster in Sensor Networks
* Adaptive Consensus Filter for Distributed State Estimation With Unknown Noise Statistics, An
* Adaptive consensus tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems: A first-order example
* Adaptive Consistency Prior based Deep Network for Image Denoising
* Adaptive Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning
* Adaptive Constant Modulus Blind Equalization Algorithm and Its Stochastic Stability Analysis, An
* Adaptive Constraint K-Segment Principal Curves for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Adaptive Construction Method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Index for Vector Data under Peer-to-Peer Networks, An
* Adaptive Construction of the Virtual Debris Flow Disaster Environments Driven by Multilevel Visualization Task
* Adaptive Constructive Polynomial Fitting
* Adaptive Content Condensation Based on Grid Optimization for Thumbnail Image Generation
* Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Adaptive Context-Aware Multi-Modal Network for Depth Completion
* Adaptive Context-Based Arithmetic Coding of Arbitrary Contour Maps
* Adaptive Context-Tree-Based Statistical Filtering for Raster Map Image Denoising
* Adaptive context formation for linear prediction of image data
* Adaptive Context Modeling for Arithmetic Coding Using Perceptrons
* Adaptive Context Network for Scene Parsing
* Adaptive Context Reading Network for Movie Scene Detection
* Adaptive context recognition based on audio signal
* Adaptive Contextual Energy Parameterization for Automated Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Continuous-Scale Morphology for Matrix Fields
* Adaptive Contour Closure Algorithm and Its Experimental Evaluation, An
* Adaptive Contour Construction for Face Regions
* Adaptive Contour Features in oriented granular space for human detection and segmentation
* Adaptive Contour Fitting for Pose-Invariant 3D Face Shape Reconstruction
* Adaptive Contour Sampling and Coding Using Skeleton and Curvature
* Adaptive Contourlet Fusion Clustering for SAR Image Change Detection
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement and De-Enhancement
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on the Neighborhood Conditional Histogram
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Optical Imagery Based on Level of Detail (LOD)
* Adaptive Contrast for Image Regression in Computer-Aided Disease Assessment
* adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
* Adaptive control of parallel DC-DC buck converters with uncertain parameters
* Adaptive Control of Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation System With Asymmetric Time-Varying Delays and Input Uncertainties
* Adaptive Control of Undetected Radio Frequency Interference With a Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer
* Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistance by Analysis of Capsule Endoscopic Images
* Adaptive Control Strategies for Urban Network Traffic via a Decentralized Approach With User-Optimal Routing
* Adaptive Control Techniques for Dynamic Visual Repositioning of Hand-Eye Robotic Systems
* Adaptive Convolution for Object Detection
* Adaptive convolution kernel for artificial neural networks
* Adaptive Convolution Local and Global Learning for Class-Level Joint Representation of Face Recognition with Single Sample Per Person
* Adaptive Convolutional Kernels
* Adaptive convolutional layer selection based on historical retrospect for visual tracking
* Adaptive convolutional neural network for large change in video object segmentation
* Adaptive Convolutionally Enchanced Bi-Directional LSTM Networks for Choreographic Modeling
* Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-Aware Style Transfer
* Adaptive Convolutions with Per-pixel Dynamic Filter Atom
* Adaptive cooperative exploration for reinforcement learning from imperfect demonstrations
* Adaptive Cooperative Load Transportation by a Team of Quadrotors With Multiple Constraint Requirements
* Adaptive Coordinated Formation Control of Heterogeneous Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs Subject to Parametric Uncertainties
* Adaptive Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Wavelet Coefficients Multiscale Decay, An
* Adaptive core fusion-based density peak clustering for complex data with arbitrary shapes and densities
* Adaptive Corner Detection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Based on Curvature Threshold, An
* Adaptive Correction Algorithm for Non-Uniform Illumination Panoramic Images Based on the Improved Bilateral Gamma Function, An
* Adaptive Correction Approach for Tensor Completion, An
* Adaptive Correlated Image Prior for Image Restoration Problems, An
* Adaptive Correlation Analysis With Non-Overlapping Imagery Indication
* Adaptive correlation estimation for general Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive Correlation Estimation With Particle Filtering for Distributed Video Coding
* Adaptive Correlation Filters with Long-Term and Short-Term Memory for Object Tracking
* adaptive coupled-layer visual model for robust visual tracking, An
* adaptive covariance-based edge diffusion image enlargement method, An
* Adaptive Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multi-Baseline InSAR Data Stacks
* Adaptive CPU Scheduling to Conserve Energy in Real-Time Mobile Graphics Applications
* Adaptive Critic Design for Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices
* Adaptive cropping with interframe relative displacement constraint for video retargeting
* Adaptive cross-component prediction for 4:4:4 high efficiency video coding
* Adaptive Cross-Domain Learning for Generalizable Person Re-identification
* Adaptive Cross-Modal Prototypes for Cross-Domain Visual-Language Retrieval
* Adaptive Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks From Images to Videos
* adaptive cross-scale transformer based on graph signal processing for person re-identification, An
* Adaptive cross-trilateral depth map filtering
* Adaptive Cruise Control With Guaranteed Collision Avoidance
* Adaptive Cruise Control
* Adaptive CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction Based on Complexity Classification Using Machine Learning, An
* Adaptive Curriculum Learning
* Adaptive Curvature-Guided Image Filtering for Structure + Texture Image Decomposition
* Adaptive Curved Feature Detection Based on Ridgelet
* Adaptive Cutaway with Volume Context Preservation, An
* Adaptive Cutoff Frequency Selection Approach for Fast Fourier Transform Method and Its Application into Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* Adaptive Cyclopean Image-Based Stereoscopic Image-Quality Assessment Using Ensemble Learning
* adaptive dandelion model for reconstructing spherical terrain-like visual hull surfaces, An
* Adaptive Data-Free Quantization
* Adaptive data augmentation for image classification
* Adaptive Data Collection and Offloading in Multi-UAV-Assisted Maritime IoT Systems: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Adaptive data hiding based on VQ compressed images
* Adaptive Data Hiding for Images Based on Harr Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Adaptive Data Hiding in Compressed Video Domain
* adaptive data hiding scheme with high embedding capacity and visual image quality based on SMVQ prediction through classification codebooks, An
* adaptive data hiding technique for binary images, An
* Adaptive data partitioning for MPEG-2 video transmission over ATM based networks
* Adaptive Data Representation for Robust Point-Set Registration and Merging, An
* Adaptive DCT Based Depth Map Resampling for Depth Enhanced Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive DDK Filter for GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Field with a Novel Anisotropic Filtering Strength Metric
* Adaptive De-Blocking De-Ringing Post Filter
* Adaptive De-Interlacing With Robust Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Adaptive De-noising of Images by Locally Switching wavelet Transforms
* Adaptive Debanding Filter
* Adaptive Deblocking Algorithm Based on Image Characteristics for Low Bit-Rate Video
* Adaptive deblocking filter for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive deblocking filter
* Adaptive deblocking method for low bitrate coded HEVC video
* Adaptive deblocking of block-transform compressed images using blending: Functions approximation
* Adaptive Deblurring for Camera-Based Document Image Processing
* Adaptive deblurring of surveillance video sequences that deteriorate over time
* Adaptive Decimated Median Filtering
* Adaptive Decision Forest: An incremental machine learning framework
* Adaptive Decision Systems with Extended Learning for Deployment in Partially Exposed Environments
* Adaptive decoding for halftone orientation-based data hiding
* Adaptive Decomposition Approach with Dipole Aggregation Model for Polarimetric SAR Data, An
* Adaptive decomposition method for multi-modal medical image fusion
* Adaptive Decomposition of Dynamic Scene into Object-Based Distribution Components Based on Mixture Model Framework
* Adaptive Decontamination of the Training Set: A Unified Formulation for Discriminative Visual Tracking
* Adaptive deconvolutional networks for mid and high level feature learning
* Adaptive Deep Cascade Broad Learning System and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Adaptive Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene-Specific Object Detection
* Adaptive Deep Disturbance-Disentangled Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive deep feature aggregation using Fourier transform and low-pass filtering for robust object retrieval
* Adaptive Deep Learning for High-Speed Railway Catenary Swivel Clevis Defects Detection
* Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Affective Image Retrieval and Classification
* Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization with EENet
* Adaptive Deep PnP Algorithm for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC
* Adaptive Deep Sparse Semantic Modeling Framework for High Spatial Resolution Image Scene Classification
* Adaptive Deformable Model for Mouth Boundary Detection
* adaptive deformable template for mouth boundary modeling, An
* Adaptive deformation correction of depth from defocus for object reconstruction
* Adaptive Deformation Handling for Pedestrian Detection
* Adaptive degraded document image binarization
* Adaptive Dehaze Method for Aerial Image Processing
* Adaptive Delaunay Triangulation for Attractor Image Coding
* Adaptive Denoising and Detection Approach for Underwater Sonar Image, An
* Adaptive Denoising by Singular Value Decomposition
* Adaptive denoising filtering for object detection applications
* Adaptive Denoising Method Dedicated to Cardiac MR-DTI, An
* Adaptive Densely Connected Single Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Density-Based Time Series Clustering Algorithm: A Case Study on Rainfall Patterns, An
* adaptive density-weighted contrast enhancement filter for mammographic breast mass detection, An
* Adaptive Density Map Generation for Crowd Counting
* Adaptive Depth-Map Coding for 3D-Video
* Adaptive Depth edge sharpening for 3D video depth coding
* Adaptive depth truncation filter for MVC based compressed depth image
* Adaptive Derivative Free Method for Bayesian Posterior Approximation, An
* Adaptive descriptor-based robust stereo matching under radiometric changes
* Adaptive Descriptor Design for Object Recognition in the Wild, An
* Adaptive Design of Experiments for Safety Evaluation of Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Despread Spectrum-Based Image Watermarking for Fast Product Tracking
* Adaptive Detail Injection-Based Feature Pyramid Network for Pan-Sharpening
* Adaptive detection algorithm for full pixel targets in hyperspectral images
* Adaptive Detection Algorithm for Hazardous Clouds Based on Infrared Remote Sensing Spectroscopy and the LASSO Method
* Adaptive Detection and localization of Moving Objects in Image Sequences
* Adaptive Detection and Range Estimation of Point-Like Targets With Symmetric Spectrum
* Adaptive Detection for Group-Based Multimedia Fingerprinting
* Adaptive Detection for Tracking Moving Biological Objects in Video Microscopy Sequences
* Adaptive Detection in Distributed Networks Using Maximum Likelihood Detector
* Adaptive Detection in Elliptically Distributed Noise and Under-Sampled Scenario
* Adaptive Detection in Nonhomogeneous Environments Using the Generalized Eigenrelation
* Adaptive Detection in Partially Homogeneous Environment with Limited Samples Based on Geometric Barycenters
* Adaptive Detection of a Partly Known Signal Corrupted by Strong Interference
* Adaptive Detection of Dim Maneuvering Targets in Adjacent Range Cells
* Adaptive Detection of Gaussian Rank-One Signals Using Adaptively Whitened Data and Rao, Gradient and Durbin Tests
* Adaptive Detection of Moving Objects Using Multiscale Techniques
* Adaptive Detection of Point-Like Targets in the Presence of Homogeneous Clutter and Subspace Interference
* Adaptive Detection of Subpixel Targets With Hypothesis Dependent Background Power
* Adaptive Detection Threshold Optimization for Tracking in Clutter
* Adaptive Detection Using Whitened Data When Some of the Training Samples Undergo Covariance Mismatch
* Adaptive Detector with Range Estimation Capabilities for Partially Homogeneous Environment, An
* Adaptive Detectors for FDA-MIMO Radar With Unknown Mutual Coupling
* Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection
* Adaptive Determination of the Flow Accumulation Threshold for Extracting Drainage Networks from DEMs
* Adaptive Dictionary-Based Spatio-temporal Flow Estimation for Echo PIV
* Adaptive Dictionary Learning in Sparse Gradient Domain for Image Recovery
* Adaptive difference modelling for background subtraction
* Adaptive difference of gaussians to improve subsurface object detection using GPR imagery
* Adaptive Differential Filters for Fast and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
* Adaptive Diffusion Augmented CLMS Algorithm for Distributed Filtering of Noncircular Complex Signals, An
* Adaptive diffusion flow active contours for image segmentation
* Adaptive Diffusion Flow for Parametric Active Contours
* Adaptive Diffusion Scheme for Image Restoration and Selective Smoothing, An
* Adaptive digital image watermark scheme based on Fuzzy Neural Network for copyright protection
* adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DWT and XFCM, An
* Adaptive Digital Makeup
* Adaptive Dilated Network With Self-Correction Supervision for Counting
* Adaptive Dimension-Discriminative Low-Rank Tensor Recovery for Computational Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive Direct RGB-D Registration and Mapping for Large Motions
* Adaptive direction-guided structure tensor total variation
* Adaptive Direction Detection in Deterministic Interference and Partially Homogeneous Noise
* Adaptive Directional-Wavelet Transform Using Pre-Directional Filtering
* Adaptive Directional Haar Framelet-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Adaptive directional Image compression with oriented wavelets
* Adaptive Directional Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
* Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform Based on Directional Prefiltering
* Adaptive discontinuity location in image restoration
* Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Modeling of Intrinsic Attenuation Anisotropy for Fluid-Saturated Porous Media
* Adaptive Discrete Hypergraph Matching
* Adaptive Discrete Laplace Operator
* Adaptive Discretizations for Non-smooth Variational Vision
* Adaptive discriminant analysis for face recognition from single sample per person
* Adaptive discriminant learning for face recognition
* Adaptive Discriminant Projection for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Adaptive Discrimination in an HMM-Based Neural Predictive System for On-Line Word Recognition
* Adaptive Discriminative Deep Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking
* Adaptive discriminative generative model and application to visual tracking
* Adaptive discriminative metric learning for facial expression recognition
* Adaptive Disparity Candidates Prediction Network for Efficient Real-Time Stereo Matching
* Adaptive Distance-Weighted Voronoi Tessellation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Distance Metric Learning for Clustering
* Adaptive Distillation for Decentralized Learning from Heterogeneous Clients
* Adaptive Distortion-Based Intra-Rate Estimation for H.264/AVC Rate Control
* Adaptive Distributed CRC-aided SCL Decoder with Flip Operations for Polar Codes
* Adaptive distributed finite-time fault-tolerant controller for cooperative braking of the vehicle platoon
* Adaptive Distributed Source Coding
* Adaptive distributed video coding with motion vectors through a back channel
* Adaptive Distribution Learning with Statistical Hypothesis Testing for COVID-19 CT Scan Classification
* Adaptive Dither Voting for Robust Spatial Verification
* Adaptive diversification for tag-based social image retrieval
* adaptive divide-and-predict coding for intra-frame of H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive document binarization
* Adaptive Document Block Segmentation and Classification
* Adaptive document image binarization
* Adaptive document image thresholding using foreground and background clustering
* adaptive document recognition system for lettrines, An
* Adaptive document segmentation and geometric relation labeling: algorithms and experimental results
* Adaptive Domain Generalization Via Online Disagreement Minimization
* Adaptive Dominant Point Detection Algorithm for Digital Curves, An
* Adaptive Doppler-Kalman filter for radar systems
* Adaptive Double-Layered Embedding Scheme for MP3 Steganography, An
* Adaptive Double Threshold Detection Method for Range-Spread Targets
* Adaptive Downsampling for High-Definition Video Coding
* Adaptive downsampling in high order Oversampled Filter Banks
* Adaptive Downsampling to Improve Image Compression at Low Bit Rates
* Adaptive Downsampling Video Coding With Spatially Scalable Rate-Distortion Modeling
* Adaptive DPCM Algorithm for Predicting Contours in NTSC Composite Video Signals, An
* Adaptive DropBlock-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Dual-Point Hough Transform for Object Recognition
* Adaptive dual fractional-order variational optical flow model for motion estimation
* Adaptive Dual Selective Transformer for Temporal Action Localization, An
* Adaptive dualISO HDR reconstruction
* adaptive dynamic combined energy minimization model for few-view computed tomography reconstruction, An
* Adaptive dynamic networks for object detection in aerial images
* Adaptive Dynamic Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicle Under Various Road Friction and Speeds
* Adaptive dynamic range camera with reflective liquid crystal
* adaptive dynamic range compression with local contrast enhancement algorithm for real-time color image enhancement, An
* Adaptive Dynamic Range Imaging: Optical Control of Pixel Exposures over Space and Time
* Adaptive dynamic surface longitudinal tracking control of autonomous vehicles
* Adaptive dynamic time warping for recognition of natural gestures
* Adaptive e-LBP for Background Subtraction
* Adaptive e-learning system based on learning style and ant colony optimization
* Adaptive Early-Learning Correction for Segmentation from Noisy Annotations
* Adaptive Early Jump-Out Technique for Fast Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* adaptive early termination of mode decision using inter-layer correlation in scalable video coding, An
* Adaptive earth movers distance-based Bayesian multi-target tracking
* Adaptive ECG Compression Using Support Vector Machine
* Adaptive Edge-Based Side-Match Finite-State Classified Vector Quantization with Quadtree Map
* Adaptive Edge-Oriented Shot Boundary Detection
* adaptive edge-preserving image denoising technique using tetrolet transforms, An
* Adaptive Edge-Preserving Variational Framework for Color Image Regularization, An
* Adaptive edge detection of rebar thread head image based on improved Canny operator
* Adaptive Edge Detection Using Adjusted Ant Colony Optimization
* Adaptive Edge Enhancement in SAR Images: Training on the Data Vs. Training on Simulated Data
* Adaptive Edge Enhancement Using a Neurodynamical Model of Visual Attention
* Adaptive Edge Enhancing Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Digital Images
* adaptive edge model in the wavelet domain for wavelet image coding, An
* Adaptive Edge Preserving Maps in Markov Random Fields for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive edge preserving regularized image restoration
* Adaptive Effective Receptive Field Convolution for Semantic Segmentation of VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Adaptive Effective Wiener Filter- and Regression-Based Upsampling for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Adaptive eigen-backgrounds for object detection
* Adaptive Eigenshape Model, An
* Adaptive elastic segmentation of brain MRI via shape-model-guided evolutionary programming
* Adaptive Embedding Network with Spatial Constraints for the Use of Few-Shot Learning in Endangered-Animal Detection, An
* Adaptive encoding of zoomable video streams based on user access pattern
* Adaptive End-to-End Classification Approach for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Knowledge in Urban Scenes, An
* Adaptive Energy Storage Management in Green Wireless Networks
* Adaptive enhanced affine transformation for non-rigid registration of visible and infrared images
* Adaptive enhancement and noise reduction in very low light-level video
* Adaptive enhancement layer motion compensation for video spatial scalability
* adaptive enhancement method based on stochastic parallel gradient descent of glioma image, An
* Adaptive enhancement of 3D scenes using hierarchical registration of texture-mapped 3D models
* Adaptive Enhancement of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Images
* Adaptive enhancement of compressed SAR images
* Adaptive enhancement of sea-surface targets in infrared images based on local frequency cues
* Adaptive Enhancement with Speckle Reduction for SAR Images Using Mirror-Extended Curvelet and PSO
* adaptive ensemble-based system for face recognition in person re-identification, An
* Adaptive Entropy-constrained Matching Pursuit Quantization
* Adaptive entropy coded subband coding of images
* Adaptive Environment Map for Relighting: Using Cameras and Projected Light
* adaptive error-correcting output codes algorithm based on gene expression programming and similarity measurement matrix, An
* Adaptive error-resilience transcoding using prioritized intra-refresh for video multicast over wireless networks
* Adaptive error concealment for Multiple Description Video Coding using motion vector analysis
* Adaptive error concealment for temporal-spatial multiple description video coding
* Adaptive error control for packet video in the Internet
* Adaptive Error Diffusion and Its Application in Multiresolution Rendering
* Adaptive error diffusion thresholding for document images
* adaptive error penalization method for training an efficient and generalized SVM, An
* Adaptive error prediction method based on multiple linear regression for reversible data hiding
* Adaptive estimates of egocentric distance from vergence in telestereoscopic viewing: Von Hofsten's model revisited
* Adaptive Estimating Centroid Method for Measurement of Human Eye Aberration, An
* Adaptive Estimation Method for Rigid Motion Parameters of 2D Curves, An
* adaptive estimation method with exploration and exploitation modes for non-stationary environments, An
* Adaptive Estimation of Active Contour Parameters Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Texture Analysis
* Adaptive Estimation of Crop Water Stress in Nectarine and Peach Orchards Using High-Resolution Imagery from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Adaptive Estimation of Energy Factors in an Intelligent Convoy of Vehicles
* Adaptive Estimation of Hysteresis Thresholds
* Adaptive Estimation of Normals and Surface Area for Discrete 3-D Objects: Application to Snow Binary Data From X-Ray Tomography
* Adaptive estimation of optimal color transformations for deep convolutional network based homography estimation
* Adaptive Estimation of the Stable Boundary Layer Height Using Combined Lidar and Microwave Radiometer Observations
* Adaptive Estimation of Vehicle Velocity From Updated Dynamic Model for Control of Anti-Lock Braking System
* Adaptive estimation of visual smoke detection parameters based on spatial data and fire risk index
* Adaptive estimation procedures for dynamic road scene analysis
* Adaptive Event-Triggered Platoon Control Under Unreliable Communication Links
* adaptive evolutionary algorithm for Volterra system identification, An
* Adaptive Exemplar-based Particle Filter for 2d Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Exponential Smoothing for Online Filtering of Pixel Prediction Maps
* Adaptive exposure fusion for high dynamic range imaging
* Adaptive extended piecewise histogram equalisation for dark image enhancement
* Adaptive eye-camera calibration for head-worn devices
* Adaptive Face-Iris Multimodal Identification System Based on Quality Assessment Network, An
* Adaptive Face Forgery Detection in Cross Domain
* Adaptive face modelling for reconstructing 3D face shapes from single 2D images
* Adaptive Face Recognition Using Adversarial Information Network
* Adaptive facial point detection and emotion recognition for a humanoid robot
* Adaptive fast block-matching algorithm by switching search patterns for sequences with wide-range motion content
* adaptive fast intra mode decision in HEVC, An
* Adaptive Fast Mode Decision for HEVC Intra Coding
* Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for H.264 to HEVC Video Transcoding
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant H-Infinity Output Feedback Control for Lead-Wing Close Formation Flight
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Pseudo-PID Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Train With Integral Quadratic Constraints and Actuator Saturation
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Trains with Actuator Faults and Uncertainties
* Adaptive Fault Diagnosis Model for Railway Single and Double Action Turnout, An
* Adaptive feature-spatial representation for Mean-shift tracker
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation in Deep Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Feature and Score Level Fusion Strategy Using Genetic Algorithms
* Adaptive Feature Attention Module for Robust Visual-LiDAR Fusion-Based Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
* Adaptive Feature Calculation and Diagonal Mapping for Successive Recovery of Tampered Regions
* adaptive feature comparison method for real-time video identification, An
* Adaptive Feature Consolidation Network for Burst Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Feature Denoising Based Deep Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Feature Enhancement for Mammographic Images with Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis
* Adaptive feature extraction for blurred face images in facial expression recognition
* adaptive feature extraction model for classification of thyroid lesions in ultrasound images, An
* Adaptive Feature Fusion and Spatio-Temporal Background Modeling in KDE Framework for Object Detection and Shadow Removal
* Adaptive Feature Fusion for Cooperative Perception using LiDAR Point Clouds
* Adaptive feature fusion for visual object tracking
* Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Gaze Tracking in Mobile Tablets
* Adaptive Feature Fusion Network with Superpixel Optimization for Crop Classification Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, An
* Adaptive Feature Fusion Networks for Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Prediction in Metro Systems
* Adaptive Feature Integration for Segmentation of 3D Data by Unsupervised Density Estimation
* Adaptive Feature Interpolation for Low-Shot Image Generation
* Adaptive Feature Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Adaptive Feature Map-Guided Well-Log Interpolation
* Adaptive Feature Norm for Unsupervised Subdomain Adaptation
* Adaptive Feature Projection With Distribution Alignment for Deep Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks
* Adaptive feature representation for visual tracking
* Adaptive feature selection and constrained weak-membrane optimization for boundary detection
* Adaptive feature selection and data pruning for 3D facial expression recognition using the Kinect
* Adaptive feature selection based on reconstruction residual and accurately located landmarks for expression-robust 3D face recognition
* Adaptive Feature Selection Based on the Most Informative Graph-Based Features
* Adaptive feature selection for heterogeneous image databases
* Adaptive Feature Selection for Object Tracking with Particle Filter
* Adaptive Feature Selection in Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Feature Selection via Boosting-Like Sparsity Regularization
* Adaptive Feature Selection With Augmented Attributes
* Adaptive Feature Thresholding for off-line signature verification
* Adaptive Feature Weighted Fusion Nested U-Net with Discrete Wavelet Transform for Change Detection of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Adaptive Feature Weights Based Double-Layer Multi-Objective Method for SAR Image Segmentation
* Adaptive features extraction for Capsule Endoscopy (CE) video summarization
* Adaptive features selection for expert datasets: A cultural heritage application
* Adaptive feedback connection with a single-level feature for object detection
* Adaptive feedback control of magnetic suspension system preceded by Bouc-Wen hysteresis
* Adaptive Feeding: Achieving Fast and Accurate Detections by Adaptively Combining Object Detectors
* Adaptive figure-ground classification
* Adaptive Filter for Deep Learning Networks on Large-Scale Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive filter for denoising 3D data captured by depth sensors
* adaptive filter for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound image processing, An
* Adaptive filter for speckle reduction with feature preservation in medical ultrasound images
* Adaptive Filter to Approximate the Bayesian Strategy for Sonographic Beamforming, An
* Adaptive Filter to Detect Rounded Convex Regions: Iris Filter
* Adaptive filtering and hypothesis testing: Application to cancerous cells detection
* Adaptive Filtering and Indexing for Image Databases
* Adaptive filtering and thresholding arrangement for reducing graininess of images
* Adaptive Filtering Approach to Spectral Estimation and SAR Imaging, An
* Adaptive filtering approaches for colour image and video restoration
* Adaptive Filtering for Color Filter Array Demosaicking
* Adaptive Filtering in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Adaptive Filtering of Aerial Laser Scanning Data
* Adaptive Filtering of Distorted Displacement Vector Fields Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Adaptive filtering of raster map images using optimal context selection
* Adaptive filtering using gradient morphology
* Adaptive filtering with decorrelation for coloured AR environments
* Adaptive Filters for Color Images: Median Filtering and Its Extensions
* Adaptive Filters for Digital Image Noise Smoothing: An Evaluation
* Adaptive filters in Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Filters with Error Nonlinearities: Mean-Square Analysis and Optimum Design
* Adaptive Filters
* Adaptive Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Adaptive fine pollutant discharge control for motor vehicles tunnels under traffic state transition
* Adaptive Fingerprint Enhancement by Combination of Quality Factor and Quantitative Filters
* Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement With Emphasis on Preprocessing of Data
* Adaptive fingerprint image enhancement with fingerprint image quality analysis
* Adaptive fingerprint pore modeling and extraction
* Adaptive Finite-Element Meshes for Progressive Contour Models
* adaptive finite-element method for image representation, An
* Adaptive finite-time stabilization of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems
* Adaptive Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Event-Triggered Control Scheme for Underactuated Surface Vessels Subject to Input Saturation
* Adaptive Finite Element Method for Large Scale Image Processing, An
* Adaptive Finite Volume Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations in Image Processing, An
* Adaptive Fitting Approach for the Visual Detection and Counting of Small Circular Objects in Manufacturing Applications, An
* Adaptive Flattening for Multidimensional Image Restoration
* Adaptive Flexible Optimal Graph for Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Adaptive floating search methods in feature selection
* Adaptive Flocking Control of Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles by Using a UAV
* Adaptive Flow Orientation-Based Feature-Extraction in Fingerprint Images
* Adaptive Focal Connectivity Algorithm for Multifocus Fusion, An
* Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Radar Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification, An
* adaptive focus-of-attention model for video surveillance and monitoring, An
* Adaptive Focus for Efficient Video Recognition
* Adaptive Force Guidance System for Computer-Guided Laparoscopy Training, An
* Adaptive Foreground Extraction for Crowd Analytics Surveillance on Unconstrained Environments
* Adaptive Foreground Extraction for Deep Fish Classification
* Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation Using Multiview Silhouette Fusion
* Adaptive Formation Control of Networked Robotic Systems With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive Formation Tracking Control of Multiple Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive Formulation of the Sliding Innovation Filter, An
* Adaptive Forward Collision Warning Framework Design Based on Driver Distraction, An
* Adaptive Fourier-Based Surface Reconstruction
* Adaptive fovea structures for space-variant sensors
* Adaptive Fractal Image Sequence Coding by Variable Shape Decomposition
* Adaptive Fractional-order Multi-scale Method for Image Denoising
* Adaptive fractional differential algorithm for image edge enhancement and texture preserve using fuzzy sets
* Adaptive Fractional Dilated Convolution Network for Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Adaptive fractional motion and disparity estimation skipping in MV-HEVC
* Adaptive fragments-based tracking of non-rigid objects using level sets
* Adaptive frame-skipping for video transcoding
* Adaptive frame and QP selection for temporally super-resolved full-exposure-time video
* Adaptive Frame Interval Control and its Quality Estimation
* Adaptive frame level rate control in 3D-HEVC
* Adaptive frame skipping based on spatio-temporal complexity for low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive frame/field motion compensated video coding
* adaptive framework for H.264 optimized encoding, An
* Adaptive Framework for Multi-Vehicle Ground Speed Estimation in Airborne Videos, An
* adaptive framework for saliency detection, An
* Adaptive Framework for the Delineation of Homogeneous Forest Areas Based on LiDAR Points
* Adaptive Frequency Filters As Efficient Global Token Mixers
* Adaptive Frequency Hopping Policy for Fast Pose Estimation
* Adaptive frequency median filter for the salt and pepper denoising problem
* Adaptive Frequency Weighting for High-Performance Video Coding
* Adaptive FSP: Adaptive Architecture Search with Filter Shape Pruning
* Adaptive Function Projective Synchronization Control and Parameters Identification of Different Uncertain Chaotic Systems
* Adaptive Fusion-Based 3D Keypoint Detection for RGB Point Clouds
* Adaptive fusion affinity graph with noise-free online low-rank representation for natural image segmentation
* Adaptive Fusion Algorithm for Spam Detection, An
* Adaptive Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Videos Based on Entropy and the Cumulative Distribution of Gray Levels, An
* Adaptive fusion and co-operative training for classifier ensembles
* adaptive fusion architecture for target tracking, An
* Adaptive Fusion by Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Detection Systems
* Adaptive Fusion CNN Features for RGBT Object Tracking
* Adaptive fusion for diurnal moving object detection
* Adaptive Fusion Model Based on Kalman Filtering and LSTM for Fast Tracking of Road Signs, An
* Adaptive fusion of biometric and biographic information for identity de-duplication
* Adaptive Fusion of Gait and Face for Human Identification in Video
* Adaptive fusion of human visual sensitive features for surveillance video summarization
* Adaptive fusion of particle filtering and spatio-temporal motion energy for human tracking
* Adaptive Fusion of RGB/NIR Signals Based on Face/Background Cross-Spectral Analysis for Heart Rate Estimation
* Adaptive Fusion Processor Paradigms for Fusion of Information Acquired at Different Levels of Detail
* adaptive fusion scheme of color and edge features for background subtraction, An
* Adaptive Future Frame Prediction with Ensemble Network
* Adaptive Fuzzy Approach to Fault Estimation Observer Design With Actuator Fault and Digital Communication, An
* Adaptive fuzzy c-means algorithm based on local noise detecting for image segmentation
* adaptive fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneities, An
* Adaptive fuzzy commitment scheme based on iris-code error analysis
* adaptive fuzzy control technique for a high-speed vehicular platoon experiencing communication delays, An
* Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems
* Adaptive Fuzzy Filtering for Artifact Reduction in Compressed Images and Videos
* Adaptive fuzzy inference neural network
* Adaptive fuzzy intensity measure enhancement technique for non-uniform illumination and low-contrast images
* Adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm for grid-map based sensor fusion
* Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Energy Management Strategy Based on Reasonable SOC Reference Curve for Online Control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric City Bus
* Adaptive fuzzy model for blur estimation on document images
* Adaptive fuzzy multilevel median filter
* Adaptive fuzzy optimal control for a class of active suspension systems with full-state constraints
* Adaptive Fuzzy Pattern-Recognition in the Anaerobic-Digestion Process
* Adaptive fuzzy post-filtering for highly compressed video
* Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images
* Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for high-speed train using multi-body dynamics model
* Adaptive fuzzy switching filter for images corrupted by impulse noise
* Adaptive Fuzzy Text Segmentation in Images with Complex Backgrounds Using Color and Texture
* Adaptive fuzzy wavelet algorithm for text-independent speaker recognition
* Adaptive Gabor convolutional networks
* Adaptive Gabor Filtering Method and Its Application in Edge Detection, An
* Adaptive Gabor Filters for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation
* Adaptive Gabor Filters for Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive Gabor image transformation: Application in scientific visualization
* Adaptive Gabor Transformation for Image Processing
* Adaptive Gain Control for Enhanced Speech Intelligibility Under Reverberation
* Adaptive Gating for Single-Photon 3D Imaging
* Adaptive gating in gaussian bayesian multi-target tracking
* Adaptive Gaussian mixture model for identifying outliers in historical route travel times
* Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Non-rigid Image Registration, An
* Adaptive Gaussian Model for Satellite Image Deblurring, An
* Adaptive Gaussian notch filter for removing periodic noise from digital images
* Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Filtering for Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization Enables Accurate Morphological Reconstruction in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on Weighted Autoregressive Models
* Adaptive General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Psychophysiological State Modeling in Real-Time Human-Machine Interfaces, An
* Adaptive Generalized Vector Median Filter
* Adaptive generation of variable-scale network maps for small displays based on line density distribution
* Adaptive generic learning for face recognition from a single sample per person
* Adaptive geo-information processing service evolution: Reuse and local modification method
* Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier
* Adaptive Geometry Compression Based on 4-Point Interpolatory Subdivision Schemes
* Adaptive Geometry Partition for Point Cloud Compression
* Adaptive Geoparsing Method for Toponym Recognition and Resolution in Unstructured Text
* Adaptive Global-Local Representation Learning and Selection for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Global and Local Tone Mapping Algorithm Implemented on FPGA, An
* Adaptive Global Decay Process for Event Cameras
* Adaptive Global Embedding Learning: A Two-Stage Framework for UAV-View Geo-Localization
* Adaptive Global Motion Temporal Filtering for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive Golomb Code for Joint Geometrically Distributed Data and Its Application in Image Coding
* Adaptive GOP Bit Allocation to Provide Seamless Video Streaming in Vertical Handoff
* Adaptive Gop Structure Selection for Real-time MPEG-2 Video Encoding
* Adaptive Gradient Approach to Displacement Estimation, An
* Adaptive gradients and weight projection based on quantized neural networks for efficient image classification
* Adaptive graph-based discriminative nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Adaptive Graph-Based Total Variation for Tomographic Reconstructions
* Adaptive Graph-Cut Algorithm to Video Moving Objects Segmentation
* Adaptive Graph Adversarial Networks for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Graph Auto-Encoder for General Data Clustering
* Adaptive Graph Completion Based Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
* Adaptive Graph Convolution Module for Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network With Attention Graph Clustering for Co-Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Videos
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Subspace Clustering
* Adaptive Graph Diffusion Regularisation for Discontinuity Preserving Image Registration
* Adaptive graph fusion learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning
* Adaptive Graph Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* adaptive graph learning method based on dual data representations for clustering, An
* Adaptive Graph Matching
* Adaptive graph regularization method based on least square regression for clustering
* Adaptive graph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via feature selection
* Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive graphical pattern recognition for the classification of company logos
* Adaptive Gray Level Run Length Features from Class Distance Matrices
* Adaptive Gray Scale Mapping to Reduce Registration Noise in Difference Images
* Adaptive Greedy Dictionary Selection for Web Media Summarization
* Adaptive grid pattern artifact reduction in radiography imaging based on the significant-signal bandwidth
* Adaptive Grid Refinement for Discrete Tomography
* Adaptive Grid Refinement Procedures for Efficient Optical Flow Computation
* Adaptive Ground Clutter Reduction in Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Based on Principal Component Analysis
* Adaptive Group-Based Zero Knowledge Proof-Authentication Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Adaptive group-of-pictures and scene change detection methods based on existing H.264 advanced video coding information
* Adaptive Group-Wise Consistency Network for Co-Saliency Detection
* adaptive group LASSO based multi-label regression approach for facial expression analysis, An
* Adaptive guided image filtering for screen content coding
* Adaptive Guided Image Filtering for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Reduction
* Adaptive H-Extrema for Automatic Immunogold Particle Detection
* adaptive H.264 video protection scheme for video conferencing, An
* Adaptive Haar-Like Features for Head Pose Estimation
* Adaptive habituation detection to build human computer interactive systems using a real-time cross-modal computation
* Adaptive Hard Example Mining for Image Captioning
* Adaptive Hash-Based Side Information Exploitation for Efficient Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Adaptive hash retrieval with kernel based similarity
* Adaptive Hashing for Fast Similarity Search
* Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
* Adaptive Hausdorff distances and dynamic clustering of symbolic interval data
* Adaptive height-modified histogram equalization and chroma correction in YCbCr color space for fast backlight image compensation
* Adaptive HEVC video steganograhpy based on PU partition modes
* Adaptive HEVC Video Steganography With High Performance Based on Attention-Net and PU Partition Modes
* Adaptive Hierarchical Approach to the Extraction of High Resolution Medial Surfaces, An
* Adaptive hierarchical classification networks
* Adaptive hierarchical contexts for object recognition with conditional mixture of trees
* Adaptive Hierarchical Dense Matching of Multi-View Airborne Oblique Imagery
* Adaptive Hierarchical Detection Method for Ship Targets in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Hierarchical Down-Sampling for Point Cloud Classification
* Adaptive Hierarchical Dual Consistency for Semi-Supervised Left Atrium Segmentation on Cross-Domain Data
* Adaptive Hierarchical Graph Reasoning with Semantic Coherence for Video-and-Language Inference
* Adaptive Hierarchical Model of the Ventral Visual Pathway Implemented on a Mobile Robot, An
* Adaptive Hierarchical Multinomial Latent Model With Hybrid Kernel Function for SAR Image Semantic Segmentation
* adaptive hierarchical QP setting for screen content coding, An
* Adaptive Hierarchical Representation Learning for Long-Tailed Object Detection
* Adaptive Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm Based on Quadtree Decomposition for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Adaptive Hierarchical Similarity Metric Learning With Noisy Labels
* Adaptive Hierarchical Trajectory Following Control Approach of Autonomous Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicles, An
* Adaptive high-frequency clipping for improved image quality assessment
* Adaptive High-Order Neural Tree for Pattern Recognition, An
* adaptive high-throughput edge detection filtering system using dynamic partial reconfiguration, An
* Adaptive high order neural trees for pattern recognition
* Adaptive highlights stencils for modeling of multi-axial BRDF anisotropy
* Adaptive Histogram Analysis for Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Its Variations
* Adaptive histogram equalization based on modified probability density function and expected value of image intensity
* Adaptive Histogram Equalization Using Variable Regions
* Adaptive histograms and dissimilarity measure for texture retrieval and classification
* Adaptive Hit or Miss Transform
* Adaptive Ho-Kashyap Rules for Perceptron Training
* Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm
* Adaptive Hough transform for the detection of natural shapes under weak affine transformations
* Adaptive Hough Transform, The
* Adaptive Huffman coding of 2-D DCT coefficients for image sequence compression
* Adaptive Human-Centric Video Compression for Humans and Machines
* Adaptive Human Activity-Aided Hand-Held Smartphone-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Positioning System, An
* Adaptive Human Driver Model for Realistic Race Car Simulations, An
* Adaptive Human Matting for Dynamic Videos
* Adaptive human motion analysis and prediction
* Adaptive Human Motion Tracking Using Non-synchronous Multiple Viewpoint Observations
* Adaptive human silhouette extraction with chromatic distortion and contour tracking
* Adaptive Hybrid Attention Based Convolutional Neural Net for Intelligent Transportation Object Recognition, An
* Adaptive hybrid attention network for hyperspectral image classification
* adaptive hybrid CDN/P2P solution for Content Delivery Networks, An
* Adaptive Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model for SAR Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in Wireless Fading Channel
* adaptive hybrid DPCM/DCT method for video coding, An
* adaptive hybrid energy-based fingerprint matching technique, An
* adaptive hybrid pattern for noise-robust texture analysis, An
* Adaptive Hybrid Representation for Graph-Based Semi-supervised Classification
* Adaptive Hybrid Robust Filter for Multi-Sensor Relative Navigation System
* Adaptive Hypergraph Embedded Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Image Annotation
* Adaptive Hypergraph Learning and its Application in Image Classification
* Adaptive hypergraph learning with multi-stage optimizations for image and tag recommendation
* Adaptive i-Vector Extraction for Speaker Verification with Short Utterance, An
* Adaptive ICP Registration for Facial Point Data, An
* Adaptive Identification Method for Potential Landslide Hazards Based on Multisource Data, An
* Adaptive illumination-invariant face recognition via local nonlinear multi-layer contrast feature
* Adaptive Illumination Mapping for Shadow Detection in Raw Images
* Adaptive Illumination Optimization Method for Local Overexposed Image, An
* Adaptive Illumination Rendering in LED Lighting Systems
* Adaptive Image-Coding Using Spectral Classification
* Adaptive Image-Enhancement Algorithm, An
* Adaptive image-smoothing using a coplanar matrix and its application to document image binarization
* Adaptive image and video retargeting technique based on Fourier analysis
* Adaptive Image Anonymization in the Context of Image Classification with Neural Networks
* Adaptive Image Approximation by Linear Splines Over Locally Optimal Delaunay Triangulations
* adaptive image authentication scheme for vector quantization compressed image, An
* Adaptive Image Binarization Based on Multi-layered Stack of Regions
* Adaptive image coding based on the discrete wavelet transform
* Adaptive image coding with perceptual distortion control
* adaptive image compression algorithm based on joint clustering algorithm and deep learning, An
* Adaptive Image Compression Based on Regions of Interest and a Modified Contrast Sensitivity Function
* Adaptive image compression based on segmentation and block classification
* Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN based Semantic-perceptual Residual Compensation
* Adaptive image compression using Karhunen-Loeve transform
* Adaptive image compression using local pattern information
* Adaptive Image Content-Based Exposure Control for Scanning Applications in Radiography
* Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Approach to Automatic Image Annotation, An
* Adaptive image contrast enhancement using artificial bee colony optimization
* Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement Using Generalizations of Histogram Equalization
* Adaptive Image Decomposition into Cartoon and Texture Parts Optimized by the Orthogonality Criterion
* Adaptive image decomposition via dictionary learning with stuctural incoherence
* Adaptive image denoising and edge enhancement in scale-space using the wavelet transform
* Adaptive Image Denoising by Mixture Adaptation
* Adaptive image denoising for speckle noise images based on fuzzy logic
* Adaptive image denoising using scale and space consistency
* Adaptive image enhancement filter
* Adaptive Image Enhancement Technique Based on Image Characteristic, An
* adaptive image Euclidean distance, An
* Adaptive Image Exploitation: Image Understanding at Raytheon
* Adaptive Image Feature Prediction and Control for Visual Tracking with a Hand-Eye Coordinated Camera
* Adaptive image inpainting algorithm based on generalized principal component analysis
* adaptive image interpolation algorithm for image/video processing, An
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Based on Local Gradient Features
* Adaptive image interpolation technique based on cubic trigonometric B-spline representation
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Using the Quadratic Spline Interpolator, An
* adaptive image line reconstruction method, An
* Adaptive Image Partitioning for Fractal Coding Achieving Designated Rates Under a Complexity Constraint
* Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective
* Adaptive Image Projection onto Non-planar Screen Using Projector-Camera Systems
* Adaptive Image Region-Growing
* Adaptive Image Registration via Hierarchical Voronoi Subdivision
* Adaptive image replica detection based on support vector classifiers
* Adaptive Image Representation Using Information Gain and Saliency: Application to Cultural Heritage Datasets
* Adaptive image representation with segmented orthogonal matching pursuit
* Adaptive Image Resizing Algorithm in DCT Domain, An
* Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochastic Modeling
* Adaptive Image Restoration Based on Local Robust Blur Estimation
* Adaptive image restoration using a generalized Gaussian model for unknown noise
* Adaptive image restoration using structure tensors
* Adaptive image retrieval based on the spatial organization of colors
* Adaptive Image Sampling Using Deep Learning and Its Application on X-Ray Fluorescence Image Reconstruction
* Adaptive image segmentation algorithm under the constraint of edge posterior probability
* Adaptive image segmentation based on color and texture
* Adaptive Image Segmentation by Combining Photometric Invariant Region and Edge Information
* Adaptive image segmentation by using mean-shift and evolutionary optimisation
* Adaptive image segmentation for region-based object retrieval using generalized Hough transform
* Adaptive image segmentation method based on the fuzzy c-means with spatial information
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Method with Automatic Selection of Optimal Scale for Extracting Cropland Parcels in Smallholder Farming Systems, An
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Method with Visual Nonlinearity Characteristics, An
* Adaptive image segmentation system
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Genetic And Hybrid Search Methods
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Multi-Objective Evaluation and Hybrid Search Methods
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Prototype Similarity
* Adaptive Image Segmentation With Distributed Behavior-Based Agents
* Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Image Sequence Coding Based on Global and Local Compensability Analysis
* adaptive image sharpening scheme based on local intensity variations, An
* Adaptive image thresholding for real-time particle monitoring
* Adaptive Image Transformations for Transfer-Based Adversarial Attack
* Adaptive Image Transformer for One-Shot Object Detection
* Adaptive Image Warping for Hole Prevention in 3D View Synthesis
* Adaptive Imaging for Lesion Detection Using a Zoom-in PET System
* Adaptive IMM Algorithm for a PD Radar with Improved Maneuvering Target Tracking Performance, An
* Adaptive Implementation of the Susan Method for Image Edge and Feature Detection, An
* Adaptive Importance Learning for Improving Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Network
* Adaptive importance sampling for estimating multi-component chirp signal parameters in colored noise
* Adaptive Impulse Detection Using Center-Weighted Median Filters
* Adaptive Impulsive Noise Removal in TV Picture Transmission
* Adaptive imputation of missing values for incomplete pattern classification
* adaptive incremental LBG for vector quantization, An
* Adaptive Incremental Learning with an Ensemble of Support Vector Machines
* Adaptive incremental video super-resolution with temporal consistency
* adaptive index smoothing loss for face anti-spoofing, An
* Adaptive Inference Using Hierarchical Convolutional Bag-of-Features for Low-Power Embedded Platforms
* Adaptive Information Fusion for Human Upper Limb Movement Estimation
* Adaptive Information Selection in Images: Efficient Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor Classification
* adaptive infrared image segmentation method based on fusion SPCNN, An
* Adaptive Inpainting Algorithm Based on DCT Induced Wavelet Regularization
* Adaptive INS/CNS/SMN Integrated Navigation Algorithm in Sea Area, An
* Adaptive Instance Distillation for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Adaptive instance similarity embedding for online continual learning
* Adaptive integer-precision Lagrange multiplier selection for high performance AVS video coding
* Adaptive Integral Operators for Signal Separation
* Adaptive Integration of Feature Matches into Variational Optical Flow Methods
* Adaptive Inter-Mode Decision for HEVC Jointly Utilizing Inter-Level and Spatiotemporal Correlations
* adaptive inter CU depth decision algorithm for HEVC, An
* Adaptive inter CU partitioning based on a look-ahead stage for HEVC
* Adaptive Interaction Modeling via Graph Operations Search
* Adaptive Interference Removal Framework for Video Person Re-Identification, An
* Adaptive Intermediate Representations for Video Understanding
* Adaptive interpolated motion compensated prediction
* Adaptive Interpolation-Based Divide-and-Predict Intra Coding for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Interpolation Filter for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive interpolation filter for motion compensated prediction
* Adaptive interpolation filter scheme in AV1
* Adaptive Interpolation Filters and High-Resolution Displacements for Video Coding
* Adaptive Interpolation for Error Concealment in H.264 Using Directional Histograms
* Adaptive interpolation of images
* Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for 2-D Mesh Motion Compensation, An
* Adaptive interpolation with flexible filter structures for video coding
* Adaptive Intra-Frame Assignment and Bit-Rate Estimation for Variable GOP Length in H.264
* adaptive intra-frame parallel method based on complexity estimation for HEVC, An
* Adaptive intra-refresh for low-delay error-resilient video coding
* Adaptive Intra Block Update for Robust Transmission of H.263
* Adaptive Intra Candidate Selection With Early Depth Decision for Fast Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Adaptive intra modes reduction by clustering for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Intra Update for Video Coding over Noisy Channels
* Adaptive Intrusion Detection of Malicious Unmanned Air Vehicles Using Behavior Rule Specifications
* Adaptive Invariant EKF for Map-Aided Localization Using 3D Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Invariant Novelty Filters
* Adaptive Inverse Half-Toning Algorithm, An
* Adaptive Inverse Halftoning for Scanned Document Images Through Multiresolution and Multiscale Analysis
* Adaptive Iris Recognition Method Based on the Marr Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Adaptive Irregular Graph Construction-Based Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive Irregular Pattern Search With Matching Prejudgment for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation
* adaptive irregular sampling algorithm and its application to image coding, An
* adaptive irregular sampling method for progressive transmission, An
* Adaptive Isosurface Reconstruction Using a Volumetric-Divergence-Based Metric
* Adaptive Iterated Shrinkage Thresholding-Based LP-Norm Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection
* Adaptive iterative algorithm for image restoration
* Adaptive iterative attack towards explainable adversarial robustness
* Adaptive iterative global image denoising method based on SVD
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for High-Speed Train: A Multi-Agent Approach
* Adaptive iterative learning control for SISO discrete time-varying systems
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Subway Trains Using Multiple-Point-Mass Dynamic Model Under Speed Constraint
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Kalman Consensus Filtering for High-Speed Train Identification and Estimation
* Adaptive Joint Bilateral Interpolation-Based Color Blending Method for Stitched UAV Images, An
* Adaptive joint nonlocal means denoising back projection for image super resolution
* Adaptive joint rate allocation and quantization in subband signal coding
* adaptive k-NN rule based on Dempster-Shafer theory, An
* Adaptive Kalman Filter for Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Based on Pseudorange and Epoch-Differenced Carrier-Phase Measurements
* Adaptive Kalman Filtering by Covariance Sampling
* Adaptive Kalman Filtering for Histogram-Based Appearance Learning in Infrared Imagery
* Adaptive kernel-based active contour
* Adaptive Kernel-Based Image Denoising Employing Semi-Parametric Regularization
* Adaptive Kernel Based Tracking Using Mean-Shift
* Adaptive kernel for triangular meshes smoothing
* Adaptive Kernel Kalman Filter Based Belief Propagation Algorithm for Maneuvering Multi-Target Tracking
* Adaptive kernel learning based on centered alignment for hierarchical classification
* Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms
* Adaptive kernel metric nearest neighbor classification
* Adaptive Kernel Size Selection for Correntropy Based Metric
* Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters with Multiple Features in the Tracking Application, An
* Adaptive key frame extraction for video summarization using an aggregation mechanism
* Adaptive key frame extraction using unsupervised clustering
* Adaptive Key Frame Selection for Efficient Video Coding
* Adaptive Keyframe Selection for Video Summarization
* Adaptive Kinematic Filter Extended by the Additionally Measured Velocity or Acceleration, An
* Adaptive knowledge transfer for class incremental learning
* Adaptive KPCA-based missing texture reconstruction approach including classification scheme via difference subspaces
* Adaptive Kuwahara filter
* Adaptive L-Predictors Based on Finite State Machine Context Selection
* Adaptive L^p-Penalization Method to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Microwave Radiometer Measurements, An
* adaptive L1-L2 hybrid error model to super-resolution, An
* Adaptive L2 Regularization in Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Label-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adaptive Label Noise Cleaning with Meta-Supervision for Deep Face Recognition
* Adaptive Label Propagation for Facial Appearance Transfer
* Adaptive Labeling For Hash Code Learning Via Neural Networks
* Adaptive Ladder Loss for Learning Coherent Visual-Semantic Embedding
* adaptive Lagrange multiplier determination method for rate-distortion optimisation in hybrid video codecs, An
* Adaptive Lagrange multiplier estimation algorithm in HEVC
* Adaptive Lagrange multiplier selection model in rate distortion optimization for 3D wavelet-based scalable video coding
* Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier Selection Using Classification-Maximization and Its Application to Chroma QP Offset Decision
* Adaptive Lagrangian Multiplier derivation model for depth map coding
* Adaptive Lagrangian Multiplier for Quantization Parameter Cascading in HEVC Hierarchical Coding
* Adaptive lambda-enhancement: Type I versus type II fuzzy implementation
* Adaptive Landweber method to deblur images
* Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution Modelled Astrophysical Maps
* Adaptive Laplacian eigenfunctions as bases for regression analysis
* adaptive lapped biorthogonal transform and its application in orientation adaptive image coding, An
* Adaptive Lapped Transform-Based Image-Coding
* Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Generalized Lock Scheduling Problem: Comparative Study With Exact Methods, An
* Adaptive large window correlation for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Adaptive Latent Diffusion Model for 3D Medical Image to Image Translation: Multi-modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
* Adaptive Latent Graph Representation Learning for Image-Text Matching
* Adaptive Latent Representation for Multi-view Subspace Learning
* Adaptive Lattice-Aware Image Demosaicking Using Global And Local Information
* Adaptive lattices on the unit sphere. Application to remote sensing
* Adaptive Layer Switching Algorithm Based on Buffer Underflow Probability for Scalable Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic Considering Human Behavioral Diversity
* Adaptive Learnable Spectral-Spatial Fusion Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Learning-Based Approach for Nearly Optimal Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets, An
* Adaptive Learning Approach for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Correction, An
* Adaptive learning codebook for action recognition
* Adaptive Learning Concepts and Methodology for Enhanced Recognition System Performance
* Adaptive learning control with spatially-periodic and unknown random disturbances
* Adaptive learning cost-sensitive convolutional neural network
* Adaptive learning feature pyramid for object detection
* Adaptive Learning for Celebrity Identification With Video Context
* Adaptive learning for event modeling and characterization
* Adaptive Learning for Target Tracking and True Linking Discovering Across Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* adaptive learning method for face hallucination using Locality Preserving Projections, An
* adaptive learning method for target tracking across multiple cameras, An
* Adaptive learning of an accurate skin-color model
* Adaptive learning of minority class prior to minority oversampling
* Adaptive learning of multi-subspace for foreground detection under illumination changes
* Adaptive Learning of Statistical Appearance Models for 3D Human Tracking
* Adaptive Learning Procedure for a Network of Spiking Neurons and Visual Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Learning Rate for Online Linear Discriminant Classifiers
* Adaptive Learning Rate Method for Improving Adaptability of Background Models, An
* Adaptive learning region importance for region-based image retrieval
* Adaptive learning Unet-based adversarial network with CNN and transformer for segmentation of hard exudates in diabetes retinopathy
* Adaptive Learning Vector Quantizers for Image Compression
* Adaptive Least-Squares Collocation Algorithm Considering Distance Scale Factor for GPS Crustal Velocity Field Fitting and Estimation
* Adaptive least squares prediction for stereo image coding
* adaptive level-selecting wavelet transform for texture defect detection, An
* adaptive level set method based on joint estimation dealing with intensity inhomogeneity, An
* adaptive level set method for nondifferentiable constrained image recovery, An
* Adaptive Level Set Segmentation on a Triangulated Mesh, An
* Adaptive LiDAR Sampling and Depth Completion Using Ensemble Variance
* Adaptive lifting for shape-based image retrieval
* Adaptive lifting integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression
* Adaptive Lifting Schemes Combining Seminorms for Lossless Image Compression
* Adaptive lifting schemes with a global L1 minimization technique for image coding
* Adaptive Light Projection and Highlight Analysis Method for Measuring Three-dimensional Scene
* Adaptive Lighting for Machine Vision Applications
* Adaptive Line-of-Sight Tracking Control for a Tractor-Trailer Vehicle System With Multiple Constraints
* Adaptive Line Matching for Low-Textured Images
* Adaptive linear dimensionality reduction for classification
* Adaptive linear discriminant analysis for online feature extraction
* Adaptive linear models for regression: Improving prediction when population has changed
* Adaptive linear prediction for block-based lossy image coding
* Adaptive Linear Prediction for Lossless Coding of Greyscale Images
* Adaptive Linear Prediction for Resource Estimation of Video Decoding
* Adaptive linear predictors for real-time tracking
* Adaptive Linear Regression for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Adaptive Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Adaptive Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Adaptive Linear System Framework for Image Distortion Analysis, An
* Adaptive live video streaming by priority drop
* Adaptive LMS L-Filters For Noise Suppression In Images
* Adaptive Local-Component-aware Graph Convolutional Network for One-shot Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Adaptive local-fitting-based active contour model for medical image segmentation
* Adaptive local adversarial attacks on 3D point clouds
* adaptive local binarization method for document images based on a novel thresholding method and dynamic windows, An
* Adaptive Local Binarization Method for Recognition of Vehicle License Plates
* adaptive local binary pattern for 3D hand tracking, An
* Adaptive local binary pattern with oriented standard deviation (ALBPS) for texture classification
* Adaptive local contrast enhancement for the visualization of high dynamic range images
* Adaptive Local Cross-Channel Vector Pooling Attention Module for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Local Illumination Change Compensation Method for H.264/AVC-Based Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Local Image Enhancement Based on Logarithmic Mappings
* Adaptive Local Implicit Image Function for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Local Linear Regression With Application to Printer Color Management
* Adaptive Local Movement Modeling for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Local Movement Modelling for Object Tracking
* Adaptive local nonparametric regression for fast single image super-resolution
* Adaptive Local Phase Approximations and Global Unwrapping
* Adaptive local Principal Component Analysis improves the clustering of high-dimensional data
* Adaptive Local Smoothing for Contour Figure Approximation, An
* Adaptive local spatial modeling for online change detection under abrupt dynamic background
* Adaptive local thresholding by verification-based multithreshold probing with application to vessel detection in retinal images
* Adaptive Local Thresholding with Fuzzy-Validity-Guided Spatial Partitioning
* Adaptive localised region and edge-based active contour model using shape constraint and sub-global information for uterine fibroid segmentation in ultrasound-guided HIFU therapy
* Adaptive Locality Preserving based Discriminative Regression
* Adaptive Locality Preserving Regression
* Adaptive locally affine-invariant shape matching
* Adaptive locomotion on slopes and stairs using pelvic rotation
* Adaptive logic networks for facial feature detection
* adaptive logical method for binarization of degraded document images, An
* adaptive LogLUV transform for High Dynamic Range video compression, An
* Adaptive Longitudinal Driving Assistance System Based on Driver Characteristics, An
* Adaptive loop filter technology based on analytical design considering local image characteristics
* Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
* Adaptive Loss-Aware Quantization for Multi-Bit Networks
* Adaptive loss function based least squares one-class support vector machine
* Adaptive lossless coding scheme of lattice vector quantisation
* Adaptive lossless compression of skeleton sequences
* Adaptive lossless steganographic scheme with centralized difference expansion
* Adaptive lossless video compression using an integer wavelet transform
* Adaptive low-complexity motion estimation algorithm for high efficiency video coding encoder
* Adaptive low-rate wireless videophone schemes
* Adaptive Low Cost Algorithm for Video Stabilization
* Adaptive low rank and sparse decomposition of video using compressive sensing
* Adaptive Low Rank Approximation for Tensors
* Adaptive Lp Norm Minimization Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation, An
* Adaptive LPQ: An efficient descriptor for blurred face recognition
* Adaptive LSTAR Model for Long-Range Variable Bit Rate Video Traffic Prediction
* Adaptive Lucas-Kanade tracking
* Adaptive Machine Director, An
* adaptive machine learning approach to improve automatic iceberg detection from SAR images, An
* Adaptive machine learning strategies for network calibration of IoT smart air quality monitoring devices
* Adaptive Macroblock Mode Selection for Reducing the Encoder Complexity in H.264
* Adaptive maintenance scheme for codebook-based dynamic background subtraction
* Adaptive Mammographic Image Enhancement Using First Derivative and Local Statistics
* Adaptive Management of Video Encoder Complexity
* Adaptive manifold for imbalanced transductive few-shot learning
* Adaptive Manifold Learning
* Adaptive MAP Error Concealment for Dispersively Packetized Wavelet-Coded Images
* Adaptive MAP Sub-Pixel Mapping Model Based on Regularization Curve for Multiple Shifted Hyperspectral Imagery
* Adaptive Margin Diversity Regularizer for Handling Data Imbalance in Zero-Shot SBIR
* Adaptive Marginalized Semantic Hashing for Unpaired Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adaptive Markov Random Field for Structured Compressive Sensing, An
* Adaptive Markov Random Fields for Example-Based Super-resolution of Faces
* Adaptive Markov Random Fields for Joint Unmixing and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
* Adaptive Mask-based Pyramid Network for Realistic Bokeh Rendering
* Adaptive Mask for Region-based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Matching of Kernel Means
* Adaptive matching using object modes generated from photometric stereo images
* Adaptive Matching Wavelet Networks for Face Recognition
* Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for Range Imagery
* Adaptive mathematical morphology: A survey of the field
* Adaptive mathematical morphology: A unified representation theory
* Adaptive Matrices and Filters for Color Texture Classification
* Adaptive Matrices for Color Texture Classification
* Adaptive Matrix Sketching and Clustering for Semisupervised Incremental Learning
* Adaptive Max-Margin One-Class Classifier for SAR Target Discrimination in Complex Scenes
* Adaptive maximum margin analysis for image recognition
* Adaptive MD-FEC over multilink video distribution network
* Adaptive Mean-Shift Analysis Approach for Object Extraction and Classification from Urban Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Adaptive mean-shift for automated multi object tracking
* Adaptive Mean-Shift Framework for MRI Brain Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Mean Shift-Based Identification of Individual Trees Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Adaptive measurement rate allocation for block-based compressed sensing of depth maps
* Adaptive Mechanism for Optimal Content Download in Wireless Networks, An
* Adaptive Media-Aware Retransmission Timeout Estimation Method for Low-Delay Packet Video, An
* adaptive media playout for intra-media synchronization of networked-video applications, An
* Adaptive Media Playout for Low-Delay Video Streaming Over Error-Prone Channels
* Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Adaptive Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Elimination in Real-Time TV Signals
* Adaptive median filters: new algorithms and results
* Adaptive Medical Image Denoising Using Support Vector Regression
* Adaptive Membership Functions for Handwritten Character Recognition by Voronoi-Based Image Zoning
* Adaptive Memorization With Group Labels for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Memory Management for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive mesh generation for image registration and segmentation
* Adaptive Mesh Generation for Surface Reconstruction: Parallel Hierarchical Triangulation without Discontinuities
* Adaptive Mesh Generation of MRI Images for 3D Reconstruction of Human Trunk
* Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Deformable Image Registration: A Posteriori Error Estimates for Primal and Mixed Formulations
* Adaptive Mesh Texture for Multi-View Appearance Modeling
* Adaptive Meshes and Nonrigid Motion Computation
* Adaptive Meshes and Shells: Irregular Triangulation, Discontinuities, and Hierarchical Subdivisions
* Adaptive meshing and detail-reduction of 3D-point clouds from laser scans
* adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminescence tomography, An
* Adaptive Metadata Management System for Distributed Video Content Analysis
* Adaptive Metering Algorithm for Electronic Commercial Vehicle Preclearance Systems
* Adaptive Method and System for Real Time Verification of Dynamic Human Signatures
* adaptive method for combined covariance estimation and classification, An
* adaptive method for detecting dominant points, An
* Adaptive Method for Early Detecting Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264/AVC Video Encoding
* Adaptive Method for Efficient Detection of Salient Visual Object from Color Images, An
* Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment, An
* Adaptive Method for Image Registration, An
* adaptive method for image restoration based on high-order total variation and inverse gradient, An
* adaptive method for image thresholding, An
* Adaptive method for multi colored text binarization
* Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data, An
* adaptive method of color road segmentation, An
* Adaptive Method of Speckle Reduction and Feature Enhancement for SAR Images Based on Curvelet Transform and Particle Swarm Optimization, An
* Adaptive Method of Wave Spectrum Estimation Using X-Band Nautical Radar, An
* Adaptive Method Using Genetic Fuzzy System to Evaluate Suspended Particulates Matters SPM from Landsat and Modis Data, An
* Adaptive Methodologies for Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking With Battery-Powered Embedded Smart Cameras
* Adaptive Methods for Distributed Video Presentation
* Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* Adaptive Methods for Motion Characterization and Segmentation of MPEG Compressed Frame Sequences
* Adaptive Methods for Real-World Domain Generalization
* Adaptive Metric Learning and Probe-Specific Reranking for Person Reidentification
* Adaptive Metric Learning for People Re-Identification
* Adaptive Metric Learning for Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Metric Learning For Zero-Shot Recognition
* Adaptive Metric Learning in Local Distance Comparison for People Re-identification
* Adaptive Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Adaptive Metric Registration of 3D Models to Non-rigid Image Trajectories
* Adaptive Metro Service Schedule and Train Composition With a Proximal Policy Optimization Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive MHDCT coding of images
* Adaptive Micro-Doppler Corner Feature Extraction Method Based on Difference of Gaussian Filter and Deformable Convolution
* Adaptive minimum bit-error-rate filtering
* adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking, An
* Adaptive mixture density estimation
* Adaptive Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Local Bayesian Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Mixture Regression Network with Local Counting Map for Crowd Counting
* Adaptive mixtures: Recursive nonparametric pattern recognition
* Adaptive MLP post-processing for block-based coded images
* Adaptive Mobile Cloud Computing to Enable Rich Mobile Multimedia Applications
* Adaptive Modality Distillation for Separable Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Adaptive Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Video Texture Characteristics for HEVC Intra Prediction, An
* Adaptive mode decision algorithm for inter layer coding in scalable video coding
* Adaptive mode decision for multiview video coding based on macroblock position constraint model
* Adaptive Model-Based Classification of PolSAR Data
* Adaptive Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Covariance Matrices
* Adaptive Model-based Digital Halftoning Incorporating Image Enhancement
* Adaptive model-based motion estimation
* Adaptive Model-Based Polarimetric Decomposition Using PolInSAR Coherence
* Adaptive Model-Driven Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding
* Adaptive Model-free Control with Supervising Switching Technique for Robotic Manipulator with Actuator Failure
* Adaptive Model Base Indexing
* Adaptive Model Ensemble Adversarial Attack for Boosting Adversarial Transferability, An
* Adaptive Model Evolution Using Blending
* Adaptive model for decision making
* Adaptive Model for Face Distortion Correction, An
* Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-Varying Environment
* Adaptive Model for Particle Fluid Surface Reconstruction, An
* Adaptive Model for Texture Analysis, An
* Adaptive Model for Texture Classification, An
* adaptive model of person identification combining speech and image information, An
* Adaptive Model Predictive Control-Based Path Following Control for Four-Wheel Independent Drive Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Model to Monitor Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters in Southern Quebec Using Downscaled MODIS Imagery, An
* Adaptive model updating for robust object tracking
* Adaptive Modeling-Based Aeromagnetic Maneuver Noise Suppression Method and Its Application in Mine Detection, An
* Adaptive modeling and segmentation of visual image streams
* Adaptive Modeling of the Global Ionosphere Vertical Total Electron Content
* Adaptive Modeling of Uncertainties for Traffic Forecasting
* Adaptive modulated wavelet subband image coding
* adaptive modulated wavelet transform image representation, The
* Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Communications Based on Data-Driven Learning Algorithm
* Adaptive Modulation and Power Control for Energy Efficient Video Transmission over Fading Channels
* Adaptive Modulation and Rectangular Convolutional Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive modulation method for MGS video streaming
* Adaptive Modulus Quantizer Design for Matching Pursuit Video Coding
* Adaptive momentum variance for attention-guided sparse adversarial attacks
* adaptive Monte Carlo approach to nonlinear image denoising, An
* Adaptive Monte Carlo Retinex Method for Illumination and Reflectance Separation and Color Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Morphologic Regularizations for Inverse Problems
* Adaptive morphological closing based on inertia tensor for structuring element estimation
* Adaptive Morphological Filter for Image Processing, An
* Adaptive Morphological Filtering of Incomplete Data
* Adaptive Morphological Filtering Using Similarities Based on Geodesic Time
* Adaptive Morphological Filters for Color Image-Enhancement
* Adaptive morphological operators, fast algorithms and their applications
* Adaptive Morphological Reconstruction for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Morphological Representation of Signals: Polynomial and Wavelet Methods
* Adaptive morphological time stamp segmentation based on efficient global motion estimation
* Adaptive Morphology Shortest Path Planning Based on Rotating Object and Critical Transition Point
* Adaptive morphology using tensor-based elliptical structuring elements
* Adaptive Motion-Based Gesture Recognition Interface for Mobile Phones
* Adaptive motion-compensated filtering of noisy image sequences
* Adaptive motion-compensated interpolation based on spatiotemporal segmentation
* Adaptive Motion-Compensated Wavelet Filtering for Image Sequence Coding
* Adaptive motion-compensation fine-granular-scalability (AMC-FGS) for wireless video
* Adaptive Motion-Vector Resampling for Compressed Video Downscaling
* adaptive motion compensation method using superimposed inter-frame signals, An
* Adaptive motion compensation using a plurality of motion compensators
* Adaptive Motion Data Storage Reduction Method for Temporal Predictor, An
* adaptive motion estimation algorithm based on evolution strategies with correlated mutations, An
* Adaptive motion estimation and video vector quantization based on spatiotemporal non-linearities of human perception
* Adaptive motion estimation based on spatio-temporal correlation
* Adaptive motion estimation based on statistical sum of absolute difference
* Adaptive motion estimation in video coding with a stochastic model
* Adaptive Motion Model for Human Tracking Using Particle Filter
* Adaptive Motion Model for Person Tracking with Instantaneous Head-Pose Features, An
* Adaptive motion model selection using a cubic spline based estimation framework
* Adaptive Motion Search Range Prediction for Video Encoding
* Adaptive Motion Search with Elastic Diamond for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Adaptive Motion Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Principal Angles Configuration
* Adaptive Motion Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive motion synthesis for virtual characters: a survey
* Adaptive Motion Tracking Block Matching Algorithms for Video Coding
* Adaptive motion vector refinement for high performance transcoding
* Adaptive motion vector resolution prediction in block-based video coding
* Adaptive motion vector resolution with implicit signaling
* Adaptive Motion Vector Vector Quantization for Video Coding
* Adaptive mouth segmentation using chromatic features
* Adaptive Moving Shadows Detection Using Local Neighboring Information
* Adaptive MP3 Steganography Using Equal Length Entropy Codes Substitution
* Adaptive Multi-Channel Spectroellipsometer for Ecological Monitoring, An
* Adaptive Multi-Cue 3D Tracking of Arbitrary Objects
* Adaptive multi-cue fusion for visual target tracking based on uncertainly measure
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Reliability Re-Determinative Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Sampling Framework for Safety Analysis of Connected and Automated Vehicles, An
* Adaptive multi-histogram reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement
* Adaptive Multi-Hypergraph Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Classification
* Adaptive Multi-Hypothesis Marginal Bayes Filter for Tracking Multiple Targets
* Adaptive Multi-Kernel SVM With Spatial-Temporal Correlation for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Adaptive Multi-Level Region Merging for Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive multi-modal stereo people tracking without background modelling
* Adaptive Multi-Objective Sub-Pixel Mapping Framework Based on Memetic Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Multi-Pedestrian Tracking by Multi-Sensor: Track-to-Track Fusion Using Monocular 3D Detection and MMW Radar
* Adaptive Multi-Projection Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification Across Non-Overlapping Cameras, An
* Adaptive Multi-Proxy for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Adaptive Multi-Region Network For Medical Image Analysis
* Adaptive Multi-Resolution Coding for 3D Scenes using Vector Quantization
* Adaptive multi-resolution CRF-based contour tracking
* Adaptive Multi-Resolution Encoding for ABR Streaming
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Approach for Estimating Optical Flow: Computational Theory and Physiological Implementation, An
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Contrast Enhancement Through Non-Linear Pyramid Recombination
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Progressive Probability Model for Lossless Image Compression
* Adaptive multi-task learning for fine-grained categorization
* Adaptive multi-teacher softened relational knowledge distillation framework for payload mismatch in image steganalysis
* Adaptive multi-text union for stable text-to-image synthesis learning
* Adaptive multi-threshold based de-noising filter for medical image applications
* Adaptive Multi-View and Temporal Fusing Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive multi-view subspace clustering for high-dimensional data
* Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding Based on Generalized Virtual Sliding Window, An
* Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding for Video Compression, An
* Adaptive Multicarrier OFDM SAR Signal Processing
* Adaptive multichannel distance filter
* Adaptive multichannel filters for colour image processing
* Adaptive Multichannel Reduction Using Convex Polyhedral Loudspeaker Array
* Adaptive Multicue Background Subtraction for Robust Vehicle Counting and Classification
* adaptive multifeature correspondence algorithm for stereo using dynamic programming, An
* Adaptive Multifeature Tracking in a Particle Filtering Framework
* Adaptive multifocus image fusion using block compressed sensing with smoothed projected Landweber integration in the wavelet domain
* adaptive multigrid algorithm for region of interest diffuse optical tomography, An
* Adaptive multilayer level set method for segmenting images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Adaptive Multilayer Perceptual Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Multilevel Classification and Detection in Multispectral Images
* Adaptive Multilevel Median Filtering of Image Sequences
* Adaptive Multilooking of Airborne Single-Pass Multi-Baseline InSAR Stacks
* Adaptive Multilooking of Multitemporal Differential SAR Interferometric Data Stack Using Directional Statistics
* Adaptive Multimedia Data Forwarding for Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* adaptive multimodal biometric management algorithm, An
* Adaptive Multimodality Sensing of Landmines
* Adaptive Multiobjective Memetic Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Multipath Geographic Routing for Video Transmission in Urban VANETs, An
* Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques
* Adaptive Multiphase Liver Tumor Segmentation With Multiscale Supervision
* Adaptive Multiplane Image Generation from a Single Internet Picture
* Adaptive multiple-band CFAR detection of an optical pattern with unknown spectral distribution
* Adaptive Multiple-Frame Image Super-Resolution Based on U-Curve
* Adaptive multiple description coding for hybrid networks with dynamic PLR and BER
* Adaptive Multiple Distributed Bidirectional Spiral Path Planning for Foraging Robot Swarms
* Adaptive multiple feedback strategies for interactive video search
* Adaptive multiple importance sampling for general functions
* Adaptive Multiple Object Tracking Using Colour and Segmentation Cues
* Adaptive multiple reference frame based scalable video coding algorithm
* Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on an Accelerating Iterative Curvelet Thresholding Method
* Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on Sparse Coding
* Adaptive Multirate Algorithm for Acquisition of Fluorescence Microscopy Data Sets, An
* Adaptive Multiresolution-Based Multispectral Image Compression Method, An
* Adaptive Multiresolution Approach to Fingerprint Recognition, An
* Adaptive Multiresolution for Low Power CMOS Image Sensor
* Adaptive Multiresolution Image Coding with Matching and Basis Pursuits
* Adaptive multiresolution non-local means filter for three-dimensional magnetic resonance image denoising
* Adaptive Multiscale Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Multiscale Decomposition of Graph Signals
* Adaptive Multiscale Deep Fusion Residual Network for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Adaptive Multiscale Feature Extraction from Range Data
* Adaptive Multiscale Generative Adversarial Network for the Spatiotemporal Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data, An
* Adaptive Multiscale Optical Flow Estimation
* Adaptive MultiScale Segmentations for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Multiscale Similarity Measure for Non-rigid Registration, An
* Adaptive Multisensor Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie, An
* Adaptive Multispectral Demosaicking Based on Frequency-Domain Analysis of Spectral Correlation
* Adaptive multistage nonlinear filtering and wavelet for medical image enhancement
* Adaptive Multiview Active Learning Approach for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images, An
* Adaptive Multiview Graph Difference Analysis for Video Summarization
* Adaptive Multiview Video Delivery Using Hybrid Networking
* Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
* adaptive mutual K-nearest neighbors clustering algorithm based on maximizing mutual information, An
* Adaptive Mutual Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Mutual Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Adaptive N-best-list handwritten word recognition
* Adaptive Navigation of Automated Vehicles by Image Analysis Techniques
* Adaptive Navigation of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Avoidance
* Adaptive Neighbor Pairing for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Adaptive Neighborhood Metric Learning
* adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based on density and connectivity, An
* Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Scenes
* Adaptive Network Security System for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation, An
* Adaptive Neural-Network: Application to Character-Recognition on X-Ray-Films, An
* Adaptive Neural Connections for Sparsity Learning
* Adaptive neural network-based fault-tolerant trajectory-tracking control of unmanned surface vessels with input saturation and error constraints
* Adaptive Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Full-State Constrained Wheeled Mobile Robotic System
* Adaptive Neural Network Control for Robotic Manipulators With Unknown Deadzone
* Adaptive Neural Network Control of AUVs With Control Input Nonlinearities Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Neural Network Fixed-Time Leader-Follower Consensus for Multiagent Systems With Constraints and Disturbances
* Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Restoration
* Adaptive Neural Network for Unsupervised Mosaic Consistency Analysis in Image Forensics, An
* Adaptive Neural Regularization Assignment for Semi-Blind Biomedical Image Restoration
* Adaptive Neural Synchronization Control for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems With Time Delay and Backlash-Like Hysteresis
* Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Multi-object Tracker
* Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based on-the-move terrain classification for autonomous wheeled mobile robots
* adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system optimized by genetic algorithm for brain tumour detection in magnetic resonance images, An
* Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Predictor-Based Control for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System
* Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment Framework for Future Environmentally Sustainable Management
* Adaptive NMS: Refining Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* Adaptive Noise-Filtering Algorithm for AVIRIS Data With Implications for Classification Accuracy, An
* Adaptive Noise-Free Method of Seismic Resolution Enhancement Based on Extrapolated Multiresolution Singular Value Decomposition, An
* Adaptive noise attenuation of seismic image using singular value decomposition and texture direction detection
* Adaptive Noise Cancelling Method Based on EMD for Acoustic in Battlefield, An
* Adaptive noise detection for image restoration with a multiple window configuration
* Adaptive noise dictionary construction via IRRPCA for face recognition
* Adaptive Noise Injection for Training Stochastic Student Networks from Deterministic Teachers
* Adaptive noise reduction of InSAR images based on a complex-valued MRF model and its application to phase unwrapping problem
* Adaptive noise removal approach for restoration of digital images corrupted by multimodal noise
* Adaptive Noise Smoothing Filter for Images with Signal-Dependent Noise
* Adaptive Noisy Label-Correction Method Based on Selective Loss for Hyperspectral Image-Classification Problem, An
* Adaptive non-cartesian networks for vision
* Adaptive non-linear coordinated optimal dynamic platoon control of connected autonomous distributed electric vehicles on curved roads
* Adaptive Non-linear Diffusion in Wavelet Domain
* Adaptive Non-Linear Edge-Preserving Filter, An
* Adaptive Non-linear Intensity Mapping Based Salient Region Extraction
* Adaptive non-linear predictor for lossless image compression
* Adaptive non-linear trajectory tracking control for lane change of autonomous four-wheel independently drive electric vehicles
* Adaptive Non-Local-Means Filter for Real-Time MR-Thermometry, An
* Adaptive non-local Euclidean medians sparse unmixing for hyperspectral imagery
* Adaptive non-local means filter for image deblocking
* Adaptive Non-local Means Filtering for Speckle Noise Reduction
* Adaptive Non-local Means for Cost Aggregation in a Local Disparity Estimation Algorithm
* Adaptive non-local means for multiview image denoising: Searching for the right patches via a statistical approach
* Adaptive Non-Negative Geographically Weighted Regression for Population Density Estimation Based on Nighttime Light
* Adaptive Non-rigid Object Tracking by Fusing Visual and Motional Descriptors
* Adaptive Non-rigid Registration and Structure from Motion from Image Trajectories
* Adaptive Non-Uniform Vertical Stratification Method for Troposphere Water Vapor Tomography, An
* Adaptive Nonlinear Filters for 2D and 3D Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Nonlinear Image Denoising and Restoration Using a Cooperative Bayesian Estimation Approach
* Adaptive Nonlinear Image Enhancement of Gaussian Degraded Images
* Adaptive Nonlinear Image Restoration by a Modified Kalman Filtering Approach
* Adaptive Nonlinear Latent Transformation for Conditional Face Editing
* Adaptive Nonlinear Shape-Matching for Unconstrained Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering: A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Nonlocal Random Walks for Image Superpixel Segmentation
* Adaptive nonlocal range filter in depth map coding
* Adaptive Nonlocal Regularized Shadow Removal Method for Aerial Remote Sensing Images, An
* Adaptive Nonlocal Sparse Representation for Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis Method and Its Application to Face Recognition, An
* Adaptive Nonparametric Image Parsing
* Adaptive Nonrigid Inpainting of Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Geometry
* Adaptive Nonseparable Interpolation for Image Compression With Directional Wavelet Transform
* Adaptive Nonseparable Wavelet Transform via Lifting and its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Adaptive nonstationary regression analysis
* Adaptive Nonzero-Mean Gaussian Detection
* Adaptive Norm Algorithm for Image Restoration, An
* Adaptive Norm Selection for Regularized Image Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Adaptive normalization of handwritten characters using GAT correlation and mixture models
* Adaptive Normalization of Handwritten Characters Using Global/Local Affine Transformation
* Adaptive Nullforming to Mitigate Ground Clutter on the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar
* Adaptive Object-based Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images, An
* Adaptive object classification in surveillance system by exploiting scene context
* Adaptive Object Classification Using Complex SAR Signatures
* Adaptive object detection and recognition based on a feedback strategy
* Adaptive Object Detection Based on Modified Hebbian Learning
* Adaptive Object Detection Using Adjacency and Zoom Prediction
* Adaptive Object Detection with Dual Multi-label Prediction
* Adaptive object identification and recognition using neural networks and surface signatures
* Adaptive Object Retrieval with Kernel Reconstructive Hashing
* Adaptive object tracking algorithm based on eigenbasis space and compressive sampling
* Adaptive Object Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Filter
* Adaptive object tracking by learning background context
* Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Hybrid Template Online
* Adaptive Object Tracking with Complementary Models
* Adaptive Object Tracking with Online Statistical Model Update
* Adaptive Objectness for Object Tracking
* Adaptive observer-based output feedback control design for fault compensation and tolerance
* Adaptive observers for unknown general nonlinear systems
* Adaptive Occlusion Boundary Extraction for Depth Inference
* Adaptive occlusion state estimation for human pose tracking under self-occlusions
* Adaptive OCR with limited user feedback
* adaptive octree grid for GPU-based collision detection of deformable objects, An
* Adaptive Offline Quintuplet Loss for Image-text Matching
* Adaptive Offset-Tracking Method Based on Deformation Gradients and Image Noises for Mining Deformation Monitoring, An
* Adaptive Offset Tracking Method with SAR Images for Landslide Displacement Monitoring, An
* Adaptive On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Adaptive on-line similarity measure for direct visual tracking
* Adaptive online camera coordination for multi-camera multi-target surveillance
* Adaptive Online k-Subspaces with Cooperative Re-Initialization
* Adaptive Online Mutual Learning Bi-Decoders for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Online Performance Evaluation of Video Trackers
* Adaptive online transmission of 3D texmesh using scale-space analysis
* Adaptive open domain recognition by coarse-to-fine prototype-based network
* adaptive optical flow technique for person tracking systems, An
* Adaptive optics-optical coherence tomography: optimizing visualization of microscopic retinal structures in three dimensions
* Adaptive optics retinal imaging reveals S-cone dystrophy in tritan color-vision deficiency
* Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for in vivo imaging of lamina cribrosa
* Adaptive optimal bit-depth estimation in compressed video sensing
* Adaptive Optimal Shape Prior for Easy Interactive Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Optimization of Multi-Hop Communication Protocol for Linear Wireless Monitoring Networks on High-Speed Railways
* Adaptive Optimization with Constraints: Convergence and Oscillatory Behaviour
* Adaptive Order Spline Interpolation for Edge-Preserving Colour Filter Array Demosaicking
* Adaptive Order Statistic Noise Filter for Gamma Corrected Image Sequences, An
* Adaptive Ordered Dither
* Adaptive Outlier Rejection in Image Super-resolution
* adaptive over-split and merge algorithm for page segmentation, An
* Adaptive Overhearing in Two-Way Multi-Antenna Relay Channels
* Adaptive overlapping approach for DCT-based motion estimation
* Adaptive Packet Coding for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Communications
* Adaptive packet scheduling for scalable video streaming with network coding
* Adaptive Page Segmentation for Color Technical Journals' Cover Images
* Adaptive Pairing Reversible Watermarking
* Adaptive Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion and Multiple Histograms Modification for Reversible Data Hiding
* Adaptive Palette Determination for Color Images Based on Kohonen Networks
* Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
* Adaptive parallax for 3D television
* Adaptive Parallel Computer Vision System, An
* Adaptive Parallel System Dedicated to Projective Image Matching, An
* Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Compound Interrupted Sampling and Repeating Jamming
* Adaptive Parameter Estimation of Person Recognition Model in a Stochastic Human Tracking Process
* Adaptive Parameter Identification of a Fuel Cell System for Health-Conscious Energy Management Applications
* Adaptive Parameter Optimization for Real-time Tracking
* Adaptive Parameter Selection for Image Segmentation Based on Similarity Estimation of Multiple Segmenters
* adaptive parameterization method for SIFT based video stabilization, An
* Adaptive parametric statistical background subtraction for video segmentation
* Adaptive parametrization of multivariate B-splines for image registration
* adaptive parcel-based technique for unsupervised change detection, An
* Adaptive Part-Level Model Knowledge Transfer for Gender Classification
* Adaptive Part Mining for Robust Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Partial Differential Equation Learning for Visual Saliency Detection
* Adaptive partial distortion search for block motion estimation
* Adaptive Partial Multi-View Hashing for Efficient Social Image Retrieval
* Adaptive Partial Reinforcement Learning Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Wheeled Mobile Robotic Systems
* Adaptive Partially Hidden Markov Models with Application to Bilevel Image Coding
* Adaptive Particle-Distortion Tradeoff Control in Particle Filtering for Video Tracking
* Adaptive particle filter with body part segmentation for full body tracking
* Adaptive particle filtering for coronary artery segmentation from 3D CT angiograms
* Adaptive partition size temporal error concealment for H.264 using weighted double-sided EBME minimization
* Adaptive partitioning method in high resolution speckle imagery for sub-pixel digital image correlation
* Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power High Performance Geometry Engine
* Adaptive Partitionings for Fractal Image Compression
* Adaptive Patch-Based Background Modelling for Improved Foreground Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Adaptive Patch-Based Reconstruction Scheme for View Synthesis by Disparity Estimation Using Optical Flow, An
* Adaptive Patch Based Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Dehazing
* Adaptive Patch Deformation for Textureless-Resilient Multi-View Stereo
* Adaptive Patch Exiting for Scalable Single Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Patch Features for Object Class Recognition with Learned Hierarchical Models
* Adaptive Patch Prior for Single Image Blind Deblurring, An
* Adaptive Patch Projection for the Generation of Orthophotos from Satellite Images
* Adaptive patch size determination for patch-based image completion
* Adaptive patched L0 gradient minimisation model applied on image smoothing
* Adaptive patches for change detection
* Adaptive Path Following Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles Considering Environmental Disturbances and System Constraints
* Adaptive Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for a Robot with a Large Degree of Redundancy
* Adaptive Path Selection for Dynamic Image Captioning
* Adaptive Pattern-Recognition System for Scene Segmentation
* Adaptive Pattern Analysis System for Isolating EMI, An
* Adaptive pattern discovery for interactive multimedia retrieval
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition Correlators
* Adaptive pattern recognition in real-time video-based soccer analysis
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition Systems and Boltzmann Machines: A Rapprochement
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive pattern spectrum image description using Euclidean and Geodesic distance without training for texture classification
* Adaptive pedestrian detection in infrared images using fuzzy enhancement and top-hat transform
* Adaptive pedestrian tracking via patch-based features and spatial-temporal similarity measurement
* Adaptive Peer-To-Peer Video Streaming with Optimized Flexible Multiple Description Coding
* Adaptive pen user interface with supervised competitive learning
* adaptive people counting system with dynamic features selection and occlusion handling, An
* Adaptive people detection based on cross-correlation maximization
* Adaptive Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
* Adaptive Perceptual Block Compressive Sensing for Image Compression
* Adaptive perceptual color-texture image segmentation
* Adaptive Perceptual Pattern-Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Networks: Context, Uncertainty, Multiplicity, and Scale
* adaptive perceptual quantization method for HDR video coding, An
* Adaptive perceptual quantizer for high dynamic range video compression
* Adaptive Performance Optimization for Large-Scale Traffic Control Systems
* Adaptive Period Embedding for Representing Oriented Objects in Aerial Images
* Adaptive Perona-Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising
* Adaptive Persistence Utilizing Motion Compensation for Ultrasound Images
* Adaptive personalized routing for vulnerable road users
* Adaptive Personalized Travel Information Systems: A Bayesian Method to Learn Users' Personal Preferences in Multimodal Transport Networks
* Adaptive Perspective Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Perturbation for Adversarial Attack
* Adaptive photo collection page layout
* Adaptive Physics-Inspired Facial Animation
* Adaptive Piecewise-Linear Bits Estimation Model for MPEG Based Video Coding
* Adaptive Piecewise Harmonic Analysis Method for Reconstructing Multi-Year Sea Surface Chlorophyll-A Time Series, An
* Adaptive Piecewise Linear Predistorter Based on PSO and Indirect Learning Architecture
* Adaptive pixel classifier for binary structured light: A probabilistic kernel approach
* adaptive pixel mapping based approach for reversible data hiding in encrypted images, An
* Adaptive Pixel Neighborhood Definition for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Support Vector Machines and Composite Kernel
* Adaptive Pixel Resizing for Multiscale Recognition and Reconstruction
* Adaptive Pixel/Patch-Based Stereo Matching for 2D Face Recognition
* Adaptive pixel/patch-based synthesis for texture compression
* Adaptive Pixon Represented Segmentation (APRS) for 3D MR Brain Images Based on Mean Shift and Markov Random Fields
* Adaptive Plasticity Improvement for Continual Learning
* Adaptive Playout for Low Latency Video Streaming
* Adaptive plenoptic sampling
* Adaptive Point Estimation in Signal-Dependent Noise
* Adaptive Polar-Grid Gaussian-Mixture Model for Foreground Segmentation Using Roadside LiDAR
* Adaptive Polar Active Contour for Segmentation and Tracking in Ultrasound Videos
* Adaptive Polarimetric Target Decomposition Algorithm Based on the Anisotropic Degree, An
* Adaptive Polarization Contrast Techniques for Through-Wall Microwave Imaging Applications
* Adaptive policies for real-time video transmission: A Markov decision process framework
* Adaptive Polygonization of Parametric Surfaces
* Adaptive Polynomial Modelling of the Reflectance Map for Shape Estimation from Stereo and Shading
* Adaptive Polyphase Subband Decomposition Structures for Image Compression
* Adaptive Pooling in Multi-instance Learning for Web Video Annotation
* Adaptive pooling over multiple trajectory attributes for action recognition
* Adaptive pore model for fingerprint pore extraction
* Adaptive Pose Estimation for Different Corresponding Entities
* Adaptive Pose Fusion Method for Indoor Map Construction, An
* Adaptive pose priors for pictorial structures
* Adaptive Posit: Parameter aware numerical format for deep learning inference on the edge
* Adaptive Positional Encoding for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields
* Adaptive post-filtering based on Local Binary Patterns
* Adaptive post-filtering for reducing blocking and ringing artifacts in low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive Post-processing Error Concealment Based on Feedback from a Video-surveillance System
* Adaptive Post-processing for Fractal Image Compression
* Adaptive Post-Processing Network With the Global-Local Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation, An
* Adaptive postfiltering of transform coefficients for the reduction of blocking artifacts
* Adaptive postprocessing algorithms for low bit rate video signals
* Adaptive Postprocessing Technique for the Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT-Coded Images, An
* Adaptive postprocessor for block encoded images
* Adaptive postprocessors with DCT-based block classifications
* Adaptive Potential for Robust Shape Estimation, An
* Adaptive PQ: Adaptive perceptual quantizer for HEVC main 10 profile-based HDR video coding
* Adaptive Pre-Filtering Techniques for Colour Image Analysis
* Adaptive pre-interpolation filter for high efficiency video coding
* adaptive prediction-error expansion oriented reversible information hiding scheme, An
* Adaptive prediction for lossless image compression
* Adaptive Prediction Trees for Image Compression
* Adaptive predictive coding apparatus of television signal
* Adaptive predictive coding system for television signals
* Adaptive Predictor Structure Based Interpolation for Reversible Data Hiding
* Adaptive preference transfer for personalized IoT entity recommendation
* Adaptive principal components and image denoising
* Adaptive Prioritized Random Linear Coding and Scheduling for Layered Data Delivery From Multiple Servers
* Adaptive Privacy Preserving Deep Learning Algorithms for Medical Data
* Adaptive Probabilistic Models of Wavelet Packets for the Analysis and Segmentation of Textured Remote Sensing Images
* Adaptive Probabilistic Thresholding Method for Accurate Breast Region Segmentation in Mammograms
* Adaptive Probabilistic Tracking Embedded in a Smart Camera
* Adaptive Probabilistic Visual Tracking with Incremental Subspace Update
* Adaptive probability filter for removing salt and pepper noises
* Adaptive Procedure for Multi-Class Pattern Classification, An
* Adaptive Processing of Face Emotion Tree Structures
* Adaptive Programmable Hyperspectral Imager, An
* Adaptive Progressive Continual Learning
* Adaptive progressive filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted color images
* Adaptive Progressive Motion Vector Resolution Selection Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Adaptive Projected Clustering with Graph Regularization
* Adaptive Projection Selection for Computed Tomography
* Adaptive Propagation-Based Color-Sampling for Alpha Matting
* Adaptive propagation deep graph neural networks
* Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial learning for weakly supervised temporal sentence grounding
* Adaptive protection scheme for MVC-encoded stereoscopic video streaming in IP-based networks
* Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Adaptive Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning
* Adaptive Pseudo Dilation for Gestalt Edge Grouping and Contour Detection
* Adaptive pseudo halftone generator
* Adaptive psychometric scaling for video quality assessment
* Adaptive Ptych: Leveraging Image Adaptive Generative Priors for Subsampled Fourier Ptychography
* Adaptive Pulsatile Plane for Robust Noncontact Heart Rate Monitoring
* Adaptive Pulse Compression for Range Focusing in SAR Imagery
* Adaptive Pulse Wave Imaging: Automated Spatial Vessel Wall Inhomogeneity Detection in Phantoms and in-Vivo
* Adaptive pyramid approach to texture segmentation
* Adaptive Pyramid Context Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive pyramid mean shift for global real-time visual tracking
* Adaptive Pyramid: A framework for 2D Image Analysis, The
* Adaptive Q-Value Adjustment-Based Learning Model for Reliable Vehicle-to-UAV Computation Offloading, An
* adaptive QIM- and SVD-based digital image watermarking scheme in the wavelet domain, An
* Adaptive QoS Control for Scalable Video Streaming over WLAN
* adaptive QP offset determination method for HEVC, An
* Adaptive Quadrature Filters and the Recovery of Phase from Fringe Pattern Images
* Adaptive quadtree coding of motion-compensated image sequences for use on the broadband ISDN
* Adaptive Quantification and Longitudinal Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema With a Hidden Markov Measure Field Model
* Adaptive quantile low-rank matrix factorization
* Adaptive quantisation in HEVC for contouring artefacts removal in UHD content
* Adaptive Quantization-Parameter Clip Scheme for Smooth Quality in H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Quantization Algorithm for Video Coding, An
* adaptive quantization algorithm without side information for depth map coding, An
* Adaptive Quantization and Fast Error Resilient Entropy Coding for Image Transmission
* Adaptive quantization based on saliency map at frame level of H.264/AVC rate control scheme
* Adaptive quantization for low bit rate video coding
* Adaptive Quantization of Color Space for Recognition of Finished Wooden Components
* Adaptive quantization of image subbands with efficient overhead rate selection
* Adaptive quantization parameter cascading for random-access prediction in H.265/HEVC based on dependent R-D models
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Cascading in HEVC Hierarchical Coding
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Selection For H.265/HEVC by Employing Inter-Frame Dependency
* Adaptive quantization parameter selection for low-delay HEVC via temporal propagation length estimation
* Adaptive Quantization Using a Perceptual Visibility Predictor
* Adaptive quantization using piecewise companding and scaling for Gaussian mixture
* Adaptive quantization with balanced distortion distribution and its application to H.264 intra coding
* Adaptive quantization with spatial constraints in subband video compression using wavelets
* Adaptive quantization without side information
* Adaptive quantization
* Adaptive Quantizer for High Dynamic Range Content: Application to Video Coding, An
* Adaptive Quasiconformal Kernel Metric for Image Retrieval
* Adaptive quasiconformal kernel nearest neighbor classification
* Adaptive Query Prototype Modeling Method for Image Search Reranking, An
* Adaptive Queuing Censoring for Big Data Processing
* Adaptive Radar Beamforming for Interference Mitigation in Radar-Wireless Spectrum Sharing
* Adaptive Radar Detection and Range Estimation with Oversampled Data for Partially Homogeneous Environment
* Adaptive Radar Detection of Dim Moving Targets in Presence of Range Migration
* Adaptive Radar Target Detection Method Based on Alternate Estimation in Power Heterogeneous Clutter, An
* Adaptive radial basis function sliding mode control for platoons under DoS attacks
* Adaptive Radial Basis Functions
* Adaptive Radial Projection on Fourier Magnitude Spectrum for Document Image Skew Estimation
* Adaptive RAID: Introduction of optimized storage techniques for scalable media
* Adaptive random forest: How many experts to ask before making a decision?
* Adaptive Random Testing for Image Comparison in Regression Web Testing
* Adaptive Range Guided Multi-view Depth Estimation with Normal Ranking Loss
* Adaptive Rank-One Matrix Completion Using Sum of Outer Products
* adaptive rank-sparsity K-SVD algorithm for image sequence denoising, An
* Adaptive Rank Estimate in Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Adaptive rank weighted switching filter for impulsive noise removal in color images
* Adaptive Ranking Mutation Operator Based Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization
* Adaptive ranking of perceptual aesthetics
* Adaptive Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter and Its Evaluation for Tracking in Surveillance
* Adaptive raster scan for slice/frame coding
* Adaptive Rate-Distortion Optimal In-Loop Quantization for Matching Pursuit
* Adaptive Rate Block Compressive Sensing Based on Statistical Characteristics Estimation
* Adaptive rate control algorithm based on logarithmic R-Q model for MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 transcoding
* Adaptive rate control algorithms for low bit rate video under networks supporting bandwidth renegotiation
* Adaptive rate control for H.264
* Adaptive rate control for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive rate control for JPEG2000 image coding in embedded systems
* Adaptive rate control for motion JPEG2000
* Adaptive Rate Control For MPEG Transcoder
* Adaptive rate control for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Adaptive rate control using nonlinear regression
* Adaptive Rate Controlling for Reliable Video Communication Over Wireless Packet Networks
* Adaptive rational fractal interpolation function for image super-resolution via local fractal analysis
* Adaptive RBF-AR Models Based on Multi-Innovation Least Squares Method
* Adaptive RD Optimal Sparse Coding With Quantization for Image Compression
* Adaptive real-time image processing exploiting two dimensional reconfigurable architecture
* Adaptive real-time image smoothing using local binary patterns and Gaussian filters
* Adaptive Real-Time Rendering for Large-Scale Molecular Models
* Adaptive real-time reversible data hiding for JPEG images
* adaptive real-time skin detector based on Hue thresholding: A comparison on two motion tracking methods, An
* Adaptive Recognition Model for Image Annotation, An
* Adaptive Recognition Of Chinese Characters: Imitation of Psychological Process in Machine Recognition
* Adaptive recognition of documents using layout attributes
* Adaptive Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Images
* Adaptive Reconstructive Tau-Openings: Convergence and the Steady-State Distribution
* Adaptive records for volume irradiance caching
* Adaptive Recurrent Forward Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
* Adaptive Recursive 2-D Filter for Removal of Gaussian Noise in Images, An
* Adaptive Reduction of the Dynamics of HDR Video Sequences
* Adaptive Reduction Procedure for the Piecewise Linear Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* Adaptive Redundant Picture for Error Resilient Video Coding
* Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity compensation with focus mismatches
* Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate video shot detection
* adaptive reference frame selection method for multiple reference frame motion estimation in the H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive Refining-Aggregation-Separation Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive region-aware feature enhancement for object detection
* Adaptive Region-Based Compression of Multispectral Images
* Adaptive Region-Based Image Enhancement Method for Robust Face Recognition Under Variable Illumination Conditions
* Adaptive region-based image fusion using energy evaluation model for fusion decision
* Adaptive Region-Based Video Registration
* Adaptive Region-Specific Loss for Improved Medical Image Segmentation
* adaptive region boundary-based control scheme for an autonomous underwater vehicle, An
* Adaptive Region Growing Color Segmentation for Text Using Irregular Pyramid
* Adaptive Region Growing Impulse Noise Estimator for Color Images
* Adaptive region intensity based rigid ultrasound and CT image registration
* Adaptive region matching for region-based image retrieval by constructing region importance index
* Adaptive Region of Interest Estimation for Aerial Surveillance Video
* Adaptive region pooling for object detection
* Adaptive Region Proposal Network With Progressive Attention Propagation for Tiny Person Detection From UAV Images, An
* Adaptive Region Proposal With Channel Regularization for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive region tracking control for autonomous underwater vehicle
* Adaptive Registration for Occlusion Robust 3D Face Recognition
* Adaptive Registration of Remote Sensing Images using Supervised Learning
* Adaptive Registration of Very Large Images
* Adaptive regularised L_2-boosting on clustered sparse coefficients for single image super-resolution
* Adaptive regularization-based space-time super-resolution reconstruction
* Adaptive regularization for image restoration using a variational inequality approach
* Adaptive Regularization for Image Segmentation Using Local Image Curvature Cues
* Adaptive regularization for multiple image restoration using an extended Total Variations approach
* Adaptive Regularization in Convex Composite Optimization for Variational Imaging Problems
* Adaptive Regularization in Image Restoration by Unsupervised Learning
* Adaptive Regularization in Image Restoration Using a Model Based Neural Network
* Adaptive regularization level set evolution for medical image segmentation and bias field correction
* Adaptive Regularization Method for 3-D GNSS Ionospheric Tomography Based on the U-Curve
* Adaptive regularization of a distorted born iterative algorithm for diffraction tomography
* Adaptive Regularization of Some Inverse Problems in Image Analysis
* Adaptive regularization of the NL-means for video denoising
* Adaptive Regularization of the NL-Means: Application to Image and Video Denoising
* Adaptive Regularization Parameter for Graph Cut Segmentation
* Adaptive Regularization Parameter for Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithm
* Adaptive Regularization With the Structure Tensor
* Adaptive Regularization: Towards Self-Calibrated Surface Reconstruction
* Adaptive Regularized Constrained Least Squares Image Restoration
* Adaptive regularized ensemble for evolving data stream classification
* Adaptive Regularized Recursive Displacement Estimation Algorithm, An
* Adaptive regularizer learning for low rank approximation with application to image denoising
* Adaptive Regulation of CCD Camera in Eye Gaze Tracking System
* adaptive reject option for LVQ classifiers, An
* Adaptive rejection of outliers for robust motion compensation in cardiac MR-thermometry
* Adaptive Relaxation Labeling
* Adaptive Remote Sensing Image Attribute Learning for Active Object Detection
* Adaptive Removal of Azimuth Ambiguities in SAR Images
* Adaptive rendering based on a weighted mixed-order estimator
* Adaptive rendering based on robust principal component analysis
* Adaptive Rendering for Large-Scale Skyline Characterization and Matching
* Adaptive Reordering Sampler with Neurally Guided MAGSAC
* Adaptive Repair of Compressed Video Signals using Local Objective Metrics of Blocking Artifacts
* Adaptive representation of JPEG 2000 images using header-based processing
* Adaptive representations for video-based face recognition across pose
* Adaptive Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Extraction of the Cortical Surface
* Adaptive Resampling Algorithm for Image Zooming
* adaptive residual decorrelation method for HEVC, An
* Adaptive residual interpolation for color image demosaicking
* Adaptive residual mapping for an efficient extension layer coding in two-layer HDR video coding
* Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration
* Adaptive Resilient Control for Interconnected Vehicular Platoon With Fault and Saturation
* Adaptive Resolution Change for Versatile Video Coding
* Adaptive Resolution Image Acquisition Using Image Mosaicing Technique from Video Sequence
* Adaptive Resolution Optimization and Tracklet Reliability Assessment for Efficient Multi-Object Tracking
* Adaptive Resolution System for Distributed Surveillance
* Adaptive Resource Allocation and Frame Scheduling for Wireless Multi-User Video Streaming
* Adaptive Resource Allocation for Diverse Safety Message Transmissions in Vehicular Networks
* Adaptive Resource Allocation for Layer-Encoded IPTV Multicasting in IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Target ISAR Imaging in Radar Systems
* Adaptive Rest Condition Potentials: First and Second Order Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Adaptive Rest Condition Potentials: Second Order Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Adaptive Rest Condition Spring System: An Edge-preserving Regularization Technique, The
* Adaptive restoration of speckled SAR images using a compound random Markov field
* Adaptive Restoration of Textured Images with Mixed Spectra
* Adaptive resynchronization approach for scalable video over wireless channel
* Adaptive Retrodiction Particle PHD Filter for Multiple Human Tracking
* Adaptive Reverberation Absorption Using Non-Stationary Masking Components Detection for Intelligibility Improvement
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding by Extending the Generalized Integer Transformation
* Adaptive reversible data hiding for JPEG images with multiple two-dimensional histograms
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images, An
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement Based on Multi-Histogram Modification
* Adaptive reversible video watermarking based on motion-compensated prediction error expansion with pixel selection
* Adaptive reweighted quaternion sparse learning for data recovery and classification
* Adaptive RGB-D Localization
* Adaptive RGB Image Recognition by Visual-Depth Embedding
* Adaptive Rigid Multi-region Selection for Handling Expression Variation in 3D Face Recognition
* Adaptive RNN Tree for Large-Scale Human Action Recognition
* Adaptive Road Configurations for Improved Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive road detection method combining lane line and obstacle boundary
* Adaptive road detection through continuous environment learning
* Adaptive Road Parameter Estimation in Monocular Image Sequence
* Adaptive Road Recognition and Ego-State Tracking in the Presence of Obstacles
* Adaptive Robotic Contour Following from Low Accuracy RGB-D Surface Profiling and Visual Servoing
* Adaptive Robust Control for Pointing Tracking of Marching Turret-Barrel Systems: Coupling, Nonlinearity and Uncertainty
* Adaptive robust control of a four-cable-driven parallel robot
* Adaptive robust estimation of affine parameters from block motion vectors
* Adaptive Robust Formation Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Swarm System Based on Constraint Following
* Adaptive robust image watermark approach based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process
* Adaptive Robust Nonlinear Control Design for Course Tracking of Ships Subject to External Disturbances and Input Saturation
* Adaptive Robust Online Constructive Fuzzy Control of a Complex Surface Vehicle System
* Adaptive Robust Radar Target Detector Based on Gradient Test
* Adaptive Robust Structure Tensors for Orientation Estimation and Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Robust Watermarking Method Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Adaptive ROC-based ensembles of HMMs applied to anomaly detection
* Adaptive ROI generation for video object segmentation using reinforcement learning
* Adaptive RoI with pretrained models for Automated Retail Checkout
* Adaptive Rolling Smoothing With Heterogeneous Data for Traffic State Estimation and Prediction
* Adaptive rood pattern search for fast block-matching motion estimation
* Adaptive Rotated Convolution for Rotated Object Detection
* adaptive rough fuzzy single pass algorithm for clustering large data sets, An
* Adaptive rounding operator for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive Route Planning Method of Connected Vehicles for Improving the Transport Efficiency, An
* Adaptive rule-based recognition of events in video sequences
* Adaptive runlength coding
* Adaptive Safe Reinforcement Learning With Full-State Constraints and Constrained Adaptation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Adaptive Safety Evaluation for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Sparse Control Variates
* Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
* Adaptive Saliency Biased Loss for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Adaptive salient block-based image retrieval in multi-feature space
* Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multiview Clustering
* Adaptive Sample Assignment Network for Tiny Object Detection, An
* Adaptive Sample Assignment Strategy Based on Feature Enhancement for Ship Detection in SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Sample Consensus for Efficient Random Optimization
* adaptive sample count particle filter, An
* Adaptive Sample Selection for Robust Learning under Label Noise
* Adaptive Sampling and Non Linear Reconstruction for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Adaptive sampling approach for volumetric shadows in dynamic scenes
* Adaptive sampling for compressed sensing based image compression
* Adaptive Sampling for Feature Detection, Tracking, and Recognition on Mobile Platforms
* Adaptive Sampling for Low Latency Vision Processing
* Adaptive sampling for output device characterization
* Adaptive Sampling of Motion Trajectories for Discrete Task-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Gesture
* Adaptive Sampling of Pareto Frontiers with Binary Constraints Using Regression and Classification
* Adaptive sampling positions for the decoding of marker objects known as Snowflakes
* Adaptive Satellite Images Segmentation by Level Set Multiregion Competition
* Adaptive Saturated Path Following Control of Underactuated AUV With Unmodeled Dynamics and Unknown Actuator Hysteresis
* Adaptive Scalable Video Coding: An HEVC-Based Framework Combining the Predictive and Distributed Paradigms
* Adaptive Scalable Video Transmission Strategy in Energy Harvesting Communication System
* Adaptive Scalable Wavelet Difference Reduction Method for Efficient Image Transmission
* Adaptive Scalar Quantization without Side Information
* Adaptive Scale Filtering: A General-Method For Obtaining Shape From Texture
* Adaptive Scale Fixing for Multiscale Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive Scale Selection for Hierarchical Stereo
* Adaptive scale selection for multiresolution defocus blur estimation
* Adaptive Scaled Mean-Square Error Filtering by Neural Networks
* adaptive scalloping suppression method for spaceborne ScanSAR images based on pre-estimation and weighted filtering, An
* Adaptive Scan Pattern for Quantized Coefficients in Intra Coding of H.264
* Adaptive Scanning for Online 3D Model Acquisition
* Adaptive Scanning Methods for Wavelet Difference Reduction in Lossy Image Compression
* Adaptive scene-text binarisation on images captured by smartphones
* Adaptive Scene Category Discovery With Generative Learning and Compositional Sampling
* adaptive scene description for activity analysis in surveillance video, An
* Adaptive Scene Text Detection Based on Transferring Adaboost
* Adaptive Scheduling Framework for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous Systems
* adaptive scheme for compressed video steganography using temporal and spatial features of the video signal, An
* adaptive scheme for estimating motion, An
* Adaptive Score Normalization for Output Integration in Multiclassifier Systems
* Adaptive Script-Independent Block-Based Text Line Extraction, An
* Adaptive Script-Independent Text Line Extraction
* Adaptive Seabed Characterization With Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of SAS Imagery
* Adaptive Search-and-Training for Robust and Efficient Network Pruning
* Adaptive Search Based Non-Local Means Image De-Noising
* Adaptive search center non-linear three step search
* Adaptive Search Length Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, An
* Adaptive search of background models for object detection in images taken by moving cameras
* adaptive search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms, An
* Adaptive search range algorithm based on Cauchy distribution
* Adaptive search range control in H.265/HEVC with error propagation resilience and hierarchical adjustment
* Adaptive Search Range for HEVC Motion Estimation Based on Depth Information
* adaptive search range method for HEVC with the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, An
* Adaptive Second-Order Total Variation: An Approach Aware of Slope Discontinuities
* Adaptive Secondary Transform For Improved Image Coding Efficiency In JPEG2000
* Adaptive Secure Watermarking Scheme Using Double Random-Phase Encoding Technique, An
* Adaptive Security for Human Surveillance Using Multimodal Open Set Biometric Recognition
* Adaptive segmentation-based filtering of reference samples for intra prediction
* Adaptive Segmentation-Based Regularization Term for Image Restoration, An
* adaptive segmentation algorithm for time-of-flight MRA data, An
* Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm Using Iterative Local Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* adaptive segmentation and 3-D visualisation of the lungs, An
* Adaptive Segmentation Enhanced Asynchronous Federated Learning for Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Adaptive segmentation for gymnastic exercises based on change detection over multiresolution combined differences
* Adaptive segmentation for multi-view stereo
* Adaptive Segmentation for Vessels Dynamic Characterization Using High Resolution MR Sequences
* Adaptive segmentation of document images
* Adaptive segmentation of images of objects with smooth surfaces
* Adaptive Segmentation of MR Axial Brain Images Using Connected Components
* Adaptive segmentation of MRI data
* Adaptive Segmentation of Noisy and Textured Images
* Adaptive Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images for Aerial Surveillance
* Adaptive Segmentation of Speckled Images Using a Hierarchical Random Field Model
* Adaptive Segmentation of Textured Images by Using the Coupled Markov Random Field Model
* Adaptive Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Adaptive Segmentation of Unique Objects
* Adaptive Selection of Embedding Locations for Spread Spectrum Watermarking of Compressed Audio
* Adaptive selection of ensembles for imbalanced class distributions
* Adaptive selection of image classifiers
* Adaptive selection of non-target cluster centers for K-means tracker
* Adaptive selection of visual and infra-red image fusion rules
* Adaptive Self-Training for Object Detection
* Adaptive Semantic-Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Lip Reading
* Adaptive semantic Bayesian framework for image attention
* Adaptive semantic transfer network for unsupervised 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* Adaptive Semantic Visualization for Bibliographic Entries
* Adaptive Semi-automated Integrated System for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation in Longitudinal MRI Scans Based on a Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Adaptive Semi-Supervised Classifier Ensemble for High Dimensional Data Classification
* Adaptive Semi-Supervised Feature Selection for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adaptive Semi-Supervised Mixup with Implicit Label Learning and Sample Ratio Balancing
* adaptive semiparametric and context-based approach to unsupervised change detection multitemporal remote-sensing images, An
* Adaptive Semisupervised Approach to the Detection of User-Defined Recurrent Changes in Image Time Series, An
* Adaptive Sensing and Optimal Power Allocation for Wireless Video Sensors With Sigma-Delta Imager
* Adaptive sensitivity CCD image sensor
* Adaptive Sensor Fault Accommodation for Vehicle Active Suspensions via Partial Measurement Information
* Adaptive Sensor Placement and Boundary Estimation for Monitoring Mass Objects
* Adaptive Separation of Random Lines and Background
* Adaptive Sequential Prediction of Multidimensional Signals With Applications to Lossless Image Coding
* Adaptive SFWO filter design
* Adaptive Shadow and Highlight Invariant Colour Segmentation for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Kohonen SOM
* Adaptive Shadow Detection Using a Blackbody Radiator Model
* Adaptive shadow detection using global texture and sampling deduction
* Adaptive shadow estimator for removing shadow of moving object
* Adaptive Shape and Texture Intra Refreshment Schemes for Improved Error Resilience in Object-Based Video Coding
* Adaptive Shape Diagrams for Multiscale Morphometrical Image Analysis
* Adaptive shape prior for recognition and variational segmentation of degraded historical characters
* Adaptive shape prior in graph cut image segmentation
* Adaptive shape prior in graph cut segmentation
* Adaptive Sharpening with Overshoot Control
* Adaptive Ship Detection in Hybrid-Polarimetric SAR Images Based on the Power-Entropy Decomposition
* Adaptive ship detection in SAR images using variance WIE-based method
* Adaptive shock filter for image super-resolution and enhancement
* Adaptive Short-Temporal Induced Aware Fusion Network for Predicting Attention Regions Like a Driver
* Adaptive Shrinkage Algorithm for Ringing Suppression with Smoothness Constraint
* Adaptive Siamese Tracking With a Compact Latent Network
* adaptive signal classification procedure. Application to aircraft engine condition monitoring, An
* Adaptive Signal Control Scheme to Prevent Intersection Traffic Blockage, An
* Adaptive Signal Models for Wide-Band Speech and Audio Compression
* Adaptive Signal Recovery on Graphs via Harmonic Analysis for Experimental Design in Neuroimaging
* Adaptive Signal Variances: CNN Initialization Through Modern Architectures
* Adaptive Silouette Extraction and Human Tracking in Complex and Dynamic Environments
* Adaptive Similarity Bootstrapping for Self-Distillation based Representation Learning
* Adaptive Simplification Method for Coastlines Using a Skeleton Line Bridge Double Direction Buffering Algorithm, An
* Adaptive simplification of solution for support vector machine
* Adaptive Simulated Annealing for Energy Minimization Problem in a Marked Point Process Application
* Adaptive Single-Multiple Prediction for H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* Adaptive single image dehazing method based on support vector machine
* Adaptive Single Image Dehazing Using Joint Local-Global Illumination Adjustment
* Adaptive singular value decomposition in wavelet domain for image denoising
* Adaptive Size for Operators in Line Image Processing
* Adaptive skew-sensitive ensembles for face recognition in video surveillance
* Adaptive skin-color filter
* Adaptive Skin Classification Using Face and Body Detection
* Adaptive skin color modeling using the skin locus for selecting training pixels
* Adaptive skin detection using face location and facial structure estimation
* Adaptive skin detection using multiple cues
* Adaptive slice-level parallelism for H.264/AVC encoding using pre macroblock mode selection
* Adaptive Slice Representation for Human Action Classification
* Adaptive Sliding-Window Strategy for Vehicle Detection in Highway Environments
* Adaptive Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Autonomous Vehicle With Unknown Actuator Parameters and Saturated Tire Force Based on the Center of Percussion
* Adaptive Slope Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Areas for Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Generation
* Adaptive Smart Neural Network Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Adaptive smooth surface fitting with manifolds
* adaptive smoothing approach for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and circular arcs, An
* Adaptive Smoothing for Feature Extraction
* Adaptive Smoothing Respecting Feature Directions
* Adaptive Smoothing via Contextual and Local Discontinuities
* Adaptive Smoothing: A General Tool for Early Vision
* Adaptive smoothness based robust active contours
* Adaptive smoothness constraints for efficient stereo matching using texture and edge information
* Adaptive smoothness evaluation and multiple asymmetric histogram modification for reversible data hiding
* Adaptive Snakes Using the EM Algorithm
* Adaptive Soft Contrastive Learning
* Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers
* Adaptive source representation for distributed video coding
* Adaptive Space-Location-Weighting Function Method for High-Precision Density Inversion of Gravity Data
* Adaptive space carving
* Adaptive Spacing Policy Guaranteeing String Stability in Multi-Brand Ad Hoc Platoons, An
* Adaptive Sparse Bayesian Regression with Variational Inference for Parameter Estimation
* Adaptive Sparse Coding for Painting Style Analysis
* Adaptive sparse coding on PCA dictionary for image denoising
* Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images
* Adaptive Sparse Pairwise Loss for Object Re-Identification
* Adaptive sparse polynomial regression for camera lens simulation
* Adaptive Sparse Representations for Video Anomaly Detection
* Adaptive Sparse Subpixel Mapping With a Total Variation Model for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Sparse Vector Tracking Via Online Bayesian Learning
* Adaptive sparseness for supervised learning
* Adaptive sparsity reconstruction method for ultrasonic images based on compressive sensing
* Adaptive Spatial-BCE Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* adaptive spatial-spectral total variation approach for Poisson noise removal in hyperspectral images, An
* Adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment with embedded side information
* Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Fusion of Multi-Objective Networks for Compressed Video Perceptual Enhancement
* Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph-Mixer for Human Motion Prediction
* Adaptive spatial-temporal surrounding-aware correlation filter tracking via ensemble learning
* Adaptive Spatial and Temporal Prefiltering for Video Compression
* Adaptive Spatial Concealment of Damaged Coded Images
* Adaptive spatial filtering for digital images
* Adaptive Spatial Filtering of Interferometric Data Stack Oriented to Distributed Scatterers
* adaptive spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm for 3-D MR image segmentation, An
* Adaptive spatial information-theoretic clustering for image segmentation
* adaptive spatial information-theoretic fuzzy clustering algorithm for image segmentation, An
* Adaptive Spatial Location With Balanced Loss for Video Captioning
* Adaptive spatial pooling for image classification
* Adaptive Spatial Resolution Method Based on the ST-ResNet Model for Hourly Property Crime Prediction, An
* Adaptive spatialwavelets for motion-compensated orthogonal video transforms
* Adaptive spatio-temporal background subtraction using improved Wronskian change detection scheme in Gaussian mixture model framework
* Adaptive spatio-temporal filtering for video de-noising
* Adaptive Spatio-temporal Filtering of 4D CT-Heart
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Graph Enhanced Vision-Language Representation for Video QA
* adaptive spatio-temporal perception aware quantization algorithm for AVS2, An
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Query Strategies in Blockchain
* Adaptive Spatio-temporal Regularized Correlation Filters for UAV-based Tracking
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Tube for Fast Motion Segments Extraction of Videos
* Adaptive spatiotemporal background modelling
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Dependence Learning for Multi-Mode Transportation Demand Prediction
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Filtering by a Neuromorphic Model of the Vertebrate Retina
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Motor Imagery Classification
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal SVD Clutter Filtering for Ultrafast Doppler Imaging Using Similarity of Spatial Singular Vectors
* Adaptive speaker identification using sequential probability ratio test
* Adaptive Speaker Identification with Audio-Visual Cues for Movie Content Analysis
* Adaptive Speckle Filter for Multi-Temporal PolSAR Image with Multi-Dimensional Information Fusion
* Adaptive speckle reduction filter for log-compressed B-scan images
* Adaptive speckle reduction using combined multiresolution analysis and prediction technique
* Adaptive SPECT
* Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Compression of Hyperspectral Image With Sparse Representation
* Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Multiscale Contextual Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Spectral Decorrelation Method for Lossless MODIS Image Compression, An
* Adaptive Spectral Mapping for Real-time Dispersive Refraction
* Adaptive spectral reflectance recovery using spatio-spectral support from hyperspectral images
* Adaptive Spectral Transform for Wavelet-Based Color Image Compression
* Adaptive Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition, An
* Adaptive spectrum transformation by topology preservation on indefinite proximity data
* Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in Colonoscopy Video Frames
* Adaptive Speech Dereverberation Using Constrained Sparse Multichannel Linear Prediction
* Adaptive speech enhancement with varying noise backgrounds
* Adaptive Speech Intelligibility Enhancement for Far-and-Near-end Noise Environments Based on Self-attention StarGAN
* Adaptive Spiral Layers for Efficient 3D Representation Learning on Meshes
* Adaptive spline-wavelet image encoding and real-time synthesis
* adaptive split-and-merge method for binary image contour data compression, An
* Adaptive Split-and-Merge Segmentation Based on Piecewise Least-Square Approximation
* Adaptive Spot-Guided Transformer for Consistent Local Feature Matching
* Adaptive Spot Detection With Optimal Scale Selection in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Adaptive Spotting: Deep Reinforcement Object Search in 3d Point Clouds
* Adaptive spread-transform dither modulation using an improved luminance-masked threshold
* Adaptive Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter Phase Unwrapping with Modified Phase Gradient Estimation
* Adaptive Stabilization of Vibration on Archive Films
* Adaptive stack algorithm in document image decoding
* Adaptive Stage-Aware Assessment Skill Transfer for Skill Determination
* Adaptive State-Space Multitaper Spectral Estimation
* Adaptive Statistical Superpixel Merging With Edge Penalty for PolSAR Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Staying Point Recognition Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Characteristics Using Cellular Signaling Data, An
* Adaptive Steering Torque Coupling Framework Considering Conflict Resolution for Human-Machine Shared Driving
* adaptive steganographic method based on the measurement of just noticeable distortion profile, An
* adaptive steganographic scheme for H.264/AVC video with distortion optimization, An
* Adaptive Steganography Using 2D Gabor Filters and Ensemble Classifiers
* Adaptive Step-Edge Model for Self-Consistent Training of Neural-Network for Probabilistic Edge Labeling
* Adaptive Step Size Window Matching for Detection
* Adaptive stereo matching algorithm based on edge detection
* Adaptive stereo matching in correlation scale-space
* Adaptive stereo matching via loop-erased random walk
* Adaptive stereo similarity fusion using confidence measures
* Adaptive stereoscopic 3D video streaming
* Adaptive Stick-Like Features for Human Detection Based on Multi-scale Feature Fusion Scheme
* Adaptive Stochastic-Approximation Algorithm for Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrix Sequences with Applications, An
* Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimisation for Image Registration
* Adaptive stochastic segmentation via energy-convergence for brain tumor in MR images
* Adaptive stopping criterion for top-down segmentation of ALS point clouds in temperate coniferous forests
* Adaptive stopping strategies for fast intra mode decision in HEVC
* Adaptive Strategy-based Tightly-coupled INS/GNSS Integration System Aided By Odometer and Barometer
* adaptive streaming active learning strategy based on instance weighting, An
* Adaptive Streaming in Interactive Multiview Video Systems
* Adaptive Streaming of 360-Degree Videos with Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Streaming of 360 Videos With Perfect, Imperfect, and Unknown FoV Viewing Probabilities in Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Streaming of HEVC Tiled Videos Using MPEG-DASH
* Adaptive streaming of multi-view video over P2P networks
* Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP
* Adaptive Structural Model for Video Based Pedestrian Detection
* Adaptive Structure and Texture Similarity Metric for Image Quality Assessment and Optimization
* Adaptive Structure from Motion with a Contrario Model Estimation
* Adaptive structure learning for low-rank supervised feature selection
* Adaptive Structured Pooling for Action Recognition
* Adaptive Structuring Elements Based on Salience Information
* Adaptive Style Transfer Using SISR
* Adaptive sub-band DCT coding for HDTV signal transmission
* Adaptive Sub-Optimal Hopfield Neural Network image restoration base on edge detection
* Adaptive Subband Image Coding Considering Spatial Relationship on Hierarchical Pyramid
* Adaptive Subgraph Neural Network With Reinforced Critical Structure Mining
* Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Based on a Multiagent System for Remote-Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Method Based on MAP Model and Class Determination Strategy for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Adaptive subsampling of color images
* Adaptive Subscale Entropy Based Quantification of EEG
* Adaptive Subspace-Based Inverse Projections via Division Into Multiple Sub-Problems for Missing Image Data Restoration
* Adaptive Subspace Decomposition for Hyperspectral Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Adaptive Subspace Map for Texture Segmentation, The
* Adaptive Subspace Self-organizing Map And Its Applications In Face Recognition
* Adaptive Subspace Signal Detection in Structured Interference Plus Compound Gaussian Sea Clutter
* Adaptive Subspaces for Few-Shot Learning
* Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Multiples
* Adaptive successive approximation quantization of image waveforms with efficient codebook updates
* Adaptive summarisation of surveillance video sequences
* Adaptive super-resolution for person re-identification with low-resolution images
* Adaptive Super-Resolution for PREDATOR Video Sequences
* Adaptive Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Images Based on Sparse Representation With Global Joint Dictionary Model
* Adaptive Superpixel for Active Learning in Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Superpixel Generation for Polarimetric SAR Images With Local Iterative Clustering and SIRV Model
* Adaptive Support-Driven Sparse Recovery STAP Method with Subspace Penalty
* Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Correspondence Search
* Adaptive support-window approximation to bilateral filtering
* Adaptive Support of Spatial-Temporal Neighbors for Depth Map Sequence Up-sampling
* adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence of unified orthogonal polynomials, An
* Adaptive Suppression of Rfi and Its Effect on Radio-astronomical Image Formation
* Adaptive Surface Data-Compression
* adaptive surface filter for airborne laser scanning point clouds by means of regularization and bending energy, An
* Adaptive surface inspection via interactive evolution
* Adaptive Surface Interpolation Filter Using Cloth Simulation and Relief Amplitude for Airborne Laser Scanning Data, An
* Adaptive Surface Modeling of Soil Properties in Complex Landforms
* Adaptive Surface Normal Constraint for Depth Estimation
* Adaptive Surface Reconstruction with Multiscale Convolutional Kernels
* Adaptive Surrogate-Assisted Endmember Extraction Framework Based on Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images, An
* Adaptive SVD-Based Digital Image Watermarking
* Adaptive SVM+: Learning with Privileged Information for Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Sweep-Circle Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on Gestalt, An
* Adaptive Switched Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon With Unknown Input Delays
* Adaptive Switching Event-Triggered Control for Active Suspension Systems With Acceleration Performance Constraint
* Adaptive switching interpolation filter for restoring impulse corrupted digital images
* Adaptive Switching Linear Predictor for Lossless Image Compression
* adaptive symmetry detection algorithm based on local features, An
* Adaptive Synopsis of Non-Human Primates' Surveillance Video Based on Behavior Classification
* Adaptive Synthesis in Progressive Retrieval of Audio-Visual Data
* Adaptive system on a chip (ASOC): a backbone for power-aware signal processing cores
* Adaptive Tangential Cover for Noisy Digital Contours
* Adaptive Target Detection Across a Clutter Boundary: GLR and Maximally Invariant Detectors
* Adaptive Target Detection in Foliage-Penetrating SAR Images Using Alpha-Stable Models
* Adaptive Target Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive target recognition
* Adaptive Target Tracking With Interacting Heterogeneous Motion Models
* Adaptive Task Sampling for Meta-learning
* Adaptive Teaching for Cross-Domain Crowd Counting
* Adaptive Technique for Accurate Feature Extraction from Regular and Irregular Image Data, An
* Adaptive Technique for the Enhanced Fusion of Low-Light Visible with Uncooled Thermal Infrared Imagery, An
* Adaptive Techniques for Photomosaicking
* Adaptive Techniques for Simultaneous Optimization of Visual Quality and Battery Power in Video Encoding Sensors
* Adaptive technology for mail-order form segmentation
* Adaptive template filtering for signal-to-noise ratio enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging
* adaptive template matching-based single object tracking algorithm with parallel acceleration, An
* Adaptive template method for early recognition of gestures
* Adaptive Template Transformer for Mitochondria Segmentation in Electron Microscopy Images
* Adaptive temporal compressive sensing for video
* Adaptive Temporal Difference Learning With Linear Function Approximation
* Adaptive temporal interpolation using bidirectional motion estimation and compensation
* Adaptive Temporal Trajectory Filtering for Video Compression
* Adaptive Termination of Voting in the Probabilistic Circular Hough Transform
* Adaptive Termination Rule for Iterative Image Restoration
* Adaptive ternary-derivative pattern for disparity enhancement
* Adaptive TerraSAR-X Image Registration (AIR) Using Spatial Fisher Kernel Framework
* Adaptive Testing of Computer Vision Models
* Adaptive Text Recognition Through Visual Matching
* Adaptive texture-color based background subtraction for video surveillance
* adaptive texture-depth rate allocation estimation technique for low latency multi-view video plus depth transmission, An
* Adaptive Texture-Preserving Denoising Method Using Gradient Histogram and Nonlocal Self-Similarity Priors
* Adaptive texture and color segmentation for tracking moving objects
* Adaptive Texture and Shape Based Defect Classification, An
* Adaptive Texture Description and Estimation of the Class Prior Probabilities for Seminal Quality Control
* Adaptive texture representation methods for automatic target recognition
* Adaptive Texture Synthesis for Large Scale City Modeling
* Adaptive Thread Scheduling Mechanism With Low-Power Register File for Mobile GPUs, An
* Adaptive Threshold Algorithm Combining Shifting Window Difference and Forward-Backward Difference in Real-Time R-Wave Detection, An
* Adaptive Threshold Based Robust Watermark Detection Method
* Adaptive threshold document duplication
* Adaptive Threshold Error Diffusion Technique for Color Inkjet Printing
* adaptive threshold for the Canny Operator of edge detection, An
* Adaptive threshold method for recovered images of FMT
* Adaptive Threshold Model in Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Ulva prolifera Extraction in the South Yellow Sea, China
* Adaptive Threshold Modulation for Error Diffusion Halftoning
* Adaptive thresholder
* Adaptive Thresholding-based Color Reduction Algorithm And Its Applications, An
* Adaptive thresholding algorithm: Efficient computation technique based on intelligent block detection for degraded document images
* Adaptive Thresholding Approach toward Rapid Flood Coverage Extraction from Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery, An
* Adaptive Thresholding Based Cell Segmentation for Cell-Destruction Activity Verification
* Adaptive Thresholding By Variational Method
* Adaptive Thresholding for Degraded Call Number Images
* Adaptive Thresholding for Noisy MPEG-4 Still Texture Image
* Adaptive thresholding HOSVD algorithm with iterative regularization for image denoising
* adaptive thresholding method for binarization of blueprint images, An
* Adaptive Thresholding Multiple Classifiers System for Remote Sensing Image Classification, An
* Adaptive thresholding of tomograms by projection distance minimization
* Adaptive Thresholding Technique for the Detection of All-Zeros Blocks in H. 264, An
* Adaptive Tiling Selection for Viewport Adaptive Streaming of 360-degree Video
* Adaptive Tiling: Applying Fixed-size Systolic Arrays To Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Time-Frequency Detection and Filtering for Imaging in Heavy Clutter
* Adaptive Time-Resampled High-Resolution Synchrosqueezing Transform and Its Application in Seismic Data
* Adaptive Time-Series Probabilistic Framework for 4-D Trajectory Conformance Monitoring, An
* Adaptive Time Budget Adjustment Strategy Based on a Take-Over Performance Model for Passive Fatigue, An
* Adaptive Time Delay Estimation Using Filter Length Constraints for Source Localization in Reverberant Acoustic Environments
* Adaptive Tiny Object Detection for Improving Pest Detection
* Adaptive Tissue Characterization Network for Model-Free Visualization of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Image Data, An
* Adaptive Token Sampling for Efficient Vision Transformers
* Adaptive tone-preserved image detail enhancement
* Adaptive Tone Mapping Algorithm for High Dynamic Range Images, An
* Adaptive total-variation for non-negative matrix factorization on manifold
* Adaptive total variation-based spectral-spatial feature extraction of hyperspectral image
* Adaptive total variation denoising based on difference curvature
* Adaptive total variation deringing method for image interpolation
* adaptive total variation method for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound imaging, An
* Adaptive Total Variation Regularization Based SAR Image Despeckling and Despeckling Evaluation Index
* Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
* adaptive tracking algorithm based on particle normalization operation, An
* Adaptive tracking algorithms to improve the use of computing resources
* Adaptive Tracking and Model Registration Across Distinct Aspects
* Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic mechanical systems
* Adaptive tracking control of a wheeled mobile robot via an uncalibrated camera system
* Adaptive Tracking Control of Surface Vessel Using Optimized Backstepping Technique
* Adaptive Tracking for Simple Linear Plants with Unknown Control Direction
* Adaptive Tracking Method for Moving Target in Fluctuating Reverberation Environment, An
* Adaptive Tracking of Multiple Non Rigid Objects in Cluttered Scenes
* Adaptive Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects Based on Color Histograms and Automatic Parameter Selection
* Adaptive Traffic Engineering Based on Active Network Measurement Towards Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Evaluation of Traffic Flow and Energy Consumption
* Adaptive traffic signal control system using composite reward architecture based deep reinforcement learning
* Adaptive Traffic Signal Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning and High Dimensional Sensory Inputs: Case Study and Comprehensive Sensitivity Analyses
* Adaptive trainable non-linear reaction diffusion for Rician noise removal
* Adaptive Training for Robust Spoken Language Understanding
* Adaptive training of a kernel-based nonlinear discriminator
* Adaptive Trajectory Prediction via Transferable GNN
* Adaptive Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Vision-Based Position and Velocity Estimation
* Adaptive Transcoding Proxy Architecture for Video Streaming in Mobile Networks
* Adaptive Transductive Transfer Machine
* Adaptive transfer functions: Improved multiresolution visualization of medical models
* Adaptive Transfer Kernel Learning for Transfer Gaussian Process Regression
* Adaptive Transfer Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* adaptive transfer scheme based on sparse representation for figure-ground segmentation, An
* Adaptive Transform Coding Based on Chain Coding Concepts
* Adaptive transform coding using variable block size
* Adaptive Transform Coefficient Scan for H.264 Intra Coding
* Adaptive Transform Domain Image Super-Resolution via Orthogonally Regularized Deep Networks
* Adaptive Transform Image Data Compression Scheme Incorporating Pattern Recognition Procedures, An
* Adaptive transform skipping for improved coding of motion compensated residuals
* Adaptive transform via quantum signal processing: Application to signal and image denoising
* Adaptive transformations for color hologram display
* Adaptive Transformers for Robust Few-shot Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing
* Adaptive Transforms for Image-Coding Using Spatially Varying Wavelet Packets
* Adaptive transitions for automation in cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles
* Adaptive transmission compensation via human visual system for efficient single image dehazing
* Adaptive Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Interference Mitigation
* Adaptive tree-based P2P video streaming multicast system under high peer-churn rate
* Adaptive tree-structured subspace classification of hyperspectral images
* Adaptive tri-direction edge detection operators based on the spiral architecture
* Adaptive Triangular Partition Algorithm for Digital Images, An
* Adaptive Trimmed Mean Filters for Image Restoration
* Adaptive Trimmed Median Filter for Impulse Noise Detection and Removal with an Application to Mammogram Images
* Adaptive True Motion Estimation Algorithm for Frame Rate Conversion of High Definition Video, An
* Adaptive Truncation Algorithm for Hadamard-Transformed H.264/AVC Lossless Video Coding
* Adaptive Tuboid Shapes for Action Recognition
* Adaptive Two-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Without Assumption of Reflection Symmetry
* Adaptive Two-Dimensional Tree Encoding of Images Using Spatial Masking
* Adaptive two-pass median filter to remove impulsive noise
* Adaptive two-pass rank order filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted images
* Adaptive Two-Stage Approach to Classification of Surface Defects, An
* Adaptive Two-Stage Edge Detection Scheme for Digital Color Images, An
* Adaptive two-stage FEC scheme for scalable video transmission over wireless networks
* Adaptive Two-Step Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Adaptive Two-Stream Consensus Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* adaptive two phase blind image deconvolution algorithm for an iterative regularization model, An
* Adaptive Two Phase Sparse Representation Classifier for Face Recognition
* Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
* Adaptive uncertainty estimation for particle filter-based trackers
* Adaptive undersampling for efficient mobile ray tracing
* Adaptive Underwater Image Enhancement Guided by Generalized Imaging Components
* Adaptive Unfolding Total Variation Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Unicast Video Streaming With Rateless Codes and Feedback
* Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Target Tracking in the Presence of Nonlinear Systems Involving Model Mismatches
* Adaptive Unsharp Masking for Contrast Enhancement
* Adaptive Unsupervised-Shadow-Detection Approach for Remote-Sensing Image Based on Multichannel Features
* adaptive unsupervised approach toward pixel clustering and color image segmentation, An
* adaptive unsupervised clustering of pronunciation errors for automatic pronunciation error detection, An
* Adaptive Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection for Visual Concept Recognition
* Adaptive up-sampling method for H.264 scalable video coding
* Adaptive Up-Sampling Method Using DCT for Spatial Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Adaptive Update Complex Scene for Block Scheduling Strategy Based on VR
* Adaptive Update Lifting Scheme with Perfect Reconstruction, An
* Adaptive Updating Probabilistic Model for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive updating processor for use in an area correlation video tracker
* Adaptive use of systematic bits in distributed video coding with multiple puncturing matrices
* Adaptive User Experience in the Car: Levels of Adaptivity and Adaptive HMI Design
* Adaptive UWB/MEMS-IMU Complementary Kalman Filter for Indoor Location in NLOS Environment, An
* Adaptive Variable Block-Size Early Motion Estimation Termination Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* Adaptive Variable Time Fractional Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering for Seismic Data Noise Attenuation
* Adaptive Variance Based Label Distribution Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise
* Adaptive Variational Model for Contrast Enhancement of Low-Light Images
* Adaptive Variational Model for Image Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Variational Model for Medical Images Restoration, An
* Adaptive variational sinogram interpolation of sparsely sampled CT data
* Adaptive vector-valued martingales: applications to image compression
* Adaptive Vector LUM Smoother
* Adaptive vector median filtering
* Adaptive Vector Quanitzation for Efficient Zerotree-Based Coding of Video with Nonstationary Statistics
* Adaptive vector quantization for fixed bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive vector quantization for image coding in an entropy-constrained framework
* Adaptive vector quantization with codebook updating based on locality and history
* adaptive vector quantizer based on the Gold-Washing method for image compression, An
* Adaptive Vectorization of Line Drawing Images
* Adaptive Vehicle Detector Approach for Complex Environments
* Adaptive Vehicle License Plate Detection at Higher Matching Degree, An
* Adaptive Vehicle Navigation With En Route Stochastic Traffic Information
* Adaptive Vergence for the Stereo Matching of Oblique Imagery
* Adaptive video-aware forward error correction code allocation for reliable video transmission
* Adaptive Video-to-Video Face Identification System Based on Self-Training, An
* Adaptive Video Background Modeling Using Color and Depth
* Adaptive video coding control for real-time H.264/AVC encoder
* Adaptive Video Coding Control Scheme for Real-Time MPEG Applications, An
* Adaptive video coding for mobile wireless networks
* Adaptive video coding method
* Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes
* Adaptive video filtering framework
* Adaptive Video Highlight Detection by Learning from User History
* Adaptive Video Indexing and Automatic/Semi-Automatic Relevance Feedback
* Adaptive Video Presentation for Small Display While Maximize Visual Information
* Adaptive Video Segmentation: Theory and Real-Time Implementation
* Adaptive video stabilisation with dominant motion layer estimation for home video and TV broadcast
* adaptive video stabilization method for reducing visually induced motion sickness, An
* Adaptive Video Steganography Based on Intra-prediction Mode and Cost Assignment, An
* Adaptive video streaming with long term feedbacks
* Adaptive Video Streaming With Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networking
* Adaptive Video Streaming With Optimized Bitstream Extraction and PID-Based Quality Control
* Adaptive Video Transition Detection Based on Multiscale Structural Dissimilarity
* Adaptive Video Transmission Schemes Using MPEG-7 Motion Intensity Descriptor
* Adaptive video transmission with subjective quality constraints
* Adaptive video watermarking algorithm based on MPEG-4 streams
* Adaptive Video Watermarking Utilizing Video Characteristics in 3D-DCT Domain
* Adaptive view-based appearance models
* Adaptive Viewpoint Feature Enhancement-Based Binocular Stereoscopic Image Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Vision Leveraging Digital Retinas: Extracting Meaningful Segments
* Adaptive Vision System for Segmentation of Echographic Medical Images Based on a Modified Mumford-Shah Functional
* Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
* Adaptive Visual Inspection Method for Transparent Label Defect Detection of Curved Glass Bottle
* Adaptive Visual Obstacle Detection for Mobile Robots Using Monocular Camera and Ultrasonic Sensor
* adaptive visual quality optimization method for Internet video applications, An
* Adaptive Visual System for Tracking Low Resolution Colour Targets
* Adaptive visual target detection and tracking using incremental appearance learning
* Adaptive visual target detection and tracking using weakly supervised incremental appearance learning and RGM-PHD tracker
* Adaptive Visual Tracking Algorithm and Real Time Implementation
* Adaptive Visual Tracking Control for Manipulator With Actuator Fuzzy Dead-Zone Constraint and Unmodeled Dynamic
* Adaptive visual tracking using the prioritized Q-learning algorithm: MDP-based parameter learning approach
* Adaptive Visual Tracking with Minimum Uncertainty Gap Estimation
* Adaptive Visualization of Linked-Data
* Adaptive Visualization of Social Media Data for Policy Modeling
* Adaptive visually lossless JPEG-based color image compression
* Adaptive Vocabulary Forests for Dynamic Indexing and Category Learning
* Adaptive voids
* Adaptive Volterra Filtering Algorithm Based on Lattice Pre-Processing
* Adaptive volumetric texture segmentation based on Gaussian Markov random fields features
* Adaptive Voxel-Based Model for the Dynamic Determination of Tomographic Region
* Adaptive vs. non-adaptive strategies for the computation of optical flow
* Adaptive Warping Network for Transferable Adversarial Attacks
* adaptive water flow model for binarization of degraded document images, An
* Adaptive Water Marking
* Adaptive Watermark Techniques
* Adaptive Watermarking and Tree Structure Based Image Quality Estimation
* Adaptive Watermarking Schemes Based On A Redundant Contourlet Transform
* Adaptive watermarking with self-mutual check parameters in deep neural networks
* Adaptive Waveform Design with Multipath Exploitation Radar in Heterogeneous Environments
* Adaptive Waveform Optimization for MIMO Radar Imaging Based on Sparse Recovery
* Adaptive wavelet-Galerkin methods for limited angle tomography
* Adaptive Wavelet-packet decomposition for rate control of Object Oriented Coding of Video Sequences
* Adaptive wavelet coding of images
* Adaptive wavelet graph model for bayesian tomographic reconstruction
* Adaptive Wavelet Packet Basis for Entropy-Constrained Lattice Vector Quantizer (ECLVQ)
* Adaptive wavelet packet basis selection for zerotree image coding
* Adaptive wavelet packet image coding using an estimation-quantization framework
* Adaptive wavelet restoration of noisy video sequences
* Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression
* Adaptive wavelet transforms with spatially varying filters for scalable image coding
* Adaptive Wavelets Based Multiresolution Modeling of Irregular Meshes Via Harmonic Maps
* Adaptive wavelets for signal analysis
* Adaptive Web-based Learning Environment For The Application Of Remote Sensing In Schools, An
* Adaptive Weberfaces for occlusion-robust face representation and recognition
* Adaptive Weight Allocation-Based Subpixel Rendering Algorithm
* Adaptive Weight Assignment Scheme in Linear Subspace Approaches for Face Recognition, An
* Adaptive weight based on overlapping blocks network for facial expression recognition
* Adaptive weight multi-channel center similar deep hashing
* Adaptive Weighted Attention Network with Camera Spectral Sensitivity Prior for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* Adaptive weighted dictionary representation using anchor graph for subspace clustering
* Adaptive Weighted Discriminator for Training Generative Adversarial Networks
* Adaptive weighted distortion optimization for video coding in RGB color space
* adaptive weighted fusion model with two subspaces for facial expression recognition, An
* Adaptive weighted fusion with new spatial and temporal fingerprints for improved video copy detection
* Adaptive weighted guided image filtering for depth enhancement in shape-from-focus
* Adaptive Weighted Highpass Filters Using Multiscale Analysis
* Adaptive weighted learning for linear regression problems via Kullback-Leibler divergence
* Adaptive Weighted Losses With Distribution Approximation for Efficient Consistency-Based Semi-Supervised Learning
* adaptive weighted majority vote rule for combining multiple classifiers, An
* Adaptive Weighted Neighbors Lossless Image Coding
* Adaptive weighted nonnegative low-rank representation
* Adaptive weighted orthogonal matching pursuit for robust pattern classification
* Adaptive Weighted Phase Optimization Algorithm Based on the Sigmoid Model for Distributed Scatterers, An
* Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
* Adaptive Weighted Tensor Completion Method for the Recovery of Remote Sensing Images With Missing Data, An
* Adaptive Weighting Feature Fusion Approac Based on Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Weighting Landmark-Based Group-Wise Registration on Lung DCE-MRI Images
* Adaptive Weighting Multi-Field-Of-View CNN for Semantic Segmentation in Pathology
* Adaptive Weighting of Handcrafted Feature Losses for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Weighting of Local Classifiers by Particle Filter
* Adaptive weighting of local classifiers by particle filters for robust tracking
* Adaptive Weighting Scheme for Edge-based Line Interpolation
* Adaptive Widely Linear Reduced-Rank Beamforming Based on Joint Iterative Optimization
* Adaptive Wiener Denoising Using a Gaussian Scale Mixture Model in the Wavelet Domain
* Adaptive Wiener filtering of noisy images and image sequences
* Adaptive Window-Based Constrained Energy Minimization for Detection of Newly Grown Tree Leaves
* Adaptive window-based tracking for the detection of membrane structures in kidney electron micrographs
* Adaptive window algorithm for aerial image stereo
* Adaptive Window Approach for Image Smoothing and Structures Preserving, An
* Adaptive Window Based Uneven Lighting Document Segmentation
* Adaptive Window Growing Technique for Efficient Image Matching
* adaptive window mechanism for image smoothing, An
* Adaptive window method with sizing vectors for reliable correlation-based target tracking
* Adaptive window search using semantic texton forests for real-time object detection
* Adaptive Window Size Image De-noising Based on Intersection of Confidence Intervals (ICI) Rule
* Adaptive Window Strategy for High-Speed and Robust KLT Feature Tracker
* Adaptive windowed Fourier transform
* Adaptive Windowing for Optimal Visualization of Medical Images Based on a Structural Fidelity Measure
* Adaptive Windows: Edges, Stereopsis, and Stripes
* Adaptive Wing Loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression
* Adaptive Word Embedding Module for Semantic Reasoning in Large-scale Detection
* Adaptive word style classification using a gaussian mixture model
* Adaptive workload-dependent scheduling for large-scale content delivery systems
* Adaptive Workload Equalization in Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems
* adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
* Adaptive Zero-Coefficient Distribution Scan for Inter Block Mode Coding of H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Zone-aware Hierarchical Planner for Vision-Language Navigation
* Adaptive Zoning Features for Character and Word Recognition
* Adaptive, global-motion compensated deinterlacing of sequential video fields with post processing
* Adaptive, Hybrid Feature Selection (AHFS)
* Adaptive, Non-Separable Lifting Transforms for Image Compression
* Adaptive, Quadratic Preprocessing of Document Images for Binarization
* Adaptive, real-time visual simultaneous localization and mapping
* adaptive, real-time, traffic monitoring system, An
* Adaptive, Region-based, Layered Background Model for Target Tracking
* AdaptiveFace: Adaptive Margin and Sampling for Face Recognition
* Adaptively-Realistic Image Generation from Stroke and Sketch with Diffusion Model
* Adaptively Attention-Driven Cascade Part-Based Graph Embedding Framework for UAV Object Re-Identification, An
* Adaptively Clustering-Driven Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
* Adaptively Combining Local with Global Information for Natural Scenes Categorization
* Adaptively Connected Neural Networks
* Adaptively Determining Degrees of Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces
* Adaptively Exploring Population Mobility Patterns in Flow Visualization
* Adaptively feature learning for effective power defense
* Adaptively hybrid fractal image coding
* Adaptively Learning Facial Expression Representation via C-F Labels and Distillation
* Adaptively Leverage Unlabeled Tracklets Based on Part Attention Model for Few-Example Re-ID
* Adaptively Merging Large-Scale Range Data with Reflectance Properties
* Adaptively Meshed Video Stabilization
* Adaptively Optimized Masking EMD for Separating Intrinsic Oscillatory Modes of Nonstationary Signals
* Adaptively Quadratic (AQua) Image Interpolation
* Adaptively Refined Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Compensated Video Coding, An
* Adaptively Regularized Constrained Total Least-Squares Image Restoration
* Adaptively subsampled image coding with warped polynomials
* Adaptively Transforming Graph Matching
* Adaptively Tuning a Convolutional Neural Network by Gating Process for Image Denoising
* Adaptively Unified Semi-Supervised Dictionary Learning with Active Points
* Adaptively weighted learning method for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
* Adaptively weighted orthogonal gradient binary pattern for single sample face recognition under varying illumination
* Adaptively weighted sub-pattern PCA for face recognition
* Adaptively weighted update steps in motion compensated lifting based scalable video compression
* AdaptiveMix: Improving GAN Training via Feature Space Shrinkage
* Adaptivity and group invariance in mathematical morphology
* Adaptor: Improving the Robustness and Imperceptibility of Watermarking by the Adaptive Strength Factor
* AdaptorNAS: A New Perturbation-Based Neural Architecture Search for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation
* AdaptPose: Cross-Dataset Adaptation for 3D Human Pose Estimation by Learnable Motion Generation
* AdarGCN: Adaptive Aggregation GCN for Few-Shot Learning
* ADART: An Adaptive Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* ADAS safety impacts on rural and urban highways
* ADAS: A Direct Adaptation Strategy for Multi-Target Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* AdaScan: Adaptive Scan Pooling in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Adasens Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Live Demo
* AdaSGN: Adapting Joint Number and Model Size for Efficient Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* AdaSplats: Adaptive Splatting of Point Clouds for Accurate 3D Modeling and Real-Time High-Fidelity LiDAR Simulation
* AdaSTE: An Adaptive Straight-Through Estimator to Train Binary Neural Networks
* AdaStereo: A Simple and Efficient Approach for Adaptive Stereo Matching
* AdaStereo: An Efficient Domain-Adaptive Stereo Matching Approach
* ADAtools: Automatic Detection and Classification of Active Deformation Areas from PSI Displacement Maps
* AdaTransform: Adaptive Data Transformation
* AdaTree: Boosting a Weak Classifier into a Decision Tree
* AdaTreeFormer: Few shot domain adaptation for tree counting from a single high-resolution image
* AdaTriplet-RA: Domain matching via adaptive triplet and reinforced attention for unsupervised domain adaptation
* AdaViT: Adaptive Vision Transformers for Efficient Image Recognition
* AdaZoom: Towards Scale-Aware Large Scene Object Detection
* ADC estimation of lesions in diffusion-weighted MR images: A Maximum-Likelihood Approach
* ADC: Adversarial attacks against object Detection that evade Context consistency checks
* ADCCF: Adaptive deep concatenation coder framework for visual question answering
* ADCNN: Towards learning adaptive dilation for convolutional neural networks
* AdCo: Adversarial Contrast for Efficient Learning of Unsupervised Representations from Self-Trained Negative Adversaries
* ADCROSS: Adaptive Data Collection from Road Surveilling Sensors
* ADCrowdNet: An Attention-Injective Deformable Convolutional Network for Crowd Understanding
* Add-On Strategies for Fine-Grained Pedestrian Classification
* ADD-UNet: An Adjacent Dual-Decoder UNet for SAR-to-Optical Translation
* AddCanny: Edge Detector for Video Processing
* ADDCNN: An Attention-Based Deep Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for Seismic Facies Analysis With Interpretable Spatial-Spectral Maps
* Added Value of Aerosol Observations of a Future AOS High Spectral Resolution Lidar with Respect to Classic Backscatter Spaceborne Lidar Measurements
* Added Value of Stratified Topographic Correction of Multispectral Images, The
* Addendum: B-spline interpolation in medical image processing
* AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning?
* AdderSR: Towards Energy Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Adding a New Dimension to HTTP Adaptive Streaming Through Multiple-Source Capabilities
* Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval
* Adding and subtracting eigenspaces with eigenvalue decomposition and singular value decomposition
* Adding and subtracting eigenspaces
* Adding associative meshes to the PACCO I.P. environment
* Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* Adding Classes Online in Error Correcting Output Codes Framework
* Adding Color Information to Spatially-Enhanced, Bag-of-Visual-Words Models
* Adding Color Sensitivity to the Shape Adaptive Image Ray Transform
* Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Adding Curvature to Minimum Description Length Shape Models
* Adding discriminative power to a generative hierarchical compositional model using histograms of compositions
* Adding Discriminative Power to Hierarchical Compositional Models for Object Class Detection
* Adding Distance Information to Self-Supervised Learning for rich Representations
* Adding ears to intelligent connected vehicles by combining microphone arrays and high definition map
* Adding explicit content classification to nonlinear filters
* Adding Facial Actions into 3D Model Search to Analyse Behaviour in an Unconstrained Environment
* Adding Gaussian noise to denoise JPEG for detecting image resizing
* Adding Gestures to Ordinary Mouse Use: a New Input Modality for Improved Human-Computer Interaction
* Adding GLCM Texture Analysis to a Combined Watershed Transform and Graph Cut Model for Image Segmentation
* Adding Gray Level Information to Point Distribution Models using Finite Elements
* Adding Grey Level Information to Point Distribution Models Using Finite Elements
* Adding Hand Motion to the Motion Capture Based Character Animation
* Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System
* Adding Knowledge to Unsupervised Algorithms for the Recognition of Intent
* Adding New Tasks to a Single Network with Weight Transformations Using Binary Masks
* Adding Non-Linear Context to Deep Networks
* Adding Object Detection Skills to Visual Dialogue Agents
* Adding Scale to the Primal Sketch
* Adding Semantics to Audiovisual Content: The FAETHON Project
* Adding Semantics to Detectors for Video Retrieval
* Adding single tree features and correcting edge tree effects enhance the characterization of seedling stands with single-photon airborne laser scanning
* Adding Subsurface Attenuation to the Beckmann-Kirchhoff Theory
* Adding Synchronization and Rolling Shutter in Multi-Camera Bundle Adjustment
* Adding the Third Dimension to a Topographic Database Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Adding Turbulence Based on Low-Resolution Cascade Ratios
* Adding Unlabeled Samples to Categories by Learned Attributes
* Adding Voicing Features into Speech Recognition Based on HMM in Slovak
* Addingham Bundle Adjustment
* Addition of geographic ancillary data for updating geo-spatial databases
* additional branch free algebraic B-spline curve fitting method, An
* Additional Cues Derived from Three Dimensional Image Processing to Aid Customised Reconstruction for Medical Applications
* Additional Microwave Radiation From Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered With Sand Layers: Features and Mechanisms
* Additional Reference Height Error Analysis for Baseline Calibration Based on a Distributed Target DEM in TwinSAR-L
* Additive Adversarial Learning for Unbiased Authentication
* Additive Component Analysis
* Additive estimators for probabilities of correct classification
* Additive Fuzzy Enhancement and an Associative Memory for Feature Tracking in Radiation Therapy Images
* Additive integration of SAR features into multispectral SPOT images by means of the à trous wavelet decomposition
* Additive Log-Logistic Model for Networked Video Quality Assessment
* Additive Logistic Regression Applied to Retina Modelling
* Additive margin networks with adaptive feature recalibration and its applications in Brain Stroke CT Image classification
* Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification
* Additive Nearest Neighbor Feature Maps
* Additive neural network for forest fire detection
* Additive Quantization for Extreme Vector Compression
* Additive Subsets
* Additive Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Additive Tree-Structured Conditional Parameter Spaces in Bayesian Optimization: A Novel Covariance Function and a Fast Implementation
* Additive Update Predictors in Active Appearance Models
* Additive Vector Decoding of Transform Coded Images
* Additive Watermark Detectors Based on a New Hierarchical Spatially Adaptive Image Model
* Additive White Gaussian Noise Level Estimation in SVD Domain for Images
* Additivity Constrained Linearisation of Camera Calibration Data
* Address-block extraction by bayesian rule
* Address Block Location on Complex Mail Pieces
* Address block location on envelopes using Gabor filters
* Address block location on envelopes using Gabor filters: supervised method
* Address Block Location on Handwritten Korean Envelopes by the Merging and Splitting Method
* Address Block Location Using Color and Texture Analysis
* address generator for a 3-dimensional pseudo-Hilbert scan in a cuboid region, An
* Address Generator for an N-dimensional Pseudo-Hilbert Scan in a Hyper-rectangular Parallelepiped Region, An
* Address Generator of a Pseudo-Hilbert Scan in a Rectangle Region, An
* address generator of an N-dimensional Hilbert scan, An
* Address Location on Envelopes
* Addressing ambiguity in multi-target tracking by hierarchical strategy
* Addressing Challenges for Mapping Irrigated Fields in Subhumid Temperate Regions by Integrating Remote Sensing and Hydroclimatic Data
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-nearest Neighbor Classification
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Scene Graph Parsing by Learning to Contrast and Score
* Addressing corner detection issues for machine vision based UAV aerial refueling
* Addressing errors in automated sensor data for real-time traffic state estimation using dynamical systems approach
* Addressing Feature Suppression in Unsupervised Visual Representations
* Addressing Heterogeneity in Federated Learning via Distributional Transformation
* Addressing Human Factors and Ethics in the Design of Future Work and Intelligent Systems for Use in Financial Services - Person Centered Operations, Intelligent Work and the Triple Bottom Line
* Addressing Information Inequality for Text-Based Person Search via Pedestrian-Centric Visual Denoising and Bias-Aware Alignments
* Addressing Missing Labels in Large-Scale Sound Event Recognition Using a Teacher-Student Framework With Loss Masking
* Addressing Model Vulnerability to Distributional Shifts Over Image Transformation Sets
* Addressing multiple salient object detection via dual-space long-range dependencies
* Addressing out-of-distribution label noise in webly-labelled data
* Addressing overfitting on point cloud classification using Atrous XCRF
* Addressing Public Law Restrictions within a 3D Cadastral Context
* Addressing Radiometric Nonidealities: A Unified Framework
* Addressing robust travel mode identification with individual trip-chain trajectory noise reduction
* Addressing spatial service provision equity for pooled ride-hailing services through rebalancing
* Addressing System-Level Optimization with OpenVX Graphs
* Addressing Target Shift in Zero-shot Learning using Grouped Adversarial Learning
* Addressing the Big Data Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Oversampling and Deep Learning Neural Networks
* Addressing the class-imbalance and class-overlap problems by a metaheuristic-based under-sampling approach
* Addressing the Correspondence Problem: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Addressing the Elephant In the Underground: An Argument for The Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Reconciliation Of Subsurface Utility Data
* Addressing the illumination challenge in two-dimensional face recognition: a survey
* Addressing the non-functional requirements of computer vision systems: a case study
* Addressing the Occlusion Problem in Multi-Camera People Tracking with Human Pose Estimation
* Addressing the Overfitting in Partial Domain Adaptation With Self-Training and Contrastive Learning
* Addressing The Problems Of Detecting Faces With Neural Networks
* Addressing the value of art in cartographic communication
* Addressing the Vulnerabilities of Likelihood-Ratio-Based Face Verification
* Addressing Visual Consistency in Video Retargeting: A Refined Homogeneous Approach
* Addressing Visual Search in Open and Closed Set Settings
* AddressNet: Shift-Based Primitives for Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks
* ADDTID: An Alternative Tool for Studying Earthquake/Tsunami Signatures in the Ionosphere. Case of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
* ADE20K Dataset
* ADEL: Adaptive Distribution Effective-Matching Method for Guiding Generators of GANs
* ADeLA: Automatic Dense Labeling with Attention for Viewpoint Shift in Semantic Segmentation
* Adept Electronic Solutions
* Adept
* Adequacy Analysis Using UAV of Heavy Rainfall Disaster Reduction Facilities According to Urban Development in Republic of Korea
* adequacy of different landscape metrics for various landscape patterns, The
* Adequate reconstruction of transparent objects on a shoestring budget
* Adequation and hardware implementation of the color structure descriptor for real-time temporal video segmentation
* ADF-Net: An Attention-Guided Dual-Branch Fusion Network for Building Change Detection near the Shanghai Metro Line Using Sequences of TerraSAR-X Images
* ADFA: Attention-Augmented Differentiable Top-K Feature Adaptation for Unsupervised Medical Anomaly Detection
* ADFF: Adaptive de-morphing factor framework for restoring accomplice's facial image
* ADFNet: Accumulated decoder features for real-time semantic segmentation
* Adherent Raindrop Detection and Removal in Video
* Adherent Raindrop Modeling, Detection and Removal in Video
* Adherent Raindrop Removal with Self-Supervised Attention Maps and Spatio-Temporal Generative Adversarial Networks
* Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Multi Object Tracking
* Adiabatic Quantum Graph Matching with Permutation Matrix Constraints
* ADICT: Accurate Direct and Inverse Color Transformation
* ADINet: Attribute Driven Incremental Network for Retinal Image Classification
* ADIR: Advanced domain-invariant representation via decoupling learning and information bottleneck
* Adjacencies for Structuring the Digital Plane
* Adjacency Algorithms for Linear Octree Nodes
* Adjacency Constraint for Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
* Adjacency Detection Using Quadcodes
* Adjacency Grammar to Recognize Symbols and Gestures in a Digital Pen Framework, An
* Adjacency in Digital Pictures
* Adjacency lattices and shape-tree semilattices
* Adjacency Matrix Construction Using Sparse Coding for Label Propagation
* Adjacency Matrix Generation from the Image of Graphs: A Morphological Approach
* Adjacency stable connected operators and set levelings
* Adjacent-Track InSAR Processing for Large-Scale Land Subsidence Monitoring in the Hebei Plain
* Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication
* Adjacent coding for image classification
* Adjacent evaluation of local binary pattern for texture classification
* Adjacent orientation vector based fingerprint minutiae matching system
* Adjoint-Driven Deep-Learning Seismic Full-Waveform Inversion
* Adjoint Active Surfaces for Localization and Imaging
* Adjoint field methods for non-linear tomographic medical imaging problems
* Adjoint State Method for the Identification Problem in SPECT: Recovery of Both the Source and the Attenuation in the Attenuated X-Ray Transform
* Adjudicating Perspectives on Forest Structure: How Do Airborne, Terrestrial, and Mobile Lidar-Derived Estimates Compare?
* Adjugate Diffusion Tensors for Geodesic Tractography in White Matter
* Adjunct Partial Array Token Petri Net Structure
* Adjunctions in pyramids and curve evolution
* Adjunctions in Pyramids, Curve Evolution and Scale-Spaces
* adjustable algorithm for color quantization, An
* Adjustable automation and manoeuvre control in automated driving
* adjustable combination of linear regression and modified probabilistic neural network for anti-spam filtering, An
* Adjustable compression method for still JPEG images
* Adjustable Fast Decision Method for Affine Motion Estimation in VVC, An
* Adjustable imaging system with wide angle capability
* Adjustable Invariant Features by Partial Haar-Integration
* Adjustable linear models for optic flow based obstacle avoidance
* Adjustable Model-Based Fusion Method for Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Adjustable Model Compression Using Multiple Genetic Algorithm
* Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Adjustable preference affinity propagation clustering
* Adjustable Quadratic Filters for Image Enhancement
* Adjustable SAD matching algorithm using frequency domain
* adjustable window function to design an FIR filter, An
* adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique, An
* Adjusted Non-Local Regression and Directional Smoothness for Image Restoration
* Adjusted pixel features for robust facial component classification
* Adjusted Spectral Matched Filter for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Adjusted weight voting algorithm for random forests in handling missing values
* Adjusting Animation Rigs to Human-Like 3D Models
* Adjusting Astronomical Images Using a Censored Hausdorff Distance
* Adjusting Emergent Herbaceous Wetland Elevation with Object-Based Image Analysis, Random Forest and the 2016 NLCD
* Adjusting for Desert-Dust-Related Biases in a Climate Data Record of Sea Surface Temperature
* Adjusting Haptic Guidance to Idiosyncratic Visuo-Haptic Matching Errors Improves Perceptual Consistency in Reaching
* Adjusting Lidar-Derived Digital Terrain Models in Coastal Marshes Based on Estimated Aboveground Biomass Density
* Adjusting samples for obtaining better L2-norm minimization based sparse representation
* Adjusting Shape Parameters Using Model-Based Optical Flow Residuals
* Adjusting solar-induced fluorescence to nadir-viewing provides a better proxy for GPP
* Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Based Learning to Delineate
* Adjusting the imbalance ratio by the dimensionality of imbalanced data
* Adjusting the Regular Network of Squares Resolution to the Digital Terrain Model Surface Shape
* Adjusting to a sudden 'aging' of the lens
* Adjustment-Free Stereo Matching Algorithm, An
* Adjustment and Alignment for Unbiased Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Adjustment and Assessment of the Measurements of Low and High Sampling Frequencies of GPS Real-Time Monitoring of Structural Movement
* Adjustment and Calibration of Dome Port Camera Systems for Underwater Vision
* Adjustment Approach for Aerosol Optical Depth Inferred from CALIPSO, An
* Adjustment for Discrepancies Between ALS Data Strips Using a Contour Tree Algorithm
* Adjustment Learning and Relevant Component Analysis
* Adjustment of Cadastral Network Using Least-squares Variance Component Estimation
* Adjustment of Parameters in Ionic Models Using Optimal Control Problems
* Adjustment of Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) Red-Edge Band Reflectance to Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) and Quantification of Red-Edge Band BRDF Effects
* Adjustment of Transceiver Lever Arm Offset and Sound Speed Bias for GNSS-Acoustic Positioning
* Adjustments to SIF Aid the Interpretation of Drought Responses at the Caatinga of Northeast Brazil
* Adlib Software
* ADM-HIPaR: An efficient background subtraction approach
* Admissibility Analysis of T-S Fuzzy singular system with time varying-delay
* Admissibility of Constraint Functions in Relaxation Labeling
* Admissible linear map models of linear cameras
* Admission Control as a Non-Cooperative Multi-Stage Game between Wireless Networks
* Admission Control for Variable Bit-Rate Video in Banyan Switches
* Admission Control Scheme Based on Online Measurement for VBR Video Streams Over Wireless Home Networks, An
* Admissions control and data placement for VBR video servers
* Admix: Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks
* ADMM-Based Approach to Robust Array Pattern Synthesis, An
* ADMM-Based Coordination of Electric Vehicles in Constrained Distribution Networks Considering Fast Charging and Degradation
* ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing
* ADMM-Inspired Reconstruction Network for Compressive Spectral Imaging
* ADMM-Net for Beamforming Based on Linear Rectification with the Atomic Norm Minimization
* ADMM-qSPICE-Based Sparse DOA Estimation Method for MIMO Radar, An
* ADMM-SRNet: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Sparse Representation Network for One-Class Classification
* ADMM Approach to Masked Signal Decomposition Using Subspace Representation, An
* ADMM for image restoration based on nonlocal simultaneous sparse Bayesian coding
* ADMM in Krylov Subspace and Its Application to Total Variation Restoration of Spatially Variant Blur
* ADMM penalty parameter selection with Krylov subspace recycling technique for sparse coding
* ADMNet: Adaptive-Weighting Dual Mapping for Online Tracking With Respiratory Motion Estimation in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
* ADN for object detection
* ADN: Artifact Disentanglement Network for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction
* ADNet: Adaptively Dense Convolutional Neural Networks
* ADNet: Attention-guided Deformable Convolutional Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* ADNet: Lane Shape Prediction via Anchor Decomposition
* ADNet: Leveraging Error-Bias Towards Normal Direction in Face Alignment
* ADNet: Rethinking the Shrunk Polygon-Based Approach in Scene Text Detection
* Adnet: Temporal Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Adobe Boxes: Locating Object Proposals Using Object Adobes
* Adolescent Suicidal Risk Assessment in Clinician-Patient Interaction
* Adopting Abstract Images for Semantic Scene Understanding
* Adopting an unconstrained ray model in light-field cameras for 3D shape reconstruction
* Adopting Difference-in-Differences Method to Monitor Crop Response to Agrometeorological Hazards with Satellite Data: A Case Study of Dry-Hot Wind
* Adopting Feature-Based Visual Odometry for Resource-Constrained Mobile Devices
* Adopting Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection for Near Real-Time Camouflage Detection in Multispectral Imagery
* Adopting Self-Supervised Learning into Unsupervised Video Summarization through Restorative Score.
* Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognition in prevention and control of corona virus disease-19 pandemic
* ADORE: Adaptive Object Recognition
* ADORE: An Adaptive Holons Representation Framework for Human Pose Estimation
* Adpative dense vector field interpolation for temporal filtering
* ADPL: Adaptive Dual Path Learning for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
* ADPNet: Attention based dual path network for lane detection
* ADR-MVSNet: A cascade network for 3D point cloud reconstruction with pixel occlusion
* ADR shape descriptor: Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter
* Adrenal tumor characterization on magnetic resonance images
* ADS-B-Based Spatiotemporal Alignment Network for Airport Video Object Segmentation
* ADS-BI: Compressed Indexing of ADS-B Data
* ADS-Lead: Lifelong Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems
* ADS40 Vaihingen/Enz geometric performance test, The
* ADT-Det: Adaptive Dynamic Refined Single-Stage Transformer Detector for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Satellite Optical Imagery
* AdTM tracking for blind spot collision avoidance
* AdTree: Accurate, Detailed, and Automatic Modelling of Laser-Scanned Trees
* Adult-child 3D backward face aging model (3D B-FAM)
* Adult and Children User Experience with Leap Motion in Digital Heritage: The Cycladic Sculpture Application
* Adult Image Classification by a Local-Context Aware Network
* adult image identification system employing image retrieval technique, An
* Adults' Pain Recognition via Facial Expressions Using CNN-Based AU Detection
* Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class specific data augmentation technique for object detection
* Adv-Depth: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with an Adversarial Loss
* Advance flood detection and notification system based on sensor technology and machine learning algorithm
* Advance in triangular mesh simplification study
* Advance One-Shot Multispectral Instance Detection With Text's Supervision
* Advance Path Measurement for Automotive Radar Applications
* Advance PVR Applications in IMS Based IPTV Environment
* Advanced 3D Deep Non-Local Embedded System for Self-Augmented X-Ray-based COVID-19 Assessment
* Advanced 3D Imaging for Safety and Security
* Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Modeling: The Case Study of Palazzo Ettoreo in Sacile (Italy)
* Advanced 3D Motion Prediction for Video-Based Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Advanced 3D Technology in Support of The BIM Processes in The Cultural Heritage: In-depth Analysis of The Case Study of The Roman Fluvial Port Of Aquileia (Italy)
* Advanced 3D Visualization of an Architectural Object in the OpenGL Standard
* Advanced 3DTV Concept Providing Interoperability and Scalability for a Wide Range of Multi-Baseline Geometries, An
* Advanced accident prediction models and impacts assessment
* Advanced Adaptation Techniques for Improved Video Perception
* advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in non-urban areas, An
* Advanced Algorithm to Retrieve Total Atmospheric Water Vapor Content From the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data Over Sea Ice and Sea Water Surfaces in the Arctic, An
* Advanced algorithms for autonomous hyperspectral change detection
* Advanced algorithms for optimal meeting points in road networks
* Advanced algorithms for real-time video tracking with multiple targets
* Advanced animation framework for MPEG-4 systems
* Advanced animation framework for virtual character within the MPEG-4 standard
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Extraction of Planar Surfaces and their Topology from Point Clouds, An
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Reconstruction of 3d Buildings From Aerial Images
* Advanced Approach to Improve Synchronization Phase Accuracy with Compressive Sensing for LT-1 Bistatic Spaceborne SAR, An
* Advanced Augmentation and Ensemble Approaches for Classifying Long-Tailed Multi-Label Chest X-Rays
* advanced auto-inspection system for micro-router collapse, An
* Advanced background modeling with RGB-D sensors through classifiers combination and inter-frame foreground prediction
* Advanced Benchmarking for Image Compositing Evaluation, An
* advanced bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) spectral approach for estimating flavonoid content in leaves of Ginkgo plantations, An
* Advanced Binary Neural Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis
* Advanced bitstream rewriting from H.264/AVC to SVC
* Advanced block size selection algorithm for inter frame coding in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Advanced blocs classification for fast encoding in fractal-based gray-scale images compression
* Advanced Center Biased Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Advanced Center Biased Three Step Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Advanced character recognition 6610
* Advanced Classification of Ionospheric Troughs in the Morning and Evening Conditions
* Advanced Classification of Optical and Sar Images for Urban Land Cover Mapping
* Advanced CNN Based Motion Compensation Fractional Interpolation
* Advanced Coincidence Processing of 3D Laser Radar Data
* Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis
* Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
* Advanced Content Based Image Retrieval for Fashion
* advanced contrast enhancement using partially overlapped sub-block histogram equalization, An
* advanced control architecture for autonomous vehicles, An
* Advanced Cooperative Path Prediction Algorithm for Safety Applications in Vehicular Networks, An
* Advanced Correlation Filters for Face Recognition Using Low-Resolution Visual and Thermal Imagery
* Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Search of Big Climate Datasets in THREDDS
* Advanced Data Processing Algorithm for Extraction of Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Moving Automotive Vehicles Using the H/A/alpha Decomposition Technique, An
* Advanced Deep-Learning Techniques for Salient and Category-Specific Object Detection: A Survey
* Advanced deep learning for image super-resolution
* Advanced deep learning techniques for image style transfer: A survey
* Advanced Deep Network with Attention and Genetic-Driven Reinforcement Learning Layer for an Efficient Cancer Treatment Outcome Prediction
* Advanced Detection of Invasive Neophytes in Agricultural Landscapes: A Multisensory and Multiscale Remote Sensing Approach
* Advanced Digital Lensless Fourier Holography by means of a Spatial Light Modulator
* Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Coding for Multi-Tb/s Optical Transport
* Advanced Directional Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of the Road Network in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
* Advanced Documents Authoring Tool
* Advanced Driving Behavior Analytics for an Improved Safety Assessment and Driver Fingerprinting
* Advanced Dropout: A Model-Free Methodology for Bayesian Dropout Optimization
* Advanced Dual-Satellite Method for Detection of Low Stratus and Fog near Japan at Dawn from FY-4A and Himawari-8
* Advanced Echo Separation Scheme for Space-Time Waveform-Encoding SAR Based on Digital Beamforming and Blind Source Separation, An
* Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Based Robust Watermarking Scheme
* Advanced Extraction Of Spatial Information From High Resolution Satellite Data
* Advanced Fast 3-D Electromagnetic Solver for Microwave Tomography Imaging
* Advanced Feature Learning on Point Clouds Using Multi-Resolution Features and Learnable Pooling
* Advanced Film Grain Noise Extraction and Synthesis for High-Definition Video Coding
* Advanced Filter Design
* Advanced Financial Data Processing and Labeling Methods for Machine Learning
* Advanced Forest Fire Danger Forecasting System: Integration of Remote Sensing and Historical Sources of Ignition Data, An
* Advanced framework for highly secure and cloud-based storage of colour images
* Advanced framework for microscopic and lane-level macroscopic traffic parameters estimation from UAV video
* Advanced Framework for Multi-Scale Forest Structural Parameter Estimations Based on UAS-LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery in Forest Plantations of Northern China, An
* Advanced free-form deformation and Kullback-Lieblier divergence measure for digital elevation model registration
* Advanced Fully Convolutional Networks for Agricultural Field Boundary Detection
* Advanced gaussian MRF rotation-invariant texture features for classification of remote sensing imagery
* Advanced Geomatics and Conservation Management Plan for Preserving 20th Century Architectural Heritage
* Advanced GIS and RS Applications for Soil and Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping
* advanced global point signature for 3D shape recognition and retrieval, An
* advanced gradient histogram and its application for contrast and gradient enhancement, An
* Advanced graphics for visualization of shielding relations
* Advanced Guided Vehicles: Aspects of the Oxford AGV Project
* Advanced H.264/AVC-Based Perceptual Video Coding: Architecture, Tools, and Assessment
* Advanced Harris-Laplace Feature Detector with High Repeatability, An
* Advanced Hierarchical Motion Estimation Scheme With Lossless Frame Recompression and Early-Level Termination for Beyond High-Definition Video Coding, An
* Advanced High Resolution SAR Interferometry of Urban Areas with Airborne Millimetrewave Radar
* Advanced Homology Computation of Digital Volumes Via Cell Complexes
* Advanced Hough Transform Implementations
* Advanced Hough Transform Using A Multilayer Fractional Fourier Method
* Advanced hyperspectral detection based on elliptically contoured distribution models and operator feedback
* Advanced Image-Processing Technique for Real-Time Interpretation of Ground-Penetrating Radar Images
* Advanced image-processing tools for counting people in tourist site-monitoring applications
* Advanced image processing methods as a tool to map and quantify different types of biological soil crust
* Advanced image processing techniques for extracting regions of interest using multimode IR processing
* Advanced Imaging Magazine
* Advanced imaging system for brain tumor automatic classification from MRI images using HOG and BOF feature extraction approaches
* Advanced imaging systems curricula at EPFL
* Advanced Impulse Detection Based on Pixel-Wise MAD
* Advanced in-plane rotation-invariant correlation filters
* Advanced indexing schema for imaging applications: three case studies
* Advanced intelligent computing theory and methodology
* Advanced interactive television services require content synchronization
* Advanced interpolation filters for depth image based rendering
* advanced interpolation for synthetical animation, An
* Advanced IPTV Services Personalization Through Context-Aware Content Recommendation
* Advanced K-means clustering algorithm for large ECG data sets based on a collaboration of compressed sensing theory and K-SVD approach
* Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array Type L-Band SAR (ALOS PALSAR) to Inform the Conservation of Mangroves: Sundarbans as a Case Study
* Advanced Lane-Keeping Assistance System With Switchable Assistance Modes, An
* Advanced Least-Significant-Bit Embedding Scheme for Steganographic Encoding, An
* Advanced Level-Set-Based Cell Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* advanced local offset matching strategy for object proposal matching, An
* Advanced low cost clustering system
* Advanced lung cancer classification approach adopting modified graph clustering and whale optimisation-based feature selection technique accompanied by a hybrid ensemble classifier
* Advanced Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Remote Sensing for Natural Hazards Management
* Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing II
* Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing
* Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Major Hurricane Forecasting
* Advanced Machine Learning Optimized by The Genetic Algorithm in Ionospheric Models Using Long-Term Multi-Instrument Observations
* Advanced Man-machine Interface for Cultural Heritage
* Advanced Metaheuristic Approaches and Population Doping for a Novel Modeling-Based Method of Positron Emission Tomography Data Analysis
* Advanced Methodology for ASTER DEM Generation
* Advanced Methods and Algorithms for Selected Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) Benefits
* Advanced methods for the estimation of an unknown projection from a map
* Advanced methods for two-class pattern recognition problem formulation for minutiae-based fingerprint verification
* Advanced Microwave Atmospheric Sounder (AMAS) Channel Specifications and T/V Calibration Results on FY-3C Satellite
* Advanced modeling of visual information processing: A multi-resolution directional-oriented image transform based on Gaussian derivatives
* Advanced modulation and channel coding tecniques for digital HDTV via satellite in the 20 GHz range
* Advanced Monitoring Systems for Landslide Risk Reduction in the 'Siq' of Petra (Jordan)
* Advanced Motion Compensation Techniques for Blocking Artifacts Reduction in 3-D Video Coding Systems
* Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm With Video Quality Analysis for Video Surveillance Systems, An
* Advanced motion threading for 3D wavelet video coding
* Advanced Motion Vector Difference Coding Beyond AV1
* Advanced Moving Camera Object Detection
* Advanced Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Monitoring in Real-World Limited Bandwidth Networks, An
* Advanced Multifrequency Radar Instrumentation for Polar Research
* Advanced Multimedia Power-Saving Method Using a Dynamic Pixel Dimmer on AMOLED Displays
* Advanced multimedia service provisioning based on efficient interoperability of adaptive streaming protocol and high efficient video coding
* Advanced Multipath Mitigation Method Based on Trend Surface Analysis, An
* Advanced Neural Information Processing Systems
* Advanced Non-linear Generative Model with a Deep Classifier for Immunotherapy Outcome Prediction: A Bladder Cancer Case Study
* Advanced Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Waveform for Radar Imaging With Low Sidelobe, An
* Advanced Operational Approach for Tropical Cyclone Center Estimation Using Geostationary-Satellite-Based Water Vapor and Infrared Channels, An
* Advanced Outlier Detected Total Least-Squares Algorithm for 3-D Point Clouds Registration, An
* Advanced packet-video coding based on layered VQ and SBC techniques
* Advanced Parallel Processing with Supercomputer Architectures
* Advanced Pedestrian Dataset Augmentation for Autonomous Driving
* Advanced Performance Achievement Using Multi- Algorithmic Approach of Video Transcoder For Low Bitrate Wireless Communication
* Advanced Phase-Retrieval for Stepping-Free X-Ray Dark-Field Computed Tomography
* Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme Based on Coherent Integration and Waveform Diversity for Bistatic SAR, An
* Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1, An
* Advanced Photogrammetric Solution to Measure Apples, An
* Advanced point cloud generation for photogrammetric modeling of complex 3D objects
* Advanced post-impact safety and stability control for electric vehicles
* Advanced Power Line Diagnostics Using Point Cloud Data: Possible Applications and Limits
* Advanced Pre-Processing Pipeline to Improve Automated Photogrammetric Reconstructions of Architectural Scenes, An
* Advanced Quality Assessment and Monitoring of ESA Sentinel-1 SAR Products via the CyCLOPS Infrastructure in the Southeastern Mediterranean Region, An
* Advanced Radon transform using generalized interpolated Fourier method for straight line detection
* Advanced Rate Control Technologies for 3D-HDTV Digital Coding Based on MPEG-2 Multi-View Profile
* Advanced Real-time Rate Control in H.264
* Advanced Remote Sensing of Internal Waves by Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR: A Demonstration With TerraSAR-X
* Advanced Rendering Framework
* Advanced Representation Technologies Applied to the Temple of Neptune, the Sphinx and the Metope in the Archaeological Park of Paestum
* Advanced residual predction in 3D-HEV
* Advanced RetinexNet: A fully convolutional network for low-light image enhancement
* Advanced ridge flux analysis for fingerprint minutiae detection
* Advanced Robotics Systems
* Advanced Robotics
* Advanced Rotation Invariant Descriptor for SAR Image Registration, An
* Advanced Safety Sensor for Gate Automation
* Advanced SAR Image Despeckling Method by Bernoulli-Sampling-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning, An
* Advanced SAR Interferometric Analysis to Support Geomorphological Interpretation of Slow-Moving Coastal Landslides (Malta, Mediterranean Sea)
* Advanced SAR Simulator of Three-Dimensional Structures Combining Geometrical Optics and Full-Wave Electromagnetic Methods, An
* Advanced Scalability for Light Field Image Coding
* Advanced Scanning for Intra Frame Coding
* Advanced Scheme for Radar Clutter Suppression Scheme Based on Blind Source Separation, An
* Advanced Screen Content Coding Using Color Table and Index Map
* advanced segmental semi-Markov model based online series pattern detection, An
* Advanced Seientific Concepts
* Advanced shape context for plant species identification using leaf image retrieval
* Advanced side information creation techniques and framework for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Advanced Sidereal Filtering for Mitigating Multipath Effects in GNSS Short Baseline Positioning
* Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Ground-Penetrating Radar: Applications to civil engineering
* Advanced Simulation Technologies Ltd.
* Advanced Soil Organic Matter Prediction with a Regional Soil NIR Spectral Library Using Long Short-Term Memory-Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study
* Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radometer (ASTER) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Products from Global Earth Observation (GEO) Grid: An Assessment Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for Synergistic Applications
* Advanced spatial and Temporal Direct Mode for B picture coding
* Advanced spatio-temporal filtering techniques for photogrammetric image sequence analysis in civil engineering material testing
* Advanced Spherical Motion Model and Local Padding for 360° Video Compression
* Advanced statistical matrices for texture characterization: Application to DNA chromatin and microtubule network classification
* Advanced Statistical Steganalysis
* Advanced Stereo Projection Using Interference Filters
* Advanced Super-Resolution Using Lossless Pooling Convolutional Networks
* Advanced synchronization techniques for the Internet of Things
* Advanced System for the Automatic Classification of Multitemporal SAR Images, An
* Advanced System Level Simulation Platform for Three-Dimensional UWB Through-Wall Imaging SAR Using Time-Domain Approach
* Advanced Target Recognition
* Advanced techniques for face-based biometrics
* Advanced techniques for the studies of stones and paintings on walls: state of the art and open problems
* Advanced Techniques for Watershed Visualization
* Advanced Technologies for Brain Research
* Advanced Temporal Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for a Robust Car Driver Identification
* Advanced Terrain Vegetation Signal Detection Approach for Forest Structural Parameters Estimation Using ICESat-2 Data, An
* Advanced texture and depth coding in 3D-HEVC
* Advanced Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of a Slow Landslide through the Exploitation of DInSAR Measurements and in Situ Surveys
* Advanced Three-Dimensional Tailored RF Pulse Design in Volume Selective Parallel Excitation
* Advanced three-dimensional television system technologies
* Advanced Tie Feature Matching For The Registration Of Mobile Mapping Imaging Data And Aerial Imagery
* Advanced Tool for Semi-automatic Annotation for Early Screening of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, An
* Advanced tools for speech synchronized animation
* Advanced Tools for Video and Multimedia Mining
* Advanced Topics in Biometrics
* Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
* Advanced Total_Zeros Decoding Method Based on New Memory Architecture in H.264/AVC CAVLC, An
* Advanced Tracking Systems for the Military
* Advanced traffic monitoring for sustainable traffic management: Experiences and results of five years of collaborative research in the Netherlands
* Advanced traveller information systems for intelligent future mobility: the case of Anachb in Vienna
* Advanced tree species identification using multiple leaf parts image queries
* Advanced Ultra-High-Capacity Optical Random-Access Memory and Pattern-Recognition Techniques
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance Systems
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance
* Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance
* Advanced Visibility Restoration Technique for Underwater Images, An
* Advanced Vision Processing Systems: Spike-Based Simulation and Processing
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems (1998)
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems
* Advanced Visual Surveillance Using Bayesian Networks
* Advanced weight graph transformation matching algorithm
* Advanced Zonal Block Based Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Advancement of Flexible Robot Technologies for Endoluminal Surgeries
* Advancement of Sea Surface Convective Wind Gust Observation by Different Satellite Sensors and Assessment with In Situ Measurements
* Advancements and Applications of Drone-Integrated Geographic Information System Technology: A Review
* Advancements for Snowmelt Monitoring by Means of Sentinel-1 SAR
* Advancements in Contact-free Heart Rate Measurements Using Human Face Videos
* Advancements In Open Geospatial Standards For Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing From OGC
* Advancements in point cloud data augmentation for deep learning: A survey
* Advancements in Remote Sensing for Evapotranspiration Estimation: A Comprehensive Review of Temperature-Based Models
* Advancements in Remote Sensing Imagery Applications for Precision Management in Olive Growing: A Systematic Review
* Advancements in Utilizing Image-Analysis Technology for Crop-Yield Estimation
* Advancements of Geodetic Activities in Nepal: A Review on Pre- and Post-2015 Gorkha Earthquake Eras with Future Directions
* Advances and Challenges in Deep Learning-Based Change Detection for Remote Sensing Images: A Review through Various Learning Paradigms
* Advances and Challenges in Meta-Learning: A Technical Review
* Advances and challenges in super-resolution
* Advances and Tendencies: A Review of Recent Studies on Virtual Reality for Pain Management
* Advances and Trends in Research and Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems: An Introduction to the Special Issue
* Advances in Active Appearance Models
* Advances in automatic gait recognition
* Advances in Automotive Radar: A framework on computationally efficient high-resolution frequency estimation
* Advances in Background Updating and Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms
* Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
* Advances in Biometrics Sensors, Algorithms and Systems
* Advances in Biometrics
* Advances in Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence
* Advances in Calibration and Imaging Techniques in Radio Interferometry
* Advances in channel-adaptive video streaming
* Advances in colour transfer
* Advances in combinatorial image analysis
* Advances in component based face detection
* Advances in Computational Stereo
* Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and Applications
* Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
* Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 1, Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Observations
* Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 2, Image Enhancement and Restoration
* Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 3, Time-Varying Imagery Analysis
* Advances in Computer Vision
* Advances in Computing Research
* Advances in Constrained Connectivity
* Advances in Cooperative Multi-Sensor Video Surveillance
* Advances in Crowd Analysis for Urban Applications Through Urban Event Detection
* Advances in Daylight Statistical Colour Modelling
* Advances in deep learning-based image recognition of product packaging
* Advances in Deep Learning Recognition of Landslides Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Advances in Digital and Computational Geometry
* Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage
* Advances in Digital Video Content Protection
* Advances in Disaster Modeling, Simulation and Visualization for Sandstorm Risk Management in North China
* Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications
* Advances in domain adaptation for computer vision
* Advances in EEG-Based Biometry
* Advances in Efficient Resource Allocation for Packet-Based Real-Time Video Transmission
* Advances in Electroencephalography Signal Processing
* Advances in FAX
* Advances in fingerprint modeling
* Advances in Fingerprint Technology
* Advances in Forest Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Advances in Fractal Compression for Multimedia Applications
* Advances in Fuzzy Integration for Pattern Recognition
* Advances in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis with ontologies: A review of main contributions and limitations from a remote sensing perspective
* Advances in GML for Geospatial Applications
* Advances in Hardware Architectures for Image and Video Coding: A Survey
* Advances in human action recognition: an updated survey
* Advances in human action, activity and gesture recognition
* Advances in Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion and Spectral Unmixing
* Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification Methods with Small Samples: A Review
* Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth Monitoring with Statistical Learning Methods
* Advances in Image and Video Segmentation
* Advances in Image and Video Technology
* Advances in Image Compression and Automatic Target Recognition
* Advances in Image Manipulation
* Advances in Image Pre-Processing to Improve Automated 3D Reconstruction
* Advances in image processing and understanding: A festschrift for Thomas S. Huang
* Advances in Image Segmentation
* Advances in Image Understanding: A Festschrift for Azriel Rosenfeld
* Advances in Imaging and Electronic Physics
* Advances in InSAR Imaging and Data Processing: A Review
* Advances in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems
* Advances in IoT and Smart Sensors for Remote Sensing and Agriculture Applications
* Advances in IPTV technologies
* Advances in Land-Ocean Heat Fluxes Using Remote Sensing
* Advances in large-format visible focal plane technology
* Advances in Lightning Monitoring and Location Technology Research in China
* Advances in Line-of-Sight Guidance for Path Following of Autonomous Marine Vehicles: An Overview
* Advances in Machine Vision: Strategies and Applications
* Advances in massively parallel computing
* Advances in Mathematical Models for Image Processing
* Advances in matrix manifolds for computer vision
* Advances in Medical Imaging
* Advances in mesh signal processing and geometry compression
* Advances in Mobile Augmented Reality from User Experience Perspective: A Review of Studies
* Advances in Model Based Traffic Vision
* Advances in multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing of mangrove species: A synthesis and study case on airborne and multisource spaceborne imagery
* Advances in Multi-Sensor Scanning and Visualization of Complex Plants: the Utmost Case of a Reactor Building
* Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3
* Advances in pattern recognition methodology and applications
* Advances in Pattern Recognition
* Advances in phonetics-based sub-unit modeling for transcription alignment and sign language recognition
* Advances in Picture Coding
* Advances in Polarization Vision
* Advances in Position Based Routing Towards ITS Enabled FoG-Oriented VANET: A Survey
* Advances in predictive models for data mining
* Advances in real-time object tracking
* Advances in Recognition of Handprinted Characters
* Advances in Recognition Techniques, Part 1
* Advances In Recognition Techniques, Part 2
* Advances in Recursive Per-Pixel End-to-End Distortion Estimation for Robust Video Coding in H.264/AVC
* Advances in Recursive Per-Pixel Estimation of End-To-End Distortion for Application in H.264
* Advances in Remote Sensing-Based Disaster Monitoring and Assessment
* Advances in Remote Sensing of Agriculture: Context Description, Existing Operational Monitoring Systems and Major Information Needs
* Advances in Remote Sensing of the Inland and Coastal Water Zones
* Advances in Remote Sensing Technology, Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Marine Oil Spill Detection, Prediction and Vulnerability Assessment
* Advances in Residual Vector Quantization: A Review
* Advances in Retinal Imaging: introduction
* Advances in Rotation-Invariant Texture Analysis
* Advances in Scalable Video Coding
* Advances in Seismic Data Compression via Learning from Data: Compression for Seismic Data Acquisition
* Advances in Shader Lamps Avatars for telepresence
* Advances in Shape Description with Application to Three-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition
* Advances in Signal Processing for GNSSs
* Advances in Signal Transforms: Theory and Applications
* Advances in Single-Photon Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles: Working Principles, Challenges, and Recent Advances
* Advances in Software Engineering and Their Relations to Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Advances in Spatial Reasoning, Volume I and II
* Advances in Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Advances in Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Advances in texture analysis- energy dominant component & multiple hypothesis testing
* Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification
* Advances in the Application of Small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (sUAS) for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping
* Advances in the cooperation of shape from shading and stereo vision
* Advances in the Derivation of Northeast Siberian Forest Metrics Using High-Resolution UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Advances in the Quality of Global Soil Moisture Products: A Review
* Advances in the Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Evaporation
* Advances in the statistical methodology for the selection of image descriptors for visual pattern representation and classification
* Advances in theory and applications of pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision
* Advances in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Technology for Geothermal Resource Detection
* Advances in Variational Inference
* Advances in Vegetation Structure Modelling Using Remote Sensing to Support the Acquisition of Sustainable Development Goals through Forest Management
* Advances in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing
* Advances in Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding in North America
* Advances in video coding for hand-held device implementation in networked electronic media
* Advances in Video Compression System Using Deep Neural Network: A Review and Case Studies
* Advances in View-Invariant Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Advances in vision algorithms and systems beyond the visible spectrum
* Advances in Visual Computing
* Advances in Visual Information Management: Visual Database Systems
* Advances in visual information processing
* Advances in Wireless Video Delivery
* Advances in Writer Identification and Verification
* Advances of Flash Lidar Development Onboard UAV
* Advances on action recognition in videos using an interest point detector based on multiband spatio-temporal energies
* Advances on Automated Multiple View Inspection
* Advances on Medical Imaging and Computing
* Advances on the analysis of the LMS algorithm with a colored measurement noise
* Advancing 6-DoF Instrument Pose Estimation in Variable X-Ray Imaging Geometries
* Advancing Accuracy in Sea Level Estimation with GNSS-R: A Fusion of LSTM-DNN-Based Deep Learning and SNR Residual Sequences
* Advancing Cave Detection Using Terrain Analysis and Thermal Imagery
* Advancing Computer Vision with Humans in the Loop
* Advancing Example Exploitation Can Alleviate Critical Challenges in Adversarial Training
* Advancing Fan-Front: 3D triangle mesh compression using fan based traversal
* Advancing Floating Macroplastic Detection from Space Using Experimental Hyperspectral Imagery
* Advancing High-Resolution Land Cover Mapping in Colombia: The Importance of a Locally Appropriate Legend
* Advancing High-Resolution Video-Language Representation with Large-Scale Video Transcriptions
* Advancing High-Throughput Phenotyping of Wheat in Early Selection Cycles
* Advancing High Fidelity Identity Swapping for Forgery Detection
* Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Advancing Iterative Quantization Hashing Using Isotropic Prior
* Advancing Learned Video Compression With In-Loop Frame Prediction
* Advancing Learning Assignments in Remote Sensing of the Environment Through Simulation Games
* Advancing NASA's AirMOSS P-Band Radar Root Zone Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm via Incorporation of Richards' Equation
* Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extreme Learning Machine and Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Data Fusion Algorithm
* Advancing Physically Informed Autoencoders for DTM Generation
* Advancing Precipitation Estimation and Streamflow Simulations in Complex Terrain with X-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations
* Advancing Precise Orbit Determination and Precise Point Positioning of BDS-3 Satellites from B1IB3I to B1CB2a: Comparison and Analysis
* Advancing Radar Nowcasting Through Deep Transfer Learning
* Advancing Referring Expression Segmentation Beyond Single Image
* Advancing Regional-Scale Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of FFCO2 Emissions in Great Bay Area
* Advancing Sea Surface Height Retrieval through Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry: A Model Interaction Approach with Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System and FengYun-3E Measurements
* Advancing Skyborne Technologies and High-Resolution Satellites for Pasture Monitoring and Improved Management: A Review
* Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine UAV RGB imagery for coral reef monitoring
* Advancing Surface Feature Encoding and Matching for More Accurate 3D Biometric Recognition
* Advancing Tassel Detection and Counting: Annotation and Algorithms
* Advancing The Documentation Of Buried Archaeological Landscapes
* Advancing the Limits of InSAR to Detect Crustal Displacement from Low-Magnitude Earthquakes through Deep Learning
* Advancing the Mapping of Mangrove Forests at National-Scale Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data with Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in China
* Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral Reflectance of Copper-Stressed Leaves
* Advancing the Rate-Distortion-Computation Frontier for Neural Image Compression
* Advancing the Solar Radiation Pressure Model for BeiDou-3 IGSO Satellites
* Advancing the state of the art for handwritten math recognition: the CROHME competitions, 2011-2014
* Advancing Ultra-High Precision in Satellite-Ground Time-Frequency Comparison: Ground-Based Experiment and Simulation Verification for the China Space Station
* Advancing usage-based insurance: A contextual driving risk modelling and analysis approach
* Advancing Visual Grounding with Scene Knowledge: Benchmark and Method
* Advantage of cooperative traffic light control algorithms
* Advantage of hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion over multispectral IKONOS, GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, Landsat ETM+, and MODIS vegetation indices in crop biomass estimation
* Advantage of Using an HMM-based Approach for Faxed Word Recognition, The
* Advantages and Disadvantages of the Hough Transformation in the Frame of Automated Building Extraction
* Advantages and Drawbacks of Smartphones and Tablets for Visually Impaired People Analysis of ICT User Survey Results
* Advantages of Geostationary Satellites for Ionospheric Anomaly Studies: Ionospheric Plasma Depletion Following a Rocket Launch
* Advantages of Landsat 8-OLI-Derived Suspended Particulate Matter Maps for Monitoring the Subtidal Extension of Amazonian Coastal Mud Banks (French Guiana), The
* Advantages of multiscale product filters for dynamic range compression in images
* Advantages of Nonlinear Intensity Components for Contrast-Based Multispectral Pansharpening
* Advantages of Parametric Modeling for the Reconstruction of Historic Buildings. The Example of the in War Destroyed Church of St. Catherine (Katharinenkirche) in Nuremberg, The
* Advantages of Selective Change-Driven Vision for Resource-Limited Systems
* Advantages of Uncombined Precise Point Positioning with Fixed Ambiguity Resolution for Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) and Differential Code Bias (DCB) Estimation
* Advantages of using a space filling curve for computing wavelet transforms of road traffic images
* Advantages of Using Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture over Gridded Precipitation Products and Land Surface Model Output in Assessing Regional Vegetation Water Availability and Growth Dynamics for a Lateral Inflow Receiving Landscape
* Advantages of Using Object-Specific Knowledge at an Early Processing Stage in the Detection of Trees in LIDAR Data
* Advantages of Using Transfer Learning Technology with a Quantative Measurement
* Advantages of Using UAV Digital Photogrammetry in the Study of Slow-Moving Coastal Landslides
* AdvCapsNet: To defense adversarial attacks based on Capsule networks
* AdvDiffuser: Natural Adversarial Example Synthesis with Diffusion Models
* AdvDO: Realistic Adversarial Attacks for Trajectory Prediction
* AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
* Advection Fog over the Eastern Yellow Sea: WRF Simulation and Its Verification by Satellite and In Situ Observations
* Advection of Biomass Burning Aerosols towards the Southern Hemispheric Mid-Latitude Station of Punta Arenas as Observed with Multiwavelength Polarization Raman Lidar
* ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Adventures in archiving and using three years of webcam images
* Adventurous Tourism for Couch Potatoes
* AdVerb: Visually Guided Audio Dereverberation
* Adversarial-Metric Learning for Audio-Visual Cross-Modal Matching
* Adversarial 3D Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* Adversarial 3D Face Disentanglement of Identity and Expression
* Adversarial Action Prediction Networks
* Adversarial Analysis for Source Camera Identification
* Adversarial anchor-guided feature refinement for adversarial defense
* Adversarial and focused training of abnormal videos for weakly-supervised anomaly detection
* Adversarial and Isotropic Gradient Augmentation for Image Retrieval With Text Feedback
* Adversarial Approach for Explaining the Predictions of Deep Neural Networks, An
* Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distillation for Remote Sensing Image Classification, An
* Adversarial approach to domain adaptation for reinforcement learning on dialog systems
* Adversarial Approach to Hard Triplet Generation, An
* Adversarial Attack Against Deep Saliency Models Powered by Non-Redundant Priors
* Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking
* Adversarial Attack and Defense on Deep Learning for Air Transportation Communication Jamming
* Adversarial Attack for SAR Target Recognition Based on UNet-Generative Adversarial Network
* Adversarial Attack on Deep Cross-Modal Hamming Retrieval
* Adversarial Attack on Deep Learning-Based Splice Localization
* Adversarial Attack on Fake-Faces Detectors Under White and Black Box Scenarios
* Adversarial Attack on Semantic Segmentation Preprocessed with Super Resolution
* Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes
* Adversarial Attacks Against Uncertainty Quantification
* Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning: From a Perspective of Cybersecurity
* Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Image Classification: A Practical Perspective
* Adversarial attacks and defenses in person search: A systematic mapping study and taxonomy
* Adversarial Attacks are Reversible with Natural Supervision
* Adversarial Attacks Beyond the Image Space
* Adversarial Attacks in Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Deep Learning Models
* Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-Based DOA Estimation With Covariance Input
* Adversarial Attacks on Deepfake Detectors: A Practical Analysis
* Adversarial Attacks on Kinship Verification using Transformer
* Adversarial Attacks On Multi-Agent Communication
* Adversarial Attacks on Video Object Segmentation With Hard Region Discovery
* Adversarial attacks through architectures and spectra in face recognition
* Adversarial Attacks
* Adversarial Attribute-Text Embedding for Person Search With Natural Language Query
* Adversarial auto-encoder for unsupervised deep domain adaptation
* Adversarial autoencoders for compact representations of 3D point clouds
* Adversarial Background-aware Loss for Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization
* Adversarial Bayesian Augmentation for Single-Source Domain Generalization
* Adversarial Biometric Recognition: A review on biometric system security from the adversarial machine-learning perspective
* Adversarial Branch Architecture Search for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Camera Alignment Network for Unsupervised Cross-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With Natural Styles
* Adversarial CAPTCHAs
* Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
* Adversarial Collaborative-Learning Approach for Corneal Scar Segmentation with Ocular Anterior Segment Photography, An
* Adversarial color projection: A projector-based physical-world attack to DNNs
* Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Adversarial composite prediction of normal video dynamics for anomaly detection
* Adversarial Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* Adversarial Confidence Learning for Medical Image Segmentation and Synthesis
* Adversarial Continual Learning to Transfer Self-Supervised Speech Representations for Voice Pathology Detection
* Adversarial Continuous Learning in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Contrastive Learning via Asymmetric InfoNCE
* Adversarial Coreset Selection for Efficient Robust Training
* Adversarial Counterfactual Visual Explanations
* Adversarial Cross-Scale Alignment Pursuit for Seriously Misaligned Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Cross-Spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Adversarial Data Augmentation for HMM-Based Anomaly Detection
* Adversarial Data Augmentation via Deformation Statistics
* Adversarial Data Programming: Using GANs to Relax the Bottleneck of Curated Labeled Data
* Adversarial Decoupling and Modality-Invariant Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Deep Learning in EEG Biometrics
* Adversarial Deep Multi-Task Learning Using Semantically Orthogonal Spaces and Application to Facial Attributes Prediction
* Adversarial Deep Tracking
* Adversarial Deepfakes: Evaluating Vulnerability of Deepfake Detectors to Adversarial Examples
* Adversarial Defect Synthesis for Industrial Products in Low Data Regime
* Adversarial Defense based on Structure-to-Signal Autoencoders
* Adversarial Defense by Restricting the Hidden Space of Deep Neural Networks
* Adversarial Defense by Stratified Convolutional Sparse Coding
* Adversarial Defense in Aerial Detection
* Adversarial Defense Through High Frequency Loss Variational Autoencoder Decoder and Bayesian Update With Collective Voting
* Adversarial Defense Through Network Profiling Based Path Extraction
* Adversarial Defense via Learning to Generate Diverse Attacks
* Adversarial Defense Via Local Flatness Regularization
* Adversarial Defense via Perturbation-Disentanglement in Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adversarial Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Discriminative Attention for Robust Anomaly Detection
* Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Disentanglement Spectrum Variations and Cross-Modality Attention Networks for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Adversarial Distillation for Learning with Privileged Provisions
* Adversarial Distortion for Learned Video Compression
* Adversarial Diversity and Hard Positive Generation
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network For Cross-Domain Fine-Grained Recognition, An
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation with a Domain Similarity Discriminator for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Areas
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation With Prototype-Based Normalized Output Conditioner
* Adversarial domain adaptation with Siamese network for video object cosegmentation
* Adversarial Domain Generalization for Surveillance Face Anti-Spoofing
* Adversarial Domain Generalized Transformer for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition
* Adversarial Dual-Student with Differentiable Spatial Warping for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Dual Distinct Classifiers for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Eigen Attack on BlackBox Models
* Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes
* Adversarial Erasing Framework via Triplet with Gated Pyramid Pooling Layer for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles in Lane-Change Scenarios
* Adversarial Evolving Neural Network for Longitudinal Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction
* Adversarial Example Detection Bayesian Game
* Adversarial Example Detection Using Latent Neighborhood Graph
* Adversarial Examples Detection in Deep Networks with Convolutional Filter Statistics
* Adversarial Examples Detection in Features Distance Spaces
* Adversarial examples detection through the sensitivity in space mappings
* Adversarial Examples for Edge Detection: They Exist, and They Transfer
* Adversarial Examples for Good: Adversarial Examples Guided Imbalanced Learning
* Adversarial examples for replay attacks against CNN-based face recognition with anti-spoofing capability
* Adversarial Examples for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection
* Adversarial Examples Generation for Deep Product Quantization Networks on Image Retrieval
* Adversarial Examples Improve Image Recognition
* Adversarial Examples in Visual Object Tracking in Satellite Videos: Cross-Frame Momentum Accumulation for Adversarial Examples Generation
* Adversarial Examples on Object Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* Adversarial Examples with Specular Highlights
* Adversarial Face De-Identification
* Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Cross-domain Few-Shot Classification
* Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial feature distribution alignment for semi-supervised learning
* Adversarial Feature Hallucination Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* Adversarial Feature Learning and Unsupervised Clustering Based Speech Synthesis for Found Data With Acoustic and Textual Noise
* Adversarial Feedback Loop
* Adversarial Fine-Grained Composition Learning for Unseen Attribute-Object Recognition
* Adversarial Finetuning with Latent Representation Constraint to Mitigate Accuracy-Robustness Tradeoff
* Adversarial Fooling Beyond Flipping the Label
* Adversarial Framework for Unsupervised Learning of Motion Dynamics in Videos
* Adversarial Generation of Continuous Images
* Adversarial Generative Grammars for Human Activity Prediction
* Adversarial Generative Network Designed for High-Resolution Monocular Depth Estimation from 2D HiRISE Images of Mars, An
* Adversarial Generative Network for Crop Classification from Remote Sensing Timeseries Images, An
* Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial Graph Convolutional Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* adversarial human pose estimation network injected with graph structure, An
* Adversarial Image Composition with Auxiliary Illumination
* Adversarial image generation by combining content and style
* Adversarial image generation by spatial transformation in perceptual colorspaces
* Adversarial Image Perturbation for Privacy Protection A Game Theory Perspective
* Adversarial Imaging Pipelines
* Adversarial Inference for Multi-Sentence Video Description
* Adversarial Invariant Learning
* Adversarial Joint-Distribution Learning for Novel Class Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Adversarial Joint-Learning Recurrent Neural Network for Incomplete Time Series Classification
* Adversarial joint domain adaptation of asymmetric feature mapping based on least squares distance
* Adversarial Knowledge Distillation for a Compact Generator
* Adversarial Label-Poisoning Attacks and Defense for General Multi-Class Models Based on Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbor
* Adversarial Label Poisoning Attack on Graph Neural Networks via Label Propagation
* Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNNs in a Blink
* Adversarial Latent Autoencoders
* Adversarial learning-based camera pose-to-image mapping network for synthesizing new view in real indoor environments
* Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein Identification
* Adversarial Learning-Based Semantic Correlation Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adversarial learning and decomposition-based domain generalization for face anti-spoofing
* Adversarial learning based attentional scene text recognizer
* Adversarial Learning Domain-Invariant Conditional Features for Robust Face Anti-spoofing
* Adversarial Learning for Depth and Viewpoint Estimation From a Single Image
* Adversarial Learning for Joint Optimization of Depth and Ego-Motion
* Adversarial learning for modeling human motion
* Adversarial Learning for Multiscale Crowd Counting Under Complex Scenes
* Adversarial Learning for Personalized Tag Recommendation
* Adversarial learning for viewpoints invariant 3D human pose estimation
* Adversarial Learning for Visual Storytelling with Sense Group Partition
* Adversarial Learning for Zero-shot Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Learning Guided Task Relatedness Refinement for Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Adversarial Learning of Object-Aware Activation Map for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Learning of Structure-Aware Fully Convolutional Networks for Landmark Localization
* Adversarial Learning Semantic Volume for 2D/3D Face Shape Regression in the Wild
* Adversarial Learning Targeting Deep Neural Network Classification: A Comprehensive Review of Defenses Against Attacks
* Adversarial Learning With Margin-Based Triplet Embedding Regularization
* Adversarial Learning, GAN, Re-Identification Issues, Pedestrian Tracking
* Adversarial Light Projection Attacks on Face Recognition Systems: A Feasibility Study
* Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
* Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial perturbations in fingerprint liveness detection
* Adversarial local distribution regularization for knowledge distillation
* Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks Against Video Anomaly Detection Systems
* Adversarial Machine Learning in Computer Vision
* Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification: A Survey Toward the Defender's Perspective
* Adversarial Machine Learning: Attacks From Laboratories to the Real World
* Adversarial Margin Maximization Networks
* Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
* Adversarial Medical Image With Hierarchical Feature Hiding
* Adversarial Meta-Training Framework for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning, An
* Adversarial Metric Attack and Defense for Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Metric Learning with Naive Similarity Discriminator
* Adversarial mimicry attacks against image splicing forensics: An approach for jointly hiding manipulations and creating false detections
* Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial momentum-contrastive pre-training
* Adversarial Multi-Label Variational Hashing
* Adversarial Multi-Path Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Adversarial Multimodal Network for Movie Story Question Answering
* Adversarial Neon Beam: A light-based physical attack to DNNs
* Adversarial Network Architecture Using 2D U-Net Models for Segmentation of Left Ventricle from Cine Cardiac MRI, An
* Adversarial Network Compression
* Adversarial Network With Multiple Classifiers for Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Networks for Camera Pose Regression and Refinement
* Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis, Image Generation
* Adversarial Networks for Spatial Context-Aware Spectral Image Reconstruction from RGB
* Adversarial Networks for Transfer Learning, Domain Adaption
* Adversarial Networks, Adversarial Inputs, Generative Adversarial
* Adversarial Neuro-Tensorial Approach for Learning Disentangled Representations, An
* Adversarial Noise Attacks of Deep Learning Architectures: Stability Analysis via Sparse-Modeled Signals
* Adversarial Noise Layer: Regularize Neural Network by Adding Noise
* Adversarial Normalization: I Can visualize Everything (ICE)
* Adversarial Obstacle Generation Against LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection
* Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Open Domain Adaptation for Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis
* Adversarial Optimization Approach to Efficient Outlier Removal, An
* Adversarial Optimization of Indoor Positioning System Using Differential Evolution
* Adversarial Optimization Scheme for Online Tracking Model Adaptation In Autonomous Systems
* Adversarial Pairwise Reverse Attention for Camera Performance Imbalance in Person Re-Identification: New Dataset And Metrics
* Adversarial pan-sharpening attacks for object detection in remote sensing
* Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior
* Adversarial Partial Domain Adaptation by Cycle Inconsistency
* Adversarial Patch Attack on Multi-Scale Object Detection for UAV Remote Sensing Images
* Adversarial Path Sampling for Recommender Systems
* Adversarial Pattern Classification Using Multiple Classifiers and Randomisation
* Adversarial Perturbation Defense on Deep Neural Networks
* Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-Aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Adversarial Query-by-image Video Retrieval Based on Attention Mechanism
* Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense
* Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition
* Adversarial Reconstruction-Classification Networks for PolSAR Image Classification
* Adversarial Reconstruction Based on Tighter Oriented Localization for Catenary Insulator Defect Detection in High-Speed Railways
* Adversarial Refinement Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial regularized attributed network embedding for graph anomaly detection
* Adversarial Reinforced Instruction Attacker for Robust Vision-Language Navigation
* Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Reinforcement Learning With Object-Scene Relational Graph for Video Captioning
* Adversarial Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on Lie Group Feature Learning
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Dynamic Scene Deblurring: A Simple, Fast and Robust Approach
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Small-Sized Labeled Set
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Matching
* Adversarial Robust Model Compression using In-Train Pruning
* Adversarial Robustness Across Representation Spaces
* Adversarial Robustness Enhancement of UAV-Oriented Automatic Image Recognition Based on Deep Ensemble Models
* Adversarial Robustness for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial robustness in discontinuous spaces via alternating sampling and descent
* Adversarial Robustness in Graph-Based Neural Architecture Search for Edge AI Transportation Systems
* Adversarial Robustness in the Real World
* Adversarial Robustness of Deep Sensor Fusion Models
* Adversarial Robustness on In- and Out-distribution Improves Explainability
* Adversarial Robustness through the Lens of Convolutional Filters
* Adversarial Robustness under Long-Tailed Distribution
* Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
* Adversarial Robustness Via Fisher-Rao Regularization
* Adversarial Robustness via Random Projection Filters
* Adversarial Robustness vs. Model Compression, or Both?
* Adversarial Robustness: From Self-Supervised Pre-Training to Fine-Tuning
* Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted Traffic Data
* Adversarial Sampling for Active Learning
* Adversarial scratches: Deployable attacks to CNN classifiers
* Adversarial Segmentation Loss for Sketch Colorization
* Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning for Robust SAR Target Recognition
* Adversarial Self-supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised 3d Action Recognition
* Adversarial Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
* Adversarial Semantic Alignment for Improved Image Captions
* Adversarial Semantic Data Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation
* Adversarial Semantic Hallucination for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image
* Adversarial Semi-supervised Multi-domain Tracking
* Adversarial Shape Learning for Building Extraction in VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Adversarial sliced Wasserstein domain adaptation networks
* Adversarial Source Generation for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Spatial Frequency Domain Critic Learning for Age and Gender Classification
* Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring
* Adversarial Stacking Ensemble for Facial Landmark Tracking
* Adversarial Stain Transfer for Histopathology Image Analysis
* Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
* Adversarial Sticker: A Stealthy Attack Method in the Physical World
* Adversarial Structure Matching for Structured Prediction Tasks
* Adversarial Synthesis of Human Pose from Text
* Adversarial Synthesis of Retinal Images from Vessel Trees
* Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in a Physical World
* Adversarial Texture for Fooling Person Detectors in the Physical World
* Adversarial Texture Optimization From RGB-D Scans
* Adversarial Threats to DeepFake Detection: A Practical Perspective
* Adversarial Thumbnail-Preserving Transformation for Facial Images Based on GAN
* Adversarial Training-Based Hard Example Mining for Pedestrian Detection in Fish-Eye Images
* Adversarial Training Based Speech Emotion Classifier With Isolated Gaussian Regularization, An
* Adversarial Training for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with BERT
* Adversarial Training for Sketch Retrieval
* Adversarial Training for Solving Inverse Problems in Image Processing
* Adversarial Training for Video Disentangled Representation
* Adversarial Training Lattice LSTM for Named Entity Recognition of Rail Fault Texts
* Adversarial Training of Anti-Distilled Neural Network with Semantic Regulation of Class Confidence
* Adversarial training of LSTM-ED based anomaly detection for complex time-series in cyber-physical-social systems
* Adversarial Training of Variational Auto-Encoders for High Fidelity Image Generation
* Adversarial Training with Bi-Directional Likelihood Regularization for Visual Classification
* Adversarial Training with Channel Attention Regularization
* Adversarial training with distribution normalization and margin balance
* Adversarial Training With Stochastic Weight Average
* Adversarial Trainning for Defense
* Adversarial Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Based Automatic Modulation Classification
* Adversarial Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation with Multi-Modal Learning
* Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation
* Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Conditional and Label Shift: Infer, Align and Iterate
* Adversarial Unsupervised Video Summarization Augmented With Dictionary Loss
* Adversarial UV-Transformation Texture Estimation for 3D Face Aging
* Adversarial Vertex Mixup: Toward Better Adversarially Robust Generalization
* Adversarial View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial VQA: A New Benchmark for Evaluating the Robustness of VQA Models
* Adversarial Vulnerability of Temporal Feature Networks for Object Detection
* Adversarially-Aware Robust Object Detector
* Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep Learning (ARMED) Models Improve Interpretability, Performance, and Generalization on Clustered (non-iid) Data
* Adversarially-Trained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Adversarially Adaptive Normalization for Single Domain Generalization
* Adversarially Approximated Autoencoder for Image Generation and Manipulation
* Adversarially Constrained Interpolation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarially Learned Abnormal Trajectory Classifier
* Adversarially Learned Iterative Reconstruction for Imaging Inverse Problems
* Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for Novelty Detection
* Adversarially Masking Synthetic to Mimic Real: Adaptive Noise Injection for Point Cloud Segmentation Adaptation
* Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification
* Adversarially Perturbed Wavelet-based Morphed Face Generation
* Adversarially Robust Deep Image Super-resolution Using Entropy Regularization
* Adversarially Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion Model Training Via Random Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarially Robust Neural Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks
* Adversarially Robust One-Class Novelty Detection
* Adversarially Robust Panoptic Segmentation (arpas) Benchmark
* Adversarially Trained Persistent Homology Based Graph Convolutional Network for Disease Identification Using Brain Connectivity
* Adversarially Training for Audio Classifiers
* Adversarially Tuned Scene Generation
* AdversarialNAS: Adversarial Neural Architecture Search for GANs
* Adverse Driving Conditions Alert: Investigations on the SWIR Bandwidth for Road Status Monitoring
* Adverse Weather Removal with Codebook Priors
* Advertise gently: In-image advertising with low intrusiveness
* Advertisement at TV-transmission
* Advertisement Effectiveness Estimation Based on Crowdsourced Multimodal Affective Responses
* Advertisement Revenue and Exposure Optimization for Digital Screens in Subway Networks Using Smart Card Data
* Advertising based on the User, Targeting
* AdvFAS: A robust face anti-spoofing framework against adversarial examples
* Advfilter: Adversarial Example Generated by Perturbing Optical Path
* AdvFoolGen: Creating Persistent Troubles for Deep Classifiers
* AdvGAN++: Harnessing Latent Layers for Adversary Generation
* AdvHat: Real-World Adversarial Attack on ArcFace Face ID System
* ADVICE: Decision Support for Complex Geospatial Decision Making Tasks
* ADVIO: An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry
* Advisable Learning for Self-Driving Vehicles by Internalizing Observation-to-Action Rules
* ADVISE: Symbolism and External Knowledge for Decoding Advertisements
* ADVISER: Immersive Scientific Visualization Applied to Mars Research and Exploration
* AdvisIL - A Class-Incremental Learning Advisor
* AdvIT: Adversarial Frames Identifier Based on Temporal Consistency in Videos
* AdvKin: Adversarial Convolutional Network for Kinship Verification
* AdvMask: A sparse adversarial attack-based data augmentation method for image classification
* ADVMIX: Data Augmentation for Accurate Scene Text Spotting
* AdvOps: Decoupling adversarial examples
* advPattern: Physical-World Attacks on Deep Person Re-Identification via Adversarially Transformable Patterns
* Advpc: Transferable Adversarial Perturbations on 3d Point Clouds
* AdvRush: Searching for Adversarially Robust Neural Architectures
* AdvSim: Generating Safety-Critical Scenarios for Self-Driving Vehicles
* AdvST: Generating Unrestricted Adversarial Images via Style Transfer
* AE-GAN-Net: Learning Invariant Feature Descriptor to Match Ground Camera Images and a Large-Scale 3D Image-Based Point Cloud for Outdoor Augmented Reality
* AE-Net: Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Via Attention-Enhanced Network
* AE-OT-GAN: Training GANs from Data Specific Latent Distribution
* AE-StyleGAN: Improved Training of Style-Based Auto-Encoders
* AE Signal Processing Study Based on HHT for GFRP
* Ae Textspotter: Learning Visual and Linguistic Representation for Ambiguous Text Spotting
* AE2-Nets: Autoencoder in Autoencoder Networks
* AEA-Net: Affinity-supervised entanglement attentive network for person re-identification
* AEBSR: Active-Sampling and Energy-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
* AEC3D: An Efficient and Compact Single Stage 3D Multiobject Detector for Autonomous Driving
* AECA-PRNetCC: Adaptive Efficient Channel Attention-based PoseResNet for Coordinate Classification in 2D Human Pose
* AECNet: Attentive EfficientNet For Crowd Counting
* AED Inequity among Social Groups in Guangzhou
* AeDet: Azimuth-Invariant Multi-View 3D Object Detection
* AEDNet: Adaptive Edge-Deleting Network For Subgraph Matching
* AEFormer: Zoom Camera Enables Remote Sensing Super-Resolution via Aligned and Enhanced Attention
* AEGIS autonomous targeting for the Curiosity rover's ChemCam instrument
* AEGNN: Asynchronous Event-based Graph Neural Networks
* AEM in Norway: A Review of the Coverage, Applications and the State of Technology
* AEM: Attentional Ensemble Model for personalized classifier weight learning
* AEnet: Automatic Picking of P-Wave First Arrivals Using Deep Learning
* AENet: Learning Deep Audio Features for Video Analysis
* AER adaptive control strategy via energy prediction for PHEV
* Aerial-CAM: Salient Structures and Textures in Network Class Activation Maps of Aerial Imagery
* Aerial-DEM geolocalization for GPS-denied UAS navigation
* Aerial-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A UAV-Vehicle Collaboration Perspective
* Aerial-image Dense Matching Approach Based On Optical Flow Field, An
* Aerial 3D reconstruction with line-constrained dynamic programming
* Aerial and Ground-Based Video Surveillance at Cornell University
* Aerial and Ground Multi-Agent Cooperative Location Framework in GNSS-Challenged Environments, An
* Aerial and UAV Images for Photogrammetric Analysis of Belvedere Glacier Evolution in the Period 1977-2019
* Aerial Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Rotorcraft
* Aerial Base Stations for Enabling Cellular Communications during Emergency Situation
* Aerial Bombing Crater Identification: Exploitation of Precise Digital Terrain Models
* Aerial Car Detection and Urban Understanding
* aerial change detection system using multiple detector fusion and adaboost classification, An
* Aerial Colour Image Segmentation by Karhunen-loeve Transform
* Aerial Computer Vision for a 3D Virtual Habitat
* Aerial Cross-platform Path Planning Dataset
* Aerial Detection in Maritime Scenarios Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Aerial Express
* Aerial Firefighting of Forest Fires: Spatial Data Support
* Aerial GANeration: Towards Realistic Data Augmentation Using Conditional GANs
* Aerial Identification of Fruit Maturity in Amazonian Palms via Plant-Canopy Modeling
* Aerial Image Analysis for Estimation of Ground Traversal Difficulty in Robot Navigation
* Aerial Image Dataset
* Aerial Image Dehazing Using Reinforcement Learning
* Aerial Image Dehazing with Attentive Deformable Transformers
* Aerial Image Enhancement Based on Estimation of Atmospheric Effects
* Aerial image geolocalization from recognition and matching of roads and intersections
* Aerial image matching method based on HSI hash learning
* Aerial Image Mosaic Generation, UAV Mosaics, Drone Mosaics
* Aerial image processing and object recognition
* aerial image recognition framework using discrimination and redundancy quality measure, An
* Aerial Image Registration for Tracking
* Aerial Image Road Extraction Based on an Improved Generative Adversarial Network
* Aerial image segmentation for flood risk analysis
* Aerial Image Segmentation via Noise Dispelling and Content Distilling
* Aerial image semantic segmentation using DCNN predicted distance maps
* Aerial image sequence geolocalization with road traffic as invariant feature
* Aerial Imagery-Based Building Footprint Detection with an Integrated Deep Learning Framework: Applications for Fine Scale Wildland-Urban Interface Mapping
* Aerial Imagery Can Detect Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Biomass and Stand Health of Miscanthus X giganteus
* Aerial Imagery Feature Engineering Using Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks: A Case Study of the Pilica River Region, Poland
* Aerial imagery for roof segmentation: A large-scale dataset towards automatic mapping of buildings
* Aerial Imagery of World War One: A Unique Source for Conflict and Landscape Archaeology, The
* Aerial Imagery Paddy Seedlings Inspection Using Deep Learning
* Aerial Images and Lidar Data Fusion for Automatic Feature Extraction using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Classifier
* Aerial Images and Lidar Data Fusion for Disaster Change Detection
* Aerial Images from an UAV System: 3D Modeling and Tree Species Classification in a Park Area
* Aerial Implicit 3D Video Stabilization Using Epipolar Geometry Constraint
* Aerial inspection of overhead power lines using video: estimation of image blurring due to vehicle and camera motion
* Aerial LaneNet: Lane-Marking Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Imagery Using Wavelet-Enhanced Cost-Sensitive Symmetric Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Aerial Lidar Data Classification using AdaBoost
* Aerial LiDAR Data Classification Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Aerial Mapping and Multi-Sensors Approaches from Remote Sensing Applied to the Roman Archaeological Heritage
* Aerial Mapping of Odorous Gases in a Wastewater Treatment Plant Using a Small Drone
* Aerial Moving Target Detection Based on Motion Vector Field Analysis
* Aerial multi-camera systems: Accuracy and block triangulation issues
* Aerial Object Recognition Algorithm Based On Contour Descriptor
* Aerial Photogrammetry and Machine Learning Based Regional Landslide Susceptibility Assessment for An Earthquake Prone Area In Turkey
* Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro UAV
* Aerial photography flight quality assessment with GPS/INS and DEM data
* Aerial Platform Reliability for Flood Monitoring Under Various Weather Conditions: A Review
* Aerial Platforms (UAV) Surveys in The VIS and TIR Range. Applications On Archaeology and Agriculture
* Aerial Point Cloud Classification With Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Aerial Pose Detection of 3-D Objects Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* Aerial Reconstructions via Probabilistic Data Fusion
* Aerial Road Segmentation in the Presence of Topological Label Noise
* Aerial scene understanding in the wild: Multi-scene recognition via prototype-based memory networks
* Aerial Scene Understanding Using Deep Wavelet Scattering Network and Conditional Random Field
* Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
* Aerial Terrain Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Approach
* Aerial Thermography for Energetic Modelling of Cities
* Aerial tracking of elongated objects in rural environments
* Aerial Triangulation Using Point and Linear Features
* Aerial Vehicle Based Structure, UAV, Depth, and Shape from Motion
* Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS and Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity
* Aerial Vehicle Tracking by Adaptive Fusion of Hyperspectral Likelihood Maps
* Aerial Video Images Registration Based on Optimal Derivative Filters with Scene-Adaptive Corners
* Aerial Video Processing
* Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
* Aerial video surveillance system for small-scale UAV environment monitoring
* Aerial View 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Double Vector Quantized-Variational AutoEncoders
* AERIAL: A Meta Review and Discussion of Challenges Toward Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in Logistics, Mobility, and Monitoring
* AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features
* AerialVLN: Vision-and-Language Navigation for UAVs
* AerialWaste: a professionally curated dataset for waste detection in aerial images
* Aeriform in-action: A novel dataset for human action recognition in aerial videos
* Aero-optic thermal radiation effects correction with a low-frequency prior and a sparse constraint in the gradient domain
* AERO: AI-Enabled Remote Sensing Observation with Onboard Edge Computing in UAVs
* Aerodrome situational awareness of unmanned aircraft: an integrated self-learning approach with Bayesian network semantic segmentation
* Aeronautics Application of Direct-Detection Doppler Wind Lidar: An Adapted Design Based on a Fringe-Imaging Michelson Interferometer as Spectral Analyzer
* AeroNet: An efficient relative localization and object detection network for cooperative aerial-ground unmanned vehicles
* AeroRIT: A New Scene for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Aerosol-Cloud Interaction with Summer Precipitation over Major Cities in Eritrea
* Aerosol-Cloud Interaction: Misclassification of MODIS Clouds in Heavy Aerosol
* Aerosol and Meteorological Parameters Associated with the Intense Dust Event of 15 April 2015 over Beijing, China
* Aerosol Characteristics during the COVID-19 Lockdown in China: Optical Properties, Vertical Distribution, and Potential Source
* Aerosol Characterization during the Summer 2017 Huge Fire Event on Mount Vesuvius (Italy) by Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
* Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects over China Based on Long-Term Observations within the Sun-Sky Radiometer Observation Network (SONET)
* Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects under Cloud-Free Conditions over Highly-Polluted Areas in Europe and Mediterranean: A Ten-Years Analysis (2007-2016)
* Aerosol Distributions and Sahara Dust Transport in Southern Morocco, from Ground-Based and Satellite Observations
* Aerosol Indices Derived from MODIS Data for Indicating Aerosol-Induced Air Pollution
* Aerosol Microphysical Particle Parameter Inversion and Error Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Aerosol Mineralogical Study Using Laboratory and IASI Measurements: Application to East Asian Deserts
* Aerosol Monitoring at High Mountains Remote Station: A Case Study on the Yunnan Plateau (China)
* Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Four Typical Sites of SONET in China Based on Remote Sensing Measurements
* Aerosol Optical Characteristics in Different Dust Events Based on a 532 nm and 355 nm Polarization Lidar in Beijing, The
* Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements from a Simulated Low-Cost Multi-Wavelength Ground-Based Camera: A Clear Case over a Peri-Urban Area
* Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arctic Snow-Covered Regions Derived from Dual-Viewing Satellite Observations
* Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Bright Areas Using Landsat 8 OLI Images
* Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over East Asia Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Aerosol Optical Properties above Productive Waters of Gorky Reservoir for Atmospheric Correction of Sentinel-3/OLCI Images
* Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015
* Aerosol Optical Properties and Direct Radiative Effects over Central China
* Aerosol Optical Properties and Types over Southern Africa and Reunion Island Determined from Ground-Based and Satellite Observations over a 13-Year Period (2008-2021)
* Aerosol Optical Radiation Properties in Kunming (the Low-Latitude Plateau of China) and Their Relationship to the Monsoon Circulation Index
* Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval from Satellite Observation Using Support Vector Regression
* Aerosol Physical-Optical Properties under Different Stages of Continuous Wet Weather over the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
* Aerosol Plumes Characterization By Hyperspectral Images Coupled With Sentinel-2 Products
* Aerosol Property Retrieval Algorithm over Northeast Asia from TANSO-CAI Measurements Onboard GOSAT
* Aerosol Retrieval in the Autumn and Winter From the Red and 2.12~mum Bands of MODIS
* Aerosol Retrieval Sensitivity and Error Analysis for the Cloud and Aerosol Polarimetric Imager on Board TanSat: The Effect of Multi-Angle Measurement
* Aerosol Retrieval Study from a Particulate Observing Scanning Polarimeter Onboard Gao-Fen 5B without Prior Surface Knowledge, Based on the Optimal Estimation Method
* Aerosol Retrievals from CALIPSO Lidar Ocean Surface Returns
* Aerosol Trends during the Dusty Season over Iran
* Aerosol Variability Observed with RPAS
* Aerosol Vertical Structure and Optical Properties during Two Dust and Haze Episodes in a Typical Valley Basin City, Lanzhou of Northwest China
* Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lidar and Sun-Photometer Observations: Cases Comparison between Haze and Dust Events in Beijing
* Aerosols on the Tropical Island of La Reunion (21°S, 55°E): Assessment of Climatology, Origin of Variability and Trend
* Aerosols over East and South Asia: Type Identification, Optical Properties, and Implications for Radiative Forcing
* Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Air Quality, Specific Sites
* Aerospace Base Map Supervision of the Second National Land Resources Investigation
* Aerotriangulation and DEM/Orthophoto Generation from High-Resolution Still-Video Imagery: On the Potential of Digital Cameras Onboard an Aircraft
* Aerotriangulation Supported By Camera Station Position Determined Via Physical Integration Of Lidar And SLR Digital Camera
* AES-Net: An adapter and enhanced self-attention guided network for multi-stage glaucoma classification using fundus images
* AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
* AesPA-Net: Aesthetic Pattern-Aware Style Transfer Networks
* AESPNet: Attention Enhanced Stacked Parallel Network to improve automatic Diabetic Foot Ulcer identification
* Aesthetic-Driven Simulation of GUI Elements Deployment
* Aesthetic assessment of paintings based on visual balance
* Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photographing recommendation
* Aesthetic Critiques Generation for Photos
* Aesthetic enhancement of landscape photographs as informed by paintings across depth layers
* Aesthetic Evaluation of Facial Portraits Using Compositional Augmentation for Deep CNNs
* Aesthetic guided deep regression network for image cropping
* Aesthetic Image Captioning From Weakly-Labelled Photographs
* Aesthetic Image Classification for Autonomous Agents
* Aesthetic Image Enhancement by Dependence-Aware Object Recomposition
* Aesthetic Inference for Smart Mobile Devices
* Aesthetic Interactive Hue Manipulation for Natural Scene Images
* Aesthetic Photo Collage With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Aesthetic Photo Retouching with an Image Inpainting Algorithm
* Aesthetic QR Code Based on Modified Systematic Encoding Function
* Aesthetic QR Codes Based on Two-Stage Image Blending
* Aesthetic quality assessment of consumer photos with faces
* Aesthetic quality classification of photographs based on color harmony
* Aesthetic quality classification via subject region extraction
* Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine (ACQUINE)
* Aesthetic Quality, Aesthetic Evaluation
* Aesthetic Text Logo Synthesis via Content-aware Layout Inferring
* Aesthetics-Based Stereoscopic Photo Cropping for Heterogeneous Displays
* Aesthetics-Driven Stereoscopic 3-D Image Recomposition With Depth Adaptation
* Aesthetics-Guided Graph Clustering With Absent Modalities Imputation
* Aesthetics and Cartography: Post-Critical Reflections on Deviance in and of Representations
* Aesthetics and Emotions in Images
* Aesthetics Assessment of Images Containing Faces
* AET vs. AED: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Auto-Encoding Transformations Rather Than Data
* Aethra-net: Single image and video dehazing using autoencoder
* AF-EMS Detector: Improve the Multi-Scale Detection Performance of the Anchor-Free Detector
* AF-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Phase Detection Autofocus
* AF-Net: All-scale Feature Fusion Network for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* AF-OSD: An Anchor-Free Oriented Ship Detector Based on Multi-Scale Dense-Point Rotation Gaussian Heatmap
* AF-SRNet: Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting Model Based on Attention Fusion Mechanism and Residual Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction
* AF control apparatus and AF control method
* AF)2-S3Net: Attentive Feature Fusion with Adaptive Feature Selection for Sparse Semantic Segmentation Network
* AF: An Association-Based Fusion Method for Multi-Modal Classification
* AFA-Net: Adaptive Feature Attention Network in image deblurring and super-resolution for improving license plate recognition
* AFAN: Augmented Feature Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* AFCN: An attention-directed feature-fusion ConvNeXt network for low-voltage apparatus assembly quality inspection
* AFD-Former: A Hybrid Transformer With Asymmetric Flow Division for Synthesized View Quality Enhancement
* AFD-Net: Aggregated Feature Difference Learning for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Afdn: Attention-Based Feedback Dehazing Network for UAV Remote Sensing Image Haze Removal
* AFE-RCNN: Adaptive Feature Enhancement RCNN for 3D Object Detection
* AFEW-VA database for valence and arousal estimation in-the-wild
* AFF-Cam: Adaptive Frequency Filtering Based Channel Attention Module
* AFF-UNIT: Adaptive feature fusion for unsupervised image-to-image translation
* Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal In-the-Wild Challenge
* AFFDEX 2.0: A Real-Time Facial Expression Analysis Toolkit
* Affect-Aware Deep Belief Network Representations for Multimodal Unsupervised Deception Detection
* Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human Affect using Deep Metric Learning
* Affect-preserving privacy protection of video
* Affect and Engagement in Game-Based Learning Environments
* Affect and Social Processes in Online Communication: Experiments with an Affective Dialog System
* Affect and Wellbeing: Introduction to Special Section
* Affect computing in film through sound energy dynamics
* Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process
* Affect Detection From Wearables in the Real Wild: Fact, Fantasy, or Somewhere In between?
* Affect Detection: An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications
* Affect Dilemma for Artificial Agents: Should We Develop Affective Artificial Agents?, The
* Affect Estimation in 3D Space Using Multi-Task Active Learning for Regression
* Affect in Media: Embodied Media Interaction in Performance and Public Art
* Affect in Multimedia: Benchmarking Violent Scenes Detection
* Affect Recognition Using Magnitude Models of Motion
* Affect valence inference from facial action unit spectrograms
* Affect2MM: Affective Analysis of Multimedia Content Using Emotion Causality
* Affecting Factors and Recent Improvements of the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) for Remotely Sensing Foliar, Canopy and Ecosystemic Radiation-Use Efficiencies
* Affection-Based Dynamic Leader Selection Model for Formation Control in Multirobot Systems, An
* Affection: Learning Affective Explanations for Real-World Visual Data
* Affectiva-MIT Facial Expression Dataset (AM-FED): Naturalistic and Spontaneous Facial Expressions Collected In-the-Wild
* Affectiva, Inc.
* Affective and Content Analysis of Online Depression Communities
* Affective Assessment by Digital Processing of the Pupil Diameter
* Affective Audio-Visual Words and Latent Topic Driving Model for Realizing Movie Affective Scene Classification
* Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convolutional Clustering Neural Network
* Affective Automotive User Interfaces-Reviewing the State of Driver Affect Research and Emotion Regulation in the Car
* Affective Behavior Analysis In-the-Wild
* Affective Behavior Analysis Using Action Unit Relation Graph and Multi-task Cross Attention
* Affective Behaviour Analysis Using Pretrained Model with Facial Prior
* Affective Body Expression Perception and Recognition: A Survey
* Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (aBCIs): A Tutorial
* Affective Communication of Map Symbols: A Semantic Differential Analysis
* Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis
* Affective Computing for HCI
* Affective Computing in Consumer Electronics
* Affective Dynamics and Cognition During Game-Based Learning
* Affective Dynamics: Causality Modeling of Temporally Evolving Perceptual and Affective Responses
* Affective Dynamics: Principal Motion Analysis of Temporal Dominance of Sensations and Emotions Data
* Affective Expression Analysis in-the-wild using Multi-Task Temporal Statistical Deep Learning Model
* affective facial recognition task: The influence of cognitive styles and exposure times, The
* Affective Gait Recognition and Baseline Evaluation from Real World Samples
* Affective Gaming: A Comprehensive Survey
* Affective Growth of Computer Vision, The
* Affective image adjustment with a single word
* Affective image classification by jointly using interpretable art features and semantic annotations
* Affective Image Content Analysis: Two Decades Review and New Perspectives
* Affective Image Filter: Reflecting Emotions from Text to Images
* Affective Impression: Sentiment-Awareness POI Suggestion via Embedding in Heterogeneous LBSNs
* Affective Intelligence: The Missing Link
* Affective interaction recognition using spatio-temporal features and context
* Affective Labeling in a Content-Based Recommender System for Images
* Affective Learning: Empathetic Agents with Emotional Facial and Tone of Voice Expressions
* Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain-computer interface and machine learning methods
* affective mobile robot educator with a full-time job, An
* Affective Movement Recognition Based on Generative and Discriminative Stochastic Dynamic Models
* Affective Music Recommendation System Based on the Mood of Input Video
* Affective Objects
* Affective Pattern Classification
* Affective Perception
* Affective prediction in photographic images using probabilistic affective model
* Affective Processes: stochastic modelling of temporal context for emotion and facial expression recognition
* Affective Reasoning for Big Social Data Analysis
* Affective Recognition in Dynamic and Interactive Virtual Environments
* Affective Recommendation of Movies Based on Selected Connotative Features
* Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions
* Affective Understanding in Film
* Affective Understanding in Video
* Affective Video Classification Based on Spatio-temporal Feature Fusion
* Affective Video Content Analysis via Multimodal Deep Quality Embedding Network
* Affective Video Content Analysis With Adaptive Fusion Recurrent Network
* Affective Video Content Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Insight
* Affective Video Events Summarization Using EMD Decomposed EEG Signals (EDES)
* Affective Visual Perception Using Machine Pareidolia of Facial Expressions
* Affective Visualization and Retrieval for Music Video
* Affective Wearables
* Affective word embedding in affective explanation generation for fine art paintings
* Affective Words and the Company They Keep: Studying the Accuracy of Affective Word Lists in Determining Sentence and Word Valence in a Domain-Specific Corpus
* AffectiveNet: Affective-Motion Feature Learning for Microexpression Recognition
* AffectNet: A Database for Facial Expression, Valence, and Arousal Computing in the Wild
* AffectON: Incorporating Affect Into Dialog Generation
* Affects in Groups: A review on automated affect processing and estimation in groups
* Affects of illumination on 3D shape recovery
* Affiliation possibility map filtering for image segmentation improvement
* Affiliations, Emotion and the Mobile Phone
* Affine-Based Algorithm and SIMD Architecture for Video Compression With Low Bit-Rate Applications, An
* Affine-Consistent Transformer for Multi-Class Cell Nuclei Detection
* Affine-Constrained Group Sparse Coding and Its Application to Image-Based Classifications
* Affine-Function Transformation-Based Object Matching for Vehicle Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Affine-Invariant Active Contour Model (AI-Snake) for Model-Based Segmentation, An
* Affine-Invariant B-Spline Moments For Curve Matching
* Affine-Invariant B-Spline Weighted Moments for Object Recognition from Image Curves
* Affine-Invariant Contour Tracking with Automatic Control of Spatiotemporal Scale
* Affine-invariant contours recognition using an incremental hybrid learning approach
* Affine-invariant curve matching
* Affine-invariant curve normalization for object shape representation, classification, and retrieval
* Affine-invariant Curve Normalization for Shape-based Retrieval
* Affine-invariant diffusion geometry for the analysis of deformable 3D shapes
* Affine-invariant face detection and localization using GMM-based feature detector and enhanced appearance model
* Affine-Invariant Geometric Shape Priors for Region-Based Active Contours
* Affine-invariant Gray-scale Character Recognition Using GAT Correlation
* Affine-invariant image retrieval by correspondence matching of shapes
* Affine-Invariant Image Watermarking Using the Hyperbolic Chirp
* Affine-invariant local descriptors and neighborhood statistics for texture recognition
* Affine-invariant modeling of shape-appearance images applied on sign language handshape classification
* Affine-Invariant Moments and B-Splines for Object Recognition from Image Curves
* Affine-Invariant Multi-reference Shape Priors for Active Contours
* Affine-Invariant Multiresolution Image Retrieval Using B-Splines
* Affine-Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Momentums in Log-Polar Images
* Affine-Invariant Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures
* Affine-Invariant Recognition of Gray-Scale Characters Using Global Affine Transformation Correlation
* Affine-Invariant Recognition of Handwritten Characters via Accelerated KL Divergence Minimization
* Affine-invariant scene categorization
* Affine-invariant shape matching and recognition under partial occlusion
* Affine-invariant Texture Classification
* Affine-Invariant Triangulation of Spatio-Temporal Data with an Application to Image Retrieval
* Affine-Invariant Visual Features Contain Supplementary Information to Enhance Speech Recognition
* Affine-invariant, elastic shape analysis of planar contours
* Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraints, An
* affine-model-based technique for fast DPIV computation, An
* Affine-Permutation Invariance of 2-D Shapes
* Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimensional principal component analysis: a novel framework for affine and scale invariant face recognition
* Affine-Similar Shape Retrieval: Application to Multiview 3-D Object Recognition
* Affine-structure-based facial image encoding
* Affine-transformation and 2D-projection invariant k-NN classification of handwritten characters via a new matching measure
* Affine-Transformation Parameters Regression for Face Alignment
* Affine 3-D Reconstruction from Two Projective Images of Independently Translating Planes
* Affine Adaptation of Local Image Features Using the Hessian Matrix
* Affine alignment for stroke classification
* Affine alignment of compound objects: A direct approach
* Affine Alignment of Occluded Shapes
* Affine Analysis of Image Sequences
* Affine and projective active contour models
* Affine and Projective Normalization of Planar Curves and Regions
* Affine and Projective Structure from Motion
* Affine Approximation for Direct Batch Recovery of Euclidian Structure and Motion from Sparse Data
* Affine Arithmetic Based Estimation of Cue Distributions in Deformable Model Tracking
* Affine Calibration from Moving Objects
* Affine camera calibration from homographies of parallel planes
* Affine Camera for 3-D Retinal Surface Reconstruction
* Affine Collaborative Normalization: A shortcut for adaptation in medical image analysis
* Affine Colour Optical Flow Computation
* Affine Connections, and Midpoint Formation
* Affine consistency graphs for image representation and elastic matching
* Affine Coordinate Based Algorithm for Reprojecting the Human Face for Identification Tasks, An
* Affine Correlation
* Affine correspondence based head pose estimation for a sequence of images by using a 3D model
* Affine Correspondences Between Central Cameras for Rapid Relative Pose Estimation
* Affine Correspondences Between Multi-Camera Systems for 6DOF Relative Pose Estimation
* Affine Covariant Features for Fisheye Distortion Local Modeling
* Affine Curvature Scale Space with Affine Length Parametrisation
* Affine Curve Moment Invariants for Shape-Recognition
* Affine Differential Signatures for Gray Level Images of Planar Shapes
* Affine Distortion Compensation for an Isolated Online Handwritten Chinese Character Using Combined Orientation Estimation and HMM-Based Minimax Classification
* Affine Epipolar Direction from Two Views of a Planar Contour
* Affine Epipolar Geometry via Factorization Method
* Affine Equivariant Tyler's M-Estimator Applied to Tail Parameter Learning of Elliptical Distributions
* Affine hull based target representation for visual tracking
* Affine Illumination Compensation for Multispectral Images
* Affine Illumination Compensation on Hyperspectral/Multiangular Remote Sensing Images
* Affine image registration guided by particle filter
* Affine image registration using a new information metric
* Affine Integral Invariants and Matching of Curves
* Affine Integral Invariants For Extracting Symmetry Axes
* Affine Invariance Revisited
* Affine Invariant-Based Classification of Inliers and Outliers for Image Matching
* Affine invariant classification and retrieval of texture images
* Affine invariant comparison of point-sets using convex hulls and hausdorff distances
* affine invariant curve matching method for photo-identification of marine mammals, An
* affine invariant deformable shape representation for general curves, An
* Affine invariant deformation curves a tool for shape characterization
* Affine invariant descriptors for color images using Fourier series
* Affine invariant descriptors using Fourier series
* Affine invariant detection of perceptually parallel 3D planar curves
* Affine Invariant Detection of Periodic Motion
* Affine Invariant Distance Using Multiscale Analysis
* Affine Invariant Dynamic Time Warping and its Application to Online Rotated Handwriting Recognition
* Affine Invariant Edge Completion with Affine Geodesics
* Affine Invariant Erosion of 3D Shapes
* Affine invariant features from the trace transform
* Affine Invariant Flows in the Beltrami Framework
* Affine Invariant for 2D Image Representation: A Wavelet Approach
* Affine invariant fusion feature extraction based on geometry descriptor and BIT for object recognition
* Affine Invariant Geometry for Non-rigid Shapes
* Affine Invariant Harris-Bessel Interest Point Detector
* affine Invariant hyperspectral texture descriptor based upon heavy-tailed distributions and fourier analysis, An
* Affine Invariant Image Comparison Under Repetitive Structures
* Affine Invariant Image Segmentation
* Affine invariant image watermarking using intensity probability density-based Harris Laplace detector
* Affine Invariant Information Embedment for Accurate Camera-Based Character Recognition
* affine invariant interest point and region detector based on Gabor filters, An
* Affine Invariant Interest Point Detector, An
* Affine Invariant Matching Method for Image Contains Repetitive Patterns
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on an enhanced genetic algorithm and distance transform
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on particle swarm optimization
* Affine invariant matching of broken boundaries based on simple genetic algorithm and contour reconstruction
* Affine Invariant Matching
* Affine Invariant Medial Axis and Skew Symmetry
* Affine Invariant Model-Based Object Recognition
* Affine invariant multiscale wavelet-based shape matching algorithm
* Affine Invariant of Parallelograms and Its Application to Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction, An
* Affine Invariant Patch Similarity, An
* Affine Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Multiscale Autoconvolution
* Affine Invariant Point-Set Matching Using Convex Hull Bisection
* Affine Invariant Retrieval of Binary Patterns Using Generalized Complex Moments
* Affine invariant retrieval of shapes based on hand-drawn sketches
* Affine Invariant Salient Region Detector, An
* Affine Invariant Scale-Space
* Affine invariant shape descriptors: The ICA-Fourier descriptor and the PCA-Fourier descriptor
* Affine invariant shape projection distribution for shape matching using relaxation labelling
* affine invariant tensor dissimilarity measure and its applications to tensor-valued image segmentation, An
* Affine Invariant Texture Segmentation and Shape from Texture by Variational Methods
* Affine Invariant Texture Signatures
* Affine invariant visual phrases for object instance recognition
* Affine Invariant, Model-Based Object Recognition Using Robust Metrics and Bayesian Statistics
* Affine Invariants Detection: Edges, Active Contours, and Segments
* Affine invariants for object recognition using the wavelet transform
* Affine invariants of convex polygons
* Affine Invariants of Vector Fields
* Affine Invariants
* Affine iterative closest point algorithm for point set registration
* Affine layer segmentation and adjacency graphs for vortex detection
* Affine Legendre Moment Invariants for Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* Affine matching of intermediate symbolic representations
* Affine Matching of Planar Sets
* Affine Matching With Bounded Sensor Error: Study of Geometric Hashing and Alignment
* Affine Medical Image Registration with Coarse-to-Fine Vision Transformer
* Affine Model Based Motion Compensation Prediction for Zoom
* Affine moment invariants generated by automated solution of the equations
* Affine moment invariants generated by graph method
* Affine Moment Invariants of Color Images
* Affine Moment Invariants of Vector Fields
* Affine Moment Invariants: A New Tool For Character-Recognition
* Affine Morphological Multiscale Analysis of Corners and Multiple Junctions
* Affine morphological shape stable boundary regions (SSBR) for image representation
* Affine motion compensation using a content-based mesh
* Affine motion estimation using a neural network
* Affine Motion Model for Removing Rolling Shutter Distortions, An
* Affine Motion Prediction Based on Translational Motion Vectors
* Affine multipicture motion-compensated prediction
* Affine Non-Local Means Image Denoising
* Affine Non-Negative Collaborative Representation for Deep Metric Learning
* Affine Object Representations for Calibration-Free Augmented Reality
* Affine Object Tracking with Kernel-Based Spatial-Color Representation
* Affine Parameter Estimation from the Trace Transform
* Affine Plane Curve Evolution: A Fully Consistent Scheme
* Affine Point Matching
* Affine Projection Algorithm With Dynamic Selection of Input Vectors, An
* Affine propagation for surface reconstruction in wide baseline stereo
* Affine properties of the relative position PHI-descriptor
* Affine Puzzle: Realigning Deformed Object Fragments without Correspondences
* Affine Real-Time Face Tracking Using a Wavelet Network
* Affine Real-time Face Tracking Using Gabor Wavelet Networks
* Affine Reconstruction from Lines
* Affine Reconstruction from Monocular Vision in the Presence of a Symmetry Plane
* Affine Reconstruction from Perspective Image Pairs Obtained by a Translating Camera
* Affine Reconstruction from Perspective Image Pairs with a Relative Object-Camera Translation in Between
* Affine Reconstruction from Translational Motion under Various Autocalibration Constraints
* Affine Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces from Uncalibrated Views of Apparent Contours
* Affine region detectors on the fisheye domain
* Affine Registration of Point Sets Using ICP and ICA
* Affine Registration with Multi-Scale Autoconvolution
* Affine Shape Alignment Using Covariant Gaussian Densities: A Direct Solution
* Affine Shape Representation from Motion Through Reference Points
* Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampere Equations
* Affine SKIP and DIRECT modes for efficient video coding
* Affine SoftAssign with bidirectional distance for point matching
* Affine Stable Characteristic based sample expansion for object detection
* Affine Stereo Calibration for Relative Affine Shape Reconstruction
* Affine stereo calibration
* Affine Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics
* Affine Structure and Photometry
* Affine Structure from Line Correspondences with Uncalibrated Affine Cameras
* Affine Structure from Motion
* Affine Structure from Translational Motion in Image Sequences
* Affine structure from translational motion with varying and unknown focal length
* Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description
* Affine Subspace Robust Low-Rank Self-Representation: From Matrix to Tensor
* Affine Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Viewpoint Control
* Affine Symmetric Image Model and Its Applications, An
* Affine Template Matching Based on Multi-Scale Dense Structure Principal Direction
* Affine Trackability Aids Obstacle Detection
* Affine Transformation-Based Color Compression For Dynamic 3D Point Clouds
* Affine Transformation-Based Deep Frame Prediction
* Affine transformation invariant image watermarking using moment normalization and radial symmetry transform
* Affine transformation resistant watermarking based on image normalization
* Affine transformations of 3D objects represented with neural networks
* Affine transformations of images: a least squares formulation
* Affine transforms between image space and color space for invariant local descriptors
* Affine Variational Autoencoders
* Affine Visual Servoing for Robot Relative Positioning and Landmark-Based Docking
* Affine Visual Servoing
* Affine Warp Propagation for Fast Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Affine/Photometric Invariants for Planar Intensity Patterns
* Affinely Registered Multi-object Atlases as Shape Prior for Grid Cut Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae from CT Images
* Affinity-Aware Relation Network for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* affinity-based new local distance function and similarity measure for kNN algorithm, An
* Affinity-Weighted Neural Network Motion Estimation for MPEG Coding
* Affinity aggregation for spectral clustering
* Affinity Attention Graph Neural Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Affinity CNN: Learning Pixel-Centric Pairwise Relations for Figure/Ground Embedding
* Affinity Derivation and Graph Merge for Instance Segmentation
* Affinity functions in fuzzy connectedness based image segmentation I: Equivalence of affinities
* Affinity functions in fuzzy connectedness based image segmentation II: Defining and recognizing truly novel affinities
* Affinity Fusion Graph-Based Framework for Natural Image Segmentation
* Affinity Graph Supervision for Visual Recognition
* Affinity learning on a tensor product graph with applications to shape and image retrieval
* Affinity learning via a diffusion process for subspace clustering
* Affinity learning via self-diffusion for image segmentation and clustering
* Affinity Learning with Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph
* Affinity Matting for Pixel-accurate Fin Shape Recovery from Great White Shark Imagery
* Affinity Pansharpening and Image Fusion
* affinity propagated clustering aided computerized Inherent Seeded Region Growing and Deep learned Marching Cubes Algorithm (ISRG-DMCA) based three dimensional image reconstruction approach, An
* affinity propagation based method for vector quantization codebook design, An
* Affinity Propagation Based on Structural Similarity Index and Local Outlier Factor for Hyperspectral Image Clustering
* Affinity Propagation Feature Clustering with Application to Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Road Traffic Surveillance
* Affinity Score for Grains Merging and Touching Grains Separation, An
* Affinity Space Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Across Domains
* Affinity: A Relative Approach to Region Finding
* AFFIRM: Affinity Fusion-Based Framework for Iteratively Random Motion Correction of Multi-Slice Fetal Brain MRI
* AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
* Affixal approach for Arabic decomposable vocabulary recognition a validation on printed word in only one font
* Affixal Approach versus Analytical Approach for Off-Line Arabic Decomposable Vocabulary Recognition
* Affordable 3D Face Tracking Using Projective Vision
* Affordable content creation for free-viewpoint video and VR/AR applications
* Affordable Optical Seam Tracking: Metatorch Systems Break the Price Barrier
* Affordable person detection in omnidirectional cameras using radial integral channel features
* Affordance-Based Object Recognition Using Interactions Obtained from a Utility Maximization Principle
* Affordance detection by mid-level physical parts
* Affordance Diffusion: Synthesizing Hand-Object Interactions
* Affordance Grounding from Demonstration Video to Target Image
* Affordance Mining: Forming Perception through Action
* Affordance segmentation of hand-occluded containers from exocentric images
* Affordance Transfer Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Affordances from Human Videos as a Versatile Representation for Robotics
* Affordances in Video Surveillance
* AffordPose: A Large-scale Dataset of Hand-Object Interactions with Affordance-driven Hand Pose
* AFFPN: Attention Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Small Infrared Target Detection
* AffTrack: Robust tracking of features in variable-zoom videos
* AFGL-Net: Attentive Fusion of Global and Local Deep Features for Building Facades Parsing
* AFI-GAN: Improving feature interpolation of feature pyramid networks via adversarial training for object detection
* AFIF4: Deep gender classification based on AdaBoost-based fusion of isolated facial features and foggy faces
* Afine Transforms
* AFINet: Camouflaged object detection via Attention Fusion and Interaction Network
* AFL-Net: Attentional Feature Learning Network for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* AFL Player Detection and Tracking
* AFLI-Calib: Robust LiDAR-IMU extrinsic self-calibration based on adaptive frame length LiDAR odometry
* AFLNet: Adversarial focal loss network for RGB-D salient object detection
* AFMUNet: Attention Feature Fusion Network Based on a U-Shaped Structure for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection
* AFN: Attentional Feedback Network Based 3d Terrain Super-resolution
* AFNet-M: Adaptive Fusion Network with Masks for 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition
* AFNet: Adaptive Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* AFNet: Temporal Locality-Aware Network With Dual Structure for Accurate and Fast Action Detection
* AfNet: The Affordance Network
* AFPSNet: Multi-Class Part Parsing based on Scaled Attention and Feature Fusion
* AFRE-Net: Adaptive Feature Representation Enhancement for Arbitrary Oriented Object Detection
* Afriat's Test for Detecting Malicious Agents
* African Geospatial Sciences Institute (AGSI): A New Approach To Geospatial Training In North Africa, The
* African Lovegrass Segmentation with Artificial Intelligence Using UAS-Based Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* AFRIFASHION1600: A Contemporary African Fashion Dataset for Computer Vision
* AFRNet: Anchor-Free Object Detection Using Roadside LiDAR in Urban Scenes
* AFRODiTE: A FluoRescence Lidar Simulator for Underwater Object DeTEction Applications
* AFSI: Adaptive Restart for Fast Semi-Iterative Schemes for Convex Optimisation
* AFT: Adaptive Fusion Transformer for Visible and Infrared Images
* AFTer-SAM: Adapting SAM with Axial Fusion Transformer for Medical Imaging Segmentation
* AFTer-UNet: Axial Fusion Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
* Afternoon/Morning Ratio of Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Can Be Used to Monitor Drought in a Chinese Cork Oak Plantation, The
* Aftershock Deletion Method Based on Fault Buffer Zone, An
* AG-GAN: An Attentive Group-Aware GAN for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* AG3D: Learning to Generate 3D Avatars from 2D Image Collections
* AG3line: Active grouping and geometry-gradient combined validation for fast line segment extraction
* AGA-GAN: Attribute Guided Attention Generative Adversarial Network with U-Net for face hallucination
* AGA: Attribute-Guided Augmentation
* AGAIN: Adversarial Training with Attribution Span Enlargement and Hybrid Feature Fusion
* Against conventional wisdom: Longitudinal inference for pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Against Direct Perception
* Against Quantitative Optical Flow
* AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* AGBM: An Adaptive Gradient Balanced Mechanism for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
* AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* AGDF-Net: Learning Domain Generalizable Depth Features With Adaptive Guidance Fusion
* Age-based face recognition
* Age-dependent saccadic models for predicting eye movements
* Age-invariant face recognition based on deep features analysis
* Age-invariant face recognition based on identity inference from appearance age
* Age-invariant face recognition system using combined shape and texture features
* Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Age-invariant face verification based on Local Classifier Ensemble
* Age-Net: An MRI-Based Iterative Framework for Brain Biological Age Estimation
* Age-Oriented Face Synthesis With Conditional Discriminator Pool and Adversarial Triplet Loss
* Age-Puzzle FaceNet for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Age-related craniofacial differences based on spatio-temporal face image atlases
* Age-Related Macular Degeneration Detection and Stage Classification Using Choroidal OCT Images
* Age-related skin analysis by capacitance images
* Age-Style and Alignment Augmentation for Facial Age Estimation
* Age and gender classification using convolutional neural networks
* Age and Gender Differences in Performance for Operating a Robotic Manipulator
* Age and gender estimation based on wrinkle texture and color of facial images
* Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attention
* Age and gender recognition using informative features of various types
* Age categorization via ECOC with fused gabor and LBP features
* Age Classification Base on Gait Using HMM
* Age Classification from Facial Images
* Age Classification from Facial Images: Is Frontalization Necessary?
* Age Classification in Unconstrained Conditions Using LBP Variants
* Age classification using Radon transform and entropy based scaling SVM
* Age dependency in handwritten dynamic signature verification systems
* Age detection from handwriting using different feature classification models
* Age Determination of Martian Low Shield Volcanoes by Crater Size-Frequency Measurements
* Age Efficient Optimization in UAV-Aided VEC Network: A Game Theory Viewpoint
* Age Estimation Based on a Single Network with Soft Softmax of Aging Modeling
* Age Estimation Based on Complexity-Aware Features
* Age estimation by extracting hierarchical age-related features
* Age Estimation by LS-SVM Regression on Facial Images
* Age Estimation by Multi-scale Convolutional Network
* Age Estimation from Faces Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis
* Age Estimation From Facial Parts Using Compact Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks
* Age Estimation Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Age estimation in facial images through transfer learning
* Age estimation under changes in image quality: An experimental study
* Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features
* Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machine regression
* Age Estimation Using Aging/Rejuvenation Features With Device-Edge Synergy
* Age Estimation Using Local Binary Pattern Kernel Density Estimate
* Age Estimation Using Trainable Gabor Wavelet Layers In A Convolutional Neural Network
* Age estimation via fusion of multiple binary age grouping systems
* Age estimation via unsupervised neural networks
* Age Estimation with Local Ternary Directional Patterns
* Age Factor Removal Network Based on Transfer Learning and Adversarial Learning for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Age from Faces in the Deep Learning Revolution
* Age Gap Reducer-GAN for Recognizing Age-Separated Faces
* Age group classification in the wild with deep RoR architecture
* Age group classification via structured fusion of uncertainty-driven shape features and selected surface features
* Age interval and gender prediction using PARAFAC2 and SVMs based on visual and aural features
* Age Invariant Face Verification with Relative Craniofacial Growth Model
* Age of Artificial Emotional Intelligence, The
* age of human computer interaction, The
* Age of Information Aware UAV Deployment for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Age of Processing-Based Data Offloading for Autonomous Vehicles in MultiRATs Open RAN
* Age of Social Sensing, The
* age of the zettabyte Cisco: the future of internet traffic is video, The
* Age Prediction From Face Images Via Contrastive Learning
* Age progression by gender-specific 3D aging model
* Age Progression/Regression by Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder
* Age Recognition in the Wild
* Age Regression Based on Local Image Features
* Age regression from faces using random forests
* Age Regression from Soft Aligned Face Images Using Low Computational Resources
* Age Regression with Specific Facial Landmarks by Dual Discriminator Adversarial Autoencoder
* Age simulation for face recognition
* Age Synthesis and Estimation via Faces: A Survey
* Age Transformation for Improving Face Recognition Performance
* Age, gender and handedness prediction from handwriting using gradient features
* Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks for the East Asian Face Dataset
* AgeDB: The First Manually Collected, In-the-Wild Age Database
* AgeGAN++: Face Aging and Rejuvenation With Dual Conditional GANs
* AgeNet: Deeply Learned Regressor and Classifier for Robust Apparent Age Estimation
* Agent-based approach for crowded pedestrian evacuation simulation
* agent-based approach for recommending cultural tours, An
* agent-based approach for tracking people in indoor complex environments, An
* Agent-based computer vision in a dynamic, real-time environment
* Agent-Based Cooperative Decentralized Airplane-Collision Avoidance
* agent-based crowd behaviour model for real time crowd behaviour simulation, An
* Agent-Based Framework for Self-Organization of Collective and Autonomous Shuttle Fleets
* Agent-Based Gesture Tracking
* Agent-based image iris segmentation and multiple views boundary refining
* Agent-Based Microscopic Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model for Pedestrian Traffic Problems, An
* Agent-based Model Simulation of Human Mobility Based on Mobile Phone Data: How Commuting Relates to Congestion, An
* Agent-Based Modeling for Complex Financial Systems
* Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad
* Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns
* Agent-based Modelling for Ride Sharing Optimization Using A* Algorithm and Clustering Approach, An
* Agent-based Moving Object Correspondence using Differential Discriminative Diagnosis
* Agent-based reconfigurable architecture for real-time object tracking
* Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization of Urban Transit System
* Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Considering the Integration of Autonomous Vehicles With Public Transport, An
* Agent-based test-bed for road information systems
* Agent-Based Traffic Recommendation System: Revisiting and Revising Urban Traffic Management Strategies, An
* Agent-Centric Relation Graph for Object Visual Navigation
* Agent-Centric Risk Assessment: Accident Anticipation and Risky Region Localization
* agent based evolutionary approach to path detection for off-road vehicle guidance, An
* Agent Network for Microburst Detection, An
* Agent Orientated Annotation in Model Based Visual Surveillance
* Agent Transparency and Reliability in Human-Robot Interaction: The Influence on User Confidence and Perceived Reliability
* Agent Transparency: A Review of Current Theory and Evidence
* Agent With Warm Start and Adaptive Dynamic Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound
* AgentFormer: Agent-Aware Transformers for Socio-Temporal Multi-Agent Forecasting
* AgentI2P: Optimizing Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Behaviour Cloning and Reinforcement Learning
* Agents of Forest Disturbance in the Argentine Dry Chaco
* AgeTransGAN for Facial Age Transformation with Rectified Performance Metrics
* AGG-Net: Attention Guided Gated-convolutional Network for Depth Image Completion
* Agglomeration Externalities, Network Externalities and Urban High-Quality Development: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Agglomerative clustering for feature point grouping
* Agglomerative clustering for image segmentation
* Agglomerative clustering of feature data for image segmentation
* Agglomerative Clustering of Symbolic Objects Using the Concepts of Both Similarity and Dissimilarity
* Agglomerative Clustering on Range Data with a Unified Probabilistic Merging Function and Termination Criterion
* Agglomerative clustering using the concept of mutual nearest neighbourhood
* Agglomerative clustering via maximum incremental path integral
* Agglomerative Grouping of Observations by Bounding Entropy Variation
* Agglomerative oversegmentation using dual similarity and entropy rate
* agglomerative segmentation framework for non-convex regions within uterine cervix images, An
* Agglomerative Transformer for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* AggNet: Deep Learning From Crowds for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histology Images
* Aggregate keyword nearest neighbor queries on road networks
* Aggregate Tracklet Appearance Features for Multi-Object Tracking
* Aggregated-Attention Deformable Convolutional Network for Few-Shot SAR Jamming Recognition
* Aggregated Channel Features with Optimum Parameters for Pedestrian Detection
* aggregated clustering approach using multi-ant colonies algorithms, An
* Aggregated Context Network For Semantic Segmentation Of Aerial Images
* aggregated deep convolutional recurrent model for event based surveillance video summarisation: A supervised approach, An
* Aggregated Deep Local Features for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Aggregated Dynamic Background Modeling
* Aggregated mapping of driver attention from matched optical flow
* Aggregated Multicolumn Dilated Convolution Network for Perspective-Free Counting, An
* Aggregated pyramid gating network for human pose estimation without pre-training
* Aggregated Representation of Electric Vehicles Population on Charging Points for Demand Response Scheduling
* Aggregated residual transformation network for multistage classification in diabetic retinopathy
* Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks
* Aggregated Search in Graph Databases: Preliminary Results
* Aggregated Shape Similarity Index: A Case Study of Comparing the Footprints of OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE Buildings, An
* Aggregated Sparse Attention for Steering Angle Prediction
* Aggregated Wasserstein Distance and State Registration for Hidden Markov Models
* Aggregated Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain-Empowered Authentication for Autonomous Truck Platooning
* Aggregating and Sampling Methods for Processing GPS Data Streams for Traffic State Estimation
* Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object Detection
* Aggregating Bilateral Attention for Few-Shot Instance Localization
* Aggregating complementary boundary contrast with smoothing for salient region detection
* Aggregating contour fragments for shape classification
* Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation
* Aggregating Feature Point Cloud for Depth Completion
* Aggregating Global and Local Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-IDentification
* Aggregating Global Features into Local Vision Transformer
* Aggregating gradient distributions into intensity orders: A novel local image descriptor
* Aggregating Image and Text Quantized Correlated Components
* Aggregating Layers for Deepfake Detection
* Aggregating Local and Global Text Features for Linguistic Steganalysis
* Aggregating Local Context for Accurate Scene Text Detection
* Aggregating Local Deep Features for Image Retrieval
* Aggregating local descriptors into a compact image representation
* Aggregating Local Image Descriptors into Compact Codes
* Aggregating Low-Level Features for Human Action Recognition
* Aggregating minutia-centred deep convolutional features for fingerprint indexing
* Aggregating Object Features Based on Attention Weights for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
* Aggregating the temporal coherent descriptors in videos using multiple learning kernel for action recognition
* Aggregation-Based Graph Convolutional Hashing for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Aggregation Approach to Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, An
* Aggregation Cross-Entropy for Sequence Recognition
* Aggregation distance measure and its induced similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Aggregation of attention and erasing for weakly supervised object localization
* Aggregation of Binary Feature Descriptors for Compact Scene Model Representation in Large Scale Structure-from-Motion Applications
* Aggregation of classifiers based on image transformations in biometric face recognition
* Aggregation of Classifiers: A Justifiable Information Granularity Approach
* Aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval Based on Object Detection
* Aggregation of local parametric candidates with exemplar-based occlusion handling for optical flow
* Aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
* Aggregation of Probabilistic PCA Mixtures with a Variational-Bayes Technique Over Parameters
* Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified Stacked Generalization Model for Single Image Depth Estimation
* Aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
* Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classification
* Aggregation procedure of Gaussian Mixture Models for additive features
* Aggregation Signature for Small Object Tracking
* Aggregation Transformer for Human Pose Estimation
* Aggregation via Separation: Boosting Facial Landmark Detector With Semi-Supervised Style Translation
* Aggregation with Feature Detection
* Aggregative Modeling of Nonlinear Systems
* Aggregator operations considering authentication for electrical charging of EVs
* Aggressive region growing for speckle reduction in ultrasound images
* AGIL: Learning Attention from Human for Visuomotor Tasks
* Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection Testing
* Agile Depth Sensing Using Triangulation Light Curtains
* Agile Modeling: From Concept to Classifier in Minutes
* Agile reactive navigation for a non-holonomic mobile robot using a pixel processor array
* Agile Stereo Pair for active vision, The
* agile vehicle-based dynamic user equilibrium scheme for urban traffic signal control, An
* Aging Face Recognition: A Hierarchical Learning Model Based on Local Patterns Selection
* Aging speech recognition with speaker adaptation techniques: Study on medium vocabulary continuous Bengali speech
* AGKD-BML: Defense Against Adversarial Attack by Attention Guided Knowledge Distillation and Bi-directional Metric Learning
* AGLC-GAN: Attention-based global-local cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks for unpaired single image dehazing
* AGMN: Association graph-based graph matching network for coronary artery semantic labeling on invasive coronary angiograms
* AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Agnostic attribute segmentation of dynamic scenes with limited spatio-temporal resolution
* Agnostic Domain Adaptation
* AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Network
* AGO: Accelerating Global Optimization for Accurate Stereo Matching
* AGORA: Avatars in Geography Optimized for Regression Analysis
* AGORA: the Interactive Document Image Analysis Tool of the BVH Project
* AGPN: Action Granularity Pyramid Network for Video Action Recognition
* AGQA: A Benchmark for Compositional Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* Agree to Disagree: When Deep Learning Models With Identical Architectures Produce Distinct Explanations
* Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Vehicular Communication in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Agreement and Disagreement-Based Co-Learning with Dual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Noisy Labels
* Agreement Between Saliency Maps and Human-Labeled Regions of Interest: Applications to Skin Disease Classification
* Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison, An
* Agreement Index for Burned Area Mapping: Integration of Multiple Spectral Indices Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images
* Agreement or Disagreement in Noise-tolerant Mutual Learning?
* Agreement Study Using Gesture Description Analysis
* AGRFNet: Two-stage cross-modal and multi-level attention gated recurrent fusion network for RGB-D saliency detection
* Agricultural-Field Extraction on Aerial Images by Region Competition Algorithm
* Agricultural Drought Assessment in a Typical Plain Region Based on Coupled Hydrology-Crop Growth Model and Remote Sensing Data
* Agricultural Drought Assessment in East Asia Using Satellite-Based Indices
* Agricultural Drought Detection with MODIS Based Vegetation Health Indices in Southeast Germany
* Agricultural Drought Index for Assessing Droughts Using a Water Balance Method: A Case Study in Jilin Province, Northeast China, An
* Agricultural Drought Monitoring by MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Data Application
* Agricultural Drought Monitoring Using an Enhanced Soil Water Deficit Index Derived from Remote Sensing and Model Data Merging
* Agricultural Drought
* Agricultural Expansion and Intensification in the Foothills of Mount Kenya: A Landscape Perspective
* Agricultural Expansion in Mato Grosso from 1986-2000: A Bayesian Time Series Approach to Tracking Past Land Cover Change
* Agricultural Field Extraction
* Agricultural Land-Use Changes in the Judean Region from the End of the Ottoman Empire to the End of the British Mandate: A Spatial Analysis
* Agricultural Land Change Detecting and Forecasting Using Combination Of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Network, Cellular Automata and Markov Chain Models
* Agricultural Land Classification Based on Statistical Analysis of Full Polarimetric SAR Data
* Agricultural Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada, Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Agricultural monitoring using clustering techniques on satellite image time series of low spatial resolution
* Agricultural Monitoring Using Envisat Alternating Polarization SAR Images
* Agricultural Monitoring Using Polarimetric Decomposition Parameters of Sentinel-1 Data
* Agricultural monitoring with polarimetric SAR time series
* Agricultural Soil Alkalinity and Salinity Modeling in the Cropping Season in a Spectral Endmember Space of TM in Temperate Drylands, Minqin, China
* Agricultural Soil Spectral Response and Properties Assessment: Effects of Measurement Protocol and Data Mining Technique
* Agriculture-Vision: A Large Aerial Image Database for Agricultural Pattern Analysis
* Agriculture drones are finally cleared for takeoff [News]
* Agriculture, Inspection -- Animals, Animal Detection
* Agriculture, Inspection -- Fish, Fish Motion, Detection
* Agriculture, Inspection -- Food Products, Plants, Farms
* Agriculture, Inspection -- Meat
* AgriSen-COG, a Multicountry, Multitemporal Large-Scale Sentinel-2 Benchmark Dataset for Crop Mapping Using Deep Learning
* AgriVision: Agriculture-Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Computer Vision in Agriculture
* AGRNet: Adaptive Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing
* Agroforestry Tree Density Estimation Based On Hemispherical Photos and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Image: A Case Study at Cidanau Watershed, Banten-indonesia
* Agronav: Autonomous Navigation Framework for Agricultural Robots and Vehicles using Semantic Segmentation and Semantic Line Detection
* Agronomic and Economic Potential of Vegetation Indices for Rice Recommendations under Organic and Mineral Fertilization in Mediterranean Regions
* Agronomic Traits Analysis of Ten Winter Wheat Cultivars Clustered by UAV-Derived Vegetation Indices
* AgroShadow: A New Sentinel-2 Cloud Shadow Detection Tool for Precision Agriculture
* AGs: Local descriptors derived from the dependent effects model
* AgSAT: A Smart Irrigation Application for Field-Scale Daily Crop ET and Water Requirements Using Satellite Imagery
* AGSS-VOS: Attention Guided Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* AGUnet: Annotation-guided U-net for fast one-shot video object segmentation
* AGV-Based Vehicle Transportation in Automated Container Terminals: A Survey
* AGVS: A New Change Detection Dataset for Airport Ground Video Surveillance
* AH-SIFT: Augmented Histogram based SIFT descriptor
* Aha! Adaptive History-driven Attack for Decision-based Black-box Models
* AHF: An Automatic and Universal Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Circular-Coded Targets Identification in Close-Range Photogrammetry under Complex Illumination Conditions
* Ahff-Net: Adaptive Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network For Image Inpainting
* AHI-Derived Daytime Cloud Optical/Microphysical Properties and Their Evaluations With the Collection-6.1 MOD06 Product
* AHI/Himawari-8 Yonsei Aerosol Retrieval (YAER): Algorithm, Validation and Merged Products
* AHIMSA: Ad hoc Histogram Information Measure Sensing Algorithm for Feature Selection in the Context of Histogram Inspired Clustering Techniques
* AHP-based Physical Fitness Assessment Model for College Students, An
* AHS Model: Efficient Topological Operators for a Sensor Web Publish/Subscribe System
* AHSWFM: Automated and Hierarchical Surface Water Fraction Mapping for Small Water Bodies Using Sentinel-2 Images
* AI-AR for Bridge Inspection by Drone
* AI-assisted deepfake detection using adaptive blind image watermarking
* AI-Based Compression: A New Unintended Counter Attack on JPEG-Related Image Forensic Detectors?
* AI-Based human audio processing for COVID-19: A comprehensive overview
* AI-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for In-Vehicle Networks: A Survey
* AI-Based Model for Detection and Classification of Alzheimer Disease
* AI-Based Reconstruction for Fast MRI: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
* AI-Based Susceptibility Analysis of Shallow Landslides Induced by Heavy Rainfall in Tianshui, China
* AI-Based Visual Aid With Integrated Reading Assistant for the Completely Blind, An
* AI-Based VR Earthquake Simulator
* AI-Based Workflow for Fast Registration of UAV-Produced 3D Point Clouds, An
* AI-CardioCare: Artificial Intelligence Based Device for Cardiac Health Monitoring
* Ai-driven Prototype for Groundwater Level Prediction: Exploring the Gorgovivo Spring Case Study, An
* AI-EigenSnake: an affine-invariant deformable contour model for object matching
* AI-Empowered Persuasive Video Generation: A Survey
* AI-Empowered Speed Extraction via Port-Like Videos for Vehicular Trajectory Analysis
* AI-Empowered Trajectory Anomaly Detection and Classification in 6G-V2X
* AI-Empowered Trajectory Anomaly Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Hierarchical Federated Learning Approach
* AI-Enabled Cryptographic Key Management Model for Secure Communications in the Internet of Vehicles
* AI-Enabled Fingerprinting and Crowdsource-Based Vehicle Localization for Resilient and Safe Transportation Systems
* AI-Enabled Medical Image Analysis and COVID-19 Diagnosis
* AI-GAN: Asynchronous interactive generative adversarial network for single image rain removal
* AI-GAN: Attack-Inspired Generation of Adversarial Examples
* Ai-mia: Covid-19 Detection and Severity Analysis Through Medical Imaging
* AI-Oriented Large-Scale Video Management for Smart City: Technologies, Standards, and Beyond
* AI-Prepared Autonomous Freshwater Monitoring and Sea Ground Detection by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle
* AI-SenseVision: A Low-Cost Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robust and Real-Time Assistance for Visually Impaired People
* AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts
* AI and Fake News
* AI and Psychology Journals
* AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent Transportation System
* AI Benchmark: All About Deep Learning on Smartphones in 2019
* AI Benchmark: Running Deep Neural Networks on Android Smartphones
* AI Choreographer: Music Conditioned 3D Dance Generation with AIST++
* AI City Challenge 2020: Computer Vision for Smart Transportation Applications
* AI City Challenge
* AI Empowered Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* AI Engineers: The autonomous-vehicle industry wants you: Cruise's AI chief, Hussein Mehanna, talks jobs, careers, and self-driving cars
* Ai Explainability. A Bridge Between Machine Vision and Natural Language Processing
* AI for 3D Content Creation
* AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding
* AI for dating stars: a benchmarking study for gyrochronology
* AI for Marine, Ocean and Climate Change Monitoring
* AI for Space
* AI for the Media Industry: Application Potential and Automation Levels
* AI Goggles: Real-time Description and Retrieval in the Real World with Online Learning
* AI Hunts for Hidden Minerals: Machine Learning is Uncovering Hoards of Vital EV Battery Metals
* AI Illustrator: Art Illustration Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* AI in Photography: Scrutinizing Implementation of Super-Resolution Techniques in Photo-Editors
* AI in Support to Water Quality Monitoring
* AI Magazine
* AI Mechanisms for Reasoning about Terrain
* AI on the Bog: Monitoring and Evaluating Cranberry Crop Risk
* AI Playground: Unreal Engine-based Data Ablation Tool for Deep Learning
* AI Review
* AI Slipping on Tiles: Data Leakage in Digital Pathology
* AI Support for Accelerating Histopathological Slide Examinations of Prostate Cancer in Clinical Studies
* AI Takes a Dumpster Dive: Computer-vision systems sort your recyclables at superhuman speed
* AI_COVID: Automatic Diagnosis of Covid-19 Using Frontal Chest X-ray Image
* AI4EO Hyperview: A Spectralnet3d and RNNplus Approach for Sustainable Soil Parameter Estimation on Hyperspectral Image Data
* AI4GEO: A Data Intelligence Platform for 3d Geospatial Mapping
* AI4MARS: A Dataset for Terrain-Aware Autonomous Driving on Mars
* AiATrack: Attention in Attention for Transformer Visual Tracking
* AIBM: Accurate and Instant Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection
* AIC2018 Report: Traffic Surveillance Research
* AICCA: AI-Driven Cloud Classification Atlas
* AICP: Augmented Informative Cooperative Perception
* AICT: An Adaptive Image Compression Transformer
* AID-Purifier: A Light Auxiliary Network for Boosting Adversarial Defense
* AID: A Benchmark Data Set for Performance Evaluation of Aerial Scene Classification
* AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with application to multi-frame and three-dimensional data
* AIDA: Analytic isolation and distance-based anomaly detection algorithm
* AIDAS: incremental logical structure discovery in PDF documents
* AIDB-Net: An Attention-Interactive Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* AIDE: A Vision-Driven Multi-View, Multi-Modal, Multi-Tasking Dataset for Assistive Driving Perception
* Aided and Automatic Target Recognition Based upon Sensory Inputs from Image Forming Systems
* AIDER: Aircraft Icing Potential Area DEtection in Real-Time Using 3-Dimensional Radar and Atmospheric Variables
* AIDIA: Adaptive Interface for Display Inter Action
* AIF-LFNet: All-in-Focus Light Field Super-Resolution Method Considering the Depth-Varying Defocus
* AIfES: A Next-Generation Edge AI Framework
* AIFit: Automatic 3D Human-Interpretable Feedback Models for Fitness Training
* Ailanthus altissima mapping from multi-temporal very high resolution satellite images
* AIM-Net: Bring Implicit Euler to Network Design
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Dataset and Study
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and Results
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Super-resolution of Compressed Image and Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* AIM: an Auto-Augmenter for Images and Meshes
* Aim4GDI: Facilitating the Synthesis of GDI Resources through Mapping and Superimpositions of Metadata Summaries
* AIMED-Net: An Enhancing Infrared Small Target Detection Net in UAVs with Multi-Layer Feature Enhancement for Edge Computing
* Aimetis
* AINet: Association Implantation for Superpixel Segmentation
* AIParsing: Anchor-Free Instance-Level Human Parsing
* AIPNet: Image-to-Image Single Image Dehazing With Atmospheric Illumination Prior
* AIPR Image Understanding in the '90s: Building Systems That Work
* AIPR Workshop on Interdisciplinary Computer Vision
* AIPR Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Modeling and Simulation
* AIPR Workshop
* AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities
* AIPR Workshop: Interdisciplinary Computer Vision: Applications and Changing Needs
* Air- and spaceborne monitoring of road traffic using SAR moving target indication: Project TRAMRAD
* Air-borne approaching target detection and tracking in infrared image sequence
* Air-Ground Coordinated Sensing, Relay and Offloading for Emergency Disposal in ITS System, An
* Air-Ground Impedance Matching by Depositing Metasurfaces for Enhanced GPR Detection
* Air-Ground Multi-Source Image Matching Based on High-Precision Reference Image
* AIR-Nets: An Attention-Based Framework for Locally Conditioned Implicit Representations
* Air-Sea Interaction in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Assessment of Reanalysis and Satellite Observations
* Air-Sea Interactions over Eddies in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence
* Air-Sea Interface Parameters and Heat Flux from Neural Network and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Observations
* Air-Writing Recognition Part I: Modeling and Recognition of Characters, Words, and Connecting Motions
* Air-Writing Recognition Part II: Detection and Recognition of Writing Activity in Continuous Stream of Motion Data
* Air-writing recognition system for Persian numbers with a novel classifier
* Air-writing recognition using reverse time ordered stroke context
* Air-Writing with Sparse Network of Radars using Spatio-Temporal Learning
* Air Combat Strategies Generation of CGF Based on MADDPG and Reward Shaping
* Air Humidity Characteristics in Local Climate Zones of Novi Sad (Serbia) Based on Long-Term Data
* Air Photo Interpretation for Spatial Analysis of Heritage Agrarian Structures in Mediterranean Settings as Sea-Breezes Proxy-Data. Application to the Island of Mallorca
* Air Pollution and Human Health: Investigating the Moderating Effect of the Built Environment
* Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling Using Spatial Analyses
* Air Pollution Estimation Using Aerosol Optical Thickness By OLI Images In Tehran
* Air Pollution Monitoring System with Prediction Abilities Based on Smart Autonomous Sensors Equipped with ANNs with Novel Training Scheme
* Air Pollution Patterns Mapping of SO2, NO2, and CO Derived from TROPOMI over Central-East Europe
* Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep Neural Networks
* Air Pollution Scenario over China during COVID-19
* Air Quality Context Information Model for Ubiquitous Public Access to Geographic Information
* Air Quality Estimation in Ukraine Using SDG 11.6.2 Indicator Assessment
* Air Quality Improvement Following COVID-19 Lockdown Measures and Projected Benefits for Environmental Health
* Air Quality Index Forecasting via Deep Dictionary Learning
* Air Quality Inference with Deep Convolutional Conditional Random Field
* Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management In Germany: Status Quo And Suggestions for Improvement
* Air Quality over China
* Air Quality, Air Pollution, Aerosols, General Pollution
* Air Signature Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Sequential Model
* Air Temperature Monitoring over Low Latitude Rice Planting Areas: Combining Remote Sensing, Model Assimilation, and Machine Learning Techniques
* Air Traffic Controls, Runways, Aircraft
* Air Writing, Devisce Free Handwriting
* AiR: Attention with Reasoning Capability
* Airbert: In-Domain Pretraining for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Airbirds: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for Bird Strike Prevention in Real-world Airports
* Airbnb Offer in Spain: Spatial Analysis of the Pattern and Determinants of Its Distribution
* Airborne 3D imaging possibilities for defense and security
* Airborne active remote sensor for atmospheric carbon dioxide
* Airborne Agent, An
* Airborne analysis and assessment of urban traffic scenes from LiDAR data: Theory and experiments
* Airborne and Mobile Lidar, Which Sensors for Which Application?
* Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Assessment of Standing and Lying Deadwood: Current Situation and New Perspectives
* Airborne Based High Performance Crowd Monitoring for Security Applications
* Airborne Circular W-Band SAR for Multiple Aspect Urban Site Monitoring
* Airborne Co-polarization and Cross-Polarization Observations of the Ocean-Surface NRCS at C-Band
* Airborne Coherent GNSS Reflectometry and Zenith Total Delay Estimation over Coastal Waters
* Airborne differential SAR interferometry: first results at l-band
* Airborne Digital Frame Camera Imaging For Elevation Determination
* Airborne DLSLA 3-D SAR Image Reconstruction by Combination of Polar Formatting and L_1 Regularization
* Airborne Doppler Wind Lidar Observations of the Tropical Cyclone Boundary Layer
* Airborne Downward-Looking Sparse Linear Array 3-D SAR Imaging via 2-D Adaptive Iterative Reweighted Atomic Norm Minimization
* Airborne Downward Looking Sparse Linear Array 3-D SAR Heterogeneous Parallel Simulation
* Airborne Dual-Wavelength LiDAR Data for Classifying Land Cover
* Airborne Electromagnetic and Radiometric Peat Thickness Mapping of a Bog in Northwest Germany (Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor)
* Airborne Electromagnetic, Magnetic, and Radiometric Surveys at the German North Sea Coast Applied to Groundwater and Soil Investigations
* Airborne Elevation DBF-TOPS SAR/InSAR Method Based on LOS Motion Compensation and Channel Error Equalization
* Airborne Estimation of Boreal Forest LAI in Winter Conditions: A Test Using Summer and Winter Ground Truth
* Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Modeling Cosmic Radiation and Effective Dose in the Lower Atmosphere
* Airborne geospatial technology for rapid, mapping-grade orthorectified imagery
* Airborne GNSS Reflectometry for Water Body Detection
* Airborne Gravity Data Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Case Study for SGA-WZ Greenland Test Data
* Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar, Field Test
* Airborne hydromapping area-wide surveying of shallow water areas
* Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in the Arctic: A Pilot Study Using the Hyspex Imaging Spectrometer for Wetland Mapping
* Airborne Hyperspectral Data Predict Fine-Scale Plant Species Diversity in Grazed Dry Grasslands
* Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photosynthesis, Gravimetric Water Content, and CO2 Uptake Efficiency of the Mer Bleue Ombrotrophic Peatland
* Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Ground-Level Optical Sensors As Assessment Tools for Maize Nitrogen Fertilization
* Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Machine Learning Algorithms for the Identification of Lupine Invasive Species in Natura 2000 Meadows
* Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Submerged Archaeological Mapping in Shallow Water Environments
* Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Identification Grassland Vegetation
* Airborne HySpex Hyperspectral Versus Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Images for Mountain Plant Communities Mapping
* Airborne imaging spectroscopy for assessing land-use effect on soil quality in drylands
* Airborne Infrared Remote Sensing of Riverine Currents
* Airborne Kite Tether Force Estimation and Experimental Validation Using Analytical and Machine Learning Models for Coastal Regions
* Airborne Laser Bathymetry for Documentation of Submerged Archaeological Sites in Shallow Water
* Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
* Airborne Laser Scanning Cartography of On-Site Carbon Stocks as a Basis for the Silviculture of Pinus Halepensis Plantations
* Airborne Laser Scanning Data Filtering Using Flakes
* Airborne Laser Scanning for the Site Type Identification of Mature Boreal Forest Stands
* Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Classification Using the DGCNN Deep Learning Method
* Airborne laser scanning: An introduction and overview
* Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicates potential variables for classification of individual trees or forest stands according to species
* Airborne laser scanning: Present status and future expectations
* Airborne Laser Swath Mapping: Quantifying changes in sandy beaches over time scales of weeks to years
* Airborne laserscanning data for determination of suitable areas for photovoltaics
* Airborne LIDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* Airborne LiDAR and Aerial Imagery to Assess Potential Burrow Locations for the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
* Airborne LiDAR Assisted Obstacle Recognition and Intrusion Detection Towards Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Architecture, Modeling and Evaluation
* Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Based on Geodesic Transformations of Mathematical Morphology
* Airborne LiDAR Detects Selectively Logged Tropical Forest Even in an Advanced Stage of Recovery
* Airborne Lidar Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass in the Absence of Field Inventory
* Airborne Lidar feature Selection for urban classification using random forests
* Airborne LiDAR fluorescence analysis for the quantification of water quality characteristics
* Airborne LiDAR for the Detection of Archaeological Vegetation Marks Using Biomass as a Proxy
* Airborne Lidar for Woodland Habitat Quality Monitoring: Exploring the Significance of Lidar Data Characteristics when Modelling Organism-Habitat Relationships
* Airborne LiDAR intensity banding: Cause and solution
* Airborne LiDAR Intensity Correction Based on a New Method for Incidence Angle Correction for Improving Land-Cover Classification
* Airborne LiDAR Measurements and Model Simulations of Tides, Waves, and Surface Slope at the Mouth of the Columbia River
* Airborne LiDAR Measurements of Sea Surface Properties in the German Bight
* Airborne Lidar Observations of a Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Western Arctic Ocean
* Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Classification Fusion with Dim Point Cloud
* Airborne LiDAR point cloud classification with global-local graph attention convolution neural network
* Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Processing for Archaeology. Pipeline and QGIS Toolbox
* Airborne LiDAR Remote Sensing for Individual Tree Forest Inventory Using Trunk Detection-Aided Mean Shift Clustering Techniques
* Airborne LiDAR Reveals a Vast Archaeological Landscape at the Nan Madol World Heritage Site
* Airborne Lidar Sampling Pivotal for Accurate Regional AGB Predictions from Multispectral Images in Forest-Savanna Landscapes
* Airborne Lidar Sampling Strategies to Enhance Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation from Landsat Imagery
* Airborne LiDAR Strip Adjustment Method Based on Point Clouds with Planar Neighborhoods
* Airborne Lidar Survey, Density-Based Clustering, and Ancient Maya Settlement in the Upper Usumacinta River Region of Mexico and Guatemala
* Airborne Lidar: A Fully-Automated Self-Calibration Procedure
* Airborne Lidar: Advances in Discrete Return Technology for 3D Vegetation Mapping
* Airborne Light Detection And Ranging (lidar) Derived Deformation From The Mw 6.0 24 August, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Estimated By Two And Three Dimensional Point Cloud Change Detection Techniques
* Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for Individual Tree Stem Location, Height, and Biomass Measurements
* Airborne Linear Array Image Geometric Rectification Method Based On Unequal Segmentation
* Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentration and Range Using a Pulsed Direct-Detection IPDA Lidar
* Airborne Millimeter-Wave InSAR Terrain Mapping Experiments Based on Automatic Extraction and Interferometric Calibration of Tie-Points
* Airborne Multidimensional Integrated Remote Sensing System
* Airborne Multispectral Imaging System Based on Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Agricultural Remote Sensing, An
* Airborne Near Infrared Three-Dimensional Ghost Imaging LiDAR via Sparsity Constraint
* Airborne Non-metric Video Image Orientation Determination Using Two GPS Receivers
* Airborne Object Tracking
* Airborne optical polarization imaging for observation of submarine Kelvin wakes on the sea surface: Imaging chain and simulation
* Airborne Passive Bistatic Radar Clutter Suppression Algorithm Based on Root Off-Grid Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Airborne Platform Three-Dimensional Positioning Method Based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferogram Matching
* Airborne Prism Experiment Calibration Information System
* Airborne Radar Staggered PRF Coherent Processing Method for Down-Looking Target Detection
* Airborne Radar Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Fast Total Variation Method
* Airborne Radio-Echo Sounding Data Denoising Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition
* Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorithms for Revealing Soil Texture
* Airborne Reconnaissance III: Collection and Exploitation of Reconnaissance Data
* Airborne Reconnaissance XXIII
* Airborne Reconnaissance: Tactical/Real-Time
* Airborne Remote Sensing of Surface Velocities in a Tidal River
* Airborne Remote Sensing of the Upper Ocean Turbulence during CASPER-East
* Airborne S-Band SAR for Forest Biophysical Retrieval in Temperate Mixed Forests of the UK
* Airborne SAR-Efficient Signal Processing for Very High Resolution
* Airborne SAR Autofocus Based on Blurry Imagery Classification
* Airborne SAR Imaging Algorithm for Ocean Waves Based on Optimum Focus Setting
* Airborne SAR Moving Target Signatures and Imagery Based on LVD
* Airborne Short-Baseline Millimeter Wave InSAR System Analysis and Experimental Results
* Airborne Streak Tube Imaging LiDAR Processing System: A Single Echo Fast Target Extraction Implementation
* Airborne Synthetic-Aperture Acoustic Imaging
* Airborne system for determining the position of an aerial vehicle and its applications
* Airborne Technologies for Disaster Management
* Airborne Thermal Data Identifies Groundwater Discharge at the North-Western Coast of the Dead Sea
* Airborne Thermal Imagery to Detect the Seasonal Evolution of Crop Water Status in Peach, Nectarine and Saturn Peach Orchards
* Airborne threat detection in Navy IRST systems
* Airborne Three-Dimensional Cloud Tomography
* Airborne to UAS Lidar: An Analysis of UAS Lidar Ground Control Targets
* Airborne Tree Crown Detection for Predicting Spatial Heterogeneity of Canopy Transpiration in a Tropical Rainforest
* Airborne Validation Experiment of 1.57-µm Double-Pulse IPDA LIDAR for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Measurement
* Airborne Validation of ICESat-2 ATLAS Data over Crevassed Surfaces and Other Complex Glacial Environments: Results from Experiments of Laser Altimeter and Kinematic GPS Data Collection from a Helicopter over a Surging Arctic Glacier (Negribreen, Svalbard)
* Airborne video registration and traffic-flow parameter estimation
* Airborne Video Registration for Activity Monitoring
* Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Retreival: Implications For Spaceborne X-hh Tandem-x Global Canopy Height Model
* AirCamRTM: Enhancing Vehicle Detection for Efficient Aerial Camera-based Road Traffic Monitoring
* Aircraft-LBDet: Multi-Task Aircraft Detection with Landmark and Bounding Box Detection
* Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Vortex Evolution and Surface Wind Asymmetry of Concentric Eyewalls in Hurricane Irma
* Aircraft Based Real Time Bundle Adjustment and Digital Surface Model Generation
* Aircraft classification with a low resolution infrared sensor
* Aircraft Conflict Prediction in the Presence of a Spatially Correlated Wind Field
* Aircraft Context Dataset: Understanding and Optimizing Data Variability in Aerial Domains, The
* Aircraft Detection above Clouds by Sentinel-2 MSI Parallax
* Aircraft Detection by Deep Belief Nets
* Aircraft Detection Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks in Remote Sensing Images, An
* Aircraft Detection in High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Combining Multi-Angle Features Driven and Majority Voting CNN
* Aircraft Detection in SAR Images Based on Peak Feature Fusion and Adaptive Deformable Network
* Aircraft Detection: A Case Study in Using Human Similarity Measure
* Aircraft Ground-Taxiing Model for Congested Airport Using Cellular Automata
* Aircraft Group Recognition In Multitarget Tracking Environment
* Aircraft Identification by Moment Invariants
* Aircraft identification integrated into an airport surface surveillance video system
* Aircraft identification using a bilinear surface representation of radar data
* Aircraft Landings, Spacecraft Landing
* Aircraft navigation by means of image registration
* Aircraft push back direction indicator
* Aircraft recognition in infrared image using wavelet moment invariants
* Aircraft Reconstruction in High-Resolution SAR Images Using Deep Shape Prior
* Aircraft retiming and rerouting in vicinity of airports
* Aircraft Skin Damage Detection and Assessment From UAV Images Using GLCM and Cloud Model
* Aircraft Target Classification for Conventional Narrow-Band Radar with Multi-Wave Gates Sparse Echo Data
* Aircraft Target Detection in Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Visible Remote Sensing Images
* Aircraft tracking based on fully conventional network and Kalman filter
* Aircraft tracking in aerial videos based on fused RetinaNet and low-score detection classification
* Aircraft Tracking Method in Simulated Infrared Image Sequences Based on Regional Distribution, An
* Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Learning with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Aircraft type recognition in satellite images
* Aircraft Wetland Inundation Experiment Using GNSS Reflectometry, An
* AIRD: Adversarial Learning Framework for Image Repurposing Detection
* AirDet: Few-Shot Detection Without Fine-Tuning for Autonomous Exploration
* AIRES-CH Project: Artificial Intelligence for Digital REStoration of Cultural Heritages Using Nuclear Imaging and Multidimensional Adversarial Neural Networks, The
* AirFace: Lightweight and Efficient Model for Face Recognition
* AirMISR laboratory calibration and in-flight performance results
* AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification
* AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for Robust Glaucoma Screening Challenge
* Airplane collision avoidance system
* Airplane Object Detection in Satellite Images Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-scale Feature Fusion
* Airplane Obstacles, Collision Detection, Sense and Avoid
* Airplane wing deformation and flight flutter detection method by using three-dimensional speckle image correlation technology
* Airport Analysis Systems, Runways
* Airport Capacity Prediction With Multisource Features: A Temporal Deep Learning Approach
* Airport detection based on Line Segment Detector
* Airport Detection Using End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network with Hard Example Mining
* Airport Ground Movement Problem: Minimization of Delay and Pollution Emission
* Airport Knowledge-Based Method for Accurate Change Analysis of Airport Runways in VHR Remote Sensing Images, An
* Airport small object detection based on feature enhancement
* AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrapolation Method To Improve Temporal Resolution In Contrast Enhanced CT Imaging
* AIRS and MODIS Satellite-Based Assessment of Air Pollution in Southwestern China: Impact of Stratospheric Intrusions and Cross-Border Transport of Biomass Burning
* AIRS Deconvolution and the Translation of AIRS-to-CrIS Radiances With Applications for the IR Climate Record
* AIRSENSE-TO-ACT: A Concept Paper for COVID-19 Countermeasures Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Multi-Source Data Processing
* AirSOD: A Lightweight Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Airspace Collision Risk Hot-Spot Identification using Clustering Models
* Airspace Contamination by Volcanic Ash from Sequences of Etna Paroxysms: Coupling the WRF-Chem Dispersion Model with Near-Source L-Band Radar Observations
* Airtime Fair Distributed Cross-Layer Congestion Control for Real-Time Video Over WLAN
* AirTouch: Interacting with computer systems at a distance
* Airway-Tree Segmentation in Subjects with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
* Airway Segmentation, Skeletonization, and Tree Matching to Improve Registration of 3D CT Images with Large Opacities in the Lungs
* Airway Tree Segmentation from CT Scans Using Gradient-Guided 3D Region Growing
* Airway Tree Structure
* AIS-5000 Parallel Processor, The
* AIS and VBD Data Fusion for Marine Fishing Intensity Mapping and Analysis in the Northern Part of the South China Sea
* AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree
* AISIR: Automated inter-sensor/inter-band satellite image registration using robust complex wavelet feature representations
* AIT 2D Face Detection and Tracking System for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT 3D Audio / Visual Person Tracker for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT Multimodal Person Identification System for CLEAR 2007, The
* AIT Outdoor Tracker for Vehicles and Pedestrians in CLEAR2007, The
* AiTARs-Net: A novel network for detecting arbitrary-oriented transverse aeolian ridges from Tianwen-1 HiRIC images
* AITST: Affective EEG-based person identification via interrelated temporal-spatial transformer
* AIVC: Artificial Intelligence Based Video Codec
* aiWave: Volumetric Image Compression With 3-D Trained Affine Wavelet-Like Transform
* AJENet: Adaptive Joints Enhancement Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Office Scenario
* Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria for Hidden Markov Models
* AKB-48: A Real-World Articulated Object Knowledge Base
* AKFNET: An Anatomical Knowledge Embedded Few-Shot Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* AKM3C: Adaptive K-Multiple-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* AKVSR: Audio Knowledge Empowered Visual Speech Recognition by Compressing Audio Knowledge of a Pretrained Model
* AL-MRIS: An Active Learning-Based Multipath Residual Involution Siamese Network for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Al-Thocb HSC: a harmony search algorithm for automated calibration of industrial equipment
* ALA-Net: Adaptive Lesion-Aware Attention Network for 3D Colorectal Tumor Segmentation
* Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DMSP OLS
* Aladdin: Joint Atlas Building and Diffeomorphic Registration Learning with Pairwise Alignment
* ALADIN: All Layer Adaptive Instance Normalization for Fine-grained Style Similarity
* ALAN: Self-Attention Is Not All You Need for Image Super-Resolution
* ALANet:Autoencoder-LSTM for pain and protective behaviour detection
* Alarm System for Segmentation Algorithm Based on Shape Model, An
* Alba Fucens Archaeological Site: Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Approach for Risk Assessment and Conservation
* Albedo assisted high-quality shape recovery from 4D light fields
* Albedo estimation for real-time 3D reconstruction using RGB-D and IR data
* Albedo Estimation for Scene Segmentation
* Albedo Impacts of Changing Agricultural Practices in the United States through Space-Borne Analysis
* Albedo Pattern Recognition And Time-series Analyses In Malaysia
* Albedo recovery using a photometric stereo approach
* Albedo, Reflectance Map from Multiple Images
* ALBRT: Cellular Composition Prediction in Routine Histology Images
* Album-oriented face recognition for online social networks
* Album to Family Tree: A Graph Based Method for Family Relationship Recognition
* ALC(F): A New Description Logic for Spatial Reasoning in Images
* ALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast Normalization
* Alcohol and the oculomotor neural circuit: System identification, a delay-based approach
* Alcohol Consumption Detection from Periocular NIR Images Using Capsule Network
* Alcorn State
* Aldebaran Robotics
* Aleatoric uncertainty estimation for dense stereo matching via CNN-based cost volume analysis
* Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation Using a Separate Formulation with Virtual Residuals, The
* Aleppo - Before and After
* Aleppo Before and After The War 2010-2018
* Alert-Driven Community-Based Forest Monitoring: A Case of the Peruvian Amazon
* ALERT: Adversarial Learning With Expert Regularization Using Tikhonov Operator for Missing Band Reconstruction
* Alertness Estimation Using Connection Parameters of the Brain Network
* Alessandro Antonelli And the Baroque Pre-existence: the Project for The National Parliament in Turin
* Aletheia: An Advanced Document Layout and Text Ground-Truthing System for Production Environments
* AlexNet-NDTL: Classification of MRI brain tumor images using modified AlexNet with deep transfer learning and Lipschitz-based data augmentation
* ALFA: Agglomerative Late Fusion Algorithm for Object Detection
* ALFA: Leveraging All Levels of Feature Abstraction for Enhancing the Generalization of Histopathology Image Classification Across Unseen Hospitals
* Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning
* ALFRED: A Benchmark for Interpreting Grounded Instructions for Everyday Tasks
* AlgaeMAp: Algae Bloom Monitoring Application for Inland Waters in Latin America
* Algal Bed Region Segmentation Based on a ViT Adapter Using Aerial Images for Estimating CO2 Absorption Capacity
* Algal Biological Features Viewed in Satellite Observations: A Case Study of the Bohai Sea
* Algal Blooms, Analysis, Detection
* Algebra Of Multidimensional Multirate Structures
* Algebra of Polygons through the Notion of Negative Shapes, An
* Algebraic-Analytic Method for Reconstruction from Image Correspondences, An
* Algebraic-Distance Minimization of Lines and Ellipses for Traffic Sign Shape Localization
* Algebraic-Method for Detection and Recognition of Polyhedral Objects from a Single Image, An
* algebraic algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays, An
* Algebraic and Geometric Characterizations of Double-Cross Matrices of Polylines
* Algebraic and Geometric Invariant of a Pair of Non-Coplanar Conics in Space
* Algebraic and Geometric Tools to Compute Projective and Permutation Invariants
* Algebraic and PDE Approaches for Lattice Scale-Spaces with Global Constraints
* Algebraic and PDE approaches for multi-scale image operators with global constraints: reference semi-lattice erosions and levelings
* Algebraic Approach for Morphological Operations on 2D and 3D Images, An
* algebraic approach to affine registration of point sets, An
* Algebraic Approach to Automatic Construction of Structural Models, An
* Algebraic Approach to Camera Self-Calibration, An
* Algebraic Approach to Ensemble Clustering, An
* Algebraic Approach to Feature Interactions, An
* Algebraic Approach to Image Restoration Filter Design, An
* Algebraic Approach to Lens Distortion by Line Rectification, An
* Algebraic Approach to Shape-from-Image Problems, An
* Algebraic Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields, An
* algebraic approach to symmetry detection, An
* Algebraic Approach to the Generation and Description of Binary Pictures, An
* algebraic approaches and techniques in image analysis, The
* Algebraic Aspects of Reconstruction of 3D Scenes from One or More Views
* Algebraic Basis of Mathematical Morphology: I. Dilations and Erosions, The
* Algebraic Basis of Mathematical Morphology: II. Openings and Closings, The
* Algebraic Characterization of Essential Matrices and Their Averaging in Multiview Settings
* Algebraic Clustering of Affine Subspaces
* Algebraic Comparison of Synthetic Aperture Interferometry and Digital Beam Forming in Imaging Radiometry, An
* Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Air Transportation Networks
* Algebraic Constraint for Preserving Convexity of Planar Homography
* Algebraic Curves that Work Better
* Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI
* Algebraic derivation of the Kruppa equations and a new algorithm for self-calibration of cameras
* Algebraic Description of Curve Structure
* Algebraic Description of Painted Digital Pictures, An
* Algebraic Descriptions of Relative Affine Structure: Connections to Euclidean, Affine and Projective Structure
* Algebraic Environment to Process Fuzzy Images, An
* Algebraic Error Analysis for Surface Curvatures and Segmentation of 3-D Range Images
* Algebraic error analysis for surface curvatures of 3-D range images obtained by different methods
* Algebraic error analysis of collinear feature points for camera parameter estimation
* Algebraic Evaluation Framework for a Class of Car-Following Models, An
* Algebraic feature extraction for image recognition based on an optimal discriminant criterion
* Algebraic Feature Extraction of Image for Recognition
* algebraic framework for deformable image registration, An
* Algebraic Framework for Discrete Basis Functions in Computer Vision, An
* Algebraic Framework for Linear and Morphological Scale-Spaces
* Algebraic Functions for Recognition
* Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision: Polynomial Systems, Real and Complex Roots
* Algebraic Geometry and Object Representation in Computer Vision
* Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation
* Algebraic Line Search for Bundle Adjustment
* Algebraic Method for Detecting Three-Dimensional Objects in a Picture, An
* Algebraic Method for Processing Colored Images, An
* Algebraic Methods for Direct and Feature Based Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Algebraic Methods for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Algebraic Methods for Intersections of Quadric Surfaces in GMSolid
* Algebraic Methods in 3-D Motion Estimation from Two-View Point Correspondences
* algebraic model for fast corner detection, An
* Algebraic Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm for Hexagonally-Sampled Infrared Images: A Simulation Study, An
* Algebraic Operations on Spatiotemporal Data Based on RDF
* Algebraic Optimization Approach To Image Registration, An
* Algebraic Polyhedral Constraints and 3D Structure from Motion
* Algebraic Procedure for the Computation of Optical Flow from First Order Derivatives of the Image Brightness, An
* Algebraic Projective Geometry and Direct Optimal Estimation of Geometric Entities
* Algebraic Properties of Parikh q-Matrices on Two-Dimensional Words
* Algebraic reasoning for the enhancement of data-driven building reconstructions
* Algebraic Reasoning in View Consistency and Parameterized Model Matching Problems
* Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques for Texture Synthesis
* Algebraic Signal Processing Theory: 2-D Spatial Hexagonal Lattice
* Algebraic solution for the visual hull
* Algebraic Solution to Surface Recovery from Cross-Sectional Contours, An
* algebraic solution to the 3-D discrete tomography problem, An
* Algebraic Splats Representation for Point Based Models
* Algebraic Synthesis of Forest Scenarios From Multibaseline PolInSAR Data
* Algebraic Topology-Based Image Deformation: A Unified Model
* Algebraic Varieties in Multiple View Geometry
* Algebraic, topological and categorical aspects of pattern recognition: A survey
* Algebraically Accurate Volume Registration Using Euler's Theorem and the 3-D Pseudo-Polar FFT
* Algebraically Approximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-Time Systems and Digital Images
* Algebraically Extended Representations of Multi-Dimensional Signals
* Algebraically rigorous quaternion framework for the neural network pose estimation problem
* Algol Procedure for the Fast Fourier Transform with Arbitrary Factors, Algorithm 339, An
* Algol Procedures for the Fast Fourier Transform, Algorithm 338
* AlgoLab
* Algorithm-749: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
* Algorithm-based low-power VLSI architecture for 2-D mesh video-object motion tracking
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization Bounds for Multi-Task Learning
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization of AUPRC Optimization: Theory and Algorithm
* Algorithm-Driven Advances for Scientific CT Instruments: From Model-Based to Deep Learning-Based Approaches
* algorithm-driven processor design for video compression, An
* Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
* Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design of Real-Time Edge Detection for Deep-Space Autonomous Optical Navigation
* Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization and Deployment Method for Field-Programmable Gate-Array-Based Convolutional Neural Network Remote Sensing Image Processing
* Algorithm-Independent Stability Analysis of Structure from Motion
* Algorithm 112: Position of point relative to polygon
* Algorithm 457: Finding All Cliques in an Undirected Graph (H)
* Algorithm 751: Tripack: A Constrained 2-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulation Package
* Algorithm 752: SRFPACK - Software for Scattered Data Fitting with a Constrained Surface under Tension
* Algorithm analysis and architecture design for rate distortion optimized mode decision in high definition AVS video encoder
* Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design of Hardware-Oriented, Modified Diamond Search for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of a Hardware-Efficient Image Dehazing Engine
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of High-Quality Video Upscaling Using Database-Free Texture Synthesis
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Human-Machine Interaction in Foreground Object Detection With Dynamic Scene
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Image Inpainting Engine for Video Error Concealment Applications
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Multirate Frame Rate Up-conversion for Ultra-HD LCD Systems
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Perception Engine for Video Coding Applications
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Power-Oriented H.264/AVC Baseline Profile Encoder for Portable Devices
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of the H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder
* Algorithm and architecture design of the motion estimation for the H.265/HEVC 4K-UHD encoder
* Algorithm and architecture for quarter pixel motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Algorithm and Architecture of Disparity Estimation With Mini-Census Adaptive Support Weight
* Algorithm and benchmark dataset for stain separation in histology images
* Algorithm and code optimizations for real-time passive ranging by imaging detection on single DSP
* Algorithm and Constraints for Exact Non-blind Deconvolution
* Algorithm and peer-to-peer negotiation strategies for train dispatching problems in railway bottleneck sections
* Algorithm and VLSI Architecture Co-Design on Efficient Semi-Global Stereo Matching
* algorithm and VLSI architecture of a high efficient motion estimation with adaptive search range for HEVC systems, The
* Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Edge-Directed Image Upscaling for 4k Display System
* algorithm based on density and compactness for dynamic overlapping clustering, An
* algorithm based on HRRP for target recognition, An
* algorithm based on LBPV and MIL for left atrial thrombi detection using transesophageal echocardiography, An
* Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for Monitoring Soil Surface Freeze/Thaw State on the Tibetan Plateau, An
* Algorithm based on the Weighted Network Voronoi Diagram for Point Cluster Simplification, An
* Algorithm competition
* Algorithm Derived from Thalamocortical Circuitry Stores and Retrieves Temporal Sequences, An
* Algorithm design for image processing in the context of cellular logic
* Algorithm Design Specification for Interpreting Segmented Image Data Using Schemas and Support Logic
* Algorithm Development and Support Database for MSTAR, An
* Algorithm Development for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval: Application to Chinese Gaofen-5 Data
* Algorithm Development of Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrievals for Long-Term HIRS Observations
* algorithm enabling blind users to find and read barcodes, An
* Algorithm for 3D Curve Smoothing, An
* Algorithm for a 3D Simplicity Test, An
* Algorithm for a Generalized Distance Transformation Based on Minkowski Operations, An
* algorithm for a linear shape-from-shading problem, An
* Algorithm for an Accurate Detection of Anomalies in Hyperspectral Images With a Low Computational Complexity, An
* Algorithm for Analysing Optical Flow Based on the Least-Squares Method
* Algorithm for Associating the Features of Two Images, An
* algorithm for automatic detection of pole-like street furniture objects from Mobile Laser Scanner point clouds, An
* Algorithm for Automatic Road Asphalt Edge Delineation from Mobile Laser Scanner Data Using the Line Clouds Concept, An
* Algorithm for Automatic Road Recognition on Digitized Map Images
* Algorithm for Automatic Scaling of the F-Layer Using Image Processing of Ionograms
* algorithm for automatic skin smoothing in digital portraits, An
* algorithm for automatically computing the horizontal shift between homologous contours from DTMs, An
* Algorithm for Automatically Producing Layered Sprites by Detecting Camera Movement
* Algorithm for Benchmarking an SIMD Pyramid with the Abingdon Cross, An
* Algorithm for Binary Contour Objects Representation and Recognition, An
* Algorithm for Binary Image Segmentation Using Polygonal Markov Fields, An
* Algorithm for Biometric Authentication Based on the Model of Non-Stationary Random Processes, An
* Algorithm for Blood-Vessel Segmentation in 3D Images Based on a Right Generalized Cylinder Model: Application to Carotid Arteries
* Algorithm for Boundary Adjustment toward Multi-Scale Adaptive Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Algorithm for Burned Area Detection in the Brazilian Cerrado Using 4µm MODIS Imagery, An
* Algorithm for Camera Calibration Using a 3-Dimensional Reference Point, An
* Algorithm for Coastline Detection using SAR Images, An
* algorithm for collision free navigation of an intelligent powered wheelchair in dynamic environments, An
* Algorithm for Colour-Based Natural Scene Text Segmentation, An
* algorithm for competitive learning in clustering problems, An
* algorithm for compression of bilevel images, An
* Algorithm for Computing Goldman Fuzzy Reducts, An
* Algorithm for Computing the Number of the Minimal Paths in Digital Images, An
* Algorithm for Constructing a Multi-Template Dictionary for Character Recognition Considering Distribution of Feature Vectors, An
* Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement and Segmentation of Complex Geophysical Images, An
* Algorithm For Converting A Forest Of Quadtrees To A Binary Array
* Algorithm for Converting Rasters to Quadtrees, An
* Algorithm for Coronary Calcification Diagnosis Based on Helical CT Images, An
* Algorithm for Covering Polygons with Rectangles, An
* Algorithm for Crest Detection Based on Graph Contraction
* Algorithm for Cutting 3D Surface Meshes, An
* algorithm for data-driven bandwidth selection, An
* algorithm for designing multiple Gabor filters for segmenting multi-textured images, An
* Algorithm for Detecting Coherence in Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Mission Level-1 Delay-Doppler Maps, An
* algorithm for detecting dense small objects in aerial photography based on coordinate position attention module, An
* Algorithm for Detecting Images in Defocused Scenes Using Optical Correlation
* Algorithm for Detecting Micros-Aneurysms in Low Resolution Color Retinal Images
* algorithm for detecting multiple salient objects in images via adaptive feature selection, An
* Algorithm for Detecting the Discontinuous Areas in Interferometric Phase Images, An
* Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of False Minutiae in Fingerprint Images
* Algorithm for Detection of Dominant Points and Polygonal Approximation of Digitzed Curves, An
* Algorithm for Detection of Ground and Canopy Cover in Micropulse Photon-Counting Lidar Altimeter Data in Preparation for the ICESat-2 Mission
* Algorithm for Detection of Partially Camouflaged People, An
* algorithm for determining identity of nearest-neighbor and potential function decision rules, An
* Algorithm for Discriminating Aggregate Gaze Points: Comparison with Salient Regions-Of-Interest
* algorithm for distinguishing the types of objects on the road using laser radar and vision, An
* Algorithm for Drop-Size Distribution Retrieval From GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar, An
* Algorithm for Efficient and Effective Evaluation of Scattering From Fractal Surfaces, An
* Algorithm for Efficient and Exhaustive Template Matching, An
* Algorithm for Encoding and Decoding the 3-D Hilbert Order, An
* Algorithm for Estimating and Correcting Decorrelation Phase From InSAR Data Using Closure Phase Triplets, An
* Algorithm for Estimating Mixture Distribution of High Dimensional Vectors and its Application to Character Recognition, An
* Algorithm for Estimating Small Scale Differences Between Two Digital Images, An
* Algorithm for Estimation of Wave Height From Shadowing in X-Band Radar Sea Surface Images, An
* Algorithm for Extracting Digital Terrain Models under Forest Canopy from Airborne LiDAR Data
* algorithm for fast adaptive image binarization with applications in radiotherapy imaging, An
* Algorithm for Fast Pattern Recognition with Random Spikes, An
* algorithm for finding a common structure shared by a family of strings, An
* algorithm for finding document concepts using semantic similarities from WordNet ontology, An
* Algorithm for Finding Intrinsic Dimensionality of Data, An
* algorithm for finding maximal whitespace rectangles at arbitrary orientations for document layout analysis, An
* Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbor, An
* Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbors in (Approximately) Constant Time, An
* algorithm for finding nearest neighbours in constant average time with a linear space complexity, An
* Algorithm for Finding Repeated Solutions to the General Perspective Three-Point Pose Problem, An
* Algorithm for Finding the Center of Circular Fiducials
* Algorithm for Finding the Largest Approximately Common Substructures of Two Trees, An
* Algorithm for Fitting 2-D Data on the Circle: Applications to Mobile Robotics, An
* algorithm for FOE localization, An
* Algorithm for Foreground-Background Separation in Low Quality Patrimonial Document Images, An
* Algorithm for Gaussian Texture Inpainting, An
* Algorithm for Generating a Digital Circle on a Triangular Grid
* Algorithm for Generating a Digital Straight Line on a Triangular Grid
* Algorithm for Global Leaf Area Index Retrieval Using Satellite Imagery
* Algorithm for Graph Optimal Isomorphism, An
* Algorithm for Gross Primary Production (GPP) and Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) Estimations in the Midstream of the Heihe River Basin, China, An
* Algorithm for hierarchical vector quantisation of video data
* Algorithm For High Speed Curve Generation, An
* Algorithm for Highlights Identification and Summarization of Broadcast Soccer Videos, An
* Algorithm for Image Denoising with Automatic Noise Estimate, An
* Algorithm for Improved Stereoscopic Cloud-Top Height Retrieval Based on Visible and Infrared Bands for Himawari-8 and FY-4A
* Algorithm for Improving Non-Local Means Operators via Low-Rank Approximation, An
* Algorithm for In-Flight Spectral Calibration of Imaging Spectrometers, An
* Algorithm for In-Line Generation of a Convex Cover, An
* algorithm for intrinsic dimensionality estimation, An
* algorithm for iris extraction, An
* Algorithm for ISAR Ship Imaging Based on S-Distribution, An
* Algorithm for k-Anonymity-Based Fingerprinting, An
* Algorithm for Learning Orthonormal Matrix Codebooks for Adaptive Transform Coding, An
* Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters, An
* Algorithm for License Plate Recognition Applied to Intelligent Transportation System, An
* Algorithm for Line Intersection Identification, An
* Algorithm for Linear Inequalities and its Applications, An
* algorithm for local geoparsing of microtext, An
* Algorithm for Low Memory Wavelet Image Compression, An
* algorithm for mapping burnt areas in Australia using SPOT-VEGETATION data, An
* Algorithm for Matching 3-D Line Segments with Application to Multiple-Object Motion Estimation, An
* Algorithm for Matching OCR-Generated Text Strings, An
* algorithm for mean pyramids vector quantization using Hadamard transform and tree structure, An
* Algorithm for Merging Geographic Datasets Based on the Spatial Distributions of Their Values, An
* algorithm for minimizing the Mumford-Shah functional, An
* Algorithm for Modeling Print and Scan Operations Used for Watermarking, An
* Algorithm for monitoring head/eye motion for driver alertness with one camera
* algorithm for multiple object trajectory tracking, An
* algorithm for nonconvex functional minimization and applications to image restoration, An
* Algorithm for Nonparametric Pattern Recognition, An
* Algorithm for Object Reconstruction without Interior Orientation, An
* algorithm for on-line strokes verification of chinese characters using discrete features, An
* Algorithm For Optimal Isomorphism Between 2 Random Graphs, An
* Algorithm for Optimal Transport between a Simplex Soup and a Point Cloud, An
* Algorithm for Parallel Reconstruction of Jointly Sparse Tensors with Applications to Hyperspectral Imaging, An
* algorithm for parameter selection in 3D shooting, independent from stereopair registration methods, The
* Algorithm for Pattern Description on the Level of Relative Proximity, An
* Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Multispectral Image Sequences, An
* Algorithm for Piecewise Straight Line Approximations
* Algorithm for Polygonal-Approximation Based on Iterative Point Elimination, An
* Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of a Digital Object, An
* Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* Algorithm for Power Line Detection and Warning Based on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Video, An
* algorithm for projective point matching in the presence of spurious points, An
* Algorithm for Real-Time Cycle Slip Detection and Repair for Low Elevation GPS Undifferenced Data in Different Environments
* Algorithm for Real-time Stereo Vision Implementation of Head Pose and Gaze Direction Measurement, An
* Algorithm for Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects, An
* algorithm for real time eye detection in face images, An
* Algorithm for Recognising Walkers, An
* Algorithm for Recognition and Localization of Roatated and Scaled Objects, An
* Algorithm for Reducing Text Line Candidates of Incorrect Orientation, An
* Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Mosaic Based on Valid Area, An
* Algorithm for Removable Visible Watermarking, An
* Algorithm for Retrieving the 2-D Distribution of Moderate Rain by X-SAR, An
* Algorithm for Retrieving the Surface Waves Parameters Using Doppler Spectrum Measurements at Small Incident Angles, The
* algorithm for rule generation in fuzzy expert systems, An
* Algorithm for Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Recognition of Two-Dimensional Objects, An
* Algorithm for Sea Surface Wind Retrieval From TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Data
* Algorithm for Second Order Mumford-Shah Models Based on a Taylor Jet Formulation, An
* algorithm for segmentation of metaphase spreads, An
* Algorithm for Segmenting Handwritten Postal Codes
* Algorithm for Segmenting Juxtaposed Objects, An
* algorithm for semi-supervised learning in image retrieval, An
* algorithm for simultaneous image segmentation and nonrigid registration, with clinical application in image guided radiotherapy, An
* Algorithm for Soybean Classification Using Medium Resolution Satellite Images
* Algorithm for Space Recognition and Time Tracking of Vorticity Tubes in Turbulence, An
* Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism, An
* Algorithm for Successive Identification of Reflections, An
* Algorithm for Supervised Driving of Cooperative Semi-Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Algorithm for Surface Current Retrieval from X-band Marine Radar Images, An
* Algorithm for text page up/down orientation determination
* Algorithm for the Automatic Analysis of Characters Located on Car License Plates, An
* Algorithm For The Automatic Estimation Of Agricultural Tree Geometric Parameters Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Algorithm for the computation of 3D fourier descriptors
* Algorithm for the Contextual Adaption of SURF Octave Selection With Good Matching Performance: Best Octaves, An
* Algorithm for the Counterclockwise Ordering of Vertexes of Slanted Surfaces Towards the Generation of Semantic GBXML Models
* Algorithm for the Delineation of Craters in Very High Resolution Images of Mars Surface, An
* Algorithm for the Design of Labeled-Transition Finite-State Vector Quantizers, An
* Algorithm for the Detection and Tracking of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems Using Infrared Images From Geostationary Satellite, An
* Algorithm for the Detection of Multiple Concentric Circles, An
* algorithm for the detection of vessels in aerial images, An
* Algorithm for the Extraction of the Wire Frame Structure of a Three-Dimensional Object, An
* algorithm for the fusion of images based on Jaynes' maximum entropy method, An
* algorithm for the global solution of the shape-from-shading model, An
* Algorithm for the Learning of Weights in Discrimination Functions Using a Priori Constraints, An
* Algorithm for the Localization of Rotated and Scaled Objects, An
* Algorithm for the Medial Axis Transform of 3D Polyhedral Solids, An
* algorithm for the optimum piecewise linear approximation of digitized curves, An
* algorithm for the rapid computation of boundaries of run-length encoded regions, An
* Algorithm for the Reconstruction of the Ground Surface Reflectance in the Visible and Near IR Ranges from MODIS Satellite Data with Allowance for the Influence of Ground Surface Inhomogeneity on the Adjacency Effect and of Multiple Radiation Reflection
* Algorithm for the Retrieval of Albedo from Space Using Semiempirical BRDF Models, An
* Algorithm for the Retrieval of High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Shortwave Albedo from Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance and MODIS BRDF, An
* Algorithm for the Segmentation of Bilevel Images, An
* Algorithm for the Segmentation of Highly Abnormal Hearts Using a Generic Statistical Shape Model, An
* algorithm for the skew normalization of document image, An
* Algorithm for the Weak Target Joint Detection and Ambiguity Resolution Based on Ambiguity Matrix
* Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization and Applications, An
* Algorithm for Tracking Multiple Targets, An
* algorithm for training a large scale support vector machine for regression based on linear programming and decomposition methods, An
* Algorithm for Transformations of Pictures by Quadtrees, An
* Algorithm for Treating Uncertainties in the Visualization of Pipeline Sensors' Datasets, An
* Algorithm for Tuning an Active Appearance Model to New Data, An
* Algorithm for Variable Density Sampling with Block-Constrained Acquisition, An
* Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design, An
* algorithm for wipe detection, An
* Algorithm for X-ray Scatter, Beam-Hardening, and Beam Profile Correction in Diagnostic (Kilovoltage) and Treatment (Megavoltage) Cone Beam CT
* Algorithm Fusion for 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging with Field Examples
* Algorithm Modeling of Ancient Architecture for Heritage Documentation
* Algorithm of Adaptive Fading Memory UKF in Bearings-Only Target Tracking
* Algorithm of Additional Correction of Level 2 Remote Sensing Reflectance Data Using Modelling of the Optical Properties of the Black Sea Waters
* Algorithm of Connecting Broken Objects Based on the Skeletons, An
* algorithm of doppler frequency rate-of-change estimation for coherent pulse train, An
* Algorithm of Feature Selection and Feature Weighting Adjustment Based on Chinese FrameNet, An
* Algorithm of fingerprint extraction and implementation based on OpenCV
* Algorithm of Inverse Log Polar Transform Based on Neighbor Pixels, An
* Algorithm of On-Line Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Hide Markov Model, The
* Algorithm of Planar Coded Pattern Recognition for Camera Calibration, An
* Algorithm of Resist Cropping Robust Audio Watermark Based On Wavelet Transformation, An
* algorithm of spectral reflectance function reconstruction without sample training can integrate prior information, An
* Algorithm of Straight Line Features Matching on Aerial Imagery, An
* Algorithm of the Roundwood Volume Measurement via Photogrammetry, The
* Algorithm on the Estimation of Residual Motion Errors in Airborne SAR Images
* Algorithm on tracing the boundary of medical images using abstract cellular complex
* Algorithm optimization and hardware implementation for Merge mode in HEVC
* Algorithm partition and parallel recognition of general context-free languages using fixed-size VLSI architecture
* Algorithm Performance Contest
* Algorithm Recommendation for Data Streams
* Algorithm Research Using GNSS-TEC Data to Calibrate TEC Calculated by the IRI-2016 Model over China
* Algorithm Synthesis for IU Applications
* Algorithm to Assist the Robust Filter for Tightly Coupled RTK/INS Navigation System, An
* Algorithm to Bias-Correct and Transform Arctic SMAP-Derived Skin Salinities into Bulk Surface Salinities, An
* algorithm to classify and monitor seasonal variations in vegetation phenologies and their inter-annual change, An
* Algorithm to Compute Any Simple k-gon of a Maximum Area or Perimeter Inscribed in a Region of Interest, An
* Algorithm to Decompose n-Dimensional Rotations into Planar Rotations, An
* Algorithm to decompose three-dimensional complex structures at the necks: Tested on snow structures
* Algorithm to Detect Endangered Cultural Heritage by Agricultural Expansion in Drylands at a Global Scale, An
* algorithm to detect linearly separable clusters of binary patterns, An
* algorithm to detect overlapping red blood cells for sickle cell disease diagnosis, An
* Algorithm to Detect the Retinal Region of Interest, An
* Algorithm to Detect the Weak-Symmetry of a Simple Polygon, An
* Algorithm to Determine the Chromaticity Under Non-uniform Illuminant, An
* Algorithm to Determine the Directional Relationship between Arbitrarily-Shaped Polygons in the Plane, An
* Algorithm to Determine the Feasibilities and Weights of Two-Layer Perceptrons for Partitioning and Classification, An
* Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over time
* algorithm to estimate mean traffic speed using uncalibrated cameras, An
* Algorithm to Estimate Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations and Associated Uncertainties from Remote Sensing Reflectance in Coastal Environments, An
* algorithm to estimate the crown patterns of diamonds based on machine vision, An
* Algorithm to Expand Regions Represented by Linear Quadtrees
* algorithm to extract convex hull on thetas Hough transform space, An
* algorithm to find distant repeats in a pair of protein sequences, An
* Algorithm to Find Parameter Dependent Connected Components of Gray Images, An
* algorithm to find the best time to tweet, An
* Algorithm to Find Two-Dimensional Signals with Specified Zero-Crossings, An
* Algorithm to Generate a Simplified Railway Network through Generalization, An
* Algorithm to Identify Surface Snowfall From GPM DPR Observations, An
* Algorithm to Retrieve Total Precipitable Water Vapor in the Atmosphere from FengYun 3D Medium Resolution Spectral Imager 2 (FY-3D MERSI-2) Data, An
* Algorithm Unrolling: Interpretable, Efficient Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing
* algorithm using length-r paths to approximate subgraph isomorphism, An
* algorithm using projection onto subspace of prior distributions for long-wavelength sound wave CT, An
* Algorithm using supervised subspace learning and non-local representation for pose variation recognition
* Algorithm with Reduced Operations for Connected Components Detection in ITU-T Group 3/4 Coded Images, An
* Algorithm, Implementation and Application of the SIM-DL Similarity Server
* Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emergent Platforms: Overview and Future Prospects
* Algorithme Génétique et Critère de la Trace pour l'Optimisation du Vecteur Attribut: Application à la Classification Supervisée des Images de Textures
* Algorithmic Analysis of Variational Models for Perceptual Local Contrast Enhancement, An
* Algorithmic and architectural co-design of a motion-estimation engine for low-power video devices
* Algorithmic and architectural design for real-time and power-efficient Retinex image/video processing
* Algorithmic and architectural enhancements for real-time MPEG-1 decoding on a general purpose RISC workstation
* Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering
* Algorithmic and software techniques for embedded vision on programmable processors
* Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error, An
* algorithmic approach to some problems in terrain navigation, An
* Algorithmic Chain for Lightning Detection and False Event Filtering Based on the MTG Lightning Imager
* Algorithmic Characterization of Vehicle Trajectories from Image Sequences by Motion Verbs
* Algorithmic Comparison Between Square- and Hexagonal-Based Grids, An
* Algorithmic Considerations for Real-Time Stereo Vision Applications
* Algorithmic Construction of Acyclic Partial Matchings for Multidimensional Persistence
* Algorithmic Differentiation: Application to Variational Problems in Computer Vision
* Algorithmic Fairness in Face Morphing Attack Detection
* Algorithmic Framework of Generalized Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Methods for Saddle Point Problems, An
* Algorithmic Framework to the Optimal Mapping Function by a Radial Basis Function Neural Network, An
* Algorithmic Fusion for More Robust Feature Tracking
* Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: An exposition
* Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* Algorithmic methodologies for FPGA-based vision
* Algorithmic Modeling For Performance Evaluation
* Algorithmic Modelling for Performance Evaluation
* Algorithmic Modifications to SPIHT
* Algorithmic Motion Planning in Robotics
* Algorithmic optimisation of histogram intersection kernel support vector machine-based pedestrian detection using low complexity features
* Algorithmic Representation of Visual Information
* Algorithmic solution and simulation results for vision-based autonomous mode of a planetary rover
* Algorithmic Solutions for Computing Precise Maximum Likelihood 3D Point Clouds from Mobile Laser Scanning Platforms
* Algorithmic Techniques for Computer Vision on a Fine-Grained Parallel Machine
* Algorithmically engineered fast multichannel adaptive filter based on QR-RLS
* Algorithms and Analyses for Joint Spectral Image Reconstruction in Y-90 Bremsstrahlung SPECT
* Algorithms and Architectures for a Class of Non-Linear Hybrid Filters
* Algorithms and Hardware for Efficient Image Smoothing
* Algorithms and Hardware Technology for Image Recognition
* Algorithms and networks for accelerated convergence of adaptive LDA
* Algorithms and Predictors for Land Cover Classification of Polar Deserts: A Case Study Highlighting Challenges and Recommendations for Future Applications
* Algorithms and system for object-oriented content-based video search
* Algorithms and Systems for Low Power Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Algorithms and systolic architectures for multidimensional adaptive filtering via McClellan transformations
* Algorithms and Techniques for Automated Visual Inspection
* Algorithms Based on Maximization of the Mutual Information for Measuring Parameters of Canvas Texture from Images
* Algorithms for 3D Shape Scanning with a Depth Camera
* Algorithms for a Fast Confocal Optical Inspection System
* Algorithms for a real-time HDR video system
* Algorithms for Adjustment of Symmetry Axis Found for 2d Shapes By The Skeleton Comparison Method
* Algorithms for automatic disk head/slider inspection
* Algorithms for Automatic Sensor Placement to Acquire Complete and Accurate Information
* Algorithms for Batch Matrix Factorization with Application to Structure-from-Motion
* Algorithms for calibrating roadside traffic cameras and estimating mean vehicle speed
* Algorithms for Canonical Polyadic Decomposition With Block-Circulant Factors
* Algorithms for Circular Propagation in Discrete Images
* Algorithms for Clustering Data
* Algorithms for coding scanned halftone pictures
* Algorithms for Color Image Edge Enhancement Using Potential Functions
* Algorithms for compressing compound document images with large text/background overlap
* Algorithms for computing a planar homography from conics in correspondence
* Algorithms for Computing D-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams and Their Duals
* Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons
* Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeomorphisms: Performance evaluation
* Algorithms for computing the maximum weight region decomposable into elementary shapes
* Algorithms for Computing the Volume and Other Integral Properties of Solids
* Algorithms for connected component labeling based on quadtrees
* Algorithms for constrained k-nearest neighbor queries over moving object trajectories
* Algorithms for Constraint-Satisfaction Problems: A Survey
* Algorithms for cooperative multisensor surveillance
* Algorithms for coplanar camera calibration
* Algorithms for Defining Visual Regions-of-Interest: Comparison with Eye Fixations
* Algorithms for Detecting Clusters of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* Algorithms for Detecting M-Dimensional Objects in N-Dimensional Spaces
* Algorithms for Doppler Spectral Density Data Quality Control and Merging for the Ka-Band Solid-State Transmitter Cloud Radar
* Algorithms for Drawing Anti-Aliased Circles and Ellipses
* Algorithms for electric vehicle scheduling in large-scale mobility-on-demand schemes
* Algorithms for Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion
* Algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments and their numerical stability
* Algorithms for Fast Digital Straight Segments Union
* Algorithms for Feature Selection: An Evaluation
* Algorithms for Fractal Image Compression on Massively Parallel SIMD Arrays
* Algorithms for Fuzzy Segmentation
* Algorithms for Generation of Discrete Circles, Rings, and Disks
* Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing
* Algorithms for Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning
* Algorithms for Homotopy Classification of Binary Images
* Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting
* Algorithms for Image Component Labeling on SIMD Mesh-Connected Computers
* Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* Algorithms for Implicit Deformable Models
* Algorithms for Inexact Matching
* Algorithms for inference in specialized maps for recovering 3d hand pose
* Algorithms for Invariant Model Transfer and Object Reconstruction
* Algorithms for Itinerary Planning in Multimodal Transportation Networks
* Algorithms for massively parallel image processing architectures
* Algorithms for Matching 3D Line Sets
* Algorithms for maximum-likelihood bandwidth selection in kernel density estimators
* Algorithms for Median Filtering of Images on a Pyramid Machine
* Algorithms for Motion Estimation Based on Three-Dimensional Correspondences
* Algorithms for multiplex scheduling of object-based audio-visual presentations
* Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery III
* Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories
* Algorithms for openings of binary and label images with rectangular structuring elements
* Algorithms for Optical Flow Estimation in Real-Time on Connection Machine-2
* Algorithms for Partitioning Path Construction of Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Algorithms for Pattern Rejection
* Algorithms for Plane-based Pose Estimation
* Algorithms for postprocessing OCR results with visual inter-word constraints
* Algorithms for Random Maps Generation and Their Implementation as a Python Library
* Algorithms for Realtime Component Labelling of Images
* Algorithms for Recognition of the Main Engineering Drawing Entities
* Algorithms for Recognizing Contour-Traced Handprinted Characters
* Algorithms for Recognizing Planar Polygonal Configurations Using Perspective Images
* Algorithms For Relative Radiometric Correction In Earth Observing Systems resource-p and canopus-v
* Algorithms for reproducing objects from their X-rays
* Algorithms for Scene Restoration and Visibility Estimation from Aerosol Scatter Impaired Images
* Algorithms for selecting parameters of combination of acyclic adjacency graphs in the problem of texture image processing
* Algorithms for semantic segmentation of multispectral remote sensing imagery using deep learning
* Algorithms for Shape Analysis of Contours and Waveforms
* Algorithms for Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries
* Algorithms for shape from shading, lighting direction and motion
* Algorithms for Smoothing Data with Periodic and Parametric Splines
* Algorithms for Stable Matching and Clustering in a Grid
* Algorithms for stochastic approximations of curvature flows
* Algorithms for Straight Line Fitting Using K-Means
* Algorithms for Subpixel Registration
* Algorithms for syllabic hypothesization in continuous speech
* Algorithms for Testing Convexity of Digital Polygons
* Algorithms for the Automatic Design of Non-formal Urban Parks
* Algorithms for The Automatic Detection and Characterization Of Pathologies in Heritage Elements From Thermographic Images
* Algorithms for the computation of the Minkowski functionals of deterministic and random polyconvex sets
* Algorithms for the constrained editing distance between ordered labeled trees and related problems
* Algorithms for the Conversion of Quadtrees to Rasters
* Algorithms for the Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Operations
* Algorithms for the Detection of Sub-Pixel Targets in Multispectral Imagery
* Algorithms for the Digital Restoration of Torn Films
* Algorithms for the Euler Characteristic and Related Additive Functionals of Digital Objects
* Algorithms for the Orthographic-n-Point Problem
* Algorithms for the Recognition of 2D Images of M Points and N Lines in 3D
* Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to represent a digitized line or its caricature
* Algorithms for the Sample Mean of Graphs
* Algorithms for the Shape Analysis of Contours and Waveforms
* Algorithms for Transform Selection in Multiple-Transform Video Compression
* Algorithms for two dimensional multi set canonical correlation analysis
* Algorithms from statistical physics for generative models of images
* Algorithms improve synthetic aperture radar coherent change detection performance
* Algorithms in Digital Geometry Based on Cellular Topology
* Algorithms of Crescent Structure Detection in Human Biological Fluid Facies
* Algorithms of halftoning color images with edge enhancement
* Algorithms of Multi-Modal Route Planning Based on the Concept of Switch Point
* Algorithms of the multiperspective pattern recognition
* Algorithms to Automate Estimation of Time Codes for Captioning Digital Media
* Algorithms with attitude
* Algorithms, Complexity Analysis and VLSI Architectures for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation
* Alhazen and the nearest neighbor rule
* Alias-and-Separate: Wideband Speech Coding Using Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Speech Separation
* Alias-Free Arrays
* Alias-Free Convnets: Fractional Shift Invariance via Polynomial Activations
* Alias-Free Interpolation
* Aliasing-free simplification of surface meshes
* Aliasing Artifact Suppression with Adaptive Segmentation Based Edge Enhancement
* Aliasing assessment in wavelength domain of hyperspectral data
* aliasing detection algorithm based on suspicious colocalizations of Fourier coefficients, An
* Aliasing Detection and Reduction in Plenoptic Imaging
* Aliasing Detection and Reduction Scheme on Angularly Undersampled Light Fields
* Aliasing Reduction via Frequency Roll-Off for Scalable Image/Video Coding
* Aliasing, Anti-Aliasing
* Alibaba and forty thieves algorithm and novel Prioritized Prewitt Pattern(PPP)-based convolutional neural network (CNN) using hyperspherically compressed weights for facial emotion recognition
* Alien Pulse Rejection in Concurrent Firing LIDAR
* ALIF: A dataset for Arabic embedded text recognition in TV broadcast
* Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive Losses
* Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts
* Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection
* Align R-CNN: A Pairwise Head Network for Visual Relationship Detection
* Align Representations with Base: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning
* Align Your Latents: High-Resolution Video Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
* Align, Attend and Locate: Chest X-Ray Diagnosis via Contrast Induced Attention Network With Limited Supervision
* Align2Ground: Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding Guided by Image-Caption Alignment
* AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Detection
* aligned bidirectional feature representation for person re-identification, An
* Aligned Cluster Analysis for temporal segmentation of human motion
* Aligned discriminative pose robust descriptors for face and object recognition
* Aligned Dynamic-Preserving Embedding for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Transfer Across Vision-Language Tasks
* Aligned Intra Prediction and Hyper Scale Decoder Under Multistage Context Model for JPEG AI
* Aligned matching: An efficient image matching technique
* Aligned to the Object, Not to the Image: A Unified Pose-Aligned Representation for Fine-Grained Recognition
* AlignedReID++: Dynamically matching local information for person re-identification
* AligNeRF: High-Fidelity Neural Radiance Fields via Alignment-Aware Training
* Aligning 2.5D Scene Fragments With Distinctive Local Geometric Features and Voting-Based Correspondences
* Aligning 3D Local Data of Leapfrog Locations along Elongated Structures
* Aligning 3D models to RGB-D images of cluttered scenes
* Aligning a Model to an Image Using Minimal Information
* Aligning and Updating Cadaster Maps with Aerial Images by Multi-task, Multi-resolution Deep Learning
* Aligning ASL for Statistical Translation Using a Discriminative Word Model
* Aligning Bag of Regions for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
* Aligning Bags of Shape Contexts for Blurred Shape Model based symbol classification
* Aligning Bone Tumour Radiology and Histology Data - How Could We Close the Loopƒ
* Aligning Books and Movies: Towards Story-Like Visual Explanations by Watching Movies and Reading Books
* Aligning Concave and Convex Shapes
* Aligning Coupled Manifolds for Face Hallucination
* Aligning Curves Under Projective Transform and its Application to Image Registration
* Aligning Discriminative and Representative Features: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Building Damage Assessment
* Aligning endoluminal scene sequences in wireless capsule endoscopy
* Aligning images in the wild
* Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
* Aligning Infinite-Dimensional Covariance Matrices in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Domain Adaptation
* Aligning Latent and Image Spaces to Connect the Unconnectable
* Aligning Latent Spaces for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Aligning movies with scripts by exploiting temporal ordering constraints
* Aligning Multi-Sequence CMR Towards Fully Automated Myocardial Pathology Segmentation
* Aligning Names and Faces: Seeing the Problem in Different Ways
* Aligning Non-Causal Factors for Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Aligning Non-Overlapping Sequences
* Aligning Pixel Values of DMSP and VIIRS Nighttime Light Images to Evaluate Urban Dynamics
* Aligning plot synopses to videos for story-based retrieval
* Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-object Image Retrieval Framework
* Aligning Scan Acquisition Circles in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of The Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer
* Aligning semantic distribution in fusing optical and SAR images for land use classification
* Aligning Shapes by Minimising the Description Length
* Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* Aligning Spatio-Temporal Signals on a Special Manifold
* Aligning Step-by-Step Instructional Diagrams to Video Demonstrations
* Aligning Subtitles in Sign Language Videos
* Aligning surfaces without aligning surfaces
* Aligning Text and Document Illustrations: Towards Visually Explainable Digital Humanities
* Aligning the dissimilar: A probabilistic method for feature-based point set registration
* Aligning the frames of a non stationary imaging Fourier transform spectrometer for spectrum retrieval
* Aligning tilt slices for 3D TEM tomography based on 2D to 1D Radon transform
* Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy minimization
* Aligning Transcripts to Automatically Segmented Handwritten Manuscripts
* Aligning Videos in Space and Time
* Aligning vision-language for graph inference in visual dialog
* Aligning Where to See and What to Tell: Image Captioning with Region-Based Attention and Scene-Specific Contexts
* Aligning windows of live video from an imprecise pan-tilt-zoom camera into a remote panoramic display for remote nature observation
* Alignment-Based Recognition of Shape Outlines
* Alignment-Based Similarity of People Trajectories Using Semi-directional Statistics
* Alignment-by-reconstruction for 3D Ultrasound Imaging
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint template design: A densely infinite-to-one mapping (DITOM) approach
* Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates Based on Local Minutiae Information
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint templates with dual protection
* Alignment-free exposure fusion of image pairs
* alignment-free fingerprint bio-cryptosystem based on modified Voronoi neighbor structures, An
* Alignment-Free Gender Recognition in the Wild
* Alignment-free HDR Deghosting with Semantics Consistent Transformer
* Alignment-free row-co-occurrence cancelable palmprint Fuzzy Vault
* Alignment-Uniformity aware Representation Learning for Zero-shot Video Classification
* alignment algorithm for old motion pictures, An
* Alignment and Connection of Fragmented Linear Features in Aerial Imagery
* Alignment and Correspondence Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Alignment and fusion for adaptive domain nighttime semantic segmentation
* Alignment and Generation Adapter for Efficient Video-Text Understanding
* Alignment and Morphing for the Boundary Curves of Anatomical Organs
* Alignment and mosaicing of non-overlapping images
* Alignment and Parallelism for the Description of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Alignment and Tracking Using Graphics Hardware
* alignment based similarity measure for hand detection in cluttered sign language video, An
* Alignment Before Aggregation: Trajectory Memory Retrieval Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Alignment Blur in Coherently Averaged Images
* Alignment by Composition
* Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Alignment by Phase of Vertical Coefficients in SA-DCT
* Alignment Distances on Systems of Bags
* Alignment of 3-D Optical Coherence Tomography Scans to Correct Eye Movement Using a Particle Filtering
* Alignment of 3D Building Models with Satellite Images Using Extended Chamfer Matching
* Alignment of 3D Models to Images Using Region-Based Mutual Information and Neighborhood Extended Gaussian Images
* Alignment of 3D point clouds to overhead images
* Alignment of Building Footprints Using Quasi-Nadir Aerial Photography
* Alignment of Continuous Video onto 3D Point Clouds
* Alignment of Curved Text Strings for Enhanced OCR Readability
* Alignment of Deep Features in 3D Models for Camera Pose Estimation
* Alignment of free layout color texts for character recognition
* Alignment of Hyperspectral Images Using KAZE Features
* Alignment of multiple non-overlapping axially symmetric 3D datasets
* Alignment of Non-Overlapping Sequences
* Alignment of non-texture video frames using kalman filter
* Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces: Error Analysis of the Curvature Method, The
* Alignment of optic nerve head optical coherence tomography B-scans in right and left eyes
* Alignment of Overlapping Locally Scaled Patches for Multidimensional Scaling and Dimensionality Reduction
* Alignment of Paragraphs in Bilingual Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming
* Alignment of Planar Curves
* Alignment of Point Cloud DSMs from TLS and UAV Platforms
* Alignment of Sewerage Inspection Videos for Their Easier Indexing
* Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preoperative images of the liver using models of respiratory motion and deformation
* Alignment of the Spheres: Globally-Optimal Spherical Mixture Alignment for Camera Pose Estimation, The
* Alignment of three-dimensional point clouds using combined descriptors
* Alignment of uncalibrated images for multi-view classification
* Alignment of velocity fields for video surveillance
* Alignment of videos recorded from moving vehicles
* Alignment Relation is What You Need for Diagram Parsing
* Alignment strength and correlation for graphs
* Alignment Using an Uncalibrated Camera System
* Alignment Using Distributions of Local Geometric Properties
* Alignment using Spectral Clusters
* Alignment, Registration for Super Resolution
* AlignMixup: Improving Representations By Interpolating Aligned Features
* AlignNet-3D: Fast Point Cloud Registration of Partially Observed Objects
* AlignNet: A Unifying Approach to Audio-Visual Alignment
* AlignQ: Alignment Quantization with ADMM-based Correlation Preservation
* AlignSDF: Pose-Aligned Signed Distance Fields for Hand-Object Reconstruction
* AlignSeg: Feature-Aligned Segmentation Networks
* AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Relations
* Alike Scene Retrieval from Land-Cover Products Based on the Label Co-Occurrence Matrix (LCM)
* ALIKE: Accurate and Lightweight Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Extraction
* ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing
* ALIP: Adaptive Language-Image Pre-training with Synthetic Caption
* ALIP: The Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures System
* ALIS: Learning Affective Causality Behind Daily Activities From a Wearable Life-Log System
* ALiSa: Acrostic Linguistic Steganography Based on BERT and Gibbs Sampling
* Alive Caricature from 2D to 3D
* Alive System: Wireless, Full-Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents, The
* All-Addition Hyperspectral Compressed Sensing for Metasurface-Driven Miniaturized Satellite
* All-Around Depth from Small Motion with a Spherical Panoramic Camera
* all-ASIC implementation of a low bit-rate video codec, An
* All-Day Vehicle Detection From Surveillance Videos Based on Illumination-Adjustable Generative Adversarial Network
* All-digital 2-channel parallel undersampling and reconstruction of band-limited signals
* All-digital high definition television: Dream or reality?
* All-digital super high definition images
* All-Directions Through-the-Wall Imaging Using a Small Number of Moving Omnidirectional Bi-Static FMCW Transceivers
* All-Directions Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Using a Small Number of Moving Transceivers
* All-Focus Image Fusion and Depth Image Estimation Based on Iterative Splitting Technique for Multi-focus Images
* All-focused Image Generation and 3d Modeling of Microscopic Images of Insects
* All-format decoders and set-top boxes
* All-hardware SIFT implementation for real-time VGA images feature extraction
* All-Higher-Stages-In Adaptive Context Aggregation for Semantic Edge Detection
* All-IDB: The acute lymphoblastic leukemia image database for image processing
* All-in-Focus Imaging from Event Focal Stack
* All-in-Focus Imaging Using a Series of Images on Different Focal Planes
* All-in-focus synthetic aperture imaging using generative adversarial network-based semantic inpainting
* All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Image Matting
* All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging
* All-in-focus with directional-max-gradient flow and labeled iterative depth propagation
* All-in-One Application for Temporal Coordinate Transformation in Geodesy and Geoinformatics, An
* All-In-One Convolutional Neural Network for Face Analysis, An
* All-In-One Image Restoration for Unknown Corruption
* All-in-One Image Restoration for Unknown Degradations Using Adaptive Discriminative Filters for Specific Degradations
* All-in-One Laser Scanning Methods for Surveying, Representing and Sharing Information on Archaeology. via Flaminia and the Furlo Tunnel Complex
* All-in-one multicategory least squares nonparallel hyperplanes support vector machine
* All-in-One: Emotion, Sentiment and Intensity Prediction Using a Multi-Task Ensemble Framework
* all-inclusive computer-aided melanoma diagnosis based on soft computing, An
* All-integer Hough Transform: Performance Evaluation
* All-Intra Rate Control Using Low Complexity Video Features for Versatile Video Coding
* All-New Ultradeep Detection Method Based on Hybrid Dipole Antennas in Electromagnetic Logging While Drilling, An
* All-optical DNA variant discovery utilizing extended DV-curve-based wavelength modulation
* All-Optical Invariant Target Recognition Based on Intensity-to-Phase Coding
* All-Optoelectronic Terahertz Imaging Systems and Examples of Their Application
* All-Pairs Consistency Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* All-Pass Filter Design Using Blaschke Interpolation
* All-Pass Filter Design Using Unimodular Interpolation
* All-Pass Parametric Image Registration
* All-phase Motion Compensated Prediction in the Wavelet Domain for High Performance Video Coding
* All-photon Polarimetric Time-of-Flight Imaging
* All-Purpose Texture Sprites
* all-seeing baggage scanner, The
* All-Sky 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction Considering Cloud Effects Based on Machine Learning
* All-sky longwave downward radiation from satellite measurements: General parameterizations based on LST, column water vapor and cloud top temperature
* All-Sky Scattering Index Derived from Microwave Sounding Data at Dual Oxygen Absorption Bands, An
* All-Solid-State Narrowband Lidar Developed by Optical Parametric Oscillator/Amplifier (OPO/OPA) Technology for Simultaneous Detection of the Ca and Ca+ Layers, The
* All-stop, skip-stop, or transfer service: an empirical study on preferences of bus passengers
* All-to-key Attention for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* All-Transputer Visual Autobahn-Autopilot/Copilot, An
* All-Weather and Superpixel Water Extraction Methods Based on Multisource Remote Sensing Data Fusion
* All-Weather Deep Outdoor Lighting Estimation
* All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Product Based on MSG/SEVIRI Observations, An
* All-Weather Monitoring of Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea Based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-3, and NPP Satellite Data
* All-Zero Block Detection Scheme for Low-Complexity HEVC Encoders, An
* All-Zero Block Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Optimization, An
* All About Structure: Adapting Structural Information Across Domains for Boosting Semantic Segmentation
* All About VLAD
* All are Worth Words: A ViT Backbone for Diffusion Models
* All at Once: Temporally Adaptive Multi-frame Interpolation with Advanced Motion Modeling
* All Binary Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Approach and its Hardware Architecture, An
* All Burglaries Are Not the Same: Predicting Near-Repeat Burglaries in Cities Using Modus Operandi
* All in One Bad Weather Removal Using Architectural Search
* All in One: Exploring Unified Video-Language Pre-Training
* All in Tokens: Unifying Output Space of Visual Tasks via Soft Token
* All Iris Code Bits are Not Created Equal
* All Iris Filters are Not Created Equal
* All Keypoints You Need: Detecting Arbitrary Keypoints on the Body of Triple, High, and Long Jump Athletes
* All Labels Are Not Created Equal: Enhancing Semi-supervision via Label Grouping and Co-training
* All Pairs Shortest Path Formulation for Multiple Object Tracking with Application to Tennis Video Analysis
* All phase biorthogonal transform and its application in JPEG-like image compression
* All Points Considered: A Maximum Likelihood Method for Motion Recovery
* ALL Snow Removed: Single Image Desnowing Algorithm Using Hierarchical Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Representation and Contradict Channel Loss
* All Terrain Crack Detector Obtained by Deep Learning on Available Databases, An
* All the attention you need: Global-local, spatial-channel attention for image retrieval
* All the Images of an Outdoor Scene
* All the people around me: Face discovery in egocentric photo-streams
* All The Pretty Pictures
* All together now: Simultaneous Detection and Continuous Pose Estimation using a Hough Forest with Probabilistic Locally Enhanced Voting
* All vehicles are cars: subclass preferences in container concepts
* All You Can Embed: Natural Language based Vehicle Retrieval with Spatio-Temporal Transformers
* All you need are a few pixels: semantic segmentation with PixelPick
* All You Need Is a Few Shifts: Designing Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
* All You Need Is a Second Look: Towards Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection
* All You Need is Beyond a Good Init: Exploring Better Solution for Training Extremely Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Orthonormality and Modulation
* All You Need Is RAW: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks with Camera Image Pipelines
* Alleviating Catastrophic Forgetting of Incremental Object Detection via Within-Class and Between-Class Knowledge Distillation
* Alleviating Class-Wise Gradient Imbalance for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation
* Alleviating Data Sparsity Problems in Estimated Time of Arrival via Auxiliary Metric Learning
* Alleviating Dirty-Window Effect in Medium Frame-Rate Binary Video Halftones
* Alleviating Domain Shift via Discriminative Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Alleviating Foreground Sparsity for Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Alleviating Modality Bias Training for Infrared-Visible Person Re-Identification
* Alleviating Over-segmentation Errors by Detecting Action Boundaries
* Alleviating Representational Shift for Continual Fine-tuning
* Alleviating Semantic-level Shift: A Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation
* Alleviating Semantics Distortion in Unsupervised Low-Level Image-to-Image Translation via Structure Consistency Constraint
* Alleviating the computational load of the probabilistic algorithms for circles detection using the connectivity represented by graph
* Alleviating the estimation bias of deep deterministic policy gradient via co-regularization
* Alleviating the generalization issue in adversarial domain adaptation networks
* Alleviating the over-smoothing of graph neural computing by a data augmentation strategy with entropy preservation
* Alleviation of Gradient Exploding in GANs: Fake Can Be Real
* Alleviation of Perceptual Blindness During Driving in Urban Areas Guided by Saccades Recommendation, The
* AllFocus: Patch-Based Video Out-of-Focus Blur Reconstruction
* Allied Vision Technologies
* Allocating Classes for Soft-Then-Hard Subpixel Mapping Algorithms in Units of Class
* Allocation of layer bandwidths and FECs for video multicast over wired and wireless networks
* Allocation of Tutors and Study Centers in Distance Learning Using Geospatial Technologies
* Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoint of Optimal Control Problem for Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicles
* Allocation Strategies for Distributed Video Surveillance Networks
* Allocentric Pose Estimation
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 1. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental USA
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 2. Site Based Testing of the Model
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China
* Allowable Forward Model Misspecification for Accurate Basis Decomposition in a Silicon Detector Based Spectral CT
* Allowing Supervision in Unsupervised Deformable- Instances Image-to-Image Translation
* Almalence Incorporated
* Almost-Orthogonal Layers for Efficient General-Purpose Lipschitz Networks
* Almost autonomous training of mixtures of principal component analyzers
* almost complete curvature scale space representation: Euclidean case, An
* Almost constant-time 3D nearest-neighbor lookup using implicit octrees
* almost distribution-independent incremental Delaunay triangulation algorithm, An
* Almost Local Metrics on Shape Space of Hypersurfaces in n-Space
* Almost Regular Metrics on Groups and Lipschitz-Continuity of Distance Transforms
* Almost Tight Rational Coefficients Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters
* Almost translation invariant wavelet transformations for speckle reduction of SAR images
* ALMS: Asymmetric Lightweight Centralized Group Key Management Protocol for VANETs
* ALOE: Augmented Local Operator for Edge Detection
* Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Optical Properties, Sources, Type, and Components
* ALOFT: A Lightweight MLP-Like Architecture with Dynamic Low-Frequency Transform for Domain Generalization
* ALOHA: An efficient binary descriptor based on Haar features
* Along-Track Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Formations of Minisatellites
* Along Similar Lines: Local Obstacle Avoidance for Long-Term Autonomous Path Following
* Along the Appian Way. Storytelling and Memory across Time and Space in Mobile Augmented Reality
* ALOS/PALSAR InSAR Time-Series Analysis for Detecting Very Slow-Moving Landslides in Southern Kyrgyzstan
* Alpha-Beta Weightless Neural Networks
* alpha-Divergence-Based Approach for Robust Dictionary Learning, An
* Alpha-Flow for Video Matting
* Alpha-Numeric Character Recognition Using Local Operations
* Alpha-Numerical Sequences Extraction in Handwritten Documents
* alpha-Pixels for Hierarchical Analysis of Digital Objects
* Alpha-Refine: Boosting Tracking Performance by Precise Bounding Box Estimation
* alpha-Shape Based Classification with Applications to Optical Character Recognition
* Alpha-Stable Matrix Factorization
* Alpha-Stable Noise Reduction in Video Sequences
* alpha-Trimmed lexicographical extrema for pseudo-morphological image analysis
* alpha-trimmed mean filter controlled by local parameters, An
* Alpha-Trimmed Means and Their Relationship to Median Filters
* Alpha-Wolves and Alpha-mammals: Exploring Dictionary Attacks on Iris Recognition Systems
* Alpha Channel Estimation in High Resolution Images and Image Sequences
* Alpha cut for interactive image segmentation of thin and elongated objects
* Alpha Estimation in Natural Images
* Alpha Matte Generation from Single Input for Portrait Matting
* Alpha Matting Evaluation Website
* Alpha Matting of Motion-Blurred Objects in Bracket Sequence Images
* Alpha Matting With KL-Divergence-Based Sparse Sampling
* Alpha model based mixed pixel processing for view synthesis
* Alpha Scale Spaces on a Bounded Domain
* Alpha Tec Ltd.
* Alpha*-Approximated Delaunay Triangulation Based Descriptors for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Alphabet SOUP: A framework for approximate energy minimization
* AlphaGAN: Fully Differentiable Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks
* AlphaMatch: Improving Consistency for Semi-supervised Learning with Alpha-divergence
* AlphaPose: Whole-Body Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Real-Time
* AlphaVC: High-Performance and Efficient Learned Video Compression
* Alpine algorithms-time series of innovative remote sensing products for Alpine areas: Snow cover leaf area index and soil moisture
* Alpine Forest Drought Monitoring in South Tyrol: PCA Based Synergy between scPDSI Data and MODIS Derived NDVI and NDII7 Time Series
* Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach
* Alpine Grassland Reviving Response to Seasonal Snow Cover on the Tibetan Plateau
* ALPINE: Improving Remote Heart Rate Estimation using Contrastive Learning
* Alpr: A Method for Identifying License Plates Using Sequential Information
* ALPS: A Unified Framework for Modeling Time Series of Land Ice Changes
* Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with GeneraLized PositS
* ALR-GAN: Adaptive Layout Refinement for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* ALRe: Outlier Detection for Guided Refinement
* ALS-Based Detection of Past Human Activities in the Bialowieza Forest: New Evidence of Unknown Remains of Past Agricultural Systems
* ALS and TLS data fusion in cultural heritage documentation and modeling
* ALS as Tool to Study Preferred Stem Inclination Directions
* ALS Point Cloud Classification Using Pointnet++ and Kpconv with Prior Knowledge
* ALSA: Adversarial Learning of Supervised Attentions for Visual Question Answering
* ALSBIR: A local-structure-based image retrieval
* ALSM algorithm: An improved subspace method of classification, The
* ALSO: Automotive Lidar Self-Supervision by Occupancy Estimation
* Alteration-Locating Authentication Watermarking for Binary Images
* Alteration Detection of Multispectral/Hyperspectral Images Using Dual-Path Partial Recurrent Networks
* Alterations of regional cerebral blood flow after NMDA receptor antagonist administration in patients with alcohol-related dementia
* Altered Brain Dynamics and Their Ability for Major Depression Detection Using EEG Microstates Analysis
* Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
* Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection
* Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estimation of a Reflective Sphere, An
* Altered Trends in Light Use Efficiency of Grassland Ecosystem in Northern China
* Altering Reality through Interactive Image and Video Manipulation
* Alternate Direction Method of Multipliers for Unconstrained Structural Similarity-Based Optimization
* Alternate Line Erasure and Readout (ALER) Method for Implementing Slot-Scan Imaging Technique With a Flat-Panel Detector: Initial Experiences, An
* Alternate Mapping Correlated k-Distribution Method for Infrared Radiative Transfer Forward Simulation
* Alternate motion-compensated prediction for error resilient video coding
* Alternate Structural-Textural Video Inpainting for Spot Defects Correction in Movies
* Alternately Updated Spectral-Spatial Convolution Network for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Alternating-Stereo VINS: Observability Analysis and Performance Evaluation
* Alternating asymmetric search range assignment for bidirectional motion estimation in H.265/HEVC and H.264/AVC
* Alternating Co-Quantization for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Alternating coding for universal variable length code
* Alternating Decision Forests
* Alternating Direction Algorithm for Total Variation Reconstruction of Distributed Parameters, An
* Alternating Direction Graph Matching
* Alternating Direction Method for Balanced Image Restoration
* Alternating Direction Method for Image Inpainting in Wavelet Domains
* Alternating direction method for TGV-TGV* based cartoon-texture image decomposition
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Euler's Elastica-Based Denoising
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Tomography With Nonlocal Regularizers
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Problems with Applications to Background/Foreground Extraction
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Constrained Iterative LQR in Autonomous Driving
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Nonlinear Image Restoration Problems
* Alternating fixed-point algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation
* Alternating Genetic Algorithm for Selecting SVM Model and Training Set, An
* Alternating Joint Inversion of Controlled-Source Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Using the Joint Total Variation Constraint
* Alternating Least-Squares for Low-Rank Matrix Reconstruction
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Binary Image Restoration, An
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Speckle Reduction With a Shifting Technique
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm with Automatic Relevance Determination for Transmission Tomography under Poisson Noise
* Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Transmission Tomography
* Alternating multiconlitron: A novel framework for piecewise linear classification
* Alternating Optimization for Lambertian Photometric Stereo Model with Unknown Lighting Directions
* Alternating proximal algorithm for blind image recovery
* alternating proximal approach for blind video deconvolution, An
* Alternating Rate Profile Optimization in Single Stream MIMO Interference Channels
* Alternating Regression Forests for Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Alternating Scheme for Supervised Parameter Learning with Application to Image Segmentation
* Alternative 2D Shape Representations using the Symmetry Set
* Alternative 3d Address Visualization Method for Buildings and Building Independent Sections With GIS-based 3d Modelling Approach, An
* Alternative Algorithm for Adaptive Histogram Equalization, An
* Alternative Anti-Forensics Method for Contrast Enhancement
* alternative approach for determining the cholesterol level: Iris analysis, An
* Alternative Approach for Tsunami Early Warning Indicated by Gravity Wave Effects on Ionosphere
* Alternative approach for vehicle trajectory reconstruction under spatiotemporal side friction using lopsided network
* Alternative Approach to Computing Shape Orientation with an Application to Compound Shapes, An
* Alternative Approach to Mapping Thermophysical Units from Martian Thermal Inertia and Albedo Data Using a Combination of Unsupervised Classification Techniques, An
* Alternative Approach to the Performance Evaluation of Thinning Algorithms for Document Processing Applications, An
* Alternative Approach to Tilt-to-Length Coupling Estimation for Laser Ranging Interferometers in Future Gravity Missions
* Alternative Approach to Using LiDAR Remote Sensing Data to Predict Stem Diameter Distributions across a Temperate Forest Landscape, An
* Alternative Approaches and Algorithms for Classification
* Alternative c-means clustering algorithms
* Alternative Complexity Model for the MPEG-4 Video Verifier Mechanism, An
* Alternative Complexity Reduction Method for Partitioned-Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters, An
* Alternative Curvature Measure for Topographic Feature Detection, An
* Alternative Deep Feature Approach to Line Level Keyword Spotting, An
* Alternative Derivation of FastICA With Novel Power Iteration Algorithm
* Alternative Descriptions in Line Drawing Analysis
* Alternative Design for the Intersections With Limited Traffic Lanes and Queuing Space, An
* Alternative Design of DeepPDNet in the Context of Image Restoration
* Alternative Extension of the k-Means Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data, An
* Alternative face models for 3D face registration
* Alternative feature extraction methods in 3D brain image-based diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Alternative Form of the Lee Filter for Speckle Suppression in SAR Images, An
* Alternative Formulation for Five Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Alternative formulations to compute the binary shape Euler number
* alternative framework for univariate filter based feature selection for text categorization, An
* Alternative Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms with L1-Norm and Covariance Matrix
* alternative Gabor filtering scheme, An
* Alternative Implementations of the GNSS Power-Based Capon Beamformer
* Alternative Intra Prediction for Screen Content Coding in HEVC
* Alternative k-space sampling distributions for MR spectroscopic imaging
* Alternative learning vector quantization
* Alternative linear discriminant classifier
* alternative matting Laplacian, An
* Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Single SAR Amplitude Pair Using Offset Tracking, An
* alternative method of curve interpolation, An
* alternative method of optoelectronic color analysis for slides, An
* Alternative Methodologies for LiDAR System Calibration
* Alternative Methodologies for The Estimation of Local Point Density Index: Moving Towards Adaptive Lidar Data Processing
* Alternative Methodologies for the Internal Quality Control of Parallel LiDAR Strips
* Alternative Methods for Counting Overlapping Grains in Digital Images
* Alternative minimisation algorithm for non-local total variational image deblurring
* Alternative Models for Fish-Eye Lenses
* Alternative of LiDAR in Nighttime: Unsupervised Depth Estimation Based on Single Thermal Image, An
* Alternative Physical Method for Retrieving Land Surface Temperatures from Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data: Application to IASI Observations
* Alternative Probabilistic Interpretation of the Huber Loss, An
* Alternative Procedures for the Incorporation of LIDAR-Derived Linear and Areal Features for Photogrammetrec Geo-Referencing
* Alternative Quality Control Technique for Mineral Chemistry Analysis of Portland Cement-Grade Limestone Using Shortwave Infrared Spectroscopy, An
* alternative representation of coarse-resolution remote sensing images for time-series processing, An
* Alternative search techniques for face detection using location estimation and binary features
* Alternative similarity functions for graph kernels
* Alternative Solutions for Continuous K Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatial Network Databases
* alternative stochastic supervisor in discriminant analysis, An
* Alternative Strategies for Irregular Pyramid Construction
* alternative technique for the computation of the designator in the retinex theory of color vision, An
* Alternative Tilings for Improved Surface Area Estimates by Local Counting Algorithms
* Alternative to Abstract Graph Matching for Locating Objects from Their Salient Features
* Alternative to Bilinear and Nearest-Neighbour Enlarging for Monitor Displays, An
* alternative to IDF: Effective scoring for accurate image retrieval with non-parametric density ratio estimation, An
* alternative to the MPEG-4 object-based error resilient video syntax, An
* Alternative Treatment of Psychological Disorders Such as Spider Phobia Through Virtual Reality Environments
* Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Savannas: The Search for Consistent Signals in Diverse Remote Sensing Data
* Alternatively Constrained Dictionary Learning For Image Superresolution
* Alternatives for Page Skew Compensation in Writer Identification
* Alternatives to the Use of the DFT in MRI and Spectroscopic Reconstructions
* Alternatives to Variable Duration HMM in Handwriting Recognition
* AltFreezing for More General Video Face Forgery Detection
* ALTID : Arabic/Latin Text Images Database for recognition research
* Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Integrated Navigation and Positioning Algorithm Based on Similar Ellipsoid Model and UKF
* Altimeter Calibrations in the Preliminary Four Years' Operation of Wanshan Calibration Site
* Altimeter Observation-Based Eddy Nowcasting Using an Improved Conv-LSTM Network
* Altitude Correction of Surface Control Field Strength of Converter Valve Hall Fittings Based on Ultraviolet Spectrum Image Analysis
* Altitude on Cartographic Materials and Its Correction According to New Measurement Techniques
* Altm ORION establishes a new standard in LiDAR data quality, accuracy and precision
* ALTO: Alternating Latent Topologies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction
* Altruistic cooperative adaptive cruise control of mixed traffic platoon based on deep reinforcement learning
* Altruistic Prediction-Based Congestion Control for Strict Beaconing Requirements in Urban VANETs, An
* Aluminum corrosion detection by using a neutron radiographic image analyzer
* ALV, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotic Systems or Vehicles, Autonomous Robots
* ALVEN: A Study on Motion Understanding by Computer
* Alvey computer vision and image interpretation research programmes
* Alvey Conference
* ALVINN: An Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Network
* ALVLS: Adaptive local variances-Based levelset framework for medical images segmentation
* Always Be Dreaming: A New Approach for Data-Free Class-Incremental Learning
* Always Look On The Bright Side Of The Field: Merging Pose And Contextual Data To Estimate Orientation Of Soccer Players
* ALWOD: Active Learning for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
* Alzheimer's detection using various feature extraction approaches using a multimodal multi-class deep learning model
* Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on the visual attention model and equal-distance ring shape context features
* Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis with FDG-PET Brain Images By Using Multi-Level Features
* Alzheimer's disease diagnostics by adaptation of 3D convolutional network
* Alzheimer's disease early detection from sparse data using brain importance maps
* Alzheimer disease classification using KPCA, LDA, and multi-kernel learning SVM
* AM-BQA: Enhancing blind image quality assessment using attention retractable features and multi-dimensional learning
* AM-FED+: An Extended Dataset of Naturalistic Facial Expressions Collected in Everyday Settings
* AM-FM Demodulation Methods for Reconstruction, Analysis and Motion Estimation in Video signals
* AM-FM Image Analysis Using the Hilbert Huang Transform
* AM-FM image filters
* AM-FM Image Segmentation
* AM-FM models, partial Hilbert transform, and the monogenic signal
* AM-FM picture carrier beat type noise filters
* AM-FM texture image analysis in brain white matter lesions in the progression of Multiple Sclerosis
* AM-FM texture segmentation in electron microscopic muscle imaging
* AM-GM Algorithm for Evaluating, Analyzing, and Correcting the Spatial Scaling Bias of the Leaf Area Index
* AM-LFS: AutoML for Loss Function Search
* AM-MulFSNet: A fast semantic segmentation network combining attention mechanism and multi-branch
* Am I a Baller? Basketball Performance Assessment from First-Person Videos
* AM/FM signal estimation with micro-segmentation and polynomial fit
* am_tools
* AM³Net: Adaptive Mutual-Learning-Based Multimodal Data Fusion Network
* Amalgamating Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks
* Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI, and Big Data for Next-Generation ITS Services
* AMANet: Adaptive Multi-Path Aggregation for Learning Human 2D-3D Correspondences
* AMASS: Archive of Motion Capture As Surface Shapes
* AMAT: Medial Axis Transform for Natural Images
* Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Contributors in OpenStreetMap Based on Contributing Behaviors
* AMatFormer: Efficient Feature Matching via Anchor Matching Transformer
* Amazigh audiovisual speech recognition system design
* Amazigh isolated word speech recognition system using the Adaptive Orthogonal Transform Method.
* Amazing Mysteries of the Gutter: Drawing Inferences Between Panels in Comic Book Narratives, The
* Amazon's 2023 Drought: Sentinel-1 Reveals Extreme Rio Negro River Contraction, The
* Amazon forest spectral seasonality is consistent across sensor resolutions and driven by leaf demography
* Amazon Forests' Response to Droughts: A Perspective from the MAIAC Product
* Ambarella
* AMBCR: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Attention Guided Multi-Branch Construction and Retinex Theory
* AMBER: Adapting multi-resolution background extractor
* Ambiance in Social Media Venues: Visual Cue Interpretation by Machines and Crowds
* Ambient Assisted Living: Guest editors' introduction
* Ambient Formaldehyde over the United States from Ground-Based (AQS) and Satellite (OMI) Observations
* Ambient Illumination and the Determination of Material Changes
* Ambient Illumination as a Context for Video Bit Rate Adaptation Decision Taking
* Ambient Illumination Variation Removal by Active Near-IR Imaging
* Ambient Image Recovery and Rendering from Flash Photographs
* Ambient intelligence as the bridge to the future of pervasive computing
* Ambient Intelligence Through Image Retrieval
* Ambient occlusion via compressive visibility estimation
* Ambient PM2.5 Estimates and Variations during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Yangtze River Delta Using Machine Learning and Big Data
* Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data
* Ambient Seismic Noise and Microseismicity Monitoring of a Prone-To-Fall Quartzite Tower (Ormea, NW Italy)
* Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning
* Ambiguities of a Motion Field
* Ambiguity-aware robust teacher (ART): Enhanced self-knowledge distillation framework with pruned teacher network
* Ambiguity-Free Doppler Centroid Estimation Technique for Airborne SAR Using the Radon Transform
* Ambiguity-Free Radiometric Calibration for Internet Photo Collections
* Ambiguity-Resistant Semi-Supervised Learning for Dense Object Detection
* Ambiguity and Constraint in Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Ambiguity Concept and Switching Regression Models
* Ambiguity Concept In Stereo Matching Pipeline
* Ambiguity Function of MIMO Radar Based on Quasi-Orthogonal Ultrawideband-Throb Signals
* Ambiguity function of two-dimensional orthogonal complete complementary codes
* Ambiguity Helps: Classification with Disagreements in Crowdsourced Annotations
* Ambiguity in Reconstruction from Image Correspondences
* Ambiguity in Reconstruction from Images of Six Points
* Ambiguity in Structure from Motion: Sphere Versus Plane
* Ambiguity of objective image quality metrics: A new methodology for performance evaluation
* Ambiguity Optimization for Frequency-Hopping Waveforms in MIMO Radars With Arbitrary Antenna Separations
* Ambiguity Reduction by Relaxation Labeling
* Ambiguity Reduction in Handwriting with Ambiguous Segmentation and Uncertain Interpretation
* Ambiguity reduction in speaker identification by the relaxation labeling process
* Ambiguity Resolution for Long Baseline in a Network with BDS-3 Quad-Frequency Ionosphere-Weighted Model
* Ambiguity Results in the Characterization of hv-convex Polyominoes from Projections
* Ambiguity Suppression Based on Joint Optimization for Multichannel Hybrid and +/-pi/4 Quad-Pol SAR Systems
* Ambiguity Suppression of Cross-Pol Signals by DPCA With DBF Reflector for Hybrid/±p/4 Quad-Pol SAR
* Ambiguous Agricultural Drought: Characterising Soil Moisture and Vegetation Droughts in Europe from Earth Observation
* Ambiguous Configurations for 3-View Projective Reconstruction
* Ambiguous Configurations for the 1D Structure and Motion Problem
* Ambiguous decision trees for mining concept-drifting data streams
* Ambiguous Digitizations by Dilation
* Ambiguous Edge Detection Method for Computed Tomography Scans of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases, An
* Ambiguous Medical Image Segmentation Using Diffusion Models
* Ambiguous Shape from Shading with Critical Points
* Ambiguousness-Aware State Evolution for Action Prediction
* Ambisonic Decoding for Compensated Amplitude Panning
* AMBLER: A Hexapod Planatary Rover
* AMBLER: An Autonomous Rover for Planetary Exploration
* Ambrosio-Tortorelli Segmentation of Stochastic Images
* Ambrosio-Tortorelli Segmentation of Stochastic Images: Model Extensions, Theoretical Investigations and Numerical Methods
* AMBTC-based secret image sharing by simple modular arithmetic
* Ambulances Deployment Problems: Categorization, Evolution and Dynamic Problems Review
* Ambulatory Assessment of Affect: Survey of Sensor Systems for Monitoring of Autonomic Nervous Systems Activation in Emotion
* Ambulatory Assessment of Human Body Kinematics and Kinetics
* AMC-Loss: Angular Margin Contrastive Loss for Improved Explainability in Image Classification
* AMC: Attention Guided Multi-modal Correlation Learning for Image Search
* AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices
* AMCFNet: Asymmetric multiscale and crossmodal fusion network for RGB-D semantic segmentation in indoor service robots
* AMD Classification in Choroidal OCT Using Hierarchical Texton Mining
* AME: Attention and Memory Enhancement in Hyper-Parameter Optimization
* AMEND: Adaptive Margin and Expanded Neighborhood for Efficient Generalized Category Discovery
* AMENet: Attentive Maps Encoder Network for trajectory prediction
* Amercing: An intuitive and effective constraint for dynamic time warping
* American Institute of Physics
* American Journal of Mathematics
* American Mathematical Monthly
* American Scientist
* American Sign Language alphabet recognition using Microsoft Kinect
* American Sign Language Lexicon Video Dataset, The
* American Sign Language Phrase Verification in an Educational Game for Deaf Children
* American Sign Language, ASL Recognition
* American Sign Language: The Phonological Base
* American Statistical Association Journal
* Americas' Spatial Data Infrastructure, The
* Amerinex Applied Imaging
* AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds
* AMFNet: Attention-Guided Multi-Scale Fusion Network for Bi-Temporal Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* AMFuse: Add-Multiply-Based Cross-Modal Fusion Network for Multi-Spectral Semantic Segmentation
* AMGB: Trajectory prediction using attention-based mechanism GCN-BiLSTM in IOV
* AMGNet: Aligned Multilevel Gabor Convolution Network for Palmprint Recognition
* AMI-Class: Towards a Fully Automated Multi-View Image Classifier
* AMI-Net: Convolution Neural Networks With Affine Moment Invariants
* AMIFT: Affine-Mirror Invariant Feature Transform
* AMIGO - automatic indexing of lecture footage
* AMIGOS: A Dataset for Affect, Personality and Mood Research on Individuals and Groups
* AMILab, a 2D/3D Image Processing Software
* AMISP: a complete content-based MPEG-2 error-resilient scheme
* Amitran methodology framework for evaluating the impact of information and communication technology-based measures on CO2 emissions in the transport field
* AMixer: Adaptive Weight Mixing for Self-Attention Free Vision Transformers
* Amln: Adversarial-based Mutual Learning Network for Online Knowledge Distillation
* AMM-FuseNet: Attention-Based Multi-Modal Image Fusion Network for Land Cover Mapping
* AMM: An Adaptive Online Map Matching Algorithm
* aMM: Towards adaptive ranking of multi-modal documents
* AMMF: Attention-Based Multi-Phase Multi-Task Fusion for Small Contour Object 3D Detection
* AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* AMNet: Memorability Estimation with Attention
* Amodal Completion and Size Constancy in Natural Scenes
* Amodal Detection of 3D Objects: Inferring 3D Bounding Boxes from 2D Ones in RGB-Depth Images
* Amodal Instance Segmentation of Thin Objects with Large Overlaps by Seed-to-Mask Extending
* Amodal Instance Segmentation With KINS Dataset
* Amodal Instance Segmentation
* Amodal Intra-class Instance Segmentation: Synthetic Datasets and Benchmark
* Amodal Panoptic Segmentation
* Amodal Segmentation through Out-of-Task and Out-of-Distribution Generalization with a Bayesian Model
* Amodal volume completion: 3D visual completion
* Amoeba Active Contours
* Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by Consensus
* Amorphous Region Context Modeling for Scene Recognition
* Amortized Linux Ext3 File System with Fast Writing after Editing for WinXP-Based Multimedia Application
* AMOS: an active system for MPEG-4 video object segmentation
* AMOS: the learning multiclass pattern classifier
* amount of Alaria praelonga Kjellmans analysis method from laminaria bed images for fishery investigation, The
* Amount Translation and Error Localization in Check Processing Using Syntax-Directed Translation
* AMOVIP: advanced modeling of visual information processing
* AMP-BCS: AMP-based image block compressed sensing with permutation of sparsified DCT coefficients
* AMP-Net: Denoising-Based Deep Unfolding for Compressive Image Sensing
* AMP: Adaptive Masked Proxies for Few-Shot Segmentation
* AMP: an autonomous multi-processor for image processing and computer vision
* AMPFLUID: Aggregation Magnified Post-Assay Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive Immunodetection on Digital Microfluidics
* Amphibian Sounds Generating Network Based on Adversarial Learning
* Amplification of Textural Differences, The
* Amplified Flow Imaging (aFlow): A Novel MRI-Based Tool to Unravel the Coupled Dynamics Between the Human Brain and Cerebrovasculature
* Amplifying Key Cues for Human-object-interaction Detection
* Amplitude-adaptive spread-spectrum data embedding
* Amplitude-based height-reconstruction techniques for synthetic aperture ladar systems
* Amplitude-modification resilient watermarking based on a-law compounding
* Amplitude-Modulated Laser Radar for Range and Speed Measurement in Car Applications
* Amplitude-only log Radon transform for geometric invariant shape descriptor
* Amplitude-Phase Information Measurement on Riemannian Manifold for Motor Imagery-Based BCI
* Amplitude-Phase Recombination: Rethinking Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks in Frequency Domain
* Amplitude-Versus-Angle Analysis of Local Angle-Domain Common Image Gathers With Prestack Gaussian-Beam Migration of Seismic Data
* Amplitude and phase correction of the phased array antenna by REV algorithm
* Amplitude and phase retrieval with simultaneous diversity estimation using expectation maximization
* Amplitude based keyless optical encryption system using deep neural network
* Amplitude metrics for field retrieval with hard-edged and uniformly illuminated apertures
* Amplitude Modulated Video Camera: Light Separation in Dynamic Scenes
* Amplitude Preserving S-Transform for Seismic Data Attenuation Compensation, An
* Amplitude Retrieval for Channel Estimation of MIMO Systems With One-Bit ADCs
* Amplitude Segmentation Method Based on the Distribution Function of an Image, An
* Amplitude spectrum-based gait recognition
* Amplitude test for input devices for system control in immersive virtual environment
* Amplitude Varying Rate Statistical Approach for Texture Classification, The
* AMPNet: Average- and Max-Pool Networks for Salient Object Detection
* AMPSO: A New Particle Swarm Method for Nearest Neighborhood Classification
* AMS-3000 Large Field View Aerial Mapping System: Basic Principles And The Workflow
* AMS-Net: Adaptive Multi-Scale Network for Image Compressive Sensing
* AMS-Net: An Attention-Based Multi-Scale Network for Classification of 3D Terracotta Warrior Fragments
* AMSAC: An adaptive robust estimator for model fitting
* AMSC: Adaptive Masking and Structure-Constraint Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Under Adverse Conditions
* AMSFF-Net: Attention-Based Multi-Stream Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Dehazing
* AMSR2 Soil Moisture Downscaling Using Temperature and Vegetation Data
* Amsterdam Library of Object Images, The
* AmsterTime: A Visual Place Recognition Benchmark Dataset for Severe Domain Shift
* AMSU-Based Hydrological Bundle Climate Data Record: Description and Comparison with Other Data Sets, The
* AMT: All-Pairs Multi-Field Transforms for Efficient Frame Interpolation
* AMTnet: Action-Micro-Tube Regression by End-to-end Trainable Deep Architecture
* Amulet: Aggregating Multi-level Convolutional Features for Salient Object Detection
* AMVH: Asymmetric Multi-Valued hashing
* An overview of) Synergistic reconstruction for multimodality/multichannel imaging methods
* ANA HEp-2 cells image classification using number, size, shape and localization of targeted cell regions
* Anabranch network for camouflaged object segmentation
* ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America
* Anaglyph image generation by matching color appearance attributes
* Analog-Digital Character Recognition System, An
* Analog 2-D DCT Processor, An
* Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays
* Analog Beamforming for In-Band Full-Duplex Phased Arrays With Quantized Phase Shifters Under a Per-Antenna Received Power Constraint
* analog CMOS programmable and configurable neural network, An
* Analog Coded SoftCast: A Network Slice Design for Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast
* Analog Computation for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation: Continuous and Discrete Models
* Analog Computation of Image Chromaticity
* Analog Computation Structure for Surface Reconstruction
* Analog Fault Detection And Classification Using Genetic Algorithm
* Analog Hardware for Detecting Discontinuities in Early Vision
* Analog implementation of erosion/dilation, median and order statistics filters
* Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
* Analog Method for Character Recognition, An
* analog motion field detection chip for image segmentation, An
* Analog multilayer perceptron implementation of low complexity VQ for image compression
* Analog Network for Continuous-Time Segmentation, An
* Analog Relaxation Processor, An
* Analog Sensor Processing Using Exposure Control: A New Concept for High Speed Image Processing
* Analog signal processing solution for machine vision applications
* Analog VLSI Architectures for Motion Processing: From Fundamental Limits to System Applications
* Analog VLSI Circuits for Stimulus Localization and Centroid Computation
* Analog VLSI Neuromorphic Image Acquisition and Preprocessing Systems
* Analog VLSI System for Stereoscopic Vision, An
* Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early Vision Processing
* analogic single-chip CNN visual supercomputer: A review, The
* Analogic
* Analogical Learning-Based Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Analogical Representation of Space and Time
* Analogical Representation of Spatial Events for Understanding Traffic Behaviour
* Analogue-based colorization of remote sensing images using textural information
* Analogy-Based Crop Yield Forecasts Based on Temporal Similarity of Leaf Area Index
* Analyse d'Images: Le Modele Pyramidal
* Analyse de Formes Deformees
* Analyse de texture hyperspectrale par modélisation markovien
* Analyse hyperspektraler Signaturen mit doppelten Weibull-Funktionen
* Analyse intra-urbaine à partir d'images satellitaires par une approche de fusion de données sur la ville de Mexico
* Analyses of a Lake Dust Source in the Middle East through Models Performance
* Analyses of a Multimodal Spontaneous Facial Expression Database
* Analyses of DSD Vertical Evolution and Rain Variation Mechanism in Stratiform Cloud Cases Using Micro Rain Radar
* Analyses of error correction strategies for typical communication channels in watermarking
* Analyses of GLONASS and GPS+GLONASS Precise Positioning Performance in Different Latitude Regions
* Analyses of Impact of Needle Surface Properties on Estimation of Needle Absorption Spectrum: Case Study with Coniferous Needle and Shoot Samples
* Analyses of Land Use and Prevention in High-Density Main Urban Areas under the Constraint of Karst Ground Subsidence: Study of Wuhan City, China, The
* Analyses of Namibian Seasonal Salt Pan Crust Dynamics and Climatic Drivers Using Landsat 8 Time-Series and Ground Data
* Analyses of Recent Sediment Surface Dynamic of a Namibian Kalahari Salt Pan Based on Multitemporal Landsat and Hyperspectral Hyperion Data
* Analyses of the Dust Storm Sources, Affected Areas, and Moving Paths in Mongolia and China in Early Spring
* Analyses of the Impact of Soil Conditions and Soil Degradation on Vegetation Vitality and Crop Productivity Based on Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR-TIR Data in a Semi-Arid Rainfed Agricultural Area (Camarena, Central Spain)
* Analyses of the Positive Bias of Remotely Sensed SST Retrievals in the Coastal Waters of Rio de Janeiro
* Analyses of the Pradnik riverbed Shape Based on Archival and Contemporary Data Sets: Old Maps, LiDAR, DTMs, Orthophotomaps and Cross-Sectional Profile Measurements
* Analyses on Generalization Error of Ensemble Kernel Regressors
* Analyses on the heterogeneity of car-following behaviour: evidence from a cross-cultural driving simulator study
* Analysing acoustic model changes for active learning in automatic speech recognition
* Analysing Affective Behavior in the First ABAW 2020 Competition
* Analysing Affective Behavior in the second ABAW2 Competition
* Analysing and Exploiting Complexity Information in On-line Signature Verification
* Analysing And Quantifying Vegetation Responses To Rainfall With High Resolution Spatio-temporal Time Series Data For Different Ecosystems And Ecotones In Queensland
* Analysing and reducing the cost of exhaustive correspondence search
* Analysing and simplifying histograms using scale-trees
* Analysing animal behaviour in wildlife videos using face detection and tracking
* Analysing comparative soft biometrics from crowdsourced annotations
* Analysing Constructional Aspects of Figure Completion for the Diagnosis of Visuospatial Neglect
* Analysing Domain Shift Factors between Videos and Images for Object Detection
* Analysing driving efficiency of mandatory lane change decision for autonomous vehicles
* Analysing Facebook features to support event detection for photo-based Facebook applications
* Analysing False Positives and 3D Structure to Create Intelligent Thresholding and Weighting Functions for SIFT Features
* Analysing Forests Using Dense Point Clouds
* Analysing gait sequences using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for certain human actions
* Analysing Hough Nets For Recognition Of Polyhedra-Like Objects
* Analysing Images of Curved Surfaces
* Analysing inter-observer saliency variations in task-free viewing of natural images
* Analysing interferometric images using the Hough transform
* Analysing Phenological Characteristics Extracted from Landsat NDVI Time Series to Identify Suitable Image Acquisition Dates for Cannabis Mapping in Afghanistan
* Analysing Pine Disease Spread Using Random Point Process by Remote Sensing of a Forest Stand
* Analysing Post-seismic Deformation Of Izmit Earthquake With INSAR, GNSS And Coulomb Stress Modelling
* Analysing Process and Probability of Built-Up Expansion Using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic in English Bazar, West Bengal
* Analysing public acceptance of autonomous buses based on an extended TAM model
* Analysing Relationships Between Urban Land Use Fragmentation Metrics And Socio-economic Variables
* Analysing River Systems with Time Series Data Using Path Queries in Graph Databases
* Analysing roughness of surface through fractal dimension: A review
* Analysing Student Tourist Movement Based On The Utility Maximisation In Designing Tour Package in Johor Bahru
* Analysing superimposed oriented patterns
* Analysing the attributes of fiducial markers for robust tracking in augmented reality applications
* Analysing the Curvature of the Pectoralis Muscle in Mammograms
* Analysing the Driving Forces and Environmental Effects of Urban Expansion by Mapping the Speed and Acceleration of Built-Up Areas in China between 1978 and 2017
* Analysing the Effects of Flood-Resilience Technologies in Urban Areas Using a Synthetic Model Approach
* Analysing the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Ecosystem Services in Laguna del Sauce (Uruguay) Using the SWAT Model and Remote Sensing Data
* Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap
* Analysing the impact of weather on bus ridership using smart card data
* Analysing the Influence of Vertex Clustering on PCA-Based Dynamic Mesh Compression
* Analysing the Law of Dynamic Subsidence in Mining Area by Fusing INSAR and Leveling Measurements
* Analysing the Police Patrol Routing Problem: A Review
* Analysing the Relationship between Spatial Resolution, Sharpness and Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using an Automatic Edge Method
* Analysing the relationship between weather, built environment, and public transport ridership
* Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on Two-Class Imbalance Problems in the Back-Propagation Domain
* Analysing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of Urban Street Summer Solar Radiation through Historical Street View Images: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Analysing the Structure of Collagen Fibres in SBFSEM Images
* Analysing the structure of medical images with morphological size distributions
* Analysing traffic fluency from bus data
* Analysing Urban Development Patterns in a Conflict Zone: A Case Study of Kabul
* Analysing User Needs for a Unified 3D Metadata Recording and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Monuments System
* Analysing User Visual Implicit Feedback in Enhanced TV Scenarios
* Analysis-based facial expression synthesis
* Analysis-by-synthesis and example based animation with topology conserving neural nets
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Rope Condition Monitoring, An
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Tracking of Textiles, An
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Camera Tracking Approach Based on Free-Form Surfaces, An
* Analysis-by-synthesis dissolve detection
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Method for Heterogeneous Face Biometrics, An
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Search for Semantic Segmentation Applied to Workpiece Recognition
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Texture Reconstruction
* Analysis-by-synthesis: Pedestrian tracking with crowd simulation models in a multi-camera video network
* Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarray Images
* Analysis-form sparse phase retrieval using variable-splitting
* Analysis-operator guided simultaneous tensor decomposition and completion
* Analysis-Ready Data from Hyperspectral Sensors: The Design of the EnMAP CARD4L-SR Data Product
* Analysis and 3D Display of 30 MHz Intravascular Ultrasound Images
* Analysis and a Solution of Momentarily Missed Detection for Anchor-based Object Detectors
* Analysis and Adaptation of Integration Time in PMD Camera for Visual Servoing
* Analysis and an Interior-Point Approach for TV Image Reconstruction Problems on Smooth Surfaces
* Analysis and Application of a Nonlocal Hessian
* Analysis and Application of Autofocusing and Three-Dimensional Shape Recovery Techniques Based on Image Focus and Defocus
* Analysis And Application Of Lidar Waveform Data Using A Progressive Waveform Decomposition Method
* analysis and applications of adaptive-binning color histograms, The
* Analysis and Applications of GlobeLand30: A Review
* Analysis and approximation of SAO estimation for CTU-level HEVC encoder
* Analysis and Approximation of Some Shape-from-Shading Models for Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Analysis and Architecture Design of an HDTV720p 30 Frames/s H.264/AVC Encoder
* Analysis and architecture design of block-coding engine for EBCOT in JPEG 2000
* Analysis and Assessment of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Broadcast Ephemeris: Accuracy, the Datum of Broadcast Clocks and Its Impact on Single Point Positioning
* Analysis and Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Burned Areas in the Amazon Forest
* Analysis and Assessment of Views Under The Considerations of Historical Urban Landscape (hul). Case Study Cuenca, Ecuador
* Analysis and Bias Improvement of Height Models Based on Satellite Images
* Analysis and calculation of the moored ship cable tension based on Monte Carlo Method
* Analysis and characterization of myocardial tissue with the wavelet image extension
* Analysis and classification for complex scanned documents
* Analysis and Classification of Cold Speech Using Variational Mode Decomposition
* Analysis and Classification of Crithidia Luciliae Fluorescent Images
* Analysis and classification of internal pipeline images
* Analysis and classification of malignancy in pancreatic magnetic resonance images using neural network techniques
* Analysis and Classification of Natural and Human-Induced Ground Deformations at Regional Scale (Campania, Italy) Detected by Satellite Synthetic-Aperture Radar Interferometry Archive Datasets
* Analysis and Classification of SAR Images by a Knowledge-Based Approach
* Analysis and Classification of Skin Cancer Based on Deep Learning Approach
* Analysis and Classification of Tissue Section Images Using Directional Fractal Dimension Features
* Analysis and Comparison of Inter-Channel Level Difference and Interaural Level Difference
* Analysis and comparison of quality metrics with reference based on uniform colour spaces
* Analysis and Comparison of Typical Reversible Watermarking Methods
* Analysis and Compensation of Rolling Shutter Effect
* Analysis and Complexity Reduction of Multiple Reference Frames Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Analysis and Computation of an Affine Trifocal Tensor
* Analysis and Computation of Projective Invariants from Multiple Views in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* Analysis and Conversion of Documents
* Analysis and Correction of Antenna Pattern Effects in AMAO Spaceborne SAR Images
* Analysis and Correction of Count Rate Reduction During Simultaneous MR-PET Measurements With the BrainPET Scanner
* Analysis and correction of ocean wave pattern induced systematic coordinate errors in airborne LiDAR bathymetry
* Analysis And Correction Of Systematic Height Model Errors
* Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
* Analysis and Correction of the Rank-Deficient Error for 2-D Mirrored Aperture Synthesis
* Analysis and Correction of the Rolling Shutter Effect for a Star Tracker Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Analysis and Correction of Water Forward-Scattering-Induced Bathymetric Bias for Spaceborne Photon-Counting Lidar
* Analysis and Demonstration of First Cross-Support Interferometry Tracking in China Mars Mission
* Analysis and Description of Blinking in French Sign Language for Automatic Generation
* Analysis and Design of a Decision Tree Based on Entropy Reduction and Its Application to Large Character Set Recognition
* Analysis and design of anisotropic diffusion for image processing
* Analysis and design of coded apertures for defocus deblurring based on imaging system properties and optical features
* Analysis and Design of Coil-Based Electromagnetic-Induced Thermoacoustic for Rail Internal-Flaw Inspection
* Analysis and design of dickson charge pump for EEPROM in 180nm CMOS technology
* Analysis and Design of Graphical Password Techniques
* Analysis and Design of Panoramic Stereo Vision Using Equi-Angular Pixel Cameras
* Analysis and Design of Parallel Thinning Algorithms: A Generic Approach
* Analysis and design of stereoscopic television systems
* Analysis and design of watermarking algorithms for improved resistance to compression
* Analysis and Design Optimization of a Robotic Gripper Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
* Analysis and Detection of Shadows in Video Streams: A Comparative Evaluation
* Analysis and Detection of Wildfires By Using Prisma Hyperspectral Imagery
* Analysis and Discussion of a Coarseness Detector
* Analysis and Discussion on the Optimal Noise Model of Global GNSS Long-Term Coordinate Series Considering Hydrological Loading
* Analysis and Effective Parallel Technique for Rate-Distortion Optimization in JPEG2000
* Analysis and Efficient Architecture Design for VC-1 Overlap Smoothing and In-Loop Deblocking Filter
* analysis and efficient implementation of half-pel motion estimation, An
* Analysis and Enhancements to Piecewise Linear Comparametric Image Registration
* Analysis and Estimation of Shipborne HFSWR Target Parameters Under the Influence of Platform Motion
* Analysis and evaluation of a general camera model
* Analysis and Evaluation of Adaptive LDPC AL-FEC Codes for Content Download Services
* Analysis and Evaluation of Geospatial Factors In Smart Cities: A Study Of Off-street Parking In Mainz, Germany
* Analysis and evaluation of hard and fuzzy clustering segmentation techniques in burned patient images
* Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on Prevention and Control of COVID-19: A Case Study of Wuhan City
* Analysis and Experimentation on the ManTraNet Image Forgery Detector
* Analysis and Exploitation of Multipath Ghosts in Radar Target Image Classification
* Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery
* Analysis and Extension of the PCA Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
* Analysis and Extension of the Percentile Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
* Analysis and Extension of the Ponomarenko et al. Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
* Analysis and Extensions of Adversarial Training for Video Classification
* Analysis and Focusing of Bistatic Airborne SAR Data
* Analysis and Forecast of Traffic Flow between Urban Functional Areas Based on Ride-Hailing Trajectories
* Analysis and Further Improvement of Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation Method From Three DFT Samples
* Analysis and Generalizations of the Linearized Bregman Method
* Analysis and High Performance Parallel Architecture Design for EBCOT in JPEG2000
* Analysis and Impact of Training Set Size in Cross-subject Human Activity Recognition
* Analysis and Implementation of a Parallel Ball Pivoting Algorithm, An
* Analysis and Implementation of Multigrid Poisson Solvers With Verified Linear Complexity, An
* Analysis and Implementation of the BM3D Image Denoising Method, Image Processing, An
* Analysis and Implementation of the FFDNet Image Denoising Method, An
* Analysis and Implementation of the Harris Corner Detector, An
* Analysis and Implementation of the HDR+ Burst Denoising Method, An
* Analysis and Implementation of the Shape Preserving Local Histogram Modification Algorithm, An
* Analysis and improvement of a paired comparison method in the application of 3DTV subjective experiment
* Analysis and Improvement of An Iris Identification Algorithm
* Analysis and Improvement of Laser Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems Configurations
* Analysis and improvement of Marr's algorithm for image reconstruction
* Analysis and improvement of multiple description motion compensation video coding for lossy packet networks
* Analysis and Improvement of the BLS-GSM Denoising Method, An
* Analysis and Integrated Architecture Design for Overlap Smooth and in-Loop Deblocking Filter in VC-1
* Analysis and Intelligent Prediction for Displacement of Stratum and Tunnel Lining by Shield Tunnel Excavation in Complex Geological Conditions: A Case Study
* Analysis and Inter-Calibration of Wet Path Delay Datasets to Compute the Wet Tropospheric Correction for CryoSat-2 over Ocean
* Analysis and Interpretation of Multiple Motions Through Surface Saliency
* Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images
* Analysis and interpretation of visual saliency for document functional labeling
* Analysis and manipulation methods of geographic informations
* Analysis and Mapping of the Spectral Characteristics of Fractional Green Cover in Saline Wetlands (NE Spain) Using Field and Remote Sensing Data
* Analysis and Method for Contrast Enhancement Turbulence Mitigation, An
* Analysis and Mitigation of Crosstalk Effect on Coastal GNSS-R Code-Level Altimetry Using L5 Signals from QZSS GEO
* Analysis and modeling of digitized straight-line segments
* Analysis and Modeling of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior During the Pedestrian Flashing Green Interval
* Analysis and Modeling of the Complex Dielectric Constant of Bound Water with Application in Soil Microwave Remote Sensing
* Analysis and Modeling of Urban Land Cover Change in Setúbal and Sesimbra, Portugal
* Analysis and Modelling of the Quality of Information Acquired from Weather Station Sensors, The
* Analysis and Optimization of Composite to Steel Joints for Ships
* Analysis and Optimization of Loss Functions for Multiclass, Top-k, and Multilabel Classification
* Analysis and optimization of pixel usage of light-field conversion from multi-camera setups to 3D light-field displays
* Analysis and Optimization of UB Video's H.264 Baseline Encoder Implementation on Texas Instruments' TMS320DM642 DSP
* Analysis and Optimization of Urban Public Transport Lines Based on Multiobjective Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
* Analysis and optimization of x265 encoder
* Analysis and Optimum Design on Compliant Micro-Gripper with Micro-Force Sensor, The
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of BDS-3 Code Ranging Accuracy Based on Raw IF Data from a Zero-Baseline Experiment
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Architectures for Face Recognition
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16 Enhanced with Decentrally Controlled Relays
* Analysis and performance evaluation of optical flow features for dynamic texture recognition
* Analysis and Performance of Two Middle-Level Vision Tasks on a Fine-Grained SIMD Tree Machine, The
* Analysis and Practical Minimization of Registration Error in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality System
* Analysis and predicting electricity energy consumption using data mining techniques: A case study I.R. Iran - Mazandaran province
* Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality Data with the Gamma Classifier
* Analysis and Prediction of Gap Dynamics in a Secondary Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of Central Japan Using Airborne Multi-LiDAR Observations
* Analysis and Prediction of Regional Mobility Patterns of Bus Travellers Using Smart Card Data and Points of Interest Data
* Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Body Language Behavior in Dyadic Interactions From Multimodal Interlocutor Cues
* Analysis and pruning of nonlinear auto-association networks
* Analysis and Quantification of the Distribution of Marabou (Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight and Arn.) in Valle de los Ingenios, Cuba: A Remote Sensing Approach
* Analysis and query of person-vehicle interactions in homography domain
* Analysis and Real-time Visualization of Geo-spatial Data Using Xdash: Application to Flair Project
* Analysis and recognition of alphanumeric handprints by parts
* Analysis and Recognition of Asian Scripts: The State of the Art
* Analysis and Recognition of Facial Expression Based on Point-Wise Motion Energy
* Analysis and recognition of highly degraded printed characters
* Analysis and Recognition of Real-World Textures in Three Dimensions, The
* Analysis and recognition of walking movements
* Analysis and Reconstruction of Broken Handwritten Digits
* Analysis and Recovery of Systematic Errors in Airborne Laser System
* Analysis and Remediation of the 2013 Lac-mégantic Train Derailment
* analysis and research of visual perception and image processing in visual information design: Take Google Earth for example, The
* Analysis and restoration of desert/urban scenes degraded by the atmosphere
* Analysis and retargeting of ball sports video
* Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams
* Analysis and Segmentation of a Three-Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Image of a Textile Composite
* Analysis and segmentation of remote-sensing images for land-cover mapping
* Analysis and Selection of Features for the Fingerprint Vitality Detection
* Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image Datasets
* Analysis and Simulation of a Sequential Rotationally Excited Circular Polarized Multi-Dipole Array for a Bi-Static Antenna GPR for Deep Exploration
* Analysis and Simulation on Imaging Performance of Backward and Forward Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Analysis and Solutions of the Three Point Perspective Pose Estimation Problem
* Analysis and Speedup of the FALDOI Method for Optical Flow Estimation, An
* Analysis and Statistical Characterization of Interferometric SAR Signals Based on the Power Spectral Density Function
* Analysis and Study of Egg Quality Based on Hyperspectral Image Data of Different Forms of Egg Yolks
* Analysis and Synthesis for New Digital Video Applications
* Analysis and synthesis of 3-D face image sequence based on model-based image coding scheme with an Internet browser
* Analysis and Synthesis of Deformed Patterns Based on Structural Models
* Analysis and synthesis of facial expressions using decomposable nonlinear generative models
* Analysis and synthesis of facial image sequences in model-based image coding
* Analysis and Synthesis of Facial Image Sequences Using Physical and Anatomical Models
* Analysis and Synthesis of Human Faces with Pose Variations by a Parametric Piecewise Linear Subspace Method
* Analysis and Synthesis of Human Movement
* Analysis and Synthesis of Image Patterns by Spatial Interaction Models
* Analysis and Synthesis of Pose Variations of Human Faces by a Linear PCMAP Model and its Application for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition System
* Analysis and Synthesis of Six Primary Facial Expressions Using Range Images
* Analysis and Synthesis of Textured Motion: Particles and Waves
* Analysis and Synthesis of Textures Through the Inference of Boolean Functions
* Analysis and synthesis of the sounds of impact based on shape-invariant properties of materials
* Analysis and Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* Analysis and synthesization for a class of discrete-time Markovian jumping systems with mode-dependent delays and actuators saturation
* Analysis and understanding of multi-class invoices
* Analysis and Validation of a Hybrid Forward-Looking Down-Looking Ground Penetrating Radar Architecture
* Analysis And Validation Of Grid Dem Generation Based On Gaussian Markov Random Field
* Analysis and Validation of High-Resolution Wind From ASCAT
* Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODIS Products in Gansu Province, Northwest China
* Analysis and Verification of Building Changes Based on Point Clouds from Different Sources and Time Periods
* Analysis and Visualization of Sports Performance Anxiety in Tennis Matches
* Analysis and Visualization of Vessels' RElative MOtion (REMO)
* Analysis and VLSI Implementation of EWA Rendering for Real-Time HD Video Applications
* Analysis at medium scale of low-resolution DInSAR data in slow-moving landslide-affected areas
* Analysis Based Blind Compressive Sensing
* analysis based, perceptually lossless, texture compression method, An
* Analysis by Synthesis Approach for Automatic Vertebral Shape Identification in Clinical QCT, An
* Analysis by Synthesis: 3D Object Recognition by Object Reconstruction
* Analysis by Wavelet Frames of Spatial Statistics in SAR Data for Characterizing Structural Properties of Forests
* Analysis control middleware for large-scale video surveillance
* Analysis Dictionary Learning Based Classification: Structure for Robustness
* Analysis for Full-Field Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
* Analysis for reproduced light field of 3D displays
* Analysis for the Weakly Pareto Optimum in Multiobjective-Based Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Analysis for Video Coding: Moving It from the Encoder to the Decoder
* Analysis Method for Metric-Level Switching in Beat Tracking, An
* Analysis methods of CT-scan images for the characterization of the bone texture: First results
* analysis of 1-to-first matching in iris recognition, An
* Analysis of 2-D Occlusion by Subtracting Out
* Analysis of 2D singularities for mammographic mass classification
* Analysis of 3-D Myocardial Motion in Tagged MR Images Using Nonrigid Image Registration
* Analysis of 3-D Rotation Fitting
* Analysis of 3-D Scene with Partially Occluded Objects for Robot Vision
* Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction
* analysis of 3D point cloud reconstruction from light field images, An
* Analysis of 3D Reconstruction Error in the Context of Computational Stereo in Remote Sensing
* Analysis of 4D Hypercomplex Generalizations of Julia Sets
* Analysis of a 3-D System Function Measured for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Analysis of a Bistatic Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar System and Indoor Experiments
* Analysis of a Cooperative Stereo Algorithm
* Analysis of a Distributed Multiresolution Vision System, An
* Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance
* Analysis of a human extraction system for deploying gait biometrics
* Analysis of a hybrid fractal-predictive-coding compression scheme
* Analysis of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Downlink Considering Antenna Radiation Patterns and Space Environment in Interference Situations
* Analysis of a Model for Parallel Image Processing
* Analysis of a Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site: Use of Geographic Information Technology Tools for Decision Making
* Analysis of a parallel MCMC algorithm for graph coloring with nearly uniform balancing
* Analysis of a Physically Realistic Film Grain Model, and a Gaussian Film Grain Synthesis Algorithm
* Analysis of a Record-Breaking Rainfall Event Associated With a Monsoon Coastal Megacity of South China Using Multisource Data
* Analysis of a Relative Offset between the North American and the Global Vertical Datum in Gravity Potential Space
* Analysis of a Road Image as Seen from a Vehicle
* Analysis of a Sampling Technique Applied to Biological Images
* Analysis of a Sequence of Stereo Scenes Containing Multiple Moving Objects Using Rigidity Constraints
* Analysis of a Simple k-means Clustering Algorithm, The
* Analysis of a Spatio-Temporal Clustering Algorithm for Counting People in a Meeting
* Analysis of a steepest-descent image-matching algorithm
* analysis of a stochastic differential approach for langevine comepetitive learning algorithm, The
* Analysis of a Two Step MPEG Video System
* Analysis of Abnormality in Endoscopic images using Combined HSI Color Space and Watershed Segmentation
* Analysis of Accommodation Cues in Holographic Stereograms
* Analysis of Accretion and Deletion at Boundaries in Dynamic Scenes
* Analysis of Activation-Recovery Intervals from Intra-cardiac Electrograms in a Pre-clinical Chronic Model of Myocardial Infarction
* Analysis of active faults based on natural earthquakes in Central north China
* Analysis of actuator in-phase property in terms of control performance and integrated plant/controller design using a novel model matching method
* Analysis of Additional Stable Gain by Frequency Shifting for Acoustic Feedback Suppression using Statistical Room Acoustics
* Analysis of Address Layout on Japanese Handwritten Mail: A Hierarchical Process of Hypothesis Verification
* Analysis of Aerosol Images using the Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Analysis of Aerosol Optical Depth and Forward Scattering in an Ultraviolet Band Based on Sky Radiometer Measurements
* Analysis of Aerosol Properties in Beijing Based on Ground-Based Sun Photometer and Air Quality Monitoring Observations from 2005 to 2014
* Analysis of Aerosol Radiative Forcing over Beijing under Different Air Quality Conditions Using Ground-Based Sun-Photometers between 2013 and 2015
* Analysis of Affine Invariants as Approximate Perspective Invariants
* Analysis of Affine Motion-Compensated Prediction in Video Coding
* Analysis of Agronomic Drought in a Highly Anthropogenic Context Based on Satellite Monitoring of Vegetation and Soil Moisture
* Analysis of Airborne Optical and Thermal Imagery for Detection of Water Stress Symptoms
* Analysis of Albedo Influence on Surface Urban Heat Island by Spaceborne Detection and Airborne Thermography
* Analysis of Amazon Market Product Satisfaction Based on LDA Theme Model
* Analysis of Ambiguous Solutions in Linear Systems and its Application to Computer Vision, The
* Analysis of Amoeba Active Contours
* Analysis of Amperometric Biosensor Curves Using Hidden-Markov-Models
* Analysis of AmpliSeq RNA-Sequencing Enrichment Panels
* Analysis of an Algorithm for Detection of Translational Motion
* Analysis of an evolutionary RBFN design algorithm, CO2RBFN, for imbalanced data sets
* Analysis of an iterative dynamic programming approach to 2-D phase unwrapping
* Analysis of Annual Deformation Characteristics of Xilongchi Dam Using Historical GPS Observations
* Analysis of appearance space attributes for texture synthesis and morphing
* Analysis of Arabidopsis Root Images: Studies on CNNs and Skeleton-Based Root Topology
* Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Leads Retrieved from AMSR-E/AMSR2, An
* Analysis of Artifacts in Subpixel Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Analysis of ASTER GDEM elevation models
* Analysis of asymmetry in mammograms via directional filtering with gabor wavelets
* Analysis of asynchronous cognitive radio system with imperfect sensing and bursty primary user traffic
* Analysis of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Variations Due to Impacts of Super Typhoon Mangkhut (1822) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
* Analysis of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characteristics on Different Underlying Surfaces of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau in Summer
* Analysis of Atmospheric Elements in Near Space Based on Meteorological-Rocket Soundings over the East China Sea
* Analysis of Attraction Features of Tourism Destinations in a Mega-City Based on Check-in Data Mining: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Analysis of Automatic Gender Classification, An
* Analysis of Automatic Road Extraction Results from Airborne SAR Imagery
* Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for cell classification
* Analysis of Azimuthal Variations Using Multi-Aperture Polarimetric Entropy with Circular SAR Images
* Analysis of Bare Soil Occurrence in Arable Croplands for Remote Sensing Topsoil Applications, An
* Analysis of Bat Wing Beat Frequency Using Fourier Transform
* Analysis of BDS-3 Onboard Clocks Based on GFZ Precise Clock Products
* Analysis of BDS-3 PPP-B2b Positioning and Time Transfer Service
* Analysis of BDS-3 Real-Time Satellite Clock Offset Estimated in Global and Asia-Pacific and the Corresponding PPP Performances
* Analysis of BDS/GPS Signals' Characteristics and Navigation Accuracy for a Geostationary Satellite
* Analysis of Beijing Tianjin Hebei regional credit system from the perspective of big data credit reporting
* Analysis of Bias in the Apparent Correlation Coefficient Between Image Pairs Corrupted by Severe Noise
* Analysis of Bilevel Quantizers Used in Binary Image Correlators
* analysis of BioHashing and its variants, An
* Analysis of Biomedical Images Based on Automated Methods of Image Registration
* Analysis of Bird Flyways in 3D
* Analysis of blind data hiding using discrete cosine transform phase modulation
* Analysis of Blockage Sensing by Radars in Random Cellular Networks
* Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
* Analysis of Book Documents' Table of Content Based on Clustering
* Analysis of brain-facial muscle connection in the static fractal visual stimulation
* Analysis of Brain Activation Patterns Using a 3-D Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Analysis of brain MRI images of intracerebral haemorrhage using frequency domain technique
* Analysis of Brain Tumor Using MR Images: A Brief Survey
* Analysis of braking intention based on fNIRS in driving simulation experiments
* Analysis of branching tubular structures in 3d digital images
* Analysis of BRDF/BTDF for the texture representation of woven fabrics based on the impression-evaluation model
* Analysis of Breast Thermograms Based on Statistical Image Features and Hybrid Fuzzy Classification
* Analysis of Brightness Transfer Function for Matching Targets across Networked Cameras
* Analysis of Brute-Force Break-Ins of a Palmprint Authentication System
* Analysis of Buffer Starvation With Application to Objective QoE Optimization of Streaming Services
* Analysis of Building Textures for Reconstructing Partially Occluded Facades
* Analysis of Bundle Adjustments and Epipolar Model Accuracy According To Flight Path Characteristics of Uav
* Analysis of Burglary Hot Spots and Near-Repeat Victimization in a Large Chinese City
* Analysis of Cache Memory Strategies for Some Image Processing Applications
* Analysis Of Camera Behavior During Tracking
* Analysis of Camera Movement Errors in Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Analysis of camera movements in stereo vision-based vehicle tracking
* Analysis of Camera Noise, An
* Analysis of Canopy Gaps of Coastal Broadleaf Forest Plantations in Northeast Taiwan Using UAV Lidar and the Weibull Distribution
* Analysis of Cardiac MRI Based Regional Timing of Left Ventricular Mechanical Contraction as a Biomarker for Electrical Dyssynchrony in Heart-Failure Patients
* Analysis of Cassini Altimetric Crossovers on Titan
* Analysis of Causal Interactions and Predictive Modelling of Financial Markets Using Econometric Methods, Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transformation and Machine Learning: A Study in Asian Context
* Analysis of Cell Images, The
* Analysis of Cells
* Analysis of cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with dementia versus subcortical ischemic vascular dementia using single photon emission computed tomography
* Analysis of Change in Maize Plantation Distribution and Its Driving Factors in Heilongjiang Province, China
* Analysis of Changes and Potential Characteristics of Cultivated Land Productivity Based on MODIS EVI: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China
* Analysis of Changes in Forest Structure using Point Clouds from Historical Aerial Photographs
* Analysis of Chewing Signals Based on Chewing Detection Using Proximity Sensor for Diet Monitoring
* Analysis of China's Coastline Changes during 1990-2020
* Analysis of Chlorophyll Concentration in Potato Crop by Coupling Continuous Wavelet Transform and Spectral Variable Optimization
* Analysis of Class Separation and Combination of Class-Dependent Features for Handwriting Recognition
* Analysis of Classifier Training on Synthetic Data for Cross-Domain Datasets
* Analysis of Clay-Induced Land Subsidence in Uppsala City Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Precise Leveling
* Analysis of Climate Change Effects on Surface Temperature in Central-Italy Lakes Using Satellite Data Time-Series
* Analysis of Cloudy Structures Evolution on Meteorological Satellite Acquisitions
* Analysis of CNN Feature Extractor Based on KL Divergence, An
* Analysis of Co-Occurrence Texture Statistics as a Function of Gray-Level Quantization for Classifying Breast Ultrasound
* analysis of co-occurrence texture statistics as a function of grey level quantization, An
* Analysis of Co-training Algorithm with Very Small Training Sets
* Analysis of Coding Efficiency of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
* Analysis of Coding Gain Due to In-Loop Reshaping
* Analysis of coding risks in progressive transmission
* Analysis of Cold-Developed vs. Cold-Acclimated Leaves Reveals Various Strategies of Cold Acclimation of Field Pea Cultivars
* analysis of color demosaicing in plenoptic cameras, An
* Analysis of Color Images of Natural Scenes
* Analysis of Color Images of Tissues Derived from Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
* Analysis of colour channel coupling from a physics-based viewpoint: Application to colour edge detection
* Analysis of colour constancy algorithms using the knowledge of variation of correlated colour temperature of daylight with solar elevation
* Analysis of Common Quality Problems in Coordinate Transformation Between Reference Coordinate System and Geocentric Coordinate System
* Analysis of Compact Features for RGB-D Visual Search
* Analysis of Compactly Supported Transformations for Landmark-based Image Registration
* Analysis of Competition between Patterns by Using Fast Fourier Transform
* Analysis of complex and noisy check images
* Analysis of Complex Motion Patterns Using Region Based Curve Analysis
* Analysis of Comprehensive Multi-Factors on Station Selection for Moon-Based Earth Observation
* Analysis of Compressed Document Images for Dominant Skew, Multiple Skew, and Logotype Detection
* Analysis of Computer Information Processing Technology Under the Background of Intelligent Big Data
* Analysis of Concrete Reflectance Characteristics Using Spectrometer and VNIR Hyperspectral Camera
* Analysis of Conditional PDF-Based Split VQ
* Analysis of Cones within the Tianwen-1 Landing Area, The
* Analysis of Confocal Microendoscope Images for Automatic Detection of Ovarian Cancer
* analysis of ConformalLayers' robustness to corruptions in natural images, An
* Analysis of Constrained Optimization Variants of the Map-Seeking Circuit Algorithm
* Analysis of control and flight configuration requirement for mounting parameters calibration of GPS/INS assisted photogrammetric systems
* Analysis of Convex Blobs, The
* Analysis of Cooperative Bus Priority at Traffic Signals
* Analysis of Corneal Images for Assessing Contact Lens Trauma
* Analysis of Coronary Contrast Agent Transport in Bolus-Based Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion MRI Measurements with Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
* Analysis of Correlation between Anthropization Phenomena and Landscape Values of the Territory: A GIS Framework Based on Spatial Statistics
* Analysis of Cortical Thickness Indicating Cingulate Gyrus and Temporal Gyrus Incrassation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Due to Mining Disaster
* Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verification
* Analysis of Crop Reflectance for Estimating Biomass in Rice Canopies at Different Phenological Stages
* Analysis of Cross-Borehole Pulse Radar Signatures on a Terminated Tunnel With Various Penetration Lengths
* Analysis of Cross-Seasonal Spectral Response from Kettle Holes: Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Chlorophyll Estimation
* Analysis of Crosstalk in 3D Circularly Polarized LCDs Depending on the Vertical Viewing Location
* Analysis of Crowds Flow Characteristics by Using Laser Range Scanners, An
* Analysis of Crustal Movement and Deformation in Mainland China Based on CMONOC Baseline Time Series
* Analysis of Curved Line Drawings Using Context and Global Information
* Analysis of Cylindrical Stereo Imaging
* Analysis of Data-Derived SeaWinds Normalized Radar Cross-Section Noise
* Analysis of Data Acquisition Time on Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multiangle L-Band Observations
* Analysis of Daytime and Night-Time Aerosol Optical Depth from Solar and Lunar Photometry in Valladolid (Spain)
* Analysis Of Debris Flow Behavior Using Airborne Lidar And Image Data
* Analysis Of Debris Flow Disaster Due To Heavy Rain By X-band Mp Radar Data
* Analysis of Debris Flow Triggering Conditions for Different Rainfall Patterns Based on Satellite Rainfall Products in Hengduan Mountain Region, China
* Analysis of decision boundaries in linearly combined neural classifiers
* Analysis of Decorrelation Transform Gain for Uncoded Wireless Image and Video Communication
* Analysis of Deformation of Mining Chains Based on Motion Tracking
* Analysis of deformation patterns through advanced DINSAR techniques in Istanbul megacity
* Analysis of DEM Combination Methods using High Resolution Optical Stereo Imagery and Interferometric SAR Data
* Analysis of Demosaicing for Plenoptic Capture Based on Ray Optics, An
* Analysis of denoising filters on MRI brain images
* Analysis of Depth Estimation Error for Cylindrical Stereo Imaging
* Analysis of Depths Derived by Airborne Lidar and Satellite Imaging to Support Bathymetric Mapping Efforts with Varying Environmental Conditions: Lower Laguna Madre, Gulf of Mexico
* Analysis of Descent-Based Image Registration
* Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern Europe Using CALIOP Data and Ground-Based Measurements
* Analysis of Detailed Patterns of Contour Shapes Using Wavelet Local Extrema
* Analysis of Differences in the Spatial Distribution among Terrestrial Mammals Using Geodetector: A Case Study of China
* Analysis of Different Clustering Algorithms for ROI Detection in High Resolutions CT Lung Images, An
* Analysis of Different Deep Learning Architectures to Learn Generalised Classifier Stacking on Riemannian and Grassmann Manifolds
* Analysis of Different Displacement Estimation Algorithms for Digital Television Signals
* Analysis of Different Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques Using Compact Polarimetric Nisar Data for Ahmedabad, India
* Analysis of Different Robust Methods for Pose Refinement
* Analysis of Different Subspace Mixture Models in Handwriting Recognition
* Analysis of Different Weighting Functions of Observations for GPS and Galileo Precise Point Positioning Performance
* Analysis of Differential and Matching Methods for Optical Flow
* Analysis of digital watermarks subjected to optimum linear filtering and additive noise
* Analysis of direct selection in head-mounted display environments
* Analysis of directional patterns of lung nodules in computerized tomography using Getis statistics and their accumulated forms as malignancy and benignity indicators
* Analysis of Dirichlet, Generalized Hamming and Triangular window functions in the linear canonical transform domain
* analysis of discriminatory mechanisms in frequency-weighted memory array pattern classifiers, An
* Analysis of Disparity Error for Stereo Autofocus
* Analysis of Disparity Gradient-Based Cooperative Stereo
* Analysis of displacement compensation methods for wavelet lifting of medical 3-D thorax CT volume data
* Analysis of Distortion due to Packet Loss in Streaming Video Transmission over Wireless Communication Links
* Analysis of Distribution Using Graphical Goodness of Fit for Airborne SAR Sea-Clutter Data
* Analysis of diurnal changes in pupil dilation and eyelid aperture
* Analysis of Diurnal Evolution of Cloud Properties and Convection Tracking over the South China Coastal Area
* Analysis of diurnal, long-wave hyperspectral measurements of natural background and manmade targets under different weather conditions
* Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Time Frequency Images Using Deformable Models
* Analysis of Driver's Behavioral Tendency Under Different Emotional States Based on a Bayesian Network, The
* Analysis of Driver Gaze Behaviour at Roundabouts, An
* Analysis of drivers' performance in response to potential collision with pedestrians at urban crosswalks
* Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based Training for Proactive Road Safety Monitoring
* Analysis of Drought Characteristics Projections for the Tibetan Plateau Based on the GFDL-ESM2M Climate Model
* Analysis of Drought Impact on Croplands from Global to Regional Scale: A Remote Sensing Approach
* Analysis of Dyadic Approximation Error for Hybrid Video Codecs With Integer Transforms
* Analysis of Dynamic Brain Connectivity Through Geodesic Clustering
* Analysis of dynamic magnetic resonance images
* Analysis of Dynamic Processes by Statistical Moments of High Orders
* Analysis of E-business teaching platform mode in the era of Internet plus
* Analysis of earth observation time series to investigate the relation between rainfall, vegetation dynamic and streamflow in the Uele' basin (Central African Republic)
* Analysis of Earthquake-Triggered Landslides through an Integrated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Approach: A Case Study from Central Italy
* Analysis of East Asia Wind Vectors Using Space-Time Cross-Covariance Models
* Analysis of Echoes in Single-Image Random-Dot-Stereograms
* Analysis of Ecological Blockage Pattern in Beijing Important Ecological Function Area, China
* Analysis of Economic and Business Information
* Analysis of Edge Detection by Using the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, An
* Analysis of EEG Signals and Facial Expressions for Continuous Emotion Detection
* Analysis of Effects of Natural Cerebrolysin on the Gene Expression Profile of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rats by Genome Chip and Bioinformatics
* Analysis of Efficient CNN Design Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Analysis of efficient lip reading method for various languages
* Analysis of Eigenvalue Correction Applied to Biometrics
* Analysis of Electromagnetic Induction for Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics in Open and Cased Boreholes
* Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave and Multipath Suppression from Overhead Perspective
* Analysis of Emotion Annotation Strength Improves Generalization in Speech Emotion Recognition Models
* Analysis of Emotional Gestures for the Generation of Expressive Copying Behaviour in an Embodied Agent
* Analysis of Engineering Drawings and Raster Map Images
* Analysis of Ensemble Pruning Techniques Based on Ordered Aggregation, An
* Analysis of Environmental and Atmospheric Influences in the Use of SAR and Optical Imagery from Sentinel-1, Landsat-8, and Sentinel-2 in the Operational Monitoring of Reservoir Water Level
* Analysis of error-reject trade-off in linearly combined classifiers
* Analysis of error-reject trade-off in linearly combined multiple classifiers
* Analysis of Error in Depth Perception with Vergence and Spatially Varying Sensing
* Analysis of Error in Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Signals from Irregularly Spaced Samples
* Analysis of Error Propagation in Hybrid Video Coding with Application to Error Resilience
* Analysis of Errors in Feature-Preserving Mesh Simplification Based on Edge Contraction, An
* Analysis of Errors in Graph-Based Keypoint Matching and Proposed Solutions, An
* Analysis of errors of handwritten digits made by a multitude of classifiers
* Analysis of Evaluation Metrics with the Distance between Positive Pairs and Negative Pairs in Deep Metric Learning
* Analysis of event-related fMRI data using best clustering bases
* Analysis of Evidence Theoretic Decision Rules for Pattern-Classification
* Analysis of Evolving Oil Spills in Full-Polarimetric and Hybrid-Polarity SAR
* Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
* Analysis of Experimental Deployment of IGLUNA 2019 Trans-Ice Longwave System, The
* Analysis of Expressive Gesture: The EyesWeb Expressive Gesture Processing Library
* Analysis of Expressiveness of Portuguese Sign Language Speakers
* Analysis of Extracting Prior BRDF from MODIS BRDF Data
* Analysis of eye gaze pattern of infants at risk of autism spectrum disorder using Markov models
* Analysis of face and segment level descriptors for robust 3D co-segmentation
* Analysis of Facial Beauty: An Emerging Area of Research in Pattern Analysis, The
* Analysis of Facial Description in Static Images and Video Streams, An
* analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion, An
* Analysis of facial images using physical and anatomical models
* Analysis of Facial Profiles Using Scale Space Techniques, The
* analysis of facial shape and texture for recognition: A large scale evaluation on FRGC ver2.0, An
* Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of Volunteered Geographic Information in the Context of National Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Analysis of Factors Affecting Asynchronous RTK Positioning with GNSS Signals
* Analysis of Factors Influencing the Lake Area on the Tibetan Plateau Using an Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Based Spatially Varying Coefficient Model
* Analysis of Factors Influencing the Relationship between Satellite-Derived AOD and Ground-Level PM10, An
* Analysis of Feature Detectability from Curvature Estimation, An
* Analysis of feature extraction criteria for vector field visualization
* Analysis of Feature Visibility in Non-Line-Of-Sight Measurements
* Analysis of Features and Metrics for Alignment in Text-Dependent Voice Conversion
* Analysis of Features for Rigid Structure Vehicle Type Recognition
* Analysis of Fibrous Assembly Orientations from XFEL Diffraction Data
* Analysis of financial business model towards big data and its applications
* Analysis of financial indices by means of the windowed Fourier transform
* Analysis of Fingerprint Pores for Vitality Detection
* Analysis of fMRI Data Using Improved Self-Organizing Mapping and Spatio-Temporal Metric Hierarchical Clustering
* Analysis of focus measure operators for shape-from-focus
* Analysis of Focus Sweep for Improved 2D Motion Invariance, An
* Analysis of food images: Features and classification
* Analysis of Forward Model, Data Type, and Prior Information in Probabilistic Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data
* Analysis of Four Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Semiarid Tunisia Using Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of Four Polar Shape Descriptors Properties in an Exemplary Application
* Analysis of Four Years of Global XCO2 Anomalies as Seen by Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
* Analysis of fractal inter frame video coding using parallel approach
* Analysis of Frame Partitioning in HEVC
* Analysis of Free Form Surface Registration
* Analysis of Free Road Data in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya Using Free And Open Source Software
* Analysis of Full-Waveform LIDAR Data for an Accurate Classification of Urban Areas
* Analysis of full-waveform LiDAR data for classification of an orange orchard scene
* Analysis of Full Waveform Lidar Data for Tree Species Classification
* Analysis of functional magnetic resonance images by wavelet decomposition
* Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for the Segmentation of Burn Wounds Photographs
* Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes
* Analysis of Gabor Detection, An
* Analysis of Gait Using a Treadmill and a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Analysis of Galileo and GPS Integration for GNSS Tomography
* Analysis of GEDI Elevation Data Accuracy for Inland Waterbodies Altimetry
* Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
* Analysis of Geometric and Orthogonal Correction Accuracy for Cas-500 Satellite Images
* Analysis of Geometric Characteristics and Coverage for Moon-Based/Spaceborne Bistatic SAR Earth Observation
* Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems, An
* Analysis of Geometric Primitives in Quantitative Structure Models of Tree Stems
* Analysis of geometrical distortion and statistical variance in length, area, and volume in a linearly scanned 3-D ultrasound image
* Analysis of Georeferenced Building Data for the Identification and Evaluation of Thermal Microgrids
* Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?
* Analysis of Gesture and Action in Technical Talks
* Analysis of Gesture: Establishing a Set of Parameters, The
* Analysis of global pattern features
* Analysis of Global Sea Level Change Based on Multi-Source Data
* Analysis of GNSS-Derived Tropospheric Zenith Non-Hydrostatic Delay Anomaly during Sandstorms in Northern China on 15th March 2021
* Analysis of GNSS Displacements in Europe and Their Comparison with Hydrological Loading Models
* Analysis of GNSS Performance Index Using Feature Points of Sky-View Image
* Analysis of Gradient-Induced Distortion in ATI-SAR Imagery of Surface Currents, An
* Analysis of Graphics, Logos
* Analysis of Graphics, Symbols, Trademarks, Icons
* Analysis of Grassland Degradation in Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil, Based on NDVI Time Series Data with the Integration of Phenological Metrics
* Analysis of gray level corner detection
* Analysis of Gray Level Histograms by Using Statistical Methods for Mixtures of Distributions
* Analysis of green noise error diffusion
* Analysis of Green Spaces by Utilizing Big Data to Support Smart Cities and Environment: A Case Study About the City Center of Shanghai
* Analysis of grey-level features for line segment stereo matching
* Analysis of Ground-Based SAR Data With Diverse Temporal Baselines
* Analysis of Ground-Point Classifiers for Terrestrial LiDAR, An
* Analysis of ground moving objects using SRTM/X-SAR data
* Analysis of Groundwater and Total Water Storage Changes in Poland Using GRACE Observations, In-situ Data, and Various Assimilation and Climate Models
* Analysis of Groundwater Depletion/Inflation and Freeze-Thaw Cycles in the Northern Urumqi Region with the SBAS Technique and an Adjusted Network of Interferograms
* Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in the Central Valley: Comparison of the Geodetector Method, Principal Component Analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression
* Analysis of Gully Erosion In A Catchment Area In Olive Groves Using Uas Photogrammetry Techniques
* Analysis of Hand Segmentation in the Wild
* Analysis of handwriting individuality using word features
* Analysis of Head Gesture and Prosody Patterns for Prosody-Driven Head-Gesture Animation
* Analysis of Height Models Based On Kompsat-3 Images
* Analysis of Height of the Stable Boundary Layer in Summer and Its Influencing Factors in the Taklamakan Desert Hinterland
* analysis of heuristic metrics for classifier ensemble pruning based on ordered aggregation, An
* Analysis of HEVC transform throughput requirements for hardware implementations
* Analysis of Hexagonal Thinning Algorithms and Skeletal Shape Representation, An
* Analysis of hidden nodes for multi-layer perceptron neural networks
* Analysis of High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Analysis of high-resolution land clutter
* Analysis of High Resolution Imagery for Object Detection
* Analysis of Histogram-Based Thresholding Algorithms, An
* Analysis of Historic Maps and Images for Research on Urban Development of Baalbek/Lebanon
* Analysis of HOG Suitability for Facial Traits Description in FER Problems
* analysis of hole detection schemes, An
* Analysis of How Driver Experience Affects Eye-Gaze Behavior for Robotic Wheelchair Operation, An
* Analysis of Human-Centered Geolocation, An
* Analysis of human attractiveness using manifold kernel regression
* Analysis of human behaviour in front of a target scene
* Analysis of human chromosome images: Application towards an automated chromosome classification
* Analysis of Human Engagement Behaviour Using Descriptors from Human Feedback, Eye Tracking, and Saliency Modelling, An
* Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps
* Analysis of Human Gait Bilateral Symmetry for Functional Assessment after an Orthopaedic Surgery
* Analysis of Human Locomotion based on Partial Measurements
* Analysis of Human Motion, Based on the Reduction of Multidimensional Captured Data: Application to Hand Gesture Compression, Segmentation and Synthesis
* Analysis of Human Movement and Its Application for Visual Surveillance, The
* Analysis of human tissue densities: A new approach to extract features from medical images
* Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
* Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Assessment
* Analysis of Hypersonic Platform-Borne SAR Imaging: A Physical Perspective
* Analysis of Ice Storm Impact on and Post-Disaster Recovery of Typical Subtropical Forests in Southeast China
* Analysis of ICP variants for the registration of partially overlapping time-of-flight range images
* Analysis of IDCT and Motion-Compensation Mismatches Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Motion-Compensated Coders
* Analysis of IEEE 802.11N-Like Transmission Techniques with and Without Prior CSI for Video Applications
* Analysis of Illumination Conditions in the Lunar South Polar Region Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Orbital Images
* Analysis of Image Contrast: From Quality Assessment to Automatic Enhancement, The
* Analysis of Image Deformation under Orthographic Projection and Flow Parameter Estimation
* Analysis of image informativeness measures
* Analysis of image registration noise due to rotationally dependent aliasing
* Analysis of Image Registration with Tangent Distance
* Analysis of Image Sequences for Defect Detection in Composite Materials
* Analysis of Image Sequences for the Detection and Monitoring of Moving Traffic
* Analysis of Image Structure by Generalized Co-occurrence Matrices
* Analysis of Images Specified by Graphlike Descriptions
* Analysis of Imaging Spectrometer Data Using N-Dimensional Geometry and a Mixture-Tuned Matched Filtering Approach
* Analysis of Impostor Based Level of Detail Approximations for LIDAR Data, An
* Analysis of Improvements for Voter Interfaces in Polling Station and Remote Electronic Voting Systems, An
* Analysis of impulse train illuminated images for 2d velocity measurement
* Analysis of in- and out-group differences between Western and East-Asian facial expression recognition
* Analysis of infected blood cell images using morphological operators
* Analysis Of Influence Of Terrain Relief Roughness On Dem Accuracy Generated From Lidar In The Czech Republic Territory
* Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display
* Analysis of Initial Training Strategies for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning, An
* Analysis of Inpainting via Clustered Sparsity and Microlocal Analysis
* Analysis of integer programming formulations of clustering problems
* Analysis of Intensity and Range Image Sequences Using Adaptive-Size Meshes
* Analysis of Interactions Among Two Tropical Depressions and Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by Using Satellite Cloud Images
* Analysis of Interannual and Seasonal Nearshore Bar Behaviour Observed from Decadal Optical Satellite Data in the Curonian Spit, Baltic Sea
* Analysis of Interest Operators for FIDO, An
* Analysis of interlaced video signals and its applications
* Analysis of Internal Angle Error of UAV LiDAR Based on Rotating Mirror Scanning
* Analysis of Internal Wave Signatures in Marine Radar Data
* Analysis of Interscale and Intrascale Dependencies Between Image Wavelet Coefficients
* Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before the Tonga Volcanic Eruption on 15 January 2022
* Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbance Response to the Heavy Rain Event
* Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbances during X-Class Solar Flares (2021-2022) Using GNSS Data and Wavelet Analysis
* Analysis of Ionospheric TEC Anomalies Prior to the Jiuzhaigou Ms7.0 Earthquake Based on BeiDou GEO Satellite Data, The
* Analysis of IrisCode, An
* Analysis of Irregularities in Human Actions with Volumetric Motion History Images
* Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions
* Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions: a Comparative Study
* Analysis of IRS Imagery for Detecting Man-Made Objects with a Multivalued Recognition System
* Analysis of Isometry Transforms in Frequency Domain for Fast Fractal Encoding, An
* Analysis of Iterative Methods for Solving a Ginzburg-Landau Equation
* Analysis of Iterative Methods in Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
* Analysis of Jiayuguan Deformation and Its Influence Factors With The Application of Comprehensive Technology
* Analysis of Jure Landslide Dam, Sindhupalchowk Using GIS and Remote Sensing
* Analysis of KITTI Data for Stereo Analysis with Stereo Confidence Measures
* Analysis of Knowledge Representation Schemes for High Level Vision, An
* Analysis of Ku- and Ka-Band Sea Surface Backscattering Characteristics at Low-Incidence Angles Based on the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Measurements
* Analysis of Ku-Band Profiling Radar Observations of Boreal Forest, An
* Analysis of L-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Estimations over Agricultural Areas in the Tropics
* Analysis of Lake Area Dynamics and Driving Forces in the Jianghan Plain Based on GEE and SEM for the Period 1990 to 2020
* Analysis of Land Development Drivers Using Geographically Weighted Ridge Regression
* Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetation in China
* Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Trends in the Central Himalayan Region Based on MODIS Products, An
* Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Time-Series Data and Random Forest in North Korea
* Analysis of Land Use Change and Driving Mechanisms in Vietnam during the Period 2000-2020
* Analysis of Land Use Change and Expansion of Surface Urban Heat Island in Bogor City by Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Land Use Change In Inner Mongolia Region From 1978 to 2018 Based on Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Land Use/Cover Changes and Animal Population Dynamics in a Wildlife Sanctuary in East Africa
* Analysis of Landsat-8 OLI Imagery for Estimating Exposed Bedrock Fractions in Typical Karst Regions of Southwest China Using a Karst Bare-Rock Index
* Analysis of Landscape Connectivity among the Habitats of Asian Elephants in Keonjhar Forest Division, India
* Analysis of Landslide Evolution Affecting Olive Groves Using UAV and Photogrammetric Techniques
* Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Case Study in Hunza-Nagar Valley, Pakistan
* Analysis Of Landslides Based On Displacements Of Lines
* Analysis of Laser Speckle Contrast Images Variability Using a Novel Empirical Mode Decomposition: Comparison of Results With Laser Doppler Flowmetry Signals Variability
* Analysis of Lava from the Cumbre Vieja Volcano Using Remote Sensing Data from DESIS and Sentinel-2
* Analysis of Learning Analytics in Higher Educational Institutions: A Review
* Analysis of learning using segmentation models
* Analysis of left ventricle global deformation based on dynamic CT data
* Analysis of Length and Orientation of Microtubules in Wide-Field Fluorescence Microscopy
* Analysis of Lesion Detectability in Bayesian Emission Reconstruction With Nonstationary Object Variability
* Analysis of LIDAR Data Fused with Co-Registered Bands
* Analysis of Light-Induced Changes in the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) in Leaves of Pea, Wheat, and Pumpkin Using Pulses of Green-Yellow Measuring Light
* Analysis of Light Intensity Data by the DMSP/OLS Satellite Image Using Existing Spatial Data for Monitoring Human Activity In Japan
* Analysis of Light Obstruction from Street Lighting in Road Scenes
* Analysis of Light Transport based on the Separation of Direct and Indirect Components
* Analysis of light transport in scattering media
* Analysis of Line Drawings
* Analysis of Linear Subspace Approaches for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, An
* Analysis of Lip Geometric Features for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Analysis of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Associated with the 2022 Luding Ms6.8 Earthquake, The
* Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Satellite-Based Observation Techniques in Support of Numerical Weather Prediction
* Analysis of Local Appearance-Based Face Recognition: Effects of Feature Selection and Feature Normalization
* Analysis of Local Feature-Extraction in Digital Mammography, An
* Analysis of Local Features for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Analysis of Local Site Effects in the Medimurje Region (North Croatia) and Its Consequences Related to Historical and Recent Earthquakes
* Analysis of Location-Dependent Cardiomyocyte Branching
* Analysis of Long-Term Aerosol Optical Properties Combining AERONET Sunphotometer and Satellite-Based Observations in Hong Kong
* Analysis of Long-Term Moon-Based Observation Characteristics for Arctic and Antarctic
* Analysis of Long-Term Rainfall Trends and Variability in the Uttarakhand Himalaya Using Google Earth Engine, An
* Analysis of Long Image Sequence for Structure and Motion Estimation
* Analysis of low-correlated spatial gene expression patterns: a clustering approach in the mouse brain data hosted in the Allen Brain Atlas
* Analysis of low-pass filtered shoeprints and pedobarograph images
* Analysis Of Low Bit-Rate Image Transform Coding
* Analysis of LSB Based Image Steganography Techniques
* Analysis of LULC changes and urban expansion of the resort city of Al Ain using remote sensing and GIS
* Analysis of lung scan imaging using deep multi-task learning structure for Covid-19 disease
* Analysis of MABEL Bathymetry in Keweenaw Bay and Implications for ICESat-2 ATLAS
* Analysis of Machined Feature Recognition Techniques Based on B-Rep
* Analysis of Macular Thickness Deviation Maps for Diagnosis of Glaucoma
* Analysis of Maize Sowing Periods and Cycle Phases Using Sentinel 1&2 Data Synergy
* Analysis of mammogram classification using a wavelet transform decomposition
* Analysis of mammographic microcalcifications using gray-level image structure features
* Analysis of Manual and Automated Skin Tone Assignments
* Analysis of Maps, Vision, Image Analysis
* Analysis of Master Vein Attacks on Finger Vein Recognition Systems
* Analysis of Means to Improve Cooperative Disparity Estimation
* Analysis of Membership Functions for Voronoi-Based Classification
* Analysis of MERIS Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Brazilian Reservoir
* Analysis of Meso Textures of Geomaterials Through Haralick Parameters
* Analysis of Mesoscale Eddy Merging in the Subtropical Northwest Pacific Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Analysis of Meteorological Drivers of Taihu Lake Algal Blooms over the Past Two Decades and Development of a VOCs Emission Inventory for Algal Bloom
* Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for applications in medicine and biology
* Analysis of microtomographic images in automatic defect localization and detection
* Analysis of Microwave Emission and Related Indices Over Snow using Experimental Data and a Multilayer Electromagnetic Model
* Analysis of MinCut, Average Cut, and Normalized Cut Measures
* Analysis of Mining Waste Dump Site Stability Based on Multiple Remote Sensing Technologies
* Analysis of Minutiae Matching Strength, An
* Analysis of Minutiae Neighborhood Probabilities, An
* Analysis of Mixed Korean Documents Using the Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DP Matching
* Analysis of Mobile Laser Scanning Data and Multi-View Image Reconstruction
* Analysis of mode correlation between texture and depth images in multi-view video plus depth format
* Analysis of MODIS LST Compared with WRF Model and in situ Data over the Waimakariri River Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand
* Analysis of Moire Patterns in Non-Uniformly Sampled Halftones
* Analysis of Monochrome Conversions and Normalizations on the Local Binary Patterns Texture Descriptors, An
* Analysis of Morphological Filters with Multiple Structuring Elements, The
* Analysis of motion and curvature in image sequences
* Analysis of Motion Blur with a Flutter Shutter Camera for Non-linear Motion
* Analysis of motion compensated filters concerning motion correctness and accuracy
* Analysis of Motion in Natural Scenes Using A Spatiotemporal/Spatiotemporal Frequency Representation, The
* Analysis of Moving Granules in a Pancreatic Cell by Digital Moving Image Processing, The
* Analysis of MP4 Videos in 5G Using SDN
* Analysis of MR angiography volume data leading to the structural description of the cerebral vessel tree
* Analysis of multi-agent activity using petri nets
* Analysis of Multi-dimensional Images on the Connection Machine System
* Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves
* Analysis of Multi-stage Progressive Image Restoration Network (MPRNet), An
* Analysis of Multi-temporal Image Series for the Preventive Conservation of Varnished Wooden Surfaces
* Analysis of multiframe super-resolution reconstruction for image anti-aliasing and deblurring
* Analysis of Multihypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction (MHMCP) for Robust Visual Communication
* Analysis of Multilinear Subspaces Based on Geodesic Distance
* Analysis of Multimodal Signals Using Redundant Representations
* Analysis of Multipath Changes in the Polish Permanent GNSS Stations Network
* Analysis Of Multipath Pixels In SAR Images
* Analysis of Multiple Orientations
* Analysis of Multiple Parallel Block Coding in JPEG2000
* Analysis of Multiresolution-Based Fusion Strategies for a Dual Infrared System
* Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia
* Analysis of multispectral imagery and modeling contaminant transport
* Analysis of Multistatic Pixel Correlation in SAR
* Analysis of Multitemporal and Multisensor Remote Sensing Data for Crop Rotation Mapping
* Analysis of multitemporal Sentinel-2 images in the framework of the ESA Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions
* Analysis of multivariate medical data by face method
* Analysis of muscle length effect on an S type motor-unit fractional multi-model
* Analysis of Music, Musical Notation, Music Scores
* Analysis of natural images processing for the extraction of agricultural elements
* Analysis of Natural Scenes
* Analysis of Near-Cloud Changes in Atmospheric Aerosols Using Satellite Observations and Global Model Simulations
* Analysis of Near-Surface Temperature Lapse Rates in Mountain Ecosystems of Northern Mexico Using Landsat-8 Satellite Images and ECOSTRESS
* Analysis of Negatively Focused Ultrasound Detectors in Optoacoustic Tomography
* Analysis of Neural Codes for Near-Duplicate Detection
* Analysis of Neural Image Compression Networks for Machine-To-Machine Communication
* Analysis of new techniques to obtain quality training sets
* Analysis of new top-hat transformation and the application for infrared dim small target detection
* Analysis of NO2 and O3 Total Columns from DOAS Zenith-Sky Measurements in South Italy
* Analysis of NO2 Tropospheric Column Amount At Airports In Malaysia Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic Using Sentinel-5p Tropomi Data
* Analysis of NOAA/AVHRR multitemporal images, climate conditions and cultivated land of sugarcane fields applied to agricultural monitoring
* Analysis of Node Linking in Overlapped Pyramids, An
* Analysis of Noise and Velocity in GNSS EPN-Repro 2 Time Series
* Analysis of noise in multi-camera systems
* Analysis of noise sensitivity of Tchebichef and Zernike moments with application to image watermarking
* Analysis of Noisy Digital Contours with Adaptive Tangential Cover
* Analysis of Non-Local Euclidean Medians and Its Improvement
* Analysis of Non-Local Image Denoising Methods
* Analysis of Nonlinear Collusion Attacks on Fingerprinting Systems for Compressed Multimedia
* Analysis of Nonorthogonal Training in Massive MIMO Under Channel Aging With SIC Receivers
* Analysis of Noteworthy Issues in Illumination Processing for Face Recognition
* Analysis of Numerical Methods for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* Analysis of object description methods in a video object tracking environment
* Analysis of Object Interactions in Dynamic Scenes
* Analysis of Oblique Aerial Images for Land Cover and Point Cloud Classification in an Urban Environment
* Analysis of Observer Performance in Known-Location Tasks for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Analysis of observer performance in unknown-location tasks for tomographic image reconstruction
* Analysis of Occluding Contour
* Analysis of Ocean Bottom Pressure Anomalies and Seismic Activities in the MedRidge Zone
* Analysis of Ocean Tide Loading in Differential InSAR Measurements
* Analysis of Online Reputation Indicators by Means of Geostatistical Techniques: The Case of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura, Spain, An
* Analysis of Online Social Network Connections for Identification of Influential Users: Survey and Open Research Issues
* Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia
* Analysis of Optical-Flow Constraints
* Analysis of Optical Turbulence over the South China Sea Using Balloon-Borne Microthermal Data and ERA5 Data
* Analysis of optimal dynamic rate shaping of Markov-1 sources
* Analysis of Optimal Search Interval for Estimation of Modified Quantization Step Size in Quantization-Based Audio Watermark Detection
* Analysis of Orbital Atmospheric Density from QQ-Satellite Precision Orbits Based on GNSS Observations
* Analysis of Orientation Accuracy of An UAV Image According to Camera Calibration
* Analysis of Orientation and Scale in Smoothly Varying Textures
* Analysis of Orientation Problems Using Plucker Lines
* Analysis of out-of-focus blur influence on fingerprint liveness detection system
* Analysis of Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Based on a Statistical Motion Distribution Model
* Analysis of Overlapping Faces for Constructing Paper-made Objects from Sketches
* Analysis of overlapping origin-destination pairs between bus stations to enhance the efficiency of bus operations
* Analysis of Ozone Formation Sensitivity in Chinese Representative Regions Using Satellite and Ground-Based Data
* Analysis of Packet-Loss-Induced Distortion in View Synthesis Prediction-Based 3D Video Coding
* Analysis of packet header effects in rate allocation for packet video
* Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
* Analysis of Pairwise Geometric Histograms for View-Based Object Recognition, An
* Analysis of parallel encoding using tiles in 3D High Efficiency Video Coding
* Analysis of parameter selections for fuzzy c-means
* Analysis of Parameters for the Accurate and Fast Estimation of Tree Diameter at Breast Height Based on Simulated Point Cloud
* Analysis of Partial Axial Symmetry on 3D Surfaces and Its Application in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects
* Analysis of pattern recognition techniques for in-air signature biometrics
* Analysis of patterns of motor behavior in gamers with down syndrome
* Analysis of PCA-based Face Recognition Algorithms
* Analysis of Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Quantification
* Analysis of Perception of Motion in Television Signals and its Application to Bandwidth Compression
* Analysis of Permafrost Distribution and Change in the Mid-East Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during 2012-2021 Using the New TLZ Model
* Analysis of Permafrost Region Coherence Variation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with a High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Image
* Analysis of Persistent Motion Patterns Using the 3D Structure Tensor
* Analysis of photometric factors based on photometric linearization
* Analysis of physical ageing effects in iris biometrics
* Analysis of Physical and Biogeochemical Control Mechanisms on Summertime Surface Carbonate System Variability in the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica) Using In Situ and Satellite Data
* Analysis of Physiological Responses and Use of Fuzzy Information Granulation-Based Neural Network for Recognition of Three Emotions
* Analysis of Pigmented Skin Lesion Border Irregularity Using the Harmonic Wavelet Transform
* Analysis of pilot-based synchronization algorithms for watermarking of still images
* Analysis of pixel-level algorithms for video surveillance applications
* Analysis of pixel-mapping rounding on geometric distortion as a prediction for view synthesis distortion
* Analysis of planar-motion segmentation using affine fundamental matrix
* Analysis of Planar Ornament Patterns via Motif Asymmetry Assumption and Local Connections
* Analysis of Planar Shapes Using Geodesic Paths on Shape Spaces
* Analysis of PlanetScope Dove Digital Surface Model Accuracy Using Geometrically Simulated Images
* Analysis of Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning Surveys
* Analysis of Player Actions in Selected Hockey Game Situations
* Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province
* Analysis of PM2.5 Variations Based on Observed, Satellite-Derived, and Population-Weighted Concentrations
* Analysis of Polarization Orientation Angle Shifts by Artificial Structures
* Analysis of Positioning Deviation Between Beidou and GPS Based On National Reference Stations in China
* Analysis of Post-Mining Vegetation Development Using Remote Sensing and Spatial Regression Approach: A Case Study of Former Babina Mine (Western Poland)
* Analysis of postal address fields for efficient encoding of Korean mail pieces
* Analysis of Pre-Seismic Ionospheric Disturbances Prior to 2020 Croatian Earthquakes
* Analysis of Precise Orbit Determination for the HY2D Satellite Using Onboard GPS/BDS Observations
* Analysis of Precise Orbit Determination of BDS-3 MEO and IGSO Satellites Based on Several Dual-Frequency Measurement Combinations
* Analysis of Precise Orbit Predictions for a HY-2A Satellite with Three Atmospheric Density Models Based on Dynamic Method
* Analysis of Prediction Mode Decision in Spatial Enhancement Layers in H.264/AVC SVC
* Analysis of Preprocessing Techniques for Latin Handwriting Recognition
* Analysis of Prescribed Fire Activities and Emissions in the Southeastern United States from 2013 to 2020, An
* Analysis of Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Analysis of produce recognition system with taxonomist's knowledge using computer vision and different classifiers
* Analysis of Properties of Malignant Cases for Imbalanced Breast Thermogram Feature Classification, An
* Analysis of Pulse Transit Time Derived from Imaging Photoplethysmography and Microwave Sensor-based Ballistocardiography
* Analysis of quadratic R-D model in H.264/AVC video coding
* Analysis Of Quantization-Error in Line-Based Stereo Matching
* Analysis of Quantization Noise in Fixed-Point HDFT Algorithms
* Analysis of Radar and Optical Space Borne Data for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
* Analysis of Radar Sounder Signals for the Automatic Detection and Characterization of Subsurface Features
* Analysis of radial symmetric interpolation in hologram generation
* Analysis of Radiographic Images, An
* Analysis of Rain and Snow in Frequency Space
* Analysis of rainfall effects on road travel speed in Beijing, China
* Analysis of Ramp Discontinuity Model for Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Analysis of Random Projection for Changeable and Privacy-Preserving Biometric Verification, An
* Analysis of Range Searches in Quad Trees
* Analysis of Rational Function Dependency to the Height Distribution of Ground Control Points in Geometric Correction of Aerial and Satellite Images
* Analysis of Real-World Driver's Frustration
* Analysis of Recent Deep-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods for In-Vehicle Network
* Analysis of Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Analysis of Reconstructions Obtained Solving l^p -Penalized Minimization Problems
* Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks for Probabilistic Modeling of Driver Behavior
* Analysis of Red and Far-Red Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Their Ratio in Different Canopies Based on Observed and Modeled Data
* Analysis of reduced-set construction using image reconstruction from a HOG feature vector
* Analysis of Regional and Residual Gravity Disturbance of Major Fault Belts in the Tarim Basin, Western China
* Analysis of Regional Deformation of the Heart's Left Ventricle Using Curvature Values with Hotelling T2 Metric
* Analysis of Regional Satellite Clock Bias Characteristics Based on BeiDou System
* Analysis of Regularized Kantorovich-Rubinstein Metric and Its Application to Inverse Gravity Problems
* Analysis of Relationship between Grain Yield and NDVI from MODIS in the Fez-Meknes Region, Morocco
* Analysis Of Relationship Between Urban Heat Island Effect And Land Use/cover Type Using Landsat 7 Etm+ And Landsat 8 Oli Images
* Analysis of Relationship Between Vegetation Distribution and Land Price Using Multitemporal Data
* Analysis of Relaxation Processes: The Two-Node Two-Label Case
* Analysis of Relevance Feedback in Content Based Image Retrieval
* Analysis of Relevant Maxima in Distance Transform. An Application to Fast Coarse Image Segmentation
* Analysis of Reliability and Impact Factors of Mutual Information Similarity Criterion for Remote Sensing Imagery Template Matching
* Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data: The Formative Decades and the Future
* Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affected by Earthquakes Using Data Mining. Case Study: Earthquakes of 2017 in Mexico
* Analysis of reported error in Monte Carlo rendered images
* Analysis of Required Elements for Next-Generation Document Reader on the Basis of User Requirements
* Analysis of Resolution and Noise Properties of Nonquadratically Regularized Image Reconstruction Methods for PET
* Analysis of Response and Recovery of Vegetation to Forest Fire
* Analysis of Response Performance Characteristics for Identification Using a Matching Score Generation Model
* Analysis of results of large-scale multimodal biometric identity verification experiment
* Analysis of Retinal Vasculature Using a Multiresolution Hermite Model
* Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retrieval over the Ebro River Basin Using Sentinel-3
* Analysis of Riparian forest buffers dynamics in Colombian basins by Landsat Time Series
* Analysis of Road Networks Features of Urban Municipal District Based on Fractal Dimension
* Analysis of Road Surface Texture for Asphalt Pavement Adhesion Assessment Using 3D Laser Technology
* Analysis of road travel behaviour based on big trajectory data
* Analysis of rotational robustness of hand detection with a Viola-Jones detector
* Analysis of Salt Lake Volume Dynamics Using Sentinel-1 Based SBAS Measurements: A Case Study of Lake Tuz, Turkey
* Analysis of Sampling Techniques for Learning Binarized Statistical Image Features Using Fixations and Salience
* analysis of SAR images by multiscale methods, The
* Analysis of saturation flow rate at tandem intersections using field data
* Analysis of Scalar Maps for the Segmentation of the Corpus Callosum in Diffusion Tensor Fields
* analysis of scale-space sampling in SIFT, An
* Analysis of Scale Invariance in Object Detection - SNIP, An
* Analysis of Scanned documents: A Syntactic Approach
* Analysis of Scanning Time in IEEE802.16m's Handover Procedure, The
* Analysis of Scattering Properties of Continuous Slow-Release Slicks on the Sea Surface Based on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Analysis of scenes containing multiple non-polyhedral 3D objects
* Analysis of Scenes from a Moving Viewpoint
* Analysis of Score Functions for the Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Analysis of Scores, Datasets, and Models in Visual Saliency Prediction
* Analysis of Seasonal and Long-Term Variations in the Surface and Vertical Structures of the Lofoten Vortex
* Analysis of secondary structure elements of proteins using indexing techniques
* Analysis of Secular Ground Motions in Istanbul from a Long-Term InSAR Time-Series (1992-2017)
* Analysis of Seed Sorting Process by Estimation of Seed Motion Trajectories
* Analysis of segmentation performance on the CEDAR benchmark database
* Analysis of Seismic Deformation from Global Three-Decade GNSS Displacements: Implications for a Three-Dimensional Earth GNSS Velocity Field
* Analysis of Seismic Impact on Hailuogou Glacier after the 2022 Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China, Using SAR Offset Tracking Technology
* Analysis of Seismic Methane Anomalies at the Multi-Spatial and Temporal Scales
* Analysis of sensor and gripper jaw response times
* Analysis of Sentinel-1 Radiometric Stability and Quality for Land Surface Applications
* Analysis of Sentinel-2 and RapidEye for Retrieval of Leaf Area Index in a Saltmarsh Using a Radiative Transfer Model
* Analysis of serious games based on pedagogical features and proposal of civil defence training game
* Analysis of set patterns
* Analysis of Settlement Expansion and Urban Growth Modelling Using Geoinformation for Assessing Potential Impacts of Urbanization on Climate in Abuja City, Nigeria
* Analysis of several decision fusion strategies for clustering validation. Strategy definition, experiments and validation
* Analysis of sexual dimorphism in human face
* Analysis of Shape from Shading Techniques
* Analysis of Shape from Shading
* Analysis of Ship Detection Performance with Full-, Compact- and Dual-Polarimetric SAR
* Analysis of Short-Term Drought Episodes Using Sentinel-3 SLSTR Data under a Semi-Arid Climate in Lower Eastern Kenya
* Analysis of Sign Language Gestures Using Size Functions and Principal Component Analysis
* Analysis of Single Image Defogging Methods using a Color Ellipsoid Framework, An
* Analysis of Single Image Super-Resolution Techniques: An Evolutionary Study
* Analysis of Site-dependent Pinus halepensis Mill. Defoliation Caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma pini through Shape Selection in Landsat Time Series
* Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories for Person Re-Identification
* Analysis of Sketched IRLS for Accelerated Sparse Residual Regression, An
* Analysis of Skill Improvement Process Based on Movement of Gaze and Hand in Assembly Task
* Analysis of skin images using texture descriptor by a combined statistical and structural approach
* Analysis of Skin Lesions with Pigmented Networks
* Analysis of Skin Oil by FTIR Spectroscopy
* Analysis of Sloshing in Tanks Using Image Processing
* Analysis of smartphone model identification using digital images
* Analysis of Soccer Coach's Eye Gaze Behavior
* Analysis of Soil Moisture Change Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Grassland on the Tibetan Plateau
* Analysis of Solar Energy Potential By Remote Sensing Techniques In VaraŽdinska County, Croatia
* Analysis of Solder Paste scooping with hierarchical point processes
* Analysis of Some Common Scanning Techniques for Lossless Image Coding, An
* Analysis of Space-Based Observed Infrared Characteristics of Aircraft in the Air
* Analysis of Space-Borne GPS Data Quality and Evaluation of Precise Orbit Determination for COSMIC-2 Mission Based on Reduced Dynamic Method
* Analysis of space-dependent characteristics of motion-compensated frame differences based on a statistical motion distribution model
* Analysis of Space-dependent Characteristics of Motion-compensated Frame Differences
* Analysis of Spaceborne Tandem Configurations for Complementing COSMO with SAR Interferometry
* Analysis of Spacecraft Localization from Descent Image Data for Pinpoint Landing on Mars and Other Cratered Bodies, An
* Analysis of SparseHash: An efficient embedding of set-similarity via sparse projections
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Differentiation and Influencing Factors of Ecosystem Services in Resource-Based Cities in Semiarid Regions
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Its Influencing Factors of Warehouse Supermarkets in Liaoning Province
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Concentrations Using Optical Satellite Images and Geographic Information System
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Variations and Driving Factors of Typical Tail-Reach Wetlands in the Ili-Balkhash Basin, Central Asia
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Changes and Expansion Patterns in Mainland Chinese Urban Land between 1995 and 2015
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Ground Subsidence in Xiamen Based on PS-InSAR
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Criteria for Altimeter Collocation of Significant Wave Height and Wind Speed Data in Deep Waters
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Traditional Opera Culture along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Stability of Airborne Laser Swath Mapping Data in Feature Space
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Libya-4 with Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Optimized Ground Target Location
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Global Wetlands during the Last 20 Years Using GlobeLand30 Data
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of the PAR/GHI Ratio and PAR Modeling Based on Two Satellite Estimates
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Coverage in the Sub-Lakes of Poyang Lake Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Digital Signage in Beijing with Multi-Source Data
* Analysis of spatial domain information for footstep recognition
* Analysis of Spatial Interaction between Different Food Cultures in South and North China: Practices from People's Daily Life
* Analysis of spatial transform motion estimation with overlapped compensation and fractional-pixel accuracy
* Analysis of Spatial Wharf Pattern of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Chinese Inland Water Clarity at Multiple Spatial Scales between 1984 and 2018
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Satellite-Based Land Surface Temperature and Station-Based Near-Surface Air Temperature over Brazil, An
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Representations for Robust Footstep Recognition with Deep Residual Neural Networks
* Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Traffic Patterns Based On Pedestrian Trajectories
* Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Urban Dynamics in 11 Smart Cities Of Uttar Pradesh, India
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data Imputation Methods for Traffic Flow Data in Urban Networks
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Desertification in Qilian Mountain National Park Based on Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Chinese Vegetation Net Primary Productivity from the 1960s to the 2000s
* Analysis of spatiotemporal influence patterns of toxic gas monitoring concentrations in an urban drainage network based on IoT and GIS
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation and Drivers of Ecological Quality in Fuzhou Based on RSEI
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variations and Influencing Factors of Sea Ice Extent in the Arctic and Antarctic
* Analysis of Speckle Noise Contribution on Wavelet Decomposition of SAR Images
* Analysis of speed disturbances in empirical single vehicle probe data before traffic breakdown
* Analysis of Speed Sign Classification Algorithms Using Shape Based Segmentation of Binary Images
* Analysis of Sphere Tessellations for Pose Estimation of 3-D Objects Using Spherically Correlated Images, An
* Analysis of stability in hand-written dynamic signatures
* Analysis of Stability in Static Signatures Using Cosine Similarity
* Analysis of Stereo Disparity for the Recovery of Three-Dimensional Scene Geometry, An
* Analysis of Stochastic Automata Algorithm for Relaxation Labelling
* Analysis of Stochastic Distances and Wishart Mixture Models Applied on PolSAR Images
* Analysis of Stochastic k-Coverage and Connectivity in Sensor Networks With Boundary Deployment
* Analysis of storage requirements for video-on-demand servers
* Analysis of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders under Perspective Projection
* Analysis of stressed human speech
* Analysis of Stroke Structures of Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Analysis of Structural Characteristics for Quality Assessment of Multiply Distorted Images
* Analysis of Structural Similarity in Mammograms for Detection of Bilateral Asymmetry
* Analysis of Subframe Generation for Superimposed Images
* Analysis of Subjective Quality in Low Bit Rate Video, An
* Analysis of subsurface scattering under generic illumination
* Analysis of Super-Net Heuristics in Weight-Sharing NAS, An
* Analysis of Superimposed Oriented Patterns
* Analysis of Surface Cross-Sectional Data Taken During the 90° Yaw Experiment of the TRMM Precipitation Radar
* Analysis of Surface Energy Changes over Different Underlying Surfaces Based on MODIS Land-Use Data and Green Vegetation Fraction over the Tibetan Plateau
* Analysis of Surface Roughness Heterogeneity and Scattering Behavior for Radar Measurements
* Analysis of Surface Subsidence in Chiba Using PSInSAR Technique, An
* analysis of surface texture using photometric stereo acquisition and gradient space domain mapping, The
* Analysis of Suspended Particulate Matter and Its Drivers in Sahelian Ponds and Lakes by Remote Sensing (Landsat and MODIS): Gourma Region, Mali
* Analysis of Swept Volumes via Lie Groups and Differential Equations
* Analysis of Symbol Mapping for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding
* Analysis of Target Localization With Ideal Binary Detectors via Likelihood Function Smoothing
* Analysis of Task and Data Characteristic and the Collaborative Processing Method in Real-Time Visualization Pipeline of Urban 3DGIS, The
* Analysis of Tasks and Features for Neuro-degenerative Disease Assessment by Handwriting, An
* Analysis of Taxi Drivers' Behaviors Within a Battle Between Two Taxi Apps
* Analysis of Technical Documents: The REDRAW System
* Analysis of technical features in basketball video based on deep learning algorithm
* Analysis of Temperature Semi-Annual Oscillations (SAO) in the Middle Atmosphere
* Analysis of template aging in iris biometrics
* Analysis Of Template Matching Thinning Algorithms
* Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Urban Expansion in Xiaonan District from 1990 to 2020 Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variability of Fronts on the Amery Ice Shelf Automatically Detected Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Analysis of Temporal and Structural Characteristics of Jovian Radio Emissions for Passive Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
* Analysis of Temporal Coherence in Videos for Action Recognition
* Analysis of Temporal Tensor Datasets on Product Grassmann Manifold
* Analysis of Terrain Elevation Effects on Ikonos Imagery Rectification Accuracy by Using Non-Rigorous Models
* analysis of terrain properties and the location of surface scatterers from persistent scatterer interferometry, An
* Analysis of Terrain Using Multispectral Images
* Analysis of Textual Images Using the Hough Transform
* Analysis of Texture Using a Stochastic Model
* Analysis of the 10-20-Day Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Indian Ocean Using Surface Winds
* Analysis of the 20-Year Variability of Ocean Wave Hazards in the Northwest Pacific
* Analysis of the 2014 'APEC Blue' in Beijing Using More than One Decade of Satellite Observations: Lessons Learned from Radical Emission Control Measures
* Analysis of the Abdominal Blood Oxygenation Signal of Premature Born Babies
* Analysis of the addition of qualitative ancillary data on parcel-based image classification.
* Analysis of the Aggregation Characteristics and Influencing Elements of Urban Catering Points in Small Scale: Methods and Results
* Analysis of the alternatives for stereo multiplex in 3DTV broadcast delivery
* Analysis of the Anomalous Environmental Response to the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption Based on GNSS
* analysis of the applicability of the TFD IP option for QoS assurance of multiple video streams in a congested network, An
* Analysis of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Space
* Analysis of the Atmospheric Duct Existence Factors in Tropical Cyclones Based on the SHAP Interpretation of Extreme Gradient Boosting Predictions
* Analysis of the Attacker and Defender GAN Models for the Indoor Navigation Network
* Analysis of the Backscattered Energy in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Analysis of the BDGIM Performance in BDS Single Point Positioning
* Analysis of the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms When Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Data
* Analysis of the Block Coordinate Descent Method for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
* Analysis of the BOLD characteristics in pass-band bSSFP fMRI
* Analysis of the Characteristic of Spots in Square Superlattice Pattern by Image Processing
* Analysis of the Characteristic of the Kalman Gain for 1-D Chaotic Maps in Cubature Kalman Filter
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Evolution Mechanisms of a Bow-Shaped Squall Line in East China Observed with Dual-Polarization Doppler Radars
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Ideas of Ancient Urban Land-Use Based on GIS and an Algorithm: A Case Study of Chang'an City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Spatial Pattern of the Catering Industry in the Four Central Cities of the Yangtze River Delta
* Analysis of the Characteristics of Climate Change in the Ecologically Vulnerable Area of the Mu Us Dune Field under the Background of Global Warming
* Analysis of the compatibility conditions for the radon projections, with an application to seismology
* Analysis of the complexity of the HEVC motion estimation
* Analysis of the Connectivity of an Object in a Binary Image: Pretopological Approach
* Analysis of the contour structural irregularity of skin lesions using wavelet decomposition
* Analysis of the Contractivity Factor in Fractal Based Face Recognition
* Analysis of the Contribution Rate of the Influencing Factors to Land Subsidence in the Eastern Beijing Plain, China Based on Extremely Randomized Trees (ERT) Method
* Analysis of the Controlling Effect of Excess Topography on the Distribution of Coseismic Landslides during the Iburi Earthquake, Japan, on 6 September 2018
* Analysis of the correlation between infrared thermal sequence images of nostril area and respiratory rate
* Analysis of the correlation properties of QOCCC
* Analysis of the Cycling Flow Between Origin and Destination for Dockless Shared Bicycles Based on Singular Value Decomposition
* Analysis of the DCT Coefficient Distributions for Document Coding
* Analysis of the Decoding-Complexity of Compressed Image-Based Scene Representations
* Analysis of the Deformation Behavior and Sinkhole Risk in Kerdabad, Iran Using the PS-InSAR Method
* Analysis of the Degree of Threat to Railway Infrastructure by Falling Tree Vegetation
* Analysis of the departure time choices of metro passengers during peak hours
* Analysis of the depth-shift distortion as an estimator for view synthesis distortion
* Analysis of the Development of an Erosion Gully in an Open-Pit Coal Mine Dump During a Winter Freeze-Thaw Cycle by Using Low-Cost UAVs
* Analysis of the Differences in Internal Solitary Wave Characteristics Retrieved from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images under Different Background Environments in the Northern South China Sea
* Analysis of the Digitized Boundaries of Planar Objects
* Analysis of the dimensionality of neural networks for pattern recognition
* Analysis of the direct Fourier method for computer tomography
* Analysis of the Discrepancies between MODIS and INSAT-3D LSTs in High Temperatures, An
* Analysis of the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform for Pedestrian Detection
* Analysis of the Double-Bounce Interaction between a Random Volume and an Underlying Ground, Using a Controlled High-Resolution PolTomoSAR Experiment
* Analysis of the E-Region Low-Altitude Quasi-Periodic Event in Low-Latitudes of China
* Analysis of the Early Regeneration of Mangrove Forests using Landsat Time Series in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia, An
* Analysis of the effect of ageing, age, and other factors on iris recognition performance using NEXUS scores dataset
* analysis of the effect of combining standard and alternate sensor signals on recognition of syllabic units for multimodal speech recognition, An
* Analysis of the Effect of Different Features' Performance on Hidden Markov Modeling Based Online and Offline Signature Verification Systems
* analysis of the effect of different image preprocessing techniques on the performance of SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features, An
* Analysis of the Effect of Gaussian Error in Object Recognition, An
* Analysis of the Effect of Image Resolution on Automatic Face Gender Classification
* Analysis of the Effect of Sensors for End-to-End Machine Learning Odometry
* Analysis Of The Effect Of Wave Patterns On Refraction In Airborne Lidar Bathymetry
* Analysis of the Effects of Drought on Vegetation Cover in a Mediterranean Region through the Use of SPOT-VGT and TERRA-MODIS Long Time Series
* Analysis of The Effects of Image Quality On Digital Map Generation From Satellite Images
* analysis of the effects of sample size on classification performance of a histogram based cluster analysis procedure, An
* analysis of the efficiency of different SNR-scalable strategies for video coders, An
* Analysis of the efficiency of SNR-scalable strategies for motion compensated video coders
* Analysis of the electrical impedance tomography algorithm based on finite element method and Tikhonov regularization
* Analysis of the Error in the Reconstruction of N-Dimensional Stochastic Processes
* Analysis of the Error Signal of the LMS Algorithm
* Analysis of the Evolution of Public Sentiment and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Regarding Building Collapse Accidents Based on Sina Weibo Data, An
* Analysis of the Evolution of the Relationship between the Urban Pattern and Economic Development in Guangdong Province Based on Coupled Multisource Data
* Analysis of the Evolution, Completeness and Spatial Patterns of OpenStreetMap Building Data in China, An
* Analysis of the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, An
* Analysis of the Factors Affecting Keypoint Stability in Scale-Space, An
* Analysis of the factors affecting LiDAR DTM accuracy in a steep shrub area
* Analysis of the Failure Tolerance of Linear Access Networks
* Analysis of the Feasibility of UAS-Based EMI Sensing for Underground Utilities Detection and Mapping
* Analysis of the FFT-FBMC Equalization in Selective Channels
* Analysis of the First Optical Detection of a Meteoroidal Impact on the Lunar Surface Recorded from Brazil
* Analysis of the fractal characteristic of the hyperspectral curves of the rice under plumbum pollution stress
* Analysis of the Future Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Gaborone Dam Catchment Using CA-Markov Model: Implications on Water Resources
* Analysis of the Geological Controls and Kinematics of the Chgega Landslide (Mateur, Tunisia) Exploiting Photogrammetry and InSAR Technologies
* Analysis of the Geometry and Electric Properties of Brain Tissue in Simulation Models for Deep Brain Stimulation
* Analysis of the Godunov-Based Hybrid Model for Ramp Metering and Robust Feedback Control Design
* Analysis of the GRNs Inference by Using Tsallis Entropy and a Feature Selection Approach
* Analysis of the Hand's Small Vessels Based on MR Angiography and Level-Set Approach
* Analysis of the Hands in Egocentric Vision: A Survey
* Analysis of the Impact of Multipath on Galileo System Measurements
* Analysis of the Impact of Positional Accuracy When Using a Single Pixel for Thematic Accuracy Assessment
* Analysis of the Impact of Variable Speed Limits on Environmental Sustainability and Traffic Performance in Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole Density in the Northern Slope of the Tienshan Mountains with Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Analysis Of The Importance Of Systolic Blood Pressure Versus Diastolic Blood Pressure In Diagnosing Hypertension: MRA Study.
* Analysis of the Income Enhancement Potential of the Terrestrial Carbon Sink in China Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* Analysis of the Influence of Attitude Error on Underwater Positioning and Its High-Precision Realization Algorithm
* Analysis of the Influence of Deforestation on the Microphysical Parameters of Clouds in the Amazon
* Analysis of the Influence of Distance on Data Acquisition Intensity Forestry Targets by a LIDAR Technique with Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Analysis of the Influence of DTM Source Data on the LS Factors of the Soil Water Erosion Model Values with the Use of GIS Technology
* Analysis of the Influence of Polarization Measurement Errors on the Parameter and Characteristics Measurement of the Fully Polarized Entomological Radar
* Analysis of the Information Entropy on Traffic Flows
* Analysis of the interaction between edge and line finding techniques
* Analysis of the interpolation error between multiresolution images
* Analysis of the Ionospheric Irregularities and Phase Scintillation at Low and Middle Latitudes Based on Swarm Observations
* Analysis of the Kalman Filter with Different INS Error Models for GPS/INS Integration in Aerial Remote Sensing Applications
* Analysis of the Land Surface Temperature Scaling Problem: A Case Study of Airborne and Satellite Data over the Heihe Basin
* Analysis of the Least median of Squares Estimator for Computer Vision Applications
* Analysis of the Locomotive Wheel Slip Controller Operation During Low Velocity
* Analysis of the Long-Term Characteristics of BDS On-Orbit Satellite Atomic Clock: Since BDS-3 Was Officially Commissioned
* Analysis of the longitudinal component of the electric field generated by flat and pixelated liquid crystal displays
* Analysis of the Low-Frequency Debris Flow Disaster Induced by a Local Rainstorm on 12 July 2022, in Pingwu County, China
* Analysis of the Magnetoacoustic Tomography with Magnetic Induction
* Analysis of the Main Scattering Mechanisms in Forested Areas: An Integral Representation Approach for Monostatic Radar Configurations
* Analysis of the Matchability of Reference Imagery for Aircraft Based on Regional Scene Perception
* Analysis of the Max-Min Approach to Feature Selection and Ordering, An
* Analysis of the Microphysical Structure and Evolution Characteristics of a Typical Sea Fog Weather Event in the Eastern Sea of China
* Analysis of the Monthly and Spring-Neap Tidal Variability of Satellite Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter in a Turbid Coastal Ocean Using the DINEOF Method
* Analysis of the motion behaviour of Jacobshaven isbræ glacier in Greenland by monocular image sequence analysis
* Analysis of the Motion Signal Distributions Emerging from Locomotion through a Natural Environment, An
* Analysis of the Multifractal Nature of Speech Signals
* Analysis of the Multimode Feedhorn Concept for Multichannel SAR-GMTI
* Analysis of the Noise Correlation in MRI Coil Arrays Loaded With Metamaterial Magnetoinductive Lenses
* Analysis of the Novel Transformer Module Combination for Scene Text Recognition
* Analysis of the Occurrence Frequency of Seedable Clouds on the Korean Peninsula for Precipitation Enhancement Experiments
* Analysis of the optical array imaging system and construction of an adaptive imaging algorithm
* Analysis of the Optical Turbulence Model Using Meteorological Data
* Analysis of the Optimal Features for Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Datasets Based on an Improved J-M/K-Means Algorithm, An
* Analysis of the Optimal Wavelength for Oceanographic Lidar at the Global Scale Based on the Inherent Optical Properties of Water
* Analysis of the Patrimonial Conservation of a Quito Suburb without Altering Its Commercial Structure by Means of a Centrality Measure for Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Pattern Evolution Based on Spatial Correlation and Fourier Spectra Technique
* Analysis of the performance of predictive SNR scalable coders
* Analysis of the Performance of the TES Algorithm Over Urban Areas
* Analysis of the performance of various algorithms for the segmentation of the carotid artery
* Analysis of the Periodic Component of Vertical Land Motion in the Po Delta (Northern Italy) by GNSS and Hydrological Data
* Analysis of the Phenology in the Mongolian Plateau by Inter-Comparison of Global Vegetation Datasets
* Analysis Of The Pit Removal Methods In Digital Terrain Models Of Various Resolutions
* Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Different Resolution Digital Elevation Models in the Study of Microrelief on the Example of Terrain Passability
* Analysis of the Possibilities of Using HBIM Technology in the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Based on a Review of the Latest Research Carried out in Poland
* Analysis Of The Possibilities Of Using Low-cost Scanning System In 3d Modeling
* Analysis of the Possibilities to Adapt the Foreign Language Speech Recognition Engines for the Lithuanian Spoken Commands Recognition
* Analysis of the Potential Contributors to Common Mode Error in Chuandian Region of China
* Analysis of The Precipitation Climate Signal Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (emd) Over The Caspian Catchment Area
* Analysis of the Precision of Generalized Chain Codes for the Representation of Planar Curves
* Analysis of the Probability of Disparity Changes in Stereo Matching and a New Algorithm Based on the Analysis, An
* Analysis of the Properties of Median and Weighted Median Filters Using Threshold Logic and Stack Filter Representation
* Analysis of the Prospects for Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry, An
* Analysis of the Pulmonary Vascular Tree Using Differential Geometry Based Vector-Fields
* Analysis of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Monsoon Evolution and Its Linkages with Soil Moisture
* Analysis of the Radar Vegetation Index and Potential Improvements
* Analysis of the Ranging Capability of a Space Debris Laser Ranging System Based on the Maximum Detection Distance Model
* Analysis of the Recent Agricultural Situation of Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, Using Meteorological and Satellite Data
* Analysis of The Red Tide Occurrence Pattern When High Water Temperature
* Analysis of the Regional Ionosphere at Low Latitudes in Support of the Biomass ESA Mission
* Analysis of the Relationship Between Intra-urban Vegetation Change and Socio-Economic Data
* Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Wildfire Severity in a Series of Landsat Images
* analysis of the relationship between painters based on their work, An
* Analysis of the Relationship between the Incident Angle and Polarimetric Signatures with POLSAR Data
* Analysis of the resistance of the Spread Transform against Temporal Frame Averaging attack
* Analysis of the Respiratory Dynamics During Normal Breathing by Means of Pseudophase Plots and Pressure-Volume Loops
* Analysis of the Response of Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Variability Using the Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) Method and Disturbance Lag Model (DLM) Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Guangdong Province (China)
* Analysis of the Results Determining the Positions and Velocities of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations during Earthquakes in 2010-2011
* Analysis of the Retinex Theory of Color Vision
* Analysis of the Road Signs Classification Based on the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of the Deformable Pattern Tensors, An
* Analysis of the Robustness of Iterative Restoration Methods with Respect to Variations of the Point Spread Function
* Analysis of the robustness of terminal turnaround arrangements for railways
* Analysis of the robustness of wavelet-based perceptual signatures
* Analysis of the Rockfall Phenomena Contributing to the Evolution of a Pocket Beach Area Using Traditional and Remotely Acquired Data (Lo Zingaro Nature Reserve, Southern Italy)
* Analysis of the Role of Lead Resistivity in Specific Absorption Rate for Deep Brain Stimulator Leads at 3T MRI
* Analysis of the rubberband algorithm
* Analysis of the Scalability of a Deep-learning Network for Steganography into the Wild
* Analysis of the Scaling Effects in the Area-Averaged Fraction of Vegetation Cover Retrieved Using an NDVI-Isoline-Based Linear Mixture Model
* Analysis of the Security of Perceptual Image Hashing Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Analysis Of The Segmented Features Of Indicator Of Mine Presence
* Analysis of the Self-Calibration Process in a Displacement Sensor in Applications of Hip or Knee Implants
* Analysis of the short and long-term processes involved in coastline erosion
* Analysis Of The Side-lap Effect On Full-waveform Lidar Data Acquisition For The Estimation Of Forest Structure Variables
* Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model, An
* Analysis of the Snow Water Equivalent at the AEMet-Formigal Field Laboratory (Spanish Pyrenees) During the 2019/2020 Winter Season Using a Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave Radar (SFCW)
* Analysis of the SoftKinetic DepthSense for Range Imaging
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Potential Evapotranspiration in Akmola Oblast, Kazakhstan, and the Driving Factors
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subsidence in Wuhan, China from 2017 to 2021
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the GDP in Henan Province Based on Nighttime Light Data
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution Patterns of Grassland Health and Its Driving Factors in Xilingol
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Changes in Abandoned Farmland Based on Long Time Series of Remote Sensing Data
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Contribution of Influencing Factors
* Analysis of the spatial arrangement of cells in the proliferative breast lesions
* Analysis of the Spatial Differences in Canopy Height Models from UAV LiDAR and Photogrammetry
* Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Associated Factors of the Transmission Locations of COVID-19 in the First Four Waves in Hong Kong
* Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Deformation Types of Active Landslides in the Upper Jinsha River, China, Using Integrated Remote Sensing Technologies
* Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Galaxies by Multiscale Methods
* Analysis of the Spatial Variability of Land Surface Variables for ET Estimation: Case Study in HiWATER Campaign
* Analysis of the Spatial Variation of Network-Constrained Phenomena Represented by a Link Attribute Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model
* Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Nanjing's Urban Expansion and Its Driving Mechanisms
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Change in Land Surface Temperature for a Long-Term Sequence in Africa (2003-2017)
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes in Watershed Landscape Pattern and Its Influencing Factors in Rapidly Urbanizing Areas Using Satellite Data
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes of Ice Sheet Mass and Driving Factors in Greenland
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the NDVI Based on the GEE Cloud Platform and Landsat Images
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion of the Rome Coastline through GEE and RF Algorithm, Using Landsat Imagery
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation in Land Subsidence on the Beijing Plain, China
* Analysis of the Statistical Dependencies in the Curvelet Domain and Applications in Image Compression
* Analysis of the Status and Trend of GIS Research In the Past Ten Years From 2010 to 2019
* Analysis of the Stereo Correspondence Process in Scenes with Narrow Occluding Objects
* Analysis of the Substantial Growth of Water Bodies during the Urbanization Process Using Landsat Imagery: A Case Study of the Lixiahe Region, China
* Analysis of the Suitability of High-Resolution DEM Obtained Using ALS and UAS (SfM) for the Identification of Changes and Monitoring the Development of Selected Geohazards in the Alpine Environment: A Case Study in High Tatras, Slovakia
* Analysis of the Superposition Effect of Land Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise in the Tianjin Coastal Area and Its Emerging Risks
* Analysis of the Superposition of Periodic Layers and Their Moire Effects Through the Algebraic Structure of Their Fourier Spectrum
* Analysis of the SURF Method, An
* Analysis of the synthetic periocular iris images for robust Presentation Attacks Detection algorithms
* Analysis Of The Temporal And Spatial Controlling Factors In Affecting The Accuracy Of Landslide Predicting Model At Taiwan
* Analysis of the Temporal Changes of Inland Ramsar Sites in Turkey Using Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of the Temporal Characteristics of the Elderly Traveling by Bus Using Smart Card Data
* Analysis of the temporal correlations of TLS range observations from plane fitting residuals
* Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Misocyclones Generating Waterspouts Observed by Phased Array Weather Radar: Case Study on 15 May 2017 in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
* Analysis of the Tongue Surface Movement Using a Spatiotemporally Coherent Deformable Model
* Analysis of the Transfer Learning of Convolutional Neural Networks for Artistic Images, An
* analysis of the transition proportion for binarization in handwritten historical documents, An
* Analysis of the Transport of Aerosols over the North Tropical Atlantic Ocean Using Time Series of POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Data
* Analysis of The Trend of The Deformation Around Kanto Region Estimated By Time Series of Palsar-2 Data
* Analysis of the Uniqueness and Similarity of City Landscapes Based on Deep Style Learning
* Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Shijiazhuang, China Using Satellite and Airborne Data
* Analysis of the Utility of Classical and Novel Speech Quality Measures for Speaker Verification
* Analysis of the Variability and Influencing Factors of Ice Thickness during the Ablation Period in Qinghai Lake Using the GPR Ice Monitoring System
* Analysis of the Vertical Distribution and Driving Factors of Aerosol and Ozone Precursors in Huaniao Island, China, Based on Ground-Based MAX-DOAS
* Analysis of the Viola-Jones Face Detection Algorithm, An
* Analysis of the Wavelet Ginzburg-Landau Energy in Image Applications with Edges
* Analysis of the Weak Solution Approach to Image Motion Estimation
* Analysis of the weighted Van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard model for image segmentation
* Analysis of the Winter AOD Trends over Iran from 2000 to 2020 and Associated Meteorological Effects
* Analysis of the Work Resumption in China under the COVID-19 Epidemic Based on Night Time Lights Data, An
* Analysis of the Yule-Nielsen effect with the multiple-path point spread function in a frequency-modulated halftone
* Analysis of Thematic Similarity Using Confusion Matrices
* Analysis of Thermal Anomalies in Volcanic Areas Using Multiscale and Multitemporal Monitoring: Vulcano Island Test Case
* Analysis of Thermal Infrared and Visual Images for Industrial Inspection Tasks
* Analysis of Thermal Video for Coarse to Fine Particle Tracking in Volcanic Explosion Plumes
* Analysis of Thinning Algorithms Using Mathematical Morphology
* Analysis of Thinning Algorithms
* Analysis of Three-Chamber View Tagged Cine MRI in Patients with Suspected Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
* Analysis of three-dimensional motion of an object using a fixed monocular camera
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Motions in the Blocks World
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Rotation and Linear Shape Changes
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Scene Images on the Knowledge of their Texture Features
* Analysis of Time-multiplexed Security Videos
* Analysis of Time-to-Lane-Change-Initiation Using Realistic Driving Data
* Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery Through the Representation of Position and Shape Changes
* Analysis of Time Domain Information for Footstep Recognition
* Analysis of Time Drift in Hand-Held Recording Devices, An
* analysis of time varying image sequences, The
* analysis of topic's personality traits using a new topic model, The
* Analysis of topographic decorrelation in SAR interferometry using ratio coherence imagery
* Analysis of Topographic Maps for Recreational Purposes Using Decision Trees
* Analysis of Topological Properties of Digitized Binary Pictures Using Local Features, An
* Analysis of Tourism Hotspot Behaviour Based on Geolocated Travel Blog Data: The Case of Qyer
* Analysis of Tourist Market Structure and Its Driving Factors in Small Cities before and after COVID-19
* Analysis of Traditional Italian Food Recipes: Experiments and Results
* Analysis of traffic flow in urban areas using web cameras
* Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles
* Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on Haar-like features to detect human faces
* Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
* Analysis of transmission-induved distortion for multi-view video
* Analysis of Transmission Depth and Photon Number in Monte Carlo Simulation for Underwater Laser Transmission
* Analysis of Trunk and Upper Limb Synergies
* Analysis of Tsai calibration method using two- and three-dimensional calibration objects
* Analysis of Tumor Vascularity Using Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Images
* Analysis of Two-Dimensional Movement Using Fourier Descriptors
* Analysis of Two-Dimensional Non-Rigid Shapes
* Analysis of Two Convective Storms Using Polarimetric X-Band Radar and Satellite Data
* Analysis of Two Frameworks for Transmission of Layered Video Over IP Networks
* Analysis of Two Microphone Method for Feedback Cancellation
* Analysis of Two New Stereo Algorithms
* Analysis of Two Triangle-Based Multi-Surface Registration Algorithms of Irregular Point Clouds
* Analysis of UAS-LiDAR Ground Points Classification in Agricultural Fields Using Traditional Algorithms and PointCNN
* Analysis of UAS Flight Altitude and Ground Control Point Parameters on DEM Accuracy along a Complex, Developed Coastline
* Analysis of uncertainty in multi-temporal object-based classification
* Analysis of Unconstrained Partitioned-Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters
* Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recognition
* Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric recognition systems
* Analysis of Upper-Extremity Motion and Muscle and Brain Activation During Machine Operation in Consideration of Mass and Friction
* Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
* Analysis of Urban Land Cover and Population Density in the United States
* Analysis of Urban Planning Documents With The Use of DTM in Terms Of Their Optimization to Improve Air Quality
* Analysis of urban surface morphologic effects on diurnal thermal directional anisotropy
* Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Boundary-Based Neural Network Weighted Regression Model
* Analysis of Urbanisation Dynamics with the Use of the Fuzzy Set Theory: A Case Study of the City of Olsztyn, An
* Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Skills on Fingerprint PAD Systems
* Analysis of user-specific score characteristics for spoof biometric attacks
* Analysis of User Need in Image Archives
* Analysis of Users and Uses of DEMs in Spain
* Analysis of Using Dense Image Matching Techniques to Study the Process of Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats
* analysis of using high-frequency sinusoidal illumination to measure the 3D shape of translucent objects, An
* Analysis of Using the Parabolic Antenna as the Passive Calibrator for P-Band Spaceborne SAR Radiometric Calibration
* Analysis of Utility Functions for Video
* Analysis of UV spectral bands using multidimensional scaling
* Analysis of V2V Broadcast Performance Limit for WAVE Communication Systems Using Two-Ray Path Loss Model
* Analysis of Variable-Length Codes for Integer Encoding in Hyperspectral Data Compression with the k2-Raster Compact Data Structure
* Analysis of variance of Gabor filter banks parameters for optimal face recognition
* Analysis of Variational Alignment of Curves in Images, An
* Analysis of Various Visual Cryptographic Techniques and their Issues Based on Optimization Algorithms
* Analysis of vasculature for liver surgical planning
* Analysis of vector space model and spatiotemporal segmentation for video indexing and retrieval
* Analysis of Vegetation Canopy Spectral Features and Species Discrimination in Reclamation Mining Area Using In Situ Hyperspectral Data
* Analysis of Vegetation Cover Change in the Geomorphic Zoning of the Han River Basin Based on Sustainable Development
* Analysis of Vegetation Indices to Determine Nitrogen Application and Yield Prediction in Maize (Zea mays L.) from a Standard UAV Service
* Analysis of Vegetation Red Edge with Different Illuminated/Shaded Canopy Proportions and to Construct Normalized Difference Canopy Shadow Index
* Analysis of Vegetation Vulnerability Dynamics and Driving Forces to Multiple Drought Stresses in a Changing Environment
* Analysis of Vegetative Cover Vulnerability in Rohingya Refugee Camps of Bangladesh Utilizing Landsat and Per Capita Greening Area (PCGA) Datasets
* Analysis of Vehicle Location Prediction Errors for Safety Applications in Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems
* analysis of vehicle sounds for recognition, The
* Analysis of Verification Methods for Indoor Image Matching
* Analysis of Vertical Crustal Movements along the European Coast from Satellite Altimetry, Tide Gauge, GNSS and Radar Interferometry, An
* Analysis of Vessel Connectivities in Retinal Images by Cortically Inspired Spectral Clustering
* Analysis of video codec buffer and delay under time-varying channel
* Analysis of Video Image Sequences Using Point and Line Correspondences
* Analysis of Video Image Sequences Using Point and Line Correspondences: Comment
* Analysis of Video Quality Induced Spatio-Temporal Saliency Shifts
* Analysis of View Aliasing for the Generalized Radon Transform in R2
* Analysis of Visual Adaptation and Contrast Perception for Tone Mapping, An
* Analysis Of Visual Interpretation Of Satellite Data
* Analysis of Visual Motion by Biological and Computer Systems
* Analysis of Visual Motion: From Computational Theory to Neuronal Mechanisms, The
* Analysis of Visual Question Answering Algorithms, An
* Analysis of visual risk perception model for braking control behaviour of human drivers: A literature review
* Analysis of Visual Search Patterns With EMD Metric in Normalized Anatomical Space
* Analysis of Visually Impaired Users' Navigation Techniques in Complex and Non-complex Layout by Using Spectrum
* Analysis of VLF Signal Noise Changes in the Time Domain and Excitations/Attenuations of Short-Period Waves in the Frequency Domain as Potential Earthquake Precursors
* Analysis of Vocal Tract Constrictions using Zero Frequency Filtering
* Analysis of Volumetric Images of Filamentous Bacteria in Industrial Sludge
* Analysis of Volumetric Images
* Analysis of Walkable Street Networks by Using the Space Syntax and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Cankiri City
* Analysis of Water Conservation Trends and Drivers in an Alpine Region: A Case Study of the Qilian Mountains
* Analysis of Water Vapor Correction for CloudSat W-Band Radar
* Analysis of Water Yield Changes from 1981 to 2018 Using an Improved Mann-Kendall Test
* Analysis of Water Yield Changes in the Johor River Basin, Peninsular Malaysia Using Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery
* Analysis of Watermark Detection Using SPOMF
* Analysis of Watermarking Systems in the Frequency Domain and Its Application to Design of Robust Watermarking Systems
* Analysis of watershed algorithms for greyscale images
* Analysis of Wave Breaking on Gaofen-3 and TerraSAR-X SAR Image and Its Effect on Wave Retrieval
* Analysis of Wave Packet Signature of a Graph
* Analysis of Wavelet Families for Face Recognition
* Analysis of WD Face Dictionary for Sparse Coding Based Face Recognition
* Analysis of Wear Debris through Classification
* Analysis of Wear Particles Using the Radon Transform
* Analysis of Wetland Landcover Change in Great Lakes Urban Areas Using Self-Organizing Maps
* Analysis of White Blood Cell Differential Counts Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine Classifier
* Analysis of Whole Body Tracer Kinetics in Dynamic PET Studies With Application to Image-Based Blood Input Function Extraction, An
* Analysis of Whole Slide Images of Equine Tendinopathy
* Analysis of Winter Anomaly and Annual Anomaly Based on Regression Approach
* Analysis of X-Band SAR Sea-Clutter Distributions at Different Grazing Angles
* Analysis of X-Band Very High Resolution Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Data over Urban Areas
* Analysis of Yawning Behaviour in Spontaneous Expressions of Drowsy Drivers
* Analysis On 3d Reconstruction of The Monument to Heroes As a Tool for A Conceptual and Methodological Approach in The Patrimonization And Evaluation of Cultural Interest Goods
* Analysis on a Local Approach to 3D Object Recognition
* Analysis on BDS-3 Autonomous Navigation Performance Based on the LEO Constellation and Regional Stations
* Analysis on Coupled Line Cameras Using Projective Geometry
* Analysis on cruising process for on-street parking using an spectral clustering method
* Analysis on fatigue life of overhead travelling crane girder under impact load for sustainable transport system
* Analysis on Land-Use Change and Its Driving Mechanism in Xilingol, China, during 2000-2020 Using the Google Earth Engine
* Analysis on light quantity and quality based on diverse cloud conditions
* Analysis on Mental Stress of Professionals and Pregnant Women Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Analysis on Multiresolution Mosaic Images
* Analysis on Process Quality Control Technology of Geographical National Conditions Monitoring
* Analysis On Quantizing The Hough Space, An
* Analysis on scalability and energy efficiency of HEVC decoding using task-based programming model
* Analysis on Seasonal Variation and Influencing Mechanism of Land Surface Thermal Environment: A Case Study of Chongqing
* Analysis on segmentation and biomarker-based approaches for liver cancer detection: A survey
* Analysis on spectral effects of dark-channel prior for haze removal
* Analysis on the Area Changes and Its Influencing Factors of the Lakes In Wuhan City Based on Google Earth Engine
* Analysis on the Change of Vegetation Coverage in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2012
* Analysis on the Changing Spatial Patterns of China's Migration in 1985-2010
* Analysis on the Construction of Personalized Teaching System Based on Cloud Computing Platform
* Analysis on the Dropout Effect in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Analysis on the dynamic changes in a regional ecosystem and evaluation of its service values based on Remote Sensing
* Analysis on the Effect of Image Features on Lossy Coding Performance, An
* Analysis on the Effect of Sensor Views in Image Reconstruction Produced by Optical Tomography System Using Charge-Coupled Device
* Analysis on the Effects of SAR Imaging Parameters and Environmental Conditions on the Standard Deviation of the Co-Polarized Phase Difference Measured over Sea Surface
* Analysis on the Resolution of Polarimetric Radar and Performance Evaluation of the Polarimetric Bandwidth Extrapolation Method
* Analysis on the Spatio-Temporal Changes of LST and Its Influencing Factors Based on VIC Model in the Arid Region from 1960 to 2017: An Example of the Ebinur Lake Watershed, Xinjiang, China
* Analysis on the Spectrum of a Stereoscopic 3-D Image and Disparity-Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Filter
* Analysis on the Utility of Satellite Imagery for Detection of Agricultural Facility
* Analysis on the Variation of Hydro-Meteorological Variables in the Yongding River Mountain Area Driven by Multiple Factors
* Analysis on Tree Structure Selection for MRF Inference in Low-level Vision
* Analysis on two Fisher methods and a synthesized discriminant projection
* Analysis Operator Learning and its Application to Image Reconstruction
* Analysis Ready Data of the Chinese GaoFen Satellite Data
* Analysis Ready Data: Enabling Analysis of the Landsat Archive
* Analysis situs and image processing
* Analysis sparse coding models for image-based classification
* Analysis Study of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data in the Troposphere, An
* Analysis System for Scenes Containing Objects with Substructure, An
* Analysis System for Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Images of Genomic DNA, An
* Analysis System of Endoscopic Image of Early Gastric Cancer
* Analysis Systems Applied to Documents, Document Analysis
* Analysis Techniques for Image Sequences
* Analysis Technology for Land Remote Sensing
* Analysis the Influence of Modulated Amplitude on Common Mode Error Based on GPS Data
* Analysis Tool for Digitized Cervical and Lumbar Vertebrae Images
* Analysis, Comparison, and Assessment of Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
* Analysis, Documentation and Proposal for Restoration and Reuse of the Chrysalis Silk Factory in Goumenissa, Kilkis, Northern Greece
* Analysis, Evaluation, and Comparison of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering Techniques
* Analysis, Fast Algorithm, and VLSI Architecture Design for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Coder
* Analysis, Interpretation and Synthesis of Facial Expressions
* Analysis, synthesis, and Evaluation of Local Measures for Discrimination and Segmentation of Textured Regions, The
* Analysis, Thematic Maps And Data Mining From Point Cloud To Ontology For Software Development
* Analysis, Understanding and Representation of Chinese Newspaper with Complex Layout
* Analysis/synthesis coding of dynamic textures based on motion distribution statistics
* Analysis/synthesis systems for progressive-to-lossless embedded wavelet image coding
* Analytic Algorithm for Dipole Electromagnetic Field in Fully Anisotropic Planar-Stratified Media, An
* Analytic Algorithm for Electromagnetic Field in Planar-Stratified Biaxial Anisotropic Formation, An
* analytic approach for generation of artificial hand-printed character database from given generative models, An
* Analytic Approach to Tensor Scale with an Efficient Algorithm and Applications to Image Filtering, An
* Analytic Approximation and Translation Invariance in Character Recognition
* Analytic Bilinear Appearance Subspace Construction for Modeling Image Irradiance under Natural Illumination and Non-Lambertian Reflectance
* Analytic determination of pinhole collimator sensitivity with penetration
* Analytic Determination of Rectangular-Pinhole Sensitivity With Penetration
* Analytic determination of the pinhole collimator's point-spread function and RMS resolution with penetration
* Analytic Determination of the Resolution-Equivalent Effective Diameter of a Pinhole Collimator
* Analytic Estimation of Subsample Spatial Shift Using the Phases of Multidimensional Analytic Signals
* Analytic Existence and Uniqueness Results for PDE-Based Image Reconstruction with the Laplacian
* Analytic Expression for the Phase Noise of the Goldstein-Werner Filter, An
* Analytic Expressions for Probabilistic Moments of PL-DNN with Gaussian Input
* Analytic Expressions for Stochastic Distances Between Relaxed Complex Wishart Distributions
* Analytic Framework for Frame-Level Dependent Bit Allocation in Hybrid Video Coding, An
* Analytic Framework for the Evaluation of Coil Configurations for Parallel Transmission MRI With Subsampled Cartesian Excitation k-Space, An
* Analytic Gabor Feedforward Network for Single-Sample and Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, An
* Analytic image unwarping by a systematic calibration method for omni-directional cameras with hyperbolic-shaped mirrors
* Analytic Image, The
* Analytic Inverse of Discrete Gaussian Blur
* Analytic Inversion of a Conical Radon Transform Arising in Application of Compton Cameras on the Cylinder
* Analytic line fitting in the presence of uniform random noise
* Analytic Method to Predict the Thermal Map of Cryosurgery Iceballs in MR Images, An
* Analytic Model of Energy-Absorption Response Functions in Compound X-ray Detector Materials
* analytic nonlinear approach to sidelobe reduction, An
* Analytic Outlier Removal in Line Fitting
* Analytic PCA Construction for Theoretical Analysis of Lighting Variability in Images of a Lambertian Object
* Analytic Reconstruction of Transparent and Opaque Surfaces from Texture Images
* Analytic Reduction of the Kruppa Equations
* Analytic Results of the Coleman Segmentor
* Analytic Results on Error Sensitivity of Motion Estimation from Two Views
* Analytic signal space partitioning and symbolic dynamic filtering for degradation monitoring of electric motors
* analytic simplification for the reconstruction problem of electrical impedance tomography, An
* Analytic solution for separating spectra into illumination and surface reflectance components
* Analytic Solution for the Perspective 4-Point Problem, An
* Analytic Solution for the Pose Determination of Human Faces from a Monocular Image, An
* Analytic Solution of Stochastic Completion Fields
* Analytic Solution to Precipitation Attenuation Expression with Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Volterra Integral Equation, An
* Analytic Solutions for Multiple Motions
* Analytic Structure of Image Flows: Deformation and Segmentation, The
* analytic study on clustering driven self-supervised speaker verification, An
* Analytic System to Evaluate Efficient Driving Programs in Professional Fleets
* Analytic threshold calculation of frequency estimation for OFDM communication
* Analytic to Holistic Approach for Face Recognition Based on a Single Frontal View, An
* Analytic Word Recognition Algorithm Using a Posteriori Probability, An
* Analytical-form model observers for decompressed images
* Analytical 3D views and virtual globes: Scientific results in a familiar spatial context
* analytical algorithm for determining the generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors, An
* analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices, An
* Analytical Algorithm for Tensor Tomography From Projections Acquired About Three Axes, An
* Analytical and Empirical Performance Evaluation of Subpixel Line and Edge Detection
* Analytical and Experimental Study of the Performance of Markov Random-Fields Applied to Textured Images Using Small Samples, An
* Analytical and numerical investigations on the accuracy and robustness of geometric features extracted from 3D point cloud data
* Analytical Approach for Voice Capacity Estimation Over WiFi Network Using ITU-T E-Model, An
* analytical approach to evaluate point cloud registration error utilizing targets, An
* Analytical Approach to the Determination of Planar Surface Orientation Using Active-Passive Image Pairs, An
* Analytical approximation for macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban corridor with mixed human and connected and autonomous traffic
* Analytical Approximation Model for Quadratic Phase Error Introduced by Orbit Determination Errors in Real-Time Spaceborne SAR Imaging
* Analytical Calculation and Experimental Verification of Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension System Using Null-Flux Ground Coils
* Analytical Calculation of Volumes-of-Intersection for Iterative, Fully 3-D PET Reconstruction
* analytical calibration approach for microwave polarimetric radiometers, An
* Analytical Characterization of the Feature Detectability Constraints of Resolution, Focus, and Field-of-View for Vision Sensor Planning
* Analytical Coherent Detection in High-Resolution Dual-Polarimetric Sea Clutter with Independent Inverse Gamma Textures
* Analytical comparison of sensor signal processing enhancements for NDT synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging
* Analytical Comparison of Thinning Algorithms
* Analytical Comparison of Two String Searching Algorithms, An
* Analytical Computation of the Spatial Resolution in GNSS-R and Experimental Validation at L1 and L5
* Analytical Curvature B-Spline Algorithm for Effective Curve Modeling, An
* Analytical Decision Boundary Feature Extraction for Neural Networks with Multiple Hidden Layers
* Analytical derivatives for differentiable renderer: 3D pose estimation by silhouette consistency
* Analytical Description of Digital Circles
* Analytical description of pseudo-invariant features (PIFs)
* Analytical Description of Pseudoinvariant Features
* Analytical design of 3-D wavelet filter banks using the multivariate Bernstein polynomial
* Analytical Design of Multispectral Sensors
* Analytical Dynamic Programming Matching
* Analytical Dynamic Programming Tracker
* Analytical Estimation of Map Readability
* Analytical evaluation of term weighting schemes for text categorization
* Analytical Evaluation of the Error in Queue Length Estimation at Traffic Signals From Probe Vehicle Data
* Analytical Evaluation of VCO-ADC Quantization Noise Spectrum Using Pulse Frequency Modulation
* Analytical Exploration of Energy Savings for Parked Vehicles to Enhance VANET Connectivity
* Analytical Expression for Impulse Response Between Two Nodes in 2-D Rectangular Digital Waveguide Mesh
* Analytical expression for pixel-averaged point sources as observed by a focal plane array
* Analytical Feature Extraction and Spectral Summation
* Analytical Form for a Bayesian Wavelet Estimator of Images Using the Bessel K Form Densities
* Analytical form of globally optimal solution of weighted sum of intraclass separation and interclass separation
* analytical formulation of global occlusion reasoning for multi-target tracking, An
* Analytical Forward Projection for Axial Non-central Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras
* Analytical Framework for Improving the Quality of Streaming Over TCP
* Analytical Framework for Trusted Machine Learning and Computer Vision Running with Blockchain, An
* Analytical Geometric Calibration Method for Circular Cone-Beam Geometry, An
* Analytical Geometry Calibration for Acoustic Transceiver Arrays
* analytical handwritten word recognition system with word-level discriminant training, An
* Analytical Hierarchy Process Using Fuzzy Inference Technique for Real-Time Route Guidance System
* Analytical Image Models and Their Applications
* Analytical Inversion of the 180deg Exponential Radon Transform with a Numerically Generated Kernel, An
* Analytical Mapping for LLE and Its Application in Multi-Pose Face Synthesis, An
* Analytical Mapping of Linear Walk from Infinite Virtual Space to Finite Real Space
* Analytical Method and Research of Uyghur Language Chunks Based on Digital Forensics
* Analytical Method for Dynamic Wave-Related Errors of Interferometric SAR Ocean Altimetry under Multiple Sea States, An
* Analytical Method for High-Frequency Electromagnetic Scattering of Arbitrary Undulating Rough Surfaces, An
* Analytical method for MGRF Potts model parameter estimation
* Analytical Method for Predicting the Performance of Parallel Image-Processing Operations, An
* Analytical Method for the Precise and Fast Prediction of Railway Running Times and its Applications
* Analytical Method to Calculate Optical Transfer-Functions for Image Motion and Vibrations Using Moments
* Analytical Methods for Uncalibrated Stereo and Motion Reconstruction
* Analytical model for camera distance related 3D virtual view distortion estimation
* Analytical Model for Optical Polarimetric Imaging Systems, An
* Analytical Model for Synthesis Distortion Estimation in 3D Video, An
* Analytical model of a laser range profile from rough convex quadric bodies of revolution
* Analytical model of a three-dimensional integral image recording system that uses circular- and hexagonal-based spherical surface microlenses
* Analytical Model of Earth Observational Remote Sensing Systems, An
* Analytical Model of Page Dissemination for Efficient Big Data Transmission of C-ITS, An
* analytical model of the influence of cone sensitivity and numerosity on the Rayleigh match, An
* analytical model of the perceptual threshold function for multichannel image compression, An
* Analytical Model to Characterize the Spatiotemporal Propagation of Information Under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, An
* Analytical Modeling for Automatic Target Recognition Performance Evaluation
* Analytical Modeling for Delay-Sensitive Video Over WLAN
* Analytical Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering and HRRP Characteristics from the 3D Sea Surface with a Plunging Breaker
* Analytical Modeling of Rough Surface SAR Images Under Small Perturbation Approximation
* Analytical Modeling of Vanishing Points and Curves in Catadioptric Cameras
* Analytical Models for Reduced Spectral Representations of Images
* Analytical Models for the Electromagnetic Scattering From Isolated Targets in Bistatic Configuration: Geometrical Optics Solution
* Analytical Optimal Solution of Perimeter Traffic Flow Control Based on MFD Dynamics: A Pontryagin's Maximum Principle Approach
* Analytical piecewise radial distortion model for precision camera calibration
* Analytical Prediction of Self-Organized Traffic Jams as a Function of Increasing ACC Penetration
* analytical proof on suitability of Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence as the aggregation criterion in Region Growing Algorithm, An
* Analytical Properties Of Generalized Cylinders And Their Projections
* Analytical Properties of Teager's Filter
* Analytical Relationship between Two-Band Spectral Vegetation Indices Measured at Multiple Sensors on a Parametric Representation of Soil Isoline Equations
* Analytical Representation of Contours
* Analytical Resolution Evaluation Approach for Bistatic GEOSAR Based on Local Feature of Ambiguity Function, An
* Analytical Results on Style-Constrained Bayesian Classification of Pattern Fields
* Analytical Results on the Quadtree Decomposition of Arbitrary Rectangles
* Analytical results on the Quadtree storage-requirements
* analytical review for event prediction system on time series, An
* Analytical Review of Biometric Technology Employing Vivid Modalities
* Analytical Scatter Correction for Singles-Mode Transmission Data in PET, An
* Analytical Simulation of B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Analytical Solution for Irradiance Due to Inhomogeneous Lambertian Polygonal Emitters
* Analytical Solution of Shape from Shading Problem
* Analytical Solution of the Clever Eye (CE) Method, The
* Analytical Solution To The Perspective-n-point Problem For Common Planar Camera And For Catadioptric Sensor, An
* Analytical solutions for sketch-based convolution surface modeling on the GPU
* Analytical Solutions for the Minkowski Addition Equation
* Analytical Studies of Low-Level Motion Estimators in Space-Time Images Using a Unified Filter Concept
* Analytical Study of Circularly Pulse-Shaped FBMC-OQAM Waveforms, An
* Analytical Study of JPEG 2000 Functionalities, An
* Analytical study of parallel and distributed image processing
* Analytical study of performance of linear discriminant analysis in stochastic settings
* Analytical study of RGB vertical stripe and RGBX square-shaped subpixel arrangements
* analytical study of subpixel-based image down-sampling patterns in frequency domain, An
* Analytical Study of the IEEE 802.11p MAC Sublayer in Vehicular Networks
* Analytical surface recognition in three-dimensional (3D) medical images using genetic matching: Application to the extraction of spheroidal articular surfaces in 3D computed tomography data sets
* Analytical Survey of Highlight Detection in Color and Spectral Images
* Analytical Tensor Voting in ND Space and its Properties
* Analytically Solving Radial Distortion Parameters
* Analytically tractable case of fuzzy c-means clustering
* Analytically Tractable Model for Video Conference Traffic, An
* Analytics-Driven Visualization on Digital Directory via Screen-Smart Device Interactions
* Analytics of deep neural network in change detection
* Analytics Platform for Integrating and Computing Spatio-Temporal Metrics, An
* Analyze of Mathematical Models for Digital Camera Calibration
* Analyze the Impact of Habitat Patches on Wildlife Road-Kill
* Analyzing a Scene's Picture Set under Varying Lighting
* Analyzing Activities in Videos Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Granger Causality
* Analyzing Air Pollutant Reduction Possibilities in the City of Zagreb
* Analyzing Anatomical Structures: Leveraging Multiple Sources of Knowledge
* Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors
* Analyzing and Capturing Articulated Hand Motion in Image Sequences
* Analyzing and Detecting Network Intrusion Behavior Using Packet Capture
* Analyzing and Diagnosing Pose Estimation with Attributions
* Analyzing and filtering contour deformation
* Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN
* Analyzing and Mitigating JPEG Compression Defects in Deep Learning
* Analyzing and Predicting Micro-Location Patterns of Software Firms
* Analyzing and Recognizing Walking Figures in XYT
* Analyzing and Reducing DTI Tracking Uncertainty by Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
* Analyzing and Synthesizing Images by Evolving Curves with the Osher-Sethian Method
* Analyzing and synthesizing images by evolving curves
* Analyzing and Visualizing Emotional Reactions Expressed by Emojis in Location-Based Social Media
* Analyzing and visualizing scientific research collaboration network with core node evaluation and community detection based on network embedding
* Analyzing appearance and contour based methods for object categorization
* Analyzing Articulated Motion Using Expectation-Maximization
* Analyzing Attitude of Second Screen Social Media Messages
* Analyzing Body Fat from Depth Images
* Analyzing Canopy Height Patterns and Environmental Landscape Drivers in Tropical Forests Using NASA's GEDI Spaceborne LiDAR
* Analyzing Changes in Frozen Soil in the Source Region of the Yellow River Using the MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products
* Analyzing Classifier Hierarchy Multiclassifier Learning
* Analyzing Classifiers: Fisher Vectors and Deep Neural Networks
* Analyzing Clothing Layer Deformation Statistics of 3D Human Motions
* Analyzing computational imaging systems
* Analyzing Computer Vision Data: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
* Analyzing Contextual Linking of Heterogeneous Information Models from the Domains BIM and UIM
* Analyzing Curved Surfaces Using Reflectance Map Techniques
* Analyzing Daily Estimation of Forest Gross Primary Production Based on Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Product Using SCOPE Process-Based Model
* Analyzing Deep Neural Network's Transferability via Fréchet Distance
* Analyzing Depth from Coded Aperture Sets
* Analyzing DGI-BS: Properties and Performance Under Occlusion and Noise
* Analyzing Diving: A Dataset for Judging Action Quality
* Analyzing documents with Quantum Clustering: A novel pattern recognition algorithm based on quantum mechanics
* Analyzing Driving Factors of Drought in Growing Season in the Inner Mongolia Based on Geodetector and GWR Models
* Analyzing Dynamic Scenes Containing Moving Objects
* Analyzing Dynamical Brain Functional Connectivity as Trajectories on Space of Covariance Matrices
* Analyzing Ecological Vulnerability and Vegetation Phenology Response Using NDVI Time Series Data and the BFAST Algorithm
* Analyzing EEG Data with Machine and Deep Learning: A Benchmark
* Analyzing Effects of Intra-Uterine Cocaine Exposure on Adolescent Brain Structure with Symmetric Diffeomorphisms
* Analyzing empathetic interactions based on the probabilistic modeling of the co-occurrence patterns of facial expressions in group meetings
* Analyzing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Analyzing Facial Expression by Fusing Manifolds
* Analyzing Facial Expressions Using Intensity-Variant 3D Data For Human Computer Interaction
* Analyzing features by SWLDA for the classification of HEp-2 cell images using GMM
* Analyzing features learned for Offline Signature Verification using Deep CNNs
* Analyzing Filters Toward Efficient ConvNet
* Analyzing Fine Motion Considering Individual Habit for Appearance-Based Proficiency Evaluation
* Analyzing Flickr groups
* Analyzing Form Images By Using Line-Shared-Adjacent Cell Relations
* Analyzing Front View Face Profiles for Face Recognition Via the Walsh Transform
* Analyzing Gait Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Analyzing Gait with Spatiotemporal Surfaces
* Analyzing Gaps in Hurricane Rain Coverage to Inform Future Satellite Proposals
* Analyzing Geographic Questions Using Embedding-based Topic Modeling
* Analyzing Glacier Surface Motion Using LiDAR Data
* Analyzing graph time series using a generative model
* Analyzing Group-Level Emotion with Global Alignment Kernel based Approach
* Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-level Topological Relations
* Analyzing halftone dot blurring by extended spectral prediction models
* Analyzing High Dimensional Multispectral Data
* Analyzing Highly Cited Papers in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Analyzing human-human interactions: A survey
* Analyzing human appearance as a cue for dating images
* Analyzing Human Gait Using Patterns of Translation and Rotation
* Analyzing human interactions with a network of dynamic probabilistic models
* Analyzing Human Movements from Silhouettes Using Manifold Learning
* Analyzing Image Deblurring Through Three Paradigms
* Analyzing Image Structure by Multidimensional Frequency Modulation
* Analyzing images containing multiple sparse patterns with neural networks
* Analyzing Intensity Arrays Using Knowledge About Scenes
* Analyzing Interactions in Paired Egocentric Videos
* Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
* Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico
* Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale
* Analyzing Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Police Calls-for-Service Using Bayesian Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation
* Analyzing Looming Motion Components from Their Spatiotemporal Spectral Signature
* Analyzing lower half facial gestures for lip reading applications: Survey on vision techniques
* Analyzing magnetic resonance images of Iberian pork loin to predict its sensorial characteristics
* Analyzing Modern Camera Response Functions
* Analyzing multi-domain learning for enhanced rockfall mapping in known and unknown planetary domains
* Analyzing multiple types of behaviors from traffic videos via nonparametric topic model
* Analyzing Muscle Activity and Force with Skin Shape Captured by Non-contact Visual Sensor
* Analyzing Natural Images: A Computational Theory of Texture Vision
* Analyzing Newspaper Maps for Earthquake News through Cartographic Approach
* Analyzing non-negative matrix factorization for image classification
* Analyzing Nonconvex 2D and 3D Patterns
* Analyzing Object Motion Based on Optical Flow
* Analyzing objects in images for estimating the delamination influence on load carrying capacity of composite laminates
* Analyzing of facial paralysis by shape analysis of 3D face sequences
* Analyzing on Pixel Positioning Accuracy of SAR Images Based On R-D Location Model
* Analyzing OpenStreetMap Road Data and Characterizing the Behavior of Contributors in Ankara, Turkey
* Analyzing Oriented Patterns
* Analyzing Oriented Textures Through Phase Portraits
* Analyzing Orthographic Projection of Multiple 3-D Velocity Vector Fields in Optical Flow
* Analyzing Overfitting Under Class Imbalance in Neural Networks for Image Segmentation
* Analyzing Parcel-Level Relationships between Urban Land Expansion and Activity Changes by Integrating Landsat and Nighttime Light Data
* Analyzing pedestrian behavior in crowds for automatic detection of congestions
* Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Behavioral Mimicry
* Analyzing perceived empathy/antipathy based on reaction time in behavioral coordination
* Analyzing Perception-Distortion Tradeoff Using Enhanced Perceptual Super-Resolution Network
* Analyzing Performances of Different Atmospheric Correction Techniques for Landsat 8: Application for Coastal Remote Sensing
* Analyzing Physical Impacts Using Transient Surface Wave Imaging
* Analyzing Pixel-Level Relationships between Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Light and Urban Surface Features by Separating the Pixel Blooming Effect
* Analyzing Quantitative Databases: Image is Everything
* Analyzing Rcd30 Oblique Performance In A Production Environment
* Analyzing Reconstruction Artifacts from Arbitrary Incomplete X-ray CT Data
* Analyzing Refugee Migration Patterns Using Geo-tagged Tweets
* Analyzing repetitive action in game based on sequence pattern matching
* Analyzing Results of Depth Estimation Models with Monocular Criteria
* Analyzing Road Coverage of Public Vehicles According to Number and Time Period for Installation of Road Inspection Systems
* Analyzing Satellite-Derived 3D Building Inventories and Quantifying Urban Growth towards Active Faults: A Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
* Analyzing Satellite Ocean Color Match-Up Protocols Using the Satellite Validation Navy Tool (SAVANT) at MOBY and Two AERONET-OC Sites
* Analyzing Sea Surface Wind Distribution Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Analyzing sedentary behavior in life-logging images
* Analyzing Semantic Segmentation Using Hybrid Human-Machine CRFs
* Analyzing Sensor Quantization of Raw Images For Visual SLAM
* Analyzing Sequences of TV Frames
* Analyzing Skewed Symmetries
* Analyzing small suprathreshold differences of LCD-generated colors
* Analyzing Social-Geographic Human Mobility Patterns Using Large-Scale Social Media Data
* Analyzing Social Network Images with Deep Learning Models to Fight Zika Virus
* Analyzing Space-Time Coherence in Precipitation Seasonality across Different European Climates
* Analyzing Space-Time Dynamics of Theft Rates Using Exchange Mobility
* Analyzing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Mechanisms of Landscape Changes in the Context of Comprehensive Urban Expansion Using Remote Sensing
* Analyzing Spatial and Temporal User Behavior in Participatory Sensing
* Analyzing spatial variability in night-time lights using a high spatial resolution color Jilin-1 image-Jerusalem as a case study
* Analyzing Spatial Variations of Cloud Attenuation by a Network of All-Sky Imagers
* Analyzing spatially-varying blur
* Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Factors to Estimate the Response Time between SMOS and In-Situ Soil Moisture at Different Depths
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern Anatolia
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Variation Modes and Industry-Driving Force Research Using VIIRS Nighttime Light in China
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Variations and Driving Factors of Grassland in the Arid Region of Northwest China Surrounding the Tianshan Mountains
* Analyzing Spectral Characteristics Of Shadow Area From Ads-40 High Radiometric Resolution Aerial Images
* Analyzing Symbol and Bit Plane-Based LDPC in Distributed Video Coding
* Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
* Analyzing Taiwanese Indigenous Folk Dances via Labanotation and Comparing Results from Interdisciplinary Studies
* Analyzing TCP Traffic Patterns Using Self Organizing Maps
* Analyzing Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Crop Parameters Using Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data
* Analyzing TerraSAR-X and COSMO-Skymed High-resolution SAR Data of Urban Areas
* Analyzing the Angle Effect of Leaf Reflectance Measured by Indoor Hyperspectral Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
* Analyzing the Application of X-Band Radar for Improving Rainfall Observation and Flood Forecasting in Yeongdong, South Korea
* Analyzing the Behavior of Cauliflower Harvest-Readiness Models by Investigating Feature Relevances
* Analyzing the Behaviors of OpenStreetMap Volunteers in Mapping Building Polygons Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Analyzing the Bidirectional Texture Function
* Analyzing the Contribution of Human Mobility to Changes in Air Pollutants: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdown in Wuhan
* Analyzing the Contributor Activity of a Volunteered Geographic Information Project: The Case of OpenStreetMap
* Analyzing the Correlation between Deer Habitat and the Component of the Risk for Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada: A GIS-Based Approach
* Analyzing the Dependency of ConvNets on Spatial Information
* Analyzing the Distribution of a Large-Scale Character Pattern Set Using Relative Neighborhood Graph
* Analyzing the Domain Shift Immunity of Deep Homography Estimation
* Analyzing the Dynamic Spatiotemporal Changes in Urban Extension across Zhejiang Province Using NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data
* Analyzing the Effect of Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Estimation
* Analyzing the Effect of JPEG Compression on Local Variance of Image Intensity
* Analyzing the effect of shot noise in indirect Time-of-Flight cameras
* Analyzing the Effects of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on Soil Moisture (SM) in Coastal Areas of Eastern China
* Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Resolution for Small Landslide Susceptibility and Hazard Mapping
* Analyzing the Effects of Temporal Resolution and Classification Confidence for Modeling Land Cover Change with Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Analyzing the Error Pattern of InSAR-Based Mining Subsidence Estimation Caused by Neglecting Horizontal Movements
* Analyzing the evolution of breast tumors through flow fields and strain tensors
* Analyzing the feasibility of a space-borne sensor (SPOT-6) to estimate the height of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in inland waters
* Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on Face Recognition Accuracy
* Analyzing the Impact of Gender on the Automation of Feedback for Public Speaking
* Analyzing the Impact of Highways Associated with Farmland Loss under Rapid Urbanization
* Analyzing the impact of non-biometric information on multiclassifier processing for signature recognition applications
* Analyzing the Impact of Shape & Context on the Face Recognition Performance of Deep Networks
* Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* Analyzing the Influence of Visitor Types on Location Choices and Revisit Intentions in Urban Heritage Destinations
* Analyzing the Influences of Camera Warm-Up Effects on Image Acquisition
* Analyzing the information entropy of states to optimize the number of states in an HMM-based off-line handwritten Arabic word recognizer
* Analyzing the Ionospheric Irregularities Caused by the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm Using Ground-Based GNSS, Swarm, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data near the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in East Africa
* Analyzing the Layout of Composite Textures
* Analyzing the Long-Term Phenological Trends of Salt Marsh Ecosystem across Coastal LOUISIANA
* Analyzing the Magnesium (Mg) Number of Olivine on the Lunar Surface and Its Geological Significance
* Analyzing the Mallat Wavelet Transform to Delineate Contour and Textural Features
* Analyzing the Movement of a Wave Field by Computer
* Analyzing the multi-scale characteristic for online car-hailing traffic volume with quantum walk
* Analyzing the Optimality of Predictive Transform Coding Using Graph-Based Models
* Analyzing the oversampling of different classes and types of examples in multi-class imbalanced datasets
* Analyzing the Performance of Multilayer Neural Networks for Object Recognition
* Analyzing the performance of PROSPECT model inversion based on different spectral information for leaf biochemical properties retrieval
* Analyzing the Potential Risk of Climate Change on Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada Using Time Series Remotely Sensed Temperature Data and Tick Population Modelling
* Analyzing the Probability of a False Alarm for the Hausdorff Distance Under Translation
* Analyzing the Problems of a District-Based Administration Using Monte Carlo Simulation: The Case of Sex Offender Notifications in Korea
* Analyzing the Relationship between Developed Land Area and Nighttime Light Emissions of 36 Chinese Cities
* Analyzing the Relationship between Perception of Safety and Reported Crime in an Urban Neighborhood Using GIS and Sketch Maps
* Analyzing the Research Evolution in Response to COVID-19
* Analyzing the role of pulse density and voxelization parameters on full-waveform LiDAR-derived metrics
* Analyzing the Shape Characteristics of Land Use Classes in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Analyzing the Spatially Heterogeneous Relationships between Nighttime Light Intensity and Human Activities across Chongqing, China
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Patterns in Green Spaces for Urban Studies Using Location-Based Social Media Data
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Uncertainty in Urbanization Predictions
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Vegetation Dynamics and Their Responses to Climate Change along the Ya'an-Linzhi Section of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway
* Analyzing the Subspace Structure of Related Images: Concurrent Segmentation of Image Sets
* Analyzing the Subspaces Obtained by Dimensionality Reduction for Human Action Recognition from 3d Data
* Analyzing the Suitability of Remotely Sensed ET for Calibrating a Watershed Model of a Mediterranean Montane Forest
* Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap
* Analyzing the Uncertainty of Biomass Estimates From L-Band Radar Backscatter Over the Harvard and Howland Forests
* Analyzing the Uncertainty of Degree Confluence Project for Validating Global Land-Cover Maps Using Reference Data-Based Classification Schemes
* Analyzing the Uncertainty of Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Optical Imagery and Spaceborne LiDAR
* Analyzing the Variability of Subjective Image Quality Ratings for Different Distortions
* Analyzing the Variability of the 3D Structure of Chromatin Fiber Using Statistical Shape Theory
* Analyzing the Variety Loss in the Context of Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction
* Analyzing the Vegetation Parameterization in the TU-Wien ASCAT Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Analyzing Time Series from Chinese Financial Market Using a Linear-Time Graph Kernel
* Analyzing Tomographic SAR Data of a Forest With Respect to Frequency, Polarization, and Focusing Technique
* Analyzing Tracklets for the Detection of Abnormal Crowd Behavior
* Analyzing Training Information From Random Forests for Improved Image Segmentation
* Analyzing trajectories on Grassmann manifold for early emotion detection from depth videos
* Analyzing Tubular Tissue in Histopathological Thin Sections
* Analyzing U-Net Robustness for Single Cell Nucleus Segmentation from Phase Contrast Images
* Analyzing Urban Agriculture's Contribution to a Southern City's Resilience through Land Cover Mapping: The Case of Antananarivo, Capital of Madagascar
* Analyzing Urban Human Mobility Patterns through a Thematic Model at a Finer Scale
* Analyzing user behavior in online advertising with facial expressions
* Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winter-Spring Snow Water Equivalent and Autumn Arctic Sea Ice
* Analyzing Video Sequences of Multiple Humans: Tracking, Posture Estimation and Behavior Recognition
* Analyzing Vision at the Complexity Level
* Analyzing Vision at the Complexity Level: Constraints on an Architecture, An Explanation for Visual Search Performance, and Computational Justification for Attentive Processes
* Analyzing visual-search observers using eye-tracking data for digital breast tomosynthesis images
* Analyzing Water Dynamics Based on Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Study for Dongting Lake Wetlands in China
* Analyzing Wheels of Vehicles in Motion Using Laser Scanning
* Analyzing Zero-shot Cross-lingual Transfer in Supervised NLP Tasks
* Anamorphic pixels for multi-channel superresolution
* AnANet: Association and Alignment Network for Modeling Implicit Relevance in Cross-Modal Correlation Classification
* Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
* ANAS: Asymptotic NAS for large-scale proxyless search and multi-task transfer learning
* ANASTASIL: A System for Low-Level and High-Level Geometric Analysis of Printed Documents
* Anatomic and Molecular MR Image Synthesis Using Confidence Guided CNNs
* Anatomic Region-Based Dynamic-Range Compression for Chest Radiographs Using Warping Transformation of Correlated Distribution
* Anatomical-based FDG-PET reconstruction for the detection of hypo-metabolic regions in epilepsy
* Anatomical-functional image fusion based on deep convolution neural networks in local Laplacian pyramid domain
* Anatomical-Functional Image Fusion by Information of Interest in Local Laplacian Filtering Domain
* Anatomical-map system for CT interpretation
* Anatomical-plane-based representation for human-human interactions analysis
* Anatomical Attention Guided Deep Networks for ROI Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* Anatomical Coordinate System for Bilateral Registration of Mammograms
* Anatomical data fusion for quantitative reconstruction in cardiac tomoscintigraphy using active contours of the organs of the thorax
* Anatomical decomposition of human liver volume to build accurate statistical shape models
* Anatomical Equivalence Class: A Morphological Analysis Framework Using a Lossless Shape Descriptor
* Anatomical Image Registration Using Volume Conservation to Assess Cardiac Deformation From 3D Ultrasound Recordings
* Anatomical Invariance Modeling and Semantic Alignment for Self-supervised Learning in 3D Medical Image Analysis
* Anatomical Labeling of the Circle of Willis Using Maximum A Posteriori Probability Estimation
* Anatomical Landmark Based Registration of Contrast Enhanced T1-Weighted MR Images
* Anatomical Landmark Detection in Medical Applications Driven by Synthetic Data
* Anatomical Landmark Tracking for the Analysis of Animal Locomotion in X-ray Videos Using Active Appearance Models
* Anatomical model matching with fuzzy implicit surfaces for segmentation of thoracic volume scans
* Anatomical Modeling with Fuzzy Implicit Surface Templates: Application to Automated Localization of the Heart and Lungs in Thoracic MR Volumes
* Anatomical multiatlas segmentation using local texture statistical properties for matching descriptor with machine learning
* Anatomical Object Recognition Using Deformable Geometric-Models
* Anatomical object volumes from deformable B-spline surface models
* Anatomical parts-based regression using non-negative matrix factorization
* Anatomical Priors in Convolutional Networks for Unsupervised Biomedical Segmentation
* Anatomical region segmentation method from dermoscopic images of pigmented skin lesions
* Anatomical Regularization on Statistical Manifolds for the Classification of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
* Anatomical Skin Segmentation in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy with Weak Labels
* Anatomical structure similarity estimation by random forest
* Anatomical triangulation: from sparse landmarks to dense annotation of the skeleton in CT images
* Anatomically-Aware, Automatic, and Fast Registration of 3D Ear Impression Models
* Anatomically constrained electrical impedance tomography for three-dimensional anisotropic bodies
* Anatomically Constrained Neural Networks (ACNNs): Application to Cardiac Image Enhancement and Segmentation
* Anatomically Constrained Weak Classifier Fusion for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical Approach
* Anatomically Corresponded Regional Analysis of Cartilage in Asymptomatic and Osteoarthritic Knees by Statistical Shape Modelling of the Bone
* Anatomically Guided PET Image Reconstruction Using Conditional Weakly-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Integrating Self-Attention
* Anatomically Guided Registration for Multimodal Images
* Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammogram Analysis, An
* Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery Segmentation, An
* Anatomy-Aware 3D Human Pose Estimation With Bone-Based Pose Decomposition
* Anatomy-aware Contrastive Representation Learning for Fetal Ultrasound
* Anatomy-aware Siamese Network: Exploiting Semantic Asymmetry for Accurate Pelvic Fracture Detection in X-ray Images
* Anatomy-Based Registration for Computer-Integrated Surgery
* Anatomy-Based Registration of Isometrically Transformed Surfaces Using Geodesic Area Functionals
* Anatomy-Guided Lung Lobe Segmentation in X-Ray CT Images
* Anatomy-Regularized Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Anatomy and Flow in Normal and Ischemic Microvasculature Based on a Novel Temporal Fractal Dimension Analysis Algorithm Using Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Anatomy and Geometry Constrained One-stage Framework for 3d Human Pose Estimation
* Anatomy of a Color Histogram
* Anatomy of a hand-filled form reader
* Anatomy of a Histogram
* Anatomy of a Paroxysmal Lava Fountain at Etna Volcano: The Case of the 12 March 2021, Episode
* Anatomy of an Optical Biopsy Semantic Retrieval System, The
* Anatomy of Anthropically Controlled Natural Lagoons through Geophysical, Geological, and Remote Sensing Observations: The Valli Di Comacchio (NE Italy) Case Study
* Anatomy of IrisCode for Precise Phase Representation, An
* Anatomy of Subsidence in Tianjin from Time Series InSAR
* Anatomy of the SIFT Method
* Anatomy of Video Editing: A Dataset and Benchmark Suite for AI-Assisted Video Editing, The
* AnatomyBrowser: A novel approach to visualization and integration of medical information
* ANCC flow: Adaptive normalized cross-correlation with evolving guidance aggregation for dense correspondence estimation
* ANCES: A novel method to repair attribute noise in classification problems
* Ancestor Search: Generalized Open Set Recognition via Hyperbolic Side Information Learning
* Anchor-based discriminative dual distribution calibration for transductive zero-shot learning
* anchor-based graph method for detecting and classifying indoor objects from cluttered 3D point clouds, An
* Anchor-based Plain Net for Mobile Image Super-Resolution
* Anchor-Based Self-Ensembling for Semi-Supervised Deep Pairwise Hashing
* Anchor-Constrained Viterbi for Set-Supervised Action Segmentation
* Anchor-diagonal-based shape adaptive local support region for efficient stereo matching
* Anchor-free Convolutional Network with Dense Attention Feature Aggregation for Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Anchor-Free Correlated Topic Modeling
* Anchor-Free Detection Algorithm for SAR Ship Targets with Deep Saliency Representation, An
* Anchor-free face detection in the wild with an application to facial expression recognition
* Anchor-Free Lightweight Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images, An
* Anchor-Free Method Based on Adaptive Feature Encoding and Gaussian-Guided Sampling Optimization for Ship Detection in SAR Imagery, An
* Anchor-Free Method Based on Feature Balancing and Refinement Network for Multiscale Ship Detection in SAR Images, An
* anchor-free object detector based on soften optimized bi-directional FPN, An
* Anchor-Free Person Search
* anchor-free region proposal network for Faster R-CNN-based text detection approaches, An
* Anchor-Free Tracker Based on Space-Time Memory Network
* Anchor-Intermediate Detector: Decoupling and Coupling Bounding Boxes for Accurate Object Detection
* Anchor-supported multi-modality hashing embedding for person re-identification
* Anchor Assisted Experience Replay for Online Class-Incremental Learning
* Anchor Box Optimization for Object Detection
* Anchor Cascade for Efficient Face Detection
* Anchor Diffusion for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Anchor Free Network for Multi-Scale Face Detection
* Anchor Graph-Based Feature Selection for One-Step Multi-View Clustering
* Anchor Loss: Modulating Loss Scale Based on Prediction Difficulty
* Anchor Models for Emotion Recognition from Speech
* Anchor Patch Based Optimization Framework for Reducing Optical Flow Drift in Long Image Sequences, An
* Anchor point thinning using a skeleton based on the Euclidean distance transformation
* Anchor points coding for depth map compression
* Anchor pruning for object detection
* Anchor Structure Regularization Induced Multi-view Subspace Clustering via Enhanced Tensor Rank Minimization
* Anchor View Allocation for Collaborative Free Viewpoint Video Streaming
* Anchor3DLane: Learning to Regress 3D Anchors for Monocular 3D Lane Detection
* Anchored Deformable Face Ensemble Alignment
* Anchored fusion for image restoration
* Anchored Kernel Hashing for Cancelable Template Protection for Cross-Spectral Periocular Data
* Anchored Neighborhood Index for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Anchored neighborhood regression based single image super-resolution from self-examples
* Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Example-Based Super-Resolution
* Anchored Regression Networks Applied to Age Estimation and Super Resolution
* AnchorFormer: Point Cloud Completion from Discriminative Nodes
* Anchoring Theory of Lightness Perception, An
* Anchoring Unsorted E-Sources About Heritage Artefacts in Space and Time
* AnchorNet: A Weakly Supervised Network to Learn Geometry-Sensitive Features for Semantic Matching
* Anchorperson extraction for Picture in Picture news video
* AnchorPoint: Query Design for Transformer-Based 3D Object Detection and Tracking
* Anchors vs Attention: Comparing XAI on a Real-life Use Case
* Ancient Asian Character Recognition for Literature Preservation and Understanding
* Ancient Book Seals Segmentation Based on Automatic Region Growing
* Ancient Chinese architecture 3D preservation by merging ground and aerial point clouds
* Ancient Coin Classification Using Reverse Motif Recognition: Image-based classification of Roman Republican coins
* Ancient Coin Recognition Based on Spatial Coding
* Ancient document analysis based on text line extraction
* Ancient Document Layout Analysis: Autoencoders meet Sparse Coding
* Ancient Handwritings Decomposition Into Graphemes and Codebook Generation Based on Graph Coloring
* Ancient Hebraic Handwriting Identification with Run-Length Histograms
* Ancient Initial Letters Indexing
* Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey
* Ancient Mining Landscapes and Habitative Sceneries in The Urban Area Of Centocelle: Geomatic Applications for Their Identification, Measurement, Documentation and Monitoring
* Ancient Painting to Natural Image: A New Solution for Painting Processing
* Ancient pelvis reconstruction from collapsed component bones using statistical shape models
* Ancient Porcelain Shards Classifications Based on Color Features
* Ancient Roman Coin Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning Based Recognition of Artistically Depicted Face Profiles
* Ancient Rome Worldwide Links: Sharing Knowledge to Preserve the Roots
* Ancient Sandbox Technique: An Experimental Study Using Piezoelectric Sensors
* Ancient statues, digitally reconstructed, return to Mosul [News]
* Ancient Stone Tidal Weirs in Penghu Archipelago: Distribution, Category, Structure and Function, a Google Earth and GIS Approach
* Ancillary Data Uncertainties within the SeaDAS Uncertainty Budget for Ocean Colour Retrievals
* Ancoins: Image-based Automated Identification of Ancient Coins Through Transfer Learning Approaches
* And-Or Graph Grammar for Architectural Floor Plan Representation, Learning and Recognition. A Semantic, Structural and Hierarchical Model
* AND-OR tree-based mode selection for video coding
* And where does it come from?
* AND/OR search spaces for graphical models
* Anda: An Innovative Micro-Location Mobile Ticketing Solution Based on NFC and BLE Technologies
* ANDAL: A Nonparametric Discrimination and Learning Algorithm for Recognition in Imperfectly Supervised Environments
* Android malware detection through permission and package
* Anet: A Deep Neural Network for Automatic 3D Anthropometric Measurement Extraction
* ANetQA: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Compositional Reasoning over Untrimmed Videos
* Aneurysms -- Vascular Analysis
* ANFIS-EKF-Based Single-Beacon Localization Algorithm for AUV
* ANFIS-EM approach for PET brain image reconstruction
* Angel's Girl for Blind Painters: An Efficient Painting Navigation System Validated by Multimodal Evaluation Approach
* Angelic Patches for Improving Third-Party Object Detector Performance
* Angiography using MRI
* Angle- and volume-preserving mapping of organ volume model based on modified Self-organizing Deformable Model
* angle-based neighborhood graph classifier with evidential reasoning, An
* Angle-based Search Space Shrinking for Neural Architecture Search
* Angle-of-Sight Signature for Two-Dimensional Shape Analysis of Manufactured Objects, The
* Angle-preserving mappings for the visualization of multi-branched vessels
* Angle 2DPCA: A New Formulation for 2DPCA
* Angle consistency for registration between catadioptric omni-images and orthorectified aerial images
* Angle constrained path for clustering of multiple manifolds
* Angle counts for isothetic polygons and polyhedra
* Angle Densities and Recognition of 3D Objects
* Angle Detection on Digital Curves
* Angle Difference Method for Vehicle Navigation in Multilevel Road Networks With a Three-Dimensional Transport GIS Database
* Angle Distance-Based Hierarchical Background Separation Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection
* Angle Effect Correction Method for High-Resolution Satellite Side-View Imaging Data to Improve Crop Monitoring Accuracy, An
* Angle Effect on Typical Optical Remote Sensing Indices in Vegetation Monitoring
* Angle Estimation for MIMO Radar in the Presence of Gain-Phase Errors with One Instrumental Tx/Rx Sensor: A Theoretical and Numerical Study
* Angle estimation of coherent multi-target for MIMO bistatic radar
* Angle Estimation of Weak Scatterers Using Improved MUSIC for Bistatic MIMO Radar
* Angle Estimation Using Hahn Moments for Image Analysis
* Angle Estimation with Automatic Pairing for Bistatic MIMO Radar
* Angle features extraction of handwritten signatures
* Angle histogram of Hough transform as shape signature for visual object classification - (AHOC)
* Angle images for measuring heart motion from tagged MRI
* Angle Independent Bundle Adjustment Refinement
* Angle of Arrival-Based Cooperative Positioning for Smart Vehicles
* Angle Tracking and Fault-Tolerant Control of Steer-by-Wire System With Dual Three-Phase Motor for Autonomous Vehicle
* Angle vertex and bisector geometric model for triangular road sign detection
* Angled local directional pattern for texture analysis with an application to facial expression recognition
* Angry Crowds: Detecting Violent Events in Videos
* Angular-Based Preprocessing for Image Denoising
* Angular-Based Radiometric Slope Correction for Sentinel-1 on Google Earth Engine
* Angular-Driven Feedback Restoration Networks for Imperfect Sketch Recognition
* Angular-Similarity-Preserving Binary Signatures for Linear Subspaces
* Angular-spatial analysis of factors affecting the performance of light field reconstruction
* Angular Accuracy of Steerable Feature Detectors
* Angular Bisector Network, a Simplified Generalized Voronoi Diagram: Application to Processing Complex Intersections in Biomedical Images
* Angular Calibration of Visible and Infrared Binocular All-Sky-View Cameras Using Sun Positions
* Angular Dependency of Hyperspectral Measurements over Wheat Characterized by a Novel UAV Based Goniometer
* Angular difference feature extraction for urban scene classification using ZY-3 multi-angle high-resolution satellite imagery
* angular difference function and its application to image registration, The
* Angular difference measure between tomographic projections taken at unknown directions in 2D
* Angular Distribution Models, Anisotropic Correction Factors, and Mixed Clear-Scene Types: A Sensitivity Study
* Angular domain reconstruction of dynamic 3D fluid surfaces
* Angular Embedding: A Robust Quadratic Criterion
* Angular embedding: From jarring intensity differences to perceived luminance
* Angular Heuristics for Coverage Maximization in Multi-camera Surveillance
* Angular Isotonic Loss Guided Multi-Layer Integration for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Angular map-driven snakes with application to object shape description in color images
* Angular Margin Constrained Loss for Automatic Liver Fibrosis Staging
* Angular normalisation of PROBA-V 300m NDVI
* Angular Normalization of Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Using Multiangular Middle and Thermal Infrared Data
* Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
* Angular Patterns of Nonlinear Emission in Dye Water Droplets Stimulated by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse for LiDAR Applications
* Angular Radon spectrum for rotation estimation
* Angular Reflectance of Leaves With a Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar and Its Implications for Leaf-Bark Separation and Leaf Moisture Estimation
* Angular Resolution Enhancement Provided by Nonuniformly-Spaced Linear Hydrophone Arrays in Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing
* angular shrinkage BERT model for few-shot relation extraction with none-of-the-above detection, An
* Angular Sparsemax for Face Recognition
* Angular Spline: A New Approach to the Interpolation Problem in Computer Graphics
* angular transform of gait sequences for gait assisted recognition, An
* Angular upsampling of projection measurements in 3D computed tomography using a sparsity prior
* Angular Variation as a Monocular Cue for Spatial Perception
* Angular Velocity Associated with the Optical Flowfield Arising from Motion Through a Rigid Environment, The
* Angus Cattle Recognition Using Deep Learning
* ANGY: A Rule-Based Expert System for Automatic Segmentation of Coronary Vessels from Digital Subtracted Angiograms
* Angy: A Rule-Based Expert System for Identifying and Isolating Coronary Vessels in Digital Angiograms
* ANHIR: Automatic Non-Rigid Histological Image Registration Challenge
* AniCode: authoring coded artifacts for network-free personalized animations
* AniGAN: Style-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Anime Face Generation
* Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition
* Animal-Vehicle Collision Mitigation System for Automated Vehicles
* Animal body identifying device and body identifying system
* Animal classification using facial images with score-level fusion
* Animal Detection From Highly Cluttered Natural Scenes Using Spatiotemporal Object Region Proposals and Patch Verification
* Animal Detection in Man-made Environments
* Animal Detection Pipeline for Identification, An
* Animal Detection Using a Series of Images Under Complex Shooting Conditions
* Animal Detection Using Thermal Images and Its Required Observation Conditions
* Animal Identification in Low Quality Camera-Trap Images Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Confidence Thresholds
* Animal Kingdom: A Large and Diverse Dataset for Animal Behavior Understanding
* Animal Localization in Camera-Trap Images with Complex Backgrounds
* Animal Migration Patterns Extraction Based on Atrous-Gated CNN Deep Learning Model
* Animal Polarization Imaging and Implications for Optical Processing
* Animal pose estimation: A closer look at the state-of-the-art, existing gaps and opportunities
* Animal Pose Tracking: 3D Multimodal Dataset and Token-based Pose Optimization
* Animal recognition in the Mojave Desert: Vision tools for field biologists
* Animal3D: A Comprehensive Dataset of 3D Animal Pose and Shape
* Animals on the Web
* Animals with Attributes 2 Dataset
* Animals with Attributes: A dataset for Attribute Based Classification
* AnimalTrack: A Benchmark for Multi-Animal Tracking in the Wild
* AnimalWeb: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset of Annotated Animal Faces
* Animat Vision: Active Vision in Artificial Animals
* Animatable 3D Model Generation from 2D Monocular Visual Data
* Animatable Implicit Neural Representations for Creating Realistic Avatars From Videos
* Animatable Neural Radiance Fields for Modeling Dynamic Human Bodies
* Animate Vision
* ANIMATED-TEM: a toolbox for electron microscope automation based on image analysis
* Animated Classic Mosaics from Video
* Animated GIF Optimization By Adaptive Color Local Table Management
* Animated Heads from Ordinary Images: A Least-Squares Approach
* Animated Non-photorealistic Rendering in Multiple Styles
* Animated panorama from a panning video sequence
* Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions
* Animated Spatial Time Machine in Co-Creation: Reconstructing History Using Gamification Integrated into 3D City Modelling, 4D Web and Transmedia Storytelling, An
* Animated statues
* Animated visualization of spatial-temporal trajectory data for air-traffic analysis
* Animating 3-D CT Imaging
* Animating Arbitrary Objects via Deep Motion Transfer
* Animating Cartographic Meaning: Unveiling the Impact of Pictorial Symbol Motion Speed in Preattentive Processing
* Animating Face using Disentangled Audio Representations
* Animating Lip-Sync Characters With Dominated Animeme Models
* Animating pictures of water scenes using video retrieval
* Animating Pictures with Eulerian Motion Fields
* Animating pictures with stochastic motion textures
* Animating Planar Folds by Computer
* Animating rising up from various lying postures and environments
* Animating Still Landscape Photographs Through Cloud Motion Creation
* Animating visible speech and facial expressions
* Animating Volumetric Models
* Animating with style: defining expressive semantics of motion
* Animation and Performance Capture Using Digitized Models
* Animation and Reconstruction of Human Model from Posture, or Pose
* Animation Control of Surface Motion Capture
* Animation data compression in MPEG-4: interpolators
* Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance
* Animation Geometry Compression Using the Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Animation Key-Frame Extraction and Simplification Using Deformation Analysis
* Animation of Boiling Phenomena
* Animation of trees in wind using sparse motion capture data
* Animation pyramid for efficient image database browsing
* Animation Strategies For Smooth Transformations Between Discrete Lods Of 3d Building Models
* Animation System for Biomechanical Analysis of Leg Motion and Predicting Injuries during Cycling, An
* Animation Transformer: Visual Correspondence via Segment Matching, The
* Animation Validation of Obese Virtual Pediatric Patients Using a FLACC Pain Scale
* Anime Sketch Colorization by Component-based Matching using Deep Appearance Features and Graph Representation
* AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment
* AnimePose: Multi-person 3D pose estimation and animation
* Animetrics Inc.
* AnimGAN: A Spatiotemporally-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Network For Character Animation
* Anisotropic-Scale Junction Detection and Matching for Indoor Images
* Anisotropic 2-D and 3-D averaging of fMRI signals
* Anisotropic 3-D Distance Transform Based on Contour Propagation
* Anisotropic 3-d wavelet packet bases for video coding
* Anisotropic 3D Reconstruction and Restoration for Rotation-Scanning 4D Echocardiographic Images Based on MAP-MRF
* Anisotropic A Contrario Framework for the Detection of Convergences in Images, An
* Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Application to Three-Dimensional Medical Data
* Anisotropic adaptive method for triangular meshes smoothing
* Anisotropic Agglomerative Adaptive Mean-Shift
* Anisotropic alpha-Kernels and Associated Flows
* Anisotropic blind image quality assessment: Survey and analysis with current methods
* Anisotropic blind image restoration
* Anisotropic Channel Filtering
* Anisotropic Cheeger Sets And Applications
* Anisotropic clustering on surfaces for crack extraction
* Anisotropic color image denoising and sharpening
* Anisotropic Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Canine Brain Using DT-MREIT
* Anisotropic Continuous-Scale Morphology
* Anisotropic Contour Completion for Cell Microinjection Targeting
* Anisotropic contour completion
* Anisotropic Convolution for Image Classification
* Anisotropic Convolutional Networks for 3D Semantic Scene Completion
* Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Based Semantic Scene Completion
* Anisotropic Curvature Motion for Structure Enhancing Smoothing of 3D MR Angiography Data
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast glass substrates, An
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for sputtered surfaces with inhomogeneous textures, An
* Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration
* Anisotropic Diffusion-Based Enhancement of Scene Segmentation with Instance Labels
* Anisotropic diffusion algorithm based on weber local descriptor for illumination invariant face verification
* Anisotropic Diffusion and Curve Evolution for Segmentation of Color Images in Cultural Heritage
* Anisotropic Diffusion and Segmentation of Colored Flowers
* Anisotropic Diffusion as a Preprocessing Step for Efficient Image Compression
* Anisotropic Diffusion by a Recursive Linear Convolving Method: Application to Space-time Segmentation and Pattern Recognition
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filter With Memory Based on Speckle Statistics for Ultrasound Images
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for Image Processing Based Quality Control
* Anisotropic diffusion for effective shape corner point detection
* Anisotropic diffusion for image denoising based on diffusion tensors
* Anisotropic Diffusion for Improved Crime Prediction in Urban China
* Anisotropic Diffusion for Smoothing: A Comparative Study
* Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Anisotropic Diffusion in the Hypercube
* Anisotropic Diffusion Model Based on a New Diffusion Coefficient and Fractional Order Differential for Image Denoising
* Anisotropic diffusion noise filtering using region adaptive smoothing strength
* Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images with Applications to Color Filtering
* Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction
* anisotropic diffusion PDE for noise reduction and thin edge preservation, An
* Anisotropic diffusion pyramids for image segmentation
* Anisotropic diffusion using power watersheds
* Anisotropic diffusion with generalized diffusion coefficient function for defect detection in low-contrast surface images
* Anisotropic Diffusion
* Anisotropic Discrete Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform for Improved Classification of Trabecular Bone
* Anisotropic Edge Detection in Catadioptric Images
* Anisotropic energy accumulation for stereoscopic image seam carving
* Anisotropic Enhancement of Mammographic Images
* anisotropic evolution formulation applied in 2-D unwrapping of discontinuous phase surfaces, An
* Anisotropic fast-marching on cartesian grids using lattice basis reduction
* Anisotropic Field-of-Views in Radial Imaging
* Anisotropic filtering for model-based segmentation of 4D cylindrical echocardiographic images
* Anisotropic filtering of MRI data based upon image gradient histogram
* Anisotropic Filtering Operations for Image Enhancement and Their Relation to the Visual System
* Anisotropic Fourth-Order Diffusion Filter for Image Noise Removal, An
* Anisotropic Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equation for Noise Removal, An
* Anisotropic Gaussian Filtering using Fixed Point Arithmetic
* Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing
* Anisotropic Graph Convolutional Network for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Anisotropic Green Tide Patch Information Extraction Based on Deformable Convolution
* Anisotropic Guided Filtering
* Anisotropic Hierarchical Motion Estimation Method Based on Decomposition of the Functional Domain
* Anisotropic Huber-L1 Optical Flow
* Anisotropic Inf-Convolution BV Type Model for Dynamic Reconstruction, An
* Anisotropic Interpolation of Sparse Generalized Image Samples
* Anisotropic Interpolation of Sparse Images
* Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami eigenmaps: Bridging Reeb graphs and skeletons
* Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami Operators for Shape Analysis
* Anisotropic Mass-Spring Method Accurately Simulates Mitral Valve Closure from Image-Based Models
* Anisotropic Mesh Representation for Color Images
* Anisotropic Minimal Surfaces Integrating Photoconsistency and Normal Information for Multiview Stereo
* Anisotropic Morphological Filters With Spatially-Variant Structuring Elements Based on Image-Dependent Gradient Fields
* Anisotropic motion estimation on edge preserving Riesz wavelets for robust video mosaicing
* Anisotropic Multi-front Fast Marching Method for Real-Time Simulation of Cardiac Electrophysiology, An
* Anisotropic Multi-Scale Graph Convolutional Network for Dense Shape Correspondence
* Anisotropic Non-Local Means with Spatially Adaptive Patch Shapes
* Anisotropic Nonlinear Diffusion Approach to Image Sharpening
* Anisotropic Nonstationary Image Estimation and its Applications Part I: Restoration of Noisy Images
* Anisotropic Partial Differential Equation Based Video Saliency Detection
* Anisotropic Phase Unwrapping for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
* Anisotropic Potential Field Maximization Model for Subjective Contour from Line Figure
* Anisotropic Probabilistic Neural Network for Image Interpolation
* Anisotropic Range Image Integration
* anisotropic reference matrix for image steganography, An
* Anisotropic Regularization for Inverse Problems with Application to the Wiener Filter with Gaussian and Impulse Noise
* Anisotropic Scale-Invariant Ellipse Detection
* Anisotropic Scattered Data Interpolation for Pushbroom Image Rectification
* Anisotropic Scattering Analysis Method Based on the Statistical Properties of Multi-Angular SAR Images, An
* Anisotropic Scattering Shadow Compensation Method For Remote Sensing Image With Consideration Of Terrain
* Anisotropic Selection Scheme for Variational Optical Flow Methods with Order-adaptive Regularisation, An
* Anisotropic Smoothing of Posterior Probabilities
* Anisotropic Smoothing Using Double Orientations
* Anisotropic Smoothness Classes: From Finite Element Approximation to Image Models
* Anisotropic Spatiotemporal Regularization in Compressive Video Recovery by Adaptively Modeling the Residual Errors as Correlated Noise
* Anisotropic Spectral-Spatial Total Variation Model for Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Destriping
* Anisotropic Spectral Magnitude Estimation Filters for Noise Reduction and Image Enhancement
* Anisotropic Textures with Arbitrary Orientation
* Anisotropic Third-Order Regularization for Sparse Digital Elevation Models
* Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching front freezing scheme
* Anisotropic vector diffusion in image smoothing
* Anisotropic virtual electric field for active contours
* Anisotropic Weighted Total Variation Feature Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Denoising
* Anisotropically foveated nonlocal image denoising
* Anisotropies in Visual Motion Perception: A Fresh Look
* Anisotropy and Polarization of Stress-Induced Microwave Radiation Changes in Granite and Their Significance for Seismic Remote Sensing, The
* Anisotropy Parameterization Development and Evaluation for Glacier Surface Albedo Retrieval from Satellite Observations
* Anisotropy Preserving DTI Processing
* Anistoropic Nonstationary Image Estimation and its Applications, Part II
* ANIT: A System for Perceptual Subsumption and Intelligent Vision Systems
* Ankle cartilage surface segmentation using directional gradient vector flow snakes
* ANLPT: Self-Adaptive and Non-Local Patch-Tensor Model for Infrared Small Target Detection
* ANN-based visibility prediction for camera placement in vision metrology
* ANN-driven edge point selection criterion
* ANN based detector to remove random-valued impulse noise in images, The
* ANN Implementation of Stereo Vision Using a Multilayer Feedback Architecture
* Annals of Mathematical Statistics
* Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
* Annals of Operations Research
* Annals of Statistics
* Annals of Telecommunications
* Annals of the BMVA, The
* AnnArbor: Approximate Nearest Neighbors Using Arborescence Coding
* Annealed chaotic neural network with nonlinear self-feedback and its application to clustering problem
* Annealed SMC Samplers for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Annealed SMC Samplers for Nonparametric Bayesian Mixture Models
* Annealing-based Label-Transfer Learning for Open World Object Detection
* Annealing and the normalized N-cut
* Annealing Genetic GAN for Imbalanced Web Data Learning
* Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Approach for Image Inpainting
* AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by Search
* Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies on Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing
* Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography
* Annotated Contraction Kernels for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Annotated Databases for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text
* Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration
* Annotated Facial Dataset
* Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark localization
* Annotated Free-Hand Sketches for Video Retrieval Using Object Semantics and Motion
* Annotated Maps for Autonomous Land Vehicles
* Annotating and Retrieving Videos of Human Actions Using Matrix Factorization
* Annotating collections of photos using hierarchical event and scene models
* Annotating Dance Posture Images Using Multi Kernel Feature Combination
* Annotating Handwritten Characters with Minimal Human Involvement in a Semi-supervised Learning Strategy
* Annotating Images by Mining Image Search Results
* Annotating Images with Suggestions: User Study of a Tagging System
* Annotating News Video with Locations
* Annotating Object Instances with a Polygon-RNN
* Annotating programs for automatic summary generation
* Annotating Real World objects using a Steerable Projector-Camera Unit
* Annotating retrieval database with active learning
* Annotating semantic tags of locations in location-based social networks
* Annotating the Inferior Alveolar Canal: The Ultimate Tool
* Annotating videos from the web images
* Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Based on Noisy Pseudo Labels and Adversarial Learning
* Annotation-free Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Annotation-Free Keyword Spotting in Historical Vietnamese Manuscripts Using Graph Matching
* annotation-free method for evaluating privacy protection techniques in videos, An
* Annotation-Free Restoration Network for Cataractous Fundus Images, An
* Annotation and Benchmarking of a Video Dataset under Degraded Complex Atmospheric Conditions and Its Visibility Enhancement Analysis for Moving Object Detection
* Annotation and processing of continuous emotional attributes: Challenges and opportunities
* Annotation and taxonomy of gestures in lecture videos
* annotation assistance system using an unsupervised codebook composed of handwritten graphical multi-stroke symbols, An
* Annotation Collection and Online Performance Evaluation for Video Surveillance: The ViSOR Project
* Annotation driven MAP search space estimation for sliding-window based person detection
* Annotation Engine for Supporting Video Database Population, An
* Annotation Generation From IMU-Based Human Whole-Body Motions in Daily Life Behavior
* Annotation order matters: Recurrent Image Annotator for arbitrary length image tagging
* Annotation Propagation in Large Image Databases via Dense Image Correspondence
* annotation rule extraction algorithm for image retrieval, An
* Annotation Saved is an Annotation Earned: Using Fully Synthetic Training for Object Detection, An
* Annotation suggestion and search for personal multimedia objects on the web
* Annotation System for Egocentric Image Media, An
* Annotation Tool and XML Representation for Online Indic Data
* Annotator-dependent uncertainty-aware estimation of gait relative attributes
* Annotator rationales for visual recognition
* Annoyance of spatio-temporal artifacts in segmentation quality assessment
* ANNP: a neural network parser for real world texts
* ANNs-Based Method for Automated Labelling of Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Annual Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation via GIS Models of Three Empirical Methods Employing Remotely Sensed Data for the Peloponnese, Greece, and Comparison with Annual MODIS ET and Pan Evaporation Measurements
* Annual and Interannual Variability in the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient and Turbidity in Urbanized Washington Lake from 2013 to 2022 Assessed Using Landsat-8/9
* Annual and Seasonal Dynamics of CO2 Emissions in Major Cities of China (2019-2022)
* Annual and Seasonal Glacier-Wide Surface Mass Balance Quantified from Changes in Glacier Surface State: A Review on Existing Methods Using Optical Satellite Imagery
* Annual and Seasonal Trends of Vegetation Responses and Feedback to Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau since the 1980s
* Annual and Seasonal Variations in Aerosol Optical Characteristics in the Huai River Basin, China from 2007 to 2021
* Annual Change Detection by ASTER TIR Data and an Estimation of the Annual Coal Loss and CO2 Emission from Coal Seams Spontaneous Combustion
* Annual Cropland Mapping Using Reference Landsat Time Series: A Case Study in Central Asia
* Annual Cycle in Mid-Latitude Stratospheric and Mesospheric Ozone Associated with Quasi-Stationary Wave Structure by the MLS Data 2011-2020, The
* Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
* Annual Daily Irradiance Analysis of Clusters in Mexico by Machine Learning Algorithms
* Annual Detection of Forest Cover Loss Using Time Series Satellite Measurements of Percent Tree Cover
* Annual Dynamics of Impervious Surface in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 1988 to 2013, Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Annual Dynamics of Shortwave Radiation as Consequence of Smoothing Previously Plowed Bare Arable Land Surface in Europe
* Annual Glacier-Wide Mass Balance (2000-2016) of the Interior Tibetan Plateau Reconstructed from MODIS Albedo Products
* Annual Green Water Resources and Vegetation Resilience Indicators: Definitions, Mutual Relationships, and Future Climate Projections
* Annual Gross Primary Production from Vegetation Indices: A Theoretically Sound Approach
* Annual Large-Scale Urban Land Mapping Based on Landsat Time Series in Google Earth Engine and OpenStreetMap Data: A Case Study in the Middle Yangtze River Basin
* Annual Maps of Built-Up Land in Guangdong from 1991 to 2020 Based on Landsat Images, Phenology, Deep Learning Algorithms, and Google Earth Engine
* Annual Modulation of Diurnal Winds in the Tropical Oceans
* Annual Monitoring of Dust Storm in Iran and Adjacent Areas Using Modis Images (1396 and 1397 Hijri Shamsi)
* Annual New Production of Phytoplankton Estimated from MODIS-Derived Nitrate Concentration in the East/Japan Sea
* Annual Research Report
* Annual Review of In Situ Observations of Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction in the Western North Pacific during 2023
* Annual Review of Neuroscience
* Annual Review of Psychology
* Annual Sea Level Amplitude Analysis over the North Pacific Ocean Coast by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
* Annual Seasonality Extraction Using the Cubic Spline Function and Decadal Trend in Temporal Daytime MODIS LST Data
* Annual Time Series of Global VIIRS Nighttime Lights Derived from Monthly Averages: 2012 to 2019
* Annual Urban Built-up Change Area Online Extraction Using Landsat Time Series Data
* Annual Wetland Mapping in Metropolis by Temporal Sample Migration and Random Forest Classification with Time Series Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* Annually Urban Fractional Vegetation Cover Dynamic Mapping in Hefei, China (1999-2018)
* Annular-Graph Attention Model for Personalized Sequential Recommendation
* Annular Filters for Binary Images
* Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF
* Annular Neighboring Points Distribution Analysis: A Novel PLS Stem Point Cloud Preprocessing Algorithm for DBH Estimation
* Annular Symmetry Operators: A Method for Locating and Describing Objects
* Annularcut: A graph-cut design for left ventricle segmentation from magnetic resonance images
* AnoDDPM: Anomaly Detection with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models using Simplex Noise
* Anode Make and Break Excitation Mechanisms and Strength-Interval Curves: Bidomain Simulations in 3D Rotational Anisotropy
* AnoLeaf: Unsupervised Leaf Disease Segmentation via Structurally Robust Generative Inpainting
* Anomalib: A Deep Learning Library for Anomaly Detection
* Anomalous 18.61-Year Nodal Cycles in the Gulf of Tonkin Revealed by Tide Gauges and Satellite Altimeter Records
* Anomalous activity classification in the distributed camera network
* Anomalous Behaviour Detection Using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energies, Subset Inclusion Histogram Comparison and Event-Driven Processing
* Anomalous Diffusion in Cardiac Tissue as an Index of Myocardial Microstructure
* Anomalous Event Detection Using a Semi-Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Model
* Anomalous Human Behavior Detection Using a Network of RGB-D Sensors
* Anomalous Motion Detection On Highway Using Deep Learning
* Anomalous tie plate detection for railroad inspection
* Anomalous trajectory detection using support vector machines
* Anomalous trajectory patterns detection
* Anomalous Urban Mobility Pattern Detection Based on GPS Trajectories and POI Data
* Anomalous video event detection using spatiotemporal context
* Anomalous Zenith Total Delays for an Insular Tropical Location: The Tahiti Island Case
* Anomaly-Aware Semantic Segmentation via Style-Aligned OoD Augmentation
* Anomaly-background separation and particle swarm optimization based band selection for hyperspectral anomaly detection
* Anomaly-Based Detection of IRC Botnets by Means of One-Class Support Vector Classifiers
* Anomaly-Based Ship Detection Using SP Feature-Space Learning with False-Alarm Control in Sea-Surface SAR Images
* Anomaly Analysis in Images and Videos: A Comprehensive Review
* Anomaly classification in digital mammography based on multiple-instance learning
* Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types
* Anomaly Detection Against GPS Spoofing Attacks on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using Learning From Demonstration
* Anomaly Detection and Activity Perception Using Covariance Descriptor for Trajectories
* Anomaly detection and classification for hyperspectral imagery
* Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydrothermal Alteration Materials Trough Hyperspectral Multisensor Data In The Turrialba Volcano
* Anomaly Detection and Correction of Optimizing Autonomous Systems With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Anomaly detection and localisation in the crowd scenes using a block-based social force model
* Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Anomaly Detection and Reconstruction From Random Projections
* Anomaly Detection Approach for Plankton Species Discovery, An
* Anomaly Detection Based on Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder for IoT Time Series
* Anomaly detection based on maximum a posteriori
* Anomaly detection based on sparse coding with two kinds of dictionaries
* Anomaly Detection Based on Stacked Sparse Coding With Intraframe Classification Strategy
* Anomaly detection based on two global grid motion templates
* Anomaly detection by combining decision trees and parametric densities
* Anomaly detection by using random projection forest
* Anomaly Detection for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Autonomous Vehicles Using Statistical Learning and Kinematic Model
* Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on the Regularized Subspace Method and Collaborative Representation
* Anomaly Detection for Images Using Auto-encoder Based Sparse Representation
* Anomaly Detection for In-Vehicle Network Using Self-Supervised Learning With Vehicle-Cloud Collaboration Update
* Anomaly Detection for In situ Marine Plankton Images
* Anomaly Detection for Longwave FLIR Imagery Using Kernel Wavelet-RX
* Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Heterogeneous Auto-Encoder
* Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Self-Supervised and Translation-Consistent Features
* Anomaly Detection for Quaternion-Valued Traffic Signals
* Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework
* Anomaly Detection for Urban Vehicle GNSS Observation with a Hybrid Machine Learning System
* Anomaly Detection for Video Surveillance Applications
* Anomaly Detection from Call Data Records
* Anomaly Detection in 3D Point Clouds using Deep Geometric Descriptors
* Anomaly Detection in Airborne Fourier Transform Thermal Infrared Spectrometer Images Based on Emissivity and a Segmented Low-Rank Prior
* Anomaly Detection in Automated Vehicles Using Multistage Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Anomaly detection in crowd scenes via online adaptive one-class support vector machines
* Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenarios Using Local and Global Gaussian Mixture Models
* Anomaly detection in crowded scene via appearance and dynamics joint modeling
* Anomaly detection in crowded scenes by SL-HOF descriptor and foreground classification
* Anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Anomaly Detection in Elderly Daily Behavior in Ambient Sensing Environments
* Anomaly detection in extremely crowded scenes using spatio-temporal motion pattern models
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Low-Rank Representation Incorporating a Spatial Constraint
* Anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery based on maximum entropy and nonparametric estimation
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery by Fuzzy Integral Fusion of Band-subsets
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* Anomaly Detection in Pedestrian Walkways for Intelligent Transportation System Using Federated Learning and Harris Hawks Optimizer on Remote Sensing Images
* Anomaly Detection in Radiation Sensor Data With Application to Transportation Security
* Anomaly Detection in Road Networks Using Sliding-Window Tensor Factorization
* Anomaly Detection in Road Traffic Using Visual Surveillance: A Survey
* Anomaly detection in streaming data with gaussian process based stochastic differential equations
* Anomaly detection in surveillance video based on bidirectional prediction
* Anomaly detection in surveillance video using motion direction statistics
* Anomaly detection in thermal images using deep neural networks
* Anomaly Detection in Traffic Scenes via Spatial-Aware Motion Reconstruction
* Anomaly Detection in Video Sequence With Appearance-Motion Correspondence
* Anomaly detection in video sequences: A benchmark and computational model
* Anomaly detection in video using two-part sparse dictionary in 170 FPS
* Anomaly Detection in Video via Self-Supervised and Multi-Task Learning
* Anomaly Detection of Folding Operations for Origami Instruction with Single Camera
* Anomaly Detection of Man-Made Objects in Large Aerial Images
* Anomaly Detection of Metro Station Tracks Based on Sequential Updatable Anomaly Detection Framework
* Anomaly Detection of Sensor Arrays of Underwater Methane Remote Sensing by Explainable Sparse Spatio-Temporal Transformer
* Anomaly Detection Performance Comparison On Anomaly-detection Based Change Detection On Martian Image Pairs
* Anomaly Detection Requires Better Representations
* Anomaly Detection System via Moving Surveillance Robots with Human Collaboration, An
* Anomaly Detection through Registration
* Anomaly Detection through Spatio-temporal Context Modeling in Crowded Scenes
* Anomaly Detection under Distribution Shift
* Anomaly detection using improved deep SVDD model with data structure preservation
* Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience
* Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Context Learned by Video Clip Sorting
* Anomaly detection via 3D-HOF and fast double sparse representation
* Anomaly Detection via Estimated Mutual Information and Its Relationship to the GLRT
* Anomaly Detection via Feature-Aided Tracking and Hidden Markov Models
* Anomaly detection via gating highway connection for retinal fundus images
* Anomaly Detection via Learnable Pretext Task
* Anomaly Detection via Local Coordinate Factorization and Spatio-Temporal Pyramid
* Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood Generative Adversarial Networks
* Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation from One-Class Embedding
* Anomaly Detection Via Self-Organizing Map
* Anomaly Detection with Adversarially Learned Perturbations of Latent Space
* Anomaly Detection with Domain Adaptation
* Anomaly detection with dual-stream memory network
* Anomaly detection with spatio-temporal context using depth images
* Anomaly Detection, Localization and Classification for Railway Inspection
* Anomaly Explanation Using Metadata
* Anomaly Identification From Super-low Frequency Electromagnetic Data For The Coalbed Methane Detection
* Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Online Learning Space Based on XGBoost
* Anomaly Localization in Topic-Based Analysis of Surveillance Videos
* Anomaly Localization
* Anomaly Matters: An Anomaly-Oriented Model for Medical Visual Question Answering
* Anomaly Monitoring Framework in Lane Detection With a Generative Adversarial Network
* Anomaly prediction in seismic signals using neural networks
* Anomaly region detection and localization in metal surface inspection
* Anomaly surveillance device
* Anomaly3D: Video anomaly detection based on 3D-normality clusters
* Anonymizing Egocentric Videos
* Anonymizing Temporal Phrases in Natural Language Text to be Posted on Social Networking Services
* Anonymous and Revocable Fingerprint Recognition
* Anonymous Batch Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols for 6G Enabled VANETs, An
* Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection
* Anonymous Gastritis Image Generation via Adversarial Learning from Gastric X-Ray Images
* Anonymous Privacy Preservation Based on m-Signature and Fuzzy Processing for Real-Time Data Release
* Anonymous Vehicle Reidentification Using Heterogeneous Detection Systems
* Anonysign: Novel Human Appearance Synthesis for Sign Language Video Anonymisation
* Another Comment on A Note on 'Distance Transformations in Digital Images'
* Another Definition for Digital Tangents
* Another Efficient Algorithm for Convex Hulls in Two Dimensions
* Another Look at Combining Rejection-based Pattern Classifiers
* Another Look at the Dominant Point Detection of Digital Curves
* Another look on region merging procedure from seed region shift for high-resolution remote sensing image segmentation
* Another Move Toward the Minimum Consistent Subset: A Tabu Search Approach to the Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Another way of looking at monocular circle pose estimation
* Another Way of Looking at Plane-Based Calibration: The Centre Circle Constraint
* Anotomical Landmark Detection, Landmark Location in Various Sensors
* Anovel framework for automatic passenger counting
* ANR: Articulated Neural Rendering for Virtual Avatars
* ANSIBLE: A Virtual World Ecosystem for Improving Psycho-Social Well-being
* ANSIG: An analytic signature for permutation-invariant two-dimensional shape representation
* Answer-checking in Context: A Multi-modal Fully Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
* Answer-Type Prediction for Visual Question Answering
* Answer Distillation for Visual Question Answering
* Answer Selection in Community Question Answering via Attentive Neural Networks
* Answer Them All! Toward Universal Visual Question Answering Models
* Answering knowledge-based visual questions via the exploration of Question Purpose
* Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Efficient Bimodal Fusion
* Answering Visual What-If Questions: From Actions to Predicted Scene Descriptions
* Ant-Inspired Recurrent Deep Learning Model for Improving the Service Flow of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Ant-Mutated Immune Particle Filter Design for Terrain Referenced Navigation with Interferometric Radar Altimeter
* Ant-Q Algorithm Applied to the Ship Lock Arrangement Problem
* Ant Based Fuzzy Modeling Applied to Marble Classification
* ant colony based model to optimize parameters in industrial vision, An
* Ant Colony Evacuation Planner: An Ant Colony System With Incremental Flow Assignment for Multipath Crowd Evacuation
* Ant colony optimisation for coloured travelling salesman problem by multi-task learning
* Ant Colony Optimization for Estimating Pith Position on Images of Tree Log Ends
* Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection in Face Recognition
* Ant Colony Optimization for Image Regularization Based on a Nonstationary Markov Modeling
* Ant Colony Optimization for Simulated Dynamic Multi-Objective Railway Junction Rescheduling
* Ant Colony Optimization for the Control of Pollutant Spreading on Social Networks
* Ant colony optimization inspired saliency detection using compressed video information
* Ant Colony Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization
* Ant Colony Pheromone Mechanism-Based Passive Localization Using UAV Swarm
* Ant colony search algorithms for optimal polygonal approximation of plane curves
* Ant colony system with external dynamics for point matching and pose estimation
* Ant colony system with local search for Markov random field image segmentation
* Ant Cuckoo Search Optimization-based deep learning classifier for image enhancement in spinal cord images
* Ant tracking with occlusion tunnels
* ANT: Adapt Network Across Time for Efficient Video Processing
* antagonistic training algorithm for TFT-LCD module mura defect detection, An
* Antarctic-Scale Ice Flow Lines Map Generation and Basin Delineation
* Antarctic Amplification Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperature and ERA5, The
* Antarctic Basal Water Storage Variation Inferred from Multi-Source Satellite Observation and Relevant Models
* Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
* Antarctic Firn Characterization via Wideband Microwave Radiometry
* Antarctic Ice Mass Change Products from GRACE/GRACE-FO Using Tailored Sensitivity Kernels
* Antarctic Ice Sheet and Radar Altimetry: A Review
* Antarctic Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Estimates From 2003 To 2015 Using Icesat And Cryosat-2 Data
* Antarctic Sea-Ice Thickness Retrieval from ICESat: Inter-Comparison of Different Approaches
* Antarctic Snowmelt Detected by Diurnal Variations of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature
* Antarctic Supraglacial Lake Detection Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery: Towards Continental Generation of Lake Volumes
* Antarctic Supraglacial Lake Identification Using Landsat-8 Image Classification
* Antarctic Surface Ice Velocity Retrieval from MODIS-Based Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA)
* Antarctic Time-Variable Regional Gravity Field Model Derived from Satellite Line-of-Sight Gravity Differences and Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis
* Ante-Hoc Generation of Task-Agnostic Interpretation Maps
* Antenna Combiner for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication Under Relaxed Worst-Case Propagation
* Antenna Cross-Polar Requirements for 3-PolD Weather Radar Measurements
* Antenna Pattern Calibration Method for Phased Array of High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Based on First-Order Sea Clutter
* Antenna Placement for MIMO Localization Systems With Varying Quality of Receiver Hardware Elements
* Antenna Selection and Transmit Beamforming Switching Scheme for a MIMO System Operating Over a Varying Rician Channel
* Antenna Systems, Transmission Issues
* Antenna Tracking and Angle Measurement Algorithm of Communication in Motion Based on Pseudo Monopulse Technology
* Anterior Cruciate Ligament Segmentation from Knee MR Images Using Graph Cuts with Geometric and Probabilistic Shape Constraints
* Anthropocentric Video Analysis: Tools and Applications
* Anthropocentric Video Segmentation for Lecture Webcasts
* Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation Based on Luojia 1-01 New Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China
* Anthropogenic Illumination as Guiding Light for Nocturnal Bird Migrants Identified by Remote Sensing
* Anthropometric 3D Face Recognition
* Anthropometric clothing measurements from 3D body scans
* Anthropomorphic Features for On-Line Signatures
* Anthropomorphic Retina-Like Structure for Scene Analysis, An
* Anthropomorphism and Human-Robot Interaction
* Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation and Object Localization
* Anti-Air-Weapon-Oriented Knowledge Graph Construction Method, An
* Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform on 3D Sampling Lattices
* Anti-aliased Euclidean distance transform
* Anti-aliased three-dimensional cone-beam reconstruction of low-contrast objects with algebraic methods
* Anti-Aliasing Add-On for Deep Prior Seismic Data Interpolation
* Anti-aliasing filtering of 2D images for multi-view auto-stereoscopic displays
* Anti-aliasing Semantic Reconstruction for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Anti-aliasing Technique for Voxel-Based Massive Model Visualization Strategies, An
* Anti-aliasing weighting functions for single-slice helical CT
* Anti-Bandit for Neural Architecture Search
* Anti-Bandit Neural Architecture Search for Model Defense
* Anti-Bayesian parametric pattern classification using order statistics criteria for some members of the exponential family
* Anti-Collision Algorithm for Self-Organizing Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Using Deep Learning, An
* Anti-collusion codes: multi-user and multimedia perspectives
* Anti-Collusion Forensics of Multimedia Fingerprinting Using Orthogonal Modulation
* Anti-Compression Contrastive Facial Forgery Detection
* Anti-Distractor Active Object Tracking in 3D Environments
* Anti-Disturbance Adaptive Control Approach for Automated Vehicles in Mixed Connected Traffic Environment, An
* Anti-Doze Device for Automobile Drivers
* Anti-DreamBooth: Protecting users from personalized text-to-image synthesis
* Anti-Eavesdropping Scheme Based on OFDM-IM Using Artificial Noise, An
* Anti-epidemic Delivery Trolley based on YOLOv5 Image Recognition of Room Numbers and QR Codes, An
* Anti-Faces for Detection
* Anti-Forensics for Face Swapping Videos via Adversarial Training
* Anti-Forensics of Double JPEG Compression Detection
* Anti-forensics of Image Sharpening Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Anti-forensics of JPEG Detectors via Adaptive Quantization Table Replacement
* Anti-Forensics of Lossy Predictive Image Compression
* Anti-forensics of median filtering and contrast enhancement
* Anti-Geometric Diffusion for Adaptive Thresholding and Fast Segmentation
* Anti-geometric Diffusion for Adaptive Thresholding and Segmentation
* Anti-ghost of differently exposed images with moving objects
* Anti-Glare: Tightly Constrained Optimization for Eyeglass Reflection Removal
* Anti-Impulse-Noise Edge Detection via Anisotropic Morphological Directional Derivatives
* Anti-Interference Bottom Detection Method of Multibeam Echosounders Based on Deep Learning Models
* Anti-Interference From Noisy Labels: Mean-Teacher-Assisted Confident Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Anti-Intermittent Sampling Jamming Technique Utilizing the OTSU Algorithm of Random Orthogonal Sub-Pulses, An
* Anti-Jamming GNSS Antenna Array Receiver with Reduced Phase Distortions Using a Robust Phase Compensation Technique
* Anti-Jamming GPS Receiver With Reduced Phase Distortions
* Anti-Jamming Heart Rate Estimation Using a Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network
* Anti-Jamming Imaging Method for Carrier-Free Ultra-Wideband Airborne SAR Based on Variational Modal Decomposition
* Anti-Jamming Method and Implementation for GNSS Receiver Based on Array Antenna Rotation
* Anti-Neuron Watermarking: Protecting Personal Data Against Unauthorized Neural Networks
* Anti-noise Fusion Method for the Infrared and the Visible Image Based upon Sparse Representation, An
* Anti-Noise Performance and Parameter Estimation Accuracy of FFT and FT Discrete Spectrum Correction
* Anti-occlusion object tracking based on correlation filter
* Anti-Occlusion Particle Filter Object-Tracking Method Based on Feature Fusion
* Anti-occlusion person re-identification via body topology information restoration and similarity evaluation
* Anti-occlusion tracking algorithm of video target based on prediction and re-matching strategy
* Anti-personnel Mine Detection and Classification Using GPR Image
* Anti-phishing model based on relative content mining
* anti-phishing model based on similarity measurement, An
* Anti-phishing technique based on dynamic image captcha using multi secret sharing scheme
* Anti-retroactive Interference for Lifelong Learning
* Anti-Rounding Image Steganography With Separable Fine-Tuned Network
* Anti-Sequences: Event Detection by Frame Stacking
* Anti-spoofing enabled face recognition based on aggregated local weighted gradient orientation
* Anti-spoofing in Action: Joint Operation with a Verification System
* anti-steganalysis adaptive steganography for HEVC video based on PU partition modes, An
* Anti-UAV: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Vision-Based UAV Tracking
* Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild
* Antialiasing Filter Design for Subpixel Downsampling via Frequency-Domain Analysis
* Antialiasing method for image aliasing in bandpass-sampling-based receiver
* Antialiasing with grey masking techniques
* Antibacterial activity detection and evaluation based on the detection of multiple concentric circles with the Hough transform
* ANTIC: Antithetic isomeric cluster patterns for medical image retrieval and change detection
* Anticipated Capabilities of the ODYSEA Wind and Current Mission Concept to Estimate Wind Work at the Air-Sea Interface
* Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos
* Anticipating Activity from Multimodal Signals
* Anticipating Daily Intention Using On-wrist Motion Triggered Sensing
* Anticipating human actions by correlating past with the future with Jaccard similarity measures
* Anticipating Human Activities Using Object Affordances for Reactive Robotic Response
* Anticipating Human Behavior
* Anticipating the Collapse of Urban Infrastructure: A Methodology Based on Earth Observation and MT-InSAR
* Anticipating Traffic Accidents with Adaptive Loss and Large-Scale Incident DB
* Anticipating Visual Representations from Unlabeled Video
* Anticipating Where People will Look Using Adversarial Networks
* Anticipation in Driving: The Role of Experience in the Efficacy of Pre-event Conflict Cues
* Anticipation model based on a modified fuzzy logic approach
* Anticipative and Predictive Control of Automated Vehicles in Communication-Constrained Connected Mixed Traffic
* Anticipative Feature Fusion Transformer for Multi-Modal Action Anticipation
* Anticipative Video Transformer
* Anticipatory action selection for human-robot table tennis
* Anticipatory traveller information system for freeway-arterial networks
* ANTICS: A system for animating LISP programs
* Antiderivative Antialiasing for Memoryless Nonlinearities
* Antiextensive Connected Operators for Image And Sequence Processing
* Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection
* Antiforgery: a novel pseudo-outer product based fuzzy neural network driven signature verification system
* AntiNODE: Evaluating Efficiency Robustness of Neural ODEs
* Antinoise Estimation of Temperature and Emissivity for FTIR Spectrometer Data Using Spectral Polishing Filters: Design and Comparison
* Antinoise Hyperspectral Image Fusion by Mining Tensor Low-Multilinear-Rank and Variational Properties
* Antipodally Invariant Metrics for Fast Regression-Based Super-Resolution
* Antisymmetric biorthogonal coiflets for image coding
* Antivibration Time-Delay Integration CMOS Image Sensor With Online Deblurring Algorithm, An
* AntMapper: An Ant Colony-Based Map Matching Approach for Trajectory-Based Applications
* Ants Crawling to Discover the Community Structure in Networks
* Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science
* ANTSAC: A Generic RANSAC Variant Using Principles of Ant Colony Algorithms
* AntShrink: Ant colony optimization for image shrinkage
* Anubhav: recognizing emotions through facial expression
* Any-Resolution Training for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
* Any-shot Object Detection
* Any-Shot Sequential Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Any-Width Networks
* Any dimension polygonal approximation based on equal errors principle
* Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing
* Anycost Network Quantization for Image Super-Resolution
* AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
* AnyFlow: Arbitrary Scale Optical Flow with Implicit Neural Representation
* anyOCR: A sequence learning based OCR system for unlabeled historical documents
* AnyoneNet: Synchronized Speech and Talking Head Generation for Arbitrary Persons
* AnyStar: Domain randomized universal star-convex 3D instance segmentation
* Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (No You Can't)
* Anytime Algorithm for Camera-Based Character Recognition, An
* Anytime and Distributed Approaches for Graph Matching
* Anytime graph matching
* Anytime learning for the NoSLLiP tracker
* Anytime Recognition of Objects and Scenes
* Anytime Recognition with Routing Convolutional Networks
* Anytime similarity measures for faster alignment
* Anytimeness avoids parameters in detecting closed convex polygons
* Anywhere Interfaces Using Handheld Augmented Reality
* AO2-DETR: Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection Transformer
* AoA Estimation Based on Fourth-Order Coarrays and Cumulants for Mmwave Systems
* AOAM: Automatic Optimization of Adjacency Matrix for Graph Convolutional Network
* AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
* AODiMP-TIR: Anti-occlusion thermal infrared targets tracker based on SuperDiMP
* AOE-Net: Entities Interactions Modeling with Adaptive Attention Mechanism for Temporal Action Proposals Generation
* AOGNets: Compositional Grammatical Architectures for Deep Learning
* AOH: Online Multiple Object Tracking With Adaptive Occlusion Handling
* AoI-Aware Power Control and Subcarrier Assignment in D2D-Aided Underlaying Cellular Networks for High-Speed Railways
* AoI Optimization in the UAV-Aided Traffic Monitoring Network Under Attack: A Stackelberg Game Viewpoint
* AON: Towards Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Recognition
* AONET: Attentional Occlusion-aware Network for Occluded Person Re-identification
* AOptix Technoligies
* Aorta Centerline Smoothing and Registration Using Variational Models
* Aorta segmentation using the watershed algorithm for an augmented reality system in laparoscopic surgery
* Aortic Valve Tract Segmentation From 3D-TEE Using Shape-Based B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces
* AOWS: Adaptive and Optimal Network Width Search With Latency Constraints
* AP-Based Consensus Clustering for Gene Expression Time Series
* AP-BSN: Self-Supervised Denoising for Real-World Images via Asymmetric PD and Blind-Spot Network
* AP-CNN: Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* AP-GAN: Improving Attribute Preservation in Video Face Swapping
* AP-GAN: Predicting skeletal activity to improve early activity recognition
* AP-Loss for Accurate One-Stage Object Detection
* APAN: Across-Scale Progressive Attention Network for Single Image Deraining
* APANet: Adaptive Prototypes Alignment Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* APANet: Auto-Path Aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
* Apathy Classification by Exploiting Task Relatedness
* Apathy Is the Root of All Expressions
* Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in 3d Medical Segmentation
* APC Trajectory Design for One-Active Linear-Array Three-Dimensional Imaging SAR
* APC2Mesh: Bridging the gap from occluded building façades to full 3D models
* APDrawingGAN: Generating Artistic Portrait Drawings From Face Photos With Hierarchical GANs
* APE-V: Athlete Performance Evaluation using Video
* APE: A More Practical Approach To 6-Dof Pose Estimation
* APENet: Adaptive Pyramid Pooling and SE Network for Superpixel Segmentation
* Aperio: A System for Visualizing 3D Anatomy Data Using Virtual Mechanical Tools
* Apero, An Open Source Bundle Adjusment Software For Automatic Calibration and Orientation of Set of Images
* Aperture access and manipulation for computational imaging
* Aperture Collimation Correction and Maximum-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Near-Field Coded Aperture Imaging of Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
* Aperture Diffraction for Compact Snapshot Spectral Imaging
* aperture problem for refractive motion, The
* Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth Estimation
* APES: Articulated Part Extraction from Sprite Sheets
* APES: Audiovisual Person Search in Untrimmed Video
* APEX: an adaptive visual information retrieval system
* APFel: The intelligent video analysis and surveillance system for assisting human operators
* API-net: Robust Generative Classifier via a Single Discriminator
* APIC: Adaptive Perceptual Image Coding Based on Sub-Band Decomposition with Locally Adaptive Perceptual Weighting
* Apictorial Jigsaw Puzzles: The Computer Solution of a Problem in Pattern Recognition
* APL: Adaptive Preloading of Short Video with Lyapunov Optimization
* APMC: Adjacent Pixels Based Measurement Coding System for Compressively Sensed Images
* APNET: Attribute Parsing Network for Person Re-Identification
* APNet: Urban-level Scene Segmentation of Aerial Images and Point Clouds
* APO-ELM Model for Improving Azimuth Correction of Shipborne HFSWR
* Apodization functions for 2-d hexagonally sampled synthetic aperture imaging radiometers
* ApodNet: Learning for High Frame Rate Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* ApOFIS: an A priori optical font identification system
* ApolloCar3D: A Large 3D Car Instance Understanding Benchmark for Autonomous Driving
* ApolloScape Dataset for Autonomous Driving, The
* ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Its Application, The
* ApolloScape: Vision-Based Navigation for Autonomous Driving
* aPOMDP: POMDP-based user-adaptive decision-making for social robots
* APP-Net: Auxiliary-Point-Based Push and Pull Operations for Efficient Point Cloud Recognition
* APP for Monitoring Skin Spots
* Apparatus and a method for sensing events from a remote location
* Apparatus and a method for the detection of objects
* Apparatus and method for a programmable video motion estimator
* Apparatus and method for acquiring uniform-resolution panoramic images
* Apparatus and method for analyzing a golf swing and displaying results
* Apparatus and method for arbitrary binary resolution conversion
* Apparatus and method for character recognition
* Apparatus and method for characterizing digital images using a two axis image sorting technique
* Apparatus and method for compressing still images without multiplication
* Apparatus and method for compressing still images
* Apparatus and method for compressing video information
* Apparatus and method for context-based indexing and retrieval of image sequences
* Apparatus and method for controlling a camera using a video compression algorithm
* Apparatus and method for detecting a face in a video image
* Apparatus and method for detecting a velocity of a moving object
* Apparatus and method for detecting and sub-pixel location of edges in a digital image
* Apparatus and method for detecting motion in a video signal
* Apparatus and method for detecting motion vectors of pivel blocks of a digitized video signal
* Apparatus and method for detecting motion vectors to half-pixel accuracy
* Apparatus and method for detecting speaking person's eyes and face
* Apparatus and method for detecting, identifying and incorporating advertisements in a video image
* Apparatus and method for detecting, identifying and incorporating advertisements in a video
* Apparatus and method for determining a dimension of an object
* Apparatus and method for encoding halftone and line copy data
* Apparatus and method for encoding halftone images
* Apparatus and method for enlarging or reducing an image in an image processing system
* Apparatus and method for extracting management information from image
* Apparatus and method for generating a dispersed dot half tone picture from a continuous tone picture
* Apparatus and method for generating a screen reproduction of a color image including dot shape rotation
* Apparatus and method for generating a screened reproduction of an image employing a non-periodic screen function
* Apparatus and method for identifying and tracking objects with view-based representations
* Apparatus and method for identifying individuals through their retinal vasculature patterns
* Apparatus and method for locating a commercial disposed within a video data stream
* Apparatus and method for matching image characteristics such as fingerprint minutiae
* Apparatus and method for monitoring sports contests
* Apparatus and method for performing sub-pixel vector estimations using quadratic approximations
* Apparatus and method for preprocessing video frame signals
* Apparatus and method for processing two-tone image data so as to smooth and magnify image
* Apparatus and method for processing two-tone image data so as to smooth image and convert each image pixel into a plurality of pixels
* Apparatus and method for processing video data
* Apparatus and method for recognizing facial expressions and facial gestures in a sequence of images
* Apparatus and method for removing blank areas from real-time stabilized images by inserting background information
* Apparatus and method for scaling facsimile image data
* Apparatus and method for searching motion vector
* Apparatus and method for segmenting an input image in one of a plurality of modes
* Apparatus and method for skew control of document images
* Apparatus and method for stereo matching and method of calculating an infinite distance corresponding point
* Apparatus and method for three-dimensional perspective imaging of objects
* Apparatus and method for tracking a target
* Apparatus and method for tracking facial motion through a sequence of images
* Apparatus and method of attenuating distortion introduced by a predictive coding image compressor
* Apparatus and method of converting frame and/or field rate using adaptive motion compensation
* Apparatus and method of personal identification by fingerprint comparison
* Apparatus and method to merge images rasterized at different resolutions
* Apparatus and methods for detecting number of people waiting in an elevator hall using plural image processing means with overlapping fields of view
* Apparatus and methods for digital image compression
* Apparatus and methods for locating edges and document boundaries in video scan lines
* Apparatus and process for detecting scene breaks in a sequence of video frames
* Apparatus and technique for generating a screen reproduction of an image
* Apparatus and technique for generating a screened reproduction of an image
* Apparatus for addressing a font to suppress Moire patterns occurring thereby and a method for use therein
* Apparatus for and method of motion compensation with boundary correction for moving picture
* Apparatus for automatically generating video highlights and method thereof
* Apparatus for centering and stabilizing the size of a target image
* Apparatus for color component compression
* Apparatus for compressive coding in moving picture coding device
* Apparatus for controlling a quantization level to be modified by a motion vector
* Apparatus for controlling quantizing in a video signal compressor
* Apparatus for converting handwritten characters onto finely shaped characters of common size and pitch, aligned in an inferred direction
* Apparatus for correcting fixed column noise in images acquired by a fingerprint sensor
* Apparatus for correction based upon detecting a camera shaking
* Apparatus for detecting a motion of a picture of a television signal
* Apparatus for detecting moving body
* Apparatus for determining ridge direction patterns
* Apparatus for determining the alertness of a driver
* Apparatus for encoding a contour of an object
* Apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Apparatus for encoding/decoding an image signal having a still object
* Apparatus for enhancing and thresholding scanned microfilm images and methods for use therein
* Apparatus for enhancing images using flow estimation
* Apparatus for estimating a half-pel motion in a video compression method
* Apparatus for extracting/combining change region in image corresponding to moving object
* Apparatus for fingerprint verification using different verification method in accordance with quality grade data
* Apparatus for generating a motion vector with half-pixel precision for use in compressing a digital motion picture signal
* Apparatus for generating a screened reproduction of an image
* Apparatus for generating and interactively viewing spherical image data and memory thereof
* Apparatus for generating motion control signal from image signal
* Apparatus for geometrical correction of a distored image
* Apparatus for implementing a block matching algorithm for motion estimation in video image processing
* Apparatus for maintaining object image size during zooming
* Apparatus for measuring the dynamic state of traffic
* Apparatus for measuring three-dimensional curved surface shapes
* Apparatus for motion vector estimation with asymmetric update region
* Apparatus for non-linear error diffusion thresholding of multilevel video images
* Apparatus for performing a discrete cosine transform of an input signal
* Apparatus for performing gradation processing on image data
* Apparatus for processing a television signal including a movement detector
* Apparatus for processing an image of a face
* Apparatus for protecting occupant in vehicle
* Apparatus for providing an indication that a color represented by a Y, R-Y, B-Y color television signal is validly reproducible on an RGB color display device
* Apparatus for reading a license plate
* Apparatus for representing continuous tone and high contrast images on a bilevel display
* Apparatus for the determination of the position of a surface
* Apparatus for thresholding an image signal
* Apparatus for tracking objects in video sequences and methods therefor
* Apparatuses and methods for mapping image coordinates to ground coordinates
* Apparel-Invariant Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Apparel Classification with Style
* Apparel silhouette attributes recognition
* Apparent 3-D Camera Velocity: Extraction and Applications
* Apparent Age Estimation from Face Images Combining General and Children-Specialized Deep Learning Models
* Apparent Age Estimation Using Ensemble of Deep Learning Models
* Apparent Age Estimation with Relational Networks
* Apparent and Real Age Estimation in Still Images with Deep Residual Regressors on Appa-Real Database
* Apparent Area of a Rigid Moving Body
* Apparent diffusion coefficient dependent fMRI: Spatiotemporal characteristics and implications on calibrated fMRI
* Apparent Diffusion Coefficients from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images: Estimation and Applications
* Apparent image formation by compton-scattered photons in gamma-ray imaging
* Apparent Opacity Affects Perception of Structure from Motion
* Apparent Personality Recognition from Uncertainty-Aware Facial Emotion Predictions using Conditional Latent Variable Models
* apparent simplicity appearing in pattern classification problems, An
* Apparent Symmetries in Range Data
* Apparent Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Appearance-and-Dynamic Learning With Bifurcated Convolution Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Appearance-and-Relation Networks for Video Classification
* Appearance-Based 3-D Face Recognition from Video
* Appearance-based 3D face tracker: an evaluation study
* Appearance-based 3D object recognition with time-invariant features
* Appearance-based 3D object recognition
* Appearance-based active object recognition
* Appearance-based approach for complete human jaw shape reconstruction
* Appearance-Based Approach to Assistive Identity Inference Using LBP and Colour Histograms, An
* appearance-based approach to gesture-recognition, An
* Appearance-based approach to hybrid metric-topological simultaneous localisation and mapping
* Appearance-Based Automatic Target Recognition in Overhead LADAR Range Imagery
* Appearance-based Body Model for Multiple People Tracking, An
* Appearance-Based Curriculum for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Angle Unlabeled Data
* Appearance-based data augmentation for image datasets using contrast preserving sampling
* Appearance-based diagnostic system for early assessment of malignant lung nodules
* Appearance-based eye gaze estimation
* Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields
* Appearance-based face recognition using a supervised manifold learning framework
* appearance-based framework for 3d hand shape classification and camera viewpoint estimation, An
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation for ASD Diagnosis
* Appearance-based gaze estimation in the wild
* Appearance-based Gaze Estimation using Attention and Difference Mechanism
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Dilated-Convolutions
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Visual Saliency
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Evaluation-Guided Asymmetric Regression
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Uncalibrated Gaze Pattern Recovery
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation With Online Calibration From Mouse Operations
* Appearance-Based Gaze Tracking with Free Head Movement
* Appearance-based gender classification with Gaussian processes
* Appearance-Based Hand Sign Recognition from Intensity Image Sequences
* Appearance-Based Head Pose Estimation with Scene-Specific Adaptation
* Appearance-based indoor localization: A comparison of patch descriptor performance
* Appearance-based keypoint clustering
* Appearance-Based Loop Closure Detection via Locality-Driven Accurate Motion Field Learning
* Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection with Scale-restrictive Visual Features
* Appearance-Based Method for Parametric Video Registration, An
* Appearance-based models of locations for mobile robots
* Appearance-Based Motion Recognition of Human Actions
* Appearance-based multiple hypothesis tracking: Application to soccer broadcast videos analysis
* Appearance-based navigation and homing for autonomous mobile robot
* Appearance-based nude image detection
* Appearance-based object detection in colour retinal images
* Appearance-Based Object Detection in Space-Variant Images: A Multi-model Approach
* Appearance-Based Object Detection Under Varying Environmental Conditions
* Appearance-based object reacquisition for mobile manipulation
* Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Multiple Views
* Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature transforms
* Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Shape-From-Shading
* Appearance-based object recognition using weighted longest increasing subsequence
* Appearance-based parameter optimization for accurate stereo camera calibration
* Appearance-Based Particle Filter for Visual Tracking in Smart Rooms, An
* Appearance-based periocular features in the context of face and non-ideal iris recognition
* Appearance-based person recognition using color/path-length profile
* Appearance-Based Prior for Hand Tracking, An
* Appearance-Based QR Code Beautifier
* Appearance-Based Re-identification of Humans in Low-Resolution Videos Using Means of Covariance Descriptors
* Appearance-Based Re-identification of People in Video
* Appearance-based recognition of 3-D objects by cluttered background and occlusions
* Appearance-Based Recognition of Words in American Sign Language
* Appearance-based representation and recognition of human motions
* Appearance-Based Representation of Action, An
* Appearance-Based Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded Support Vector Machines
* Appearance-Based Statistical Object Recognition by Heterogenous Background and Occlusions
* Appearance-Based Structure from Motion Using Linear Classes of 3-D Models
* Appearance-based video clustering in 2D locality preserving projection subspace
* Appearance-Based Virtual View Generation of Temporally-Varying Events from Multi-Camera Images in the 3D Room
* Appearance-Based Vision and the Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Plans
* Appearance-Based Visual Learning and Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Appearance-Cloning: Photo-Consistent Scene Recovery from Multi-View Images
* Appearance-Guided Particle Filtering for Articulated Hand Tracking
* Appearance-invariant place recognition by discriminatively training a convolutional neural network
* Appearance-Model-Based Representation and Matching of 3-D Objects
* Appearance-Motion Network for Vision-Based Crash Detection: Improving the Accuracy in Congested Traffic, An
* Appearance-preserving 3d Convolution for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Appearance and Depth for Rapid Human Activity Recognition in Real Applications
* Appearance and motion based deep learning architecture object detection in moving camera
* Appearance and Motion Based Persistent Multiple Object Tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery
* Appearance and Pose-Conditioned Human Image Generation Using Deformable GANs
* Appearance and Pose-guided Human Generation: A Survey
* Appearance and Shape from Water Reflection
* Appearance and Shape Prior Alignments in Level Set Segmentation
* Appearance and structural motion context for multi-target tracking in aerial video
* Appearance and Structure Aware Robust Deep Visual Graph Matching: Attack, Defense and Beyond
* appearance based approach for human and object tracking, An
* appearance based approach for video object extraction and representation, An
* Appearance based background subtraction for PTZ cameras
* Appearance Based Behavior Recognition by Event Driven Selective Attention
* Appearance based deep domain adaptation for the classification of aerial images
* Appearance Based Extraction of Planar Structure in Monocular SLAM
* Appearance Based Fast Linear Pose Estimation, An
* Appearance Based Generic Object Modeling and Recognition Using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
* Appearance Based Indexing for Relocalisation in Real-Time Visual SLAM
* Appearance Based Models in Document Script Identification
* Appearance Based Neural Image Processing Algorithm for 3-d Object Recognition, An
* Appearance Based Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Appearance Based Pose Estimation of 3D Object Using Support Vector Regression
* Appearance Based Qualitative Image Description for Object Class Recognition
* Appearance based retrieval for tracked objects in surveillance videos
* Appearance changes detection during tracking
* Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Appearance Compression and Synthesis based on 3D Model for Mixed Reality
* Appearance Consensus Driven Self-supervised Human Mesh Recovery
* Appearance control by projector camera feedback for visually impaired
* Appearance control for human material perception manipulation
* Appearance Control Using Projection with Model Predictive Control
* Appearance debiased gaze estimation via stochastic subject-wise adversarial learning
* Appearance Derivatives for Isonormal Clustering of Scenes
* Appearance enhancement using a projector-camera feedback system
* Appearance factorization based facial expression recognition and synthesis
* Appearance factorization for facial expression analysis
* Appearance flow estimation for online virtual clothing warping via optimal feature linear assignment
* Appearance Label Balanced Triplet Loss for Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification
* Appearance learning by adaptive Kalman filters for FLIR tracking
* Appearance learning for 3D pose detection of a satellite at close-range
* Appearance Learning for Image-Based Motion Estimation in Tomography
* Appearance management and cue fusion for 3D model-based tracking
* Appearance Manifold of Facial Expression
* Appearance Matching of Occluded Objects Using Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Masks
* Appearance Matching with Partial Data
* Appearance Matters, So Does Audio: Revealing the Hidden Face via Cross-Modality Transfer
* appearance model constructed on 3-D surface for robust face recognition against pose and illumination variations, An
* Appearance model update based on online learning and soft-biometrics traits for people re-identification in multi-camera environments
* Appearance modeling for person re-identification using Weighted Brightness Transfer Functions
* Appearance Modeling for Tracking in Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Appearance Modeling Under Geometric Context
* Appearance Modeling Using a Geometric Transform
* Appearance Models Based on Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Appearance Models for Occlusion Handling
* Appearance Models of Three-Dimensional Shape for Machine Vision and Graphics
* Appearance of Human Skin, The
* Appearance of Human Skin: A Survey, The
* Appearance of Persistent Scatterers for Different TerraSAR-X Acquisition Modes
* Appearance Radii in Medial Axis Test Mask for Small Planar Chamfer Norms
* Appearance Representation for Multiple Reflection Components, An
* Appearance sampling for obtaining a set of basis images for variable illumination
* Appearance Sampling of Real Objects for Variable Illumination
* Appearance Sharing for Collective Human Pose Estimation
* Appearance Shock Grammar for Fast Medial Axis Extraction From Real Images
* Appearance Similarity Flow for Quantification of Anatomical Landmark Uncertainty in Medical Images
* Appearance Sphere: Background Model for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Appearance tracking by transduction in surveillance scenarios
* Appearance Variation Insensitive State Regression for Visual Tracking
* Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Learning Visual Tracking from Few Trajectory Annotations
* Appending Adversarial Frames for Universal Video Attack
* appendix to 'Texture databases: A comprehensive survey', An
* Apperance-Based Tracking and Face Identification in Video Sequences
* AppFuse: An Appearance Fusion Framework for Saliency Cues
* Appian Technology Plc
* Apple color grading based on organization feature parameters
* Apple disease classification using color, texture and shape features from images
* Apple LiDAR Sensor for 3D Surveying: Tests and Results in the Cultural Heritage Domain
* Apple Location Method for the Apple Harvesting Robot
* Apple Shape Detection Based on Geometric and Radiometric Features Using a LiDAR Laser Scanner
* Apple Tree Branch Information Extraction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Backpack-LiDAR
* Apple Trees, Plantations, Analysis, Diseases
* APPLeNet: Visual Attention Parameterized Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Generalization using CLIP
* Appliance identification using a histogram post-processing of 2D local binary patterns for smart grid applications
* Applicability Analysis and Ensemble Application of BERT with TF-IDF, TextRank, MMR, and LDA for Topic Classification Based on Flood-Related VGI
* Applicability Analysis of Ultra-Light UAV for Flooding Site Survey in South Korea
* Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticated Klobuchar Model in China
* Applicability Assessment of a Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Fusion Model for Disaster Monitoring: Two Cases of Flood and Wildfire
* Applicability Assessment of Coherent Doppler Wind LiDAR for Monitoring during Dusty Weather at the Northern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
* Applicability Assessment of Passive Microwave LST Downscaling over Semi-Homogeneous Desert Underlying Surface Based on Machine Learning
* Applicability Assessment of UAV Mapping for Disaster Damage Investigation in Korea
* Applicability Comparison of GIS-Based RUSLE and SEMMA for Risk Assessment of Soil Erosion in Wildfire Watersheds
* Applicability Evaluation of Multisource Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Research in Arid Mountainous Areas
* Applicability Evaluation Of Object Detection Method To Satellite And Aerial Imageries
* Applicability Evaluation of Several Spatial Clustering Methods in Spatiotemporal Data Mining of Floating Car Trajectory
* Applicability of 3DVE Indicator for Cultural Heritage Landscape Management
* Applicability of a Recreational-Grade Interferometric Sonar for the Bathymetric Survey and Monitoring of the Drava River
* Applicability of an Inverse Schlumberger Array for Near-Surface Targets in Shallow Water Environments, The
* Applicability of Cycle GANs for Pupil and Eyelid Segmentation, Data Generation and Image Refinement, The
* Applicability of Data Acquisition Characteristics to the Identification of Local Artefacts in Global Digital Elevation Models: Comparison of the Copernicus and TanDEM-X DEMs
* Applicability of Dual Polarized Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detection Of Flooded Areas in Pol-e Dokhtar, Lorestan, Iran, The
* Applicability of Earth Observation for Identifying Small-Scale Mining Footprints in a Wet Tropical Region
* Applicability of first pulse derived digital terrain models for boreal forest zone
* Applicability of Green's Theorem to Computation of Rate of Approach, The
* Applicability of Green-Red Vegetation Index for Remote Sensing of Vegetation Phenology
* Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz Imaging with compressive sensing
* Applicability of LandTrendr to Surface Water Dynamics: A Case Study of Minnesota from 1984 to 2019 Using Google Earth Engine, The
* Applicability of Motion Estimation Algorithms for an Automatic Detection of Spiral Grain in CT Cross-Section Images of Logs
* Applicability of Multi-Frequency Passive Microwave Observations and Data Assimilation Methods for Improving Numerical Weather Forecasting in Niger, Africa
* Applicability of Neural Networks for Image Classification on Object Detection in Mobile Mapping 3D Point Clouds
* Applicability of Neural Networks to Non-linear Image Processing, The
* Applicability of pattern recognition techniques to the analysis of urban quality from satellites
* Applicability of Precipitation Products in the Endorheic Basin of the Yellow River under Multi-Scale in Time and Modality
* Applicability of Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Water Content in Modeling Lightning-Caused Forest Fire Occurrences
* Applicability of Smoothing Techniques in Generation of Phenological Metrics of Tectona grandis L. Using NDVI Time Series Data
* Applicability of Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features to Region Tracking, The
* Applicability of Susceptibility Model for Rock and Loess Earthquake Landslides in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Applicability of SWOT's Non-Uniform Space-Time Sampling in Hydrologic Model Calibration, The
* Applicability of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Mapping of Sea Surface Salinity in the East China Sea, The
* Applicability of the MultiTemporal Coherence Approach to Sentinel-1 for the Detection and Delineation of Burnt Areas in the Context of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service
* Applicability of the Thermal Infrared Spectral Region for the Prediction of Soil Properties Across Semi-Arid Agricultural Landscapes
* Applicability of Time-Integrated Unit Stream Power for Estimating Bridge Pier Scour Using Noncontact Methods in a Gravel-Bed River, The
* Applicable Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Application-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Hand Graph Representations for Stable Activity Understanding
* Application-Aware Approach to Compression and Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video for Automated and Centralized Transportation Surveillance
* Application-Centric Routing for Video Streaming Over MultiHop Wireless Networks
* Application-Driven Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems Using 5G Network Slicing, An
* application-driven LOD modeling paradigm for 3D building models, An
* Application-Independent and Segmentation-Free Approach for Spotting Queries in Document Images, An
* Application-independent feature selection for texture classification
* Application-Layer QoS Fairness in Wireless Video Scheduling
* Application-Oriented Design of Smart Camera Networks
* Application-Oriented Estimator Selection
* Application-Ready Expedited MODIS Data for Operational Land Surface Monitoring of Vegetation Condition
* Application-Specific Data Path for Highly Efficient Computation of Multistandard Video Codecs
* Application-Specific File Prefetching for Multimedia Programs
* Application adaptation methods of gesture recognition based user interface
* Application and Analyses of Airborne LIDAR Technology in Topographic Survey of Tidal Flat And Coastal Zone
* Application and analysis of image recognition technology based on Artificial Intelligence -- machine learning algorithm as an example
* Application and Analysis of XCO2 Data from OCO Satellite Using a Synthetic DINEOF-BME Spatiotemporal Interpolation Framework
* application and design of neural computation in visual perception, The
* Application and Evaluation of a 2D+3D Face Authentication System
* Application and Evaluation of a Deep Learning Architecture to Urban Tree Canopy Mapping
* Application and Evaluation of a Measured Spatially Variant System Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* Application and Evaluation of Colour Constancy in Visual Surveillance
* Application and Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks for Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Mineral Mapping: A Case Study of the Baiyanghe Uranium Deposit in Northwestern Xinjiang, China
* Application and evaluation of spatiotemporal enhancement of live aerial video using temporally local mosaics
* Application and Platform Design of Geospatial Big Data
* Application and Research of Data Acquisition Technology Based on GPRS
* Application and research of enterprise level contract system based on localization platform
* Application and research progress of machine learning in Bioinformatics
* Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Estimation Using Space-Borne LiDAR Waveform Data
* Application Authentication System with Efficiently Updatable Signature
* Application constraints in the design of an automatic reading device for analog display instruments
* Application de la Morphologie Mathematique a l'Analyse des conditions d'Eclainage des Images Couleur
* Application Development Framework for the Rapid Integration of High Performance Image Processing Algorithms
* Application For 3d Scene Understanding In Detecting Discharge Of Domestic Waste Along Complex Urban Rivers
* Application for brain tumour imaging
* Application For Cultural Heritage In Erasmus Placement. Surveys And 3D Cataloging Archaeological Finds In Mérida (Spain), An
* Application for Semi-automatic HPV Typing of PCR-RFLP Images, An
* Application for Terrestrial LiDAR on Mudstone Erosion Caused by Typhoons
* Application Guided Image Quality Estimation Based on Classification
* Application of 'Vision in the Loop' for Inspection of Lace Fabric
* Application of 2D Fourier Descriptors and Similarity Measures to the General Shape Analysis Problem
* Application of 3D Co-occurrence Features to Terrain Classification
* Application of 3D Error Diagram in Thermal Infrared Earthquake Prediction: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Application of 3D Laser Image Scanning Technology and Cellular Automata Model in the Prediction of the Dynamic Process of Rill Erosion
* Application of 3D Laser Scanner for Monitoring of Landslide Hazards
* Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Protection of Grottoes and Carvings in China, The
* Application of 3D laser scanning technology for image data processing in the protection of ancient building sites through deep learning
* Application of 3D Laser Scanning Technology Using Laser Radar System to Error Analysis in the Curtain Wall Construction
* Application of 3d Tree Modeling Using Point Cloud Data By Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Application of a Continuous Terrestrial Photogrammetric Measurement System for Plot Monitoring in the Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve
* Application of a Convolution Neural Network on Face and License Plate Detection, The
* Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Contrails in Satellite Imagery, The
* Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Sea Ice Leads
* Application of a Distance-Based Method for Analyzing Spatial Patterns to the Analysis of Radionuclide Tomograms
* Application of a Fusion Model Based on Machine Learning in Visibility Prediction
* Application of a Genetic Algorithm With a Fuzzy Objective Function for Optimized Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Devices in Urban Road Networks
* Application of a GIS-Based Slope Unit Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along the Longzi River, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* Application of a Graph Distance Measure to the Classification of muscle Tissue Patterns, An
* Application of a Hand-Held LiDAR Scanner for the Urban Cadastral Detail Survey in Digitized Cadastral Area of Taiwan Urban City
* Application of a Hybrid Algorithm for Non-humanoid Skeleton Model Estimation from Motion Capture Data
* Application of a Hybrid Tracking Algorithm to Motion Analysis, The
* Application of a knowledge-based system to the interpretation of ultrasound images
* Application of a Land Surface Model Using Remote Sensing Data for High Resolution Simulations of Terrestrial Processes
* Application of a Local Dimensionality Estimator to the Analysis of 3-D Microscopic Network Structures, The
* Application of a Minimum-Disturbance Description to Constrained Adaptive Filters
* Application of a model of color appearance to practical problems in imaging
* Application of a model to the evaluation of flood damage
* Application of a Modified Algorithm for Wavelet Threshold De-Noising Based on the Ultrasonic Signal of Optical Fiber Defect
* Application of a Modified BPS Neural Network Based on Three-Way Decision Theory in an Effectiveness Evaluation for a Remote Sensing Satellite Cluster
* Application of a Modified Empirical Wavelet Transform Method in VLF/LF Lightning Electric Field Signals
* Application of a Multifractal Model for Identification of Lithology and Hydrothermal Alteration in the Dasuji Porphyry Mo Deposit in Inner Mongolia, China
* Application of a Multilayer Decision Tree in Computer Recognition of Chinese Characters
* Application of a New Hybrid Deep Learning Model That Considers Temporal and Feature Dependencies in Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
* Application of a new type of singular points in fingerprint classification
* Application of a Nighttime Fog Detection Method Using SEVIRI Over an Arid Environment
* Application of a Novel Hybrid Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping with Satellite Images: A Case Study of Seoul, Korea
* Application of a novel image moment computation in X-ray and MRI image watermarking
* Application of a Novel Multiscale Global Graph Convolutional Neural Network to Improve the Accuracy of Forest Type Classification Using Aerial Photographs
* Application of a novel T1 retrospective quantification using internal references (T1-REQUIRE) algorithm to derive quantitative T1 relaxation maps of the brain
* Application of a parallel pattern processor to remote sensing
* application of a piecewise-linear multi-category pattern classifier with self-evolving capabilities to the interpretation of mass spectra, The
* Application of a PLS-Augmented ANN Model for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a from Hyperspectral Data in Case 2 Waters of the Western Basin of Lake Erie
* Application of a Randomized Algorithm for Extracting a Shallow Low-Rank Structure in Low-Frequency Reverberation
* Application of a Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Monthly Blue Water Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Agriculture
* Application of A Simple Landsat-MODIS Fusion Model to Estimate Evapotranspiration over A Heterogeneous Sparse Vegetation Region
* Application of a Small Baseline Subset Time Series Method with Atmospheric Correction in Monitoring Results of Mining Activity on Ground Surface and in Detecting Induced Seismic Events
* Application of a Statistical Shape Model to Diaphragm Tracking in Respiratory-Gated Cardiac PET Images, The
* Application of a Steerable Wavelet Transform using Neural Network for Signature Verification
* Application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to the Study of the Séchilienne Landslide (Isère, France)
* Application of a Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Model to Retrieve the Species Composition of a Mixed Forest Stand from Canopy Reflected Radiation
* Application of a Two-Level Self Organizing Map for Korean Online Game Market Segmentation
* Application of a two source energy balance model coupled with satellite based soil moisture and thermal infrared data
* application of a ZigBee based wireless sensor network in the LED street lamp control system, The
* Application of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral Unmixing
* application of active contour models to head boundary location, An
* Application of active contours for photochromic tracer flow extraction
* Application of adaptive block matching in the extraction of temporal motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Application of Adaptive Controllers in Teleoperation Systems: A Survey
* Application of Adaptive Convolution Masking to the Automation of Visual Inspection
* Application of Adaptive Digital Beamforming to Osaka University Phased Array Weather Radar
* Application of adaptive generalized S transform in formation Q value extraction, A
* Application of Adaptive Hypergraph Model to Impulsive Noise Detection
* Application of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms to Assess Groundwater Potential Using Remote Sensing-Derived Data
* application of advanced pattern recognition techniques for the discrimination between earthquakes and nuclear detonations, The
* Application of Advanced Spatio-Temporal Formalisms to Behavioural Ecology, An
* Application of Affine-Invariant Fourier Descriptors to Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Application of affine invariant Fourier descriptors to stereo matching
* Application of Agent-Oriented Techniques to Symbolic Matching and Object Recognition, An
* Application of AHP-ICM and AHP-EWM in Collapse Disaster Risk Mapping in Huinan County
* Application of AHP to Road Selection
* Application of Airborne Electromagnetics and Magnetics for Mineral Exploration in the Baishiquan-Hongliujing Area, Northwest China
* Application of Airborne LiDAR Data to the Archaeology of Agrarian Land Use: The Case Study of the Early Medieval Microregion of Bled (Slovenia)
* Application of ALOS and Envisat Data in Improving Multi-Temporal InSAR Methods for Monitoring Damavand Volcano and Landslide Deformation in the Center of Alborz Mountains, North Iran
* Application of ALOS/PALSAR InSAR to Measure Subsurface Penetration Depths in Deserts, The
* Application of AMSR-E and AMSR2 Low-Frequency Channel Brightness Temperature Data for Hurricane Wind Retrievals
* Application of an Associative Memory to the Analysis of Document Fax Images
* Application of an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm in Real-Time Detection of Foreign Objects by Ground Penetrating Radar
* Application of an Optimized Digital Correlation Method to Planar Deformation Analysis
* Application of an Unmanned Aerial System and Machine Learning Techniques for Red Clover-Grass Mixture Yield Estimation under Variety Performance Trials, The
* Application of Analog Network Coding to MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems
* Application of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in Linear-Combination Blind Source Separation Problem, The
* application of array grammars to clustering analysis for syntactic patterns, An
* Application of artificial intelligence algorithms in image processing
* Application of Artificial Intelligence on the Traceability and Dispersion of Air Pollution, The
* Application of artificial neural network for automatic detection of butterfly species using color and texture features
* Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Medical Image Pattern-Recognition: Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms and Lung-Cancer on Chest Radiographs
* Application of ASTER Data for Differentiating Carbonate Minerals and Evaluating MgO Content of Magnesite in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
* Application of Augmented Reality GIS in Architecture
* Application of Augmented Reality Technology on Museum Exhibition: A Museum Display Project in Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs, The
* Application of augmented reality to industrial tele-training
* Application of automated video analysis for behavioural studies: concept and experience
* Application of Automatic Image Registration in a Segmentation Framework of Pelvic CT Images
* Application of autoregressive models to the study of the temporal structure of a handwritten text
* Application of B-spline Method in Surface Fitting Problem
* Application of B-splines FFD image registration in breast cancer radiotherapy planning
* Application of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations to Reconstruction of Vector-Valued Images
* Application of Baddeley's distance to dissimilarity measurement between gray scale images
* application of balloon snake model in the extraction of parasite image contour, The
* Application of Bayes linear discriminant functions in image classification
* Application of Bayesian Network for Fuzzy Rule-Based Video Deinterlacing
* Application of Bayesian Ying-Yang Criteria for Selecting the Number of Hidden Units with Backpropagation Learning to Electrocardigram Classification
* Application of Beamforming Technology in Ionospheric Oblique Backscatter Sounding with a Miniaturized L-Array
* Application of Bi-gram Driven Chinese Handwritten Character Segmentation for an Address Reading System
* Application of bilateral filtering and Gaussian Mixture modeling for the retrieval of paintings
* Application of Binary Mathematical Morphology to Separate Overlapped Objects
* Application of binocular disparity and receptive field dynamics: A biologically-inspired model for contour detection
* Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to JPEG2000 encoded images
* Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to wavelet encoded images
* Application of Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Landslide Susceptibility Modeling in Chittagong City Corporation, Bangladesh
* Application of blind deconvolution approach with image quality metric in underwater image restoration
* Application of Bootstrap and Other Resampling Techniques: Evaluation of Classifier Performance
* Application of BPCS steganography to wavelet compressed video
* Application of Brain-Computer Interface and Virtual Reality in Advancing Cultural Experience
* Application of C-Calculus to Texture Analysis: C-Transforms, An
* Application of Capsule Neural Network Based CNN for Speech Emotion Recognition, The
* Application of CEM Algorithm in the Field of Tunnel Crack Identification
* application of chain code-based local descriptor and its extension to face recognition, An
* Application of Characteristic Function Method in Target Detection
* Application Of Close-range Photogrammetry And Digital Photography Analysis For The Estimation Of Leaf Area Index In A Greenhouse Tomato Culture
* Application Of Close-up Photogrammetry In Viticulture, An
* Application of Cluster Detection to Text and Picture Processing, An
* Application of CNN-Based Image Segmentation for Tracking Coastal Erosion and Post-Storm Recovery, The
* Application of Co-Occurrence Frequency Image
* Application of Color Featuring and Deep Learning in Maize Plant Detection
* Application of Color Information to Visual Perception
* Application of Combined Filtering in Thunder Recognition
* Application of Combining YOLO Models and 3D GPR Images in Road Detection and Maintenance
* Application of commercial remote sensing to issues in human geography
* Application of compatible dual-echo arteriovenography in stroke: Preliminary observations
* Application of Competitive Hopfield Neural Network to Medical Image Segmentation, The
* Application of Complex Geophysical Methods for the Detection of Unconsolidated Zones in Flood Dikes
* Application of Complex Image Theory in Geosteering
* Application of complex networks for automatic classification of damaging agents in soybean leaflets
* Application of Complexity Measure to Reversible Information Hiding
* Application of Compressed Sensing for Photo-Acoustic Tomography, The
* Application of compressed sensing using chirp encoded 3D GRE and MPRAGE sequences
* application of compressive sensing for image fusion, An
* Application of Compressive Sensing to Refractivity Retrieval Using Networked Weather Radars
* Application of computational anatomy methods to MRI data for the diagnosis of Alzheimer'S disease
* Application of Computer-supported Mind Map in College English Reading Teaching, The
* Application of Computer Vision and Vector Space Model for Tactical Movement Classification in Badminton
* Application of Computer Vision in Responding to the Emergencies of Autonomous Driving, The
* Application of Computer Vision Techniques to Support in the Restoration of Historical Buildings
* Application of Computer Vision to the Removal of Tie-Wires in a Live-Line Maintenance Robotics Manipulation, The
* Application of constrained generalized inverse to pattern classification
* Application of Constrained Least Squares Estimation to Image Restoration by Digital Computer, The
* Application of Content Specific Dictionaries in Still Image Coding
* Application of Continuous Dynamic Programming, An
* Application of continuous wavelet transform to the analysis of the modulus of the fractional Fourier transform bands for resolving two component mixture
* Application of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Buried Threat Detection Using Ground Penetrating Radar Data
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network in multi-channel Scenario D2D Communication Transmitting Power Control
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network on Lei Bamboo Above-Ground-Biomass (AGB) Estimation Using Worldview-2
* Application of convolutional neural networks for low vegetation filtering from data acquired by UAVs
* Application of Convolutional Neural Networks on Digital Terrain Models for Analyzing Spatial Relations in Archaeology
* Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
* application of correspondence analysis for the processing of image sequences, An
* Application of Coupled-Wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Approximation to Ground Penetrating Radar
* Application of CRF and SVM based semi-supervised learning for semantic labeling of environments
* application of cyber-physical system and multi-agent technology to demand-side management systems, An
* Application of CycleGAN and transfer learning techniques for automated detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Application of Cyclic Correlation Analysis to Gearbox Damage Assessment
* Application of Data Compression Models to Handwritten Digit Classification, An
* Application of Data Fusion in the Production and Updating of Spatial Data
* Application of data mining methods in diabetes prediction
* Application of Data Mining Techniques for the Investigation of Factors Affecting Transportation Enterprises
* Application of Data Sensor Fusion Using Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Identification and Tracking of Moving Targets from LiDAR-Radar Data
* Application of Deep Convective Clouds in the Calibration and Response Monitoring of the Reflective Solar Bands of FY-3A/MERSI (Medium Resolution Spectral Imager), The
* Application of Deep Learning Architectures for Accurate Detection of Olive Tree Flowering Phenophase
* Application of Deep Learning Architectures for Satellite Image Time Series Prediction: A Review
* Application of Deep Learning for Delineation of Visible Cadastral Boundaries from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Application of Deep Learning for Segmenting Seepages in Levee Systems
* Application of Deep Learning for Speckle Removal in GOCI Chlorophyll-a Concentration Images (2012-2017)
* Application of Deep Learning in Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Application of deep learning model based on image definition in real-time digital image fusion
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory to Unsupervised Classification in Multisource Remote Sensing
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Theory in Condition Monitoring Applications: A Case Study
* Application of Denoising CNN for Noise Suppression and Weak Signal Extraction of Lunar Penetrating Radar Data
* Application of Design Thinking in the Education Segment, Regarding the Human-Computer Interactions
* Application of Detection and Recognition Algorithms to Persistent Wide Area Surveillance
* Application of Differential Geometry to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded Objects
* Application of Diffuse Optical Reflectance to Measure Myocardial Wall Thickness and Presence of Infarct Scar: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
* Application of diffusion tensor MRI to neurological segmentation
* Application of digit and speech recognition in food delivery robot
* Application of Digital Fabrication Technologies in Reproducing of a Wooden Component in Heritage Buildings
* Application of Digital Holography in Displacement Measurement
* application of digital image processing in the evaluation of agricultural experiments, The
* Application of Digital Imaging Technique in Electrical Charge Tomography System for Image Reconstruction Validation
* Application of Digital Integration Strategy for Cultural Heritage Conservation: the Case Study of Qionglin Settlement in Kinmen County, The
* Application of Digital Line Graphs and Map in the Network Environment, The
* Application of Digital Survey Mapping Technology in the Investigation Of Colored Wood Statue in the Caoxi Temple
* Application of Digital Technologies in the Restoration of Historic Buildings and Heritage Objects
* Application of Digital Twin in Medium-Voltage Overhead Distribution Network Inspection
* Application of DINCAE to Reconstruct the Gaps in Chlorophyll-a Satellite Observations in the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea
* Application of DInSAR-PSI Technology for Deformation Monitoring of the Mosul Dam, Iraq
* Application of DInSAR and GIS for Underground Mine Subsidence Monitoring
* Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of Soil Properties with Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Data, The
* Application of Distributed Platforms in a Video Surveillance System
* Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review
* Application of DNN for radar micro-doppler signature-based human suspicious activity recognition
* Application of DSM in Obstacle Clearance Surveying Of Aerodrome
* Application of DSM theory for SAR image change detection
* application of dyadic wavelet in the RS building image edge detection, The
* Application of Dynamic Programming to Sequential Boundary Estimation, An
* Application of Dynamical Systems Theory to Shape from Shading, An
* Application of ECOC SVMS in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Application of Ecosystem Service Bundles and Tour Experience in Land Use Management: A Case Study of Xiaohuangshan Mountain (China)
* Application of Edge Detection Techniques to Detection of the Bright Band in Radar Data
* Application of educational data mining on analysis of students' online learning behavior
* Application of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors to Symmetry Detection under Parallel Projection
* Application of Empirical Land-Cover Changes to Construct Climate Change Scenarios in Federally Managed Lands
* Application of Enhanced-2D-CWT in Topographic Images for Mapping Landslide Risk Areas
* Application of Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Models to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Application of Ensemble Algorithm Based on the Feature-Oriented Mean in Tropical Cyclone-Related Precipitation Forecasting
* Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition in Low-Frequency Lightning Electric Field Signal Analysis and Lightning Location
* Application of entropic measures of stochastic dependence in pattern recognition
* Application of entropy-based multi-attribute decision-making method to structured selection of settlement
* Application of Envelope in Salt Structure Velocity Building: From Objective Function Construction to the Full-Band Seismic Data Reconstruction
* application of equipment positioning system in the based on the distributed of integrated navigation and multi-sensor data fusion, The
* Application of Evolution Strategies to the Design of SAR Efficient Parallel Transmit Multi-Spoke Pulses for Ultra-High Field MRI
* Application of Evolutionary Computation for Berth Scheduling at Marine Container Terminals: Parameter Tuning Versus Parameter Control
* Application of Exploratory Spatial Techniques In the Identification Of Tourism Hotspots In the Aegean Region of Turkey
* Application of Extended Geodesic Distance in Head Poses Estimation, The
* Application of Facial Feature Localization Using Constrained Local Models in Template-Based Caricature Synthesis
* Application of Fast MEEMD-ConvLSTM in Sea Surface Temperature Predictions
* Application of Feature Extraction Methods for Landmine Detection Using the Wichmann/Niitek Ground-Penetrating Radar
* application of feature selection to handwritten character recognition, An
* Application of feature space trajectory classifier to identification of multi-aspect radar signals
* Application of Fingerprint Recognition in Process Control
* Application of Fish-swarm and Genetic Algorithm in Optimization of Chaotic Image Encryption
* application of fixed-rate scalar-vector quantization in image coding, An
* application of fractal analysis to feature extraction, The
* Application of Fractal Image-Set Coding in Facial Recognition, An
* Application of Fractal Technique in Nonlinear Geophysical Signal Processing
* Application of Fractals to the Detection and Classification of Shoeprints
* Application of Fractional Fourier Transform to Moving Target Indication via Along-Track Interferometry
* Application of Free Satellite Imagery to Map Ecosystem Services in Ungwana Bay, Kenya
* Application of Full-Duplex Wireless Technique into Secure MIMO Communication: Achievable Secrecy Rate based Optimization
* Application of fusion techniques to speaker authentication over ip networks
* Application of Fusion with SAR and Optical Images in Land Use Classification Based on SVM
* Application of fuzzy-PID in control of FC furnace gypsum calcination temperature
* Application of Fuzzy Artmap and Art-Emap to Automatic Target Recognition Using Radar Range Profiles
* Application of Fuzzy Hopfield Neural-Network to Design Better Codebook for Image Vector Quantization, The
* Application of fuzzy image restoration in criminal investigation
* Application of fuzzy inference and active contour model for detection of fovea and its center in a fundus image
* Application of Fuzzy Integrals in Fusion of Classifiers for Low Error Rate Handwritten Numerals Recognition
* Application of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition in Ultrasonic Transverse Wave Detection of Wheel Flaws
* Application of Fuzzy Rough Sets to Financial Time Series Forecasting
* Application of G.I.S on Integrative Management for Cultural Heritage- An Example for Digital Management on Taiwan Kinmen Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of Gabor transformation to the two-dimensional projection extraction in interferometric tomography
* Application of Gaofen-6 Images in the Downscaling of Land Surface Temperatures
* Application of Generalized Radial Basis Function Networks to Recognition of Radar Targets
* Application of Genetic Algorithms in Structural Seismic Image Interpretation, The
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to 3-D Shape Reconstruction in an Active Stereo Vision System
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to Geometric Model-Guided Interpretation of Brain Anatomy, An
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to Stereo Matching of Images
* Application of Geo-Information Techniques in Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis in a Peri-Urban District of Ghana
* Application of Geodetic Measuring Methods for Reliable Evaluation of Static Load Test Results of Foundation Piles
* Application of Geographic Information System and Remotesensing in effective solid waste disposal sites selection in Wukro town, Tigray, Ethiopia
* Application of Geomatic Techniques for the Assessment of Anthropogenic Changes in the Urban Beaches of La Magdalena (Santander, Spain)
* Application of Geometric Hashing to Iconic Database Retrieval
* Application of geophysical methods for monitoring of surface and subsurface changes of origin archaeological terrains: Case studies of sites in the Czech Republic
* Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeological Survey of Early Medieval Fortifications
* Application of GeoSHM System in Monitoring Extreme Wind Events at the Forth Road Bridge
* Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Quality and Availability Assessment: A Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka
* Application of GIS And Remote Sensing to Monitor the Impact Of Development Activities On the Coastal Zone of Jazan City On the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia
* Application of GIS Tools in the Measurement Analysis of Urban Spatial Layouts Using the Square Grid Method
* Application of Global Fuzzy C-Means (GFCM) Clustering Algorithm in Color Transfer
* Application of global optimization methods to model and feature selection
* Application of global positioning system and questionnaires data for the study of driver behaviour on two-lane rural roads
* Application of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry for the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness
* Application of Godel Numbers to Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, The
* Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform, Sentinel Imagery, and Neural Networks for Crop Mapping in Canada
* Application of GPS in Distributed SAR Satellite
* application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation, The
* Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Interaction between Human Activity and Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of the Lijiang River Basin, China
* Application of gradient-based edge detectors to determine vanishing points in monoscopic images: Comparative study
* Application of graph coloring in physical layout segmentation
* Application of Graph Kernels in Face Recognition, The
* Application of Graph Learning With Multivariate Relational Representation Matrix in Vehicular Social Networks
* application of grey level image processing to an industrial dimensional inspection problem, An
* Application of GRNN neural network in non-texture image inpainting and restoration
* Application of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer in Retrieving Meteorological Characteristics of Tibet Plateau
* Application of Ground Penetrating Radar Supported by Mineralogical-Geochemical Methods for Mapping Unroofed Cave Sediments
* Application of H.263+ Video Coding Modes in Lossy Packet Network Environments
* Application of Harmonic Wavelet Package to Feature Extraction in Impulsive Signal
* Application of Helmert Variance Component Based Adaptive Kalman Filter in Multi-GNSS PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
* Application of Heterogenous Motion Models towards Structure Recovery from Motion
* Application of Heuristic Search Methods to Edge and Contour Detection, An
* Application of Hidden Markov-Models for Signature Verification
* Application of Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Models to Develop Land Value Maps in Urbanized Areas
* Application of High-Resolution Radar Rain Data to the Predictive Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility under Climate Change in the Laonong Watershed, Taiwan
* Application Of High Resolution Laser Scanning And Photogrammetric Techniques To Data Acquisition, Analysis And Interpretation In Palaeontology
* Application of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Characterize Individual-Based Environmental Heterogeneity in a Wild Blue Tit Population
* Application of high spatial resolution satellite imagery for urban environment mapping
* Application of highlight removal and multivariate image analysis to color measurement of flotation bubble images
* Application of Hopfield Neural Networks and Canonical Perspectives to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Application of human facial features recognition to automobile safety
* Application of human facial features recognition to automobile security and convenience
* Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessment of Inland Excess Water Hazard
* Application of Hydro-Based Morphological Models for Environmental Assessment of Watersheds
* Application of hyperpath strategy and driving experience to risk-averse navigation
* Application of Hyperspectral Image Clustering Based on Texture-Aware Superpixel Technique in Deep Sea, An
* Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in the Longwave Infrared Region to Assess the Influence of Dust from the Desert on Soil Surface Mineralogy
* Application of Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Hytes) Data For Hyspiri Optimal Band Positioning to Characterize Surface Minerals
* Application of Image Analysis Techniques to Mineral Processing, The
* Application of image and sound analysis techniques to monitor the condition of cutting tools
* Application of image correction and bit-plane fusion in generalized PCA based face recognition
* Application of Image Processing Algorithms in Proteomics: Automatic Analysis of 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Images from Western Blot Assay
* Application of Image Processing and Discrete Analysis Method in Simulation of Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation
* Application of image processing for the conservation of the medieval mosaic
* Application of image processing in neurobiology: Detection of low signals with high spatial resolution and a non-uniform variance
* Application of image processing techniques for frog call classification
* application of image processing to acoustic pyrometry, The
* Application of Image Segmentation in Surface Water Extraction of Freshwater Lakes using Radar Data
* Application of Image Sensor in the Three-Dimensional Surface Measurement
* Application of Improved Instance Segmentation Algorithm Based on VoVNet-v2 in Open-Pit Mines Remote Sensing Pre-Survey
* Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed: Implications for Agricultural Water Management, An
* Application of Improved SIFT Algorithm in High Resolution SAR Image Matching in Mountain Areas, The
* Application of improved SURF algorithm in real scene matching and recognition
* Application of In-Segment Multiple Sampling in Object-Based Classification
* Application of independent component analysis with mixture density model to localize brain alpha activity in fMRI and EEG
* Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
* Application of Information-Theory to DNA-Sequence Analysis: A Review
* Application of information retrieval techniques to single writer documents
* Application of Information Visualization Techniques in Representing Patients' Temporal Personal History Data
* Application of Infrared Remote Sensing and Magnetotelluric Technology in Geothermal Resource Exploration: A Case Study of the Wuerhe Area, Xinjiang
* Application of InSAR and Gravimetry for Land Subsidence Hazard Zoning in Aguascalientes, Mexico
* Application of InSAR Techniques to an Analysis of the Guanling Landslide
* Application of Integrated 3D Technologies for Replicas in Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of Integration of HBIM and VR Technology to 3D Immersive Digital Management: Take Han Type Traditional Architecture as an Example
* Application of Interactive Video Contents to Augmented Virtuality, An
* Application of Invariance in Computer Vision
* Application of Inverse Optimal Formation Control for Euler-Lagrange Systems
* Application of Inversions to Lossless Image Compression
* Application of Iterative Techniques for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Random and Reentrant Rough Surfaces
* Application of JND visual model to SPIHT image coding and performance evaluation
* application of kernel Fisher identification method based on face symmetry in face recognition, The
* Application of Kinematic GPR-TPS Model with High 3D Georeference Accuracy for Underground Utility Infrastructure Mapping: A Case Study from Urban Sites in Celje, Slovenia
* Application of knowledge-based image inspection system for diagnosis of misprints in offsetprinting
* Application of Knowledge Base for Image Analysis, An
* Application of Krylov subspaces to SPECT imaging
* Application of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, ASTER and WorldView-3 Spectral Imagery for Exploration of Carbonate-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits in the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT)
* Application of Landsat Imagery to Investigate Lake Area Variations and Relict Gull Habitat in Hongjian Lake, Ordos Plateau, China
* Application of Landsat TM 5 images to supervised and non-supervised classifications in the northeastern region of Argentina (South America). Creating proxies to automatic natural resources monitoring in mid-detail scales
* Application of Landsat to Evaluate Effects of Irrigation Forbearance
* Application of Laplace Domain Waveform Inversion to Cross-Hole Radar Data
* Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to Image Filtering
* Application of Least Square Estimation Technique for Image Restoration Using Signal-Noise Correlation Constraint
* Application of LiDAR Data for the Solar Potential Analysis Based on Urban 3D Model, The
* Application Of Lidar Date To Assess The Landslide Susceptibility Map Using Weights Of Evidence Method: An Example From Podhale Region (southern Poland)
* Application of Lidar in Woodland Bird Ecology: Climate, Canopy Structure, and Habitat Quality, The
* Application of Lie Algebras to Visual Servoing
* Application of Line and Character Recognition in Cartography, An
* Application of Line Labeling and Other Scene-Analysis Techniques to the Problem of Hidden-Line Removal, An
* Application of linear prediction characteristics to planar shape classification
* application of linear predictive coding and computational geometry to iris recognition, An
* Application Of Linear Programming To Object Location In R Dimensions, An
* Application of LISA Gravitational Reference Sensor Hardware to Future Intersatellite Geodesy Missions
* Application of List Processing Techniques to Picture Processing, The
* Application of Lithological Mapping Based on Advanced Hyperspectral Imager (AHSI) Imagery Onboard Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Satellite
* Application of Local Binary Pattern to Windowed Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry for High-Resolution Snow Depth Mapping in the Arctic
* Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting the Light Changes for the 2019 Spring Festival in Western Cities, China
* Application of LVQ to novelty detection using outlier training data
* Application of M5 Model Tree in Passive Remote Sensing of Thin Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties in Terahertz Region
* Application of Machine-Learning-Based Fusion Model in Visibility Forecast: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Application of Machine-Learning Model for Analyzing the Impact of Land-Use Change on Surface Water Resources in Gauteng Province, South Africa, An
* Application of machine-learning techniques toward the creation of a consistent and calibrated global chlorophyll concentration baseline dataset using remotely sensed ocean color data
* Application of Machine and Deep Learning Strategies for The Classification of Heritage Point Clouds
* Application of Machine Learning for Disease Detection Tasks in Olive Trees Using Hyperspectral Data
* Application of Machine Learning for Simulation of Air Temperature at Dome A
* Application of Machine Learning in Forecasting the Impact of Mining Deformation: A Case Study of Underground Copper Mines in Poland
* Application of Machine Learning to Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway
* Application Of Machine Learning To The Prediction Of Vegetation Health
* Application of Machine Learning to Tree Species Classification Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Duraer Forestry Zone
* Application of machine vision in improving safety and reliability for gear profile measurement
* Application of Majority Voting to Pattern Recognition: An Analysis of Its Behavior and Performance
* Application of MAP-MRF to Change Detection in Image Sequence Based on Mean Field Theory, An
* Application of markerless image-based arm tracking to robot-manipulator teleoperation
* Application of Matched Statistical Filters for EarthCARE Cloud Doppler Products
* Application of Mathematical Morphological Filtering to Improve the Resolution of Chang'E-3 Lunar Penetrating Radar Data
* Application of Mathematical Morphology Operations for Simplification and Improvement of Correlation of Images in Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Application of Mean-Field Theory to Image Motion Estimation, The
* Application of MEEMD in post-processing of dimensionality reduction methods for face recognition
* Application of Mellin-Kind Statistics to Polarimetric G Distribution for SAR Data
* Application of Micro-Computed Tomography With Iodine Staining to Cardiac Imaging, Segmentation, and Computational Model Development
* Application of Microwave Remote Sensing to Dynamic Testing of Stay-Cables
* application of middleware technology to communication network real-time monitoring system, The
* Application of Mixture Regression for Improved Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering
* Application Of Mobile Lidar Mapping For Damage Survey After Great East Japan Earthquake
* Application of Mobility Management: A Web structure for the optimisation of the mobility of working staff of big companies
* Application of Model-Based Change Detection to Airborne VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Imagery
* Application of Model Based Image Interpretation Methods of Diabetic Neuropathy
* Application of Modified Counter-Propagation for Satellite Image Classification
* Application of MODIS Data to Assess the Latest Forest Cover Changes of Sri Lanka
* Application of MODIS Imagery for Intra-Annual Water Clarity Assessment of Minnesota Lakes
* Application of MODIS Land Products to Assessment of Land Degradation of Alpine Rangeland in Northern India with Limited Ground-Based Information
* Application of Moment and Fourier Descriptors to the Accurate Estimation of Elliptical-Shape Parameters
* Application of Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation based on the Mumford-Shah segmentation model to three-dimensional biomedical images
* Application of morphological connected openings and levelings on magnetic resonance images of the brain
* Application of Morphological Transformations to the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Gels of Biological Materials
* Application of motion sharpening effect in video coding
* Application of Multi-criteria Analysis for the Creation of a Risk Assessment Knowledgebase for Biometric Systems
* Application of Multi-criteria Decision Making for the Selection Of Sensing Tools for Historical Gravestones
* Application of Multi-Level Classifiers and Clustering for Automatic Word Spotting in Historical Document Images
* Application of Multi-modal Features for Terrain Classification on a Mobile System
* Application of Multi-modal Fusion Attention Mechanism in Semantic Segmentation
* Application of multi-party computation and error correction with image enhancement and convolution neural networks based on cloud computing
* Application of Multi-Resolution Filter in Image Denoising
* Application of Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Exploration of Zn-Pb Sulfide Mineralization in the Franklinian Basin, North Greenland
* Application of Multi-Source Data for Mapping Plantation Based on Random Forest Algorithm in North China
* Application of Multi-Temporal and Multisource Satellite Imagery in the Study of Irrigated Landscapes in Arid Climates
* Application of multi-temporal high-resolution imagery and GPS in a study of the motion of a canyon rim landslide
* Application of Multidimensional Time-Frequency Analysis as a Base for the Unified Watermarking Approach, An
* Application of multimedia technology in water conservancy and hydropower engineering
* Application of Multiple Categories of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Different Airspaces for Bushfire Monitoring and Response
* Application of Multiscale Characterization of Edges to Motion Determination
* Application of Multisensory Technology for Resolution of Problems in the Field of Research and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
* Application of Multispectral Camera in Monitoring the Quality Parameters of Fresh Tea Leaves
* Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology
* Application of Multispectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Flood-Affected Zones in the Brumadinho Mining District (Minas Gerais, Brasil)
* Application of Multispectral Satellite Data for Geological Mapping in Antarctic Environments
* Application of Multispectral Sensors Carried on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Trophic State Mapping of Small Reservoirs: A Case Study of Tain-Pu Reservoir in Kinmen, Taiwan
* Application of Multitemporal InSAR Covariance and Information Fusion to Robust Road Extraction
* Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Biomarkers In Se-turkey Crude Oils
* Application of Multiwavelet Filterbanks to Image Processing, The
* Application of Multiwavelet Transform to Image Coding, The
* Application of Neural and Probabilistic Unsupervised Methods to Environmental Factor Analysis of Multi-spectral Images, An
* Application of neural network and fuzzy inference to Chinese-Phoneme recognition
* Application of neural network based on SIFT local feature extraction in medical image classification
* Application of Neural Network to GNSS-R Wind Speed Retrieval
* Application of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in the Classification of Endothelial Cells
* Application of Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition Algorithms to Earthquake Risk Evaluation
* Application of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography Applied to Oil Industry, An
* Application of Neural Networks for Retrieval of the CO2 Concentration at Aerospace Sensing by IPDA-DIAL lidar
* Application of Neural Networks in 3D Object Recognition System
* Application of Neural Networks in Classification of Epilepsy Using EEG Signals, The
* Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Aluminium Upsetting Process Considering Different Interfacial Frictional Conditions
* Application of Neural Networks to Disturbances Encountered Landing Control
* Application of Neural Networks to Identifying Vegetation Types from Satellite Images
* Application of Neural Networks, Image Processing and CAD-Based Environments Facilities in Automatic Road Extraction and Vectorization from High Resolution Satellite Images
* Application of New Qualitative Voicing Time-Frequency Features for Speaker Recognition
* Application of NIRS to Determine Animal Physiological Traits for Wildlife Management and Conservation, The
* Application of Non-destructive Techniques (Raman Spectroscopy and XRF) into an Icon by Michael Damaskinos
* Application of Non-Linear Image Processing: Digital Video Archive Restoration
* Application of non-negative and local non negative matrix factorization to facial expression recognition
* Application of Nonlinear Convolutional Neural Network in Small Samples Bearing Fault Classification
* application of nonlinear filter banks to efficient rendering and progressive transmission of light fields, The
* Application of nonlinear pre- and post-processing in low bit rate, error resilient image communication
* application of nonlinear wavelet approximation to face recognition, An
* Application of Normalized Radar Backscatter and Hyperspectral Data to Augment Rangeland Vegetation Fractional Classification
* Application of Novel Chaotic Neural Networks to Text Classification Based on PCA
* Application of NPC in wireless networked control systems
* Application of Object Based Approach to Heterogeneous Land Cover/Use
* Application of Object Based Image Analysis for Forest Cover Assessment of Moist Temperate Himalayan Forest in Pakistan
* Application of Oblique Photography and GIS Technologies in The Integrated Conservation and Development of Historic Cities in China: Practices in Shigatse, Tibet and Quanzhou (zayton), Fujian
* Application of Observation Minus Reanalysis Method towards LULC Change Impact over Southern India
* Application of Off-nadir Satellite Imagery in Earthquake Damage Assessment Using Object-based Hog Feature Descriptor
* application of one-class support vector machines in content-based image retrieval, An
* Application of Open-Loop Stackelberg Equilibrium to Modeling a Driver's Interaction with Vehicle Active Steering Control in Obstacle Avoidance
* Application of Open-Source Software in Community Heritage Resources Management
* Application of Open Source Coding Technologies in the Production of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Maps from Landsat: A PyQGIS Plugin
* Application of optical flow for automated overtaking control
* Application of Optical Flow Technique and Photogrammetry for Rockfall Dynamics: A Case Study on a Field Test
* Application of Optical Remote Sensing in Rubber Plantations: A Systematic Review
* Application of optimal clustering and metric learning to patch-based anomaly detection
* Application of optimal FrFT order for improving the azimuth resolution of range Doppler imaging algorithm
* Application of Ordinary Kriging and Regression Kriging Method for Soil Properties Mapping in Hilly Region of Central Vietnam
* Application Of Orientation Code Matching For Structure From Motion
* Application Of Palsar-2 Remote Sensing Data For Landslide Hazard Mapping In Kelantan River Basin, Peninsular Malaysia
* Application of Panoramic Annular Lens for Motion Analysis Tasks: Surveillance and Smoke Detection
* Application of Parallel Projections to Three-Dimensional Object Location in Industrial Assembly, The
* Application of particle filter in high accuracy geometry measurement
* Application of particle swarm optimization method in fractional Fourier transform
* Application of partition-based median type filters for suppressing noise in images
* application of passive human-robot interaction: Human tracking based on attention distraction, An
* Application of Pattern Recognition for Farsi License Plate Recognition
* application of pattern recognition for the prediction of the coal mining water irruption, The
* Application of pattern recognition techniques in ultrasound tissue characterization
* Application of Pattern Recognition to the Acoustic Emission Signals of Carbon Steel
* Application of PCRTM Physical Retrieval Methodology for IASI Cloudy Scene Analysis, The
* Application of PERSIANN Family Datasets for Hydrological Modeling, The
* Application of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Infrastructure Monitoring, An
* Application of Phase-Based Features and Denoising in Postprocessing and Binarization of Historical Document Images
* Application of Phase Unwrapping in Image Restoration
* Application of Photogrammetric Techniques in Palaeoodontological Studies Trough Automated Digital Shape Analysis of Human Teeth
* Application of Photogrammetry and Image Processing for the Study Of Porous Surface Courses
* Application of Photogrammetry on Digitization and Promotion for Monuments and Temples in Taiwan: Taking Chua Family Ancestral Temple as an Example, The
* Application of Photogrammetry to Brain Anatomy
* Application of Physically-Based Slope Correction for Maximum Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform Lidar across Different Footprint Sizes and Locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS
* Application of Piece-Wise Regression to Detecting Internal Structure of Signal
* Application of Planar Motion Segmentation for Scene Text Extraction
* Application of planar shape comparison to object retrieval in image databases
* Application of Point Clouds from Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner for Deformation Measurements
* Application of Polynomial Interpolation for Iterative Complementation of the Missing Nodes in a Regular Network of Squares Used for the Construction of a Digital Terrain Model
* Application of Pose Determination Techniques to Model Extension and Refinement
* Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time Delays in Connected Cruise Control
* Application of principal axes for registration of NMR image sequences
* Application of Principal Component Extraction technique in processing cloud images from Chinese FY-1 satellite
* Application of Probabilistic and Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potentiality Mapping in Damghan Sedimentary Plain, Iran
* Application of probabilistic imaging techniques to real-time systems
* Application of projection pursuit learning to boundary detection and deblurring in images
* Application of pronunciation knowledge on phoneme recognition by LSTM neural network
* Application of QIM with Dead Zone for Histogram Preserving JPEG Steganography
* Application of Quadratic Measure Filters to the Segmentation of Chorio-Retinal OCT Data, An
* Application of Qualitative Depth and Shape from Stereo
* Application of Quality Management System In the Inspection Of National Major Surveying and Mapping Results, The
* application of Quantum-inspired ant colony algorithm in automatic segmentation of tomato image, The
* Application of quantum dot gate nonvolatile memory (QDNVM) in image segmentation
* Application of Quasi-Continuous Waveform Coding in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Application of Radar and Optical Satellite Imagery Data in Landslide Potential Mapping of Sheshpeer Sub-catchment in Iran
* Application of Radar Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Bayesian Network
* Application of radar polarimetry techniques for retrieval snow and rain characteristics in remote sensing
* Application of Radar Signal Processing System Based on DSP in the VTS
* Application of Radial Ray Based Segmentation to Cervical Lymph Nodes in CT Images
* Application of Radial Symmetry for Caldera Detection
* Application of Radon Transform to Lane Boundaries Tracking
* Application of Rail Track Geometry Measuring Trolleys For Georeferencing of UAV Images
* Application of random elements in ISS
* Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea
* Application of Random Forest Algorithm on Tornado Detection
* Application of Random Forest and SHAP Tree Explainer in Exploring Spatial (In)Justice to Aid Urban Planning
* Application of Random Transform Techniques to Wake Detection in Seasat-A SAR Images
* Application of Range and Color Imaging Sensors for Spatial Orientation Tracking
* Application of rank metric codes in digital image watermarking
* application of rate-distortion theory to pattern recognition and classification, An
* Application of Real Field Connected Vehicle Data for Aggressive Driving Identification on Horizontal Curves
* Application of Reconstruction-Based Scatter Compensation to Tl-201 SPECT: Implementations for Reduced Reconstructed Image Noise
* Application of Redundancy Reduction to Television Bandwidth Compression
* Application of Reflectance Ratios on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery to Remotely Identify Eucalypt Vegetation
* Application of Reflected Guided Borehole Radar Waves to Detection of Subhorizontal Structures, An
* Application of Relaxation Labeling to Line and Curve Enhancement, An
* Application of Relaxation Labelling to Spring-Loaded Template Matching, An
* Application of Relaxation to Edge Reinforcement, An
* Application of Relaxation to Waveforms with Ambiguous Segmentations, The
* Application of Remote Sensing and Aero-Geophysics Data Fusion on Metallogenic Prognosis in Qimantage of East Kunlun Montain Area, The
* Application of Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine for Monitoring Environmental Degradation In the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and Its Ecosystem of Western Ghats, India
* Application of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluation of Rockfall Potential within a Quarry Slope
* Application of Remote Sensing Data to Constrain Operational Rainfall-Driven Flood Forecasting: A Review
* Application of Remote Sensing for Identifying Soil Erosion Processes on a Regional Scale: An Innovative Approach to Enhance the Erosion Potential Model
* Application of Remote Sensing in Detecting and Monitoring Water Stress in Forests
* Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Discriminate the Effect of Different Soil Management Treatments over Rainfed Vineyards in Chianti Terroir
* Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Identification of Underwater Airplane Wreck in Shallow Water Environment: Case Study of the Baltic Sea, Poland
* Application of remote sensing technologies to identify impacts of nutritional deficiencies on forests
* application of remote sensing to identify and measure sealed areas in urban environments, The
* Application of Remote Sensing to the Investigation of Rock Slopes: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned
* Application of Repeated GA to Deformable Template Matching in Cattle Images
* Application of Resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography for Landslide Stability Assessment in Vallcebre, Spanish Pyrenees
* Application of Retinex in Color Restoration of Image Enhancement to Night Image
* Application of reversible denoising and lifting steps to DWT in lossless JPEG 2000 for improved bitrates
* Application of RFID Technology in Production Control in the Discrete Manufacturing Industry, The
* Application of RGB Images Obtained by UAV in Coffee Farming
* Application of rigid motion geometry to film restoration
* Application of Robotic System for Obtaining Information About the Area
* Application of Robust Regression for Exterior Orientation of Video Images
* Application of robust sequential edge detection and linking to boundaries of low contrast lesions in medical images
* application of robust template matching to user location on wireless infrastructure, An
* Application of Rough Set in Image's Feature Attributes Reduction
* Application of rough sets for edge enhancing image filters
* Application of SAR Data for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Parameters Retrieval and Symmetric Wind Field Model Development
* Application of Satellite Data for Estimating Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Potential
* Application of Satellite Sentinel-2 Images to Study Alternate Sandbars Movement at Lower Vistula River (Poland)
* Application of Sea Ice Tracking Algorithm for Fast Ice and Stamukhas Detection in the Arctic, An
* Application of Seismic Interferometry by Multidimensional Deconvolution to Earthquake Data Recorded in Malarge, Argentina
* Application of Self-organizing Map On Flight Data Analysis For Quadcopter Health Diagnosis System
* Application of Self-Organizing Neural Networks to Multiradar Data Fusion
* application of semantic classification trees to natural language understanding, The
* Application of semantic features in face recognition
* Application of Semi-Automated Filter to Improve Waveform Lidar Sub-Canopy Elevation Model
* Application of Semi-Automatic Building Acquisition
* Application of semiparametric density estimation to classification
* Application of Sensor/Weapon-Target Assignment based on Multi-Scale Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Algorithm
* Application of Sentinel-1 and-2 Images in Measuring the Deformation of Kuh-e-Namak (Dashti) Namakier, Iran
* Application of Sentinel-1 Multi-temporal Data for Crop Monitoring And Mapping
* Application of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and GNSS Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Application of Sentinel-1B Polarimetric Observations to Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Neural Networks: Case Study for Bare Siberian Chernozem Soil
* Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake
* Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
* Application of Shape Description Methodology to Hand Radiographs Interpretation
* application of shape from shading, An
* Application of Shape Moments for Cloudiness Assessment in Marine Environmental Research
* Application of Shearlet transform to classification of surface defects for metals
* Application of Shore-Based Video and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones): Complementary Tools for Beach Studies
* Application of Signal Collection and Disposal Technology in Measuring the Front of Oil and Water with Polymer Flooding, The
* Application of Size Distribution Analysis to Wrinkle Evaluation of Textile Materials
* Application of slant correction to handwritten Japanese address recognition
* Application of slit island method in the measure of the fractal dimensions of pore section border in eggshells
* Application of smoothing technique on twin support vector machines
* Application of snakes and dynamic programming optimisation technique in modeling of buildings in informal settlement areas
* Application of Social Network Analysis in the Economic Connection of Urban Agglomerations Based on Nighttime Lights Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, China
* Application of Softmax Regression And Its Validation for Spectral-based Land Cover Mapping
* Application of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data in Seismic Response Assessment
* application of Sparse Code Shrinkage to image steganalysis based on supervised learning, An
* Application of Sparse Regularization in Spherical Radial Basis Functions-Based Regional Geoid Modeling in Colorado
* Application of Spatial-Domain Convolution/Deconvolution Transform for Determining Distance from Image Defocus
* Application Of Spatial Modelling Approaches, Sampling Strategies And 3s Technology Within An Ecolgocial Framwork
* Application of spectral decomposition to compression and watermarking of 3D triangle mesh geometry
* Application of spectral features' ratios for improving classification in partially calibrated hyperspectral imagery: a case study of separating Mediterranean vegetation species
* Application of Spectral Index-Based Logistic Regression to Detect Inland Water in the South Caucasus
* Application of Spectral Information to Investigate Historical Materials: Detection of Metameric Color Area in Icon Images
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Image Fusion Techniques for Image Sharpening
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis to Vessel Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Application of Spectrally Derived Soil Type as Ancillary Data to Improve the Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon by Using the Chinese Soil Vis-NIR Spectral Library
* Application of Splines to Maximum Likelihood Radar Imaging, An
* Application of State Estimation to Target Tracking
* Application of Stochastic Grammars to Understanding Action
* Application of Stochastic Languages to Fingerprint Pattern Recognition, An
* Application of Structural Similarity Based Metrics for Quality Assessment of 3D Prints
* Application of Structure from Motion in Japanese Archaeology
* Application of Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction to Digital Holography
* Application of Supervised Machine Learning Technique on LiDAR Data for Monitoring Coastal Land Evolution
* Application of support-vector-machine-based method for feature selection and classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images
* Application Of Support Vector Machine (SVM) Using CIELab Color Model, Color Intensity And Color Constancy As Features For Ortho Image Classification Of Benthic Habitats In Hinatuan, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines, The
* application of support vector machine classification to detect cell nuclei for automated microscopy, The
* Application of Support Vector Machine to Detect Microbial Spoilage of Mushrooms
* Application of support vector machines classifiers to visual speech recognition
* Application of Support Vector Regression and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Gangneung-si, South Korea
* Application of Surface Deformation Monitoring in Mining Area by the Fusion of InSAR and Laser Scan Data
* Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements Of Historic Glacier Volume Change In The Antarctic Peninsula
* Application of Surfer Software in the Teaching Practice of Atmospheric Science, The
* Application of Survey in Er Wang Temple Restituting, The
* Application of Syntactic Pattern Recognition to Seismic Discrimination, An
* Application of Synthetic NDVI Time Series Blended from Landsat and MODIS Data for Grassland Biomass Estimation
* Application of tabu search optimization in realtime video tracking
* Application of task-based measures of image quality to optimization and evaluation of three-dimensional reconstruction-based compensation methods in myocardial perfusion SPECT
* Application of task-specific metrics in JPEG2000 ROI compression
* Application of Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for The Classification of Crops on Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Application of terrestrial 3D laser scanning technology in spatial information acquisition of urban buildings
* Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Heritage Conservation in Yungang Grotto
* Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Shipbuilding
* Application of terrestrial laserscanners for the determination of forest inventory parameters
* Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Geohazard Mapping, Monitoring and Modelling in the British Geological Survey, The
* Application of Territorial Laser Scanning in 3D Modeling of Traditional Village: A Case Study of Fenghuang Village in China
* Application of Texture Analysis to Materials Inspection, An
* Application of the 2D Gaussian Filter for Enhancing Feature Extraction in Off-line Signature Verification, An
* Application of the 4-D XCAT Phantoms in Biomedical Imaging and Beyond
* Application of the Active Shape Model in a commercial medical device for bone densitometry
* Application of the Affine Transform Invariant Model to Cell Tracking
* Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a New Correlation Algorithm to Urban Construction and Supervision Using Multi-Source Government Data in Tianjin, The
* Application of the best evacuation model of deep learning in the design of public structures
* application of the bivariate pseudolikelihood to texture synthesis, An
* Application of the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to predict the effect of gamma on the colours viewed on CRT monitors
* Application of the cluster approximation for the simultaneous restoration and segmentation of tomographic images
* application of the coalescence clustering algorithm to remotely sensed multispectral data, The
* Application of the Comparison of Multibeam Echo-Sound Records to the Study of Stability of a Toxic Waste Stockpile Located on the Margin of a Tidal System: Tinto Estuary, Huelva, SW Spain
* Application of the computational theory of perceptions to human gait pattern recognition
* Application of the Conditional Population-Mixture Model to Image Segmentation
* Application of the controlled active vision framework to robotic and transportation problems
* Application of the Convergence of the Control Net of Box Splines to Scale-Space Filtering
* Application of the convergence of the control points of B-splines to wavelet decomposition at rational scales and rational location
* Application of the cross entropy method to the GLVQ algorithm
* Application of the deep learning approach for identification and face recognition in real-time video
* Application of the Deflection Criterion to Classification of Radar SAR Images
* Application of the Doppler Spectrum of the Backscattering Microwave Signal for Monitoring of Ice Cover: A Theoretical View
* Application of the Enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for Processing Unbounded Images, The
* Application of the finite-element method for the forward and inverse models in optical tomography
* Application of the Fisher-Rao Metric to Ellipse Detection
* Application of the Fisher-Rao Metric to Structure Detection
* Application of the Fourier Series Expansion Method for the Inversion of Gravity Gradients using Gravity Anomalies
* Application of the FraDIA Vision Framework for Robotic Purposes
* Application of the Frequency Spectrum to Spectral Similarity Measures
* Application of the Fuzzy Artmap Neural-Network Model to Medical Pattern-Classification Tasks
* Application of the General Shape Analysis in Determining the Class of Binary Object Silhouettes in the Video Surveillance System
* Application of the Generalized Chain Coding Scheme to Map Data Processing
* Application of the Generalized Hough Transform to Corner Detection
* Application of the genetic algorithm for microwave imaging of a layered dielectric object via the regular shape expansion technique
* Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to Mapping the Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Surface Suspended Matter in a Macro-Tidal Estuary
* Application of the Gibbs-Bogoliubov-Feynman Inequality in Mean-Field Calculations for Markov Random-Fields, The
* Application of the GPM-IMERG Products in Flash Flood Warning: A Case Study in Yunnan, China
* Application of the Hausdorff Metric in Gray-Scale Mathematical Morphology via Truncated Umbrae
* Application of the Hotelling and ideal observers to detection and localization of exoplanets
* Application of the Hough transform for weld inspection underwater
* Application of the Hough Transform to Automatic Recognition of Berber Characters, An
* Application of the Hough Transform to Correct for Linear Variation of Background Illumination in Images
* Application of the Hough Transform to the Recognition of Printed Hebrew Characters, An
* Application of the Hybrid GIS Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Best-Worst Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, The
* Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA
* Application of the ICI principle to window size adaptive median filtering
* Application of the Infrared Thermography and Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Rescue Action Support in Underground Mine: The AMICOS Project
* Application of the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion to Feature Selection and Ordering
* Application of the Karhunen-Loeve Procedure for the Characterization of Human Faces
* Application of the Laplacian Pyramid Decomposition to the Enhancement of Digital Dental Radiographic Images for the Automatic Person Identification
* Application of the Least Trimmed Squares Technique to Prototype-Based Clustering
* Application of the LP-ELM Model on Transportation System Lifetime Optimization
* Application of the mean field methods to MRF optimization in computer vision
* Application of the minimum description length principle to object-oriented video image compression
* Application of the Morphological Geodesic Reconstruction to Image Sequence Analysis
* Application of the Motion Vector Constraint to the Regularized Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Application of the Msplit Estimation Method in the Detection and Dimensioning of the Displacement of Adjacent Planes
* Application Of The Multiedit-Condensing Technique to the Reference Selection Problem in a Print Recognition System, An
* Application of the One-Dimensional Fourier Transform for Tracking Moving Objects in Noisy Environments
* Application of the Particle Filter to Tracking of Fish in Aquaculture Research
* Application of the Photogrammetric and the Geographic Information Systems in the Urban Environment: A Case of Study
* Application of the Photometric Stereo Method, An
* Application of the Point Distance Histogram to the Automatic Identification of People by Means of Digital Dental Radiographic Images
* Application of the Polar: Fourier Greyscale Descriptor to the Automatic Traffic Sign Recognition
* Application of the Random Forest Classifier to Map Irrigated Areas Using Google Earth Engine
* Application of the Reeb Graph Technique to Vehicle Occupant's Head Detection in Low-resolution Range Images
* Application of the Regional Water Mass Variations from GRACE Satellite Gravimetry to Large-Scale Water Management in Africa
* Application of the Scenario-Based Engineering Process to the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Project
* Application of the Self-Organizing Map to Trajectory Classification
* Application of the Singular Value Method and Signal Sub-Space Methods to Sampled Radar Images
* Application of the Spatial Autocorrelation Method on the Change of Real Estate Prices in Taitung City, An
* Application of The Steep Slope Risk Assessment Using Three Dimensional Information Data
* Application of the Tensor Voting Technique for Perceptual Grouping to Grey-Level Images
* Application Of The Terra Modis Satellite Data For Environmental Monitoring In Western Siberia
* Application of the Theory of Optimal Experiments to Adaptive Electromagnetic-Induction Sensing of Buried Targets
* Application Of The Topological Gradient Method To Color Image Restoration
* Application of the Total Least Squares Procedure to Linear View Interpolation
* Application of the Ultraviolet Scanning Elastic Backscatter LiDAR for the Investigation of Aerosol Variability
* Application of the UPRE Method to Optimal Parameter Selection for Large Scale Regularization Problems
* Application of the variance compensation likelihood measure for robust hidden Markov model in noise
* Application of the wrapper framework for image object detection
* Application of the XBoost Regressor for an A Priori Prediction of UAV Image Quality
* Application of Thermal and Phenological Land Surface Parameters for Improving Ecological Niche Models of Betula utilis in the Himalayan Region
* Application of Thermocouple Thermometry and Bundle Tube Monitoring in Fire Prevention and Extinguishing in Coal Mine
* Application of Three-Class ROC Analysis to Task-Based Image Quality Assessment of Simultaneous Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS)
* Application of Three-Dimension Brain Atlas in the Surgery Planning, The
* Application of Time-Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Method to the Study of Qingchengzi Ore Concentration Area in China
* Application of Time-Frequency Signal Analysis to Motion Estimation
* Application Of Time Series Insar Technique For Deformation Monitoring Of Large-scale Landslides In Mountainous Areas Of Western China
* Application of TLS for Change Detection in Rock Faces
* Application of TLS Method in Digitization of Bridge Infrastructures: A Path to BrIM Development
* Application of TLS Remote Sensing Data in the Analysis of the Load-Carrying Capacity of Structural Steel Elements
* Application of Tolerance Limits to the Characterization of Image Registration Performance
* application of tomographic reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 over a volcanic site based on open-path IR laser measurements, An
* Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix decomposition for computational anatomy
* Application of Transfer Learning in Infrared Pedestrian Detection
* Application of Transfer to American Football: From Observation of Raw Video to Control in a Simulated Environment, An
* Application of Tree Detection Methods Over Lidar Data for Forest Volume Estimation
* Application of triphone clustering in acoustic modeling for continuous speech recognition in Bengali
* Application of Two-Dimensional Generalized Mean Filtering for Removal of Impulse Noises from Images
* application of two-level attention models in deep convolutional neural network for fine-grained image classification, The
* Application of Two Hopfield Neural Networks for Automatic Four-Element LED Inspection
* Application of Typology Method in Historical Building Information Modelling (HBIM) Taking the Information Surveying And Mapping Of Jiayuguan Fortress Town As An Example, The
* Application of U-net Convolutional Neural Network to Bushfire Monitoring In Australia With Sentinel-1/-2 Data
* Application of UAS with Remote Sensing Sensors for the Location of Marks in the Archaeological Site of the Europos, Greece
* Application of UAV-Based Methodology for Census of an Endangered Plant Species in a Fragile Habitat
* Application of UAV-Based Multi-angle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Fine Vegetation Classification
* Application of UAV-based orthomosaics for determination of horizontal displacement caused by underground mining
* Application of UAV and GB-SAR in Mechanism Research and Monitoring of Zhonghaicun Landslide in Southwest China
* Application of UAV for the Analysis of Geological Hazard in Krk Island, Croatia, Mediterranean Sea, The
* Application of UAV Imagery to Detect and Quantify Submerged Filamentous Algae and Rooted Macrophytes in a Non-Wadeable River
* Application of UAV Oblique Photography in Real Scene 3d Modeling
* Application of UAV Photogrammetry in Displacement Measurement of the Soil Nail Walls Using Local Features and CPDA Method
* Application of UAV Photogrammetry with LiDAR Data to Facilitate the Estimation of Tree Locations and DBH Values for High-Value Timber Species in Northern Japanese Mixed-Wood Forests
* Application of UAV Remote Sensing for a Population Census of Large Wild Herbivores: Taking the Headwater Region of the Yellow River as an Example
* Application of UAV Surveys for Evaluating the Productivity Levels of Traditional and Mechanised Farmers in a Customary Land Tenure System
* Application of UAV System for Low Altitude Photogrammetry in Shanxi
* Application of UKF Algorithm for Target Tracking in DTV-Based Passive Radar
* Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identifying English Pronunciation Errors
* Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data and Discrete Fracture Network Models for Improved Rockfall Simulations
* Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Image Processing Techniques in Monitoring Underwater Coastal Protection Measures
* Application of vector filtering to pattern recognition
* Application of Vegetation Indices for Agricultural Crop Yield Prediction Using Neural Network Techniques
* Application Of Vehicle Dynamic Modeling In UAVs For Precise Determination Of Exterior Orientation
* Application of Video Semantics and Theme Representation in Automated Video Editing, The
* Application of Virtual Environments for Infantry Soldier Skills Training: We are Doing it Wrong
* Application of Vision Algorithms to Visual Effects Production, The
* Application Of Vision Metrology To In-orbit Measurement Of Large Reflector Onboard Communication Satellite For Next Generation Mobile Satellite Communication
* Application of Vision Systems to the Path Planning of Industrial Robots, An
* application of Visual Computational Theory in spatial frequency domain: The simulation of dynamic radiated fringes, An
* application of VMI in automobile manufacturing SCM based on information system integration, The
* application of Voronoi skeletons to perceptual grouping in line images, The
* Application of Wave Atoms Decomposition and Extreme Learning Machine for Fingerprint Classification
* Application of Wavelength Demodulation Algorithm on Calculating Body's Temperature in Smart Textile Based on Fiber Bragg Grating
* Application of Wavelet-Based Affine-Invariant Representation, An
* Application of Wavelet Footprints for Fingerprint Compression
* Application of wavelet packet transform in the knock detection of gasoline engines
* Application of Wavelet Transforms and Bayes Classifier to Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Application of wavelet transforms for C/V segmentation on Mandarin speech signals
* application of wavelets correlator for ship wake detection in SAR images, The
* Application of web controlled fibre optic refractometer
* Application of Weber's Law to Medical Image Registration to Accommodate Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Application of WebGIS Tools for Visualizing Coastal Flooding Vulnerability and Planning for Resiliency: The New Jersey Experience, The
* Application of Wireless Sensor Network Technology Based on Forest Ecological Environment Monitoring
* Application of Worldview-3 Data in Alteration Mineral Mapping In Chadormalu Area, Central Iran
* Application of WRF-LES on the Simulation of Seasonal Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure in Taklamakan Desert
* Application of YOLOv5 for Point Label Based Object Detection of Black Pine Trees with Vitality Losses in UAV Data
* Application Oriented Scan-to-BIM Framework, An
* Application ov Computer Vision to Automatic IC Chip Manufacture, An
* Application Perspective of 2D+Scale Dimension
* Application Possibility of Smartphone As Payload for Photogrammetric UAV System
* Application Potential of Multimedia Information Retrieval
* Application program interface for automatic segmentation of retinal layers and fluids in Optical Coherence Tomography - Neovascular Age related Macular degeneration retinal images using deep learning models
* Application research of digital image technology in graphic design
* Application Research of Docker Based on Mesos Application Container Cluster
* Application research of image compression and wireless network traffic video streaming
* Application Research of Interactive Packaging Design Based on Computer Graphics Technology and GIS Model
* Application Research of Lod Technology and The Shortest Path Algorithm In Trafic Geographic Information System
* Application Research of Remote Sensing Images in the Land Use Special Planning of Tourism Industry in Yunnan Province
* Application Research of Support Vector Machine in Multi-Spectra Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Application Research of the Page Test in Active Sonar Detection
* Application Research on Remote Intelligent Monitoring System of Greenhouse Based on ZIGBEE WSN
* Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor Template for Motion Estimation in Video Applications
* Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection for Land Use/Land Cover Based on GF-6 WFV Imageries
* Application to Improve Smart Heritage City Experience, An
* Applications and Challenges of Wearable Visual Lifeloggers
* Applications and impacts of Google Earth: A decadal review (2006-2016)
* Applications for Aerial Video Exploitation
* Applications for bio-inspired visual processing algorithms
* Applications of 3-D LCR networks in the design of 3-D recursive filters for processing image sequences
* Applications of 3D City Models: State of the Art Review
* Applications of 3D medical imaging in orthopaedic surgery: Introducing the hip-op system
* Applications of 3D shape analysis and retrieval
* Applications of a CloudSat-TRMM and CloudSat-GPM Satellite Coincidence Dataset
* Applications of a Simple Characterization of Human Gait in Surveillance
* Applications of algorithmic differentiation to phase retrieval algorithms
* Applications of ALOS PALSAR for monitoring biophysical parameters of a degraded black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) forest
* Applications of approximate string matching to 2D shape recognition
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993: Knowledge-Based Systems in Aerospace and Industry
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993: Machine Vision and Robotics
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence II
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence III
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence IV
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence IX
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence V
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence VI
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence VII
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence X: Machine Vision and Robotics
* Applications of Artificial Intelligence
* Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Image Processing
* Applications of Augmented Reality
* Applications of Automated Facial Coding in Media Measurement
* Applications of Computational Imaging
* Applications of computer-aided rasterstereography in spinal deformity detection
* Applications of Computer Graphics and Image Processing to 2-D and 3-D Modeling of the Functional Architecture of Visual Cortex
* Applications of Computer Vision in Archaeology
* Applications of computer vision to intelligent vehicles
* Applications of Computer Vision to Telepresence
* Applications of Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Networks for AMSR2 Arctic Sea Ice Images
* Applications of Deep Learning for Top-View Omnidirectional Imaging: A Survey
* Applications of Digital Image Processing
* Applications of Digital Signal Processing
* Applications of DINEOF to Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a from a Productive Coastal Region
* Applications of Dynamic Monocular Machine Vision
* Applications of Egocentric Vision
* Applications of Epsilon Radial Networks in Neuroimage Analyses
* Applications of Face Analysis and Modeling in Media Production
* Applications of Game Tree Searching Techniques to Sequential Pattern Recognition
* Applications of Gaussian mixture models and mean squared error within DatSCAN SPECT imaging
* Applications of GIScience for Land Administration
* Applications of Grid Pattern Matching to the Detection of Buried Landmines
* Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Asteroid and Comet Exploration
* Applications of hidden Markov chains in image analysis
* Applications of hidden Markov models in bar code decoding
* Applications of High-Resolution Imaging for Open Field Container Nursery Counting
* Applications of Human Motion Tracking: Smart Lighting Control
* Applications of hyperspectral and optical scattering imaging technique in the detection of food microorganism
* Applications of Image Analysis in Quantitative Metallography
* Applications Of Image Metrics In Dynamic Scene Adaptation
* Applications of Independent Component Analysis in Endmember Extraction and Abundance Quantification for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Applications of Integrated Survey for Historical Heritage's Knowledge: Digital Modeling of the Villa Rufolo's Moorish Cloister in Ravello
* Applications of Internet of Things
* Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision
* Applications of kriging to image sequence coding
* Applications of Locally Orderless Images
* Applications of Location-Based Services and Mobile Technologies in K-12 Classrooms
* Applications Of Macro Photogrammetry In Archaeology
* Applications of Mobile GIS in Forestry South Australia
* Applications of monotonic noise reduction algorithms in fMRI, phase estimation, and contrast enhancement
* Applications of moving windows technique to autonomous vehicle navigation
* Applications of Multilevel Thresholding Algorithms to Transcriptomics Data
* Applications of multiwavelet techniques to image denoising
* Applications of non-metric vision to some visual guided tasks
* Applications of Non-Metric Vision to Some Visually-Guided Robotics Tasks
* Applications of Objective Image Quality Assessment Methods
* Applications of Omnidirectional Imaging: Multi-body Tracking and Remote Reality
* Applications of Panoramic Images: FROM 720° Panorama to Interior 3D Models of Augmented Reality
* Applications of parametric maxflow in computer vision
* Applications of Partitioned Iterated Function Systems in Image and Video Compression
* Applications of Passive GPS Data to Characterize the Movement of Freight Trucks: A Case Study in the Calgary Region of Canada
* Applications of Pattern Recognition in Semiconductor and Printer Board Production
* Applications of pattern recognition to the diagnosis of equipment failures
* Applications of Pattern Recognition
* Applications of Photogrammetry for Environmental Research
* Applications of Polarization Camera Technology
* Applications of projected circle centers in camera calibration
* Applications of QC and Merged Doppler Spectral Density Data from Ka-Band Cloud Radar to Microphysics Retrieval and Comparison with Airplane in Situ Observation
* Applications of Quadtree, Octree, and Binary Tree Decomposition Techniques to Shape Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* Applications of radar tracking algorithms to motion analysis in biomedical images
* Applications of Range Image Sensing and Processing
* Applications of real-time speed control in rail-bound public transportation systems
* Applications of Remote Sensing Data Fusion Technology Based on Improved IHS Transform in the ASEAN Geospatial Public Service Platform
* Applications of Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture: A Review
* Applications of Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates in Flood Inundation Modeling: A Case Study in Mundeni Aru River Basin, Sri Lanka
* Applications of Satellite Radar Imagery for Hazard Monitoring: Insights from Australia
* Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing of Nighttime Light Observations: Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives
* Applications of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Floods Damage Assessment: a Case Study of Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
* Applications of Sequence Geometry to Visual Motion
* Applications of single-operator edit distances for permuted sequences
* Applications of Social Networks and Crowdsourcing for Disaster Management Improvement
* Applications of Sparse Representation and Compressive Sensing
* Applications of Spatial Data Structures
* Applications of Spectral Band Adjustment Factors (SBAF) for Cross-Calibration
* Applications of Splines to Shape Description
* Applications of Stochastic Texture Field Models to Image Processing
* Applications of Tensor Theory to Object Recognition and Orientation Determination
* Applications of the Advanced Radiative Transfer Modeling System (ARMS) to Characterize the Performance of Fengyun-4A/AGRI
* Applications of the BCGS-FFT method to 3-D induction well logging problems
* Applications of the creep-and-merge System: Corner Detection
* Applications of the Geometry of Digital Spaces to Medical Imaging
* Applications of the Region Growing Euclidean Distance Transform: Anisotropy and Skeletons
* Applications of the Robust Interpolation for DTM Determination
* Applications of Time-Frequency Processing to Radar Imaging
* Applications of toral automorphisms in image watermarking
* Applications of Trajectory Data From the Perspective of a Road Transportation Agency: Literature Review and Maryland Case Study
* Applications of TRMM- and GPM-Era Multiple-Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Simulations at Sub-Daily Scales in a Sparsely Gauged Watershed in Myanmar
* Applications of UAV Thermal Imagery in Precision Agriculture: State of the Art and Future Research Outlook
* Applications of UAVs in Cold Region Ecological and Environmental Studies
* applications of uncalibrated occlusion junctions, The
* Applications of Universal Context Modeling to Lossless Compression of Gray-Scale Images
* Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Hydrology: A Review
* Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Cryosphere: Latest Advances and Prospects
* Applications of Vector Fields to Image Processing
* Applications of video-content analysis and retrieval
* Applications of Video Analytics in Media Planning, Trade and Shopper Marketing, The
* Applications of Wavelet Packets Decomposition in Iris Recognition
* Applied-behavioural analysis therapy for autism spectrum disorder students through virtual reality
* Applied 3d Photogrammetric Studies For The Historical Heritage Of Extremadura (Spain)
* Applied Artificial Intelligence
* Applied Change Analysis, Specific Site Applications, Site Specific Temporal
* Applied Face Expression Recognition, Specific Expressions
* Applied Geospatial Education: Acquisition And Processing Of High Resolution Airborne Lidar And Orthoimages For The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Southeastern United States
* Applied image processing to multimedia information security
* Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Applied Imagery
* Applied Imagery: Quick Terrain Modeler
* Applied Intelligence
* Applied machine learning classifiers for medical applications: Clarifying the behavioural patterns using a variety of datasets
* Applied Medical Image Processing: A Basic Course
* Applied Numerical Mathematics
* Applied Optics
* Applied Parallel Systems and Algorithms
* Applied Partial Differential Variational Techniques
* Applied Pattern Recognition
* Applied Remote Sensing
* Applied Restoration, Restore Old Films, and Hardware and Systems
* Applied Science Laboratories
* Applied Traffic Surveillance, Control for Intersections
* Applied Traffic Surveillance, Traffic Events, Red Lights, Parking
* Appling the One-Class Classification Method of Maxent to Detect an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora with Time-Series Analysis
* Apply Mid-Level Vision Techniques for Video Data Compression and Manipulation
* Apply Neural Schemes To Deformation Objects
* Applying (3+2+1)D Residual Neural Network with Frame Selection for Hong Kong Sign Language Recognition
* Applying 3d Affine Transformation And Least Squares Matching For Airborne Laser Scanning Strips Adjustment Without GNSS/IMU Trajectory Data
* Applying 3D human model in a posture recognition system
* Applying a 1D Convolutional Neural Network in Flood Susceptibility Assessments: The Case of the Island of Euboea, Greece
* Applying a Functional Neurofuzzy Network to Real-Time Lane Detection and Front-Vehicle Distance Measurement
* Applying a Hand-Held Laser Scanner to Monitoring Gully Erosion: Workflow and Evaluation
* Applying a hybrid method to handwritten character recognition
* Applying a hybrid model considering the interaction between train and power system for energy consumption surveys
* Applying a novelty filter as a matching criterion to iris recognition for binary and real-valued feature vectors
* Applying a Portable Backpack Lidar to Measure and Locate Trees in a Nature Forest Plot: Accuracy and Error Analyses
* Applying a Wavelet Transform Technique to Optimize General Fitting Models for SM Analysis: A Case Study in Downscaling over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Applying a WNN-HMM Based Driver Model in Human Driver Simulation: Method and Test
* Applying action attribute class validation to improve human activity recognition
* Applying Adaptive Logic Networks to Character Recognition
* Applying Advanced Learning Algorithms to ALVINN
* Applying Advanced Techniques to the Dissemination of Satellite Based Crisis Information
* Applying Affect Recognition in Serious Games: The PlayMancer Project
* Applying Airborne LiDAR to Map Salt Marsh Inland Boundaries
* Applying Algebraic and Differential Invariants for Logo Recognition
* Applying an Adaptive Signal Identification Method to Improve Vessel Echo Detection and Tracking for SeaSonde HF Radar
* Applying an Integrated Route Optimization Method as a Solution to the Problem of Waste Collection
* Applying Ant Colony Optimization to Binary Thresholding
* Applying Artificial Cover to Reduce Melting in Dagu Glacier in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Applying Artificial Neural Network for the Classification of Breast Cancer Using Infrared Thermographic Images
* Applying attributes to improve human activity recognition
* Applying audio description for context understanding of surveillance videos by people with visual impairments
* Applying Augmented Reality Techniques in the Field of Interactive Collaborative Design
* Applying Basic Features from Sentiment Analysis for Automatic Irony Detection
* Applying Bayes Markov chains for the detection of ATM related scenarios
* Applying BIM to Built Heritage with Complex Shapes: the Ice House Of Filarete's Ospedale Maggiore in Milan, Italy
* Applying binary partitioning to weighted finite automata for image compression
* Applying CCD Cameras in Stereo Panorama Systems for 3D Environment Reconstruction
* Applying Check-in Data and User Profiles to Identify Optimal Store Locations in a Road Network
* Applying Close Range Non-Destructive Techniques for the Detection of Conservation Problems in Rock-Carved Cultural Heritage Sites
* Applying Color Names to Image Description
* Applying compiler techniques to diagram recognition
* Applying Conditional Processing to Design Low-Power Array Processors for Motion Estimation
* Applying constructed neural networks to lossless image compression
* Applying contextual constraints to extract symbolic representation for image understanding
* Applying data fusion techniques for benthic habitat mapping and monitoring in a coral reef ecosystem
* Applying Decision Trees to Examine the Nonlinear Effects of Multiscale Transport Accessibility on Rural Poverty in China
* Applying Deep Learning in the Prediction of Chlorophyll-a in the East China Sea
* Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Cultural Heritage Images Within the INCEPTION Project
* Applying Deep Learning to Automate UAV-Based Detection of Scatterable Landmines
* Applying Deep Learning to Clear-Sky Radiance Simulation for VIIRS with Community Radiative Transfer Model: Part 1: Develop AI-Based Clear-Sky Mask
* Applying Deep Learning to Clear-Sky Radiance Simulation for VIIRS with Community Radiative Transfer Model: Part 2: Model Architecture and Assessment
* Applying Deep Learning to Hail Detection: A Case Study
* Applying deformable templates for cell image segmentation
* Applying Delaunay Triangulation Augmentation for Deep Learning Facial Expression Generation and Recognition
* Applying Detection Proposals to Visual Tracking for Scale and Aspect Ratio Adaptability
* Applying Discriminatively Optimized Feature Transform for HMM-based Off-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Applying Dissimilarity Representation to Off-Line Signature Verification
* Applying Dynamic Human Activity to Disentangle Property Crime Patterns in London during the Pandemic: An Empirical Analysis Using Geo-Tagged Big Data
* Applying Ensembles of Multilinear Classifiers in the Frequency Domain
* Applying Error-Correcting Output Coding to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Target Detection and Pattern Recognition
* Applying fast segmentation techniques at a binary image represented by a set of non-overlapping blocks
* Applying force fields to black-box GUIs using computer vision
* Applying Fuzzy Linear Regression to Understand Metacognitive Judgments in a Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Environment
* Applying Genetic Algorithms on Pattern Recognition: An Analysis and Survey
* Applying genetic algorithms to search for the best hierarchical clustering of a dataset
* Applying GIS and Text Mining Methods to Twitter Data to Explore the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Topics of Interest in Kuwait
* Applying Graph Theory on Protein-Protein Interaction Data
* Applying graphic design terms to image tagging
* Applying Ground-Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography Data Processing in Cultural Heritage: State of the art and future trends
* Applying hand gesture recognition and joint tracking to a TV controller using CNN and Convolutional Pose Machine
* Applying High-Resolution Imagery to Evaluate Restoration-Induced Changes in Stream Condition, Missouri River Headwaters Basin, Montana
* Applying Human Knowledge to Improve Machine Recognition of Confusing Handwritten Numerals
* Applying Image Analysis and Probabilistic Techniques for Counting Olive Trees in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Applying image analysis to assess food aesthetics and uniqueness
* Applying improved fast marching method to endocardial boundary detection in echocardiographic images
* Applying incremental learning to parallel image segmentation
* Applying Independent Component Analysis on Sentinel-2 Imagery to Characterize Geomorphological Responses to an Extreme Flood Event near the Non-Vegetated Río Colorado Terminus, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
* Applying informed coding and embedding to design a robust high-capacity watermark
* Applying Kanban to healthcare via immersive 3D virtual reality
* Applying Local Cooccurring Patterns for Object Detection from Aerial Images
* Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems
* Applying machine consciousness models in autonomous situated agents
* Applying Machine Learning and Data Fusion to the Missing Person Problem
* Applying Machine Learning and Time-Series Analysis on Sentinel-1A SAR/InSAR for Characterizing Arctic Tundra Hydro-Ecological Conditions
* Applying Machine Learning for Sensor Data Analysis in Interactive Systems: Common Pitfalls of Pragmatic Use and Ways to Avoid Them
* Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Transportation Mode Recognition Using Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Applying machine learning to screen for acute myocardial infarction-related biomarkers and immune infiltration features and validate it clinically and experimentally
* Applying Mathematical Morphology for the Classification of Iberian Ceramics from the Upper Valley of Guadalquivir River
* Applying maximally stable extremal regions and local binary patterns for guide-wire detecting in percutaneous coronary intervention
* Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data
* Applying Model Parameters as a Driving Force to a Deterministic Nonlinear System to Detect Land Cover Change
* Applying Multi-Agents Technologies in Industrial Plants
* Applying multi layer homography for multi camera person tracking
* Applying Multiframe Reconstruction to Pose Estimation
* Applying Neighborhood Consistency for Fast Clustering and Kernel Density Estimation
* Applying neural networks to automatic active sonar classification
* Applying Neural Networks to Knowledge Representation and Determination of Its Meaning
* Applying Non-stationary Noise Estimation to Achieve Contrast Invariant Edge Detection
* Applying NURBS Surfaces Approximation with Different Parameterization Methods on CKSOM Model Closed Surfaces Data
* Applying object-based segmentation in the temporal domain to characterise snow seasonality
* Applying OGC Standards to Develop a Land Surveying Measurement Model
* Applying Open-Loop Coding in Predictive Coding Systems
* Applying Perceptual Grouping to Content-based Image Retrieval: Building Images
* Applying Perceptual Organization to the Detection of Man-Made Objects in Non-Urban Scenes
* Applying Preattentive Visual Guidance in Document Image Analysis
* Applying Prior Knowledge in the Segmentation of 3D Complex Anatomic Structures
* Applying Probabilistic Programming to Affective Computing
* Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
* Applying Random Forest Classification to Map Land Use/land Cover Using Landsat 8 OLI
* Applying Reconstructed Daily Water Storage and Modified Wetness Index to Flood Monitoring: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Basin
* Applying Recursive EM to Scene Segmentation
* Applying Remote Sensing Methods to Estimate Alterations in Land Cover Change and Degradation in the Desert Regions of the Southeast Iberian Peninsula
* Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UAVs for High-Throughput Field Phenotyping of Drought Tolerance in Forage Grasses
* Applying robust structure from motion to markerless augmented reality
* Applying Satellite Data Assimilation to Wind Simulation of Coastal Wind Farms in Guangdong, China
* Applying scattering operators for face recognition: A comparative study
* Applying Segment-Level Attention on Bi-Modal Transformer Encoder for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* Applying Sensor Models to Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs
* Applying SIFT Descriptors to Stellar Image Matching
* Applying Signal Processing to Opposite Sides of Imaging: Separate European research projects are focusing on aspects of completely real and entirely fake images
* Applying similarity metrics to 3D acquisition in structured-light systems
* Applying slow feature analysis to image sequences yields a rich repertoire of complex cell properties
* Applying Sonification to Sketching in the Air With Mobile AR Devices
* Applying Space State Models in Human Action Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Applying Spatial Reasoning to Topographical Data with a Grounded Geographical Ontology
* Applying Spectral Unmixing to Determine Surface Water Parameters in a Mining Environment
* Applying stochastic second-order entropy images to multi-modal image registration
* Applying Sum and Max Product Algorithms of Belief Propagation to 3D Shape Matching and Registration
* Applying Super-Resolution to Panoramic Mosaics
* Applying tactile languages for 3D navigation
* Applying Temporal Constraints to the Dynamic Stereo Problem
* Applying Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Soil Surface Roughness Assessment
* Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images
* Applying the conjugate gradient method for text document categorization
* Applying the Freeman-Durden Decomposition Concept to Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Applying the Hough transform pseudo-linearity property to improve computing speed
* Applying the Hungarian Method to Stereo Matching
* Applying the information bottleneck principle to unsupervised clustering of discrete and continuous image representations
* Applying the multi-category learning to multiple video object extraction
* Applying the New MODIS-Based Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval Algorithm Developed in the North Hemisphere to the South Hemisphere
* Applying the T-Recs table recognition system to the business letter domain
* Applying the T5 language model and duration units normalization to address temporal common sense understanding on the MCTACO dataset
* Applying the Theory of Evidence to Vector-D.E.M. Comparison for the Building Planimetric Change Detection
* Applying the Tropical Peatland Combustion Algorithm to Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) Imagery
* Applying training hidden features to joint curve evolution for brain MRI segmentation
* Applying two-dimensional delaunay triangulation to stereo data interpolation
* Applying UAV-Based Remote Sensing Observation Products in High Arctic Catchments in SW Spitsbergen
* Applying UAV And Photogrammetry To Monitor The Morphological Changes Along The Beach In Penghu Islands
* Applying Uncertainty Reasoning to Model Based Object Recognition
* Applying Upstream Satellite Signals and a 2-D Error Minimization Algorithm to Advance Early Warning and Management of Flood Water Levels and River Discharge
* Applying Variable Selection Methods and Preprocessing Techniques to Hyperspectral Reflectance Data to Estimate Tea Cultivar Chlorophyll Content
* Applying VC-Dimension Analysis to 3D Object Recognition from Perspective Projections
* Applying VC-Dimension Analysis to Object Recognition
* Applying Virtual Reality in City Planning
* Applying Virtual Rehearsal Principle in Developing a Persuasive Multimedia Learning Environment (PMLE)
* Applying Vision Guidance in Robotic Food Handling
* Applying Visual Object Categorization and Memory Colors for Automatic Color Constancy
* Applying Visual Processing to GPS Mapping of Trackside Structures
* Applying Visual User Interest Profiles for Recommendation and Personalisation
* APPOS: An adaptive partial occlusion segmentation method for multiple vehicles tracking
* Appraisal and Evaluation of Interurban ITS: A European Survey
* Appraisal of a Decision Tree Approach to Image Classification, An
* Appraisal of an enhanced Particale Filter for object tracking
* Appraisal of Ancient Quarries and WWII Air Raids as Factors of Subsidence in Rome: A Geomatic Approach
* Appraisal of Dynamic Bayesian Model Averaging-based Merged Multi-Satellite Precipitation Datasets Over Complex Topography and the Diverse Climate of Pakistan, An
* Appraisal of Instantaneous Phase-Based Functions in Adjoint Waveform Inversion
* Appraisal of Opportunities and Perspectives for the Systematic Condition Assessment of Heritage Sites with Copernicus Sentinel-2 High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery
* Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product from a Global Perspective
* Appraisal of the Magnetotelluric and Magnetovariational Transfer Functions' Selection in a 3-D Inversion
* Appraisal of the Potential of Landsat 8 in Estimating Chlorophyll-a, Ammonium Concentrations and Other Water Quality Indicators, An
* Apprenticeship Learning Approach for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on Chunk Quality and User Preference, An
* Apprenticeship Learning: Transfer of Knowledge via Dataset Augmentation
* ApprGAN: Appearance-Based GAN for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Approach and Evaluation of a Mobile Video-Based and Location-Based Augmented Reality Platform for Information Brokerage
* Approach Based in LSA for Evaluation of Ontological Relations on Domain Corpora, An
* Approach Based on Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to Unmix Hyperspectral Data, An
* Approach Based on Landsat Images for Shoreline Monitoring to Support Integrated Coastal Management: A Case Study, Ezbet Elborg, Nile Delta, Egypt, An
* Approach Based on Multiple Representations and Multiple Queries for Invariant Image Retrieval, An
* Approach Based on Phonemes to Large Vocabulary Chinese Sign Language Recognition, An
* approach based on self-organizing map and fuzzy membership for decomposition of mixed pixels in hyperspectral imagery, An
* Approach Based on Transformer and Deformable Convolution for Realistic Handwriting Samples Generation, An
* approach for analyzing the traces of moving objects, An
* Approach for Arabic Handwriting Synthesis Based on Active Shape Models, An
* Approach for Automated Inspection of Wood Boards, An
* approach for automated multimodal analysis of infants' pain, An
* Approach for Automatic Recognition of Graphics, An
* Approach for Calculating Land Valuation By Using Inspire Data Models, An
* approach for cancer classification using optimization driven deep learning, An
* approach for characterizing the distribution of shrubland ecosystem components as continuous fields as part of NLCD, An
* approach for chest tube detection in chest radiographs, An
* Approach for Constructing Sparse Kernel Classifier, An
* approach for detecting and cleaning of struck-out handwritten text, An
* approach for detecting blood vessel diseases from cone-beam CT image, An
* Approach for Determining Bidirectional Reflectance Parameters from Range and Brightness Data, An
* Approach for Determining Phong Reflectance Parameters from Real Objects, An
* approach for developing Landsat-5 TM-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration with the assistance of MODIS, An
* Approach for Document Detection by Contours and Contrasts
* Approach for Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture by Combining Sentinel-1 SAR and MODIS Data, An
* approach for dynamic combination of region and boundary information in segmentation, An
* Approach for Enhancing the Results of Detecting Foreground Objects and Their Moving Shadows in Surveillance Video, An
* approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using real-world driving scenes, An
* Approach for Extracting Illumination-Independent Texture Features, An
* Approach for Filter Divergence Suppression in a Sequential Data Assimilation System and Its Application in Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* Approach for Filtering LIDAR Data in Coastal Vegetated Areas Using Intensity Information and Multiple Echoes, An
* approach for flood monitoring by the combined use of Landsat 8 optical imagery and COSMO-SkyMed radar imagery, An
* Approach for Foliar Trait Retrieval from Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy of Tropical Forests, An
* approach for fully automating perspective images based on symmetry and line intersection, An
* approach for handwritten Chinese text recognition unifying character segmentation and recognition, An
* Approach for High-Resolution Mapping of Hawaiian Metrosideros Forest Mortality Using Laser-Guided Imaging Spectroscopy, An
* Approach for Horizon Extraction in Ocean Observation, An
* approach for image retrieval based on visual saliency, An
* Approach for Improving the Older people's Perception of Video-Based Applications in AAL Systems: Initial Study, An
* Approach for Indoor Path Computation among Obstacles that Considers User Dimension, An
* Approach for Indoor Wayfinding Replicating Main Principles of an Outdoor Navigation System for Cyclists, An
* Approach for Intersubject Analysis of 3D Brain Images Based on Conformal Geometry, An
* Approach for Joint Estimation of Grassland Leaf Area Index and Leaf Chlorophyll Content from UAV Hyperspectral Data, An
* Approach for Local Comparison of Deformable 3D Models, An
* approach for locating segmentation points of handwritten digit strings using a neural network, An
* approach for modeling the economy as a complex system using agent-based theory, An
* Approach for Monitoring Shallow Surface Outcrop Mining Activities Based on Multisource Satellite Remote Sensing Data, An
* Approach for Multi-Pose Face Detection Exploring Invariance by Training, An
* Approach for Multifont Arabic Characters Features Extraction Based on Contourlet Transform, An
* Approach for Navigation in 3D Models on mobile Devices, An
* approach for on-line signature authentication using Zernike moments, An
* Approach for Predicting Global Ionospheric TEC Using Machine Learning, An
* Approach for Preparing Groundtruth Data and Evaluating Visual Saliency Models, An
* approach for real-time recognition of online Chinese handwritten sentences, An
* Approach for Receiver-Side Awareness Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Approach for Recognition and Interpretation of Mathematical Expressions in Printed Document, An
* Approach for Recognizing Text Labels in Raster Maps, An
* Approach for reconstructing anisoplanatic adaptive optics images
* Approach for Refocusing of Ground Moving Target Without Target Motion Parameter Estimation, An
* Approach for Retrieving Consistent Time Series Urban Core-Suburban-Rural (USR) Structure Using Nighttime Light Data from DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS, An
* approach for revising a fuzzy logic controller using Q-learning algorithm, An
* Approach for Segmentation of Textured Dynamic Scenes, An
* Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Features from Aerial Photographs, An
* Approach for Sequential Dictionary Learning in Nonuniform Noise, An
* Approach for sequential image interpretation using a priori binary perceptual topological and photometric knowledge and k-means-based segmentation
* Approach for shadow detection and removal using machine learning techniques
* Approach for Shape from Surface Normals with Local Discontinuity Detection, An
* Approach for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Combination Model Fusion
* Approach for Standardization of Semantic Models for Building Renovation Processes, An
* approach for stemming in symbolically compressed Indian language imaged documents, An
* Approach for the Analysis of the Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Urban Territories, An
* Approach for the Direct Computation of the Focus of Expansion, An
* Approach for the Extraction of Settlement Areas, An
* Approach for the Semi-Automatic Verification of 3D Building Models
* Approach for Tracking the 3D Object Pose Using Two Object Points, An
* Approach for Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal VHR Images Acquired by Different Multispectral Sensors, An
* Approach for Utility Pole Recognition in Real Conditions, An
* Approach for Video Classification with Multi-label on YouTube-8M Dataset
* approach for video cut detection using bipartite graph matching as dissimilarity distance, An
* Approach for Visual Realism Complexity Classification of 3d Models in Virtual and Augmented Reality, An
* Approach from Point Cloud plus Feature Data to Grid DEM, An
* Approach Integrating Multi-Source Data with LandTrendr Algorithm for Refining Forest Recovery Detection, An
* Approach of Adaptive Synchronization for Bistatic SAR Real-Time Imaging
* approach of Canny edge detection with virtual hexagonal image structure, An
* approach of clustering data with noisy or imprecise feature measurement, An
* approach of dynamically forming an acceptable transcoding path by a search algorithm based on a context-free grammar in a MPEG21 DIA, An
* Approach of Identifying and Extracting Urban Commercial Areas Using the Nighttime Lights Satellite Imagery, An
* Approach of Image Fusion Based on General Image Quality Evaluation, An
* Approach of Multiscale Complexity in Texture Analysis of Lymphomas, An
* Approach of Vicarious Calibration of Sentinel-2 Satellite Multispectral Image Based On Spectral Library for Mapping Oil Spills, An
* approach of visual motion analysis, An
* Approach on Advanced Unscented Kalman Filter From Mobile Robot-SLAM, An
* Approach on Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Data Based on Structural Constraints
* Approach to 3-D Object Identification Using Range Images, An
* Approach to 3D Analysis of Gravity Ptosis
* Approach to 3D Digital Modeling of Surfaces with Poor Texture by Range Imaging Techniques. Shape from Stereo vs. Shape from Silhouette in Digitizing Jorge Oteiza's Sculptures, An
* Approach to 3D face reconstruction through local deep feature alignment
* Approach to 3D Pose Estimation, An
* approach to 3D scene reconstruction from noisy binocular image sequences using information fusion, An
* Approach to a Content Based Retrieval of Multimedia Data, An
* Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generation in Distributed In-Memory Cluster Architecture
* Approach to Accuracy Assessment of ASTER Derived Mineral Maps, An
* Approach to Adaptive Quadratic Structuring Functions Based on the Local Structure Tensor, An
* Approach To Alleviate The False Alarm In Building Change Detection From Urban VHR Image, An
* Approach to Analysis the Surface Geometry Change in Cultural Heritage Objects
* Approach To Automatic Detection And Hazard Risk Assessment Of Large Protruding Rocks In Densely Forested Hilly Region, An
* approach to automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions, An
* Approach to Automatic Target Recognition in Radar Images Using SVM, An
* approach to boundary detection for 3D point clouds based on DBSCAN clustering, An
* Approach to Clustering Using the Expectation-Maximization and Selection of Attributes ReliefF Applied to Water Treatment Plants process, An
* approach to color-morphology based on Einstein addition and Loewner order, An
* Approach to Color Constancy Using Multiple Images, An
* Approach to Constructing a Homogeneous Time Series of Soil Moisture Using SMOS, An
* Approach to Decompose and Evaluate a Complex GIS-Application Design to a Simple, Lightweight, User-Centered App-Based Design Using User Experience Evaluation, An
* Approach to Defect Detection in Materials Characterized by Complex Textures, An
* Approach to Delineate Potential Groundwater Zones in Kilinochchi District, Sri Lanka, Using GIS Techniques, An
* Approach to Derive Parametric L-System Using Genetic Algorithm, An
* Approach to Detect Cavities in X-Ray Astronomical Images Using Granular Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Approach to Detect Lofar Lines, An
* approach to detect video frame deletion under anti-forensics, An
* approach to detect video transitions based on mathematical morphology, An
* approach to detecting JPEG down-recompression and seam carving forgery under recompression anti-forensics, An
* approach to development of adaptive 3D user interfaces, An
* Approach to Digital Archiving of Art Paintings, An
* Approach to discovering companion patterns based on traffic data stream
* Approach to Distributed Video Coding Using 3D Face Models, An
* approach to divide pre-detected Devanagari words from the scene images into characters, An
* Approach to Edge Detection Based on the Direction of Edge Elements, An
* Approach to Estimate Perplexity Values for Language Models Based on Phrase Classes, An
* Approach to Estimating Human Behaviors by Using an Active Vision Head, An
* Approach to Extended Fresnel Scattering for Modeling of Depolarizing Soil-Trunk Double-Bounce Scattering, An
* approach to extracting the target text line from a document image captured by a pen scanner, An
* Approach to Extracting Trunk from an Image, An
* Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice
* approach to fast transform coding in software, An
* Approach to Feature Selection and Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on the Bayes Rule for Minimum Cost, An
* Approach to Figure Decomposition Using Width Information, An
* Approach to Find Localization of Non-Existent Historical Buildings By Terrestrial Photogrammetry, An
* Approach to Fine Coregistration Between Very High Resolution Multispectral Images Based on Registration Noise Distribution, An
* Approach to Fingerprint Filter Design, An
* Approach to Form Recognition Based on Nonlinear Projections, Search and Optimization, An
* approach to get overall emotion from comment text towards a certain image uploaded to social network using Latent Semantic Analysis, An
* approach to hand biometrics in mobile devices, An
* Approach to High-Resolution Rice Paddy Mapping Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 SAR Data in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, An
* Approach to High Frame Rate Radar Imaging Through Electronically Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna, An
* Approach to Identify miRNA Associated with Cancer Altered Pathways, An
* approach to identify unique styles in online handwriting recognition, An
* approach to image segmentation based on shortest paths in graphs, An
* approach to immersive audio rendering with wave field synthesis for 3D multimedia content, An
* Approach to Improve Accuracy of Photo-to-Sketch Matching, An
* Approach to Improve Accuracy Rate of On-line Signature Verification Systems of Different Sizes, An
* Approach to Improve Leaf Pigment Content Retrieval by Removing Specular Reflectance Through Polarization Measurements, An
* Approach to Improve Online Hand-Eye Calibration, An
* Approach to Improve the Positioning Performance of GPS/INS/UWB Integrated System with Two-Step Filter, An
* Approach to Improve the Quality of User-Generated Content of Citizen Science Platforms, An
* Approach to Improve the Spatial Resolution and Accuracy of AMSR2 Passive Microwave Snow Depth Product Using Machine Learning in Northeast China, An
* Approach to Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy Using Several GNSS Devices, An
* Approach to Integration of Off-Line and Online Recognition of Handwriting, An
* Approach to Investigate an Influence of Visual Angle Size on Emotional Activation During a Decision-making Task, An
* Approach to Knowledge-Directed Scene Analysis, An
* Approach to Knowledge-Driven Segmentation, An
* Approach to Large-Scale Cement Plant Detection Using Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Approach to Mapping Forest Growth Stages in Queensland, Australia through Integration of ALOS PALSAR and Landsat Sensor Data, An
* Approach to Measuring Semantic Relatedness of Geographic Terminologies Using a Thesaurus and Lexical Database Sources, An
* Approach to Minimize Atmospheric Correction Error and Improve Physics-Based Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in a Coastal Environment, An
* Approach to Model-based 3-D Recognition of Vehicles in Real Time by Machine Vision, An
* Approach to model human appearance based on sparse representation for human tracking in surveillance
* Approach to Moho Topography Recovery Using the On-Orbit GOCE Gravity Gradients and Its Applications in Tibet, An
* Approach to Object Recognition by Learning Mobile Robots
* Approach to Object Recogniton: Aligning Pictorial Descriptions, An
* Approach to Optimize Reference Ground Control Requirements for Estimating LIDAR/IMU Boresight Misalignment, An
* Approach to Outlier Detection Based on Bayesian Probabilistic Model, An
* Approach to Overcome Occlusions in Visual Tracking: By Occlusion Estimating Agency and Self-Adapting Learning Rate for Filter's Training, An
* Approach to Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, An
* Approach to Point Based Approximate Color Bleeding with Volumes, An
* Approach to Pose-Based Action Recognition, An
* approach to positron emission tomography based on penalized cross-entropy minimization, An
* approach to recognize book title from multi-cell bookshelf images, An
* Approach to Region Coding for Content-Based Scalable Video, An
* Approach to Region Splitting, An
* Approach to Robust ICP Initialization, An
* Approach to Semantically Segmenting Building Components and Outdoor Scenes Based on Multichannel Aerial Imagery Datasets, An
* Approach to Smart Document Reader System
* Approach to Solve the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Window Based on Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Meta-Heuristic, An
* Approach to Spatial Pattern Recognition of Solid Objects, An
* Approach to Statistical Lip Modelling for Speaker Identification via Chromatic Feature Extraction, An
* Approach to Streaming Video Segmentation With Sub-Optimal Low-Rank Decomposition, An
* approach to supervised distance metric learning based on difference of convex functions programming, An
* Approach To Surface Reconstruction Using Uncertain Data, An
* Approach to target detection based on relevant metric for scoring performance
* approach to texture-based image recognition by deconstructing multispectral co-occurrence matrices using Tchebichef orthogonal polynomials, An
* Approach to the 2D Hilbert Transform for Image Processing Applications, An
* approach to the automatic design of multiple classifier systems, An
* Approach to the Correction of Distance-Dependent Defocus in Electron Microscopic Reconstruction, An
* Approach to the Definition, Description, and Extraction of Structures in Binary Digital Images, An
* approach to the design of reinforcement functions in real world, agent-based applications, An
* approach to the evaluation of the performance of a discrete classifier, An
* Approach To The Fusion Of Multiple Shape From Texture Algorithms, An
* Approach to the Generation and Analysis of Databases of Simulated Radar Sounder Data for Performance Prediction and Target Interpretation, An
* approach to the optimum implementation of interactive display data structures, An
* Approach to the Parameterization of Structure for Fast Categorization, An
* approach to the radiometric aerotriangulation of photogrammetric images, An
* Approach to the Recognition of Contours and Line-Shaped Objects, An
* Approach to the Recognition of Informational Traffic Signs Based on 2-D Homography and SVMs, An
* Approach to the Segmentation of Textured Dynamic Scenes, An
* Approach to the Simulation of Radar Sounder Radargrams Based on Geological Analogs, An
* Approach to the Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Vegetation in the Growing Season in Western China, An
* Approach to the Vanishing Line Identification Based on Normalized Barycentric Coordinates, An
* Approach to the Vision Tasks Involved in an Autonomous Crop Protection Vehicle, An
* Approach to Three-Dimensional Image Segmentation, An
* Approach to Trajectory Estimation of Moving Objects in the H.264 Compressed Domain, An
* Approach to Tune Fuzzy Controllers Based on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Control, An
* Approach to Understanding Geometrical Configurations by Computer, An
* Approach to Urban Traffic State Estimation by Fusing Multisource Information, An
* approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images, An
* approach to using image-based techniques across unreliable peer-to-peer networks, An
* approach to vectorial total variation based on geometric measure theory, An
* Approach to Vehicle Recognition Using Supervised Learning, An
* approach to vision-based localisation with binary features for partially sighted people, An
* Approach to Vision-Based Person Detection in Robotic Applications, An
* Approach to Visualize Image Retrieval Results, An
* approach to word image matching based on weighted Hausdorff distance, An
* Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
* Approach towards a Holistic Management of Research Data in Planetary Science: Use Case Study Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Approach Towards Action Recognition Using Part Based Hierarchical Fusion, An
* approach towards benchmarking of table structure recognition results, An
* Approach Towards the Construction of a Digital Atlas for the Documentation of Cloister and Courtyards in Ascoli Piceno, An
* Approach Using Mathematical Morphology and Support Vector Machines to Detect Features in Pipe Images, An
* Approaches for 3D Visualization of High Resolution Multi-Sensor Data
* Approaches for automated detection and classification of masses in mammograms
* Approaches for automatic low-dimensional human shape refinement with priors or generic cues using RGB-D data
* Approaches for Event Segmentation of Visual Lifelog Data
* Approaches for geometrical and semantic modelling of huge unstructured 3D point clouds
* Approaches for global-based action representations for games and action understanding
* Approaches for Joint Retrieval of Wind Speed and Significant Wave Height and Further Improvement for Tiangong-2 Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
* Approaches for Recognition and Interpretation of Workpiece Surface Features Using Structured Lighting
* Approaches for the Clustering of Geographic Metadata and the Automatic Detection of Quasi-Spatial Dataset Series
* Approaches for the restoration of compressed video
* Approaches of Satellite Remote Sensing for the Assessment of Above-Ground Biomass across Tropical Forests: Pan-tropical to National Scales
* Approaches to a color scannerless range imaging system
* Approaches to Automated Detection of Cyberbullying: A Survey
* Approaches to Chinese Character Recognition
* Approaches to Classification of Multichannel Images
* Approaches to Decompose Flat Structuring Element for Fast Overlapping Search Morphological Algorithm
* Approaches to Large-Scale Urban Modeling
* Approaches to layered coding for dual-rate wireless video transmission
* Approaches to Low Level Image Processing for Vision Guided Seam Tracking Systems
* Approaches to Preclinical Studies with Heterogeneous Breast Phantom Using Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Image Processing Algorithms for Diffuse Optical Imaging
* Approaches to transnational access for airborne platforms: EUFAR and the United States
* Approaches, Applications, and Challenges in Physiological Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial Overview
* Approaching Artery Rigid Dynamics in IVUS
* Approaching End-to-End Optical Music Recognition for Homophonic Scores
* Approaching Global Instantaneous Precise Positioning with the Dual- and Triple-Frequency Multi-GNSS Decoupled Clock Model
* Approaching human level facial landmark localization by deep learning
* Approaching optimality in spatially scalable video coding: From resampling and prediction to quantization and entropy coding
* Approaching the Capacity Limit in Image Watermarking: A Perspective on Coding Techniques for Data Hiding Applications
* Approaching the computational color constancy as a classification problem through deep learning
* Approaching the intra-class variability in multi-script static signature evaluation
* Appropriate-Scale Local Centers: A Foundation for Parts-Based Recognition
* Appropriate Representation for Early Vision, An
* Appropriateness of performance indices for imbalanced data classification: An analysis
* Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect Images Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network
* approximate algorithm for median graph computation using graph embedding, An
* Approximate Algorithm for Solving the Watchman Route Problem, An
* approximate algorithm for structural matching of images, An
* Approximate Analytical Solution for the Top-of-Atmosphere Spectral Reflectance of Atmosphere: Underlying Snow System over Antarctica, The
* Approximate and Efficient Method for Optimal Rotation Alignment of 3D Models, An
* Approximate and exact hybrid algorithms for private nearest-neighbor queries with database protection
* Approximate and SQP Two View Triangulation
* Approximate Axial Symmetries from Continuous Time Quantum Walks
* Approximate Bayes Factors for Image Segmentation: The Pseudolikelihood Information Criterion (PLIC)
* Approximate Bayesian computation, stochastic algorithms and non-local means for complex noise models
* Approximate Bayesian estimation of a 3D point pattern from multiple views
* Approximate Bayesian Long Short-Term Memory Algorithm for Outlier Detection, An
* Approximate Bayesian methods for kernel-based object tracking
* Approximate Bayesian Multibody Tracking
* Approximate Bayesian Smoothing with Unknown Process and Measurement Noise Covariances
* Approximate Belief Propagation by Hierarchical Averaging of Outgoing Messages
* Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional Data
* Approximate Clustering via the Mountain Method
* Approximate computing for onboard anomaly detection from hyperspectral images
* Approximate Confidence Intervals for Estimation of Matching Error Rates of Biometric Identification Devices
* Approximate constraint generation for efficient structured boosting
* Approximate Convolution Using DCT Coefficient Multipliers
* Approximate Correspondences in High Dimensions
* Approximate Criteria for the MPEG-2 Motion Estimation
* Approximate Cross Channel Color Mapping from Sparse Color Correspondences
* Approximate Differentiable Rendering with Algebraic Surfaces
* Approximate direct georeferencing in national coordinates
* Approximate Discrete Optimal Transport Plan with Auxiliary Measure Method
* Approximate Distribution for the Normalized Cut, An
* Approximate earth mover's distance in linear time
* Approximate Ensemble Methods for Physical Activity Recognition Applications
* Approximate Envelope Minimization for Curvature Regularity
* Approximate ESPs on Surfaces of Polytopes Using a Rubberband Algorithm
* Approximate Evaluation of the Resolution in Near Field Remote Sensing
* Approximate Expectation-Maximization for Two-Dimensional Multi-Target Detection, An
* Approximate Fast Foreground Colour Estimation
* Approximate fingerprint matching using kd-tree
* Approximate Fisher Information Matrix to Characterize the Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Approximate Fisher Kernels of Non-iid Image Models for Image Categorization
* Approximate Fourier phase information in the phase retrieval problem: what it gives and how to use it
* Approximate Gaussian Mixtures for Large Scale Vocabularies
* Approximate General Sweep Boundary Of A 2d Curved Object
* Approximate Geometric Pattern Matching Under Rigid Motions
* Approximate geometric reasoning with extended geographic objects
* Approximate graph edit distance computation by means of bipartite graph matching
* Approximate Graph Edit Distance Computation Combining Bipartite Matching and Exact Neighborhood Substructure Distance
* Approximate Graph Edit Distance Guided by Bipartite Matching of Bags of Walks
* Approximate Graph Laplacians for Multimodal Data Clustering
* Approximate Graph Matching Problem, The
* Approximate Grassmannian Intersections: Subspace-Valued Subspace Learning
* Approximate Hausdorff Matching Using Eigenspaces
* Approximate Hybrid Method for Electromagnetic Scattering From an Underground Target, An
* Approximate Implicitization Using Monoid Curves and Surfaces
* Approximate Inference of Traffic Flow State at Signalized Intersections Using a Bayesian Learning Framework
* Approximate information discriminant analysis: A computationally simple heteroscedastic feature extraction technique
* Approximate input sensitive algorithms for point pattern matching
* Approximate Intrinsic Voxel Structure for Point Cloud Simplification
* Approximate inverse based implementation for Tuy's formula
* Approximate Inversion of a Class of Generalized Radon Transforms
* Approximate Joint Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm Based on Givens-Like Rotation
* Approximate K-D tree search for efficient ICP
* Approximate k-NN Graph Construction: A Generic Online Approach
* Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts Based on Linear Programming
* Approximate Least Trimmed Sum of Squares Fitting and Applications in Image Analysis
* Approximate Lengths Between Phalanges of Multijointed Fingers for Stable Grasping
* Approximate license plate string matching for vehicle re-identification
* Approximate Log-Hilbert-Schmidt Distances between Covariance Operators for Image Classification
* Approximate Matching for OCR-Processed Bibliographic Data
* Approximate Matching of Digital Point Sets Using a Novel Angular Tree
* Approximate Matching of Polygonal Shapes
* Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Hyperparameter Estimation for Gibbs-Priors
* Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Linear Estimator of Circle Parameters, An
* Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on Discrete-Time Quantum Walk
* Approximate maximum likelihood hyperparameter estimation for Gibbs priors
* Approximate Mean Delay Analysis for a Signalized Intersection With Indisciplined Traffic
* approximate median search algorithm in non-metric spaces, An
* Approximate message passing-based compressed sensing reconstruction with generalized elastic net prior
* Approximate Message Passing Algorithm For Rapid Parameter-Free Compressed Sensing MRI, An
* Approximate Method of Evaluating the Joint Likelihood for First-Order GMRFs, An
* Approximate ML Estimator for Moving Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars, An
* Approximate ML Estimator for the Location Parameter of the Generalized Gaussian Distribution With p=5, An
* Approximate models for fast and accurate epipolar geometry estimation
* Approximate MRF Inference Using Bounded Treewidth Subgraphs
* Approximate mu-Bases of Rational Curves and Surfaces
* Approximate N-View Stereo
* Approximate Nearest Neighbor Based Feature Quantization Algorithm for Robust Hashing
* Approximate nearest neighbor fields in video
* Approximate nearest neighbor search on HDD
* Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search using a Single Space-filling Curve and Multiple Representations of the Data Points
* Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search for Fractal Image Compression Based on a New Affine Transform Parametrization
* Approximate Nearest Subspace Search with Applications to Pattern Recognition
* Approximate Nearest Subspace Search
* Approximate Neural Architecture Search via Operation Distribution Learning
* approximate nonmyopic computation for value of information, An
* Approximate Nonmyopic Sensor Selection via Submodularity and Partitioning
* Approximate orientation steerability based on angular Gaussians
* Approximate Orthogonal Distance Regression Method for Fitting Quadric Surfaces to Range Data
* Approximate pairwise clustering for large data sets via sampling plus extension
* Approximate Parameter Learning in Conditional Random Fields: An Empirical Investigation
* Approximate partitioning of 2D objects into orthogonally convex components
* Approximate partitioning of observations in hierarchical particle filter body tracking
* Approximate polytope ensemble for one-class classification
* Approximate RBF kernel SVM and its applications in pedestrian classification
* Approximate realization of digital fractional forward operator using digital IIR filter
* Approximate Regularization for Structural Optical Flow Estimation
* Approximate Representation of the Fourier Spectra of Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Functions: A Cost-Effective, Memory-Saving Algorithm, An
* Approximate Search with Quantized Sparse Representations
* Approximate Sequence Comparison: A Study with Histograms
* approximate shading model for object relighting, An
* Approximate Shading Model with Detail Decomposition for Object Relighting, An
* Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra
* Approximate Sorting
* Approximate Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression for Classification
* Approximate Spatial Reasoning: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Constraints
* Approximate spectral clustering density-based similarity for noisy datasets
* Approximate spectral clustering with eigenvector selection and self-tuned k
* Approximate spectral clustering with utilized similarity information using geodesic based hybrid distance measures
* Approximate Steerability of Gabor Filters for Feature Detection
* Approximate straightest path computation and its application in parameterization
* Approximate String-Matching Algorithm for Online Chinese Character-Recognition, An
* Approximate String Match for Garbled Text with Various Accuracies, An
* Approximate string matching by finite automata
* Approximate String Matching
* Approximate string matching: A lightweight approach to recognize gestures with Kinect
* Approximate structured output learning for Constrained Local Models with application to real-time facial feature detection and tracking on low-power devices
* Approximate Support Vector Machines Solver with Budget Control, An
* Approximate techniques in solving optimal camera placement problems
* approximate tensor singular value decomposition approach for the fast grouping of whole-body human poses, An
* Approximate Thin Plate Spline Mappings
* Approximate tight wavelet frame using Gabor wavelet
* Approximate topological matching of quad meshes
* Approximate Tree Matching and Shape Similarity
* Approximate Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Direction of Arrival Estimation for Two Closely Spaced Targets
* Approximate Vehicle Waiting Time Estimation Using Adaptive Video-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Approximate volume rendering for curvilinear and unstructured grids by hardware-assisted polyhedron projection
* Approximate World Models: Incorporating Qualitative and Linguistic Information into Vision Systems
* Approximated Bilinear Modules for Temporal Modeling
* Approximated Classification in Interactive Facial Image Retrieval
* Approximated Curvature Penalty in Non-rigid Registration Using Pairwise MRFs
* Approximated Ground Truth for Stereo and Motion Analysis on Real-World Sequences
* Approximated Overlap Error for the Evaluation of Feature Descriptors on 3D Scenes
* Approximated Prediction Strategy for Reducing Power Consumption of Convolutional Neural Network Processor
* Approximated Relative Pose Solvers for Efficient Camera Motion Estimation
* Approximated RPCA for fast and efficient recovery of corrupted and linearly correlated images and video frames
* Approximately even partition algorithm for coding the Hilbert curve of arbitrary-sized image
* Approximately Global Optimization for Robust Alignment of Generalized Shapes
* Approximately harmonic projection: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm
* Approximately Optimal Assignment for Unequal Loss Protection
* Approximately Symmetrical Face Images for Image Preprocessing in Face Recognition and Sparse Representation Based Classification
* Approximating 3D Facial Shape from Photographs Using Coupled Statistical Models
* Approximating a non-homogeneous HMM with Dynamic Spatial Dirichlet Process
* Approximating a set of points by a step function
* Approximating a Single Viewpoint in Panoramic Imaging Devices
* Approximating Bayesian Belief Networks By Arc Removal
* Approximating Bicolored Images from Discrete Projections
* Approximating Curves via Alpha Shapes
* Approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees
* Approximating dynamic time warping with a convolutional neural network on EEG data
* Approximating Empirical Surface Reflectance Data through Emulation: Opportunities for Synthetic Scene Generation
* Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids
* Approximating Filtered Scale-Variant Signals
* Approximating GED Using a Stochastic Generator and Multistart IPFP
* Approximating global illumination on mesostructure surfaces with height gradient maps
* Approximating global illumination with ambient occlusion and environment light via generative adversarial networks
* Approximating Graph Edit Distance Using GNCCP
* Approximating high dimensional probability distributions
* Approximating hv-Convex Binary Matrices and Images from Discrete Projections
* Approximating image filters with box filters
* Approximating Intersections and Differences Between Linear Statistical Shape Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Approximating large convolutions in digital images
* Approximating LIDAR Ground Elevation Data by Higher-Order Tensor-Product B-Splines
* Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification
* Approximating Non-linear Diffusion
* Approximating non-metrical Minkowski distances in 2D
* Approximating Optical Flow Within the MPEG-2 Compressed Domain
* Approximating Point-Set Images by Line Segments Using a Variation of the Hough Transform
* Approximating Polygonal Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
* Approximating probabilistic inference in Bayesian belief networks
* Approximating Relu Networks by Single-Spike Computation
* Approximating shapes in images with low-complexity polygons
* Approximating Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Tensors of Even Order
* Approximating the CIECAM97s color appearance model by means of neural networks
* Approximating the Gauss-Newton Hessian Using a Space-Wavenumber Filter and its Applications in Least-Squares Seismic Imaging
* Approximating the Ideal Observer and Hotelling Observer for Binary Signal Detection Tasks by Use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Approximating the Ideal Observer for Joint Signal Detection and Localization Tasks by use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Approximating the KLT by Maximizing the Sum of Fourth-Order Moments
* Approximating the multiclass ROC by pairwise analysis
* Approximating the problem, not the solution: An alternative view of point set matching
* Approximating the Signature Quadratic Form Distance Using Scalable Feature Signatures
* Approximating the Skeleton for Fine-to-Coarse Shape Representation
* Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain
* Approximating the visuomotor function for visual servoing
* Approximating the Weil-Petersson Metric Geodesics on the Universal Teichmüller Space by Singular Solutions
* Approximating TSP Solution by MST Based Graph Pyramid
* Approximation-Based Keypoints in Colour Images: A Tool for Building and Searching Visual Databases
* Approximation-Based Robust Adaptive Automatic Train Control: An Approach for Actuator Saturation
* Approximation-Based Similarity Search for 3-D Surface Segments
* Approximation-free running SVD and its application to motion detection
* Approximation-Theoretic Analysis of Translation Invariant Wavelet Expansions
* Approximation Algorithm for Computing Minimum-Length Polygons in 3D Images, An
* Approximation Algorithm for Least Median of Squares Regression, An
* Approximation Algorithm to Maximize User Capacity for an Auto-Scaling VoD System, An
* Approximation Algorithms and Decision-Making in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence: An Empirical-Study
* Approximation Algorithms for Convex Hulls
* Approximation Algorithms for Road Coverage Using Wireless Sensor Networks for Moving Objects Monitoring
* Approximation and compression of piecewise smooth images using a wavelet/wedgelet geometric model
* Approximation and Compression With Sparse Orthonormal Transforms
* Approximation and Processing of Intensity Images with Discontinuity-Preserving Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Approximation errors and model reduction in three-dimensional diffuse optical tomography
* Approximation Method of the Quadratic Discriminant Function and Its Application to Estimation of High-Dimensional Distribution, An
* Approximation of a Convective-Event-Monitoring System Using GOES-R Data and Ensemble ML Models
* approximation of a morphological opening and closing in the presence of noise, The
* Approximation of a Polyline with a Sequence of Geometric Primitives
* Approximation of an arbitrary filter and its recursive implementation
* Approximation of BV Function by Piecewise Constants and its Application in Signal Denoising and Compression
* Approximation of Calculations for Forward Discrete Cosine Transform
* Approximation of canonical sets and their applications to 2D view simplification
* Approximation of Class Regions by Quasi Convex Hulls
* Approximation of color characterization MLUTs with artificial neural networks
* Approximation of Conditional Density of Markov Random Field and its Application to Texture Synthesis
* Approximation of Curvature and Velocity for Gesture Segmentation and Synthesis
* Approximation of Curves by Line Segments
* Approximation of Digital Curves using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
* Approximation of digital curves with line segments and circular arcs using genetic algorithms
* Approximation of digitized curves with cubic Bézier splines
* Approximation of Displacement Fields Using Wavefront Region Growing
* Approximation of functionals depending on jumps by elliptic functionals via ..-convergence
* Approximation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams by Ordinary Voronoi Diagrams
* Approximation of Granular Textures by Quadric Surfaces
* Approximation of graph edit distance based on Hausdorff matching
* Approximation of Graph Edit Distance in Quadratic Time
* Approximation of Images by Basis Functions for Multiple Region Segmentation with Level Sets
* Approximation of Integral Operators Using Product-Convolution Expansions
* Approximation of kernel k-means for streaming data
* Approximation of Matrices by Gabor Multipliers
* Approximation of Measured Data with Interval B-Splines
* Approximation of Multipath Planar Shapes in Pattern Analysis
* Approximation of N-Dimensional Data Using Spherical and Ellipsoidal Primitives
* Approximation of N-Way Principal Component Analysis for Organ Data
* Approximation of polygonal maps by cellular maps
* Approximation of salient contours in cluttered scenes
* Approximation of the Frame Coefficients Using Finite-Dimensional Methods
* approximation of the Gaussian RBF kernel for efficient classification with SVMs, An
* Approximation of the Hunt94 Color Appearance Model by Means of Feed-Forward Neural Networks
* Approximation of the Karhunen-Loève transformation and its application to colour images
* Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Object, An
* Approximation of Unorganized Point Set with Composite Implicit Surface
* Approximation of Volume and Branch Size Distribution of Trees from Laser Scanner Data
* Approximation of Waveforms and Contours by One-Dimensional Pyramid Linking
* Approximation order of the LAP optical flow algorithm
* Approximation Power of Directionlets
* Approximation Scheme for the Maximal Solution of the Shape-from-Shading Model, An
* Approximation Technique for Photometric Stereo, An
* Approximation to the Fisher-Rao metric for the focus of expansion
* Approximation, Formulation, and Distortion in the Variational Formulation
* Approximations for the distribution of microflake normals
* Approximations for the probability of misclassification
* Approximations of Gaussian Process Uncertainties for Visual Recognition Problems
* Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
* approximative calculation of relative convex hulls for surface area estimation of 3d digital objects, An
* Approximative Coding Methods for Channel Representations
* Approximative graph pyramid solution of the E-TSP
* Appscio, Inc.
* APPSO-NN: An adaptive-probability particle swarm optimization neural network for sensorineural hearing loss detection
* APQ: Joint Search for Network Architecture, Pruning and Quantization Policy
* Apricot: A Dataset of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection
* APRIL: Finding the Achilles' Heel on Privacy for Vision Transformers
* APRIORI-based Method for Frequent Composite Event Discovery in Videos, An
* Apriori-like algorithm for automatic extraction of the common action characteristics, An
* Aproach to blind image deconvolution by multiscale subband decomposition and independent component analysis
* Apron surveillance video coding based on compositing virtual reference frame with object library
* AProNet: Detecting objects with precise orientation from aerial images
* APSCAN: A parameter free algorithm for clustering
* APSE: Attention-Aware Polarity-Sensitive Embedding for Emotion-Based Image Retrieval
* APSK Optimization in the Presence of Phase Noise
* APSNet: Toward Adaptive Point Sampling for Efficient 3D Action Recognition
* APT: Action localization proposals from dense trajectories
* Aptúra Machine Vision Solutions
* APTEN-Planner: Autonomous Parking of Semi-Trailer Train in Extremely Narrow Environments
* Aptina Imaging
* APUNet: Attention-guided upsampling network for sparse and non-uniform point cloud
* AQD: Towards Accurate Quantized Object Detection
* AQE-Net: A Deep Learning Model for Estimating Air Quality of Karachi City from Mobile Images
* AQT-DVC: Adaptive Quantization for transform-domain distributed video coding
* Aqua and Terra MODIS RSB Calibration Comparison Using BRDF Modeled Reflectance
* Aqua MODIS Electronic Crosstalk Survey: Mid-Wave Infrared Bands
* AQUA: An Amphibious Autonomous Robot
* Aquaculture Ponds Identification Based on Multi-Feature Combination Strategy and Machine Learning from Landsat-5/8 in a Typical Inland Lake of China
* Aquaculture Site Selection of Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) in Markazi Province Using GIS-Based MCDM
* Aquaculture, Analysis, Extraction
* AquaGAN: Restoration of Underwater Images
* Aquarius RFI Detection and Mitigation Algorithm: Assessment and Examples
* Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Gridding Method Based on Dual Quality-Distance Weighting
* Aquarius Wind Speed Products: Algorithms and Validation
* AQUI Soil Moisture Network for Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Validation in South-Western France, The
* Aquifer and Land Subsidence Interaction Assessment Using Sentinel-1 Data and DInSAR Technique
* AR-Based 3D Virtual Reconstruction of Brick Details
* AR-Based Hologram Detection on Security Documents Using a Mobile Phone
* AR-based social presence enhancement in video-chat communication
* AR-Based Visitor Support System for Enhancing the Liveliness of Sightseeing Spots Using Cg Humanoid Models
* AR-Immersive Cinema at the Aula Natura Visitors Center
* AR-NeRF: Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Defocus Effects from Natural Images with Aperture Rendering Neural Radiance Fields
* Ar-net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Recognition
* AR-PCA-HMM Approach for Sensorimotor Task Classification in EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* AR-TTA: A Simple Method for Real-World Continual Test-Time Adaptation
* AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Shooting System
* AR Assistive System in Domestic Environment Using HMDs: Comparing Visual and Aural Instructions
* AR automatic method for tracing the lineups on seismic section, The
* AR Cultural Heritage Reconstruction Based on Feature Landmark Database Constructed by Using Omnidirectional Range Sensor
* AR DeepCalorieCam: An iOS App for Food Calorie Estimation with Augmented Reality
* AR Face Database, The
* AR Geo-Registration Algorithm for UAV TIR Video Streams Based on Dual-Antenna RTK-GPS, An
* AR GIS on a Physical Map Based on Map Image Retrieval Using LLAH Tracking
* AR Human Computer Interface for Object Localization in a Cognitive Vision Framework, An
* AR in VR: Simulating Infrared Augmented Vision
* AR Map Virtual-Real Fusion Method Based on Element Recognition, An
* AR Models and Bidimensional Discrete Moments Applied to Texture Modelling and Recognition
* Arab-Norman Heritage: State of Knowledge And New Actions And Innovative Proposal
* Arabic-Latin Offline Signature Recognition Based on Shape Context Descriptor
* Arabic and Chinese Handwriting Recognition
* Arabic and Latin Script Identification in Printed and Handwritten Types Based on Steerable Pyramid Features
* Arabic Bank Check Analysis and Zone Extraction
* Arabic Character-Recognition Using 1-D Slices of the Character Spectrum
* Arabic Character-Recognition Using Fourier Descriptors and Character Contour Encoding
* Arabic character recognition system: A statistical approach for recognizing cursive typewritten text
* Arabic Character Recognition Using Structural Shape Decomposition
* Arabic Character Recognition with Shape Mixtures
* Arabic Character Recognition
* Arabic characters recognition in natural scenes using sparse coding for feature representations
* Arabic Diacritics Restoration Using Maximum Entropy Language Models
* Arabic font recognition based on diacritics features
* Arabic Glove-Talk: A Communication Aid for Vocally Impaired
* Arabic hand-written text-line extraction
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* Arabic handwriting recognition using baseline dependant features and hidden Markov modeling
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Restored Stroke Chronology
* Arabic handwriting recognition using structural and syntactic pattern attributes
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Variable Duration HMM
* Arabic handwriting synthesis system, An
* Arabic Handwriting Texture Analysis for Writer Identification Using the DWT-Lifting Scheme
* Arabic Handwritten Characters Classification Using Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm
* Arabic handwritten digit recognition
* Arabic handwritten document preprocessing and recognition
* Arabic handwritten texts clusterization based on Feature Relation Graph (FRG)
* Arabic Handwritten Word Spotting Using Language Models
* Arabic handwritten words off-line recognition based on HMMs and DBNs
* Arabic information retrieval: Stemming or lemmatization?
* Arabic ligatures: Analysis and application in text recognition
* Arabic newspaper page segmentation
* Arabic Numbers, Digits, Handwritten, Numeral Recognition
* Arabic Online Handwriting Recognition (AOHR): A Survey
* Arabic optical character recognition system using recognition-based segmentation, An
* Arabic Optical Character Recognition System Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines, An
* Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs
* Arabic Recognition, Word Level, Word Spotting
* Arabic script web page language identifications using decision tree neural networks
* Arabic text detection in videos using neural and boosting-based approaches: Application to video indexing
* Arabic word descriptor for handwritten word indexing and lexicon reduction
* Arabic Writer Identification Using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) of Handwritten Fragments
* Arabic/Latin and Machine-printed/Handwritten Word Discrimination using HOG-based Shape Descriptor
* Arabidopsis Thaliana Automatic Cell File Detection and Cell Length Estimation
* ArabSign: A Multi-modality Dataset and Benchmark for Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* ARAH: Animatable Volume Rendering of Articulated Human SDFs
* ARAI-MVSNet: A Multi-View Stereo Depth Estimation Network with Adaptive Depth Range and Depth Interval
* ARank: Toward specific model pruning via advantage rank for multiple salient objects detection
* ARAPReg: An As-Rigid-As Possible Regularization Loss for Learning Deformable Shape Generators
* ARatio: Extending area under the ROC curve for probabilistic labels
* ARAUS: A Large-Scale Dataset and Baseline Models of Affective Responses to Augmented Urban Soundscapes
* ARawNet: A Lightweight Solution for Leveraging Raw Waveforms in Spoof Speech Detection
* ARBEE: Towards Automated Recognition of Bodily Expression of Emotion in the Wild
* Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Detection in Low Light Natural Scene Images
* Arbitrarily-Shaped Window Based Stereo Matching using the Go-Light Optimization Algorithm
* Arbitrarily Oriented Dense Object Detection Based on Center Point Network in Remote Sensing Images
* Arbitrarily oriented text detection using geodesic distances between corners and skeletons
* Arbitrarily Shaped Motion Prediction for Depth Video Compression Using Arithmetic Edge Coding
* Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Relighting Using an RGB-D Camera
* Arbitrarily Shaped Periods in Multidimensional Discrete Time Periodicity
* Arbitrarily Shaped Scene Text Detection With a Mask Tightness Text Detector
* Arbitrarily shaped scene text detection with dynamic convolution
* Arbitrarily Shaped Transform Coding Based on a New Padding Technique
* Arbitrarily shaped video-object coding by wavelet
* Arbitrarily Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on the Bayesian Probability of Error
* Arbitrary-Oriented Inshore Ship Detection based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Contextual Pooling on Rotation Region Proposals
* Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection with Circular Smooth Label
* Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
* Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection Method Based on Long-Edge Decomposition Rotated Bounding Box Encoding in SAR Images
* Arbitrary-oriented traffic participant detection and axis prediction for complex crossing road in aerial view
* Arbitrary-Oriented Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery with Single Convolutional Neural Networks
* Arbitrary-Ratio Image Resizing Using Fast DCT of Composite Length for DCT-Based Transcoder
* Arbitrary-Resolution and Arbitrary-Scale Face Super-Resolution with Implicit Representation Networks
* Arbitrary-Scale Image Synthesis
* Arbitrary-Scale Texture Generation From Coarse-Grained Control
* Arbitrary-Shape Object Localization Using Adaptive Image Grids
* Arbitrary-Shape Scene Text Detection via Visual-Relational Rectification and Contour Approximation
* Arbitrary-sized motion detection in screen video coding
* Arbitrary-View Human Action Recognition: A Varying-View RGB-D Action Dataset
* Arbitrary 3D stylization of radiance fields
* Arbitrary affine transformation and their composition effects for two-dimensional fractal sets
* Arbitrary body segmentation in static images
* Arbitrary Body Segmentation With a Novel Graph Cuts-Based Algorithm
* Arbitrary Direction Ship Detection in Remote-Sensing Images Based on Multitask Learning and Multiregion Feature Fusion
* Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using fast motion vector reestimation
* Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using H.26L standard
* Arbitrary factor image interpolation by convolution kernel constrained 2-D autoregressive modeling
* Arbitrary Length Perfect Integer Sequences Using All-Pass Polynomial
* Arbitrary Object Relighting with Complex Pattern Texture for Reducing Eye Fatigue and Improving Perceived Depth
* Arbitrary object tracking augmented reality applications
* Arbitrary Order Total Variation for Deformable Image Registration
* Arbitrary Point Cloud Upsampling Via Dual Back-Projection Network
* Arbitrary Point Tracking with Machine Learning to Measure Cardiac Strains in Tagged MRI
* Arbitrary resizing of images in DCT space
* Arbitrary Screen-Aware Manga Reading Framework with Parameter-Optimized Panel Extraction
* Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection With Adaptive Text Region Representation
* Arbitrary Shape Text Detection using Transformers
* Arbitrary Shape Text Detection via Boundary Transformer
* Arbitrary Shape Text Detection via Segmentation with Probability Maps
* Arbitrary shape wavelet transform with phase alignment
* Arbitrary Stereoscopic View Generation Using Multiple Omnidirectional Image Sequences
* Arbitrary Style Guidance for Enhanced Diffusion-Based Text-to-Image Generation
* Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-Time with Adaptive Instance Normalization
* Arbitrary Style Transfer Using Graph Instance Normalization
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Adaptive Channel Network
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Attentional Networks Via Unbalanced Optimal Transport
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Deep Feature Reshuffle
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Parallel Self-Attention
* Arbitrary Style Transfer With Style-Attentional Networks
* Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross-Sections
* Arbitrary Triangle Structure Adaptive Mean PCA and Image Recognition
* Arbitrary view and focus image generation: rendering object-based shifting and focussing effect by linear filtering
* Arbitrary View Generation from Multiple Cameras
* Arbitrary View Position and Direction Rendering for Large-Scale Scenes
* Arbitrary viewpoint rendering from multiple omnidirectional images for interactive walkthroughs
* Arbitrary viewpoint three-dimensional imaging method using compressed voxel data constructed by a directed search of voxel data representing an image of an object and an arbitrary viewpoint
* Arbitrary Viewpoint Video Synthesis From Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras
* Arbitrary Viewpoint Video Synthesis from Uncalibrated Multiple Cameras
* Arbitrary viewpoints image representation based on 3-d geometric model and specular reflection tracing
* Arbitrary warped document image restoration based on segmentation and Thin-Plate Splines
* Arc-based evaluation and detection of ellipses
* Arc-Consistency Checking with Bilevel Constraints: An Optimization
* Arc-Support Line Segments Revisited: An Efficient High-Quality Ellipse Detection
* Arc Adjacency Matrix-Based Fast Ellipse Detection
* Arc and Path Consistency Revisited
* Arc Consistency: Parallelism and Domain Dependence
* Arc Recognition on Irregular Isothetic Grids and Its Application to Reconstruction of Noisy Digital Contours
* Arc Segmentation from Complex Line Environments: A Vector-Based Stepwise Recovery Algorithm
* Arc Segmentation in Linear Time
* Arc Tree: An Approximation Scheme to Represent Arbitrary Curved Shapes, The
* ARC: Adversarial Robust Cuts for Semi-Supervised and Multi-label Classification
* ARCA (Automatic Recognition of Color for Archaeology): A Desktop Application for Munsell Estimation
* ARCADe: A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector
* ArcAid: Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts using Drawings
* ArcFace for Disguised Face Recognition
* ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* ArcGeo: Localizing Limited Field-of-View Images using Cross-view Matching
* Arcgis Data Models for Managing and Procesing Imagery
* Arch-Graph: Acyclic Architecture Relation Predictor for Task-Transferable Neural Architecture Search
* ARCH: Animatable Reconstruction of Clothed Humans
* ARCH++: Animation-Ready Clothed Human Reconstruction Revisited
* ArchaeoInside: Multimodal Visualization of Augmented Reality and Interaction with Archaeological Artifacts
* Archaeologic Machine Learning for Shipwreck Detection Using Lidar and Sonar
* Archaeological Analysis of Masonry for the Restoration Project In HBIM, The
* Archaeological Application of Airborne LiDAR with Object-Based Vegetation Classification and Visualization Techniques at the Lowland Maya Site of Ceibal, Guatemala
* Archaeological Documentation Of A Defunct Iraqi Town
* Archaeological Landscape Heritage: Museums' Systems Between Narrative Techniques and Multimedia Tools
* Archaeological Predictive Modeling Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Japan and China
* Archaeological Prospection in Wetlands: Experiences and Observations from Ground-Penetrating Radar Surveys in Norwegian Bogs
* Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
* Archaeological Remote Sensing Using Multi-Temporal, Drone-Acquired Thermal and Near Infrared (NIR) Imagery: A Case Study at the Enfield Shaker Village, New Hampshire
* Archaeological Rescue Excavation and Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
* Archaeological Site Monitoring: UAV Photogrammetry Can Be an Answer
* Archaeological trace extraction by a local directional active contour approach
* Archaeology and Remote Sensing of Santa Elena's Four Millennia of Occupation, The
* Archaeology via underwater robots: Mapping and localization within maltese cistern systems
* Archeological Site Documentation And Monitoring Of Changes Using Surface-based Photogrammetry
* Archeological Sites, Modeling, Analysis, Tools
* Archetypal Analysis and Structured Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Archetypal Analysis for Nominal Observations
* Archetypal Analysis
* ARCHI: An Expert System for Biological Objects Recognition
* ARCHIMEDE: The first European diagnostic train for global monitoring of railway infrastructure
* Architecting Location Intelligence Platforms Using Open-source Components
* Architectural Adversarial Robustness: The Case for Deep Pursuit
* Architectural Aspects of Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Computing Systems: From Psychology to Engineering
* Architectural Backdoors in Neural Networks
* Architectural Considerations for Video Content Analysis in Urban Surveillance
* Architectural decomposition for 3D landmark building understanding
* Architectural design issues for bayesian contextual vision
* Architectural design of a bi-level image high speed codec
* Architectural Features and Preservation of Ancient Residential Complexes of the Changs in Xiangan, Xiamen
* Architectural Heritage Recognition in Historical Film Footage Using Neural Networks
* Architectural Heritage Visualization Using Interactive Technologies
* Architectural Historical 4D Documentation of the Old-Segeberg Town House by Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Historical Analysis
* Architectural Historical Heritage: A Tridimensional Multilayers Cataloguing Method
* Architectural image segmentation using digital watersheds
* Architectural Information System SIArch3D-Univaq for Analysis and Preservation of Architectural Heritage, The
* Architectural Issues on Vision-Based Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experience of the ARGO Project
* Architectural Large Constructed Environment. Modeling And Interaction Using Dynamic Simulations
* Architectural Modeling from Sparsely Scanned Range Data
* Architectural Paradigm for Collaborative Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Data Objects, An
* Architectural Perspectives Survey
* Architectural photogrammetry an extension of conventional surveying
* Architectural Principles for Secure Streaming and Secure Adaptation in the Developing Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Standard
* Architectural Reconstruction with Multiple Views and Geometric Constraints
* Architectural Requirements of Image Understanding with Respect to Parallel Processing
* Architectural Scene Rapid Reconstruction Based on Features
* Architectural Scene Reconstruction from Single or Multiple Uncalibrated Images
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Towers
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Windows
* Architectural Style Classification of Domes
* Architectural Style Classification Using Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression
* Architectural symbol recognition using a network of constraints
* Architectural Tricks for Deep Learning in Remote Photoplethysmography
* Architecture-Aware Network Pruning for Vision Quality Applications
* Architecture-aware optimization of an HEVC decoder on asymmetric multicore processors
* Architecture-Driven Level Set Optimization: From Clustering to Subpixel Image Segmentation
* Architecture-Independent Global Image Processing
* Architecture Alternative Deep Multi-View Clustering
* Architecture and Algorithms for Digital Image Processing
* Architecture and Algorithms for Tracking Football Players with Multiple Cameras
* Architecture and Applications of DADO: A Large-Scale Parallel Computer for Artificial Intelligence
* Architecture and Applications of the Connection Machine
* Architecture and Applications of Virtual Coaches
* Architecture and Automatic Task Planning for Sensor-Based Robots
* Architecture and Bus-Arbitration Schemes for MPEG-2 Video Decoder
* Architecture and design of an embeddable system for SCAN-based compression, encryption and information hiding
* Architecture and implementation of a highly parallel single-chip video DSP
* Architecture and Methods for Innovative Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Applications
* Architecture and Noise Analysis for Block-Based Compressive Imaging
* Architecture and Performance of the HI-Space Projector-Camera Interface
* architecture based on hybrid systems for analyzing 3D industrial scenes, An
* architecture based on reconfigurability and asynchronism for real-time image processing, An
* Architecture design for a low-cost and low-complexity foreground object segmentation with Multi-model Background Maintenance algorithm
* Architecture Design for Median Filter
* Architecture design of a high-performance dual-symbol binary arithmetic coder for JPEG2000
* Architecture Design of Belief Propagation for Real-Time Disparity Estimation
* Architecture Design of Shape-Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Inverse for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Architecture Design of the H.264/AVC Encoder Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Architecture design of the high-throughput compensator and interpolator for the H.265/HEVC encoder
* Architecture Disentanglement for Deep Neural Networks
* Architecture for a Grounded Ontology of Geographic Information
* Architecture for Analog Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation
* Architecture for Automated Fire Detection Early Warning System Based on Geoprocessing Service Composition, An
* Architecture for Automatic Lipreading to Enhance Speech Recognition, An
* Architecture for Cluster-Based Automated Surveillance Network for Detecting and Tracking Multiple Persons
* Architecture for Compressive Imaging, An
* Architecture for Computer Vision Application Development within the Horus System
* Architecture for Content-Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images, An
* architecture for document management, An
* Architecture for Emotional Facial Expressions as Social Signals, An
* architecture for handwritten text recognition systems, An
* Architecture for Image Compression Through Wavelet Transform, An
* Architecture for Image Labelling in Real Conditions
* architecture for ink annotations on web documents, An
* Architecture for Mobile Outdoors Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage, An
* Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility, An
* Architecture for Multiresolution, Focal, Image Analysis, An
* Architecture for Musical Score Recognition Using High-Level Domain Knowledge, An
* Architecture for parallel marker-free variable length streams decoding
* Architecture for parking management in smart cities
* Architecture for Prototyping and Application Development of Visual Tracking Systems, An
* Architecture for Reactive Behavior, An
* architecture for reactive behaviour, An
* Architecture for Region Boundary Extraction in Raster Scan Images Suitable for VLSI Implementation, An
* architecture for sensor data fusion target tracking, An
* Architecture for Sensor Fusion in a Mobile Robot, An
* Architecture for Synchronous Multiparty Authentication Using Biometrics
* Architecture for Vision and Action, An
* Architecture Independent Programming Language for Low-Level Vision, An
* Architecture of 23GOPs Video Signal Processor with Programmable Systolic Array
* Architecture of a 3D-simulation environment for active vision systems and mobile robots
* Architecture of a Low Latency Image Rectification Engine for Stereoscopic 3-D HDTV Processing
* Architecture of a Picture Processor Using a Parallel General Operator, An
* Architecture of a Process Broker for Interoperable Geospatial Modeling on the Web
* Architecture of a socio-conversational agent in virtual worlds
* Architecture of a Softcopy Photogrammetry System, The
* Architecture of a Stereo Image Based System to Measure Tree Geometric Parameters, The
* Architecture of Algorithmically Optimized MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Encoder
* Architecture of an application-specific processor for real-time implementation of H.264/AVC sub-pixel interpolation
* Architecture of embedded video processing in a multimedia chip-set
* Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile, The
* Architecture of MPEG-7 color structure description generator for realtime video applications
* Architecture of Object Recognition System for Various Images Based on Multi-Agents, An
* Architecture of the Distributed Multimedia information retrieval network with Query Routing Systems, An
* Architecture of the Knowledge Based Configuration System for Image Analysis Conny
* architecture of TrueViz: A groundTRUth/metadata editing and VIsualiZing ToolKit, The
* Architecture Recognition By Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Architecture Search of Dynamic Cells for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Architecture to improve the accuracy of automatic image annotation systems
* Architecture, Dataset and Model-Scale Agnostic Data-free Meta-Learning
* Architecture, Hardware, and Forward-Looking Infrared Issues in Automatic Target Recognition
* Architectures and Algorithms for Iconic-to-Symbolic Transformations
* Architectures and Systems for Matching for Block Coding, Block Motion Estimation
* Architectures and Visual-Processing Applications of Multimedia DSPs
* Architectures for Biometric Match-on-Token Solutions
* Architectures for Detecting and Solving Conflicts: Two-Stage Classification and Support Vector Classifiers
* Architectures for Fast Transcoding of H.264/AVC to Quality-Scalable SVC Streams
* Architectures for hierarchical and other block matching algorithms
* Architectures for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Architectures for MPEG compressed bitstream scaling
* Architectures for multi-threaded MVC-compliant multi-view video decoding and benchmark tests
* Architectures for Wavelet Transforms: A Survey
* Archival Aerial Images Georeferencing: A Geostatistically-Based Approach for Improving Orthophoto Accuracy with Minimal Number of Ground Control Points
* Archival and Retrieval of Historical Watermark Images
* Archival and retrieval of symbolic images: An invariant scheme based on triangular spatial relationship
* Archive and Preservation of Media Content Using MPEG-A
* Archive and Wartime Aerial Photographs and Procedures of Their Treatment
* Archive Film Defect Detection and Removal: An Automatic Restoration Framework
* Archive Film Restoration Based on Spatiotemporal Random Walks
* Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
* Archive image communication with improved compression
* Archiving 3D cultural objects with surface point-wise database information
* Archiving Mural Paintings Using an Ontology Based Approach
* Archiving technology for plant inspection images captured by mobile active cameras 4D visible memory
* ArCo: Attention-reinforced transformer with contrastive learning for image captioning
* Arcrange And Arcseer: Presenting A New Approach To Archaeological Data Management And Representation
* Arcs and Curves in Digital Pictures
* ARCS: Accurate Rotation and Correspondence Search
* ArcSoft
* ArcStereoNet: A New ArcGIS® Toolbox for Projection and Analysis of Meso- and Micro-Structural Data
* Arctic-Boreal Lake Phenology Shows a Relationship between Earlier Lake Ice-Out and Later Green-Up
* Arctic-Wide Operational Sea Ice Drift From Enhanced-Resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds Scatterometry and Its Validation
* Arctic Ecological Classifications Derived from Vegetation Community and Satellite Spectral Data
* Arctic Greening Trends: Change Points in Satellite-Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Indexes and Their Correlation with Climate Variables over the Last Two Decades
* Arctic HARE: A Machine Learning-Based System for Performance Analysis of Cross-Country Skiers
* Arctic Heritage at Risk: Insights into How Remote Sensing, Robotics and Simulation Can Improve Risk Analysis and Enhance Safety
* Arctic Multiyear Ice Areal Flux and Its Connection with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations in the Winters of 2002-2021
* Arctic Ocean Sea Level Record from the Complete Radar Altimetry Era: 1991-2018
* Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's Operation IceBridge ATM Data
* Arctic Sea Ice Albedo Estimation from Fengyun-3C/Visible and Infra-Red Radiometer
* Arctic Sea Ice Characterization Using Spaceborne Fully Polarimetric L-, C-, and X-Band SAR With Validation by Airborne Measurements
* Arctic Sea Ice Classification Based on CFOSAT SWIM Data at Multiple Small Incidence Angles
* Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using Microwave Scatterometer and Radiometer Data During 2002-2017
* Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Retrieval from Envisat Altimetry Data
* Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Retrieval With Waveform Characteristics for NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) and Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS)
* Arctic Sea Ice Lead Detection from Chinese HY-2B Radar Altimeter Data
* Arctic sea ice melt pond fraction in 2000-2021 derived by dynamic pixel spectral unmixing of MODIS images
* Arctic Sea Ice Surface Roughness Estimated from Multi-Angular Reflectance Satellite Imagery
* Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Inversion Using FY-3D/MWRI Brightness Temperature Data
* Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimation from CryoSat-2 Satellite Data Using Machine Learning-Based Lead Detection
* Arctic Sea Level Budget Assessment during the GRACE/Argo Time Period
* Arctic Soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Type Recognition Based on Aerial Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Topographical Data
* Arctic Surface Properties and Their Impact on Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Column Retrievals
* Arctic Thin Ice Detection Using AMSR2 and FY-3C MWRI Radiometer Data
* Arctic Tundra Land Cover Classification on the Beaufort Coast Using the Kennaugh Element Framework on Dual-Polarimetric TerraSAR-X Imagery
* Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training Datasets and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Arctic Winds Retrieved from FY-3D Microwave Humidity Sounder-II 183.31 GHz Brightness Temperature Using Atmospheric Motion Vector Method
* ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Manipulation
* ARCTIC: A knowledge distillation approach via attention-based relation matching and activation region constraint for RGB-to-Infrared videos action recognition
* ARCTIS: A MATLAB® Toolbox for Archaeological Imaging Spectroscopy
* ArcTron
* ARDA-UNIT recurrent dense self-attention block with adaptive feature fusion for unpaired (unsupervised) image-to-image translation
* Are 2D-LSTM really dead for offline text recognition?
* Are 3D convolutional networks inherently biased towards appearance?
* Are 3D Face Shapes Expressive Enough for Recognising Continuous Emotions and Action Unit Intensities?
* Are Adversarial Robustness and Common Perturbation Robustness Independent Attributes ?
* Are All Combinations Equal? Combining Textual and Visual Features with Multiple Space Learning for Text-based Video Retrieval
* Are all objects equal? Deep spatio-temporal importance prediction in driving videos
* Are All Users Treated Fairly in Federated Learning Systems?
* Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning
* Are Cars Just 3D Boxes? Jointly Estimating the 3D Shape of Multiple Objects
* Are Characters Objects?
* Are City Features Influencing the Behavior of Photographers? An Analysis of Geo-referenced Photos Shooting Orientation
* Are Climate-Dependent Impacts of Soil Constraints on Crop Growth Evident in Remote-Sensing Data?
* Are Commercially Implemented Adaptive Cruise Control Systems String Stable?
* Are Correlation Filters Useful for Human Action Recognition?
* Are current long-term video understanding datasets long-term?
* Are Current Monocular Computer Vision Systems for Human Action Recognition Suitable for Visual Surveillance Applications?
* Are Data-Driven Explanations Robust Against Out-of-Distribution Data?
* Are Deep Models Robust against Real Distortions? A Case Study on Document Image Classification
* Are Deep Neural Networks SMARTer Than Second Graders?
* Are Digraphs Good for Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics?
* Are Edges Incomplete?
* Are Edges Sufficient for Object Recognition
* Are Electric Vehicles Reshaping the City? An Investigation of the Clustering of Electric Vehicle Owners' Dwellings and Their Interaction with Urban Spaces
* Are emotional objects visually salient? The Emotional Maps Database
* Are Emotional Robots Deceptive?
* Are External Face Features Useful for Automatic Face Classification?
* Are Face Detection Models Biased?
* Are face recognition methods useful for classifying ships?
* Are facial attributes adversarially robust?
* Are French Really That Different? Recognizing Europeans from Faces Using Data-Driven Learning
* Are Fuzzy Definitions of Basic Attributes of Image Objects Really Useful?
* Are Gaussian spectra a viable perceptual assumption in color appearance?
* Are Gibbs-Type Priors the Most Natural Generalization of the Dirichlet Process?
* Are Graph Convolutional Networks With Random Weights Feasible?
* Are Haar-Like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition Reducible?
* Are Impossible Figures Possible?
* Are Indices of Polarimetric Purity Excellent Metrics for Object Identification in Scattering Media?
* Are IoBT services accessible to everyone?
* Are Iterations and Curvature Useful for Tensor Voting?
* Are Labels Always Necessary for Classifier Accuracy Evaluation?
* Are Labels Necessary for Neural Architecture Search?
* Are Labels Needed for Incremental Instance Learning?
* Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Visual Localization?
* Are Local Features All You Need for Cross-Domain Visual Place Recognition?
* Are Measured Ground Control Points Still Required In UAV Based Large Scale Mapping? Assessing the Positional Accuracy of An RTK Multi-rotor Platform
* Are metrics measuring what they should? An evaluation of Image Captioning task metrics
* Are mid-air dynamic gestures applicable to user identification?
* Are MSER Features Really Interesting?
* Are Multi-view Edges Incomplete for Depth Estimation?
* Are Multifractal Multipermuted Multinomial Measures Good Enough for Unsupervised Image Segmentation?
* Are Multilayer Perceptrons Adequate for Pattern-Recognition and Verification
* Are Multimodal Transformers Robust to Missing Modality?
* Are Multiple Cross-Correlation Identities better than just Two? Improving the Estimate of Time Differences-of-Arrivals from Blind Audio Signals
* Are Natural Domain Foundation Models Useful for Medical Image Classification?
* Are Object Detection Assessment Criteria Ready for Maritime Computer Vision?
* Are Performance Differences of Interest Operators Statistically Significant?
* Are Reactions to Ego Vehicles Predictable Without Data?: A Semi-Supervised Approach
* Are Reducts and Typical Testors the Same?
* Are reflectance field renderings appropriate for optical flow evaluation?
* Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different from Standard Catheter Ablation in Paroxysmal AF Patients? Novel CMRI Findings Made Possible with Semi-automatic 3-D Visualisation
* Are sparse representations really relevant for image classification?
* Are spatial and global constraints really necessary for segmentation?
* Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the best state-of-art liveness detectors?
* Are Straight-Through gradients and Soft-Thresholding all you need for Sparse Training?
* Are Textureless Scenes Recoverable?
* Are the Latest GSMaP Satellite Precipitation Products Feasible for Daily and Hourly Discharge Simulations in the Yellow River Source Region?
* Are the Poor Digitally Left Behind? Indications of Urban Divides Based on Remote Sensing and Twitter Data
* Are the Significant Ionospheric Anomalies Associated with the 2007 Great Deep-Focus Undersea Jakarta-Java Earthquake?
* Are the Wavelet Transforms the Best Filter Banks for Image Compression?
* Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms before Earthquakes? The Case Study of Lushan (China) 2013
* Are There Sufficient Landsat Observations for Retrospective and Continuous Monitoring of Land Cover Changes in China?
* Are These Birds Similar: Learning Branched Networks for Fine-grained Representations
* Are These from the Same Place? Seeing the Unseen in Cross-View Image Geo-Localization
* Are They Different? Affect, Feeling, Emotion, Sentiment, and Opinion Detection in Text
* Are They Going to Cross? A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline for Pedestrian Crosswalk Behavior
* Are They Paying Attention? A Model-Based Method to Identify Individuals' Mental States
* Are Turn-by-Turn Navigation Systems of Regular Vehicles Ready for Edge-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles?
* Are twin hyperplanes necessary?
* Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?
* Are Vision Transformers Robust to Patch Perturbations?
* Are Vision Transformers Robust to Spurious Correlations?
* Are Visual Informatics Actually Useful in Practice: A Study in a Film Studies Context
* Are we Asking the Right Questions in MovieQA?
* Are we certain it's anomalous?
* Are We Hungry for 3D LiDAR Data for Semantic Segmentation? A Survey of Datasets and Methods
* Are We in Boswash Yet? A Multi-Source Geodata Approach to Spatially Delimit Urban Corridors
* Are we in sync during turn switch?
* Are we making real progress in computer vision today?
* Are we Missing Confidence in Pseudo-LiDAR Methods for Monocular 3D Object Detection?
* Are we ready for autonomous driving? The KITTI vision benchmark suite
* Are We Ready for Autonomous Drone Racing? The UZH-FPV Drone Racing Dataset
* Are We Ready for Vision-Centric Driving Streaming Perception? The ASAP Benchmark
* Are You Confident That You Have Successfully Generated Adversarial Examples?
* Are you eligible? Predicting adulthood from face images via Class Specific Mean Autoencoder
* Are You Really Looking at Me? A Feature-Extraction Framework for Estimating Interpersonal Eye Gaze From Conventional Video
* Are You Really Smiling at Me? Spontaneous versus Posed Enjoyment Smiles
* Are You Smarter Than a Sixth Grader? Textbook Question Answering for Multimodal Machine Comprehension
* Are You Smiling as a Celebrity? Latent Smile and Gender Recognition
* Are You Talking to Me? Reasoned Visual Dialog Generation Through Adversarial Learning
* Are You Tampering with My Data?
* Are You There? A Study on Measuring Presence in Immersive Virtual Reality
* Are you using the right approximate nearest neighbor algorithm?
* Are you what you look like? Exploring correlations in personality type and their wearing
* Are Younger People More Difficult to Identify or Just a Peer-to-Peer Effect
* area-based alignment method for 3d urban models, An
* Area-Based Approach for Mapping and Monitoring Riverine Vegetation Using Mobile Laser Scanning
* Area-Based Computation of Stereo Disparity with Model-Based Window Size Selection
* Area-Based Dense Image Matching with Subpixel Accuracy for Remote Sensing Applications: Practical Analysis and Comparative Study
* Area-Based Interpolation for Scaling of Images from a CCD
* Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Using Airborne Scanning LiDAR
* Area-Based Matching for Simultaneous Registration of Multiple 3-D Profile Maps
* Area-Based Medial Axis of Planar Curves
* Area-Based Snow Damage Classification of Forest Canopies Using Bi-Temporal Lidar Data
* Area-delay-power-efficient architecture for folded two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform by multiple lifting computation
* area-efficient 4/8/16/32-point inverse DCT architecture for UHDTV HEVC decoder, An
* Area-Efficient and High-Throughput De-Blocking Filter for Multi-Standard Video Applications, An
* Area-efficient parallel adder with faithful approximation for image and signal processing applications
* Area-Efficient Variable-Size Fixed-Point DCT Architecture for HEVC Encoding, An
* Area-Efficient Variable Length Decoder IP Core Design for MPEG-1/2/4 Video Coding Applications, An
* Area-time efficient between-class variance module for adaptive segmentation process
* Area-to-point regression kriging for pan-sharpening
* Area-weighted surface normals for 3D object recognition
* Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape Segmentation
* Area and Length Preserving Geometric Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Area and Mass Changes of Glaciers in the West Kunlun Mountains Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images and DEMs from 1970 to 2018
* Area and Moment Computation for Objects with a Closed Spline Boundary
* Area and Perimeter Measurement of Blobs in Discrete Binary Pictures
* Area and Volume Restoration in Elastically Deformable Solids
* Area Collapse and Road Centerlines based on Straight Skeletons
* Area Distances Of Convex Plane Curves And Improper Affine Spheres
* Area efficient FIR filters for high speed FPGA implementation
* Area Efficient Low Power Inner Product Computation For Discrete Orthogonal Transforms, An
* Area Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Reed-Solomon Decoder/Encoder for Digital VCRs, An
* Area Estimation of Multi-temporal Global Impervious Land Cover Based On Stratified Random Sampling
* Area mapping employing reference clusters for high quality noninteger resolution conversion with enhancement
* Area matching based on belief propagation with applications to face modeling
* Area Merging Method in Map Generalization Considering The Boundary Characteristics of Structured Geographic Objects, An
* Area Minimizing Flows
* Area Morphological Segmentation for Content Based Retrieval
* Area operators for edge detection
* Area Preserving Brain Mapping
* Area Processing Unit of Caroline: Finding the Way through DARPA's Urban Challenge, The
* Area Segmentation of Images Using Edge Points
* Area Under the ROC Curve Maximization for Metric Learning
* AREA: Adaptive Reweighting via Effective Area for Long-Tailed Classification
* Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap
* Areal Estimates of Fragmented Land Cover: Effects of Pixel Size and Model-Based Corrections
* Areal Extent of Dust Emission Events and Source Geomorphology in Northern Africa from MSG-SEVIRI Data
* Areal Feature Matching Based on Similarity Using Critic Method
* Areal Interpolation Using Parcel and Census Data in Highly Developed Urban Environments
* Areal Precipitation Coverage Ratio for Enhanced AI Modelling of Monthly Runoff: A New Satellite Data-Driven Scheme for Semi-Arid Mountainous Climate
* Areas Available for the Potential Sustainable Expansion of Soy in Brazil: A Geospatial Assessment Using the SAFmaps Database
* Areas of Attention for Image Captioning
* Areas of Crime in Cities: Case Study of Lithuania
* Areca Yellow Leaf Disease Severity Monitoring Using UAV-Based Multispectral and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* ARES: On Adversarial Robustness Enhancement for Image Steganographic Cost Learning
* ARF-Crack: rotation invariant deep fully convolutional network for pixel-level crack detection
* ARF: Artistic Radiance Fields
* ARFBF model for non stationary random fields and application in HRTEM images
* Arg-Cnn: An Attention-Based Network for Plant Identification
* ARG Representation for Chinese Characters and a Radical Extraction Based on the Representation, An
* ARGAN: Attentive Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Shadow Detection and Removal
* ARGIS-based outdoor underground pipeline information system
* ARGOS campaign: Evaluation of video analysis and indexing tools, The
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* ARGOS Instrument for Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements, The
* Argos: An Advanced In-Vehicle Data Recorder on a Massively Sensorized Vehicle for Car Driver Behavior Experimentation
* ARGOS: Venice Boat Classification
* Argoverse: 3D Tracking and Forecasting With Rich Maps
* argumentative approach for discovering relevant opinions in Twitter with probabilistic valued relationships, An
* Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Video Analysis
* Argus++: Robust Real-time Activity Detection for Unconstrained Video Streams with Overlapping Cube Proposals
* Aria Digital Twin: A New Benchmark Dataset for Egocentric 3D Machine Perception
* ARIA: Adversarially Robust Image Attribution for Content Provenance
* Aria: An Agent for Annotating and Retreiving Images
* ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants Using Generative Adversarial Network
* ARIMA Model for Modeling and Forecasting the Dynamic of Univariate Time Series: The case of Moroccan Inflation Rate, An
* ARImp: A Generalized Adjusted Rand Index for Cluster Ensembles
* ARIN: Adaptive Resampling and Instance Normalization for Robust Blind Inpainting of Dunhuang Cave Paintings
* ARISTA: Image search to annotation on billions of web photos
* Aristotle's Mirror: Combining Digital and Material Culture
* Aristotle University of Thessaloniki UAV Gesture Dataset
* Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
* ARISupport: Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems
* ArithFusion: An Arithmetic Deep Model for Temporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion
* Arithmetic and Combinatorial Approach to Three-Dimensional Discrete Lines, An
* Arithmetic coding for data compression
* Arithmetic coding for image compression with adaptive weight-context classification
* Arithmetic coding of a lossless contour based representation of label images
* Arithmetic Coding with Dual Symbol Sets and Its Performance Analysis
* Arithmetic Discrete Parabolas
* Arithmetic Discrete Planes Are Quasicrystals
* Arithmetic edge coding for arbitrarily shaped sub-block motion prediction in depth video compression
* Arithmetic errors in the sub-band FFT: derivation of error equations and simulation results
* Arithmetic Evaluation System Based on Mixnet-YOLOv3 and CRNN Neural Networks
* Arithmetic Method of Double-Injection-Electrode Model for Resistivity Measurement Through Metal Casing
* Arithmetic operations among shapes using shape numbers
* Arithmetical Characterization of the Convex Hull of Digital Straight Segments, An
* Arithmetization of a Circular Arc
* Arizona State University
* ARKit and ARCore in serve to augmented reality
* ARKitTrack: A New Diverse Dataset for Tracking Using Mobile RGB-D Data
* ARKTOS: An Intelligent System for SAR Sea Ice Image Classification
* ARL Multi-Modal Sensor: A research tool for target signature collection, algorithm validation, and emplacement studies, The
* Arm-CODA: A Data Set of Upper-limb Human Movement During Routine Examination
* ARM-FPGA based platform for automated adaptive wireless communication systems using partial reconfiguration technique
* Arm-Hand Behaviours Modelling: From Attention to Imitation
* Arm-Pointer: 3D Pointing Interface for Real-World Interaction
* Arm-pointing gesture interface using surrounded stereo cameras system
* Arm-Swing is Discriminative in Video Gait Recognition for Athlete Re-Identification, The
* ARM-VO: an efficient monocular visual odometry for ground vehicles on ARM CPUs
* ARM Based Microcontroller for Image Capturing in FPGA Design
* Arm gesture detection in a classroom environment
* Arm Motion Classification Using Time-Series Analysis of the Spectrogram Frequency Envelopes
* Arm motion perception and interaction platform design and implementation
* Arm Swing Identification Method with Template Update for Long Term Stability
* Arm Tracking, Arm Pose for Gestures
* ARM: Any-Time Super-Resolution Method
* ARMA-HMM: A new approach for early recognition of human activity
* ARMA digital filter design method for audio and musical purposes
* ARMA order selection method with fuzzy reasoning, An
* Armagh Observatory: Historic Building Information Modelling For Virtual Learning In Building Conservation
* ARMOR: A system for adjusting repair and media scaling for video streaming
* ArmSym: A Virtual Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory for Assistive Robotics
* Army of Thieves: Enhancing Black-Box Model Extraction via Ensemble based sample selection
* ARmy: A study of multi-user interaction in spatially augmented games
* ARNIQA: Learning Distortion Manifold for Image Quality Assessment
* ARNOLD: A Benchmark for Language-Grounded Task Learning With Continuous States in Realistic 3D Scenes
* ARO-Net: Learning Implicit Fields from Anchored Radial Observations
* AROSICS: An Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
* Arousal Recognition Using Audio-Visual Features and FMRI-Based Brain Response
* Arousal Video Game AnnotatIoN (AGAIN) Dataset, The
* AROW: Adversarial Robustness in the Real World
* ARP cache poisoning: detection, mitigation and prevention schemes
* ARPLR: An All-Round and Highly Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Routing Scheme for VANETs
* ARQ-based diversity system for transmission of EZW compressed images over noisy channels, An
* Arrangement based image representation for scene recognition
* Arrangement for determining the optimum scan angle for printed documents
* Arrangement of encoding motion image signals using motion compensation and orthogonal transformation
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation Between Parts for Evaluating Similarity of Tomographic Section
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation for Describing and Comparing Part Embeddings
* Arrangements, Homomorphisms, and Discrete Relaxation
* Arranging and Interpolating Sparse Unorganized Feature Points With Geodesic Circular Arc
* Array-Aided Multifrequency GNSS Ionospheric Sensing: Estimability and Precision Analysis
* array-based node-oriented max-tree representation, An
* Array-rewriting P systems
* Array Algebra Polynomial Fitting for Image Segmentation
* Array antenna characteristics enhancement for electronic scanning radar application: Parasitic patches and multi layer techniques
* Array Architectures for Iconic and Symbolic Image Processing
* Array Architectures for Iterative Algorithms
* Array Beamforming Algorithm for Estimating Waves and Currents From Marine X-Band Radar Image Sequences
* Array Configuration Design for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiometers Based on Dual-Polarization Measurements
* Array Database Approach for Earth Observation Data Management and Processing, An
* Array Grammars and Kolam
* Array Grammars, Patterns, and Recognizers
* Array imaging with beam-steered data
* Array Interpolation Using Covariance Matrix Completion of Minimum-Size Virtual Array
* Array Optimization for MIMO Radar by Genetic Algorithms
* Array Orientation Adjustments Subject to Optimal Direct Position Determination Performance
* Array P Systems and t-Communication
* Array Pattern Synthesis Method with the Constraint of Weight Amplitude Dynamic Range, An
* Array PPP-RTK: A High Precision Pose Estimation Method for Outdoor Scenarios
* Array Processing in Microseismic Monitoring: Detection, Enhancement, and Localization of Induced Seismicity
* array processing system with a Fortran-based realization, An
* array processor approach for low bit rate video coding, An
* Array Processors, Massive Parallel Systems, Pyramids
* Array Redundancy for Active Line Arrays
* Arrays of low-level inequality based feature detecting cells
* Arrays of single pixel time-of-flight sensors for privacy preserving tracking and coarse pose estimation
* ARRIBA: Designing a GIS for Coastal Management
* Arrington Research
* Arrival Times of Plane Waves Obliquely Incident on a Dipole Array Antenna in a Borehole
* Arrowhead Recognition During Automated Data Capture
* ARRPNGAN: Text-to-image GAN with attention regularization and region proposal networks
* ARRSI: Automatic Registration of Remote-Sensing Images
* Arsenic-safe Aquifers in Coastal Bangladesh: An Investigation With Ordinary Kriging Estimation
* ARShadowGAN: Shadow Generative Adversarial Network for Augmented Reality in Single Light Scenes
* Art-Directable Cloud Animation
* ART-Point: Improving Rotation Robustness of Point Cloud Classifiers via Adversarial Rotation
* ART-SS: An Adaptive Rejection Technique for Semi-Supervised Restoration for Adverse Weather-Affected Images
* Art and Argument: Indigitization of a Kiowa Historical Map for Teaching and Research
* Art and Science of HDR Imaging, The
* Art Critic: Multisignal Vision and Speech Interaction System in a Gaming Context
* ART extension for description, indexing and retrieval of 3D objects
* ART Neural Networks for Remote Sensing: Vegetation Classification from Landsat TM and Terrain Data
* Art Nouveau Danube Digital Repository
* Art of Deception: Novel Graphical User Authentication Scheme Using Illusion Images, The
* Art of Detection, The
* art of fractal landscapes, The
* Art of Massive Storage: A Web Image Archive, The
* Art of Robustness: Devil and Angel in Adversarial Machine Learning, The
* Art of Scale-Space, The
* Art of Singular Vectors and Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* Art of War Frieze in Urbino: A Blend of Virtual Reconstruction and Scientific Accuracy, The
* Art, science, and appearance in HDR images
* ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* ART2-based multiple MLPs neural network for speaker-independent recognition of isolated words
* Art2Contour: Salient Contour Detection in Artworks Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Art2Real: Unfolding the Reality of Artworks via Semantically-Aware Image-To-Image Translation
* ARTag: a Fiducial Marker System Using Digital Techniques
* Artalive: An Android Application for Augmented Reality Without Markers, Based On Anamorphic Images
* ArtCoder: An End-to-end Method for Generating Scanning-robust Stylized QR Codes
* Artefact-free image stitching via a better normed seam-cutting energy function
* Artefact Mobile Data Model To Support Cultural Heritage Data Collection And Interpretation
* Artefacts in Marine Digital Terrain Models: A Multiscale Analysis of Their Impact on the Derivation of Terrain Attributes
* ARTEMIdE: An Automated Underwater Material Recognition Method for Fluorescence LIDAR Invariant to Environmental Conditions
* ArtEmis: Affective Language for Visual Art
* Arterial link travel time estimation considering traffic signal delays using cellular handoff data
* Arterial Pulse Rate Variability analysis for diagnoses
* Arterial spin labeling at ultra-high field: All that glitters is not gold
* Arterial Spin Labeling Images Synthesis From sMRI Using Unbalanced Deep Discriminant Learning
* Arterial Stiffness Probed by Dynamic Ultrasound Elastography Characterizes Waveform of Blood Pressure
* Arteries, Plaque Formation, Detection, Analysis
* Arterioles and Venules Classification in Retinal Images Using Fully Convolutional Deep Neural Network
* Arteriovenous Classification in Retinal Images by U-net and Tracking Algorithm, The
* Artery-vein separation via MRA-An image processing approach
* Artery Skeleton Extraction Using Topographic and Connected Component Labeling
* Artery Wall Extraction from Intravascular OCT Images
* Artery/vein classification using reflection features in retina fundus images
* Artfacepoints: High-resolution Facial Landmark Detection in Paintings and Prints
* ArtFlow: Unbiased Image Style Transfer via Reversible Neural Flows
* ArtGAN: Artwork synthesis with conditional categorical GANs
* ArtiBoost: Boosting Articulated 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation via Online Exploration and Synthesis
* Article retraction: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
* Articulatd Action Recognition
* Articulate hand motion capturing based on a Monte Carlo nelder-mead simplex tracker
* Articulated-Body Tracking Through Anisotropic Edge Detection
* Articulated-Pose Estimation using Brightness and Depth-Constancy Constraints
* Articulated 3D model tracking with on-the-fly texturing
* Articulated and Generalized Gaussian Kernel Correlation for Human Pose Estimation
* Articulated and Restricted Motion Subspaces and Their Signatures
* Articulated Body Motion Capture by Annealed Particle Filtering
* Articulated Body Motion Capture by Stochastic Search
* Articulated Body Motion Tracking by Combined Particle Swarm Optimization and Particle Filtering
* Articulated Body Posture Estimation from Multi-Camera Voxel Data
* Articulated Body Tracking Using Dynamic Belief Propagation
* Articulated Deformable Structure Approach to Human Motion Segmentation and Shape Recovery from an Image Sequence
* Articulated Gaussian kernel correlation for human pose estimation
* Articulated hand configuration and rotation estimation using extended torus manifold embedding
* Articulated Hand Tracking by PCA-ICA Approach
* Articulated human body pose tracking by suppression based immune particle filter
* Articulated Human Body: 3D Pose Estimation Using a Single Camera
* Articulated Human Detection with Flexible Mixtures of Parts
* Articulated Human Pose Desicriptions
* Articulated human pose tracking based on game theory
* Articulated joint estimation from motion using two monocular images
* Articulated Model Registration of MRI/X-Ray Spine Data
* Articulated models from video
* Articulated motion and deformable objects
* Articulated motion capture from 3-D points and normals
* Articulated motion discovery using pairs of trajectories
* Articulated Motion Modeling for Activity Analysis
* Articulated motion reconstruction from feature points
* Articulated Motion Segmentation Of Point Clouds by Group-Valued Regularization
* Articulated Motion Segmentation Using RANSAC with Priors
* Articulated Multi-body Tracking under Egomotion
* Articulated Multi-Instrument 2-D Pose Estimation Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Articulated Object Recognition, or: How to Generalize the Generalized Hough Transform
* Articulated Object Recognition: A General Framework and a Case Study
* Articulated Object Registration Using Simulated Physical Force/Moment for 3D Human Motion Tracking
* Articulated Object Tracking via a Genetic Algorithm
* Articulated part-based model for joint object detection and pose estimation
* Articulated Particle Filter for hand tracking
* Articulated people detection and pose estimation: Reshaping the future
* Articulated Pose Estimation in a Learned Smooth Space of Feasible Solutions
* Articulated Pose Estimation Using Discriminative Armlet Classifiers
* Articulated pose estimation via multiple mixture parts model
* Articulated pose estimation with flexible mixtures-of-parts
* Articulated pose estimation with parts connectivity using discriminative local oriented contours
* Articulated pose estimation with tiny synthetic videos
* Articulated Registration Method, An
* Articulated registration of 3D human geometry to X-ray image
* Articulated Shape Matching by Robust Alignment of Embedded Representations
* Articulated shape matching using Laplacian eigenfunctions and unsupervised point registration
* Articulated Shape Matching Using Locally Linear Embedding and Orthogonal Alignment
* Articulated Shape Mixtures for Object Recognition
* Articulated soft objects for multiview shape and motion capture
* Articulated Soft Objects for Video-based Body Modeling
* Articulated Structure from Motion by Factorization
* Articulated tracking with manifold regularized particle filter
* Articulated Trajectory Mapping for Reviewing Walking Tours
* ArticulatedFusion: Real-Time Reconstruction of Motion, Geometry and Segmentation Using a Single Depth Camera
* Articulation-Aware Canonical Surface Mapping
* Articulation-Invariant Representation of Non-planar Shapes
* Articulation Entropy: An Unsupervised Measure of Articulatory Precision
* Articulatory Speech Re-synthesis: Profiting from Natural Acoustic Speech Data
* Artifact-based Domain Generalization of Skin Lesion Models
* Artifact-free High Dynamic Range imaging
* Artifact-Free Thin Cloud Removal Using Gans
* Artifact-Free Variational MPEG Decompression
* Artifact-Free Wavelet Denoising: Non-convex Sparse Regularization, Convex Optimization
* Artifact-Type Aware DIBR Method for View Synthesis, An
* Artifact Analysis and Reconstruction Improvement in Helical Cardiac Cone Beam CT
* Artifact and Detail Attention Generative Adversarial Networks for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Artifact correction with robust statistics for non-stationary intracranial pressure signal monitoring
* Artifact Detection and Restoration in Histology Images With Stain-Style and Structural Preservation
* Artifact Detection Maps Learned using Shallow Convolutional Networks
* Artifact reduction for POCS-based super resolution with edge adaptive regularization and higher-order interpolants
* Artifact Reduction for Set Theoretic Super Resolution Image Reconstruction with Edge Adaptive Constraints and Higher-Order Interpolants
* Artifact reduction in compressed images based on region homogeneity constraints using the projection onto convex sets algorithm
* Artifact reduction in JPEG2000 compressed images at low bit-rate using mathematical morphology filtering
* Artifact Reduction in Low Bit-rate DCT-Based Image Compression
* Artifact Reduction in Radiometric Compensation of Projector-Camera Systems for Steep Reflectance Variations
* Artifact Reduction in Sinc Interpolation Using Adaptive Filtering
* Artifact reduction of compressed images and video combining adaptive fuzzy filtering and directional anisotropic diffusion
* Artifact reduction of compressed video via three-dimensional adaptive estimation of transform coefficients
* Artifact reduction of interpolated color filter array images using modified mean-removed classified vector quantization
* Artifact reduction of JPEG coded images using mean-removed classified vector quantization
* Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image generation of FTV
* Artifact Region-Aware Transformer: Global Context Helps CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* Artifact Removal for GLS Map Makers by Means of Post-Processing
* Artifact removal from electroencephalograms using a hybrid BSS-SVM algorithm
* Artifact Removal from Single-Trial ERPs using Non-Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Models and Particle Filter
* Artifact Suppressed Dictionary Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Processing
* Artifact Trapping During Time Reversal Photoacoustic Imaging for Acoustically Heterogeneous Media
* Artifact: A Large-Scale Dataset With Artificial And Factual Images For Generalizable And Robust Synthetic Image Detection
* Artifacts-Disentangled Adversarial Learning for Deepfake Detection
* Artifacts of Markov blanket filtering based on discretized features in small sample size applications
* Artifacts reduction in mutual information-based image registration using prior information
* Artifactual time-course correlations in echo-planar fMRI with implications for studies of brain function
* Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Customized Manufacturing Factory: Key Technologies, Applications, and Challenges
* Artificial-Neural-Network-Based Model for Real-Time Dispatching of Electric Autonomous Taxis, An
* Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence
* Artificial and beneficial: Exploiting artificial images for aerial vehicle detection
* Artificial and biological color band design as spectral compression
* Artificial and Biological Vision Systems
* Artificial bee colony (ABC) optimized edge potential function (EPF) approach to target recognition for low-altitude aircraft
* Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Adaptive Parameter Space Dimension: A Promising Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Induction Inversion
* Artificial bee colony algorithm with generating neighbourhood solution for large scale coloured traveling salesman problem
* Artificial Classifier Generation for Multi-expert System Evaluation
* Artificial Co-Drivers as a Universal Enabling Technology for Future Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems
* Artificial cognition for social human-robot interaction: An implementation
* Artificial Complex Cells via the Tropical Semiring
* Artificial Convolution Neural-Network for Medical Image Pattern-Recognition
* Artificial Creatures for Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Artificial DNA Computing-Based Spectral Encoding and Matching Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Artificial Ducts Created via High-Power HF Radio Waves at EISCAT
* Artificial Emotional Intelligence in Socially Assistive Robots for Older Adults: A Pilot Study
* artificial eye on your driving, An
* Artificial Fingerprinting for Generative Models: Rooting Deepfake Attribution in Training Data
* Artificial images for classifying diffuse lung opacities in thin section computed tomography images
* Artificial Imagination for Interactive Search, An
* Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Robustness of Optoelectronics for Automated Driving: A Review
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Determination of Haematologic Diseases
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Simulating Pedestrian Movement, An
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Energy Efficient Communication System for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Driven VANETs
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Referral System for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
* Artificial Intelligence-Based System to Assess Nutrient Intake for Hospitalised Patients, An
* Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Logistic Traffic Management System Using Empirical Intelligent XGBoost Technique in Vehicular Edge Networks
* Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
* Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Analysis in Disaster Management
* Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Programming
* Artificial Intelligence Applications
* Artificial Intelligence Approach for Medical Picture Analysis, An
* Artificial Intelligence Approach to Pattern Recognition: A Perspective and an Overview, The
* Artificial Intelligence As a Low-cost Solution for Museum Visit Digital Content Enrichment: The Case of The Folklore Museum of Xanthi
* artificial intelligence based data-driven approach for design ideation, An
* Artificial intelligence based ensemble approach for intrusion detection systems
* Artificial Intelligence Based Structural Assessment for Regional Short- and Medium-Span Concrete Beam Bridges with Inspection Information
* Artificial Intelligence Concepts Applied to Navigation Using Passively Sensed Images
* Artificial Intelligence Fights Crime and Terrorism at a New Level
* Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities
* Artificial Intelligence for Digital Pathology
* Artificial intelligence for distributed smart systems
* Artificial Intelligence for Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Protection: The Project and the Dataset
* Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications
* Artificial Intelligence for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response
* Artificial Intelligence for Multisource Geospatial Information
* Artificial Intelligence for Preterm Infants' HealthCare - AI-Care
* Artificial Intelligence Forecasting of Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea Using a Combined U-Net and ConvLSTM System
* Artificial Intelligence Gaming Assistant for Google Glass
* Artificial Intelligence in 3-D Feature Extraction
* Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
* Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
* Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: the ophthalmologist's opinion
* Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport: Taxonomy, Regulations, and Applications
* Artificial Intelligence In Vision
* Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things for the Elderly: From Assisted Living to Health-Care Monitoring
* Artificial Intelligence Methods in Safe Ship Control Based on Marine Environment Remote Sensing
* Artificial Intelligence of Things in Sports Science: Weight Training as an Example
* Artificial Intelligence Revolutionises Weather Forecast, Climate Monitoring and Decadal Prediction
* Artificial intelligence structural imaging techniques in visual pattern analysis and medical data understanding
* Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Road Extraction from Aerial Images
* Artificial Intelligence
* Artificial Intelligence, Robotics Conferences
* Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective
* artificial intelligent algorithm for tumor detection in screening mammogram, An
* Artificial Kindness: The Italian Case of Google Mini Recognition Patterns
* Artificial Learning-Based Proctoring Solution for Remote Online Assessments: VProctor
* Artificial Life Feature Selection Techniques for Prostrate Cancer Diagnosis Using TRUS Images
* Artificial life for segmentation of fusion ultrasound images of breast abnormalities
* Artificial Light at Night Advances Spring Phenology in the United States
* Artificial Light at Night is Related to Broad-Scale Stopover Distributions of Nocturnally Migrating Landbirds along the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
* Artificial Mangrove Species Mapping Using Pléiades-1: An Evaluation of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Classifications with Selected Machine Learning Algorithms
* Artificial Mosaics with Irregular Tiles Based on Gradient Vector Flow
* Artificial Neural Network-Based Ionospheric Delay Correction Method for Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems
* Artificial Neural Network-Based Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Reconstruction over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Artificial Neural Network Algorithm to Retrieve Chlorophyll a for Northwest European Shelf Seas from Top of Atmosphere Ocean Colour Reflectance, An
* Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Methods in Segmenting Sputum Color Images for Lung Cancer Diagnosis
* Artificial Neural Network Approach for Mapping Contrasting Tillage Practices
* Artificial neural network approach to authentication of coins by vision-based minimization
* artificial neural network architecture for skeletal age assessment, An
* Artificial Neural Network Based Sinhala Character Recognition
* Artificial Neural Network Enhanced Bayesian PET Image Reconstruction
* Artificial Neural Network for Discrete Cosine Transform and Image Compression
* Artificial Neural Network for Lightning Prediction Based on Atmospheric Electric Field Observations, An
* Artificial neural network for modelling of the correlation between lateral acceleration and head movement in a motion sickness study
* Artificial Neural Network for the Short-Term Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration
* Artificial Neural Network Model Development to Predict Theft Types in Consideration of Environmental Factors
* Artificial Neural Network Model of Soil Heat Flux over Multiple Land Covers in South America
* Artificial Neural Network Modeling of High Arctic Phytomass Using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Multispectral Data
* artificial neural network system for temporal-spatial sequence processing, An
* Artificial Neural Network to Infer the Mediterranean 3D Chlorophyll-a and Temperature Fields from Remote Sensing Observations, An
* Artificial neural networks applied to statistical design of window operators
* Artificial Neural Networks Based Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: From Concepts to Real-World Applications
* Artificial neural networks capable of learning spatiotemporal chemical diffusion in the cortical brain
* Artificial Neural Networks for 3-D Motion Analysis I: Rigid Motion
* Artificial Neural Networks for 3-D Motion Analysis II: Nonrigid Motion
* Artificial Neural Networks for Acoustic Lung Signals Classification
* Artificial neural networks for automated quality control of textile seams
* Artificial Neural Networks for Document Analysis and Recognition
* Artificial Neural Networks for Feature-Extraction and Multivariate Data Projection
* Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Computer Vision
* Artificial neural networks for image improvement
* Artificial neural networks for improvement of classification accuracy in Landsat ETM+ images
* Artificial Neural Networks for the Detection of Road Junctions in Aerial Images
* Artificial Neural Networks in Real-Time Car Detection and Tracking Applications
* Artificial Neural Networks to Retrieve Land and Sea Skin Temperature from IASI
* Artificial Neuron Network With Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Net Surface Shortwave Radiation From Satellite Data Under Clear Sky: Application to Simulated GF-5 Data Set, An
* Artificial Noise Aided Hybrid Precoding Design for Secure mmWave MISO Systems With Partial Channel Knowledge
* Artificial Noise Generated in MIMO Scenario: Optimal Power Design
* Artificial Reef Detection Method for Multibeam Sonar Imagery Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* artificial retina with a self-organised retinal receptive field tessellation, An
* Artificial Rhythms and Cues for Keystroke Dynamics Based Authentication
* Artificial Social Intelligence Workshop and Challenge
* Artificial Versus Real Neural Networks
* Artificial Vision Based Method for Vehicle Detection and Classification in Urban Traffic, An
* Artificial Vision by Deep CNN Neocognitron
* Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots: Stereo Vision and Multisensory Perception
* Artificial Vision For The Blind: A Bio-inspired Algorithm For Objects And Obstacles Detection
* Artificial vision in extreme environments for snowcat tracks detection
* Artificial vision in road vehicles
* artificial vision system for X-ray images of human coronary trees, An
* Artificial Vision: Image Description, Recognition, and Communication
* Artisanal Mining River Dredge Detection Using SAR: A Method Comparison
* Artist's colour rendering of HDR scenes in 3-D Mondrian colour-constancy experiments
* Artist-Guided Semiautomatic Animation Colorization
* Artist-Led Suggestions towards an Approach in Content Aware 3D Non-photorealistic Rendering
* Artist Agent: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Stroke Generation in Oriental Ink Painting
* ARTIST: ART-2A Driven Generation of Fuzzy Rules for Online Handwritten Gesture Recognition
* Artistic Edge and Corner Enhancing Smoothing
* Artistic Emulation: Filter Blending for Painterly Rendering
* Artistic Image Analysis Using Graph-Based Learning Approaches
* Artistic Image Analysis Using the Composition of Human Figures
* Artistic Image Classification: An Analysis on the PRINTART Database
* Artistic Image Generation By Deviation Mapping
* Artistic information extraction from Chinese calligraphy works via Shear-Guided filter
* Artistic Line Drawing Rendering With Priors of Depth and Edge Density
* Artistic Low Poly rendering for images
* Artistic Mosaic Series Generation
* Artistic Movement Recognition by Boosted Fusion of Color Structure and Topographic Description
* Artistic movement recognition by consensus of boosted SVM based experts
* Artistic neural style transfer using CycleGAN and FABEMD by adaptive information selection
* Artistic Object Recognition by Unsupervised Style Adaptation
* Artistic Photo Filtering Recognition Using CNNs
* Artistic Portrait Caricature Model, An
* Artistic preprocessing for painterly rendering and image stylization
* Artistic Recognition, Interpretation
* Artistic relighting of paintings and drawings
* Artistic rendering enhancing global structure
* Artistic style characterization and brush stroke modelling for non-photorealistic rendering
* Artistic Style Discovery with Independent Components
* Artistic Style Novel View Synthesis Based on A Single Image
* Artistic Style Transfer for Videos and Spherical Images
* Artistic Style Transfer for Videos
* Artistic stylization of face photos based on a single exemplar
* Artpedia: A New Visual-Semantic Dataset with Visual and Contextual Sentences in the Artistic Domain
* ArtQuest: Countering Hidden Language Biases in ArtVQA
* Artrieval: Painting retrieval without expert knowledge
* ARTS: Automotive Repository of Traffic Signs for the United States
* Artsy-GAN: A style transfer system with improved quality, diversity and performance
* ArtTrack: Articulated Multi-Person Tracking in the Wild
* Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification
* Artwork Identification in a Museum Environment: A Quantitative Evaluation of Factors Affecting Identification Accuracy
* ARU-Net: Reduction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in SAR Interferometry Using Attention-Based Deep Residual U-Net
* ARUBA: An Architecture-Agnostic Balanced Loss for Aerial Object Detection
* ArUcOmni: detection of highly reliable fiducial markers in panoramic images
* ARVo: Learning All-Range Volumetric Correspondence for Video Deblurring
* ARWand for an augmuented world builder
* As-Built 3D Heritage City Modelling to Support Numerical Structural Analysis: Application to the Assessment of an Archaeological Remain
* As-Built BIM for a Fifteenth-Century Chinese Brick Structure at Various LoDs
* As-built Reliability in Architectural HBIM Modeling
* AS-CRI: A New Metric of FTIR-Based Apparent Spectral-Contrast Radiant Intensity for Remote Thermal Signature Analysis
* As-Deformable-As-Possible Single-Image-Based View Synthesis Without Depth Prior
* As-global-as-possible stereo matching with adaptive smoothness prior
* As-invariant-as-possible Gl+(3)-based Statistical Shape Model, An
* AS-Net: An attention-aware downsampling network for point clouds oriented to classification tasks
* AS-Net: Class-Aware Assistance and Suppression Network for Few-Shot Learning
* As-planar-as-possible depth map estimation
* As-projective-as-possible bias correction for illumination estimation algorithms
* As-Projective-As-Possible Image Stitching with Moving DLT
* As-Rigid-As-Possible Character Deformation Using Point Handles
* As-rigid-as-possible shape deformation and interpolation
* As-Rigid-As-Possible Stereo under Second Order Smoothness Priors
* As-Rigid-as-Possible Volumetric Shape-from-Template
* As-Textured As-Built BIM Using Sensor Fusion, Zee Ain Historical Village as a Case Study
* As Seen on TV: Automatic Basketball Video Production using Gaussian-based Actionness and Game States Recognition
* As Time Goes by: Anytime Semantic Segmentation with Iterative Context Forests
* ASAG: Building Strong One-Decoder-Layer Sparse Detectors via Adaptive Sparse Anchor Generation
* ASAN: Self-Attending and Semantic Activating Network towards Better Object Detection
* ASAP - Anomaly hot Spots of Agricultural Production, a new early warning decision support system developed by the Joint Research Centre
* ASAP: Super-Contrast Vasculature Imaging Using Coherence Analysis and High Frame-Rate Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* ASARI: A New Adaptive Oversegmentation Method
* ASAYAR: A Dataset for Arabic-Latin Scene Text Localization in Highway Traffic Panels
* Asbestos-Cement Roofing Identification Using Remote Sensing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
* Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Microscope Images
* ASCAT Wind Quality Control Near Rain
* Ascender II: A Framework for Reconstruction of Scenes from Aerial Images
* Ascender II: A Visual Framework for 3D Reconstruction
* Ascender System: Automated Site Modeling from Multiple Aerial Images, The
* Ascending-Descending Bias Correction of Microwave Radiation Imager on Board FengYun-3C
* Ascension Technology Corp
* ASCERTAIN: Emotion and Personality Recognition Using Commercial Sensors
* ASCNet: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Appearance-Speed Consistency
* AsConvSR: Fast and Lightweight Super-Resolution Network with Assembled Convolutions
* ASD-EVNet: An Ensemble Vision Network based on Facial Expression for Autism Spectrum Disorder Recognition
* ASDMCon Project: The Challenge of Detecting Defects on Construction Sites, The
* Aseismic Creep, Coseismic Slip, and Postseismic Relaxation on Faults in Volcanic Areas: The Case of Ischia Island
* ASePPI: Robust Privacy Protection Against De-Anonymization Attacks
* ASEV: Automatic situation assessment for event-driven video analysis
* ASF-YOLO: A novel YOLO model with attentional scale sequence fusion for cell instance segmentation
* ASFF-YOLOv5: Multielement Detection Method for Road Traffic in UAV Images Based on Multiscale Feature Fusion
* ASFFuse: Infrared and visible image fusion model based on adaptive selection feature maps
* ASFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning With Adaptive Pyramid Sampling
* ASGR: An Artificial Spider-Web-Based Geographic Routing in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Ash Decline Assessment in Emerald Ash Borer Infested Natural Forests Using High Spatial Resolution Images
* Ash Presence and Abundance Derived from Composite Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time Series and Lidar Surface Models in Minnesota, USA
* ASH: A Modern Framework for Parallel Spatial Hashing in 3D Perception
* AShapeFormer: Semantics-Guided Object-Level Active Shape Encoding for 3D Object Detection via Transformers
* ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign, The
* Asia-Pacific Lightning Location Network (APLLN) and Preliminary Performance Assessment
* ASiam: adaptive Siamese regression tracking with adversarial template generation and motion-based failure recovery
* Asian Conference on Computer Vision
* Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition
* Asian Federation of Computer Vision
* Asian Rice Calendar Dynamics Detected by Remote Sensing and Their Climate Drivers
* AsiANet: Autoencoders in Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* ASIC-architecture for VLSI-implementation of the RBN-algorithm, An
* ASIC and FPGA Implementations of H.264 DCT and Quantization Blocks
* ASIC Implementation of an Optimized Digital Video Encoder, An
* ASIC implementation of Kohonen's map based colour image compression, An
* ASIC: Aligning Sparse in-the-wild Image Collections
* ASIF-Net: Attention Steered Interweave Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* ASIFT-Based Local Registration Method for Satellite Imagery, An
* ASIFT: A New Framework For Fully Affine Invariant Image Comparison
* ASIFT: An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison
* Asilomar Conf on Signals, Systems and Computers
* ASIP-based reconfigurable architectures for power-efficient and real-time image/video processing
* ASIST: Automatic semantically invariant scene transformation
* Ask'nSeek: A New Game for Object Detection and Labeling
* ASK-modulator design of RFID tag in 180nm CMOS technology
* Ask amp;Confirm: Active Detail Enriching for Cross-Modal Retrieval with Partial Query
* Ask Me Anything: Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge from External Sources
* Ask the dictionary: Soft-assignment location-orientation pooling for image classification
* Ask the Image: Supervised Pooling to Preserve Feature Locality
* Ask the locals: Multi-way local pooling for image recognition
* Ask Your Neurons: A Deep Learning Approach to Visual Question Answering
* Ask Your Neurons: A Neural-Based Approach to Answering Questions about Images
* Ask, Acquire, and Attack: Data-Free UAP Generation Using Class Impressions
* Ask, Attend and Answer: Exploring Question-Guided Spatial Attention for Visual Question Answering
* ASK: Adaptively Selecting Key Local Features for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* ASKME: adaptive sampling with knowledge-driven vectorization of mechanical engineering drawings
* ASL Recognition Based on a Coupling Between HMMs and 3D Motion Analysis
* ASL Trigger Recognition in Mixed Activity/Signing Sequences for RF Sensor-Based User Interfaces
* ASLFeat: Learning Local Features of Accurate Shape and Localization
* ASM-Loc: Action-aware Segment Modeling for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* ASM Driven Snakes in Rheumatoid Arthritis Assessment
* ASM fitting method based on machine learning that provides a robust parameter initialization for AAM fitting, An
* ASM: Adaptive Skinning Model for High-Quality 3D Face Modeling
* ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-Based Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* ASMNet: a Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Face Alignment and Pose Estimation
* ASMR: Learning Attribute-Based Person Search with Adaptive Semantic Margin Regularizer
* ASN: Image Keypoint Detection from Adaptive Shape Neighborhood
* ASNA) An Attention-based Siamese-Difference Neural Network with Surrogate Ranking Loss function for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* AsNet: Asymmetrical Network for Learning Rich Features in Person Re-Identification
* ASP Vision: Optically Computing the First Layer of Convolutional Neural Networks Using Angle Sensitive Pixels
* Asp: A Continuous Viewer-Centered Representation for 3D Object Recognition, The
* ASP: Learn a Universal Neural Solver!
* aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions
* ASpanFormer: Detector-Free Image Matching with Adaptive Span Transformer
* Aspect-Based Extraction and Analysis of Affective Knowledge from Social Media Streams
* Aspect-Based Object Recognition with Size Functions
* Aspect-Based Opinion Polling from Customer Reviews
* Aspect-Based Relevance Learning for Image Retrieval
* Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Graph Convolutional Networks over Dependency Awareness
* Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with New Target Representation and Dependency Attention
* Aspect-Based Sentiment Quantification
* Aspect-Driven User Preference and News Representation Learning for News Recommendation
* Aspect-Opinion Correlation Aware and Knowledge-Expansion Few Shot Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
* Aspect-Trees: Generation And Interpretation
* Aspect coherence for graph-based semantic image labelling
* Aspect graph construction with noisy feature detectors
* Aspect Graph Generation for Non-Convex Polyhedra from Perspective Projection View
* Aspect Graph Matching -- Bowyer
* Aspect Graph Matching -- Ikeuchi
* Aspect Graph Matching, Characteristic Views
* Aspect Graphs and Nonlinear Optimization in 3-D Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs and Their Use in Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs for Convex Planar-Face Objects
* Aspect Graphs of Solids of Revolution
* Aspect Graphs, Matching Systems, Object Recognition
* Aspect Graphs: an Introduction and Survey of Recent Results
* Aspect Learning for Multimedia Summarization via Nonparametric Bayesian
* Aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes with minimum pixel expansion
* Aspect Transition Graph: An Affordance-Based Model, The
* Aspects of a Computational Theory of Human Stereo Vision
* Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Biometrics
* Aspects of binary image reconstruction from Fourier amplitude data
* Aspects of Biodeterioration of Lapideous Submerged Artefacts: 3D Methodologies Application
* Aspects of DEM Generation from UAS Imagery
* Aspects of Dynamic Scene Analysis in Meteorology
* Aspects of generating precise digital terrain models in the Wadden Sea from lidar-water classification and structure line extraction
* Aspects of Mathematical Expression Analysis in Arabic Handwriting
* Aspects of Optimal Viewpoint Selection and Viewpoint Fusion
* Aspects of Perception and Computation in Color Vision
* Aspects of Remote Sensing in the GEOid and Sea level of the North Atlantic Region (GEOSONAR) Project
* Aspects of the Standardization of Sensor and Data Fusion of Remote Sensing Data
* Aspects of Visual Form Processing
* Aspects of Voice Interaction on a Mobile Augmented Reality Application
* Aspects on the reverse fuzzy distance transform
* Asphalt Concrete Surfaces Macrotexture Determination From Still Images
* Asphalt Pavement Compaction and Vehicle Speed Monitoring Using Intelligent Aggregate
* Asphalt Pavement Crack Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Infrared Thermography
* Asphalt Pavement Health Prediction Based on Improved Transformer Network
* Aspherical Lens Design and Imaging
* ASPIRE: Automatic scanner position reconstruction
* Asplünd's metric defined in the logarithmic image processing (LIP) framework for colour and multivariate images
* Asplünds metric defined in the Logarithmic Image Processing (LIP) framework: A new way to perform double-sided image probing for non-linear grayscale pattern matching
* ASPnet: Action Segmentation with Shared-Private Representation of Multiple Data Sources
* ASPnP: An Accurate and Scalable Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem
* ASPP-DF-PVNet: Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Distance-Filtered PVNet for occlusion resistant 6D object pose estimation
* ASPP+-LANet: A Multi-Scale Context Extraction Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* ASPRS: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* ASPset: An outdoor sports pose video dataset with 3D keypoint annotations
* ASQ: An Ultra-Low Bit Rate ASR-Oriented Speech Quantization Method
* ASSD: Attentive single shot multibox detector
* Assemble New Object Detector With Few Examples
* assembled matrix distance metric for 2DPCA-based image recognition, An
* Assemblenet++: Assembling Modality Representations via Attention Connections
* Assembling a Learnable Mumford-Shah Type Model with Multigrid Technique for Image Segmentation
* Assembling Cultural and Natural Values in Vernacular Landscapes: An Experimental Analysis
* Assembling Similar Tracking Approaches in Order to Strengthen Performance
* Assembly of puzzles by connecting between blocks
* Assembly of puzzles using a genetic algorithm
* Assembly Plan from Observation
* Assembly Planning Based On Assembly Illustration Understanding
* Assembly Training: Comparing the Effects of Head-Mounted Displays and Face-to-Face Training
* Assembly101: A Large-Scale Multi-View Video Dataset for Understanding Procedural Activities
* AssemblyHands: Towards Egocentric Activity Understanding via 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* AssemblyNet: A Point Cloud Dataset and Benchmark for Predicting Part Directions in an Exploded Layout
* ASSERT: A Physician-in-the-Loop Content-Based Retrieval System for HRCT Image Databases
* Asserting the Precise Position of 3D and Multispectral Acquisition Systems for Multisensor Registration Applied to Cultural Heritage Analysis
* Assesing Geographic Isolation Of The Galapagos Islands
* Assesment and Evluation of the Impact of Using Polsar Imageries with Diferent Incident Angles in Forest Classification
* Assesment of sensor characteristics of an airborne laser scanner using geometric reference targets
* Assesment of the Influence of UAV Image Quality on the Orthophoto Production
* AssesSeg: A Command Line Tool to Quantify Image Segmentation Quality: A Test Carried Out in Southern Spain from Satellite Imagery
* Assessing 3d Photogrammetry Techniques In Craniometrics
* Assessing a Connected Environment's Safety Impact During Mandatory Lane-Changing: A Block Maxima Approach
* Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood
* Assessing a Multi-Platform Data Fusion Technique in Capturing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Heterogeneous Dryland Ecosystems in Topographically Complex Terrain
* Assessing a Prototype Database for Comprehensive Global Aquatic Land Cover Mapping
* Assessing a Temporal Change Strategy for Sub-Pixel Land Cover Change Mapping from Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Imagery
* Assessing accuracy factors in deformable 2d/3d medical image registration using a statistical pelvis model
* Assessing Accuracy of Land Cover Change Maps Derived from Automated Digital Processing and Visual Interpretation in Tropical Forests in Indonesia
* Assessing Across-Scale Optical Diversity and Productivity Relationships in Grasslands of the Italian Alps
* Assessing Affective Dimensions of Play in Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy via Text Analysis
* Assessing agreement between human and machine clusterings of image databases
* Assessing Agreement on Segmentations by Means of Staccato, the Segmentation Agreement Calculator according to Thomann
* Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability to Drought in a Heterogeneous Environment: A Remote Sensing-Based Approach
* Assessing Alternative Approaches for Conveying Automated Vehicle Intentions
* Assessing Alternatives for Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Multiple Land-cover Classes at Sub-pixel Scales
* Assessing an Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Time Series of Satellite-Based Water-Leaving Reflectance Using Match-Up Sites in Australian Coastal Waters
* Assessing and Comparing The Performance of Endmember Extraction Methods In Multiple Change Detection Using Hyperspectral Data
* Assessing and Improving the Accuracy of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Ocean Color Products in Environments with High Solar Zenith Angles
* Assessing and Improving the Quality of Document Images Acquired with Portable Digital Cameras
* Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land Cover Reference Data
* Assessing and Mapping Changes, in Space and Time, of Coffee Lands of the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil
* Assessing and refining the satellite-derived massive green macro-algal coverage in the Yellow Sea with high resolution images
* Assessing Artery Motion Compensation in IVUS
* Assessing Band Sensitivity to Atmospheric Radiation Transfer for Space-Based Retrieval of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Assessing Biodiversity in Boreal Forests with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Assessing CALIOP-Derived Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Ground-Based Lidar
* Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water stress in maize
* Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet Chestnut Coppice with Time-Series Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing Capsule Networks with Biased Data
* Assessing Changes in Boreal Vegetation of Kola Peninsula via Large-Scale Land Cover Classification between 1985 and 2021
* Assessing Changes in Mountain Treeline Ecotones over 30 Years Using CNNs and Historical Aerial Images
* Assessing Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage Components over the Great Artesian Basin Using Satellite Observations
* Assessing Classifiers from Two Independent Data Sets Using ROC Analysis: A Nonparametric Approach
* Assessing Climate Change Impact on Soil Salinity Dynamics between 1987-2017 in Arid Landscape Using Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI Data
* Assessing Climate Influence on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Macrophytes in Eutrophicated Reservoirs by Remotely Sensed Time Series
* Assessing Cloud Segmentation in the Chromacity Diagram of All-Sky Images
* Assessing Coastal SMAP Surface Salinity Accuracy and Its Application to Monitoring Gulf of Maine Circulation Dynamics
* Assessing Community-Level Livability Using Combined Remote Sensing and Internet-Based Big Geospatial Data
* Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information
* Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe
* Assessing Complex Damage Using Pre-disaster Optical and Post-disaster Polsar Data
* Assessing Connected Vehicle's Response to Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory From Field Operational Test and Scaling Up
* Assessing Conservation Conditions at La Fortaleza de Kuelap, Peru, Based on Integrated Close-Range Remote Sensing and Near-Surface Geophysics
* Assessing Consistency of Five Global Land Cover Data Sets in China
* Assessing Contamination in Transitional Waters Using Geospatial Technologies: A Review
* Assessing Contextual Descriptive Features for Plot-Based Classification of Urban Areas
* Assessing Correlation of High-Resolution NDVI with Fertilizer Application Level and Yield of Rice and Wheat Crops Using Small UAVs
* Assessing Crop Water Requirement and Yield by Combining ERA5-Land Reanalysis Data with CM-SAF Satellite-Based Radiation Data and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Assessing Cropland Area in West Africa for Agricultural Yield Analysis
* Assessing Cross-Cut Shredded Document Assembly
* Assessing cross frequency coupling in EEG collected from subjects viewing video using a modified metric
* Assessing Crowdsourced POI Quality: Combining Methods Based on Reference Data, History, and Spatial Relations
* Assessing CYGNSS Satellite Soil Moisture Data for Drought Monitoring with Multiple Datasets and Indicators
* Assessing Daily Evapotranspiration Methodologies from One-Time-of-Day sUAS and EC Information in the GRAPEX Project
* Assessing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Assisted Machine Perception for Urban Mapping
* Assessing Deep Learning Architectures for Visualizing Maya Hieroglyphs
* Assessing Desert Dust Indirect Effects on Cloud Microphysics through a Cloud Nucleation Scheme: A Case Study over the Western Mediterranean
* Assessing Different Feature Sets' Effects on Land Cover Classification in Complex Surface-Mined Landscapes by ZiYuan-3 Satellite Imagery
* Assessing Different Features for Pose Refinement
* Assessing Disaster Risk and Resilience: a Case Study in Urban Flood Vulnerable Community in Kampung Asahan, Kuala Selangor
* Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in object detection
* Assessing Driving Styles in Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers After Take-Over Conditions in Highly Automated Vehicles
* Assessing Drought Response in the Southwestern Amazon Forest by Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* Assessing Drought Stress of Sugarcane Cultivars Using Unmanned Vehicle System (UAS)-Based Vegetation Indices and Physiological Parameters
* Assessing Drought Vegetation Dynamics in Semiarid Grass- and Shrubland Using MESMA
* Assessing Durum Wheat Yield through Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Machine Learning Approach
* Assessing Earthquake-Induced Tree Mortality in Temperate Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study from Wenchuan, China
* Assessing Earthquake-Induced Urban Rubble by Means of Multiplatform Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of Historic Areas: Methods for GIS Tools
* Assessing Ecological Impacts and Recovery in Coal Mining Areas: A Remote Sensing and Field Data Analysis in Northwest China
* Assessing Ecosystem Isoprene Emissions by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Assessing Effect of Targeting Reduction of PM2.5 Concentration on Human Exposure and Health Burden in Hong Kong Using Satellite Observation
* Assessing Effectiveness in Video Retrieval
* Assessing Effects of Laser Point Density on Biophysical Stand Properties Derived from Airborne Laser Scanner Data in Mature Forest
* Assessing Elevation-Based Forest Dynamics over Space and Time toward REDD+ MRV in Upland Myanmar
* Assessing Emergency Shelter Demand Using POI Data and Evacuation Simulation
* Assessing Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Robust Coronary Artery Segmentation
* Assessing Equity in the Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces According to Different Functional Levels
* Assessing Error Correlations in Remote Sensing-Based Estimates of Forest Attributes for Improved Composite Estimation
* Assessing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Assessing error recognition in automated driving
* Assessing Essential Qualities of Urban Space with Emotional and Visual Data Based on GIS Technique
* Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysis of Breast Tissue Specimens and Pattern Recognition Methods
* Assessing Eye Aesthetics for Automatic Multi-Reference Eye In-Painting
* Assessing Face Image Quality: A Large-Scale Database and a Transformer Method
* Assessing Façade Visibility in 3D City Models for City Marketing
* Assessing Feature Importance for Verification and Pose Refinement
* Assessing Field Spectroscopy Metadata Quality
* Assessing Flood Impacts In Rural Coastal Communities Using Lidar
* Assessing forest fire properties in Northeastern Asia and Southern China with satellite microwave Emissivity Difference Vegetation Index (EDVI)
* Assessing Forest Landscape Stability through Automatic Identification of Landscape Pattern Evolution in Shanxi Province of China
* Assessing Forest Species Diversity in Ghana's Tropical Forest Using PlanetScope Data
* Assessing Forest Type and Tree Species Classification Using Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data in Southern Sweden
* Assessing Forest/Non-Forest Separability Using Sentinel-1 C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Assessing Freshwater Changes over Southern and Central Africa (2002-2017)
* Assessing Future Vegetation Trends and Restoration Prospects in the Karst Regions of Southwest China
* Assessing FY-3E HIRAS-II Radiance Accuracy Using AHI and MERSI-LL
* Assessing Geometric Reliability of Corrected Images from Very High Resolution Satellites
* Assessing Geomorphic Change in Restored Coastal Dune Ecosystems Using a Multi-Platform Aerial Approach
* Assessing Glacier Boundaries in the Ala-Archa Valley of Kyrgyzstan by Using Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset and High-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Assessing Global Digital Elevation Models Using the Runway Method: The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Versus the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Case
* Assessing Global Forest Land-Use Change by Object-Based Image Analysis
* Assessing global land cover reference datasets for different user communities
* Assessing Global Ocean Wind Energy Resources Using Multiple Satellite Data
* Assessing Grapevine Nutrient Status from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Hyperspectral Imagery
* Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using SolAtmos End-to-End Simulator: Application to the Uvsq-Sat NG Mission
* Assessing Groundwater Sustainability in the Arabian Peninsula and Its Impact on Gravity Fields through Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Measurements
* Assessing Habitat Quality of Forest-Corridors through NDVI Analysis in Dry Tropical Forests of South India: Implications for Conservation
* Assessing Handheld Mobile Laser Scanners for Forest Surveys
* Assessing Harvested Sites in a Forested Boreal Mountain Catchment through Global Forest Watch
* Assessing Health Resources Equipped with Hemodynamic Rooms in the Portuguese-Spanish Borderland: Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies as a Possible Solution
* Assessing Height Precision of Laser Altimetry DEMs
* Assessing Height Variations in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from Time-Varying Gravity Data and Hydrological Model
* Assessing High-Order Interdependencies Through Static O-Information Measures Computed on Resting State fMRI Intrinsic Component Networks
* Assessing human skin color from uncalibrated images
* Assessing Hydrological Modelling Driven by Different Precipitation Datasets via the SMAP Soil Moisture Product and Gauged Streamflow Data
* Assessing hydrometeorological impacts with terrestrial and aerial Lidar data in Monterrey, México
* Assessing Hyperloop Transport Capacity Under Moving-Block and Virtual Coupling Operations
* Assessing Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices for Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration of Summer Barley
* Assessing hypertemporal SENTINEL-1 COHERENCE maps for LAND COVER monitoring
* Assessing Ice Break-Up Trends in Slave River Delta through Satellite Observations and Random Forest Modeling
* Assessing Image and Text Generation with Topological Analysis and Fuzzy Logic
* Assessing Image Quality Issues for Real-World Problems
* Assessing Image Retrieval Quality at the First Glance
* Assessing Impacts of Flood and Drought over the Punjab Region of Pakistan Using Multi-Satellite Data Products
* Assessing Impacts of New Subway Stations on Urban Thefts in the Surrounding Areas
* Assessing Impacts of Urban Form on Landscape Structure of Urban Green Spaces in China Using Landsat Images Based on Google Earth Engine
* Assessing Individual Dietary Intake in Food Sharing Scenarios with Food and Human Pose Detection
* Assessing Individual VR Sickness Through Deep Feature Fusion of VR Video and Physiological Response
* Assessing Influential Factors on Inland Property Damage from Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones in the United States
* Assessing integration of intensity, polarimetric scattering, interferometric coherence and spatial texture metrics in PALSAR-derived land cover classification
* Assessing Interactions between Nitrogen Supply and Leaf Blast in Rice by Hyperspectral Imaging
* Assessing Interannual Urbanization of China's Six Megacities Since 2000
* Assessing intra-annual vegetation regrowth after fire using the pixel based regeneration index
* Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based Soil Water Balance at an Irrigation Scheme Level in a Semi-Arid Region of Morocco
* Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for Detecting Sub-Canopy Inundation Dynamics in a Tropical Wetlands Complex
* Assessing Land Cover and Ecological Quality Changes in the Forest-Steppe Ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeast China, from Landsat and MODIS Observations from 2000 to 2018
* Assessing Land Degradation and Desertification Using Vegetation Index Data: Current Frameworks and Future Directions
* Assessing Land Degradation Dynamics and Distinguishing Human-Induced Changes from Climate Factors in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China
* Assessing Land Degradation/Recovery in the African Sahel from Long-Term Earth Observation Based Primary Productivity and Precipitation Relationships
* Assessing Land Subsidence-Inducing Factors in the Shandong Province, China, by Using PS-InSAR Measurements
* Assessing Landslide Drivers in Social-Ecological-Technological Systems: The Case of Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo, Brazil
* Assessing Lava Flow Subpixel Surface Roughness and Particle Size Distribution for Improved Thermal Inertia Interpretations
* Assessing Leaf Biomass of Agave sisalana Using Sentinel-2 Vegetation Indices
* Assessing Legacy Effects of Wildfires on the Crown Structure of Fire-Tolerant Eucalypt Trees Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Assessing Lidar Ratio Impact on CALIPSO Retrievals Utilized for the Estimation of Aerosol SW Radiative Effects across North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe
* Assessing Lidar Training Data Quantities for Classification Models
* Assessing Light Pollution in China Based on Nighttime Light Imagery
* Assessing Local Climate Change by Spatiotemporal Seasonal LST and Six Land Indices, and Their Interrelationships with SUHI and Hot-Spot Dynamics: A Case Study of Prayagraj City, India (1987-2018)
* Assessing local climate zones in arid cities: The case of Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada
* Assessing Lodging Severity over an Experimental Maize (Zea mays L.) Field Using UAS Images
* Assessing Long-Term Changes in the Beach Width of Reef Islands Based on Temporally Fragmented Remote Sensing Data
* Assessing Many Image Processing Products Retrieved from Sentinel-2 Data to Monitor Shallow Landslides in Agricultural Environments
* Assessing Marginal Shallow-Water Bathymetric Information Content of Lidar Sounding Attribute Data and Derived Seafloor Geomorphometry
* Assessing Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in Chitral Kabul River Basin Using Multiple Drought Indices
* Assessing Metrics for Estimating Fire Induced Change in the Forest Understorey Structure Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Assessing Models of Sea Level Rise and Mean Sea Surface with Sentinel-3B and Jason-3 Altimeter Data near Taiwan: Impacts of Data Quality and Length
* Assessing Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in the Analysis of Deforestation Drivers Using Remote Sensing and Census Data
* Assessing MODIS GPP in Non-Forested Biomes in Water Limited Areas Using EC Tower Data
* Assessing mountain forest structure using airborne laser scanning and landscape metrics
* Assessing Multi-Temporal Global Urban Land-Cover Products Using Spatio-Temporal Stratified Sampling
* Assessing Multiple Years' Spatial Variability of Crop Yields Using Satellite Vegetation Indices
* Assessing Myocardial Microstructure With Biophysical Models of Diffusion MRI
* Assessing Near Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Simulations at Sub-Daily Scales in a Sparsely Gauged Watershed in Peruvian Andes
* Assessing Neural Network Robustness via Adversarial Pivotal Tuning
* Assessing Nitrogen Variability at Early Stages of Maize Using Mobile Fluorescence Sensing
* Assessing Noise Amplitude in Remotely Sensed Images Using Bit-Plane and Scatterplot Approaches
* Assessing Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass from Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Assessing Novel Lidar Modalities for Maximizing Coverage of a Spaceborne System through the Use of Diode Lasers
* Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from Floating Lidar Observations: A Data Screening and Sensitivity Computation Approach
* Assessing OpenStreetMap Completeness for Management of Natural Disaster by Means of Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Three Small Island States (Haiti, Dominica and St. Lucia)
* Assessing OpenStreetMap Urban Network of Oran City
* Assessing Optimal Flight Parameters for Generating Accurate Multispectral Orthomosaicks by UAV to Support Site-Specific Crop Management
* Assessing Orographic Variability in Glacial Thickness Changes at the Tibetan Plateau Using ICESat Laser Altimetry
* Assessing Park Accessibility Based on a Dynamic Huff Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method and Map Service API
* Assessing partially ordered clustering in a multicriteria comparative context
* Assessing Past Climate Biases and the Added Value of CORDEX-CORE Precipitation Simulations over Africa
* Assessing Pasture Degradation in the Brazilian Cerrado Based on the Analysis of MODIS NDVI Time-Series
* Assessing Pathologies on Villamayor Stone (Salamanca, Spain) by Terrestrial Laser Scanner Intensity Data
* Assessing Patient bypass Behavior Using Taxi Trip Origin-Destination (OD) Data
* Assessing Perceived Image Quality Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials and Spatio-Spectral Decomposition
* Assessing Performance of L- and P-Band Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data in Estimating Boreal Forest Above-Ground Biomass
* Assessing Performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in Monitoring Leaf Unfolding Dates of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Northern China
* Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algorithm in Detecting Subtle Hot Spots at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania, Africa) for Comparison with MODLEN
* Assessing Performance of Three BIM-Based Views of Buildings for Communication and Management of Vertically Stratified Legal Interests
* Assessing Performance of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Nitrogen Nutrition Index in Pepper
* Assessing Personally Perceived Image Quality via Image Features and Collaborative Filtering
* Assessing photo quality with geo-context and crowdsourced photos
* Assessing Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in Upwelling-Influenced Regions Using Ocean Color Remote Sensing
* Assessing Place Type Similarities Based on Functional Signatures Extracted from Social Media Data
* Assessing Planet Nanosatellite Sensors for Ocean Color Usage
* Assessing Player Profiles of Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Motivation Using Electroencephalography
* Assessing polygonal approximations: A new measurement and a comparative study
* Assessing post-detection filters for a generic pedestrian detector in a tracking-by-detection scheme
* Assessing Post-Fire Effects on Soil Loss Combining Burn Severity and Advanced Erosion Modeling in Malesina, Central Greece
* Assessing post-fire ground cover in Mediterranean shrublands with field spectrometry and digital photography
* Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: Accounting for background and vegetation variability
* Assessing Potable Water Access and Its Implications for Households' Livelihoods: The Case of Sibi in the Nkwanta North District, Ghana
* Assessing Potential Climatic and Human Pressures in Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems Using a Spatial Data-Driven Approach
* Assessing Potential Spontaneous Combustion of Coal Gangue Dumps after Reclamation by Simulating Alfalfa Heat Stress Based on the Spectral Features of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters
* Assessing Progress and Interactions toward SDG 11 Indicators Based on Geospatial Big Data at Prefecture-Level Cities in the Yellow River Basin between 2015 and 2020
* Assessing Public Speaking Ability from Thin Slices of Behavior
* Assessing quality of experience for high definition video streaming under diverse packet loss patterns
* Assessing Quality of Life Inequalities. A Geographical Approach
* Assessing Radiometric Correction Approaches for Multi-Spectral UAS Imagery for Horticultural Applications
* Assessing Railway Landscape by AHP Process with GIS: A Study of the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
* Assessing Rapid Variability in Atmospheric Apparent Optical Depth with an Array Spectrometer System
* Assessing Re-Composition of Xing'an Larch in Boreal Forests after the 1987 Fire, Northeast China
* Assessing Rebar Corrosion through the Combination of Nondestructive GPR and IRT Methodologies
* Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity Based on LiDAR-Derived Morphometric Indicators
* Assessing reference dataset representativeness through confidence metrics based on information density
* Assessing Regional Climate and Local Landcover Impacts on Vegetation with Remote Sensing
* Assessing Regional Development Balance Based on Zipf's Law: The Case of Chinese Urban Agglomerations
* Assessing Regional Public Service Facility Accessibility Using Multisource Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Underdeveloped Areas in China
* Assessing Reliability of Chinese Geotagged Social Media Data for Spatiotemporal Representation of Human Mobility
* Assessing Reliability of Myocardial Blood Flow After Motion Correction With Dynamic PET Using a Bayesian Framework
* Assessing Remote Sensing Vegetation Index Sensitivities for Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
* Assessing Repeatability and Reproducibility of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for 3D Terrain Mapping of Riverbeds
* Assessing Rice Sheath Blight Disease Habitat Suitability at a Regional Scale through Multisource Data Analysis
* Assessing Risks in Cross-Regional Tourism Corridors: A Case Study of Tibetan Plateau Tourism
* Assessing Route Choice to Mitigate Older Driver Risk
* Assessing Safety and Suitability of Old Trails for Hiking Using Ground and Drone Surveys
* Assessing Safety Level of UTM Campus Based on Safe City Concepts
* Assessing Salt Marsh Vulnerability Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery
* Assessing Satellite-Derived OpenET Platform Evapotranspiration of Mature Pecan Orchard in the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico
* Assessing Satellite-Derived Shoreline Detection on a Mesotidal Dissipative Beach
* Assessing Satellite, Land Surface Model and Reanalysis Evapotranspiration Products in the Absence of In-Situ in Central Asia
* Assessing Scale Dependence on Local Sea Level Retrievals from Laser Altimetry Data over Sea Ice
* Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos
* Assessing SDI Implementation Scenarios to Facilitate Emergency Mapping Operations in the Dominican Republic
* Assessing Sea-State Effects on Sea-Salt Aerosol Modeling in the Lower Atmosphere Using Lidar and In-Situ Measurements
* Assessing Seasonal and Inter-Annual Changes in the Total Cover of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing Seasonal Backscatter Variations with Respect to Uncertainties in Soil Moisture Retrieval in Siberian Tundra Regions
* Assessing semantic information in convolutional neural network representations of images via image annotation
* Assessing Sensor Reliability for Multisensor Data Fusion Within the Transferable Belief Model
* Assessing Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1, and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data for Large-Scale Wildfire-Burned Area Mapping: Insights from the 2017-2019 Canada Wildfires
* Assessing Shallow Soft Deposits through Near-Surface Geophysics and UAV-SfM: Application in Pocket Beaches Environments
* Assessing Shape Bias Property of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Assessing Similarities and Differences between Males and Females in Visual Behaviors in Spatial Orientation Tasks
* Assessing similarity in handwritten texts
* Assessing similarity of feature selection techniques in high-dimensional domains
* Assessing Single-Polarization and Dual-Polarization TerraSAR-X Data for Surface Water Monitoring
* Assessing Slip Rates on the Xianshuihe Fault Using InSAR with Emphasis on Phase Unwrapping Error and Atmospheric Delay Corrections
* Assessing Snow Phenology and Its Environmental Driving Factors in Northeast China
* Assessing Snow Water Retrievals over Ocean from Coincident Spaceborne Radar Measurements
* Assessing Soil Cover Levels during the Non-Growing Season Using Multitemporal Satellite Imagery and Spectral Unmixing Techniques
* Assessing Soil Erosion Hazards Using Land-Use Change and Landslide Frequency Ratio Method: A Case Study of Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
* Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Case Study in Wuhan, Central China
* Assessing Spatial Heterogeneity of Factor Interactions on PM2.5 Concentrations in Chinese Cities
* Assessing Spatial Information Themes in the Spatial Information Infrastructure for Participatory Urban Planning Monitoring: Indonesian Cities
* Assessing Spatial Limits of Sentinel-2 Data on Arable Crops in the Context of Checks by Monitoring
* Assessing spatial probabilistic distributional differences in the common space between schizophrenics and normal controls based on a novel automated probabilistic pattern analysis method
* Assessing Spatial Uncertainty of Lidar-derived Building Model: A Case Study in Downtown Oklahoma City
* Assessing Spatial Variability of Barley Whole Crop Biomass Yield and Leaf Area Index in Silvoarable Agroforestry Systems Using UAV-Borne Remote Sensing
* Assessing Spatial Variation in Algal Productivity in a Tropical River Floodplain Using Satellite Remote Sensing
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Changes of SDG Indicators at the Neighborhood Level in Guilin, China: A Geospatial Big Data Approach
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization Dynamics in Southeast Asia Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Drought Dynamics and Its Related Environmental Issues in the Mekong River Delta
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Use and Cover Change and Carbon Storage in China's Ecological Conservation Pilot Zone: A Case Study in Fujian Province
* Assessing spatiotemporal predictability of LBSN: A case study of three Foursquare datasets
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Landsat Land Surface Temperature and Multispectral Indices in the Arctic Mackenzie Delta Region between 1985 and 2018
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence at Different Time Scales over the Atacama Desert (Chile) between 2015 and 2018
* Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
* Assessing Spectral Band, Elevation, and Collection Date Combinations for Classifying Salt Marsh Vegetation with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Acquired Imagery
* Assessing Sponge Cities Performance at City Scale Using Remotely Sensed LULC Changes: Case Study Nanjing
* Assessing Storm Response of Multiple Intertidal Bars Using an Open-Source Automatic Processing Toolbox
* Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water Patches from UAV-Based Imagery: A Matter of Classification Methods and Metrics
* Assessing Street Space Quality Using Street View Imagery and Function-Driven Method: The Case of Xiamen, China
* Assessing Suitability of Auto-Selection of Hot and Cold Anchor Pixels of the UAS-METRIC Model for Developing Crop Water Use Maps
* Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank
* Assessing Surface Urban Heat Island Related to Land Use/Land Cover Composition and Pattern in the Temperate Mountain Valley City of Kathmandu, Nepal
* Assessing Surface Water Losses and Gains under Rapid Urbanization for SDG 6.6.1 Using Long-Term Landsat Imagery in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
* Assessing Sustainability Level From Social Aspects for Affordable Housing in Malaysia Using Spatial Indicators
* Assessing Sustainability over Space and Time: The Emerging Roles of GIScience and Remote Sensing
* Assessing Temporal Behavior in Lidar Point Clouds of Urban Environments
* Assessing Temporal Coherence for Posture Classification with Large Occlusions
* Assessing Temporal Trade-Offs of Ecosystem Services by Production Possibility Frontiers
* Assessing temporary traffic management measures on a motorway: Lane closures vs narrow lanes for connected and autonomous vehicles in roadworks
* Assessing Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience using Satellite Leaf Area Index
* Assessing Terrestrial Water Storage and Flood Potential Using GRACE Data in the Yangtze River Basin, China
* Assessing Textural Features for Writer Identification on Different Writing Styles and Forgeries
* Assessing the 2022 Flood Impacts in Queensland Combining Daytime and Nighttime Optical and Imaging Radar Data
* Assessing the 3-D Structure of Bamboo Forests Using an Advanced Pseudo-Vertical Waveform Approach Based on Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Data
* Assessing the 3D Structure of the Single Crowns in Mixed Alpine Forests
* Assessing the Ability of Generative Adversarial Networks to Learn Canonical Medical Image Statistics
* Assessing the Ability to Quantify Bathymetric Change over Time Using Solely Satellite-Based Measurements
* Assessing the Accessibility of Swimming Pools in Nanjing by Walking and Cycling Using Baidu Maps
* Assessing the Accuracy and Feasibility of Using Close-Range Photogrammetry to Measure Channelized Erosion with a Consumer-Grade Camera
* Assessing the Accuracy and Potential for Improvement of the National Land Cover Database's Tree Canopy Cover Dataset in Urban Areas of the Conterminous United States
* Assessing the Accuracy of Automatically Extracted Shorelines on Microtidal Beaches from Landsat 7, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing the Accuracy of Forest Phenological Extraction from Sentinel-1 C-Band Backscatter Measurements in Deciduous and Coniferous Forests
* Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests
* Assessing the Accuracy of Georeferenced Point Clouds Produced via Multi-View Stereopsis from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Assessing the Accuracy of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Computed by PhotoScan® and MicMac® in Sub-Optimal Survey Conditions
* Assessing the Accuracy of Landsat-MODIS NDVI Fusion with Limited Input Data: A Strategy for Base Data Selection
* Assessing the Accuracy of Landsat Vegetation Fractional Cover for Monitoring Australian Drylands
* Assessing the Accuracy of MODIS MCD64A1 C6 and FireCCI51 Burned Area Products in Mediterranean Ecosystems
* Assessing the Accuracy of Multi-Temporal GlobeLand30 Products in China Using a Spatiotemporal Stratified Sampling Method
* Assessing the Accuracy of Multiple Classification Algorithms for Crop Classification Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Assessing the Accuracy of Ortho-image using Photogrammetric Unmanned Aerial System
* Assessing the Accuracy of PRISMA Standard Reflectance Products in Globally Distributed Aquatic Sites
* Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices
* Assessing the Added Value of Sentinel-1 PolSAR Data for Crop Classification
* Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using generic image descriptors
* Assessing the Allometric Scaling of Vectorized Branch Lengths of Trees with Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modeling: A Case Study in Guyana
* Assessing the Applicability of Mobile Laser Scanning for Mapping Forest Roads in the Republic of Korea
* Assessing the Application of Cloud-Shadow Atmospheric Correction Algorithm on HICO
* Assessing the Applications of Earth Observation Data for Monitoring Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Developing Countries
* Assessing the Behaviour of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms
* Assessing the Behavioural Responses of Small Cetaceans to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Assessing the best edit in perturbation-based iterative refinement algorithms to compute the median string
* Assessing the Capability of a Downscaled Urban Land Surface Temperature Time Series to Reproduce the Spatiotemporal Features of the Original Data
* Assessing the capability of Sentinel-2 time-series to estimate soil organic carbon and clay content at local scale in croplands
* Assessing the Certainty of Locations Produced by an Address Geocoding System
* Assessing the Changes in the Moisture/Dryness of Water Cavity Surfaces in Imlili Sebkha in Southwestern Morocco by Using Machine Learning Classification in Google Earth Engine
* Assessing the changing flowering date of the common lilac in North America: a random coefficient model approach
* Assessing the Completeness Properties of Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Assessing the Condition of a Plant
* Assessing the Condition of Buried Pipe Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* Assessing the Consistency of Remotely Sensed Multiple Drought Indices for Monitoring Drought Phenomena in Continental China
* Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention
* Assessing the Contribution of Spectral and Temporal Features for Annual Land Cover and Crop Type Mapping
* Assessing the Contribution of Woody Materials to Forest Angular Gap Fraction and Effective Leaf Area Index Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Assessing the Current and Future Potential Distribution of Solanum rostratum Dunal in China Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Principal Component Analysis
* Assessing the Defensibility of Medieval Fortresses on the Mediterranean Coast: A Study of Algerian and Spanish Territories
* Assessing the Defoliation of Pine Forests in a Long Time-Series and Spatiotemporal Prediction of the Defoliation Using Landsat Data
* Assessing the Distinctiveness and Representativeness of Visual Vocabularies
* Assessing the Distribution of Heavy Industrial Heat Sources in India between 2012 and 2018
* Assessing the Distribution of Urban Green Spaces and its Anisotropic Cooling Distance on Urban Heat Island Pattern in Baotou, China
* Assessing the Dynamics of Plant Species Invasion in Eastern-Mediterranean Coastal Dunes Using Cellular Automata Modeling and Satellite Time-Series Analyses
* Assessing the Effect of Crossing Databases on Global and Local Approaches for Face Gender Classification
* Assessing the Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Growth Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Phenotyping
* Assessing the Effect of Seasonality on Leaf and Canopy Spectra for the Discrimination of an Alien Tree Species, Acacia Mearnsii, From Co-Occurring Native Species Using Parametric and Nonparametric Classifiers
* Assessing the Effect of Sensor Limitations in Enhanced Flight Vision Systems on Pilot Performance
* Assessing the Effect of Tandem Phase Sentinel-3 OLCI Sensor Uncertainty on the Estimation of Potential Ocean Chlorophyll-a Trends
* Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
* Assessing the Effect of Training Sampling Design on the Performance of Machine Learning Classifiers for Land Cover Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Google Earth Engine
* Assessing the Effect of Urban Growth on Surface Ecological Status Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery: A Multi-City Analysis
* Assessing the effects of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking on a color discrimination task
* Assessing the Effects of Land-Use Types in Surface Urban Heat Islands for Developing Comfortable Living in Hanoi City
* Assessing the Effects of Land Cover Land Use Change on Precipitation Dynamics in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2001 to 2019
* Assessing the Effects of New Light Rail Transit on Regional Traffic Congestion and Transit Ridership: A Synthetic Control Approach
* Assessing the Effects of Photovoltaic Powerplants on Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Assessing the Effects of Spatial Scales on Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation by the SEBAL Model and Multiple Satellite Datasets: A Case Study in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone, Northwestern China
* Assessing the Effects of Suomi NPP VIIRS M15/M16 Detector Radiometric Stability and Relative Spectral Response Variation on Striping
* Assessing the Effects of Time Interpolation of NDVI Composites on Phenology Trend Estimation
* Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental Health Program with Mobile Biometrics: Work-in-Progress
* Assessing the Efficacy of Phenological Spectral Differences to Detect Invasive Alien Acacia dealbata Using Sentinel-2 Data in Southern Europe
* Assessing the Environmental Suitability for Transhumance in Support of Conflict Prevention in the Sahel
* Assessing the Extent and Severity of Erosion on the Upland Organic Soils of Scotland Using Earth Observation and Object Orientated Classification Methods
* Assessing the Feasibility of UAV-Based LIDAR for High Resolution Forest Change Detection
* Assessing the Feasibility of Using Sentinel-2 Imagery to Quantify the Impact of Heatwaves on Irrigated Vineyards
* Assessing the Filtering and Browsing Utility of Automatic Semantic Concepts for Multimedia Retrieval
* Assessing the Fractional Abundance of Highly Mixed Salt-Marsh Vegetation Using Random Forest Soft Classification
* Assessing the Generalizability of Deep Neural Networks-based Models for Black Skin Lesions
* Assessing the Generalization of Machine Learning-Based Slope Failure Prediction to New Geographic Extents
* Assessing the Geographic Representativity of Farm Accountancy Data
* Assessing the Glacier Boundaries in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China by Multi-Temporal Coherence Estimation with Sentinel-1A InSAR
* Assessing the Hazard Degree of Wadi Malham Basin in Saudi Arabia and Its Impact on North Train Railway Infrastructure
* Assessing the Hazard of Deep-Seated Rock Slope Instability through the Description of Potential Failure Scenarios, Cross-Validated Using Several Remote Sensing and Monitoring Techniques
* Assessing the Impact of Climate Variability on Cropland Productivity in the Canadian Prairies Using Time Series MODIS FAPAR
* Assessing the Impact of Corona-Virus-19 on Nitrogen Dioxide Levels over Southern Ontario, Canada
* Assessing the Impact of Deep Neural Network-Based Image Denoising on Binary Signal Detection Tasks
* Assessing the Impact of Digital Surface Models on Road Extraction in Suburban Areas by Region-based Road Subgraph Extraction
* Assessing the Impact of Diversity on the Resilience of Deep Learning Ensembles: A Comparative Study on Model Architecture, Output, Activation, and Attribution
* Assessing the Impact of Extreme Droughts on Dryland Vegetation by Multi-Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Assessing the Impact of GNSS ZTD Data Assimilation into the WRF Modeling System during High-Impact Rainfall Events over Greece
* Assessing the impact of hydrocarbon leakages on vegetation using reflectance spectroscopy
* Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Aflaj Systems over a 36-Year Period
* Assessing the Impact of Light/Shallow Precipitation Retrievals from Satellite-Based Observations Using Surface Radar and Micro Rain Radar Observations
* Assessing the Impact of Neighborhood Size on Temporal Convolutional Networks for Modeling Land Cover Change
* Assessing the Impact of Nightlight Gradients on Street Robbery and Burglary in Cincinnati of Ohio State, USA
* Assessing the Impact of Satellite Revisit Rate on Estimation of Corn Phenological Transition Timing through Shape Model Fitting
* Assessing the Impact of Seasonal Population Fluctuation on Regional Flood Risk Management
* Assessing the impact of sharp shift from drought to flood on vegetation using remote sensing
* Assessing the Impact of Soil on Species Diversity Estimation Based on UAV Imaging Spectroscopy in a Natural Alpine Steppe
* Assessing the Impact of Spectral Resolution on Classification of Lowland Native Grassland Communities Based on Field Spectroscopy in Tasmania, Australia
* Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nighttime Lights in China
* Assessing the Impact of the Deceived Non Local Means Filter as a Preprocessing Stage in a Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach for Age Estimation Using Digital Hand X-Ray Images
* Assessing the Impact of the Loss Function and Encoder Architecture for Fire Aerial Images Segmentation Using Deeplabv3+
* Assessing the impact of the orbital drift of SPOT-VGT1 by comparing with SPOT-VGT2 data
* Assessing the Impact of Tides and Atmospheric Fronts on Submesoscale Physical and Bio-Optical Distributions near a Coastal Convergence Zone
* Assessing the Impact of Urbanization and Eco-Environmental Quality on Regional Carbon Storage: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Analysis Framework
* Assessing the impacts of canopy openness and flight parameters on detecting a sub-canopy tropical invasive plant using a small unmanned aerial system
* Assessing The Impacts Of Flooding Caused By Extreme Rainfall Events Through A Combined Geospatial And Numerical Modeling Approach
* Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Depletion and Aquifer Degradation on Land Subsidence in Lahore, Pakistan: A PS-InSAR Approach for Sustainable Urban Development
* Assessing the Impacts of Hierarchical Healthcare System on the Accessibility and Spatial Equality of Healthcare Services in Shenzhen, China
* Assessing the Impacts of Rising Sea Level on Coastal Morpho-Dynamics with Automated High-Frequency Shoreline Mapping Using Multi-Sensor Optical Satellites
* Assessing the Impacts of Species Composition on the Accuracy of Mapping Chlorophyll Content in Heterogeneous Ecosystems
* Assessing the Impacts of Streamside Ordinance Protection on the Spatial and Temporal Variability in Urban Riparian Vegetation
* Assessing the Impacts of Tidal Creeks on the Spatial Patterns of Coastal Salt Marsh Vegetation and Its Aboveground Biomass
* Assessing the Impacts of Urbanization-Associated Land Use/Cover Change on Land Surface Temperature and Surface Moisture: A Case Study in the Midwestern United States
* Assessing the Impacts of Urbanization on Albedo in Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China
* Assessing the Impacts of Various Factors on Treetop Detection Using LiDAR-Derived Canopy Height Models
* Assessing the Influence of Land Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Runoff Patterns Using CA-ANN Model and CMIP6 Data
* Assessing the Influence of Landmarks and Paths on the Navigational Efficiency and the Cognitive Load of Indoor Maps
* Assessing the Influence of Mirroring on the Perception of Professional Competence Using Wearable Technology
* Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Next Place Prediction using Different Machine Learning Approaches
* Assessing the influence of temperature variations on the geometrical properties of a low-cost calibrated camera system by using computer vision procedures
* Assessing the Influence of Tourism-Driven Activities on Environmental Variables on Hainan Island, China
* Assessing the Influence of UAV Altitude on Extracted Biophysical Parameters of Young Oil Palm
* Assessing the Intensity of the Population Affected by a Complex Natural Disaster Using Social Media Data
* Assessing the Leaf Blade Nutrient Status of Pinot Noir Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Models
* Assessing the limits of centralized unmanned aerial vehicle conflict management in U-Space
* Assessing the Link between Human Modification and Changes in Land Surface Temperature in Hainan, China Using Image Archives from Google Earth Engine
* Assessing the Long-Term Evolution of Abandoned Salinized Farmland via Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Assessing the Magnitude of the Amazonian Forest Blowdowns and Post-Disturbance Recovery Using Landsat-8 and Time Series of PlanetScope Satellite Constellation Data
* Assessing the Mobility and Environmental Benefits of Reservation-Based Intelligent Intersections Using an Integrated Simulator
* Assessing the Natural Recovery of Mangroves after Human Disturbance Using Neural Network Classification and Sentinel-2 Imagery in Wunbaik Mangrove Forest, Myanmar
* Assessing the naturalness of scenes: An approach using statistics of local features
* Assessing the Nonlinear Changes in Global Navigation Satellite System Vertical Time Series with Environmental Loading in Mainland China
* Assessing the Operation Parameters of a Low-altitude UAV for the Collection of NDVI Values Over a Paddy Rice Field
* Assessing the Optimal Stage-Cam Target for Continuous Water Level Monitoring in Ephemeral Streams: Experimental Evidence
* Assessing the Pattern Differences between Satellite-Observed Upper Tropospheric Humidity and Total Column Water Vapor during Major El Niño Events
* Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices
* Assessing the performance of 3D-imaging systems
* Assessing the performance of a charge-while-driving system in urban arterial roads: insight from a microsimulation model
* Assessing the Performance of a Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Assessing the Performance of a Low-Cost Method for Video-Monitoring the Water Surface and Bed Level in the Swash Zone of Natural Beaches
* Assessing the Performance of a Low-Cost Thermal Camera in Proximal and Aerial Conditions
* Assessing the Performance of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Tidal Model Using Satellite Imagery
* Assessing the Performance of a Structured Light Scanner
* Assessing the performance of aerial image point cloud and spectral metrics in predicting boreal forest canopy cover
* Assessing the performance of an automated video ground truthing application
* Assessing the performance of corner detectors for point feature tracking applications
* Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel Photon Data for Estimating Ground Topography in Forested Terrain
* Assessing the Performance of Irrigation Systems in Large Scale Urban Parks: Application to the Case of Valdebebas, Madrid (Spain)
* Assessing the Performance of Methods for Monitoring Ice Phenology of the World's Largest High Arctic Lake Using High-Density Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data
* Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI and EVI for Seasonal Crop Yield Forecasting at the Ecodistrict Scale
* Assessing the Performance of Multi-GNSS PPP-RTK in the Local Area
* Assessing the Performance of Multi-Resolution Satellite SAR Images for Post-Earthquake Damage Detection and Mapping Aimed at Emergency Response Management
* Assessing the Performance of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with the Fully Serviceable Multi-GNSS Constellations: GPS, BDS-3, and Galileo
* Assessing the Performance of the Phase Difference Bathymetric Sonar Depth Uncertainty Prediction Model
* Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitation Products (SPP) in the Data-Sparse Himalayan Terrain
* Assessing the performance of two unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques on hyperspectral APEX data for high resolution urban land-cover mapping
* Assessing the Performance of WRF Model in Simulating Heavy Precipitation Events over East Africa Using Satellite-Based Precipitation Product
* Assessing the Perspectives of Ground Penetrating Radar for Precision Farming
* Assessing the Phenology of Southern Tropical Africa: A Comparison of Hemispherical Photography, Scatterometry, and Optical/NIR Remote Sensing
* Assessing the Photogrammetric Potential of Cameras in Portable Devices
* Assessing the Possibility of Land-Cover Classification Using LIDAR Intensity Data
* Assessing the Potential Benefits of the Geostationary Vantage Point for Generating Daily Chlorophyll-a Maps in the Baltic Sea
* Assessing the potential for leaf-off LiDAR data to model canopy closure in temperate deciduous forests
* Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Downscaled LST to Monitor Soil Moisture in Tang River Basin, China
* Assessing the Potential of Backpack-Mounted Mobile Laser Scanning Systems for Tree Phenotyping
* Assessing the Potential of Downscaled Far Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the Canopy to Leaf Level for Drought Monitoring in Winter Wheat
* Assessing the Potential of Enhanced Resolution Gridded Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for Retrieval of Sea Ice Parameters
* Assessing the Potential of Geostationary Himawari-8 for Mapping Surface Total Suspended Solids and Its Diurnal Changes
* Assessing the Potential of Geostationary Satellites for Aerosol Remote Sensing Based on Critical Surface Albedo
* Assessing the Potential of IMERG and TMPA Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Simulations and Frequency Analyses over a Typical Humid Basin in South China
* Assessing the Potential of Long, Multi-Temporal SAR Interferometry Time Series for Slope Instability Monitoring: Two Case Studies in Southern Italy
* Assessing the Potential of Multi-Temporal Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks in SAR-to-Optical Image Translation for Early-Stage Crop Monitoring
* Assessing the Potential of Predictive Control for Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming
* Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-2 and Pléiades Data for the Detection of Prosopis and Vachellia spp. in Kenya
* Assessing the Potential of the DART Model to Discrete Return LiDAR Simulation: Application to Fuel Type Mapping
* Assessing the Potential of UAV-Based Multispectral and Thermal Data to Estimate Soil Water Content Using Geophysical Methods
* Assessing the Potential of Upcoming Satellite Altimeter Missions in Operational Flood Forecasting Systems
* Assessing the Potential Replacement of Laurel Forest by a Novel Ecosystem in the Steep Terrain of an Oceanic Island
* Assessing the Potential to Operationalize Shoreline Sensitivity Mapping: Classifying Multiple Wide Fine Quadrature Polarized RADARSAT-2 and Landsat 5 Scenes with a Single Random Forest Model
* Assessing the Prediction Accuracy of Geomorphon-Based Automated Landform Classification: An Example from the Ionian Coastal Belt of Southern Italy
* Assessing the Predictive Power of Democratic Republic of Congo's National Spaceborne Biomass Map over Independent Test Samples
* Assessing the Prospects of Remote Sensing Maize Leaf Area Index Using UAV-Derived Multi-Spectral Data in Smallholder Farms across the Growing Season
* Assessing the Quality of Actions
* Assessing the quality of compressed images using EEG
* Assessing the quality of sensory experience for multimedia presentations
* Assessing the Radiometric Fidelity of High Resolution Satellite Image Mosaics
* Assessing the Reconstructability of Shadow Areas in VHR Images
* Assessing the Relationship between Freshwater Flux and Sea Surface Salinity
* Assessing the Relationship Between Type of Head Movement and Simulator Sickness Using an Immersive Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display: A Pilot Study
* Assessing the Reliability of Relevant Tweets and Validation Using Manual and Automatic Approaches for Flood Risk Communication
* Assessing the Reliability of Satellite and Reanalysis Estimates of Rainfall in Equatorial Africa
* Assessing the Remotely Sensed Evaporative Drought Index for Drought Monitoring over Northeast China
* Assessing the Repeatability of Automated Seafloor Classification Algorithms, with Application in Marine Protected Area Monitoring
* Assessing the Resilience of Coastal Wetlands to Extreme Hydrologic Events Using Vegetation Indices: A Review
* Assessing the Responses of Aviation-Related SO2 and NO2 Emissions to COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations in South Africa
* Assessing the Robustness of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Wheat N in Mediterranean Environments
* Assessing the Role of Boundary-Level Objectives in Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Assessing the Role of Spatial Relations for the Object Recognition Task
* Assessing the Seasonal Dynamics of the Java's Paddy Field Using MODIS Satellite Images
* Assessing the Self-Recovery Ability of Maize after Lodging Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* Assessing the Sensitivity of Snow Depth Simulations to Land Surface Parameterizations within Noah-MP in Northern Xinjiang, China
* Assessing the Sensitivity of the OMI-NO2 Product to Emission Changes across Europe
* Assessing the Sensitivity of Vegetation Cover to Climate Change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Assessing the Severity of Health States based on Social Media Posts
* Assessing the Severity of Wind Gusts with Lidar
* Assessing the Shape Accuracy of Coarse Resolution Burned Area Identifications
* Assessing The Significance Of Hyperion Spectral Bands In Forest Classification
* Assessing the Similarities of 3d Simulation Model Outcomes
* Assessing the Skills of a Seasonal Forecast of Chlorophyll in the Global Pelagic Oceans
* Assessing the Spaceborne 183.31-GHz Radiometric Channel Geolocation Using High-Altitude Lakes, Ice Shelves, and SAR Imagery
* Assessing the Spatial Accessibility of Urban Medical Facilities in Multi-Level and Multi-Period Scales Based on Web Mapping API and an Improved Potential Model
* Assessing the Spatial and Occupation Dynamics of the Brazilian Pasturelands Based on the Automated Classification of MODIS Images from 2000 to 2016
* Assessing the Spatial Pattern of Irrigation Demand under Climate Change in Arid Area
* Assessing the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Anthropogenic Impacts on Remotely Sensed Vegetation Dynamics in Xinjiang, China
* Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variability of SMAP Soil Moisture Accuracy in a Deciduous Forest Region
* Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variations in the Hydrological Response of the Qin River Basin in Loess Plateau, China
* Assessing the Spectral Information of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellites for Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval of a Tropical Forest
* Assessing the Status of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of Bangladesh
* Assessing the Suitability of Fractal Dimension for Measuring Graphic Complexity Change in Schematic Metro Networks
* Assessing the Suitability of Future Multi- and Hyperspectral Satellite Systems for Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Norway Spruce Timber Volume
* Assessing the Suitability of Simulated SAR Signatures of Debris for the Usage In Damage Detection
* Assessing the Suitability of the Microsoft Kinect for Calculating Person Specific Body Segment Parameters
* Assessing the Suitability of Video Imaging for Studying the Dynamics of Nearshore Sandbars in Tideless Beaches
* Assessing the Temporal Response of Tropical Dry Forests to Meteorological Drought
* Assessing the Temporal Stability of the Accuracy of a Time Series of Burned Area Products
* Assessing the Threat of Adversarial Examples on Deep Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Classification: Attacks and Defenses
* Assessing the Three-North Shelter Forest Program in China by a novel framework for characterizing vegetation changes
* Assessing the Transformative Potential: An Examination of the Urban Mobility Impact Based on an Open-Source Microscopic Traffic Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles
* Assessing the Uncertainties of Four Precipitation Products for Swat Modeling in Mekong River Basin
* Assessing the Uniqueness and Permanence of Facial Actions for Use in Biometric Applications
* Assessing the Urban Eco-Environmental Quality by the Remote-Sensing Ecological Index: Application to Tianjin, North China
* Assessing the Use of Optical Satellite Images to Detect Volcanic Impacts on Glacier Surface Morphology
* Assessing the Use of Sentinel-2 Data for Spatio-Temporal Upscaling of Flux Tower Gross Primary Productivity Measurements
* Assessing the Use of Sentinel-2 Time Series Data for Monitoring Cork Oak Decline in Portugal
* Assessing the Usefulness of LiDAR for Monitoring the Structure of a Montane Forest on a Subtropical Oceanic Island
* Assessing the Utility of Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series for Temperate and Tropical Forest Mapping
* Assessing the Value of UAV Photogrammetry for Characterizing Terrain in Complex Peatlands
* Assessing the Variability of Corn and Soybean Yields in Central Iowa Using High Spatiotemporal Resolution Multi-Satellite Imagery
* Assessing the Vertical Displacement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during Its Filling Using DInSAR Technology and Its Potential Acute Consequences on the Downstream Countries
* Assessing the Vertical Structure of Forests Using Airborne and Spaceborne LiDAR Data in the Austrian Alps
* Assessing the visual effect of non-periodic temporal variation of quantization stepsize in compressed video
* Assessing the Volume of Defensive Structures for Architectural Energetics Analysis Using 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography
* Assessing the Wall-to-Wall Spatial and Qualitative Dynamics of the Brazilian Pasturelands 2010-2018, Based on the Analysis of the Landsat Data Archive
* Assessing the Water Budget Closure Accuracy of Satellite/Reanalysis-Based Hydrological Data Products over Mainland China
* Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensing-Based Machine Learning Algorithms and Simulation Modeling
* Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions
* Assessing Tidal Flood Upon Solar Salt Farming Area in North Part Of Java Using Hydrodynamic Model
* Assessing tracking assessment measures
* Assessing tracking performance in complex scenarios using mean time between failures
* Assessing Transferability From Simulation to Reality for Reinforcement Learning
* Assessing Transferability of Remote Sensing Pasture Estimates Using Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms and Evaluation Structures
* Assessing Tree Water Balance after Forest Thinning Treatments Using Thermal and Multispectral Imaging
* Assessing Trust Level of a Driverless Car Using Deep Learning
* Assessing Typhoon-Induced Canopy Damage Using Vegetation Indices in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan
* Assessing Uncertainties in Accuracy of Landuse Classification Using Remote Sensing Images
* Assessing Uncertainty in LULC Classification Accuracy by Using Bootstrap Resampling
* Assessing Urban Droughts In A Smart City Framework
* Assessing Urban Forest Canopy Cover in Great Plain Conservation Area (dÜzce City, Turkey) Between 1984 and 2015
* Assessing Urban Greenness Fragmentation and Analysis of Its Associated Factors: A Case Study in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China
* Assessing Urban Landslide Dynamics through Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques and Slope Numerical Modeling
* Assessing Urbanization Dynamics in Turkey's Marmara Region Using CORINE Data between 2006 and 2018
* Assessing user behaviour in news video retrieval
* Assessing User Experience of Text Readability with Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality
* Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages with Land-Use Changes Using Three Different Data Sources: A Case Study of the Yellow River, China
* Assessing Vegetation Decline Due to Pollution from Solid Waste Management by a Multitemporal Remote Sensing Approach
* Assessing Vegetation Phenology across Different Biomes in Temperate China: Comparing GIMMS and MODIS NDVI Datasets
* Assessing Vegetation Response to Multi-Scalar Drought across the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan Deserts and Apache Highlands in the Southwest United States
* Assessing Vertical Accuracy and Spatial Coverage of ICESat-2 and GEDI Spaceborne Lidar for Creating Global Terrain Models
* Assessing very high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring forest health during a simulated disease outbreak
* Assessing visual attributes of handwriting for prediction of neurological disorders: A case study on Parkinson's disease
* Assessing Visual Quality of 3-D Polygonal Models
* Assessing Visual Quality of Omnidirectional Videos
* Assessing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Quality Based on Contributors' Mapping Behaviours
* Assessing Water Availability in Mediterranean Regions Affected by Water Conflicts through MODIS Data Time Series Analysis
* Assessing Water Quality by Video Monitoring Fish Swimming Behavior
* Assessing Water Stress of Desert Tamarugo Trees Using in situ Data and Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
* Assessing Waterlogging Stress Level of Winter Wheat from Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Harmonic Analysis
* Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors: A Case Study in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest
* Assessing within-Field Corn and Soybean Yield Variability from WorldView-3, Planet, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery
* Assessment Accuracy of Standard Point Positioning Enhanced by Observation and Position Domain Filtering Utilizing a Multi-Epoch Least-Squares Integration Method
* Assessment Analysis of Flood Susceptibility in Tropical Desert Area: A Case Study of Yemen
* Assessment and Attribution of Mangrove Forest Changes in the Indian Sundarbans from 2000 to 2020
* Assessment and Benchmarking of Spatially Enabled RDF Stores for the Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Assessment and Calibration of a RGB-D Camera (Kinect v2 Sensor) Towards a Potential Use for Close-Range 3D Modeling
* Assessment and Calibration of ERA5 Severe Winds in the Atlantic Ocean Using Satellite Data
* Assessment and classification of singing quality based on audio-visual features
* Assessment and Combination of SMAP and Sentinel-1A/B-Derived Soil Moisture Estimates With Land Surface Model Outputs in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
* Assessment and Comparison of Six Machine Learning Models in Estimating Evapotranspiration over Croplands Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Factors
* Assessment and Comparison of TMPA Satellite Precipitation Products in Varying Climatic and Topographic Regimes in Morocco
* Assessment and Correction of on-Orbit Radiometric Calibration for FY-3 VIRR Thermal Infrared Channels
* Assessment and Correction of the PERSIANN-CDR Product in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, China
* Assessment and Correction of View Angle Dependent Radiometric Modulation due to Polarization for the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
* Assessment and Estimation of the RVoG Model in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Assessment and Hydrological Validation of Merged Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Estimates Based on the Gauge-Free Triple Collocation Approach
* Assessment and Improvement of Global Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Datasets in the Yellow Sea Using In Situ Ocean Buoy and Research Vessel Observations
* Assessment and Improvement of MISR Angstrom Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo Products Using AERONET Data in China
* Assessment and Improvement of Sea Surface Microwave Emission Models for Salinity Retrieval in the East China Sea
* Assessment and Improvement of Urban Resilience to Flooding at a Subdistrict Level Using Multi-Source Geospatial Data: Jakarta as a Case Study
* Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Products over Lancang-Mekong River Basin, Southeast Asia
* Assessment and Mapping of Iran Desertification Intensity Using Arcgis Environment
* Assessment and Mapping of Spatio-Temporal Variations in Human Mortality-Related Parameters at European Scale
* Assessment and Mapping Soil Water Erosion Using RUSLE Approach and GIS Tools: Case of Oued el-Hai Watershed, Aures West, Northeastern of Algeria
* Assessment and Prediction of Impact of Flight Configuration Factors on UAS-Based Photogrammetric Survey Accuracy
* Assessment and Prediction of Sea Level and Coastal Wetland Changes in Small Islands Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
* Assessment and Prediction of Sea Level Trend in the South Pacific Region
* Assessment and Projections of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Pacific Based on CMIP6 Models
* Assessment and Quantification of the Accuracy of Low-and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data for Shoreline Monitoring
* Assessment and Validation of AirMOSS P-Band Root-Zone Soil Moisture Products
* Assessment and Visualization of OSM Consistency for European Cities
* assessment approach for pixel-based image composites, An
* Assessment for a Condition Using Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Assessment Impacts of Weather and Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Change on Urban Vegetation Net Primary Productivity (NPP): A Case Study in Guangzhou, China
* Assessment Method for Traffic State Vulnerability Based on a Cloud Model for Urban Road Network Traffic Systems, An
* Assessment of 3DTV-related fatigue with resting-state fMRI
* Assessment of a Dynamic Physically Based Slope Stability Model to Evaluate Timing and Distribution of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides
* Assessment of a Gauge-Radar-Satellite Merged Hourly Precipitation Product for Accurately Monitoring the Characteristics of the Super-Strong Meiyu Precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin in 2020
* Assessment of a Keypoints Detector for The Registration of Indoor And Outdoor Heritage Point Clouds
* Assessment of a Modified Version of the EM Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Assessment of a Portable Mapping Tool for Time-Critical Management of Disasters
* Assessment of a Portable Tof Camera and Comparison With Smartphone Stereo Vision
* Assessment of a Proximal Sensing-integrated Crop Model for Simulation of Soybean Growth and Yield
* Assessment of a Rock Pillar Failure by Using Change Detection Analysis and FEM Modelling
* Assessment of a Spatially and Temporally Consistent MODIS Derived NDVI Product for Application in Index-Based Drought Insurance
* Assessment Of A Static Multibeam Sonar Scanner For 3d Surveying In Confined Subaquatic Environments
* Assessment of Accuracy in the Identification of Rock Formations from Aerial and Terrestrial Laser-Scanning Data
* Assessment of Accuracy of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Sea Surface Temperature at High Latitudes Using Saildrone Data
* Assessment of Active Ground Subsidence in the Dibrugarh and Digboi Areas of Assam, Northeast India, Using the PSInSAR Technique
* Assessment of Active LiDAR Data and Passive Optical Imagery for Double-Layered Mangrove Leaf Area Index Estimation: A Case Study in Mai Po, Hong Kong
* Assessment of Adjacency Correction over Inland Waters Using Sentinel-2 MSI Images
* Assessment of Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters: A Round-Robin Scoring Method Based on the Optically Fuzzy Clustering
* Assessment of Algorithms to Estimate Respiratory Rate from the Remote Photoplethysmogram, An
* Assessment of ALOS PALSAR 25-m mosaic data for land cover mapping
* Assessment of ALOS PALSAR 50 m Orthorectified FBD Data for Regional Land Cover Classification by Support Vector Machines
* Assessment of ALOS Prism Digital Elevation Model Extraction over Japan
* Assessment of Altimetric Range and Geophysical Corrections and Mean Sea Surface Models: Impacts on Sea Level Variability around the Indonesian Seas
* Assessment of AMSR2 Ice Extent and Ice Edge in the Arctic Using IMS
* Assessment of an Automated Calibration of the SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Dry-Season Surface-Energy Partitioning in a Forest-Savanna Transition in Brazil
* Assessment of an Operational System for Crop Type Map Production Using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Satellite Optical Imagery
* Assessment of Annual Composite Images Obtained by Google Earth Engine for Urban Areas Mapping Using Random Forest
* Assessment of Antarctic Sea Ice Cover in CMIP6 Prediction with Comparison to AMSR2 during 2015-2021
* Assessment of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions over Large Regions Based on GOSAT Observations and High Resolution Transport Modeling
* Assessment of Anti-tumor Immune Response in Colorectal Carcinomas from Whole Slide Images
* Assessment of Approximations in Aerosol Optical Properties and Vertical Distribution into FLEX Atmospherically-Corrected Surface Reflectance and Retrieved Sun-Induced Fluorescence
* Assessment of AquaCrop for winter wheat using satellite derived fCover data
* Assessment of Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity
* Assessment of Aquatic Reed Stands from Airborne Photogrammetric 3K Data
* Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimates From ICESat-2 Using IceBird Airborne Measurements
* Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regulating Red Sea Phytoplankton Growth, An
* Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Sentinel-2 MSI Images Applied to Amazon Floodplain Lakes
* Assessment of Atrioventricular Valve Regurgitation Using Biomechanical Cardiac Modeling
* Assessment of Automated Snow Cover Detection at High Solar Zenith Angles with PROBA-V
* Assessment of Averaging Spatially Correlated Noise for 3-D Radial Imaging
* Assessment of bidirectional reflectance effects on desert and forest for radiometric cross-calibration of satellite sensors
* Assessment of bilateral filter on low NEX open MRI views
* Assessment of Blurring and Facial Expression Effects on Facial Image Recognition
* Assessment of Bottom-Up Satellite Precipitation Products on River Streamflow Estimations in the Peruvian Pacific Drainage
* Assessment of BRDF Impact on VIIRS DNB from Observed Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance over Dome C in Nighttime
* Assessment of Breast Cancer Histology Using Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
* Assessment of C-Band Polarimetric Radar for the Detection of Diesel Fuel in Newly Formed Sea Ice
* Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteosat-SEVIRI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (2008-2016)
* Assessment of CALIOP-Derived CCN Concentrations by In Situ Surface Measurements
* Assessment of Canopy Chlorophyll Content Retrieval in Maize and Soybean: Implications of Hysteresis on the Development of Generic Algorithms
* Assessment of Canopy Health with Drone-Based Orthoimagery in a Southern Appalachian Red Spruce Forest
* Assessment of Canopy Porosity in Avocado Trees as a Surrogate for Restricted Transpiration Emanating from Phytophthora Root Rot
* Assessment of Car Collaborative Positioning with UWB and Vision
* Assessment of Carbon Flux and Soil Moisture in Wetlands Applying Sentinel-1 Data
* Assessment of Carbon Productivity Trends and Their Resilience to Drought Disturbances in the Middle East Based on Multi-Decadal Space-Based Datasets
* Assessment of Carbon Sink and Carbon Flux in Forest Ecosystems: Instrumentation and the Influence of Seasonal Changes
* Assessment of Cardiac Motion Effects on the Fiber Architecture of the Human Heart In Vivo
* Assessment of Categorical Triple Collocation for Sea Ice/Open Water Observations: Application to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence
* Assessment of cerebral blood perfusion changes after neurorehabilitation therapy in patients with middle cerebral artery infarction: An acetazolamide-challenged SPECT study
* Assessment of Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperatures and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena in the Kathmandu Valley (1988-2018)
* Assessment of Changes in the Thermal Environment during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Case Studies from the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, An
* Assessment of China's Offshore Wind Resources Based on the Integration of Multiple Satellite Data and Meteorological Data
* Assessment of Chlorophyll: A Remote Sensing Algorithms in a Productive Tropical Estuarine-Lagoon System
* Assessment of Citrus Fruit Quality Using a Real-time Machine Vision System
* Assessment Of Classification Accuracies Of Sentinel-2 And Landsat-8 Data For Land Cover / Use Mapping
* Assessment of Classifiers and Remote Sensing Features of Hyperspectral Imagery and Stereo-Photogrammetric Point Clouds for Recognition of Tree Species in a Forest Area of High Species Diversity
* Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest
* Assessment of Cloud Cover Characteristics Over Calibration Test Sites Using Modis Cloud Mask Products
* Assessment of Cloud Screening With Apparent Surface Reflectance in Support of the ICESat-2 Mission
* Assessment of Cnn-based Methods for Poverty Estimation from Satellite Images
* Assessment of Coarse-Resolution Land Cover Products Using CASI Hyperspectral Data in an Arid Zone in Northwestern China
* Assessment of Coastal Aquaculture for India from Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series
* Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability To Sea Level Rise of Bolinao, Pangasinan Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* Assessment of Combined Reflectance, Transmittance, and Absorbance Hyperspectral Sensors for Prediction of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters
* Assessment of Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Object Based Image Analysis to Land Cover Classification Using Sentinel 2 Satellite Imagery (tenes Region, Algeria)
* Assessment of Complex Masonry Structures with GPR Compared to Other Non-Destructive Testing Studies
* Assessment of Contemporary Antarctic GIA Models Using High-Precision GPS Time Series
* Assessment of Convolution Neural Networks for Surficial Geology Mapping in the South Rae Geological Region, Northwest Territories, Canada
* Assessment of Convolution Neural Networks for Wetland Mapping with Landsat in the Central Canadian Boreal Forest Region
* Assessment of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Earthquake-Induced Building Damage Detection based on Pre- and Post-Event Orthophoto Images
* Assessment of Cornfield LAI Retrieved from Multi-Source Satellite Data Using Continuous Field LAI Measurements Based on a Wireless Sensor Network
* Assessment of Crohn's disease lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy images using SVM based classification
* Assessment of crop foliar nitrogen using a novel dual-wavelength laser system and implications for conducting laser-based plant physiology
* Assessment of crop traits retrieved from airborne hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing imagery to predict wheat grain protein content
* Assessment of CT Image Quality Using a Bayesian Framework
* Assessment of Curved Centerline Generation In HDMAPS Based on Point Clouds, The
* Assessment of customers' level of interest
* Assessment of CyGNSS v3.0 Level 1 Observables over the Ocean, An
* Assessment of CYGNSS Wind Speed Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones
* Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Heart Rate Estimation Using Remote Photoplethysmography Under Different Illuminations
* Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Nowcasting Using Weather Radar in South Korea
* Assessment of deep learning based blood pressure prediction from PPG and rPPG signals
* Assessment of deep learning for gender classification on traditional datasets
* Assessment of Deep Learning Techniques for Land Use Land Cover Classification in Southern New Caledonia
* Assessment of Different Complementary-Relationship-Based Models for Estimating Actual Terrestrial Evapotranspiration in the Frozen Ground Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Assessment of Different Object Detectors for the Maturity Level Classification of Broccoli Crops Using UAV Imagery
* Assessment of Different Stochastic Models for Inter-System Bias between GPS and BDS
* Assessment of different topographic corrections in landsat-TM data for mapping vegetation types
* Assessment of Different Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System for Production Of Photogrammerty Products
* Assessment of digital camera-derived vegetation indices in quantitative monitoring of seasonal rice growth
* Assessment of digital elevation model accuracy using ALOS-PRISM stereo imagery
* Assessment of dispersion patterns for negative stress detection from electroencephalographic signals
* Assessment of Displacements of Linestrings Based on Homologous Vertexes
* Assessment of dots and globules in dermoscopic color images as one of the 7-point check list criteria
* Assessment of Drought Impact on Net Primary Productivity in the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Mongolia from 2003 to 2018
* Assessment of Drought Indexes on Different Time Scales: A Case in Semiarid Mediterranean Grasslands
* Assessment of Drought Stress in Tea Estates Using Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing, An
* Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coastal Band of the European Seas: Comparison with Tide Gauge Measurements
* Assessment of Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) Model for Ionospheric TEC Map Predictions
* Assessment of Early Season Agricultural Drought Using Remote Sensing
* Assessment of Earthquake-induced Damage Level On Buildings: Analysis Of Two Different Survey Methods for a Case Study
* Assessment of Ecological Cumulative Effect due to Mining Disturbance Using Google Earth Engine
* Assessment of Economic Recovery in Hebei Province, China, under the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Nighttime Light Data
* Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India
* Assessment of Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand (Mis)matches for Urban Ecological Management: A Case Study in the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Luoyang Cities
* Assessment of Effective Roughness Parameters for Simulating Sentinel-1A Observation and Retrieving Soil Moisture over Sparsely Vegetated Field
* Assessment of Effective Seasonal Downscaling of TRMM Precipitation Data in Peninsular Malaysia
* Assessment of Electric Power Consumption Using Random Forest and Transferable Deep Model with Multi-Source Data, An
* Assessment of Electromagnetic Absorption of Ice From Ice Core Measurements
* Assessment of Electromagnetic Tracking Accuracy for Endoscopic Ultrasound
* Assessment of Empirical Algorithms for Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Multi-Spectral Imagery of Pearl River Delta Coast, China
* Assessment of Empirical and Semi-Analytical Algorithms Using MODIS-Aqua for Representing In-Situ Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Bering, Chukchi, and Western Beaufort Seas of the Pacific Arctic Region
* Assessment of Enhanced Dempster-Shafer Theory for Uncertainty Modeling in a GIS-Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Model, Case Study: Tabriz City
* Assessment of Ensemble Learning to Predict Wheat Grain Yield Based on UAV-Multispectral Reflectance
* Assessment of Errors Caused by Forest Vegetation Structure in Airborne LiDAR-Derived DTMs
* Assessment of exercise-induced immune cell apoptosis using morphological image processing
* Assessment of Existing Methodologies to Retrieve Snow Cover Fraction from MODIS Data, An
* Assessment of Extreme Diurnal Warming in Operational Geosynchronous Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Products
* Assessment of Extreme Ocean Winds within Intense Wintertime Windstorms over the North Pacific Using SMAP L-Band Radiometer Observations
* Assessment of facial wrinkles as a soft biometrics
* Assessment of factors affecting shrub volume estimations using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data in Mediterranean areas
* Assessment of Faster R-CNN in Man-Machine Collaborative Search
* Assessment of Feature Detectors and Descriptors in Remote Images Of Planetary Bodies
* Assessment of feature fusion strategies in visual attention mechanism for saliency detection
* Assessment of femtosecond temporal gating for imaging in biological medium by Monte Carlo simulations
* Assessment of Fire Fuel Load Dynamics in Shrubland Ecosystems in the Western United States Using MODIS Products
* Assessment of Fire Regimes and Post-Fire Evolution of Burned Areas with the Dynamic Time Warping Method on Time Series of Satellite Images: Setting the Methodological Framework in the Peloponnese, Greece
* Assessment Of Fire Severity And Post-fire Regeneration Based On Topographical Features Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery: A Case Study in Mersin, Turkey
* Assessment of Flooded Areas Caused By a Dam Break (Sardoba Dam, Uzbekistan)
* Assessment Of Flooded Areas Projections And Floods Potential Impacts Applying Remote Sensing Imagery And Demographic Data
* Assessment of Flow Resistance of Steep Mountain Rivers Measuring Streambed Topography by Range Imaging Technology
* Assessment of Forest Above-Ground Biomass Estimation from PolInSAR in the Presence of Temporal Decorrelation
* Assessment of Forest above Ground Biomass Estimation Using Multi-Temporal C-band Sentinel-1 and Polarimetric L-band PALSAR-2 Data
* Assessment of Forest Biomass Estimation from Dry and Wet SAR Acquisitions Collected during the 2019 UAVSAR AM-PM Campaign in Southeastern United States
* Assessment of Forest Ecological Security in China Based on DPSIRM Model: Taking 11 Provincial Administrative Regions along the Yangtze River Basin as Examples
* Assessment of Forest Parameters by Means of Laser Scanning
* Assessment Of Four Typical Topographic Corrections In Landsat Tm Data For Snow Cover Areas
* Assessment of Freeze-Thaw Hazards and Water Features along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline in Permafrost Regions
* Assessment of FY-2G, FY-4A, and Himawari-8 Atmospheric Motion Vectors over Southeast Asia and Their Assimilating Impact on the Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone PABUK
* Assessment of Galileo E6B Data Demodulation Performance at High Latitudes: A Norwegian Vessel Case Study
* Assessment of Galileo FOC + IOV Signals and Geometry-Based Single-Epoch Resolution of Quad-Frequency Carrier Ambiguities
* Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection: A Case Study in the East China Sea
* Assessment of Geo-Kompsat-2A Atmospheric Motion Vector Data and Its Assimilation Impact in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
* Assessment of Geocentric Datum of Malaysia 2000 (GDM2000)
* Assessment of Geometric Activity Features for Per-pixel Classification of Urban Man-made Objects using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Assessment of Geometric Models for the Approximation of Aorta Cross-Sections
* Assessment of Global Forest Change Datasets for National Forest Monitoring and Reporting, An
* Assessment of Global FY-3C/VIRR Sea Surface Temperature
* Assessment of Global Ionospheric Maps Performance by Means of Ionosonde Data
* Assessment of Global Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Products for Regional Applications, An
* Assessment of GPM-IMERG and Other Precipitation Products against Gauge Data under Different Topographic and Climatic Conditions in Iran: Preliminary Results
* Assessment of GPM and TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in Streamflow Simulations in a Data-Sparse Mountainous Watershed in Myanmar
* Assessment of GPM and TRMM Precipitation Products over Singapore
* Assessment of GPS/Galileo/BDS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Using Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Assessment of GRAS Ionospheric Measurements for Ionospheric Model Assimilation
* Assessment of Grassland Degradation on the Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-Source Data
* Assessment of Green Infrastructure in Riparian Zones Using Copernicus Programme
* Assessment of Ground-Reference Data and Validation of the H-SAF Precipitation Products in Brazil
* Assessment of Groundwater Nitrate Pollution Potential in Central Valley Aquifer Using Geodetector-Based Frequency Ratio (GFR) and Optimized-DRASTIC Methods
* Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Fuzzy AHP Techniques: A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia)
* Assessment of Haemodynamic Remodeling in Fetal Aortic Coarctation Using a Lumped Model of the Circulation
* Assessment of High-Density UAV Point Clouds for the Measurement of Young Forestry Trials, An
* Assessment of High Resolution Air Temperature Fields at Rocky Mountain National Park by Combining Scarce Point Measurements with Elevation and Remote Sensing Data
* Assessment of Himawari-8 AHI Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land
* Assessment of HIRS Surface Air Temperature with USCRN Data, An
* Assessment of Human-Induced Effects on Sea/Brackish Water Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Ha Long Bay of Vietnam with Google Earth Engine
* Assessment of hydrogen fluoride damage to vegetation using optical remote sensing data
* Assessment of Hydrologic- and Flood-Induced Land Deformation in Data-Sparse Regions Using GRACE/GRACE-FO Data Assimilation, The
* Assessment of hyperspectral MIVIS sensor capability for heterogeneous landscape classification
* Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for the Monitoring of Natural Areas Using Multiplatform Remote Sensing Imagery
* Assessment of ice-dam collapse by time-lapse photos at the Perito Moreno glacier, Argentina
* Assessment of Image-Based Point Cloud Products to Generate a Bare Earth Surface and Estimate Canopy Heights in a Woodland Ecosystem
* assessment of image classifiers for generating machine-learning training samples for mapping the invasive Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) DC (pompom weed) using DESIS hyperspectral imagery, An
* Assessment of Image Manipulation Using Natural Language Description: Quantification of Manipulation Direction
* Assessment of Image Quality Using a Pseudophakic Eye Model for Refractive Evaluation
* Assessment of IMERG-V06 Precipitation Product over Different Hydro-Climatic Regimes in the Tianshan Mountains, North-Western China
* Assessment of IMERG-V06, TRMM-3B42V7, SM2RAIN-ASCAT, and PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Products over the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia
* Assessment of IMERG Precipitation Estimates over Europe
* Assessment of Improved Ross-Li BRDF Models Emphasizing Albedo Estimates at Large Solar Angles Using POLDER Data
* Assessment of In-Season Cotton Nitrogen Status and Lint Yield Prediction from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery
* Assessment Of Indian Carbon Cycle Components Using Earth Observation Systems And Ground Inventory
* Assessment of Individual Tree Detection and Canopy Cover Estimation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Light Detection and Ranging (UAV-LiDAR) Data in Planted Forests
* Assessment of Industrial Agglomeration in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery and POI Data, The
* Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automatic UAV Photogrammetry
* Assessment of Influencing Factors on the Spatial Variability of SOM in the Red Beds of the Nanxiong Basin of China, Using GIS and Geo-Statistical Methods
* Assessment of Information Criteria for Motion Model Selection, An
* Assessment of InSAR Atmospheric Correction Using Both MODIS Near-Infrared and Infrared Water Vapor Products
* Assessment of INSAT-3D Retrieved Temperature and Water Vapour With Collocated Radiosonde Measurements Over Indian Region
* Assessment of Integrated Water Vapor Estimates from the iGMAS and the Brazilian Network GNSS Ground-Based Receivers in Rio de Janeiro
* Assessment of Interventions in Fuel Management Zones Using Remote Sensing
* Assessment of Intra-Annual and Inter-Annual Variabilities of Soil Erosion in Crete Island (Greece) by Incorporating the Dynamic Nature of R and C-Factors in RUSLE Modeling
* Assessment of Intra-Urban Heat Island in a Densely Populated City Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study for Manila City
* Assessment of Invasive and Weed Species by Hyperspectral Imagery in Agrocenoses Ecosystem
* Assessment of Iran's Mangrove Forest Dynamics (1990-2020) Using Landsat Time Series
* Assessment of IRNSS-Only Data Processing: Availability, Single-Frequency SPP and Short-Baseline RTK
* Assessment of Irrigation Demands Based on Soil Moisture Deficits Using a Satellite-Based Hydrological Model
* Assessment of Irrigation Performance in Large River Basins under Data Scarce Environment: A Case of Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan
* Assessment of ITS architectures
* Assessment of k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Classifiers for Mapping Forest Fire Areas in Central Portugal Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Terra Imagery
* Assessment of Kim's Game Strategy for Behavior Cue Detection: Engagement, Flow, & Performance Aspects
* Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR Coherence and Its Comparison with C-Band: A Case Study over Managed Forests in Argentina
* Assessment of Land Cover Change Dynamics of Gaja Cyclone in Coastal Tamil Nadu, India Using Sentinel 1 Sar Dataset, An
* Assessment of Land Degradation in Semiarid Tanzania: Using Multiscale Remote Sensing Datasets to Support Sustainable Development Goal 15.3
* Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-Arid Alpine Mountains: A Case Study of the Qilian Mountains Region, Northwest China
* Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers on the Mongolian Plateau Using Intensity Analysis and the Geographical Detector Technique
* Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Estimates from Landsat 8-TIRS in A High-Contrast Semiarid Agroecosystem. Algorithms Intercomparison
* Assessment of Land Use-Cover Changes and Successional Stages of Vegetation in the Natural Protected Area Altas Cumbres, Northeastern Mexico, Using Landsat Satellite Imagery
* Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection By Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in The Coastal Deserts, South of Iran
* Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Changes for Predicting Vulnerable Agricultural Lands in River Basins of Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing and a Fuzzy Expert System
* Assessment of Land Use/land Cover Change Mapping In Bangui City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
* Assessment of Landsat-8 OLI Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Inland Waters, The
* Assessment of Landsat Based Deep-Learning Membership Analysis for Development of from-to Change Time Series in the Prairie Region of Canada from 1984 to 2018
* Assessment of Landslide-induced Morphology Changes Using An Object-based Image Analysis Approach: a Case Study of HÍtardalur, Iceland
* Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Using Statistical- and Artificial Intelligence-Based FR-RF Integrated Model and Multiresolution DEMs
* Assessment of Langley and NASA-GISS Calibration Techniques for MFRSR Aerosol Retrieval
* Assessment of Large-Scale Seasonal River Morphological Changes in Ayeyarwady River Using Optical Remote Sensing Data
* Assessment of Leaf Area Index Models Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Data over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Landscape
* Assessment of Leaf Area Index of Rice for a Growing Cycle Using Multi-Temporal C-Band PolSAR Datasets
* Assessment of Leaf Chlorophyll Content Models for Winter Wheat Using Landsat-8 Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* Assessment of Learned Score Features for Modeling Expressive Dynamics in Music, An
* Assessment of Leica CityMapper-2 LiDAR Data within Milan's Digital Twin Project
* Assessment of Level-3 Gridded Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Products Over Oceans
* Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Tree Heights Estimated from Different Flight Altitude Data in Mountainous Forests with Poor Laser Penetration Rates
* Assessment of LiDAR and Spectral Techniques for High-Resolution Mapping of Sporadic Permafrost on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
* Assessment of Lidar DTM Accuracy in Coastal Vegetated Areas
* Assessment of Light Environment Variability in Broadleaved Forest Canopies Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Assessment of Long-Term Sensor Radiometric Degradation Using Time Series Analysis
* Assessment of Low-cost Particulate Matter Sensors
* Assessment of Machine and Deep Learning Approaches for Fault Diagnosis in Photovoltaic Systems Using Infrared Thermography
* Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Benthic Cover Monitoring and Mapping Using Towed Underwater Video Camera and High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Classification of Movement Patterns During a Weight-Shifting Exergame
* Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Lakes Cajititlán and Zapotlán, Jalisco—Mexico
* Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Oil Rig Classification in C-Band SAR Images
* Assessment of Maize Drought Risk in Midwestern Jilin Province: A Comparative Analysis of TOPSIS and VIKOR Models
* Assessment of Material Layers in Building Walls Using GeoRadar
* Assessment of Merged Satellite Precipitation Datasets in Monitoring Meteorological Drought over Pakistan
* Assessment of MERRA-2 Surface PM2.5 over the Yangtze River Basin: Ground-based Verification, Spatiotemporal Distribution and Meteorological Dependence
* Assessment of Methods and Remote-Sensing Derived Covariates for Regional Predictions of 1 km Daily Maximum Air Temperature, An
* Assessment of methods for image recreation from signature time-series data
* Assessment of Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat-5 TM Images Applicable to Multiscale Tree-Grass Ecosystem Modeling
* Assessment of Methods for Passive Microwave Snow Cover Mapping Using FY-3C/MWRI Data in China
* Assessment of Mining Extent and Expansion in Myanmar Based on Freely-Available Satellite Imagery
* Assessment of Mitigation Strategies for Tropospheric Phase Contributions to InSAR Time-Series Datasets over Two Nicaraguan Volcanoes
* Assessment of Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Building Reconstruction in 3D Cadastre
* Assessment of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters (MCD43A1 Collection 6) for Directional Reflectance Retrieval
* Assessment of MODIS spectral indices for determining rice paddy agricultural practices and hydroperiod
* Assessment of MODIS, MERIS, GEOV1 FPAR Products over Northern China with Ground Measured Data and by Analyzing Residential Effect in Mixed Pixel
* Assessment of MODIS, OMI, MISR and CALIOP Aerosol Products for Estimating Surface Visual Range: A Mathematical Model for Hong Kong
* Assessment of Mono- and Split-Window Approaches for Time Series Processing of LST from AVHRR: A TIMELINE Round Robin
* Assessment of Moraine Cliff Spatio-Temporal Erosion on Wolin Island Using ALS Data Analysis
* Assessment of More Suitable Image Spatial Resolutions for Offshore Aquaculture Areas Automatic Monitoring Based on Coupled NDWI and Mask R-CNN, The
* Assessment of Morphology Changes of the End Moraine of the Werenskiold Glacier (SW Spitsbergen) Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques
* Assessment of Morphometric Parameters as the Basis for Hydrological Inferences in Water Resource Management: A Case Study from the Sinu River Basin in Colombia
* Assessment of multi-camera calibration algorithms for two-dimensional camera arrays relative to ground truth position and direction
* Assessment of Multi-Frequency PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Galileo and BeiDou-3 Signals
* Assessment of Multi-Scale SMOS and SMAP Soil Moisture Products across the Iberian Peninsula
* Assessment of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Products over China Using Eddy Covariance Observations
* Assessment of Multibeam Backscatter Texture Analysis for Seafloor Sediment Classification
* Assessment of Multiple GNSS Real-Time SSR Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Assessment of Multiple Scattering in the Reflectance of Semiarid Shrublands
* Assessment Of Multiresolution Segmentation For Extracting Greenhouses From Worldview-2 Imagery
* Assessment of Myofiber Orientation in High Resolution Phase-Contrast CT Images
* Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rainfall Estimates for Discharge Forecasting in Mountain Catchments with a Random Forest Model
* Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan
* Assessment of Negative Samples and Model Structures in Landslide Susceptibility Characterization Based on Bayesian Network Models, An
* Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Assessment of new building recognition technique based on Monte Carlo simulation from LiDAR data
* Assessment of New Satellite Missions within the Framework of Numerical Weather Prediction
* Assessment of next-best-view algorithms performance with various 3D scanners and manipulator
* Assessment of Night-Time Lighting for Global Terrestrial Protected and Wilderness Areas
* Assessment of Nighttime Cloud Cover Products from MODIS and Himawari-8 Data with Ground-Based Camera Observations
* Assessment of NIR-red algorithms for observation of chlorophyll-a in highly turbid inland waters in China
* Assessment of Nitrogen Nutrition Index of Winter Wheat Canopy from Visible Images for a Dynamic Monitoring of N Requirements
* Assessment of noise reduction in ultrasound images of common carotid and brachial arteries
* Assessment of Normalized Water-Leaving Radiance Derived from GOCI Using AERONET-OC Data
* Assessment of number and distribution of persistent scatterers prior to radar acquisition using open access land cover and topographical data
* Assessment of Oak Groves Conservation Statuses in Natura 2000 Sacs with Single Photon Lidar and Sentinel-2 Data
* Assessment of Ocean Circulation Characteristics off the West Coast of Ireland Using HF Radar
* Assessment of Ocean Swell Height Observations from Sentinel-1A/B Wave Mode against Buoy In Situ and Modeling Hindcasts
* Assessment of OMA Gap-Filling Performances for Multiple and Single Coastal HF Radar Systems: Validation with Drifter Data in the Ligurian Sea
* Assessment of Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display Calibration for Interactive Augmented Reality
* Assessment of Optimal Transport for Operational Land-Cover Mapping Using High-Resolution Satellite Images Time Series without Reference Data of the Mapping Period
* Assessment of PALSAR-2 Compact Non-Circularity Using Amazonian Rainforests
* Assessment of Pavement Structural Conditions and Remaining Life Combining Accelerated Pavement Testing and Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Assessment of Peanut Pod Maturity
* Assessment of Peat Extraction Range and Vegetation Succession on the Baligowka Degraded Peat Bog (Central Europe) Using the ALS Data and Orthophotomap
* Assessment of Perceived and Physical Walkability Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technology
* Assessment of perceptual distortion boundary through applying reversible watermarking to brain MR images
* Assessment of perfusion by dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging using a deconvolution approach based on regression and singular value decomposition
* Assessment of Permeability Windbreak Forests with Different Porosities Based on Laser Scanning and Computational Fluid Dynamics
* Assessment of photo aesthetics with efficiency
* Assessment of Physical Water Scarcity in Africa Using GRACE and TRMM Satellite Data
* Assessment of Phytoecological Variability by Red-Edge Spectral Indices and Soil-Landscape Relationships
* Assessment of plant leaf area measurement by using stereo-vision
* Assessment of Polar Ionospheric Observations by VIPIR/Dynasonde at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica: Part 1: Ionospheric Densities
* Assessment of Polarimetric and Interferometric Image Quality for Chinese Domestic X-Band Airborne SAR System
* Assessment of Police Officers' Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer's Situational Awareness?, An
* Assessment of Polynomial Regression Techniques for the Relative Radiometric Normalization (RRN) of High-Resolution Multi-Temporal Airborne Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imagery, An
* Assessment of Poplar Looper (Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff) Infestation on Euphrates (Populus euphratica) Using Time-Series MODIS NDVI Data Based on the Wavelet Transform and Discriminant Analysis
* Assessment of Portable Chlorophyll Meters for Measuring Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
* Assessment of positioning accuracy of vehicle trajectories for different road applications
* Assessment of Post-Earthquake Damaged Building with Interferometric Real Aperture Radar
* Assessment of Post-Storm Recovery of Beaches Using Video Imaging Techniques: A Case Study at Gold Coast, Australia
* Assessment of Posterior Capsule Opacification after Cataract Surgery
* Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Hazard in an Australian Dry Sclerophyll Forest Using Point Cloud Data Captured Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, An
* Assessment of Precipitation Estimation from the NWP Models and Satellite Products for the Spring 2019 Severe Floods in Iran
* Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry
* Assessment of Quad-Frequency Long-Baseline Positioning with BeiDou-3 and Galileo Observations
* Assessment of radargrammetric DSMs from TerraSAR-X Stripmap images in a mountainous relief area of the Amazon region
* Assessment of Radio Frequency Compatibility for New Radio Navigation Satellite Service Signal Design in the L6-Band
* Assessment of Radiometric Correction Methods for ADS40 Imagery
* Assessment of Radiometric Resolution Impact on Remote Sensing Data Classification Accuracy
* Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Distribution Based on Land Disturbance in Southern Taiwan
* Assessment of Rangeland Degradation in New Mexico Using Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend Analysis (TSS-RESTREND)
* Assessment of Real-Time GPS/BDS-2/BDS-3 Single-Frequency PPP and INS Tight Integration Using Different RTS Products
* Assessment of Recent Changes in Dust over South Asia Using RegCM4 Regional Climate Model
* Assessment of Recent Flow, and Calving Rate of the Perito Moreno Glacier Using LANDSAT and SENTINEL2 Images
* Assessment of Regional Vegetation Response to Climate Anomalies: A Case Study for Australia Using GIMMS NDVI Time Series between 1982 and 2006
* Assessment of Regression Models for Predicting Rice Yield and Protein Content Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Assessment of Remotely Sensed and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
* Assessment of Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Key Ecosystem-Regulating Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region Based on Vegetation Coverage
* Assessment Of Restoration Methods Of X-ray Images With Emphasis On Medical Photogrammetric Usage
* Assessment of Retinal Vascular Changes Through Arteriolar-to-Venular Ratio Calculation
* Assessment of Rgb and Hyperspectral UAV Remote Sensing for Grass Quantity and Quality Estimation
* Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy
* Assessment of RISAT-1 and Radarsat-2 for Sea Ice Observations from a Hybrid-Polarity Perspective
* Assessment of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimations from SMAP, SMOS and MODIS Observations
* Assessment of RTK Quadcopter and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Fine-Scale Monitoring of Coastal Topographic Complexity
* Assessment of Runoff Components of River Flow in the Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan, during 1995-2010
* Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* Assessment of Saildrone Extreme Wind Measurements in Hurricane Sam Using MW Satellite Sensors
* Assessment of Sampling Effects on Various Satellite-Derived Integrated Water Vapor Datasets Using GPS Measurements in Germany as Reference
* Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters
* Assessment of Satellite-Based Precipitation Measurement Products over the Hot Desert Climate of Egypt
* Assessment of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Estimating and Mapping Rainfall Erosivity in a Subtropical Basin, China
* Assessment of Satellite-Derived Precipitation Products for the Beijing Region
* Assessment of Satellite-Derived Rainfall Products Relative to Ground Observations over East Africa, An
* Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by NASA's CAR Airborne Radiometer over Railroad Valley Playa
* Assessment of Satellite and Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Real Time Monitoring of Meteorological Extremes Over the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula
* Assessment of Satellite AOD during the 2020 Wildfire Season in the Western U.S.
* Assessment of satellite ocean color products of MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS along the East China Coast (in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea)
* Assessment Of Satellite Precipitation Products In The Philippine Archipelago
* Assessment of Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation in RMAPS, An
* Assessment of Scattering Error Correction Techniques for AC-S Meter in a Tropical Eutrophic Reservoir
* Assessment of Scattering Mechanism of Polarimetric SAR Signal From Mountainous Forest Areas
* Assessment of Sea-Ice Classification Capabilities during Melting Period Using Airborne Multi-Frequency PolSAR Data
* Assessment of Sea-Ice Thickness Along the Labrador Coast From AMSR-E and MODIS Data for Operational Data Assimilation, An
* Assessment Of Sea Ice Freeboard And Thickness In Mcmurdo Sound, Antarctica, Derived By Ground Validated Satellite Altimeter Data
* Assessment of Sea Ice Motion Products in the Robeson Channel Using Daily Sentinel-1 Images, An
* Assessment of Seasonal Variability for Wind Speed And Significant Wave Height Using Satellite Altimeter Over Malaysian Seas
* Assessment of Segmentation Parameters for Object-Based Land Cover Classification Using Color-Infrared Imagery
* Assessment of Sentinel-2-MSI Atmospheric Correction Processors and In Situ Spectrometry Waters Quality Algorithms
* Assessment of Sentinel-2 Images, Support Vector Machines and Change Detection Algorithms for Bark Beetle Outbreaks Mapping in the Tatra Mountains
* Assessment of Sentinel-2 MSI Spectral Band Reflectances for Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover
* Assessment of Sentinel-2A multispectral image for benthic habitat composition mapping
* Assessment of Sentinel-5p Performance for Ground-level Air Quality Monitoring: Preparatory Experiments Over the Covid-19 Lockdown Period
* Assessment of Septal Motion Abnormalities in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients Using Computer Simulations
* Assessment of Service Protocol Adaptability Based on Novel Walk Computation
* Assessment of Seven Atmospheric Correction Processors for the Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imager over Lakes in Qinghai Province
* Assessment of Several Empirical Relationships for Deriving Daily Means of UV-A Irradiance from Meteosat-Based Estimates of the Total Irradiance
* Assessment of severity in neuropsychiatric disorders based on radiomic features with prior shape level set and metaheuristic algorithms
* Assessment of SEVIRI Imagery at Various Temporal Resolutions and the Effect on Accurate Dust Emission Mapping, An
* Assessment Of Shadow Enhanced Urban Remote Sensing Imagery Of A Complex City: Hong Kong, An
* Assessment of Sharpness, Evaluation of Sharpening
* Assessment of Shift-Invariant CNN Gaze Mappings for PS-OG Eye Movement Sensors
* Assessment of Shoreline Transformation Rates and Landslide Monitoring on the Bank of Kuibyshev Reservoir (Russia) Using Multi-Source Data
* Assessment of Six Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Gross Primary Productivity in Grassland
* Assessment of SM2RAIN-Derived and State-of-the-Art Satellite Rainfall Products over Northeastern Brazil
* Assessment of Snow Status Changes Using L-HH Temporal-Coherence Components at Mt. Dagu, China
* Assessment of Snowfall Accumulation from Satellite and Reanalysis Products Using SNOTEL Observations in Alaska
* Assessment of SNPP and NOAA20 VIIRS RSB Calibration Performance in NASA SIPS Reprocessed Collection-2 L1B Data Products, An
* Assessment of SNPP VIIRS VIS/NIR Radiometric Calibration Stability Using Aqua MODIS and Invariant Surface Targets
* Assessment of Socioeconomic Dynamics and Electrification Progress in Tanzania Using VIIRS Nighttime Light Images
* Assessment of Soil Degradation by Erosion Based on Analysis of Soil Properties Using Aerial Hyperspectral Images and Ancillary Data, Czech Republic
* Assessment of Soil Surface Roughness Statistics for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications Using a Simple Photogrammetric Acquisition System
* Assessment of Some Meteorology Data of Average Monthly Air Temperature Over Mongolia Using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and GIS Techniques
* Assessment of Spaceborne GNSS-R Ocean Altimetry Performance Using CYGNSS Mission Raw Data
* Assessment of sparse-based inpainting for retinal vessel removal
* Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map the Bathymetry of an Amazonian Hydroelectric Reservoir to Aid in Decision Making for Water Management
* Assessment of Spatial Pattern Characterization of Air Pollution: A Case Study of CO and PM2.5 in Tehran, Iran, An
* Assessment of Spatial Representativeness of Eddy Covariance Flux Data from Flux Tower to Regional Grid
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Surface Extents and Lake Surface Temperatures Using Google Earth Engine for Lakes Region, Turkiye
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Empirical Forecasting Performance of Future Shoreline Positions
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce Bud Phenology across Quebec Based on MODIS-NDVI Time Series and Field Observations
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variations in PM2.5 and Associated Long-Range Air Mass Transport and Mortality in South Asia
* Assessment of Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Effect of the Relationship between Meteorological Drought and Vegetation Dynamics in the Yangtze River Basin Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessment of Spectral Band Impact on Intercalibration Over Desert Sites Using Simulation Based on EO-1 Hyperion Data
* Assessment of Spectral, Misregistration, and Spatial Uncertainties Inherent in the Cross-Calibration Study
* Assessment of stenosis introduced flow resistance in CCTA-reconstructed coronary arteries
* Assessment of stereo camera calibration techniques for a portable mobile mapping system
* Assessment of Stereoscopic Crosstalk Perception
* Assessment of Structural Natural Frequencies and Application in the Calibration of FEM Models and Structural Health Monitoring
* Assessment of Sub-Canopy Structure in a Complex Coniferous Forest
* Assessment of Suitable Gridded Climate Datasets for Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling over South Korea
* assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification, An
* Assessment of Surface Inundation Monitoring and Drivers after Major Storms in a Tropical Island
* Assessment of Surface Soil Moisture Using High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Imagery and Artificial Neural Networks
* Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Islands over Three Megacities in East Asia Using Land Surface Temperature Data Retrieved from COMS
* Assessment Of Surface Water At The Sobradinho Reservoir Under The Effects Of Drought Using Multi-temporal Landsat Images
* Assessment of Surface Water Availability under Climate Change Using Coupled SWAT-WEAP in Hongshui River Basin, China
* Assessment of Surface Water Quality by Using Satellite Images Fusion Based on PCA Method in the Lake Gala, Turkey
* Assessment of Sustainability of Affordable Housing in Malaysia
* Assessment of Sustainable Livelihood and Geographic Detection of Settlement Sites in Ethnically Contiguous Poverty-Stricken Areas in the Aba Prefecture, China
* Assessment of Swarm Kinematic Orbit Determination Using Two Different Double-Difference Methods
* Assessment of System Polarization Quality for Polarimetric SAR Imagery and Target Decomposition
* Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatial Analysis Approach under the Effects of Climate Change: Case Study in an Urban Watershed in Hanoi, Vietnam
* Assessment of Temporal Variations of Orthometric/Normal Heights Induced by Hydrological Mass Variations over Large River Basins Using GRACE Mission Data
* Assessment of Terra MODIS On-Orbit Polarization Sensitivity Using Pseudoinvariant Desert Sites
* Assessment of Terra/Aqua MODIS and Deep Convective Cloud Albedo Solar Calibration Accuracies and Stabilities Using Lunar Calibrated MERBE Results
* Assessment of terrain elevation derived from satellite laser altimetry over mountainous forest areas using airborne lidar data
* Assessment of TerraSAR-X Products with a New Feature Extraction Application: Monitoring of Cylindrical Tanks
* Assessment of testicular uptake in flourine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography
* Assessment of Texture Stationarity Using the Asymptotic Behavior of the Empirical Mean and Variance
* Assessment of the Absolute Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laserscanning, The
* Assessment of the Accessibility of Multiple Public Service Facilities and Its Correlation with Housing Prices Using an Improved 2SFCA Method: A Case Study of Jinan City, China, An
* Assessment of the Accuracy of MODIS Land Surface Temperature over Egypt Using Ground-Based Measurements, An
* Assessment of the Accuracy of Recent Empirical and Assimilated Tidal Models for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Using Satellite and Coastal Data
* Assessment of the Accuracy of the Saastamoinen Model and VMF1/VMF3 Mapping Functions with Respect to Ray-Tracing from Radiosonde Data in the Framework of GNSS Meteorology
* Assessment of the Accuracy of Volunteered Road Map Production in Western Kenya, An
* Assessment of the Added-Value of Sentinel-2 for Detecting Built-up Areas
* Assessment of the Added Value of the GOCE GPS Data on the GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solutions
* Assessment of the Artificial Habitat in Shrimp Aquaculture Using Environmental Pattern Classification
* Assessment of The Baroque Vault Construction Technique By Scan-to-bim Process: St. Bernard's Chapel in The Plasy Monastery, The
* Assessment of the Bike-Sharing Socioeconomic Equity in the Use of Routes
* Assessment of the Biomass Productivity Decline in the Lower Mekong Basin
* Assessment of the Capability of Landsat and BiodivMapR to Track the Change of Alpha Diversity in Dryland Disturbed by Mining
* Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iron-Bearing Minerals Mapping: A Case Study in the Cuprite Area, Nevada
* Assessment of the Catastrophic Asia Floods and Potentially Affected Population in Summer 2020 Using VIIRS Flood Products
* Assessment of the Characteristics of Recent Major Wildfires in the USA, Australia and Brazil in 2018-2019 Using Multi-Source Satellite Products
* Assessment of the Combined Risk of Drought and High-Temperature Heat Wave Events in the North China Plain during Summer
* Assessment of the Consistency and Stability of CrIS Infrared Observations Using COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data over Ocean
* Assessment of the Croatian Open Data Portal Using User-Oriented Metrics
* Assessment of the Cultivated Cropland Class of NLCD 2006 Using a Multi-Source and Multi-Criteria Approach, An
* Assessment of the Daily Cloud-Free MODIS Snow-Cover Product for Monitoring the Snow-Cover Phenology over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Assessment of the Declining Degree of Farmland Shelterbelts in a Desert Oasis Based on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Assessment of the Degree of Building Damage Caused by Disaster Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Combination with Ordinal Regression
* Assessment of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Photosynthetically Active Radiation in a Chilean Lake
* Assessment of the Dual Polarimetric Sentinel-1A Data for Forest Fuel Moisture Content Estimation
* assessment of the effectiveness of a random forest classifier for land-cover classification, An
* Assessment of the Effectiveness of Sand-Control and Desertification in the Mu Us Desert, China
* Assessment of The Effects of Air Pollutants On Blood Glucose Control In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
* Assessment of the Effects of Resolution on Automated DEM and Building Extraction
* Assessment of the EUMETSAT Multi Decadal Land Surface Albedo Data Record from Meteosat Observations
* Assessment of the Extreme Precipitation by Satellite Estimates over South America
* Assessment of the Feasibility of PPP-B2b Service for Real-Time Coseismic Displacement Retrieval
* Assessment of the Filling Process of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Its Impact on the Downstream Countries, An
* Assessment of the GEDI Lasers' Capabilities in Detecting Canopy Tops and Their Penetration in a Densely Vegetated, Tropical Area, An
* Assessment of the Geometric Accuracy of Remotely-Sensed Images, An
* Assessment Of The Geometric Quality Of Sentinel-2 Data
* Assessment of the GNSS-RTK for Application in Precision Forest Operations
* Assessment of the GOCE High-Level Processing Facility (HPF) Released Global Geopotential Models with Regional Test Results in Turkey, An
* Assessment of the GOES-16 Clear Sky Mask Product over the Contiguous USA Using CALIPSO Retrievals
* Assessment of the High Resolution SAR Mode of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission for First Year Ice and Multiyear Ice Characterization
* Assessment of the Homogeneity of Long-Term Multi-Mission RO-Based Temperature Climatologies
* Assessment Of The Homogeneity Of Volunteered Geographic Information In South Africa
* Assessment of the Hotspot Effect for the PROSAIL Model With POLDER Hotspot Observations Based on the Hotspot-Enhanced Kernel-Driven BRDF Model
* Assessment of the Hydro-Ecological Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam on China's Largest Freshwater Lake
* Assessment of the Hydrological Trends Using Synergistic Approaches of Remote Sensing and Model Evaluations over Global Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, An
* Assessment of the Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS)
* Assessment of the Ice Wedge Polygon Current State by Means of UAV Imagery Analysis (Samoylov Island, the Lena Delta)
* Assessment of the image misregistration effects on object-based change detection
* Assessment of the IMERG Early-Run Precipitation Estimates over South American Country of Chile
* Assessment of the Impact of GNSS Processing Strategies on the Long-Term Parameters of 20 Years IWV Time Series
* Assessment of the Impact of Land Thermal Infrared Observation on Regional Weather Forecasts Using Two Different Data Assimilation Approaches, An
* Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface Temperature Prior to the Freeze-Up Period over the Bering Sea
* Assessment of the Impact of Reservoirs in the Upper Mekong River Using Satellite Radar Altimetry and Remote Sensing Imageries
* Assessment of the Impact of Rubber Plantation Expansion on Regional Carbon Storage Based on Time Series Remote Sensing and the InVEST Model
* Assessment of the Impact of Surface Water Content for Temperate Forests in SAR Data at C-Band
* Assessment of the Impacts of Image Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Impervious Surface Mapping
* Assessment of the Improvement in Observation Precision of GNSS, SLR, VLBI, and DORIS Inputs from ITRF2014 to ITRF2020 Using TRF Stacking Methods
* Assessment of the influence of adaptive components in trainable surface inspection systems
* Assessment of the Influences of Clouds on the Solar Photovoltaic Potential over China, An
* Assessment of the Intersection Probabilities of Random Line Segments And Squares
* Assessment of the Lancaster Sound Polynya Using Satellite Data 1979 to 2022, An
* Assessment of the Landslide Susceptibility at the Jurassic Escarpment of the Swabian Alb by Means of GIS-based Statistical-probabilistic Evaluation
* Assessment of the MODIS LAI Product Using Ground Measurement Data and HJ-1A/1B Imagery in the Meadow Steppe of Hulunber, China
* Assessment of the NOAA S-NPP VIIRS Geolocation Reprocessing Improvements
* Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correction Algorithm MAJA for Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Estimates
* Assessment of the Performance of TROPOMI NO2 and SO2 Data Products in the North China Plain: Comparison, Correction and Application
* Assessment of the Potential of H/A/Alpha Decomposition for Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data
* Assessment of the Precision and Accuracy of Methods of Digital Target Location, An
* Assessment Of The Quality Of Digital Terrain Model Produced From Unmanned Aerial System Imagery
* Assessment of the Real-Time and Rapid Precise Point Positioning Performance Using Geodetic and Low-Cost GNSS Receivers
* Assessment of the Repeatability of Automatic Forest Inventory Metrics Derived From UAV-Borne Laser Scanning Data, An
* Assessment of the Representativeness of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products at Different Temporal Scales Using Global AERONET Measurements
* Assessment of the Reprocessed Suomi NPP VIIRS Enterprise Cloud Mask Product
* Assessment of the Segmentation of RGB Remote Sensing Images: A Subjective Approach
* Assessment of the SMAP-Derived Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI-SMAP) as an Agricultural Drought Index in China
* Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
* Assessment of the SMAP Soil Emission Model and Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for a Tibetan Desert Ecosystem
* Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Cover Crops Using Remote Sensing
* Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Impact of Water Conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Assessment of the Stability of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for NASA Team Sea Ice Concentration Retrievals
* Assessment of the Steering Precision of a UAV along the Flight Profiles Using a GNSS RTK Receiver
* Assessment of the Stereo-Radargrammetric Mapping Potential of TerraSAR-X Multibeam Spotlight Data
* Assessment of the Structural Integrity of the Roman Bridge of Alcántara (Spain) Using TLS and GPR
* Assessment of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Albedo Data Using Station Measurements and High-Resolution Albedo Maps
* Assessment of the Temperature Effects in SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma
* Assessment of the Uncertainties in Arctic Low-Level Temperature Inversion Characteristics in Radio Occultation Observations
* Assessment of the Urban Extreme Precipitation by Satellite Estimates over Mainland China
* Assessment of the Usefulness of Spectral Bands for the Next Generation of Sentinel-2 Satellites by Reconstruction of Missing Bands
* Assessment Of The Utility Of The Advanced Himawari Imager To Detect Active Fire Over Australia
* Assessment of the Visibility Capabilities of Forest Fire Lookout Towers: The Case of Gemlik, Bursa, Turkey
* Assessment of the Volunteered Geographic Information Feedback System for the Dutch Topographical Key Register
* Assessment of the Water Vapor Tomography Based on Four Navigation Satellite Systems and Their Various Combinations
* Assessment of the X- and C-Band Polarimetric SAR Data for Plastic-Mulched Farmland Classification
* Assessment of the Zero-Bias Line Homogenization Method for Microwave Radiometers Using Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B Tandem Phase
* Assessment of Three-Dimensional Models Derived from Lidar and TLS Data
* Assessment of Three Long-Term Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates against Ground Observations for Drought Characterization in Northwestern China
* Assessment of Three Methods for Near Real-Time Estimation of Leaf Area Index From AVHRR Data
* Assessment of Thresholding Algorithms for Document Processing
* Assessment of Time Dependency in Face Recognition: An Initial Study
* Assessment of time series consistency of terrestrial Essential Climate Variables
* Assessment of TMPA 3B42V7 and PERSIANN-CDR in Driving Hydrological Modeling in a Semi-Humid Watershed in Northeastern China
* Assessment of Total Suspended Sediment Distribution under Varying Tidal Conditions in Deep Bay: Initial Results from HJ-1A/1B Satellite CCD Images
* Assessment of trabecular bone structure using fuzzy distance transform based on Min-Max operations
* Assessment of Tree Detection Methods in Multispectral Aerial Images
* Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risk to Coral Reefs: Case Study for Australia
* Assessment of Tropospheric Concentrations of NO2 from the TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor for the Estimation of Long-Term Exposure to Surface NO2 over South Korea
* Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geological Surveys and Remote Sensing. Case History from Ventotene Island (Southern Italy)
* Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow Distribution by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced CT
* Assessment of Two Cheap Close-Range Feature Extraction Systems
* Assessment of Types of Prototyping in Human-Centered Product Design
* Assessment of UAV-Onboard Multispectral Sensor for Non-Destructive Site-Specific Rapeseed Crop Phenotype Variable at Different Phenological Stages and Resolutions
* Assessment of UAV and Ground-Based Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo Photogrammetry in a Gullied Savanna Catchment
* Assessment of Ulcer Wounds Size Using 3D Skin Surface Imaging
* Assessment of UltraCamD performance in an arid environment: A case study in Libya
* Assessment of Upper-Body Movement Quality in the Cartesian-Space is Feasible in the Harmony Exoskeleton
* Assessment of Urban Dynamics to Understand Spatiotemporal Differentiation at Various Scales Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Tools
* Assessment of Urban Ecological Quality and Spatial Heterogeneity Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Rapid Urbanization of Wuhan City
* Assessment of Urban Land Surface Temperature and Vertical City Associated with Dengue Incidences
* Assessment of Urban Resilience and Detection of Impact Factors Based on Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis and GeoDetector Model: A Case of Hunan Province
* Assessment of Urban Subsidence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Central-West of Portugal) Applying Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset and Active Deformation Areas Procedure
* Assessment of Urban Surface Energy Fluxes Using a Sub-Pixel Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study in Suzhou, China, An
* Assessment of using an Intelligent Algorithm for the Interpolation of Elevation in the DTM Generation, The
* Assessment of using ASTER-derived DTM for Glaciological Applications in the Central Andes, Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina
* Assessment of Using Remote Sensing-based Models to Estimate Ground Surface Soil Heat Flux on the Tibetan Plateau during the Freeze-thaw Process, An
* Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change and Drought in the Horn of Africa
* Assessment of Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Image Segmentations
* Assessment of video naturalness using time-frequency statistics
* Assessment of video tone-mapping: Are cameras' S-shaped tone-curves good enough?
* Assessment of VIIRS on the Identification of Harmful Algal Bloom Types in the Coasts of the East China Sea
* Assessment of Visibility Quality in Adverse Weather and Illumination Conditions
* Assessment of Visual Discomfort Caused by Motion-in-Depth in Stereoscopic 3D Video, An
* Assessment of volumetric dense tissue segmentation in tomosynthesis using deep virtual clinical trials
* Assessment of Vulnerable Plaque Composition by Matching the Deformation of a Parametric Plaque Model to Measured Plaque Deformation
* Assessment of Water Management Changes in the Italian Rice Paddies from 2000 to 2016 Using Satellite Data: A Contribution to Agro-Ecological Studies
* Assessment of Water Sources for Heritage Listed Organic Mound Springs in NW Australia Using Airborne Geophysical (Electromagnetics and Magnetics) and Satellite Remote Sensing Methods, An
* Assessment of Water Storage Change in China's Lakes and Reservoirs over the Last Three Decades
* Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yangtze and Amazon River Basins
* Assessment of Wildfire Activity Development Trends for Eastern Australia Using Multi-Sensor Earth Observation Data
* Assessment of Wildfire Susceptibility and Wildfire Threats to Ecological Environment and Urban Development Based on GIS and Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Guilin, China
* Assessment of Wind Direction Estimation Methods from SAR Images
* Assessment of Wind Speed Estimation From C-Band Sentinel-1 Images Using Empirical and Electromagnetic Models
* Assessment of Workflow Feature Selection on Forest LAI Prediction with Sentinel-2A MSI, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI
* Assessment of WorldView-3 Data for Lithological Mapping
* Assessment on IMERG V06 Precipitation Products Using Rain Gauge Data in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
* Assessment on the Impact of Arable Land Protection Policies in a Rapidly Developing Region
* Assessment with Controlled In-Situ Data of the Dependence of L-Band Radiometry on Sea-Ice Thickness
* Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning System for Desertification Based On Water Criterion (case Tudy: Kashan, Iran)
* Assessments for 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage Using Digital Technologies
* Assessments of Cloud Liquid Water and Total Precipitable Water Derived from FY-3E MWTS-III and NOAA-20 ATMS
* Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar Using Global Cloud System Resolving Simulations: Effects of Doppler Broadening and Folding
* Assessments of Neural-Network Classifier Output Codings Using Variability of Hamming Distance
* Assessments of neural network output codings for classification of multispectral images using Hamming distance measure
* Assessments of Ocean Wind Retrieval Schemes Used for Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Co-Polarized Data
* Assessments of the Above-Ocean Atmospheric CO2 Detection Capability of the GAS Instrument Onboard the Next-Generation FengYun-3H Satellite
* Assessments of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from GNSS Radio Occultation Data in Moist Tropospheric Conditions Using Radiosonde Data
* ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Object Tracking
* ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Shape Tracking
* AssetField: Assets Mining and Reconfiguration in Ground Feature Plane Representation
* Assigned MURA Defect Generation Based on Diffusion Model
* Assigning a new glioma grade label ground-truth for the BraTS dataset using radiologic criteria
* Assigning elevations to 2D road network based on IFSAR derived DEMs
* Assignment-Based Approach to Efficient Real-Time City-Scale Taxi Dispatching, An
* Assignment-Space-based Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Assignment and Pricing of Shared Rides in Ride-Sourcing Using Combinatorial Double Auctions
* Assignment and Take-Off Approaches for Large-Scale Autonomous UAV Swarms
* Assignment Flow for Order-Constrained OCT Segmentation
* Assignment Manifold: A Smooth Model for Image Labeling, The
* Assignment of a Synthetic Population for Activity-Based Modeling Employing Publicly Available Data
* Assignment of Movies to Heterogeneous Video Servers
* Assignment of Persistent Scatterers to Buildings
* Assignment Problem in Edge Detection Performance Evaluation
* Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Radiance Observations to Improve Ensemble Analyses and Short-Term Predictions of Thunderstorms
* Assimilating AMSU-A Radiance Observations with an Ensemble Four-Dimensional Variational (En4DVar) Hybrid Data Assimilation System
* Assimilating C-Band Radar Data for High-Resolution Simulations of Precipitation: Case Studies over Western Sumatra
* Assimilating FY-3D MWHS2 Radiance Data to Predict Typhoon Muifa Based on Different Initial Background Conditions and Fast Radiative Transfer Models
* Assimilating FY-4A Lightning and Radar Data for Improving Short-Term Forecasts of a High-Impact Convective Event with a Dual-Resolution Hybrid 3DEnVAR Method
* Assimilating Geospatial Metamodel And Inventory Mapping For Non-structural Mitigation of Landslide
* Assimilating GNSS TEC with an LETKF over Yunnan, China
* Assimilating leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and PROSAIL model
* Assimilating Multiresolution Leaf Area Index of Moso Bamboo Forest from MODIS Time Series Data Based on a Hierarchical Bayesian Network Algorithm
* Assimilating Remote Sensing Phenological Information into the WOFOST Model for Rice Growth Simulation
* Assimilating SMOS Brightness Temperature for Hydrologic Model Parameters and Soil Moisture Estimation with an Immune Evolutionary Strategy
* Assimilating Soil Moisture Retrieved from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model to Improve Winter Wheat Yield Estimation
* Assimilating VLF Transmitter Observations With an LETKF for Spatial Estimates of the D-Region Ionosphere
* Assimilation and Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density Data Using Lightning Whistlers
* Assimilation of Backscatter Observations into a Hydrological Model: A Case Study in Belgium Using ASCAT Data
* Assimilation of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Schemes into a Remote Sensing-Incorporated Crop Model to Simulate Barley and Wheat Productivities
* Assimilation of Earth Observation Data Over Cropland and Grassland Sites into a Simple GPP Model
* Assimilation of GNSS PWV with NCAR-RTFDDA to Improve Prediction of a Landfall Typhoon
* Assimilation of GOSAT Methane in the Hemispheric CMAQ; Part I: Design of the Assimilation System
* Assimilation of GOSAT Methane in the Hemispheric CMAQ; Part II: Results Using Optimal Error Statistics
* Assimilation of GPSRO Bending Angle Profiles into the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model
* Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations into a Land Surface Model for the Assessment of Regional Flood Potential
* Assimilation of Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Data of FengYun-3E Satellite and Assessment of Its Impact on Analyses and Forecasts
* Assimilation of Jason-2 Significant Wave Height Data in the North Indian Ocean Using the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation, The
* Assimilation of LAI Derived from UAV Multispectral Data into the SAFY Model to Estimate Maize Yield
* Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Area Data in a Distributed Hydrological Model Using the Particle Filter
* Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Fraction Observations into the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model
* Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over Southeast China Using a Nonparametric Framework
* Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Data in Simulation of a Supercell Storm with a Variational Approach and the WRF Model
* Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed LAI into WOFOST Model with the SUBPLEX Algorithm for Improving the Field-Scale Jujube Yield Forecasts
* Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed Leaf Area Index into a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Gross Primary Productivity Estimation
* Assimilation of SAR Ice and Open Water Retrievals in Environment and Climate Change Canada Regional Ice-Ocean Prediction System
* Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review
* Assimilation of Satellite Salinity for Modelling the Congo River Plume
* Assimilation of Sentinel-1 Derived Sea Surface Winds for Typhoon Forecasting
* Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Data into a Snowpack Model in the High Atlas of Morocco
* Assimilation of SMAP Products for Improving Streamflow Simulations over Tropical Climate Region: Is Spatial Information More Important Than Temporal Information?
* Assimilation of SMOS Retrievals in the Land Information System
* Assimilation of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Regional Ocean Model for South China Sea
* Assimilation of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Budhi Gandaki River Basin, Nepal
* Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Data into the DSSAT-CERES Model for Grain Yield and Quality Estimation
* Assimilation of Typhoon Wind Field Retrieved from Scatterometer and SAR Based on the Huber Norm Quality Control
* Assimilation of Water Vapor Retrieved from Radar Reflectivity Data through the Bayesian Method
* Assimilation of Wheat and Soil States into the APSIM-Wheat Crop Model: A Case Study
* Assist Is Just as Important as the Goal: Image Resurfacing to Aid Model's Robust Prediction
* ASSIST: Personalized Indoor Navigation via Multimodal Sensors and High-Level Semantic Information
* Assistant Timing Method for Fractionary Spaced Equalizer for Fading Channel, The
* Assisted Control Point Measurement for Close Range Photogrammetry.
* Assisted Excitation of Activations: A Learning Technique to Improve Object Detectors
* Assisted Human-Robot Interaction for Industry Application Based Augmented Reality
* Assisted keyword indexing for lecture videos using unsupervised keyword spotting
* Assisted learning for land use classification: The important role of semantic correlation between heterogeneous images
* Assisted Listening Using a Headset: Enhancing audio perception in real, augmented, and virtual environments
* Assisted Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction
* assisted photography method for street scenes, An
* Assisted signals based mode decomposition
* Assisted Video Object Labeling By Joint Tracking of Regions and Keypoints
* Assisted Video Sequences Indexing: Motion Analysis Based on Interest Points
* ASSISTER: Assistive Navigation via Conditional Instruction Generation
* Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observation Data and Products: A Critical Assessment
* Assisting human experts in the interpretation of their visual process: A case study on assessing copper surface adhesive potency
* Assisting Multimodal Named Entity Recognition by cross-modal auxiliary tasks
* Assisting Multimodal Travelers: Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Personal Travel Companion
* Assisting system of visually impaired in touch panel operation using stereo camera
* Assisting the autistic with improved facial expression recognition from mixed expressions
* Assisting Users in a World Full of Cameras: A Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Computer Vision Applications
* assisting, constrained 3D navigation technique for multiscale virtual 3D city models, An
* Assistive Clothing Pattern Recognition for Visually Impaired People
* Assistive Courseware for Visually-Impaired
* assistive haptic interface for appearance-based indoor navigation, An
* Assistive Image Comment Robot: A Novel Mid-Level Concept-Based Representation
* Assistive Malaysian Sign Language Application for D/HH Learning Using Visual Phonics
* Assistive Navigation Framework for the Visually Impaired, An
* Assistive Pointing Device Based on a Head-Mounted Camera
* Assistive Signals for Deep Neural Network Classifiers
* Assistive Situation Awareness System for Mobile Multimachine Work Environments
* Assistive Text Reading from Complex Background for Blind Persons
* AssistQ: Affordance-Centric Question-Driven Task Completion for Egocentric Assistant
* Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* associate-predict model for face recognition, An
* Associated image retrieving apparatus and method
* Associated Spatio-Temporal Capsule Network for Gait Recognition
* Associating an Image by Network Constraint Analysis
* Associating Anomaly Detection Strategy Based on Kittler's Taxonomy with Image Editing to Extend the Mapping of Polluted Water Bodies
* Associating audio-visual activity cues in a dominance estimation framework
* Associating Cell Complexes to Four Dimensional Digital Objects
* Associating characters with events in films
* Associating Groups of People
* Associating Inter-image Salient Instances for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Associating Locations Between Indoor Journeys from Wearable Cameras
* Associating locations from wearable cameras
* Associating Minutiae between Distorted Fingerprints Using Minimal Spanning Tree
* Associating Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Phenotypes and Genetic Risk Factors via a Dirty Multi-Task Learning Method
* Associating Multi-Scale Receptive Fields For Fine-Grained Recognition
* Associating neural word embeddings with deep image representations using Fisher Vectors
* Associating Parts of Patterns
* Associating People Dropping off and Picking up Objects
* Associating text and graphics for scientific chart understanding
* association-based dissimilarity measure for categorical data, An
* association algorithm of ship-group targets based on topological and attributive characteristics, An
* Association and Identification in Heterogeneous Sensors Environment with Coverage Uncertainty
* Association and Temporal Rule Mining for Post-Filtering of Semantic Concept Detection in Video
* Association Between Changes in Mammographic Image Features and Risk for Near-Term Breast Cancer Development
* Association between the Biophysical Environment in Coastal South China Sea and Large-Scale Synoptic Circulation Patterns: The Role of the Northwest Pacific Subtropical High and Typhoons
* Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: A heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach
* Association Fields via Cuspless Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)
* Association for Image Processing, Poland (TPO)
* Association Loss for Visual Object Detection
* Association of adaptative smoothing and Markovian models for detection of valley bottoms on strongly noisy images
* Association of Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait with Distributions and Habitat Characteristics of Three Swimming Crabs
* Association of Motion Verbs with Vehicle Movements Extracted from Dense Optical Flow Fields
* Association of Sound to Motion in Video using Perceptual Organization
* Association Rule-Based Method to Support Medical Image Diagnosis With Efficiency, An
* Association Rule Mining Using Time Series Data for Malaysia Climate Variability Prediction
* Association Rules-Based Multivariate Analysis and Visualization of Spatiotemporal Climate Data
* Association Rules Discovery of Deviant Events in Multivariate Time Series: An Analysis and Implementation of the SAX-ARM Algorithm
* Associations between Benthic Cover and Habitat Complexity Metrics Obtained from 3D Reconstruction of Coral Reefs at Different Resolutions
* Associations between Street-View Perceptions and Housing Prices: Subjective vs. Objective Measures Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
* Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic Variation in Oaks: Prospects for Remote Detection of Biodiversity
* Associative Alignment for Few-shot Image Classification
* Associative Analysis of Inefficiencies and Station Activity Levels in Emergency Response
* Associative controlling of monolithic parallel processor architectures
* Associative Deep Clustering: Training a Classification Network with No Labels
* Associative Domain Adaptation
* Associative Embeddings for Large-Scale Knowledge Transfer with Self-Assessment
* Associative hierarchical CRFs for object class image segmentation
* Associative Hierarchical Random Fields
* Associative Memories Applied to Image Categorization
* Associative Memory based on clustered Neural Networks: Improved model and architecture for Oriented Edge Detection
* Associative memory based on ratio learning for real time skin color detection
* Associative Memory for Gray-Scale Images
* Associative Memory for Matching and Recognition
* Associative Memory Systems Using Fuzzy Sets
* Associative Memory with Spatio-Temporal Enhancement for Video Anomaly Detection
* Associative Model for Solving the Wall-Following Problem
* Associative Naive Bayes classifier: Automated linking of gene ontology to medline documents
* Associative Processor Array for Image Processing, An
* Associative processors for video coding applications
* Associative RAM-Net Memory Neural Target Classifier
* Associative Recall of Spatial Correlated Patterns, The
* associative saliency segmentation method for infrared targets, An
* Associative3d: Volumetric Reconstruction from Sparse Views
* Associatively Segmenting Instances and Semantics in Point Clouds
* Assortative-Constrained Stochastic Block Models
* Assorted Conferences and Workshops
* Assorted Pixels: Multi-sampled Imaging with Structural Models
* Assuring Intelligent Systems: Contingency Management for UAS
* Assuring Quality Bounds for Distance Measurements on JPEG 2000 Compressed CT Scans
* AST-GCN: Augmented Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Gait Emotion Recognition
* AST-Net: Lightweight Hybrid Transformer for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* AST: Adaptive Self-supervised Transformer for optical remote sensing representation
* ASTC-MIMO-TOPS Mode with Digital Beam-Forming in Elevation for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Imaging
* ASTER-Derived High-Resolution Ice Surface Temperature for the Arctic Coast
* ASTER and GF-5 Satellite Data for Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals in the Longtoushan Pb-Zn Deposit, SW China
* ASTER Cloud Coverage Assessment and Mission Operations Analysis Using Terra/MODIS Cloud Mask Products
* ASTER DEM Performance
* ASTER Geometric Performance
* ASTER Global DEM Version 3, and New ASTER Water Body Dataset
* ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) and ASTER Global Water Body Dataset (ASTWBD)
* ASTER Satellite Observations for International Disaster Management
* ASTER: An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification
* ASTERIX System: A Feature Based Approach to the Correspondence Problem, The
* ASTM E57 committee on 3D imaging systems
* Astrape: A System for Mapping Severe Abiotic Forest Disturbances Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Unsupervised Classification
* ASTROLABE: A Rigorous, Geodetic-Oriented Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
* Astrometry with Reconstructed Hubble-Space-Telescope Planetary Camera (WF/PC-1) Images
* AstroNet: When Astrocyte Meets Artificial Neural Network
* Astronomical Data Analysis and Sparsity: From Wavelets to Compressed Sensing
* Astronomical Image Data Reduction for Moving Object Detection
* Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion
* Astronomy Applications, Solar Analysis
* Astrophysical image denoising using bivariate isotropic Cauchy distributions in the undecimated wavelet domain
* Astrophysical Journal
* ASTS: A Unified Framework for Arbitrary Shape Text Spotting
* Astute Assistive Device for Mobility and Object Recognition for Visually Impaired People, An
* ASUR3D: Arbitrary Scale Upsampling and Refinement of 3D Point Clouds using Local Occupancy Fields
* ASVFI: Audio-Driven Speaker Video Frame Interpolation
* AsyFOD: An Asymmetric Adaptation Paradigm for Few-Shot Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Asymmetric 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for action recognition
* Asymmetric 3D face model for Speech Language Pathologist applications
* Asymmetric 3D video coding using regions of perceptual relevance
* Asymmetric 3D/2D face recognition based on LBP facial representation and canonical correlation analysis
* Asymmetric 3D/2D Processing: A Novel Approach for Face Recognition
* Asymmetric and Category Invariant Feature Transformations for Domain Adaptation
* Asymmetric and symmetric unbiased image registration: Statistical assessment of performance
* Asymmetric anisotropic diffusion
* Asymmetric Bagging and Random Subspace for Support Vector Machines-Based Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Asymmetric Behavior of Vegetation Seasonal Growth and the Climatic Cause: Evidence from Long-Term NDVI Dataset in Northeast China
* Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
* Asymmetric Binary Coding for Image Search
* Asymmetric binary tree coding for contour images
* Asymmetric circular projection for dynamic virtual reality video stream switching
* asymmetric classifier based on partial least squares, An
* Asymmetric clustering using the alpha-beta divergence
* Asymmetric CNN for Image Superresolution
* Asymmetric Coding of Multi-View Video Plus Depth Based 3-D Video for View Rendering
* Asymmetric coding of stereoscopic 3D based on perceptual significance
* Asymmetric Coding of Stereoscopic Video for Transmission Over T-DMB
* Asymmetric Color Transfer with Consistent Modality Learning
* Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Audio Fingerprinting
* Asymmetric Convolutional Residual Network for AV1 Intra in-Loop Filtering
* Asymmetric Correlation Quantization Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Asymmetric Correlation: A Noise Robust Similarity Measure for Template Matching
* Asymmetric cost aggregation network for efficient stereo matching
* Asymmetric Cross-Guided Attention Network for Actor and Action Video Segmentation From Natural Language Query
* Asymmetric cross-modal hashing with high-level semantic similarity
* Asymmetric Cross-Scale Alignment for Text-Based Person Search
* Asymmetric Cuts: Joint Image Labeling and Partitioning
* Asymmetric Cyclical Hashing for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Asymmetric Deeply Fused Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* Asymmetric distance for spherical hashing
* Asymmetric Distance Model for Cross-View Feature Mapping in Person Reidentification, An
* Asymmetric Distances for Binary Embeddings
* Asymmetric Drifter Trajectories in an Anticyclonic Mesoscale Eddy
* Asymmetric Dual-Direction Quasi-Recursive Network for Single Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Asymmetric Effects of Daytime and Nighttime Warming on Boreal Forest Spring Phenology
* Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, An
* Asymmetric Feature Fusion for Image Retrieval
* Asymmetric Feature Maps with Application to Sketch Based Retrieval
* Asymmetric Feature Representation for Object Recognition in Client Server System
* Asymmetric Features of Oceanic Microwave Brightness Temperature in High Surface Wind Speed Condition
* Asymmetric filtering-based dense convolutional neural network for person re-identification combined with Joint Bayesian and re-ranking
* Asymmetric Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Java Card TM, An
* Asymmetric fourier descriptor of non-closed segments
* Asymmetric Foveated Just-Noticeable-Difference Model for Images With Visual Field Inhomogeneities
* Asymmetric Fusion strategies for target detection in multisensor environments
* Asymmetric Gained Deep Image Compression With Continuous Rate Adaptation
* Asymmetric GAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Mixture Models and EM Algorithm for Image Segmentation
* Asymmetric Image Retrieval with Cross Model Compatible Ensembles
* asymmetric image watermarking scheme resistant against geometrical distortions, An
* Asymmetric Information Distillation Network for Lightweight Super Resolution
* Asymmetric information hiding and noise-free recovery based on rotating analyzer ellipsometry and quick-response code
* Asymmetric Interseismic Strain across the Western Altyn Tagh Fault from InSAR
* Asymmetric Joint GANs for Normalizing Face Illumination From a Single Image
* Asymmetric kernel in Gaussian Processes for learning target variance
* Asymmetric kernel method and its application to Fisher's discriminant
* Asymmetric Learned Image Compression With Multi-Scale Residual Block, Importance Scaling, and Post-Quantization Filtering
* Asymmetric Learning and Dissimilarity Spaces for Content-Based Retrieval
* Asymmetric Learning for Stereo Matching Cost Computation
* Asymmetric learning vector quantization for efficient nearest neighbor classification in dynamic time warping spaces
* Asymmetric locality preserving projection and its application to k-nearest neighbor method
* Asymmetric Loss For Multi-Label Classification
* Asymmetric Loss Functions for Noise-Tolerant Learning: Theory and Applications
* asymmetric lossless image compression technique, An
* Asymmetric Mapping Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Asymmetric Matching Method for a Robust Binary Audio Fingerprinting, An
* Asymmetric metric learning for knowledge transfer
* Asymmetric Modality Translation for Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Asymmetric Modeling for Action Assessment, An
* Asymmetric motion estimation/compensation
* Asymmetric Multi-Phase Deformable Model for Colon Segmentation
* Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Asymmetric parallel 3D thinning scheme and algorithms based on isthmuses
* Asymmetric Pattern of Population Mobility during the Spring Festival in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Complex Network Analysis: An Empirical Analysis of Tencent Migration Big Data, The
* asymmetric post-processing for correspondence problem, An
* Asymmetric post-processing for stereo correspondence
* Asymmetric power distribution model of wavelet subbands for texture classification
* Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Pattern Classification
* Asymmetric Pruning for Learning Cascade Detectors
* asymmetric re-weighting method for the precision combined bundle adjustment of aerial oblique images, An
* asymmetric real-time dense visual localisation and mapping system, An
* Asymmetric Real Adaboost
* Asymmetric region-to-image matching for comparing images with generic object categories
* Asymmetric Relation Consistency Reasoning for Video Relation Grounding
* Asymmetric Rendezvous Search at Sea
* Asymmetric Scalable Cross-Modal Hashing
* Asymmetric semi-supervised boosting for SVM active learning in CBIR
* Asymmetric Sparse Kernel Approximations for Large-Scale Visual Search
* Asymmetric spatial scalability in stereoscopic video coding
* Asymmetric Spread Spectrum Data-Hiding for Laplacian Host Data
* Asymmetric Student-Teacher Networks for Industrial Anomaly Detection
* Asymmetric Supervised Consistent and Specific Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Asymmetric Totally-Corrective Boosting for Real-Time Object Detection
* Asymmetric Training in RealnessGAN
* Asymmetric Two-sided Penalty Term for CT-GAN, An
* Asymmetric Two-stream Architecture for Accurate RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Asymmetric Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection Utilizing Dual Bases, An
* Asymmetric Watermarking System With Many Embedding Watermarks Corresponding to One Detection Watermark, An
* Asymmetric Weighted Logistic Metric Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Asymmetric, Non-unimodal Kernel Regression for Image Processing
* asymmetrical-structure auto-encoder for unsupervised representation learning of skeleton sequences, An
* Asymmetrical Diffusion Framework for Junction Analysis, An
* Asymmetrical Gauss Mixture Models for Point Sets Matching
* Asymmetrical Occlusion Handling Using Graph Cut for Multi-View Stereo
* Asymmetrical temporal masking near video scene change
* Asymmetrically boosted HMM for speech reading
* Asymmetrically Compressed Stereoscopic 3D Videos: Quality Assessment and Rate-Distortion Performance Evaluation
* Asymmetrie luminance based filtering for stereoscopic video compression
* Asymmetry-aware bilinear pooling in multi-modal data for head pose estimation
* Asymmetry-Based Quality Assessment of Face Images
* Asymmetry analysis of breast thermograms using automated segmentation and texture features
* Asymmetry as a Measure of Visual Saliency
* Asymmetry evaluation of fundus images in right and left eyes using radon transform and fractal analysis
* Asymmetry in Facial Expressions as a Function of Social Skills
* Asymmetry of Daytime and Nighttime Warming in Typical Climatic Zones along the Eastern Coast of China and Its Influence on Vegetation Activities
* Asymmetry of Image Registration and Its Application to Face Tracking, The
* AsymmNet: Towards ultralight convolution neural networks using asymmetrical bottlenecks
* Asymptotic Analysis and Random Sampling of Digitally Convex Polyominoes
* Asymptotic Analysis of a Nonparametric Clustering Technique
* Asymptotic Analysis of Distributed Bayesian Detection with Byzantine Data
* Asymptotic Analysis of Inpainting via Universal Shearlet Systems
* asymptotic analysis of some expert fusion methods, An
* Asymptotic Analysis of Switched Uniform Polar Quantization for Memoryless Gaussian Source
* Asymptotic Analysis of the Convergence Time of Autoregressive Kalman Filters
* Asymptotic and Bootstrap Tests for the Dimension of the Non-Gaussian Subspace
* Asymptotic Bayesian Surface Estimation Using an Image Sequence
* Asymptotic Behavior of Morphological Filters
* Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised Variation
* Asymptotic Closed-Loop Approach to Predictive Vector Quantizer Design with Application in Video Coding, The
* Asymptotic closed-loop design for transform domain temporal prediction
* Asymptotic Closed-loop Design of Predictive Multi-stage Vector Quantizers
* Asymptotic Closed-Loop Design Of Transform Modes For The Inter-Prediction Residual In Video Coding
* Asymptotic convergence of the ensemble Kalman filter
* Asymptotic Error Bounds on Prediction of Narrowband MIMO Wireless Channels
* Asymptotic error rates of the W and Z statistics when the training observations are dependent
* Asymptotic Expansions for Heavy-Tailed Data
* Asymptotic Expansions for Higher Order Elliptic Equations with an Application to Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Asymptotic Generalization Bound of Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Asymptotic Global Confidence Regions for 3-D Parametric Shape Estimation in Inverse Problems
* Asymptotic Granulometric Mixing Theorem: Morphological Estimation of Sizing Parameters and Mixture Proportions
* Asymptotic joint normality of the granulometric moments
* Asymptotic limits of video signal processing architectures
* Asymptotic Links between Signal Processing, Acoustic Metamaterials, and Biology
* Asymptotic Modeling of Three-Dimensional Radar Backscattering from Oil Slicks on Sea Surfaces
* Asymptotic Normality of the Morphological Pattern-Spectrum Moments and Orthogonal Granulometric Generators
* Asymptotic Optimal Frequence Domain Filter for Edge Detection, The
* Asymptotic performance analysis of Bayesian object recognition
* Asymptotic Performance of Categorical Decision Making with Random Thresholds
* Asymptotic Performance of Complex M-Estimators for Multivariate Location and Scatter Estimation
* Asymptotic Performance of Global Denoising
* Asymptotic Performance of GNSS Positioning Approaches under Cross-Correlation Effects
* Asymptotic Performance of the Geometric Mean Detector in Pareto Distributed Clutter
* Asymptotic Performance of Unrestricted Polar Quantizers
* Asymptotic predictions of the finite-sample risk of the k-nearest-neighbor classifier
* Asymptotic Properties of Discrete Unitary Transforms
* Asymptotic properties of nearest neighbor rules using edited data
* Asymptotic Result for a Decoupled Nonlinear Elasticity-based Multiscale Registration Model
* Asymptotic Spectral Distribution of a Second-Order Progressive Scattering Channel
* Asymptotical Optimality of Change Point Detection With Unknown Discrete Post-Change Distributions
* Asymptotical Optimality of Sequential Universal Hypothesis Testing Based on the Method of Types
* Asymptotically Admissible Texture Synthesis
* Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis for Cost-Sensitive Binary Classification
* Asymptotically CFAR-Unsupervised Target Detection and Discrimination in Hyperspectral Images With Anomalous-Component Pursuit
* Asymptotically Efficient Identification of Known-Sensor Hidden Markov Models
* Asymptotically Efficient Target Localization From Bistatic Range Measurements in Distributed MIMO Radars
* Asymptotically optimal blind estimation of multichannel images
* Asymptotically optimal detection for additive watermarking in the DCT and DWT domains
* Asymptotically optimal detection of LSB matching data hiding
* Asymptotically Optimal Estimator for Source Location and Propagation Speed by TDOA, An
* Asynchronous and Event-Based Fusion Systems for Affect Recognition on Naturalistic Data in Comparison to Conventional Approaches
* Asynchronous Corner Tracking Algorithm Based on Lifetime of Events for Davis Cameras
* Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Task Computing and On-Demand Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Asynchronous Event-Based Fourier Analysis
* Asynchronous Events-based Panoptic Segmentation using Graph Mixer Neural Network
* Asynchronous Federated Continual Learning
* Asynchronous Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based URLLC-Aware Computation Offloading in Space-Assisted Vehicular Networks
* Asynchronous Generative Adversarial Network for Asymmetric Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Asynchronous Interaction Aggregation for Action Detection
* Asynchronous Kalman Filter for Event-Based Star Tracking
* Asynchronous Kalman Filter for Hybrid Event Cameras, An
* Asynchronous Linear Filter Architecture for Hybrid Event-Frame Cameras, An
* Asynchronous Localization for UASNs: An Unscented Transform-Based Method
* asynchronous method for cloud-based rendering, An
* Asynchronous Multi-Hypothesis Tracking of Features with Event Cameras
* Asynchronous Multithreading Reinforcement-Learning-Based Path Planning and Tracking for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* Asynchronous Neuromorphic Event-Driven Image Filtering
* Asynchronous Occlusion Culling on Heterogeneous PC Clusters for Distributed 3D Scenes
* Asynchronous Pyramids
* Asynchronous Rate Control for Multi-Object Videos
* Asynchronous Single-Photon 3D Imaging
* Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Memory Network for Continuous Event-Based Object Detection
* Asynchronous Stereo Vision for Event-Driven Dynamic Stereo Sensor Using an Adaptive Cooperative Approach
* Asynchronous Temporal Fields for Action Recognition
* Asynchronous Thinning Algorithm, An
* Asynchronous Trajectory Matching-Based Multimodal Maritime Data Fusion for Vessel Traffic Surveillance in Inland Waterways
* Asynchronous Transmitter Position and Velocity Estimation Using A Dual Linear Chirp
* Asynchronous Updating Boolean Network Encryption Algorithm
* Asynchronous video event and transaction data multiplexing technique for surveillance systems
* Asynchronous, Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames
* At-a-distance person recognition via combining ocular features
* AT-DDPM: Restoring Faces Degraded by Atmospheric Turbulence Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* At all Costs: A Comparison of Robust Cost Functions for Camera Correspondence Outliers
* At the Dawn of a New Era in Terahertz Technology
* At the Frontiers of OCR
* At What Price Inaccuracy
* AT2ES: Simultaneous Atmospheric Transmittance-Temperature-Emissivity Separation Using Online Upper Midwave Infrared Hyperspectral Images
* AT2GRU: A Human Emotion Recognition Model With Mitigated Device Heterogeneity
* ATA: Attentional Non-Linear Activation Function Approximation for VLSI-Based Neural Networks
* ATAC-Based Car-Following Model for Level 3 Autonomous Driving Considering Driver's Acceptance
* ATCA: An ARC Trajectory Based Model with Curvature Attention for Video Frame Interpolation
* ATCC: Accurate tracking by criss-cross location attention
* ATCON: Attention Consistency for Vision Models
* ATD: A Multiplatform for Semiautomatic 3-D Detection of Kidneys and Their Pathology in Real Time
* ATF: An Alternating Training Framework for Weakly Supervised Face Alignment
* ATFaceGAN: Single Face Image Restoration and Recognition from Atmospheric Turbulence
* ATGNN: Audio Tagging Graph Neural Network
* ATGV-Net: Accurate Depth Super-Resolution
* aTGV-SF: Dense Variational Scene Flow through Projective Warping and Higher Order Regularization
* Athens Urban Soundscape (ATHUS): A Dataset for Urban Soundscape Quality Recognition
* Atherosclerotic Blood Vessel Tracking and Lumen Segmentation in Topology Changes Situations of MR Image Sequences
* Atherosclerotic Plaque Segmentation at Human Carotid Artery Based on Multiple Contrast Weighting MR Images
* Athlete Pose Estimation by a Global-Local Network
* Athlete Pose Estimation from Monocular TV Sports Footage
* Atlanta scaled layouts from non-central panoramas
* Atlanta world: an expectation maximization framework for simultaneous low-level edge grouping and camera calibration in complex man-made environments
* Atlantanet: Inferring the 3d Indoor Layout from a Single 360° Image Beyond the Manhattan World Assumption
* Atlas-based 3D-Shape Reconstruction from X-Ray Images
* Atlas-based motion correction for on-line MR temperature mapping
* Atlas-based reconstruction of high performance brain MR data
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging using random walks
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain MR images using least square support vector machines
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Medical Images Locally Constrained by Level Sets
* Atlas-based segmentation of neonatal brain MR images using a gray matter enhancing step
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological Brain MR Images
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological MR Brain Images Using a Model of Lesion Growth
* Atlas-Based Whole-Body PET-CT Segmentation Using a Passive Contour Distance
* Atlas-Driven Lung Lobe Segmentation in Volumetric X-Ray CT Images
* Atlas-Guided Multi-channel Forest Learning for Human Brain Labeling
* ATLAS-MVSNet: Attention Layers for Feature Extraction and Cost Volume Regularization in Multi-View Stereo
* Atlas Basemaps In Web 2.0 Epoch
* Atlas Generation for Subcortical and Ventricular Structures With Its Applications in Shape Analysis
* Atlas generative models and geodesic interpolation
* Atlas of Digital Pathology: A Generalized Hierarchical Histological Tissue Type-Annotated Database for Deep Learning
* Atlas Renormalization for Improved Brain MR Image Segmentation Across Scanner Platforms
* Atlas Structure of Images, The
* ATLAS: A Three-Layered Approach to Facade Parsing
* Atlas: End-to-end 3d Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images
* ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations
* ATM networking and video-coding techniques for QOS control in B-ISDN
* ATM video signal multiplexer with congestion control function
* ATM: Attentional Text Matting
* ATMFN: Adaptive-Threshold-Based Multi-Model Fusion Network for Compressed Face Hallucination
* Atmosphere-aware photoclinometry for pixel-wise 3D topographic mapping of Mars
* Atmosphere and Terrain Coupling Simulation Framework for High-Resolution Visible-Thermal Spectral Imaging over Heterogeneous Land Surface
* Atmosphere Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Determination under Multiple-Layer Conditions Using Micro-Pulse Lidar
* Atmospheric-correction-free red tide quantification algorithm for GOCI based on machine learning combined with a radiative transfer simulation
* Atmospheric aerosol measurements in São Paulo, Brazil
* Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction Algorithms for the Multitemporal Assessment of Grasslands Productivity
* Atmospheric and sunglint correction for retrieving chlorophyll-a in a productive tropical estuarine-lagoon system using Sentinel-2 MSI imagery
* Atmospheric Anomaly Analysis Related to Ms > 6.0 Earthquakes in China during 2020-2021
* Atmospheric Artifacts Correction With a Covariance-Weighted Linear Model Over Mountainous Regions
* Atmospheric Blocking Pattern Recognition in Global Climate Model Simulation Data
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Surface Conditions during Katabatic Wind Events over the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, The
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characterization Using Multiyear Ground-Based Microwave Radiometric Observations Over a Tropical Coastal Station
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimation Using a Kalman Filter and a Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Radar
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a Kalman Filter and Backscatter Lidar Returns
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height
* Atmospheric Brightness Temperature Fluctuations in the Resonance Absorption Band of Water Vapor 18-27.2 GHz
* Atmospheric Column Water Vapor Retrieval From Hyperspectral VNIR Data Based on Low-Rank Subspace Projection
* Atmospheric Compensation Component of a Landsat Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product: Assessment of Errors Expected for a North American Test Product, The
* Atmospheric Compensation of PRISMA Data by Means of a Learning Based Approach
* Atmospheric Conditions within Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal Region and Possibilities of Astronomical Observations
* Atmospheric correction algorithm based on deep learning with spatial-spectral feature constraints for broadband optical satellites: Examples from the HY-1C Coastal Zone Imager
* Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Remote Sensing of Bright Coastal Waters Using MODIS Land and Ocean Channels in the Solar Spectral Region, An
* Atmospheric Correction and Its Application to an Analysis of Hyperion Data
* Atmospheric Correction and Vicarious Calibration of Oceansat-1 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) Data in Coastal Case 2 Waters
* Atmospheric Correction Comparison of Spot-5 Image Based On Model Flaash And Model Quac
* Atmospheric Correction for Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations at O2-A Band
* Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise
* Atmospheric Correction Method over Bright and Stable Surfaces for Moderate to High Spatial-Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Atmospheric Correction Model for Water-Land Boundary Adjacency Effects in Landsat-8 Multispectral Images and Its Impact on Bathymetric Remote Sensing
* Atmospheric Correction of Airborne Hyperspectral CASI Data Using Polymer, 6S and FLAASH
* Atmospheric Correction of COCTS on the HY-1C and HY-1D Satellites, The
* Atmospheric correction of geostationary Himawari-8 satellite data for Total Suspended Sediment mapping: A case study in the Coastal Waters of Western Australia
* Atmospheric Correction of GOCI Using Quasi-Synchronous VIIRS Data in Highly Turbid Coastal Waters
* Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data Over Dark Surfaces via Simulated Annealing
* Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral GCAS Airborne Measurements Over the North Atlantic Ocean and Louisiana Shelf
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part I: Methods
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part II: Validation and Applications
* Atmospheric Correction of Multi-Spectral Littoral Images Using a PHOTONS/AERONET-Based Regional Aerosol Model
* Atmospheric Correction of OLCI Imagery over Extremely Turbid Waters Based on the Red, NIR and 1016 nm Bands and a New Baseline Residual Technique
* Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing in the Presence of High Aerosol Loads
* Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Optical Imagery over the Río de la Plata Highly Turbid Waters Using a SWIR-Based Principal Component Decomposition Technique
* Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation of the FLAASH algorithm with AVIRIS data
* Atmospheric Correction of SPOT5 Land Surface Imagery
* Atmospheric Correction Performance of Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery over a Small Eutrophic Lake under Changing Cloud Cover
* Atmospheric Correction Thresholds for Ground-Based Radar Interferometry Deformation Monitoring Estimated Using Time Series Analyses
* Atmospheric Correction to Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature in Snow Cover Mapping Over China
* Atmospheric correction under cloud edge effects for Geostationary Ocean Color Imager through deep learning
* Atmospheric Correction Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Models for Satellite-Borne Single-Channel Mid-Wavelength and Thermal Infrared Imaging Sensors, An
* Atmospheric Correction Using the Information From the Short Blue Band
* Atmospheric Corrections and Multi-Conditional Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Low-to-High Turbidity Levels Coastal Waters
* Atmospheric Corrections for Altimetry Studies over Inland Water
* Atmospheric Corrections for Remote Sensing, Satellite and Space Images
* Atmospheric Delay Correction Utilization Method for Out-of-Network PPP-RTK Users
* Atmospheric Disturbances Tracking in Satellite Images
* Atmospheric Ducts and Their Electromagnetic Propagation Characteristics in the Northwestern South China Sea
* Atmospheric Effect Analysis and Correction of the Microwave Vegetation Index
* Atmospheric Effect Correction for InSAR With Wavelet Decomposition-Based Correlation Analysis Between Multipolarization Interferograms
* Atmospheric Effects and Precursors of Rainfall over the Swiss Plateau
* Atmospheric Effects Removal for the Infrared Image Sequences
* Atmospheric Effects Removal of ASAR-derived InSAR Products Using MERIS Data and GPS
* Atmospheric Forcing of the High and Low Extremes in the Sea Surface Temperature over the Red Sea and Associated Chlorophyll-a Concentration
* Atmospheric Formaldehyde Monitored by TROPOMI Satellite Instrument throughout 2020 over Sao Paulo State, Brazil
* Atmospheric GNSS RO 1D-Var in Use at UCAR: Description and Validation
* Atmospheric Gravity Wave Derived from the Neutral Wind with 5-Minute Resolution Routinely Retrieved by the Meteor Radar at Mohe
* Atmospheric HDO Abundance Measurements in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Laser Heterodyne Radiometer
* Atmospheric Heating Mechanism over the Tharsis Bulge of Mars and the Impact of Global Dust Storms, The
* Atmospheric lidar imaging and poisson inverse problems
* Atmospheric Lidar Noise Reduction Based On Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Atmospheric Light Estimation Based Remote Sensing Image Dehazing
* Atmospheric light estimation in hazy images based on color-plane model
* Atmospheric Modelling for the Generation of Albedo Images
* Atmospheric Optical Characteristics in the Area of 30-400 km
* Atmospheric Perspective Effect Enhancement of Landscape Photographs Through Depth-Aware Contrast Manipulation
* Atmospheric Phase Correction Method Based on Normal Vector Clustering Partition in Complicated Conditions for GB-SAR, An
* Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR With a Multiple-Regression Model Over Mountainous Regions
* Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation on Wrapped Ground-Based SAR Interferograms
* Atmospheric Phase Screen Estimation Strategy Based on Multichromatic Analysis for Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, An
* Atmospheric Phase Screen in GEO-SAR: Estimation and Compensation
* Atmospheric Profile Retrieval Algorithm for Next Generation Geostationary Satellite of Korea and Its Application to the Advanced Himawari Imager
* Atmospheric Retrievals and Assessment for Microwave Observations from Chinese FY-3C Satellite during Hurricane Matthew
* Atmospheric Scattering Model Induced Statistical Characteristics Estimation for Underwater Image Restoration
* Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-Spectrum from Geostationary Satellite: Band Design, Weighting Functions and Information Content
* Atmospheric Temperature, Atmospheric Analysis
* Atmospheric Trace Gas (NO2 and O3) Variability in South Korean Coastal Waters, and Implications for Remote Sensing of Coastal Ocean Color Dynamics
* Atmospheric Transmission and Thermal Inertia Induced Blind Road Segmentation with a Large-Scale Dataset TBRSD
* Atmospheric Transmittance Model Validation for CSP Tower Plants
* Atmospheric turbulence degraded image restoration using a modified dilated convolutional network
* Atmospheric Turbulence Effects Removal on Infrared Sequences Degraded by Local Isoplanatism
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation for Sequences with Moving Objects Using Recursive Image Fusion
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex Wavelet-Based Fusion
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Optical Flow
* Atmospheric Turbulence Removal in Long-Range Imaging Using a Data-Driven-Based Approach
* Atmospheric turbulence removal with complex-valued convolutional neural network
* Atmospheric Turbulence Restoration by Diffeomorphic Image Registration and Blind Deconvolution
* Atmospheric Turbulence Visualisation Through Image Time-Sequence Registration
* Atmospheric turbulence visualization with wide-area motion-blur restoration
* Atmospheric ultraviolet transmission and Lidar returns
* Atmospheric Visibility Monitoring Using Digital Image Analysis Techniques
* Atmospheric, Aerosols Measurements with MODIS
* Atmospheric, Aerosols, Aerosol Optical Depth, Measurements, Remote Sensing
* Atmospheric, Dust, Dust Storms, Volcanic Ash, Remote Sensing
* Atmospheric, Water Vapor, Precipitable Water Vapor, PWV
* Atmospherically Compensated Shape From Shading On The Martian Surface: Towards The Perfect Digital Terrain Model of Mars
* ATMS implementation system for identifying traffic conditions leading to potential crashes
* ATN Model for 3D Recognition of Solids in Single Views, An
* Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Geospatial Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Atom correlation based graph propagation for scene graph generation
* Atom modulus quantization for matching pursuit video coding
* Atom Position Coding in a Matching Pursuit Based Video Coder
* Atom search-Jaya-based deep recurrent neural network for liver cancer detection
* Atom specific multiple kernel dictionary based Sparse Representation Classifier for medium scale image classification
* ATOM: Accurate Tracking by Overlap Maximization
* ATOM: Self-supervised human action recognition using atomic motion representation learning
* Atomic Action Features: A New Feature for Action Recognition
* Atomic Clock Performance Assessment of BeiDou-3 Basic System with the Noise Analysis of Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization
* Atomic decomposition based anisotropic non-local structure tensor
* Atomic decomposition dedicated to AVC and spatial SVC prediction
* Atomic Norm-Based Joint Delay-Doppler Shift Estimation for OFDM Passive Radar
* Atomic Representation-Based Classification: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications
* Atomic scenes for scalable traffic scene recognition in monocular videos
* Atomic Super-resolution Tomography
* Atoms with transparency and shadows
* ATOMS: Air Traffic Operations and Management Simulator
* AtomsNet: Multimedia Peer2Peer File Sharing
* ATPFL: Automatic Trajectory Prediction Model Design under Federated Learning Framework
* ATPS: An AI Based Trust-Aware and Privacy-Preserving System for Vehicle Managements in Sustainable VANETs
* ATR -- Clutter, Background Issues, Noise
* ATR -- IR, Infra-Red, Thermal, Applications
* ATR -- Model, Object Based Radar and SAR Recognition
* ATR -- Multiple Sensors, Multiple Algorithms, Fusion
* ATR -- Small Targets IR, Infra-Red, Thermal, Applications
* ATR -- Sonar
* ATR -- Survey, Review, Evaluation, General Discussions
* ATR -- Targets, Radar, SAR Applications
* ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Aircraft Detection, Recognition
* ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Ship Detection
* ATR -- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection
* ATR - Oriented Objects, Vehicles, Aerial Images
* ATR Applications, Automatic Target Recognition
* ATR Performance Prediction with Feature Based Optimization
* Atrial fibrillation classification with artificial neural networks
* Atrial Fibrillation Detection From Face Videos by Fusing Subtle Variations
* Atrial Fibrillation
* Atrous Temporal Convolutional Network for Video Action Segmentation
* aTrunk: An ALS-Based Trunk Detection Algorithm
* ATS: Adaptive Temperature Scaling for Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods
* ATSal: An Attention Based Architecture for Saliency Prediction in 360° Videos
* ATSD: Anchor-Free Two-Stage Ship Detection Based on Feature Enhancement in SAR Images
* ATSO: Asynchronous Teacher-Student Optimization for Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation
* ATSS Deep Learning-Based Approach to Detect Apple Fruits
* Att2ResNet: A deep attention-based approach for melanoma skin cancer classification
* ATT3D: Amortized Text-to-3D Object Synthesis
* Attached shadow coding: Estimating surface normals from shadows under unknown reflectance and lighting conditions
* Attack-agnostic Adversarial Detection on Medical Data Using Explainable Machine Learning
* Attack-Agnostic Deep Face Anti-Spoofing
* Attack-Guided Perceptual Data Generation for Real-world Re-Identification
* Attack-invariant attention feature for adversarial defense in hyperspectral image classification
* Attack Against Image-Based Selective Bitplane Encryption, An
* Attack Agnostic Adversarial Defense via Visual Imperceptible Bound
* Attack Agnostic Detection of Adversarial Examples via Random Subspace Analysis
* Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial Detection
* Attack Analysis for He and Wu's Joint Watermarking/Fingerprinting Scheme
* Attack as the Best Defense: Nullifying Image-to-image Translation GANs via Limit-aware Adversarial Attack
* Attack Characterization for Effective Watermarking
* attack invariant scheme for content-based video copy detection, An
* Attack LSB Matching Steganography by Counting Alteration Rate of the Number of Neighbourhood Gray Levels
* Attack Modeling Methodology and Taxonomy for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Attack Modelling: Towards a Second Generation Watermarking Benchmark
* Attack on JPEG2000 Steganography Using LRCA
* Attack on Watermarking Method Based on Significant Difference of Wavelet Coefficient Quantization
* Attack Operators for Digitally Watermarked Images
* attack to BPCS-steganography using complexity histogram and countermeasure, An
* Attack to Explain Deep Representation
* Attack to Fool and Explain Deep Networks
* Attacking Defocus Detection With Blur-Aware Transformation for Defocus Deblurring
* Attacking Image Classifiers To Generate 3D Textures
* Attacking Iris Recognition: An Efficient Hill-Climbing Technique
* Attacking NIST biometric image software using nonlinear optimization
* Attacking Optical Flow
* Attacking the triangle test in sensor-based camera identification
* Attacks against AODV Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
* Attaining Class-Level Forgetting in Pretrained Model Using Few Samples
* Attaining Human-Level Performance with Atlas Location Autocontext for Anatomical Landmark Detection in 3D CT Data
* Attaining The Third Dimension
* Attempt to Combine Physicochemical Data with Thermal Remote Sensing to Determine the Extent of Water Mixing between River and Lake
* Attempt To Develop An Environmental Information System Of Ecological Infrastructure For Evaluating Functions Of Ecosystem-based Solutions For Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR), An
* Attempt to Improve Snow Depth Retrieval Using Satellite Microwave Radiometry for Rough Antarctic Sea Ice, An
* Attempt to Observe Vertical Land Motion along the Norwegian Coast by CryoSat-2 and Tide Gauges, An
* Attempt to Reconstruct the Cerebral Bloodvessels from a Lateral and a Frontal Angiogram, An
* Attempt to Segment Foreground in Dynamic Scenes, An
* Attempts to Automate the Process of Generation of Orthoimages of Objects of Cultural Heritage
* Attempts to Bronchial Tumor Motion Tracking in Portal Images during Conformal Radiotherapy Treatment
* Atten-Adapter: A Unified Attention-Based Adapter for Efficient Tuning
* Attend and Align: Improving Deep Representations with Feature Alignment Layer for Person Retrieval
* Attend and Guide (AG-Net): A Keypoints-Driven Attention-Based Deep Network for Image Recognition
* Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification With Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Attend and Interact: Higher-Order Object Interactions for Video Understanding
* Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Recovery
* Attend and Segment: Attention Guided Active Semantic Segmentation
* Attend in Groups: A Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning Framework for Learning from Web Data
* Attend Refine Repeat: Active Box Proposal Generation via In-Out Localization
* Attend to the Difference: Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Contrastive Correlation
* Attend to You: Personalized Image Captioning with Context Sequence Memory Networks
* Attend Who is Weak: Pruning-assisted Medical Image Localization under Sophisticated and Implicit Imbalances
* Attend, Correct and Focus: A Bidirectional Correct Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
* AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies
* Attended-auxiliary Supervision Representation for Face Anti-spoofing
* Attended End-to-End Architecture for Age Estimation From Facial Expression Videos
* Attending Generalizability in Course of Deep Fake Detection by Exploring Multi-task Learning
* Attending to Discriminative Certainty for Domain Adaptation
* Attending to Distinctive Moments: Weakly-Supervised Attention Models for Action Localization in Video
* Attending to Motion: Localizing and Classifying Motion Patterns in Image Sequences
* Attending to visual motion
* Attending to visual motion: localizing and classifying affine motion patterns
* Attending, Foveating and Recognizing Objects in Real World Scenes
* AttenGait: Gait recognition with attention and rich modalities
* Attennet: Deep Attention Based Retinal Disease Classification in OCT Images
* Attention-adaptive multi-scale feature aggregation dehazing network
* Attention-Aligned Network for Person Re-Identification
* Attention-Assisted Adversarial Model for Cerebrovascular Segmentation in 3D TOF-MRA Volumes
* Attention-Aware Age-Agnostic Visual Place Recognition
* Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification
* Attention-Aware Deep Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Attention-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Video Face Recognition
* Attention-Aware Disparity Control in interactive environments
* Attention-Aware Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Attention-aware Feature Aggregation for Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices
* Attention-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (ATA-GANs)
* Attention-aware invertible hashing network with skip connections
* Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Image Processing Pipelines
* Attention-Aware Multi-Stroke Style Transfer
* Attention-Aware Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Attention-Aware Multi-View Stereo
* Attention-Aware Polarity Sensitive Embedding for Affective Image Retrieval
* Attention-Aware Pseudo-3-D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Aware Spectral Difference Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Attention-Based 3D-CNNs for Large-Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition
* Attention-Based 3D Convolutional Autoencoder for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Unmixing and Classification, An
* Attention-Based Activity Recognition for Egocentric Video, An
* Attention-Based Adaptive Selection of Operations for Image Restoration in the Presence of Unknown Combined Distortions
* Attention-Based Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Kernel ResNet for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Based Approach for Single Image Super Resolution, An
* Attention-based argumentation mining
* Attention-Based Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening With Privileged Modality
* Attention-based Broad Self-guided Network for Low-light Image Enhancement
* Attention-Based Colour Correction
* Attention-Based Context Aware Reasoning for Situation Recognition
* Attention-based contextual interaction asymmetric network for RGB-D saliency prediction
* Attention-based convolutional neural network and long short-term memory for short-term detection of mood disorders based on elicited speech responses
* Attention-Based Deep Ensemble Net for Large-Scale Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Attention-Based Deep Learning Framework for Trip Destination Prediction of Sharing Bike, An
* attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian attributes recognition, An
* Attention-Based Deep Metric Learning for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Virtual Cinematography of 360° Videos
* Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Attention-Based Digraph Convolution Network Enabled Framework for Congestion Recognition in Three-Dimensional Road Networks, An
* Attention-Based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Attention-Based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Single Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation
* Attention-based dual-color space fusion network for low-light image enhancement
* Attention-Based Dynamic Visual Search Using Inner-Scene Similarity: Algorithms and Bounds
* Attention-Based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning
* Attention-based Fine-grained Classification of Bone Marrow Cells
* attention-based framework for multi-view clustering on Grassmann manifold, An
* Attention-based Fusion for Multi-source Human Image Generation
* Attention-based Graph Neural Network for the Classification of Parkinson's Disease
* Attention-based hierarchical pyramid feature fusion structure for efficient face recognition
* Attention-based high dynamic range imaging
* Attention-Based Interactive Learning-to-Rank Model for Document Retrieval, An
* Attention-Based Knowledge Distillation in Scene Recognition: The Impact of a DCT-Driven Loss
* Attention-Based Lane Change and Crash Risk Prediction Model in Highways
* Attention-Based Local Region Aggregation Network for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning
* Attention-based Long-term Modeling for Deep Visual Odometry
* Attention-Based Matching Approach for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-based Method for Multi-label Facial Action Unit Detection, An
* Attention-based Model with Attribute Classification for Cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Attention-Based Monocular Depth Estimation Considering Global and Local Information in Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-Based Multi-Channel Feature Fusion Enhancement Network to Process Low-Light Images
* Attention-Based Multi-Level Feature Fusion for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-based Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition from Art
* Attention-based Multi-Reference Learning for Image Super-Resolution
* Attention-Based Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Free-Space Detection
* Attention-Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Attention-Based Multi-Task Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Attention-Based Multi-View Feature Collaboration for Decoupled Few-Shot Learning
* Attention-Based Multimodal Fusion for Video Description
* Attention-based multimodal image matching
* Attention-Based Multiscale Residual Adaptation Network for Cross-Scene Classification
* Attention-Based Multiscale Spatiotemporal Network for Traffic Forecast with Fusion of External Factors
* attention-based multiscale transformer network for remote sensing image change detection, An
* Attention-Based Multiview Re-Observation Fusion Network for Skeletal Action Recognition
* Attention-Based Natural Language Person Retrieval
* attention-based network for serial number recognition on banknotes, An
* Attention-Based Neural Network For Ill-Exposed Image Correction
* Attention-based Neural Network for Traffic Sign Detection
* Attention-based Part Assembly for 3D Volumetric Shape Modeling
* Attention-Based Partial Face Recognition
* Attention-Based Pedestrian Attribute Analysis
* Attention-Based Point Cloud Edge Sampling
* Attention-based prohibited item detection in X-ray images during security checking
* Attention-Based Pyramid Network for Segmentation and Classification of High-Resolution and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-based Query Expansion Learning
* Attention-Based Residual Network with Scattering Transform Features for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Limited Training Samples
* attention-based row-column encoder-decoder model for text recognition in Japanese historical documents, An
* Attention-Based Second-Order Pooling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Based Segmentation on an Image Pyramid Sequence
* Attention-based Selection Strategy for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Attention-Based Self-Supervised Learning Monocular Depth Estimation With Edge Refinement
* Attention-based similarity
* Attention-based spatial-temporal hierarchical ConvLSTM network for action recognition in videos
* Attention-Based Spatial and Spectral Network with PCA-Guided Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Attention-Based Spatial Guidance for Image-to-Image Translation
* Attention-Based Spatiotemporal Gated Recurrent Unit Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, An
* Attention-Based Super Resolution from Videos
* Attention-Based Target Localization Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Attention-Based Template Adaptation for Face Verification
* Attention-Based Time-Frequency Pyramid Pooling Strategy in Deep Convolutional Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification, An
* Attention-Based Two-Phase Model for Video Action Detection
* Attention-Based Unsupervised Adversarial Model for Movie Review Spam Detection, An
* Attention-Based Vanishing Point Detection
* Attention-based video object segmentation algorithm
* Attention-based video reframing: Validation using eye-tracking
* Attention-based video streaming
* Attention-Bridged Modal Interaction for Text-to-Image Generation
* Attention-Diffusion-Bilinear Neural Network for Brain Network Analysis
* Attention-Driven Appearance-Motion Fusion Network for Action Recognition
* Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition
* Attention-Driven Cropping for Very High Resolution Facial Landmark Detection
* Attention-driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-label Image Recognition
* Attention-Driven Graph Neural Network for Deep Face Super-Resolution
* Attention-driven image interpretation with application to image retrieval
* Attention-Driven Loss for Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance
* Attention-driven segmentation of cluttered 3D scenes
* Attention-driven tile splitting method for improved efficiency of omnidirectional versatile video coding
* Attention-driven Two-stage Clustering Method for Unsupervised Person Re-identification, An
* Attention-Embedded Triple-Fusion Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Enhanced And More Balanced R-CNN For Object Detection
* attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodule attributes in CT images, An
* Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive L-Softmax Loss for Specific Emitter Identification under Low-Signal-to-Noise Ratio Conditions
* Attention-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Imagery Spatial Super-Resolution
* Attention-Enhanced One-Shot Attack against Single Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-Enhanced Sensorimotor Object Recognition
* Attention-from-motion: A factorization approach for detecting attention objects in motion
* attention-fused network for semantic segmentation of very-high-resolution remote sensing imagery, An
* Attention-GAN for Object Transfiguration in Wild Images
* Attention-generative adversarial networks for simulating rain field
* Attention-GRU Based Method for Predicting Coal Mine Water Surge Analysis
* Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
* Attention-guided chained context aggregation for semantic segmentation
* Attention-Guided Collaborative Counting
* Attention-Guided Complex-Valued Transformer for Intra-Pulse Retransmission Interference Suppression, An
* Attention-Guided Contrastive Masked Image Modeling for Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Learning
* Attention-guided evolutionary attack with elastic-net regularization on face recognition
* Attention-guided Fine-grained Feature Learning For Robust Face Forgery Detection
* Attention-Guided Fusion and Classification for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Attention-Guided Fusion Network of Point Cloud and Multiple Views for 3D Shape Recognition
* Attention-Guided Global-Local Adversarial Learning for Detail-Preserving Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Attention-Guided Hierarchical Structure Aggregation for Image Matting
* Attention-Guided Hybrid Network for Dementia Diagnosis With Structural MR Images
* Attention-guided image captioning with adaptive global and local feature fusion
* Attention-guided Image Compression by Deep Reconstruction of Compressive Sensed Saliency Skeleton
* Attention-Guided Multi-Scale Segmentation Neural Network for Interactive Extraction of Region Objects from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Attention-Guided Multilayer Feature Aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
* Attention-Guided Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Classification
* Attention-Guided Network for Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Attention-Guided Neural Networks for Full-Reference and No-Reference Audio-Visual Quality Assessment
* Attention-Guided Progressive Neural Texture Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Restoration
* Attention-Guided Prototype Mixing: Diversifying Minority Context on Imbalanced Whole Slide Images Classification Learning
* Attention-Guided Region Proposal Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Attention-guided RGBD saliency detection using appearance information
* Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Attention-Guided Spatial Transformer Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Attention-Guided Unified Network for Panoptic Segmentation
* Attention-induced semantic and boundary interaction network for camouflaged object detection
* Attention-inspired moving object detection in monocular dashcam videos
* Attention-map augmentation for hypercomplex breast cancer classification
* Attention-Mechanism-Containing Neural Networks for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Attention-Oriented Action Recognition for Real-Time Human-Robot Interaction
* Attention-shift based deep neural network for fine-grained visual categorization
* Attention-Translation-Relation Network for Scalable Scene Graph Generation
* Attention-Unet-Based Near-Real-Time Precipitation Estimation from Fengyun-4A Satellite Imageries
* Attention-weighted depth map rate-allocation in free-viewpoint television
* Attention-Weighted Rate Allocation in Free-Viewpoint Television
* Attention-Weighted Texture and Depth Bit-Allocation in General-Geometry Free-Viewpoint Television
* Attention and Boundary Guided Salient Object Detection
* Attention and Pattern Detection Using Sensory and Reactive Control Mechanisms
* Attention and Performance in Computational Vision
* Attention and Prediction-Guided Motion Detection for Low-Contrast Small Moving Targets
* Attention as Activation
* Attention Assist: A High-Level Information Fusion Framework for Situation and Threat Assessment in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Attention Attention Everywhere: Monocular Depth Prediction with Skip Attention
* Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks
* Attention augmented residual autoencoder for efficient polyp segmentation
* Attention aware cost volume pyramid based multi-view stereo network for 3D reconstruction
* Attention Aware Debiasing for Unbiased Model Prediction
* Attention Based Album Slideshow
* Attention Based Convolutional Neural Network for Building Extraction From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Attention Based Coupled Framework for Road and Pothole Segmentation
* Attention Based Detection and Recognition of Hand Postures Against Complex Backgrounds
* Attention Based Focus Control System, An
* Attention Based Glaucoma Detection: A Large-Scale Database and CNN Model
* Attention Based Multi-Instance Thyroid Cytopathological Diagnosis with Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* Attention based multi-task interpretable graph convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease analysis
* Attention Based Natural Language Grounding by Navigating Virtual Environment
* Attention Based Network for No-Reference UGC Video Quality Assessment
* Attention based Occlusion Removal for Hybrid Telepresence Systems
* Attention Based Pruning for Shift Networks
* Attention Based Residual Network for Micro-Gesture Recognition
* Attention Based Speaker-independent Audio-visual Deep Learning Model for Speech Enhancement, An
* Attention Boosted Deep Networks For Video Classification
* Attention Branch Network: Learning of Attention Mechanism for Visual Explanation
* Attention Bridging Network for Knowledge Transfer
* Attention by Selection: A Deep Selective Attention Approach to Breast Cancer Classification
* Attention can improve a simple model for object recognition
* Attention Cascade Global-Local Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, An
* Attention Clusters: Purely Attention Based Local Feature Integration for Video Classification
* Attention Concatenation Volume for Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching
* Attention Consistency on Visual Corruptions for Single-Source Domain Generalization
* Attention Control during Distance Learning Sessions
* Attention Control for Robot Vision
* Attention control with reinforcement learning for face recognition under partial occlusion
* attention controlled multi-core architecture for energy efficient object recognition, An
* Attention Convolutional Binary Neural Tree for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Attention CoupleNet: Fully Convolutional Attention Coupling Network for Object Detection
* Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Universal Domain Adaptation
* Attention Discriminant Sampling for Point Clouds
* Attention Diversification for Domain Generalization
* Attention driven face recognition: A combination of spatial variant fixations and glance
* Attention Driven Foveated Video Quality Assessment
* Attention driven person re-identification
* attention emphasized bit arrangement in 3-D SPIHT video coding for human vision, An
* Attention Enhanced Graph Convolutional LSTM Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, An
* Attention Enhanced U-Net for Building Extraction from Farmland Based on Google and WorldView-2 Remote Sensing Images
* Attention estimation by simultaneous observation of viewer and view
* Attention Flow: End-to-End Joint Attention Estimation
* Attention for Vision-Based Assistive and Automated Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Attention Fusion for Audio-Visual Person Verification Using Multi-Scale Features
* Attention Fusion Network for Event-Based Vehicle Object Detection, An
* Attention fusion network for multi-spectral semantic segmentation
* Attention Fusion of Transformer-Based and Scale-Based Method for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification
* Attention GANs: Unsupervised Deep Feature Learning for Aerial Scene Classification
* Attention Graph Convolution Network for Image Segmentation in Big SAR Imagery Data
* Attention Guide Axial Sharing Mixed Attention (AGASMA) Network for Cloud Segmentation and Cloud Shadow Segmentation
* Attention Guided Anomaly Localization in Images
* Attention Guided Contextual Feature Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Attention Guided Cosine Margin to Overcome Class-Imbalance in Few-Shot Road Object Detection
* Attention guided deep audio-face fusion for efficient speaker naming
* Attention guided deep features for accurate body mass index estimation
* Attention guided domain alignment for conditional face image generation
* Attention guided feature pyramid network for crowd counting
* Attention Guided Global Enhancement and Local Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Attention Guided Low-Light Image Enhancement with a Large Scale Low-Light Simulation Dataset
* Attention guided multi-level feature aggregation network for camouflaged object detection
* Attention Guided Multiple Source and Target Domain Adaptation
* Attention guided neural network models for occluded pedestrian detection
* Attention guided U-Net for accurate iris segmentation
* Attention in Attention Networks for Person Retrieval
* Attention in Attention: Modeling Context Correlation for Efficient Video Classification
* Attention in Iconic Object Matching
* Attention in Multimodal Neural Networks for Person Re-identification
* Attention in Reasoning: Dataset, Analysis, and Modeling
* Attention in Vision Transformers
* Attention Integrated Hierarchical Networks for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Attention is not Enough: Mitigating the Distribution Discrepancy in Asynchronous Multimodal Sequence Fusion
* Attention links sensing to recognition
* Attention LSTM for Scene Graph Generation
* Attention Map Guided Transformer Pruning for Occluded Person Re-Identification on Edge Device
* Attention mechanism-based model for short-term bus traffic passenger volume prediction
* Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aided 3DCNN for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Attention Mechanism Based Mixture of Gaussian Processes
* Attention Mechanism Enhancement Algorithm Based on Cycle Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Dehazing
* Attention Mechanism Exploits Temporal Contexts: Real-Time 3D Human Pose Reconstruction
* Attention Mechanism With Spatial-Temporal Joint Model for Traffic Flow Speed Prediction
* Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition With Event-Based Cameras
* Attention Mechanisms for Vision in a Dynamic World
* Attention meets Geometry: Geometry Guided Spatial-Temporal Attention for Consistent Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Attention meets involution in visual tracking
* Attention Mining Branch for Optimizing Attention Map
* attention model based on spatial transformers for scene recognition, An
* attention model for extracting components that merit identification, An
* Attention Modulation Using Short- and Long-Term Knowledge
* Attention Module for Object Detection in Cluttered Images, An
* Attention Modules Improve Image-Level Anomaly Detection for Industrial Inspection: A DifferNet Case Study
* Attention Monitoring Based on Temporal Signal-Behavior Structures
* Attention Monitoring for Music Contents Based on Analysis of Signal-Behavior Structures
* Attention Multi-Scale Network for Automatic Layer Extraction of Ice Radar Topological Sequences
* Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adaptive Region Search
* Attention Navigation by Keeping Screen Layout for Switching Multiple Views
* Attention Network with Outdoor Illumination Variation Prior for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* Attention Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Attention on Attention for Image Captioning
* Attention Prediction in Egocentric Video Using Motion and Visual Saliency
* Attention Pyramid Module for Scene Recognition
* attention recurrent model for human cooperation detection, An
* Attention Regularized Laplace Graph for Domain Adaptation
* Attention regularized semi-supervised learning with class-ambiguous data for image classification
* Attention Residual Learning for Skin Lesion Classification
* Attention Retractable Frequency Fusion Transformer for Image Super Resolution
* Attention reweighted sparse subspace clustering
* Attention Routing Between Capsules
* Attention Scaling for Crowd Counting
* Attention Selection Using Global Topological Properties Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Network
* Attention Selective Network For Face Synthesis And Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Attention Spiking Neural Networks
* Attention Stereo Matching Network
* Attention Symbiotic Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Refined Classification Based on Relative Water Content Retrieval
* Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification
* Attention to describe products with attributes
* Attention to Lesion: Lesion-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification
* Attention to Scale: Scale-Aware Semantic Image Segmentation
* Attention to the Scale: Deep Multi-Scale Salient Object Detection
* Attention Toward Neighbors: A Context Aware Framework for High Resolution Image Segmentation
* Attention transfer from human to neural networks for road object detection in winter
* Attention Transfer Network for Nature Image Matting
* Attention Unet++: A Nested Attention-Aware U-Net for Liver CT Image Segmentation
* Attention Voting Network with Prior Distance Augmented Loss for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* Attention W-Net: Improved Skip Connections for Better Representations
* Attention Weighted Local Descriptors
* Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration
* Attention with structure regularization for action recognition
* Attention! Stay Focus!
* Attention, Perception and Psychophysics
* Attention2AngioGAN: Synthesizing Fluorescein Angiography from Retinal Fundus Images using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Attentional Approach for Perceptual Grouping of Spatially Distributed Patterns, An
* Attentional Bottleneck: Towards an Interpretable Deep Driving Network
* Attentional Control for Visual Surveillance
* Attentional Correlation Filter Network for Adaptive Visual Tracking
* Attentional Feature-Pair Relation Networks for Accurate Face Recognition
* Attentional Feature Fusion
* Attentional Framework for Stereo Vision, An
* Attentional Kernel Encoding Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Attentional mechanisms driven adaptive quantization and selective bit allocation scheme for H.264/AVC
* Attentional Mechanisms for Interactive Image Exploration
* Attentional Neural Fields for Crowd Counting
* Attentional Prototype for Early Vision, An
* Attentional prototype inference for few-shot segmentation
* Attentional Push: A Deep Convolutional Network for Augmenting Image Salience with Shared Attention Modeling in Social Scenes
* Attentional Pyramid Pooling of Salient Visual Residuals for Place Recognition
* Attentional Road Safety Networks
* Attentional Scene Segmentation: Integrating Depth and Motion
* Attentional Selection for Object Recognition: A Gentle Way
* Attentional Selection in Object Recognition
* Attentional ShapeContextNet for Point Cloud Recognition
* Attentional Wavelet Network for Traditional Chinese Painting Transfer
* AttentionBoost: Learning What to Attend for Gland Segmentation in Histopathological Images by Boosting Fully Convolutional Networks
* AttentionFGAN: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Networks
* AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects
* Attentionnas: Spatiotemporal Attention Cell Search for Video Classification
* AttentionNet: Aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
* AttentionRNN: A Structured Spatial Attention Mechanism
* Attentions Help CNNs See Better: Attention-based Hybrid Image Quality Assessment Network
* AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention Map for Pointly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* AttentionTrack: Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Features Attention
* Attentive and Adversarial Learning for Video Summarization
* Attentive and Contrastive Learning for Joint Depth and Motion Field Estimation
* Attentive billboards
* Attentive billboards: towards to video based customer behavior understanding
* Attentive Composite Residual Network for Robust Rain Removal from Single Images
* Attentive Conditional Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Attribute-Conditioned Face Synthesis
* Attentive Contexts for Object Detection
* Attentive Cross-Modal Fusion Network for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Attentive Deep K-SVD Network for Patch Correlated Image Denoising
* Attentive deep network for blind motion deblurring on dynamic scenes
* Attentive ExFeat based deep generative adversarial network for noise robust face super-resolution
* Attentive Fashion Grammar Network for Fashion Landmark Detection and Clothing Category Classification
* Attentive Feature Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* Attentive Feedback Feature Pyramid Network for Shadow Detection
* Attentive Feedback Network for Boundary-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Attentive Fine-Grained Structured Sparsity for Image Restoration
* Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from A Single Image
* Attentive generative adversarial network for removing thin cloud from a single remote sensing image
* Attentive gesture recognition
* Attentive Hybrid Feature with Two-Step Fusion for Facial Expression Recognition
* Attentive Inception Module based Convolutional Neural Network for Image Enhancement
* Attentive Layer Separation for Object Classification and Object Localization in Object Detection
* Attentive Linear Transformation for Image Captioning
* Attentive Mask CLIP
* Attentive matching network for few-shot learning
* Attentive Monitoring of Multiple Video Streams Driven by a Bayesian Foraging Strategy
* Attentive multi-stage convolutional neural network for crowd counting
* Attentive Normalization for Conditional Image Generation
* Attentive Normalization
* Attentive occlusion-adaptive deep network for facial landmark detection
* Attentive Part-aware Networks for Partial Person Re-identification
* Attentive Pooling-Based Weighted Sum of Spectral Decay Rates for Blind Estimation of Reverberation Time
* Attentive processing improves object recognition
* Attentive Prototype Few-shot Learning with Capsule Network-based Embedding
* Attentive Prototypes for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptive 3D Object Detection
* Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Attentive Relational Networks for Mapping Images to Scene Graphs
* Attentive RNN-Based Network to Fuse 12-Lead ECG and Clinical Features for Improved Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis
* Attentive Semantic Alignment with Offset-Aware Correlation Kernels
* Attentive Semantic Preservation Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Attentive Semantic Video Generation Using Captions
* Attentive Sensing for Long-Range Face Recognition
* Attentive Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling of Stroke Gestures Articulation Performance
* Attentive Sequence to Sequence Translator for Localizing Video Clips by Natural Language, An
* Attentive Sequences Recurrent Network for Social Relation Recognition from Video
* Attentive Single-Tasking of Multiple Tasks
* Attentive Snippet Prompting for Video Retrieval
* Attentive spatial-temporal contrastive learning for self-supervised video representation
* Attentive Spatial-Temporal Summary Networks for Feature Learning in Irregular Gait Recognition
* Attentive Spatio-Temporal Learning-Based Network for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis, An
* Attentive Systems: A Survey
* Attentive Task Interaction Network for Multi-Task Learning
* Attentive texture similarity as a categorization task: Comparing texture synthesis models
* Attentive Transmission
* Attentive Visual Recognition
* Attentive Visual Semantic Specialized Network for Video Captioning
* Attentive Visual Servoing in the MPEG compressed domain for Un-calibrated Motion Parameter Estimation of Road Traffic
* Attentive Visual Tracking
* Attentive WaveBlock: Complementarity-Enhanced Mutual Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-Identification and Beyond
* Attentive Weights Generation for Few Shot Learning via Information Maximization
* Attentive, Multi-modal Laser Eye, An
* Attentively Learning Edge Distributions for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* AttentiveNAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search via Attentive Sampling
* Attenuated Sequential Importance Resampling (A-SIR) Algorithm for Object Tracking
* Attenuating Catastrophic Forgetting by Joint Contrastive and Incremental Learning
* Attenuating Crosstalk Noise of Simultaneous-Source Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration With GPU-Based Excitation Amplitude Imaging Condition
* Attenuating noise from computed tomography medical images using a coefficients-driven total variation denoising algorithm
* Attenuation Coefficient Guided Two-Stage Network for Underwater Image Restoration
* Attenuation Correction for the HRRT PET-Scanner Using Transmission Scatter Correction and Total Variation Regularization
* Attenuation Correction of X-Band Radar Reflectivity Using Adjacent Multiple Microwave Links
* Attenuation Correction Synthesis for Hybrid PET-MR Scanners: Application to Brain Studies
* Attenuation map estimation with SPECT emission data only
* Attenuation map segmentation without reconstruction using a level set method in nuclear medicine imaging
* Attenuation Model of Node Signals in Wireless Underground Sensor Networks, An
* Attenuation of Seismic Multiples in Very Shallow Water: An Application in Archaeological Prospection Using Data Driven Approaches
* AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want
* AttGGCN Model: A Novel Multi-Sensor Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie
* Attitude-Independent Route Tracking for Subsea Power Cables Using a Scalar Magnetometer under High Sea Conditions
* Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured by Satellite Laser Ranging
* Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
* Attitude Determination for GRACE-FO: Reprocessing the Level-1A SC and IMU Data
* Attitude Determination with GPS L1/Galileo E1 Observations from Common-Clock Receiver: A Comparison of Four Different Models
* Attitude Estimation Using Moment Invariants
* Attitude Modelling Method Based On the Inherent Frequency of A Satellite Platform, An
* Attitude Optimization for Onboard Localization in Array Based Satellite Systems
* Attitude Oscillation Detection of the ZY-3 Satellite by Using Multispectral Parallax Images
* Attitude Refinement for Orbiting Pushbroom Cameras: A Simple Polynomial Fitting Method
* AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks
* AttPool: Towards Hierarchical Feature Representation in Graph Convolutional Networks via Attention Mechanism
* Attract or Distract: Exploit the Margin of Open Set
* Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation
* Attractable snakes based on the greedy algorithm for contour extraction
* Attraction-Repulsion Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Image Reconstruction and Sensor Field Estimation
* Attraction-Repulsion Model-Based Subpixel Mapping of Multi-/Hyperspectral Imagery
* Attractiveness Evaluation Model Based on the Physical Features of Image Regions, An
* Attractor-Guided Particle Filtering for Lip Contour Tracking
* Attractor-Shape for Dynamical Analysis of Human Movement: Applications in Stroke Rehabilitation and Action Recognition
* AttRel: An Approach to Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Attribute Relationships
* Attributable Visual Similarity Learning
* Attribute-Assisted Reranking Model for Web Image Search, An
* Attribute-Aware Deep Hashing with Self-Consistency for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Attribute-Aware Face Aging With Wavelet-Based Generative Adversarial Networks
* Attribute-Aware Feature Encoding for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Attribute-Aware Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* Attribute-Based Access to Scalable Media in Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks
* Attribute-Based Classification for Zero-Shot Visual Object Categorization
* Attribute-Based Deep Periocular Recognition: Leveraging Soft Biometrics to Improve Periocular Recognition
* Attribute-Based Detection of Unfamiliar Classes with Humans in the Loop
* Attribute-Based Double Constraint Denoising Network for Seismic Data
* attribute-based framework for privacy preserving image querying, An
* Attribute-based learning for gait recognition using spatio-temporal interest points
* Attribute-based people search in surveillance environments
* Attribute-based quality assessment for demographic estimation in face videos
* Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Attribute-Based Synthetic Network (ABS-Net): Learning more from pseudo feature representations
* Attribute-Based Transfer Learning for Object Categorization with Zero/One Training Example
* Attribute-based vehicle recognition using viewpoint-aware multiple instance SVMs
* Attribute-based vehicle search in crowded surveillance videos
* Attribute-Centered Loss for Soft-Biometrics Guided Face Sketch-Photo Recognition
* Attribute-centric recognition for cross-category generalization
* Attribute-controlled face photo synthesis from simple line drawing
* Attribute-Cooperated Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Attribute-Driven Feature Disentangling and Temporal Aggregation for Video Person Re-Identification
* Attribute-driven image captioning via soft-switch pointer
* Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
* Attribute-Enhanced Face Recognition with Neural Tensor Fusion Networks
* Attribute-Filtering and Knowledge Extraction for Vessel Segmentation
* Attribute-Graph: A Graph Based Approach to Image Ranking
* Attribute-Guided Attention for Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension
* Attribute-Guided Collaborative Learning for Partial Person Re-Identification
* Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN
* Attribute-guided Feature Extraction and Augmentation Robust Learning for Vehicle Re-identification
* Attribute-Guided Feature Learning for Few-Shot Image Recognition
* Attribute-Guided Feature Learning Network for Vehicle Reidentification
* Attribute-Guided Multiple Instance Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Zero-Shot Hashing
* Attribute-guided transformer for robust person re-identification
* Attribute-Identity Embedding and Self-Supervised Learning for Scalable Person Re-Identification
* Attribute-Image Person Re-identification via Modal-Consistent Metric Learning
* Attribute-Induced Bias Eliminating for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Attribute-Modulated Generative Meta Learning for Zero-Shot Learning
* Attribute-Preserving Face Dataset Anonymization via Latent Code Optimization
* Attribute-restricted latent topic model for person re-identification
* Attribute-space connectivity and connected filters
* Attribute Adaptation for Personalized Image Search
* Attribute analyses of GPR data for heavy minerals exploration
* Attribute And-Or Grammar for Joint Parsing of Human Pose, Parts and Attributes
* Attribute and instance weighted naive Bayes
* Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
* Attribute and State Guided Structural Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Attribute annotation on large-scale image database by active knowledge transfer
* Attribute Artifacts Removal for Geometry-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Attribute Attention for Semantic Disambiguation in Zero-Shot Learning
* Attribute Augmentation with Sparse Coding
* Attribute Augmented Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination
* Attribute Aware Filter-Drop for Bias-Invariant Classification
* Attribute bagging: improving accuracy of classifier ensembles by using random feature subsets
* Attribute Based Affordance Detection from Human-Object Interaction Images
* Attribute CNNs for word spotting in handwritten documents
* Attribute compression for sparse point clouds using graph transforms
* Attribute compression of 3D point clouds using Laplacian sparsity optimized graph transform
* Attribute Conditioned Fashion Image Captioning
* Attribute constrained subspace learning
* Attribute Controlled Reconstruction and Adaptive Mathematical Morphology
* Attribute Descent: Simulating Object-Centric Datasets on the Content Level and Beyond
* Attribute Discovery for Person Re-Identification
* Attribute Discovery via Predictable Discriminative Binary Codes
* Attribute discrimination combined with selected sample dropout for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* Attribute disentanglement with gradient reversal for interactive fashion retrieval
* Attribute Dominance: What Pops Out?
* Attribute Embedding with Visual-Semantic Ambiguity Removal for Zero-shot Learning
* attribute fast reduction algorithm based on modified discernable matrix of S-rough sets, An
* Attribute Grammar-Based Event Recognition and Anomaly Detection
* Attribute Grammar Based Framework for Machine Dependent Computational Optimizations of Media Processing Algorithms, An
* attribute grammar for QRS detection, An
* Attribute Grammar for Shape Recognition and Its VLSI Implementation
* Attribute Group Editing for Reliable Few-shot Image Generation
* Attribute Learning for SAR Image Classification
* Attribute Learning for Understanding Unstructured Social Activity
* Attribute Learning with Knowledge Enhanced Partial Annotations
* Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for Fashion Images
* Attribute Mix: Semantic Data Augmentation for Fine Grained Recognition
* Attribute Multiset Grammars for Global Explanations of Activities
* Attribute network joint embedding based on global attention
* Attribute Openings, Thinnings, and Granulometries
* Attribute Operators for Color Images: Image Segmentation Improved by the Use of Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation Methods
* Attribute Pivots for Guiding Relevance Feedback in Image Search
* Attribute prediction with long-range interactions via path coding
* Attribute Profiles from Partitioning Trees
* Attribute Prototype Network for Any-Shot Learning
* Attribute rating for classification of visual objects
* Attribute Recognition by Joint Recurrent Learning of Context and Correlation
* Attribute Recognition from Adaptive Parts
* Attribute reduction approaches for general relation decision systems
* Attribute relevance in multiclass data sets using the naive bayes rule
* Attribute Restoration Framework for Anomaly Detection
* Attribute saliency network for person re-identification
* Attribute subspaces for zero-shot learning
* Attribute Surrogates Learning and Spectral Tokens Pooling in Transformers for Few-shot Learning
* Attribute Trees In Image Analysis: Heuristic Matching and Learning Techniques
* attribute weighted distance transform, An
* Attribute2Image: Conditional Image Generation from Visual Attributes
* Attributed Abnormality Graph Embedding for Clinically Accurate X-Ray Report Generation
* Attributed conditional L-systems: a tool for image description
* Attributed Grammar: A Tool for Combining Syntatic and Statistical Approaches to Pattern Recognition
* Attributed Grammars for Joint Estimation of Human Attributes, Part and Pose
* Attributed Graph Grammar for floor plan analysis
* Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, An
* Attributed Graph Matching Based Engineering Drawings Retrieval
* Attributed Graph Matching Using Local Descriptions
* Attributed Graph Mining and Matching: An Attempt to Define and Extract Soft Attributed Patterns
* Attributed Graphs for Tracking Multiple Objects in Structured Sports Videos
* Attributed hypergraph matching on a Riemannian manifold
* Attributed Image Matching Using a Minimum Representation Size Criterion
* Attributed point matching for automatic groundtruth generation
* Attributed Programmed Graph Grammars and Their Application to Schematic Diagram Interpretation
* Attributed Relational Graph-Based Learning of Object Models for Object Segmentation
* Attributed relational graph matching based on the nested assignment structure
* Attributed Relational Graph Matching with Sparse Relaxation and Bistochastic Normalization
* Attributed Relational Graphs for Cell Nucleus Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Attributed Relational SIFT-Based Regions Graph for Art Painting Retrieval
* Attributed Scattering Centers for SAR ATR
* Attributed skeletal graphs for shape modelling and matching
* Attributed string matching by split-and-merge for on-line Chinese character recognition
* Attributed String Matching with Merging for Shape Recognition
* Attributed String Matching with Statistical Constraints for Character Recognition
* Attributed Tree Homomorphism Using Association Graphs
* Attributed tree matching and maximum weight cliques
* Attributes-aided part detection and refinement for person re-identification
* Attributes and Action Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Spatial Pyramid VLAD Encoding
* Attributes and categories for generic instance search from one example
* Attributes as Operators: Factorizing Unseen Attribute-Object Compositions
* Attributes Aware Face Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Attributes based skin lesion detection and recognition: A mask RCNN and transfer learning-based deep learning framework
* Attributes co-occurrence pattern mining for video-based person re-identification
* Attributes Consistent Faces Generation Under Arbitrary Poses
* Attributes driven tracklet-to-tracklet person re-identification using latent prototypes space mapping
* Attributes for Classifier Feedback
* Attributes in Multiple Facial Images
* Attributes Make Sense on Segmented Objects
* Attributes Preserving Face De-Identification
* Attributes2Classname: A Discriminative Model for Attribute-Based Unsupervised Zero-Shot Learning
* Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southeast United States to Recent Reductions in Aerosol Burden: Indications from Vertically-Resolved Observations
* Attributing Evapotranspiration Changes with an Extended Budyko Framework Considering Glacier Changes in a Cryospheric-Dominated Watershed
* Attributing Fake Images to GANs: Learning and Analyzing GAN Fingerprints
* Attributing the Decline of Evapotranspiration over the Asian Monsoon Region during the Period 1950-2014 in CMIP6 Models
* Attributing the Evapotranspiration Trend in the Upper and Middle Reaches of Yellow River Basin Using Global Evapotranspiration Products
* Attributing the Impacts of Vegetation and Climate Changes on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Terrestrial Water Storage over the Tibetan Plateau
* Attribution-aware Weight Transfer: A Warm-Start Initialization for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* Attribution-based Confidence Metric for Detection of Adversarial Attacks on Breast Histopathological Images
* Attribution And Characterisation Of Sclerophyll Forested Landscapes Over Large Areas
* Attribution in Scale and Space
* Attribution of Extreme Drought Events and Associated Physical Drivers across Southwest China Using the Budyko Framework
* Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between Land Surface Models over the Continental U.S.
* Attribution of Long-Term Evapotranspiration Trends in the Mekong River Basin with a Remote Sensing-Based Process Model
* Attribution of NDVI Dynamics over the Globe from 1982 to 2015
* Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-gradient Spatial Alignment
* Attributions of Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Production Changes in Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study in the Water Source Area of the Xiong'an New Area in North China
* AttriCLIP: A Non-Incremental Learner for Incremental Knowledge Learning
* AttT2M: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation with Multi-Perspective Attention Mechanism
* AttTrack: Online Deep Attention Transfer for Multi-object Tracking
* AttWalk: Attentive Cross-Walks for Deep Mesh Analysis
* Atypical (Rare) Elements Detection: A Conditional Nonparametric Approach
* Atypical Lyrics Completion Considering Musical Audio Signals
* Atypical Salient Regions Enhancement Network for visual saliency prediction of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
* ATZSL: Defensive Zero-Shot Recognition in the Presence of Adversaries
* AU-Aware 3D Face Reconstruction through Personalized AU-Specific Blendshape Learning
* AU-aware Deep Networks for facial expression recognition
* AU-Aware Dynamic 3D Face Reconstruction from Videos with Transformer
* AUC-based Combination of Dichotomizers: Is Whole Maximization also Effective for Partial Maximization?
* AUC-Based Linear Combination of Dichotomizers
* AUC-Oriented Domain Adaptation: From Theory to Algorithm
* AUC Robot Camera Head
* AUCO ResNet: an end-to-end network for Covid-19 pre-screening from cough and breath
* Auction protocol for camera active control
* Audi-Exchange: AI-Guided Hand-based Actions to Assist Human-Human Interactions for the Blind and the Visually Impaired
* Audience Behavior Mining: Integrating TV Ratings with Multimedia Content
* Audience measurement system and method
* Audio- and Gaze-driven Facial Animation of Codec Avatars
* Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
* Audio-Adaptive Activity Recognition Across Video Domains
* Audio-Assisted Movie Dialogue Detection
* Audio-Based Automatic Generation of a Piano Reduction Score by Considering the Musical Structure
* Audio-Based Emotion Recognition Enhancement Through Progressive Gans
* Audio-Based Granularity-Adapted Emotion Classification
* Audio-Based Machine Learning Model for Traffic Congestion Detection
* Audio-Based Musical Version Identification: Elements and challenges
* Audio-based Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval with Audio Similarity Learning
* Audio-Based Sports Video Segmentation and Event Detection Algorithm, An
* Audio-Driven Deformation Flow for Effective Lip Reading
* Audio-Driven Dubbing for User Generated Contents via Style-Aware Semi-Parametric Synthesis
* Audio-Driven Emotional Video Portraits
* Audio-Driven Laughter Behavior Controller
* Audio-driven Neural Gesture Reenactment with Video Motion Graphs
* Audio-Driven Robot Upper-Body Motion Synthesis
* Audio-Driven Stylized Gesture Generation with Flow-Based Model
* Audio-driven talking face generation with diverse yet realistic facial animations
* Audio-Driven Talking Face Video Generation With Dynamic Convolution Kernels
* Audio-Driven Talking Video Frame Restoration
* Audio-Enhanced Text-to-Video Retrieval using Text-Conditioned Feature Alignment
* Audio-Facial Laughter Detection in Naturalistic Dyadic Conversations
* Audio-Guided Video-Based Face Recognition
* Audio-Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Using Long Short-Term Memory
* Audio-Oculomotor Transformation
* Audio-Video Analysis for Indexing and Classification
* Audio-Video Analysis of Musical Expressive Intentions
* Audio-Video Based Emotion Recognition Using Minimum Cost Flow Algorithm
* Audio-Video detection of the active speaker in meetings
* audio-video front-end for multimedia applications, An
* Audio-Video Integration for Background Modelling
* Audio-Video Sensor Fusion with Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
* Audio-Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments
* Audio-Visual Affect Recognition through Multi-Stream Fused HMM for HCI
* Audio-Visual Affect Recognition
* Audio-Visual Affective Expression Recognition Through Multistream Fused HMM
* Audio-visual attention: Eye-tracking dataset and analysis toolbox
* Audio-Visual Automatic Group Affect Analysis
* Audio-visual based emotion recognition-a new approach
* Audio-visual biometric recognition via joint sparse representations
* Audio-Visual Biometrics
* Audio-Visual Class-Incremental Learning
* Audio-Visual Classification and Fusion of Spontaneous Affective Data in Likelihood Space
* Audio-Visual Classification of Sports Types
* Audio-Visual Classification Video Browser
* Audio-Visual Co-Training for Vehicle Classification
* Audio-visual content-based violent scene characterization
* Audio-visual continuous speech recognition using MPEG-4 compliant visual features
* Audio-Visual Contrastive and Consistency Learning for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* Audio-visual data association for face expression analysis
* Audio-Visual Data Fusion Using a Particle Filter in the Application of Face Recognition
* Audio-Visual Deception Detection: DOLOS Dataset and Parameter-Efficient Crossmodal Learning
* Audio-Visual Efficient Conformer for Robust Speech Recognition
* Audio-Visual Emotion-Aware Cloud Gaming Framework
* Audio-Visual Emotion Analysis Using Semi-Supervised Temporal Clustering with Constraint Propagation
* Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition in Video Clips
* Audio-visual emotion recognition using Boltzmann Zippers
* Audio-visual emotion recognition with boosted coupled HMM
* Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition With Preference Learning Based on Intended and Multi-Modal Perceived Labels
* Audio-Visual Emotion, Audiovisual Emotion Recognition
* Audio-visual event classification via spatial-temporal-audio words
* Audio-Visual Event Detection using Duration Dependent Input Output Markov Models
* Audio-Visual Event Localization by Learning Spatial and Semantic Co-Attention
* Audio-Visual Event Localization in Unconstrained Videos
* Audio-Visual Event Localization via Recursive Fusion by Joint Co-Attention
* Audio-Visual Event Recognition in Surveillance Video Sequences
* Audio-Visual Face Reenactment
* Audio-Visual Feature Fusion for Vehicles Classification in a Surveillance System
* Audio-Visual Floorplan Reconstruction
* Audio-visual flow: A variational approach to multi-modal flow estimation
* Audio-Visual Foreground Extraction for Event Characterization
* Audio-Visual Gated-Sequenced Neural Networks for Affect Recognition
* Audio-Visual Glance Network for Efficient Video Recognition
* Audio-Visual Grouping Network for Sound Localization from Mixtures
* Audio-visual Hybrid Approach for Filling Mass Estimation
* Audio-Visual Identity Verification and Robustness to Imposture
* Audio-Visual Instance Discrimination with Cross-Modal Agreement
* Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Multidimensional Convolutional Neural Network
* Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
* Audio-Visual Kinship Verification: A New Dataset and a Unified Adaptive Adversarial Multimodal Learning Approach
* Audio-Visual Mismatch-Aware Video Retrieval via Association and Adjustment
* Audio-Visual Model Distillation Using Acoustic Images
* Audio-Visual Particle Flow SMC-PHD Filtering for Multi-Speaker Tracking
* Audio-Visual Person-of-Interest DeepFake Detection
* Audio-Visual Person Authentication with Multiple Visualized-Speech Features and Multiple Face Profiles
* Audio-Visual Person Verification
* Audio-Visual Predictive Coding for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* Audio-visual processing for scene change detection
* Audio-Visual Quality Assessment for User Generated Content: Database and Method
* Audio-Visual Recognition System in Compression Domain
* Audio-visual saliency prediction for movie viewing in immersive environments: Dataset and benchmarks
* Audio-visual saliency prediction with multisensory perception and integration
* Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features
* Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Audio-visual selection process for the synthesis of photo-realistic talking-head animations
* audio-visual sensor fusion approach for feature based vehicle identification, An
* Audio-visual Sensor Fusion Framework Using Person Attributes Robust to Missing Visual Modality for Person Recognition
* Audio-visual speaker detection using dynamic Bayesian networks
* Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization Based on Spatiotemporal Bayesian Fusion
* Audio-Visual Speaker Identification Based on the Use of Dynamic Audio and Visual Features
* audio-visual speaker identification using coupled hidden Markov models, A
* Audio-Visual Speaker Identification via Adaptive Fusion Using Reliability Estimates of Both Modalities
* Audio-visual speaker identification with multi-view distance metric learning
* Audio-Visual Speaker Localization Using Graphical Models
* Audio-visual speaker tracking with importance particle filters
* Audio-Visual Speech Codecs: Rethinking Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement by Re-Synthesis
* Audio-Visual Speech Fusion Using Coupled Hidden Markov Models
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on AAM Parameter and Phoneme Analysis of Visual Feature
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Scheme Based on Wavelets and Random Forests Classification
* Audio-visual speech recognition techniques in augmented reality environments
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using A Two-Step Feature Fusion Strategy
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using MPEG-4 Compliant Visual Features
* Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimodal linear prediction model
* Audio-Visual Speech Synthesis Based on Chinese Visual Triphone
* Audio-Visual System for Object-Based Audio: From Recording to Listening, An
* Audio-Visual Temporal Saliency Modeling Validated by fMRI Data
* Audio-Visual Tracking of Concurrent Speakers
* Audio-Visual Transformer Based Crowd Counting
* Audio-Visual Unit Selection for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking-Heads
* Audio and Video-based Emotion Recognition using Multimodal Transformers
* Audio and Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China
* Audio and Video Coding Standard, AVS Coding Issues, Standards
* Audio Assisted Robust Visual Tracking With Adaptive Particle Filtering
* Audio Based Real-Time Speech Animation of Embodied Conversational Agents
* Audio classification based on MPEG-7 spectral basis representations
* Audio Classification in Speech and Music: A Comparison Between a Statistical and a Neural Approach
* Audio Coding Using Overlap and Kernel Adaptation
* Audio Copyright Protection Schemes Based on SMM in Cepstrum Domain, An
* Audio decoding with frequency and complexity scalability
* Audio effects to enhance spatial information displays
* Audio Event-Relational Graph Representation Learning for Acoustic Scene Classification
* Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition: A Survey
* Audio Identification by Sampling Sub-fingerprints and Counting Matches
* Audio Matters in Video Super-Resolution by Implicit Semantic Guidance
* Audio Matters in Visual Attention
* Audio Music Genre Classification Using Different Classifiers and Feature Selection Methods
* Audio Partitioning and Transcription for Broadcast Data Indexation
* Audio personalization using head related transfer function in 3DTV
* Audio Postprocessing Detection Based on Amplitude Cooccurrence Vector Feature
* Audio Properties of Perceived Boundaries in Music
* Audio Recapture Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Audio Related Quality of Experience Evaluation in Urban Transportation Environments With Brain Inspired Graph Learning
* Audio Retrieval With Natural Language Queries: A Benchmark Study
* Audio Secret Management Scheme Using Shamir's Secret Sharing
* Audio Segmentation and Speaker Localization in Meeting Videos
* Audio Signal-based Depression Level Prediction Combining Temporal and Spectral Features
* Audio signal identification via pattern capture and template matching
* Audio Soft Declipping Based on Constrained Weighted Least Squares
* Audio Source Separation Using Variational Autoencoders and Weak Class Supervision
* Audio Source Separation, Source Localization, Direction of Arrival, DoA, Analysis
* Audio Surveillance Eye, The
* Audio Surveillance of Roads: A System for Detecting Anomalous Sounds
* Audio surveillance using a bag of aural words classifier
* Audio to Body Dynamics
* Audio visual isolated Hindi digits recognition using HMM
* Audio Visual Person Authentication by Multiple Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Audio Visual Scene-Aware Dialog
* Audio Visual Speaker Verification Based on Hybrid Fusion of Cross Modal Features
* Audio Watermarking Algorithm Robust to TSM Based on Counter Propagation Neural Network
* Audio Watermarking Based on Music Content Analysis: Robust against Time Scale Modification
* Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis, An
* Audio watermarking techniques using sinusoidal patterns based on pseudorandom sequences
* Audio Watermarks, Speech Watermarks
* Audio2Gestures: Generating Diverse Gestures from Speech Audio with Conditional Variational Autoencoders
* Audiogames: Accessibility and Inclusion in Digital Entertainment
* AudioScopeV2: Audio-Visual Attention Architectures for Calibrated Open-Domain On-Screen Sound Separation
* Audiotory Movie Summarization by Detecting Scene Changes and Sound Events
* AudioViewer: Learning to Visualize Sounds
* Audiovisual Affect Recognition for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications and Future Agendas
* Audiovisual Analysis of Music Performances: Overview of an Emerging Field
* audiovisual and contextual approach for categorical and continuous emotion recognition in-the-wild, An
* Audiovisual Annotation Procedure for Multi-view Field Recordings
* audiovisual attention model for natural conversation scenes, An
* Audiovisual Conflict Detection in Political Debates
* Audiovisual Dependency Attention for Violence Detection in Videos
* Audiovisual Discrimination Between Speech and Laughter: Why and When Visual Information Might Help
* Audiovisual emotion recognition in wild
* Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
* Audiovisual Fusion: Challenges and New Approaches
* Audiovisual Generalised Zero-shot Learning with Cross-modal Attention and Language
* Audiovisual Gestalts
* Audiovisual Information Fusion in Human-Computer Interfaces and Intelligent Environments: A Survey
* Audiovisual information management system
* Audiovisual integration with Segment Models for tennis video parsing
* Audiovisual Liveness Detection
* Audiovisual localization of multiple speakers in a video teleconferencing setting
* Audiovisual Masked Autoencoders
* Audiovisual Quality Components
* Audiovisual quality fusion based on relative multimodal complexity
* Audiovisual Spatial-Audio Analysis by Means of Sound Localization and Imaging: A Multimedia Healthcare Framework in Abdominal Sound Mapping
* Audiovisual Speech Source Separation: An overview of key methodologies
* Audiovisual Talking Head for Augmented Speech Generation: Models and Animations Based on a Real Speaker's Articulatory Data, An
* Audiovisual Tracking Using STAC Sensors
* Audiovisual Transformer with Instance Attention for Audio-visual Event Localization
* Audiovisual voice activity detection using off-the-shelf cameras
* Auditing Privacy Defenses in Federated Learning via Generative Gradient Leakage
* Auditing saliency cropping algorithms
* Auditory and Visual Properties in the Virtual Reality Using Haptic Device
* Auditory dialog analysis and understanding by generative modelling of interactional dynamics
* Auditory Displays for Take-Over in Semi-automated Vehicles
* Auditory Distance Rendering Based on ICPD Control for Stereophonic 3D Audio System
* Auditory Features Revisited for Robust Speech Recognition
* Auditory feedback of contact state during object manipulation
* Auditory Feedback of False Heart Rate for Video Game Experience Improvement
* Auditory perception vs. face based systems for human age estimation in unsupervised environments: from countermeasure to multimodality
* Auditory Scene Classification with Deep Belief Network
* Auditory Temporal Hints in AR Piano Tutoring
* Aug-NeRF: Training Stronger Neural Radiance Fields with Triple-Level Physically-Grounded Augmentations
* AugFCOS: Augmented fully convolutional one-stage object detection network
* AugFPN: Improving Multi-Scale Feature Learning for Object Detection
* AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-Based Data Augmentation
* Aughanded Virtuality: The hands in the virtual environment
* AugLy: Data Augmentations for Adversarial Robustness
* Augmate Reality
* Augment and Adapt: A Simple Approach to Image Tampering Detection
* Augment document image binarization by learning
* Augment the Pairs: Semantics-Preserving Image-Caption Pair Augmentation for Grounding-Based Vision and Language Models
* Augment Your Batch: Improving Generalization Through Instance Repetition
* Augmentation-Based Methodology for Enhancement of Trees Map Detalization on a Large Scale
* Augmentation Based on Artificial Occlusions for Resilient Instance Segmentation
* Augmentation by Counterfactual Explanation: Fixing an Overconfident Classifier
* Augmentation Invariance and Adaptive Sampling in Semantic Segmentation of Agricultural Aerial Images
* Augmentation Invariant and Instance Spreading Feature for Softmax Embedding
* Augmentation Invariant Training
* Augmentation Matters: A Simple-Yet-Effective Approach to Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Augmentation Method for Weighted Mean Temperature and Precipitable Water Vapor Based on the Refined Air Temperature at 2 m above the Surface of Land from ERA5
* Augmentation Network for Generalised Zero-Shot Learning
* Augmentation of Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Thermal Adapted Object Detection Models
* Augmentation of CBCT Reconstructed From Under-Sampled Projections Using Deep Learning
* Augmentation of rPPG Benchmark Datasets: Learning to Remove and Embed rPPG Signals via Double Cycle Consistent Learning from Unpaired Facial Videos
* Augmentation of Small Training Data Using GANs for Enhancing the Performance of Image Classification
* Augmentation of Traditional Forest Inventory and Airborne Laser Scanning with Unmanned Aerial Systems and Photogrammetry for Forest Monitoring
* Augmentation of virtual agents in real crowd videos
* Augmentation Pathways Network for Visual Recognition
* Augmentation Strategies for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Augmented-Reality-Based Indoor Navigation: A Comparative Analysis of Handheld Devices Versus Google Glass
* Augmented-Reality-Based Real-Time Panoramic Vision System for Autonomous Navigation, An
* augmented-reality interface for telerobotic applications, An
* Augmented-reality pioneer
* Augmented-reality TV
* Augmented 3-D Keyframe Extraction for Surveillance Videos
* Augmented 3D Endoscopy Video
* Augmented 3D vision system for object reconstruction
* Augmented Active Surface Model for the Recovery of Small Structures in CT
* Augmented Adversarial Training for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Augmented Album: Situation-dependent System for a Personal Digital Video/Image Collection
* Augmented and Virtual Reality applications in the field of logistics
* Augmented and Virtual Reality Simulation in Industry
* Augmented Annotations: Indoor Dataset Generation With Augmented Reality
* Augmented Attribute Representations
* Augmented Autoencoders: Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection
* Augmented Bi-path Network for Few-shot Learning
* Augmented bilinear network for incremental multi-stock time-series classification
* Augmented Blendshapes for Real-Time Simultaneous 3D Head Modeling and Facial Motion Capture
* Augmented Box Replay: Overcoming Foreground Shift for Incremental Object Detection
* Augmented convolutional feature maps for robust CNN-based camera model identification
* Augmented Cyclic Consistency Regularization for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Augmented distinctive features for efficient image matching
* Augmented driver behavior models for high-fidelity simulation study of crash detection algorithms
* Augmented DT-CWT feature based classification using Regularized Neighborhood Projection Discriminant Analysis for face recognition
* Augmented Edit Distance Based Temporal Contiguity Analysis for Improved Videotext Recognition
* Augmented Embedding of Dissimilarity Data into (Pseudo-)Euclidean Spaces
* Augmented Equivariant Attention Networks for Microscopy Image Transformation
* Augmented Experience to Disseminate Cultural Heritage: House of Commons Windows, Parliament Hill National Historic Site (Canada)
* Augmented Face Representation Learning via Transitive Distillation
* Augmented faces
* Augmented Feedback in Semantic Segmentation Under Image Level Supervision
* Augmented film narrative by use of non-photorealistic rendering
* Augmented fingerprint minutiae vicinity
* Augmented Fruit Harvesting
* Augmented GBM Nonlinear Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Augmented Geometric Distillation for Data-Free Incremental Person ReID
* Augmented Geophysical Data Interpretation Through Automated Velocity Picking in Semblance Velocity Images
* Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships, An
* Augmented global attention network for image super-resolution
* Augmented Gravity Field Modelling by Combining EIGEN_6C4 and Topographic Potential Models
* Augmented Homogeneous Coordinates Matrix-Based Projective Mismatch Removal for Partial-Duplicate Image Search, The
* Augmented incremental recognition of online handwritten mathematical expressions
* Augmented Kernel Matrix vs Classifier Fusion for Object Recognition
* Augmented keyframe
* Augmented L_1 and Nuclear-Norm Models with a Globally Linearly Convergent Algorithm
* Augmented Lagrangian-based approach for dense three-dimensional structure and motion estimation from binocular image sequences
* Augmented Lagrangian-Based Sparse Representation Method with Dictionary Updating for Image Deblurring
* Augmented Lagrangian Adversarial Attacks
* Augmented Lagrangian alternating direction method for low-rank minimization via non-convex approximation
* Augmented Lagrangian Approach for Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* augmented Lagrangian approach to general dictionary learning for image denoising, An
* augmented Lagrangian approach to linear inverse problems with compound regularization, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems, An
* augmented Lagrangian method for fast gradient vector flow computation, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for image reconstruction with multiple features, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for Total Variation Video Restoration, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for TVg+L1-norm Minimization, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods and Split Bregman Iteration for ROF Model
* Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods, and Split Bregman Iteration For ROF, Vectorial TV, and High Order Models
* Augmented Lagrangian with Variable Splitting for Faster Non-Cartesian L_1-SPIRiT MR Image Reconstruction
* Augmented Lagrangian without alternating directions: Practical algorithms for inverse problems in imaging
* Augmented Least Lncosh Conjugate Gradient Adaptive Filtering
* Augmented Likelihood Image Reconstruction
* Augmented Linear Discriminant Analysis Approach for Identifying Identical Twins with the Aid of Facial Asymmetry Features, An
* Augmented Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Augmented Medial Axis Transform
* Augmented Motion History Volume for Spatiotemporal Editing of 3-D Video in Multiparty Interaction Scenes
* Augmented Multi-Component Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Augmented Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Inconsistency Magnifier for Generalized DeepFake Detection
* Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Visual Retrieval
* Augmented Multiple Instance Regression for Inferring Object Contours in Bounding Boxes
* Augmented Multitouch Interaction upon a 2-DoF Rotating Disk
* Augmented paper maps: Exploring the design space of a mixed reality system
* Augmented paper system: A framework for User's Personalized Workspace
* Augmented Particle Filtering for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Augmented Queue-Based Transmission and Transcoding Optimization for Livecast Services Based on Cloud-Edge-Crowd Integration
* Augmented Reality-Based On-Site Tour Guide: A Study in Gyeongbokgung
* Augmented Reality-based Remote Collaboration Platform for Worker Assistance, An
* Augmented Reality (AR) Assisted Laryngoscopy for Endotracheal Intubation Training
* Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Prototypes for Enhanced Mission Command/Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) Execution
* Augmented reality and photogrammetry: A synergy to visualize physical and virtual city environments
* Augmented Reality and Semi-automated Landmarking of Cephalometric Radiographs
* Augmented Reality as a Remedial Paradigm for Negative Numbers: Content Aspect
* Augmented Reality Based Actuated Monitor Manipulation from Dual Point of View
* Augmented Reality Based Recommendations Based on Perceptual Shape Style Compatibility with Objects in the Viewpoint and Color Compatibility with the Background
* Augmented Reality Cultural Route at the Xeros River Valley, Larnaca, Cyprus
* Augmented Reality Experiment: Drivers' Behavior at an Unsignalized Intersection
* Augmented Reality for Art, Design and Cultural Heritage: System Design and Evaluation
* Augmented reality for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A systematic review.
* Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and Documentation
* Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage: The Rebirth of a Historical Square
* Augmented Reality for Human-Robot Teaming in Field Environments
* Augmented reality for immersive remote collaboration
* Augmented Reality for Indoor Localization and Navigation: The Case of UNIPI AR Experience
* Augmented Reality for Product Validation: Supporting the Configuration of AR-Based Validation Environments
* Augmented reality for public spaces
* Augmented reality for robocars
* Augmented Reality for the US Air Force
* Augmented Reality for the Valorization and Communication of Ruined Architecture
* Augmented Reality Game for Energy Awareness, An
* Augmented Reality Gamification of Intra- and Production Logistics
* Augmented Reality Gets Real
* Augmented Reality Guided Laparoscopic Surgery of the Uterus
* Augmented Reality Head-Up Display: A Visual Support During Malfunctions in Partially Automated Driving?
* augmented reality human-computer interface for object localization in a cognitive vision system, An
* Augmented Reality in a Public Space: The Natural History Museum, London
* Augmented Reality in Architecture: Rebuilding Archeological Heritage
* Augmented Reality in Education: A Study on Preschool Children, Parents, and Teachers in Bangladesh
* Augmented Reality in Reality
* Augmented Reality in the Classroom
* Augmented Reality Interfaces for Additive Manufacturing
* Augmented Reality Maintenance Training with Intel Depth Camera
* Augmented Reality Mapping of Rock Mass Discontinuities and Rockfall Susceptibility Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry
* Augmented Reality Meets Computer Vision: Efficient Data Generation for Urban Driving Scenes
* Augmented reality mirror for virtual facial alterations
* Augmented Reality Mobile App for Museums: Virtual Restoration of a Plate of Glass, An
* Augmented reality on cloth with realistic illumination
* Augmented Reality on Mobile Platform: A New Way to Instantly View and Display Foreign Currency Exchange Rate
* Augmented Reality Setup with an Omnidirectional Camera Based on Multiple Object Detection, An
* Augmented Reality Shared Mission Planning Scenario: Observations on Shared Experience, An
* Augmented reality supporting user-centric building information management
* Augmented Reality System for Patient-Specific Guidance of Cardiac Catheter Ablation Procedures, An
* Augmented Reality System for Surgical Navigation using Robust Target Vision
* Augmented Reality System for Training and Assistance in the Management of Industrial Equipment and Instruments
* Augmented Reality System for Virtual Hijab Fitting
* Augmented Reality System for Visualizing 3-D Region of Interest in Unknown Environment
* Augmented Reality System Using a Real-Time Vision Based Registration, An
* Augmented reality through real-time tracking of video sequences using a panoramic view
* Augmented Reality to Preserve Hidden Vestiges in Historical Cities. A Case Study
* Augmented Reality Tools for Enhanced Robotics Teleoperation Systems
* Augmented Reality Using Projective Invariant Patterns
* Augmented Reality Using Uncalibrated Video Sequences
* Augmented Reality Views: Discussing the Utility of Visual Elements by Mediation Means in Industrial AR from a Design Perspective
* Augmented Reality with Human Body Interaction Based on Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Augmented Reality
* Augmented Reality, General Hardware, Software, Devices
* Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Applications
* Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Overviews, Surveys, Systems, Evaluations
* Augmented Reality, With Panoramic, Omnidirectional Images
* Augmented Reality, With SmartPhone, Handheld Device, Mobile Device
* Augmented Reality/Internet of Things Prototype for Just-in-time Astronaut Training, An
* Augmented reality: forget the glasses
* Augmented Reality: Issues, trends and challenges
* Augmented Reality: No Longer a Novelty?
* Augmented Region-Growing-Based Motion Tracking Using Bayesian Inference For Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography
* Augmented Relaxation Labeling and Dynamic Relaxation Labeling
* augmented representation of activity in video using semantic-context information, An
* Augmented skeleton sequences with hypergraph network for self-supervised group activity recognition
* Augmented Skeleton Space Transfer for Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation
* Augmented Sparse Representation Classifier for Blurred Face Recognition
* Augmented SRC for face recognition under quality distortions
* Augmented Stereo Panoramas
* Augmented System for Immersive 3D Expansion and Interaction
* Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medical Consultation
* Augmented Tensor MUSIC for DOA Estimation Using Nested Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array
* Augmented textual data viewing in 3D visualizations using tablets
* Augmented tracking with incomplete observation and probabilistic reasoning
* Augmented transit maps
* Augmented tree partitioning for interactive image segmentation
* Augmented Turin Baroque Atria: AR Experiences for Enhancing Cultural Heritage
* Augmented two stream network for robust action recognition adaptive to various action videos
* Augmented Value Difference Measure, An
* Augmented Vessels for Quantitative Analysis of Vascular Abnormalities and Endovascular Treatment Planning
* Augmented Virtuality Based on Stereoscopic Reconstruction in Multimodal Image-Guided Neurosurgery: Methods and Performance Evaluation
* Augmented Virtuality for Coastal Management: A Holistic Use of In Situ and Remote Sensing for Large Scale Definition of Coastal Dynamics
* Augmented Virtuality Using Touch-Sensitive 3D-Printed Objects
* Augmented Vision Perception in Infrared Algorithms and Applied Systems
* Augmented Vision, DFKI
* Augmented Visual-Semantic Embeddings for Image and Sentence Matching
* Augmented Whole-Body Scanning via Magnifying PET
* Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality Enabling of Robot Deixis
* Augmenting 3d City Model Components By Geodata Joins To Facilitate Ad-hoc Geometric-topologically Sound Integration
* Augmenting 3D Ultrasound Strain Elastography by combining Bayesian inference with local Polynomial fitting in Region-growing-based Motion Tracking
* Augmenting a 3D morphable model of the human head with high resolution ears
* Augmenting analytic SFM filters with frame-to-frame features
* Augmenting and Aligning Snippets for Few-Shot Video Domain Adaptation
* Augmenting bag-of-words: a robust contextual representation of spatiotemporal interest points for action recognition
* Augmenting Bag-of-Words: Data-Driven Discovery of Temporal and Structural Information for Activity Recognition
* Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving
* Augmenting Colonoscopy Using Extended and Directional CycleGAN for Lossy Image Translation
* Augmenting Conversations With Comic-Style Word Balloons
* Augmenting Corner Descriptors
* Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann Machine Shape Priors for Image Labeling
* Augmenting Crop Detection for Precision Agriculture with Deep Visual Transfer Learning: A Case Study of Bale Detection
* Augmenting Crowd-Sourced 3D Reconstructions Using Semantic Detections
* Augmenting Deep Classifiers with Polynomial Neural Networks
* Augmenting deformable part models with irregular-shaped object patches
* Augmenting Depth Estimation with Geospatial Context
* Augmenting Discriminative Correlation Filters with Stereo Blob Tracking for Long-Term Tracking of Underwater Animals
* Augmenting Exercise Systems with Virtual Exercise Environment
* Augmenting fast stereo with silhouette constraints for dynamic 3D capture
* Augmenting Features via Contrastive Learning-based Generative Model for Long-Tailed Classification
* Augmenting Geostatistics with Matrix Factorization: A Case Study for House Price Estimation
* Augmenting graph cut with TV-L1 approach for robust stereo matching
* Augmenting Grid-Based Contours to Improve Thin-Plate DEM Generation
* Augmenting Heteronanostructure Visualization with Haptic Feedback
* Augmenting Image Descriptions Using Structured Prediction Output
* Augmenting images of non-rigid scenes using point and curve correspondences
* Augmenting JPEG2000 With Wavelet Coefficient Prediction
* Augmenting Legacy Networks for Flexible Inference
* Augmenting Live Broadcast Sports with 3D Tracking Information
* Augmenting Looking, Pointing and Reaching Gestures to Enhance the Searching and Browsing of Physical Objects
* Augmenting monocular motion estimation using intermittent 3D models from depth sensors
* Augmenting off-the-shelf paper maps using intersection detection and geographical information systems
* Augmenting photographs with textures using the Laplacian pyramid
* Augmenting photometric stereo with coaxial illumination
* Augmenting physical books towards education enhancement
* Augmenting Point Distribution Models with Relational Constraints
* Augmenting Reality of Tracked Video Objects Using Homography and Keypoints
* Augmenting Reality Through Wearable Devices
* Augmenting Shape with Appearance in Vehicle Category Recognition
* Augmenting Simulation Data with Sensor Effects for Improved Domain Transfer
* Augmenting Softmax Information for Selective Classification with Out-of-distribution Data
* Augmenting Strong Supervision Using Web Data for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Augmenting the Discrimination Power of HMM by NN for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Augmenting Traffic Signal Control Systems for Urban Road Networks With Connected Vehicles
* Augmenting Training Samples with a Large Number of Rough Segmentation Datasets
* Augmenting Vehicle Localization Accuracy with Cameras and 3D Road Infrastructure Database
* Augmenting Vehicle Localization by Cooperative Sensing of the Driving Environment: Insight on Data Association in Urban Traffic Scenarios
* Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agents for incremental event evaluation
* Augmenting Vision Language Pretraining by Learning Codebook with Visual Semantics
* Augmenting VISP's 3d Model-based Tracker with RGB-D SLAM for 3D Pose Estimation in Indoor Environments
* August 2019 Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion Island) Eruption: Analysis of the Multi-Source Deformation Pattern Detected through Sentinel-1 DInSAR Measurements, The
* Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Engeneering Purposes
* AULA-Caps: Lifecycle-Aware Capsule Networks for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Facial Actions
* AUMPNet: Simultaneous Action Units Detection and Intensity Estimation on Multipose Facial Images Using a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* AUnet: A Deep Learning Framework for Surface Water Channel Mapping Using Large-Coverage Remote Sensing Images and Sparse Scribble Annotations from OSM Data
* AUNet: Learning Relations Between Action Units for Face Forgery Detection
* AURA: An Architecture for Vision-Based Robot Navigation
* Auricular images with annotations for segmenting key-organ mapping regions in auricular diagnosis
* Aurora Computer Services Ltd.
* Aurora Image Classification Based on Multi-Feature Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Aurora Image Search With a Saliency-Weighted Region Network
* Aurora image segmentation by combining patch and texture thresholding
* AURORA: a vision-based roadway departure warning system
* Auroral Oval Boundary Dynamics on the Nature of Geomagnetic Storm
* Auroral Sequence Representation and Classification Using Hidden Markov Models
* Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation
* Australia-Japan QZSS Emergency Warning Service Trial Project
* Australian Centre for Visual Technologies
* Australian National University, The
* Australian Pattern Recognition Society
* Australian sign language recognition
* Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition
* Austrian Institute of Technology
* Austrian Semantic EO Data Cube Infrastructure, The
* Auth-Persons: A Dataset for Detecting Humans in Crowds from Aerial Views
* AuthenTec
* Authentic Emotion Detection in Real-Time Video
* Authentic facial expression analysis
* Authentic mobile-biometric signature verification system
* Authentically Distorted Image Quality Assessment by Learning From Empirical Score Distributions
* Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme With User Anonymity and Untraceability for 5G-Enabled Softwarized Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
* Authenticating and securing healthcare records: A deep learning-based zero watermarking approach
* Authenticating Binary Text Documents Using a Localising OMAC Watermark Robust to Printing and Scanning
* Authenticating corrupted face image based on noise model
* Authenticating Corrupted Facial Images on Stand-Alone DSP System
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Authenticating Edges Produced by Zero-Crossing Algorithms
* Authenticating Pollock paintings using fractal geometry
* Authenticating Visual Cryptography Shares Using 2D Barcodes
* Authentication-Based on Biomechanics of Finger Movements Captured Using Optical Motion-Capture
* Authentication and Key Management Framework for Secure and Intelligent Transportation of Internet of Space Things, An
* Authentication by Biometric Verification
* Authentication Mechanism Using Chinese Remainder Theorem for Efficient Surveillance Video Transmission, An
* Authentication of 3-D Polygonal Meshes
* Authentication of area fingerprint scanners
* Authentication of biomedical images based on zero location watermarking
* Authentication Of Copy Detection Patterns Under Machine Learning Attacks: A Supervised Approach
* Authentication of currency notes through printing technique verification
* Authentication of digital images and video: Generic models and a new contribution
* Authentication of Free Hand Drawings by Pattern Recognition Methods
* Authentication of lossy compressed video data by semi-fragile watermarking
* Authentication of medical images using passive approach
* Authentication of MPEG-4-based surveillance video
* Authentication of Random Patterns by Finding a Match in an Image Database
* Authentication of Scalable Video Streams With Low Communication Overhead
* Authentication of Vincent van Gogh's Work
* Authentication using Finger Knuckle Prints
* Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images
* Author's reply to comments
* Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Author identification by automatic learning
* Author Identification Using Compression Models
* Author Topic Model-Based Collaborative Filtering for Personalized POI Recommendations
* Author, Journal, Keyword, KWIC
* Authoring multisensorial content
* Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya
* Authority-shift clustering: Hierarchical clustering by authority seeking on graphs
* Authors' Reply
* Authors reply Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
* Authorship analysis based on data compression
* Authorship Attribution of Scientific Abstracts
* Authorship Attribution Using Word Sequences
* Authorship Issues
* Autism Analysis, Behavior, Cognitive, Other Analysis
* Autism Blogs: Expressed Emotion, Language Styles and Concerns in Personal and Community Settings
* Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification from Visual Exploration of Images
* Auto-AD: Autonomous Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Network Based on Fully Convolutional Autoencoder
* auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
* Auto-adjustable hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Auto-Annotation Quality Prediction for Semi-Supervised Learning with Ensembles
* Auto-attention mechanism for multi-view deep embedding clustering
* Auto-Augmentation with Differentiable Renderer for High-frequency Shape Recovery
* Auto-BPA: An Enhanced Ball-Pivoting Algorithm with Adaptive Radius using Contextual Bandits
* Auto-Calibrated Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns
* Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
* Auto-calibrating photometric stereo using ring light constraints
* Auto-Calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes for Turntable Sequences
* Auto-Calibration by Direct Observation of Objects
* Auto-calibration by linear iteration using the DAC equation
* Auto-calibration from the Orthogonality Constraints
* Auto-calibration Method for Active 3D Endoscope System Using Silhouette of Pattern Projector
* Auto-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Auto-Calibration of a Stereo Head to Object Centered Reference Frames
* Auto-calibration of depth camera networks for people tracking
* Auto-calibration of GF-1 WFV images using flat terrain
* Auto-calibration of multi-projector display walls
* Auto-calibration of Pan-tilt Cameras Including Radial Distortion and Zoom
* Auto-calibration via the absolute quadric and scene constraints
* Auto-Calibration: Kruppa's Equations and the Intrinsic Parameters of a Camera
* Auto-CARD: Efficient and Robust Codec Avatar Driving for Real-time Mobile Telepresence
* Auto-Context and Its Application to High-Level Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image Segmentation
* Auto-context and its application to high-level vision tasks
* Auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Auto-context modeling using multiple Kernel learning
* Auto-Correlation Wavelet Support Vector Machine and Its Applications to Regression
* Auto-correlation wavelet support vector machine
* Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Auto-detection and integration of tectonically significant lineaments from SRTM DEM and remotely-sensed geophysical data
* Auto-detection of epileptic seizure events using deep neural network with different feature scaling techniques
* Auto-Determining Mainlobe Width for Beampattern Synthesis via Relaxation Optimization
* Auto-Diagnosis of Time-of-Flight for Ultrasonic Signal Based on Defect Peaks Tracking Model
* Auto-directed video stabilization with robust L1 optimal camera paths
* Auto-Driving Policies in Highway based on Distributional Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks For High Resolution Image Synthesis
* Auto-Encoder-Based Shared Mid-Level Visual Dictionary Learning for Scene Classification Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Auto-encoder Based Data Clustering
* Auto-Encoding and Distilling Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
* Auto-Encoding Meshes of any Topology with the Current-Splatting and Exponentiation Layers
* Auto-Encoding Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
* Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
* Auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal
* Auto-Extraction of Linear Archaeological Traces of Tuntian Irrigation Canals in Miran Site (China) from Gaofen-1 Satellite Imagery
* Auto-FedRL: Federated Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-institutional Medical Image Segmentation
* Auto-flag the baseline for Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph with LSTM
* auto-focus sharpness function for stereo image pairs, An
* Auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
* Auto-focusing technique in a projector-camera system
* Auto-FPN: Automatic Network Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection Beyond Classification
* Auto-FSL: Searching the Attribute Consistent Network for Few-Shot Learning
* AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous Vehicle
* Auto-generation of Geographic Cognitive Maps for Browsing Personal Multimedia
* Auto-Grouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis
* Auto-Illustrating Poems and Songs with Style
* Auto-inpainting heritage scenes: a complete framework for detecting and infilling cracks in images and videos with quantitative assessment
* Auto-Learning Correlation-Filter-Based Target State Estimation for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Auto-Navigator: Decoupled Neural Architecture Search for Visual Navigation
* Auto-Organized Visual Perception Using Distributed Camera Network
* Auto-Parsing Network for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering
* Auto-Perceiving Correlation Filter for UAV Tracking
* Auto-Points: Automatic Learning for Point Cloud Analysis with Neural Architecture Search
* Auto-Pytorch: Multi-Fidelity MetaLearning for Efficient and Robust AutoDL
* Auto-Radiometric Calibration in Photometric Stereo
* Auto-rectification of user photos
* Auto-Rectify Network for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Auto-Registration of SAR and Optical Images Based on Priority Strategy
* Auto-regressive Image Synthesis with Integrated Quantization
* Auto-regressive shape classifiers in time varying noise
* Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-Aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification
* Auto-Retoucher(ART): A Framework for Background Replacement and Foreground Adjustment
* Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Region Based Rate Control Application
* Auto-Scaling of Geo-Based Image Processing in an OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment
* Auto-synchronized selective encryption of video contents for an improved transmission robustness over error-prone channels
* auto-term representation by the reduced interference distributions; The procedure for a kernel design, The
* Auto-Tuning of Attitude Control System for Heterogeneous Multirotor UAS
* Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Using Normalized Maximum Eigengap
* Auto-Tuning Structured Light by Optical Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Auto-weighted 2-dimensional maximum margin criterion
* Auto-Weighted Layer Representation Based View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3-D Video Coding
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via deep matrix decomposition
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via kernelized graph learning
* Auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering via fast matrix factorization
* Auto-Weighted Multi-View Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
* Auto-Weighted Structured Graph-Based Regression Method for Heterogeneous Change Detection
* Auto-weighted Tensor Schatten p-Norm for Robust Multi-view Graph Clustering
* Auto-X3D: Ultra-Efficient Video Understanding via Finer-Grained Neural Architecture Search
* Auto Accessory Segmentation and Interactive Try-on System
* Auto Arborist Dataset: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Multiview Urban Forest Monitoring Under Domain Shift, The
* Auto Associative Neural Network based Active Shape Models
* Auto Calibration in Multiple-Camera Surveillance Environment
* Auto calibration of multi-camera system for human pose estimation
* Auto Camera Calibration Method for Person Tracking Applications
* Auto Encoder Feature Learning with Utilization of Local Spatial Information and Data Distribution for Classification of PolSAR Image
* Auto Encoding Explanatory Examples with Stochastic Paths
* Auto Exposure Control for Multiple-Slope Cameras
* Auto face re-ranking by mining the web and video archives
* AUTO GMM-SAMT: An Automatic Object Tracking System for Video Surveillance in Traffic Scenarios
* Auto Graph Encoder-Decoder for Neural Network Pruning
* Auto image analysis of particle holograms
* Auto learning temporal atomic actions for activity classification
* Auto QA: The Question Is Not Only What, but Also Where
* Auto SVD Clutter Filtering for US Doppler Imaging Using 3D Clustering Algorithm
* Auto uning of price prediction models for high-frequency trading via reinforcement learning
* Auto White-Balance Correction for Mixed-Illuminant Scenes
* Auto3d: Novel View Synthesis Through Unsupervisely Learned Variational Viewpoint and Global 3d Representation
* AutoAD II: The Sequel - Who, When, and What in Movie Audio Description
* AutoAD: Movie Description in Context
* AutoAssign: An Automatic Assignment Tool for Independent Components
* Autoassociative Learning in Relaxation Labeling Networks
* Autoassociative Segmentation for Real Time Object Recognition in Realistic Outdoor Images
* AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies From Data
* AutoAvatar: Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avatar Modeling
* AutoBCS: Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing With Data-Driven Acquisition and Noniterative Reconstruction
* AutoBD: Automated Bi-Level Description for Scalable Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Autobinomial Model for SAR Image Despeckling and Information Extraction
* AutoCaCoNet: Automatic Cartoon Colorization Network Using Self-Attention GAN, Segmentation, and Color Correction
* Autocalibration-based partioning relationship and parallax relation for head-mounted eye trackers
* Autocalibration & 3D reconstruction with non-central catadioptric cameras
* Autocalibration and the Absolute Quadric
* Autocalibration and Uncalibrated Reconstruction of Shape from Defocus
* Autocalibration for Structure from Motion
* Autocalibration from planar scenes
* Autocalibration from Tracks of Walking People
* Autocalibration in the Presence of Critical Motions
* Autocalibration of a Projector-Camera System
* Autocalibration of a projector-screen-camera system: theory and algorithm for screen-to-camera homography estimation
* Autocalibration of an Ad Hoc Construction of Multi-Projector Displays
* Autocalibration of Visual Sensor Parameters on a Robotic Head
* Autocalibration via Rank-Constrained Estimation of the Absolute Quadric
* Autocalibration with the Minimum Number of Cameras with Known Pixel Shape
* Autocalibration: Finding Infinity in a Projective Reconstruction
* AutoCaption: Automatic caption generation for personal photos
* AutoCloud+, a Universal Physical and Statistical Model-Based 2D Spatial Topology-Preserving Software for Cloud/Cloud-Shadow Detection in Multi-Sensor Single-Date Earth Observation Multi-Spectral Imagery: Part 1: Systematic ESA EO Level 2 Product Generation at the Ground Segment as Broad Context
* AutoCoMet: Smart Neural Architecture Search via Co-Regulated Shaping Reinforcement
* Autocorrelation-Based r-Stability Condition With Application in the Design of IIR Filters, An
* Autocorrelation-Driven Diffusion Filtering
* Autocorrelation fitting for texture orientation estimation
* Autocorrelation Metrics to Estimate Soil Moisture Persistence From Satellite Time Series: Application to Semiarid Regions
* Autocorrelation model-based identification method for ARMA systems in noise
* Autocorrelation Spectral Density for Doppler-Weather-Radar Signal Analysis, The
* Autocorrelation Texture Models
* Autocovariance-based Perceptual Textural Features Corresponding to Human Visual Perception
* Autocropping: A Closer Look at Benchmark Datasets
* AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual CNN Encoder-Decoder and Stacked Hourglass
* Autodesk
* AutoDet: Pyramid Network Architecture Search for Object Detection
* Autodetection of barnacle larvae at power plants
* AutoDEUQ: Automated Deep Ensemble with Uncertainty Quantification
* AutoDIAL: Automatic Domain Alignment Layers
* AutoDiffusion: Training-Free Optimization of Time Steps and Architectures for Automated Diffusion Model Acceleration
* AutoDispNet: Improving Disparity Estimation With AutoML
* AutoDO: Robust AutoAugment for Biased Data with Label Noise via Scalable Probabilistic Implicit Differentiation
* Autoencoder-based abnormal activity detection using parallelepiped spatio-temporal region
* Autoencoder-based background reconstruction and foreground segmentation with background noise estimation
* Autoencoder-Based Collaborative Attention GAN for Multi-Modal Image Synthesis
* Autoencoder-Based Fabric Defect Detection with Cross- Patch Similarity
* Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning
* Autoencoder-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Speech Emotion Recognition
* AutoEncoder-Driven Multimodal Collaborative Learning for Medical Image Synthesis
* Autoencoder and Adversarial-Learning-Based Semisupervised Background Estimation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Autoencoder Attractors for Uncertainty Estimation
* Autoencoder based novelty detection for generalized zero shot learning
* Autoencoder for Semisupervised Multiple Emotion Detection of Conversation Transcripts
* Autoencoder for Synthetic to Real Generalization: From Simple to More Complex Scenes
* Autoencoder Neural Network-Based STAP Algorithm for Airborne Radar with Inadequate Training Samples
* Autoencoder node saliency: Selecting relevant latent representations
* Autoencoder With Invertible Functions for Dimension Reduction and Image Reconstruction
* Autoencoders for a manifold learning problem with a Jacobian rank constraint
* Autoencoders with exponential deviation loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection
* Autoencoders: A Comparative Analysis in the Realm of Anomaly Detection
* Autoencoding Method for Detecting Counterfeit Coins, An
* Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
* Autoenhancer: Transformer on U-net Architecture Search for Underwater Image Enhancement
* AutoENP: An Auto Rating Pipeline for Expressing Needs via Pointing Protocol
* AutoEval: Are Labels Always Necessary for Classifier Accuracy Evaluation?
* AutoFlow: Learning a Better Training Set for Optical Flow
* Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Autofocus Algorithm for Estimating Residual Trajectory Deviations in Synthetic Aperture Radar, An
* Autofocus Approach for Residual Motion Errors With Application to Airborne Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry, An
* Autofocus Approach for UAV-Based Ultrawideband Ultrawidebeam SAR Data With Frequency-Dependent and 2-D Space-Variant Motion Errors, An
* Autofocus camera
* Autofocus Correction of Residual RCM for VHR SAR Sensors With Light-Small Aircraft
* Autofocus for Automated Microassembly under a Microscope
* Autofocus for Event Cameras
* Autofocus for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging
* Autofocus of Iris Patterns Using a Triangle Aperture
* Autofocus Technique for High-Resolution Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, An
* Autofocus window selection algorithm based on visual saliency
* AutoFocus: Efficient Multi-Scale Inference
* AutoFocusFormer: Image Segmentation off the Grid
* Autofocusing for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Based on Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Autofocusing for tissue microscopy
* Autofocusing Image System of CD-SEM
* Autofocusing of Through-the-Wall Radar Imagery Under Unknown Wall Characteristics
* Autofocusing Technique Based on Generalized Multilayer Stolt Migration
* AutoFoley: Artificial Synthesis of Synchronized Sound Tracks for Silent Videos With Deep Learning
* AutoFormer: Searching Transformers for Visual Recognition
* AutoGAD: An Improved ICA-Based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm
* AutoGAN: Neural Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks
* AutoGPart: Intermediate Supervision Search for Generalizable 3D Part Segmentation
* Autogrouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis
* AutoImplant 2020-First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design
* AutoInt: Automatic Integration for Fast Neural Volume Rendering
* AutoLabel: CLIP-based framework for Open-Set Video Domain Adaptation
* Autolabeling 3D Objects With Differentiable Rendering of SDF Shape Priors
* Autolanding Control Using Recurrent Wavelet Elman Neural Network
* AutoLC: Search Lightweight and Top-Performing Architecture for Remote Sensing Image Land-Cover Classification
* aUToLights: A Robust Multi-Camera Traffic Light Detection and Tracking System
* AutoLoc: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos
* AutoLoss-GMS: Searching Generalized Margin-based Softmax Loss Function for Person Re-identification
* AutoLoss-Zero: Searching Loss Functions from Scratch for Generic Tasks
* Autolv: Automatic Lecture Video Generator
* AutoMA: Towards Automatic Model Augmentation for Transferable Adversarial Attacks
* AutoMarkov DNNs for object classification
* Automated-Method for Digitizing Color Thematic Maps, An
* Automated-System for Coarse-to-Fine Pyramidal Area Correlation Stereo Matching
* Automated 3-D echocardiography analysis compared with manual delineations and spect MUGA
* Automated 3-D feature extraction from terrestrial and airborne LiDAR
* Automated 3-D Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Automated 3-D Neuron Tracing With Precise Branch Erasing and Confidence Controlled Back Tracking
* Automated 3-D PDM construction from segmented images using deformable models
* Automated 3-D Retinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Serous Pigment Epithelial Detachments
* Automated 3-D Segmentation of Internal Hemoglobin in TEM Images
* Automated 3-D Segmentation of Lungs With Lung Cancer in CT Data Using a Novel Robust Active Shape Model Approach
* Automated 3D Camera Tracking: looking backwards and forwards
* Automated 3D Face authentication and recognition
* Automated 3D Face Reconstruction from Multiple Images Using Quality Measures
* Automated 3D Forest Surface Model Extraction from Balloon Stereo Photographs
* Automated 3D modeling of urban environments
* Automated 3D Motion Tracking Using Gabor Filter Bank, Robust Point Matching, and Deformable Models
* Automated 3D Muscle Segmentation from MRI Data Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated 3D object identification using Bayesian networks
* Automated 3D object recognition and dynamic library entry/update system
* Automated 3D Object Reconstruction Via Multi-Image Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Automated 3D PDM Construction Using Deformable Models
* Automated 3D Reconstruction and Segmentation from Optical Coherence Tomography
* Automated 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas from Networks of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
* Automated 3D Reconstruction Using Optimized View-Planning Algorithms for Iterative Development of Structure-from-Motion Models
* Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function
* Automated 3d Region Growing Algorithm Governed by an Evaluation Function
* Automated 3D Registration of Truncated MR and CT Images of the Head
* Automated 3D Road Boundary Extraction and Vectorization Using MLS Point Clouds
* Automated 3D Road Sign Mapping with Stereovision-based Mobile Mapping exploiting Depth Information from Dense Stereo Matching
* Automated 3d Road Sign Mapping With Stereovision-based Mobile Mapping Exploiting Disparity Information From Dense Stereo Matching
* Automated 3D Scene Reconstruction from Open Geospatial Data Sources: Airborne Laser Scanning and a 2D Topographic Database
* Automated 3D Segmentation and Analysis of Cotton Plants
* Automated 3D Segmentation of Lung Fields in Thin Slice CT Exploiting Wavelet Preprocessing
* Automated 3D Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral Discs from MRI
* Automated 3D Ultrasound Biometry Planes Extraction for First Trimester Fetal Assessment
* Automated 4D Segmentation of Aortic Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automated abdominal fat quantification and food residue removal in CT
* Automated Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation With Subject-Specific Atlas Generation
* Automated Acquisition of Anisotropic Friction
* Automated acquisition of geographic information from scanned maps for GIS using frames and semantic networks
* Automated Acquisition of Lifelike 3D Human Models from Multiple Posture Data
* Automated Acquisition of Rules for Document Understanding
* Automated Action Units Vs. Expert Raters: Face off
* Automated acute lymphoblastic leukaemia detection system using microscopic images
* Automated Adequacy Assessment of Cervical Cytology Samples Using Deep Learning
* Automated Adjustment of Region-Based Active Contour Parameters Using Local Image Geometry
* Automated aerial suspended cargo delivery through reinforcement learning
* Automated Aerial Triangulation for UAV-Based Mapping
* Automated Aerosol Classification from Spectral UV Measurements Using Machine Learning Clustering
* Automated Aerotriangulation Using Multiple Image Multipoint Matching
* Automated age regression for personalized IPTV services
* Automated Aircraft Trajectory Prediction Based on Formal Intent-Related Language Processing
* automated airway segmentation algorithm for CT images using topological leakage detection and volume freezing, An
* Automated Algorithm for Analysis of 2D Echocardiographic Short-Axis Images, An
* automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data, An
* Automated Alignment of Robotic Pan-Tilt Camera Units Using Vision
* Automated analysis and detection of cracks in underground scanned pipes
* Automated analysis and diagnosis of skin melanoma on whole slide histopathological images
* Automated Analysis and Prediction of Job Interview Performance
* Automated Analysis for Retinopathy of Prematurity by Deep Neural Networks
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part I: Segmentation of single 2D images
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part II: Prediction-based object recognition from a sequence of images
* Automated analysis of brachial ultrasound image sequences: early detection of cardiovascular disease via surrogates of endothelial function
* Automated Analysis of Complex Scenes of Airborne Fiberglass Preparations for Scanning Electron Microscopy Imagery
* Automated Analysis of Deformable Structure in Groups of Images
* Automated analysis of differential interference contrast microscopy images of the foveal cone mosaic
* Automated Analysis of Directional Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Automated analysis of DNA hybridization images for high-throughput genomics
* Automated Analysis of DNA Hybridization Images
* Automated analysis of images in documents for intelligent document search
* Automated analysis of interactional synchrony using robust facial tracking and expression recognition
* Automated analysis of line plots in documents
* Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring
* Automated Analysis of Marine Video with Limited Data
* Automated analysis of nerve-cell images using active contour models
* Automated Analysis of Orthopaedic X-ray Images based on Digital-Geometric Techniques
* Automated Analysis of Pedestrian Group Behavior in Urban Settings
* Automated analysis of pedestrian walking behaviour at a signalised intersection in China
* Automated analysis of radar imagery of Venus: Handling lack of ground truth
* Automated analysis of remyelination therapy for spinal cord injury
* Automated analysis of retinal images
* Automated Analysis of Satellite Imagery to provide Information Products for Humanitarian Relief Operations in Refugee Camps - from Scientific Development towards Operational Services
* Automated analysis of ultra high resolution remote sensing data for biotope type mapping: new possibilities and challenges
* Automated Analysis of Unregistered Multi-View Mammograms With Deep Learning
* Automated Analysis of Video Data for Wildlife Surveillance
* Automated analytic stereo comparator
* Automated anatomical labeling of the bronchial branch and its application to the virtual bronchoscopy system
* Automated Anatomy-Based Tracking of Systemic Arteries in Arbitrary Field-of-View CTA Scans
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Complex Image Sequences
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Large Unordered Image Datasets for Close-Range Cultural Heritage Data Recording
* Automated and Cooperative Vehicle Merging at Highway On-Ramps
* Automated and efficient powerline extraction from laser scanning data using a voxel-based subsampling with hierarchical approach
* automated and fast system to identify COVID-19 from X-ray radiograph of the chest using image processing and machine learning, An
* Automated and Improved Methodology to Retrieve Long-time Series of Evapotranspiration Based on Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Data, An
* automated and integrated framework for dust storm detection based on OGC web processing services, An
* Automated and Interactive Lesion Detection and Segmentation in Uterine Cervix Images
* Automated and Lightweight Network Design Via Random Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Automated and Objective Assessment of Surgical Training: Detection of Procedural Steps on Videotaped Performances
* Automated and optimal detection of 3D articular cartilage using undecimated wavelets in MRI
* Automated and reliable brain radiology with texture analysis of magnetic resonance imaging and cross datasets validation
* Automated and Robust Framework for Quantification of Muscle and Fat in the Thigh, An
* Automated and Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Automated and Robust Quantification of Colocalization in Dual-Color Fluorescence Microscopy: A Nonparametric Statistical Approach
* Automated and Scalable ML Solution for Mapping Invasive Species: the Case of the Australian Tree Fern in Hawaiian Forests, An
* Automated angular and translational tomographic alignment and application to phase-contrast imaging
* Automated Animal-like Learning for Developing a Face Recognition System
* Automated annotation of coral reef survey images
* Automated Annotation of Lane Markings Using LIDAR and Odometry
* Automated annual cropland mapping using knowledge-based temporal features
* Automated Aortic Doppler Flow Tracing for Reproducible Research and Clinical Measurements
* automated apparatus for cancer prescreening: CYBEST, An
* Automated approach for indirect immunofluorescence images classification based on unsupervised clustering method
* Automated Approach for Mapping Mining-Induced Fissures Using CNNs and UAS Photogrammetry, An
* Automated Approach for Mapping Persistent Ice and Snow Cover over High Latitude Regions, An
* Automated Approach for Sub-Pixel Registration of Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) Imagery, An
* automated approach for updating land cover maps based on integrated change detection and classification methods, An
* Automated Approach to Map the History of Forest Disturbance from Insect Mortality and Harvest with Landsat Time-Series Data, An
* Automated Approach to Map Winter Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms across Large Scales Using MODIS Imagery, An
* Automated Approach to Stereo Matching Seasat Imagery, An
* automated approach to vertical road characterisation using mobile LiDAR systems: Longitudinal profiles and cross-sections, An
* Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Learning on Optical UAV Imagery: Preliminary Results
* Automated Archiving of Archaeological Aerial Images
* Automated articulated structure and 3D shape recovery from point correspondences
* Automated Artificial Neural Network System for Land Use/Land Cover Classification from Landsat TM Imagery, An
* Automated Assay for the Evaluation of Mortality in Fish Embryo, An
* Automated Assembling of Images: Image Montage Preparation
* Automated Assembly of Shredded Pieces From Multiple Photos
* Automated assessment for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis from MRI images: Meta-heuristic assisted deep learning model
* Automated assessment of breast tissue density in digital mammograms
* Automated Assessment of Digital Terrain Models Derived From Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automated Assessment of Hemodynamics in the Conjunctival Microvasculature Network
* Automated Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Morphology in Multi-row Detector CT Imaging Using Correspondence with Anatomic Airway Branches
* Automated assessment: How confident are we?
* Automated assessment: it's assessment Jim but not as we know it
* Automated Attitude Determination for Pushbroom Sensors Based on Robust Image Matching
* Automated Audio-visual Activity Analysis
* Automated Autism Detection Based on Characterizing Observable Patterns From Photos
* Automated Axon Segmentation from Highly Noisy Microscopic Videos
* Automated B-Spline Curve Representation Incorporating MDL and Error-Minimizing Control Point Insertion Strategies
* Automated B-Spline Curve Representation with MDL-based Active Contours
* Automated backdating of transportation networks with Landsat imagery
* Automated Bale Mapping Using Machine Learning and Photogrammetry
* Automated Banknote Identification Method for the Visually Impaired
* Automated basin delineation from digital elevation models using mathematical morphology
* Automated Behavioral Phenotype Detection and Analysis Using Color-Based Motion Tracking
* Automated Bias-Compensation Approach for Pushbroom Sensor Modeling Using Digital Elevation Model
* Automated bias-compensation of rational polynomial coefficients of high resolution satellite imagery based on topographic maps
* Automated Billboard Insertion in Video
* Automated BIM Reconstruction of Full-Scale Complex Tubular Engineering Structures Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automated Biometrics Technologies and Systems
* Automated Bird Plumage Coloration Quantification in Digital Images
* Automated Bite-block Detection to Distinguish Colonoscopy from Upper Endoscopy Using Deep Learning
* Automated blood vessel extraction in two-dimensional breast thermography
* Automated Blur Detection And Removal In Airborne Imaging Systems Using Imu Data
* Automated bobbing and phase analysis to measure walking entrainment to music
* Automated Body Modeling from Video Sequences
* Automated Borders Detection and Adaptive Segmentation for Binary Document Images
* Automated Bottom Up Hydrologic Coding System for Dendritic River System, An
* Automated Brain Imaging Diagnosis and Classification Model using Rat Swarm Optimization with Deep Learning based Capsule Network
* Automated Brain Structure Segmentation Based on Atlas Registration and Appearance Models
* Automated brain tumor detection and classification using weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm, deep auto encoder with barnacle mating algorithm and random forest classifier techniques
* Automated Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Severity Analysis from Brain MRI
* Automated brain tumour segmentation techniques: A review
* Automated breast cancer detection and classification using ultrasound images: A survey
* Automated Breast Cancer Detection by Thermography: Performance Goal and Diagnostic Feature Identification
* Automated Breast Cancer Image Classification Based on Integration of Noisy-And Model and Fully Connected Network
* Automated Bridge Detection in FLIR Images
* Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning
* Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and Very High-Resolution Aerial Imagery with Deep Neural Network
* Automated Building Detection In Dense Point Cloud and Update of Open Source Data Bases
* Automated Building Detection Using RANSAC from Classified LIDAR Point Cloud Data
* Automated Building Extraction from Digital Stereo Imagery
* Automated Building Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Urban Areas Using Structural, Contextual, and Spectral Information
* Automated Building Height Estimation and Object Extraction from Multiresolution Imagery
* Automated Building Height Estimation Using Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite 2 Light Detection and Ranging Data and Building Footprints
* Automated Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment From Satellite Images for Disaster Relief
* Automated Built-Up Extraction Index: A New Technique for Mapping Surface Built-Up Areas Using LANDSAT 8 OLI Imagery
* Automated Built-Up Infrastructure Land Cover Extraction Using Index Ensembles with Machine Learning, Automated Training Data, and Red Band Texture Layers
* Automated CAD Conversion with the Machine Drawing Understanding System
* Automated CAD Conversion with the Machine Drawing Understanding System: Concepts, Algorithms, and Performance
* Automated calibration technique for photogrammetric system based on a multi-media projector and a CCD camera
* Automated camera-based tracking system for sports contests
* Automated camera calibration and 3D egomotion estimation for augmented reality applications
* Automated Camera Calibration via Homography Estimation with GNNs
* Automated camera dysfunctions detection
* Automated camera handoff system for figure tracking in a multiple camera system
* Automated camera layout to satisfy task-specific and floor plan-specific coverage requirements
* Automated Camera Pose Generation for High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of Bridges by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Automated camerawork for capturing desktop presentations
* Automated Canopy Delineation and Size Metrics Extraction for Strawberry Dry Weight Modeling Using Raster Analysis of High-Resolution Imagery
* Automated capsule inspection method
* Automated Cardiovascular Segmentation in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease from 3D CMR Scans: Combining Multi-atlases and Level-Sets
* Automated Cartographic Feature Attribution Using Panchromatic and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automated cartographic text placement
* Automated Cartridge Identification for Firearm Authentication
* Automated Catheter Localization in Volumetric Ultrasound Using 3D Patch-Wise U-Net with Focal Loss
* Automated cell analysis in 2D and 3D: A comparative study
* Automated cell classification and visualization for analyzing remyelination therapy
* Automated Cell Counting in Bürker Chamber
* Automated cell individualization and counting in cerebral microscopic images
* Automated Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Pleural Effusion Cytology Using Active Appearance Model
* Automated cell nucleus segmentation using improved snake
* Automated Cell Phase Classification for Zebrafish Fluorescence Microscope Images
* Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
* Automated Center of Radial Distortion Estimation, Using Active Targets
* Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models
* Automated Cephalometric Landmark Localization Using Sparse Shape and Appearance Models
* Automated cervical cell image segmentation using level set based active contour model
* Automated Chain for Large-scale 3d Reconstruction of Urban Scenes From Satellite Images
* Automated Change Detection for Thematic Data Using Object-Based Analysis of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Automated Change Detection for Updates of Digital Map Databases
* Automated characterization of bacteria in confocal microscope images
* Automated Characterization of Breast Lesions Imaged With an Ultrafast DCE-MR Protocol
* Automated Characterization of Yardangs Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automated check processing system and method
* Automated checkerboard detection and indexing using circular boundaries
* Automated Chest X-Ray Screening: Can Lung Region Symmetry Help Detect Pulmonary Abnormalities?
* Automated Chimpanzee Identification System Using Face Detection and Recognition, An
* Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing
* Automated class identification of modes of travel in shared spaces: A case study from India
* Automated classification for HEp-2 cells based on linear local distance coding framework
* Automated Classification Framework for Pressure Ulcer Tissues Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Automated Classification of Apoptosis in Phase Contrast Microscopy Using Capsule Network
* Automated Classification of Bone and Air Volumes for Hybrid PET-MRI Brain Imaging
* Automated Classification of Cricket Pitch Frames in Cricket Video
* Automated Classification of Crop Types and Condition In A Mediterranean Area Using A Fine-tuned Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated classification of cytological specimens based on features extracted from nuclei images
* Automated Classification of Dyadic Conversation Scenarios Using Autonomic Nervous System Responses
* Automated Classification Of Land Cover Using Landsat 8 Oli Surface Reflectance Product And Spectral Pattern Analysis Concept - Case Study In Hanoi, Vietnam
* Automated classification of local patches in colon histopathology
* Automated Classification of Natural Forests with Landsat Time Series Using Simplified Spectral Patterns
* Automated Classification of Nuecleated Blood Cells Using a Binary Tree Classifier
* Automated Classification of Operational SAR Sea Ice Images
* Automated Classification of Parkinson's Disease Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data
* Automated Classification of Trees outside Forest for Supporting Operational Management in Rural Landscapes
* Automated classification system for drowsiness detection using convolutional neural network and electroencephalogram
* Automated cleaning of identity label noise in a large face dataset with quality control
* Automated Cloud and Cloud-Shadow Masking for Landsat 8 Using Multitemporal Images in a Variety of Environments
* Automated Cloud Tracking Using Precisely Aligned Digital ATS Pictures
* Automated co-registration of images from multiple bands of Liss-4 camera
* Automated co-superpixel generation via graph matching
* Automated Cobble Mapping of a Mixed Sand-Cobble Beach Using a Mobile LiDAR System
* Automated Cognitive Health Assessment Using Smart Home Monitoring of Complex Tasks
* Automated colitis detection from endoscopic biopsies as a tissue screening tool in diagnostic pathology
* Automated color normalization for dermoscopy images
* Automated colorimetric analysis in paper based sensors
* Automated Colorization of a Grayscale Image With Seed Points Propagation
* Automated colour grading using colour distribution transfer
* Automated Computational Diagnosis of Peripheral Retinal Pathology in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Scans using Graph Theory
* Automated concept acquisition in noisy environments
* Automated Construction Of Coverage Catalogues Of Aster Satellite Image For Urban Areas Of The World
* Automated Construction of Image Processing Procedure Based on Misclassification Condition
* Automated Construction of Templates for Matching
* Automated Contextual Annotation of B-Rep CAD Mechanical Components Deriving Technology And Symmetry Information To Support Partial Retrieval
* Automated contour detection in X-ray left ventricular angiograms using multiview active appearance models and dynamic programming
* Automated contour detection of the left ventricle in short axis view in 2D echocardiograms
* Automated Contour Map, The
* Automated Coregistration of Repeat Digital Elevation Models for Surface Elevation Change Measurement Using Geometric Constraints
* Automated coronal hole segmentation from Solar EUV Images using the watershed transform
* Automated corpus callosum extraction via Laplace-Beltrami nodal parcellation and intrinsic geodesic curvature flows on surfaces
* Automated Correction and Updating of Roads from Aerial Ortho-Images
* Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Particles in Pulp
* Automated crater detection and counting using the hough transform
* Automated Crater Detection, A New Tool for Mars Cartography and Chronology
* Automated Creation of Visual Routines Using Genetic Programming
* Automated Crop Residue Estimation via Unsupervised Techniques Using High-Resolution UAS RGB Imagery
* Automated Cropland Classification Algorithm (ACCA) for Tajikistan by Combining Landsat, MODIS, and Secondary Data, An
* Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing
* Automated cross-sensor registration, orthorectification and geopositioning using LIDAR digital elevation models
* Automated CT image evaluation of the lung: a morphology-based concept
* Automated currency processing system
* Automated cyclist data collection under high density conditions
* Automated Data Production For A Novel Airborne Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager (AIRMSPI)
* Automated Deep CNN-LSTM Architecture Design for Solar Irradiance Forecasting
* Automated defect detection in uniform and structured fabrics using Gabor filters and PCA
* Automated defect detection system using wavelet packet frame and Gaussian mixture model
* Automated Defect Inspection in Reverse Engineering of Integrated Circuits
* Automated Defect Management for Document Images, An
* Automated Deformation-Based Analysis of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography in Diabetic Retinopathy
* Automated Delineation of Calcified Vessels in Mammography by Tracking With Uncertainty and Graphical Linking Techniques
* Automated delineation of corneal layers on OCT images using a boundary-guided CNN
* Automated Delineation of Dendritic Networks in Noisy Image Stacks
* Automated Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images by Multiple Scale Analysis
* Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a single click ensemble segmentation approach
* Automated Delineation of Microstands in Hemiboreal Mixed Forests Using Stereo GeoEye-1 Data
* Automated delineation of non-small cell lung cancer: A step toward quantitative reasoning in medical decision science
* Automated delineation of roof planes from LiDAR data
* Automated Delineation of Supraglacial Debris Cover Using Deep Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Automated delineation of tree-rings in X-Ray Computed Tomography images of wood
* Automated DEM Extraction and Orthoimage Generation from SPOT Level 1B Imagery
* Automated deposit processing system and method
* Automated Depression Diagnosis Based on Deep Networks to Encode Facial Appearance and Dynamics
* Automated Depth Video Monitoring For Fall Reduction: A Case Study
* Automated Description of 2-D Building Boundaries From A Single Color Aerial Ortho-Image
* Automated Design of Bayesian Perceptual Inference Networks
* Automated design of linear tree classifiers
* Automated design of networks of transport-triggered architecture processors using dynamic dataflow programs
* Automated design of piecewise-linear classifiers of multiple-class data
* Automated Detection and Analysis of Foraging Behavior in C. elegans
* Automated Detection and Analysis of Massive Mining Waste Deposits Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and Artificial Intelligence
* Automated Detection and Categorization of Genital Injuries Using Digital Colposcopy
* Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model
* Automated detection and classification of nuclei in PAX5 and H&E-stained tissue sections of follicular lymphoma
* Automated detection and classification of skin diseases using diverse features and improved gray wolf-based multiple-layer perceptron neural network
* Automated Detection and Identification of Olive Fruit Fly Using Yolov7 Algorithm
* Automated detection and identification of persons in video using a coarse 3D head model and multiple texture maps
* Automated Detection and Layout Regularization of Similar Features In Indoor Point Cloud
* Automated Detection and Matching of Spots in Autoradiogram Images of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis for High-Speed Genome Scanning
* Automated detection and measurement of individual sorghum panicles using density-based clustering of terrestrial lidar data
* Automated detection and segmentation of table of contents page and index pages from document images
* Automated detection and segmentation of table of contents page from document images
* Automated detection and tracking of slalom paddlers from broadcast image sequences using cascade classifiers and discriminative correlation filters
* Automated Detection Framework for Multiple Highway Bottleneck Activations, An
* Automated detection in complex objects using a tracking algorithm in multiple X-ray views
* Automated detection of abnormal EEG signals using localized wavelet filter banks
* Automated Detection of Activity Transitions for Prompting
* Automated Detection of Adverse Drug Events from Older Patients' Electronic Medical Records Using Text Mining
* Automated detection of all kinds of violations at a street intersection using real time individual vehicle tracking
* Automated detection of Alzheimer's disease using bi-directional empirical model decomposition
* Automated Detection of Animals in Low-Resolution Airborne Thermal Imagery
* Automated Detection of Aortic Root Landmarks in Preprocedure CT Angiography Images for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Patients
* Automated Detection of Arbitrarily Shaped Buildings in Complex Environments From Monocular VHR Optical Satellite Imagery
* Automated detection of blob structures by Hessian analysis and object scale
* Automated detection of blood vessels using dynamic programming
* Automated detection of Breast Asymmetries
* Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Using Fuzzy Reasoning
* Automated Detection of Buildings from Heterogeneous VHR Satellite Images for Rapid Response to Natural Disasters
* Automated detection of buildings from single VHR multispectral images using shadow information and graph cuts
* Automated detection of calcified plaque using higher-order spectra cumulant technique in computer tomography angiography images
* Automated detection of cars in transmission X-ray images of freight containers
* Automated Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mp-MRI Images Based on an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
* Automated Detection of Cloud and Cloud Shadow in Single-Date Landsat Imagery Using Neural Networks and Spatial Post-Processing
* Automated Detection of Collapsed Buildings with Use of Optical and Sar Images, Case Study: Izmir Earthquake on October 30th, 2020
* Automated Detection of Conifer Seedlings in Drone Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automated detection of cowhide defects using Markov random field techniques
* Automated Detection of DCIS in Whole-Slide H E Stained Breast Histopathology Images
* Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy using convolutional neural networks on a small dataset
* Automated Detection of Driver Fatigue Based on Entropy and Complexity Measures
* Automated detection of dust clouds and sources in NOAA-AVHRR satellite imagery
* Automated detection of elephants in wildlife video
* Automated Detection of Engagement Using Video-Based Estimation of Facial Expressions and Heart Rate
* Automated detection of errors and quality issues in audio-visual content
* Automated Detection of Fish Bones in Salmon Fillets Using X-ray Testing
* Automated detection of fluorescent cells and measurement of their DNA-content
* Automated detection of focal EEG signals using features extracted from flexible analytic wavelet transform
* Automated Detection of Forest Gaps in Spruce Dominated Stands Using Canopy Height Models Derived from Stereo Aerial Imagery
* Automated Detection of Glacier Surges from Sentinel-1 Surface Velocity Time Series: An Example from Svalbard
* Automated detection of glioblastoma tumor in brain magnetic imaging using ANFIS classifier
* Automated Detection Of Highly Aggregated Neurons In Microscopic Images Of Macaque Brain
* Automated Detection of Human for Visual Surveillance System
* Automated Detection of Human Papillomavirus: Via Analysis of Linear Array Images
* Automated Detection of Hummingbirds in Images: A Deep Learning Approach
* Automated Detection of Ice and Open Water From Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 Images for Data Assimilation
* Automated Detection of Koalas with Deep Learning Ensembles
* Automated Detection of Label Errors in Semantic Segmentation Datasets via Deep Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
* Automated Detection of Lunar Ridges Based on DEM Data
* Automated Detection of Lunar Rockfalls Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated detection of lung nodules in computed tomography images: a review
* Automated Detection of Major Thoracic Structures with a Novel Online Learning Method
* Automated Detection of Malarial Retinopathy Using Transfer Learning
* Automated Detection of Marine Glacier Calving Fronts Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Segmentation Method
* Automated detection of microaneurysms using Stockwell transform and statistical features
* Automated Detection of Mitosis in Embryonic Tissues
* Automated detection of multiple structural changes of diabetic macular oedema in SDOCT retinal images through transfer learning in CNNs
* Automated detection of myocardial infarction using robust features extracted from 12-lead ECG
* Automated detection of near surface Martian ice layers in orbital radar data
* Automated detection of newborn sleep apnea using video monitoring system
* Automated Detection of Nucleoplasmic Bridges for DNA Damage Scoring in Binucleated Cells
* Automated detection of objects in a biological sample
* Automated detection of polysomes in cryoelectron tomography
* Automated detection of prostatic adenocarcinoma from high-resolution ex vivo MRI
* Automated detection of pulmonary nodules in helical CT images based on an improved template-matching technique
* Automated Detection of Reflection Hyperbolas in Complex GPR Images With No A Priori Knowledge on the Medium
* Automated Detection of Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities Based on a Statistical Model Applied to Multislice Short-Axis Cardiac MR Images
* Automated Detection of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the High Arctic Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Automated Detection of Rockfish in Unconstrained Underwater Videos Using Haar Cascades
* Automated Detection of Root Crowns Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Bayes Classification
* Automated Detection of Sand Dunes on Mars
* Automated detection of skeletal muscle twitches from B-mode ultrasound images: An application to motor neuron disease
* Automated detection of slum area change in Hyderabad, India using multitemporal satellite imagery
* Automated detection of solar loops by the oriented connectivity method
* Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with adaptive multichannel discrete wavelet transform
* Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with continuous and discrete wavelet transforms
* Automated Detection of the Left Ventricle from 4D MR Images: Validation Using Large Clinical Datasets
* Automated Detection of the Occurrence and Changes of Hot-Spots in Intro-subject FDG-PET Images from Combined PET-CT Scanners
* Automated Detection of Threat Objects Using Adapted Implicit Shape Model
* Automated Detection of Three-Dimensional Cars in Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using DBM-Hough-Forests
* Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs
* Automated Detection of Urban Road Manhole Covers Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated determination of the center of rotation in tomography data
* Automated Determination of the Volume of Loose Engineering Deposits Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automated diabetic retinopathy grading and lesion detection based on the modified R-FCN object-detection algorithm
* Automated Diagnosis and Image Understanding with Object Extraction, Object Classification, and Inferencing in Retinal Images
* Automated diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using image similarity and user feedback
* Automated Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning-Based Whole Slide Image Analysis of Molecular Biomarkers
* Automated diagnosis of COVID stages using texture-based Gabor features in variational mode decomposition from CT images
* Automated diagnosis of epilepsy from EEG signals using ensemble learning approach
* Automated diagnosis of multi-class brain abnormalities using MRI images: A deep convolutional neural network based method
* Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degeneration using hybrid features set from fundus images
* Automated differentiation of skin melanocytes from keratinocytes in high-resolution histopathology images using a weakly-supervised deep-learning framework
* Automated digital elevation model (DEM) generation from very-high-resolution Planet SkySat triplet stereo and video imagery
* Automated Digital Hair Removal by Threshold Decomposition and Morphological Analysis
* Automated digital mammogram segmentation using Dispersed Region Growing and Sliding Window Algorithm
* Automated Digital Odontometric Study of Manual and Computer-aided Methods of Tooth Crown Modelling in Dentistry
* Automated Digital Odontometry: Measurement Data Analyses In Cases Of Complicated Dental Morphology
* Automated Dilated Spatio-Temporal Synchronous Graph Modeling for Traffic Prediction
* Automated Dimensional Inspection With Real-time Photogrammetry
* Automated direct patterned wafer inspection
* Automated discovery of dependencies between logical components in document image understanding
* Automated Discovery of Detectors and Interation -- Performing Calculations to Recognize Patterns in Protein Sequences Using Genetic Programming
* Automated Disease Identification With 3-D Optical Imaging: A Medical Diagnostic Tool
* Automated document processing system and method
* Automated document processing system using full image scanning
* Automated document processing system with document imaging and value indication
* Automated document processing system
* Automated Document Segmentation
* Automated Door Detection with a 3D-Sensor
* Automated Driving: The Cyber-Physical Perspective
* Automated DSM based Georeferencing of CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Scenes
* Automated DSM Extraction from UAV Images and Performance Analysis
* Automated Dynamic Mascon Generation for GRACE and GRACE-FO Harmonic Processing
* Automated Eardrum Registration from Light-Field Data
* Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
* Automated encoding of footwear patterns for fast indexing
* Automated End-to-End Multi-Agent QoS Based Architecture for Selection of Geospatial Web Services, An
* Automated Entry System for Chinese Printed Documents
* Automated entry system for printed documents
* Automated Error Detection and Correction of Chinese Characters in Written Essays Based on Weighted Finite-State Transducer
* Automated Escalation and Incident Management in Healthcare During Mass Casualties and Pandemic Events
* Automated estimation of rock fragment distributions using computer vision and its application in mining
* Automated Estimation of Standing Dead Tree Volume Using Voxelized Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Automated Estimation of Sub-Canopy Topography Combined with Single-Baseline Single-Polarization TanDEM-X InSAR and ICESat-2 Data
* Automated Estimation of the Biophysical Target for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning using Multimodality Image Analysis
* Automated estimation of tiller number in wheat by ribbon detection
* Automated Estimator of Image Visual Realism Based on Human Cognition, An
* Automated Evaluation of Her-2/neu Status in Breast Tissue From Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Images
* Automated Evaluation of OCR Zoning
* Automated Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation Robustness for Autonomous Driving
* Automated Event Detection and Denoising Method for Passive Seismic Data Using Residual Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automated Extraction and Mapping for Desert Wadis from Landsat Imagery in Arid West Asia
* Automated Extraction and Reconstruction of Buildings in Laser Scanning Data for Disaster Management
* Automated Extraction and Visualization of Bronchus from 3D CT Images of Lung
* Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated extraction of agronomic parameters in orchard Plots from high-resolution imagery
* Automated extraction of airport runway patterns from radar imagery
* Automated Extraction of Annual Erosion Rates for Arctic Permafrost Coasts Using Sentinel-1, Deep Learning, and Change Vector Analysis
* Automated Extraction of Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Fronts from Sentinel-1 Imagery Using Deep Learning
* Automated Extraction of Archaeological Traces by a Modified Variance Analysis
* Automated Extraction of Break Lines in TLS Data of Real Environment
* Automated Extraction of Buildings From Aerial Lidar Point Clouds And Digital Imaging Datasets
* Automated Extraction of Built-Up Areas by Fusing VIIRS Nighttime Lights and Landsat-8 Data
* Automated Extraction of Consistent Time-Variable Water Surfaces of Lakes and Reservoirs Based on Landsat and Sentinel-2
* Automated Extraction of Fine Features of Kinetochore Microtubules and Plus-Ends From Electron Tomography Volume
* Automated Extraction of Ground Fissures Due to Coal Mining Subsidence Based on UAV Photogrammetry
* Automated Extraction of Inundated Areas from Multi-Temporal Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 Images of the 2011 Central Thailand Flood
* Automated Extraction of Lane Markings from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Fuzzy Inference
* Automated Extraction of Liver Outlines From Computed Tomography Scan Images Using a Cuda-based Segmentation Method
* Automated Extraction of Microcalcifications BI-Rads Numbers in Mammograms
* Automated Extraction of Microtubules and Their Plus-Ends
* Automated Extraction of Mutual Independence Patterns Using Bayesian Comparison of Partition Models
* Automated extraction of pair wise structure lines using airborne laserscanner data in coastal areas
* Automated Extraction of Shallow Erosion Areas Based on Multi-Temporal Ortho-Imagery
* Automated extraction of signs from continuous sign language sentences using Iterated Conditional Modes
* Automated Extraction of Surface Water Extent from Sentinel-1 Data
* Automated Extraction of the Archaeological Tops of Qanat Shafts from VHR Imagery in Google Earth
* Automated Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Based on a Supervised Learning Approach
* Automated extraction of three-dimensional cereal plant structures from two-dimensional orthographic images
* Automated extraction of tree and plot-based parameters in citrus orchards from aerial images
* Automated Extraction of Urban Road Facilities Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Extraction of Visible Floodwater in Dense Urban Areas from RGB Aerial Photos
* Automated Eye Movement Classification Based on EMG of EOM Signals Using FBSE-EWT Technique
* Automated eyes watch plants grow: Crop scientists hope to replace traditional painstaking monitoring methods
* Automated fabric defect detection: A review
* Automated Face Analysis by Feature Point Tracking Has High Concurrent Validity with Manual FACS Coding
* Automated Face Pose Estimation Using Elastic Energy Models
* automated face reader for fatigue detection, An
* Automated Face Recognition System for Intelligence Surveillance: Smart Camera Recognizing Faces in the Crowd, An
* Automated facial affect analysis for one-on-one tutoring applications
* Automated facial conformation for model-based videophone coding
* Automated Facial Expression Recognition Based on FACS Action Units
* Automated facial expression recognition based on histograms of oriented gradient feature vector differences
* Automated facial feature detection and face recognition using Gabor features on range and portrait images
* Automated Facial Feature Detection from Portrait and Range Images
* Automated Facial Pose Extraction From Video Sequences Based on Mutual Information
* Automated Facial Trait Judgment and Election Outcome Prediction: Social Dimensions of Face
* Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation
* Automated Facial Wrinkles Annotator
* Automated Fast Marching Method for Segmentation and Tracking of Region of Interest in Scintigraphic Images Sequences
* Automated Fast Recognition and Location of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects by Image Morphology
* Automated feature-based range registration of urban scenes of large scale
* Automated Feature Based Tls Data Registration For 3d Building Modeling
* Automated feature extraction for early detection of diabetic retinopathy in fundus images
* Automated Feature Extraction from Breast Masses Using Multiscale Fractal Dimension
* Automated Feature Generation in Large-Scale Geospatial Libraries for Content-Based Indexing
* Automated feature registration for robust tracking methods
* Automated feature weighting and random pixel sampling in k-means clustering for terahertz image segmentation
* Automated feature weighting in clustering with separable distances and inner product induced norms: A theoretical generalization
* Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization
* Automated Filter Parameter Selection Using Measures of Noiseness
* Automated Filtering of Multibeam Water-Column Data to Detect Relative Abundance of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
* Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)
* Automated fingerprint recognition using structural matching
* Automated Finite-Element Analysis for Deformable Registration of Prostate Images
* Automated fish cage net inspection using image processing techniques
* Automated Fish Taxonomy Using Evolution-COnstructed Features
* Automated flexion crease identification using internal image seams
* Automated Flood Prediction along Railway Tracks Using Remotely Sensed Data and Traditional Flood Models
* Automated Flower Classification over a Large Number of Classes
* Automated Forest Area Estimation Using Iterative Guided Spectral Class Rejection
* Automated Forest Cover Change Analysis Using Landsat Observations
* Automated Formosat Image Processing System For Rapid Response To International Disasters
* Automated Framework for Plant Detection Based on Deep Simulated Learning from Drone Imagery, An
* Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis
* automated GA-based fuzzy image enhancement method, An
* Automated Gelatinous Zooplankton Acquisition and Recognition
* Automated Generalisation Within NMAS In 2016
* Automated Generation of a Digital Elevation Model Over Steep Terrain in Antarctica From High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Automated Generation of Building Textures from Infrared Image Sequences
* Automated Generation of Digital Terrain Model using Point Clouds of Digital Surface Model in Forest Area
* Automated Generation of Representations in Vision
* Automated Generation of Room Usage Semantics from Point Cloud Data
* Automated Generation of Simply Connected Solid Objects from Wire-Frame Data Using Operations on Graphs
* Automated Geolocation in Urban Environments Using a Simple Camera-Equipped Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Rapid Mapping Surveying Alternative?
* Automated Geometric Correction of High-resolution Pushbroom Satellite Data
* Automated geometric correction of multispectral images from High Resolution CCD Camera (HRCC) on-board CBERS-2 and CBERS-2B
* Automated Geometric Quality Inspection of Prefabricated Housing Units Using BIM and LiDAR
* Automated Georectification and Mosaicking of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery from Push-Broom Sensors
* Automated Georectification, Mosaicking and 3D Point Cloud Generation Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery Observed by Line Scanner Imaging Sensors
* Automated georeferencing and orthorectification of Amazon basin-wide SAR mosaics using SRTM DEM data
* Automated georegistration of motion imagery
* Automated Geospatial Conflation of Vector Road Maps to High Resolution Imagery
* Automated gesture segmentation from dance sequences
* Automated glacier extraction using a Transformer based deep learning approach from multi-sensor remote sensing imagery
* Automated Glacier Snow Line Altitude Calculation Method Using Landsat Series Images in the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images
* automated gland segmentation and classification method in prostate biopsies: an image source-independent approach, An
* Automated glaucoma detection using GIST and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients (PHOG) descriptors
* Automated glaucoma detection using quasi-bivariate variational mode decomposition from fundus images
* Automated glaucoma detection using retinal layers segmentation and optic cup-to-disc ratio in optical coherence tomography images
* Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Deep and Transfer Learning: Proposal of a System for Clinical Testing
* Automated Global Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping Using Google Earth Engine
* Automated GPR Rebar Analysis for Robotic Bridge Deck Evaluation
* Automated graph-based analysis and correction of cortical volume topology
* Automated Graph Regularized Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Document Clustering
* Automated Grass-based Procedure To Assess The Geometrical Accuracy Of The Openstreetmap Paris Road Network, An
* Automated Ground-Plane Estimation for Trajectory Rectification
* Automated Ground Truth Data Generation for Newspaper Document Images
* Automated Ground Vehicle Path-Following: A Robust Energy-to-Peak Control Approach
* Automated Habit Detection System: A Feasibility Study
* Automated handwashing assistance for persons with dementia using video and a partially observable Markov decision process
* Automated Health Estimation of Capsicum annuum L. Crops by Means of Deep Learning and RGB Aerial Images
* Automated help system for novice older users from touchscreen gestures
* Automated Hierarchical Approach for Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Single Trees Using UAV LiDAR Data, An
* Automated High-Level Movie Segmentation for Advanced Video-Retrieval Systems
* Automated High-Resolution Bathymetry from Sentinel-1 SAR Images in Deeper Nearshore Coastal Waters in Eastern Florida
* Automated High-Resolution Time Series Mapping of Mangrove Forests Damaged by Hurricane Irma in Southwest Florida
* Automated high resolution 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage using multi-scale sensor systems and semi-global matching
* Automated Highway Driving Decision Considering Driver Characteristics
* Automated Histology Analysis: Opportunities for signal processing
* Automated Human Facial Feature Extraction Using Double Resolution Pyramid
* Automated human identification using ear imaging
* Automated human motion segmentation via motion regularities
* Automated Human Recognition by Gait using Neural Network
* Automated Hyperparameter Search-Based Deep Learning Model for Highway Traffic Prediction, An
* Automated hyperparameter selection for the PC algorithm
* automated hyperparameter tuned deep learning model enabled facial emotion recognition for autonomous vehicle drivers, An
* Automated Hyperspectral Cueing for Civilian Search and Rescue
* Automated Hyperspectral Feature Selection and Classification of Wildlife Using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
* Automated Ice-Water Classification Using Dual Polarization SAR Satellite Imagery
* Automated iceberg tracking with a machine learning approach applied to SAR imagery: A Weddell sea case study
* Automated identification and counting of proliferating mesenchymal stem cells in bone callus
* Automated identification and retrieval of moth images with semantically related visual attributes on the wings
* Automated identification of animal species in camera trap images
* Automated identification of buried landmines using normalized electromagnetic induction spectroscopy
* Automated identification of centromere position and centromere index(CI) of human chromosome images
* Automated Identification of Chromosome Segments Involved in Translocations by Combining Spectral Karyotyping and Banding Analysis
* Automated identification of cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics retinal images
* Automated Identification of Crop Tree Crowns from UAV Multispectral Imagery by Means of Morphological Image Analysis
* Automated Identification of Discrepancies between Nautical Charts and Survey Soundings
* Automated Identification of Individual Great White Sharks from Unrestricted Fin Imagery
* Automated Identification of Landfast Sea Ice in the Laptev Sea from the True-Color MODIS Images Using the Method of Deep Learning
* Automated Identification of Man-Made Textural Features on Satellite Imagery by Bayesian Networks
* Automated identification of mycobacterium bacillus from sputum images for tuberculosis diagnosis
* Automated Identification of Photoreceptor Cones Using Multi-scale Modelling and Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Automated Identification of Protein Structural Features
* Automated Identification of Surgical Instruments without Tagging: Implementation in Real Hospital Work Environment
* Automated Identification of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Automated IFSAR Terrain Analysis System
* Automated Image-Based Approach for Tracking Pedestrian Movements from Top-View Video, An
* Automated Image Analysis on Insect Soups
* Automated Image Annotation Using Global Features and Robust Nonparametric Density Estimation
* Automated Image Denoising Model: Contribution Towards Optimized Internal and External Basis
* Automated Image Forgery Detection through Classification of Jpeg Ghosts
* Automated image processing of historical maps
* automated image processing system for the detection of photoreceptor cells in adaptive optics retinal images, An
* Automated image quality assessment for camera-captured OCR
* Automated image quality evaluation of retinal fundus photographs in diabetic retinopathy screening
* Automated Image Registration Based on Pseudoinvariant Metrics of Dynamic Land-Surface Features
* Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automated Image Registration for Knee Pain Prediction in Osteoarthritis: Data from the OAI
* Automated image registration to 3-D scene models
* Automated Image Registration Using Geometrical Invariant Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC)
* Automated Image Segmentation and Analysis of Rock Piles in an Open-Pit Mine
* Automated Image Super Resolution with the Aid of Activation Function Optimized Deep CNN and Adaptive Wavelet Lifting Approach
* Automated Improvement of Geolocation Accuracy in AVHRR Data Using a Two-Step Chip Matching Approach: A Part of the TIMELINE Preprocessor
* Automated in-season mapping of winter wheat in China with training data generation and model transfer
* Automated Individualization of Deformable Eye Region Model and Its Application to Eye Motion Analysis
* Automated Insect Identification through Concatenated Histograms of Local Appearance Features
* Automated insect identification through concatenated histograms of local appearance features: feature vector generation and region detection for deformable objects
* Automated Inspection of Electronic Assemblies
* Automated inspection of IC wafer contamination
* Automated Inspection Of Machine Parts
* Automated Inspection of Railway Tunnels' Power Line Using LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated Inspection of Solder Bumps Using Visual Signatures of Specular Image-Highlights
* Automated inspection of spur gears using machine vision approach
* Automated Inspection of Textile Fabrics Using Textural Models
* Automated Inspection Station for Machine-Vision Grading of Potatoes, An
* Automated Inspection Using Gray-Scale Statistics
* Automated Interpretation of Cardiac Scintigrams
* Automated Interpretation of Ventilation-Perfusion Lung Scintigrams for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Using Support Vector Machines
* Automated Intersection Mapping From Crowd Trajectory Data
* Automated Inundation Mapping Over Large Areas Using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* Automated invasive ductal carcinoma detection based using deep transfer learning with whole-slide images
* Automated Inventory of Broadleaf Tree Plantations with UAS Imagery
* Automated Kauri trees detection in high resolution aerial images
* Automated knee osteoarthritis severity classification using three-stage preprocessing method and VGG16 architecture
* Automated Knowledge Distillation via Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Automated Labeling of Materials in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automated labeling of training data for improved object detection in traffic videos by fine-tuned deep convolutional neural networks
* Automated Land-Use Map Production from Aerial Photographs of Puerto Rico Using a Contextual Reclassification Algorithm
* Automated Land Cover Mapping and Independent Change Detection in Tropical Forest Using Multi-Temporal High Resolution Data Set
* Automated landmark points detection by using a mixture of approaches: the vole-teeth case
* Automated Large Scale Parameter Extraction of Road-Side Trees Sampled by a Laser Mobile Mapping System
* Automated Laser-Scanning Based on Orthogonal Cross-Sections
* Automated Latent Fingerprint Recognition
* Automated Laughter Detection From Full-Body Movements
* Automated Layout Synthesis and Visualization from Images of Interior or Exterior Spaces
* Automated Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration by Jointly Optimizing Network Architectures and Objective Functions
* Automated Learning Framework With Limited and Cross-Domain Data for Traffic Equipment Detection from Surveillance Videos, An
* Automated learning of rules using genetic operators
* Automated lesion border detection of dermoscopy images using spectral clustering
* Automated lesion data base building for the treatment of retinal disorders
* Automated lesion detection methods for 2D and 3D chest X-ray images
* Automated lesion segmentation in fundus images with many-to-many reassembly of features
* Automated Level-set Approach for Identification of Aortic Valve Borders in Short Axis Windows of Transesophageal Echo Sequences (TEE), An
* Automated line flattening of Atomic Force Microscopy images
* Automated Line Labelling: Dataset for Contour Detection and 3D Reconstruction
* Automated Lip Contour Detection Using the Level Set Segmentation Method
* Automated Lip Synchronized Speech Driven Facial Animation
* Automated Liver Detection in Ultrasound Images
* Automated Localization of a Camera Network
* Automated Localization of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Potential-K-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Automated location matching in movies
* Automated LoD-2 model reconstruction from very-high-resolution satellite-derived digital surface model and orthophoto
* Automated Log-Scale Quantization for Low-Cost Deep Neural Networks
* Automated Low-Cost LED-Based Sun Photometer for City Scale Distributed Measurements
* Automated Low-cost Photogrammetry for Flexible Structure Monitoring
* Automated LULC Classification of VHR Optical Satellite Data in the Context of Urban Planning
* Automated lung cancer detection by the analysis of glandular cells in sputum cytology images using scale space features
* Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) Method of Risk Prediction for Decision-Making of Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Automated Machine Learning for High-Throughput Image-Based Plant Phenotyping
* Automated Machine Learning Framework in Unmanned Aircraft Systems: New Insights into Agricultural Management Practices Recognition Approaches, An
* Automated magnetic resonance assisted echocardiographic motion analysis
* Automated Mammographic Risk Classification Based on Breast Density Estimation
* Automated mango flowering assessment via refinement segmentation
* Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex
* Automated Map Reading and Analysis by Computers
* Automated mapping and updating techniques in transboundary East European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves development
* Automated Mapping for Long-Term Analysis of Shifting Cultivation in Northeast India
* Automated Mapping Method of 3D Geological Cross-Sections Using 2D Geological Cross-Sections and a DEM, An
* Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
* Automated Mapping of Historical Native American Land Allotments at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Using Geographic Information Systems
* Automated Mapping of Ms 7.0 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake (China) Post-Disaster Landslides Based on High-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Automated mapping of persistent ice and snow cover across the western U.S. with Landsat
* Automated mapping of soybean and corn using phenology
* Automated Mapping of Surface Roughness and Landuse from Simulated and Spaceborne 1M Data
* Automated Mapping of Transportation Embankments in Fine-Resolution LiDAR DEMs
* Automated Mapping of Typical Cropland Strips in the North China Plain Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Photogrammetry
* Automated Mapping of Woody Debris over Harvested Forest Plantations Using UAVs, High-Resolution Imagery, and Machine Learning
* Automated Marine Oil Spill Detection Using Deep Learning Instance Segmentation Model
* Automated marker identification using the Radon transform for watershed segmentation
* Automated Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Cascaded Deep Learning and Random Forests
* Automated Matching Crowdsourcing Road Networks Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Automated Matching of Multi-Scale Building Data Based on Relaxation Labelling and Pattern Combinations
* automated mathematical morphology driven algorithm for water body extraction from remotely sensed images, An
* Automated maze solving using fluid mechanics based numerical approach
* Automated measurement of children's facial expressions during problem solving tasks
* Automated measurement of sintering degree in optical microscopy through image analysis of particle joins
* Automated measurement of sulcus angle on axial knee magnetic resonance images
* Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width Ratio in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Automated Measurement of Translational Margins and Rotational Shifts in Pelvic Structures Using CBCT Images of Rectal Cancer Patients
* Automated Measurement Systems, Close Range Photogrammetry
* Automated Measurements in Obstetric Ultrasound Images
* Automated Mechanical Multi-sensorial Scanning
* Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very Deep Residual Networks
* Automated melanoma recognition
* Automated Method For 3d Roof Outline Generation And Regularization In Airbone Laser Scanner Data, An
* Automated Method for Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Circulating Particles From In vivo Video Microscopy, An
* Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Season for Various Globally-Distributed Agrosystems Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Time Series, An
* automated method for counting and characterizing red blood cells using mathematical morphology, An
* Automated Method for Crater Counting Using Rotational Pixel Swapping Method, An
* Automated Method for Delineating Harvested Stands Based on Harvester Location Data
* Automated Method for Detection of Missing Road Point Regions in Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Method for Extracting Rivers and Lakes from Landsat Imagery, An
* Automated Method for Generating Prefabs of AR Map Point Symbols Based on Object Detection Model, An
* Automated Method for Improving System Performance of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Breast Ultrasound
* Automated Method for Large-Scale, Ground-Based City Model Acquisition, An
* Automated method for making a topographical model and related system
* Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logging damage with airborne LiDAR data
* automated method for predicting iris segmentation failures, An
* automated method for realistic face simulation and facial landmark annotation and its application to active appearance models, An
* Automated Method for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Graph Search Metaheuristic Approach
* Automated Method for SLAM Evaluation in GNSS-Denied Areas
* Automated Method for Surface Ice/Snow Mapping Based on Objects and Pixels from Landsat Imagery in a Mountainous Region, An
* Automated Method for the Creation of Oriented Bounding Boxes in Remote Sensing Ship Detection Datasets, An
* Automated method for the detection and segmentation of drusen in colour fundus image for the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration
* Automated Method for the Study of Human Reliability in Railway Supervision Systems, An
* automated method to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, An
* automated methodology for the classification of focal and nonfocal EEG signals using a hybrid classification approach, An
* Automated microaneurysm detection using local contrast normalization and local vessel detection
* Automated microaneurysm detection
* Automated Microaneurysm Segmentation and Detection using Generalized Eigenvectors
* Automated Microscopy in Diagnostic Histopathology: From Image-Processing to Automated Reasoning
* Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis
* Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images
* Automated model-based bias field correction of MR images of the brain
* Automated model-based tissue classification of MR images of the brain
* Automated Model-to-Image Registration
* Automated Model to Classify Barrier Island Geomorphology Using Lidar Data and Change Analysis (1998-2014), An
* Automated Modeling Of 3d Building Roofs Using Image And Lidar Data
* Automated Modeling of the Great Buddha Statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan
* Automated Modelling of Real Human Faces for 3D Animation
* Automated Monitoring in Maritime Video Surveillance System
* Automated Monitoring of Ear Biting in Pigs by Tracking Individuals and Events
* Automated morphological classification of lung cancer subtypes using H&E tissue images
* Automated Mosaicing with Super-resolution Zoom
* Automated Mosaicking Of Multiple 3d Point Clouds Generated From A Depth Camera
* Automated Mosaicking of Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography
* Automated Motion Estimation for 2-D Cine DENSE MRI
* Automated Mottling Assessment of Colored Printed Areas
* Automated Mounting Bias Calibration For Airborne Lidar System
* Automated MPEG audio-video summarization and description
* Automated MR Hip Bone Segmentation
* Automated multi-camera planar tracking correspondence modeling
* Automated Multi-Camera Surveillance
* Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geological Logging from Drill-Core Hyperspectral Data
* Automated Multi-Sensor 3D Reconstruction for the Web
* Automated Multi-source Remote Sensing Image Registration Based On Phase Congruency
* Automated Multi-Stage Compression of Neural Networks
* Automated multi-view 3D image acquisition in human genome research
* Automated Multichannel Procedure for cDNA Microarray Image Processing, An
* Automated Multimodal Biometrics Using Face and Ear
* Automated multiple surface registration of irregular point clouds: A comparative analysis of two approaches
* Automated Multiple View Inspection Based on Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Automated multisensor image registration
* Automated Muscle Segmentation from Clinical CT Using Bayesian U-Net for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modeling
* Automated Near-Real-Time Mapping and Monitoring of Rice Extent, Cropping Patterns, and Growth Stages in Southeast Asia Using Sentinel-1 Time Series on a Google Earth Engine Platform
* Automated Non-Gaussian Clustering of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Single Sperm's Motility and Morphology
* Automated Nuclear Segmentation of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy Images by Coupling Superpixel Context Information with Artificial Neural Networks
* Automated nuclei clump decomposition for image analysis in neuronal cell fluorescent microscopy
* Automated nuclei tracking in C. elegans based on spherical model fitting with multiple target tracking
* Automated Object Labeling for CNN-Based Image Segmentation
* Automated on-ramp merging control algorithm based on internet-connected vehicles
* Automated On-Ramp Merging System for Congested Traffic Situations
* Automated Online Exam Proctoring
* Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning
* Automated Open Cotton Boll Detection for Yield Estimation Using Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Data
* Automated optic disc detection in retinal images by applying region-based active aontour model in a variational level set formulation
* Automated Optic Disc Localization and Contour Detection Using Ellipse Fitting and Wavelet Transform
* Automated Optic Disk Segmentation Via a Modified Snake Technique
* Automated Optic Recognition of Alphanumeric Content in Car License Plates in a Semi-structured Environment
* Automated optimization of JPEG 2000 encoder options based on model observer performance for detecting variable signals in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Automated Orientation Detection of 3d Head Reconstructions from SMRI Using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-based Approach
* Automated Ortho-Rectification of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data over an Agricultural Field Using Frame RGB Imagery
* Automated Orthorectification of VHR Satellite Images by SIFT-Based RPC Refinement
* Automated ovarian follicle recognition for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
* Automated Page Orientation and Skew Angle Detection for Binary Document Images
* Automated Pain Assessment in Neonates
* automated palmprint recognition system, An
* automated parallel image registration technique based on the correlation of wavelet features, An
* Automated Parameter Selection for Total Variation Minimization in Image Restoration
* Automated parameterisation for multi-scale image segmentation on multiple layers
* Automated Parts-Based Model for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions from Aerial Imagery with Fully Convolutional Network
* Automated path testing using the negative selection algorithm
* automated pattern recognition system for classifying indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp-2 cells and specimens, An
* automated pattern recognition system for the quantification of inflammatory cells in hepatitis-C-infected liver biopsies, An
* automated PCA-based approach towards optimization of the rational function model, An
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Document Image-Analysis Systems: Issues and Practice
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation
* Automated Person Identification in Video
* Automated person recognition by walking and running via model-based approaches
* Automated person segmentation in videos
* Automated photo-consistency test for voxel colouring based on fuzzy adaptive hysteresis thresholding
* Automated Photogrammetric Network Design Using Genetic Algorithms
* Automated Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images
* Automated Pivot Location for the Cartesian-Polar Hybrid Point Distribution Model
* Automated Place Classification Using Object Detection
* Automated Placement of Multiple Stereo Cameras for Tele-Immersive Applications
* Automated planimetric quality control in high accuracy airborne laser scanning surveys
* Automated Plant and Leaf Separation: Application in 3D Meshes of Wheat Plants
* Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MODIS Data and Imperfect Visual Annotations
* Automated Platform for Microseismic Signal Analysis: Denoising, Detection, and Classification in Slope Stability Studies
* Automated Pneumoconiosis Detection on Chest X-Rays Using Cascaded Learning with Real and Synthetic Radiographs
* Automated Point Set Registration Framework for Multimodal Retinal Image, An
* Automated Polar Ice Thickness Estimation From Radar Imagery
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colon Capsule Endoscopy
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Videos Using Shape and Context Information
* Automated pose estimation in 3D point clouds applying annealing particle filters and inverse kinematics on a GPU
* Automated Poststorm Damage Classification of Low-Rise Building Roofing Systems Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automated Posture Analysis for detecting Learner's Interest Level
* Automated Precision Measurement of Surface Profile in CAD-Directed Inspection
* Automated prediction of crater degradation degree
* Automated Prediction of Glasgow Outcome Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury
* Automated Procedure for Word Balloon Placement in Cinema Comics, An
* Automated Procedures with Coded Targets in Industrial Vision Metrology
* Automated Processing Algorithm for Flat Areas Resulting from DEM Filling and Interpolation, An
* Automated Processing for Flood Area Detection Using ALOS-2 and Hydrodynamic Simulation Data
* Automated processing for map generalization using web services
* Automated Processing Method for Agglomeration Areas, An
* Automated processing of high resolution airborne images for earthquake damage assessment
* Automated processing of mobile mapping image sequences
* Automated Processing of Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Semantic Segmentation: A Building Footprint Extraction Case
* Automated Processing of Shoeprint Images Based on the Fourier Transform for Use in Forensic Science
* Automated Procurement of Training Data for Machine Learning Algorithm on Ship Detection Using AIS Information
* Automated Production of a Land Cover/Use Map of Europe Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Automated production of TV program trailer using electronic program guide
* Automated Progressive Learning for Efficient Training of Vision Transformers
* Automated Pruning for Deep Neural Network Compression
* Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence Samples in Groundwater Potential Mapping, An
* Automated Quality Assurance Applied to Mammographic Imaging
* Automated Quality Assurance for Document Logical Analysis
* Automated quality classification of colour fundus images based on a modified residual dense block network
* Automated quality control for micro-technology components using a depth from focus approach
* Automated Quality Control for Orthoimages and DEMs
* Automated quality control of printed flasks and bottles
* Automated Quality Inspection of Microfluidic Chips Using Morphologic Techniques
* Automated Quantification of Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve Leaflet Angles in CT Images
* Automated quantification of brain magnetic resonance image hyperintensities using hybrid clustering and knowledge-based methods
* Automated quantification of cell endocytosis using active contours and wavelets
* Automated Quantification of Myocardial Infarction Using a Hidden Markov Random Field Model and the EM Algorithm
* Automated quantification of retinal vessel morphometry in the UK biobank cohort
* Automated Quantification of Surface Water Inundation in Wetlands Using Optical Satellite Imagery
* Automated quantification of the schooling behaviour of sticklebacks
* Automated Quantitative Assessment of HER-2/neu Immunohistochemical Expression in Breast Cancer
* Automated Quantitative Bone Analysis in In Vivo X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography
* Automated quantitative description of spiral galaxy arm-segment structure
* Automated Radiographic Report Generation Purely on Transformer: A Multicriteria Supervised Approach
* Automated Rain Detection by Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 Data
* Automated Reading of Cheque Amounts
* Automated Real-Time Conjunctival Microvasculature Image Stabilization
* Automated Real-Time Detection of Potentially Suspicious Behavior in Public Transport Areas
* Automated real-time video surveillance summarization framework
* Automated Real-Time Visual Inspection System for High-Resolution Superimposed Printings
* Automated reasoning about image motion using a rule-based deduction system
* Automated Reassembly of File Fragmented Images Using Greedy Algorithms
* Automated Rebar Detection for Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Automated recognition and discrimination of human-animal interactions using Fisher vector and hidden Markov model
* Automated Recognition Of Architectural Drawings
* Automated recognition of drunk driving on highways from video sequences
* Automated recognition of highly complex human behavior
* Automated recognition of human activities in video streams in real time
* Automated Recognition of Railroad Infrastructure in Rural Areas from LIDAR Data
* Automated Recognition of Social Behavior in Rats: The Role of Feature Quality
* Automated Recognition of Tree Species Composition of Forest Communities Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* Automated reconstruction from multiple photographs
* Automated reconstruction of 3D models from real environments
* Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images
* Automated Reconstruction of Building LoDs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using an Improved Morphological Scale Space
* Automated Reconstruction of Neurovascular Networks in Knife-Edge Scanning Microscope Rat Brain Nissl Data Set
* Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path classifiers and Mixed Integer Programming
* Automated Reconstruction of Walls from Airborne LIDAR Data for Complete 3D Building Modelling
* Automated Recovery of Compressedly Observed Sparse Signals From Smooth Background
* Automated Rectification Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LiDAR Point Cloud Data Based on Laser Intensity, An
* Automated red-eye detection and correction in digital photographs
* Automated Reflectance Target Detection for Automated Vicarious Radiometric Correction of UAV Images
* automated region growing algorithm for segmentation of texture regions in SAR images, An
* Automated Region of Interest Detection of Spiculated Masses on Digital Mammograms
* Automated Region Segmentation Using Attraction-Based Grouping in Spatial-Color-Texture Space
* Automated Registration Evaluation System (ARES)
* Automated Registration for Visualization in Surgery
* Automated Registration of 3-D Knee Implant Models to Fluoroscopic Images Using Lipschitzian Optimization
* Automated Registration of 3D Faces using Dense Surface Models
* Automated Registration of 3D TEE Datasets of the Descending Aorta for Improved Examination and Quantification of Atheromas Burden
* Automated registration of dense terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds using curves
* Automated Registration of Dissimilar Images: Application to Medical Imagery
* Automated Registration of High Resolution Images from Slide Presentation and Whiteboard Handwriting via a Video Camera
* Automated registration of low and high resolution atomic force microscopy images using scale invariant features
* Automated Registration of Multimodality Images by Maximization of a Region Similarity Measure
* Automated Regularization Parameter Selection in Multi-Scale Total Variation Models for Image Restoration
* Automated removal of ghost noise from SAR images using wavelet packet transform
* Automated Removal of Partial Occlusion Blur
* Automated repair of fragmented tracks with 1D CNNs
* Automated Residential Area Generalization: Combination of Knowledge-Based Framework and Similarity Measurement
* Automated Resistivity Profiling (ARP) to Explore Wide Archaeological Areas: The Prehistoric Site of Monte Prama, Sardinia, Italy
* Automated retinal layer segmentation in OCT images of age-related macular degeneration
* Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Multiscale Analysis and Adaptive Thresholding
* Automated retrieval of forest structure variables based on multi-scale texture analysis of VHR satellite imagery
* Automated Reverse Engineering of Free Form Objects Using Morse Theory
* Automated rig removal with Bayesian motion interpolation
* Automated Risk Assessment for Scene Understanding and Domestic Robots Using RGB-D Data and 2.5D CNNs at a Patch Level
* Automated Road-Marking Segmentation via a Multiscale Attention-Based Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Using the Road Marking Dataset
* Automated Road Curb Break Lines Extraction from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated Road Information Extraction From High Resolution Aerial Lidar Data for Smart Road Applications
* Automated Road Information Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Road Roughness Detection From Mobile Laser Scanning Data, An
* Automated sampling and control of gaseous simulations
* Automated SAR Image Thresholds for Water Mask Production in Alberta's Boreal Region
* Automated Scene-Specific Selection of Feature Detectors for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Automated Scene Matching in Movies
* Automated School Location Mapping at Scale from Satellite Imagery Based on Deep Learning
* Automated scoring of Bender Gestalt Test using image analysis techniques
* Automated Scoring of Handwritten Essays Based on Latent Semantic Analysis
* Automated screening of glaucoma stages from retinal fundus images using BPS and LBP based GLCM features
* Automated Screening of Job Candidate Based on Multimodal Video Processing
* Automated search space and search strategy selection for AutoML
* Automated Searching of Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Data Using a Climbing and Sliding Method
* Automated Seeded Region Growing Method for Document Image Binarization Based on Topographic Features
* Automated segmentation and area estimation of neural foramina with boundary regression model
* Automated Segmentation and Classification Framework for CT-Based Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detecting Myocardial Perfusion Defect, An
* Automated segmentation and classification of chemical and other equations from document images
* Automated Segmentation and Classification of High Throughput Yeast Assay Spots
* Automated Segmentation and Retrieval System for CT Head Images
* Automated Segmentation and Structural Analysis of Vascular Trees Using Deformable Models
* automated segmentation for nickel-based superalloy, An
* Automated Segmentation of 3D CT Images Based on Statistical Atlas and Graph Cuts
* Automated segmentation of archaeological profiles for classification
* Automated Segmentation of Brain MR-Images
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Optimal Texture Features and Support Vector Machine Classifier
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Force Data Clustering Algorithm
* Automated Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography
* Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas
* Automated Segmentation of CBCT Image with Prior-Guided Sequential Random Forest
* Automated segmentation of diabetic macular edema in OCT B-scan images based on RCU-Net
* Automated Segmentation of Endoscopic Images Based on Local Shape-Adaptive Filtering and Color Descriptors
* Automated segmentation of epiphysis and metaphysis for computerized bone age analysis
* Automated Segmentation of Human Brain MR Images Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation and Fuzzy Inference
* Automated Segmentation of Immunostained Cell Nuclei in 3D Ultramicroscopy Images
* Automated segmentation of iris images using visible wavelength face images
* Automated Segmentation of Lateral Ventricle in MR Images Using Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated Segmentation of Low-Light Level Imagery using Poisson MAP-MRF Labelling
* Automated Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae in Digital Videofluoroscopic Images
* Automated segmentation of macular layers in OCT images and quantitative evaluation of performances
* Automated segmentation of math-zones from document images
* Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesion in intensity enhanced flair MRI using texture features and support vector machine
* Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions by model outlier detection
* Automated Segmentation of Nanoparticles in BF TEM Images by U-Net Binarization and Branch and Bound
* Automated segmentation of overlapped nuclei using concave point detection and segment grouping
* Automated Segmentation of Prohibited Items in X-Ray Baggage Images Using Dense De-Overlap Attention Snake
* Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Knowledge Enhanced Random Walker
* Automated segmentation of retinal blood vessels and identification of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
* Automated segmentation of retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images using geodesic distance
* Automated segmentation of RPE layer for the detection of age macular degeneration using OCT images
* Automated segmentation of stromal tissue in histology images using a voting Bayesian model
* Automated Segmentation of the Clinical Target Volume in the Planning CT for Breast Cancer Using Deep Neural Networks
* Automated segmentation of the epidermis area in skin whole slide histopathological images
* Automated Segmentation of the Left Ventricle Including Papillary Muscles in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automated segmentation of the optic disc from fundus images using an asymmetric deep learning network
* Automated Segmentation of the Right Ventricle in 3D Echocardiography: A Kalman Filter State Estimation Approach
* Automated Segmentation of Torn Frames using the Graph Cuts Technique
* Automated Selection of Optimal Frames in NIR Iris Videos
* Automated Selection of Standardized Planes from Ultrasound Volume
* Automated selection of terrestrial images from sequences for the texture mapping of 3d city models
* Automated Semantic Modelling of Building Interiors From Images And Derived Point Clouds Based on Deep Learning Methods
* Automated Sensing of Wave Inundation across a Rocky Shore Platform Using a Low-Cost Camera System
* Automated Simulation Framework for Urban Wind Environments Based on Aerial Point Clouds and Deep Learning
* Automated skin lesion segmentation of dermoscopic images using GrabCut and k-means algorithms
* Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attention Module
* Automated Small River Mapping (ASRM) for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and MERIT DEM
* Automated Smoothing of Image and Other Regularly Spaced Data
* Automated Snake Initialization for the Segmentation of the Prostate in Ultrasound Images
* Automated Snow Mapper Powered by Machine Learning, An
* Automated Social Behaviour Recognition at Low Resolution
* Automated Software Defect Detection and Identification in Vehicular Embedded Systems
* Automated Solder Inspection Method by Means of X-ray Oblique Computed Tomography
* Automated Solder Joint Inspection System Using Optical 3D Image Detector
* Automated solutions to incomplete jigsaw puzzles
* Automated Space Planning
* Automated Spatial-Semantic Modeling with Applications to Place Labeling and Informed Search
* Automated Spatial and Temporal Anomaly Detection
* Automated Spatiotemporal Landslide Mapping over Large Areas Using RapidEye Time Series Data
* Automated Spatiotemporal Scaling for Video Generalization
* Automated spectral domain approach of quasi-periodic denoising in natural images using notch filtration with exact noise profile
* Automated speech alignment for image synthesis
* Automated Sperm Assessment Framework and Neural Network Specialized for Sperm Video Recognition
* Automated Spline Surface Modeling and Matching for Recognition of Free-form Objects
* Automated stabilization method for digital image sequences
* Automated standardization of images of Drosophila embryos
* Automated statistical self-calibrating detection and removal of blemishes in digital images based on a dust map developed from actual image data
* Automated statistical self-calibrating detection and removal of blemishes in digital images based on multiple occurrences of dust in images
* Automated Stem Angle Determination for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis
* Automated Stem Curve Measurement Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automated stereo fundus evaluation
* Automated Stereo Perception
* Automated Stereo Retrieval of Smoke Plume Injection Heights and Retrieval of Smoke Plume Masks From AATSR and Their Assessment With CALIPSO and MISR
* Automated Stereophotogrammetry
* automated stereoscopic coal profiling system: CCLPS, An
* Automated Storey Separation and Door and Window Extraction for Building Models from Complete Laser Scans
* Automated Street Tree Inventory Using Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Hough Transform and Active Contours
* Automated Stroke Classification in Tennis
* Automated stroke ending analysis for drawing tool classification
* Automated Structural Forest Changes Using Lidar Point Clouds and GIS Analyses
* Automated Subpixel Image Registration Of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Automated Subpixel Surface Water Mapping from Heterogeneous Urban Environments Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Automated surface inspection for directional textures
* Automated surface inspection for statistical textures
* Automated Surface Runoff Estimation with the Spectral Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Multispectral Imagery
* Automated synchronization of driving data using vibration and steering events
* Automated synthesis of image processing procedures for a large-scale image database
* Automated system for combining bright field and fluorescent microscopy
* Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An
* Automated system for extracting design and layout information from an integrated circuit
* Automated System for Generating Tactical Performance Statistics for Individual Soccer Players From Videos, An
* Automated System for Plant-Level Disease Rating in Real Fields, An
* Automated system for road extraction and traffic volume estimation for traffic jam detection
* Automated System for the Detection and Diagnosis of Kidney Lesions in Children from Scintigraphy Images, An
* Automated system for the detection of hypertensive retinopathy
* automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learning, An
* Automated System to Monitor River Ice Conditions Using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Imagery, An
* Automated Tachograph Chart Analysis System, An
* Automated Tackle Injury Risk Assessment in Contact-Based Sports: A Rugby Union Example
* Automated Tactile Sensing Strategy for Planar Object Recognition and Localization, An
* Automated Tag Tracking Using Gabor Filter Bank, Robust Point Matching, and Deformable Models
* Automated Target Detection for Geophysical Applications
* Automated Technique for Generating Georectified Mosaics from Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery, Based on Structure from Motion (SfM) Point Clouds, An
* Automated Technique for Obtaining Cloud Motion from Geosynchronous Satellite Data Using Cross-Correlation, An
* Automated Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Change Analyses for Ultra High-resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Automated Techniques for road Network Modeling
* Automated template design method for print enhancement
* Automated Temporal Analysis of Gaze Following in a Visual Tracking Task, The
* Automated temporal equilibrium analysis: Verification and synthesis of multi-player games
* Automated Test Approach Based on All Paths Covered Optimal Algorithm and Sequence Priority Selected Algorithm
* Automated test data generation for mutation testing using AspectJ programs
* Automated Textual Descriptions for a Wide Range of Video Events with 48 Human Actions
* Automated texture-based characterization of fibrosis and carcinoma using low-dose lung CT images
* Automated texture mapping of 3D city models with oblique aerial imagery
* Automated Thematic Registration of NOAA, CoastWatch, and AVHRR Images
* Automated thickness measuring system for brake shoe of rolling stock
* Automated Three-Dimensional Identification and Tracking of Micro/Nanobiological Organisms by Computational Holographic Microscopy
* automated three-dimensional plus time registration framework for dynamic MR renography, An
* Automated Threshold Detection Using A Pyramid Structure
* Automated Threshold Selection for the Detection of Dissolves in MPEG Videos
* Automated tools within workflows for 3D structural construction from surface and subsurface data
* Automated Top View Registration of Broadcast Football Videos
* Automated Topographic Segmentation and Transit Time Estimation in Endoscopic Capsule Exams
* Automated Tortuosity Analysis of Nerve Fibers in Corneal Confocal Microscopy
* Automated Tracing of Retinal Blood Vessels Using Graphical Models
* Automated track inspection vehicle and method
* Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object with a Robotic Hand-Eye System
* Automated tracking in digitized videofluoroscopy sequences for spine kinematic analysis
* Automated Tracking of Filmed Radar Echoes
* Automated Tracking of the Carotid Artery in Ultrasound Image Sequences Using a Self Organizing Neural Network
* Automated Tracking of Vesicles in Phase Contrast Microscopy Images
* Automated Traffic Analysis in Aerial Images
* Automated traffic sign and light pole detection in mobile LiDAR scanning data
* Automated Training Data Generation from Spectral Indexes for Mapping Surface Water Extent with Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery at 10 m and 20 m Resolutions
* Automated training sample definition for seasonal burned area mapping
* Automated Training Sample Extraction for Global Land Cover Mapping
* Automated treatment of film tear in degraded archived media
* Automated tree-crown and height detection in a young forest plantation using mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN)
* Automated tree crown detection and delineation in high-resolution digital camera imagery of coniferous forest regeneration
* Automated tree detection and density calculation using unmanned aerial vehicles
* Automated Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Automated tuning of the nonlinear complementary filter for an Attitude Heading Reference observer
* Automated TV Tracking of Moving Objects: The DFVLR Tracker and Related Approaches
* Automated Two-Step Seamline Detection for Generating Large-Scale Orthophoto Mosaics from Drone Images
* Automated UAV-based video exploitation for mapping and monitoring
* Automated Ulcer Detection Method from CT Images for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease
* Automated Ultrasonic Measurement of Fetal Nuchal Translucency Using Dynamic Programming
* Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluorescence LIDAR
* Automated unsupervised learning-based clustering approach for effective anomaly detection in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
* Automated Update of Building Information in Maps Using Medium-Scale Imagery
* Automated Update of Existing Ortho-Image Database and DEM Using High resolution Satellite Images
* Automated Update of Road Databases using Aerial Imagery and Road Construction Data
* Automated Updating of Building Data Bases from Digital Surface Models and Multi-Spectral Images: Potential and Limitations
* Automated Urban Analysis Based on LiDAR-Derived Building Models
* Automated Urban Area Building Extraction from High-Resolution Stereo Imagery
* Automated Urban Delineation from Landsat Imagery Based on Spatial Information Processing
* Automated Urban Model Acquisition: Project Rationale and Status
* Automated variability selection in time-domain imaging surveys using sparse representations with learned dictionaries
* Automated Variable Weighting in k-Means Type Clustering
* Automated Vehicle Detection and Classification: Models, Methods, and Techniques
* Automated Vehicle Identification Based on Car-Following Data With Machine Learning
* Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System, An
* Automated Vehicle Path Following: A Non-Quadratic-Lyapunov-Function-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control Approach With C8-Smooth Projection Modification
* Automated Vehicular Safety Systems: Robust Function and Sensor Design
* automated vertebra identification and segmentation in CT images, An
* Automated Vertebra Identification from X-Ray Images
* Automated Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information with Application to Retinal Images
* Automated Video-Based System for Iris Recognition, An
* Automated video analysis for action recognition using descriptors derived from optical acceleration
* Automated Video Face Labelling for Films and TV Material
* Automated video imagery database generation using photogrammetry
* Automated Video Imaging System for Counting Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Organisms Events
* Automated video interpretation system
* Automated Video Object Extraction System Based on Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis and Multiscale Segmentation, An
* Automated video person tracking system
* Automated VIIRS Boat Detection Based on Machine Learning and Its Application to Monitoring Fisheries in the East China Sea
* Automated Virtual Navigation and Monocular Localization of Indoor Spaces from Videos
* Automated Visibility Field Evaluation of Traffic Sign Based On 3d Lidar Point Clouds
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998 PI)
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998)
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* Automated vision system for localizing structural defects in textile fabrics
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Automated Visual Fin Identification of Individual Great White Sharks
* Automated visual fruit detection for harvest estimation and robotic harvesting
* Automated visual identification of characters in situation comedies
* Automated Visual Inspection of Glass Bottles Using Adapted Median Filtering
* Automated visual inspection of imprint quality of pharmaceutical tablets
* Automated visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets in heavily cluttered dynamic environments
* Automated Visual Inspection of Railroad Tracks
* Automated visual inspection of ripple defects using wavelet characteristic based multivariate statistical approach
* Automated Visual Inspection Of Rolled Metal Surfaces
* Automated Visual Inspection of Solder Joints Using 2D and 3D Features, An
* Automated visual inspection of target parts for train safety based on deep learning
* Automated Visual Inspection of Textile
* Automated Visual Inspection System for the Classification of the Phases of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy, An
* Automated Visual Inspection Techniques and Applications: A Bibliography
* Automated Visual Inspection
* Automated Visual Inspection: 1981 to 1987
* Automated Visual Inspection: A Survey
* Automated Visual Perception-Based Web Browser Rendering Results Comparison with Multi-part Fragment Image Matching
* Automated Visual Recognizability Evaluation of Traffic Sign Based on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG signal classification using EEGCapsNet
* Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models
* Automated Visual Traffic Monitoring and Surveillance Through a Network of Distributed Units
* Automated Voxel Model From Point Clouds For Structural Analysis Of Cultural Heritage
* Automated Water Level Monitoring at the Continental Scale from ICESat-2 Photons
* Automated Water Segmentation and River Level Detection on Camera Images Using Transfer Learning
* Automated Wheat Disease Classification Under Controlled and Uncontrolled Image Acquisition
* Automated Whiteboard Lecture Video Summarization by Content Region Detection and Representation
* Automated window size determination for texture defect detection
* Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation framework
* Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization
* Automated Workflow for High-Resolution 4D Vegetation Monitoring Using Stereo Vision
* Automated Workflow for Lung Nodule Follow-up Recommendation Using Deep Learning, An
* automated workflow for observing track data in 3-dimensional geo-accurate environments, An
* Automated X-Ray Inspection of Aluminum Castings
* Automated X-Ray Object Recognition Using an Efficient Search Algorithm in Multiple Views
* Automated, Accurate and Fast Segmentation of 4D Cardiac MR Images
* Automated, Depth-Resolved Estimation of the Attenuation Coefficient From Optical Coherence Tomography Data
* Automated, non-invasive iris recognition system and method
* automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery, An
* Automatic-Determination of the Spread Parameter in Gaussian Smoothing
* Automatic-Generation of High-Resolution Urban Zone Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic-Generation of RBF Networks Using Wavelets
* Automatic-Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images
* Automatic-Measurement Extraction for Apparel from a Three-Dimensional Body Scan
* Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Automatic (Tactile) Map Generation: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic 1D Histogram Segmentation and Application to the Computation of Color Palettes
* Automatic 2-D/3-D Vessel Enhancement in Multiple Modality Images Using a Weighted Symmetry Filter
* Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion using multi-scale deep neural network
* Automatic 2D Hand Tracking in Video Sequences
* Automatic 2D to stereoscopic video conversion for 3D TVS
* Automatic 3-D Breath-Hold Related Motion Correction of Dynamic Multislice MRI
* Automatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery
* Automatic 3-D depth recovery from a single urban-scene image
* Automatic 3-D face model adaptation for model-based coding of videophone sequences
* Automatic 3-D Model Synthesis from Measured Range Data
* Automatic 3-D Modeling of Textured Cultural Heritage Objects
* Automatic 3-D muscle and fat segmentation of thigh magnetic resonance images in individuals with spinal cord injury
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. I. Methodology and validation on normal subjects
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. II. Validation on severely atrophied brains
* Automatic 3-D Skeleton-Based Segmentation of Liver Vessels from MRI and CT for Couinaud Representation
* Automatic 3D Bi-Ventricular Segmentation of Cardiac Images by a Shape-Refined Multi- Task Deep Learning Approach
* Automatic 3d Building Model Generation From Lidar And Image Data Using Sequential Minimum Bounding Rectangle
* Automatic 3d Building Model Generation Using Deep Learning Methods Based on Cityjson and 2d Floor Plans
* Automatic 3d Building Reconstruction From A Dense Image Matching Dataset
* Automatic 3D building reconstruction from multi-view aerial images with deep learning
* Automatic 3d Buildings Compact Reconstruction From Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic 3D Car Model Alignment for Mixed Image-Based Rendering
* Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
* Automatic 3D Character Reconstruction from Frontal and Lateral Monocular 2D RGB Views
* automatic 3D CT/PET segmentation framework for bone marrow proliferation assessment, An
* Automatic 3D defects identification in stereoscopic videos
* Automatic 3D Digitization Using a Laser Rangefinder with a Small Field of View
* Automatic 3D Ear Recognition System, An
* automatic 3D expression recognition framework based on sparse representation of conformal images, An
* Automatic 3d Extraction of Buildings, Vegetation and Roads from Lidar Data
* Automatic 3D face authentication
* Automatic 3D Face Detection, Normalization and Recognition
* Automatic 3D Face Feature Points Extraction with Spin Images
* Automatic 3D face landmark localization based on 3D vector field analysis
* Automatic 3D Face Model Reconstruction Using One Image
* Automatic 3D Face Modeling from Video
* Automatic 3D Face Recognition Combining Global Geometric Features with Local Shape Variation Information
* Automatic 3D face recognition from depth and intensity Gabor features
* Automatic 3D Face Recognition Using Discriminant Common Vectors
* Automatic 3D face reconstruction from single images or video
* Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Bayesian Belief Net and a Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric scattering representation
* Automatic 3D Facial Landmarking Algorithm Using 2D Gabor Wavelets, An
* Automatic 3D Facial Model and Texture Reconstruction from Range Scans
* Automatic 3d Facial Region Retrieval From Multi-Pose Facial Datasets
* Automatic 3D facial segmentation and landmark detection
* Automatic 3d free form shape matching using the graduated assignment algorithm
* Automatic 3D Indoor Scene Modeling from Single Panorama
* Automatic 3D industrial point cloud modeling and recognition
* Automatic 3D land register extraction from altimetric data in dense urban areas
* Automatic 3D Landmark Extraction System Based on an Encoder-Decoder Using Fusion of Vision and LiDAR
* Automatic 3D lip shape segmentation and modelling
* Automatic 3D Mapping Using Multiple Uncalibrated Close Range Images
* Automatic 3D Model Construction for Turn-Table Sequences
* Automatic 3D model reconstruction based on novel pose estimation and integration techniques
* Automatic 3d model reconstruction using voxel coding and pose integration
* Automatic 3D modeling of palatal plaster casts
* Automatic 3D modeling using range images obtained from unknown viewpoints
* Automatic 3D modelling for prostate cancer brachytherapy
* Automatic 3D Modelling of Architecture
* Automatic 3d Modelling Of Indoor Manhattan-world Scenes From Laser Data
* Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
* Automatic 3D Multiorgan Segmentation via Clustering and Graph Cut Using Spatial Relations and Hierarchically-Registered Atlases
* Automatic 3d Object Detection from RGB-D Data Using PU-GAN
* Automatic 3D object recognition and reconstruction based on neuro-fuzzy modelling
* Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction from Multiple Images for Architectural, Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Applications Using Open-Source Software and Web Services
* Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* Automatic 3D point cloud registration algorithm based on triangle similarity ratio consistency
* automatic 3D point cloud registration method based on regional curvature maps, An
* Automatic 3D Points Cloud Registration for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Automatic 3D Powerline Reconstruction Using Airborne LIDAR Data
* Automatic 3d Prostate Surface Detection From Trus With Level Sets
* Automatic 3D reconstruction for face recognition
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction from 2D Geometric Part Descriptions
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction from 2D geometric Part Descriptions
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction from Multi-date Satellite Images
* automatic 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Multi-View Stereo Vision for the Mogao Grottoes, An
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Buildings Roof Tops In Densely Urbanized Areas
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of electrical substation scene from LiDAR point cloud
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Manhattan World Scenes Using Kinect Depth Data
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via delaunay triangulation and mesh sweeping
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of mitochondrion with local intensity distribution signature and shape feature
* automatic 3D registration method for rock mass point clouds based on plane detection and polygon matching, An
* Automatic 3D Segmentation and Quantification of Lenticulostriate Arteries from High-Resolution 7 Tesla MRA Images
* Automatic 3D Segmentation of the Liver from Computed Tomography Images, a Discrete Deformable Model Approach
* Automatic 3d Shape Reconstruction of Bones Using Active Nets Based Segmentation
* Automatic 3D Single Neuron Reconstruction with Exhaustive Tracing
* Automatic 3d Surface Reconstruction By Combining Stereovision With The Slit-scanner Approach
* Automatic 3D Textured Model Building Method Using Stripe Structured Light System, An
* Automatic 3D to 2D Registration for the Photorealistic Rendering of Urban Scenes
* Automatic 3D tracking system for large swarm of moving objects
* Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
* Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition Using DCT Features
* Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition Using Dynamic Geometrical Image Network
* Automatic 4D Flow MRI Segmentation Using the Standardized Difference of Means Velocity
* Automatic Abbreviation Detection in Medieval Medical Documents
* Automatic Abdominal Organ Segmentation from CT images
* Automatic Absolute Radiometric Normalization of Satellite Imagery with ENVI/IDL Programming
* Automatic Access Control Based on Face and Hand Biometrics in a Non-cooperative Context
* Automatic Accident Detection, Segmentation and Duration Prediction Using Machine Learning
* Automatic accurate broken character restoration for patrimonial documents
* Automatic Accurate High-Resolution Satellite Image Retrieval Method, An
* Automatic acquisition and initialization of articulated models
* Automatic Acquisition of Context-based Image Templates for Degraded Character Recognition in Scene Images
* Automatic Acquisition of Context Models and its Application to Video Surveillance
* automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology procedures by GA, An
* Automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology procedures by genetic algorithms
* Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical, Textured 3D Geometric Models of Urban Environments: Project Plan
* Automatic Acquisition of Layout Knowledge for Understanding Business Cards
* Automatic Acquisition of Planar-faced Virtual Models
* Automatic Acquisition of Visual Models for Image Recognition
* Automatic action annotation in weakly labeled videos
* automatic active contour model for multiple objects, An
* Automatic active contour segmentation approach via vector field convolution
* Automatic Active Contours Propagation In A Sequence Of Medical Images
* Automatic Active Model Initialization via Poisson Inverse Gradient
* Automatic activity identifaction from raw GPS vehicle tracking data
* Automatic adaptation of a face model in a layered coder with an object-based analysis-synthesis layer and a knowledge-based layer
* Automatic Adaptation of a Face Model Using Action Units for Semantic Coding of Videophone Sequences
* Automatic adaptation of a generic pedestrian detector to a specific traffic scene
* Automatic Adaptation of Object Detectors to New Domains Using Self-Training
* Automatic adaptation of SIFT for robust facial recognition in uncontrolled lighting conditions
* Automatic Adaptation of Streaming Multimedia Content in a Dynamic and Distributed Environment
* Automatic adaptive anisotropic digital filtering and biasing of digitized images
* Automatic Adjacency Grammar Generation from User Drawn Sketches
* Automatic Adjustment of Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor
* Automatic Adjustment of Fourier Embedding Parametrizations for Implicit Neural Representations
* Automatic Adjustment of Rigs to Extracted Skeletons
* Automatic Adjustment of the Distance Ratio Threshold in Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio Matching for Robust Camera Tracking
* Automatic Adjustment Of Wide-base Google Street View Panoramas
* Automatic Adjustment Procedure for Rational Splines, An
* Automatic Aerial Image Registration Without Correspondence
* Automatic Aerotriangulation: Concept, Realization and Results
* Automatic Aesthetic Photo Composition
* Automatic Affect Analysis: From Children to Adults
* Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
* Automatic Age Estimation from Face Images via Deep Ranking
* Automatic age estimation from facial profile view
* Automatic aircraft extraction using video matting and frame registration
* Automatic Aircraft Landing Using Interferometric Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Automatic Aircraft Recognition: Toward Using Human Similarity Measure in a Recognition System
* Automatic Airport Recognition Based on Saliency Detection and Semantic Information
* Automatic Algorithm for Evaluating the Precision of Iris Segmentation, An
* Automatic Algorithm For Minimizing Anomalies And Discrepancies In Point Clouds Acquired By Laser Scanning Technique, An
* automatic algorithm for semantic object generation and temporal tracking, An
* automatic algorithm for text skew estimation in document images using recursive morphological transforms, An
* Automatic Algorithm for Tracking Small Intestine in CT Enterography, An
* Automatic Algorithm to Retrieve Wave Height From X-Band Marine Radar Image Sequence, An
* Automatic alignment and comparison on images of petri dishes containing cell colonies
* Automatic Alignment and Multi-View Segmentation of Street View Data using 3D Shape Priors
* Automatic alignment and reconstruction of facial depth images
* Automatic alignment for virtual fitting using 3D garment stretching and human body relocation
* Automatic alignment of 3D reconstructions using a Digital Surface Model
* Automatic Alignment of Color Imagery onto 3D Laser Radar Data
* Automatic Alignment of Genus-Zero Surfaces
* Automatic Alignment of High-Resolution NMR Spectra Using a Bayesian Estimation Approach
* Automatic Alignment of Indoor and Outdoor Building Models Using 3D Line Segments
* Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depicting a 3D scene
* Automatic alignment of transmission electron microscope images using markers
* Automatic Allograph Categorization Based on Stroke Clustering for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Automatic Allograph Selection and Multiple Expert Classification for Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Character Recognition
* Automatic Analysis and Classification of the Roof Surfaces for the Installation of Solar Panels Using a Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Aerial Platform
* Automatic analysis and integration of architectural drawings
* Automatic analysis and sketch-based retrieval of architectural floor plans
* Automatic Analysis and Understanding of Documents
* Automatic analysis of 2D foam sequences: Application to the characterization of aqueous proteins foams stability
* Automatic analysis of 3D low dose CT images for early diagnosis of lung cancer
* Automatic analysis of artistic paintings using information-based measures
* Automatic analysis of broadcast football videos using contextual priors
* Automatic analysis of composite activities in video sequences using Key Action Discovery and hierarchical graphical models
* Automatic Analysis of Cos-7 Binding Assay Imagery for Malaria Vaccination Experiments
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Actions: A Survey
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition
* Automatic analysis of facial attractiveness from video
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions: The State of the Art
* Automatic Analysis of Fish Behaviors and Abnormality Detection
* Automatic analysis of flourescence labeled neurites in microscope images
* Automatic Analysis of Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridisation Images
* Automatic Analysis of Human Body Representations in Western Art
* Automatic analysis of human posture equilibrium using empirical mode decomposition
* Automatic Analysis of Moving Images
* Automatic Analysis of Multimodal Group Actions in Meetings
* Automatic Analysis of Sewer Pipes Based on Unrolled Monocular Fisheye Images
* Automatic analysis of sharpness mismatch between stereoscopic views for stereo 3D videos
* Automatic Analysis of the Difference Image for Unsupervised Change Detection
* Automatic Analysis of the Patient's Conscious Responses to the Emission of Auditory Stimuli during the Performance of an Audiometry
* Automatic analysis of the structuring of children's drawings and writing
* Automatic Analysis of Traffic Scenario from Airborne Thermal Infrared Video
* Automatic Analysis of Young's Fringes
* Automatic and Accurate 3D Measurement Based on RGBD Saliency Detection
* Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation
* Automatic and Accurate Extraction of Road Intersections from Raster Maps
* Automatic and Accurate Extraction of Sea Ice in the Turbid Waters of the Yellow River Estuary Based on Image Spectral and Spatial Information
* Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection Using Near-Infrared Information
* Automatic and adaptive network-aware macroblock intra refresh for error-resilient H.264/AVC video coding
* Automatic and efficient 3D face feature segmentation with active contours
* automatic and efficient dynamic programming algorithm for polygonal approximation of digital curves, An
* Automatic and Efficient Human Pose Estimation for Sign Language Videos
* Automatic and Efficient Long Term Arm and Hand Tracking for Continuous Sign Language TV Broadcasts
* Automatic and Forward Method to Establish 3-D Parametric Scattering Center Models of Complex Targets for Target Recognition, An
* Automatic and Generic Mosaicing of Multisensor Images: An Application to Pleiades HR
* Automatic and interactive evolution of vector graphics images with genetic algorithms
* Automatic and Interactive Modeling of Buildings in Urban Environments from Aerial Images
* Automatic and interactive rule inference without ground truth
* Automatic and Operational Method for Land Cover Change Detection Using Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS Data: A Northern Ontario (Canada) Case Study, An
* Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
* Automatic and optimal segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac magnetic resonance images independent of the training sets
* Automatic and Precise Orthorectification, Coregistration, and Subpixel Correlation of Satellite Images, Application to Ground Deformation Measurements
* Automatic and quantitative evaluation of attribute discovery methods
* Automatic and quick blood vessels extraction algorithm in retinal images
* Automatic and robust 3D Face Registration using Multiresolution Spherical Depth Map
* Automatic and Robust Aerial Road Detection Based on Multihypothesis Generalized Kalman Filter Using Fully and Partially Occluded Models
* automatic and robust algorithm for determining motion and structure from two perspective images, An
* Automatic and Robust Algorithm of Reestablishment of Digital Dental Occlusion, An
* Automatic and Robust Computation of 3D Medial Models Incorporating Object Variability
* Automatic and robust head pose estimation by block energy map
* Automatic and Robust Skull Registration Based on Discrete Uniformization
* Automatic and Self-Adaptive Stem Reconstruction in Landslide-Affected Forests
* Automatic and Semantically-Aware 3D UAV Flight Planning for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic and Semi-automatic Analysis of the Extension of Myocardial Infarction in an Experimental Murine Model
* Automatic and Semiautomatic Methods for Image Annotation and Retrieval in Query by Image Content (QBIC)
* automatic and serialized ROI extraction framework for the slow-motion video frames, An
* automatic and simple breast tumor classification using area matching, An
* Automatic Aneurysm Neck Detection Using Surface Voronoi Diagrams
* Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing in Still Portrait Photos
* Automatic Annotation Algorithm of Medical Radiological Images using Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Annotation and Retrieval for Videos
* Automatic annotation extension and classification of documents using a probabilistic graphical model
* Automatic Annotation for Handwritten Historical Documents Using Markov Models
* Automatic Annotation Method for Discovering Semantic Information of Geographical Locations from Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Automatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propagation Based on a Bayesian-CRF Model
* Automatic Annotation of an Ultrasound Corpus for Studying Tongue Movement
* Automatic Annotation of Corpora For Emotion Recognition Through Facial Expressions Analysis
* Automatic annotation of court games with structured output learning
* Automatic annotation of geo-information in panoramic street view by image retrieval
* Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
* Automatic Annotation of Humans in Surveillance Video
* Automatic Annotation of Hyperspectral Images and Spectral Signal Classification of People and Vehicles in Areas of Dense Vegetation with Deep Learning
* Automatic Annotation of Images from the Practitioner Perspective
* Automatic Annotation of Leishmania Infections in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Automatic annotation of liver computed tomography images based on a vessel-skeletonization method
* Automatic Annotation of Medical Records in Spanish with Disease, Drug and Substance Names
* Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning
* Automatic Annotation of Tennis Video Sequences
* Automatic annotation of unique locations from video and text
* Automatic Antibiograms Inhibition Halo Determination Through Texture and Directional Filtering Analysis
* Automatic Aorta Detection in Non-contrast 3D Cardiac CT Images Using Bayesian Tracking Method
* Automatic Aorta Segmentation and Valve Landmark Detection in C-Arm CT for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
* Automatic Aortic Root Segmentation with Shape Constraints and Mesh Regularisation
* Automatic Apple Tree Blossom Estimation From UAV Rgb Imagery
* Automatic Apples Detection for an Agricultural Robot
* automatic approach for artifacts detection and shadow enhancement in intravascular ultrasound images, An
* automatic approach for camera calibration from vanishing points, An
* Automatic Approach for Emulsions Stability Assessment in Microscope Images
* automatic approach for land-change detection and land updates based on integrated NDVI timing analysis and the CVAPS method with GEE support, An
* automatic approach for tree species detection and profile estimation of urban street trees using deep learning and Google street view images, An
* Automatic Approach to Adaptive Local Background Estimation and Suppression in Hyperspectral Target Detection, An
* Automatic Approach to Extracting Large-Scale Three-Dimensional Road Networks Using Open-Source Data, An
* Automatic Approach to Lossy Cmpression of AVIRIS Images, An
* Automatic Approach to Mapping a Lifelike 2.5D Human Face
* Automatic Approach to VHR Satellite Image Classification
* Automatic Appropriate Segment Extraction from Shots Based on Learning from Example Videos
* Automatic Architectural Style Recognition
* Automatic arrhythmia recognition from electrocardiogram signals using different feature methods with long short-term memory network model
* Automatic Arteriovenous Nicking Identification by Color Fundus Images Analysis
* Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs
* Automatic aspect discrimination in data clustering
* Automatic Assembling of Cadastral Maps Based on Generalized Hough Transformation
* automatic assembly and completion framework for fragmented skulls, An
* Automatic assembly of ocular fundus images
* Automatic assessment of constraint sets in image restoration
* Automatic Assessment of Depression Based on Visual Cues: A Systematic Review
* Automatic Assessment of Eye Blinking Patterns through Statistical Shape Models
* Automatic Assessment of Green Space Ratio in Urban Areas from Mobile Scanning Data
* Automatic Assessment of Hoarding Clutter from Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Assessment of Infant Face and Upper-Body Symmetry as Early Signs of Torticollis
* Automatic Assessment of Leishmania Infection Indexes on In Vitro Macrophage Cell Cultures
* Automatic Assessment of Macular Edema From Color Retinal Images
* Automatic assessment of mammographic positioning on the mediolateral oblique view
* Automatic assessment of online fashion shopping photo aesthetic quality
* Automatic Assessment of Open Street Maps Database Quality using Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Assessment of Skull Circumference in Craniosynostosis
* automatic assessment scheme for steel quality inspection, An
* Automatic Asymmetric 3D-2D Face Recognition
* Automatic atlas-based three-label cartilage segmentation from MR knee images
* Automatic atmospheric correction for shortwave hyperspectral remote sensing data using a time-dependent deep neural network
* Automatic attention object extraction from images
* Automatic Attribute Discovery and Characterization from Noisy Web Data
* Automatic Attribute Discovery with Neural Activations
* Automatic Attribute Profiles
* Automatic Attribute Threshold Selection for Blood Vessel Enhancement
* Automatic attribute threshold selection for morphological connected attribute filters
* Automatic attribution of ancient Roman imperial coins
* Automatic Audio-Visual Fusion for Aggression Detection Using Meta-information
* Automatic Audio Feature Extraction for Keyword Spotting
* Automatic audiovisual behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis
* Automatic Augmentation and Meshing of Sparse 3D Scene Structure
* Automatic Background Construction and Object Detection Based on Roadside LiDAR
* Automatic Background Filtering for Cooperative Perception Using Roadside LiDAR
* Automatic Background Recognition and Removal (ABRR) in Computed Radiography Images
* Automatic band selection for wavelet reconstruction in the application of defect detection
* Automatic Band Selection in Multispectral Images Using Mutual Information-Based Clustering
* Automatic bandwidth estimation strategy for high-quality non-parametric modeling based moving object detection
* Automatic Bayesian Knot Placement for Spline Fitting
* Automatic behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis
* Automatic benign and malignant classification of pulmonary nodules in thoracic computed tomography based on RF algorithm
* Automatic benthic imagery recognition using a hierarchical two-stage approach
* Automatic Best Reference Slice Selection for Smooth Volume Reconstruction of a Mouse Brain From Histological Images
* Automatic bi-layer video segmentation based on sensor fusion
* Automatic bi-modal emotion recognition system based on fusion of facial expressions and emotion extraction from speech
* Automatic BI-RADS Classification of Mammograms
* Automatic Bifurcation angle calculation in intravascular optical coherence tomography images
* Automatic Bifurcation Detection in Coronary X-Ray Angiographies
* Automatic blastomere detection in day 1 to day 2 human embryo images using partitioned graphs and ellipsoids
* Automatic Blind Spot Camera: A Vision-Based Active Alarm System, The
* Automatic blur-kernel-size estimation for motion deblurring
* Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image matting
* Automatic blur type classification via ensemble SVM
* Automatic Boat Identification System for VIIRS Low Light Imaging Data
* Automatic body measurement for mass customization of garments
* Automatic body segmentation with graph cut and self-adaptive initialization level set (SAILS)
* Automatic Bone and Marrow Extraction from Dual Energy CT through SVM Margin-Based Multi-Material Decomposition Model Selection
* Automatic Bootstrapping and Tracking of Object Contours
* Automatic bootstrapping of a morphable face model using multiple components
* Automatic boundary detection and symmetry calculation in dermoscopy images of skin lesions
* Automatic Boundary Detection of the Left Ventricle from Cineangiograms
* Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images With Intracranial Hemorrhage
* Automatic brain MR image registration based on talairach reference system
* Automatic brain segmentation method based on supervoxels
* Automatic brain segmentation using artificial neural networks with shape context
* Automatic brain tissue segmentation in MR images using hybrid atlas forest based on confidence-weighted probability matrix
* Automatic brain tumor segmentation for a computer-aided diagnosis system
* Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multispectral MRI Volumes Using a Random Forest Approach
* Automatic Brain Tumour Segmentation in 18F-FDOPA PET Using PET/MRI Fusion
* Automatic Branching Detection in IVUS Sequences
* Automatic break-line detection from laserscanner data using surface flatness
* Automatic Break Line Determination for the Generation of a DTM Along the River Main
* Automatic breast cancer detection based on optimized neural network using whale optimization algorithm
* Automatic Breast Cancer Grading of Histological Images Based on Colour and Texture Descriptors
* automatic breast computer-aided diagnosis scheme based on a weighted fusion of relevant features and a deep CNN classifier, An
* Automatic breast ultrasound image segmentation: A survey
* Automatic Bridge Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Bridge Detection Technique for Multispectral Images, An
* Automatic Bridge Extraction for Optical Images
* Automatic building change image quality assessment in high resolution remote sensing based on deep learning
* Automatic Building Detection Analysing Multiple Curve Data
* Automatic building detection and land use classification in urban areas using multispectral high-spatial resolution imagery and LiDAR data
* Automatic building detection based on Purposive FastICA (PFICA) algorithm using monocular high resolution Google Earth images
* Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
* Automatic Building Detection for Multi-Aspect SAR Images Based on the Variation Features
* Automatic Building Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Joint Optimization and Decision Fusion of Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Automatic building detection in aerial and satellite images
* Automatic Building Detection in Aerial Images Using a Hierarchical Feature Based Image Segmentation
* Automatic Building Detection Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Building Detection Using the Dempster-Shafer Algorithm
* Automatic Building Detection with Polygonizing and Attribute Extraction from High-Resolution Images
* Automatic Building Extraction and Regularisation Technique Using LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Orthoimage, An
* Automatic Building Extraction And Roof Reconstruction In 3k Imagery Based On Line Segments
* Automatic Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* Automatic Building Extraction from DEMs Using an Object Approach and Application to the 3D-City Modeling
* Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Gated Residual Refinement Network
* Automatic Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Active Contour Mode
* Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
* Automatic building extraction from LiDAR data fusion of point and grid-based features
* Automatic Building Extraction From Lidar Point Cloud Data in The Fusion Of Orthoimage
* Automatic building extraction from oblique aerial images
* Automatic Building Extraction Using a Decision Tree Object-based Classification On Joint Use of Aerial and Lidar Data
* Automatic Building Footprint Extraction and Regularisation from LIDAR Point Cloud Data
* Automatic Building Footprint Extraction from Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using a Hybrid FCN
* Automatic Building Outline Extraction from ALS Point Clouds by Ordered Points Aided Hough Transform
* Automatic Building Outlining From Multi-view Oblique Images
* Automatic Building Reconstruction from a Digital Elevation Model and Cadastral Data: An Operational Approach
* Automatic Building Reconstruction from Cadastral Maps and Aerial Images
* Automatic Building Reconstruction Method: A Structural Approach using High Resolution Satellite Images, An
* Automatic Building Roof Plane Extraction in Urban Environments for 3D City Modelling Using Remote Sensing Data
* Automatic Building Rooftop Extraction From Aerial Images via Hierarchical RGB-D Priors
* Automatic Building Segmentation of Aerial Imagery Using Multi-Constraint Fully Convolutional Networks
* Automatic Burned Land Mapping From MODIS Time Series Images: Assessment in Mediterranean Ecosystems
* Automatic burr detection on surfaces of revolution based on adaptive 3D scanning
* Automatic Bus Line Number Localization and Recognition on Mobile Phones: A Computer Vision Aid for the Visually Impaired
* Automatic Business Card Scanning with a Camera
* Automatic Ca2+ Sparks Detection System
* Automatic CAD Modelling of Industrial Pipes from Range Images
* Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification
* Automatic cage construction for retargeted muscle fitting
* Automatic cage generation by improved OBBs for mesh deformation
* Automatic cal U -Distribution and Markov Random Field Segmentation Algorithm for PolSAR Images, An
* Automatic Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest CT Using Deep Neural Networks With Dilated Convolutions
* Automatic calculation of chamfer mask coefficients for large masks and anisotropic images pages.
* Automatic Calculation of Oil Slick Area from Multiple SAR Acquisitions for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
* Automatic calculation of step size and inertia parameter for convolutional dictionary learning
* Automatic Calibration and Co-registration for a Stereo Camera System And a Thermal Imaging Sensor Using a Chessboard
* Automatic Calibration and Reconstruction for Active Vision Systems
* Automatic Calibration and Removal of Distortion from Scenes of Structured Environments
* Automatic Calibration and Visual Servoing for a Robot Navigation System
* Automatic Calibration between Multi-Lines LiDAR and Visible Light Camera Based on Edge Refinement and Virtual Mask Matching
* Automatic Calibration for a Robot Navigation System
* Automatic calibration for inertial measurement unit
* Automatic Calibration Method for Driver's Head Orientation in Natural Driving Environment
* automatic calibration method for stereo-based 3D distributed smart camera networks, An
* Automatic Calibration of a LiDAR-Camera System Based on Instance Segmentation
* Automatic Calibration of a Multiple-Projector Spherical Fish Tank VR Display
* Automatic calibration of a projector-camera system with a see-through screen
* Automatic Calibration of a Range Sensor and Camera System
* Automatic calibration of a single-projector catadioptric display system
* Automatic Calibration of Camera Networks based on Local Motion Features
* Automatic calibration of cameras and structured light sources
* Automatic calibration of fish-eye cameras from automotive video sequences
* Automatic Calibration of Multiple Stationary Laser Range Finders Using Trajectories
* Automatic Calibration of Stationary Surveillance Cameras in the Wild
* Automatic Calibration of Stereo-Cameras Using Ordinary Chess-Board Patterns
* Automatic Calibration of the Fisheye Camera for Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image
* Automatic Camera-Screen Localization
* Automatic Camera and Light-Source Placement Using CAD Models
* Automatic Camera Calibration and Scene Reconstruction with Scale-Invariant Features
* Automatic Camera Calibration Applied to Medical Endoscopy
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Cultural Heritage Applications Using Unstructured Planar Objects
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Traffic Understanding
* Automatic Camera Calibration from a Single Manhattan Image
* Automatic camera calibration of broadcast tennis video with applications to 3D virtual content insertion and ball detection and tracking
* Automatic Camera Calibration Using Multiple Sets of Pairwise Correspondences
* Automatic Camera Network Localization using Object Image Tracks
* Automatic Camera Orientation and Structure Recovery with Samantha
* Automatic camera placement for large scale surveillance networks
* Automatic Camera Placement in Vision Metrology Based On A Fuzzy Inference System
* Automatic Camera Pose Recognition in Planar View Scenarios
* Automatic camera recovery for closed or open image sequences
* Automatic camera selection and fusion for outdoor surveillance under changing weather conditions
* Automatic Camera System Calibration With a Chessboard Enabling Full Image Coverage
* Automatic Camera Tracking
* Automatic Can Separation
* Automatic canola mapping using time series of sentinel 2 images
* Automatic Caption Generation for News Images
* Automatic Caption Localization in Compressed Video
* Automatic Car Counting Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images
* Automatic cardiac LV boundary detection and tracking using hybrid fuzzy temporal and fuzzy multiscale edge detection
* Automatic Cardiac View Classification of Echocardiogram
* Automatic Cartographic Feature Extraction Using Photogrammetric Principles
* Automatic Cartoon Face Composition Using Caricature Traits
* Automatic cascade training with perturbation bias
* Automatic Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Landslide Detection: Integration of Object-Oriented Image Analysis and a Genetic Algorithm
* Automatic Cast Listing in Feature-Length Films with Anisotropic Manifold Space
* Automatic Cataract Classification Using Deep Neural Network With Discrete State Transition
* Automatic Categorization of Image Regions Using Dominant Color Based Vector Quantization
* Automatic Cattle Identification Using Graph Matching Based on Local Invariant Features
* Automatic cell classification and population estimation in blastocystis autophagy images
* Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images Using SIFT, Random Forests, and Hierarchical Clustering
* automatic cell segmentation method for differential interference contrast microscopy, An
* Automatic Cell Segmentation Using a Shape-Classification Model in Immunohistochemically Stained Cytological Images
* Automatic center point determination in two-dimensional short-axis echocardiographic images
* Automatic centerline extraction for virtual colonoscopy
* Automatic centroid extraction method for noisy star image
* Automatic cephalometric landmark detection using Zernike moments and template matching
* Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnetic resonance imaging using an EfficientNet encoder in UNet++ architecture
* Automatic Chain Line Segmentation in Historical Prints
* Automatic change detection and quantification of dermatological diseases with an application to psoriasis images
* Automatic change detection in an indoor environment
* Automatic Change Detection in Sparse Repeat CT Scanning
* Automatic Change Detection in Urban Areas Under a Scale-Space, Object-Oriented Classification Framework
* Automatic change detection of buildings in urban environment from very high spatial resolution images using existing geodatabase and prior knowledge
* Automatic Change Detection of Digital Maps Using Aerial Images And Point Clouds
* Automatic change detection of driving environments in a vision-based driver assistance system
* automatic channel selection method based on the standard deviation of wavelet coefficients for motor imagery based brain-computer interfacing, An
* Automatic character location and segmentation in color scene images
* Automatic Character Recognition: A State of the Art Report
* Automatic characteristic-calibrated registration (ACC-REG): Hippocampal surface registration using eigen-graphs
* Automatic Characterization of Spiral and Elliptic Galaxies from Digital Images
* Automatic Check-Out via Prototype-Based Classifier Learning from Single-Product Exemplars
* Automatic chessboard corner detection method
* Automatic Chinese Personality Recognition Based on Prosodic Features
* Automatic Chinese Seal Identification
* Automatic Chinese Text Classification Using Character-Based and Word-Based Approach
* Automatic Choice of the Number of Nearest Neighbors in Locally Linear Embedding
* Automatic Choice of the Threshold of a Grain Filter via Galton-Watson Trees: Application to Granite Cracks Detection
* Automatic choroid layer segmentation using normalized graph cut
* Automatic Chromosome Classification Using Medial Axis Approximation and Band Profile Similarity
* Automatic Circuit Diagram Reader with Loop-Structure-Based Symbol Recognition, An
* Automatic citrus canker detection from leaf images captured in field
* Automatic Class-Specific 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Automatic Class Mean Calculation of Road Surface from IKONOS Images Using Fuzzy Logic and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Automatic Class Selection and Prototyping for 3-D Object Classification
* Automatic classification algorithm of urban building based on corner analysis
* Automatic classification and 3D modeling of lidar data
* Automatic Classification and Linguistic Analysis of Extremist Online Material
* Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis
* Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* Automatic classification of acoustic sequences by multiresolution image processing and neural networks
* Automatic Classification of Breast Density
* Automatic Classification of Breast Tissue
* Automatic Classification of Bridges and Continental Water Bodies From 3d Point Clouds (aerial Lidar)
* Automatic classification of building types in 3D city models: Using SVMs for semantic enrichment of low resolution building data
* Automatic Classification of Cervical Cells Using a Binary Tree Classifier
* Automatic classification of chromosomes by means of quadratically asymmetric statistical distributions
* Automatic classification of clustered microcalcifications by a multiple expert system
* Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
* Automatic Classification of Coating Epithelial Tissue
* Automatic classification of company's document stream: Comparison of two solutions
* Automatic Classification of Cotton Root Rot Disease Based on UAV Remote Sensing
* Automatic Classification of Expressive Hand Gestures on Tangible Acoustic Interfaces According to Laban's Theory of Effort
* Automatic classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques
* Automatic Classification of Fresco Fragments: A Machine and Deep Learning Study
* Automatic Classification of Glaucoma Stages Using Two-Dimensional Tensor Empirical Wavelet Transform
* Automatic classification of grains via pattern recognition techniques
* Automatic Classification of Ground-Penetrating-Radar Signals for Railway-Ballast Assessment
* Automatic classification of hand drawn geometric shapes using constructional sequence analysis
* Automatic Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Multi-dimensional Local Binary Patterns
* Automatic Classification of Herbal Substances Enhanced with an Entropy Criterion
* Automatic Classification Of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study For Urban Areas In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
* Automatic Classification of Human Body Postures Based on Curvelet Transform
* Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell Indirect Immunofluorescence images using Cell Pyramid Matching
* Automatic Classification of Human Granulosa Cells in Assisted Reproductive Technology using vibrational spectroscopy imaging
* Automatic Classification of Image Registration Problems
* Automatic classification of legumes using leaf vein image features
* Automatic Classification of Low-Resolution Chromosomal Images
* Automatic Classification of Major Urban Land Covers Based on Novel Spectral Indices
* Automatic Classification of Mass Spectra by Means of Digital Learning Nets: Existence of Characteristic Features of Chemical Class in Mass Spectra
* Automatic classification of medical X-ray images using a bag of visual words
* Automatic classification of medical X-ray images: hybrid generative-discriminative approach
* Automatic classification of micro-organisms by shape and color, in water quality control: A preliminary study
* Automatic Classification of NMR Spectra by Ensembles of Local Experts
* Automatic Classification of Non-informative Frames in Colonoscopy Videos Using Texture Analysis
* automatic classification of normal and abnormal chromosomes using image analysis, The
* Automatic Classification of Optical Defects of Mirrors from Ronchigram Images Using Bag of Visual Words and Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Classification of Outdoor Images by Region Matching
* Automatic classification of partial shoeprints using Advanced Correlation Filters for use in forensic science
* Automatic Classification of Pavement Distress Using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Classification of Photos by Tourist Attractions Using Deep Learning Model and Image Feature Vector Clustering
* Automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Image Using Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm
* Automatic Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Layer Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Classification of Retinal Vessels Using Structural and Intensity Information
* Automatic classification of severity of COVID-19 patients using texture feature and random forest based on computed tomography images
* Automatic classification of shoeprints for use in forensic science based on the Fourier transform
* Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images
* Automatic classification of skin burn colour images using texture-based feature extraction
* Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns
* Automatic classification of skin tumours with high resolution surface profiles
* Automatic Classification of Spatial Relationships among Mathematical Symbols Using Geometric Features
* Automatic Classification of Submerged Macrophytes at Lake Constance Using Laser Bathymetry Point Clouds
* Automatic classification of teeth in bitewing dental images
* Automatic classification of tissues using T1 and T2 relaxation times from prostate MRI: A step towards generation of PET/MR attenuation map
* Automatic classification of traffic incident's severity using machine learning approaches
* Automatic Classification of Ultraviolet Aurora Images Based on Texture and Shape Features
* Automatic Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes in HMM-Induced Vector Spaces
* Automatic Classification of Woodcuts and Copperplate Engravings
* Automatic classification of wooden cabinet doors
* Automatic Classification of Zingiberales from RGB Images
* Automatic Classification System of Marble Slabs in Production Line According to Texture and Color Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Automatic Classification System of Urine Bladder Tumors Employing Morphological and Textural Nuclear Features, An
* Automatic cleaning and segmentation of web images based on colors to build learning databases
* Automatic Clearance Anomaly Detection for Transmission Line Corridors Utilizing UAV-Borne LIDAR Data
* Automatic Closed-Loop Methodology for Generating Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents, An
* Automatic Closed Edge Detection Using Level Lines Selection
* Automatic closed eye correction
* Automatic clothes segmentation for soft biometrics
* automatic cloud-masking system using backpro neural nets for AVHRR scenes, An
* Automatic Cloud and Shadow Detection in Optical Satellite Imagery Without Using Thermal Bands: Application to Suomi NPP VIIRS Images over Fennoscandia
* Automatic cloud detection for high resolution satellite stereo images and its application in terrain extraction
* Automatic Cloud Detection From Multi-temporal Satellite Images: Towards the Use of PlÉiades Time Series
* Automatic cloud segmentation from INSAT-3D satellite image via IKM and IFCM clustering
* Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images
* Automatic Clustering-Based Two-Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* automatic clustering algorithm based on the density-peak framework and Chameleon method, An
* automatic clustering algorithm inspired by membrane computing, An
* Automatic clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on adaptive influence function
* Automatic Clustering for Unsupervised Risk Diagnosis of Vehicle Driving for Smart Road
* Automatic clustering method based on evolutionary optimisation
* Automatic Clustering of Faces in Meetings
* Automatic Clustering of Indoor Area Features in Shopping Malls
* Automatic co-registration of 3D multi-sensor point clouds
* Automatic Co-registration of Aerial Imagery and Untextured Model Data Utilizing Average Shading Gradients
* Automatic Co-Registration of Airborne Laser-scanner Data Recorded at an Urban Area with Oblique Sensor Configuration
* Automatic Co-Registration of Digital Elevation Models Based on Centroids of Subwatersheds
* Automatic Co-Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Digital Camera for the Generation of Hybrids Models
* Automatic co-registration of terrestrial laser scanning data and 2d floor plan
* Automatic coding of facial expressions displayed during posed and genuine pain
* Automatic coefficient selection in Weighted Maximum Margin Criterion
* Automatic Collateral Scoring From 3D CTA Images
* Automatic collection of Web video shots corresponding to specific actions using Web images
* Automatic collimation in peripheral X-ray imaging
* Automatic Color-Texture Image Segmentation by Using Active Contours
* Automatic Color Based Reassembly of Fragmented Images and Paintings
* Automatic color constancy algorithm selection and combination
* Automatic Color Correction for Multisource Remote Sensing Images with Wasserstein CNN
* Automatic Color Detection of Archaeological Pottery with Munsell System
* Automatic Color Enhancement (ACE) and its Fast Implementation
* Automatic color image contrast enhancement using Gaussian mixture modeling, piecewise linear transformation, and monotone piecewise cubic interpolant
* Automatic Color Image Stitching Using Quaternion Rank-1 Alignment
* Automatic Color Profiling of Digital Cameras Using Unordered Photos
* Automatic color space selection for biological image segmentation
* Automatic Colorectal Polyps Detection Approach for Ct Colonography, An
* Automatic Combination of Feature Descriptors for Effective 3D Shape Retrieval
* Automatic Commercial Aircraft-Collision Avoidance in Free Flight: The Three-Dimensional Problem
* Automatic Comparison of 2-D Electrophoretic Gels
* Automatic Comparison of a Topographic Map with Remotely-Sensed Images in a Map Updating Perspective: The Road Network Case
* Automatic Comparison of Skeletons by Shape Matching Methods
* Automatic Compartment Modelling and Segmentation for Dynamical Renal Scintigraphies
* Automatic Compensation of Radial Distortion by Minimizing Entropy of Histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Automatic Completion of Korean Words for Open Vocabulary Pen Interface
* Automatic Components of Integrated CCTV Surveillance Systems: Functionality, Accuracy and Confidence
* Automatic Composition of an Informative Wide-View Image from Video
* Automatic computation of histogram threshold for lip segmentation using feedback of shape information
* Automatic computation of speckle standard deviation in SAR images
* Automatic Computer-Aided Detection System for Meniscal Tears on Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Automatic Computer Measurements of Neurons
* Automatic Computer Recognition of Printed Music
* Automatic Concavity's Area Calculation using Active Contours and Increasing Flow
* Automatic Concept Discovery from Parallel Text and Visual Corpora
* Automatic configuration and calibration of modular sensing floors
* Automatic Configuration for a Biometrics-Based Physical Access Control System
* Automatic configuration of spectral dimensionality reduction methods for 3D human pose estimation
* Automatic configuration of spectral dimensionality reduction methods
* Automatic Conflict Detection Framework for Urban Intersections Based on an Improved Time Difference to Collision Indicator, An
* Automatic Conic and Line Grouping for Calibration of Central Catadioptric Camera
* Automatic Construction of 2D Shape Models
* Automatic Construction of 3-D Building Model From Airborne LIDAR Data Through 2-D Snake Algorithm
* Automatic construction of 3-D statistical deformation models of the brain using nonrigid registration
* Automatic Construction of 3D-ASM Intensity Models by Simulating Image Acquisition: Application to Myocardial Gated SPECT Studies
* Automatic Construction of 3D Human Face Models Based on 2D Images
* Automatic Construction of a View-Independent Relational Model for 3-D Object Recognition, The
* Automatic Construction of Action Datasets Using Web Videos with Density-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
* Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as an Image Coding Problem
* Automatic construction of an action video shot database using web videos
* Automatic Construction of Building Footprints From Airborne LIDAR Data
* Automatic Construction of Correspondences for Tubular Surfaces
* Automatic Construction of Deformable Models In-the-Wild
* Automatic Construction of Fuzzy Rules for Modelling and Prediction of the Central Nervous System
* Automatic Construction of Image Transformation Processes Using Genetic Algorithm
* Automatic Construction of Indoor 3D Navigation Graph from Crowdsourcing Trajectories
* Automatic Construction of Junction Dictionaries and Their Exploitation of the Analysis of Range Data
* Automatic construction of multiple-object three-dimensional statistical shape models: application to cardiac modeling
* Automatic Construction of Parts+Geometry Models for Initializing Groupwise Registration
* Automatic Construction of Radial-Basis Function Networks Through an Adaptive Partition Algorithm
* Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces
* Automatic Construction of Statistical Shape Models for Protein Spot Analysis in Electrophoresis Gels
* Automatic Construction of Structural Models Incorporating Discontinuous Transformations
* Automatic Construction of Tree-structural image Transformations using Genetic Programming
* Automatic Construction Of Wi-fi Radio Map Using Smartphones
* Automatic Content-Aware Color and Tone Stylization
* Automatic Content-Aware Non-photorealistic Rendering of Images
* Automatic Content-Aware Projection for 360° Videos
* Automatic Content-based Indexing of Digital Documents through Intelligent Processing Techniques
* Automatic content-based temporal alignment of image sequences with varying spatio-temporal resolution
* Automatic Content Extraction on Semi-structured Documents
* Automatic content recognition of teaching boards in the Tableau platform
* Automatic context-aware dust and scratch removal in scanned images
* Automatic Context-Aware Inference of Engagement in HMI: A Survey
* Automatic context-sensitive karyotyping of human chromosomes based on elliptically symmetric statistical distributions
* Automatic continuous speech recogniser for Dravidian languages using the auto associative neural network
* Automatic Contour Detection by Encoding Knowledge into Active Contour Models
* Automatic contour estimation in fetal ultrasound images
* Automatic Contour Propagation in Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic contrast enhancement by variational minimax optimization
* Automatic contrast enhancement of low-light images based on local statistics of wavelet coefficients
* Automatic Contrast Enhancement Technology With Saliency Preservation
* Automatic Control of Lamellibranch Larva Growth Using Contour Invariant Feature Extraction
* Automatic Conversion of CityGML to IFC
* Automatic Corneal Nerves Recognition for Earlier Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Diabetic Neuropathy
* Automatic Corner Matching in Highly Distorted Images of Zhang's Calibration Pattern
* Automatic Coronary Artery Plaque Quantification and CAD-RADS Prediction Using Mesh Priors
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Non-Contrast-Enhanced ECG-Triggered Cardiac CT With Ambiguity Detection
* Automatic correction of bias field in magnetic resonance images
* Automatic Correction of Internal Units in Generative Neural Networks
* Automatic Correction of Level Set Based Subvoxel Precise Centerlines for Virtual Colonoscopy Using the Colon Outer Wall
* Automatic Correction of Ma's Thinning Algorithm Based on P-simple Points, An
* Automatic Correction of Ma and Sonka's Thinning Algorithm Using P-Simple Points
* Automatic Correction of Motion Artifacts in Magnetic-Resonance Images Using an Entropy Focus Criterion
* Automatic correction of perspective and optical distortions
* Automatic correction of weak radial lens distortion in single views of urban scenes using vanishing points
* Automatic Correlation and Calibration of Noisy Sensor Readings Using Elite Genetic Algorithms
* Automatic Corresponding Control Points Selection for Historical Document Image Registration
* Automatic Cotton Mapping Using Time Series of Sentinel-2 Images
* Automatic count of hepatocytes in microscopic images
* Automatic counting of chickens in confined area using the LCFCN algorithm
* Automatic Counting of in situ Rice Seedlings from UAV Images Based on a Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Counting of Large Mammals from Very High Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Imagery
* Automatic COVID-19 CT segmentation using U-Net integrated spatial and channel attention mechanism
* Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation and measurement using CT-scans images
* Automatic Crack Detection on Two-Dimensional Pavement Images: An Algorithm Based on Minimal Path Selection
* Automatic Craniofacial Structure Detection on Cephalometric Images
* Automatic Crater Detection Using Convex Grouping and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic creation and evaluation of MPEG-7 compliant summary descriptions for generic audiovisual content
* Automatic Creation of Large Scale Object Databases from Web Resources: A Case Study in Robot Vision
* Automatic creation of magazine-page-like social media visual summary for mobile browsing
* Automatic Creation of Massive Virtual Cities
* Automatic Creation of Reasonable Interpretations for Complex Line Figures
* Automatic Creation of Storm Impact Database Based on Video Monitoring and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Cricket Highlight Generation Using Event-Driven and Excitement-Based Features
* Automatic Crop Classification Based on Optimized Spectral and Textural Indexes Considering Spatial Heterogeneity
* Automatic Crop Classification in Northeastern China by Improved Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Satellite Image Time Series
* Automatic Cross-Biometric Footstep Database Labelling Using Speaker Recognition
* Automatic crowd density and motion analysis in airborne image sequences based on a probabilistic framework
* Automatic CRP Mapping Using Nonparametric Machine Learning Approaches
* Automatic Crude Patch Registration: Toward Automatic 3D Model Building
* Automatic Cryptosporidium and Giardia viability detection in treated water
* Automatic Cup-to-Disc Ratio Estimation Using Active Contours and Color Clustering in Fundus Images for Glaucoma Diagnosis
* Automatic Curation of Golf Highlights Using Multimodal Excitement Features
* Automatic Curation of Sports Highlights Using Multimodal Excitement Features
* Automatic Curve Fitting with Quadratic B-Spline Functions and Its Applications to Computer-Assisted Animation
* Automatic curve selection for lens distortion correction using Hough transform energy
* Automatic cutting plane identification for computer-aided analysis of intracranial aneurysms
* Automatic Cycle Averaging for Denoising Approximately Periodic Spatiotemporal Signals
* Automatic cystocele severity grading in transperineal ultrasound by random forest regression
* Automatic Damage Detection and Diagnosis for Hydraulic Structures Using Drones and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
* Automatic Damage Detection For Sensitive Cultural Heritage Sites
* Automatic Damage Detection of Stone Cultural Property Based On Deep Learning Algorithm
* Automatic darkest filament detection (ADFD): a new algorithm for crack extraction on two-dimensional pavement images
* Automatic Data-Driven Method for SAR Image Segmentation in Sea Surface Analysis, An
* Automatic Data-Driven Parameterization for Phase-Based Bone Localization in US Using Log-Gabor Filters
* Automatic Data Acquisition from Topographic Maps Using a Knowledge-based Image Analysis System
* Automatic Data Assimilation Framework for Patient-Specific Myocardial Mechanical Parameter Estimation, An
* Automatic Data Capture for Geographic Information Systems
* Automatic Data Cleaning System for Large-Scale Location Image Databases Using a Multilevel Extractor and Multiresolution Dissimilarity Calculation
* Automatic Data Selection and Boresight Adjustment of LiDAR Systems
* Automatic Databases for Unsupervised Face Recognition
* Automatic Dataset Generation for Specific Object Detection
* Automatic day time cloud detection over land and sea from MSG SEVIRI images using three features and two artificial intelligence approaches
* Automatic Deceit Detection Through Multimodal Analysis of High-Stake Court-Trials
* Automatic decision support by rule exhaustion decision tree algorithm
* Automatic decomposition of time series into step, ramp, and impulse primitives
* Automatic Deep Learning Bowhead Whale Whistle Recognizing Method Based on Adaptive SWT: Applying to the Beaufort Sea, An
* Automatic Deep Sparse Multi-Trial Vector-based Differential Evolution clustering with manifold learning and incremental technique
* Automatic Defect Classification for Semiconductor Manufacturing
* Automatic Defect Classification of TFT-LCD Panels with Shape, Histogram and Color Features
* Automatic Defect Classification Using Frequency and Spatial Features in a Boosting Scheme
* Automatic Defect Detection of Pavement Diseases
* Automatic defect inspection system for beer bottles based on deep residual learning
* Automatic Defect Recognition in X-Ray Testing Using Computer Vision
* Automatic Defect Segmentation by Unsupervised Anomaly Learning
* Automatic defocus spectral matting
* Automatic Deformable MR-Ultrasound Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* Automatic Deformation Detection for Visual Post Inspection
* Automatic Deformation Inspection Method for Digital Aerial Imagery Based on Statistical Characteristics
* Automatic Delineation and Height Measurement of Regenerating Conifer Crowns under Leaf-Off Conditions Using UAV Imagery
* Automatic Delineation of Drainage Basins Within Digital Elevation Data Using the Topographic Primal Sketch
* Automatic Delineation of Left and Right Ventricles in Cardiac MRI Sequences Using a Joint Ventricular Model
* Automatic delineation of macular regions based on a locally defined contrast function
* Automatic Delineation of Urban Growth Boundaries Based on Topographic Data Using Germany as a Case Study
* Automatic Delineation of Water Bodies in SAR Images with a Novel Stochastic Distance Approach
* Automatic dendritic spine detection using multiscale dot enhancement filters and SIFT features
* Automatic Denoising of 2D Color Face Images Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* Automatic denoising parameter estimation using gradient histograms
* Automatic Dense Annotation of Large-Vocabulary Sign Language Videos
* Automatic Dense Point Registration Method for 3D Face Animation, An
* Automatic Deployment of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGA for Spaceborne Remote Sensing Application
* Automatic Depression Analysis Using Dynamic Facial Appearance Descriptor and Dirichlet Process Fisher Encoding
* Automatic Depth Extraction from 2D Images Using a Cluster-Based Learning Framework
* Automatic depth profiling of 2D cinema - and photographic images
* Automatic Derivation Method for Creation of Complex Map Symbols in a Topographic Map, An
* Automatic Descending Aorta Segmentation in Whole-Body PET-CT Studies for PERCIST-Based Thresholding
* Automatic Description of Buildings with Complex Rooftops from Multiple Images
* Automatic description of complex buildings from multiple images
* Automatic Description of Complex Buildings with Multiple Images
* Automatic description of object appearances in a wide-area surveillance scenario
* Automatic Descriptor-Based Co-Registration of Frame Hyperspectral Data
* Automatic Design of Artificial Neural Networks and Associative Memories for Pattern Classification and Pattern Restoration
* Automatic Design of Binary W-operators Using Artificial Feed-forward Neural Networks Based on the Weighted Mean Square Error Cost Function
* Automatic Design of CNNs via Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for PolSAR Image Classification
* Automatic Design of Color Filter Arrays in the Frequency Domain
* Automatic Design of Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Automatic Design of Factors in a Human-Pose Estimation System Using Neural Networks, An
* automatic design of feature spaces for local image descriptors using an ensemble of non-linear feature extractors, The
* Automatic Design of High-Sensitivity Color Filter Arrays With Panchromatic Pixels
* Automatic Design of Locally Adaptive Filters for Pre-processing of Images Subject to Further Interpretation
* Automatic design of nonlinear filters by nearest neighbor learning
* Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Plans With Active Transit Priority
* Automatic Detection Algorithm for Surface Defects in TFT-LCD, An
* Automatic detection and analysis of photovoltaic modules in aerial infrared imagery
* Automatic Detection and Analysis of Player Action in Moving Background Sports Video Sequences
* Automatic Detection and Assessment of Pavement Marking Defects with Street View Imagery at the City Scale
* Automatic Detection and Characterisation of Power Lines and Their Surroundings Using Lidar Data
* Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Plane-Wave Reflections Using Circular Microphone Arrays
* Automatic Detection and Characterization of Biomarkers in OCT Images
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Grains of Pollen Based on Shape and Texture
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Objects in Point Clouds using multi-stage Semantics
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Oil Tanks in Optical Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Pole-Like Objects in Urban Point Cloud Data Using an Anomaly Detection Algorithm
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Road Lane Markings Using Onboard Vehicular Cameras
* Automatic detection and classification of the ceramic tiles' surface defects
* Automatic Detection and Clustering of Actor Faces based on Spectral Clustering Techniques
* Automatic Detection and Counting System for Pavement Cracks Based on PCGAN and YOLO-MF
* Automatic Detection and Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
* Automatic Detection and Dynamic Analysis of Urban Heat Islands Based on Landsat Images
* Automatic detection and elimination of specular reflectance in color images by means of MS diagram and vector connected filters
* Automatic Detection and Fitting of Ellipse Markers Using EllipseNet
* Automatic Detection and Labelling of Photogrammetric Control Points In A Calibration Test Field
* Automatic Detection and Labelling of the Human Cortical Folds in Magnetic Resonance Data Sets
* Automatic detection and localization of COVID-19 pneumonia using axial computed tomography images and deep convolutional neural networks
* Automatic Detection and Localization of Natural Scene Text in Video
* Automatic detection and localization of thighbone fractures in X-ray based on improved deep learning method
* Automatic Detection and Mapping of Dolines Using U-Net Model from Orthophoto Images
* Automatic Detection and Measurement of Structures in Fetal Head Ultrasound Volumes Using Sequential Estimation and Integrated Detection Network (IDN)
* Automatic Detection and Parameter Estimation of Trees for Forest Inventory Applications Using 3D Terrestrial LiDAR
* Automatic Detection and Positioning of Ground Control Points Using TerraSAR-X Multiaspect Acquisitions
* Automatic detection and prioritized image transmission system and method
* Automatic Detection and Reading of Dangerous Goods Plates
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of 3d Manual Gestures For Human-machine Interaction
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Man-Made Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Semantic Graph Model
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Objective Parts in Real-world Building Image, The
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Players in Soccer Videos
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for Road Extraction From Imagery
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Signs From Natural Scenes
* Automatic Detection and Reconstruction of 2-D/3-D Building Shapes From Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
* Automatic Detection and Reconstruction of Building Radar Footprints From Single VHR SAR Images
* Automatic detection and removal of high-density impulse noises
* Automatic Detection and Removal of Impulsive Noise in Audio Signals
* Automatic detection and segmentation of blood vessels and pulmonary nodules based on a line tracking method and generalized linear regression model
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Columns in As-Built Buildings from Point Clouds
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Crohn's Disease Tissues From Abdominal MRI
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Exosomes in Transmission Electron Microscopy
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Focal Liver Lesions in Contrast Enhanced CT Images
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breeding Plots From Multi-Spectral Images Captured by UAV-Mounted Camera
* Automatic detection and segmentation of lung nodules in different locations from CT images based on adaptive a-hull algorithm and DenseNet convolutional network
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lymph Nodes From CT Data
* Automatic detection and segmentation of optic disc and fovea in retinal images
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Orchards Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Automatic Detection and Tracking of Human Motion with a View-Based Representation
* Automatic detection and tracking of multiple individuals using multiple cues
* Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig
* Automatic detection and tracking of ship based on mean shift in corrected video sequences
* Automatic Detection and Vectorization of Linear and Point Objects in 3d Point Cloud and Panoramic Images From Mobile Mapping System
* Automatic detection and verification of solar features
* Automatic Detection for Road Voids from GPR Images using Deep Learning Method
* Automatic Detection Method for Loess Landslides Based on GEE and an Improved YOLOX Algorithm
* Automatic detection of 3D cell protrusions using spherical wavelets
* Automatic detection of 3D lighting inconsistencies via a facial landmark based morphable model
* Automatic Detection of 3D Quality Defects in Stereoscopic Videos Using Binocular Disparity
* Automatic detection of a one dimensional ranging pole for robust external camera calibration in mobile mapping
* Automatic Detection of a Subsurface Wire Using an Electromagnetic Gradiometer
* Automatic detection of abnormal gait
* Automatic Detection of Abnormal Tissue in Mammography
* Automatic detection of abnormalities in chest radiographs using local texture analysis
* Automatic detection of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia based on extending the multifractal features
* Automatic Detection of Address Blocks on Irregular Mail Pieces
* Automatic Detection of ADHD and ASD from Expressive Behaviour in RGBD Data
* Automatic Detection of Adverse Weather Conditions in Traffic Scenes
* Automatic Detection of Altered Fingerprints
* Automatic Detection of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) from Video-Based Analysis of Facial Movements: Speech and Non-Speech Tasks
* Automatic Detection of Anatomical Landmarks in Uterine Cervix Images
* Automatic Detection of Arterial Voxels in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images of the Brain
* Automatic detection of auditory salience with optimized linear filters derived from human annotation
* Automatic Detection of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images
* Automatic detection of blurred images in UAV image sets
* Automatic detection of body parts in x-ray images
* Automatic detection of bone marrow infiltration by multiple myeloma detection in low-dose CT
* Automatic detection of brain tumor in magnetic resonance images using multi-texton histogram and support vector machine
* Automatic Detection of Buildings and Changes in Buildings for Updating of Maps
* Automatic detection of buildings with rectangular flat roofs from multi-view oblique imagery
* Automatic detection of built-up areas in high-resolution polarimetric SAR images
* Automatic detection of burial mounds (kurgans) in the Altai Mountains
* Automatic detection of calibration grids in time-of-flight images
* Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic detection of cervical cells in Pap-smear images using polar transform and k-means segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Cervical Vertebral Landmarks for Fluoroscopic Joint Motion Analysis
* Automatic Detection Of Changes And Deformation In Rock Faces By Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic detection of chemotaxis cells in angiogenesis process
* Automatic Detection of Chronic Pain-Related Expression: Requirements, Challenges and the Multimodal EmoPain Dataset, The
* Automatic Detection Of Circular Objects By Ellipse Growing
* Automatic Detection Of Clouds And Shadows Using High Resolution Satellite Image Time Series
* Automatic Detection of Clouds from Aerial Photographs of Snowy Volcanoes
* Automatic detection of colonoscopic anomalies using capsule endoscopy
* Automatic Detection of Compound Structures by Joint Selection of Region Groups From a Hierarchical Segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Coseismic Landslides Using a New Transformer Method
* Automatic detection of dangerous events for underground surveillance
* Automatic detection of dangerous motion behavior in human crowds
* Automatic Detection of Defective Zebrafish Embryos via Shape Analysis
* Automatic Detection of Deviations in Human Movements Using HMM: Discrete vs Continuous
* Automatic detection of digital zooms
* Automatic detection of direct radiation for digital fluoroscopy optimization
* Automatic Detection of Document Script and Orientation
* Automatic Detection of Driver Impairment Based on Pupillary Light Reflex
* Automatic detection of dust and scratches in silver halide film using polarized dark-field illumination
* Automatic detection of dust devils and clouds on Mars
* Automatic detection of eardrum otoendoscopic images in patients with otitis media using hybrid-based deep models
* Automatic Detection of Early Esophageal Cancer with CNNS Using Transfer Learning
* Automatic Detection of Earthquake-Damaged Buildings by Integrating UAV Oblique Photography and Infrared Thermal Imaging
* Automatic detection of earthquake damaged areas from aerial images and digital map
* Automatic Detection of Embryo Location in Medical Imaging Using Trigonometric Rotation for Noise Reduction
* Automatic Detection of Emotion Valence on Faces Using Consumer Depth Cameras
* Automatic Detection of Emotional Changes Induced by Social Support Loss Using fMRI
* Automatic Detection of Epileptic Seizures with Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic detection of exudates and optic disk in retinal images using curvelet transform
* Automatic detection of facial actions from 3D data
* Automatic detection of facial feature points in image sequences
* Automatic Detection of Facial Feature Points via HOGs and Geometric Prior Models
* Automatic Detection of Facial Landmarks from AU-coded Expressive Facial Images
* Automatic Detection of Facial Midline And Its Contributions to Facial Feature Extraction
* Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adaptive Thresholding Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data with 10 m Spatial Resolution
* Automatic Detection of Forest-road Distances to Improve Clearing Operations in Road Management
* Automatic Detection of Forested Landslides: A Case Study in Jiuzhaigou County, China
* Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI Using Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic Detection of Geospatial Objects Using Multiple Hierarchical Segmentations
* Automatic Detection of Globules, Streaks and Pigment Network Based on Texture and Color Analysis in Dermoscopic Images
* Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Using Local Features
* Automatic Detection of Grey Infrastructure Based on VHR Image
* Automatic detection of handwriting forgery
* Automatic Detection of Heads in Colored Images
* automatic detection of helmeted and non-helmeted motorcyclist with license plate extraction using convolutional neural network, An
* Automatic Detection of Histological Artifacts in Mouse Brain Slice Images
* Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Natural Scene Images by Use of a Skin Color Model and of Invariant Moments
* Automatic Detection of Human Fall in Video
* Automatic Detection of Human Nudes
* Automatic Detection of Immunogold Particles from Electron Microscopy Images
* Automatic Detection of Impervious Surfaces from Remotely Sensed Data Using Deep Learning
* Automatic detection of individual and touching moths from trap images by combining contour-based and region-based segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Individual Trees in Forests Based on Airborne LiDAR Data with a Tree Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN)
* Automatic Detection of Injection Attacks by Machine Learning in NoSQL Databases
* Automatic detection of injuries in mammograms using image analysis techniques
* Automatic Detection of Inland Water Bodies along Altimetry Tracks for Estimating Surface Water Storage Variations in the Congo Basin
* Automatic Detection of Interest Areas of an Image or of a Sequence of Images
* Automatic Detection of Internal Copy-Move Forgeries in Images
* Automatic Detection of Intestinal Juices in Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy
* Automatic Detection of Italic, Bold and All-Capital Words in Document Images
* Automatic detection of keratoconus on Pentacam images using feature selection based on deep learning
* Automatic detection of laser-induced structures in live cell fluorescent microscopy images using snakes with geometric constraints
* Automatic Detection of Learnability under Unreliable and Sparse User Feedback
* Automatic Detection of Lightning Whistlers Observed by the Plasma Wave Experiment Onboard the Arase Satellite Using the OpenCV Library
* Automatic detection of liver lesion from 3D computed tomography images
* Automatic detection of long term parked cars
* Automatic Detection of Low-Rise Gable-Roof Building from Single Submeter SAR Images Based on Local Multilevel Segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Lung Cancers in Chest CT Images by Variable N-Quoit Filter
* Automatic Detection of Magnetic Flux Emergings in the Solar Atmosphere From Full-Disk Magnetogram Sequences
* Automatic Detection of Maize Tassels from UAV Images by Combining Random Forest Classifier and VGG16
* Automatic detection of malignant prostatic gland units in cross-sectional microscopic images
* Automatic detection of malignant tumors on mammogram
* Automatic Detection of Marine Litter: A General Framework to Leverage Synthetic Data
* Automatic detection of Martian dark slope streaks by machine learning using HiRISE images
* Automatic detection of martian dust storms from heterogeneous data based on decision level fusion
* Automatic detection of microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy fundus images using the L*a*b color space
* Automatic Detection of Microcalcification in Mammograms: A Review
* Automatic Detection of Mind Wandering from Video in the Lab and in the Classroom
* Automatic Detection of Morphologically Distinct Objects in Biomedical Images Using Second Generation Wavelets and Multiple Marked Point Process
* Automatic detection of multiple sclerosis lesions using Mask R-CNN on magnetic resonance scans
* Automatic detection of Mura defect in TFT-LCD based on regression diagnostics
* Automatic Detection of Near-Surface Targets for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Magnetic Survey
* Automatic detection of necrosis, normoxia and hypoxia in tumors from multimodal cytological images
* Automatic Detection of Nodules in Legumes by Imagery in a Phenotyping Context
* Automatic detection of non-posed facial action units
* Automatic Detection of Nonverbal Behavior Predicts Learning in Dyadic Interactions
* Automatic Detection of Object-Based Forgery in Advanced Video
* Automatic Detection of Objects in 3D Point Clouds Based on Exclusively Semantic Guided Processes
* Automatic Detection of Obstacles in Railway Tracks Using Monocular Camera
* Automatic Detection of Open and Vegetated Water Bodies Using Sentinel-1 to Map African Malaria Vector Mosquito Breeding Habitats
* Automatic Detection of Optic Disc Based on PCA and Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Detection of Optic Disc from Retinal Fundus Images Using Dynamic Programming
* Automatic Detection of Optical Signatures within and around Floating Tonga-Fiji Pumice Rafts Using MODIS, VIIRS, and OLCI Satellite Sensors
* Automatic Detection of Pain from Facial Expressions: A Survey
* Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data
* Automatic Detection of Phishing Target from Phishing Webpage
* Automatic Detection of Phytophthora pluvialis Outbreaks in Radiata Pine Plantations Using Multi-Scene, Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery
* Automatic detection of planar contours from uncalibrated images
* Automatic Detection of Potential Dam Locations in Digital Terrain Models
* Automatic Detection of Pothole Distress in Asphalt Pavement Using Improved Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Detection of Pre-ocular Tear Film Break-Up Sequence in Dry Eyes
* Automatic Detection of Prominence Eruption Using Consecutive Solar Images
* Automatic Detection of Pseudocodes in Scholarly Documents Using Machine Learning
* Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images
* Automatic Detection of Radiation Fields in Digital Radiographic Images
* Automatic detection of red-eye artifacts in digital color photos
* Automatic Detection of Red Lesions in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Automatic Detection of Reflective Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving Based on Unconstrained Bodily Exploration
* Automatic Detection of Regional Heart Rejection in USPIO-Enhanced MRI
* Automatic Detection of Regional Snow Avalanches with Scattering and Interference of C-band SAR Data
* Automatic detection of regions of interest in mammographies based on a combined analysis of texture and histogram
* Automatic detection of relevant head gestures in american sign language communication
* Automatic Detection of Repeated Objects in Images
* Automatic Detection of Residential Buildings Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic detection of retinal vascular landmark features for colour fundus image matching and patient longitudinal study
* Automatic Detection of Rib Contours in Chest Radiographs
* Automatic detection of rigid point matches
* Automatic Detection of Road Edges From Aerial Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic detection of road traffic signs from natural scene images based on pixel vector and central projected shape feature
* Automatic detection of safety helmet wearing based on head region location
* Automatic detection of salient objects and spatial relations in videos for a video database system
* Automatic Detection of Self-Adaptors for Psychological Distress
* Automatic Detection of Sentimentality from Facial Expressions
* Automatic detection of signs with affine transformation
* Automatic detection of sister chromatid exchange
* Automatic Detection of Small Icebergs in Fast Ice Using Satellite Wide-Swath SAR Images
* Automatic Detection of Small Single Trees in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic detection of small spherical lesions using multiscale approach in 3D medical images
* Automatic Detection of Song Changes in Music Mixes Using Stochastic Models
* Automatic Detection of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion Patterns by Fusing OSM and Landsat Data in Kathmandu
* Automatic Detection of Specular Reflectance in Colour Images Using the MS Diagram
* Automatic Detection of Spiculated Masses Using Fractal Analysis in Digital Mammography
* Automatic Detection of Spots in Biological Images by a Wavelet-Based Selective Filtering Technique
* Automatic Detection of Squats in Railway Infrastructure
* Automatic Detection of Stationary Waves in the Venus Atmosphere Using Deep Generative Models
* Automatic Detection of Storm Damages Using High-Altitude Photogrammetric Imaging
* Automatic detection of structural changes in single channel long time-span brain MRI images using saliency map and active contour methods
* Automatic detection of subcellular particles in fluorescence microscopy via feature clustering and bayesian analysis
* Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP Region, East Antarctica, Based on Short-Time Fourier Transform
* Automatic Detection of Subretinal Fluid and Cyst in Retinal Images
* Automatic Detection of Targets Against Cluttered Backgrounds Using a Fractal-Oriented Statistical Analysis and Radon Transform
* Automatic Detection of the Back Valley on Scoliotic Trunk Using Polygonal Surface Curvature
* Automatic Detection of the Boundary of the Calcaneus from Ultrasound Parametric Images Using an Active Contour Model: Clinical Assessment
* Automatic Detection of the Carotid Artery Location from Volumetric Ultrasound Images Using Anatomical Position-Dependent LBP Features
* Automatic Detection of the Explosive Activity of the Mt. Etna Volcano through Doppler Radar Monitoring
* Automatic Detection of the Ice Edge in SAR Imagery Using Curvelet Transform and Active Contour
* Automatic detection of the intimal and the adventitial layers of the common carotid artery wall in ultrasound B-mode images using snakes
* Automatic Detection of the Magnitude and Spatial Location of Error in Non-rigid Registration
* Automatic detection of the optic disc, fovea and vacular arch in digital color photographs of the retina
* Automatic Detection of the Optimal Acceptance Threshold in a Face Verification System
* Automatic Detection of Three Radio-opaque Markers for Prostate Targeting Using Epid During External Radiation Therapy
* Automatic Detection of Timber-cracks In Wooden Architectural Heritage Using Yolov3 Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Surfaces
* Automatic Detection of Track and Fields in China from High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Multi-Scale-Fused Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Automatic Detection of Tram Tracks on HRCT Images
* Automatic detection of trichomonads based on an improved Kalman background reconstruction algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis Bacilli from Microscopic Sputum Smear Images Using Faster R-CNN, Transfer Learning and Augmentation
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs Using a Combination of Textural, Focal, and Shape Abnormality Analysis
* Automatic Detection of Unconscious Reactions to Illuminance Changes in Illumination
* Automatic Detection of Uprooted Orchards Based on Orthophoto Texture Analysis
* Automatic Detection of Utility Poles Using the Bag of Visual Words Method for Different Feature Extractors
* Automatic detection of vascular bifurcations in segmented retinal images using trainable COSFIRE filters
* Automatic detection of vehicle occupants: The Imaging Problem and its solution
* Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Aerial Photographs of Highways
* Automatic detection of vibrato in monophonic music
* Automatic Detection of VLF Tweek Signals Based on the YOLO Model
* Automatic detection of vocal folds from high-speed imaging
* Automatic Detection of Zenith Direction in 3D Point Clouds of Built-Up Areas
* Automatic Detection System of Olive Trees Using Improved K-Means Algorithm
* Automatic detection, tracking and counting of birds in marine video content
* Automatic Determination of Anatomical Correspondences for Multimodal Field of View Correction
* Automatic Determination of Camera Positions and Poses in a Sequence of Snapshots
* Automatic Determination of Image to Database Correspondence
* Automatic determination of intrinsic cluster number family in spectral clustering using random walk on graph
* Automatic Determination of Scene Changes
* Automatic determination of seamlines for aerial image mosaicking based on vector roads alone
* Automatic Determination of the Appropriate Number of Clusters for Multispectral Image Data
* Automatic Determination of the Optimum Generic Sensor Model Based on Genetic Algorithm Concepts
* Automatic diacritization of Arabic text using recurrent neural networks
* Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Feature for Intracranial Aneurysm
* Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with the aid of adaptive average filtering with optimized deep convolutional neural network
* Automatic Diagnosis of Glaucoma on Color Fundus Images Using Adaptive Mask Deep Network
* Automatic Diagnosis of Masses by Using Level set Segmentation and Shape Description
* Automatic diagnosis of pneumonia using backward elimination method based SVM and its hardware implementation
* Automatic diagnosis of ureteral stone and degree of hydronephrosis with proposed convolutional neural network, RelieF, and gradient-weighted class activation mapping based deep hybrid model
* Automatic Diagnosis Support System Using Nuclear and Luminal Features
* Automatic diatom identification using contour analysis by morphological curvature scale spaces
* Automatic Differentiation Facilitates OF-Integration into Steering-Angle-Based Road Vehicle Tracking
* Automatic differentiation of Eucalyptus species through Sentinel-2 images, Worldview-3 images and LiDAR data
* Automatic Differentiation of u- and n-serrated Patterns in Direct Immunofluorescence Images
* Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques
* Automatic digital redeye reduction
* Automatic Digitization of Engineering Diagrams using Deep Learning and Graph Search
* Automatic Dimensional Inspection of Machine Part Cross-Section Using Fourier Analysis
* Automatic Dimensionality Estimation for Manifold Learning through Optimal Feature Selection
* Automatic Discovery and Geotagging of Objects from Street View Imagery
* Automatic Discovery of Action Taxonomies from Multiple Views
* Automatic Discovery of Discriminative Parts as a Quadratic Assignment Problem
* Automatic discovery of groups of objects for scene understanding
* Automatic discovery of image families: Global vs. local features
* Automatic discovery of meaningful object parts with latent CRFs
* Automatic Discovery of Railway Train Driving Modes Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Automatic discovery of semantic structures in HTML documents
* Automatic Discovery, Association Estimation and Learning of Semantic Attributes for a Thousand Categories
* Automatic Discrimination between Confusing Classes with Writing Styles Verification in Arabic Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Automatic Discrimination of Farmland Types Using IKONOS Imagery
* Automatic discrimination of text and non-text natural images
* Automatic Disparity Control in Stereo Panoramas (OmniStereo)
* Automatic document classification and indexing in high-volume applications
* Automatic document classification using text and images
* Automatic Document Logo Detection
* Automatic Document Processing: A Survey
* Automatic Documents Counterfeit Classification Using Image Processing and Analysis
* Automatic dottization of Arabic text (Rasms) using deep recurrent neural networks
* Automatic Drift-Measurement-Data-Processing Method with Digital Ionosondes, An
* automatic drowning detection surveillance system for challenging outdoor pool environments, An
* Automatic drug pills detection based on enhanced feature pyramid network and convolution neural networks
* Automatic DTM Generation from Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) Images
* Automatic Dynamic Texture Segmentation Using Local Descriptors and Optical Flow
* Automatic Dynamic Texture Transformation Based on a New Motion Coherence Metric
* Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using Geometric Morphometrics and convolutional neural networks
* Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
* Automatic Ear Landmark Localization, Segmentation, and Pose Classification in Range Images
* Automatic Early Warning to Derive Eruption Source Parameters of Paroxysmal Activity at Mt. Etna (Italy)
* Automatic ECG-Based Emotion Recognition in Music Listening
* Automatic edge-based localization of facial features from images with complex facial expressions
* Automatic edge detection using 3X3 ideal binary pixel patterns and fuzzy-based edge thresholding
* Automatic Edge Matching Across an Image Sequence Based on Reliable Points
* Automatic Editing and Curve Fitting of 3D Surface Scanned Data of the Human Body
* Automatic Eigentemplate Learning for Sparse Template Tracker
* Automatic Elastic Medical Image Registration Based On Image Intensity
* Automatic Elements Extraction of Chinese Web News Using Prior Information of Content and Structure
* Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification of Hematopoietic Cells
* Automatic emergency braking/anti-lock braking system coordinated control with road adhesion coefficient estimation for heavy vehicle
* Automatic Emotion Recognition for Groups: A Review
* Automatic Emotion Recognition in Clinical Scenario: A Systematic Review of Methods
* Automatic Emotion Recognition in Robot-Children Interaction for ASD Treatment
* Automatic Emulation by Adaptive Relevance Vector Machines
* Automatic Endmember Extraction Using Pixel Purity Index for Hyperspectral Imagery
* automatic energy-based region growing method for ultrasound image segmentation, An
* Automatic Enhancement and Binarization of Degraded Document Images
* Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Active Sea Faults from Bathymetry
* Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Layering in Radar Sounder Data Based on a Local Scale Hidden Markov Model and the Viterbi Algorithm
* Automatic Enrichments with Controlled Vocabularies in Europeana: Challenges and Consequences
* Automatic Ensemble Diffusion for 3D Shape and Image Retrieval
* Automatic Environment Map Construction for Mixed Reality Robotic Applications
* Automatic environmental sound concepts discovery for video retrieval
* Automatic EO/IR sensor image registration
* Automatic esophagus Z-line delineation in endoscopic images using a new boundary linking method
* Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image
* Automatic estimation and segmentation of partial blur in natural images
* Automatic Estimation of 3D Transformations using Skeletons for Object Alignment
* Automatic Estimation of a Priori Speaker Dependent Thresholds in Speaker Verification
* Automatic Estimation of Action Unit Intensities and Inference of Emotional Appraisals
* Automatic estimation of asymmetry for gradient-based alignment of noisy images on Lie group
* Automatic Estimation of Camera Position in Robot Soccer
* Automatic Estimation of Crop Disease Severity Levels Based on Vegetation Index Normalization
* Automatic estimation of deterioration level on transmission towers via deep extreme learning machine based on local receptive field
* Automatic Estimation of Excavation Volume from Laser Mobile Mapping Data for Mountain Road Widening
* Automatic estimation of fine terrain models from multiple high-resolution satellite images
* Automatic estimation of ice bottom surfaces from radar imagery
* Automatic estimation of left ventricular dysfunction from echocardiogram videos
* Automatic Estimation of Movement Statistics of People
* Automatic Estimation of Multiple Motion Fields From Video Sequences Using a Region Matching Based Approach
* Automatic Estimation of Nearshore Wave Height from Video Timestacks
* Automatic Estimation of Oil Seep Locations in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Automatic Estimation of Pedestrian Flow
* Automatic Estimation of Self-Reported Pain by Interpretable Representations of Motion Dynamics
* Automatic Estimation of Self-Reported Pain by Trajectory Analysis in the Manifold of Fixed Rank Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
* Automatic Estimation of Taste Liking Through Facial Expression Dynamics
* Automatic Estimation of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Ratio in Retinal Images Using a Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification
* Automatic estimation of the dynamics of facial expression using a three-level model of intensity
* Automatic Estimation of the Inlier Threshold in Robust Multiple Structures Fitting
* Automatic Estimation of the Legibility of Binarised Historic Documents for Unsupervised Parameter Tuning
* Automatic Estimation of the LVQ-1 Parameters: Applications to Multispectral Image Classification
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Deformation Modes in Non-rigid SfM with Missing Data
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Segmentation Groups Based on MI
* Automatic Estimation of the Projected Light Source Direction
* Automatic Estimation of Tree Position and Stem Diameter Using a Moving Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Automatic Estimation of Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Based on Ubiquitous Reference Objects
* Automatic Estimation of Vehicle Activity from Airborne Thermal Infrared Video of Urban Areas by Trajectory Classification
* Automatic Estrus Cycle Identification System on Female Dogs Based on Deep Learning
* Automatic Euclidean reconstruction for turn-table sequences by indirect epipolar search between pairs of views
* Automatic evacuation guiding scheme based on implicit interactions between evacuees and their mobile nodes
* Automatic Evaluation Framework for Word Spotting
* Automatic Evaluation of Algorithms Over the Internet
* Automatic evaluation of degradation of paint coatings through EM algorithm
* Automatic Evaluation of Hypernasality and Consonant Misarticulation in Cleft Palate Speech
* Automatic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Stations from High-Density RGB-T 3D Point Clouds
* Automatic Evaluation of Segregation Streaks in Material Samples
* Automatic Evaluation of Skeleton Shapes
* Automatic Evaluation of Speech Therapy Exercises Based on Image Data
* Automatic evaluation of sports motion: A generic computation of spatial and temporal errors
* Automatic Evaluation of the Appearance of Seam Puckers on Suits Using Fractal Dimensions
* Automatic Evaluation of the Initial Geopositioning Accuracy for Large Area Planetary Remote Sensing Images
* Automatic Evaluation of Wheat Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight Using Dual Mask-RCNN Deep Learning Frameworks in Computer Vision
* automatic evaluation system for contrast-detail phantom images in digital radiography, An
* Automatic Evaluation System of FISH Images in Breast Cancer
* Automatic Event Detection within Thrombus Formation Based on Integer Programming
* Automatic Exact Histogram Specification for Contrast Enhancement and Visual System Based Quantitative Evaluation
* Automatic Example-Based Image Colorization Using Location-Aware Cross-Scale Matching
* Automatic Expansion of a Food Image Dataset Leveraging Existing Categories with Domain Adaptation
* Automatic Exposure and Pose Estimation Error
* Automatic Exposure Compensation for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Automatic exposure control for multispectral cameras
* Automatic Exposure Correction of Consumer Photographs
* Automatic exposure selection and fusion for high-dynamic-range photography via smartphones
* Automatic expression spotting in videos
* Automatic Exterior Orientation Procedure For Low-cost Uav Photogrammetry Using Video Image Tracking Technique and GPS Information
* Automatic Extracting Residential Areas from Color Scanned Topographical Maps
* Automatic Extraction adn Structuring of Objects form Scanned Topographic Maps: An Alternative to the Extraction from Aerial and Space Images?
* Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Ice Layering in Radar Sounder Data
* Automatic extraction and annotation of soccer video highlights
* Automatic Extraction and Classification of Vegetation Areas from High Resolution Images in Urban Areas
* Automatic Extraction and Cluster Analysis of Natural Disaster Metadata Based on the Unified Metadata Framework
* Automatic extraction and delineation of single trees from remote sensing data
* Automatic extraction and description of human gait models for recognition purposes
* Automatic Extraction and Display Method of Walking Person's Trajectories, An
* Automatic Extraction and Evaluation of Road Networks from Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Extraction and Filtering of OpenStreetMap Data to Generate Training Datasets for Land Use Land Cover Classification
* Automatic Extraction and Modelling of Urban Buildings from High Resolution Aerial Images
* Automatic extraction and recognition of shoe logos with a wide variety of appearance
* Automatic Extraction And Regularization Of Building Outlines From Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic Extraction and Size Distribution of Landslides in Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq
* Automatic Extraction and Topology Reconstruction of Urban Viaducts from LIDAR Data
* Automatic Extraction and Tracking of Contours
* Automatic Extraction and Updating of Vegetation Areas in GIS from Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Extraction Method for Antarctic Subglacial Lake Based On Radio Echo Sounding Data, An
* Automatic Extraction Method for Hatched Residential Areas in Raster Maps Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, An
* Automatic Extraction Method for The Parameters of Multi-lod BIM Models for Typical Components of Wooden Architectural Heritage, An
* Automatic extraction method of the structure of a video sequence
* Automatic Extraction of a Quadrilateral Network of NURBS Patches from Range Data Using Evolutionary Strategies
* Automatic extraction of accurate 3D tie points for trajectory adjustment of mobile laser scanners using aerial imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Bare Soil Land from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning
* Automatic Extraction of Bone Boundaries from CT Scans Using an Intelligence-based Approach
* Automatic extraction of brushstroke orientation from paintings: POET: prevailing orientation extraction technique
* Automatic extraction of building features from terrestrial laserscanning
* Automatic Extraction Of Building Outline From High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Extraction Of Building Roofs From Pictometry's Orthogonal And Oblique Images
* Automatic Extraction of Building Roofs Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Buildings and Terrain from Aerial Images
* Automatic extraction of buildings utilizing geometric features of a scanned topographic map
* Automatic Extraction of Built-Up Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Patch-Level Spatial Features and Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Grouping
* Automatic Extraction of Contour Lines from Topographic Maps
* Automatic Extraction of Control Points for the Registration of Optical Satellite and LiDAR Images
* Automatic extraction of correlation-entropy features for text document analysis directly in run-length compressed domain
* Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based on Improved YOLOv5: A Case Study in Yangbi
* Automatic Extraction of Data from 2-D Plots in Documents
* Automatic Extraction of Deformable Part Models
* Automatic Extraction of Discontinuity Traces from 3D Rock Mass Point Clouds Considering the Influence of Light Shadows and Color Change
* Automatic Extraction of Droppers in Catenary Scenes
* Automatic extraction of eye and mouth fields from a face image using eigenfeatures and multilayer perceptrons
* Automatic Extraction of Face Features
* Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Calibrated Fluoroscopic Images
* Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Hip X-Ray Images
* Automatic Extraction of Filled-In Items from Bank-Check Images
* Automatic Extraction of Generic House Roofs from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Grasses and Individual Trees in Urban Areas Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Automatic Extraction of Gravity Waves from All-Sky Airglow Image Based on Machine Learning
* Automatic extraction of head and face boundaries and facial features
* Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Bundle Subconductors Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Power Transmission Objects from UAV Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic extraction of human-recognizable shape and execution prototypes of handwritten characters
* Automatic extraction of human facial features
* Automatic extraction of impervious surfaces from high resolution remote sensing images based on deep learning
* Automatic Extraction of Indoor Spatial Information from Floor Plan Image: A Patch-Based Deep Learning Methodology Application on Large-Scale Complex Buildings
* Automatic Extraction of Indoor Structural Information from Point Clouds
* Automatic Extraction of Irregular Network Digital Terrain Models
* Automatic Extraction of Items from Cheque Images for Payment Recognition
* Automatic Extraction of Joint Orientations in Rock Mass Using Pointnet and Dbscan
* Automatic Extraction of Large Complex Buildings Using Lidar Data and Digital Maps
* Automatic Extraction of Layer Structure for Retina in OCT Image Using Morphological Operation and Active Net
* Automatic extraction of LIDAR data classification rules
* Automatic extraction of lips based on multi-scale wavelet edge detection
* Automatic Extraction of Low-level Object Motion Descriptors
* Automatic Extraction of Main Road Centerlines from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Hierarchical Grouping
* Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Image, III
* Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images
* Automatic Extraction Of Mangrove Vegetation From Optical Satellite Data
* Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical Satellite Images by R3Det with Piecewise Linear Stretching
* Automatic Extraction of Martian Subsurface Layer from Radargrams Based on PDE Denoising and KL Filter
* Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Based on Multisource High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic extraction of moving objects for head-shoulder video sequence
* Automatic Extraction of Moving Objects from Image and LIDAR Sequences
* Automatic extraction of natural fracture traces from borehole images
* Automatic extraction of numerical sequences in handwritten incoming mail documents
* Automatic Extraction of Object Region from Photographs
* Automatic extraction of planar projections from panoramic range images
* Automatic Extraction of Potential Landslides by Integrating an Optical Remote Sensing Image with an InSAR-Derived Deformation Map
* Automatic extraction of printed mathematical formulas using fuzzy logic and propagation of context
* Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetector-row CT Images
* Automatic Extraction of Railroad Centerlines from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic extraction of relevant video shots of specific actions exploiting Web data
* Automatic Extraction of Road Points from Airborne LiDAR Based on Bidirectional Skewness Balancing
* Automatic Extraction of Road Signs from Terrestrial Color Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Road Surface and Curbstone Edges from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Extraction of Roads from Aerial Images Based on Scale Space and Snakes
* Automatic Extraction of Roadside Traffic Facilities From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Deep Belief Network
* Automatic Extraction of Rock Joints From Laser Scanned Data By Moving Least Squares Method And Fuzzy K-Means Clustering
* Automatic Extraction of Saltpans on an Amendatory Saltpan Index and Local Spatial Parallel Similarity in Landsat-8 Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Sargassum Features From Sentinel-2 MSI Images
* Automatic Extraction of Seismic Landslides in Large Areas with Complex Environments Based on Deep Learning: An Example of the 2018 Iburi Earthquake, Japan
* Automatic extraction of semantic concepts in medical images
* Automatic extraction of semantic features for real-time action recognition using depth architecture networks
* Automatic Extraction of Semantic Relationships from Images Using Ontologies and SVM Classifiers
* Automatic extraction of shorelines from Landsat TM and ETM multi-temporal images with subpixel precision
* Automatic Extraction of Surface Structures in Digital Shape Reconstruction
* Automatic extraction of texture-periodicity using superposition of distance matching functions and their forward differences
* Automatic Extraction of the Calving Front of Pine Island Glacier Based on Neural Network
* Automatic Extraction of the Curved Midsagittal Brain Surface on MR Images
* Automatic extraction of the face identity-subspace
* Automatic extraction of the intracranial cavity on transverse MR brain images
* Automatic Extraction of the Lower Boundary of the Mandibular Bone in Dental Panoramic Radiographs
* Automatic Extraction of the Retina AV Index
* Automatic Extraction of Topographic Features Using Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Automatic Extraction of Traffic Flows Using TerraSAR-X Along-Track Interferometry
* Automatic Extraction of Trees for 3D City Models from Images and Height Data
* Automatic Extraction of Trees from Aerial Images and Surface Models
* Automatic Extraction of Urban Impervious Surface Based on SAH-Unet
* Automatic extraction of urban impervious surfaces based on deep learning and multi-source remote sensing data
* Automatic Extraction of Urban Objects from Multi-Source Aerial Data
* Automatic Extraction of Urban Regions from Multispectral SPOT Satellite Imagery
* Automatic extraction of urban road networks from multi-view aerial imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Vertical Walls from Mobile and Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Extraction Of Water In High-resolution Sar Images Based On Multi-scale Level Set Method And Otsu Algorithm
* Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Sentinel-1 Data for Large Plain Areas
* Automatic extraction, segmentation and recognition of multi-font Indian Pincode
* Automatic Extrinsic Calibration Method for LiDAR and Camera Sensor Setups
* Automatic Extrinsic Self-Calibration of Mobile Mapping Systems Based on Geometric 3D Features
* Automatic Eye-tracking-assisted Chest Radiography Pathology Screening
* Automatic Eye Detection and Its Validation
* Automatic Eye Detection for Human Identification
* Automatic Eye Detection in Human Faces Using Geostatistical Functions and Support Vector Machines
* Automatic eye detection using intensity filtering and K-means clustering
* Automatic eye fixations identification based on analysis of variance and covariance
* Automatic Eye Gaze Estimation using Geometric & Texture-based Networks
* Automatic Eye Gesture Recognition in Audiometries for Patients with Cognitive Decline
* Automatic Eye Localization; Multi-block LBP vs. Pyramidal LBP Three-Levels Image Decomposition for Eye Visual Appearance Description
* Automatic eye state recognition and closed-eye photo correction
* Automatic Eye Type Detection in Retinal Fundus Image Using Fusion of Transfer Learning and Anatomical Features
* Automatic Eye Winks Interpretation System for Human-Machine Interface
* Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images
* Automatic Eyes and Nose Detection Using Curvature Analysis
* Automatic Face Aging in Videos via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Automatic face and facial feature location detection for low bit rate model-assisted H.261 compatible coding of video
* Automatic face and facial features initialization for robust and accurate tracking
* Automatic face annotation by multilinear AAM with Missing Values
* Automatic Face Annotation in Personal Photo Collections Using Context-Based Unsupervised Clustering and Face Information Fusion
* Automatic Face Authentication from 3d surface
* Automatic face authentication with self compensation
* Automatic face classifications by self-organization for face recognition
* Automatic face detection based on chrominance components analysis
* Automatic face detection in video sequences using local normalization and optimal adaptive correlation techniques
* Automatic Face Identification System Using Flexible Appearance Models
* Automatic face image annotation based on a single template with constrained warping deformation
* Automatic face interpretation using fast 3D illumination-based AAM models
* Automatic face location detection and tracking for model-assisted coding of video teleconferencing sequences at low bit-rates
* Automatic face location detection for model-assisted rate control in H.261-compatible coding of video
* Automatic Face Location to Enhance Videophone Picture
* Automatic Face Modeling and Synthesis Based on Image Pairs
* Automatic face modeling from monocular image sequences using a modified non parametric regression and an affine camera model
* Automatic face naming with caption-based supervision
* Automatic Face Quality Assessment from Video Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix: An Empirical Study on Automatic Border Control System
* Automatic Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Face Recognition for Film Character Retrieval in Feature-Length Films
* Automatic face recognition for home safety using video-based side-view face images
* Automatic face recognition for video indexing applications
* Automatic Face Recognition from Skeletal Remains
* Automatic Face Recognition in a Heterogeneous Population
* Automatic Face Recognition via Wavelets and Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Face Recognition: What Representation?
* Automatic Face Reenactment
* Automatic face region tracking for highly accurate face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Automatic Face Replacement in Video Based on 2D Morphable Model
* Automatic Face Representation and Classification
* Automatic Face Segmentation and Facial Landmark Detection in Range Images
* Automatic Facial Action Analysis
* Automatic Facial Action Detection Using Histogram Variation Between Emotional States
* Automatic Facial Attractiveness Prediction by Deep Multi-Task Learning
* Automatic facial attribute analysis via adaptive sparse representation of random patches
* Automatic Facial Expression Analysis: A Survey
* Automatic Facial Expression Learning Method Based on Humanoid Robot XIN-REN
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automatic facial expression recognition based on spatiotemporal descriptors
* Automatic facial expression recognition combining texture and shape features from prominent facial regions
* Automatic facial expression recognition for intelligent tutoring systems
* Automatic facial expression recognition in real-time from dynamic sequences of 3D face scans
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition System Using Deep Network-Based Data Fusion
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition using Bags of Motion Words
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Boosted Discriminatory Classifiers
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Evolution-Constructed Features
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Features of Salient Facial Patches
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments
* Automatic facial expression recognition: Feature extraction and selection
* Automatic Facial Feature Detection and Location
* Automatic facial feature extraction and 3D face modeling using two orthogonal views with application to 3D face recognition
* Automatic Facial Feature Extraction and Facial Expression Recognition
* Automatic Facial Feature Extraction by Genetic Algorithms
* Automatic Facial Feature Points Detection with SUSAN Operator
* Automatic facial flaw detection and retouching via discriminative structure tensor
* Automatic facial landmark labeling with minimal supervision
* Automatic Facial Pose Determination of 3D Range Data for Face Model and Expression Identification
* Automatic Facial Skin Segmentation Based on EM Algorithm under Varying Illumination
* Automatic fake document identification and localization using DE-Net and color-based features of foreign inks
* Automatic Fake News Detection with Pre-trained Transformer Models
* Automatic false edge elimination using locally adaptive regression kernel
* Automatic Fault Detection in a Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter Using Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Automatic fault tracking across seismic volumes via tracking vectors
* Automatic Fax Routing
* Automatic Façade Segmentation for Thermal Retrofit
* Automatic Feature-Based Point Cloud Registration for a Moving Sensor Platform
* Automatic Feature-Based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter
* Automatic feature correspondence for scene reconstruction
* Automatic Feature Design for Optical Character Recognition Using an Evolutionary Search Procedure
* Automatic feature detection and age classification of human faces in digital images
* Automatic Feature Detection and Clustering Using Random Indexing
* Automatic Feature Detection, Description And Matching From Mobile Laser Scanning Data And Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Feature Engineering for Bus Passenger Flow Prediction Based on Modular Convolutional Neural Network
* automatic feature extraction and fusion model: Application to electromyogram (EMG) signal classification, An
* Automatic Feature Extraction and Text Recognition From Scanned Topographic Maps
* Automatic Feature Extraction for Multiview 3D Face Recognition
* Automatic Feature Extraction for Wide-angle and Fish-eye Camera Calibration
* Automatic feature extraction from spectrograms for acoustic-phonetic analysis
* Automatic feature extraction using CNN for robust active one-shot scanning
* Automatic Feature Generation for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Automatic Feature Learning for Robust Shadow Detection
* Automatic Feature Learning for Spatio-Spectral Image Classification With Sparse SVM
* Automatic Feature Learning to Grade Nuclear Cataracts Based on Deep Learning
* Automatic feature localisation with constrained local models
* Automatic Feature Localization in Thermal Images for Facial Expression Recognition
* Automatic Feature Matching Between Digital Images And 2d Representations Of A 3d Laser Scanner Point Cloud
* Automatic Feature Point Correspondences and Shape Analysis with Missing Data and Outliers Using MDL
* Automatic Feature Point Extraction and Tracking in Image Sequences for Arbitrary Camera Motion
* Automatic Feature Point Extraction and Tracking in Image Sequences for Unknown Camera Motion
* automatic feature selection and classification framework for analyzing ultrasound kidney images using dragonfly algorithm and random forest classifier, An
* Automatic feature selection with applications to script identification of degraded documents
* Automatic Feature Selection: A Hybrid Statistical Approach
* Automatic features detection for overlapping face images on their 3D range models
* Automatic Features Detection in a Fluvial Environment through Machine Learning Techniques Based on UAVs Multispectral Data
* Automatic feed system based on machine vision
* Automatic Feeding Control for Dense Aquaculture Fish Tanks
* Automatic Fence Segmentation in Videos of Dynamic Scenes
* Automatic fetal face detection by locating fetal facial features from 3D ultrasound images for navigating fetoscopic tracheal occlusion surgeries
* Automatic fetal face detection from ultrasound volumes via learning 3D and 2D information
* Automatic Figure Decomposition into Elementary Features by Similarity Principle
* Automatic filter design for texture discrimination
* Automatic filter selection using image quality assessment
* Automatic Filtering and Classification of Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanner Clouds in Shrubland Environments
* Automatic Filtering of Lidar Building Point Cloud in Case of Trees Associated to Building Roof
* Automatic Finding of Main Roads in Aerial Images by Using Geometric-Stochastic Models and Estimation
* Automatic fine-grained glomerular lesion recognition in kidney pathology
* Automatic fingerprint identification using cluster algorithm
* Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Automatic Fingerprints Image Generation Using Evolutionary Algorithm
* Automatic fire pixel detection using image processing: a comparative analysis of rule-based and machine learning-based methods
* Automatic First Arrival Picking via Deep Learning With Human Interactive Learning
* Automatic fish age estimation from otolith images using statistical learning
* Automatic fish classification for underwater species behavior understanding
* Automatic fish segmentation via double local thresholding for trawl-based underwater camera systems
* Automatic Fitting of a Deformable Face Mask Using a Single Image
* Automatic fixing of ship position by simulation-and-matching
* Automatic Flare Spot Artifact Detection and Removal in Photographs
* Automatic Flaw Detection in Textiles Using a Neyman-Pearson Detector
* Automatic Flesh Tone Reappearance for Color Enhancement in TV
* Automatic Flood Duration Estimation Based on Multi-Sensor Satellite Data
* Automatic floor plan detection and recognition
* Automatic flow control planning for real-time image processing devices
* Automatic Focal Blur Segmentation Based on Difference of Blur Feature Using Theoretical Thresholding and Graphcuts
* Automatic focal length estimation as an eigenvalue problem
* automatic focusing algorithm, An
* Automatic focusing device having a settable focus detection area
* Automatic focusing device
* Automatic fog detection and estimation of visibility distance through use of an onboard camera
* Automatic following guidance system for motor vehicles
* Automatic Fontanel Extraction from Newborns' CT Images Using Variational Level Set
* Automatic food recognition system for middle-eastern cuisines
* Automatic Foot Ulcer Segmentation Using an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic foreground-background refocusing
* Automatic foreground extraction for images and videos
* Automatic foreground extraction from imperfect backgrounds using multi-agent consensus equilibrium
* Automatic Foreground Propagation in Image Sequences for 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic foreground segmentation using light field images
* Automatic Forest DBH Measurement Based on Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
* Automatic Forest Mapping at Individual Tree Levels from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds with a Hierarchical Minimum Cut Method
* Automatic fovea location in retinal images using anatomical priors and vessel density
* Automatic Foveation for Video Compression Using a Neurobiological Model of Visual Attention
* Automatic Frame Selection Using MLP Neural Network in Ultrasound Elastography
* automatic framework for example-based virtual makeup, An
* Automatic Framework for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Cluttered Backgrounds, An
* Automatic Framework for Multiple Sclerosis Follow-up by Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Reducing Contrast Agents
* automatic framework for standardization of drosophila embryonic images, An
* Automatic Framework for Textured 3D Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition, An
* Automatic framework for tracking honeybee's antennae and mouthparts from low framerate video
* Automatic free parking space detection by using motion stereo-based 3D reconstruction
* Automatic freeze frame detection for video preservation
* Automatic Frequency Band Selection for Illumination Robust Face Recognition
* Automatic frontal face annotation and AAM building for arbitrary expressions from a single frontal image only
* Automatic frontal view face image synthesis
* Automatic Fruit and Vegetable Recognition Based on CENTRIST and Color Representation
* Automatic fruit recognition: A survey and new results using Range/Attenuation images
* Automatic fusion of freehand endoscopic brain images to three-dimensional surfaces: creating stereoscopic panoramas
* Automatic Fusion of Partial Reconstructions
* Automatic Fusion of Segmentation and Tracking Labels
* Automatic fuzzy clustering based on mistake analysis
* Automatic Fuzzy Clustering Using Modified Differential Evolution for Image Classification
* Automatic Fuzzy Graph Construction For Interpretable Image Classification
* Automatic fuzzy object-based analysis of VHSR images for urban objects extraction
* Automatic G1 Surface Reconstruction from Serial Cross-Sectional Images
* Automatic Gabor Features Extraction for Face Recognition using Neural Networks
* Automatic gait characterization for a mobility assistance system
* Automatic Gait Motion Capture with Missing-Marker Fillings
* Automatic gait recognition based on probabilistic approach
* Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis
* Automatic Gait Recognition by Symmetry Analysis
* Automatic gait recognition using area-based metrics
* Automatic Gait Recognition using Dynamic Variance Features
* Automatic Gait Recognition Using Weighted Binary Pattern on Video
* Automatic Gait Recognition via Fourier Descriptors of Deformable Objects
* automatic gastric polyp detection technique using deep learning, An
* Automatic Gaze Analysis: A Survey of Deep Learning Based Approaches
* Automatic gbXML Modeling from LiDAR Data for Energy Studies
* Automatic GCP Extraction of Fully Polarimetric SAR Images
* Automatic Gender Classification from Handwritten Images: A Case Study
* Automatic Gender Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automatic Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Facial Strips
* Automatic Generalization Method for a Dense Road Network Area Considering Spatial Structural Features as Constraints, An
* Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion
* Automatic generation of 3D building models from building polygons on digital maps
* Automatic Generation of 3D Indoor Navigation Networks from Building Information Modeling Data Using Image Thinning
* Automatic Generation of 3D Radar Display Views
* Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynamic Knowledge Graphs and Contextual Encoding
* Automatic generation of a realistic looking single image stereogram using stereo vision
* Automatic generation of adaptive, educational and multimedia computer games
* Automatic Generation of Aesthetic Patterns with the Use of Dynamical Systems
* Automatic Generation of An Adaptive Navigation Model for Indoor Map Matching, The
* Automatic generation of Analog Hardware Description Language (AHDL) code from cell culture images
* Automatic Generation of Bayesian Nets for 3D Object Recognition
* Automatic generation of biclusters from gene expression data using multi-objective simulated annealing approach
* Automatic Generation of Break Points for MDL Based Curve Classification
* Automatic Generation Of Building Mapping Using Digital, Vertical And Aerial High Resolution Photographs And Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic Generation Of Building Models With Levels Of Detail 1-3
* Automatic Generation of Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents: A Closed-Loop Approach
* Automatic Generation of Co-Embeddings from Relational Data with Adaptive Shaping
* Automatic generation of conference video proceedings
* Automatic generation of consensus ground truth for the comparison of edge detection techniques
* Automatic Generation of Custom Document Image Decoders
* Automatic generation of dense non-rigid optical flow
* Automatic Generation of Depth maps from Stereo Images
* Automatic Generation of Digital Surface Models Through Matching in Object Space
* Automatic Generation of Digital Terrain Models from CARTOSAT-1 STEREO IMAGES
* Automatic Generation of Epipolar Curves
* Automatic generation of generic Bitstream Syntax Descriptions applied to H.264/AVC SVC encoded video streams
* Automatic Generation of Geometric Parameters of Individual Cauliflower Plants for Rapid Phenotyping Using Drone Images
* Automatic Generation of German Sign Language Glosses from German Words
* Automatic Generation of High-Accuracy Stair Paths for Straight, Spiral, and Winder Stairs Using IFC-Based Models
* Automatic Generation of High-Quality Building Models from Lidar Data
* Automatic generation of HMM topology for sign language recognition
* Automatic generation of image-segmentation processes
* Automatic Generation of Initial Weights and Estimation of Hidden Units for Pattern Classification Using Neural Networks
* Automatic Generation of Interactive Nonlinear Video for Online Apparel Shopping Navigation
* Automatic Generation of Interlocking Shapes
* Automatic Generation of Morphological Opening-Closing Sequences for Texture Segmentation
* Automatic generation of noise-free time-activity curve with gated blood-pool emission tomography using deformation of a reference curve
* Automatic Generation of Object Class Descriptions Using Symbolic Learning Techniques
* Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs
* Automatic generation of optimal road trajectory for the rescue vehicle in case of emergency on mountain freeway using reinforcement learning approach
* Automatic generation of optimum classification cascades
* Automatic Generation of Orthorectified High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study for Saudi Arabia
* Automatic generation of pen-and-ink drawings from photos
* Automatic Generation of Personalized Digest Based on Context Flow and Distinctive Events
* Automatic Generation of Personalized Video Summary Based on Context Flow and Distinctive Events
* Automatic Generation of Photorealistic Training Data for Detection of Industrial Components
* Automatic Generation of Prototypes in 3D Structural Object Recognition
* Automatic Generation of Robot Program Code: Learning from Perceptual Data
* Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validated Signal Interlocking Plan
* Automatic generation of scene-specific person trackers
* Automatic generation of scientific papers for data augmentation in document layout analysis
* Automatic Generation of Seamless Mosaics Using Invariant Features
* Automatic Generation of Seamline Network Using Area Voronoi Diagrams With Overlap
* Automatic Generation of Semantic Parts for Face Image Synthesis
* Automatic Generation of Sentinel-1 Continental Scale DInSAR Deformation Time Series through an Extended P-SBAS Processing Pipeline in a Cloud Computing Environment
* Automatic Generation of Shape Models Using Nonrigid Registration with a Single Segmented Template Mesh
* Automatic generation of significant and local feature groups of complex and deformed objects
* Automatic Generation of Simple Morphological Algorithms
* Automatic Generation of Social Event Storyboard From Image Click-Through Data
* Automatic Generation of Statistical Pose and Shape Models for Articulated Joints
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic Generation of Structured Hyperdocuments from Multi-column Document Images
* Automatic Generation of Subject-Based Image Transitions
* Automatic Generation of Tailored Accessible User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Services
* Automatic Generation of Texture Feature Detectors
* Automatic Generation of the Statistical Model of a Non-rigid Object in a Multiple-camera Environment
* Automatic Generation of Urban Road 3D Models for Pedestrian Studies from LiDAR Data
* Automatic Generation of Woodblocks for Virtual Printing
* Automatic Generator of Minimal Problem Solvers
* Automatic Genre Identification for Content-based Video Categorization
* Automatic Geo-Correction of Video Mosaics for Environmental Monitoring
* Automatic geo-localization framework without GNSS data
* Automatic Geo-Location Correction of Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Geo-Referencing Mobile Laser Scanning Data to UAV Images
* Automatic geo-registration of maritime video feeds
* Automatic Geodata Processing Methods for Real-World City Visualizations in Cities: Skylines
* Automatic Geographic Object Based Mapping of Streambed and Riparian Zone Extent from LiDAR Data in a Temperate Rural Urban Environment, Australia
* Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
* Automatic Geometric Processing for Very High Resolution Optical Satellite Data Based on Vector Roads and Orthophotos
* Automatic Geometric Reasoning in Structure and Motion Estimation
* Automatic geometry calibration for multi-projector display systems with arbitrary continuous curved surfaces
* Automatic Geometry Generation from Point Clouds for BIM
* Automatic Georeferencing of Airborne Pushbroom Scanner Images With Missing Ancillary Data Using Mutual Information
* Automatic Georeferencing of Topographic Raster Maps
* Automatic Georeferncing of Close-range FaÇade Images Acquired In An Narrow and Long Alleyway Using Rtk Drone Images
* Automatic geospatial metadata generation for earth science virtual data products
* Automatic Gesture Recognition for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
* Automatic Gigapixel Mosaicing in Large Scale Unstructured Underground Environments
* Automatic GIS Updating from High Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Glacier Surface Analysis from Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic Golf Ball Trajectory Reconstruction and Visualization
* Automatic GPR B-Scan Image Interpreting Model, An
* Automatic gradient threshold determination for edge detection
* Automatic grading of brain tumours using LSTM neural networks on magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals
* Automatic Grading of Cervical Biopsies by Combining Full and Self-supervision
* Automatic Grading of Cortical and PSC Cataracts Using Retroillumination Lens Images
* Automatic Grading of Textured Ceramic Tiles
* Automatic grading prototype system for KANJI dictation test
* Automatic Grain Type Classification of Snow Micro Penetrometer Signals With Random Forests
* Automatic grape bunch detection in vineyards for precise yield estimation
* Automatic Grapevine Trunk Detection on UAV-Based Point Cloud
* Automatic Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images, An
* Automatic Graph Building Approach for Spectral Clustering
* Automatic graph extraction from color images
* Automatic graph pruning based on kernel alignment for spectral clustering
* Automatic Graphic Pattern Generation Algorithm and Its Application to the Multipurpose Camouflage Pattern Design, An
* Automatic Graphics Program Generation Using Attention-Based Hierarchical Decoder
* Automatic Grassland Cutting Status Detection in the Context of Spatiotemporal Sentinel-1 Imagery Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks
* Automatic grayscale image colorization using histogram regression
* Automatic Grey Level Thresholding Through Index of Fuzziness and Entropy
* automatic grid corner extraction technique for camera calibration, An
* Automatic Grid Fitting for Genetic Spot Array Images Containing Guide Spots
* Automatic Grid Resolution And Efficient Triangulation of Implicit Vector Field
* Automatic Grid Segmentation of Populated Chessboard Taken at a Lower Angle View
* Automatic Ground-truth Generation for Document Image Analysis and Understanding
* Automatic Ground-truth Generation for Skew-tolerance Evaluation of Document Layout Analysis Methods
* Automatic Ground-Truth Validation With Genetic Algorithms for Multispectral Image Classification
* automatic ground control point matching based on GCP chip database for remote sensing images, An
* Automatic Ground Truth Generation of Camera Captured Documents Using Document Image Retrieval
* Automatic Ground Truths: Projected Image Annotations for Omnidirectional Vision
* Automatic Group Affect Analysis in Images via Visual Attribute and Feature Networks
* Automatic Group Happiness Intensity Analysis
* Automatic Guidance of a Tractor Using Computer Vision
* Automatic Gully Detection: Neural Networks and Computer Vision
* Automatic Hair Detection in the Wild
* Automatic hand trajectory segmentation and phoneme transcription for sign language
* Automatic Handling of Overlapping Workpieces
* Automatic Handwriting Gestures Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Automatic Handwriting Identification Based on the External Properties of the Samples
* Automatic Handwriting Identification on Medieval Documents
* Automatic handwriting recognition and writer matching on anthrax-related handwritten mail
* Automatic head pose estimation using randomly projected dense SIFT descriptors
* Automatic Heart and Vessel Segmentation Using Random Forests and a Local Phase Guided Level Set Method
* Automatic Heart Isolation in 3D CT Images
* Automatic heart rate estimation from painful faces
* Automatic hemorrhage detection in color fundus images based on gradual removal of vascular branches
* Automatic Hepatic Tumor Segmentation Using Composite Hypotheses
* Automatic Heritage Building Point Cloud Segmentation and Classification Using Geometrical Rules
* Automatic heterogeneous video summarization in temporal profile
* Automatic Hidden Sadness Detection Using Micro-Expressions
* Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes of 3D Objects
* Automatic Hierarchical Classification Using Time-based Co-occurrences
* Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
* Automatic High-Accuracy Sea Ice Mapping in the Arctic Using MODIS Data
* Automatic High-Resolution Land Cover Production in Madagascar Using Sentinel-2 Time Series, Tile-Based Image Classification and Google Earth Engine
* Automatic High-Resolution Optoelectronic Photogrammetric 3D Surface Geometry Acquisition-System
* Automatic high-speed video glottis segmentation using salient regions and 3D geodesic active contours
* automatic high precision registration method between large area aerial images and aerial light detection and ranging data, An
* Automatic High Resolution Wire Segmentation and Removal
* Automatic Hip Bone Segmentation Using Non-Rigid Registration
* Automatic Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation from 3T Multi-modality Images
* Automatic hippocampus localization in histological images using Differential Evolution-based deformable models
* Automatic histogram-based fuzzy C-means clustering for remote sensing imagery
* Automatic Histogram Threshold Using Fuzzy Measures
* Automatic Hole-Filling of Triangular Meshes Using Local Radial Basis Function
* Automatic Homographic Registration of a Pair of Images, with A Contrario Elimination of Outliers
* Automatic Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes and Markov Decision Process
* Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Body FDG-PET Images
* Automatic Human Action Recognition in Videos by Graph Embedding
* Automatic Human Body Parts Detection in a 2d Anthropometric System
* Automatic human face detection and recognition under non-uniform illumination
* Automatic Human Face Location in a Complex Background Using Motion and Color Information
* Automatic Human Knee Cartilage Segmentation from Multi-contrast MR Images Using Extreme Learning Machines and Discriminative Random Fields
* Automatic Human Mocap Data Classification
* Automatic Human Model Generation
* Automatic Human Pose Annotation for Loose-fitting Clothes
* Automatic Human Segmentation in Video Using Convex Active Contours
* Automatic Hypergraph Generation for Enhancing Recommendation With Sparse Optimization
* Automatic HyperParameter Estimation in fMRI
* Automatic IC orientation checks
* Automatic Ice Surface and Bottom Boundaries Estimation in Radar Imagery Based on Level-Set Approach
* Automatic ICP-based 2d-3d Registration Method for A High-speed Biplanar Videoradiography Imaging System, An
* Automatic identification and behavioral analysis of phlebotomine sand flies using trajectory features
* Automatic Identification and Dynamic Monitoring of Open-Pit Mines Based on Improved Mask R-CNN and Transfer Learning
* Automatic Identification and Geometrical Modeling of Steel Rivets of Historical Structures from Lidar Data
* Automatic Identification and Monitoring of Plant Diseases Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review
* Automatic identification and skew estimation of text lines in real scene images
* Automatic Identification and Statistical Analysis of Data Steps in Electric Field Measurements from CSES-01 Satellite
* Automatic Identification and Validation of Tie Points on Hyperspectral Satellite Images from CHRIS/PROBA
* Automatic Identification for a Chinese Seal Image
* Automatic Identification for the Boundaries of InSAR Anomalous Deformation Areas Based on Semantic Segmentation Model
* Automatic Identification of Addresses: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic Identification of Archaeological Artifacts on the Excavation Site
* Automatic Identification of Bacterial Types Using Statistical Imaging Methods
* Automatic identification of brain contours in magnetic resonance images of the head
* Automatic identification of butterfly species based on HoMSC and GLCMoIB
* Automatic Identification of CAPTCHA Schemes
* Automatic identification of cell files in light microscopic images of conifer wood
* Automatic Identification of Diatom Morphology using Deep Learning
* Automatic Identification Of Diatoms Using Visual Human-Interpretable Features
* Automatic identification of English, Chinese, Arabic, Devnagari and Bangla script line
* Automatic identification of facial clues to lies
* Automatic Identification of Forest Disturbance Drivers Based on Their Geometric Pattern in Atlantic Forests
* Automatic identification of Frankfurt plane and mid-sagittal plane of skull
* Automatic identification of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
* Automatic identification of fungi in microscopic leucorrhea images
* Automatic identification of fusion events in TIRF microscopy image sequences
* Automatic identification of ground control points in synthetic aperture radar images
* Automatic Identification of Human Subgroups in Time-Dependent Pedestrian Flow Networks
* Automatic identification of landmarks in digital images
* Automatic Identification of Liquefaction Induced by 2021 Maduo Mw7.3 Earthquake Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Automatic Identification of Marked Pigs in a Pen Using Image Pattern Recognition
* Automatic Identification of Miscarriage Cases Supported by Decision Strength Using Ultrasound Images of the Gestational Sac
* Automatic Identification of Morphometric Landmarks in Digital Images
* Automatic Identification of Overpass Structures: A Method of Deep Learning
* Automatic Identification of Perceptually Important Regions in an Image Using a Model of the Human Visual System
* Automatic identification of prescription drugs using shape distribution models
* Automatic Identification of Relations in Quebec Heritage Data
* Automatic Identification of Shot Body Region from Clinical Photographies
* Automatic Identification of Shrub-Encroached Grassland in the Mongolian Plateau Based on UAS Remote Sensing
* Automatic Identification of Text in Digital Video Key Frames
* Automatic Identification of the Pectoral Muscle in Mammograms
* Automatic Identification of the Social Functions of Areas of Interest (AOIs) Using the Standard Hour-Day-Spectrum Approach
* Automatic identification of window regions on indoor point clouds using LiDAR and cameras
* Automatic Identification System-Based Approach for Assessing the Near-Miss Collision Risk Dynamics of Ships in Ports
* Automatic illumination correction for scene enhancement and object tracking
* Automatic Illumination of Flat-Colored Drawings by 3D Augmentation of 2D Silhouettes
* Automatic image-based detection and inspection of paper fibres for grasping
* Automatic Image-Based Event Detection for Large-N Seismic Arrays Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic image-based segmentation of the heart from CT scans
* Automatic image-text alignment for large-scale web image indexing and retrieval
* automatic image-to-DEM alignment approach for annotating mountains pictures on a smartphone, An
* Automatic Image-to-Site Model Registration
* Automatic Image Analysis and Classification for Urinary Bacteria Infection Screening
* Automatic image analysis of plant root structures
* Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval Using Group Sparsity
* Automatic image annotation based on Gaussian mixture model considering cross-modal correlations
* Automatic Image Annotation Based on Scene Analysis
* Automatic image annotation by a loosely joint non-negative matrix factorisation
* Automatic image annotation by an iterative approach: incorporating keyword correlations and region matching
* Automatic Image Annotation by Ensemble of Visual Descriptors
* Automatic Image Annotation for Semantic Image Retrieval
* Automatic Image Annotation Using a Semi-supervised Ensemble of Classifiers
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Adaptive Color Classification
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Color K-Means Clustering
* Automatic image annotation using group sparsity
* Automatic image annotation using inverse maps from semantic embeddings
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Multi-object Identification
* Automatic image annotation using semi-supervised generative modeling
* Automatic Image Annotation using Tag Relations and Graph Convolutional Networks
* Automatic image annotation via label transfer in the semantic space
* Automatic image annotation via local multi-label classification
* Automatic Image Attribute Selection for Zero-Shot Learning of Object Categories
* Automatic image authentication and recovery using fractal code embedding and image inpainting
* Automatic Image Based Single Dilution Method for End Point Titre Quantitation of Antinuclear Antibodies Tests Using HEp-2 Cells, An
* Automatic Image Co-Segmentation Using Geometric Mean Saliency
* Automatic Image Colorization Via Multimodal Predictions
* Automatic Image Cropping for Visual Aesthetic Enhancement Using Deep Neural Networks and Cascaded Regression
* Automatic Image Cropping: A Computational Complexity Study
* Automatic image decomposition
* Automatic Image Equalization and Contrast Enhancement Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Automatic image event segmentation and quality screening for albuming applications
* Automatic image mosaic system using steerable Harris corner detector
* Automatic Image Orientation Detection via Confidence-Based Integration of Low-Level and Semantic Cues
* Automatic image orientation detection with prior hierarchical content-based classification
* Automatic image orientation detection
* Automatic Image Quality Assessment in Optical Fundus Images
* automatic image quality assessment technique incorporating higher level perceptual factors, An
* Automatic Image Quality Assessment with Application in Biometrics
* automatic image registration evaluation model on dense feature points by pinhole camera simulation, An
* Automatic Image Registration for Applications in Remote Sensing, An
* Automatic image registration for arm radiographies
* Automatic Image Registration of Multimodal Remotely Sensed Data With Global Shearlet Features
* Automatic Image Registration Through Image Segmentation and SIFT
* Automatic Image Registration Using Virtual Circles
* Automatic Image Representation for Content-Based Access to Personal Photo Album
* Automatic image resizing in android application development
* Automatic image retargeting evaluation based on user perception
* Automatic Image Scaling Up Algorithm, An
* Automatic image segmentation and classification based on direction texton technique for hemolytic anemia in thin blood smears
* Automatic Image Segmentation and Classification Using On-line Shape Learning
* Automatic image segmentation based on label propagation
* Automatic Image Segmentation Based on Maximal Similarity Based Region Merging
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Region Growth and Multiresolution Merging
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Region Merging
* Automatic image segmentation by integrating color-edge extraction and seeded region growing
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Positioning a Seed
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Tree Pruning
* Automatic image segmentation for color documents
* Automatic Image Segmentation Optimized by Bilateral Filtering
* Automatic image segmentation system through iterative edge-region co-operation
* Automatic Image Segmentation Technique Based on Pseudo-convex Hull, An
* Automatic Image Segmentation Using a Deformable Model Based on Charged Particles
* Automatic image segmentation with Anisotropic Fast Marching algorithm and geodesic voting
* Automatic image segmentation with smoothing
* Automatic Image Semantic Annotation Based on Image-Keyword Document Model
* Automatic Image Sequence Registration Based on a Linear Solution and Scale Invariant Keypoint Matching
* Automatic Image Splicing Detection Based on Noise Density Analysis in Raw Images
* Automatic image stabilization device
* Automatic Images Annotation Extension Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Automatic Immersion of Brands in Videos
* Automatic Impression Transformation of Faces in 3D Shape: A Perceptual Comparison with Processing on 2D Images
* Automatic Improvement of Graph Based Image Segmentation
* Automatic In Situ Calibration of a Spinning Beam LiDAR System in Static and Kinematic Modes
* Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton
* Automatic indexing and reformulation of ancient dictionaries
* Automatic Indexing of Broadcast Content Using its Live Chat on the Web
* Automatic Indexing of Newspaper Microfilm Images
* Automatic Indexing of Virtual Camera Features from Japanese Anime
* Automatic Individual Detection and Separation of Multiple Overlapped Nematode Worms Using Skeleton Analysis
* Automatic individual holstein friesian cattle identification via selective local coat pattern matching in RGB-D imagery
* Automatic individual identification of Saimaa ringed seals
* Automatic Individual Tree 3D Change Detection Method for Allometric Parameters Estimation in Mixed Uneven-Aged Forest Stands from ALS Data, An
* Automatic Inference and Measurement of 3D Carpal Bone Kinematics From Single View Fluoroscopic Sequences
* Automatic Inference of Elevation and Drainage Models from a Satellite Image
* Automatic Inference of Road and Pedestrian Networks From Spatial-Temporal Trajectories
* Automatic Inference of Textline Orientation
* Automatic Information and Safety Systems for Driving Assistance
* Automatic Information Extraction from Gel Electrophoresis Images Using GEIAS
* Automatic Initial Estimation of the left Ventricular Myocardial Midwall in Emission Tomograms Using Kohonen Maps
* automatic initial snaxel selection method in active contour model for contour extraction, An
* Automatic initialization and tracking using attentional mechanisms
* Automatic initialization for 3D soccer player tracking
* Automatic Initialization for Facial Analysis in Interactive Robotics
* Automatic Initialization for the Registration of GIS and Video Data
* Automatic initialization of active contours and level set method in ultrasound images of breast abnormalities
* Automatic Initiation of the Periorbital Signal Extraction in Thermal Imagery
* Automatic ink mismatch detection for forensic document analysis
* Automatic inpainting by removing fence-like structures in RGBD images
* Automatic inpainting of linearly related video frames
* Automatic Inpainting Scheme for Video Text Detection and Removal
* Automatic insertion of subject content in domain knowledge of an intelligent tutoring system
* Automatic Inspection and Evaluation System for Pavement Distress
* Automatic Inspection and Orientation of External Screws
* Automatic inspection by lots in the presence of classification errors
* Automatic Inspection for Printed Wiring
* Automatic inspection of aeronautic components
* Automatic Inspection of Aerospace Welds Using X-Ray Images
* Automatic Inspection of Bridge Bolts Using Unmanned Aerial Vision and Adaptive Scale Unification-Based Deep Learning
* Automatic Inspection of Cultural Monuments Using Deep and Tensor-Based Learning on Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automatic inspection of mechanical parts using geometric models and laser range finder data
* Automatic Inspection of Solder Joints Using Layered Illumination
* Automatic inspection of surface mount solder joints using X-ray images
* Automatic Inspection of the Surface Defects of Cast Metals
* Automatic Inspection of Tobacco Leaves Based on MRF Image Model
* Automatic inspection of x-ray photograph of welding
* Automatic Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards
* Automatic Inspection System for Printed Wiring Board Masks, An
* Automatic inspection system using machine vision
* Automatic instrument localization in laparoscopic surgery
* automatic integrated image segmentation, registration and change detection method for water-body extraction using HSR images and GIS data, An
* Automatic Integration of Facade Textures into 3D Building Models with a Projective Geometry Based Line Clustering
* Automatic Integration of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds: From Acquisition to Co-registration
* Automatic Inter-Frame Patient Motion Correction for Dynamic Cardiac PET Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Inter-image Homography Estimation from Person Detections
* Automatic Inter-subject Registration of Whole Body Images
* Automatic Interactive Calibration of Multi-Projector-Camera Systems
* Automatic Interferogram Selection for SBAS-InSAR Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Interior Orientation of Digital Aerial Images
* Automatic Internal Segmentation of Caudate Nucleus for Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
* Automatic interpolation and recognition of face images by morphing
* Automatic interpolation of phenological phases in Germany
* Automatic Interpretation and Classification of Images
* Automatic Interpretation and Coding of Face Images Using Flexible Models
* Automatic Interpretation of Affective Facial Expressions in the Context of Interpersonal Interaction
* Automatic interpretation of cadasters by image analysis techniques
* Automatic Interpretation of Contour Lines by Using External Data
* Automatic interpretation of digital maps
* Automatic interpretation of Dutch addresses
* Automatic Interpretation of High Resolution SAR Images: First Results of SAR Image Simulation for Single Buildings
* Automatic Interpretation of Medical Image Sequences
* Automatic Interpretation of Outdoor Scenes
* Automatic Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images for Urban Form Assessment
* Automatic Interpretation of Terrain Features
* Automatic Intra Muscular Fat Analysis on Dry-Cured Ham Slices
* Automatic Inundation Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Data Applicable to Both Camargue and Doñana Biosphere Reserves
* Automatic Inverse Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Field Aging Based on System Identification
* Automatic Invoice Interpretation: Invoice Structure Analysis
* Automatic Iris Occlusion Estimation Method Based on High-Dimensional Density Estimation, An
* Automatic Iris Segmentation Based on Local Areas
* Automatic ISAR Ship Detection Using Triangle-Points Affine Transform Reconstruction Algorithm
* Automatic Isolation of Blurred Images from UAV Image Sequences
* Automatic ISP Image Quality Tuning Using Nonlinear Optimization
* Automatic Itinerary Planning Using Triple-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Automatic IVUS media-adventitia border extraction using double interface graph cut segmentation
* Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Solver, An
* Automatic joint and skeleton computation for the animation of sketch-based 3D objects
* Automatic joint classification and segmentation of whole cell 3D images
* Automatic Judgement of Spinal Deformity from Moire Images Employing Asymmetry of Local Centroids Location
* Automatic jumping photos on smartphones
* Automatic K-Means Clustering Algorithm of GPS Data Combining a Novel Niche Genetic Algorithm with Noise and Density, An
* Automatic Kappa Angle Estimation For Air Photos Based On Phase Only Correlation
* Automatic kernel clustering with a Multi-Elitist Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Automatic Kernel Size Determination for Deep Neural Networks Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Automatic Key-frame Selection Method for Visual Odometry Based On The Improved PWC-Net, An
* Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Automatic Keyframe Selection for High-Quality Image-Based Walkthrough Animation Using Viewpoint Entropy
* Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Medical Documents
* Automatic Keypoint Detection on 3D Faces Using a Dictionary of Local Shapes
* Automatic keystone correction for smart projectors with embedded camera
* Automatic Keyword Extraction from Historical Document Images
* Automatic Kinematic Chain Building from Feature Trajectories of Articulated Objects
* Automatic knowledge acquisition for spatial document interpretation
* Automatic knowledge database generation for classifying objects and systems therefor
* Automatic Kronecker Product Model Based Detection of Repeated Patterns in 2D Urban Images
* Automatic Label Placement of Area-features Using Deep Learning
* Automatic labeling and classification of brain CT images
* Automatic Labeling for Scene Text Database
* Automatic Labeling of Colonoscopy Video for Cancer Detection
* Automatic Labeling of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols via Expression Matching
* Automatic labeling of large amounts of handwritten characters with gate-guided dynamic deep learning
* Automatic Labelling and Selection of Training Samples for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification over Urban Areas
* Automatic labelling of brain tissues in MR images through spatial indexes based hybrid atlas forest
* Automatic Laboratory Martian Rock and Mineral Classification Using Highly-Discriminative Representation Derived from Spectral Signatures
* Automatic Land-Cover Mapping using Landsat Time-Series Data Based on Google Earth Engine
* Automatic land-water classification using multispectral airborne LiDAR data for near-shore and river environments
* Automatic Land Cover Reconstruction From Historical Aerial Images: An Evaluation of Features Extraction and Classification Algorithms
* Automatic Land Use/Land Cover Classification System with Rules Based Both on Objects Attributes and Landscape Indicators
* Automatic Landform Recognition from the Perspective of Watershed Spatial Structure Based on Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic Landmark-guided Face Image Generation for Anime Characters Using C2-GAN
* Automatic Landmark Detection for 3D Urban Models
* Automatic landmark detection in cephalometry using a modified Active Shape Model with sub image matching
* Automatic Landmark Generation for Point Distribution Models
* Automatic landmark location with a Combined Active Shape Model
* Automatic landmark point detection and tracking for human facial expressions
* Automatic Landmark Tracking and its Application to the Optimization of Brain Conformal Mapping
* Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models
* Automatic Landmarking of 2D Medical Shapes Using the Growing Neural Gas Network
* Automatic Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning: From Self-Optimum to Local-Optimum
* Automatic Lane and Band Detection in Images of Thin Layer Chromatography
* Automatic lane detection from vehicle motion trajectories
* Automatic Lane Detection in Chromatography Images
* Automatic lane detection in image sequences for vision based navigation purposes
* Automatic lane parameters extraction in mobile mapping sequences
* Automatic Large-Scale 3D Building Shape Refinement Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Automatic large-scale three dimensional modeling using cooperative multiple robots
* Automatic large scale detection of red palm weevil infestation using street view images
* Automatic laser-based identification for UF6 cylinders
* Automatic lattice detection in near-regular histology array images
* Automatic layered RGB-D scene flow estimation with optical flow field constraint
* Automatic Leader-Follower Persistent Formation Generation With Minimum Agent-Movement in Various Switching Topologies
* Automatic leaf shape category discovery
* Automatic Learning-Based Framework for Robust Nucleus Segmentation, An
* Automatic learning and extraction of multi-local features
* Automatic learning of an activity-based semantic scene model
* Automatic Learning of Appearance Face Models
* Automatic Learning of Articulated Skeletons from 3D Marker Trajectories
* Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic Surveilled Scenes
* Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequences for Human Behavior Interpretation
* Automatic Learning of Edit Costs Based on Interactive and Adaptive Graph Recognition
* Automatic Learning of Gesture Recognition Model Using SOM and SVM
* Automatic Learning of Image Representations Combining Content and Metadata
* Automatic learning of structural models for workpiece recognition systems
* Automatic left-right channel swap detection
* Automatic left ventricle segmentation via edge-shape feature-based fully convolutional neural network
* Automatic Left Ventricular Center Point Extraction in Echocardiographic Images
* Automatic Left Ventricular Endocardium Detection in Echocardiograms Based on Ternary Thresholding Method
* Automatic Lens Distortion Correction Using One-Parameter Division Models
* Automatic Lesion Detection in Breast DCE-MRI
* Automatic lesion detection in wireless capsule endoscopy: A simple solution for a complex problem
* Automatic Lesions Segmentation in Ultrasound Nonlinear Imaging
* Automatic Level Control for Video Cameras towards HDR Techniques
* Automatic Level Set Based Cerebral Vessel Segmentation and Bone Removal in CT Angiography Data Sets
* automatic level set based liver segmentation from MRI data sets, An
* Automatic License Extraction from Moving Vehicles
* Automatic license plate detection in hazardous condition
* Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-the-Art Review
* Automatic license plate recognition on microprocessors and custom computing platforms: A review
* Automatic License Plate Recognition via sliding-window darknet-YOLO deep learning
* Automatic License Plate Recognition
* Automatic light control system using fish-eye lens camera
* Automatic Light Scene Setting Through Image-Based Sparse Light Effect Approximation
* Automatic LightBeam Controller for driver assistance
* Automatic Line Drawing Recognition of Large-Scale Maps
* Automatic Line Extraction in Uncalibrated Omnidirectional Cameras with Revolution Symmetry
* Automatic Line Matching Across Views
* Automatic Line Matching and 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple Views
* Automatic line officiating system and method thereof
* Automatic Lineament Detection Using Digital Elevation Models with Second Derivative Filters
* Automatic linguistic indexing of pictures by a statistical modeling approach
* Automatic Lip-reading of Hearing Impaired People
* Automatic lip contour extraction from color images
* Automatic Lip Model Extraction for Constrained Contour-Based Tracking
* Automatic Lipreading by Computer
* Automatic Lipreading of Sentences Combining Hidden Markov Models and Grammars
* Automatic Lipreading System for Spoken Digits With Limited Training Data, An
* Automatic Lipreading with Limited Training Data
* Automatic liver and lesion segmentation: A primary step in diagnosis of liver diseases
* Automatic Liver Segmentation and Hepatic Fat Fraction Assessment in MRI
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Based on Shape Constraints and Deformable Graph Cut in CT Images
* Automatic liver segmentation for volume measurement in CT Images
* Automatic liver segmentation from abdominal CT scans
* Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Scans Using Multi-layer Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
* Automatic Liver Segmentation in Pre-TIPS Cirrhotic Patients: A Preliminary Step for Radiomics Studies
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Using Statistical Prior Models and Free-form Deformation
* Automatic liver tumor diagnosis with Dynamic-Contrast Enhanced MRI
* Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using 4D Information: Deep Learning Model Based on 3D Convolution and Convolutional LSTM
* Automatic liver tumor segmentation on multiphase computed tomography volume using SegNet deep neural network and K-means clustering
* Automatic local effect of window/level on 3-D scale-space ellipsoidal filtering on run-off-arteries from white blood magnetic resonance angiography
* Automatic local parameterization of the Chan Vese active contour model's force coefficients using edge information
* Automatic local shape spectrum analysis for 3D facial expression recognition
* Automatic Localization and Quantification of Intracranial Aneurysms
* Automatic Localization and Segmentation of the Ventricles in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic Localization of Balloon Markers and Guidewire in Rotational Fluoroscopy with Application to 3D Stent Reconstruction
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks for assisted cephalometry
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks using multi-layer perceptron as a function approximator
* Automatic Localization of Elevation Values in a Poor Quality Topographic Map
* Automatic localization of optic disk based on texture orientation voting
* Automatic localization of signal sources in photon emission images for integrated circuit analysis
* Automatic Localization of Skin Layers in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic localization of the center of fiducial markers in 3D CT/MRI images for image-guided neurosurgery
* Automatic localization of the macula in a supervised graph-based approach with contextual superpixel features
* Automatic Localization of the Needle Target for Ultrasound-Guided Epidural Injections
* Automatic Localization of the Optic Disc in Retinal Images Based on the Entropy of Vascular Directions
* Automatic Locating of Anthropometric Landmarks on 3D Human Models
* Automatic location and tracking of the facial region in color video sequences
* Automatic Location of Facial Feature Points and Synthesis of Facial Sketches Using Direct Combined Model
* Automatic Location of Optic Disk in Retinal Images
* Automatic Lock of Cursor Movement: Implications for an Efficient Eye-Gaze Input Method for Drag and Menu Selection
* Automatic Loss Function Search for Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Automatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Measurement in CT Images
* Automatic Lumbar Vertebra Landmark Localization and Segmentation for Pedicle Screw Placement
* automatic lung cancer detection from X-ray images obtained through yearly serial mass survey, An
* Automatic Lung Cancer Follow-up Recommendation with 3d Deep Learning
* Automatic lung segmentation based on Graph Cut using a distance-constrained energy
* Automatic lung segmentation for accurate quantitation of volumetric X-ray CT images
* Automatic Lung Segmentation in CT Images using Watershed Transform
* Automatic lung segmentation in HRCT images with diffuse parenchymal lung disease using graph-cut
* Automatic Lung Segmentation of Volumetric Low-Dose CT Scans Using Graph Cuts
* Automatic Lung Tumor Detection Based on GLCM Features
* Automatic LV Feature Detection and Blood-Pool Tracking from Multi-plane TEE Time Series
* Automatic Machine Learning of Decision Rules for Classification Problems in Image Analysis
* Automatic machine vision calibration using statistical and neural network methods
* Automatic macula detection from retinal images by a line operator
* Automatic make and model recognition from frontal images of cars
* Automatic map compilation system
* Automatic Mapping and Characterisation of Linear Depositional Bedforms: Theory and Application Using Bathymetry from the North West Shelf of Australia
* Automatic Mapping of Burned Areas Using Landsat 8 Time-Series Images in Google Earth Engine: A Case Study from Iran
* Automatic Mapping of Center Line of Railway Tracks using Global Navigation Satellite System, Inertial Measurement Unit and Laser Scanner
* Automatic Mapping of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems from Satellite Images Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Mapping of Glacier Based on SAR Imagery by Benefits of Freely Optical and Thermal Data
* Automatic Mapping of Karez in Turpan Basin Based on Google Earth Images and the YOLOv5 Model
* Automatic Mapping of Landslides by the ResU-Net
* Automatic Mapping of Linear Woody Vegetation Features in Agricultural Landscapes Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Automatic mapping of planting year for tree crops with Landsat satellite time series stacks
* Automatic Mapping of Potential Landslides Using Satellite Multitemporal Interferometry
* Automatic Mapping of Rice Growth Stages Using the Integration of SENTINEL-2, MOD13Q1, and SENTINEL-1
* Automatic Mapping of Settlement Areas Using a Knowledge-Based Image Interpretation System
* Automatic Mapping of Thermokarst Landforms from Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning: A Case Study in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Automatic marker detection for blob images
* Automatic markerless registration of point clouds with semantic-keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets
* Automatic martian dust storm detection via decision level fusion basedondeep extreme learning machine
* Automatic Martian Polar Ice Cap Extraction Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data and Analysis of Their Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics
* Automatic Mask Extraction for PIV-Based Dam-Break Analysis
* Automatic Mass Segmentation Based on Adaptive Pyramid and Sublevel Set Analysis
* Automatic Matcher and Linker for Transportation Datasets, An
* Automatic Matching Algorithm Based on SIFT Descriptors for Remote Sensing Ship Image, An
* Automatic Matching and Motion Estimation from Two Views of a Multiplane Scene
* Automatic Matching and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Free-Form Linear Features from Stereo Images
* Automatic Matching of 3-D Models to Imagery
* Automatic Matching of Buildings and Corners
* Automatic Matching of Multimodal Remote Sensing Images via Learned Unstructured Road Feature
* Automatic Matching of Sculpture Fragments as Modern Tool for Archaeological Verification of Hypotheses on Their Origin
* Automatic Matching of Terrestrial Scan Data Using Orientation Histograms
* Automatic Matching Tool Selection Using Relevance Feedback in MARS
* Automatic Material Classification Using Thermal Finger Impression
* Automatic Mathematical Expression Understanding System, An
* Automatic Matting Using Depth and Adaptive Trimap
* Automatic measure of imitation during social interaction: A behavioral and hyperscanning-EEG benchmark
* automatic measurement device for the evaluation of the print quality of printed characters, An
* automatic measurement method for ankle key angles based on point cloud segmentation network, An
* Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the Internet
* Automatic measurement of anthropometric dimensions using frontal and lateral silhouettes
* Automatic Measurement of Fetal Cavum Septum Pellucidum From Ultrasound Images Using Deep Attention Network
* Automatic measurement of industrial sheetmetal parts with CAD data and non-metric image sequence
* Automatic Measurement of Inhibition Zones in Petri Dish Samples
* Automatic measurement of slug flow processes from in-line videos
* Automatic Measurement of Spine Curvature on 3-D Ultrasound Volume Projection Image With Phase Features
* Automatic measurement of the angle of squint by Hough-transformation and covariance-filtering
* Automatic measurement of the traffic sign with digital segmentation and recognition
* Automatic Measurement of Visual Attention to Video Content using Deep Learning
* Automatic Measurement of Water Height in the As Conchas (Spain) Reservoir Using Sentinel 2 and Aerial LiDAR Data
* Automatic measurement on CT images for patella dislocation diagnosis
* Automatic Measures for Predicting Performance in Off-Line Signature
* Automatic Medical Image Analysis and Potential Impact in India
* Automatic Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007: Overview, Results, and Discussion
* Automatic medical image interpretation: State of the art and future directions
* Automatic Meeting Segmentation Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Automatic Mep Component Detection with Deep Learning
* Automatic Mesh Animation Preview With User Voting-Based Refinement
* Automatic Mesh Generation Using the Symmetric Axis Transformation of Polygonal Domains
* Automatic Metadata Retrieval from Ancient Manuscripts
* Automatic Meteor Detection: An Application of Hough Transforms
* Automatic Method Based on Gridding Segmentation for Trees' Classification in Forested Area, An
* Automatic Method for Black Margin Elimination of Sentinel-1A Images over Antarctica, An
* Automatic method for correlating horizons across faults in 3D seismic data
* Automatic Method for Counting Annual Rings in Noisy Sawmill Images, An
* Automatic Method for Delimiting Deformation Area in InSAR Based on HNSW-DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm, An
* Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data, An
* automatic method for determining quaternion field boundaries for ball-and-socket joint limits, An
* Automatic Method for Enhancing Character Recognition in Degraded Historical Documents, An
* automatic method for generating affine moment invariants, An
* Automatic Method For Geometric Segmentation Of Masonry Arch Bridges For Structural Engineering Purposes, An
* Automatic Method for Metabolic Evaluation of Gamma Knife Treatments, An
* Automatic Method for Rice Mapping Based on Phenological Features with Sentinel-1 Time-Series Images, An
* automatic method for road extraction in rural and semi-urban areas starting from high resolution satellite imagery, An
* Automatic Method for Subglacial Lake Detection in Ice Sheet Radar Sounder Data, An
* automatic method for the calibration of time-series of Meteosat images, An
* Automatic Method for the Removal of Unwanted, Non-periodic Patterns from Forensic Images, An
* Automatic method for tumor segmentation from 3-points dynamic PET acquisitions
* Automatic Method for Video Character Segmentation, An
* Automatic Method for Visual Grading of Seed Food Products
* Automatic method for white matter lesion segmentation based on T1-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images
* Automatic Method of Building 3D Morphable Face Model, An
* Automatic Method of Location for Number-plate Using Color Features, An
* Automatic Method to Detect Lake Ice Phenology Using MODIS Daily Temperature Imagery, An
* automatic method to learn and transfer the photometric appearance of partially overlapping images, An
* Automatic Methodology to Detect the Coastline from Landsat Images with a New Water Index Assessed on Three Different Spanish Mediterranean Deltas
* Automatic Methods for the Detection of Accelerative Cardiac Defense Response
* Automatic Micro-expression Recognition from Long Video Using a Single Spotted Apex
* Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform, An
* Automatic microarray image segmentation based on watershed transformation
* Automatic Microarray Spot Segmentation Using a Snake-Fisher Model
* Automatic Microseismic Events Detection Using Multiscale Morphological Characteristic Function
* Automatic mine detection by textural analysis of COTS sidescan sonar imagery
* Automatic mineral identification using color tracking
* Automatic mineral identification using genetic programming
* Automatic mitral leaflet tracking in echocardiography by outlier detection in the low-rank representation
* Automatic model-based 3D object recognition by combining feature matching with tracking
* Automatic Model-Based Building Detection from Single Panchromatic High Resolution Images
* Automatic Model-Based Estimation of Boreal Forest Stem Volume From Repeat Pass C-band InSAR Coherence
* Automatic Model-Based Segmentation of the Heart in CT Images
* Automatic model-based semantic object extraction algorithm
* Automatic Model-Order Selection for PCA
* Automatic Model Acquisition from Range Images with View Planning
* Automatic Model Construction and Pose Estimation from Photographs Using Triangular Splines
* Automatic Model Construction for Object Recognition Using Inverse Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
* Automatic Model Construction for Object Recognition Using ISAR Images
* Automatic Model Construction, Pose Estimation, and Object Recognition from Photographs using Triangular Splines
* Automatic Model Creation for Kinematic Analysis and Optimization Of Engineering Systems
* Automatic Model Generation and Recognition of Simple Three-Dimensional Bodies
* Automatic model refinement for 3D reconstruction with mobile robots
* Automatic Model Selection by Modelling the Distribution of Residuals
* Automatic Model Selection for 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Satellite Imagary
* Automatic model selection for the optimization of SVM kernels
* Automatic Model Selection in Archetype Analysis
* Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular traction pathology stages
* Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition
* Automatic modeling of animatable virtual humans: A survey
* Automatic modeling of laser point clouds by statistical analysis of surface curvature values
* Automatic Modelling and 3-D Reconstruction of Urban House Roofs from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Modelling for Interactive Action Assessment
* Automatic Modelling Method for Steel Structures Using Photogrammetry
* Automatic Modelling of 3d Trees Using Aerial Lidar Point Cloud Data And Deep Learning
* Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
* Automatic Modelling of Rubble Mound Breakwaters from LIDAR Data
* Automatic Modulation Classification Using Deep Learning Based on Sparse Autoencoders With Nonnegativity Constraints
* Automatic Modulation Recognition of Radiation Source Signals Based on Data Rearrangement and the 2D FFT
* Automatic Monitoring of Maize Seedling Growth Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based RGB Imagery
* Automatic Monitoring of Pig Activity Using Image Analysis
* Automatic Monitoring of Waste-water in Industrial Plants Basins
* Automatic monitoring system for the detection and evaluation of the evolution of hemangiomas
* Automatic Monocular 3D-Reconstruction of Indoor Environments Using Mobile Vehicles
* Automatic Morphological Attribute Building Extraction Approach for Satellite High Spatial Resolution Imagery, An
* Automatic Morphological Classification of Lung Cancer Subtypes with Boosting Algorithms for Optimizing Therapy
* Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus
* Automatic morphological pre-alignment and global hybrid registration of close range images
* Automatic Mosaicking Algorithm for the Generation of a Large-Scale Forest Height Map Using Spaceborne Repeat-Pass InSAR Correlation Magnitude, An
* automatic mosaicking method for building facade texture mapping using a monocular close-range image sequence, An
* Automatic Motion-Blurred Hand Matting for Human Soft Segmentation in Videos
* Automatic Motion Analaysis of Tongue Surface from Ultrasound Image Sequences
* Automatic Motion Analysis System of Moving Objects from the Records of Natural Processes
* Automatic Motion Classification for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Automatic Motion Segmentation for Human Motion Synthesis
* Automatic Movement Analysis for Classification of Moving Objects
* Automatic Moving Object and Background Separation
* Automatic Moving Object Extraction for Content-Based Applications
* Automatic Moving Object Extraction toward Content-Based Video Representation and Indexing
* Automatic Moving Object Segmentation with Accurate Boundaries
* Automatic Moving Pose Grading for Golf Swing in Sports
* Automatic Moving Vehicle's Information Extraction From One-pass Worldview-2 Satellite Imagery
* Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
* Automatic MRI Brain Segmentation with Combined Atlas-Based Classification and Level-Set Approach
* Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological Images
* Automatic Multi-Agent Web Image and Associated Keywords Retrieval System, An
* Automatic Multi-Atlas Segmentation for Abdominal Images Using Template Construction and Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Automatic multi-camera placement and optimisation using ray tracing
* Automatic Multi-Circle Detection on Images Using the Teaching Learning Based Optimisation Algorithm
* Automatic Multi-Layer Red-Eye Detection
* Automatic Multi-light White Balance Using Illumination Gradients and Color Space Projection
* Automatic Multi-modal Dialogue Scene Indexing
* Automatic Multi-organ Segmentation in Non-enhanced CT Datasets Using Hierarchical Shape Priors
* Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation on Abdominal CT With Dense V-Networks
* Automatic Multi-resolution Joint Image Smoothing for Depth Map Refinement
* Automatic Multi-seed Detection for MR Breast Image Segmentation
* Automatic Multi-Thresholdable Image Segmentation by Using Separating Bipoints
* Automatic Multi-view Approach to Planar Chain Matching, An
* Automatic Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation by the Growing Time Adaptive Self-Organizing Map
* Automatic multimode continuous halftone line copy reproduction
* Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation via Multiscale Registration and Graph Cut
* Automatic Multiple Sclerosis detection based on integrated square estimation
* Automatic multiple view inspection using geometrical tracking and feature analysis in aluminum wheels
* Automatic Multiple Visual Inspection on Non-calibrated Image Sequence with Intermediate Classifier Block
* Automatic Multithreshold Selection
* Automatic multiview synthesis: Prototype demo
* Automatic multiview synthesis: Towards a mobile system on a chip
* Automatic Mura Detection for Display Film Using Mask Filtering in Wavelet Transform
* automatic muscle fiber orientation tracking algorithm using Bayesian Kalman Filter for ultrasound images, An
* Automatic Muscle Fiber Orientation Tracking in Ultrasound Images Using a New Adaptive Fading Bayesian Kalman Smoother
* Automatic Music Genre Classification Using Bass Lines
* Automatic Music Mood Classification Based on Timbre and Modulation Features
* Automatic Music Stretching Resistance Classification Using Audio Features and Genres
* Automatic music transcription for traditional woodwind instruments sopele
* Automatic Music Transcription: An Overview
* Automatic musical genre classification using sparsity-eager support vector machines
* Automatic Mutual Nonrigid Registration of Dense Surfaces by Graphical Model Based Inference
* Automatic Myelofibrosis Grading from Silver-Stained Images
* Automatic Nacre Thickness Measurement of Tahitian Pearls
* Automatic natural and man-made scene differentiation using perspective geometrical properties of the scenes
* automatic natural feature selection system for indoor tracking - application to Alzheimer patient support, An
* Automatic Navigation System for Vision Guided Vehicles Using a Double Heuristic and a Finite State Machine, An
* Automatic Needle Segmentation and Localization in MRI With 3-D Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to MRI-Targeted Prostate Biopsy
* Automatic nesting seabird detection based on boosted HOG-LBP descriptors
* Automatic Network Pruning via Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion Lasso under Information Bottleneck Principle
* Automatic Neural Network Compression by Sparsity-Quantization Joint Learning: A Constrained Optimization-Based Approach
* Automatic Neural Network Search Method for Open Set Recognition
* Automatic news video segmentation and categorization based on closed-captioned text
* Automatic noise estimation in images using local statistics. Additive and multiplicative cases
* Automatic noise identification in images using moments and neural network
* Automatic Non-rigid 3D Modeling from Video
* Automatic non-rigid registration of 3D dynamic data for facial expression synthesis and transfer
* Automatic Non Parametric Procedures for Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds Processing
* Automatic Nonlinear Filtering and Segmentation for Breast Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Nonrigid Calibration of Image Registration for Real Time MR-Guided HIFU Ablations of Mobile Organs
* Automatic Nonrigid Registration for Stained Histological Sections, An
* Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groups: A review
* Automatic number plate recognition system by character position method
* Automatic number plate recognition system using modified stroke width transform
* Automatic Object-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Complex Diffusions and a New Distance Metric
* Automatic Object-of-Interest segmentation from natural images
* Automatic Object-Oriented, Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction Driven by Tobler's First Law of Geography for Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery Classification
* Automatic object and image alignment using Fourier Descriptors
* Automatic Object Cosegmentation in Sparse Multiview Images
* Automatic Object Detection on Aerial Images Using Local Descriptors and Image Synthesis
* Automatic object detection using shape information in ultrasound images
* Automatic object extraction and reconstruction in active video
* Automatic Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery: A Survey Focusing on Buildings
* Automatic Object Extraction from Electrical Substation Point Clouds
* Automatic Object Extraction From High Resolution Aerial Imagery With Simple Linear Iterative Clustering and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic object extraction from images using deep neural networks and the level-set method
* Automatic Object Extraction in Images using Embedded Labels
* Automatic Object Extraction Over Multiscale Edge Field for Multimedia Retrieval
* Automatic Object Recognition and Change Detection of Urban Trees
* Automatic Object Recognition II
* Automatic Object Recognition III
* Automatic Object Recognition in Line Maps
* Automatic Object Recognition IV
* Automatic Object Recognition V
* Automatic Object Recognition VI
* Automatic object recognition within an office environment
* Automatic Object Recognition
* Automatic Object Recoloring Using Adversarial Learning
* Automatic Object Segmentation by Quantum Cuts
* Automatic object segmentation in images with low depth of field
* Automatic object segmentation of unstructured scenes using colour and depth maps
* Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Management Of Large-scale Events
* Automatic object segmentation using mean shift and growcut
* Automatic object segmentation with 3-D cameras
* Automatic objects behaviour recognition from compressed video domain
* Automatic objects segmentation with RGB-D cameras
* Automatic objects tracing device of camcorder
* Automatic ObjectTarget Recognition VIII
* Automatic Observation of the Dry Line in paper machine
* Automatic Occlusion Removal from Facades for 3D Urban Reconstruction
* Automatic Occlusion Removal from Minimum Number of Images
* Automatic Off-Line Short Answer Assessment System Using Novel Hybrid Features, An
* Automatic Oil Reserve Analysis Through the Shadows of Exterior Floating Crest Oil Tanks in Highlight Optical Satellite Images
* Automatic oil spill detection in TerraSAR-X data using multi-contextual Markov modeling on irregular graphs
* Automatic omni-directional, high-speed, pan-tilt platform
* Automatic On-Site Fire Ant Screening System, An
* Automatic Online Signature Verification Using HMMs with User-Dependent Structure
* Automatic Online Signature Verification
* Automatic Ontology Generation of BIM and GIS Data
* Automatic Open-World Reliability Assessment
* Automatic Optic Disc and Fovea Detection in Retinal Images Using Super-Elliptical Convergence Index Filters
* Automatic Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Geometric Features
* Automatic optic disc detection through background estimation
* Automatic Optic Disk and Cup Segmentation of Fundus Images Using Deep Learning
* Automatic optic disk detection and segmentation by variational active contour estimation in retinal fundus images
* Automatic Optic Disk Segmentation in Presence of Disk Blurring
* Automatic Optical-to-SAR Image Registration by Iterative Line Extraction and Voronoi Integrated Spectral Point Matching
* Automatic optical-to-SAR image registration using a structural descriptor
* Automatic Optical and SAR Image Registration Method Using Iterative Multi-level And Refinement Model, An
* Automatic optical flank wear measurement of microdrills using level set for cutting plane segmentation
* Automatic Optical Flow Based Method for the Detection and Restoration of Non-repetitive Damaged Zones in Image Sequences, An
* Automatic Optical Inspection for Millimeter Scale Probe Surface Stripping Defects Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Optical Inspection of Plated Through-Holes for Ultrahigh Density Printed Wiring Boards
* Automatic optical phase identification of micro-drill bits based on improved ASM and bag of shape segment in PCB production
* Automatic Optimal View Selection for Natural HCI
* Automatic Optimization of Alignment Parameters for Tomography Datasets
* automatic optimum number of well-distributed ground control lines selection procedure based on genetic algorithm, An
* Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless rock art imagery
* Automatic Orientation and Mosaicking of Archived Aerial Photography Using Structure from Motion
* Automatic orientation and recognition in highly structured scenes
* Automatic Orientation Determination of Three-Dimensional Objects from Three-Dimensional Data
* Automatic orientation estimation based on photogrammetry for a single pan-tilt-zoom camera
* Automatic orientation of image sequences for 3-D object reconstruction: First results of a method integrating photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms
* Automatic Orientation Of Image Sequences In Cultural Heritage
* Automatic Orientation of Large Blocks of Oblique Images
* Automatic Orientation of Multi-Scale Terrestrial Images for 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic Ortho-rectification of ASTER Images by Matching Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic Orthorectification of High-Resolution Optical Satellite Images Using Vector Roads
* Automatic ovarian follicle quantification from 3D ultrasound data using global/local context with database guided segmentation
* Automatic Pain Assessment with Facial Activity Descriptors
* Automatic Pain Detection on Horse and Donkey Faces
* Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation with Heteroscedastic Conditional Ordinal Random Fields
* Automatic Pain Recognition from Video and Biomedical Signals
* Automatic Palmprint Verification
* Automatic pan-tilt-zoom calibration in the presence of hybrid sensor networks
* Automatic pancreas segmentation based on lightweight DCNN modules and spatial prior propagation
* Automatic panorama with auto-focusing based on image fusion for microscopic imaging system
* Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features
* Automatic Parallel Parking in Tiny Spots: Path Planning and Control
* Automatic Parameter Estimation for the Discrete Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (DART)
* Automatic parameter regulation of perceptual systems
* Automatic parameter selection for a k-segments algorithm for computing principal curves
* Automatic Parameter Selection for Denoising Algorithms Using a No-Reference Measure of Image Content
* Automatic Parameter Selection for Intensity-Based Registration of Imagery to LiDAR Data
* Automatic Parameter Selection for Multimodal Image Registration
* Automatic parameter selection for object recognition using a parallel multiobjective genetic algorithm
* Automatic Parametrisation for an Image Completion Method Based on Markov Random Fields
* Automatic Parametrization and Shadow Analysis of Roofs in Urban Areas from ALS Point Clouds with Solar Energy Purposes
* Automatic Parametrization of Urban Areas Using ALS Data: The Case Study of Santiago de Compostela
* Automatic Partial Face Alignment in NIR Video Sequences
* Automatic particle detection through efficient hough transforms
* Automatic partitioning of full-motion video
* Automatic Partitioning of High Dimensional Search Spaces Associated with Articulated Body Motion Capture
* Automatic passive recovery of 3D from images and video
* Automatic Pathological Lung Segmentation in Low-Dose CT Image Using Eigenspace Sparse Shape Composition
* Automatic Pathology Annotation on Medical Images: A Statistical Machine Translation Framework
* Automatic pattern processing system
* Automatic pattern recognition apparatus
* Automatic Pattern Recognition by a Gestalt Method
* Automatic Pattern Recognition for Clinical Medicine
* automatic pattern recognition method for the processing of long slit spectral images, An
* Automatic Pattern Recognition of Tectonic Lineaments in Seafloor Morphology to Contribute in the Structural Analysis of Potentially Hydrocarbon-Rich Areas
* Automatic Pattern Recognition: A Study of the Probability of Error
* Automatic Pavement Crack Detection by Multi-Scale Image Fusion
* Automatic Pavement Object Detection Using Superpixel Segmentation Combined With Conditional Random Field
* Automatic PCB Inspection Algorithms: A Survey
* Automatic Peaks Extraction from Normalized Digital Surface Model (NDSM);
* Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Visual Attention Mechanism Network
* Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolateral Oblique View Mammograms
* Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Automatic pedestrian recognition using real-time motion analysis
* Automatic pencil sketch generation by using Canny edges
* Automatic people detection and counting for athletic videos classification
* Automatic people segmentation with a template-driven graph cut
* Automatic performance evaluation for video text detection
* automatic performance evaluation method for document page segmentation, An
* Automatic performance evaluation of printed Chinese character recognition systems
* Automatic Performance Evaluation Protocol for Video Text Detection Algorithms, An
* Automatic Peripheral Nerve Segmentation in Presence of Multiple Annotators
* Automatic Person Annotation of Family Photo Album
* Automatic Person Detection and Tracking using Fuzzy Controlled Active Cameras
* Automatic Person Recognition by Acoustic and Geometric Features
* Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information
* Automatic Personal TV Scheduler Based on HMM for Intelligent Broadcasting Services, An
* Automatic Personality Perception: Prediction of Trait Attribution Based on Prosodic Features
* Automatic personality prediction from audiovisual data using random forest regression
* Automatic personalized facial sketch based on ASM
* Automatic Perspective Camera Calibration Based on an Incomplete Set of Chessboard Markers
* Automatic photo-to-terrain alignment for the annotation of mountain pictures
* Automatic Photo Comparision System
* Automatic Photo Orientation Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search (ALIPR)
* Automatic Photointerpretation and Target Location
* Automatic Photorealistic 3D Inner Mouth Restoration from Frontal Images
* Automatic Photoreceptor Detection in In-Vivo Adaptive Optics Retinal Images: Statistical Validation
* Automatic Physiognomic Analysis by Classifying Facial Component Feature
* Automatic Picture Detail Detection in the Presence of Random Noise
* Automatic pipeline analysis of 3-D MRI data for clinical trials: application to multiple sclerosis
* Automatic Pipeline Route Design with Multi-Criteria Evaluation Based on Least-Cost Path Analysis and Line-Based Cartographic Simplification: A Case Study of the Mus Project in Turkey
* Automatic Pixel Selection for Optimizing Facial Expression Recognition Using Eigenfaces
* Automatic Plane of Minimal Hiatal Dimensions Extraction From 3D Female Pelvic Floor Ultrasound
* Automatic Plankton Image Recognition
* Automatic Planning of Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery
* Automatic Planning of Multiple Itineraries: A Niching Genetic Evolution Approach
* Automatic plant identification from photographs
* automatic plant leaf stoma detection method based on YOLOv5, An
* Automatic Plaque Detection in IVOCT Pullbacks Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Play Segmentation of Hockey Videos
* Automatic player's view generation of real soccer scenes based on trajectory tracking
* Automatic Player Detection, Labeling and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Automatic point-based facial trait judgments evaluation
* Automatic Point Cloud Colorization of Ground-Based LiDAR Data Using Video Imagery without Position and Orientation System
* Automatic Point Cloud Generation and Registration with a Stereovision Slit-scanner
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for 3D Virtual-to-Real Registration Using Macro and Micro Structures
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for Large Outdoor Scenes Using a Priori Semantic Information
* Automatic Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of Complex Railway Environments
* Automatic PolyCube-Maps
* Automatic Polyp Detection from CT Colonography Using Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Polyp Detection in Endoscope Images Using a Hessian Filter
* Automatic Polyphonic Music Composition Using the EMILE and ABL Grammar Inductors
* Automatic Population HARDI White Matter Tract Clustering by Label Fusion of Multiple Tract Atlases
* Automatic Portrait System Based on And-Or Graph Representation, An
* Automatic Pose-Normalized 3D Face Modeling and Recognition Systems
* Automatic Pose Correction for Local Feature-Based Face Authentication
* Automatic pose determination of 3D shapes based on modeling wave sets: a new data structure for object modeling
* Automatic Pose Estimation for Range Images on the GPU
* Automatic pose estimation of 3D facial models
* Automatic pose estimation of complex 3D building models
* Automatic Pose Estimation of Imagery Using Free-Form Control Linear Features
* Automatic Pose Estimation of Uncalibrated Multi-View Images Based on a Planar Object with a Predefined Contour Model
* Automatic Pose Estimation System for Human Faces Based on Bunch Graph Matching Technology
* Automatic Pose Estimation Using Contour Information from X-Ray Images
* Automatic Pose Quality Assessment for Adaptive Human Pose Refinement
* Automatic Pose Recovery for High-Quality Textures Generation
* Automatic Position Estimation Based on Lidar X Lidar Data for Autonomous Aerial Navigation in the Amazon Forest Region
* Automatic Position Registration of Street-level Fisheye Images into Aerial Image Using Line Structures and Mutual Information
* Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment of Imagery Segmentation Processes: A Case Study
* Automatic Positioning of Street Objects Based on Self-Adaptive Constrained Line of Bearing from Street-View Images
* Automatic Post-Disaster Damage Mapping Using Deep-Learning Techniques for Change Detection: Case Study of the Tohoku Tsunami
* Automatic Power Estimation Methodology for FPGA-Based Digital Signal Processing Systems, An
* Automatic power line extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery based on an improved Radon transform
* Automatic Power Line Inspection Using UAV Images
* Automatic Powerline Scene Classification And Reconstruction Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Automatic Pre-Processing After Image Robustness Analysis
* Automatic Precipitation Measurement Based on Raindrop Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
* Automatic prediction of age, gender, and nationality in offline handwriting
* Automatic prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma through retinal image analysis and data mining techniques
* Automatic Prediction of Group Cohesiveness in Images
* Automatic Prediction of Impressions in Time and across Varying Context: Personality, Attractiveness and Likeability
* Automatic Prediction of Perceived Traits Using Visual Cues under Varied Situational Context
* Automatic Prediction of Perceptual Image and Video Quality
* Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
* Automatic preview video generation for mesh sequences
* Automatic Printed Circuit Pattern Inspection Using Connectivity Preserving Image Reduction and Connectivity Comparison
* Automatic Proba-V Processor: TREX: Tool for Raster Data Exploration
* Automatic Problem Understanding from Circuit Schematics
* Automatic procedural model generation for 3D object variation
* Automatic Procedural Modeling of Tree Structures in Point Clouds Using Wavelets
* automatic procedure for co-registration of terrestrial laser scanners and digital cameras, An
* Automatic Procedure for Combining Digital Images and Laser Scanner Data, An
* Automatic Procedure for Early Disaster Change Mapping Based on Optical Remote Sensing, An
* Automatic Procedure for Forest Fire Fuel Mapping Using Hyperspectral (PRISMA) Imagery: A Semi-Supervised Classification Approach, An
* Automatic Procedure for Image Segmentation, An
* Automatic Procedure for The Registration of Thermographic Images With Point Clouds
* Automatic Processing Chain for Near Real-Time Mapping of Burned Forest Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data, An
* Automatic Processing of Aerial LiDAR Data to Detect Vegetation Continuity in the Surroundings of Roads
* Automatic Processing of Document Annotations
* Automatic processing of handwritten bank cheque images: a survey
* Automatic processing of Historical Arabic Documents: A comprehensive Survey
* Automatic Processing Of Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds For Building Façade Detection
* Automatic Production of Deep Learning Benchmark Dataset for Affine-Invariant Feature Matching
* Automatic production of large-scale cloud-free orthomosaics from multitemporal satellite images
* Automatic Production of Occlusion-Free Rectified Façade Textures using Vehicle-Based Imagery
* Automatic production of personalized basketball video summaries from multi-sensored data
* Automatic production of quantisation matrices based on perceptual modelling of wavelet coefficients for grey scale images
* Automatic production of synthetic labelled OCT images using an active shape model
* Automatic Programming of Binary Morphological Machines by Design of Statistically Optimal Operators in the Context of Computational Learning Theory
* automatic programming system for signal processing applications, An
* Automatic Projector Calibration Using Self-Identifying Patterns
* Automatic Pronunciation Transliteration for Chinese-English Mixed Language Keyword Spotting
* Automatic Prostate Cancer Grading System Based on 3-D Histo-pathological Images
* Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced Holistically-Nested Networks
* Automatic Prototype Extraction for Adaptive OCR
* Automatic Pruning for Quantized Neural Networks
* Automatic Pruning Rate Derivation for Structured Pruning of Deep Neural Networks
* Automatic Pulmonary Artery-Vein Separation and Classification in Computed Tomography Using Tree Partitioning and Peripheral Vessel Matching
* Automatic Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Maximum Intensity Projection
* Automatic Pyramidal Intensity-based Laser Scan Matcher for 3D Modeling of Large Scale Unstructured Environments
* Automatic Quadratic Calibration for Correction of Pixel Classifier Boundaries to an Accuracy of 2.5mm: An Application in X-ray Heart Imaging
* Automatic Quality Analysis for Film and Video Restoration
* Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Feasibility on the Apical Four-Chamber View
* Automatic Quality Assessment of GIS Road Data using Aerial Imagery: A Comparison between Bayesian and Evidential Reasoning
* Automatic Quality Control for Wavelet-Based Compression of Volumetric Medical Images Using Distortion-Constrained Adaptive Vector Quantization
* Automatic quality control of industrial products for irrigation
* Automatic Quality Control of Transportation Reports Using Statistical Language Processing
* Automatic quality enhancement and nerve fibre layer artefacts removal in retina fundus images by off axis imaging
* Automatic Quality Measurement of Gray-scale Handwriting Based on Extended Average Entropy
* Automatic quality prediction of authentically distorted pictures
* Automatic Quality Surveillance of GIS Data with GEOAIDA
* Automatic quantification and classification of cervical cancer via Adaptive Nucleus Shape Modeling
* Automatic Quantification of Cell Outgrowth from Neurospheres
* Automatic Quantification of Changes in Bone in Serial MR Images of Joints
* Automatic Quantification of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Levels in a Microvessel with and without Tumor Cell Adhesion
* Automatic Quantification of Fluorescence from Clustered Targets in Microscope Images
* Automatic Quantification of Plant Disease from Field Image Data Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Quantification of Stomata for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping
* Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area and Congruity
* Automatic Quantification of Tumour Hypoxia From Multi-Modal Microscopy Images Using Weakly-Supervised Learning Methods
* Automatic Quantitative Assessment of the Small Bowel Motility with Cine-MRI Sequence Analysis
* Automatic Quantitative Mouth Shape Analysis
* Automatic Quaternion-Domain Color Image Stitching
* Automatic Query Generation for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Automatic Question Tagging using k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest
* Automatic Radial Distortion Estimation from a Single Image
* Automatic Radiofrequency Ablation Planning for Liver Tumors With Multiple Constraints Based on Set Covering
* Automatic Radiometric Normalization for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery With Iterative Slow Feature Analysis
* Automatic Raft Labeling for Remote Sensing Images via Dual-Scale Homogeneous Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Rail Extraction in Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Automatic Rail Surface Multi-Flaw Identification Based on a Deep Learning Powered Framework, The
* Automatic Railway Power Line Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Railway Signaling Generation for Railways Systems Described on Railway Markup Language (railML)
* Automatic Random Forest-OBIA Algorithm for Early Weed Mapping between and within Crop Rows Using UAV Imagery, An
* Automatic Range Image Registration in the Markov Chain
* Automatic Range Image Registration Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Automatic rank estimation of Parafac decomposition and application to multispectral image wavelet denoising
* Automatic RANSAC by Likelihood Maximization
* Automatic Rating of Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI Using Bag of Visual Words
* Automatic reading of analog display instruments
* Automatic Reading of Cursive Scripts Using a Reading Model and Perceptual Concepts
* Automatic Reading of Cursive Scripts Using Human Knowledge
* Automatic reading of domestic electric meter: an intelligent device based on image processing and ZigBee/Ethernet communication
* Automatic reading of the literal amount of bank checks
* Automatic Reading of the White Pages in a Telephone Directory
* Automatic Reading of Traffic Tickets
* Automatic Reading System for Handwritten Numeral Amounts on French Checks, An
* Automatic Real-Time Barcode Localization in Complex Scenes
* Automatic real-time FACS-coder to anonymise drivers in eye tracker videos
* Automatic real-time road marking recognition using a feature driven approach
* Automatic Real-Time Video Matting Using Time-of-Flight Camera and Multichannel Poisson Equations
* Automatic Reasoning about Causal Events in Surveillance Video
* Automatic reasoning for geometric constraints in 3D city models with uncertain observations
* Automatic Reassembly of Three-Dimensional Jigsaw Puzzles
* Automatic Recalibration of Moving Cameras in Stereo Vision Systems
* Automatic Recognition and Analysis of Human Faces and Facial Expressions: A Survey
* Automatic recognition and location system for electric vehicle charging port in complex environment
* Automatic Recognition and Positioning Method for Point Source Targets on Satellite Images, An
* Automatic Recognition and Representation of Shape-Based Features in a Geometric Modeling System
* Automatic Recognition and Transcription of Pitman's Handwritten Shorthand: An Approach to Shortforms
* Automatic Recognition by Gait
* Automatic Recognition Methods Supporting Pain Assessment: A Survey
* Automatic Recognition of 2D Shapes from a Set of Points
* Automatic recognition of 3-D objects via geographic encoding
* Automatic recognition of a car license plate using color image processing
* Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
* Automatic Recognition of Basic Terrain Types from Aerial Photographs
* Automatic recognition of biological particles in microscopic images
* Automatic recognition of blooming flowers
* Automatic Recognition of Boredom in Video Games Using Novel Biosignal Moment-Based Features
* Automatic recognition of characters by Fourier descriptors and boundary line encodings
* Automatic Recognition of Children Engagement from Facial Video Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Recognition of Colloquial Australian Sign Language
* Automatic recognition of common Arabic handwritten words based on OCR and N-GRAMS
* Automatic Recognition of Common Structural Elements from Point Clouds for Automated Progress Monitoring and Dimensional Quality Control in Reinforced Concrete Construction
* Automatic recognition of complete palynomorphs in digital images
* Automatic Recognition of Design Drawings and Maps
* Automatic recognition of earth rock embankment leakage based on UAV passive infrared thermography and deep learning
* Automatic Recognition of Emergent Social Roles in Small Group Interactions
* Automatic Recognition of Emotions and Membership in Group Videos
* Automatic recognition of eye blinking in spontaneously occurring behavior
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Displays of Unfelt Emotions
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Expressions Using Hidden Markov Models and Estimation of Expression Intensity
* Automatic recognition of fingerspelled words in British Sign Language
* Automatic Recognition of Five Types of White Blood Cells in Peripheral Blood
* Automatic recognition of flower species in the natural environment
* Automatic recognition of flowers through color and edge based contour detection
* Automatic Recognition of Hand Gestures with Differential Evolution
* Automatic Recognition of Handprinted Characters: The State of the Art
* Automatic Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters: A Method of Extracting an Ordered Sequence of Strokes, The
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Data on Cheques: Fact or Fiction?
* Automatic recognition of handwritten medical forms for search engines
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Strings: A Recognition and Verification Strategy
* Automatic Recognition of Human Emotions Induced by Visual Contents of Digital Images Based on Color Histogram
* Automatic Recognition of Human Face Profiles
* Automatic Recognition of Human Faces from Profile Silhouettes, The
* Automatic Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
* Automatic recognition of image of abnormal situation in scenic spots based on Internet of things
* Automatic Recognition of Impact Craters on the Surface of Mars
* Automatic recognition of Individual trees in Aerial Images of Forests Based on a Synthetic Tree Crown Image Model, The
* Automatic Recognition of ISAR Ship Images
* Automatic Recognition of Isolated Arabic Characters
* Automatic Recognition of Learning-Centered Emotions
* Automatic Recognition of Long Period Events From Volcano Tectonic Earthquakes at Cotopaxi Volcano
* Automatic Recognition of Low-Back Chronic Pain Level and Protective Movement Behaviour using Physical and Muscle Activity Information
* Automatic recognition of man-made objects in high resolution optical remote sensing images by SVM classification of geometric image features
* Automatic Recognition of Microcalcifications in Mammography Images through Fractal Texture Analysis
* Automatic recognition of movement patterns in the vojta-therapy using RGB-D data
* Automatic Recognition of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Active Shape Model
* Automatic Recognition of Non-Acted Affective Postures
* Automatic Recognition of Offensive Team Formation in American Football Plays
* Automatic Recognition of Partial Shoeprints Based on Phase-Only Correlation
* Automatic Recognition of Partial Shoeprints Using a Correlation Filter Classifier
* Automatic Recognition Of Piping System From Large-Scale Terrestrial Laser Scan Data
* Automatic Recognition of Pole-Like Objects from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Automatic recognition of primitive changes in manufacturing process signals
* Automatic Recognition of Print and Script
* Automatic recognition of printed arabic text using neural network classifier
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters by Four Corner Codes
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Farsi Texts
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Music
* Automatic recognition of printed Oriya script
* Automatic Recognition of Province Name on the License Plate of Moving Vehicle
* Automatic Recognition of Rivers from LIDAR Data by Profile Factor
* Automatic Recognition of Road Information on Medium Scale Topographical Maps
* Automatic Recognition of Road Sign Passo-Carrabile
* Automatic recognition of scanned technical drawings
* Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
* Automatic Recognition of Several Types of Musical Notation
* Automatic Recognition of Smiling and Neutral Facial Expressions
* Automatic recognition of spicules in mammograms
* Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves Using Parallel Combination of Two Classifiers
* Automatic Recognition of Traffic Signs in Natural Scene Image Based on Central Projection Transformation
* Automatic recognition of unpredictable events in videos
* Automatic Recognition of Wild Flowers
* Automatic recognition of woven fabrics based on texture and using SVM
* Automatic recommendation of classification algorithms based on data set characteristics
* Automatic Reconstruction for Small Archeology Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Branching Objects
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Arm Motion from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Face from CT and Color Photographs
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D human motion pose from uncalibrated monocular video sequences based on markerless human motion tracking
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects using a mobile cameraühle
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Objects Using a Mobile Monoscopic Camera
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Solid Objects from 2D Orthographic Views
* Automatic Reconstruction of Building Façade Model from Photogrammetric Mesh Model
* Automatic Reconstruction of Building Objects From Multiaspect Meter-Resolution SAR Images
* Automatic Reconstruction Of Building Roofs Through Effective Integration Of Lidar And Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Reconstruction of Building Roofs Using LIDAR and Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic reconstruction of cities from remote sensor data
* Automatic Reconstruction of Dendrite Morphology from Optical Section Stacks
* Automatic reconstruction of fully volumetric 3D building models from oriented point clouds
* Automatic Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Models from Multiple Views
* Automatic Reconstruction of Road Centerlines from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* Automatic Reconstruction of Semantic 3D Models from 2D Floor Plans
* Automatic Reconstruction of Shape Evolution of ETFE-Foils by Close-Range Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* Automatic Reconstruction of Silhouettes Using B-Splines
* Automatic Reconstruction of Stationary 3-D Objects from Multiple Uncalibrated Camera Views
* Automatic Recovery of Relative Camera Rotations for Urban Scenes
* Automatic recovery of the atmospheric light in hazy images
* Automatic Recovery of the Optic Nervehead Geometry in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Automatic rectangular building detection from VHR aerial imagery using shadow and image segmentation
* Automatic Rectification of Building Façades
* Automatic rectification of warped Bangla document images
* Automatic Red-Channel underwater image restoration
* Automatic red-eye detection and correction
* Automatic reduction of hyperspectral imagery using wavelet spectral analysis
* Automatic Reference Color Selection for Adaptive Mathematical Morphology and Application in Image Segmentation
* Automatic Reference Selection for Parametric Color Correction Schemes for Panoramic Video Stitching
* Automatic Reference Tracking with On-Demand Relevance Filtering Based on User's Interest
* Automatic referencing of multi-spectral images
* Automatic Refinement of Foreground Regions for Robot Trail Following
* Automatic Refinement of Training Data for Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Refinement Strategies for Manual Initialization of Object Trackers
* Automatic region-based heart rate measurement using remote photoplethysmography
* Automatic region-of-interest detection and prioritisation for visually optimised coding of low bit rate videos
* Automatic Region Construction by Edge Detection and Contour Following in Image Segmentation
* automatic region detection and processing approach in genetic programming for binary image classification, An
* Automatic region of interest segmentation for breast thermogram image classification
* Automatic region of interest tracking for visual characterization of the driver's behaviour
* Automatic Region Selection For Objective Sharpness Assessment Of Mobile Device Photos
* Automatic Region Tracking for MR Glomerular Filtration Rate Analysis
* Automatic regions of interest identification and classification in CT images: Application to kidney cysts
* Automatic Registration Algorithm for Two Overlapping Range Images, An
* Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress and Rest Reoriented SPECT Images
* Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress and Rest SPECT Images
* Automatic registration and fast volume reconstruction from serial histology sections
* Automatic Registration and Mosaicking for Airborne Multispectral Image Sequences
* Automatic Registration Between Dental Cone-Beam CT and Scanned Surface via Deep Pose Regression Neural Networks and Clustered Similarities
* automatic registration between high resolution satellite images and a vector map based on RFM, The
* Automatic Registration Between LIDAR and Digital Images
* Automatic registration for 3D shapes using hybrid dimensionality-reduction shape descriptions
* Automatic Registration for Model Building using Variable Dimensional Local Shape Descriptors
* Automatic Registration for Panoramic Images and Mobile LiDAR Data Based on Phase Hybrid Geometry Index Features
* Automatic Registration Method for Frameless Stereotaxy, Image Guided Surgery and Enhanced Reality Visualization, An
* Automatic Registration Method for Fusion of ZY-1-02C Satellite Images
* Automatic Registration Method for Optical Remote Sensing Images with Large Background Variations Using Line Segments
* Automatic Registration of 2-D with 3-D Imagery in Urban Environments
* Automatic Registration of 3-D Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Registration of 3D Datasets using Gaussian Fields
* Automatic registration of a single SAR image and GIS building footprints in a large-scale urban area
* Automatic registration of aerial imagery with untextured 3D LiDAR models
* Automatic Registration of Aerial Images with 3D LiDAR Data Using a Hybrid Intensity-Based Method
* Automatic Registration of Aerial Photographs and Digitised Maps
* Automatic Registration of Airborne and Spaceborne Images by Topology Map Matching with SURF Processor Algorithm
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Image Sequences Based on Line Matching Approach
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Images with Complex Local Distortion
* Automatic registration of ceramic tiles for the purpose of fault detection
* Automatic Registration of Color and Infrared Videos Using Trajectories Obtained from a Multiple Object Tracking Algorithm
* Automatic Registration of Color Separation Films
* Automatic registration of high resolution satellite images using artificial immune system and mutual information
* Automatic Registration of Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Automatic Registration of Images to Untextured Geometry Using Average Shading Gradients
* Automatic Registration of Images With Inconsistent Content Through Line-Support Region Segmentation and Geometrical Outlier Removal
* Automatic Registration of Landsat MSS Images to Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic registration of large-scale urban scene point clouds based on semantic feature points
* Automatic Registration of Laser Point Clouds of Urban Areas
* Automatic registration of LiDAR and optical imagery using depth map stereo
* Automatic registration of LIDAR and optical images of urban scenes
* Automatic registration of mobile LiDAR and spherical panoramas
* Automatic Registration of Multi-source Data Using Mutual Information
* Automatic registration of multi-source medium resolution satellite data
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Laser Scans Using Panoramic RGB and Intensity Images
* Automatic registration of multiple range images based on cycle space
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Range Images by the Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Automatic registration of multisensor airborne imagery
* Automatic Registration of Multisensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric
* Automatic Registration of Non-overlapping Laser Scans Based on a Combination of Generated Images from Laser Data and Digital Images in One Bundle
* Automatic registration of oblique aerial images
* Automatic registration of optical aerial imagery to a LiDAR point cloud for generation of city models
* Automatic registration of optical imagery with 3D LiDAR data using statistical similarity
* Automatic registration of overlapping 3D point clouds using closest points
* Automatic registration of panoramic image sequence and mobile laser scanning data using semantic features
* Automatic registration of range images based on correspondence of complete plane patches
* Automatic Registration of Remote Sensing Images Based on Revised SIFT With Trilateral Computation and Homogeneity Enforcement
* Automatic Registration of RGB-D Scans via Salient Directions
* Automatic Registration of Serial Cerebral Angiography: A Comparative Review
* Automatic Registration of Smooth Object Image to 3D CAD Model for Industrial Inspection Applications
* Automatic Registration of SPOT Images and Digitized Maps
* Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Natural Planar Surfaces
* Automatic registration of terrestrial laserscanner data via imagery
* Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Point Cloud Using Panoramic Reflectance Images
* Automatic registration of UAV-borne sequent images and LiDAR data
* Automatic registration of unordered point clouds acquired by Kinect sensors using an overlap heuristic
* Automatic Registration of Vector Data with Optical Images
* Automatic Registration of Vertex Correspondences for 3D Facial Expression Analysis
* Automatic Registration of Virtual Objects onto Human Image Sequences
* Automatic Registration of Wide Area Motion Imagery to Vector Road Maps by Exploiting Vehicle Detections
* Automatic Regularization Method: An Application for 3-D X-Ray Micro-CT Reconstruction Using Sparse Data, An
* Automatic Relation-aware Graph Network Proliferation
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Aerial Images
* Automatic relative orientation of large scale imagery over urban areas using Modified Iterated Hough Transform
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Terrestrial Laser Scans Using Planar Structures and Angle Constraints
* Automatic Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bi-Temporal Satellite Images Using a Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Invariant Features Selection and Fuzzy Integral Fusion Strategies
* Automatic relative RPC image model bias compensation through hierarchical image matching for improving DEM quality
* Automatic Relevance Determination in Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the beta-Divergence
* Automatic Relevance Feedback for Distributed Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Belief Functions, An
* Automatic relighting of overlapping textures of a 3D model
* Automatic Relocalization and Loop Closing for Real-Time Monocular SLAM
* Automatic remote evaluation system for biometric testing
* Automatic remote sensor image processing
* Automatic Removal of Chromatic Aberration from a Single Image
* Automatic Removal of Imperfections and Change Detection for Accurate 3D Urban Cartography by Classification and Incremental Updating
* Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Implicit Shape Registration and Novel Multiple Surfaces Graph Search
* Automatic representation and reconstruction of DBM from LiDAR data using Recursive Minimum Bounding Rectangle
* Automatic Representation of Binary Images
* Automatic representation of fingerprints for data compression by b-spline functions
* Automatic Representation of Semantic Abstraction of Geographical Data by Means of Classification
* Automatic Resonance Frequency Retuning of Stretchable Liquid Metal Receive Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automatic resource allocation in a distributed camera network
* Automatic Restoration Algorithms for 35mm Film
* Automatic Restoration of Old Motion Picture Films Using Spatiotemporal Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Automatic Restoration of Scratch in Old Archive
* Automatic Retinal Minimum Distance Band (MDB)Computation from SD-OCT Images
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm based on contrast-sensitive schemes
* Automatic Retinal Vessel Extraction Algorithm
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction based on directional mathematical morphology and fuzzy classification
* Automatic Retrieval of Action Video Shots from the Web Using Density-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
* Automatic Retrieval of Anatomical Structures in 3D Medical Images
* Automatic Retrieval of Near Photo-Realistic Textures from Single Ground-Level Building Images
* Automatic retrieval of visual continuity errors in movies
* Automatic Rib Detection in Chest Radiographs
* Automatic Rib Segmentation Method on X-Ray Radiographs, An
* Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-Iterative Clustering and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Automatic River Network Extraction From Lidar Data
* Automatic Road-Distress Classification and Identification Using a Combination of Hierarchical Classifiers and Expert Systems-Object Processing
* Automatic Road-Tracking in Airborne Image Sequences
* Automatic Road Area Extraction from Printed Maps Based on Linear Feature Detection
* Automatic Road Centerline Extraction from Imagery Using Road GPS Data
* Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization
* Automatic Road Crack Detection Using Random Structured Forests
* Automatic Road Detection and Centerline Extraction via Cascaded End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Road Environment Classification
* Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Modeling, Context, and Snakes
* Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale, Grouping, and Context
* Automatic road extraction from aerial images by probabilistic contour tracking
* Automatic Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Neural Networks, Texture Analysis, Fuzzy Clustering and Genetic Algorithms
* Automatic Road Extraction from Historical Maps Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Regional Case Study of Turkey in a German World War II Map
* Automatic Road Extraction from Lidar Data Based on Classifier Fusion in Urban Area
* Automatic Road Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Road Extraction from Multispectral High Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery Incorporating Prior Information and Colour Segmentation
* Automatic Road Extraction in Rural Areas
* Automatic Road Gap Detection using Fuzzy Inference System
* Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from Vehicle-Borne Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Road Markings Extraction, Classification and Vectorization From Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Road Network Construction Method Using Massive GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic Road Network Detection on Aerial Photographs
* Automatic road network extraction in suburban areas from high resolution aerial images
* Automatic road sign detection method based on Color Barycenters Hexagon model
* Automatic Road Sign Inventory Using Mobile Mapping Systems
* automatic road sign recognition system based on a computational model of human recognition processing, An
* Automatic Road Structure Detection and Vectorization Using Mls Point Clouds
* Automatic road surface profiling with sensors fusion
* Automatic Road Vector Extraction for Mobile Mapping Systems
* Automatic Road Vector Extraction Method from Maps, An
* Automatic Roadway Geometry Measurement Algorithm Using Video Images
* Automatic Robust Background Modeling Using Multivariate Non-parametric Kernel Density Estimation for Visual Surveillance
* Automatic Robust Image Registration Algorithm for Aerial Mapping, An
* Automatic robust image registration system: Initialization, estimation, and decision
* Automatic Robust Segmentation of Retinal Layers in OCT Images with Refinement Stages
* Automatic Robust Threshold Finding Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation
* Automatic RoI Detection for Camera-Based Pulse-Rate Measurement
* Automatic Role Recognition in Multiparty Conversations: An Approach Based on Turn Organization, Prosody, and Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic Roof Outlines Reconstruction from Photogrammetric DSM
* Automatic Rooftop Extraction in Nadir Aerial Imagery of Suburban Regions Using Corners and Variational Level Set Evolution
* Automatic Rooftop Extraction in Stereo Imagery Using Distance And Building Shape Regularized Level Set Evolution
* Automatic Room Segmentation of 3D Laser Data Using Morphological Processing
* Automatic Rotational Symmetry Determination for Shape Analysis
* Automatic Rotor Speed Reference Generator for Electric Vehicles Under Slip Constraints
* Automatic running work vehicle
* Automatic Rural Road Centerline Detection and Extraction from Aerial Images for a Forest Fire Decision Support System
* Automatic saliency inspired foreground object extraction from videos
* Automatic salient object extraction with contextual cue and its applications to recognition and alpha matting
* Automatic salient object extraction with contextual cue
* Automatic salient object segmentation based on context and shape prior
* Automatic satellite image georeferencing using a contour-matching approach
* Automatic satellite image registration by combination of matching and random sample consensus
* Automatic Satellite Interpretation of Tropical Cyclone Patterns Using Elastic Graph Dynamic Link Model, An
* Automatic saturation correction for dynamic range management algorithms
* Automatic scalable face model design for 2D model-based video coding
* Automatic Scale Detection for Contour Fragment Based on Difference of Curvature
* Automatic scale estimation of structure from motion based 3D models using laser scalers in underwater scenarios
* Automatic scale selection for corners and junctions
* Automatic Scale Selection of Superimposed Signals
* Automatic Scaling Hadoop in the Cloud for Efficient Process of Big Geospatial Data
* Automatic scaling of ionograms by the method of structural description
* Automatic scallop detection in benthic environments
* Automatic Scanning and Computer Processes for the Quantitative Analysis of Micrographs and Equivalent Subjects
* Automatic Scene Comparison and Matching in Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopic Images
* Automatic scene decomposition and optimization of MPEG compressed video
* Automatic scene relighting for video conferencing
* Automatic scene structure and camera motion using a catadioptric system
* Automatic Scheduling Tool for Balloon-Borne Planetary Optical Remote Sensing
* automatic scheme for stereoscopic video object-based watermarking using qualified significant wavelet trees, An
* Automatic scoliosis detection based on local centroids evaluation on Moire topographic images of human backs
* Automatic scoring of CDMAM using a model of the recognition threshold of the human visual system: R*
* Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi-Task Feature Leverage: A Study on Pulmonary Nodules in CT Images
* Automatic scoring of short handwritten essays in reading comprehension tests
* Automatic Scoring of Synchronization from Fingers Motion Capture and Music Beats
* Automatic screening of bladder cells for cancer diagnosis
* Automatic Screening of Cytological Specimens
* Automatic Scribble Simulation for Interactive Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Automatic Script Identification from Document Images Using Cluster-Based Templates
* Automatic Script Identification from Images Using Cluster-Based Templates
* Automatic script identification in the wild
* Automatic Sea-Ice Classification of SAR Images Based on Spatial and Temporal Features Learning
* Automatic Sea-Surface Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Forward-Looking Sonar Image Sequences
* Automatic Sea Bird Detection From High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Seal Imprint Verification Approach, An
* Automatic Seal Verification by Calculating Distance Between 2D and 3D Patterns
* Automatic seal verification by evaluating positive cost
* Automatic Seal Verification Using Three-Dimensional Reference Seals
* Automatic Seam-Line Detection in UAV Remote Sensing Image Mosaicking by Use of Graph Cuts
* Automatic seamless video mosaic from webcams using LSF techniques
* Automatic Seamline Network Generation for Urban Orthophoto Mosaicking with the Use of a Digital Surface Model
* Automatic Search of Nursing Diagnoses
* Automatic seeded region growing for color image segmentation
* Automatic Seeded Region Growing Image Segmentation for Medical Image Segmentation: A Brief Review
* Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Liver Abnormalities Using Fractal Dimension
* Automatic segmentation and classification of lung tumour using advance sequential minimal optimisation techniques
* Automatic Segmentation and Indexing in a Database of Bird Images
* Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highlights for Endoscopic Imaging
* Automatic Segmentation and Modelling of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels
* Automatic Segmentation and Quantification of White and Brown Adipose Tissues from PET/CT Scans
* Automatic Segmentation and Quantitative Analysis of the Articular Cartilages From Magnetic Resonance Images of the Knee
* Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Human Actions in Monocular Sequences
* Automatic segmentation and recognition system for handwritten dates on Canadian bank cheques
* Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of historical manuscripts in gradient domain
* Automatic Segmentation and Registration of Lung Surfaces in Temporal Chest CT Scans
* Automatic segmentation and skeletonization of neurons from confocal microscopy images based on the 3-d wavelet transform
* Automatic Segmentation Approach of Epithelial Cells Nuclei, An
* Automatic Segmentation Based on AdaBoost Learning and Graph-Cuts
* Automatic Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Techniques for Diabetic Foot Monitoring Through Multimodal Images
* Automatic Segmentation Combining Mixture Analysis and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach, An
* Automatic segmentation for Arabic characters in handwriting documents
* Automatic segmentation for pulmonary nodules in CT images based on multifractal analysis
* Automatic segmentation fusing color and depth
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Adipose Tissue in MRI
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Fat from CT Data
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Fat in MRI-Scans, Using Graph-Cuts and Image Derived Energies
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal MRI Using Selective Sampling and Random Walker
* Automatic Segmentation of Acoustic Musical Signals Using Hidden Markov Models
* Automatic Segmentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke From DWI Using 3-D Fully Convolutional DenseNets
* Automatic segmentation of adherent biological cell boundaries and nuclei from brightfield microscopy images
* Automatic Segmentation of Adipose Tissue from Thigh Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Anatomical Structures using Deformable Models and Bio-Inspired/Soft Computing
* Automatic Segmentation of Background Defocused Nature Image
* Automatic Segmentation of Bilingual Corpora: A Comparison of Different Techniques
* Automatic Segmentation of Bone Tissue from Computed Tomography Using a Volumetric Local Binary Patterns Based Method
* Automatic Segmentation of Bones in X-ray Images Based on Entropy Measure
* Automatic segmentation of boundaries in line segments and circular arcs
* Automatic segmentation of brain MRI through learning by example
* Automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumor Image Based on Region Growing with Co-constraint
* Automatic Segmentation of Breast MR Images Through a Markov Random Field Statistical Model
* Automatic Segmentation of Building Facades Using Terrestrial Laser Data
* Automatic Segmentation of Bulk Material Heaps Using Color, Texture, and Topography from Aerial Data and Deep Learning-Based Computer Vision
* Automatic segmentation of carcinoma in radiographs
* Automatic Segmentation of Cardiac CTs - Personalized Atrial Models Augmented with Electrophysiological Structures
* Automatic segmentation of cardiosynchronous waveforms using cepstral analysis and continuous wavelet transforms
* Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery using ellipse detection
* Automatic segmentation of cerebral hemispheres in MR human head scans
* Automatic Segmentation of Color Images by Using a Combination of Mixture Modelling and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach, An
* Automatic segmentation of common carotid artery in transverse mode ultrasound images
* Automatic segmentation of crop leaf spot disease images by integrating local threshold and seeded region growing
* Automatic segmentation of cross-sectional coronary arterial images
* Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using self-generating neural networks seeded by genetic algorithm
* Automatic Segmentation of Diatom Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Different Pathologies from Cardiac Cine MRI Using Registration and Multiple Component EM Estimation
* Automatic Segmentation of Digital Orthopantomograms for Forensic Human Identification
* Automatic segmentation of echocardiographic sequences by active appearance motion models
* Automatic Segmentation of Electron Micrographs of Berea Sandstone Cross-Sections
* Automatic Segmentation of Extraocular Muscles Using Superpixel and Normalized Cuts
* Automatic Segmentation of Femur Bones in Anterior-Posterior Pelvis X-Ray Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Fibroglandular Tissue
* Automatic segmentation of focused objects from images with low depth of field
* Automatic segmentation of granular objects in images: Combining local density clustering and gradient-barrier watershed
* Automatic segmentation of hand-wrist radiographs
* Automatic segmentation of HEp-2 cell Fluorescence microscope images using level set method via geometric active contours
* Automatic Segmentation of High-resolution Satellite Imagery by Integrating Texture, Intensity, and Color Features
* Automatic segmentation of hippocampus from brain MRI using deformable contours
* Automatic Segmentation of Internal Structures of the Brain in MR Images Using a Tandem of Affine and Non Rigid Registration of an Anatomical Brain Atlas
* Automatic Segmentation of Iris Images for the Purpose of Identification
* Automatic Segmentation of Kidney and Renal Tumor in CT Images Based on 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Pyramid Pooling Module
* Automatic segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MRI using 3D-ASM and deep learning
* Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automatic segmentation of liver region through blood vessels on multi-phase ct
* Automatic Segmentation of Lumen Intima Layer in Transverse Mode Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Lung Fields from Radiographic Images of SARS Patients Using a New Graph Cuts Algorithm
* Automatic Segmentation of Lung Regions in Chest Radiographs: A Model Guided Approach
* Automatic segmentation of masses in digital mammograms using particle swarm optimization and graph clustering
* Automatic Segmentation of Mechanically Inhomogeneous Tissues Based on Deformation Gradient Jump
* Automatic segmentation of metaphase cells based on global context and variant analysis
* Automatic segmentation of microaneurysms in retinal angiograms of diabetic patients
* Automatic Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Data Using Pairwise Affinity Factorization and Graph-Based Contour Searching
* Automatic Segmentation of Molecular Pathology Images Using a Robust Mixture Model with Markov Random Fields
* Automatic Segmentation of Moving-Objects for Video Object Plane Generation
* Automatic segmentation of moving objects in video sequences: A region labeling approach
* Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Markov Random Field Approach
* Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic segmentation of MR depicted carotid arterial boundary based on local priors and constrained global optimisation
* Automatic segmentation of MR images based on adaptive anisotropic filtering
* Automatic Segmentation of Muscles of Mastication from Magnetic Resonance Images Using Prior Knowledge
* Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components
* Automatic segmentation of newborns' skull and fontanel from CT data using model-based variational level set
* Automatic Segmentation of Non-rigid Objects in Image Sequences Using Spatiotemporal Information
* Automatic segmentation of nuclei from pap smear cell images: A step toward cervical cancer screening
* Automatic Segmentation of Optic Disc in Eye Fundus Images: A Survey
* Automatic Segmentation of Overlapping Fish Using Shape Priors
* Automatic segmentation of overlapping nuclei with high background variation using robust estimation and flexible contour models
* Automatic segmentation of pathological lung using incremental nonnegative matrix factorization
* Automatic segmentation of point clouds from multi-view reconstruction using graph-cut
* Automatic Segmentation of Point Clouds in the Architecture Environment
* Automatic Segmentation of Printed Persian (Farsi) Text
* Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Lobes Robust Against Incomplete Fissures
* Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Segments From Volumetric Chest CT Scans
* Automatic Segmentation of Raw LIDAR Data for Extraction of Building Roofs
* Automatic Segmentation of Regions of Interest in Breast Thermographic Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Layer in OCT Images With Choroidal Neovascularization
* Automatic Segmentation of Rotational X-Ray Images for Anatomic Intra-Procedural Surface Generation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Procedures
* Automatic Segmentation of Scaling in 2-D Psoriasis Skin Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Curve Skeleton Analysis
* Automatic Segmentation of Shoulder Joint in MRI Using Patch-Based and Fully Convolutional Networks
* Automatic Segmentation of Skin Lesion Images using Evolutionary Strategy
* Automatic Segmentation of Spinal Canals in CT Images via Iterative Topology Refinement
* Automatic segmentation of subcortical brain structures in MR images using information fusion
* Automatic Segmentation of the Apparent Contour for 3D Modeling of Cutting Tools from Single View
* Automatic Segmentation of the Caudate Nucleus From Human Brain MR Images
* Automatic segmentation of the IAM off-line database for handwritten English text
* Automatic Segmentation of the Knee Bones using 3D Active Shape Models
* Automatic Segmentation of the Left Atrium From MR Images via Variational Region Growing With a Moments-Based Shape Prior
* Automatic Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac MR and CT Images
* Automatic Segmentation of the Liver in CT Using Level Sets Without Edges
* Automatic Segmentation of the Papilla in a Fundus Image Based on the C-V Model and a Shape Restraint
* Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate from Ultrasound Data Using Feature-Based Self Organizing Map
* Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate in 3D Magnetic Resonance Images Using Case Specific Deformable Models
* Automatic Segmentation of the Pulmonary Lobes From Chest CT Scans Based on Fissures, Vessels, and Bronchi
* Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Canal Coupled With Vertebral Labeling
* Automatic Segmentation of TV News into Stories Using Visual and Temporal Information
* Automatic Segmentation of Unknown Objects, with Application to Baggage Security
* Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A Sample-Driven Active Shape Model Approach
* Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae in Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Veterinary Infrared Images with the Active Shape Approach
* Automatic segmentation of VHR images using type information of local structures acquired by mathematical morphology
* Automatic segmentation of video to aid the study of faucet usability for older adults
* Automatic Segmentation of Wood Logs by Combining Detection and Segmentation
* Automatic Segmentation of Wrist Bones in CT Using a Statistical Wrist Shape+Pose Model
* Automatic segmentation of Zona pellucida in HMC images of human embryos
* Automatic segmentation system for liver tumors based on the multilevel thresholding and electromagnetism optimization algorithm
* Automatic segmentation technique for acetabulum and femoral head in CT images
* Automatic Seismic Signal Detection via Record Segmentation
* Automatic Selection and Detection of Visual Landmarks Using Multiple Segmentations
* Automatic selection and fusion of color spaces for image thresholding
* Automatic Selection of Binarization Method for Robust OCR
* Automatic selection of edge detector parameters based on spatial and statistical measures
* Automatic Selection of Illustrations for Teaching Image Processing
* Automatic Selection of Image Features for Visual Servoing
* Automatic Selection of Keyframes from Angiogram Videos
* Automatic selection of MRF control parameters by reactive tabu search
* Automatic Selection of Multiple Texture Feature Extraction Methods for Texture Pattern Classification
* Automatic Selection of Object Enhancement Operator with Quantitative Justification Based on Fuzzy Set Theoretic Measures
* Automatic Selection of Optimal Views in Multi-view Object Recognition
* Automatic Selection of Parameters for Vessel/Neurite Segmentation Algorithms
* Automatic Selection of Pareto-Optimal Topologies of Hidden Markov Models Using Multicriteria Evolutionary Algorithms
* Automatic Selection of Reference Views for Image-Based Scene Representations
* Automatic Selection of the Number of Clusters in Multidimensional Data Problems
* Automatic Selection of the Optimal Local Feature Detector
* Automatic Selection of Training Samples for Multitemporal Image Classification
* Automatic Selection of Tuning Parameters for Feature Extraction Sequences
* Automatic Selection of Visemes for Image-based Visual Speech Synthesis
* Automatic Semantic Annotation of Real-World Web Images
* Automatic Semantic Face Recognition
* Automatic Semantic Map Generation Method Using Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic semantic modeling of structured data sources with cross-modal retrieval
* Automatic Semantic Parsing of the Ground Plane in Scenarios Recorded With Multiple Moving Cameras
* Automatic semantic segmentation for dental restorations in panoramic radiography images using U-Net model
* Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Benthic Habitats Using Images from Towed Underwater Camera in a Complex Shallow Water Environment
* Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Structural Elements related to the Spinal Cord in the Lumbar Region by using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic semantic style transfer using deep convolutional neural networks and soft masks
* Automatic Semi-Global Artificial Shoreline Subpixel Localization Algorithm for Landsat Imagery
* Automatic Sensor and Light Source Positioning for Machine Vision
* Automatic sensor orientation using horizontal and vertical line feature constraints
* Automatic Sensor Placement For Accurate Dimensional Inspection
* Automatic Sensor Placement for Model-Based Robot Vision
* Automatic Sensor Placement from Vision Task Requirements
* Automatic Sensor Search and Positioning for Geometric Tasks
* Automatic Sentence Modality Recognition in Children's Speech, and Its Usage Potential in the Speech Therapy
* Automatic Separation of Indian Multi-Script Document
* Automatic separation of machine-printed and hand-written text lines
* Automatic Separation of Words in Indian Multi-Lingual Multi-Script Documents
* Automatic separation of words in multi-lingual multi-script Indian documents
* Automatic Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image
* Automatic Shadow Detection in Urban Very-High-Resolution Images Using Existing 3D Models for Free Training
* Automatic Shadow Detection Method for VHR Remote Sensing Orthoimagery, An
* Automatic Shadow Generation via Exposure Fusion
* Automatic Shape-based Target Extraction For Close-range Photogrammetry
* Automatic Shape Constraint Selection Based Object Segmentation
* Automatic Shape Generation Based on Quadratic Four-Dimensional Fractals
* automatic shape independent clustering technique, An
* Automatic Shape Model Acquisition Using Multiscale Segment Matching
* Automatic Sheep Behaviour Analysis Using Mask R-CNN
* Automatic Sheep Counting by Multi-object Tracking
* Automatic Ship Classification from Optical Aerial Images with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Ship Detection Based on RetinaNet Using Multi-Resolution Gaofen-3 Imagery
* Automatic Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Anomaly Detection and SPP-PCANet
* Automatic Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images from Google Earth of Complex Scenes Based on Multiscale Rotation Dense Feature Pyramid Networks
* Automatic Ship Detection in SAR Images Using Multi-Scale Heterogeneities and an A Contrario Decision
* Automatic Ship Detection in Space-borne SAR Imagery
* Automatic Ship Detection Method Based on Local Gray-Level Gathering Characteristics in SAR Imagery, An
* Automatic Ship Detection on Multispectral and Thermal Infrared Aerial Images Using MACS-Mar Remote Sensing Platform
* Automatic Ship Detection Using the Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine from X-Band SAR Satellite Images
* Automatic ship hull inspection using fuzzy logic
* Automatic Ship Photo Interpretation by the Method of Moments
* Automatic Shoeprint Retrieval Algorithm for Real Crime Scenes
* Automatic Shoreline Detection from Video Images by Combining Information from Different Methods
* Automatic Shot-Change Detection Algorithm Based on Visual Rhythm Extraction
* Automatic Shot Change Detection Algorithm Using Multi-stage Clustering for MPEG-Compressed Videos
* Automatic Sign Detection and Recognition in Natural Scenes
* Automatic sign language analysis: A survey and the future beyond lexical meaning
* Automatic sign language identification
* Automatic sign segmentation from continuous signing via multiple sequence alignment
* Automatic Signature Verification and Writer Identification: The State of the Art
* Automatic Signature Verification Based on Accelerometry
* Automatic signature verification based on the dynamic feature of pressure
* Automatic Signature Verification Using a Three-Axis-Force-Sensitive Pen
* Automatic signature verification
* Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art
* Automatic signboard detection and localization in densely populated developing cities
* Automatic Signer Diarization: The Mover Is the Signer Approach
* Automatic silo axis detection from RGB-D sensor data for content monitoring
* Automatic Similarity Learning Using SOTM for CBIR of the WT/VQ Coded Images
* Automatic Single-Image-Based Rain Streaks Removal via Image Decomposition
* Automatic Single-Image People Segmentation and Removal for Cultural Heritage Imaging
* Automatic Single-View Calibration and Rectification from Parallel Planar Curves
* Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
* Automatic Single View-Based 3-D Face Synthesis for Unsupervised Multimedia Applications
* Automatic Single View Building Reconstruction by Integrating Segmentation
* Automatic Singularity Test for Motion Analysis by an Information Criterion
* Automatic skeleton extraction and splitting of target objects
* Automatic skin cancer detection in dermoscopy images by combining convolutional neural networks and texture features
* Automatic skin decomposition based on single image
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Supervised Learning
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks With Jaccard Distance
* Automatic Skin Pixel Selection and Skin Color Classification
* Automatic skin segmentation and tracking in sign language recognition
* Automatic Skin Segmentation for Gesture Recognition Combining Region and Support Vector Machine Active Learning
* Automatic skinning and animation of skeletal models
* Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated characters using extended position-based dynamics
* Automatic Skull Segmentation and Registration for Tissue Change Measurement After Mandibular Setback Surgery
* Automatic Sky View Factor Estimation from Street View Photographs: A Big Data Approach
* Automatic sleep apnoea detection using measures of amplitude and heart rate variability from the electrocardiogram
* Automatic Sleep System Recommendation by Multi-modal RBG-Depth-Pressure Anthropometric Analysis
* Automatic Smoke Classification in Endoscopic Video
* Automatic smoky vehicle detection from traffic surveillance video based on vehicle rear detection and multi-feature fusion
* Automatic smoothing of remote sensing data
* Automatic soccer field of play registration
* Automatic Soccer Player Tracking in Single Camera with Robust Occlusion Handling Using Attribute Matching
* Automatic soccer players tracking in goal scenes by camera motion elimination
* Automatic soccer video analysis and summarization
* Automatic Solder Joint Inspection
* Automatic Solution of Jigsaw Puzzles
* Automatic Source Localization and Attenuation of Seismic Interference Noise Using Density-Based Clustering Method
* Automatic Sparse Pruning Endmember Extraction Algorithm with a Combined Minimum Volume and Deviation Constraint, An
* Automatic Spatial-Spectral Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image via Discriminative Sparse Multimodal Learning
* Automatic spatial analysis and pedestrian flow control for real-time crowd simulation in an urban environment
* Automatic Spatial Calibration of Ultra-Low-Field MRI for High-Accuracy Hybrid MEG-MRI
* Automatic Spatially-Aware Fashion Concept Discovery
* Automatic spatio-temporal video sequence segmentation
* Automatic speaker verification on narrowband and wideband lossy coded clean speech
* Automatic Spectral-Spatial Classification Framework Based on Attribute Profiles and Supervised Feature Extraction
* Automatic Spectral Rule-Based Preliminary Mapping of Calibrated Landsat TM and ETM+ Images
* Automatic Spectral Unmixing of Leishmania Infection Macrophage Cell Cultures Image
* Automatic spectral video matting
* Automatic speech discrete labels to dimensional emotional values conversion method
* Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition Using Auditory Models with Binary Decision Tree and SVM
* Automatic Speechreading with Applications to Human-Computer Interfaces
* Automatic spin measurements for pitched Baseballs via consumer-grade high-speed cameras
* Automatic spoken affect classification and analysis
* Automatic sports classification
* Automatic sports video genre categorization for broadcast videos
* Automatic Sports Video Genre Classification using Pseudo-2D-HMM
* Automatic Staging for Retinopathy of Prematurity With Deep Feature Fusion and Ordinal Classification Strategy
* Automatic Statistical Object Detection for Visual Surveillance
* Automatic Stave Discovery for Musical Facsimiles
* Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning Using a Generative Adversarial Network
* Automatic Stem Cell Detection in Microscopic Whole Mouse Cryo-Imaging
* Automatic Stem Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data With Distance-Adaptive Search Radius
* Automatic Stem Mapping Using Single-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic Stereo Disparity Search Range Detection on Parallel Computing Architectures
* Automatic Stereo Processing of High-Resolution Radar Imagery
* Automatic Stereo Reconstruction of Man-Made Targets
* Automatic stereoscopic 3D video reframing
* Automatic Stockpile Extraction and Measurement Using 3D Point Cloud and Multi-Scale Directional Curvature
* Automatic Storm Damage Detection in Forests Using High-Altitude Photogrammetric Imagery
* Automatic strabometry by Hough-transformation and covariance-filtering
* Automatic Street Graph Construction in Sketch Maps
* Automatic stress detection evaluating models of facial action units
* automatic Structure-Aware image extrapolation applied to error concealment, An
* Automatic Structure-Aware Inpainting for Complex Image Content
* Automatic structure recovery and visualization
* Automatic Student Network Search for Knowledge Distillation
* Automatic Student Verification System Utilising Off-Line Thai Name Components, An
* Automatic sub-category partitioning and parts localization for learning a robust object model
* Automatic Sub-Pixel Co-Registration of Remote Sensing Images Using Phase Correlation and Harris Detector
* Automatic Subcortical Structure Segmentation Using Probabilistic Atlas
* Automatic subcortical tissue segmentation of MR images using optimum-path forest clustering
* Automatic subjective quality estimation of 3D stereoscopic videos: NR-RR approach
* Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Sequences Using Algorithmic Information Theory
* Automatic summarization of Web content to smaller display devices
* Automatic Summary Creation by Applying Natural Language Processing on Usntructured Medical Records
* Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resolution Worldview-2 Imagery for Retrieving Coastal Shallow Water Parameters
* Automatic superpixel generation algorithm based on a quadric error metric in 3D space
* Automatic suppression of spatially variant translational motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging
* Automatic Supraglacial Lake Extraction in Greenland Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and Attention-Based U-Net
* Automatic surface classification for retrieving areas which are highly endangered by extreme rain
* Automatic Surface Generation in Computer Aided Design
* Automatic surface inspection using wavelet reconstruction
* Automatic Surveillance Camera Calibration without Pedestrian Tracking
* Automatic surveillance video matting using a shape prior
* Automatic Surveying of Cutaneous Hemangiomas
* Automatic SWI Venography Segmentation Using Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic symmetry-integrated brain injury detection in MRI sequences
* Automatic Symmetry Detection From Brain MRI Based on a 2-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Symmetry Determination and Normalization for Rotationally Symmetrical 2D Shapes and 3D Solid Objects
* Automatic symmetry plane estimation of bilateral objects in point clouds
* Automatic Synchronization of Multi-user Photo Galleries
* Automatic Synthesis of Contrast Controlled Grayscale Characters with Component-based Parametrisable Fonts
* Automatic Synthesis of Diverse Weak Supervision Sources for Behavior Analysis
* Automatic Synthesis of Sequences of Human Movements by Linear Combination of Learned Example Patterns
* Automatic System for Computing Malaria Parasite Density in Thin Blood Films, An
* Automatic System for Generating Artificial Fake Character Images, An
* Automatic System for Model-Based Coding of Faces, An
* automatic system for multi-view face detection and pose estimation, An
* Automatic system for quality-based classification of marble textures
* automatic system for sports analytics in multi-camera tennis videos, An
* Automatic System for the Classification of Microfossils, An
* Automatic system for virtual human reconstruction with 3D mesh multi-texturing and facial enhancement
* Automatic System for Zebrafish Counting in Fish Facility Tanks
* Automatic System of Quality Control of Hybrid Circuits by Image Analysis
* Automatic Systems for the Identification and Inspection of Humans
* Automatic table ground truth generation and a background-analysis-based table structure extraction method
* Automatic Tactical Adjustment in Real-Time: Modeling Adversary Formations with Radon-Cumulative Distribution Transform and Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Automatic tagging and geotagging in video collections and communities
* Automatic Tagging by Leveraging Visual and Annotated Features in Social Media
* Automatic Tampering Detection in Spliced Images with Different Compression Levels
* Automatic Target-Identification with the Color-Coded-Targets
* Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Processing, An
* Automatic Target Detection Algorithm for Swath Sonar Backscatter Imagery, Using Image Texture and Independent Component Analysis, An
* Automatic Target Detection and Recognition in Multiband Imagery: A Unified ML Detection and Estimation Approach
* Automatic target detection for vision metrology with using coloured target
* Automatic target detection using multispectral imaging
* Automatic target detection using PMMW and LADAR imagery
* Automatic target image detection for morphing
* Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Performance Evaluation: The Bottleneck in the Development Life Cycle
* Automatic target recognition based on simultaneous sparse representation
* Automatic target recognition by infrared and visible image matching
* Automatic Target Recognition by Matching Oriented Edge Pixels
* Automatic Target Recognition by Means of Polarimetric ISAR Images and Neural Networks
* Automatic Target Recognition for Low Resolution Foliage Penetrating SAR Images Using CNNs and GANs
* Automatic Target Recognition For Naval Traffic Control Using Neural Networks
* Automatic Target Recognition for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Target Recognition in Infrared Imagery Using Dense HOG Features and Relevance Grouping of Vocabulary
* Automatic target recognition in SAR images using quaternion wavelet transform and principal component analysis
* Automatic target recognition of multiple targets from two classes with varying velocities using correlation filters
* Automatic Target Recognition of SAR Images Based on Global Scattering Center Model
* Automatic target recognition of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on optimal selection of Zernike moments features
* Automatic Target Recognition Organized via Jump-Diffusion Algorithms
* Automatic Target Recognition System Using High Resolution Radar
* Automatic Target Recognition Using a Feature Decomposition and Data Decomposition Modular Neural-Network
* Automatic target recognition using discriminative graphical models
* Automatic Target Recognition Using Modularly Cascaded Vector Quantizers and Multilayer Perceptrons
* Automatic Target Recognition using Passive Multisensor Suite
* Automatic target recognition using waveform diversity in radar sensor networks
* Automatic Target Recognition: State of the Art Survey
* Automatic Target Scoring System Using Machine Vision
* Automatic Target Segmentation by Locally Adaptive Image Thresholding
* Automatic target segmentation using PMMW imagery
* Automatic targeted-domain spatiotemporal event detection in twitter
* Automatic Targetless Monocular Camera and LiDAR External Parameter Calibration Method for Mobile Robots
* Automatic Tear Film Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Region Growing
* automatic technique for accurate non-contact structural deformation measurements, An
* Automatic Technique for Power Line Pylon Detection from Point Cloud Data, An
* Automatic techniques for 3D reconstruction of critical workplace body postures from range imaging data
* Automatic teeth segmentation on panoramic X-rays using deep neural networks
* Automatic Template Labeling in Extensible Multiagent Biometric Systems
* Automatic template matching method for tropical cyclone eye fix
* Automatic Temporal Location and Classification of Human Actions Based on Optical Features
* Automatic Temporal Segment Detection and Affect Recognition From Face and Body Display
* Automatic Temporally Coherent Video Colorization
* Automatic termination and route guide for 3D scanning based on area limitation
* Automatic text area segmentation in natural images
* Automatic Text Detection and Recognition
* Automatic text detection and removal in video sequences
* Automatic Text Detection and Tracking in Digital Video
* Automatic text detection for mobile augmented reality translation
* Automatic Text Extraction from Arabic Newspapers
* Automatic Text Extraction from Video for Content-Based Annotation and Retrieval
* Automatic Text Extraction in Digital Video Based on Motion Analysis
* Automatic Text Location in Images and Video Frames
* Automatic text location in natural scene images
* Automatic text location using cluster-based template matching
* Automatic text processing
* Automatic text segmentation from complex background
* Automatic textile image annotation by predicting emotional concepts from visual features
* Automatic textual document categorization based on generalized instance sets and a metamodel
* Automatic Texture and Orthophoto Generation from Registered Panoramic Views
* Automatic texture feature selection for image pixel classification
* Automatic Texture Mapping of Architectural and Archaeological 3D Models
* Automatic texture mapping on real 3D model
* Automatic Texture Mapping With An Omnidirectional Camera Mounted On A Vehicle Towards Large Scale 3d City Models
* Automatic Texture Reconstruction Of 3d City Model From Oblique Images
* Automatic texture segmentation based on k-means clustering and efficient calculation of co-occurrence features
* Automatic Texture Synthesis for Face Recognition from Single Views
* Automatic Thermal Monitoring System (ATHEMOS) for Deception Detection
* Automatic Thickness And Volume Estimation Of Sprayed Concrete On Anchored Retaining Walls From Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Automatic Thread-Level Canvas Analysis: A machine-learning approach to analyzing the canvas of paintings
* Automatic Threat Detection for Historic Buildings in Dark Places Based on the Modified OptD Method
* Automatic three-dimensional detection and volume estimation of low-grade gliomas
* Automatic Three-dimensional Modeling from Reality
* Automatic Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Processing for Forest Inventory
* Automatic threshold determination of centroid-linkage region growing by MPEG-7 dominant color descriptors
* Automatic threshold generation technique
* Automatic Threshold Selection Based on Histogram Modes and a Discriminant Criterion
* Automatic Threshold Selection for Profiles of Attribute Filters Based on Granulometric Characteristic Functions
* Automatic Threshold Selection Using The Wavelet Transform
* Automatic Threshold Setting for the Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithm
* Automatic Thresholding Algorithm and Its Performance, An
* Automatic Thresholding Algorithm Based on an Illumination-Independent Contrast Measure, An
* Automatic Thresholding Based on Human Visual-Perception
* Automatic Thresholding For Correspondence Detection
* Automatic thresholding for defect detection
* Automatic Thresholding for Grey Level Corner Detectors
* Automatic thresholding of gray-level using multi-stage approach
* Automatic Thresholding of Grey-Level Pictures Using Two-Dimensional Entropy
* Automatic Thresholding of Infected Blood Images Using Granulometry and Regional Extrema
* Automatic thresholding of SIFT descriptors
* Automatic thresholding using a modified valley emphasis
* Automatic Thumbnail Generation Based on Visual Representativeness and Foreground Recognizability
* Automatic tie elements detection for laser scanner strip adjustment
* Automatic Timestamp Replanting Algorithm for Panorama Video Surveillance, An
* Automatic tonal harmonization for multi-spectral mosaics
* Automatic Topological Active Net Division in a Genetic-Greedy Hybrid Approach
* Automatic Topology Derivation from IFC Building Model for In-Door Intelligent Navigation
* Automatic Tortoise Specimen Recognition, An
* Automatic Tortuosity-Based Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening System
* Automatic Total Generalized Variation-Based DTI Rician Denoising
* Automatic tracing and extraction of text-line and word segments directly in JPEG compressed document images
* Automatic tracker selection w.r.t object detection performance
* Automatic Tracking and Labeling of Human Activities in a Video Sequence
* Automatic Tracking and Motility Analysis of Human Sperm in Time-Lapse Images
* Automatic tracking camera control system
* Automatic tracking camera system utilizing the position of faces in the shot image
* Automatic tracking lighting equipment, lighting controller and tracking apparatus
* Automatic Tracking Method for 3D Human Motion Pose Using Contrastive Learning
* Automatic Tracking of a Large Number of Moving Targets in 3D
* Automatic Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana Root Meristem in Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic Tracking of Human Motion in Indoor Scenes Across Multiple Synchronized Video Streams
* Automatic Tracking of Individual Fluorescence Particles: Application to the Study of Chromosome Dynamics
* Automatic tracking of local myocardial motion by correlation weighted velocity method
* Automatic tracking of swimming microorganisms in 4D digital in-line holography data
* Automatic tracking of the aorta in cardiovascular MR images using deformable models
* Automatic Tracking, Coding and Reconstruction of Human Faces using Flexible Appearance Models
* Automatic tracking/image sensing device
* Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas
* Automatic Traffic Monitoring from an Airborne Wide Angle Camera System
* Automatic traffic monitoring using neural networks from satellite images
* Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Digital Camera System for Estimation of Travel Times
* Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using Mobile Lidar Data with Digital Images
* Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using SegU-Net and a Modified Tversky Loss Function With L1-Constraint
* Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vehicle Tracking and Classification
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vehicle Tracking and Classification, An
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance
* Automatic Training Image Acquisition and Effective Feature Selection From Community-Contributed Photos for Facial Attribute Detection
* Automatic Training of Page Segmentation Algorithms: An Optimization Approach
* Automatic Training Sample Selection for a Multi-Evidence Based Crop Classification Approach
* Automatic Training Site Selection of Agricultural Crop Classification: A Case Study on Karacabey Plain, Turkey
* automatic transformation from bimodal to pseudo-binary images, An
* Automatic Transformation Search Against Deep Leakage From Gradients
* Automatic Tree-crown Detection In Challenging Scenarios
* Automatic Tree Crown Extraction from UAS Multispectral Imagery for the Detection of Bark Beetle Disturbance in Mixed Forests
* Automatic Tree Data Removal Method for Topography Measurement Result Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Automatic Tree Detection from Three-Dimensional Images Reconstructed from 360° Spherical Camera Using YOLO v2
* Automatic Tree Skeleton Extraction Approach Based on Multi-View Slicing Using Terrestrial LiDAR Scans Data, An
* Automatic Trimap Generation and Consistent Matting for Light-Field Images
* Automatic Trimap Generation by a Multimodal Neural Network
* Automatic tropical cyclone eye fix using genetic algorithm
* Automatic Tube Inspection System That Finds Cylinders in Range Data, An
* Automatic Tuberculosis Detection Using Chest X-ray Analysis With Position Enhanced Structural Information
* Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs
* Automatic Tumor Segmentation Using Knowledge-Based Techniques
* Automatic Tumuli Detection In LIDAR Based Digital Elevation Maps
* Automatic Tuning of Denoising Algorithms Parameters Without Ground Truth
* Automatic Tuning of MST Segmentation of Mammograms for Registration and Mass Detection Algorithms
* Automatic Tuning of the Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Using Differential Evolution for Image Segmentation
* Automatic Tunnel Crack Inspection Using an Efficient Mobile Imaging Module and a Lightweight CNN
* Automatic TV advertisement detection from MPEG bitstream
* Automatic TV ranging system
* Automatic two-stage IR and MMW image registration algorithm for concealed weapons detection
* Automatic UAV Forced Landing Site Detection Using Machine Learning
* Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV Images to Georeferenced Image Data
* Automatic UAV Mapping System for Supporting UN (United Nations) Field Operations, An
* Automatic Ultrastructure Segmentation of Reconstructed CryoEM Maps of Icosahedral Viruses
* Automatic Understanding of Image and Video Advertisements
* Automatic understanding of structures in printed mathematical expressions
* Automatic underwater moving object detection using multi-feature integration framework in complex backgrounds
* automatic unsupervised classification of MR images in Alzheimer's disease, An
* Automatic Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model
* Automatic Updating of Land Cover Maps in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions by Relational Knowledge Transferring from GlobeLand30
* Automatic Updating of Urban Vector Maps
* Automatic Upright Adjustment of Photographs With Robust Camera Calibration
* Automatic upright adjustment of photographs
* Automatic upright orientation and good view recognition for 3D man-made models
* Automatic urban 3D building reconstruction from multi-ray photogrammetry
* Automatic Urdu Speech Recognition using Hidden Markov Model
* Automatic Urinary Sediments Visible Component Detection Based on Improved YOLO Algorithm
* Automatic usability and stress analysis in mobile biometrics
* Automatic User-Specific Avatar Parametrisation and Emotion Mapping
* Automatic User Grouping Model for a Group Recommender System in Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Automatic user interaction correction via Multi-label Graph cuts
* Automatic Vacant Parking Places Management System Using Multicamera Vehicle Detection
* Automatic Variogram Parameter Extraction for Textural Classification of the Panchromatic IKONOS Imagery
* Automatic Vector-Based Road Structure Mapping Using Multibeam LiDAR
* Automatic Vegetation Identification and Building Detection from a Single Nadir Aerial Image
* Automatic Vehicle Avoidance Control Model for Dangerous Lane-Changing Behavior, An
* Automatic Vehicle Counting Method Based on Principal Component Pursuit Background Modeling
* Automatic vehicle detection in aerial image sequences of urban areas using 3D HoG features
* Automatic Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images
* Automatic Vehicle Detection in Space Images Supported by Digital Map Data
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Method Based on Traffic Videos, An
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Local Features: A Statistical Approach
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Statistical Approach
* Automatic vehicle extraction from airborne LiDAR data of urban areas aided by geodesic morphology
* Automatic Vehicle Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Using an Object-Based Point Cloud Analysis Method
* Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experinces of the ARGO Autonomous Vehicle
* Automatic vehicle identification for Argentinean license plates using intelligent template matching
* Automatic Vehicle Image Extraction Based on Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis
* Automatic Vehicle Pollution Detection Using Feedback Based Iterative Deep Learning
* Automatic Vehicle Recognition for Urban Traffic Management
* Automatic vehicle recognition in multiple cameras for video surveillance
* Automatic vehicle tracking and recognition from aerial image sequences
* Automatic Vehicle Tracking in Low Frame Rate Aerial Image Sequences
* Automatic Vehicle Tracking With Roadside LiDAR Data for the Connected-Vehicles System
* Automatic Vehicle Trajectory Extraction for Traffic Analysis from Aerial Video Data
* Automatic Velocity Analysis Method for Seismic Data-Containing Multiples, An
* Automatic Velocity Analysis Using a Hybrid Regression Approach With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Velocity Estimation of Targets in Dynamic Stereo
* Automatic vergence control based on hierarchical segmentation of stereo pairs
* Automatic Verification Framework of 3D Scan Data for Museum Collections
* Automatic Verification of Agricultural Areas using IKONOS Satellite Images
* Automatic Verification of Parent-Child Pairs from Face Images
* Automatic Verification of Properly Signed Multi-page Document Images
* Automatic Verification of Seal-Impression Pattern
* Automatic Verification of Signatures by Means of Acceleration
* Automatic Verification System for Seal Imprints on Japanese Bankchecks
* Automatic Vertebra Localization and Identification in CT by Spine Rectification and Anatomically-constrained Optimization
* Automatic Vertebral Fracture Assessment System (AVFAS) for Spinal Pathologies Diagnosis Based on Radiograph X-Ray Images
* Automatic vessel monitoring with single and multidimensional SAR images in the wavelet domain
* Automatic video-based analysis of animal behaviors
* Automatic Video-based Analysis of Athlete Action
* Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* Automatic Video Annotation by Mining Speech Transcripts
* Automatic Video Annotation System for Archival Sports Video
* Automatic video annotation with adaptive number of key words
* Automatic Video Captioning via Multi-channel Sequential Encoding
* Automatic Video Classification: A Survey of the Literature
* Automatic Video Data Structuring Through Shot Partitioning and Key-Frame Computing
* Automatic Video Database Indexing and Retrieval
* Automatic video description generation via LSTM with joint two-stream encoding
* Automatic video deshearing for skew sequences capturedby rolling shutter cameras
* Automatic video editing for sensor-rich videos
* Automatic Video Genre Categorization using Hierarchical SVM
* Automatic Video Genre Classification Using Multiple SVM Votes
* Automatic Video Indexing via Object Motion Analysis
* Automatic Video Interpretation: A Novel Algorithm for Temporal Scenario Recognition
* Automatic Video Interpretation: A Recognition Algorithm for Temporal Scenarios Based on Pre-compiled Scenario Models
* Automatic video monitoring system which selectively saves information
* Automatic video mosaicing for surveillance using vanishing points
* Automatic Video Object Extraction With Camera In Motion
* Automatic Video Object Segmentation Based on Visual and Motion Saliency
* Automatic Video Object Segmentation using Graph Cut
* Automatic video object segmentation via 3D structure tensor
* Automatic Video Object Shape Extraction and its Classification with Camera in Motion
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Automatic Video Scene Extraction by Shot Grouping
* Automatic video segmentation through editing analysis
* Automatic video segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Automatic video segmentation using hidden markov model
* Automatic video segmentation using spatiotemporal T-junctions
* Automatic video summarization based on MPEG-7 descriptions
* Automatic video summarization by graph modeling
* Automatic video summarization using a measure of shot importance and a frame-packing method
* Automatic Video Summarization Using the Optimum-Path Forest Unsupervised Classifier
* Automatic video system using multiple cameras
* Automatic video to point cloud registration in a structure-from-motion framework
* Automatic Videoconference Objects Watermarking Using Object Adapted Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees
* Automatic View Based Caricaturing
* Automatic view recognition in echocardiogram videos using parts-based representation
* Automatic View Selection in Multi-view Object Recognition
* Automatic View Synthesis by Image-Domain-Warping
* Automatic Viewpoint Estimation for Inspection Planning Purposes
* Automatic Virtual 3D City Generation for Synthetic Data Collection
* Automatic Virus Particle Selection: The Entropy Approach
* Automatic Vision Based Calibration System for Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
* Automatic Vision Programming
* Automatic vision system for final test of liquid crystal display
* Automatic Visual Concept Learning for Social Event Understanding
* Automatic visual dictionary generation through Optimum-Path Forest clustering
* Automatic Visual Fingerprinting for Indoor Image-Based Localization Applications
* Automatic Visual Inspection Based upon a Variant of the N-Tuple Technique
* Automatic Visual Inspection of LSI Photomasks
* Automatic visual inspection of thermoelectric metal pipes
* Automatic Visual Inspection of Wood Surfaces
* Automatic Visual Inspection System for Integrated Circuit Chips, An
* Automatic visual mimicry expression analysis in interpersonal interaction
* Automatic visual pattern mining from categorical image dataset
* Automatic visual recognition of armed robbery
* Automatic Visual Recognition of Deformable Objects for Grasping and Manipulation
* Automatic Visual Solder Joint Inspection
* Automatic Visual Sorting Method of Compressors with Stamped Marks
* Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition using directional motion history images and Zernike moments
* Automatic Visual/IR Image Registration
* Automatic voxel-based 3D indoor reconstruction and room partitioning from triangle meshes
* Automatic Wafer Inspection System Using Pipelined Image Processing Techniques, An
* Automatic Waterline Extraction From Smartphone Images
* Automatic Watermeter Reading in Presence of Highly Deformed Digits
* Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Randomly Textured Color Images
* Automatic Waveform Recognition of Overlapping LPI Radar Signals Based on Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* Automatic Weak Calibration of Master-Slave Surveillance System Based on Mosaic Image
* Automatic Weakly Supervised Object Detection From High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Dynamic Curriculum Learning
* Automatic Web News Extraction Using Blocking Tag
* Automatic Web Page Coloring
* Automatic Webcam-Based Human Heart Rate Measurements Using Laplacian Eigenmap
* Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
* Automatic white balance based on adaptive feature selection with standard illuminants
* Automatic Whole-Heart Segmentation in Congenital Heart Disease Using Deeply-Supervised 3D FCN
* Automatic Whole Brain MRI Segmentation of the Developing Neonatal Brain
* Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
* Automatic Workflow for Roof Extraction and Generation of 3D CityGML Models from Low-Cost UAV Image-Derived Point Clouds
* Automatic Workflow Monitoring in Industrial Environments
* Automatic working area classification in peripheral blood smears using spatial distribution features across scales
* Automatic Wrinkle Detection Using Hybrid Hessian Filter
* Automatic writer identification framework for online handwritten documents using character prototypes
* Automatic writer identification from text line images
* Automatic Writer Identification of Ancient Greek Inscriptions
* Automatic Writer Identification Using Connected-Component Contours and Edge-Based Features of Uppercase Western Script
* Automatic) Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Via Terrain Recognition
* Automatic, Age Consistent Reconstruction of the Corpus Callosum Guided by Coherency From In Utero Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Automatic, fast, online calibration between depth and color cameras
* Automatic, Multiview, Coplanar Extraction for CityGML Building Model Texture Mapping
* Automatic, robust global motion estimation using clustering
* Automatic/interactive interpretation of color map images
* Automatical Adaptation of Anatomical Masks to the Neocortex
* Automatical definition of measures from the combination of shape descriptors
* Automatical detection of face features and exact face contour
* Automatical Enhancement and Denoising of Extremely Low-light Images
* Automatically-Determined Region of Interest in JPEG 2000
* Automatically-Generated High-Reliability Features for Dichotomies of Printed Characters
* Automatically adjustable and self-testing dual technology intrusion detection system for minimizing false alarms
* Automatically Analyzing Facial-Feature Movements to Identify Human Errors
* Automatically Analyzing Interpersonal Closeness in Photo Albums
* Automatically and Accurately Conflating Raster Maps with Orthoimagery
* Automatically Annotating Images with Keywords: A Review of Image Annotation Systems
* Automatically Annotating Indoor Images with CAD Models via RGB-D Scans
* Automatically Building 2D Statistical Shapes Using the Topology Preservation Model GNG
* Automatically building appearance models from image sequences using salient features
* Automatically classifying non-functional requirements using deep neural network
* Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* Automatically Computed Markers for the 3D Watershed Segmentation
* Automatically Conflating Road Vector Data with Orthoimagery
* Automatically Controlled Morphing of 2D Shapes with Textures
* Automatically Creating Adaptive Video Summaries Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming: Application to Sport Content
* Automatically Designing CNN Architectures Using the Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
* Automatically detecting action units from faces of pain: Comparing shape and appearance features
* Automatically Detecting and Tracking People Walking through a Transparent Door with Vision
* Automatically Detecting Arrhythmia-related Irregular Patterns using the Temporal and Spectro-Temporal Textures of ECG Signals
* Automatically detecting criminal identity deception: An adaptive detection algorithm
* Automatically detecting human-object interaction by an instance part-level attention deep framework
* Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Action Units
* Automatically Detecting Peaks in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
* Automatically Detecting Protruding Objects When Shooting Environmental Portraits
* Automatically Detecting Symmetries in Decorative Tiles
* Automatically detecting the small group structure of a crowd
* Automatically Determining Dominant Motions in Crowded Scenes by Clustering Partial Feature Trajectories
* Automatically Determining Scale Within Unstructured Point Clouds
* Automatically Determining the Confocal Parameters From OCT B-Scans for Quantification of the Attenuation Coefficients
* Automatically Diagnosing Skin Cancers From Multimodality Images Using Two-Stage Genetic Programming
* Automatically discovering local visual material attributes
* Automatically Discovering Novel Visual Categories With Adaptive Prototype Learning
* Automatically discriminating and localizing COVID-19 from community-acquired pneumonia on chest X-rays
* Automatically Discriminating between Digital and Scanned Photographs
* Automatically Extract Semi-Transparent Motion-Blurred Hand From a Single Image
* Automatically Extracted Antarctic Coastline Using Remotely-Sensed Data: An Update
* Automatically Extracting Hairstyles from 2D Images
* Automatically Extracting Traffic Data from Video-Tape Using the CLIP4 Parallel Image Processor
* Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts
* Automatically Gather Address Specific Dwelling Images Using Google Street View
* Automatically Generated Training Data for Land Cover Classification With CNNs Using Sentinel-2 Images
* Automatically Generating Specification Properties From Task Models for the Formal Verification of Human-Automation Interaction
* Automatically generating summaries for musical video
* Automatically identifying join candidates in the Cairo Genizah
* Automatically labeling video data using multi-class active learning
* Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pruning Based on Task-Driven Sparsity Optimization, An
* Automatically learning structural units in educational videos with the hierarchical hidden markov models
* Automatically localising ROIs in hyperspectral images using background subtraction techniques
* Automatically Locate Tropical Cyclone Centers Using Top Cloud Motion Data Derived From Geostationary Satellite Images
* Automatically Locating an Area of Interest and Maintaining a Reference Image to Aid the Real-Time Tracking of Objects
* Automatically mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Automatically optimizing stereo camera system based on 3D cinematography principles
* Automatically organizing digital photographs using time and content
* Automatically parsing and labelling video based on camera motion qualitative analysis
* Automatically reconstructed roof shapes for LiDAR strip adjustment and quality control
* Automatically Recovering Geometry and Texture from Large Sets of Calibrated Images
* Automatically Searching for Optimal Parameter Settings Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Automatically Selecting Inference Algorithms for Discrete Energy Minimisation
* Automatically Selecting the Best Pictures for an Individualized Child Photo Album
* Automatically Tracking Road Centerlines from Low-Frequency GPS Trajectory Data
* Automatically weighted binary multi-view clustering via deep initialization (AW-BMVC)
* Automatinc synchronization of stereoscopic video for 3DTV broadcasting system
* Automating 3D reconstruction pipeline by surf-based alignment
* Automating Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Video Interpretation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automating Detection of Papilledema in Pediatric Fundus Images with Explainable Machine Learning
* Automating GIS Image Retrieval Based on MCM
* Automating Ground Control Point Detection in Drone Imagery: From Computer Vision to Deep Learning
* Automating Image-Processing for Scientific-Data Analysis of a Large Image Database
* Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Aerial Image Interpretation
* Automating Mapping Production for The Enterprise: From Contract To Delivery
* Automating Microscope Colour Image Analysis Using the Expectation Maximisation Algorithm
* Automating multi-camera self-calibration
* Automating Node Pruning for LiDAR-Based Topometric Maps in the Context of Teach-and-Repeat
* Automating Parameter Learning for Classifying Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Using 2D Land Cover Maps
* Automating performance optimization for script word recognition systems
* Automating Photogrammetry for The 3d Digitisation of Small Artefact Collections
* Automating Post-processing Of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds For Road Feature Surveys
* Automating Powerline Inspection: A Novel Multisensor System for Data Analysis Using Deep Learning
* Automating RTI: Automatic light direction detection and correcting non-uniform lighting for more accurate surface normals
* Automating Shift-Scheduling Calibration by Using Bionic Optimization and Personalized Driver Models
* Automating shockwave segmentation in low-contrast coherent shadowgraphy
* Automating Snakes for Multiple Objects Detection
* Automating the 3D Modeling Pipeline
* Automating the Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
* Automating the Construction of Large Scale Virtual Worlds
* Automating the Creation of a Digital Video Library
* Automating the Detection and Simplification of Junctions in Road Networks
* Automating the Hunt for Volcanoes on Venus
* Automating the measurement of physiological parameters: A case study in the image analysis of cilia motion
* Automating the Measurement of Red Coral in Situ Using Underwater Photogrammetry and Coded Targets
* Automating the Photogrammetric Bridging Based on MMS Image Sequence Processing
* Automating The Photogrammetric Workflow In A National Mapping Agency
* Automating the Verification of Heritage Building Information Models Created from Point Cloud Data
* Automating Visual Inspection of Print Quality
* Automating Visual Privacy Protection Using a Smart LED
* Automation Aftereffects: The Influence of Automation Duration, Test Track and Timings
* Automation and Calibration for Robot Vision Systems
* Automation Aspects for the Georeferencing of Photogrammetric Aerial Image Archives in Forested Scenes
* Automation in 3-D Reconstruction: Results on Different Kinds of Close-Range Blocks
* Automation in Automobiles: Power Seat
* Automation in Middle- and Upper-Atmosphere LIDAR Operations: A Maximum Rayleigh Altitude Prediction System Based on Night Sky Imagery
* Automation of 3D view acquisition for geometric tolerances verification
* Automation of an Industrial Fork Lift Truck, Guided by Artificial Vision in Open Environments
* Automation of Building Permission by Integration of BIM and Geospatial Data
* Automation of Chromosome Analysis
* Automation of digital historical map analyses
* Automation of dormant pruning in specialty crop production: An adaptive framework for automatic reconstruction and modeling of apple trees
* Automation of fluorescent dot counting in cell nuclei
* Automation of Hyperspectral Training Library Construction: A Case Study for Wheat and Potato Crops, The
* Automation Of Morphometric Measurements For Planetary Surface Analysis and Cartography
* Automation of Pan-Sharpening Methods for Pléiades Images Using GIS Basic Functions
* Automation of Pap Smear Analysis: A Review and Status Report
* Automation of Road Inventory Using Stereoscopic Image Analysis
* Automation of the Detection of Pathological Changes in the Morphometric Characteristics of the Human Eye Fundus Based on the Data of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
* Automation of the Process of Land Area Change Detection in Permanent Monitoring Systems, The
* Automation of Thermal Point Clouds Analysis for the Extraction Of Windows and Thermal Bridges of Building Facades
* Automation of Windows Detection From Geometric and Radiometric Information of Point Clouds In a Scan-to-BIM Process
* automation system for industrial 3-D laser digitizing, An
* automation system: generation of digital map data from pictorial map resources, An
* Automation techniques for implementation of hybrid wave-pipelined 2D DWT
* Automation Technology
* automatization of Barnsley's algorithm for the inverse problem of iterated function systems, An
* AutoMF: Spatio-temporal Architecture Search for The Meteorological Forecasting Task
* AutoMine: An Unmanned Mine Dataset
* AutoMix: Mixup Networks for Sample Interpolation via Cooperative Barycenter Learning
* AutoMix: Unveiling the Power of Mixup for Stronger Classifiers
* AutoML-Based Neural Architecture Search for Object Recognition in Satellite Imagery
* AutoML-Emo: Automatic Knowledge Selection Using Congruent Effect for Emotion Identification in Conversations
* AutoML for Multi-Label Classification: Overview and Empirical Evaluation
* Automobile with Artificial Intelligence, An
* Automontage: Photo sessions made easy
* Automotive Autonomy
* Automotive LiDAR Technology: A Survey
* Automotive Radar-Based Vehicle Tracking Using Data-Region Association
* Automotive radar and camera fusion using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Automotive Radar Image Processing to Predict Vehicle Trajectory
* Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation with Unfolded Robust PCA based on Residual Overcomplete Auto-Encoder Blocks
* Automotive Radar Optimization Design in a Spectrally Crowded V2I Communication Environment
* Automotive radar system for multiple-vehicle detection and tracking in urban environments
* Automotive Radar, Automotive MIMO Radars, Analysis, Use
* Automotive Radars: A review of signal processing techniques
* Automotive Security: Threat Forewarning and ECU Source Mapping Derived From Physical Features of Network Signals
* Automotive Semi-specular Surface Defect Detection System
* Automotive Spray Paint Simulation
* Automotive standards-grade lane departure warning system
* Automotive Stereo Vision Using Deconvolution Technique
* Automotive Three-Dimensional Vision Through a Single-Photon Counting SPAD Camera
* AutoMSNet: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Network via Automatic Neural Architecture Search for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Autonomous-Vehicle Public Transportation System: Scheduling and Admission Control
* Autonomous 3D Photogrammetric Approach to Airborne Video Geo-Registration, An
* Autonomous Active Vision System for Complete and Accurate 3D Scene Reconstruction, An
* Autonomous Aerial Systems in Service of Cultural Heritage Protection from Climate Change Effects
* Autonomous Agent Teammate-Likeness: Scale Development and Validation
* Autonomous agents for edge detection and continuity perception on otolith images
* Autonomous Airborne 3D SAR Imaging System for Subsurface Sensing: UWB-GPR on Board a UAV for Landmine and IED Detection
* Autonomous Airship Equipped by Multi-Sensor Mapping Platform
* Autonomous altitude measurement and landing area detection for indoor UAV applications
* Autonomous and collaborative trajectory planning for traffic complexity management
* Autonomous and robust structuring of real environment by searching complex regions
* Autonomous Approach and Landing for a Low-Cost Quadrotor Using Monocular Cameras
* Autonomous Atmospheric Compensation (AAC) of High Resolution Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Remote-Sensing Imagery
* Autonomous Audio-Supported Learning of Visual Classifiers for Traffic Monitoring
* Autonomous Bus Boarding Robotic Wheelchair Using Bidirectional Sensing Systems
* Autonomous Bus Operation Alternatives in Urban Areas Using Fuzzy Dombi-Bonferroni Operator Based Decision Making Model
* Autonomous calibration of moving line scanners with coded photogrammetric targets recognition
* Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi
* Autonomous Chemical Vapour Detection by Micro UAV
* Autonomous Choice of Deep Neural Network Parameters by a Modified Generative Adversarial Network
* Autonomous cleaning of corrupted scanned documents: A generative modeling approach
* Autonomous Cognitive Robots Need Emotional Modulations: Introducing the eMODUL Model
* Autonomous Collection of Forest Field Reference: The Outlook and a First Step with UAV Laser Scanning
* Autonomous collision avoidance system based on accurate knowledge of the vehicle surroundings
* Autonomous Configuration of Parameters in Robotic Digital Cameras
* Autonomous Construction of 3-Dimensional Models from Range Data
* Autonomous contour tracking using staircase method for industrial robot
* Autonomous control of running takeoff and landing for a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle
* Autonomous Cross-Country Navigation Using Stereo Vision
* Autonomous Curiosity for Real-Time Training Onboard Robotic Agents
* Autonomous Decentralized Multi-server Framework For Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments, An
* Autonomous Detection of Disruptions in the Intensive Care Unit Using Deep Mask R-CNN
* Autonomous Detection of Dust Devils and Clouds on Mars
* Autonomous Detection of Facial Tics in Video Recordings
* Autonomous Detection of Mouse-Ear Hawkweed Using Drones, Multispectral Imagery and Supervised Machine Learning
* Autonomous Differential Absorption Laser Device for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases
* Autonomous Digital Aero Triangulation
* Autonomous Document Cleaning: A Generative Approach to Reconstruct Strongly Corrupted Scanned Texts
* autonomous document object (ADO) model, The
* Autonomous Driving Based on Approximate Safe Action
* Autonomous Driving Challenge: To Infer the Property of a Dynamic Object Based on Its Motion Pattern
* Autonomous Driving Decision Algorithm for Complex Multi-Vehicle Interactions: An Efficient Approach Based on Global Sorting and Local Gaming
* Autonomous Driving Goes Downtown
* Autonomous Driving Learning Preference of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers
* Autonomous Driving on Curvy Roads Without Reliance on Frenet Frame: A Cartesian-Based Trajectory Planning Method
* Autonomous Driving Simulation for Unmanned Vehicles
* Autonomous Driving System for Unknown Environments Using a Unified Map, An
* Autonomous Driving
* Autonomous driving: a bird's eye view
* Autonomous Driving: A Survey of Technological Gaps Using Google Scholar and Web of Science Trend Analysis
* Autonomous Driving: Part 1-Sensing and Perception
* Autonomous Driving: Part 2-Learning and Cognition
* autonomous emergency braking strategy based on non-linear model predictive deceleration control, An
* Autonomous Endmember Detection via an Abundance Anomaly Guided Saliency Prior for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Autonomous Exploration: Driven by Uncertainty
* Autonomous face recognition machine
* Autonomous Fall Detection With Wearable Cameras by Using Relative Entropy Distance Measure
* Autonomous fish tracking by ROV using Monocular Camera
* Autonomous Fixation
* Autonomous flight system using marker recognition on drone
* Autonomous Flight Trajectory Control System for Drones in Smart City Traffic Management
* Autonomous Flying Cameraman with Embedded Person Detection and Tracking while Applying Cinematographic Rules
* Autonomous Framework to Produce and Distribute Personalized Team-Sport Video Summaries: A Basketball Case Study, An
* Autonomous Free Flight Operations in Urban Air Mobility With Computational Guidance and Collision Avoidance
* Autonomous fuzzy parking control of a car-like mobile robot
* Autonomous Generation of Service Strategy for Household Tasks: A Progressive Learning Method With A Priori Knowledge and Reinforcement Learning
* Autonomous Ground Vehicles: Concepts and a Path to the Future
* Autonomous Grouping of Contour-Segments Using an Adaptive Region-Growing Algorithm
* Autonomous Guidance for a UAS Along a Staircase
* Autonomous Hazardous-Waste Drum Inspection Vehicle
* autonomous hidden camera crew, The
* Autonomous Hyperspectral Target Detection with Quasi-Stationarity Violation at Background Boundaries
* Autonomous hyperspectral UAS photogrammetry for environmental monitoring applications
* autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods, An
* Autonomous In-Situ Soundscape Augmentation via Joint Selection of Masker and Gain
* Autonomous in situ training of classification modules in real-time vision systems and its application to pedestrian recognition
* Autonomous Information Collection and Dissemination Model for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, An
* Autonomous Inspection System for Nuclear Power Plants
* Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Relative Navigation of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Vehicular Navigation With Cellular Signals of Opportunity and an IMU
* Autonomous Intelligent Agents for Team Training
* Autonomous Intelligent Machines
* Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation
* Autonomous Intersection Crossing With Vehicle Location Uncertainty
* Autonomous Intersection Management for Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Lane-Based Method
* Autonomous Intersection Management systems: criteria, implementation and evaluation
* Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network (ALVINN)
* Autonomous Land Vehicle Road Following
* Autonomous Landing Of Airplanes By Dynamic Machine Vision
* Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery Vehicles in Complex Traffic Environments
* Autonomous Learning of Object Appearances using Colour Contour Frames
* Autonomous Lecture Recording with a PTZ Camera While Complying with Cinematographic Rules
* Autonomous Lidar-Based Monitoring of Coastal Lagoon Entrances
* Autonomous Lighting Agents in Photon Mapping
* Autonomous Manipulation Learning for Similar Deformable Objects via Only One Demonstration
* Autonomous Maritime Landings for Low-Cost VTOL Aerial Vehicles
* Autonomous MAV Navigation in Underground Mines Using Darkness Contours Detection
* Autonomous Mini Helicopter: A Powerful Platform for Mobile Mapping, The
* Autonomous Mission Planning Method for Optical Imaging Satellites Based on Real-Time Cloud Cover Information
* Autonomous mobile robot for automatic out of stock detection in a supermarket
* Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation and Learning
* Autonomous Mobile Robot Senario: A Sensor-Aided Intelligent Navigation System for Powered Wheelchairs, The
* Autonomous Mobile Scanning Systems for the Digitization of Buildings: A Review
* Autonomous Motion Vision
* Autonomous Multi-camera Tracking Using Distributed Quadratic Optimization
* Autonomous Multi-Floor Localization Based on Smartphone-Integrated Sensors and Pedestrian Indoor Network
* Autonomous multi-scale object detection with hough forests
* Autonomous Navigation Airborne Forward-Looking SAR High Precision Imaging with Combination of Pseudo-Polar Formatting and Overlapped Sub-Aperture Algorithm
* Autonomous navigation and mapping using monocular low-resolution grayscale vision
* Autonomous navigation and sign detector learning
* Autonomous Navigation in a Manufacturing Environment
* Autonomous Navigation in Cross-Country Terrain
* Autonomous Navigation of Small UAVS Based on Vehicle Dynamic Model
* Autonomous Navigation of Vehicles from a Visual Memory Using a Generic Camera Model
* Autonomous Navigation Through Case-Based Learning
* Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on an Improved Velocity Obstacle Method
* Autonomous on-board Near Earth Object detection
* Autonomous Operators for Direct Use on Irregular Image Data
* Autonomous Optimization of Swimming Gait in a Fish Robot With Multiple Onboard Sensors
* Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and Geometric Path Optimization
* Autonomous ozone, aerosol, and water vapor profiling of the atmosphere
* Autonomous Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Tangent Intersection and Target Guidance Strategy, An
* Autonomous Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using a Fuzzy Steering Controller
* Autonomous Photogrammetric Network Design Basing on Changing Environment Genetic Algorithms
* Autonomous Planetary Landing via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning
* Autonomous Planned Color Learning on a Mobile Robot Without Labeled Data
* Autonomous Planning Algorithm for Satellite Laser Ranging Tasks Based on Rolling Horizon Optimization Framework
* Autonomous Planning and Control for Intelligent Vehicles in Traffic
* Autonomous plant inspection and anomaly detection
* Autonomous Point Cloud Acquisition of Unknown Indoor Scenes
* Autonomous Polycrystalline Material Decomposition For Hyperspectral Neutron Tomography
* autonomous QoE-driven network management framework, An
* Autonomous Reading Machine, An
* Autonomous Real-Time Interventional Scan Plane Control With a 3-D Shape-Sensing Needle
* Autonomous Real-Time Model Building for Optical Motion Capture
* Autonomous Recognition: Driven by Ambiguity
* Autonomous Remote Sensing: A Tale of Evolving, Emerging and Converging Technologies (Part 1)
* Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (autoRIFT) and Its Application for Tracking Ice Displacement
* Autonomous Reverse Parking System Based on Robust Path Generation and Improved Sliding Mode Control
* Autonomous Road Pavement Inspection and Defect Analysis for Smart City Maintenance
* Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance from Autobahnen to Narrow Curves
* Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance in Normal Traffic
* Autonomous road vehicles: recent issues and expectations
* Autonomous Robot Calibration for Hand-Eye Coordination
* Autonomous robot exploration and cognitive map building in unknown environments using omnidirectional visual information only
* Autonomous Robot Navigation by Active Visual Motion Analysis and Understanding
* Autonomous Robotic Aerial Tracking, Avoidance, and Seeking of a Mobile Human Subject
* Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Manipulation Using Multisensor Feedback
* Autonomous Robotic Vehicle Road Following
* Autonomous Robots
* Autonomous Satellite Wildfire Detection Using Hyperspectral Imagery and Neural Networks: A Case Study on Australian Wildfire
* Autonomous Scanning of Structural Elements in Buildings
* Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery
* Autonomous Selective Parts-Based Tracking
* Autonomous Shape-Variable Crawler: One-Dimensional Displacement Coordination for Constant Upper Frame Posture
* Autonomous ships on the high seas
* Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opportunities, and Social Implications
* Autonomous Spectral Discovery and Mapping Onboard the EO-1 Spacecraft
* Autonomous Star Identification Algorithm Based On The Directed Circularity Pattern, An
* Autonomous sub-image matching for two-dimensional electrophoresis gels using MaxRST algorithm
* Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking, An
* Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots for Surveillance Operations
* Autonomous System for EEG-Based Multiple Abnormal Mental States Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks Under Flight Environment
* Autonomous system for exploration and navigation in drift networks
* Autonomous System to Take Angular Thermal-Infrared Measurements for Validating Satellite Products, An
* Autonomous Text Capturing Robot Using Improved DCT Feature and Text Tracking
* Autonomous Time-Frequency Morphological Feature Extraction Algorithm for LPI Radar Modulation Classification
* Autonomous Tracking and State Estimation With Generalized Group Lasso
* Autonomous Tracking For Volumetric Video Sequences
* Autonomous trucks need people
* Autonomous UAV-Assisted Distance-Aware Crowd Sensing Platform Using Deep ShuffleNet Transfer Learning, An
* Autonomous UAV-Based 3D-Reconstruction of Structures for Aerial Physical Interaction
* Autonomous UAV Cinematography: A Tutorial and a Formalized Shot-Type Taxonomy
* Autonomous UAV for Suspicious Action Detection using Pictorial Human Pose Estimation and Classification
* Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Determination Technique for Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning, An
* Autonomous Underwater Monitoring System for Detecting Life on the Seabed by Means of Computer Vision Cloud Services
* Autonomous underwater vehicle for advanced exploration of polar environments
* Autonomous underwater vehicle guidance by integrating neural networks and geometric reasoning
* Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned Surface Vessel Mapping the Southern Ionian Sea. The Winning Technology Solution of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, The
* Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Filming In Dynamic Unstructured Outdoor Environments
* Autonomous Vehicle's Impact on Traffic: Empirical Evidence From Waymo Open Dataset and Implications From Modelling
* Autonomous Vehicle Control and Obstacle Avoidance Concepts Oriented to Meet the Challenging Requirements of Realistic Missions
* Autonomous Vehicle Cut-In Algorithm for Lane-Merging Scenarios via Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning Nested Within Finite-State Machine
* Autonomous Vehicle Group Cooperation Model in an Urban Scene, An
* Autonomous Vehicle Intelligent System: Joint Ride-Sharing and Parcel Delivery Strategy
* Autonomous Vehicle Localization with Prior Visual Point Cloud Map Constraints in GNSS-Challenged Environments
* Autonomous Vehicle Logistic System: Joint Routing and Charging Strategy
* Autonomous vehicle routing problem solution based on artificial potential field with parallel ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm
* Autonomous Vehicle Safety, Evaluation, Analysis
* Autonomous Vehicle Source Enumeration Exploiting Non-Cooperative UAV in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Following: A Flatness Model Predictive Control Approach With Hardware-in-the-Loop Verification
* Autonomous Vehicle Video Aided Navigation: Coupling INS and Video Approaches
* Autonomous Vehicle Vision 2021: ICCV Workshop Summary
* Autonomous Vehicle Vision
* Autonomous Vehicle: Security by Design
* Autonomous vehicles' intended cooperative motion planning for unprotected turning at intersections
* Autonomous Vehicles Digital Twin: A Practical Paradigm for Autonomous Driving System Development
* Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* Autonomous vehicles lite self-driving technologies should start small, go slow
* Autonomous Vehicles Mapping Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
* Autonomous vehicles require batteries with lasting power
* Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutions Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
* Autonomous Vehicles That Interact With Pedestrians: A Survey of Theory and Practice
* Autonomous Vehicles
* Autonomous Vehicles, Low Level Image Processing
* Autonomous Vehicles, Surveys, Collections, Overviews
* autonomous vehicular system based on muli-agents control: Architecture and behavior simulation, An
* Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Autonomous vision-based robotic exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and particle filters
* Autonomous Vision-Guided Helicopter, An
* Autonomous Visual Control of a Mobile Robot
* Autonomous Visual Events Detection and Classification without Explicit Object-Centred Segmentation and Tracking
* Autonomous Visual Navigation and Laser-Based Moving Obstacle Avoidance
* Autonomous Visual Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Systematic Literature Review
* Autonomous void detection and characterisation in point clouds and triangular meshes
* Autonomous, Onboard Vision-Based Trash and Litter Detection in Low Altitude Aerial Images Collected by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Autonomy for Mars Rovers: Past, Present, and Future
* AutoNovel: Automatically Discovering and Learning Novel Visual Categories
* AutonoVi-Sim: Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Platform with Weather, Sensing, and Traffic Control
* AutoNUE: Autonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments
* AutoPedestrian: An Automatic Data Augmentation and Loss Function Search Scheme for Pedestrian Detection
* Autopiloting Feature Maps: The Deep Interactive Video Exploration (diveXplore) System at VBS2019
* Autopolis: Allowing User Influence in the Automatic Creation of Realistic Cities
* AutoPruner: An end-to-end trainable filter pruning method for efficient deep model inference
* AutoRecon: Automated 3D Object Discovery and Reconstruction
* Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization based Generative Adversarial Network for copy-move forgery detection with Interval type-2 fuzzy clustering
* Autoregressive 3D Shape Generation via Canonical Mapping
* Autoregressive Approach to Texture Analysis, An
* Autoregressive Asymmetric Linear Gaussian Hidden Markov Models
* Autoregressive forests for multivariate time series modeling
* Autoregressive Image Generation using Residual Quantization
* Autoregressive image interpolation via context modeling and multiplanar constraint
* Autoregressive Model Approach to Two-Dimensional Shape Classification, An
* Autoregressive Modeling with Conditional Expectations for Texture Synthesis
* Autoregressive Stylized Motion Synthesis with Generative Flow
* Autoregressive Texture Models, AR Models
* Autoregressive Uncertainty Modeling for 3D Bounding Box Prediction
* Autoregressive Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Autoregressive Visual Tracking
* AutoReP: Automatic ReLU Replacement for Fast Private Network Inference
* AutoRetouch: Automatic Professional Face Retouching
* Autorf: Auto Learning Receptive Fields with Spatial Pooling
* AutoRF: Learning 3D Object Radiance Fields from Single View Observations
* AutoRooms: Automatic Room Segmentation Based on Wall Constraints from Point Clouds
* AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for remote sensing image scene classification
* AutoScale: Learning to Scale for Crowd Counting
* AutoSDF: Shape Priors for 3D Completion, Reconstruction and Generation
* AutoSegEdge: Searching for the edge device real-time semantic segmentation based on multi-task learning
* AutoShape: Real-Time Shape-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection
* AutoShot: A Short Video Dataset and State-of-the-Art Shot Boundary Detection
* Autosimulate: (quickly) Learning Synthetic Data Generation
* autoSMIM: Automatic Superpixel-Based Masked Image Modeling for Skin Lesion Segmentation
* AutoSpace: Neural Architecture Search with Less Human Interference
* AutoSplice: A Text-prompt Manipulated Image Dataset for Media Forensics
* AutoSR4EO: An AutoML Approach to Super-Resolution for Earth Observation Images
* Autostereoscopic 3-D Video Display Using Multiple Light Beams with Scanning
* Autostereoscopic 3D display systems with observer tracking
* Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
* Autostereoscopic 3D video generation from stereoscopic videos using FPGA and GPU
* Autostereoscopic Display Providing Comfortable Viewing Conditions and a High Degree of Telepresence, An
* Autostereoscopic, Glasses-Free Three Dimensional Displays
* Autostr: Efficient Backbone Search for Scene Text Recognition
* AutoSynth: Learning to Generate 3D Training Data for Object Point Cloud Registration
* Autotagging Facebook: Social network context improves photo annotation
* autoTICI: Automatic Brain Tissue Reperfusion Scoring on 2D DSA Images of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
* AutoToon: Automatic Geometric Warping for Face Cartoon Generation
* aUToTrack: A Lightweight Object Detection and Tracking System for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge
* AutoTrack: Towards High-Performance Visual Tracking for UAV With Automatic Spatio-Temporal Regularization
* Autotracking device designating a target
* Autotrajectory: Label-free Trajectory Extraction and Prediction from Videos Using Dynamic Points
* AutoTransition: Learning to Recommend Video Transition Effects
* Autovu Inc.
* AUV-Aided Joint Localization and Time Synchronization for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
* AUV-Assisted Subsea Exploration Method in 6G Enabled Deep Ocean Based on a Cooperative Pac-Men Mechanism
* AUV-Net: Learning Aligned UV Maps for Texture Transfer and Synthesis
* AuxAdapt: Stable and Efficient Test-Time Adaptation for Temporally Consistent Video Semantic Segmentation
* AuxBranch: Binarization residual-aware network design via auxiliary branch search
* Auxiliaries' power and energy demand prediction of battery electric vehicles using system identification and deep learning
* Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network With Soft Labels in Imbalanced Acoustic Event Detection
* Auxiliary Cuts for General Classes of Higher Order Functionals
* Auxiliary Demographic Information Assisted Age Estimation With Cascaded Structure
* Auxiliary Label Classification Based Multi-Label Limb Movement Recognition of Preterm Infant
* Auxiliary Learning for Self-Supervised Video Representation via Similarity-based Knowledge Distillation
* Auxiliary light projecting apparatus for a focus detecting system
* Auxiliary Metadata Delivery in View Synthesis Using Depth No-Synthesis-Error Model
* Auxiliary Noise Power Scheduling Algorithm for Active Noise Control with Online Secondary Path Modeling and Sudden Changes
* Auxiliary Task-Guided CycleGAN for Black-Box Model Domain Adaptation
* Auxiliary Tasks and Exploration Enable ObjectGoal Navigation
* Auxiliary Tasks Benefit 3D Skeleton-based Human Motion Prediction
* Auxiliary Tasks for Efficient Learning of Point-Goal Navigation
* Auxiliary Training: Towards Accurate and Robust Models
* Auxiliary Variable-Aided Hybrid Message Passing Approach to Joint Channel Estimation and Decoding for MIMO-OFDM, An
* Auxiliary Variables and 2-Step Iterative Algorithms in Computer Vision Problems
* Auxiliary Variables for Deformable Models Computer Vision Problems
* AuxMix: Semi-Supervised Learning with Unconstrained Unlabeled Data
* AV-casNet: Fully Automatic Arteriole-Venule Segmentation and Differentiation in OCT Angiography
* AV-GAZE: A Study on the Effectiveness of Audio Guided Visual Attention Estimation for Non-profilic Faces
* AV-SLAM: Autonomous Vehicle SLAM with Gravity Direction Initialization
* AV1 in-loop Filtering using a Wide-Activation Structured Residual Network
* AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis
* AVA: A Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Atomic Visual Actions
* AVAE: Adversarial Variational Auto Encoder
* Availability and Performance Analysis of Train-to-Train Data Communication System
* Availability of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Based on Spectral Analysis of Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Determined from Dynamic Data Age
* Availability of Landsat Data: Past, Present, and Future, The
* Available parking slot recognition based on slot context analysis
* Avalanche RL: A Continual Reinforcement Learning Library
* Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning
* Avalanches, Snow Avalanche
* Avalon Vision Solutions
* AVARAC: An Availability-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Vehicular Cloud
* Avatar-Net: Multi-scale Zero-Shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration
* Avatar Acceptance Study for Home Automation Scenarios, An
* Avatar interoperability and control in virtual Worlds
* Avatar Types Matter: Review of Avatar Literature for Performance Purposes
* Avatar: a virtual reality based tool for collaborative production of theater shows
* AvatarCap: Animatable Avatar Conditioned Monocular Human Volumetric Capture
* AvatarCraft: Transforming Text into Neural Human Avatars with Parameterized Shape and Pose Control
* Avatargen: A 3d Generative Model for Animatable Human Avatars
* AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstruction In-the-Wild
* AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photorealistic Rendering-Aware GANs
* AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
* AvatarPoser: Articulated Full-Body Pose Tracking from Sparse Motion Sensing
* Avatars Grow Legs: Generating Smooth Human Motion from Sparse Tracking Inputs with Diffusion Model
* Avaya Labs
* AVC Based Stereoscopic Video Codec for 3D DMB
* AVC, HEVC, VP9, AVS2 or AV1?: A Comparative Study of State-of-the-Art Video Encoders on 4K Videos
* AVC/H.264 Mode Selection, Mode Decision
* AVCD-FRA: A novel solution to automatic video cut detection using fuzzy-rule-based approach
* aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-Interest Detection in the Compressed Domain
* AVD-Net: Attention Value Decomposition Network For Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* AVE-CLIP: AudioCLIP-based Multi-window Temporal Transformer for Audio Visual Event Localization
* Aventinus Minor Project: Remote Sensing for Archaeological Research in Rome (Italy)
* AVENUE: Automated site modeling in urban environments
* Average Activation Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Average Brain Models: A Convergence Study
* Average Brightness Temperature of Lunar Surface for Calibration of Multichannel Millimeter-Wave Radiometer From 89 to 183 GHz and Data Validation
* Average Cell Orientation, Shape and Size Estimated from Tissue Images
* Average Classification Accuracy over Collections of Gaussian Problems: Common Covariance Matrix Case
* Average Common Submatrix: A New Image Distance Measure
* Average consensus of multi-agent systems under logarithm quantized communications
* Average consensus with arbitrarily coarse logarithmic quantizers
* Average Curve of n Digital Curves
* Average Gradient-Based Adversarial Attack
* Average Grain Size Determination Using Mathematical Morphology and Texture Analysis
* Average Mixing Kernel Signature, The
* Average Mixing Matrix Signature, The
* Average of Synthetic Exact Filters
* Average Optimal Vector Transform for VQ-Based Image and Video Compression
* Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Average Performance of OMP and Thresholding Under Dictionary Mismatch
* Average Performance of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) for Sparse Approximation
* Average Precision: Good Guide or False Friend to Multimedia Search Effectiveness?
* Average Prototypes for Stroke-Based Signature Verification
* Average Top-k Aggregate Loss for Supervised Learning
* Averaged and decorrelated neural networks as a time-series predictor
* Averaged Gabor Filter Features for Facial Expression Recognition
* Averaged Kaczmarz Iteration for Solving Inverse Problems, The
* Averaged Properties of the Residual Error in Sparse Signal Reconstruction
* Averaged Stochastic Optimization for Medical Image Registration Based on Variance Reduction
* Averaged Stokes Vector Based Polarimetric SAR Data Interpretation
* Averaged Template Matching Equations
* Averaging and Metropolis Iterations For Positron Emission Tomography
* Averaging colors of multicolor mosaics
* Averaging Edge Detector, An
* Averaging Essential and Fundamental Matrices in Collinear Camera Settings
* Averaging feature maps
* Averaging GPS segments competition 2019
* Averaging of Random Sets Based on Their Distance Functions
* Averaging on Manifolds by Embedding Algorithm
* Averaging Three-Dimensional Time-Varying Sequences of Rotations: Application to Preprocessing of Motion Capture Data
* AVFace: Towards Detailed Audio-Visual 4D Face Reconstruction
* AVFormer: Injecting Vision into Frozen Speech Models for Zero-Shot AV-ASR
* AVGZSLNet: Audio-Visual Generalized Zero-Shot Learning by Reconstructing Label Features from Multi-Modal Embeddings
* AVHRR GAC Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis Version 2
* AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis Version 1 (RAN1)
* AVHRR NDVI Compositing Method Comparison and Generation of Multi-Decadal Time Series: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor
* AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Climate Data Records, The
* AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection
* Avignon Bridge: A 3D Reconstruction Project Integrating Archaeological, Historical and Gemorphological Issues, The
* AVILNet: A New Pliable Network with a Novel Metric for Small-Object Segmentation and Detection in Infrared Images
* AVLSM: Adaptive Variational Level Set Model for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity and High Noise
* AVM Image Quality Enhancement by Synthetic Image Learning for Supervised Deblurring
* AVN: An Adversarial Variation Network Model for Handwritten Signature Verification
* AVO Inversion in Orthotropic Media Based on SA-PSO
* Avoidance of Additional Aliasing in Multipass Image Rotations
* Avoiding bleeding in image blending
* Avoiding cars and pedestrians using velocity obstacles and motion prediction
* Avoiding Confusing Features in Place Recognition
* Avoiding dominance of speaker features in speech-based depression detection
* Avoiding explosive search in automatic selection of simplest pattern codes
* Avoiding Hard Decisions in Adaptive Watermarking
* Avoiding Lingering in Learning Active Recognition by Adversarial Disturbance
* Avoiding Mesh Folding in 3D Optimal Surface Segmentation
* Avoiding replay-attacks in a face recognition system using head-pose estimation
* Avoiding Robot Joint Limits and Kinematic Singularities in Visual Servoing
* Avoiding Shortcuts in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Avoiding the Deconvolution: Framework Oriented Color Transfer for Enhancing Low-Light Images
* Avoiding the interpolation inaccuracy in nearest feature line classifier by spectral feature analysis
* Avoiding the Streetlight Effect: Tracking by Exploring Likelihood Modes
* Avoiding weak parameters in secret image sharing
* Avotec
* AVPL: Augmented visual perception learning for person Re-identification and beyond
* AVS trick modes for PVR and VOD services
* AVS: Scientific Research Community Audio-Visual Systems
* AVS2: Making Video Coding Smarter
* AVScreen: a real-time video augmentation method
* AVSeeker: An Active Video Retrieval Engine at VBS2022
* AVSS 2011 demo session
* AVSS Multiple Camera Person Tracking Challenge Evaluation Overview
* AVT: Au-Assisted Visual Transformer for Facial Expression Recognition
* AVT: Unsupervised Learning of Transformation Equivariant Representations by Autoencoding Variational Transformations
* AVX-512 Based, High-Throughput LDPC Decoders
* AVX2-optimized Kvazaar HEVC intra encoder
* AW-Net: A Novel Fully Connected Attention-based Medical Image Segmentation Model
* Award winning papers from the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Award winning papers from the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Aware of Scene Vehicles: Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors in Real-World Traffic
* Aware of the History: Trajectory Forecasting with the Local Behavior Data
* AWARE: A video monitoring library applied to the Air Traffic Control context
* Awareness on Present and Future Trajectory of Vehicle Using Multiple Hypotheses in the Mixed Traffic of Intersection
* AWDMC-Net: Classification of Adversarial Weather Degraded Multiclass scenes using a Convolution Neural Network
* AWEAR 2.0 system: Omni-directional audio-visual data acquisition and processing
* Awesome Typography: Statistics-Based Text Effects Transfer
* AWID and AWIS X-By-Wire UGV: Design and Hierarchical Chassis Dynamics Control, An
* AWLloss: Speaker Verification Based on the Quality and Difficulty of Speech
* AWSD: Adaptive Weighted Spatiotemporal Distillation for Video Representation
* Axial-Deeplab: Stand-alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation
* Axial Anisotropic Conductivity Imaging Based on Projected Current Density in MREIT
* Axial Descriptions
* Axial light field for curved mirrors: Reflect your perspective, widen your view
* Axial Motion Stereo
* Axial refocusing precision model with light fields
* Axial Representation of Shape
* Axial Stereovision: Modelization and Comparison Between two Calibration Methods
* Axial Ultrasound B-Scans of the Entire Eye With a 20-MHz Linear Array: Correction of Crystalline Lens Phase Aberration by Applying Fermat's Principle
* Axially Elongated Field-Free Point Data Acquisition in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Trajectory in the Interventional Room
* Axially Symmetric 3D Pots Configuration System Using Axis of Symmetry and Break Curve
* Axially Variant Kernel Imaging Model Applied to Ultrasound Image Reconstruction, An
* Axiomatic Approach for Quantification of Image Resolution
* Axiomatic approach to computational attention
* Axiomatic Approach to Corner Detection, An
* Axiomatic Approach to Feature Subset Selection Based on Relevance
* Axiomatic Approach to Hyperconnectivity, An
* Axiomatic Approach to Image Interpolation, An
* axiomatic approach to multiresolution signal decomposition, An
* Axiomatic Design Approach to Passenger Itinerary Enumeration in Reconfigurable Transportation Systems, An
* Axiomatic Digital Topology
* Axiomatic quantification of multidimensional image resolution
* Axiomatic scalar data interpolation on manifolds
* Axiomatics for oriented connectivity
* Axiomatization of shape analysis and application to texture hyperdiscrimination
* Axioms and fundamental equations in image processing
* Axioms and Fundamental Equations of Image Processing: Multiscale Analysis and P.D.E.
* Axioms to characterize efficient incremental clustering
* AxIoU: An Axiomatically Justified Measure for Video Moment Retrieval
* Axis-Based Representation for Recognition, An
* Axis bound registration of pan-tilt RGB-D scans for fast and accurate reconstruction
* Axis Communications
* Axis estimation and grouping of rotationally symmetric object segments
* Axis estimation of thin-walled axially symmetric solids
* Axis Learning for Orientated Objects Detection in Aerial Images
* Axle Configuration and Weight Sensing for Moving Vehicles on Bridges Based on the Clustering and Gradient Method
* Axon radius measurements in vivo from diffusion MRI: A feasibility study
* aZIBO: A New Descriptor Based in Shape Moments and Rotational Invariant Features
* Azimuth-Aware Discriminative Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot SAR Vehicle Recognition
* Azimuth-Elevation Direction Finding With a Pair of Acoustic Vector Sensors in the Presence of a Reflecting Boundary
* Azimuth-Sensitive Object Detection of High-Resolution SAR Images in Complex Scenes by Using a Spatial Orientation Attention Enhancement Network
* Azimuth-Variant Signal Processing in High-Altitude Platform Passive SAR with Spaceborne/Airborne Transmitter
* Azimuth Ambiguities Removal for Ship Detection Using Full Polarimetric X-Band SAR Data
* Azimuth Ambiguities Removal in Littoral Zones Based on Multi-Temporal SAR Images
* Azimuth Antenna Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Persistent Point Scatterers in SAR Images
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction Based on Advanced Hyperbolic Range Equation
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction for Moving Targets in Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Azimuth Reconstruction Algorithm for Multistatic SAR Formations With Large Along-Track Baselines
* Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes
* Azimuth Resolution Improvement and Target Parameters Inversion for Distributed Shipborne High Frequency Hybrid Sky-Surface Wave Radar
* Azimuth Signal-Reconstruction Method Based on Two-Step Projection Technology for Spaceborne Azimuth Multi-Channel High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR, An
* Azimuth Signal Multichannel Reconstruction and Channel Configuration Design for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Azimuth Super-Resolution for FMCW Radar in Autonomous Driving
* Azimuthal constraint representation for synthetic aperture radar target recognition along with aspect estimation
* Azimuthal Perceptual Resolution Model Based Adaptive 3D Spatial Parameter Coding
* Azimuthal Rotational Equivariance in Spherical Convolutional Neural Networks
* AziNorm: Exploiting the Radial Symmetry of Point Cloud for Azimuth-Normalized 3D Perception

Index for "b"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:36
Use price@usc.edu for comments.